inkmoller · 1 year
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I understand that maybe it will turn out to be more feminine than I wanted... but I liked it and it was nice to draw. I love black clothes and I wanted to see what could look cool on Yuri. If his people love black so much, he will get it.
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gomacave · 7 months
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As always im here to make the fanart literally nobody wanted
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tinybro · 6 months
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dang, i was just grabbing some art of my rp ship and i remember being so insanely proud of the old art on the left a few years ago but comparing it to my new work is giving me so much !!!!! about how much my art has improved recently
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mushi-shield · 2 months
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orbynit · 1 year
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do you ever spend absurd amounts of time on self-indulgent rp illustrations that'll only be appreciated by you and one other person
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Wolflegui l. Please excuse me
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fuddlestars · 8 months
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Here are my KKM dragons for my KKM lovers :3c
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flaresanimedump · 2 years
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I love google translate
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larkawolfgirl · 2 years
Only a Whisper, Never a Kiss (Sera/Murata, Murayuuram)
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, Multi Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou! Relationships: Murata Ken/Saralegui, Wolfram von Bielefeld/Murata Ken/Shibuya Yuuri
Summary:  Ken seduces Saralegui and suffers every second of it.
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Breakfast is orchestrated. I hang behind so that Yuuri and Wolfram reach the table before me. They take seats next to each other so that I am left with the one beside Saralegui. This way it looks like Yuuri is desperate to get away from him–a fact that is no doubt true–rather than it looking like I am eager to sit beside him. It is better to build up momentum with these things.
Seduction is something I am well-accustomed with. Seduction and romance are not the same thing. The former requires a level of finesse and dedication.
I don’t speak up often, but when I do, I make sure to respond to him or direct the conversation toward him. My eyes remain gazing at him the entire time. I must admit he is gentle on the eyes. In no way comparable to my Yuuri or Wolfram, but that was never a question to begin with. His hair is blonde, but it does not hold the same luster Wolf’s does. Where Wolf’s is golden, Saralegui’s is pale. His eyes are golden, though. They are notably his most striking feature, but they are covered by a pair of gaudy purple sunglasses. They remind me of the American hippie movement. I can't judge him for the choice too much considering we are all wearing sunglasses, but his striking eyes hold a dangerous glint. I can see how someone would find that attractive, but I much prefer the genuine care that always exists in Yuuri's eyes.
"You live up to your title, Great Sage."
I smirk. "How so?"
"You have hardly spoken, yet your intelligence shines through. It makes me wonder what all is hidden in that brain of yours."
"Would you like to know?" I purposefully say it as a suggestively. I can feel Wolfram's displeasure directed at me.
“He is the smartest person I know. I’m sure he will enlighten you. If you will excuse me, I don’t think the food is settling well.”
“I’ll, uh,” Yuuri looked between me and Wolf in an attempt to look conflicted, “go with him in case he needs anything.”
“Of course,” Saralegui says to them. “We will need to discuss our next course of action further, but I suppose that can wait until,” he looks back at me, “I have finished picking the Great Sage’s brain.”
“Right.” Yuuri scampers out of the dinning hall, dragging Wolfram with him.
“You were saying?” Saralegui prompts.
“What specifically would you like to know.”
His face shines with interest. “Is it true that you and the founder of Shin Makoku were lovers?”
I frown. “The Great Sage and he were lovers, yes.”
“Is it also true that he married someone else?”
“Yes,” I answer tightly. I need to loosen up. This is the last topic I ever want to be discussing, and if I am going to discuss it, Saraglegui is the last person I want to discuss it with.
The king lifts his eyebrows. “That’s all you are giving me?”
I force a tight smile. “This is not a topic I enjoy discussing.”
“Is that because Shinou broke your heart?” He says the words so matter-of-factly, as if there is no emotion behind the implication.
I have to take a few deep breaths. “In a matter of speaking, yes.”
“And yet, you did not give up on Yuuri when he got married.”
He’s trying to rile me up. Either by implying that I gave up too soon in the past or that I led him into an affair this time. Neither of these are true, and I refuse to give him the satisfaction of a reaction.
“I did not give up on Shinou because he got married.” That came later, when I realized that Shinou would always take me for granted. Especially so when he had a wife he could turn to before me.
This should be the end of it, but the venomous snake pushes further. “So, you have always been an accessory to adultery?” There is an ugly smirk on his face.
“No. Believe it or not, I have not been polyamorous for my entire 4,000 years of lifetimes.”
“That is impressive to hear. You are able to hold yourself back.”
I do not give in to the jeer, turning it around instead. “I can when I want to.” I lean in looking deep into his purple-tinted eyes. I will be surprised if he bites this easily since any sane person would be upset with him at his obvious provocation rather than flirting back.
He lets out a short laugh. “Are you flirting with me, Sage?”
I lick my lips. “What would you say if I am?”
“I would say that you are a poor substitute for Yuuri.”
“And why is that? If it is about our looks, aren’t I just as exotic.”
His grin splits his face. “That is definitely not the issue.” He reaches his hand out to stroke over my black hair. “You are definitely an alluring specimen. However, Yuuri is the one with the power.”
I hold back a laugh. He isn’t even trying to hide his intentions. “That is true,” I say evenly. “However, I have power over Yuuri. I could still get what you want.”
Saralegui leads in. Our mouths are close enough that I can smell the wine on his breath. “Can you? What if I want to get into his bed?”
In your dreams. “I can get you there for sure. Yuuri just won’t be in it.”
His brows lift again. “Who will be?”
“Me, naturally.”
“Oh!” He exaggerates surprise. “Not even married yet and you are already looking elsewhere? I guess you are the truly insatiable one, then?”
I force a smile. “You caught me. It was actually my idea we come here and for Yuuri to approach you yesterday.”
“Is that right?” He looks unconvinced.
“Yes, I assumed you would be less skeptical of him approaching you, since he is the one that legalized joint marriages.”
Saralegui lounges back in his seat. “You assumed correctly. Honestly, I am surprised you convinced him to allow you to pursue me, let alone convinced him to approach me himself. But what I most want to know is how you found yourself in a relationship with the Maoh and his husband in the first place.“
“Yuuri and I were childhood friends.”
He breathes out a tiny noise. “He already told me that. If you both knew each other first, then why did Yuuri not marry you? Were you not marriage material?”
I can see now why Yuuri was so upset trying to seduce this man. He is infuriating. I can’t tell him that Yuuri was already in love with Wolfram before I met him. I could make up a total lie, but that might prove difficult to remember later, so instead, I run with what Yuuri told me. “Yuuri struggled with his sexuality for a long time. It was only after he met Wolfram that he accepted that he liked men. Then he had to come to terms with having feelings for more than one person at the same time.”
The king is pleased with this answer. “That has never been an issue for you, though.”
It is not a question, so I do not answer. “If you ally with us, King Saralegui, I can make it more than worth your while.” I trace a line up his thigh.
The king moans as if I did a lot more than that. “I don’t know,” he says, voice laced with challenge. “I tend to be difficult to please.”
I lower my eyelids halfway. “I’m sure I can manage. If I can’t please you with 4,000 years of experience, I don’t think anyone can.”
That sinks the bait. He may want power, but I’m suggesting that while also dangling possibly the kinkiest sex in his face.
He runs his tongue across the entirety of his lips. “What do you want to make this official so that we can move on to the main course?”
He starts to lean in, presumably for a kiss. I hold my hand out in front of his face, playing it off as coquettish.
“Now, now. You will get what you want once we have gotten what we wanted and assured our alliance.”
Saralegui shakes his head and cackles. “You are an interesting one, Great Sage.”
He does not know the half of it. “I try.”
He gives me a lustful stare. “Fetch your husband-to-be. I don’t like waiting any longer than I have to for my just desserts.”
If only he knew the joke would be on him. If things go as planned, that is.
I hate keeping up the flirtatious charade. Of anyone I’ve seduced in the past, he’s probably my least favorite. Well, with the exception of flirting with Shinou so recently. That was for entirely different reasons, though. That was because of all of the bad memories and raw feelings it brought up. Shinou will always be The Ex. Saralegui is a different box of unpleasantness. He keeps pushing to bring up those same bad memories and raw feelings, but it’s less than what Shinou was capable of with just a single word. However, Saralegui has the added bad habit of speaking too lustfully about my partners–forcing me to fight against the jealous side of myself which wants to knock the devilish grin off his smug face–and subtly reminding me that he is as dangerous as Yuuri claims. He is truly a viper in the garden. A viper slithering up my thigh and constricting at my heart.
I can handle it, though. I’ve trained for a long time for work like this.
Finally, the day of the tournament arrives. Everything goes as planned. Saralegui stores the boxes in a room off to the side of his bedroom. I’ll have to keep him thoroughly distracted to keep him from discovering Yuuri or Wolfram.
They excuse themselves as soon as we have finished discussing things in the audience hall. As soon as they leave, Saralegui gives me a lustful expression. “Alone at last.”
I step closer to him. “What would you like to do about it?”
His hands grab at my hips pulling me in closer. “What wouldn’t I?”
I force out a laugh. “That’s not really an answer, now is it?”
He cackles. “You really want me to say it? I want to take you back to my room. I want to see you laid out on display on my bed. I’m sure your black hair will look ravishing against the deep red of my sheets.”
“Go on.”
His eyes crinkle in pleasure. “You want to drag it out, I see. I can work with that. I think I’ll take my time with you. Pleasure myself for a while just observing the beauty of your body. Then, I’ll have my taste of you.” He brings a hand up to my face, finger probing at my lips, but I refuse to open them. “Don’t worry. You can have your fill as well.” He smirks as if he’s said either the world’s best joke or the best dirty comment imaginable. “Then I think I’ll fuck you into the mattress. I assume you like your king doing that. Serving him to the fullest. Or, are you the sort of man who enjoys seeing his king on his knees? Do you bend him over and make him beg? I’m sure his voice is beautiful when he begs.”
I’m not answering that. If I even open my mouth right now, the words will not be pleasant. My pocket burns where the poison I brought is hidden. Murata Ken has never burned with the desire to kill someone until this moment. I hold back for Yuuri’s sake. He’ll never look at me the same way if I kill him. So, instead of speaking or murdering him, I give a coquettish smile.
“Oh?” Sara chuckles. “Lost your tongue now? You want to hear about me ravishing you but don’t want to share the mental picture?”
It takes immense self-control to say my next words. “What I want, Sara,” I touch him lightly on the chest, “is for you to make your words a reality.”
That does it. His lustful curiosity is replaced by lustful desire. “Happily.”
He clings onto my arm the entire way. I would prefer to shove him off, but I giggle along with his jokes all the way to his bedroom. As soon as he shuts the door, he pins me against the back of it. He starts to lean in to kiss me, but I block it with my hand like I did last time. His eyes narrow dangerously.
I bat my eyelashes. “You said you were going to look at me on your bed. You didn’t say anything about kissing.”
Mirth returns to his eyes. “So technical. I should have expected as much from the Great Sage. Alright, get on the bed, then.”
I sit down.
He chuckles. “I obviously meant to lie down.” I do so, and he frowns a bit. “You do know that I meant naked, didn’t you? I wouldn’t pleasure myself to the sight of you like that.”
I frown back, jutting my lip out. “Why not? Are you saying that I’m not attractive enough without my clothes off?”
He laughs, thankfully taking the bait. “Don’t go putting words into my mouth. You are sexy either way. I’d still prefer to see you without them, though.”
“So would I. Oh.” I pretend to just notice the bottle of wine on the small table in the room. “Did you bring that for me?”
He grins. “I thought we could share it after.”
“Let’s share it now.”
He thinks before going to the table and opening the bottle. “Why not?” He pours us each a glass. We each take a drink before he says in a sultry tone, “So, am I getting my reward now?”
“I suppose that is what you deserve. Still, don't’ you think it’s only fair you show me before I show you.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because I have more to lose.”
“I thought you said that Yuuri knew about this.”
“He does.” I take another sip of the wine. It’s actually quite delicious. “That still doesn’t mean that I don’t stand to lose here.”
Saralegui’s eyes darken. “I’ve already lost Caloria for this. I deserve what I was promised.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” I say, looking at him over the rim of my glass. “You will. I just think it’s polite that you show me yours first.” I give him a look of challenge.
He shakes his head. “Hm. I thought it was strange that Yuuri liked you and Wolfram when you both seemed so dissimilar. I suppose he does have a type after all.”
I smile, and this one is somewhat genuine. “And what type is that?”
“Pushy and self-assure.”
I breath out a laugh. “I’m waiting.”
He shrugs, but there is challenge in his eyes as if he is battling against my pushiness. “Let us finish our wine first. No use allowing the bubbles to escape.”
We finish the first glass and I grab the bottle to refill them. “Gulp it down in one go.”
“That would be a waste of good wine.”
"Come now, I promise you'll enjoy it."
He giggles and abides. I can see the effects of the alcohol. He tries leaning in for a kiss again.
“Show me first,” I insist.
“Normally, people kiss before taking their clothes off.”
“This isn't a normal sexual transaction.”
He lifts his shirt off. “I have a better idea.”
“Oh, yeah?” I ask, not liking where this is going.
“Yes.” He leans in close but doesn’t try kissing me this time. “How about I take something off and then you do, too?”
I gulp. “Or, you can take it all off and then I can take it all off.”
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were stalling for time. You aren't stalling for time, are you?"
I bat my lashes again. "Of course not."
He doesn't look convinced. "I don't know. All you have done is tease without delivering anything."
I'm running out of options. "Okay. Sit down." I push him into the chair and straddle him. It's tricky, but I manage to minimize our physical contact. I lean over him, pouring the last of the wine into the glass along with a drop of the poison. This should be enough to induce sleep without any other effects. If I do kill him, it will be good riddance. I just hope it doesn't so that Yuuri won't have the chance to never forgive me.
Saralegui eyes the glass skeptically. "More wine? You'll have to give me more than that."
"Oh, I am," I truthfully promise. "I want our first kiss to be sweet."
I tip the glass at his lips, and thankfully he takes it. His hands grip at my hips, dangerously close to my ass, as he swallows. He looks in wait for my kiss, but I don't move.
"Aren't you…" His words cut off as his eyes close.
I feel his pulse. Normal by all accounts. It seems I got the dosage right.
I grab the glass on my way out, just to be safe.
It's finished. Our physical contact was mild, yet I still feel the need for a bath. It will have to wait, though. We still need to get the boxes home safely before we can relax.
Still, I can finally breathe easy again. I'm sick of both of their looks, especially Wolfram's. I've been dubbed a cheater in his eyes until proven otherwise. I hope now I will be.
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Wow, wait, Sensei meant to strike a reference to Sarazanmai in Sara's halloween short story back in 2019??? I just found out there're a lot of Kappas and also something very Sara-ish is in the captions.......
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(Don't lose your grip, your desires are your life.)
....The connection is really as thin as the title reading Sara(plates)-zanmai(3 pieces) where one would remember (one would likely not) the short story opening with the idea of collecting 3 copies of Sara's portrait card (though this title probably means going-after-plates-all-the-time), and the occurrence of Kappas, plus the mere presence of the creator Ikuhara-san.
I wonder how Sensei's world is fabricated and if there're movie/anime production references.....coming to think of it just this minute, there must be more than movie/anime concept/plot/chara references....
(Deff watching this next....)
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goethial · 1 year
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Old EmetWol sketches, ft Saralegui in a previous verse!
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desperatepleasures · 1 year
shaking and crying bc i genuinely don't know if there will be any more episodes with adalbert
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gomacave · 7 months
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U can prob tell characters like sara r more in my comfort zone 2 draw lollll
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tinybro · 1 year
time for my regularly scheduled murata/saralegui proselytizing
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El espacio de Milei habría vendido el tercer lugar de la lista de concejales
La Libertad Avanza (LLA) sigue teniendo internas feroces internas tras haber dejado demasiados heridos en el camino hacia estas próximas elecciones 2023. Más allá de lo que significó dejar de lado a los dirigentes locales del Partido Demócrata (PD). Algunos estiman que se trató todo del concejal y coordinador de la Quinta Sección Electoral bonaerense, Alejandro Carrancio, quién va como…
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leslie-nicole-07 · 8 months
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Here in Peru 🇵🇪 there is an urban legend about vampires and I want to share it with you guys😁, the legend that I am going to tell you involves Dracula. Technically, the story begins more than 100 years ago. But in reality the myth of Sarah Ellen was forged on television. First, in the television program of the Cuban Cristina Saralegui, who invited a vampirologist who announced that the mysterious woman would resurrect in Pisco where she is buried, on June 9, 1993; to which Saralegui responded, of course, with his remembered “is that true?” and then the legend grew on the América Televisión signal, thanks to the work and grace of Nicolás Lúcar and “The Sunday Magazine”, with a report that interspersed statements from sellers of cross-shaped stakes, a provincial prosecutor and images of Dracula by Christopher Lee. It was the early 90s, let's remember, and psychosocial issues were the order of the day. That is why the story of Sarah Ellen was as attractive as it was terrifying: a British woman who in 1913 was accused of being Dracula's lover and of dedicating herself to witchcraft and the occult. According to that myth, the residents of her native Blackburn killed her by piercing her heart and banished her body, which was finally buried in the city of Pisco. The curse indicated that, 80 years later, in the eventful 1993, Sarah would awaken from the grave to exact revenge. When I read this I was surprised 😱, and I wanted to visit this lady's grave, unfortunately that dream will never come true, my city is far from that city. It would have been great that day, the year 1993, to be there in the place, but that year I was not born yet, I was born in 1998.
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