#sasha banks x charlotte flair
lazarettta · 2 years
Three Alpha's and Their Omega
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Sasha gets hurt during a match and her three best friends and lovers take care of her...and eventually the person who hurt her. (probably not in the way you're thinking)
Word count (3.1k)
The Four Horsewomen of the WWE were the rock stars of the company and the women’s wrestling division. Any match they were in often overshadowed the men’s division wrestling. Three alphas and one Omega were changing women’s wrestling one match at a time. They were also the most unusual group in the WWE.
Because Sasha, being the omega she is, which was very rare, she was very close to three Alphas and that was even rarer. The fact that Charlotte, Bayley and Becky all seemed to be totally at ease around each other with Sasha in such proximity all the time, it was a mystery to everyone not in their inner circle.
The three women never really found themselves fighting each other on who got to cuddle with Sasha, or who got to cook for her or each other. Anything that would trigger an Alpha rage fueled by pure jealousy seemed to have completely bypassed the three women when it came to Sasha.
But that could not be said for any other Alpha that came sniffing in their direction. Surprisingly, it was Bayley who was always ready to fight anyone who had something snide to say about their relationship or if they even so much as looked at Sasha the wrong way. Or just in any way Bayley didn't like in general.
The four women were a force to be reckoned with. Their relationship wasn't always so smooth sailing as it were now. They've lived, learned and loved from their days in NXT. Through trial and error...and despite the heavy obstacles that threatened their paradise they rose above it all together.
They all shared a two story tour bus courtesy of Sasha’s first cousin; Snoop Dogg. Four bedrooms; two on the second floor and two on the first. Sasha and Becky were up top and Charlotte and Bayley were on the first floor. It was decked out with everything they could ever need and things they won’t ever need, but it was nice to have around anyway just to be safe. It was quite literally their home on the road.
Currently, they were all waiting for Sasha to get to their bus so that they could get back on the road and leave New Orleans because they had a show in New York on in a week, not to mention all of the autograph signings and photo shoots the following days.
Neither of them have really seen their omega since her main event ladder match. And normally they all gave each other their space after such an intense match, but Sasha had been thrown back first onto a steel ladder, and her landing was quite brutal. Even for a ladder match.
It was all Becky and Charlotte could do to keep their own protectiveness and anger in check so that they could keep Bayley in her chair and from running out in the middle of the match and having management come down on all of their asses.
After the match, all three of them tried to find Sasha but no of them had too much luck. Bayley offered to go wait back on their tour bus just in case Sasha tried to avoid checking in with the trainers (something they were all prone to do really). Meanwhile Becky and Charlotte looked around backstage frantically, nearly scaring the medical staff half to death when they burst into the trainer's room. Because apparently, they were not the only ones looking for The Boss.
Stephanie McMahon was also on a warpath because Sasha did skip on a mandatory check up, and Stephanie was not at all pleased with Alexa Bliss botching that ladder move with Sasha that happened in the ring. Not at all.
But that was all an hour and a half ago, and they were all beyond worried while Charlotte was getting angrier on top of her growing worry. She just couldn’t sit around in their living room any longer not knowing where their omega was. If she was safe or if she was hurting and all alone without them. It was driving her absolutely batshit crazy.
“Fuck this,” Charlotte growled as she pulled her hands out of her hoodie pocket, “I’m gonna go back out to look-”
The door leading from the driver’s area opened and Sasha slowly entered their living room and closed the door behind her softly. She looked...well, Sasha looked enervated as she dropped her duffel bag on the floor by the door and smiled tiredly at her three favorite people. She was smiling at them as if she weren't missing for nearly two hours without any sort of communication and driving her family crazy.
Sasha had a black eye forming under her right eye and they could only imagine what her back looked like along with the rest of her body.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late…”
“S-sorry?!” Becky recovered first, her jaw snapping shut as she jumped to her feet but she didn’t move to crowd Sasha, “Where the hell have you been?! We’ve been lookin’ everywhere for ya, Sasha!”
Sasha winced at Becky’s tone and Bayley, though she was upset as well, knew that Sasha didn’t need all of them jumping down her throat. Bayley glared at the two hotheads as she got up and tried to lead Sasha to the sofa but she was immediately stopped when Sasha pulled away before Bayley could even touch her. And the alpha wouldn’t deny that it stung a little bit. More than a little bit.
“Can we talk in the morning? Please? I’m just...really kinda tired guys…?” Sasha asked, adjusting her glasses tiredly. Deep down inside all she wanted to do was snuggle with her lovers and sleep for the next three days but her stubborn nature was in full swing.
All three alpha females wanted to press the issue and make Sasha talk to them but they all knew how quickly her walls could go up if they did that and none of them felt like breaking through those defenses anytime soon.
Sasha didn’t hug them goodnight like she usually loved to do but made sure to make physical contact with them as she made the painful journey up the stairs to her room, doing her best to mask her pain. She didn’t want to worry them anymore than she’s already done.
Sasha’s back was jacked up because Alexa botched the ladder toss and Sasha had went to the hospital instead of the trainers office. Nothing was broken this time but she’d be feeling that mistake for the better part of two weeks.
She'd called Stephanie during the cab ride back to the arena and ultimately got her ass chewed out for ghosting everyone. But once she informed the WWE heiress of her whereabouts and after Sasha filled in her boss about her condition, Stephanie was beyond pissed that one of her biggest stars was unnecessarily injured...and will be away from TV for two damn weeks.
Sasha would say she felt sorry for Alexa but she didn’t. She really didn’t.
Sasha managed to get undressed completely as their home on wheels began to pick up speed and was well on its way to their next destination. Even though the windows were darkly tinted, Sasha closed the curtains anyway because the less sun the better for her immediate health.
Sasha was too exhausted to put on more clothes, so she just slipped into bed naked and the cool silk sheets felt like ice cold heaven on her back. Quickly finding her sweet spot, Sasha sprawled out near the middle of her bed and she was half asleep thanks to her pain medication beginning to kick in. though before she could completely drift off, a soft knock on her bedroom door brought her back to the surface of consciousness.
She grunted the best she could and whoever was on the other side took it as permission to enter and she wasn’t at all surprised to see Charlotte’s silhouette slipping into her dark room and shutting the door behind her.
Sasha quietly watched Charlotte slipped off her own shirt through half lidded eyes, leaving her in just a pair of briefs.
Sasha didn’t bother moving as the taller woman slipped into bed with her, “ Charlie… tired.”
“Ssh. I know. Go to sleep, pipsqueak. I’m taking the first watch tonight.”
Sasha groaned, rolling her eyes behind closed eyelids, “Stephanie called you, didn’t she?”
Charlotte hummed, getting comfortable on her side, facing Sasha, “Yes and don’t think we will let you get away with not telling us.”
“It’s a moderate concussion.”
“That could get worse,” Charlotte answered tightly, but forced her worry and frustration to the back burner in her mind, “Now sleep, I’ll be waking you up soon.”
Sasha didn’t even have the energy to say anything else, and she was out like a light seconds later.
Sasha woke up all on her own this time, and not because one of the other horsewomen invaded her bed to wake her up every hour to make sure she didn’t have brain damage.
Sasha didn’t remember who was waking her up all through the night but she remembered snapping at someone before they kissed her to shut her up. The only person she knows who frequently likes to do that is Bayley.
Sasha blinked, shifting slightly and winced at the sun rays that were peeking through her dark curtains.
Sasha felt a hand on her bare stomach beneath the sheets, fingers lightly scratching at her skin just below her belly button. She recognized that hand because it had a certain callousness to it. She could always tell her alphas apart without even having to smell or see them.
Sasha opened her eyes slowly, and sure enough, her favorite firecracker was laying right there. The older woman was practically on top of Sasha as she rested her head on an upturned palm, watching the muted TV across the room.
Becky hadn't realized that Sasha was awake yet and the younger woman took the time to observe Becky. She was so beautiful and so strong in and out of the squared circle. It was just her personality, she was literally a lass kicker twenty-four seven and she was always there to protect them. Either from themselves or outside forces, Becky was always the first one high diving into a fight just like Bayley.
Sasha shifted closer to Becky, whimpering when her back rubbed roughly against the sheets, and she cursed Alexa Bliss for the millionth time in twenty-four hours.
The movement and whimper immediately pulled Becky’s full attention, and she turned her head to look down at Sasha with a soft smile.
“Mornin’ love, how's it?”
“God, I don’t ever wanna work with Bliss again. She’s an idiot.”
Becky made a small noise of agreement, eyes narrowing dangerously, “Yeah, well, one of us three will be havin’ some choice words for that one come Monday.”
Sasha smiled and eyes falling shut again, “I’m sorry I worried you guys yesterday, I didn’t trust the trainers to tell me right from wrong and I was high on adrenaline and went straight to the ER because something didn’t feel right.”
Becky nodded, “It’s alright, we know and we get it. We’ve had time to cool off love, just next time give one of us a warnin', yeah? Or maybe invite us along... you have a phone for a reason.”
“Yeah.” Sasha agreed softly, and accepted the quick but loving kiss from Becky.
“Bay made breakfast if you’re up for it, you gotta get moving around.”
Sasha didn’t want to but she knew that had to because Becky was right. Slowly, Sasha pushed away the covers covering her naked body, shivering from both the cold air hitting her warm skin and the subtle but hungry look in Becky’s eye.
Sasha tried to ignore both as she slowly rolled onto her side, turning her back to Becky and she heard a deep growl and Becky immediately held Sasha still with a firm hand on her hip.
Becky took a moment to really get a good look at the damage and felt her anger boiling. She was the only one who had yet to see Sasha’s back. To really get a good look at the dozens of thin lacerations and bruises that lay there. Becky knew one thing for sure. Alexa Bliss’ days were numbered.
“Becky?” Sasha called over her shoulder softly when Becky was quiet too long, “Help me up?”
“Okay, love. Come on now, up and at ‘em.” Becky forced a smile, masking her anger, Sasha didn’t need to see that from her right now. Expelling calm and reassuring pheromones for their omega, Becky began to carefully help Sasha out of bed.
Sasha was literally sitting in Becky’s lap and they were sharing a plate of food on the sofa and watching TV, it was raining outside and Charlotte and Bay were sitting on the other sofa having a movie session.
They were both watching Indiana Jones, something neither Sasha or Becky really had an interest in. But once they finished their shared breakfast they were under their own heavy blanket on the sofa with Sasha’s back to Becky’s front.
The native Irish Woman had a strong arm wrapped tight around Sasha. Sasha managed to roll over and Becky shifted until she was on her back with Sasha literally snuggled on top of her with her face buried into her neck like a damn koala.
And it wasn’t long before the love and security had Sasha fast asleep yet again.
Sasha was miserable. Her back was a hot mess and she could barely do anything because the aches were too sharp and painful, so she had to rely on her three Alphas to help her do literally anything. It was frustrating.
But since Charlotte and Bayley we’re stuck doing promos and press conferences, it was just her and Becky for a few hours, not that Sasha minded. She loved her Alphas so much but all three of them hovering over her could get a little overwhelming very quickly.
At the moment, Sasha was in Charlotte’s room because she didn’t feel like climbing the stairs, while Becky was out getting them something to eat from wherever. Sasha was lying in the middle of The Queen’s bed wearing one of Charlotte’s favorite sweatshirts that was covered in her scent. She'd be stealing this one too.
Sasha also had a bunch of Charlotte’s pillows laying around her like a little nest and she was watching Court TV. She was just laying there comfortably as she could especially with the pain medication for her back working their magic.
Becky finally returned to their massive tour bus with a bag full of Sasha’s favorites and a giant smile. When she entered the living room area, Sasha wasn’t where she had left her. Becky took a quick sniff and tracked Sasha to Charlotte’s room.
Becky paused in the doorway, smiling and Becky pulled out her phone to take a picture and sent it to Charlotte and Bayley. Sasha was knocked out cold and hugging one of Charlotte's body pillows. Becky set the food down on the nightstand and kicked off her sneakers, ditched her jeans and tucked herself comfortably behind Sasha. Careful not to press too hard on her back.
Becky sighed and went to sleep herself.
When Becky came back to the land of the living her senses weren’t greeted with the scent she fell asleep with. Instead the owner of the bed was directly behind her, typing away on her laptop.
Becky sat up slightly, eyesight still a little bleary as she gazed at the other alpha. “Wha...where’s our omega? She okay?”
Charlotte nodded, smiling softly, “Mmhm. She’s in the kitchen with Bayley, making cookies I think.”
Becky’s stomach growled, “Damn...I can’t have any.”
“Yeah you can, they’re trying out this plant based vegan cookie recipe Bayley got from Maryse a few weeks ago.”
Becky blinked a few times, Maryse can cook?, “Sasha shouldn’t really be up with her back bothering her, she’s…”
Charlotte looked up from whatever it was that she was typing to look at her best friend, “Calm down, Beck, she’s fine, Bayley is gonna make sure she’s fine. Besides, we don't want her getting too restless. She's not in danger mixing batter and baking cookies.”
Becky huffed but relaxed anyway making Charlotte smile before she went back to her laptop and Becky picked up the remote so she could channel surf until she just settled on ESPN.
After a while, Becky and Charlotte heard loud laughter coming from the kitchen, automatically identifying it as Sasha.
“How was it today?”
“Hectic as usual.” Charlotte sighed heavily, shaking her head causing a few blonde strands to fall from the bun she wore, “Stephanie had us doing promos literally right after those two press conferences.”
“Christ that woman is a workaholic, when did ya get back in?”
“An hour ago.” Charlotte answered absentmindedly, her focus was on the screen of her laptop and Becky was tempted to lean over and be nosy but she knew better. That was a pet peeve of Charlotte's and Becky didn't have the energy to pick at the other Alpha right now so she went back to watching TV. A few minutes later, Charlotte sighed again but it was a little more alleviated than the previous one as she closed her laptop and set it aside.
Becky looked over at the blonde curiously, eyebrow raised, “What's up with ya and the laptop?”
Charlotte gave Becky a look that the Irishwoman knew all too well that it meant someone's day was about to get ruined, “It was a petition.”
“A...what?” Becky's wide confused eyes tracked Charlotte as she got up from the bed and walked towards her bedroom door, “Wait...a petition for what?”
Charlotte opened the door and turned back to Becky, “Let's just say that we won't have to deal with Bliss ever again...and I think the cookies are done. You better bring your ass before they eat them all. Again.”
"A petition though? That's it?!"
Charlotte shrugged, "More like a scathing email to management. A very long one...besides, it's better than us jumping Bliss in some empty room...and probably going to jail. We won't be any good to Sasha in jail, right?"
"Exactly." Charlotte winked and left the room.
Becky glanced at the laptop sitting on Charlotte's bedside table and the door that was left wide open a few times. Her brain took a moment to process that, yet again, Charlotte beat her to the damn punch. “Sonuvabitch. There goes my murder plan.”
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
The 4hw of wwe x reader
Reader is really sensitive to shouting and like people being aggressively angry due to past trauma. The 4hw all get into an argument and just keep shouting and screaming at eachother reader gets really scared and upset and they only realise after a few minutes because they can hear the reader hyperventilating, they stop arguing and quickly comfort reader and start apologising
Arguing || The Four Horsewomen (WWE) x Reader
Summary: You don't like loud yelling or arguing, your partners start arguing loudly.
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The room suddenly fills with raised voices, sharp words cutting through the air like knives. Your heart races, and a sense of unease settles over you. Yelling has never been something you're comfortable with, and the loud arguing between your partners is making your anxiety spike.
The intensity of their argument escalates, voices clashing and mingling in a cacophony that's overwhelming. Even your usually calm dog starts barking, adding to the chaos. You feel trapped, the noise and tension pressing in on you from all sides.
Minutes stretch on, the arguing seeming to go on forever. You can't take it anymore; your chest feels tight, and tears start streaming down your face. Your breath comes in quick, shallow gasps, and you can't control the panic rising within you.
And then, amidst the tumult, you hear a shift in tone. Bayley's voice, once loud and combative, softens as she speaks your name. She's heard your quiet sobs, your hyperventilating, over the chaos. The realization that you're scared and overwhelmed reaches them, and their argument dies down.
They rush to your side, their faces a mix of guilt and concern. Sasha's soothing hand rests on your shoulder, her voice gentle as she reassures you. Charlotte and Becky exchange apologetic glances, their earlier anger giving way to empathy.
Bayley kneels in front of you, her eyes filled with regret. She cups your face in her hands, speaking in hushed tones, assuring you that they didn't mean to upset you. They all gather around, their presence a comforting shield against the lingering fear.
As they speak to you in hushed, soothing voices, your breathing starts to steady. Their understanding and care wrap around you like a warm embrace, easing the panic that had gripped you. And as their words of comfort continue, you begin to feel safe once more, knowing that even in moments of conflict, your bond remains unbreakable.
143 notes · View notes
devilles-advocate · 2 months
Requests: open
People I write for
Becky lynch
Sonya deville
Rhea Ripley
Shayna baszler
Dakota Kai
Charlotte flair
Zoey stark
Trish stratus
Mickie James
Stephanie McMahon
Nikki bella
Brie bella
Aj lee
Mercedes mone
Ronda rousey
Alexa bliss
Kairi sane
Iyo sky
Zelina Vega
(Most wwe women do if you wanna ask if I write for someone please do)
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domripley · 11 months
You and Us - One
pairings: becky lynch x reader; poly!4hw x reader; 4hw
warnings: vaginal fingering, daddy kink, dom!becky, switch!bayley, switch!charlotte, switch!sasha, sub!reader, overstimulation, slight voyuerism, verbal degradation, slight possessiveness, established dom/sub, established relationship, healthy polyamory, gangbang
chapter word count: 3,806
summary: You had been Becky’s sub for a while, and now you’re starting to be come the other four horsewomen’s submissive.
You were a little nervous, having never been with more than one person, but Becky assured you that it would be fine. The last few weeks, Becky had taken you on dates when she had some free time - she also had talked to you about the fact that she was in a healthy open relationship with all three of her best friends. At first you were a little hesitant, unsure if she was telling you the truth that she did tell them about you. She understood, and one night, she video chatted them with you. Confirming that she was, in fact, telling the truth.
She had told you that they’d all like to get to know you in more ways than one, and you agreed that you wanted to get to know them as well. “You okay, princess?” Becky asked you, rubbing your thigh as Charlotte and Sasha argued on what to put on for their movie night.
“Y-yeah, just thinking about a few things,” you bit your lip, trying your best to focus on her two girlfriends. Who were still going at it.
“Like what?” she asked, and you cursed yourself internally. You should have known that she was going to push further.
Charlotte and Sasha both turned to see what your answer was going to be - genuinely shocking you with the fact that they were both listening in. Bayley was still in the kitchen, cooking dinner for the five of you, and you were just happy there was one less person to hear what you had to say.
“You had fucked me before we drove over here, Bex.” you looked down at your hands in your lap. You could almost feel that she was smirking at you.
“What about it were you thinking about? C’mon, tell us,”
“Want them to fuck me,” you breathed, unsure of what to say next. You had thought about this since Becky had fucked you, telling you how she would in front of her girlfriends. That was when you had come the hardest you ever had for her, and it certainly didn’t go unnoticed. “While you watch, and then you would fuck me last.”
You felt as if you were whispering, that the room was filled with more people you could count. As if you needed to keep a secret from everyone but Becky, but as soon as you heard a chuckle that thought left your head.
“I was going to say maybe we should wait after dinner, but I guess we can order in.” Bayley called out from the kitchen, which made you jump. How did she hear you from all the way in there? You didn’t spend too much time dwelling on it - because as soon as Bayley stepped into the room, Becky pushed a finger into your mouth.
“You know my rules, right baby?” she asked. You looked up to her and nodded, earning a soft smile from her. Pulling her finger out of your mouth before continuing. “Repeat them for me.”
“No coming without permission, Tell you or them when something’s too much, Only you can fuck my ass, and no being a brat.” you said, and the others seemed to understand. You watched as Becky stood up from the couch, she stood in front of you as Bayley took a seat next to you.
“Since this is a little new for you, I’ll explain some things. Sasha may sub to Charlotte, Bayley, and I, but she will be dominating you. You will listen to her, even if she’s subbing. Does that make sense, baby?”
Becky caressed your cheek as she waited for your answer. You bit your lip, and nodded, but that wasn’t good enough for her. She wanted a verbal answer, even if you were still a little nervous.
“It does. It makes sense.”
“They’re all going to take turns on you so it’s not too much for a first time with all of us. Are you okay with that?”
“I’m more than okay with that, I actually think that will be easier for me.”
“What are your safewords?” Sasha asked, who had taken off her glasses. You looked down at your hands - a habit of yours when you were nervous, but you knew you were going to have to answer them.
“Beck-Daddy and I use the traffic light system, but sometimes when I can’t talk I open and close my hands three times.”
“That sounds good with me. That’s usually what we use as well when we all play.” Bayley nodded, and both Charlotte and Sasha agreed.
“Now that that’s over with, take your clothes off and bend over the armrest. Daddy wants a show.”
You nodded, standing up as Becky switched spots with Bayley. Watching as the brunette went upstairs to what you guessed were the toys they were going to be using on you. Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you pulled your shirt up over your head. Slightly jumping as you felt someone’s chest against your back - you let out a whimper as their hands cupped your chest through your bra. “You make such pretty noises, (Your Name).” Charlotte whispered, licking the shell of your ear.
“Th-Thank you, Char,” you whispered back.
Charlotte unclasped your bra, and you tossed it to the ground. You made eye contact with Becky, keeping it as you pulled your sweatpants down, along with the panties she had bought for your birthday. Once you were completely undressed, you bent over the armrest of the couch.
“Before you do that, do you want to be a good girl for me? For them?”
“I do, Daddy.”
“Get on your knees.”
You did as you were told, unsure of what she had in mind. You weren’t going to question her though, you trusted her with your life, and you trusted what she had in mind. Bayley came back down the stairs with a few toys, handing Charlotte a strapon, you bit your lip at the sight. It was bigger than anything you had taken, but you were sure you could take it.
Watching as the blonde pulled her shirt up over her head, and you couldn’t wait to touch her. “Bayley and I really enjoy watching Sash suck our straps, and I’ve seen how good you do it. Show them how much of a good little cock sucker you are.” Becky leaned back into the couch, resting her feet on the side you had been sitting on as she watched Charlotte put the strapon harness on. You had wondered in that moment how Charlotte looked when Becky fucked her, maybe you’d find out soon.
You moved closer to Charlotte, who was now stroking the toy as she watched. As soon as you were able to reach her, you gripped onto the base of the toy, licking your lips as you leaned in. You sucked on the tip lightly, running your tongue against it as you looked up at her. “You’re such a pretty princess, can’t wait to fuck you.” Charlotte hummed, watching as you pushed down further onto the toy.
“She gets so fuckin’ wet when she’s called a princess.” Becky chuckled, unbuckling her belt. “Sash, why don’t you get one of the straps on. You’ll be next after Charlotte.”
You relaxed your throat as Charlotte slowly fucked your mouth. You tried your best to focus as the others watched you - knowing that you were making Becky proud helped you even more. Helping you to your feet once she pulled you off of the toy, Charlotte led you to the armrest of the couch. Looking up to see Becky stroking the strapon that she had been packing.
Charlotte rubbed the tip through your folds, gathering up some of your wetness before she pushed all the way into you. You closed your eyes as you adjusted to the feeling, Becky had stretched you out many times before, but this was much different. “You tell us when you want Charlotte to move, okay?” Bayley said, rubbing your lower back comfortably.
“Y-yes, she can move. Please move, m’need it!” you cried out, trying to push back against Charlotte to get some sort of friction. The blonde held you still by your hips - not letting you move.
“Who said you can take charge? Did Daddy say you can fuck my cock back?” Charlotte teased, using her left hand to pull you up by your hair.
“N-No, but I need it so bad, please!” you whimpered, trying your best to stay still - not wanting to be punished this early on. Your nerves disappeared as Charlotte began to move, fucking you at a pace you could get used to. It wasn’t enough to bring you close to the edge, but you were desperate for anything at this point.
“You’re just a desperate little slut, huh? Daddy told us all about what you thought about. How you wanted us to use you like a fucking toy. Tell me, how hard do you want me to fuck your cunt?”
“S-So hard, please, Char? Want you to give it to me good in front of Daddy.” you begged, keeping eye contact with Becky. She watched as Charlotte sped up her thrusts, fucking you at a bruising pace that quickly sent you over the edge. But before you could ride out your orgasm, she pulled out just as fast as it came.
“Nobody said you could come, (Your Name). Already being a naughty brat for me, huh? I guess Daddy needs to be more strict with you?” Charlotte chuckled, earning an eye roll from Becky as she slid back into you.
“Maybe ya should have told her she wasn’t allowed to come? Don’t blame me for yer mistakes, sweetheart.”
You tried your best not to laugh at their bickering, considering Charlotte fucked you harder as they went on and on. “Come when you’re ready, wanna show Bex just how hard I can make you come.”
You nodded once she let go of your hair, gasping as she gripped your hips harder than before. Fucking yourself back against the toy successfully to try and get as much friction as you wanted. This time, Charlotte didn’t mind it at all. “Oh fuck, feels so fucking good-“ you cried out as the sounds of your pussy filled the room. You could hear Bayley chuckle, unsure if it was because of the sounds or how Becky looked desperate to touch you.
“Can feel you squeezing the strap, fuck me back harder.”
You did just that - fucking the toy back harder than before, you were already close once more. Turning your head to see Bayley lazily finger Sasha while they watched you got you to the edge. Charlotte fucked you through your orgasm, slowing down as you tried to pull away from her. “Who wants a turn next?” she asked, slapping the tip of the strap against your clit, causing you to whine. You were sensitive already, but you wanted more - you wanted them all to have you.
Bayley removed her fingers from Sasha, getting up to go over to you. “Open your mouth, baby,” she instructed, and you did it without a second thought. Sucking the mess that Sasha made on Bayley’s fingers, you let out a whimper. Sasha slipped on one of the strapons that were brought downstairs earlier.
“Does she taste good?” Bayley cooed, keeping her eyes locked on Sasha. She hummed in response as you tried to talk around her fingers. “Good girl, maybe if you want you can make her come later? Would you like that baby?”
You nodded, closing your eyes as Sasha slides into you all the way. Before you could adjust, she began a fast pace. “Gonna ruin your tight little pussy, all you’re gonna want is to be fucked by us.” she moaned, slapping your ass as Bayley pulled her fingers out of your mouth.
You bit your lip as Sasha fucked into you harder, rubbing the pad of her thumb against your asshole. You were ready to go over the edge, only needing a little more to help you out. “Sash, please,” you cried out, unsure on how to form the right words. All you truly needed was anything she was willing to give you.
“What do you need? Tell me and I’ll give it to you,” she said, pulling you up to her chest by your hair. Wrapping her left arm around your waist as the other hand wrapped around your throat.
“Rub my clit, please, please I need it so bad.” you cried out, fucking back against Sasha to meet her thrusts. When she didn’t, you let out a whimper. “Please, Please. Sasha-“
She cut you off, bringing the hand that was wrapped around your throat down to your cunt. Rubbing tight circles against your aching clit, Sasha let out a breathy laugh as you fucked her back. She didn’t seem to care, considering she moved her fingers faster to meet with you. Looking right as Becky, you almost came at the sight of her with no clothes on. You hadn’t noticed that she even undressed, too focused on what Sasha was doing to you.
“Fuck, Sasha-“
You cut yourself with a loud cry, spilling over the edge faster than you thought. Sasha fucked you through your orgasm, gripping your waist harder as you rode out your high. She didn’t stop once your orgasm was finished, bringing you closer to the next one.
“Oh fuck, please, you feel so fucking good, want so much more!” you cried out, looking up to see Becky give you an unreadable look.
“Yeah? You’re such a greedy little slut? No wonder why Daddy brought you over, your pussy needs all of our attention, huh?” Sasha fucked you, and as you get closer to the edge, she was quick to pull out of you. Becky let out a raspy chuckle as you cried out from the feeling of being empty.
Before you could complain, Bayley pulled you off of the arm rest. Turning you around so you could sit on it and face her. “You are such a greedy little girl, huh? What? You’re pussy needs more?” she asked, slapping your thigh before spreading your legs. “Answer my question or Daddy and I won’t touch you.”
“Yes, I need so much more, please, Bayley,”
“You’re lucky I can’t say no to a desperate little slut like you.”
Sliding two of her fingers into your cunt, Bayley gripped your hair as she fucked you at a hard pace. Curling her fingers, you bit your lip as you tried your best to stay balanced on the arm rest. “You’re soaking my fingers, Daddy told me you love making messes all over her. Is that true?”
You leaned forward to rest against Bayley as soon as she let your hair go. “Y-yes.” you whispered, just loud enough for her to hear. Gripping your chin hard, Bayley pulled you to your feet so you were once again facing Becky, Charlotte, and Sasha.
“Say it so Charlotte and Sash know, whore. Was Daddy telling the truth?”
“Daddy was telling the truth! I make such messes all over Daddy…fuck!” You gasped as Bayley slid into your pussy from behind, not giving you time to adjust. Not that you needed to be warmed up now - her strapon wasn’t the thickest, but you loved the feeling it gave you.
“Yeah she does, just you fuckin’ wait yer gonna really see what a whore she is.” Becky grunted, watching as Bayley fucked you harder.
Reaching behind you, you tried your best to pull Bayley closer to you each time. “What do you want, baby? You wanna touch me?” she taunted, grabbing both of your hands before she pushed you down against the arm rest. Holding them against your lower back, Bayley refused to let them go as she slowed down her pace.
“Please, no, wanna get fucked faster.” You whined pressing your cheek against the couch seat. You weren’t normally a brat, especially when you’ve gotten so much attention, but Bayley’s pace wasn’t enough.
Bayley let go of your hands, and pulled out of you completely. You looked at Becky with confusion plastered on your face.
“You see baby, I may dom all of you, but Bayley is more of a dom than Charlotte and Sasha.” Bayley laughed, leaning closer to you so she could lift your head with her right hand. “But the difference between her and I when we dom, is that she doesn’t deal with brats. Now count.”
Becky looked up at Bayley with her last two words, a smile spread across her face. Before you could register what was going on, Bayley’s hand came crashing down. “One…” you whispered.
Bayley spanked your other cheek just as hard, making eye contact with Becky. When she heard you whisper “Two”, she continued to rain spanks down at a hard and fast pace. As soon as you got to ten, Becky kissed you lightly on the forehead. “Good girl. Tell Bayley you’re sorry, and ask if she’ll make you come okay?”
“I-I’m sorry for giving you attitude, Bayley. Please make me come?” you bit your lip, looking into Becky’s eyes. Her pupils were blown with lust.
“Should I, Daddy?” Bayley asked the redhead in front of you.
“Do it, make her come.”
Bayley slid back into you slowly, quickly combing her fingers through your hair to pull you back against her chest. “Touch your clit for me, (Your Name).” she whispered in your ear as she fucked you.
Reaching down to rub at your clit, you tried your best to focus on it. But as Becky leaned in, and wrapped her lips around your right nipple, you couldn’t focus on anything else.
“Well that’s just rude that the two of you are hogging her.” You heard Charlotte say, and you could almost see her rolling her eyes. Your thought of what she was doing stopped when she lightly slapped your hand away from your cunt.
She began to rub at your clit at a pace that matched Bayley’s movements. Sasha watched from where Becky had been sitting, fucking herself with her fingers at the sight of all three of them working together to get you over the edge.
You wrapped your hand in Becky’s hair, pulling her off your nipple so you could kiss her. She gladly did what you wanted, biting your lip as she pulled away. “Come for us, baby. You earned it.” She breathed pinching at both of your nipples, bringing you over the edge. You came with a shout, both of your legs shaking, and if it weren’t for Bayley fully holding you up as fucked you through your orgasm, you wouldn’t be able to stand up.
When you came down from your high, Bayley picked up and sat you down on the couch. “Color, (Your Name)?
“Green, Becky.” you said, trying to catch your breath. You were okay for one more round, and she knew that. But she wanted to make sure you were okay to continue.
“Alright, are you up to riding me, baby? Or do you want me to fuck you?” she asked as she sat down next to you. You knew what she wanted, but she loved to ask you anyways.
“Wanna ride you in front of them.”
Sasha got up off of the couch, and sat next to both Bayley and Charlotte. Becky moved back to her original spot so she could have a back rest, and you were quick to straddle her hips. You had been on the road with her brand for a while, but the two of you hadn’t had a moment together like this in a while. But you were glad to be sharing it with all three of her girlfriends.
Sliding down onto the toy, you were thankful Becky gave you time to adjust. Having the thickest strapon out of all of them. ”Fuck.” you gasped, finally taking all of it to the base.
“You like Daddy’s cock, baby? It’s brand new just for you.” Becky smiled up at you. Quickly turning to look at her girlfriends. “Don’t think I didn’t see ya fucking yerself, Sash. Sit on Bayley’s strap while I fuck (Your Name).”
You heard Sasha get off of the part she was sitting on, and when you heard her tiny gasp you knew she had listened to Becky.
“Yer so pretty, all fucked out and now on yer Daddy’s cock.” Becky praised, pushing on your back lightly to guide you closer towards her chest. “Yer mine, theirs.”
Taking a nipple into her mouth, Becky began fucking into you as she held you by your lower back. “Say it.” she moaned against you, picking up your pace.
“I’m yours. Fuck, Daddy, harder please!” you cried, trying your best to hold still as she fucked you at her pace.
Becky brought right hand up to your throat, and held it tightly as she fucked up into you harder. You were overly sensitive, but you wanted more and she was going to give it to you however you needed it.
You held onto the armrest, trying your best to meet Becky’s thrusts. You weren’t far away from the edge, and it was fast approaching. Becky reached her left hand further down, but as soon as she realized she couldn’t reach your asshole, she got a better idea. “Charlotte, c’mere,” Becky instructed, and as soon as the blonder was near the two of you, Becky continued. “Take yer thumb and rub at her entrance.”
You looked at Becky with wide eyes as Charlotte spat on her thumb. You both knew you were going to come harder than any of the other orgasms you’ve had. You tightened around Becky’s strap as the blonde rubbed the pad of her thumb against your entrance as Becky continued to fuck up into you.
”Daddy.” you came, trying your best to fuck Becky back through your orgasm. But as soon as you came down from your high, you slumped down against the red head, not even bothering to pull yourself off of the toy.
You were ready to sleep, and as soon as Becky recognized that you were checking out, she pulled you off of her strap. “Bayley, take care of Sash, I’ll get (Your Name) situated for the night.” she instructed, and the three of them headed upstairs.
“After your bath, do you want them to come cuddle with us? We have a big enough of bed. If not I’ll lay with you on the couch tonight.”
“Want them with me too, Bex.”
“Alright, let’s get you cleaned up and ready for bed.”
Becky kissed you on your cheek before she picked you up, bringing you upstairs to use the bath. You were glad you were finally able to meet her girlfriends.
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mamisfavmosherz · 8 months
The people below are the ones I will 100% write for! Feel free to request other women, tho and I'll let yall know if I'll write for them or not! <3
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• Big Dreams Let To This (Rhea Ripley x Pregnant!Reader)
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~ Coming Soon ~
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~ Coming Soon ~
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• Broken Trust (Bayley x Reader)
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~ Coming Soon ~
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~ Coming Soon ~
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~ Coming Soon ~
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~ Coming Soon ~
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~ Coming Soon ~
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lovemesomeflair · 1 year
Requests:open i might not be that quick at getting to requests but I will try my best
Charlotte flair
Becky lynch
Sasha banks
Shayna baszler
Zoey stark
Dakota kai
Jessamyn duke
Mia yim
Nikki bella
Brie bella
Liv Morgan
Raquel Rodriguez
Ronda Rousey
Zelina Vega
Poly!damage Ctrl
Iyo sky
Trish stratus
Toni storm
Mickie James
Sonya deville
Aj Lee
Tegan nox
Alexa bliss
Rhea Ripley
Jade cargill
I might add more people later on you can feel free to ask if I would write for anyone tho :)
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Tag team champions
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Fem reader
Description: A special moment is shared between you and Rhea after becoming tag team champions against Bayley and Sasha Banks
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Cheers were heard throughout the arena as you and Rhea battled together in a tag team match against Sasha Banks and Bayley for the tag team championship. You and rhea have been friends since your days in NXT before you both were drafted over to WWE together since the two of you were glued to the hip becoming an amazing tag team as well as wonderful independent wrestlers, slowly as time went on, you began to grow feelings for the Australian as the bond grew from training together for matches together and separately but also the two of you spent time outside of training and matches from walks in the park, lunch and shopping, swimming, dinner at each other's homes, and even joining the other on holidays and outings with their family which warmed your heart that not only she thought so deeply of you plus that she cared so much about you and your family and she melted like honey seeing you fit right in with her family especially her little sister who soon started calling you Aunt Y/N because of how close you got with her family, you zone back as the ref raises your arm for the second time while bayley holds you in a chokehold quickly holding your arm out the ref drops it the last time throwing bayley into the ring post before tagging rhea in yelling and screaming before she tags you back in stopping when you see Becky Lynch walk to the ring yelling at sasha providing the perfect distraction for you to grab and roll her to a pin yelling in joy and emotions as rhea jumps back in the ring picking you up in her arms. You raise your titles in the air while holding hands turning with a smile before she hugs you pulling away only to hold your face and sweetly kiss you making the crowd lose their ever loving minds as you hide your face in the crook of her neck before leaving the ring hand in hand "Celebrate shall we?" you giggle at the look on her face before sharing another kiss and leaving for dinner leading to the two of you seeing each other and a month later the relationship between the two of you is announced after your big win against Charlotte Flair punching your ticket in to Wrestlemania, rhea slides in the ring lifting you in her arms with a kiss as well before grabbing a mic "Not only am I proud to be your tag team partner and very proud of you but i am also grateful that I get to be by your side through this next step for you" you smile tearfully sharing a hug before sharing a tender kiss training harder than you ever have as the months passes by and you head to wrestlemania for your match against Dakota Kai.
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thesupreme316 · 2 years
Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side? EP.1
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Genre: Feelgood, Angst, Slowburn
Pairing(s): Carmelo Hayes x Fem!Reader, Sasha Banks (Mercedes Mone) x Fem!Reader (Platonic), Bianca Belair x Fem!Reader (Platonic), Naomi (Trinity Fatu) x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Y/N’s career and life is met with drama after she won the Smackdown Women’s Championship at Wrestlemania 38.
Word Count: 1,742
Supreme Speaks: FINALLY I HAVE STARTED THE SERIES! so i kind of lied in terms of the teaser, i was gonna input those things but I needed ✨drama✨. i will try my best to make this a slow burn series so bare with me. Thanks once again to @triscillal for the series premise/storyline and for trusting me with your vision. i hope you and everyone enjoys this. i hope everyone is doing well and remember you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: slightly proofread, wrestling storylines (actions/reactions and participants) are changed, mentions of toxic relationship, please don’t take any negative depictions of characters to heart (i just needed “toxic” people) 
Taglist (if you wanna be a part of it, lemme know): @triscillal @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @diabloguapos @sheinthatfandom​ @hookerforhook​
January 2022- Royal Rumble
“She did it! Y/R/N did it! She’s going to Wrestlemania!” Michael Cole’s voice boomed from commentary as you pointed to Wrestlemania, making fireworks go off in the background. The crowd was on their feet, cheering. Happy tears were flying down your face, clouding up your vision. You got down from the turnbuckle and started walking to the stage, with the audience chanting “You deserve it!” in the background. You high-fived kids and thanked your supporters.
As soon as you got backstage you were tackled in a hug by Naomi (Trinity) and your cousin, Sasha Banks (Mercedes). You grinned as other people congratulated you, both friends and foes, including Charlotte Flair (who you eliminated last in the rumble). After completing an interview, you sat backstage with Trinity and Mercedes, discussing the plans for tonight and tomorrow.
“I’m so happy you won lil cousin.” Mercedes with a big grin. “I told Trin that if it wasn’t one of us, it had better been you.”
“Yeah girl, you truly deserve it,” Trinity said giving you a huge hug.
You debuted in WWE at 20, after being in the independent scene since you were 15 years old. You spent the latter part of your teenage years wrestling all over the world (specifically in Japan and the United States), so much so that you had to get your GED. But it was all worth it just to be able to stand in the ring. You won multiple championships and accomplishments in companies such as Stardom, Revolution Pro Wrestling, Shimmer, DDT, and Ice Ribbon; you quickly became popular in the wrestling community. But you always had a dream to wrestle in the WWE, especially alongside your cousin.
After being opted out of NXT, you debuted on Raw in 2016; before going on to win the Raw Women’s Championship 3 times and the Smackdown Women’s Championship twice. You’ve been toe-to-toe and head-to-head with the best, including Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Natalya, Mickie James, and Mercedes. But like how it is to everyone on the roster, Wrestlemania is a very important event to you, and being able to have a guaranteed ticket to it; is the best thing in the world at the moment.
“Thanks, y’all! Do you know who was supposed to win this year?” You ask
Both Mercedes and Trinity made a face. Mercedes rolled her eyes while asking, “Who do you think?”
You exclaimed. “Ah, Miss Part-Time.”
“Exactly. At times, I wonder why she’s here.”
“No, because it’s the fact people who have been working here for almost a decade and they don’t get half of the opportunities that Ronda gets. It makes no sense.” You said to pack up some of your things. You had respect for Ronda, in terms of her UFC career. But as a wrestler (and sometimes as a person), you had little to no respect for her. As a person who has given up multiple aspects of her life just to have the opportunity to get in the ring, you were beyond disgusted and angry at her perspective of the wrestling industry and towards your friends (including Mercedes).
However, that is a story for a little bit later….Now, you have to focus on an actual champ.
“But enough about her. What championship are you going win at the grandest stage of them all?” Trinity asked nudging you.
You gave a small smile, filled with determination and mischief, and said, “I’m going to win that Smackdown Women’s Championship from Charlotte Flair.”
And in 3 months, you did exactly that…
April 2022 - Wrestlemania 38
Imagine how you felt winning the Royal Rumble….okay…now times those emotions by 10,000.
That’s how it felt as the confetti came down, fireworks sounded off, fans chanted your name, tears overwhelmed your face, and your newly won championship was wrapped around your waist by Charlotte.
“Y/R/N has truly become the Real Deal in the WWE! After beating Charlotte Flair in a legendary match, Y/R/N stands before you, on the glorious stage of Wrestlemania, as your new Smackdown Women’s Champion!” 

“Y/R/N! Congrats!”
“Great performance Y/R/N!”
All these sayings and more just filled your ears as you hugged your parents, who were there at ringside. As you walked up the ramp of Wrestlemania, you took in the last couple of moments of the crowd before being met with even more cheers from your coworkers; being pulled into hugs left and right. Then Mercedes, Trinity, and Bianca Belair hugged you while bringing you to the photoshoot area. You took multiple pictures with your friends before going to your locker room.
“Girl, we’re gonna celebrate tonight!” Trinity exclaimed.
“No, we’re gonna celebrate after you and Sasha win those tag titles,” Bianca said making you laugh. You smiled before looking at your phone, looking through all your notifications. But your smile soon became a frown as you didn’t see the one you were looking for the one you wanted. “He didn’t text yet?”
Sighing, you said, “Nope. He said he was gonna be here. I haven’t seen him yet.”
“All you need to do is turn around.” A voice said behind you. You turned around and immediately started to squeal, running towards the voice. As you jumped their arms, their body rumbled with a chuckle. It was your boyfriend of six months, Carmelo Hayes. “My baby is so cute.” He gave you a bouquet of roses, filled with your favorite colors.
“Awe, look at the happy couple.” Bianca cooed.
“Thanks, baby.” You smiled, kissing him on the cheek. You lead him over to a private corner real quick as your friends kept making kissing faces.
“I’m so proud of you. My little champ.” You could honestly say that Carmelo is the best boyfriend you’ve ever had. He was so sweet: buying you gifts, showering you with love, and ensuring that you get the best of the best. “So what are we doing tonight? I was thinking candlelight dinner in that nice restaurant downtown-“
“Um, actually, I wanted to either go out to drinks with the girls or just go to sleep honestly. But you are more than welcome to come out with u-“
His smile dropped. “Are you serious?” Carmelo said, raising his voice. “You rather hang with your friends than me?”
On other days, you could honestly say that Carmelo is an arrogant and envious man on a bad day. But you told him (and yourself) that you would love him no matter what. “No, it’s just I haven’t hung out with them in a hot minute.”
“Y/N, You never have time for me now.”
“What are you talking about? We hung out after Stand & Deliver, literally two days ago.” You rolled your eyes before briefly glancing towards your friends, who were standing with concerned faces.
“Yeah, that was after I lost-“ He paused before squinting at you. “So what you think you’re too good for me now?”
“What? No-“
“Just cause you have a championship now? You think you’re better than me?” He said getting closer to your face. Started to feel angry yet sad, and you just looked up at him. “Fine, go out. I don’t care. But I better not get a call tonight.” He said before stomping away from you, slamming your locker room door shut. Immediately, Bianca, Trinity, and Mercedes looked at you, with Bianca walking towards you.
“Are you okay?” Bianca said, rubbing your back.
“Yeah. He’s just having a bad day” You quietly stated. Were you? Yeah, only because it’s now a regular occurrence. It happens almost every time something good happens. You liked Carmelo, hell you like him more than the other people you were involved with. He always had this charm that convinced you to stay or to get over it after anything bad; it wasn’t your fault, and it wasn’t his (it never was). After a while, you decided not to let this little thing get in the way of a quote-on-quote good relationship. And now, you decided to not let him ruin your good night.
“I never liked him for you,” Mercedes said throwing her heels in her bag. Mercedes, being your cousin, was always protective of you. She tried her best to ensure that no harm could reach you, including men who she thought weren’t good enough for you. Seeing how you are now, it’s safe to say you never listen. Always drowning her out to go after anything heart first. “I always thought that he was a douche to a certain extent.”
“Talented,” Trinity started. “But a talented douche.” She finished as Mercedes nodded.
“Anyways!” Bianca started, rolling her eyes at your friends. “Get ready, 'cause we’re about to go out!”
Nodding, you walked away to take a shower. Around 30 minutes later, you got dressed in another outfit before leaving the locker with your friends in tow. You made it to the parking garage; and as you were about to turn the corner, you were face to face with a person who: one- you didn’t like, and two- who was going to be gunning for your new title soon. “Rousey.” You said with a monotone voice.
“Congratulations, champ,” Ronda said with emphasis on the last word. “You won the title on the grandest stage of them all. But you also won the opportunity to be the person I’m gonna beat for it. I say by Money in the Bank, I’ll be the new champion.” She smirked as you lifted a brow.
You slightly chuckled, “We’ll see about that. Don’t get it twisted, I’ve beaten you before and I can beat you again. And this-“ You motioned to your championship. “Will be just the icing on the cake” Ronda looked around at Trinity, Bianca, and Mercedes before deciding to walk away.
“I really don’t like her,” Mercedes said before putting her bags in the car. You followed before getting in the passenger seat. You whipped out your phone, which had more notifications than the last time you checked it. However, only two stuck out to you. Each of them makes your heart skip a beat and gives you butterflies in your stomach for different reasons.
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“Y/N?” Trinity said pulling you out of your thoughts. You looked at her. “Are you ready for the trip?”
“Oh, yeah. I am.” You said looking back at the phone.
But truth be told, you weren’t ready. You weren’t ready for the trip of your career or life. 
Not at all.
Link to Part 2
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rawiswhore · 2 years
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- "Beulah McGillislutty"
The most iconic women in the WWE are Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, Charlotte Flair, Asuka, Bayley, the Bella Twins, Paige, Bianca BelAir, Alexa Bliss, Trish Stratus, Lita, Torrie Wilson, Stacy Keibler, and the list goes on.
The most iconic women in the World Wrestling Federation were Chyna, Wendi Richter, Cyndi Lauper, Miss Elizabeth, Sable, Sunny, Lita, Debra, Trish Stratus, Stephanie McMahon, Alundra Blayze, and others, although some of these women were still in the company when it became the WWE.
Yes, the WWF and WWE are technically the same company, but they had different names.
The most iconic women in the original 1990's ECW wrestling company were Beulah McGillicutty, Francine, Nancy Benoit, Dawn Marie, Kimona Wanalaya, and Sunny.
But Beulah and Francine were the most iconic.
Beulah did a nude pornography photoshoot as well as video for Penthouse magazine, and that photoshoot and video were both sexy AF.
You learned about ECW in 1997 when some of the roster crossed over to the World Wrestling Federation in February that year, and while it made you really happy to see some ECW stars---especially some of the sexiest ones--invade the company, it also made you upset they were only there temporarily.
You were signed to the WWF and a part of the roster that year, and you weren't allowed to cross over into other wrestling companies.
You started watching ECW after learning about in February 1997, and learned about Beulah and her Penthouse porn video and photoshoot.
However, in May and June of 1997, one of ECW's stars, Rob Van Dam, was briefly in the World Wrestling Federation and that made you so happy.
He nearly even joined the WWF that year in general.
There were some sexy men in the WWF in 1997, even if they were only there for a little while.
In May of that aforementioned year, shortly after Rob Van Dam joined the WWF, you invited him, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy and even Brian Pillman to a hotel room when those men had free time from rehearsing matches and promos.
Those men were the sexiest men in the WWF during that time.
You would also invite Bret Hart and Davey Boy Smith, they're pretty cute too, though Bret probably wouldn't like your performance.
When these men were in your hotel room, Hunter and Shawn all had their long hair hanging down, because they looked sexy AF when their hair isn't tied in ponytails.
Hunter, Shawn, Rob, Brian and Jeff were lounging on the 2 beds in this hotel room, whereas you stood in front of those 2 beds ready to give a performance.
Some of these men, in particular Brian, was laying on those beds, whereas others were sitting on top of the bed.
It would be a little homosexual for a group of men to lay on the same bed.
Not to mention, some of these men were sitting closest to you on these beds so they could see you.
While you stood in front of these men, you were dressed in a lacy, black, spaghetti strapped, skintight see through negligee, similar to the negligee Beulah wore in her porn video.
Even though you didn't have any music playing, you had a rather coy, innocent expression on your face with a slight smirk on your mouth and one of your hands slid across from your left ribcage down to your navel and to your right hip, only for your body to turn around until your back was in front of these men, where you bent your head and torso down until your ass and vulva was sticking out at these male wrestlers.
Your hand was stroking above the fabric of your negligee when it slid from your left ribcage down to your navel and hip, you were acting like how Beulah acted at the beginning of her porn.
Brian, Jeff, Rob, Hunter and Shawn were all looking at you with grins on their faces, satisfied at what they saw.
Shawn, Brian and Rob whistled at you like how men whistle at attractive women.
Brian, Shawn and Rob clapped their hands as they cheered and whistled at you when your ass was sticking out in front of them.
Your vulva was peeping out of your negligee and sandwiched in between your ass cheeks.
You didn't wear any panties under that negligee, much like Beulah in her video.
These men knew you weren't wearing any panties, but Shawn's and Rob's eyes grew wide when they saw a bit of your vulva under your negligee.
You wish other men in other wrestling companies, like Scott Hall, Chris Jericho, Nova from ECW, Raven, Jim Powers from WCW, even Chris Benoit could be in this hotel room to watch your performance, but these men weren't allowed to be in other wrestling companies.
When Rob Van Dam joined the WWF, you told him how you wish some ECW alumni like Nova and Raven were still in the WWF, frowning and pouting when you said that.
You would let Leif Cassidy watch this performance, too bad he grew a tacky handlebar moustache that ruined his looks.
You began to roll your ass around and upwards like how Beulah did in her Penthouse porn video, what you did was throw your ass in a circle basically.
You copied the beginning of Beulah's video, watching and studying everything she did in it.
You had her movements in that video memorized completely.
If you were one of those dancers on "Shotgun Saturday Night" at the beginning of 1997, you would dance like Beulah did at the beginning of the video, but you wouldn't really show your private parts on television, sadly.
Had Beulah's Penthouse tape played with the music playing, this would make your dance much sexier.
You then raised your head as well as your torso upwards until you straightened your body up and stood up, where one of your arms was slung across your navel and your hand was grabbing your hip while your opposite arm was up in the air.
You turned your body around where your arm up in the air buried and slid your fingers down through your hair and you removed your arm and hand off of your stomach, but one of your hands slightly slid the top of your negligee down off of your breast while your other hand was buried at your vulva.
When you did this, your body was bent forward slightly at these men in front of you.
Your fingers were slightly pulling your negligee at your breast off of your tit, nearly exposing your nipple and areola.
You received lots of cheers from all of these men when it seemed like your nipple was getting exposed.
They would chant "Show your tits!", but people next door might hear them.
These men felt free to masturbate to you, which is what they wanted to do.
As they watched this performance, some of them pulled their pants or shorts down and pulled their dicks out, where one of their hands was on their erections and they began to jerk off.
There was a tissue box on the nightstand in between the beds and a wastebasket in between the beds for these men to throw their used tissues in.
Soon, your hands grabbed both of the straps of your negligee, your wrists crossed, and your hands slowly slid your straps down your arms.
You made direct eye contact to these men as you slid both of your straps down in unison.
As the straps of your negligee were being pulled down, more of your bare chest was being exposed in front of them as your negligee slid down your torso.
Some of these men cheered and whistled at you as your negligee was sliding down your navel.
Hopefully no one next door will hear these men cheering and whistling at you as you undress.
While your negligee was wrapped around your waistline (not covering your torso anymore besides your waistline) and your arms and hands elevated out of the straps of your lingerie, your arms--especially your forearms--were folded and crossed below your breasts but your nipples and areolas were slightly exposed in front of these men.
Your arms and forearms unfolded, uncrossed and separated from each other, but your hands cupped your breasts and began to fondle and stroke them, pulling your tits upwards and even together until they touched.
Your hands were stroking your breasts and covering and blocking your areolas and nipples from being seen.
"I'd give her a dollar or more" Shawn said to you.
"Me too!" Rob and Brian chimed in out of unison.
Jeff and Hunter agreed, chiming in "Me too!" out of unison.
They can feel free to throw money at you.
When some of these men were masturbating, precum began to seep out of their slits, but luckily they had a box of tissues with them to share and clean up their messes.
They grabbed a tissue out of the box and even passed the box around so they could grab one.
"Beulah's got nothing on you" Rob Van Dam stated.
"Yeah!" these men agreed, nodding their heads and smiling, these men saying "yeah" not in unison.
Unlike Beulah in her porn video, you didn't lift one of your breasts up with your hand and try to lick your erect nipple.
However, while making eye contact with these men and your head tilted sideways, one of your hands did lift one of your breasts up to your mouth, and your index finger on that hand was elevating towards your mouth, where your tongue escaped out of your mouth and your index finger sliding down the top of your moist tongue.
With your tongue back inside your mouth again, your arms and forearms crossed below your breasts again, only for your forearms to unfold and separate away from each other as your hands joined together at your vulva.
Your vulva was exposed to these men now, your negligee was wrapped around your navel.
Your hands stroked up your bare skin up to your negligee, although one of your hands slid down to your pussy and began to rub it.
Your hand was buried between your thighs and masturbating your vulva.
One of Shawn's and Rob's hands slipped into the pockets of their shorts and pulled out their wallets, where they pulled out some money and tossed it to you.
One of Brian's hands slipped into the pocket of his pants, where he pulled his wallet out and opened it up, where his hand pulled some money out of his wallet and he threw it to you, grinning and laughing when he threw you that money.
You got some cheers from these men when you seemingly rubbed your vulva, only for that hand buried between your thighs to slide out and this time slide up to your body, much to their dismay.
They were disappointed when you seemingly stopped masturbating yourself, but don't worry, they'll get a treat soon enough.
One of your arms was above your head, while your hand on your opposite arm was trying to slide your negligee down your waistline.
Your index and middle fingers were sandwiched in between your negligee and your navel, those fingers seemingly pointing at your vulva and nearly almost looking like they're about to enter it.
You shifted your body sideways, where your hand escaped out of your negligee and your arm slid off of the top of your head.
You placed your hands on your knees when you shifted your body sideways and showed off the side of your body, sticking your ass a little bit out.
You began to roll your ass a little bit while your hands were on your knees, your eyes looking at these men as you rolled your ass.
You removed one of your hands off of your knee and moved that hand behind your ass, where your hand slid up from your ass and elevated up your hip to across your chest.
You watched your hand slide up the side of your body.
"It's amazing how well she's memorized Beulah's porn video" Rob said.
These men agreed, nodding their heads.
To visualize what this fanfic is about, watch Beulah McGillicutty's infamous porn video, and you act exactly like Beulah in the video until she introduces a silver dildo.
You acted exactly like Beulah during this striptease performance for these men except for when she brings out a dildo.
Soon, with your back turned in front of these men, you straddled a chair placed in between your legs.
Before sitting in that chair, you stuck your ass out in front of these men while your head was bent down.
While your ass was sticking out, your hand stroked your vulva in front of them.
You also turned your body around where your legs were spread wide open, one of your legs was up, and your hand was stroking your pussy exposed at these men.
These men jizzed and ejaculated during your performance, where you gave them oral sex after they came.
You, too, came during your performance.
You'd seen those pornographic pictures of Beulah and thought of letting these men fuck you while you're doing those Beulah poses, and you did.
If only you did this recreation of Beulah's porn video and photoshoot on her birthday in March in front of these sexy men.
When other sexy men joined the WWF---Christian Cage, Tommy Rogers, Jerry Lynn, Sean Morley, Chris Jericho, etc., you recreated the beginning of Beulah McGillicutty's porn video to these men privately.
Not to mention, during the Attitude era, you recreated her striptease at the beginning of her Penthouse video when you distracted an opponent as a valet, although you didn't show your breasts or your vulva, unfortunately.
During one of those coming up next segments in the WWF where the guitar riff to Slam Jam's "We're All Together Now" plays, you recreated the beginning of Beulah's Penthouse video as well as some of the pictures from her photoshoot, although your private parts weren't shown.
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lazarettta · 2 years
CharSha One Shots
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This is where I'll dump all of my charsha idea's...read at y'all own risk 😉
Our Fairytale
I Want A Puppy 🍆
Into You 🍆
Bad Idea 🍆
Be Alright
Just Business II
Thinking About You
Optimus Fine
Show Stopper I
Show Stopper II
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south-of-heaven · 5 months
The Four Horsewomen - WWE Masterlist
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Surprise celebration
Bruised and bloodied
Charlotte & Becky
Tired and cuddly
Bayley & Sasha
Knocked out
Bayley & Becky
Fun and distraction
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Important Decisions
Sasha Banks x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Real life events aka the walkout
Summary: You're an AEW wrestler dating Sasha Banks. You're on the road when you find out about her walking out of Raw. With no hesitation you're on the way to her.
An: Part of my 15 posts in 1 fay for 1.5k
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You had no idea what was going on. There was gossip going around, but you didn't trust gossip. The mumbles around the locker room were getting louder and louder.
" Did you hear your girl walked out on Raw tonight?"
You furrowed your eyebrows," What are you talking about, Max ?"
" It's all over twitter. Her and Naomi left the title belts and walked out, they even called it out on the air."
" Fuck," You grabbed your car keys and began to head out of the building.
The AEW politics were different from those of WWE. That's not to say they were better, just different. So no one had anything to say to you as you walked out mid-show.
You'd personally talk to Tony Khan and sort it out later, but now you were trying to get on a plane as soon as possible.
Mercedes wasn't answering any of your calls or text, which made you even more on edge.
The two-hour flight seemed to be going as slow as humanly possible. You kept checking social media for any possible updates. You were sending messages to Sasha's closest friends to see if they had been in contact with her.
Pam said she hadn't gotten an answer either and was on the way to her house now. She had offered to pick you up from the airport, which you accepted gratefully.
When you got in the car with her, you could tell that her nerves were just as bad as yours.
" This could be really bad," Pam said as she sped off in the direction of Mercedes house.
" I know, I've seen social media. I've seen the reports and the anonymous backstage opinions, but they don't know Mercedes. She wouldn't just do this for no reason."
When the two of you arrived at her place, there were already a few other cars parked outside. You could hear the yelling from outside.
Whatever you were about to walk into was not going to be easy to navigate. You unlocked the door with Pam trailing behind you.
" Mercedes, calm down," an Irish accent rings through your ears.
" Why should I have to calm the fuck down? They're putting full blame on Trin and me. Let's not act like we don't know why? I'm so fucking tired of this shit."
" We know that, but there's nothing we can do about it now," you can hear the tall blonde trying to de-escalate the situation.
Your eyes widen slightly, hearing both; Ashley and Becky in the same room. You didn't revel in the shock for too long before entering the living room.
Mercedes was pacing back and forth. Ashley and Becky were on opposite sides of the room, trying to comfort her. Trin was sitting on the couch in between Jon and Josh.
" Mercedes," eyes were now on you, and your girlfriend stopped her movements.
She pointed at you," Are they hiring over there where you work? Do they want the biggest name in the professional wrestling industry? I'll take the pay cut, I don't care. All I want is-"
You walked over to her and wrapped your arms around her waist. She immediately buried her head into your chest. After a few deep breaths, she regained her composure.
Her hands fiddled with the end of your shirt," How did you get here so fast?"
" I took a plane as soon as I heard. We don't have to talk about it, in fact, I don't think talking about it will do anyone any good."
Mercedes slips out of your grasp and takes a seat across from the Usos and Trinity.
" I'm so sorry I dragged you into this," she picks at her nails.
Trinity shakes her head," This was the right choice. Someone needed to do it, but not everyone is ready for that conversation."
Pam took a seat next to Mercedes and the three girls began to converse. You were going to join, but Ashley and Becky were giving you a look.
You headed for the kitchen, and the two women followed you. Ashley stood next to you and Becky stood across from her. They both gave each other an awkward look before clearing their throats.
Becky started," I'm not going to bullshit you Y/n, this is not looking good for either of them, but especially Mercedes."
" Trinity could possibly bounce back from this, but this could be the end of Sasha banks. The company is really focused on making Mercedes out as the big problem," Ashley explained.
" You think they'll fire her?"
This time, when the women share a look, it's somber.
" It's too early to tell," Becky says.
" But, it's definitely a possibility," Ashley finishes the thought.
You sigh, rubbing your hand over your face," Thank you for setting aside your differences for this, but I think I've got it from here."
They both nod and give you hugs separately before leaving. When you make it back to the living room, everyone has cleared the house. It's just Mercedes sitting there staring off into the abyss.
" Mercedes," she glances at you and her eyes begin to water.
You take a seat next to her and pull her into your side. Her head falls on your shoulder as you rub up and down her arm.
She sobs into your shoulder, and you just hold her tighter. You kiss the top of her head," Talk to me, baby."
" All I wanted to do was showcase the titles. They put the titles to fill some sort with diversity quota, but didn't bother to build the titles. They haven't meant anything since Pam and I held them, and that's not fair. Someone needed to stand up for them, and so I did… but now," she trailed off, tears welling back up.
" You did the right thing, but the right thing isn't always without consequence. You've given so much to this business. No matter how hard they try, they can never erase your legacy. WWE is not the end all be all anymore, you can go anywhere. Mercedes, you are a star, and they can't take that from you."
" I love you," she placed a kiss on your lips.
You smile at her," I love you more."
You sit there, entangled in each other, for a few moments.
" So, you never answered my question."
You arch an eyebrow at the blue haired woman.
" Are they hiring?"
You laugh," If I had to share a locker room with you, I'm not so sure, I'd be able to control myself."
She flipped her hair," Well, obviously that's why I'd have my own private changing room."
The sarcasm in her voice made you chuckle even more," Am I invited or?"
She taps her chin in faux-thought," I don't know, what do I get if I let you in?"
You smirk," You can have whatever you want, you're the boss."
Her eyes darken for a second," I can't really be sure if I can let you in unless I take you for a test drive."
" Upstairs?" You wiggle your eyebrows.
She cracks under your antics but agrees," Upstairs."
You pick her up bridal style, which makes her squeal. You two go upstairs in a fit of laughter, smiles, and kisses.
Mercedes would get through this, but until the storm passed, you'd make sure to be her umbrella.
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domripley · 11 months
You and Us - Two
pairing(s): 4hw x reader; poly!4hw
warnings: overstimulation, daddy kink, finger fucking, anal, fluff, kink negotiation, oral, oral sex on a strapon, verbal degradation, rimming, orgasm denial, ruined orgams
word count: 6,241
summary: You had been Becky’s sub for a while, and now you’re starting to become the other four horsewomen’s submissive.
You woke up the next morning to Sasha with her arm around you. Becky, Bayley, and Charlotte weren’t in the bed, but you were too exhausted to move.
“Good morning, love,” Sasha said against your throat. Kissing your shoulder as her finger tips ran across your chest.
“M-Morning,” you whined as Sasha moved down to kiss more of your skin. You knew what she was doing, but you weren’t too sure it was allowed.
“Did you have fun last night?”
“I-I did, did you?”
You tried to hold your breath, as her mouth reached your right nipple. “Wait!”
Sasha pulled back, concern was plastering her face. “What’s wrong, (Your Name)?”
“I-Is this allowed?”
Sasha didn’t respond to your question - instead she got up out of the bed, telling you to meet her downstairs with the others. You were worried she was upset with you, but she seemed like she wasn’t.
Once you had gone to the bathroom, and put a shirt on, you were sure it was Sasha’s. You made your way downstairs to find Bayley cooking, and both Charlotte and Sasha watching something on the television.
“Hey, sweetheart. Come join us.” Charlotte smiled.
You shyly smiled at them, sitting down next to the two of them. Becky came out of the downstairs, bathroom, moving towards the other couch that was across from the one you were currently on.
“So, Sasha had brought up something to us that you were concerned about. Would it be okay if we all talked about it over breakfast?” Becky asked, and you nodded.
“Yeah we can.”
Once everyone had set the table, Bayley brought the food out for everyone. You noticed that she had cooked you your favorite breakfast meal - eggs, toast, and hash browns. The thought that Becky has told them some of your favorite foods made your heart swell.
“Thank you for cooking this for us, Bayley,” you gave her a small smile. You wanted her to know how much you appreciated the effort, hoping that how nervous you were, wasn’t written all over your face.
“You’re very welcome, (Your Name).”
You took what you wanted from the plates of food, thankful that they didn’t talk about what Sasha told them right off the bat. You wouldn’t be ready for it - and Becky knew this. Waiting until everyone had what they wanted on their plate, and had already started eating, Becky began to talk.
“So Sasha had brought up that you were a little concerned that it wouldn’t be allowed if she were allowed to play with you while I was downstairs? Is that true?”
“I-I wasn’t sure because you weren’t in the room with us…” you tailed off, turning to the redhead. She looked calm, as if she understood what you were getting at.
“Baby, yer allowed to play with them as much as ya want. Even if I’m not in the same room or if I’m not even here. I play with them when yer away, and you knew that.” she gave you a reassuring smile. “So if Sasha wants to pleasure ya when the two of you are in the bed by yerselfs it’s more than okay. If any of them want to play with yer pretty pussy, you don’t need permission from me.”
“Alright, that makes me feel a lot better.” You bit your lip. Suddenly you jumped a little as you felt a hand touch your thigh, it was Sasha who you knew had no intentions of giving you what you wanted at that moment.
“I’m glad, and please if you have any other concerns I want you to come to me, come to us about them. We won’t be mad or even upset, (Your Name).” Sasha said, her hand traveling up higher. You shifted in your seat as you started to spread jelly onto a piece of your toast.
“I promise I will as soon as something comes up.” you knew if you had taken a bite of your toast, you would have choked because Sasha’s finger tips ghosted your inner thigh.
Leaning in, she whispered, “I’m going to fucking ruin you after they leave for the gym.”
You were definitely looking forward to it.
You all cleaned the table, and as Bayley, Becky, and Charlotte bid their goodbyes before going to the gym, Becky gave you a knowing smirk.
“So what do you want to do?” you asked to break the comfortable silence, and Sasha turned to look at you.
“Let’s go upstairs and finish what we were about to start.” she suggested, grabbing your hand and leading you up to the master bedroom. You were glad she had told the others about your concern, especially since you were now much more comfortable with the thought of even doing things with just Sasha around.
As the two of you got in the room, Sasha pushed you onto the bed. Moving between your legs, she began grinding against you. “Do you want me to kiss you?” she asked, kissing the side of your neck.
“Yes, please.”
Your first thought she was referring to your mouth, but as she moved down your body, you realized she was talking about something entirely different from what you thought. Moving down so that your legs were dangling off the foot of the bed, you let out a quiet gasp as Sasha pushed your thighs apart. “Knew you weren’t wearing anything other than my shirt this morning. You look so good in it, but wanna know what looks much better?”
Getting down on her knees, Sasha continued to keep eye contact with you. Slapping your pussy lightly, she spoke up, “I asked you a question, (Your Name). I expect an answer.”
“Wh-What looks better, Sash?”
“This pretty little pussy of yours, no wonder why Becky loves it. So pretty.” she leaned in, kissing your right inner thigh, before your other thigh. She was going slow on purpose. Closing her eyes, she kissed your pussy softly, to where you could barely feel it.
”Please,” you whined, hoping she would give in. You knew if it was Becky, she wouldn’t give in, and maybe Sasha would be different.
“What do you want?” she asked, running the pad of her thumb through your folds.
“Your mouth, please? M’need your mouth on me.”
“But I’ve already had my mouth on your thighs, what more do you want?”
You knew the game she was playing all too well - Becky had done this to you many times before. “Want your mouth on my pussy, please Sash?”
Instead of ignoring your request, Sasha wrapped her lips around your clit, she pressed two of her fingers against your entrance. “Beg me.” she said dipping one of the fingers into your hole.
“Sash, please just fuck me, I need it.” You gave in, not wanting to wait any longer for her mouth.
Sasha didn’t waist anymore more time, sliding two of her fingers into your tight cunt. You let out a quiet wimpier as she started off with a slow pace. You wanted much more already, and both of you knew that.
“You’re already so wet and I’ve barely been fucking you. Tell me, do you want another finger, baby? What do you want?”
You took a deep breath, trying your best to focus on the words that were ready to say. However, as she rubbed the pad of her thumb against your clit, you had almost come then and there if she hadn’t pulled her hand away from you entirely.
“Bu-“ you started, but she cut you off, slapping your pussy hard. You let out a cry, instantly shutting your legs as you watched Sasha get up from where she was sitting.
“No ‘buts’, baby. ‘Bout to give you something much better than my mouth and my fingers.” You weren’t sure at first what she was referring to, too focused on losing the pleasure she was giving you. Going to one of the dressers they had in the room - the smallest that was more of a storage container. Sasha pulled out a viborator that you were very familiar with. Becky’s favorite to use on you was in fact, a hitachi - usually she used it while she fucked you with her strapon. So what Sasha was getting ready to do was completely different.
“I’m going to overstimulate you until I’m bored. Understood? Color?”
“Green,” you took a deep breath. “And I understand.”
Turning on the hitachi to the lowest setting, Sasha pushed it up against your clit lightly. ”Holy fuck!” you let out a gasp, closing your legs as quickly as you could. The sudden feeling on your cunt was enough to send you over the edge way too early.
“First and only warning baby, you close your legs again I’ll tie you up for the others to find you. Leave you with this messy little pussy so desperate? It would honestly be such a shame, baby.” Sasha hummed, waiting for your response.
“No, no please, I promise I’ll keep my legs open, Sash!” you begged, doing as you said you would.
“Yeah that’s it. We’re going to go nice and slow okay? If it gets to be way too much, make sure you safeword. I won’t be upset at all. Understood?”
“I understand.”
“Good girl.”
You tried your best to stay focused on keeping your legs open, not wanting to be punished. You also didn’t want to disappoint her.
She pushed the hitachi hard against your clit, causing your left leg to shake as you tried even harder to not give in to closing your legs. “Sash-!” you cried out, coming faster than you ever have. You hadn’t realized you closed your eyes, until you opened them to find Sasha staring up at you.
“You came so fast, baby. Are you ready for another?” she asked, turning the toy up a notch. Looking up at you as you nod, the next level it was on, was much faster than the first and it made you a little nervous. “This time, (Your Name), you’re going to tell me how close you are before you come. You don’t have to ask for permission, but I need to know that you’re coming.”
You didn’t think anything of it, and as Sasha pushed the hitachi against your pussy once more, any thoughts left your head. Continuing to push it against you, you began to shake, unsure if your orgasm was approaching. “Sasha, please.” you cried out, unsure of what you were begging for.
“Yes, (Your Name)?”
The way your name rolled off of her tongue pushed you closer to the edge, and you were trying to gather up the words you wanted to say. “M’close, Sash. I’m already so close again-“ you cut yourself as your second orgasm ripped through you. But as fast as it came, it was just as fast leaving, if not faster.
Sasha let out a laugh, shutting off the hitachi. You let out a gasp, “Sasha?”
“Yeah, baby girl?”
“Why did you do that?” you cried out, closing your legs as tight as you could.
“Because I can. I gave you two orgasms - did I not? Hm?”
You knew she had a point, but you never thought she would ruin your orgasm. Usually Becky would have told you what she was doing, and now you were realizing they were all much more different than the redhead.
“Let’s get you dressed, the others will be here soon.”
It was going to be a very long day.
When they finally got back home, you had showered, and Sasha had given you a clean pair of clothes. You wanted so much more than what she gave you, but you didn’t want to be bratty towards her. Not yet. Becky knew how much of a brat you could be, and you wanted to keep that between the two of you for a while. Although, last night Bayley got a little taste of how you could be.
“You okay, (Your Name)? You seem a little distracted?” Charlotte asked. The two of you were the only ones downstairs, as Sasha and Bayley were taking a nap, and Becky was downstairs in their home gym. You hadn’t even realized that she came into the room, or that you were supposed to be doing the dishes.
“N-No, what makes you say that, Char?” you asked, even though both of you knew the real answer.
“Bex told you to do dishes, and you’ve been trying to grind against the counter for five minutes. I heard what Sasha did to you,” Charlotte said, getting closer to the point where your ass was against her front. You gasped, feeling that she was packing. “Such a rude, rude thing to do to your pretty little pussy.”
Charlotte whispered in your ear, your breath caught in your throat at the feeling of her breath against your neck. She had you there, and you both knew it. “Please…” you trailed off, grinding against Charlotte’s strap that she was packing.
Without a word the blonde pulled back, giving herself enough room to unzip her jeans “Pull your pants down to your ankles, along with your panties. Gonna fuck you right here, like you deserve.”
You did as she said, hoping that she wasn’t going to pull what Sasha did. But as soon as they were around your ankles, she was quick to bend you over the sink. “You’re such a filthy little thing, baby. Letting me take you anywhere I want, huh? Knowing the others could easily walk in and see what’s going on. Tell me, how do you think Daddy would react?”
Before you could answer, she lined up the toy to your entrance, and slid in with ease. “She really did leave you desperate, I didn’t even need to get you ready for me. Now answer my question or I can stay inside you while you finish your dishes. Your choice.”
“Daddy would watch you fuck me at first, and then… laugh at how wet I am,” you moaned, trying your best to focus on the words that were coming out of your mouth instead of the cock in your cunt. “Then she would pro-probably fuck me in front of you.”
“Yeah she would, after I got done using this cunt of ours. You’re already squeezing around my cock, baby. I bet Daddy would love to hear about this.” Charlotte laughed, gripping your waist as she fucked into you. “Who’s pussy is this? I love hearing you say it.”
”Yours, B-Bayley’s, Sash’s, and Daddy’s,” you gasped as she pulled you closer to her by your hair. “Oh god, please fuck me harder, M-Charlotte.” You caught yourself before you could say it, thankful because you weren’t sure if she was even into that. It seemed as if she didn’t catch on - which you were glad for that. Without responding, Charlotte fucked you faster, wrapping her hand around your throat as she did. You gripped the sink counter, trying your best not to make too much noise, especially since Bayley and Sasha were upstairs sleeping.
“You’re so wet, baby, I can hear your cunt. I bet Daddy can too.” you cried out, fucking her back to meet her movements. “You would love that huh? Having Daddy hear from all the way in the basement, letting her know how wet our cunt is?”
She let go of your neck, pushing you back against the sink, she pulled all the way out until the tip was the only thing inside of you. You thought she was going to pull out, but as soon as that thought crossed your mind, Charlotte slammed back in all the way to the hilt. You let out a loud cry, feeling the mess you were making on your thighs. You tried to move, but she held you in place. “You’re not allowed to fuck me back, baby.” she laughed, reaching her right hand down to your clit.
“You’re making such a mess, baby, you just might even make a mess on the floor. You like being fucked like this, don’t you?”
She held you in place as she rubbed your clit, not moving herself caused you to whimper. “Please, Char,”
“Please what? What. Ever. Could. You. Want?” Each word punctuated with a thrust, almost sending you over the edge on the last one.
“Wanna come for you.”
“Then do it, slut.”
She began to move once again, rubbing your clit in a way that was perfectly timed with her thrusts. Your legs started to shake, thankful that Charlotte was able to hold you up herself. You came, holding back a moan by biting your arm, you had just realized the kitchen window was open. You were way too busy thinking about the cock that was still inside of you.
“Fuck, you’re so lucky I didn’t wear my cock that could fill you up. I’d pull your panties back up once I stuffed you and then I’d eat your pussy when I got the chance.” Charlotte whispered in your ear, still rubbing your clit as you rode out your orgasm.
”Oh my god,” you knew in that moment that Becky had told her about the time she fucked you like that. Obviously you didn’t care that she did - but the fact Charlotte brought it up just as you were coming down from your high.
Finally pulling out, Charlotte turned you around, so that your back was against the counter. Getting down on her knees, you weren’t sure what she was doing. You looked down at her and as she leaned in, you gasped as she placed a light kiss on your clit. You watched as she stood back, and helped you pull your clothes back up.
“Wanna watch a movie, baby?” she asked, holding you in the arms as you calmed down. You wanted nothing more than to stay in her arms for the rest of the day.
“Yes, please… but the dishes.”
“Fuck the dishes, I’ll do them after. Alright? What do you want to watch, baby?”
“Something scary.”
“You got it.”
You woke up still in Charlotte’s arms on the couch, and you didn’t even remember falling asleep. Looking up from your place, Charlotte was asleep as well. Your head laid comfortably on her chest, unsure if you should move, or not. You knew you needed to work on a new storyline, and since your vacation was ending in two days, you needed to get a move on things.
You let out a yawn, trying your best to stretch without waking Charlotte up, you were surprised at how heavy of a sleeper she was. You looked around the room to see the strap she had fucked you with was laying on the carpet. Letting out a laugh, you were startled to hear Bayley sitting on the other couch.
“I’m guessing she already fucked you?” Bayley asked casually, and you bit your lip.
“Y-Yeah.” you whispered, you were suddenly embarrassed about it, but Bayley didn’t seem all too fazed.
“Do you need help getting up? You look like you want to get up.” she asked, thankfully changing the subject. You weren’t sure how she knew, but you were glad. She held on to your hand as you lifted yourself over Charlotte. As soon as you were off of her, you turned to Bayley.
“What time is it?” you asked, yawning as you were finally able to stretch out fully.
“Seven thirty, why?”
”Shit.” you groaned. You were ready to head upstairs to grab your laptop, but Bayley stopped you.
“What’s wrong?”
“I have to write out an email to Vince and Hunter to see if they’d be willing to hear my pitch for a Rusev and Kevin Owens storyline. It’s due at nine.”
Before Bayley could say anything, you ran up the steps to the little office they had made for you for when you were over their house. You needed to get this email out as fast as you could - thankfully you write everything out in a google document so all you had to do was go over it and then copy and paste.
Opening up the document, you looked through it, making sure there were no mistakes, and it all made sense. Once you looked over it two, three, four times, you copied and pasted it into the email and sent it. You were definitely a perfectionist - but it usually always worked out in your favor. You were so busy that you hadn’t realized that Bayley was standing in the doorway.
“Sorry I kind of freaked out on you, I realized now that I had time but it takes a little while for me to read things over and double check to make sure everything is perfect.”
“You’re okay! I was under the impression that you actually didn’t write it and if that was the case I would’ve had to spank you. You can’t be fucking us - or should I say getting fucked by us and not be doing your job.” When she admitted that, your breath caught in your throat. “But since you had everything done, and only had to read it over to send it I think you deserve a reward, don’t you?”
“I-I do.”
“Then tell me.”
“I deserve a reward, Bayley. Please give me one,” you whispered the last part, embarrassed, as if the two of you were in a crowded room.
“Then come with me. Becky and Sasha went to get some takeout, since it’s our cheat day.” she explained and you nodded. She took you into their room, just as Sasha did earlier. “I’m feeling sore still from my workout, so would you like to know what your reward is?”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Bayley.”
“I’m going to sit on the edge of the bed, and if you want to get off, you’re going to ride my thigh.”
You watched as she undressed, your eyes never leaving her as she sat down. You weren’t sure how this was a reward, but you weren’t going to complain. You undressed quickly, not wanting to waste any time. She watched you, spreading her legs as she did so when you walked over to her, you had enough room for her thigh.
“I would give you my cock, but Charlotte already gave you hers and I don’t want to make you too greedy.” she laughed as you straddled her thigh. The contact of warmth against your cunt made you cry out, and earned you a light slap to your face. “Did I say you could make any noises?”
“No, that’s right.”
Bayley let out a moan as you began to move against her toned thigh. Holding onto her shoulders for support, you tried your best not to look at her. To you, this was embarrassingly hot as she just sat there. Watching as you picked up your pace, Bayley wrapped her left hand around your throat. It was a lot harder to do this than you thought it would be, but as soon as you finally found a steady rhythm that was easier for you, Bayley lightly pushed you off of her. “Nevermind, I have a much better idea. Bend over the bed for me, baby.”
You nodded, doing as you were told as quick as you could. You needed her to fuck you, and as hard as it was to be patient, you knew that that was the only way you’d get anything from her.
“Have you ever had a tongue in your tight little ass, (Your Name), has Becky done that to you, hm?”
“I-I-” you were getting ready to make an excuse, but Bayley brought a hand down to your ass hard.
“Don’t even try to lie to me, baby.”
”Yes! Yes she has,” you whined. You were glad that you couldn’t see her face - knowing that she had a smirk plastered all over it.
“That’s Daddy’s hole isn’t it?” you hummed in response, turning to see that she was on her knees. “Well it’s going to be mine tonight, understood?”
“Yes, Bayley.”
You knew you were going to get into trouble with Becky later on, especially since she made it clear that that hole was hers and only hers. You just hoped Bayley would get into trouble as well.
“You’re so easy when you’re wet, I’ll have to remember that for later.” she said before trailing her tongue across your right asscheek. You knew what was coming, you and you wanted it more than anything. “Tell me who’s ass is this? Answer wisely baby, or you’re getting nothing.”
“It’s… yours. Bayley, my ass is yours!” you cried out, as her tongue met your entrance. Licking around it, Bayley hummed as you let out a whimper. ”Please!”
“Please what? What do you want?”
“Want your tongue.”
“You have my tongue, baby.”
“Want your tongue in me,” you whispered, trying your best not to beg too much. Not wanting to come off way too desperate.
“Good girl, was that so hard, huh?”
“No, Bayley.”
“Good girl.”
Leaning closer towards you once more, Bayley licked your entrance once, twice, before pushing her tongue into you. You let out a moan that you had been holding onto since she had you bent over. The thought of Becky punishing you had left your head as she slowly fucked your ass. She stiffened out her tongue, reaching underneath you to rub at your clit. “You’re so wet, is this all because I’m using my tongue on your pretty little ass?”
“Answer me, baby or I’ll stop.” she warned.
“Yes, it’s all because of you. Please don’t stop, it feels so good!”
“I’m so glad to hear that, baby. You better ask before you even think about coming.”
You nodded, “I will, I promise.”
She continued on with what she was doing, fucking you slowly as she picked up the pace of the fingers that were rubbing at your clit. Balling your fists up with the sheets as she slid her tongue back out of your ass. “You know, I can see why Becky really loves you ass. I think it might actually be my favorite too.”
Standing back up from off her knees, Bayley walked over to the dresser that Sasha had gotten the hitachi out, and pulled out a much smaller strapon than you had seen from what they’ve used on you so far.
“Gonna get you prepped, alright? Remember your safewords, and that you can use them at any time?”
“I do.”
“Good girl. For this I need you on your hands and knees.” she instructed, and you moved up onto the bed. You heard her squirt some lube onto one of her fingers.
Bayley pushed the tip of her finger into your entrance. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay! It’s been awhile,” you whimper as she pushed her finger deeper into you.
You slowed down your breathing, trying your best not to focus on the finger in your ass. Bayley coated another finger in the lube before she slowly pushed the finger into you to join the other. “You’re doing such a good job, I picked a smaller toy so it won’t be so bad. Alright?”
“Okay,” you breathed. You wanted the strapon inside of you more than anything, but you knew this had to take time. “Your fingers feel so good.”
“Good, I’m glad, baby.” she hummed, sliding her fingers out of your ass. She stood back admiring the way you looked, opened up the lube bottle once more. You bite your lip at the sound of her squeezing a large amount of lube onto her hand. “Wish you could see what I’m doing, jerking this toy like it’s an actual cock. In a way, I wish it was. Wanna know why, (Your Name)?”
“Y-Yes, I wanna know, Bayley, please tell me!” you begged, tensing up a little as the tip pressed against your entrance.
“Because I’d come in this ass of yours,” she chuckled. “Now relax, or this is going to really hurt and that’s the last thing I want to do to you.”
You nodded, taking a deep breath as you thought of something other than the strap that was going inside of you. Bayley pushed the tip inside of you, waiting a few seconds before pushing more of it inside of you. “Is it good? Are you okay, baby?”
“Yeah, it’s good, so good.”
Once you say that to her, Bayley goes a little faster, pushing the rest of it in, before pulling a little bit of it out to add more lube. “You’re so tight, Becky’s been neglecting this hole, hasn’t she?” she asked, starting with a slow pace. “Y-Yeah she has, need you to fuck my ass faster, please.”
Bayley gave you what you wanted, picking up the pace as you still got used to the feeling. So focused on the pleasure that you hadn’t realized that Becky was watching from the doorway. However, Bayley definitely noticed, knowing exactly what the redhead was going to be doing to you later without a word.
“Is this all you need? A cock in your ass to get you to not think at all? Maybe we shouldn’t even touch your pretty little pussy anymore.”
“N-No, like it in both holes,” you cried out fucking her back, you needed much more than what she was giving you at the moment.
“Of course you do, now fuck me back harder if you want anything more. This is all that I’m giving you, baby.”
You do just that, fuck her back as hard as you could, thankful that Bayley added more lube as you would pull off of the toy just enough to get some on it. You were growing close, and as soon as you were ready to tell her, she began to rub your clit. Choking on your words, you come silently as you tried to fight it the best you could. As soon as Bayley realized what you were doing, she roughly pulled out, slapping your ass as hard as she could.
“What did I tell you, slut?”
“Not to come…” you trailed off, knowing she was going to tell Becky.
“And what did you do?”
“I came without permission.”
“Yeah you did, and now I have to tell Becky, baby.” she teased, sighing in faux disappointment. “She’s going to be so upset with you.”
You knew you were in for it, but a part of you was excited.
You went downstairs, ready for dinner, but eating definitely was not on your mind. Seeing the pizza boxes on the table, you smiled at yourself. Becky knew your favorite thing was pizza, but you rarely hadit because Becky only had a cheat meal once a week.
“Grab a paper plate, (Your Name), and come in and eat. We got pepperoni, buffalo chicken, and Hawaiian.” Sasha explained, and you nodded.
As the four of you ate, you weren’t sure if Bayley had told her already or not. Becky was acting as if you didn’t just break one of her main rules, and you couldn’t help but start to grow even more anxious than before.
“So, (Your Name), how was your day?” Sasha asked.
“I-It was good! Sent out the proposition for a storyline, and I’m really hoping they approve of it.”
Sasha waited until you swallowed your bite to ask her next question. “What else did you do?”
“Uh, well, you ruined my orgasm, and then Charlotte fucked me in the kitchen. Then Bayley-“
Becky cut you off, “Fucked you in my hole.”
Becky wasn’t even looking at you when she said it, and when you looked over at both Charlotte and Sasha, they were trying to hold back laughter. You knew you were fucked, and now you needed to get Bayley in trouble as well - or try to at least.
“It was Bayley’s idea!”
Charlotte and Sasha broke out in laughter at that, and that’s when Becky finally turned to you. Raising an eyebrow at your sudden outburst.
“Sorry, Daddy.”
“Yer gonna be sorry. When you’re done eating go upstairs to our room. I want ya undressed by the time we all get done talking and eating. Understood?”
“I understand.”
“Get to it, slut.”
Once you were finished, you threw away your plate, and rushed upstairs. You took your shirt off, folding it and putting it on the chair next to the bed. Doing the same with the rest of your clothes - Becky liked when you did that, so you hope that that would lessen the punishment she was going to give you.
It had been a half an hour since you were up in the bedroom, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think Becky had forgotten about you. But you knew Becky - she loved building up suspense before she punished you. Sometimes it worked, other times it just made you even more impatient.
Finally, after what felt like hours, Becky entered the room. “You’re in a lot of trouble, (Your Name). First, you let Bayley fuck my hole. Then, you give me an attitude because it was ‘Bayley’s idea’. I’m not sure what I should do with you. All I know is that we’ve been spoiling you since last night and I think you’re getting a little too greedy. What do you think, baby?”
“I’m not being greedy, Daddy.”
You both knew that was a lie, but she continued on. “Come get down on your knees, here.” she said, snapping her fingers towards the space near her feet. You did as you were told, knowing that any other brattiness would cause you to get into even more trouble.
Looking up at Becky, you could tell she wasn’t all that mad that she played out to be. But you wanted to get back onto her good side as soon as you could. “You know Daddy’s packing, right? I was going to fuck you so nice and slow, knowing that they made your pretty little pussy swollen.”
“Da-“ you tried, but Becky slapped your cheek. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt way too much, but it was enough.
“Ya don’t get to talk. Greedy sluts only get to listen and please. Understood?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Get my cock out.”
You pull down her sweats, licking your lips as the tip sprung out in front of your face. It was more on the thicker side - one she had fucked you with many times before. You went to wrap your lips around it, but Becky stepped back. “I told ya to get my cock out, not suck it. What, ya’ve gotten so much that you forgot that I’m in charge here? Do we need ta go back to when ya first subbed to me?”
“No, Daddy!” you reassured her - not wanting to go back to being edge every single night for a month.
“Good, because my cock needs dat pussy of yers,” she chuckled, gripping the base of the cock, she playfully slapped your cheek with it. The heat between your legs grew as she humiliated you some more - you just hope she hadn’t realized.
“Get on the bed, on Yer back for daddy - right on the edge.” she instructed, watching as you quickly got up. “Spread Yer legs fer me.”
You slowly opened them, looking right at Becky. She was stroking her strapon, moving closer so she could get a better look at your soaked cunt.”
“I have an idea for tomorrow, wanna hear it?” she asked, looking only at your pussy as she ran the tip of the toy through your folds.
“Fuck, yes Daddy. Please tell me what your idea is!” you cried out, tensing up as she lined it up to your entrance.
“Since you let Bayley play with my hole, I should show them who really owns it. What do ya think?”
You didn’t answer her right away, earning a slap to your cunt from the strapon. You let out a whine as she continued to slap at your clit, chuckling at how wet you were getting. “Can ya come from just this slut?” she kept going, picking up the pace.
“Y-yes, Daddy. Please keep going.”
“No. You don’t get what you want.” she snapped, sliding into you roughly. Not giving you any time to adjust to the toy, she began a rough pace.
“Do you like when yer Daddy fucks you like this? Fucks you the way you deserve to be fucked?”
“Uh-huh. Please, Daddy I wanted it harder.”
Becky slowed down completely, gripping your thighs as she fucked you. “What did I just tell you? Baby, you’re never like this. Are you getting dumb because the others fucked you all earlier?”
“Y-yes, Daddy. Please.”
“No. You’ll come tomorrow when I want you to.” She said, pulling out of you, and giving your pussy a harsh slap.
“Get you on the bed for me, (Your Name).” she instructed, sliding out of the harness.
You slowly crawled onto the bed, waiting as Becky grabbed the baby wipes from the drawer. “Wipe your thighs.” you nodded, wiping them off before throwing away the wipe.
“Do ya wanna cuddle, baby?”
“Is that really a question, Bex?” you rolled your eyes, earning a laugh from the redhead.
“I would rather ask ya than assume.”
“Well when it comes to cuddling, you can always assume. You should know this by now.”
“You have a point. Let’s get some rest, tomorrow’s a big day for ya.”
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Sugar (Sasha Banks x Charlotte Flair x Reader)
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You smiled as you saw the basket sitting inside of your apartment. You could tell by the handwriting on the card it was from Charlotte. Either they were both being very quiet in your apartment or you had to find Sasha’s gift to learn where to meet them. 
Back when you were an intern at WWE, you had met Sasha and Charlotte. You continued struggling through college and they tried supporting you the best they could. Despite their in-ring personas, both women were shy, so it took until your internship was up for them to ask you out. Sasha had done it first, but she had let you give Charlotte a chance as well. Somehow, all three of you being together had worked a lot better than you trying to give both of them a chance at the same time. 
“Subtle,” you said as you found Sasha’s gift in the bedroom. You put the suit Sasha left you and the watch and necklace from Charlotte on before you went to the location on the card. You had lived in Florida for a long time, but spent most of your time at the beach or in some sort of class. Through them, you got to see the nicer parts of the state and city you lived in. 
“Ah, there she is,” Sasha said as she saw you. You sat down at the table across from the two of them and took a sip of the wine they had ordered. “Do you like the suit?” 
“It’s nice,” you said and Charlotte gave Sasha a sideways glance. 
“Told you she’d like it. The necklace looks good. It’s subtle, but I can’t stop staring at your neck,” Charlotte said as she leaned forward. The three of you enjoyed the dinner before you went up to their hotel room with them. You traded in the suit for a pair of Charlotte’s sweatpants and an old sweater from Sasha. As nice as getting dressed up and going out to a fancy restaurant was, that life wasn’t really for you. Besides, you always felt the most spoiled whenever your girls let you enjoy a quiet night in and gave you their time. 
“So, how was your day?” Sasha asked as she played with your hair. 
“Good, I got some good footage this morning before work,” you said and Charlotte frowned. “Please, not now Charlie.” 
“You wouldn’t have to work if you just moved in with us,” Charlotte said. “We’ll get a place in town and you can live there.” 
“But you won’t be there and I don’t wanna stay in a big house all alone,” you told her. “You guys spend so much money trying to keep me happy, but what really puts a smile on my face is when I get to be like this with the two of you. I didn’t fall for your money, I fell for you because you’re both sweet and loving. That’s the sugar I want.” 
“Then move in with us and let us spoil you that way,” Sasha offered. “We’ll take more time to be with you. Even if we can’t, you could always come with one or both of us on the road.” 
“Yeah, I love showing you off because you’re amazing and people should know that,” Charlotte told you. “So, please?” 
“Fine, I’ll move in with you, but I’m not staying more than a couple weeks alone in that house,” you told them. 
“You won’t,” they both promised. 
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Somehow we’ll make it through
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judgementdaysunshine · 8 months
I have another request for you. It's for "The Queen" Charlotte Flair. You can write whatever you want
Against the odds
Pairing: Charlotte Flair x Fem reader
Description: Charlotte helps you during physical therapy after getting badly injured and the will to get back for Wrestlemania
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The past few weeks have been a rollercoaster for you after getting injured during a triple threat match against Bianca Belair and Rhea Ripley for a match against Sasha Banks at Wrestlemania. During the match you jump on the top rope since you were mostly a high flyer going for a corkscrew flip but as you start to jump Becky Lynch comes out of nowhere and shakes the rope making you lunge forward as you start to turn landing on rhea but also in between the barricade and half of a table hearing a crack screaming in pain as rhea quickly turns while lightly squeezing your arm asking if you were okay crying and shaking your head unable to move your leg having to be carried by rhea backstage with a concerned bianca following behind after dealing with becky crying more as you're looked over with rhea holding one hand and Charlotte holding the other before paramedics wheel you off with charlotte and Shotzi going with you while the match finishes with rhea getting the match against sasha. You get many calls and visits from everyone in the hospital after finding that you had fractured your leg but also tore your ACL as you lunged and landed on rhea due to the quick change of the angle when the ropes shook under you, you felt frustrated and depressed knowing that all the hard work and endless nights of stress it had all just went down the drain zoning back from your thoughts to start your physical therapy stopping halfway through not only from the pain but also from the thought of giving up your career after what had happened turning when a hand grabs your own to see charlotte beside you "You can't give up just because of an injury" tears that you held in so long finally poured as charlotte holds in a tight and long hug telling you how far you had come from your start in TNA to NXT and now in WWE for the past four years "You have more heart than anyone I have met and it would kill me to just let you give up" you stare at her before getting up holding her hand as you finished the session even doing extra to make up the little bit of time you lost from not having any will to. The next few weeks are a blur as charlotte is by your side for the rest of your many bouts of physical therapy and rehab on your leg until you were finally given the clear to wrestle having a rematch against rhea and bianca leading to you winning and getting the match with Sasha plus getting a tag team with charlotte and your two friends faced against becky, Sonya Devile, Bayley, and Liv Morgan which was one hell of a match even getting some dirty tactics on becky thanks to the girls distracting the ref and attacking the others before getting a pin and winning becoming women's championship at wrestlemania despite your severe injury and long absence with only a week to prepare for wrestlemania but you flew beyond the odds thanks to help and will from charlotte.
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