#sastiel shippers are funny
lillysilverus · 2 years
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I don’t ship sastiel (obviously I don’t care that other people do it’s just not my thing) but when ever I think about their ship name I’m reminded of that one scene in the episode fanfiction where Sam starts talking about him and Cas’ ship name and omg it’s so funny I love that scene so much especially cuz I’m a destiel shipper and Sam’s tormenting Dean about destiel
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suncaptor · 1 year
Sam as a destiel shipper is so funny because canonically when Sam learns about destiel his reaction is "what about sastiel?"
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walkergirlsposts · 2 months
I don't know what this person's problem is with the Sastiel ship or it's shippers. Not one Sastiel fan is out there claiming that Sam and Cas have a stronger bond, or that their ship is canon, or forcing their ship on other fans or the actors. In fact, out of all the major SPN shippers, Sastiel fans are probably the most down-to-earth, ship-and-let-ship people I've come across. (Think of them as the Gen X of the fandom, lol).
If I had to guess, this heller is probably threatened by the fact that Sastiel shippers have fun with their ship while hellers are in a constant state of panic trying to convince everyone their ship is canon (while also insisting it will be canon in the reboot/prequel/sequel/etc.).
Yeah, sastiel shippers just have fun with their ship, that's the difference. They're not out there demanding it be endgame or needing validation from every loser extra to the cleaning lady. I still find it funny that they somehow think Jensen will kiss that moldy face in any reboot(which isn't coming) when he didn't on the show. There was no one stopping him. Not the CW, not Jared, no one. It repulses him, and it's not the story. They need to do as their idol Bobo the clown says - COPE.
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cor-ardens-archive · 2 years
Destiel sastiel
i like destiel a lot in s4, but not in the usual way. there's something very heartbreaking about their relationship during that season that touches me deeply. just something about castiel saving dean but coming too late, and how he actually threatens to take him back (a terrible thing to say that i find very compelling and that i don't see people talk about often). castiel has this immense power over dean, and in the context of the rest of the show it's kind of chilling ("angels are watching over you"); but then, dean gains some amount of power in the relationship as castiel begins to develop feelings for him. i could talk about this for a long time (i have, in fact) but it's mostly because of my love for dean as a character, as i don't really care that much about castiel, and in s5 he's kind of useless lol
that said, i kind of hate the way most of fandom ships destiel, so sometimes i start hating the ship purely because of the way fans talk about it. i think most shippers strip the relationship of its interesting aspects and completely twist dean's character to fit a certain narrative. it doesn't help that they're largely the anti-wincest brigade and fully ignore the themes of the show.
sastiel is just really funny to me, i think it's hilarious. i don't think castiel and sam like each other very much (which makes sense, dean's in the middle as usual). i support it for hilarity alone.
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godstiel · 3 years
see you would think s6 (in which dean has a “relationship with a woman”) would be a loss for destiel. but of course in reality dean comes off looking incredibly gay and sastiels take an unexpected hit as the biggest victim of the season
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
alright i'll bite. who's sastiel?
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samsrowena · 3 years
sastiel is funny TO YOU. i get it though
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touchstarvedsam · 4 years
Is the blog that hates you run by a bottom Dean stan? Because without Destiel to unite us there'd be nonstop top or bottom stan wars. I mute all bottom Dean stans.
I think they are? They claim they don't care who tops/bottoms, but literally all their fic content/recs/reblogs contain bottom Dean if the reblog is of a sexual nature. But they're friendly with top Dean stans. I think they have me blocked because they're a Dean stan in general, and I have posted (properly tagged!) Dean critical posts. But yeah, I'm blocked by a few hardcore Dean stans because Dean is perfect and can do no wrong ever.
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sastielsfandom · 5 years
Destiel fans: And uh, then we had a little um...eye contact.
Sastiel fans: Eye contact? I hope you were using protection.
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suncaptor · 2 years
Sam/Gabriel for the ship thing? Wait I just noticed the Irish flag in your bio??? Am I looking at that right. It's 3am for me,,,
Yeah I'm Irish! I'm in Mexico right now though.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I made it toxic and evil in my mind
What are your favorite things about the ship?
hell trauma
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I have no interest in the way 99% of fandom like it I just can see the ways in which their personality contrast and parallel both in bad and evil as well as interesting positive ways and also the LUCIFER OF IT ALL. also the sabriel queerbaiting was SO funny but i liked it.
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
I don't ship it in that the whole spare the pairs thing was so uninteresting to me. invest in sastiel. multiship.
What would have made you like it?
it's so evil ^^ Gabriel is so like Lucifer in SO many ways and also not at all Lucifer and that's IMPOSSIBLE to weed out of their dynamic especially given the past Sam and Gabriel have AND Gabriel has intense hell trauma too?????? hello. compelling. send me evil sabriel.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
yeah what i've said. also i think sabriel shippers are so valid in general who genuinely love Sam like you do your thing.
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bucky-banana · 5 years
Sastiel shippers: aww look at the little destiHELL shipper is offended. Sastiel is the superior ship lmaooo. You saw that time they shared a milkshake? ACTUAL HEALTHY ship there. Remember when dean was mad because his mom died so he took out his anger on cas? TOXIC!!!1!1!!
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billiewena · 3 years
it's so funny to me when people act like sastiel shippers are in some big shipping war with destiel shippers over who will be cas's *riverdale voice* endgame... like bestie, the show ended. no one was endgame besides john/mary and rufus/aretha franklin. they just wish the gay angel got his one good movie kiss too. preferably with some nice, soft hair he could run his hands through after y'know.
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samdyke · 4 years
do people really think that of the confession??? 👁👄👁 he's literally just saying that dean kickstarted his ability to feel?? like literally cas had a dead car battery for a heart and dean literally lives life with battery cables hanging out of his chest, he's just saying "you feel so much and so deeply that you taught me how to feel without trying", but once cas learned how to feel all his emotions were his own, sam's his bestie, they're bitchy besties even, what's not clicking fellas
i dont think people ACTUALLY think that but it is a very funny L for sastiel shippers that it can be read that way
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scaryorganmusic · 4 years
sorry this is really petty but like. this drama is so funny bc ultimately ppl are being accused of liking w*ncest just for like. being mildly dean critical. babes you know you can just block people for disagreeing with you. it doesn’t have to be that deep. in fact it’s literally the only way to survive fandom with more than a quarter of your brain cells left. anyway I’m a dean stan bc I imprinted on him as a child but when I see posts about how he sucks I either agree, disagree and ignore it (and sometimes just unfollow bc I’m curating the most fun online experience for myself as I should), or just say “that makes a lot of sense but it makes me sad so I’m just writing it out of my personal secret good spn”. It’s not that hard.
also like. fellas is not wanting to talk about incest on the blog you run for fun the same as supporting incest /s
also also. the cycle of destiel shippers being annoying and condescending to non destiel shippers -> non destiel shippers understandably deciding they dislike destiel shippers -> destiel shippers being offended for being called annoying is SO funny. tony you CHOSE to do that- like I ship destiel and even I think you’re annoying lmao
Okay I don't plan on talking about this too much anymore but I'll take this as an opportunity to address some things
It is wild how lightly people are treating very awful accusations here. I understand being suspiscious before following someone, because I have accidentally followed people who put that content on my dash (untagged too! because i do have it blacklisted) and it felt so gross. But people are just taking anything they don't like as "sus behavior"
Here are things I've seen people honestly mention that makes you suspicious: obviously being mainly a Sam blog, being "dean critical", being too intense about liking seasons 1-3, shipping sastiel (????), posting mainly about the brothers and not about Cas, criticizing an actor, being reblogged by one of them (even though we also hate when that happens! but it's not something we can control because i don't know every single one of them in order to block) and of course being associated with someone else that's sus.
And here's where I completely agree with what you said: people could just block others for all those things without throwing accusations around! You can just say "most of Sam blogs, or all Sam blogs who don't post destiel, are annoying as hell and i'll block them all" and that's fine! Or, better yet, don't say anything, you don't need to publically announce when you block someone.
Also yeah, a lot of people don't add banners on every post or post nonstop about how gross the wincest shit is because we prefer to avoid it and not be constantly thinking about it. I have the tag blacklisted but I don't do a deep investigation of OP of every post that makes into my dash, and that's kind of a wild expectation.
Quick note on the "dean critical" thing, I've never seen a fandom so weird about people critizing a character. The whole reason people started using the tag was exactly so we could still hang out with people like you, who love him and maybe don't wish to see negative analysis on him, so you could have a tag to blacklist instead of unfollowing! And although it's the bare minimum, I respect the honest attitude of "I know this happened in the show, but personally it's not an aspect I want to read/write meta about" instead of straight up denying stuff.
It is a wild cycle, with so many people (including myself) rejoining the fandom recently it's like you could see us going from "this is fun! i'm gonna follow a bunch of spn blogs" to "this is mildly annoying" to "i hate all of you, blocking spree". Not to be a hypocrite, I was onboard with destiel for most of my time in the fandom, I think I fell out of love with the ship partially because of my rewatch (and it shouldn't be that weird that rewatching something as an adult your perception on it changes!) and partially because of the fandom being so very Like That about it. And the whole fandom experience once you leave that ship is just very different. The bitterfication of the sam girl or whatever.
I do still have destiel mutuals who I appreciate very much, I don't even blacklist the tag because y'all have some amazing artists and I'm always up for fanart, even of things I don't ship (of course with the exception of gross ships).
Anyways yeah it is so infortunate that all of this happened but we move on, idk if anyone took the time to read all of this because it turned more into me venting than anything else but I also appreciate the support i’ve been getting from some of y’all
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emotionallyits2009 · 3 years
how does it feel that ur sastiel post made it into samgirl circles and actual sastiel shippers are rbing it and changing the meaning in the tags
okay i actually think it’s very funny. s*still is such a non-entity to me that i never even considered that it could be read that way. they’re right dean would not appreciate vegetable soup but cas would never fuck someone else about it. instead they would recreate the classic episode of television mac and dennis move to the suburbs (2016)
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