#4hw fanfic
lazarettta · 2 years
Three Alpha's and Their Omega
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Sasha gets hurt during a match and her three best friends and lovers take care of her...and eventually the person who hurt her. (probably not in the way you're thinking)
Word count (3.1k)
The Four Horsewomen of the WWE were the rock stars of the company and the women’s wrestling division. Any match they were in often overshadowed the men’s division wrestling. Three alphas and one Omega were changing women’s wrestling one match at a time. They were also the most unusual group in the WWE.
Because Sasha, being the omega she is, which was very rare, she was very close to three Alphas and that was even rarer. The fact that Charlotte, Bayley and Becky all seemed to be totally at ease around each other with Sasha in such proximity all the time, it was a mystery to everyone not in their inner circle.
The three women never really found themselves fighting each other on who got to cuddle with Sasha, or who got to cook for her or each other. Anything that would trigger an Alpha rage fueled by pure jealousy seemed to have completely bypassed the three women when it came to Sasha.
But that could not be said for any other Alpha that came sniffing in their direction. Surprisingly, it was Bayley who was always ready to fight anyone who had something snide to say about their relationship or if they even so much as looked at Sasha the wrong way. Or just in any way Bayley didn't like in general.
The four women were a force to be reckoned with. Their relationship wasn't always so smooth sailing as it were now. They've lived, learned and loved from their days in NXT. Through trial and error...and despite the heavy obstacles that threatened their paradise they rose above it all together.
They all shared a two story tour bus courtesy of Sasha’s first cousin; Snoop Dogg. Four bedrooms; two on the second floor and two on the first. Sasha and Becky were up top and Charlotte and Bayley were on the first floor. It was decked out with everything they could ever need and things they won’t ever need, but it was nice to have around anyway just to be safe. It was quite literally their home on the road.
Currently, they were all waiting for Sasha to get to their bus so that they could get back on the road and leave New Orleans because they had a show in New York on in a week, not to mention all of the autograph signings and photo shoots the following days.
Neither of them have really seen their omega since her main event ladder match. And normally they all gave each other their space after such an intense match, but Sasha had been thrown back first onto a steel ladder, and her landing was quite brutal. Even for a ladder match.
It was all Becky and Charlotte could do to keep their own protectiveness and anger in check so that they could keep Bayley in her chair and from running out in the middle of the match and having management come down on all of their asses.
After the match, all three of them tried to find Sasha but no of them had too much luck. Bayley offered to go wait back on their tour bus just in case Sasha tried to avoid checking in with the trainers (something they were all prone to do really). Meanwhile Becky and Charlotte looked around backstage frantically, nearly scaring the medical staff half to death when they burst into the trainer's room. Because apparently, they were not the only ones looking for The Boss.
Stephanie McMahon was also on a warpath because Sasha did skip on a mandatory check up, and Stephanie was not at all pleased with Alexa Bliss botching that ladder move with Sasha that happened in the ring. Not at all.
But that was all an hour and a half ago, and they were all beyond worried while Charlotte was getting angrier on top of her growing worry. She just couldn’t sit around in their living room any longer not knowing where their omega was. If she was safe or if she was hurting and all alone without them. It was driving her absolutely batshit crazy.
“Fuck this,” Charlotte growled as she pulled her hands out of her hoodie pocket, “I’m gonna go back out to look-”
The door leading from the driver’s area opened and Sasha slowly entered their living room and closed the door behind her softly. She looked...well, Sasha looked enervated as she dropped her duffel bag on the floor by the door and smiled tiredly at her three favorite people. She was smiling at them as if she weren't missing for nearly two hours without any sort of communication and driving her family crazy.
Sasha had a black eye forming under her right eye and they could only imagine what her back looked like along with the rest of her body.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late…”
“S-sorry?!” Becky recovered first, her jaw snapping shut as she jumped to her feet but she didn’t move to crowd Sasha, “Where the hell have you been?! We’ve been lookin’ everywhere for ya, Sasha!”
Sasha winced at Becky’s tone and Bayley, though she was upset as well, knew that Sasha didn’t need all of them jumping down her throat. Bayley glared at the two hotheads as she got up and tried to lead Sasha to the sofa but she was immediately stopped when Sasha pulled away before Bayley could even touch her. And the alpha wouldn’t deny that it stung a little bit. More than a little bit.
“Can we talk in the morning? Please? I’m just...really kinda tired guys…?” Sasha asked, adjusting her glasses tiredly. Deep down inside all she wanted to do was snuggle with her lovers and sleep for the next three days but her stubborn nature was in full swing.
All three alpha females wanted to press the issue and make Sasha talk to them but they all knew how quickly her walls could go up if they did that and none of them felt like breaking through those defenses anytime soon.
Sasha didn’t hug them goodnight like she usually loved to do but made sure to make physical contact with them as she made the painful journey up the stairs to her room, doing her best to mask her pain. She didn’t want to worry them anymore than she’s already done.
Sasha’s back was jacked up because Alexa botched the ladder toss and Sasha had went to the hospital instead of the trainers office. Nothing was broken this time but she’d be feeling that mistake for the better part of two weeks.
She'd called Stephanie during the cab ride back to the arena and ultimately got her ass chewed out for ghosting everyone. But once she informed the WWE heiress of her whereabouts and after Sasha filled in her boss about her condition, Stephanie was beyond pissed that one of her biggest stars was unnecessarily injured...and will be away from TV for two damn weeks.
Sasha would say she felt sorry for Alexa but she didn’t. She really didn’t.
Sasha managed to get undressed completely as their home on wheels began to pick up speed and was well on its way to their next destination. Even though the windows were darkly tinted, Sasha closed the curtains anyway because the less sun the better for her immediate health.
Sasha was too exhausted to put on more clothes, so she just slipped into bed naked and the cool silk sheets felt like ice cold heaven on her back. Quickly finding her sweet spot, Sasha sprawled out near the middle of her bed and she was half asleep thanks to her pain medication beginning to kick in. though before she could completely drift off, a soft knock on her bedroom door brought her back to the surface of consciousness.
She grunted the best she could and whoever was on the other side took it as permission to enter and she wasn’t at all surprised to see Charlotte’s silhouette slipping into her dark room and shutting the door behind her.
Sasha quietly watched Charlotte slipped off her own shirt through half lidded eyes, leaving her in just a pair of briefs.
Sasha didn’t bother moving as the taller woman slipped into bed with her, “ Charlie… tired.”
“Ssh. I know. Go to sleep, pipsqueak. I’m taking the first watch tonight.”
Sasha groaned, rolling her eyes behind closed eyelids, “Stephanie called you, didn’t she?”
Charlotte hummed, getting comfortable on her side, facing Sasha, “Yes and don’t think we will let you get away with not telling us.”
“It’s a moderate concussion.”
“That could get worse,” Charlotte answered tightly, but forced her worry and frustration to the back burner in her mind, “Now sleep, I’ll be waking you up soon.”
Sasha didn’t even have the energy to say anything else, and she was out like a light seconds later.
Sasha woke up all on her own this time, and not because one of the other horsewomen invaded her bed to wake her up every hour to make sure she didn’t have brain damage.
Sasha didn’t remember who was waking her up all through the night but she remembered snapping at someone before they kissed her to shut her up. The only person she knows who frequently likes to do that is Bayley.
Sasha blinked, shifting slightly and winced at the sun rays that were peeking through her dark curtains.
Sasha felt a hand on her bare stomach beneath the sheets, fingers lightly scratching at her skin just below her belly button. She recognized that hand because it had a certain callousness to it. She could always tell her alphas apart without even having to smell or see them.
Sasha opened her eyes slowly, and sure enough, her favorite firecracker was laying right there. The older woman was practically on top of Sasha as she rested her head on an upturned palm, watching the muted TV across the room.
Becky hadn't realized that Sasha was awake yet and the younger woman took the time to observe Becky. She was so beautiful and so strong in and out of the squared circle. It was just her personality, she was literally a lass kicker twenty-four seven and she was always there to protect them. Either from themselves or outside forces, Becky was always the first one high diving into a fight just like Bayley.
Sasha shifted closer to Becky, whimpering when her back rubbed roughly against the sheets, and she cursed Alexa Bliss for the millionth time in twenty-four hours.
The movement and whimper immediately pulled Becky’s full attention, and she turned her head to look down at Sasha with a soft smile.
“Mornin’ love, how's it?”
“God, I don’t ever wanna work with Bliss again. She’s an idiot.”
Becky made a small noise of agreement, eyes narrowing dangerously, “Yeah, well, one of us three will be havin’ some choice words for that one come Monday.”
Sasha smiled and eyes falling shut again, “I’m sorry I worried you guys yesterday, I didn’t trust the trainers to tell me right from wrong and I was high on adrenaline and went straight to the ER because something didn’t feel right.”
Becky nodded, “It’s alright, we know and we get it. We’ve had time to cool off love, just next time give one of us a warnin', yeah? Or maybe invite us along... you have a phone for a reason.”
“Yeah.” Sasha agreed softly, and accepted the quick but loving kiss from Becky.
“Bay made breakfast if you’re up for it, you gotta get moving around.”
Sasha didn’t want to but she knew that had to because Becky was right. Slowly, Sasha pushed away the covers covering her naked body, shivering from both the cold air hitting her warm skin and the subtle but hungry look in Becky’s eye.
Sasha tried to ignore both as she slowly rolled onto her side, turning her back to Becky and she heard a deep growl and Becky immediately held Sasha still with a firm hand on her hip.
Becky took a moment to really get a good look at the damage and felt her anger boiling. She was the only one who had yet to see Sasha’s back. To really get a good look at the dozens of thin lacerations and bruises that lay there. Becky knew one thing for sure. Alexa Bliss’ days were numbered.
“Becky?” Sasha called over her shoulder softly when Becky was quiet too long, “Help me up?”
“Okay, love. Come on now, up and at ‘em.” Becky forced a smile, masking her anger, Sasha didn’t need to see that from her right now. Expelling calm and reassuring pheromones for their omega, Becky began to carefully help Sasha out of bed.
Sasha was literally sitting in Becky’s lap and they were sharing a plate of food on the sofa and watching TV, it was raining outside and Charlotte and Bay were sitting on the other sofa having a movie session.
They were both watching Indiana Jones, something neither Sasha or Becky really had an interest in. But once they finished their shared breakfast they were under their own heavy blanket on the sofa with Sasha’s back to Becky’s front.
The native Irish Woman had a strong arm wrapped tight around Sasha. Sasha managed to roll over and Becky shifted until she was on her back with Sasha literally snuggled on top of her with her face buried into her neck like a damn koala.
And it wasn’t long before the love and security had Sasha fast asleep yet again.
Sasha was miserable. Her back was a hot mess and she could barely do anything because the aches were too sharp and painful, so she had to rely on her three Alphas to help her do literally anything. It was frustrating.
But since Charlotte and Bayley we’re stuck doing promos and press conferences, it was just her and Becky for a few hours, not that Sasha minded. She loved her Alphas so much but all three of them hovering over her could get a little overwhelming very quickly.
At the moment, Sasha was in Charlotte’s room because she didn’t feel like climbing the stairs, while Becky was out getting them something to eat from wherever. Sasha was lying in the middle of The Queen’s bed wearing one of Charlotte’s favorite sweatshirts that was covered in her scent. She'd be stealing this one too.
Sasha also had a bunch of Charlotte’s pillows laying around her like a little nest and she was watching Court TV. She was just laying there comfortably as she could especially with the pain medication for her back working their magic.
Becky finally returned to their massive tour bus with a bag full of Sasha’s favorites and a giant smile. When she entered the living room area, Sasha wasn’t where she had left her. Becky took a quick sniff and tracked Sasha to Charlotte’s room.
Becky paused in the doorway, smiling and Becky pulled out her phone to take a picture and sent it to Charlotte and Bayley. Sasha was knocked out cold and hugging one of Charlotte's body pillows. Becky set the food down on the nightstand and kicked off her sneakers, ditched her jeans and tucked herself comfortably behind Sasha. Careful not to press too hard on her back.
Becky sighed and went to sleep herself.
When Becky came back to the land of the living her senses weren’t greeted with the scent she fell asleep with. Instead the owner of the bed was directly behind her, typing away on her laptop.
Becky sat up slightly, eyesight still a little bleary as she gazed at the other alpha. “Wha...where’s our omega? She okay?”
Charlotte nodded, smiling softly, “Mmhm. She’s in the kitchen with Bayley, making cookies I think.”
Becky’s stomach growled, “Damn...I can’t have any.”
“Yeah you can, they’re trying out this plant based vegan cookie recipe Bayley got from Maryse a few weeks ago.”
Becky blinked a few times, Maryse can cook?, “Sasha shouldn’t really be up with her back bothering her, she’s…”
Charlotte looked up from whatever it was that she was typing to look at her best friend, “Calm down, Beck, she’s fine, Bayley is gonna make sure she’s fine. Besides, we don't want her getting too restless. She's not in danger mixing batter and baking cookies.”
Becky huffed but relaxed anyway making Charlotte smile before she went back to her laptop and Becky picked up the remote so she could channel surf until she just settled on ESPN.
After a while, Becky and Charlotte heard loud laughter coming from the kitchen, automatically identifying it as Sasha.
“How was it today?”
“Hectic as usual.” Charlotte sighed heavily, shaking her head causing a few blonde strands to fall from the bun she wore, “Stephanie had us doing promos literally right after those two press conferences.”
“Christ that woman is a workaholic, when did ya get back in?”
“An hour ago.” Charlotte answered absentmindedly, her focus was on the screen of her laptop and Becky was tempted to lean over and be nosy but she knew better. That was a pet peeve of Charlotte's and Becky didn't have the energy to pick at the other Alpha right now so she went back to watching TV. A few minutes later, Charlotte sighed again but it was a little more alleviated than the previous one as she closed her laptop and set it aside.
Becky looked over at the blonde curiously, eyebrow raised, “What's up with ya and the laptop?”
Charlotte gave Becky a look that the Irishwoman knew all too well that it meant someone's day was about to get ruined, “It was a petition.”
“A...what?” Becky's wide confused eyes tracked Charlotte as she got up from the bed and walked towards her bedroom door, “Wait...a petition for what?”
Charlotte opened the door and turned back to Becky, “Let's just say that we won't have to deal with Bliss ever again...and I think the cookies are done. You better bring your ass before they eat them all. Again.”
"A petition though? That's it?!"
Charlotte shrugged, "More like a scathing email to management. A very long one...besides, it's better than us jumping Bliss in some empty room...and probably going to jail. We won't be any good to Sasha in jail, right?"
"Exactly." Charlotte winked and left the room.
Becky glanced at the laptop sitting on Charlotte's bedside table and the door that was left wide open a few times. Her brain took a moment to process that, yet again, Charlotte beat her to the damn punch. “Sonuvabitch. There goes my murder plan.”
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ahunter8056 · 1 year
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Months since Sasha Banks was rescued from the clutches of the Master, Team TARDIS are happier than ever. There's a new couple aboard the TARDIS, and the five friends are just as close and enjoying even more adventures. Follow their trips on this volume of minisodes in the wait between seasons.
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Doctor Who (2005), Professional Wrestling, Doctor Who & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sasha Banks/Charlotte, Sasha Banks & Bayley | Davina Rose, Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Charlotte & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Sasha Banks & Bayley | Davina Rose & Charlotte & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox Characters: The Doctor (Doctor Who), Sasha Banks, Charlotte (Professional Wrestling), Bayley | Davina Rose, Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who) Additional Tags: adventures in time and space, fighting evil, saving the universe, hanging out on the TARDIS, Wrestling Stable: 4HW | The Four Horsewomen, fun and silliness, Minisodes Series: Part 2 of A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time)
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saveonesouls · 4 years
The Gods Aren’t Dead
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A/N: So thanks to @flairfatale​ I now have to write this little thing up, which is gonna be on AO3 too with their gifset here . I couldn’t help it because my creative mindset is back full swing and I’ve been writing and drawing nonstop for a while lol so here we are! I might make this a chapter thing? It will be interesting. For music for the feel I was getting-ish for each of them, here’s Athena and Ares’ songs! I’m finding good ones for Nemesis and Adonis for next chapter! ENJOY!
“I see you’ve taken on a nicer form than last time.” Ares’ lips curl into an amused smile.
“You’re one to talk. Now at least you can be called the Goddess of War and go toe to toe with Athena.”
Ares moved forward with her blonde hair swaying with the light wind that Adonis carried with her. “Like I would want to go and have a talk with her. She stared her blue eyes back into the brown ones that fell before her as her boots moved forward more and pressed against the rocks more into the dirt as they stood on a cliff, looking out to a town, a city. The sun was slowly falling from the sky and the moon slowly rising, the clouds were moving at it’s own pace, it’s own way as the two women stood their.
“So why did you choose this form this time around?”
“Huh?” Adonis turned her head to look at the blonde.
“What made you be female now? I’m curious.”
Adonis paused in thought. She never gave it much thought. She actually didn’t think she needed to answer something like that, if she was honest. In reality, she didn’t even know if a response was needed. Maybe Ares was teasing her, making her hesitate to insult her. After all, Ares was the one that attacked her, or him rather, a long while ago. Back in the old days.
“Adonis, it doesn’t have to have much thought. I’m just--”
“I felt better this way to give the idea of rebirth. Though I know my... beauty and desire role is still needed in some capacity.”
“To Aphrodite, you mean.”
Adonis sighed heavily. “I told you before, Ares. You won.” She turned her head as she pointed to Ares, revealing her hands from her dark cloak. “You can have her if she wishes to have you. She knows my eyes are for another and knows that this time around it is best she and I just... remain not romantically involved after the incident.”
“Which I apologized for.” Ares shrugged and they both fell into silence. It wasn’t until the feeling of a strong wind chill and a smell of what Adonis would only say as “olive” and Ares had turned and rolled her eyes. “Athena. So glad you could join us.”
The other grinned as she walked closer and hugged her the War Goddess. “Ares.” She then hugged Adonis and her grin grew. “Adonis. I see you’re fairing well.”
Adonis nodded. “Yes, I am. Living in this world has taught me a lot” Her eyes moved back towards the city below. “It’s why I called you two and one other.”
“Who?” Ares and Athena asked in unison.
The three looked over and there she was. Her red hair and all, the eyes dark like the many souls she’s taken, the many people she served justice, the souls the intimidated, put fear in, the ones that put fear in others of the evil deeds the brought about on the mortals.
“Nemesis...” Athena breathed.
“Lovely to see you all.” Nemesis walked closer and looked at Adonis and Ares with an almost shock but a new look took on her face. It was a mix of amusement and approval. “I see you two have changed. Trying a new look or something?”
“In a way.”
Ares and Adonis looked at each other and Nemesis just shrugged.
“Right, well. I’m here. What is this meeting about?”
“It’s not about dad is it? Because I swear--”
“No, Athena. It isn’t.” Adonis said and she let out a little huff. She was building courage to tell them, Athena could see it. Adonis wasn’t good at really telling things to others, especially to the likes of Athena and Ares, who to Adonis was more powerful than she was. Adonis looked up at the 3 sets of eyes looking at her and she spoke. “I think we should spend more time with the mortals.”
“What? Hell no!” Ares crossed her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow. “Why in Our Names would we do that? They are not ones we should meddle with. We have them bending to us, Adonis. We are their Gods, or... Goddess’ in our case. They barely deserve us being down here to help them.”
“Ares, you’re being a bit unreasonable.” Athena said with a little sigh. “Let Adonis explain.”
“Explain?! Explain that we should live among the people who are savages? Who are the ones who are just as helpless as their animals to us? They are at our feet. We shouldn’t have to stoop to their level!”
“Ares.” Ares looked at Nemesis, who was staring back. “They are not like the animals. They are smarter, intelligent. It’s why we do help them because they seek guidance to become better than what they originally are. Without them, there is no us.” Ares scoffed and turned away from them. “Typical as always, Ares: Short temper, quick to assume, full of rage and anger, and always want to cause violence and bring chaos with the mortals.”
“I do NOT--” Ares turned but then stopped herself. She took a deep breath and clenched her jaw, her blond hair moving out of her face.
“Going to prove my point, Rage Prince? Or shall I call you Princess now?” Ares felt a fire in his belly as Nemesis spoke with a smirk. But Nemesis continued speak but now towards Adonis. “Adonis, if we are to live among them my question is also of curiosity: Why?”
“Simple. It’s something Ares made a point of.” Adonis gulped and looked at Ares before her eyes moved to Athena and Nemesis. “They rely too much on us and the times are changing. In the end, there might be a point where we will have to disappear, have them think--”
“--We are dead.” Athena stated, accidentally finishing Adonis’ statement. Adonis gave an almost hesitant nod before Athena stood straight more and nodded. “I understand now. But what of Zeus? Does he agree with this move? Have you told him yet?”
“I have and he agrees.”
That was a shocker to all of them, Ares especially. Their Father, Zeus, the God of the Thunder, Sky, and Lightning, and the Ruler of Gods, actually agreed to something like this. Their father took being the Ruler of the Gods very seriously. He even took it as a way to try to sleep with anything, which Ares wish he lowkey didn’t but at the same time? They had a gut feeling Zeus wouldn’t have minded other than the fact of ruling in “secret”. Then again, Adonis knew more than what she was letting on, but she wouldn’t say. Ares almost wanted to shake it out of her, but knew best not to with Nemesis and Athena there. Anything Ares would do, they’d defend Adonis. She was the most unloved God after all, her own Father said it to her in battle when she was in her original male form. It struck deep with her, but never said a word. Now, it came a time that even the most unloved had someone telling her she needed to hide out to make the people not rely on them.
Adonis knew this and that was what to happen. They couldn’t abandon the post completely, but they needed a way to “hide”.
Adonis turned to look at Nemesis. “Yes, Nemesis?”
“If we do this” Nemesis started, biting her bottom lip in thought a moment before speaking again. “We should do it the right way in the most logical way possible.” Then she looked at Athena.
Athena blinked and then looked at Ares. “War.” Athena said simply and that caused the blonde woman that was her now known sister to smirk heavily. Athena could see even the bright blue eyes go dark.
“Oh... this is going to be fun.”
Many years passed since that moment. Many years where they changed their name thousands of times. Yet now in this timeline they knew exactly what to call themselves.
Bayley. The lovely Adonis who was loved by all, was kind, gentle, and beautiful. The God of Rebirth, The God of Beauty and Desire who gave a change to being a Goddess, but still knew they all referred her as a God, which she didn’t mind. it’s who she was before and now she was reborn in a new way, a comfortable way.
Sasha. The War Strategist, the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena. The one who plans before doing everything and anything she puts her mind to. That included protecting those who were in need.
Becky. The Goddess of Revenge, Justice, Divine Retribution, Nemesis. The one who plots after being beat, who plots when evil deeds are had. The one who would go to bat for anyone despite getting a hard hit to the face and their nose being broken.
And last but not least, Charlotte. The God of War, the God who turned to being a Goddess for his own reasons, the God who was unloved by all, who was ruthless, who was violent, blood-driven, angry... Was destructive, full of chaos. The first to punch first and ask questions later. The other half of Athena, many would say, in times of war and battle.
The four stayed close, for their own reasons. One might say because in reality, they blended oddly well together. One might say because Ares couldn’t live without Athena being around to bail him out and Athena couldn’t live without Ares to fight her battles with people who treat her badly. They both couldn’t live without Nemesis swearing up a storm at other people telling them they better “watch out before justice gets to them and gives them what for” and they all couldn’t live without Adonis.
Adonis’ light in her was infectious. The light in her was warm, was needed, was kind. Athena was used to some kindness, but with Adonis they all felt kindness for once. For once, Ares felt a sort of love with friendship, with a relation with family. Despite Adonis and Ares’ past together with Aphrodite, Adonis moved passed that. And Nemesis? When Nemesis was boiling in anger over someone hurting her and being down on herself, Adonis was there with strawberries she grew in the garden and talking with Nemesis about her problems and helping her.
So, they lived in somewhat harmony and that...
That was enough for now.
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rexrighteous · 6 years
This man has come around
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mjfass · 3 years
realistically, i think that the 4hw have a group chat and i think i can pinpoint (in character, at least) what they do in it:
Sasha: doesn't talk. at all. you almost forget she's there unless she likes one of bayley's messages, she's really just too busy doing cool boss shit to be really involved because she's sasha goddamn banks. occasionally asks for color recommendations for her gear, though.
Bayley/Becky: memelords, trolls, the pinnacle of comedy. Bayley is the queen of weird niche jokes that just barely make sense in the funniest way, while Bex is much more direct in sending gifs and memes about the 4hw that she probably finds on Twitter.
Charlotte: always has something to vent about, whether it's the crowd's treatment of her or all these girls around her on Raw that think they're up to her level. she'd never admit it, but it's lonely being the only Horsewoman on the red brand. always inviting the others out to lunch because she likes spending time with her friends, as much as she pretends she doesn't (and they all know it)
That sounds absolutely kayfabe accurate. 😂 I can totally picture Bayley and Becky engaging in meme wars, while Charlotte and Sasha just ask them to stop, even though they are actually laughing so hard at the memes. Also, also, Bayley actually making some Charlotte and Sasha memes and pretending she found them on Twitter (only Bex knows she is lying).
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I feel like I’m writing/reading a fanfic. 😂
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grandslambaeley · 5 years
Random question. Do you read or write fanfics? I'm asking because the posts/theories you've written about the 4HW, that could make for some good fanfic and fantasy booking material.
I haven't really read any wrestling fanfics. I’ve browsed a few but really haven’t taken the dive into reading any of them. Maybe one day.
As for writing them, no I haven't ever written one. I’m a terrible creative writer for a start. I have more of an analytical brain so that explains all the theories and analysis you see me write on here but when it comes to creative writing I’ve always been awful. So I think I’ll leave all that to the creative fans out there but thank you for saying that my theories would make good material.
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theaerofanfics · 5 years
Starset: 1- Better Believe Beginnings (aka BBB)
A/N: So I did the thing. I made the Baysha rockstar AU fanfic all thanks to @iceicesheamy ‘s edit and @becksflair little snippet I saw on the post. Trust me, this WILL get better and hopefully it doesn’t seem messy. FYI: The song lyrics/songs I’ve come up on my own (other than the Turn it Up name since it’s basically Bay’s theme song name ;P) and if you want some of the songs in full for what they’d sing and whatnot, I can make a separate tag for them and do that as well! Okay too much rambling!
Hope you enjoy and look out for the 4hw mythical beings fic as well today! and maybe another gift ;p
“Is this good?”
“Perfect, Mrs. Martinez.”
One of the crewmen adjusted the little microphone on Sasha’s jacket and once it was fixed, she gave him a brief smile and looked at the interviewer. “Okay, so… I know this is for the documentary that the company wants us to do. Is there anything in specific to talk about, Kayla?”
Kayla grinned and shook her head. “Not really, but let’s start with the brief introduction once the camera rolls of who you are and maybe about the documentary and we’ll start from there. We want this to be as personable and unscripted as they told you when they recorded everything. We want the same with this interview portion of recounting the events.”
“Of course! Whenever you’re ready.” Kayla looked at the cameraman who stated he was ready and Kayla watched as he gave the countdown and saw the red light light up. “Hey everyone, Sasha Banks here and you’re in for a treat into the life of the Boss ‘N Hug Connection with our rockin’ tour: Ain’t No Stopping Us. This tour is probably the most interactive and personable tour we’ve had and we definitely want to have more like this.”
“Alright, fantastic.” Kayla smiled. “Why don’t we start from the beginning with the tour? With the first stop in New York and anything you can really note about that.”
“Yeah, sure.” And just with ease Sasha began to speak about the tour.
“I want the monsters to go away,
You only need to stay.
We are standing in the thunder,
Standing in the thunder,
Every single moment with you
Reminds that love comes when it wants to.
We have to be patient.
Standing in the Thunder,
We have to be humble.
Standing in the Thunder.
Falling in reverse,
Falling through the sky.
Letting the electricity
Course through us,
There’s nothing, but the two of us—”
She was cut off because Bayley kissed her. She merely smiled and giggled slightly between it before Sasha pulled away and smiled warmly. Standing in the Thunder was their song. It was the song that showed everyone their love and care for one another and it became a major hit once it came out. The music video had so many hits that Bayley almost didn’t believe this was all true. Even here and now, the duo and their bandmates singing their song to a huge crowd who was singing with them. “You know you can’t do that every time we sing.” Sasha mumbled away from the mic before moving to continue to sing.
“Watch me.” Bayley teased and winked, still playing the tune.
               The concert had ended after the song and the two women were in each other’s arms in a hug, waving to the crowd who was aww’ing at them and cheering them. The two then got off the stage and Bayley picked Sasha up and spun her around. If anyone didn’t know how they were, they’d assume their marriage was like a Disney movie. Bayley would be the prince saving the princess from the situation and they’d end up marrying. They met through the power of music, Bayley’s guitar mainly the reason Sasha was drawn to her.
Sasha laughed a bit as she was spun and once she was on the ground she kissed Bayley deeply for a moment. She then pulled away and she grinned softly. She didn’t care that the cameras for the documentary were there. She was used to them by now, especially as they used to record everything back in the day because Bayley wanted to do a documentary of their up and coming to stardom. “I love you.” She whispered to her wife.
“I love you too, babe.” Bayley stated back and she pecked her wife’s lips softly. “You sounded really good out there.”
“As did you. You and your guitar playing. My partner in crime.” Sasha laughed and pulled away from the other’s grasp. “I also will admit, our idea of bringing a few fans on stage was a nice touch.”
“I figured it’d be a good idea to give them the experience of stardom.” Bayley chuckled and shrugged before the two started to walk to their dressing room. “Plus, I wish we could have them all on stage because I’m sure many saved up the money for the tickets. I wish we didn’t make them so expensive.” Bayley sighed as they walked into their dressing room and she put her snapback on the coffee table and sat on the couch.
“I wish that too, babe. The venues are fucking expensive.” She sighed a bit. “Maybe we can go back to our roots in San Jose? Do a concert in a field somewhere or a park and just.. You know, play and let the fans enjoy the music rather than pay with their life savings.”
“Maybe.” Bayley pulled out her phone to check out Social Media so she could update their band twitter. “The setlist by the way was good. I tend to forget you’re good at that stuff while I’m good with the creative and dressing aspect.”
“That’s because, you” Sasha moved to sit next to her wife and started to take off her shoes. “are the more creative one. You have a keen eye on the detail, remember? Our first music video we made you asked us what we all saw in ourselves.”
“Well yeah. The song was Inner Sanctum.”
Sasha laughed softly. “We should play that one when we do go to San Jose. Bring back an old but gold song.”
“Well then Inner Sanctum and Turn it Up should be added for when we go over there then. I’m sure the fans will love that kind of set.”
“Yeah though I’m sure it’ll be cool to play it more often in the sets at the other cities.” Bayley realized Sasha didn’t say anything else and looked up, seeing Sasha looking at her and she furrowed her eyebrows. “What? Is there something on my face?”
“No, no. You’re fine. I just like staring at you.”
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Sasha rolled her eyes and nudged the other before getting up, taking off her white and gold jacket she had on and putting it up on the rack. Eventually the cameras left so they could at least get dressed and once they did, Bayley looked at Sasha. “You okay?”
“Yeah, everything is fine. Why?” Sasha felt Bayley’s hand on her cheek and she touched it gently.
“I just want to make sure considering the cameras and everything. I know you’re used to it and all, but I don’t want you—”
“I’m not uncomfortable, Bay.” She said softly and pecked Bayley’s lips lightly. “We have our own documentary from when we were a local band. This doesn’t bother me, especially when we tend to actually record some concerts.”
“Okay, okay.” Bayley hugged her wife before she picked up her and Sasha’s bags, the two heading out to the back. Once they got outside, the screams were heard and they waved to the fans. They took some pictures, signed some pictures and paper, and eventually they got onto their tour bus.
Bayley collapsed into the sofa on the tour bus, laying across it. She had her hand covering her eyes and she let out a breath, relaxing. She could feel eyes on her and she spoke softly. “You really like staring at me, huh?”
“Well yes, especially when you basically lay across the couch when I wanted to sit.”
Bayley moved her hand to look at Sasha, who was playfully smirking, and she stuck her tongue out at her wife. Sasha did it in return and Bayley sat up just enough for Sasha to sit down and placed her head into her lap. She smiled warmly and the two’s gaze met again. Their world froze while the bus started to move.
“You’re staring again, Bayley.”
“Hell yeah, I am. I’m staring at a masterpiece.”
“Alright, Cassnova. Enough with the cheesiness.”
“That definitely sounds like a good time indeed.”
“It was. It was the most interactive show we’ve had and Bayley’s idea really captivated that we cared and we wanted to make sure they knew that. Without our fans, we wouldn’t be these hit sensations that we are doing features on other’s albums or doing music for movies or anything like that. This whole ride for the past few years have been... a wild rollercoaster.”
Kayla said with a grin. “tell us a bit about the Boss ‘N Hug Connection. We partially know the story for those that have found Bayley’s Youtube and saw the episodes, but not many know the story behind it all.”
Sasha lowered her gaze and a soft smile went on her face before she looked up at Kayla and then the camera. Though she wasn’t looking at the camera, Bayley was right behind the cameraman and she was smiling. It made her smile more and she began to speak. “Bayley and I were in high school, our senior year. She caught me one day after school singing in the empty band room when she goes in there to play the piano and we met. We didn’t realize we also had Physics together, but we connected instantly by having similar taste in music. After a bit, Bayley told me how she wanted to start a band and wanted a voice like mine to be the main singer and her as a backup.” Sasha smiled when she saw Bayley nod in agreement as she continued, trying not to laugh even. “She kept telling me that my voice would, and I quote, “would make men and women fall in love with not just me but the music”. Somehow, my voice was so angelic to her that she really wanted us to be a band. So, we started a band. The Boss ‘N Hug Connection was named that because I was known to be the Boss in the choir at school and Bayley just loved to hug me and somehow it just made a lightbulb hit when I said the name. So, we just stuck with it.”
“And over time, you two fell in love?”
Sasha giggled lightly and nodded. “Yes, over time we did. I guess in a way she fell in love with me and the music.” She laughed softly. “Though, if it was during that time it wouldn’t have made a difference. People kept thinking we were a couple anyways because Bay and I never left each other’s side really, especially back then. Anything music? We went together. Any interview” She said and winked at Bayley, for which Kayla noticed Bayley was in view. “we went together. We need each other for reassurance and to relieve nerves because I get nervous with interviews and Bayley works herself up and rambles.”
“Interesting. Well, continue with the tour story. You were saying that one thing you loved was how great a lover Bayley is?”
Sasha blushed. Of course she said that and of course Bayley would be in the room. She could see the cheeky, amused smirk on her wife’s face and she just spoke. “Well…”
“B—Bayley, stop.” Sasha laughed as she was getting hugged by Bayley, almost the other being a koala and hugging her tightly and from behind. “You are nuzzling into my neck and you know that tickles.”
Bayley nuzzled anyways and laughed. “I thought you loved it when I would snuggle you like this.”
“I do, but I’m trying to type up an Instagram post for us.”
“Oh? Taking a picture of us in bed, naked under the covers?”
Sasha blushed and looked back at Bayley, who was smirking. “No, I wouldn’t want to give the perverts the satisfaction of thinking it.”
“Fair.” Bayley wrapped her arms around Sasha’s waist and gave her a little squeeze. “Your mine anyways.”
“Well yeah. There’s an official paper that says so.”
Bayley mumbled something as she hid her face into her back and Sasha rolled her eyes, understanding.
“I do know what you mean, but I know I’m yours. You’re mine too. Anyways, I’m posting the picture of us backstage when we were looking out to the crowd while we were hiding and then the big one where we were sitting in front of the crowd to catch the crowd, remember?”
“Oh yeah! Jeff took that picture.” Bayley said as she lifted her hand up. Sasha nodded and she finished the post and posted it, checking twitter on the mentions and everything and she smiled as she saw all the photos there were. She could feel Bayley also looking while occasionally kissing along her neck and shoulder and she let out a relaxing breath as the tour bus was still going, heading to their next stop in New Jersey. Sasha shut her eyes briefly as she was feeling more relaxed and once she opened her eyes again she turned and kissed Bayley.
The two were lost once again in their little romance, their love just bring firework whenever they kissed, whenever they stared at one another. Bayley quietly moaned in the kiss and eventually the two separated and Sasha spoke softly. “That stressed, huh?”
Bayley chuckled lightly and ran a hand through Sasha’s purple hair. “Yeah… You take on a lot of the work and I can feel it on your shoulders. I know the tour is a lot, especially because it’s almost double of what we did before.”
“And we’re having a part two to make it triple the amount…” Sasha mumbled softly.
“Well I’m gonna make sure you’re not stressed out throughout this. Probably give us some parts of the day to have fun with games or something or—”
“Doing things like we’ve done for the past hour or so?” Sasha raised an eyebrow with a smirk on her face.
Bayley laughed. “Of course.”
“I like the sound of that. I especially like it if we end up going to play arcade games or even play the games we have or bought.” Sasha said as she sat up a little. “I’ll kick your ass in Mortal Kombat again.”
“Oh no. We’re not doing this bet again.” Bayley raised an eyebrow. “I won fair and square the first two times. You cheated last time.”
“You played the same character!”
“You didn’t make a rule that we couldn’t.”
“You still cheated.”
“You want to try me for a fourth time then?”
“I was already between your legs, Sash.”
“Bayley.” Sasha playfully smacked Bayley’s arm before rolling her eyes.
“Let’s go for a forth time then. Let me put on a tanktop and pants.”
“Are we recording this to put in the documentary?”
“Sure, why not? Let me grab our camera.” Bayley stated as she went to get dressed. “I’m going to win.”
“You’re going to lose. You’re just a sore loser!”
“Takes one to know one.” Bayley said as she moved to get dressed. “Let’s get this game out of the way.”
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fyeahbaysha · 6 years
So before I get too creepy with the Baysha squeeing, I do want to say how legitimately happy I am that they get a chance with the women’s tag titles. I grew up on Lita and Trish, and got more and more turned off by how they treated Lita (Kane, turning the Edge/Matt Hardy issue into a storyline, Cryme Tyme having a ho sale after her retirement match). The Divas thing was the last straw for me, and I didn’t watch women’s wrestling for years. I only started getting back into it in 2018, hearing about the first women’s Royal Rumble, then the Evolution PPV.
Then I heard about the Four Horsewomen. These four women who completely changed the face of women’s wrestling for the WWE, who main-evented RAW and PPVs and were able to go in serious gimmick matches. WWE built a serious women’s division, because of them and around them. Like Sasha and Bayley said recently, Ronda Rousey only got interested in WWE once that happened. She wasn’t going to come in and wrestle the Bellas.
Now imagine Sasha and Bayley doing the same thing for women’s tag-team wrestling. Sasha producing matches, telling a story through their wrestling and Bayley “training” the other girls to become true tag-teams rather than just singles wrestlers teaming together (and one day I will squee about the Steve Austin podcast where Sasha’s already mapped out their post-retirement life together). I remember when the men’s tag-team scene was Edge & Christian, the Hardyz and the Dudleyz. An entire PPV was based on matches they created. I can see Sasha and Bayley wanting to take on that challenge and redefining the women’s tag-team division, like the 4HW did for the women’s division.
And how cool would it be to do that with your best friend by your side. Although I know they’re too big as singles stars to be in a tag-team forever, and my heart will break when they do. *tear*
(Jk, I’ll totally be writing angsty hatesex fanfic in my head when they do break up.)
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To all people asking me to write WWE 4HW fanfics, I will be answering them all on my other blog, thirstyforthasmin! All questions have been sent over there. If you want to send more prompts, please do so over there!
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bisexualshrug · 6 years
Have u every considered writing a Riott Squad fanfic?
I haven’t really thought much about it before if I’m being honest. I don’t know too much about them other than what I see on Raw. I really don’t know if I’d write a fic for anything outside of 4HW ships. Maybe Bayley/Carmella one day. 
I’m not saying I won’t ever write something for the Riott Squad. If I was sent a prompt I was really into, who knows. But I’m not planning one right now and I don’t have any ideas. I’m sorry :( 
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So I’ve been on AO3 for a little over a year now. And during that time, I have learned three (3) things about fanfiction within my chosen fandom (WWE).
1. Judging from the statistics, there are 3 types of ships on WWE AO3 that people write for. The first involves the SHIELD. The second involves the 4HW. The third is Zowens/Steenerico. Really, not sure how THAT one is the exception, it probably involves how undeniably GAY they are, but I am grateful for it. 2. For as “violent” as the WWE and wrestling is, people really love making it... even more violent. Like, no, you’re cans of whoop ass are NOT sufficient, we need to introduce serial killers and mob bosses into this situation. At one point I considered deleting my Futurefic Saga because it was too violent. Then I went on AO3 and realized just what sort of fandom I was dealing with here. I’m good now. BTW: “Demon King” Finn Balor has NUTTIN on some of the insane shit yinz have him doing in fanfic. Just sayin’
3. Again, looking at my own statistics alone, nobody likes OCs. Or, for that matter, my “based on a dream” stories. I mean it. The only one of my WWE fics above 100 hits is the “Finding Paradise” one that was neither dream-based nor contained an OC POV. Maybe I should just stop writing out my “Adventures in Dreamland” series. My BPD feeds off outside attention and, now that my peer is gone, I don’t know if my creative muse will be able to sustain itself.
Just some thoughts on my time on AO3. I’m not going to stop writing, I can tell you that now. Yinz guys are stuck with me and my shitty dream fic, I’m not going anywhere.
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ahunter8056 · 2 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Diablo II, Professional Wrestling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Sasha Banks/Bayley | Davina Rose, Charlotte/Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Bayley | Davina Rose & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Sasha Banks & Charlotte, Sasha Banks & Bayley | Davina Rose & Charlotte & Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Bayley | Davina Rose & Charlotte Characters: Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox, Charlotte (Professional Wrestling), Bayley | Davina Rose, Paige | Britani Knight, Charsi (Diablo II), Akara (Diablo II), Kashya (Diablo II), Deckard Cain, Trish Stratus Additional Tags: Crossover, Four Horsewomen, Adventurers, Diablo AU, Four Horsewomen as the player characters, Accessible if you've never played the game, if not please let me know, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Eventual Baysha & Charlynch, Strangers to Friends to Lovers
Chapter 6 - Tools of the Trade Summary:
Sasha and Becky bond in secret before the party of four set out to the Rogue Monastery to retrieve Charsi's Horadric Malus.
Story Summary:
The Four Horsewomen acting as the player in the videogame Diablo II.
Taking place on the world of Sanctuary, a realm created in the Eternal Conflict between Angels and Demons, a party of adventurers seek to stop the spreading evil that seems to follow a dark wanderer. They soon find themselves hunting the Prime Evils, in a quest that will test their resolve.
Bayley - Paladin serving in the Knights of Westmarch. She acts as the group's protector, utilising healing spells and protective auras while smiting the idiot demons they come across.
Becky - Barbarian from Mount Arreat. Wields twin flaming axes, and makes a lot of puns.
Charlotte - Amazon from the Skovos Isles. Wields a spear, using a combination of physical strength and athleticism to attack her foes.
Sasha - Sorceress of the Zann Esu Mage clan. Fresh out of training, she's eager to prove herself, sometimes to the point of recklessness. Lightning-based, appropriate for her risk-taking nature.
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saveonesouls · 4 years
Chapter 4 of Fanged is here! My stories are back and up and running. Let’s see what our lovely vamp, werewolf, werecat, and shapeshifter are up to, shall we?
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oracle0429 · 5 years
Please do a #4HW fanfic next????
Thanks so much anon, I will be doing a #4H fic/fics eventually, but my muse is currently involved in a few others. 
Check out my prompts posts and if you suggest one of those it might spark my muse. :) 
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mjfass · 3 years
For many years now, I've been wanting to write a 4hw fanfic about a post apocalyptic world where they travel to different towns with The Shield putting on wrestling shows like a carnival. They would meet, interact, and recruit other groups/wrestlers on their journey (Like FTR, The Riott Squad, The Golden Lovers, various groups that are also trying to go on living in this new world). They would have feuds that are settled in wrestling matches. It would have Baysha and CharLynch relationships at first but then drama would cause breakups and other ships to happen. Like BayLynch or BayLiv and Team Bae (Of course, Baysha would be endgame though). Anyway, I never wrote it but maybe one day. Also the occasional zombie fighting or a similar post apocalyptic monster creature thing.
This is one of the most interesting, unique, smartest and just… extraordinary things I’ve ever read. This is so freaking original.
Please, please, please… write it. I’m excited just thinking about how amazing I know this will be. This is spectacular! You would make the humanity a favor writing this.
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ahunter8056 · 3 years
It's funny how I wrote both the Sontarans and the Sea Devils featuring in chapters of my fic, A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time), only for both to return on TV. Definitely taking credit for speaking them into existence, lol
Next up, the Ogrons. Manifesting it.
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