#satan spinach
blithesharem · 9 months
GOOD MORNING guess who's emotional about Asmo
Wake up. Alone.
Cold compress over eyes. Tepid shower. Exfoliate, soothe, hair mask, softening shampoo, deep conditioner.
Serums one through four. Under eye gel. Facial moisturizer. Hand lotion, body lotion, heel lotion.  
Dress, blow dry hair, begin make up. Something light today. Effortless. Brightening, to hide the undereye shadows that just won’t fade these days.
A tap on Belphie’s door, and one on Levi’s, the two hardest to get up up in the morning. Then to the kitchen to start breakfast.
Fruit smoothies with lots of devildom spinach for the iron. A few dozen eggs, most set aside for Beel. Ham and Bacon and toast. Start a pot of coffee that will rotate throughout the morning. Bitter black for Lucifer. Black with a secret sugar cube for Satan. Cream for Mammon, extra sweet for Levi, green tea with honey for the twins.
Another round of wake ups, this time sticking head through door and chiming as bright a greeting as you can manage. Give them something to grumble about, get them moving, maybe even crack a smile. Satan and Lucifer already awake, if they even went to bed. Mammon unresponsive, a sullen lump on his bed, though he’s surely awake as well.
Back to the kitchen. Feed Beel plate one, try to get Belphie to finish dressing (did he fall asleep halfway through putting his sleeve on?)
Smile. Smile. Smile.
Final round. Cajole, threaten, bribe Levi from out his room, making sure he takes his seat even if he’s buried in his hoodie. Snatch the book from Satan’s hands and promise he can have it back at the breakfast table. Sing Lucifer the time and remind him he promised not to leave for work early today. Climb into bed with Mammon and squeeze him close until he feels himself enough to huff embarrassment and follow you into the hall.
Tease, flutter, flirt, giggle. Smile. Smile. Smile.
This is your job. Your duty. Lucifer leads you all, Mammon guards. Levi the unspoken entertainer, Satan the educator. Beel protects and Belphie comforts. You, who can’t do any of that, not to your standards, does this.
Keeps everyone together. Keeps everyone moving. Keeps everyone waiting.
Because you know they’ll be back. You know Solomon could never let you down. You know it’s only a matter of time until your family is whole again. In the meantime, this is how you help. You make sure your brothers are fed. Make sure they sleep, and shower, and brush their hair. Make sure they bicker, and fight and occasionally even laugh.
You make sure that when they come home at the end of the day, there is always a home waiting for them.
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Head canon for the head canon that Eddie doesn’t like veggies (will literally refuse to eat them unless tricked by them being hidden and he’s unaware they’re there)
When Eddie was younger and still admired his father as all kids do, his father used to tell him that eating veggies would make Eddie big and strong and cool just like him and Eddie did it because his dad was his hero.
After reality struck, Eddie refused to eat veggies and it annoyed his father to no end, especially when it started causing Eddie to get sick because he was vitamin deficient. His father hated posting the hospital bills and that made Eddie do it more even though he hated the feeling of the needles and the constant nausea and hunger. He wanted to rebel against his dad and show him that he wasn’t like him at all.
Even when his father was sent to prison, he did it unconsciously. He knew it was making him sick and he wanted to stop but it was like an eating disorder and the trauma meant he physically couldn’t keep the vegetables down. Wayne tried to ask him nicely, he tried bribing him, he even tried telling him that it would make Eddie big and strong and healthy just like his uncle Wayne. The last one resulted in Eddie panicking, he didn’t eat anything for nearly a week and completely ignored Wayne, even as he lay in a hospital bed. After that Wayne know to never try that tactic again.
The first time Wayne tried hiding the veggies, upon suggestion of Eddie’s therapist, he burped the peas under some mashed potato. Thirteen year old Eddie was happily eating his food (potato was the only vegetable he would eat) and Wayne was excited, thinking it had worked. But then Eddie paused, he shifted his mouth like he was rolling something around on his tongue and then stick it out to look at the little green sphere. When he realised what it was screamed. Wayne tried to calm him but Eddie could fill the nausea coming on. He didn’t make it to the bathroom before the whole meal came up all over the trailer floor. Wayne stopped.
The next time he tried Eddie was fifteen and had been in and out of the hospital more times in two years then the average cancer patient experienced in a life time. The most recent time it has been serious. Eddie’s weight was so low it was nearly below the limit. If he went below there was no coming back. His skin was a sickly colour and his eyes were dull. He couldn’t absorb any necessary vitamins due to lack of iron and he didn’t like going outside because the other kids stared at his pale frame. Wayne was scared. He couldn’t lose Eddie. The boy was like a son to him.
So he went to family video and found the recorded tapes of a cooking show he remembered when he was younger where the chefs made food look like different food. He watched the whole two seasons ina day and once he was finished he redoubled his efforts. This time, he pulled out a blender and put the basic ingredients for pasta sauce in along with celery, zucchini, basil, spinach and a few other herbs. He blended it then added tomato until you couldn’t taste the rest. When he served spaghetti and meatballs that bought instead of the usual tv dinners, Eddie was suspicious but he exclaimed about how god the pasta sauce was and, much to Wayne’s joy, quickly became a favourite.
Wayne tried other recipes and over time he has gotten used to secretly combining vegetables into every meal he makes. Eddie was so much healthier now. He said it was a miracle granted by his prayers to Satan but Wayne didn’t mind, so long as he was alive.
When Steve and Eddie started dating, Wayne and Steve exchanged recipes after Steve explained that he often cooked for the kids and they didn’t like greens. They bonded over cooking and the next Christmas, Steve have warned his own copy of those old cooking tapes.
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You kno, I always (since I started playing LoZ 20+ years ago+additional ideas that came later) assumed Ganondorf is green bc of Koume and Kotake's influence. They're two powerful witches, and the occasional depiction of witches being green has probably also spread to Japan, so from that to show Ganon's ties to them, they were all three turned shades of green bc magic. It also sounded in-game like those two were a big reason for why Ganondorf went power mad and pushed war, even tho the other Gerudo didn't want him to go that extreme. Doesn't explain totk Ganondorf since there's literally no reason or backstory for him, but maybe it's like "tradition" by now. I also know there's a Chinese saying "putting on a green hat" which means the same as being green with envy, so I could imagine smth similar exists in Japanese, smth that could have worked with Oot's Ganondorf's envy of Hyrule's life giving lands. Since TP and WW, and HW Ganondorf are all the same guy, that kinda still works? I know it's really being viewed critical why he looks like he looks w the green skin, so thought I'd share a thing I basically came up with as a kid. (Except the green hat, only found out later, but the green with envy thought I did have back then.) Green hat works more for Link in the literal sense, so maybe Ganondorf has a figurative green hat. 😩
Hey! Yeah, I assumed the same for a very long time, and I'm pretty sure it's still the intent today.
I still think it's worth mentioning the trend has been really exacerbated with time; even back in OoT, his skin tone is not... that off the charts. Like yes, it does lean green, but after doing some color picking, it still stands reasonnably in the brown. It is a little sickly/olive, and there is a big gap between the concept arts and the model in-game already then (and in Smash, he's pretty much in the browns in his default model too), but it *could* be somebody's skin color. It's the same thing for WW Ganon btw, where his skin is definitively brown in the concept art and got much greener once modeled in the game. TP Ganon is the one where the difference between concept art and in-game skin is the least noticeable, but he also has the darkest shade by far so it doesn't read super green, even if it is quite there if you color pick. TotK Ganon is the color of a spinach smoothie in comparaison; even in the concept art itself, which might be even greener than the model in-game (a first!)
To be generous and fair to the whole thing, I think it used to be a case of what looked the most dramatic in-game, and a green hue does look less natural, colder, deader and scarier than a red-base one, especially in extremely intense lighting situations where Ganon often finds himself in, where it is easy to use that base color for contrast, especially with the red of his hair or the gold of his eyes and his little forehead jewel. This coupled with the influence of Twinrova and the association with envy probably pushed this direction even further every time.
But again, it is also hard to extract these choices from the history, in fantasy and sci-fi, of how to still dehumanize archetypes of PoCs without actually having them "being PoCs", or using excuses of inherent evilness to make their treatment by the narrative more acceptable. I am not mad at this choice inherently, but I am critical of it in the light of every other choice made in the year of our lady Hylia 2023 and the fact that I *so often* see this being used as protection against criticisms of both orientalism and a lack of care for what it implies about the worldbuilding of Hyrule. In OoT there was the connection to dark magic and the Twinrova; but in TotK, the Twinrova are easter eggs at best, not an active part of what shaped our antagonist and made him who he is. His evilness is made profusely clear the second he grabs the stone and becomes basically Satan with very cool hair, in a design that does lean super red and black anyway; one would think he'd rather try to hide his true nature before this?
(there is also history of PoC being turned green to avoid direct critique in fantasy/sci-fi worldbuilding, I think Star Trek is one of the big culprits but don't quote me on that)
Again, it's the package that is weird; and even more than the package, gradually changing PoC features over time in a way that, while not maybe being the only reason for the change, does allow the heroes to clearly identify the source of evil as Unlike Them while also distancing themselves from the more direct racist implications instead of... kind of allowing this to complicate the conflict, and accept that the conflict *is already complicated* no matter what is retconned or emphasized or changed. But the priority is simplicity and cleanness, and so Ganon and the gerudos do bear the blunt of these choices more often than not; the green skin being one of the more visible examples.
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azlan-snow · 7 hours
With My Life(Radioapple)
Year Five
It’s the fifth year of Alastor’s deal with Lucifer, and Alastor is preparing all sorts of things for a party the king is hosting at the palace. Lucifer is putting up banners and balloons. He asks Alastor to cook for the party, and Al feels honored to be doing such a thing. He agrees and exits, creating tension between them. 
The two men haven’t had a proper time together since Lucifer’s question two years ago. Two years have they been tense and distant, only seeing each other during their meals, which were spent in silence. Alastor and Lucifer had been avoiding each other for completely separate reasons. But we’ll get into that later. 
Alastor begins to cook, preparing ingredients and butchering meat. He whips up batters for multiple different cakes, knowing that the King and Beelzebub, the sweet Sin of Gluttony, both have a sweet tooth, along with Asmodeus, the Sin of Lust and Alastor’s least favorite. He checked the fridge, seeing the bountiful amount of alcohol for Death, the silent Sin of Acedia, junk food for Mammon, the greedy Sin of Greed,, herbal based dishes like spinach pasta, salad and more for Belphegor, the animalistic Sin of Sloth, and heavy protein based dishes for Leviathan, the quiet Sin of Envy, and Satan, the burly Sin of Wrath. He stares at the food intensely, face flushed as he thinks of Lucifer. 
Lucifer is making rubber ducks that mimic the Sins appearance as gifts, and accidentally cuts himself in the process of cutting out the small details. He hadn’t cut himself in years. He looks at his hand and sees the blood, flashing back to before he met Alastor. When he was attacked.
He was betrayed. By the one he loved the most: Lilith. She had left him, taking Charlie with her. Lucifer didn’t know what to do. He spent weeks upon weeks, starving himself and creating rubber ducks to find some joy. They brought him joy, but it was only temporary. It wasn’t numbing the pain from the large hole in his heart. Every day, a piece of his body cracked like a porcelain doll, creeping up his body and face until he was full of cracks, each piece chipped and damaged. When Charlie called him that day, he couldn’t speak or pick up, which made Charlie worried. She came to the palace and saw her father, cracked and broken. She stayed with him for a full week and a half, helping Lucifer heal, before Lucifer sent her back, not wanting to burden her. He thanks her for all her help, moving everything that was in a high shelf lower and making things more accessible to him should he ever be in an injured state like that again, “I just hope she’ll forgive me,” he says before heading back to his work. 
2 hours later, the party starts without a hitch. Alastor mainly keeps to himself, only socializing with Satan due to their love. of bloodshed, while Lucifer is having the time of his life, dancing with the Sins and enjoying the food that Alastor cooked.  Afterwards, Alastor and Lucifer meet up finally and actually talk to each other. 
“Heey, Al! Thanks for all the work you did for the party. Everyone really liked your cooking.” 
“Thank you, Luci. And congratulations, on a job well done.” Alastor takes Luci’s hand and they exit the room together.
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paranormutt · 1 year
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Happy 4/20 from Wally. Here he is smoking some satans spinach.
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andreablog2 · 2 years
Spinach feta sandwich at Starbucks is so good but the way they make apple flavored coffee is satanic
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I was having dessert with my mom and I asked what she did to make the muffins she made so good. She said "Oh, I made them with spinach! No, zucchini."
mom, you are satan
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13beachesxx · 1 year
showers fix everything, facts. or almost everything anyway and that's good enough.
can't tell if my breakout is due to pre-PMS, my facewash running out, me poking around with acne tools, or sleeping with a dirty dog. or all four. this too shall pass etc
i downloaded whisper again and the absolute irony of a recent situation has struck me so funny. i thought reddit was the civilized place full of people with well meaning advice and whisper the filth den full of degenerates, meanwhile insensitive comments on reddit drew me into a full on spiral while a person on whisper helped and talked me out of it. he also reminded me the importance of self respect, and the fact that i assumed i always had it but actually sometimes i don't have enough. self respect too, is also self love and self care. things to remember.
fighting the "i'm baby and incapable of anything" urges daily and weekly. no. you may be baby, but you are a powerful and mighty baby capable of many things. you can do this. you got this. it will all turn out better than you ever imagined.
i've found the perfect lana icon and header combo and now i wanna make a really cunty twitter alt where i spout all my hot pop takes including how people's minds have warped full force back to satanic panic in regards to people like doja et. al. but no one is on twitter anymore and nor do i have the desire to be on it because it gets worse daily so boo. maybe i'll do it anyway like a dying swan song boredom thing until elon starts charging for all of twit. sorry, X.
ice spice tiktok showing her making breakfast was so cute. almost identical to my morning eggs minus the spinach and milk instead of water. hot girls make veg-omlette-scrambles for breakfast.
Apparently there's two cities named Texarkana right next to each other, one in Texas and one in Arkansas, and now i want a love story where one character is from each city so bad.
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crowhoonter · 10 months
No weed addiction on the table?
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doctor-looneys-remedy · 11 months
Related to the last post but on a different tangent:
When I was a kid I ended up wearing the hand-me-downs of every kid in our family. If it was gender-neutral enough to pass, I wore clothes intended for boys also. One of these was a sweater with a college football mascot on it.
I think I was about 7-8 when I was wearing it. I remember the kids at school asking me about it. I didn't watch football at that age and I didn't really even care much about it. I just wore it because it was a sweater, and in my mom's mind, it got her out of buying something for me.
If you have parents that can't or won't buy clothes for you a good chunk of the time, you end up wearing some odd shit and making it work as best you can. Between this and my older cousins introducing me to heavy metal and the whole Satanic Panic of it all, I wasn't really a big symbol respecter to begin with.
Being in the later end of Gen X did nothing to help this. If you were to transport us all to the dark ages, a good significant portion of us would die-- not from disease or being labeled a witch, but by disrespecting people's religious icons and wearing someone's coat of arms upside down and finding it hilarious to paint Bart Simpson over an image of the king.
I think modern society though is getting to the level of dark ages/medieval society with the symbol thing though. Every time I turn around someone has invented a new thing that means a thing that they could have easily just spelled out. A large portion of the time its a meaning that only five percent of other people know about, and then they get offended or act self-righteous and make it a whole thing.
Let me introduce you to a concept: It's called a sign. With words on it.
Signs and words are real things that get your point across clearly. Signs and words aren't going to make you mad because an 85-year-old grandmother doesn't know what that purple spinach leaf means and you somehow assume she would and she should.
I'm being silly here, of course, but it feels like that sometimes. As far as I know there is nothing with a purple spinach leaf as its symbol. YET.
Before you create a symbol about a thing-- ask yourself if it is needed. Or - whether the creation of it is going to result in people in Walmart buying a t-shirt on clearance with something on it, and ultimately, with you huffing about how they should be screening all symbols through google before buying anything. Because, people don't have time to do that, by and large.
Unless of course, you are the kind of psychopath that wants to create symbols so that you can purposefully deride people or look down your nose on them in some future setting for not knowing what it is. Because I ABSOLUTELY believe those people DEFINITELY exist.
When you assume someone is down with a symbol they are wearing or have around in some way, you are making a few assumptions:
1-that they know what the symbol means.
2-they made a choice to have that thing, and didn't have it simply because someone gave it to them and now they have to use it, or they are poor and it was what was easily obtained for free or cheap, or that they had to borrow it from someone else for some reason
3-they care about it one way or the other. I have been stuck in places where I got something spilled on my clothes and purchased a $10 t-shirt that I wouldn't wear regularly. I would think by now we have all seen an exchange where someone says "Did you know that is for... " and the other person just shrugs.
What if you own something that didn't have a meaning when you bought it, but now it does? The multi-colored pumpkins for Halloween come to mind. I have a purple ceramic pumpkin that I bought 15 years ago. Is it supposed to be on me to investigate the meaning of things I already own that have been given meaning years after the fact? I'm not calling out people's causes-you should do whatever good you can in the world. I'm calling out the incessant symbol creation.
And I have to say- pop culture isn't making it better.
Pop stars have teams of PR people who drop Easter eggs on their behalf and coach them into these dangling thread behaviors for their fans to figure out. The cutesy clues about who they are dating or their next video. It's fine for them. They want to keep fans engaged and tapped into their lives, eager for the next project.
Pixar and Disney are pros and inserting Easter eggs into movies, and some other franchises have also done similar things.
Religions don't help.
I was raised in a religion where everyone was always looking for the thing that meant judgement day was at hand.
It doesn't help that a remarkable amount of the adults I grew up around never made it past the middle school levels of maturity about adult romantic relationships (or even teen romantic relationships, if I'm perfectly honest).
I guess all this is to say, it almost feels suffocating. If you are around people who assume that everything you do/say/wear/own MEANS a THING that they are supposed to draw some kind of deep interpretation from, what the hell can you do? How can you just exist? And then society just keeps inventing new shit that means a thing that could easily just be a damn sign.
I'm not autistic. I'm not asocial. I'm not anti-social.
Every society has symbols that mean things. And yes, its necessary for the ongoing functioning of a society. Its important to respect some things. But why is it every SINGLE THING?
And why does every single thing I do have to be taken as having some weird hinty-poo meaning? Why are you as a human being looking for drama and soap opera levels of shit where there probably is none?
Most of us, unless we are really waayaaayyy convinced we are social media important (and trust me, YOU AREN'T) are just paying the bills and making lunch. We aren't doing a thing that means a thing. We are just surviving. We are just exhausted from work and people and things and problems.
Someone wiser and far more respected in history probably has a warning about a society that is too steeped in symbols and symbol creation, and seeing (ahem, creating and spreading around) meaning in every little thing all the damn time. But nothing springs to mind at the moment.
I'll just end with Freud: "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
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rogue-driv3r · 1 year
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Was tagged by @chickenshit-conformist for a selfie, and for 15 questions for 15 mutuals. Sooo at first i thought i wasn't comfy with sharing my face (low self-esteem, body dysmorphia, gender dysphoria, blah blah) but then i remembered i had my black metal photoset that should do the trick.
Are you named after anyone? Nope
Do you have any kids? Thanks Satan, nope - and never gonna have
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Who, me? Of course fckn not lol
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday, i was cutting onions. Jk, must have been before this summer but i was drunk so i don't remember what exactly made me cry
What's the first thing you notice about people? Their style, the colors they wear, their hair
Eye colour? Spinach diarrhea, can't wait to get cybernetic optics of another color, black or bright red
What sports do you / have you played? Tennis and karting. Does lifting booze count as a sport?
Any special talent? Making bad decisions and wasting opportunities. Other than that, i have a good feeling with cars and asphalt, can make good coffee liquors, and i can cook while totally drunk.
Where were you born? Southern Europe, mediterranean area, not by choice
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies of course, i prefer something realistic
Do you have any pets? Two lazy chonky cats
How tall are you? 1.85 metres, too tall for my taste
What are your hobbies? Gaming (obsessed with few selected games), driving at night, cooking, concerts, listening to music alone (usually drinking), making noise "music", drawing sketches, writing lyrics, studying extra topics (aside Uni stuff, i mean)
Fav subject in school? History
Dream job? Does "The fall of capitalist society and the introduction of universal basic income" count as a job? If not, tbh idk, a job that i can do with zero interactions with customers and coworkers, so my mental health is preserved and they don't end up injuried.
I tag... err... Idk who is ok with being tagged n who has already done this, so it's up to you! If we're good mutuals and you find this funny, there! You got tagged!
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urbanchristiannews · 1 year
THE 1-DAY WEEKLY FAST AGAINST THE SATANIC SPIRIT OF WOKEISM AND OTHER ISSUES THAT WAR AGAINST THE SOUL STARTS AT MIDNIGHT, SUNDAY, APRIL 16TH, 2023, UNTIL MIDNIGHT, MONDAY, APRIL 17TH, 2023. This Fast Will be Every Monday and will Continue Until Monday, September 18th, 2023, When we Will Commence Another 40-Day Daniel Fast For the Fall if the Lord Tarries His Coming and we Live with Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International. THIS 1-DAY FAST IS A JUICE FAST. Our First Recommended Juice is the Daniel Fast-Based Sweet Spinach Smoothie. You are free to drink it three times throughout the day -- one in the morning, one at noon, and one in the evening as you will miss three meals. See How to Make it Below.
  Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International THE 1-DAY WEEKLY FAST AGAINST THE SATANIC SPIRIT OF WOKEISM AND OTHER ISSUES THAT WAR AGAINST THE SOUL STARTS AT MIDNIGHT, SUNDAY, APRIL 16TH, 2023, UNTIL MIDNIGHT, MONDAY, APRIL 17TH, 2023. This Fast Will be Every Monday and will Continue Until Monday, September 18th, 2023, When we Will Commence Another 40-Day Daniel Fast For…
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twig-soup · 2 years
banana avocado ginger cherries blackberries celery cucumber spinach maca powder this smoothie is going to fucking heal my whole goddamn body so help me satan
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jmreyes9 · 2 years
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By Jesse Reyes
Never before in the history of Hinsdale Fil-am Church had the church doors been shut to its members on Sabbath because of a pandemic, so that no worship service within it could transpire.  However, due to advances in technology,  members of the church witnessed and enjoyed the Divine Worship service on Mar. 14, 2020 live streamed on the Internet, replete with a dynamic praise team, intercessory prayer by Pastor David Kokiong, associate/youth pastor, a timely message by Pastor Glenn Aguirre, our senior pastor, who preached a sermon titled “Not Just a Catchy Phrase” and an explanation by head elder Dr. Jason Goliath of how to give your tithe and offerings online.
So Satan’s attempt to prevent the HFAC members from worshipping God on this lovely Sabbath morning was not successful.  The church members meeting individually or in groups of less than 20 meeting in their homes, were able to worship God, pray and sing songs to God’s glory and listen to the preaching of the word of God.
In his sermon, Pastor Glenn used as his main text, 2 Tim. 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind,”, written by the apostle Paul when he was in prison, not knowing whether he would be put to death or spend the rest of his life in prison.  He gave several texts in the Bible which mentioned the phrase “Do not fear” or “Fear not”.  He stated that the this word or command “Do not fear” is mentioned 365 times in the Bible.  He believes that it is not coincidental that there are 365 days in a year—he believes that we face a problem or trial everyday of the year, but that we should not live in fear but rather trust that God will help us every step of the way.
After the worship service at Hinsdale Fil-am Church, I turned the TV to Loma Linda University Church, about 2,000 miles away from Chicago, where they also had their Sabbath service streamed live on TV, without a live audience as well.  Their senior pastor, Pastor Randy Roberts, preached a sermon on a similar theme as Pastor Aguirre’s titled “How Could You”.  He used as his illustration the experience of the disciples who were with Jesus in a boat during a storm in the Sea of Galilee.  They found Jesus sleeping near the stern of the boat.  Jesus was not afraid because He was the Son of God who could calm storms, no matter how strong and powerful.
I also watched an interview with Dr. Nedley, president of Weimar Institute in California.  He emphasized that to strengthen the immune system to be able to thwart the corona virus, they use the acronym NEWSTART, which stands for Nutrition (which includes fruits and vegetables, particularly the cruciferous veggies, spinach, garlic, kale, etc.), Excercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air (Fresh), Rest and Trust (in God).
Written on 3/14/20 in Chicago, IL.Posted in FB in 2020.
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newxdiary · 2 years
November 17, 2022
Coffee Time: 5:59 p.m. Blue Oyster Cult, AGENTS OF FORTUNE Golden Palominos, VISIONS OF EXCESS Golden Palominos, BLAST OF SILENCE
Three Card Cluster
(above) Super Conscious
(Left) Self- Conscious
(Right) Sub-Conscious
Tonight’s reading: 1. Three of wands; 2. Page of Cups; 3. Eight of Swords (reverse)
If I don’t think of a question, specifically, when conducting a reading for myself, then the questions is “what is this day before me that I will embark upon.” If it is a workday, it will involve taxi cab driving and the pursuit of money. It will be freighted with all my anxieties about money.
First card. 3 of wands. I need to delegate to others. I am waiting on others to complete my loan and repair the transmission on 217. It’s taking longer than I expected. I need to step in and influence the situation.
Second Card. Page of Cups. This one occupying the space of my self-consciousness confused me, as it’s a card that brims with self-confidence. Does it reinforce an inner notion of self-assurance. Does it cancel out my own static self-interpretation as an innately self-conscious person?
Third Card. Eight of Swords (reversed) This card demands that I stand strong. Don’t buckle under pressure.
Anyhow. The soup has a gritty, dirt-like aroma to it. I may have burnt the lentils reheating it. Otherwise it tastes fine. Something about 9 sausage soup feels like it’s the food of the gods going down. It’s carrots, lentils, spinach, celery, onion mushroom and a mix of sweet and hot sausage links. You can make it without the sausage but don’t expect the essence of Satan to come out of such a vegan offering.
In today’s news, Nancy Pelosi announced that she will not seek to remain the house democratic leader. I’m sorry to hear this. I’m a fan of hers. She kicked Trump’s ass every day.
I’m going to say that my tarot reading informs me to get out and kick some ass cab driving tonight and to deal with the transmission situation. I have to stop avoiding it.
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idolmelly · 5 years
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Наркотики класс, я еду на хард басс.
Bruh momentous occasion, I was already told this looked like asriel and I laughed. This is a character I made a while ago and I had to fucking look through a book to find it's name lmao but the name sounds weeb (Ame) so I think I should change it but 🤔
Anyway you might be thinking: Why is this your woman smoking spinach? WELL THANKS FOR ASKING! Her eyes do a big weird hypnosis thing when she's sober and people are scared of her but when she smokes her eyes are just big and not hypnosis-y. I'm p sure she steals things on the weekend. I'm posting stuff I posted on my amino from a while ago because I haven't drawn in a while (eed on sonic amino [I don't use it] if you wanna check) so yeah this was the first time I motion blurred my lines 🥴 oh yeah I'm not a furry but she's a bobtail cat. (I KNOW THE HAND IS WRONG IVE IMPROVED ON THAT AREA NOW AND I REALISE HOW STUPID IT LOOKS HAHA)
Enjoy 🥵
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