#bayley x becky lynch
qosbaez · 7 months
Could you do one with Baylynch where Bayley is having a anxiety attack after Dakota betrays her and Becky’s there to comfort her?
Betrayal || Bayley x Becky Lynch
Summary: Becky's there when Bayley freaks out after Dakota's betrayal.
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In the wake of Dakota's betrayal, Bayley found herself spiraling into a whirlwind of anxiety and uncertainty. The sting of betrayal cut deep, leaving her feeling raw and vulnerable. As she stumbled backstage, her chest tight with panic, she longed for a sense of comfort and stability.
That's when she saw Becky, her former friend turned rival turned lover, standing in the hallway, her expression a mix of concern and determination.
"Bayley," Becky called out, her voice gentle yet firm. "Are you alright?"
Bayley shook her head, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. "No, no. I'm not okay. I don't know what to do. Dakota...she- she betrayed me."
Becky's heart ached at the sight of Bayley's distress, her own resolve strengthening as she reached out to gently grasp Bayley's trembling hand. "Hey, hey, I'm here. Whatever you need."
As Bayley's anxiety threatened to overwhelm her, Becky guided her to a quiet corner backstage, away from the prying eyes of their fellow wrestlers. With each passing moment, Bayley felt the tight knot of tension in her chest begin to unravel, the warmth of Becky's presence a soothing balm against the storm raging within her.
"I don't know what to do, Becky," Bayley admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I feel so lost and alone."
Becky cupped Bayley's face gently, her gaze filled with compassion and understanding. "You're not alone, Bayley. I'm right here beside you, every step of the way."
In that moment, Bayley felt a sense of peace wash over her, the weight of her anxieties lifted by Becky's unwavering support. With each word of encouragement, each reassuring touch, Becky helped to anchor her in the present, guiding her through the storm with steady hands and a compassionate heart.
As they sat there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Bayley realized that she didn't have to face her fears alone. With Becky by her side, she felt stronger and more resilient than ever before.
Together, they would weather the storm, navigating the highs and lows of life in the wrestling world with courage and determination. And as they faced the challenges ahead, Bayley knew that with Becky's support, she could overcome anything that came her way. For in Becky Lynch, she had found not just a friend, but a kindred spirit, a beacon of light in the darkness.
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lazarettta · 2 years
Three Alpha's and Their Omega
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Sasha gets hurt during a match and her three best friends and lovers take care of her...and eventually the person who hurt her. (probably not in the way you're thinking)
Word count (3.1k)
The Four Horsewomen of the WWE were the rock stars of the company and the women’s wrestling division. Any match they were in often overshadowed the men’s division wrestling. Three alphas and one Omega were changing women’s wrestling one match at a time. They were also the most unusual group in the WWE.
Because Sasha, being the omega she is, which was very rare, she was very close to three Alphas and that was even rarer. The fact that Charlotte, Bayley and Becky all seemed to be totally at ease around each other with Sasha in such proximity all the time, it was a mystery to everyone not in their inner circle.
The three women never really found themselves fighting each other on who got to cuddle with Sasha, or who got to cook for her or each other. Anything that would trigger an Alpha rage fueled by pure jealousy seemed to have completely bypassed the three women when it came to Sasha.
But that could not be said for any other Alpha that came sniffing in their direction. Surprisingly, it was Bayley who was always ready to fight anyone who had something snide to say about their relationship or if they even so much as looked at Sasha the wrong way. Or just in any way Bayley didn't like in general.
The four women were a force to be reckoned with. Their relationship wasn't always so smooth sailing as it were now. They've lived, learned and loved from their days in NXT. Through trial and error...and despite the heavy obstacles that threatened their paradise they rose above it all together.
They all shared a two story tour bus courtesy of Sasha’s first cousin; Snoop Dogg. Four bedrooms; two on the second floor and two on the first. Sasha and Becky were up top and Charlotte and Bayley were on the first floor. It was decked out with everything they could ever need and things they won’t ever need, but it was nice to have around anyway just to be safe. It was quite literally their home on the road.
Currently, they were all waiting for Sasha to get to their bus so that they could get back on the road and leave New Orleans because they had a show in New York on in a week, not to mention all of the autograph signings and photo shoots the following days.
Neither of them have really seen their omega since her main event ladder match. And normally they all gave each other their space after such an intense match, but Sasha had been thrown back first onto a steel ladder, and her landing was quite brutal. Even for a ladder match.
It was all Becky and Charlotte could do to keep their own protectiveness and anger in check so that they could keep Bayley in her chair and from running out in the middle of the match and having management come down on all of their asses.
After the match, all three of them tried to find Sasha but no of them had too much luck. Bayley offered to go wait back on their tour bus just in case Sasha tried to avoid checking in with the trainers (something they were all prone to do really). Meanwhile Becky and Charlotte looked around backstage frantically, nearly scaring the medical staff half to death when they burst into the trainer's room. Because apparently, they were not the only ones looking for The Boss.
Stephanie McMahon was also on a warpath because Sasha did skip on a mandatory check up, and Stephanie was not at all pleased with Alexa Bliss botching that ladder move with Sasha that happened in the ring. Not at all.
But that was all an hour and a half ago, and they were all beyond worried while Charlotte was getting angrier on top of her growing worry. She just couldn’t sit around in their living room any longer not knowing where their omega was. If she was safe or if she was hurting and all alone without them. It was driving her absolutely batshit crazy.
“Fuck this,” Charlotte growled as she pulled her hands out of her hoodie pocket, “I’m gonna go back out to look-”
The door leading from the driver’s area opened and Sasha slowly entered their living room and closed the door behind her softly. She looked...well, Sasha looked enervated as she dropped her duffel bag on the floor by the door and smiled tiredly at her three favorite people. She was smiling at them as if she weren't missing for nearly two hours without any sort of communication and driving her family crazy.
Sasha had a black eye forming under her right eye and they could only imagine what her back looked like along with the rest of her body.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late…”
“S-sorry?!” Becky recovered first, her jaw snapping shut as she jumped to her feet but she didn’t move to crowd Sasha, “Where the hell have you been?! We’ve been lookin’ everywhere for ya, Sasha!”
Sasha winced at Becky’s tone and Bayley, though she was upset as well, knew that Sasha didn’t need all of them jumping down her throat. Bayley glared at the two hotheads as she got up and tried to lead Sasha to the sofa but she was immediately stopped when Sasha pulled away before Bayley could even touch her. And the alpha wouldn’t deny that it stung a little bit. More than a little bit.
“Can we talk in the morning? Please? I’m just...really kinda tired guys…?” Sasha asked, adjusting her glasses tiredly. Deep down inside all she wanted to do was snuggle with her lovers and sleep for the next three days but her stubborn nature was in full swing.
All three alpha females wanted to press the issue and make Sasha talk to them but they all knew how quickly her walls could go up if they did that and none of them felt like breaking through those defenses anytime soon.
Sasha didn’t hug them goodnight like she usually loved to do but made sure to make physical contact with them as she made the painful journey up the stairs to her room, doing her best to mask her pain. She didn’t want to worry them anymore than she’s already done.
Sasha’s back was jacked up because Alexa botched the ladder toss and Sasha had went to the hospital instead of the trainers office. Nothing was broken this time but she’d be feeling that mistake for the better part of two weeks.
She'd called Stephanie during the cab ride back to the arena and ultimately got her ass chewed out for ghosting everyone. But once she informed the WWE heiress of her whereabouts and after Sasha filled in her boss about her condition, Stephanie was beyond pissed that one of her biggest stars was unnecessarily injured...and will be away from TV for two damn weeks.
Sasha would say she felt sorry for Alexa but she didn’t. She really didn’t.
Sasha managed to get undressed completely as their home on wheels began to pick up speed and was well on its way to their next destination. Even though the windows were darkly tinted, Sasha closed the curtains anyway because the less sun the better for her immediate health.
Sasha was too exhausted to put on more clothes, so she just slipped into bed naked and the cool silk sheets felt like ice cold heaven on her back. Quickly finding her sweet spot, Sasha sprawled out near the middle of her bed and she was half asleep thanks to her pain medication beginning to kick in. though before she could completely drift off, a soft knock on her bedroom door brought her back to the surface of consciousness.
She grunted the best she could and whoever was on the other side took it as permission to enter and she wasn’t at all surprised to see Charlotte’s silhouette slipping into her dark room and shutting the door behind her.
Sasha quietly watched Charlotte slipped off her own shirt through half lidded eyes, leaving her in just a pair of briefs.
Sasha didn’t bother moving as the taller woman slipped into bed with her, “ Charlie… tired.”
“Ssh. I know. Go to sleep, pipsqueak. I’m taking the first watch tonight.”
Sasha groaned, rolling her eyes behind closed eyelids, “Stephanie called you, didn’t she?”
Charlotte hummed, getting comfortable on her side, facing Sasha, “Yes and don’t think we will let you get away with not telling us.”
“It’s a moderate concussion.”
“That could get worse,” Charlotte answered tightly, but forced her worry and frustration to the back burner in her mind, “Now sleep, I’ll be waking you up soon.”
Sasha didn’t even have the energy to say anything else, and she was out like a light seconds later.
Sasha woke up all on her own this time, and not because one of the other horsewomen invaded her bed to wake her up every hour to make sure she didn’t have brain damage.
Sasha didn’t remember who was waking her up all through the night but she remembered snapping at someone before they kissed her to shut her up. The only person she knows who frequently likes to do that is Bayley.
Sasha blinked, shifting slightly and winced at the sun rays that were peeking through her dark curtains.
Sasha felt a hand on her bare stomach beneath the sheets, fingers lightly scratching at her skin just below her belly button. She recognized that hand because it had a certain callousness to it. She could always tell her alphas apart without even having to smell or see them.
Sasha opened her eyes slowly, and sure enough, her favorite firecracker was laying right there. The older woman was practically on top of Sasha as she rested her head on an upturned palm, watching the muted TV across the room.
Becky hadn't realized that Sasha was awake yet and the younger woman took the time to observe Becky. She was so beautiful and so strong in and out of the squared circle. It was just her personality, she was literally a lass kicker twenty-four seven and she was always there to protect them. Either from themselves or outside forces, Becky was always the first one high diving into a fight just like Bayley.
Sasha shifted closer to Becky, whimpering when her back rubbed roughly against the sheets, and she cursed Alexa Bliss for the millionth time in twenty-four hours.
The movement and whimper immediately pulled Becky’s full attention, and she turned her head to look down at Sasha with a soft smile.
“Mornin’ love, how's it?”
“God, I don’t ever wanna work with Bliss again. She’s an idiot.”
Becky made a small noise of agreement, eyes narrowing dangerously, “Yeah, well, one of us three will be havin’ some choice words for that one come Monday.”
Sasha smiled and eyes falling shut again, “I’m sorry I worried you guys yesterday, I didn’t trust the trainers to tell me right from wrong and I was high on adrenaline and went straight to the ER because something didn’t feel right.”
Becky nodded, “It’s alright, we know and we get it. We’ve had time to cool off love, just next time give one of us a warnin', yeah? Or maybe invite us along... you have a phone for a reason.”
“Yeah.” Sasha agreed softly, and accepted the quick but loving kiss from Becky.
“Bay made breakfast if you’re up for it, you gotta get moving around.”
Sasha didn’t want to but she knew that had to because Becky was right. Slowly, Sasha pushed away the covers covering her naked body, shivering from both the cold air hitting her warm skin and the subtle but hungry look in Becky’s eye.
Sasha tried to ignore both as she slowly rolled onto her side, turning her back to Becky and she heard a deep growl and Becky immediately held Sasha still with a firm hand on her hip.
Becky took a moment to really get a good look at the damage and felt her anger boiling. She was the only one who had yet to see Sasha’s back. To really get a good look at the dozens of thin lacerations and bruises that lay there. Becky knew one thing for sure. Alexa Bliss’ days were numbered.
“Becky?” Sasha called over her shoulder softly when Becky was quiet too long, “Help me up?”
“Okay, love. Come on now, up and at ‘em.” Becky forced a smile, masking her anger, Sasha didn’t need to see that from her right now. Expelling calm and reassuring pheromones for their omega, Becky began to carefully help Sasha out of bed.
Sasha was literally sitting in Becky’s lap and they were sharing a plate of food on the sofa and watching TV, it was raining outside and Charlotte and Bay were sitting on the other sofa having a movie session.
They were both watching Indiana Jones, something neither Sasha or Becky really had an interest in. But once they finished their shared breakfast they were under their own heavy blanket on the sofa with Sasha’s back to Becky’s front.
The native Irish Woman had a strong arm wrapped tight around Sasha. Sasha managed to roll over and Becky shifted until she was on her back with Sasha literally snuggled on top of her with her face buried into her neck like a damn koala.
And it wasn’t long before the love and security had Sasha fast asleep yet again.
Sasha was miserable. Her back was a hot mess and she could barely do anything because the aches were too sharp and painful, so she had to rely on her three Alphas to help her do literally anything. It was frustrating.
But since Charlotte and Bayley we’re stuck doing promos and press conferences, it was just her and Becky for a few hours, not that Sasha minded. She loved her Alphas so much but all three of them hovering over her could get a little overwhelming very quickly.
At the moment, Sasha was in Charlotte’s room because she didn’t feel like climbing the stairs, while Becky was out getting them something to eat from wherever. Sasha was lying in the middle of The Queen’s bed wearing one of Charlotte’s favorite sweatshirts that was covered in her scent. She'd be stealing this one too.
Sasha also had a bunch of Charlotte’s pillows laying around her like a little nest and she was watching Court TV. She was just laying there comfortably as she could especially with the pain medication for her back working their magic.
Becky finally returned to their massive tour bus with a bag full of Sasha’s favorites and a giant smile. When she entered the living room area, Sasha wasn’t where she had left her. Becky took a quick sniff and tracked Sasha to Charlotte’s room.
Becky paused in the doorway, smiling and Becky pulled out her phone to take a picture and sent it to Charlotte and Bayley. Sasha was knocked out cold and hugging one of Charlotte's body pillows. Becky set the food down on the nightstand and kicked off her sneakers, ditched her jeans and tucked herself comfortably behind Sasha. Careful not to press too hard on her back.
Becky sighed and went to sleep herself.
When Becky came back to the land of the living her senses weren’t greeted with the scent she fell asleep with. Instead the owner of the bed was directly behind her, typing away on her laptop.
Becky sat up slightly, eyesight still a little bleary as she gazed at the other alpha. “Wha...where’s our omega? She okay?”
Charlotte nodded, smiling softly, “Mmhm. She’s in the kitchen with Bayley, making cookies I think.”
Becky’s stomach growled, “Damn...I can’t have any.”
“Yeah you can, they’re trying out this plant based vegan cookie recipe Bayley got from Maryse a few weeks ago.”
Becky blinked a few times, Maryse can cook?, “Sasha shouldn’t really be up with her back bothering her, she’s…”
Charlotte looked up from whatever it was that she was typing to look at her best friend, “Calm down, Beck, she’s fine, Bayley is gonna make sure she’s fine. Besides, we don't want her getting too restless. She's not in danger mixing batter and baking cookies.”
Becky huffed but relaxed anyway making Charlotte smile before she went back to her laptop and Becky picked up the remote so she could channel surf until she just settled on ESPN.
After a while, Becky and Charlotte heard loud laughter coming from the kitchen, automatically identifying it as Sasha.
“How was it today?”
“Hectic as usual.” Charlotte sighed heavily, shaking her head causing a few blonde strands to fall from the bun she wore, “Stephanie had us doing promos literally right after those two press conferences.”
“Christ that woman is a workaholic, when did ya get back in?”
“An hour ago.” Charlotte answered absentmindedly, her focus was on the screen of her laptop and Becky was tempted to lean over and be nosy but she knew better. That was a pet peeve of Charlotte's and Becky didn't have the energy to pick at the other Alpha right now so she went back to watching TV. A few minutes later, Charlotte sighed again but it was a little more alleviated than the previous one as she closed her laptop and set it aside.
Becky looked over at the blonde curiously, eyebrow raised, “What's up with ya and the laptop?”
Charlotte gave Becky a look that the Irishwoman knew all too well that it meant someone's day was about to get ruined, “It was a petition.”
“A...what?” Becky's wide confused eyes tracked Charlotte as she got up from the bed and walked towards her bedroom door, “Wait...a petition for what?”
Charlotte opened the door and turned back to Becky, “Let's just say that we won't have to deal with Bliss ever again...and I think the cookies are done. You better bring your ass before they eat them all. Again.”
"A petition though? That's it?!"
Charlotte shrugged, "More like a scathing email to management. A very long one...besides, it's better than us jumping Bliss in some empty room...and probably going to jail. We won't be any good to Sasha in jail, right?"
"Exactly." Charlotte winked and left the room.
Becky glanced at the laptop sitting on Charlotte's bedside table and the door that was left wide open a few times. Her brain took a moment to process that, yet again, Charlotte beat her to the damn punch. “Sonuvabitch. There goes my murder plan.”
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Last updated: 29/3-24
Requests are open
My rules (Check before requesting please)
NSFW Headcanons Masterlist (ON HOLD)
Rhea Ripley
Damian Priest
Dominik Mysterio
Finn Balor
The Judgement Day
Seth Rollins
Becky Lynch
Charlotte Flair
Flair-Idolo (Charlotte & Andrade)
The Four Horsewomen (WWE)
Cody Rhodes
Brody (Brandi & Cody)
Brandi Rhodes
Sasha Banks
Dakota Kai
Iyo Sky
Damage Ctrl
Kairi Sane
Lyra Valkyria
The Four Horsewomen (UFC/MMA)
Marina Shafir
Ronda Rousey
Travis Browne
Shayna Baszler
Mia Yim
Jessamyn Duke
AJ Styles
Jey Uso
Nikki Bella
Brie Bella
Trinity Fatu
Jimmy Uso
Roman Reigns
Drew McIntyre
Natalya Neidhart
Queen of Harts
Alexa Bliss
Bianca Belair
Jadanca (Jade & Bianca)
Jade Cargill
Zelina Vega
A to Z (Aleister & Zelina)
Trish Stratus
Karrion Kross
Scarrion (Scarlett & Karrion)
Team Bestie (Trish & Lita)
The Rated R Couple (Lita & Edge)
Eddie Guerrero
Shawn Michaels (On hiatus)
Triple H
Stephanie McMahon
Beth Phoenix
Phoenix-Edge (Edge & Beth)
Sonya Deville
Alicia Fox
RnR (Rhea & Raquel)
Raquel Rodriguez
Liv 4 Brutality
Liv Morgan
Zoey Stark
Starkszler (Shayna & Zoey)
Troey (Trish & Zoey)
Candice LeRae
Indi Hartwell
Dexter Lumis
Rhuddy (Rhea & Buddy)
Buddy Matthews
Brody King
Malakai Black
Julia Hart
House of Black
Jon Moxley
Renee Paquette
Claudio Castagnoli/Cesaro
Toni Storm
Jeff Hardy
Ruby Soho/Riott
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fandomfucker · 2 months
Hi, do you have a list of wrestlers you'll write for or is anyone (besides JD) okay to ask for? Thanks!
Thank you for asking!
I'm still getting into smackdown and don't watch Nxt so this list is gonna be all over the place but its who all I feel comfortable enough to write about in a way I feel accurately portrays their character
*writing this list out I just realized how little I actually pay attention to the men🤡
This is in no particular order and I will edit as need be but a few rules before requesting!!
I do NOT do real names or involve real relationships, if you ask for a specific kink I'm not comfortable with (piss, cnc, ageplay, etc) I will just delete it. I will write age regression but nothing sexual!!! I can do gender neutral or female x readers but no men (sorry guys). I also will do polys or throuples but for right now its all x reader only.
Requests will take a while!! I have like 40 in my inbox rn from months ago that I just haven't gotten to yet (I didn't forget I swear😖) and my creative process takes time so please be patient!
Anyways y'all, have fun!🫶
The Judgment Day- Rhea Ripley, Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio, Finn Balor
Drew McIntyre
Liv Morgan
Zelina Vega
Chelsea Green
Bianca Belair
Shayna Baszler
Zoey Stark
Cody Rhodes
Becky Lynch
Seth Rollins
Jey Uso
Dakota Kai
Cathy Kelley
35 notes · View notes
ambreignsfan4life · 7 months
Happy Valentines Day 💝 💓 💖 💗
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 2 years
The Lady’s Man~Becky Lynch x fem! reader
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Pairing: Becky Lynch x reader
Genre: Romance, fluff
  Summary: After spending close time with Becky during your time as tag team duos, she starts to dress differently, something not only the fans pick up on but you along with Becky’s competition for the Smackdown Women’s championship too.
Writer’s Note: First and foremost, I’m sorry about not updating a certain fic yet (The Astrid, Crazy Rich Asians one. I’m still working on it!) or just writing a lot on here in general. Depression has its hooks sunk deep and work has been draining me more than usual but here I am. One of the things that has helped me lots is wrestling, haven’t watched it since I was a young teen and wow, it’s like interacting with an old friend again. One thing that I’ve also noticed is how much the women on the roster are hot and why I liked them so much. The gay awakening was real. Anyway, hope you enjoy my first wrestling fic!
Word Count: 1, 978
You were classy. If you were to partake in feuds or clap-backs, you kept it high-brow and let your skills in the ring do most of the talking. That was part of your character: Lady Y/N, here to bring back beauty and class to the WWE, an exhausting effort to get through with your in ring abilities instead of full on trash talking. That being said, you did have your moments where you popped off on the mic, especially when Damage Ctrl was involved. 
You came face to face with Bayley, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky tonight; the people of the crowd roaring and chanting, “My Lady” once your music hit and you came strutting toward the ring.
“Aw, here she comes!” Bayley yelled. She pointed off around the crowd and continued to mouth off“Shut up! We’re the top ladies here you heathens.”
“Bayley, all this crying isn’t gonna get you anywhere,” you said. You entered the ring, smiling at the audience, waved and aimed a few kisses at the people, swooning them in the process. “Didn’t Becky and I beat Iyo and Dakota last week and didn’t you lose your championship to Charlotte at the Rumble last week?”
Bayley nodded eagerly, smile plastered on her face. 
“Yeah! Lady yeah! I did y/n! But who’s been a champion at all? Me! Not you! Some lady you are!” Bayley exclaimed while laughing and nodding to her Damage Ctrl sidekicks. “Maybe, if you’re nice to us tonight, I can bring you in the spotlight on my Ding Dong Hello show next week. Well, just you and not your man.”
You cocked up an eyebrow at the mention of “your man”, right when the WWE universe all “oooooed” all at once. It was some sort of joke you weren’t in on, yet you caught yourself with a sly grin and went back in on Bayley. 
“My man? You making up delusions now, huh, Ms. Role-model?” you said. 
Bayley scoffed then let out a snort while turning to Dakota and Iyo. The crowd seemed to react as well, chanting “The Man” over and over. 
Oh. Becky, that was who Bayley was referring to. She called herself the man, didn’t mean she was your “man.” Right? And Bayley is totally wrong, the WWE Universe did have their bright moments but they didn’t dictate who did or didn’t belong to you. Especially Becky Lynch. She was your friend and tag team partner. Period. Nothing more, nothing less. 
“Please, you might be able to fool these idiots!” Bayley yelled. She gestured to the audience before continuing. “But you can’t fool me and the heart eyes she gives you! Have you even seen her new merch?”
Now you knew Bayley made up insults and material on the fly but you really had no idea what she was talking about. Before you could wrap your head around it or throw your own comment back at her, Becky’s music hit, sending the arena along with Damage Ctrl into a frenzy.
“Aww, now look who you’ve spawned!” Bayley groaned. “How dare you idiots speak of The Man!”
The combination of the loud music, the crowd and Bayley’s irritating yells swirled into a cacophony of noise that left you frozen while you watched your fiery headed partner (tag of course) rush out, all smiles and cockiness under her black shades. It’s like what Bayley alluded too, her outfit and merch was different: instead of wearing her flashy, “Bex” shirt underneath her leather jacket, Becky sported a new shirt with blocky letters reading “The Lady’s Man.” 
Your heart skipped a bit at the display; being around Becky was already complex, she just made it twenty times harder. She trotted down to you on your frozen spot in front of the ring, eyes obscured by her shades until she lifted them. 
“You called?” Becky asked. She aimed her words at Bayley and the entire WWE Universe, but it felt as if she was just talking to you. 
Becky stepped closer toward you, rearranged your hair a little before placing the shades on your head. 
“This Ok?” she asked. “Don’t want to mess up your hair, but I just couldn’t resist.” 
Her Irish accent always had an effect on you but how low it was when she whispered, with her gesture of the shades left you flabbergasted longer.
“Hey! Flirt on your own time!” Bayley said. She pointed at Becky, who chuckled. “This is between me and your Lady!”
“Woah, woah, woah! You know Y/N and I are a team, like you and your Ctrl clique,” Becky explained. She brought an arm around your shoulder, patting the spot in an attempt to bring you back from your stump. “The Man always defends her lady. Dare I say, she’s got a better chance at Charlotte for the Smackdown women’s championship than you!” 
Becky’s words got your chest to flare; you nodded along however, smiling a bit too big as words of your own bubbled up from your throat. 
“The Man’s got a valid point though, what do you say, Role-model?” you said. 
Bayley guffawed. 
“Sure! Yeah right, like she would--” Bayley said. She was cut off by the crowd chanting your name over and over, angering her yet again. “Shut up! You idiots don’t know anything! Y/N can’t even compete with Dakota or Iyo, let alone me!”
Becky cocked her head back, as if her fellow horsewoman’s words struck her face on. She turned toward you, mouthing a “can you believe this?” You just rolled your eyes and shook your head. 
“Bayley, keep spouting this nonsense and maybe I’ll have to kick your ass again,” Becky said. She brought you closer, close enough to hook her arm around your waist. “Or! We could take care of Kai and Iyo and they can defend those tag titles for once! Jeez! Those things have been collecting dust!” 
You found yourself smiling more as the heat built up your chest. Becky and you only teamed up due to being a great match against Fire and Desire, along with other amazing women in the division but to suggest you both challenge Damage Ctrl? It was a commitment to what you two could do together, although, it wasn’t as grand as Becky proclaiming herself “your man”, was it the direction Triple H wanted or was it something more?
“No way!” Bayley growled. “I mean, they’re the greatest bunch of the womens division they don’t need to prove a thing!”
Iyo Sky and Dakota nodded, a little too swiftly with conflicting emotions pouring through; you picked up on them immediately.
“You sure Bayley? They seem scared. Let’s ask them, folks! Iyo? Dakota?  Are you afraid to take on Becks and I? Maybe to even put the titles on the line too?”
The WWE Universe erupted in another fit of chants: you made it out to be them calling Damage Ctrl cowards over and over again. Becky chuckled and pulled you close while Iyo and Dakota went over what was going on with Bayley off mic. It looked as if Iyo and Dakota were trying to talk their leader out of it, you felt quite terrible for them and how the crowd began to drown them out with the noise.
“All right! Quiet you idiots!” Bayley shouted. She gestured for the WWE universe to calm down more, leaving mummers among the crowd and stands. “They’ll accept the challenge, next week!”
You didn’t expect them to accept so quick, believing them to think it over throughout the week or maybe go back and forth with Becky on Twitter(usually ending up with you mediating). 
“Yes!” Becky cheered. “We got this, lass.”
You could only nod, lost in the feeling of opportunity: white noise of the crowd and a tingling feeling that warped down your chest toward your belly. A title shot for the first time in your career, with Becky. Becky freaking Lynch. 
The thought kept up its constant ringing in your head, even after you escaped the effervescent noise the WWE universe were known to cause. You managed to reach your personal locker room before a hand grabbed your wrist--the action forced you to tense up, thinking it was Bayley or Damage Ctrl. 
“Whoa, lass, you all right?” Becky said. Concern clean on her face. “Is it OK if we talk?”
You nodded. Becky shut the door behind you, then proceeded to pace the space, back and forth like a blur of orange flame that flicked from one end of a candle to the next. 
“It wasn’t your idea, was it?” you said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. 
Becky froze, attention immediately on you. 
You let out a humorless laugh and motioned to her new T-shirt. 
“The Lady’s Man? It was just a new way of introducing our tag team? Making it official, yeah? Or is it a new storyline that I’m not caught up with yet?” you asked. You pressed your fingers together and fidgeting them while continuing. “I-I just want to understand what all that was.”
“Rebecca, please be honest with me,” you said. The emotion in your voice was sharp and firm.
Becky rushed over to you, taking your face in your hands. 
“Breathe, y/n, I’ll explain, let me just sit you down, OK?” she said. 
She led you to the folded chair you had set up by your cubby, helping you sit prior to her kneeling in front of you. 
“It was my idea, and yeah Triple H and the people wanted to market it, thought it’d be a great thing to lead up to something amazing to do with the Tag titles,” Becky explained. She took your hand as she spoke, rubbing the knuckles and the underside of a few veins. “But under all of the bravado and what The Man means to me, there’s some truth to it. I really want to try and be your lady too. I-I like you, Y/N, I really do.”
The way Becky looked up at you almost made the emotions break from you, tears flooded your eyes, some spilling over to your dismay. 
“Y/N, no, hun, don’t cry I--”
You cut Becky off with a kiss, meeting her halfway as your arms wrapped around her neck. Becky returned the kiss instantly, wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you flush against her. A mini makeout session just about occurred. You pulled back (a little self conscious that you both were still in the arena aka work) but Becky lifted your chin up tenderly, planting a short yet passionate kiss to your lips once again. 
“I love that desire, lass,” Becky whispered. “Does this mean we’re to be more than tag team champions in the future?”
You nodded. “That and we’ll have a lot more moments outside of Wrestlemania.” 
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devilles-advocate · 2 months
Requests: open
People I write for
Becky lynch
Sonya deville
Rhea Ripley
Shayna baszler
Dakota Kai
Charlotte flair
Zoey stark
Trish stratus
Mickie James
Stephanie McMahon
Nikki bella
Brie bella
Aj lee
Mercedes mone
Ronda rousey
Alexa bliss
Kairi sane
Iyo sky
Zelina Vega
(Most wwe women do if you wanna ask if I write for someone please do)
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domripley · 11 months
You and Us - One
pairings: becky lynch x reader; poly!4hw x reader; 4hw
warnings: vaginal fingering, daddy kink, dom!becky, switch!bayley, switch!charlotte, switch!sasha, sub!reader, overstimulation, slight voyuerism, verbal degradation, slight possessiveness, established dom/sub, established relationship, healthy polyamory, gangbang
chapter word count: 3,806
summary: You had been Becky’s sub for a while, and now you’re starting to be come the other four horsewomen’s submissive.
You were a little nervous, having never been with more than one person, but Becky assured you that it would be fine. The last few weeks, Becky had taken you on dates when she had some free time - she also had talked to you about the fact that she was in a healthy open relationship with all three of her best friends. At first you were a little hesitant, unsure if she was telling you the truth that she did tell them about you. She understood, and one night, she video chatted them with you. Confirming that she was, in fact, telling the truth.
She had told you that they’d all like to get to know you in more ways than one, and you agreed that you wanted to get to know them as well. “You okay, princess?” Becky asked you, rubbing your thigh as Charlotte and Sasha argued on what to put on for their movie night.
“Y-yeah, just thinking about a few things,” you bit your lip, trying your best to focus on her two girlfriends. Who were still going at it.
“Like what?” she asked, and you cursed yourself internally. You should have known that she was going to push further.
Charlotte and Sasha both turned to see what your answer was going to be - genuinely shocking you with the fact that they were both listening in. Bayley was still in the kitchen, cooking dinner for the five of you, and you were just happy there was one less person to hear what you had to say.
“You had fucked me before we drove over here, Bex.” you looked down at your hands in your lap. You could almost feel that she was smirking at you.
“What about it were you thinking about? C’mon, tell us,”
“Want them to fuck me,” you breathed, unsure of what to say next. You had thought about this since Becky had fucked you, telling you how she would in front of her girlfriends. That was when you had come the hardest you ever had for her, and it certainly didn’t go unnoticed. “While you watch, and then you would fuck me last.”
You felt as if you were whispering, that the room was filled with more people you could count. As if you needed to keep a secret from everyone but Becky, but as soon as you heard a chuckle that thought left your head.
“I was going to say maybe we should wait after dinner, but I guess we can order in.” Bayley called out from the kitchen, which made you jump. How did she hear you from all the way in there? You didn’t spend too much time dwelling on it - because as soon as Bayley stepped into the room, Becky pushed a finger into your mouth.
“You know my rules, right baby?” she asked. You looked up to her and nodded, earning a soft smile from her. Pulling her finger out of your mouth before continuing. “Repeat them for me.”
“No coming without permission, Tell you or them when something’s too much, Only you can fuck my ass, and no being a brat.” you said, and the others seemed to understand. You watched as Becky stood up from the couch, she stood in front of you as Bayley took a seat next to you.
“Since this is a little new for you, I’ll explain some things. Sasha may sub to Charlotte, Bayley, and I, but she will be dominating you. You will listen to her, even if she’s subbing. Does that make sense, baby?”
Becky caressed your cheek as she waited for your answer. You bit your lip, and nodded, but that wasn’t good enough for her. She wanted a verbal answer, even if you were still a little nervous.
“It does. It makes sense.”
“They’re all going to take turns on you so it’s not too much for a first time with all of us. Are you okay with that?”
“I’m more than okay with that, I actually think that will be easier for me.”
“What are your safewords?” Sasha asked, who had taken off her glasses. You looked down at your hands - a habit of yours when you were nervous, but you knew you were going to have to answer them.
“Beck-Daddy and I use the traffic light system, but sometimes when I can’t talk I open and close my hands three times.”
“That sounds good with me. That’s usually what we use as well when we all play.” Bayley nodded, and both Charlotte and Sasha agreed.
“Now that that’s over with, take your clothes off and bend over the armrest. Daddy wants a show.”
You nodded, standing up as Becky switched spots with Bayley. Watching as the brunette went upstairs to what you guessed were the toys they were going to be using on you. Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you pulled your shirt up over your head. Slightly jumping as you felt someone’s chest against your back - you let out a whimper as their hands cupped your chest through your bra. “You make such pretty noises, (Your Name).” Charlotte whispered, licking the shell of your ear.
“Th-Thank you, Char,” you whispered back.
Charlotte unclasped your bra, and you tossed it to the ground. You made eye contact with Becky, keeping it as you pulled your sweatpants down, along with the panties she had bought for your birthday. Once you were completely undressed, you bent over the armrest of the couch.
“Before you do that, do you want to be a good girl for me? For them?”
“I do, Daddy.”
“Get on your knees.”
You did as you were told, unsure of what she had in mind. You weren’t going to question her though, you trusted her with your life, and you trusted what she had in mind. Bayley came back down the stairs with a few toys, handing Charlotte a strapon, you bit your lip at the sight. It was bigger than anything you had taken, but you were sure you could take it.
Watching as the blonde pulled her shirt up over her head, and you couldn’t wait to touch her. “Bayley and I really enjoy watching Sash suck our straps, and I’ve seen how good you do it. Show them how much of a good little cock sucker you are.” Becky leaned back into the couch, resting her feet on the side you had been sitting on as she watched Charlotte put the strapon harness on. You had wondered in that moment how Charlotte looked when Becky fucked her, maybe you’d find out soon.
You moved closer to Charlotte, who was now stroking the toy as she watched. As soon as you were able to reach her, you gripped onto the base of the toy, licking your lips as you leaned in. You sucked on the tip lightly, running your tongue against it as you looked up at her. “You’re such a pretty princess, can’t wait to fuck you.” Charlotte hummed, watching as you pushed down further onto the toy.
“She gets so fuckin’ wet when she’s called a princess.” Becky chuckled, unbuckling her belt. “Sash, why don’t you get one of the straps on. You’ll be next after Charlotte.”
You relaxed your throat as Charlotte slowly fucked your mouth. You tried your best to focus as the others watched you - knowing that you were making Becky proud helped you even more. Helping you to your feet once she pulled you off of the toy, Charlotte led you to the armrest of the couch. Looking up to see Becky stroking the strapon that she had been packing.
Charlotte rubbed the tip through your folds, gathering up some of your wetness before she pushed all the way into you. You closed your eyes as you adjusted to the feeling, Becky had stretched you out many times before, but this was much different. “You tell us when you want Charlotte to move, okay?” Bayley said, rubbing your lower back comfortably.
“Y-yes, she can move. Please move, m’need it!” you cried out, trying to push back against Charlotte to get some sort of friction. The blonde held you still by your hips - not letting you move.
“Who said you can take charge? Did Daddy say you can fuck my cock back?” Charlotte teased, using her left hand to pull you up by your hair.
“N-No, but I need it so bad, please!” you whimpered, trying your best to stay still - not wanting to be punished this early on. Your nerves disappeared as Charlotte began to move, fucking you at a pace you could get used to. It wasn’t enough to bring you close to the edge, but you were desperate for anything at this point.
“You’re just a desperate little slut, huh? Daddy told us all about what you thought about. How you wanted us to use you like a fucking toy. Tell me, how hard do you want me to fuck your cunt?”
“S-So hard, please, Char? Want you to give it to me good in front of Daddy.” you begged, keeping eye contact with Becky. She watched as Charlotte sped up her thrusts, fucking you at a bruising pace that quickly sent you over the edge. But before you could ride out your orgasm, she pulled out just as fast as it came.
“Nobody said you could come, (Your Name). Already being a naughty brat for me, huh? I guess Daddy needs to be more strict with you?” Charlotte chuckled, earning an eye roll from Becky as she slid back into you.
“Maybe ya should have told her she wasn’t allowed to come? Don’t blame me for yer mistakes, sweetheart.”
You tried your best not to laugh at their bickering, considering Charlotte fucked you harder as they went on and on. “Come when you’re ready, wanna show Bex just how hard I can make you come.”
You nodded once she let go of your hair, gasping as she gripped your hips harder than before. Fucking yourself back against the toy successfully to try and get as much friction as you wanted. This time, Charlotte didn’t mind it at all. “Oh fuck, feels so fucking good-“ you cried out as the sounds of your pussy filled the room. You could hear Bayley chuckle, unsure if it was because of the sounds or how Becky looked desperate to touch you.
“Can feel you squeezing the strap, fuck me back harder.”
You did just that - fucking the toy back harder than before, you were already close once more. Turning your head to see Bayley lazily finger Sasha while they watched you got you to the edge. Charlotte fucked you through your orgasm, slowing down as you tried to pull away from her. “Who wants a turn next?” she asked, slapping the tip of the strap against your clit, causing you to whine. You were sensitive already, but you wanted more - you wanted them all to have you.
Bayley removed her fingers from Sasha, getting up to go over to you. “Open your mouth, baby,” she instructed, and you did it without a second thought. Sucking the mess that Sasha made on Bayley’s fingers, you let out a whimper. Sasha slipped on one of the strapons that were brought downstairs earlier.
“Does she taste good?” Bayley cooed, keeping her eyes locked on Sasha. She hummed in response as you tried to talk around her fingers. “Good girl, maybe if you want you can make her come later? Would you like that baby?”
You nodded, closing your eyes as Sasha slides into you all the way. Before you could adjust, she began a fast pace. “Gonna ruin your tight little pussy, all you’re gonna want is to be fucked by us.” she moaned, slapping your ass as Bayley pulled her fingers out of your mouth.
You bit your lip as Sasha fucked into you harder, rubbing the pad of her thumb against your asshole. You were ready to go over the edge, only needing a little more to help you out. “Sash, please,” you cried out, unsure on how to form the right words. All you truly needed was anything she was willing to give you.
“What do you need? Tell me and I’ll give it to you,” she said, pulling you up to her chest by your hair. Wrapping her left arm around your waist as the other hand wrapped around your throat.
“Rub my clit, please, please I need it so bad.” you cried out, fucking back against Sasha to meet her thrusts. When she didn’t, you let out a whimper. “Please, Please. Sasha-“
She cut you off, bringing the hand that was wrapped around your throat down to your cunt. Rubbing tight circles against your aching clit, Sasha let out a breathy laugh as you fucked her back. She didn’t seem to care, considering she moved her fingers faster to meet with you. Looking right as Becky, you almost came at the sight of her with no clothes on. You hadn’t noticed that she even undressed, too focused on what Sasha was doing to you.
“Fuck, Sasha-“
You cut yourself with a loud cry, spilling over the edge faster than you thought. Sasha fucked you through your orgasm, gripping your waist harder as you rode out your high. She didn’t stop once your orgasm was finished, bringing you closer to the next one.
“Oh fuck, please, you feel so fucking good, want so much more!” you cried out, looking up to see Becky give you an unreadable look.
“Yeah? You’re such a greedy little slut? No wonder why Daddy brought you over, your pussy needs all of our attention, huh?” Sasha fucked you, and as you get closer to the edge, she was quick to pull out of you. Becky let out a raspy chuckle as you cried out from the feeling of being empty.
Before you could complain, Bayley pulled you off of the arm rest. Turning you around so you could sit on it and face her. “You are such a greedy little girl, huh? What? You’re pussy needs more?” she asked, slapping your thigh before spreading your legs. “Answer my question or Daddy and I won’t touch you.”
“Yes, I need so much more, please, Bayley,”
“You’re lucky I can’t say no to a desperate little slut like you.”
Sliding two of her fingers into your cunt, Bayley gripped your hair as she fucked you at a hard pace. Curling her fingers, you bit your lip as you tried your best to stay balanced on the arm rest. “You’re soaking my fingers, Daddy told me you love making messes all over her. Is that true?”
You leaned forward to rest against Bayley as soon as she let your hair go. “Y-yes.” you whispered, just loud enough for her to hear. Gripping your chin hard, Bayley pulled you to your feet so you were once again facing Becky, Charlotte, and Sasha.
“Say it so Charlotte and Sash know, whore. Was Daddy telling the truth?”
“Daddy was telling the truth! I make such messes all over Daddy…fuck!” You gasped as Bayley slid into your pussy from behind, not giving you time to adjust. Not that you needed to be warmed up now - her strapon wasn’t the thickest, but you loved the feeling it gave you.
“Yeah she does, just you fuckin’ wait yer gonna really see what a whore she is.” Becky grunted, watching as Bayley fucked you harder.
Reaching behind you, you tried your best to pull Bayley closer to you each time. “What do you want, baby? You wanna touch me?” she taunted, grabbing both of your hands before she pushed you down against the arm rest. Holding them against your lower back, Bayley refused to let them go as she slowed down her pace.
“Please, no, wanna get fucked faster.” You whined pressing your cheek against the couch seat. You weren’t normally a brat, especially when you’ve gotten so much attention, but Bayley’s pace wasn’t enough.
Bayley let go of your hands, and pulled out of you completely. You looked at Becky with confusion plastered on your face.
“You see baby, I may dom all of you, but Bayley is more of a dom than Charlotte and Sasha.” Bayley laughed, leaning closer to you so she could lift your head with her right hand. “But the difference between her and I when we dom, is that she doesn’t deal with brats. Now count.”
Becky looked up at Bayley with her last two words, a smile spread across her face. Before you could register what was going on, Bayley’s hand came crashing down. “One…” you whispered.
Bayley spanked your other cheek just as hard, making eye contact with Becky. When she heard you whisper “Two”, she continued to rain spanks down at a hard and fast pace. As soon as you got to ten, Becky kissed you lightly on the forehead. “Good girl. Tell Bayley you’re sorry, and ask if she’ll make you come okay?”
“I-I’m sorry for giving you attitude, Bayley. Please make me come?” you bit your lip, looking into Becky’s eyes. Her pupils were blown with lust.
“Should I, Daddy?” Bayley asked the redhead in front of you.
“Do it, make her come.”
Bayley slid back into you slowly, quickly combing her fingers through your hair to pull you back against her chest. “Touch your clit for me, (Your Name).” she whispered in your ear as she fucked you.
Reaching down to rub at your clit, you tried your best to focus on it. But as Becky leaned in, and wrapped her lips around your right nipple, you couldn’t focus on anything else.
“Well that’s just rude that the two of you are hogging her.” You heard Charlotte say, and you could almost see her rolling her eyes. Your thought of what she was doing stopped when she lightly slapped your hand away from your cunt.
She began to rub at your clit at a pace that matched Bayley’s movements. Sasha watched from where Becky had been sitting, fucking herself with her fingers at the sight of all three of them working together to get you over the edge.
You wrapped your hand in Becky’s hair, pulling her off your nipple so you could kiss her. She gladly did what you wanted, biting your lip as she pulled away. “Come for us, baby. You earned it.” She breathed pinching at both of your nipples, bringing you over the edge. You came with a shout, both of your legs shaking, and if it weren’t for Bayley fully holding you up as fucked you through your orgasm, you wouldn’t be able to stand up.
When you came down from your high, Bayley picked up and sat you down on the couch. “Color, (Your Name)?
“Green, Becky.” you said, trying to catch your breath. You were okay for one more round, and she knew that. But she wanted to make sure you were okay to continue.
“Alright, are you up to riding me, baby? Or do you want me to fuck you?” she asked as she sat down next to you. You knew what she wanted, but she loved to ask you anyways.
“Wanna ride you in front of them.”
Sasha got up off of the couch, and sat next to both Bayley and Charlotte. Becky moved back to her original spot so she could have a back rest, and you were quick to straddle her hips. You had been on the road with her brand for a while, but the two of you hadn’t had a moment together like this in a while. But you were glad to be sharing it with all three of her girlfriends.
Sliding down onto the toy, you were thankful Becky gave you time to adjust. Having the thickest strapon out of all of them. ”Fuck.” you gasped, finally taking all of it to the base.
“You like Daddy’s cock, baby? It’s brand new just for you.” Becky smiled up at you. Quickly turning to look at her girlfriends. “Don’t think I didn’t see ya fucking yerself, Sash. Sit on Bayley’s strap while I fuck (Your Name).”
You heard Sasha get off of the part she was sitting on, and when you heard her tiny gasp you knew she had listened to Becky.
“Yer so pretty, all fucked out and now on yer Daddy’s cock.” Becky praised, pushing on your back lightly to guide you closer towards her chest. “Yer mine, theirs.”
Taking a nipple into her mouth, Becky began fucking into you as she held you by your lower back. “Say it.” she moaned against you, picking up your pace.
“I’m yours. Fuck, Daddy, harder please!” you cried, trying your best to hold still as she fucked you at her pace.
Becky brought right hand up to your throat, and held it tightly as she fucked up into you harder. You were overly sensitive, but you wanted more and she was going to give it to you however you needed it.
You held onto the armrest, trying your best to meet Becky’s thrusts. You weren’t far away from the edge, and it was fast approaching. Becky reached her left hand further down, but as soon as she realized she couldn’t reach your asshole, she got a better idea. “Charlotte, c’mere,” Becky instructed, and as soon as the blonder was near the two of you, Becky continued. “Take yer thumb and rub at her entrance.”
You looked at Becky with wide eyes as Charlotte spat on her thumb. You both knew you were going to come harder than any of the other orgasms you’ve had. You tightened around Becky’s strap as the blonde rubbed the pad of her thumb against your entrance as Becky continued to fuck up into you.
”Daddy.” you came, trying your best to fuck Becky back through your orgasm. But as soon as you came down from your high, you slumped down against the red head, not even bothering to pull yourself off of the toy.
You were ready to sleep, and as soon as Becky recognized that you were checking out, she pulled you off of her strap. “Bayley, take care of Sash, I’ll get (Your Name) situated for the night.” she instructed, and the three of them headed upstairs.
“After your bath, do you want them to come cuddle with us? We have a big enough of bed. If not I’ll lay with you on the couch tonight.”
“Want them with me too, Bex.”
“Alright, let’s get you cleaned up and ready for bed.”
Becky kissed you on your cheek before she picked you up, bringing you upstairs to use the bath. You were glad you were finally able to meet her girlfriends.
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judgementdaysunshine · 7 months
Pairing: Bayley x Fem reader x Becky Lynch
Description: The girls never truly understand your love for spices but they always add it to your food
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Becky laughs seeing you eat a bowl of soup with chilli peppers sprinkled over it as Bayley sits beside you eating a sandwich shaking her head at your need and love for spice in food. You had been friends with both women having been in NXT together before being drafted to WWE where the feelings grew until the three of you finally went out and had dinner leading to more dates on the road between matches only made the three of you fall for each other more and get together smiling sweetly at the memories four years back as you feel the sensation of the peppers hitting your tongue eating bread in between sips of soup which adds more to the flavor until the soup was gone giggling at their faces "How can you handle eating spices so much?" you drink soda before taking your bowl and cleaning it before sitting back on the couch as the three of you watch episodes of The office "I always remember liking things that had an extra kick and gives people a sense of unease, I was sucking on limes and lemons when other kids would be eating strawberries or apples, I loved garlic for as long as I can remember and when I started cooking with grandma and aunt I experimented with flavors and spices had always caught my eye so once I started making or adding them to foods I was hooked" the next time you made rice and shrimp adding garlic, a small amount of paprika, and ginger which blows them as they eat "I can't believe you put all those spices in there but none over powers each other you gotta do that more often when you cook". Overtime you added more spices to the food you cooked for them even adding a small game of having them guess spices by the taste so they could know what spices you liked and what they were leading to them developing a small like for spices no where near your love for them but they always enjoyed and appreciated when you would add some to their sandwiches, soups, or anything you made for their lunches on the road for flavor always having you use certain ones even having you squeeze lemons or limes in their drinks to add the slight kick and sourness to water, juice, or energy drinks occasionally sucking on the lemons and limes before their matches which became a small tradition not only to add extra energy but also to tell you that they loved you and would make you proud when you weren't backstage with them.
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crossvise · 7 months
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Came back to wrestling when the Best in the World made his comeback, and honestly who else could’ve done that? Kinda decided to comeback to writing aswell because why not. I used to have a blog years ago but deleted it.
I’ll be taking requests for a few wrestlers-
- cm punk
- cody rhodes
- liv morgan
- becky lynch
- bayley
- seth rollins
- roman reigns
- kairi sane
- naomi
- randy orton
- gunther
- christian cage
- adam copeland
- darby allin
I won’t write smut as many other writers out there do that way better than me, and frankly I don’t really enjoy writing this genre. Any other genre is welcome, I tend to be better at writing angst with a good ending though.
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lovemesomeflair · 1 year
Requests:open i might not be that quick at getting to requests but I will try my best
Charlotte flair
Becky lynch
Sasha banks
Shayna baszler
Zoey stark
Dakota kai
Jessamyn duke
Mia yim
Nikki bella
Brie bella
Liv Morgan
Raquel Rodriguez
Ronda Rousey
Zelina Vega
Poly!damage Ctrl
Iyo sky
Trish stratus
Toni storm
Mickie James
Sonya deville
Aj Lee
Tegan nox
Alexa bliss
Rhea Ripley
Jade cargill
I might add more people later on you can feel free to ask if I would write for anyone tho :)
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qosbaez · 9 months
Main writing account: @south-of-heaven
My rules are the same as on my other account, please check them before requesting
Requests are OPEN
Updated: 22/12-23
Who I write for
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Damage CTRL
Liv 4 Brutality
The Judgement Day
The Outcasts
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
The 4hw of wwe x reader
Reader is really sensitive to shouting and like people being aggressively angry due to past trauma. The 4hw all get into an argument and just keep shouting and screaming at eachother reader gets really scared and upset and they only realise after a few minutes because they can hear the reader hyperventilating, they stop arguing and quickly comfort reader and start apologising
Arguing || The Four Horsewomen (WWE) x Reader
Summary: You don't like loud yelling or arguing, your partners start arguing loudly.
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The room suddenly fills with raised voices, sharp words cutting through the air like knives. Your heart races, and a sense of unease settles over you. Yelling has never been something you're comfortable with, and the loud arguing between your partners is making your anxiety spike.
The intensity of their argument escalates, voices clashing and mingling in a cacophony that's overwhelming. Even your usually calm dog starts barking, adding to the chaos. You feel trapped, the noise and tension pressing in on you from all sides.
Minutes stretch on, the arguing seeming to go on forever. You can't take it anymore; your chest feels tight, and tears start streaming down your face. Your breath comes in quick, shallow gasps, and you can't control the panic rising within you.
And then, amidst the tumult, you hear a shift in tone. Bayley's voice, once loud and combative, softens as she speaks your name. She's heard your quiet sobs, your hyperventilating, over the chaos. The realization that you're scared and overwhelmed reaches them, and their argument dies down.
They rush to your side, their faces a mix of guilt and concern. Sasha's soothing hand rests on your shoulder, her voice gentle as she reassures you. Charlotte and Becky exchange apologetic glances, their earlier anger giving way to empathy.
Bayley kneels in front of you, her eyes filled with regret. She cups your face in her hands, speaking in hushed tones, assuring you that they didn't mean to upset you. They all gather around, their presence a comforting shield against the lingering fear.
As they speak to you in hushed, soothing voices, your breathing starts to steady. Their understanding and care wrap around you like a warm embrace, easing the panic that had gripped you. And as their words of comfort continue, you begin to feel safe once more, knowing that even in moments of conflict, your bond remains unbreakable.
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livsbrutalitys-blog · 10 months
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Hi guys I’m a new writer here on tumblr and I already have some stuff written and I can’t wait to share them with you! Here are the things/people i write for so if you have any request lmk!
➰-smut ✔️- fluff ➿-angst
- Rhea Ripley
Unfinished business ➿
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 part 4
one shots
rhea ripley x fem!reader ➰
ex!rhea x fem!reader ➿
homecoming ✔️
- Dominik Mysterio
- Damian Priest
one shots
damian priest x fem!reader ✔️
untitled w fem!reader✔️
enemies to lovers?Damian priest x fem!reader ➿
- Becky Lynch
- Bayley
- Sasha Banks/ Mercedes Moné
- Liv Morgan
- Dolph Ziggler
- Drew Mcintyre
- Roman Reigns
one shots
roman reigns x fem!reader
- Jey Uso
- Jimmy Uso
- Trick Williams
- Carmelo Hayes
- Wes Lee
- Roxanne Perez
- CM Punk
- AJ Lee
- Nikki Bella
- Brie Bella
- Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley
- Baron Corbin
- Shayna Baszler
Here are some things I WILL NOT write about.
- p3dophillia
- n3crophilia
- inc3st
- non-con (cnc i will but nothing where one party is non-consensual/r@pe)
- any kind of bodily fluid play (bl00d is fine but no golden showers or anything like that)
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thesupreme316 · 2 years
Could I have some of your favourite wrestlers reacting to the fem!reader heel turn
I GOT U (sorry for how long it took me)
Pairing(s): Hook x Fem!Reader (Platonic?), Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader (Platonic), Darius Martin x Fem!Reader (Platonic), Dante Martin x Fem!Reader (Platonic), Daniel Garcia x Fem!Reader (Platonic?), Samoa Joe x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Summary: How would these men react to you turning heel?
Word Count: 849
Supreme Speaks: hiiiii, I might do these reaction scenarios more often cause this was fun to write (so please send in more). To @hookerforhook sorry that this took me so long but its here neow. Also I hope everyone is doing well and please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: slightly proofread, gifs are not mine, i repeat gifs ARE NOT MINE
Taglist (if you wanna be a part of it, lemme know): @hookerforhook @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @wwenhlimagines @triscillal
To the locker room and the AEW fans, your character was a very talented wrestler but always saw the good in people. Which often leads you to be hurt physically and emotionally. So after one too many broken hearts, you decided to turn heel.
How you turn heel is completely up to you so choose your adventure (I also included examples). You either…
Attacked your teammate after losing another tag team match (Bayley on Sasha Banks)
Attacked your good friend due to you being jealous of them (anyone really)
Didn’t allow your tag team partner to tag you in the match, making your team lose (Tbh I could find an exact moment but Layla on AJ Lee)
Attacked the referee and your opponent after losing the title match (Michelle McCool on Maria/Becky Lynch on Charlotte)
You got offered a better deal by the rival team and decided to take it (Seth Rollins on the Shield)
Eddie Kingston
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This man would be so calm about it
*after you attacked your friend* “Well, they had it coming”
Would not see you differently
In fact he would just be happy that you’re whooping ass and you’re not taking any shit from people
Still keeps it 100 with you about things
“If you attack them from behind, then you’re a coward. But if you hit them in the face, then you’re a real one”
In his eyes, you’re not a heel but you’re not a face
You’re just a person going through emotions and decided to let them out
Eddie understands you cause no one is truly/fully on one side or the other
I think Eddie would just say as long as you don’t hurt him physically or emotionally, then you’re good
Overall…Eddie is happy you chose violence as your answer
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It’ll definitely surprise him
He didn’t take you one for being a heel
But isn’t mad at the idea
Silent with his opinions 
But tbh I think he would believe the whole 180 change with you is hot
“You look very good…Almost too good.” 
Will tell you that he likes the aggressive yet playful mood you display in the ring now
Loves the change in ring gear and theme song
Will wear your new merch in instagram pictures
Honestly, might inspire him to turn heel himself
Overall…Hook loves to see this new attitude within you
Samoa Joe
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He would automatically smirk and congrats you  
“Welcome to the dark side”
I genuinely believe he would become a fan of you
Constantly reference you or just show his support on twitter (cause that man is a menace)
Gives you tips on how to appear more of a threat to your opponents
I believe that this Joe would become a mentor
100% would teach you the Coquina Clutch
Will laugh when you embarrass your opponent
“I taught them that! I did that!”
Overall…Samoa Joe would be that supportive father who’s just happy you joined him
Top Flight (Darius and Dante Martin)
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OKAY HERE ME OUT….they are all for it IM JUST SAYIN-
At first, Darius and Dante would be sad about it
Would be more saddened at the fact you have to stand across the ring from them instead of next to them
But will recognize that you are happier and are getting a lot more credit and camera time because of the turn
Will put your overall happiness over how they feel
Will still hang out with you behind the cameras (obvi)
Helps you decide on new moves or highflying moves you can do
Will hype you up backstage as you kick ass
“Kick her in the face Y/N!”
Will post pictures of you with the caption “We stan with Y/N”
Overall…Top Flight will be so supportive of you no matter what
Daniel Garcia
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Would immediately offer you a spot in JAS (please decline…)
Like Joe, Daniel would also reference you in tweets
I would like to believe that he would also start flirting with you 
Just full on rizz game on 100
“I may not be a photographer, but I can picture us together.”
Like Hook, would also believe this new attitude of yours is hot
Makes fun of your opponents and taunt them backstage (in effort to get you to join JAS, again say no)
Will also make fun of you (lightheartedly) and compare you to him
Will retweet you and start a banter with you just for shits and giggles
“So you think you can take my place as AEW’s favorite child?” “You were never anyone’s favorite.” “Take that back!”
Overall…Daniel would become infatuated with you and is happy for you
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creativekha0s · 5 months
Liv Morgan x Rhea Ripley oneshot! I totally meant to get this written earlier in the week after Wrestlemania actually happened, but a week later isn’t so bad. Enjoy! I love making these two find their way back to each other 🥰
Later that night…
Rhea Ripley defeats Becky Lynch with two Riptides at the grandest stage of them all and her dominant reign as Raw Women’s Champion continues on. Through the curtain she was celebrated by her Judgement Day companions and later on, Charlotte Flair. Once she was allowed a moment to herself, she walked on through the backstage area with a smile on her face and her championship belt on her shoulder.
“Hey Rhea, wait up!” Another one of the horsewomen, Bayley, says and jogs to catch up with her. “Hey champ, congratulations!”
“Thanks Bay. I’ve got faith in you to win your championship tomorrow night.” Rhea says with a dashing smile on her lips.
“Hey, thanks. Listen I’m not sure if I should tell you this but….you haven’t seen Liv yet, have you?” Rhea shakes her head confusingly. “You didn’t hear this from me then. We were all watching your match back here on the monitors just having a good time, getting into the match and everything and then when you pinned Becky….I don’t know, man. One second Liv is clapping with us and the next I see a fresh set of tears down her face. Then she disappeared to her locker room I presume.”
Rhea sighs and looks down to the floor before running a hand through her hair unsure of what emotions to feel right now. She’s completely ecstatic from her match with Becky and still riding her high from it and now she can’t help but to feel a small knot of guilt in her stomach.
“Is she still here then?”
Bayley nods her head. “Door is locked and she wouldn’t open up not even for me.” She lets out a small sigh. “Listen I know it’s not my place, you’re on an adrenaline rush, I get it. Just check on her before you leave, okay?” She sees Rhea contemplate with her request and Bayley gives her arm a playful shove. “Hey come on, you owe me. If I chose you to face instead of Iyo, maybe you wouldn’t have that belt on your shoulder right now.”
“Ha ha, hugger. In your dreams.” The two exchange a final smile before Bayley moves along to head back to the monitors while Rhea struggles with a choice of heading to her own locker room or checking on her once former best friend, tag team partner….someone who she once loved. Walking back towards the locker rooms gave Rhea a bit longer to form a decision. When she got to her own locker room she quickly went over to her travel bag and began digging through it until she found what she was looking for.
Rhea grabbed her championship belt and exited her locker room to make her way towards the locker room belonging to Liv Morgan. Her hand grabbed the handle and twisted to find the door was really locked, from the clutch of her other hand she sighed and revealed a key that Liv gave her long ago, pushing it to the keyhole and unlocking the door to head inside and locking the door behind her.
Rhea asked quietly when she didn’t see the blonde around. It was quiet but tense, the television set she had was playing the 6 Pack Ladder Match for the Tag Team Championships as it happened live on a low volume. Then she heard a quiet sniffle and an exaggerated sigh from the around the corner, that’s when Liv Morgan appeared carefully wiping her eyes with a tissue and stopping dead in her tracks when she saw Rhea Ripley standing in front of her in her own locker room.
When the mini heart attack subsided in her chest, Liv wasn’t too surprised to see Rhea here. Someone must’ve seen her wipe away tears and leave the monitors and figured it must’ve been Nattie or Bayley. And the door was locked but Rhea had a key as Liv had one for Rhea’s door as well.
“Hey…champ. Congratulations on the match, you were amazing.” Liv wiped under her eyes again.
“Yeah, thanks.” Rhea slid her title belt off of her shoulder and set it down on a chair, looking at a half broken Liv Morgan in front of her. “Do you want small talk? Bayley said you locked yourself in here. And you’re crying.”
“Fuckin’ Bayley.” Liv muttered under her breath and crossed her arms. “Let’s catch up another time. This is your big night, your big win, you should go celebrate it. Don’t worry about me.”
“You’re not giving me a choice on that last bit.” Rhea shrugged her shoulders and closed the distance a little between them. “Just talk to me, Livvy. What’s going on?” Liv couldn’t fight away the fresh set of tears that formed in her eyes, she was just deep down glad that Rhea was someone who has already seen her completely vulnerable. “Come here.” Rhea pulled Liv into a tight hug without having to struggle to like last time.
Liv silently cried into Rhea’s shoulder as the Aussie gently stroked at her back to help calm her down. It was only for a few minutes but Rhea was willing to take as long as she needed.
“Am I good enough?” Liv spoke after some silence and pulled her body back just enough to look Rhea into her eyes. “Be honest with me. I came up short on not one, but two Rumble matches back to back, I don’t have a match at Wrestlemania this year, I lost my best friend but more importantly…..” Liv stopped short before finishing her sentence and noticed that Rhea’s gaze never left hers. “I’m not good enough for you anymore either.”
“Liv, come on…”
“I’m so….so fucking happy for you, Rhea. You’ve accomplished so much and you’re not slowing down anytime soon. I’m so proud of you, it’s just…” Liv goes to find another tissue for her tears but Rhea grabs her wrist to stop her. “I’m not jealous, okay? You deserve everything. I’m-“ Rhea leads Liv over to the couch and sits them both down.
“I’m terrified, Liv.” Rhea says sadly with a light chuckle. “Right now I feel like I’m sitting well above the world right now and we both know that means the only way out is back down.” After swallowing her pride, Rhea smiles and adverts her eyes back to the blonde. “Absolutely, Liv Morgan, you’re good enough if not better than anything that’s in front of you. One of the biggest reasons I’m going as hard as I can is because I’m inspired by you and your ‘never quit’ attitude. The reason I’m here is because of you. I mean, you beat Ronda Rousey. Twice. You’re the first to ever do that.”
Liv blushed and had to look away no matter how much she desperately wanted to get lost in Rhea’s eyes. It wasn’t the answer she was expecting to get but the sudden warm feeling that felt in her chest made her spirits start to skyrocket.
“It can’t just be because of me. You’re a wonder of the world all on your own.” Liv sported a tiny smile on her lips. “But hearing that from our Women’s Champion does feel pretty good.”
The two chuckled and Rhea made the move to inch her body closer to Liv’s, the blonde’s heart fluttering more in her chest.
“You will always be good enough for me, Livvy. I’d be lying if I didn’t that I’ve been thinking about us lately…..what we had together…..” The Aussie tucks a few strands of hair behind her ears. “I’m sorry things have gotten rocky between us.” Her hand finds Liv’s hand and subtly strokes the top of it with her thumb. “Maybe we can find our way back again.”
“That’s so much hope to give me in my current headspace.” Liv chuckled and held her hand tighter. “I’d like that. A lot. I miss us.”
“I miss us too.” Rhea chuckled with a big genuine smile on her face. “And not just because it gets lonely at the top. I really miss us and I wouldn’t mind working on making some things up to you, like getting your confidence back. I know you got it.”
“Proving I’m good enough to myself, by myself, hasn’t been easy.” Liv sighed and gave Rhea a hug. “I don’t want to keep you from the rest of your night, you should go celebrate and catch the other matches.”
“I do have the press conference to get ready for, yeah.” Rhea sighed and tightened her arms around Liv’s body.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?” Liv asked suddenly but Rhea found it adorable that she asked for permission out of nowhere.
Pulling back, Rhea smiled and nodded her head while admiring Liv Morgan in a light she hasn’t seen in almost two years. If there was one weakness in her career, it was her. Something about a 5 foot 3 blonde who shared her passion for wrestling and beyond she couldn’t dare keep turning away from, not after an incredible night like tonight. With the most confidence she’s had all night, Liv slowly captured Rhea’s lips for a kiss that made them both feel whole again, as if they were both home with each other again.
Until her press conference had to start, Rhea stayed with Liv in her locker room all night together, cuddled up on her locker room couch, peppering sweet kisses to the side of Liv’s head and her cheek as they watched together the rest of the matches Wrestlemania Night 1 had to offer.
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