#satanic antifascism
queersatanic · 5 months
"fucking sick, right"
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uh, it is probably too late for anybody who actually wants to get something in by December 25th, but if you want a way to show people you are a satanic antifascist and/or support QueerSatanic in our ongoing legal defense from The Satanic Temple to close out the year, check out our online store
We also have flags and stickers available to order from our website, if you don't mind emailing us directly.
Or you could toss some cheese our way just to be kind
CashApp - $QueerSatanic
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we have the satanic antifascism design available in lots of queer pride colors, but if you don't see one that matches you, just let us know
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itsagrummel · 10 months
krabat is literally saxony's antifascist number one.
when are we doing public krabat readings against the Rechtsruck in Lusatia?
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mediocoredistro · 1 year
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hippiewizard · 2 years
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Barren Madonna
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Well, it has been years, but I have decided to come back. New owners of this space and a change in rules respecting (to a far greater extent, but still not enough) of our bodies have inspired me to find a new outlet to post things!
Brief intro, just the basics:
TransFem queer person who, after 20+ years of being forcibly outed and forced in the closet, finally starting to embrace her true self. Audio Engineer and artist, I have decided to take my love for music and technology to spread the word of what saved me from fundamentalist dread and allowed me to find those who care about humanity over Christian Fundamentalism: Romantic Satanism.
More will be revealed, but a brief intro.
Hail Satan. Hail Lilith. And, most importantly, Hail You All.
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imclicheyo · 9 months
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Satanism Antifascism Symbol
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hellhoarde · 10 months
Ash 23 they/she SAHM
I'm rekindling my account and hoping to find goth/alt/horror/poetry blogs who are still active on this platform.
I reblog & post sensitive content like blood/boob and distressing but important social issues as well.
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Amazon shuts down Indian publishing company
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gaykillermoth · 1 year
atpf chars and what theyd do on tumblr:
jessy - average autistic 16 year old. i feel like hed find his niche in either wizardposting or old web stuf
day - kind of on the level of maria arson crimew except unlike maria she actually can be persecuted by the government. when he isnt talking about antifascism hes blogging about cool shit he finds and places he goes to. doesnt actually post a lot though
daer - one of those esoteric bloggers. has an interest in astrology. at first glance it looks like he believes in it but hes a skeptic at heart. also posts about health and being a doctor on occasion. gets in trouble after morgan gets into drama
groen - never posts but when he does hes talking about nature, vulture culture, and about how much he hates how tech is going these days. also gets into trouble after morgan gets into drama
winter - appears once a month to like 50 posts per mutual all at once, post an image of a small creature she caught with her bare hands, and deletes tumblr off her phone until next month
morgan - daer and groens weird horror youtuber-tumblrina hybrid mutual who gets a callout for grave robbing, goes MIA, and comes back like nothing happened.
ravenman - friendly nobody who never makes og posts of his own, brought into the spotlight by morgan, in which he is revealed to have encouraged morgan to grave rob and also morgan broke him out of prison
lucifer - do you mean to tell me science fantasy satan would run a tumblr blog when they have literally anything else that they could do
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Kudos, once more, to Mongoose Distro! Wonderful job on my piece, Werewolf Directive!
My best attempt at a psychological sort of piece
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Ah, to be an individualist. What a tragic delight it is. Such a deliciously heartbreaking endeavor. Both immense joy and immeasurable sorry are derived from the life of the individualist. The individualist knows both infinite loneliness and constant companionship. Peculiarity and contradiction are swirling in the individualist, causing them to be an enigma that not even they know the real…what-ness…of. Those closest to them are always gazing upon them as an indecipherable puzzle, unable to be, how shall we say, “figured out”. For that is the first mark of an individualist: the inability to be characterized.
What else is a tell-tale sign of the individualist? Whenever they go anywhere, they feel out of place. This way or that, amongst they or them, always, are they always struck with a feeling of being…alien. Like they do not belong. This, another mark of the individualist. For both in the presence of freaks (let’s face it, all subcultures consisting of freaks crystalize into dogmatic cults of sickening, wannabe “outcasts”) and humdrum conformists alike, no one seems to really make them feel at home. Even in a crowd, the individualist feels totally solitary. Only a few will ever really cause the individualist to feel truly and completely accompanied, rather than simply in-the-presence-of. The individualist has few friends, few companions. And they’d like to keep it that way. However, those very few that the individualist adores, they adore wholeheartedly, and seek to keep them around as much as possible. For the individualist, their life is enriched immeasurably for their presence. Large crowds will never be pleasant to an individualist, only small groups.
To add onto this, the individualist, consciously or unconsciously, feels above the masses. They look upon everyone else, feeling, in their depths of their being, that they have little in common with ordinary human beings. Something about their nature doesn’t jive well with others. Even if the individualist walks upon the same ground and the same altitude as everyone else, spiritually, they feels if they are leaps and bounds over all the others, standing atop the highest peaks, looking upon everyone else as lowly, to some degree. Mentally, they are always elsewhere, unconcerned with the babblings of the miserly wretches.
In tandem with these characteristics, the individualist is always an iconoclast, making everyone upset and causing a commotion wherever they go. Conform? Why, then they’d have to forsake their individuality, their uniqueness. Join up with the herd. And why, why would they do that? Bah, forget it. It is not worth it to them. The individualist violently shrugs away any notions of becoming like the rest, of becoming another mere face in the crowd. Non-conformity is their modus operandi. Whether they wish to stand out, or merely live quietly in the background, isolated away from the hordes, well, that depends. Either way, they will not stand for surrendering their soul, putting it up for sell in the marketplace, to be bought and sold willy-nilly.
Speaking of solitary, the individualist likes to be in their own company. Too much of being around others makes them feel that they may loose themselves, or it may simply prove to be exhausting. Besides, to the individualist, most are not worthy of their company. They feel like most would only taint or defile their essence, supposing the company of others was forced upon them, or even undertaken by them. Everyone ices kept a distance, with some rather rare and notable exceptions. Thus, the individualist is solitary by nature, people in general can be a source of aggravation or irritation. Alone, they would rather be. Humans are generally regarded as pests, for the taint of their influence can prove to be overwhelmingly strong, at times. Relation to other people is quite hard to accomplish. One could try, but it’d be a vain attempt. They simply can’t. What other people value, the individualist, for the most part, does not. Hence, individualists, historically, have been prone to bouts of misanthropic opinions and introversion, regarding humanity at large as a ball and chain that seeks to weight them down and drag them into the depths, drowning them in a sea of greyness. A need to separate themselves from the indistinguishable ways of the crowd and crowdism bears heavily upon their minds.
Enmity is thus formed between the individualist and the crowd. The crowd envies the individualist, because the individualist has the courage, the audacity, to not live by the dead codes and morals and rules and ethics made to keep the crowd in check. An iconoclast, they are. Outside of society, they effectively live, even if they are still physically present within it, and bound to it. However, this eventually morphs into jealousy and contempt for the individualist. Is not the crowd angered by the fact that they are all skulking, groveling children, while the individualist chooses to eschew all of that, and make their own way, even if it may lead to them being condemned as heretics and monsters, enemies of everything “good” and “true”? Of course they are. And the crowd, riled by this rage, seeks to stifle the individualist even further, out of nothing short of pure resentment. Mad as hell that they cannot take the step that this brave person made. It creates a schizophrenic combination of both admiration and hatred.
Individualists have no particular attachments to creeds or ideas. States? Hobgoblins upheld by a multitude of brainwashed jackasses, as well as a few or one who, for whatever demented reason they can manage to conjure up, wish to carry the absolute burden that is the people. Slaves enslaved to slaves. Nations? Well, bonds of blood, genetic commonality, do not exactly provide much worth to them. Someone’s complexion, hair color, gender, place of geographical origin, or what have you, doesn’t tell the individual very much about them. For some it can, but even then, it doesn’t mean that they’re of better stock, spiritually or physically, from anything else. The doctrine of Mammon, or that crimson-colored geist that is the cause of all rushing-down? Neither is attractive at all to the individualist, for they are outcries of vulgar, intestinal, digestive desires, matters that are best left to weak minds and weak hearts. What concern does an individualist have for these incestuous, feeble, utilitarian curses brought forth by conniving charlatans? Democracy? Liberalism? Solidarity? Law and order? Only vapid excuses for their continual enslavement, that’s all. Nothing else. Just another series of cobwebs to get caught in. Boots filled by different legs, yet the individualist will find their necks being stomped upon all the same. What about religion? The individualist may very well be a spiritual person, of great metaphysical learnedness and inclination, yet organized, populist, democratic gatherings consisting of churches and snake-tongued liars do not hold any weight for them. Why would they? The individualist finds nothing but political hogwash (which the individualist also cares little for) in these dens of degenerate activity. Not to mention, with all their crass moralities, their individuality would have to be subservient to something else, rather than the other way around. If the individualist likes an idea (or anything for that matter), then they shall defend. Not because it is “just” or “right” to do so. But because they have a personal attachment to it, a sort of sentimentalism for whatever this thing is, and so may stick up for it.
Past and future? For an individualist, the past may have great substance nestled within it, a wealth of knowledge and insight, a source of bountiful treasures that the individualist delights in and wishes to partake in the enjoyment of, but the past is dead. It can never come back. To want to bring it back, to try and turn back the wheel, is an absurdity, an impossibility. It cannot succeed. As for the future, while a part of them may look to it with hopeful eyes, the individualist is usually pessimistic about the world of tomorrow, for the individualist knows that the more something exists, the more decay it must endure. And they recognize decay all around them, in everything. Optimism is pure cowardice, and whatever fate that has been assigned to them, they accept, content to abide by their true will. But they shall do their best to remain absolute, even as everything crumbles into dust before their very eyes. Unfettered and unfazed by the Kali Yuga.
The individualist has a certain taste for the real, the organic, over the artificial, mass-produced, and disdains quantity over quality. Therefore, the individualist, in many cases, is a nature-lover. Technology is an abhorrent, collectivizing Leviathan, where everything is swallowed up into the dark vacuum that is its bottomless gullet. Nay, the individualist says to these things. Individualists adore that which is beautiful, and what could possibly be more beautiful than the essence of Life itself, Nature, the cosmos at large? After all, individualists are not nihilists, who wish to make war upon Life itself, hating all that grows. In addition, what other environment, outside of Nature, affords them the opportunity to truly be themselves, in perfect solitude, able to truly think, feel, and experience? To carry out their true will? The wretched world of industrialization is a strangling demiurge that chokes the very life out of them, trying to rip out their divine spark.
As you can guess, individualists are politically homeless. Communists and fascists alike view them as antisocial freaks, for the communists and fascist must live out their power process vicariously, for their own is weak or botched in some manner. Let them be led astray to their own slaughterhouses, the individualist says. Anarchists and libertarians balk at the individualist, who manages to constantly irk them, for even their ideas are too shallow and dull, with their predetermined, systematic modes of thought, and logic rooted firmly in ethics, in improving the world (which the individualist has no care for, no sort of attachment to; the individualist seeks to move away from the affairs of conventional society at large, never one to be an activist, unless it suits them). Conservatives and progressives are also forever infuriated by individualists, since they are not cultural necrophiliacs or idiotic dreamers, and again, are not inclined towards ideas of “the greater good”, which both of these schools of thought hammer into the minds of their sleepwalking followers.
Pleasure-seeker, it wouldn’t be inaccurate to call an individualist. However, because uniques are quite different from each other, their personalities forged within different fires, these pleasures come in a myriad of forms. That being said, the individualist wants to be the one who uses the pleasures, not become slaves to them, and thus be the one being used. Much like their attitude towards ideas. And for the individualist, some pleasures (because the individualist is always Life-affirming) may prove to be trouble than they’re worth.
Equality? Bah, equality. What a miserable thing to an individualist. Throughout this entire essay, it should be made clear that individualism and equality have no common ground. Equality? An individualist, any self-respecting one, should be absolutely horrified by the mere mention of its name. To the individualist, it is the worst form of tyranny, for it seeks to level everything in its path, like some sort of out-of-control steamroller. Reduce everything to an arbitrary sameness, rendering everything a grey, amorphous mass, where nothing is differentiated, and everything is subsumed into some all-consuming black hole. I cannot stand this, cries the individualist. Defiant in the face of this demon called equality, they stand. Going so far as to smash it every turn. Spit in its face. For no thing and no one is equal, absolutely nothing. And, as far as the individualist is concerned, it is much better that way. Otherwise, anything interesting would be lost. It would be a terrifyingly sterile and clean-cut existence, if all were equal. Damn equality. No equality. These are the decrees of the stout individualist.
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queersatanic · 2 years
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blackredaradia · 7 years
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EP: 66 "Hail Satan" w/Queer Satanic Heretics
We sit down with members of Queer Satanic Memes to talk about antifascism and Satanism 
Queer Satanic:
Check out this episode!
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Perception management filters
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short intro to several ideologies for pattern recognition
the list isn’t exactly cover everything, however it gives an illustration to picture possible archetypes of perceptions
abolitionism absenteeism absolutism abstractionism absurdism academicism academism achromatism acrotism actinism activism adoptianism adoptionism adventurism aeroembolism aestheticism ageism agism agnosticism agrarianism alarmism albinism alcoholism aldosteronism algorism alienism allelism allelomorphism allomorphism alpinism altruism amateurism amoralism anabaptism anabolism anachronism analphabetism anarchism anecdotalism aneurism anglicism animalism animism anisotropism antagonism anthropocentrism anthropomorphism anthropopathism antialcoholism antiauthoritarianism antiblackism anticapitalism anticlericalism anticolonialism anticommercialism anticommunism antielitism antievolutionism antifascism antifeminism antiferromagnetism antihumanism antiliberalism antimaterialism antimilitarism antinepotism antinomianism antiquarianism antiracism antiradicalism antirationalism antirealism antireductionism antiritualism antiromanticism antiterrorism aphorism apocalypticism apocalyptism archaism asceticism assimilationism associationism asterism astigmatism asynchronism atavism atheism athleticism atomism atonalism atropism atticism autecism authoritarianism autism autoecism autoeroticism autoerotism automatism automorphism baalism baptism barbarianism barbarism behaviorism biblicism bibliophilism bicameralism biculturalism bidialectalism bilateralism bilingualism bimetallism biologism bioregionalism bipartisanism bipedalism biracialism blackguardism bogyism bohemianism bolshevism boosterism bossism botulism bourbonism boyarism bromism brutism bruxism bureaucratism cabalism caciquism cambism cannibalism capitalism careerism casteism catabolism catastrophism catechism cavalierism centralism centrism ceremonialism charism charlatanism chauvinism chemism chemotropism chimaerism chimerism chrism chromaticism cicisbeism cinchonism civicism civism classicism classism clericalism clonism cockneyism collaborationism collectivism colloquialism colonialism colorism commensalism commercialism communalism communism communitarianism conceptualism concretism confessionalism conformism congregationalism connubialism conservatism constitutionalism constructivism consumerism controversialism conventionalism corporatism corporativism cosmism cosmopolitanism cosmopolitism countercriticism counterculturalism counterterrorism creationism credentialism cretinism criticism cronyism cryptorchidism cryptorchism cubism cultism cynicism czarism dadaism dandyism defeatism deism demonism denominationalism despotism determinism deviationism diabolism diamagnetism diastereoisomerism diastrophism dichroism dichromatism dicrotism didacticism diffusionism dilettantism dimerism dimorphism dioecism ditheism divisionism doctrinairism dodoism dogmatism druidism dualism dwarfism dynamism dysphemism ecclesiasticism echoism eclecticism ecoterrorism ecotourism ecumenicalism ecumenicism ecumenism egalitarianism egocentrism egoism egotism electromagnetism elitism embolism emotionalism empiricism enantiomorphism encyclopedism endemism endomorphism endoparasitism entrepreneurialism environmentalism eonism epicenism epicureanism epicurism epigonism epigrammatism epiphenomenalism epiphytism epizoism equalitarianism eremitism erethism ergotism eroticism erotism erraticism erythrism escapism esotericism essentialism establishmentarianism estheticism etatism ethnocentrism eudaemonism eudaimonism euhemerism eunuchism euphemism euphuism evangelism evolutionism exceptionalism exclusivism exhibitionism existentialism exorcism exoticism exotism expansionism expatriatism experimentalism expertism expressionism externalism extremism factionalism factualism faddism fairyism familism fanaticism faradism
fariseism fascism fatalism fauvism favism favoritism federalism feminism ferrimagnetism ferromagnetism fetichism fetishism feudalism feuilletonism fideism finalism flagellantism fogyism foreignism formalism fraternalism freneticism funambulism functionalism fundamentalism futilitarianism futurism gallicism galvanism gangsterism genteelism geomagnetism geotropism giantism gigantism globalism gnosticism gourmandism governmentalism gradualism grangerism greenbackism gutturalism gynandromorphism gypsyism heathenism hedonism heliotropism helotism hemimorphism henotheism hermaphroditism hermeticism hermetism hermitism heroinism heroism heteroecism heteromorphism heterothallism highbrowism hipsterism hirsutism hispanism historicism hoboism holism holometabolism homeomorphism homoeroticism homomorphism homothallism hoodlumism hoodooism hooliganism hucksterism humanism humanitarianism hybridism hydrotropism hylozoism hypercatabolism hypercriticism hyperinsulinism hypermetabolism hyperparasitism hyperparathyroidism hyperpituitarism hyperrealism hyperthyroidism hyperurbanism hypnotism hypocorism hypoparathyroidism hypopituitarism hypothyroidism idealism idiotism idolism illiberalism illuminism illusionism imagism immanentism immaterialism immobilism immoralism imperialism impressionism incendiarism incrementalism indeterminism indifferentism individualism industrialism infantilism inflationism initialism institutionalism instrumentalism insularism intellectualism internationalism interventionism introspectionism intuitionism invalidism iodism iotacism irrationalism irredentism ism isochronism isolationism isomerism isomorphism jesuitism jingoism jism journalism jujuism kaiserism laconism laicism landlordism lathyrism latitudinarianism leftism legalism legitimism lesbianism liberalism libertarianism libertinism literalism lobbyism localism locoism loyalism luminism lyricism lyrism magnetism majoritarianism malapropism
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mammonism mandarinism mannerism manorialism masochism materialism maternalism mechanism medievalism melanism meliorism mentalism mercantilism mesmerism messianism metabolism metamerism metamorphism metasomatism methodism microorganism microprism microseism militarism millenarianism millennialism minimalism misoneism modernism momism monachism monadism monarchism monasticism monetarism mongolism monism monochromatism monoecism monometallism monomorphism monorchidism monotheism moralism moronism morphinism mosaicism mullahism multiculturalism multilateralism multilingualism multiracialism mutism mutualism mysticism nabobism nanism narcism narcissism nationalism nativism naturalism naturism necessitarianism necrophilism negativism neoclassicism neocolonialism neoconservatism neoliberalism neologism neoplasticism neorealism nephrism nepotism neuroticism neutralism nihilism nomadism nominalism nomism nonconformism nondenominationalism nonobjectivism nonrepresentationalism nudism obeahism obelism obiism objectivism obscurantism obstructionism occultism officialism ogreism ogrism onanism operationalism operationism opiumism opportunism optimism oralism organicism organism orientalism ostracism overoptimism pacificism pacifism paeanism paedomorphism paganism paleomagnetism paludism pantheism parajournalism parallelism paralogism paramagnetism parasitism parecism parkinsonism parochialism particularism passivism pastoralism paternalism patriotism pauperism pedestrianism peonism perfectionism personalism pessimism phallicism phallism pharisaism phenomenalism philhellenism philistinism photochromism photojournalism photoperiodism phototropism physicalism pianism pictorialism pietism plagiarism plebeianism pleinairism plenism pleochroism pleomorphism plumbism pluralism pococurantism poeticism pointillism polycentrism polyglotism polyglottism polymerism polymorphism polytheism populism porism positivism postmillenarianism postmillennialism postmodernism pragmaticism pragmatism predestinarianism premillenarianism premillennialism presentism priapism priggism primitivism prism privatism probabilism professionalism prognathism progressivism prosaism proselytism prostatism protectionism provincialism pseudoclassicism pseudomorphism psychologism ptyalism puerilism pugilism purism puritanism pygmyism quackism quietism quislingism quixotism rabbinism racemism racialism racism radicalism rationalism reactionaryism realism rebaptism recidivism reconstructionism reductionism reformism refugeeism regionalism relativism representationalism republicanism restrictionism revanchism revisionism revivalism rheumatism rightism rigorism ritualism robotism romanticism rowdyism royalism ruffianism ruralism sacerdotalism sacramentalism sadism sadomasochism salvationism sansculottism sapphism sardonicism satanism saturnism savagism scapegoatism scepticism schematism schism scholasticism scientism sciolism secessionism sectarianism sectionalism secularism seism seismism semicolonialism sensationalism sensualism sentimentalism separatism serialism servomechanism sexism shamanism simplism sinapism skepticism slumism snobbism socialism solarism solecism solidarism solipsism somnambulism sophism sovietism specialism speciesism spiritism spiritualism spoonerism standpattism statism stereoisomerism stoicism structuralism subjectivism supernaturalism superorganism superparasitism superpatriotism superrealism superromanticism supranationalism suprematism surrealism survivalism sybaritism sycophantism syllogism symbolism symmetallism synchronism syncretism syndactylism syndicalism synergism systematism tachism talmudism tarantism tautomerism tectonism teetotalism televangelism tenebrism teratism territorialism terrorism theatricalism theism theocentrism thermoperiodism thermotropism thigmotropism thromboembolism titanism toadyism tokenism totalism totalitarianism totemism tourism traditionalism transcendentalism transnationalism transsexualism transvestism traumatism triadism tribalism trichromatism triliteralism tritheism triumphalism troilism tropism truism tsarism tzarism ultraconservatism ultraism ultraleftism ultraliberalism ultramontanism ultranationalism ultrarealism uniformitarianism unionism unitarianism universalism uranism urbanism ureotelism uricotelism utilitarianism utopianism utopism vagabondism valetudinarianism vampirism vandalism vanguardism veganism vegetarianism ventriloquism verbalism verism vernacularism vigilantism virilism vitalism vocalism vocationalism volcanism voltaism voluntarism voluntaryism volunteerism voodooism vorticism voyeurism vulcanism vulgarism warlordism welfarism wholism witticism workaholism xenofeminism xerophytism yahooism zionism
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queen-anarchy-666 · 7 years
I need more people to follow!
So, if your blog consists of at least 50% of any of the following things and i’m not following you already please reblog so I can check out your blog!
The Beatles (Cartoon or Real)
Elvis Presley
Tom Jones
Tim Curry
Red/Black/Purple/Pink aesthetic
Goth aesthetic
Punk aesthetic
Wander Over Yonder
Inspector Gadget
Ghost B.C
anything wlw/sapphic
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imclicheyo · 9 months
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queersatanic · 1 year
@QueerSatanic end-of-year legal defense fundraiser
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FINAL UPDATE: Thanks everyone for making this a success, and the donors who came together on New Year's Eve to reach our final goal
$5,025/5000 (1/1/23)
Since the trans pride satanic antifascism flag goal was met, all donors who gave $100 or more will have that as an option as well as the red and black satanic antifascism flag in anarcho-communist ("AnCom") colors; all who gave $200 or more will be able to get both.
For that and those who gave smaller amounts but want their stickers, please make sure we have a postal address for you: [email protected]
We hope you'll continue to donate in return for stickers, patches, and flags as we can make them available while The Satanic Temple's SLAPP suit against us stretches into another calendar.
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(If we have any flags left over, we'll see about making them available to other donors in the future, but we're not doing a very big batch at present.)
Previous post:
The Satanic Temple may have missed another deadline in their ongoing lawsuit against us, but they still made us spend quite a lot of money dealing with another round of their bullshit.
That means more fundraising, and more slap stickers (SLAPP stickers?) for everyone who wants to support us.
We also just got someone who has committed to matching all our donations up to the first $500.
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Update: Capital Area Satanists are now also matching all donations up thru the first $500, so we are at $2 (two dollars) matching for every $1 (one dollar) donated.
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Update: A third supporter is now also matching all donations up thru the first $500, so we are at $3 (two dollars) matching for every $1 (one dollar) donated.
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Update: A comrade at Facebook meme page Anarkitty matching all donations between $2,001 and $2,500!
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Update: And a pair of Baptists.
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Please help us maintain our ability to defend ourselves from a frivolous lawsuit by an abusive religious/business organization that has lasted for more than two and a half years.
In case that image is not clear, we're looking to raise at least $500 to roll out five more glossy sticker designs, 2x2" in size
How many you personally get mailed to you is dependent on how much you donate
=In return for donation (from within the USA)=
$5 = 5 stickers ($1 per sticker- 1 of each design)
$10 = 10 stickers ($1 per - 2 each)
$25 = 40 stickers ($0.62 per - 8 each)
$50 = 100 stickers ($0.50 per - 20 each)
$100 = 400 stickers ($0.25 per - 80 each)
(If you live outside of the USA, it's going to get a bit more complicated because we need to do more than break even; it's still possible, but maybe DM us about it if you want to do more than just donate?)
=Ways to donate=
PayPal @QueerSatanic: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/queersatanic
CashApp $QueerSatanic: https://cash.app/$QueerSatanic
GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/legal-fund-for-victims-of-satanic-temple1
You can use [email protected] to send addresses to us + proof of donation like a screenshot; but basically, just make sure you find some way to get your mail address to us.
For other merch and designs, check our Redbubble store:
The margins on this aren't great, but we don't have any extra labor to do, and if you're outside the USA, this may be the easiest way to physically get something in your hands.
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