#saw half of them were sun+moon aus (fnaf)
ossumsauce · 11 months
i see something new and go haha thats neat and then it starts stabbing into my brain and im on the floor kicking and crying not wanting to obsess over another thing right now
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girl-in-a-bubbl3 · 2 months
Glamrock Monty (FNAF) x Reader Part 1
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AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Takes place after the fire
Animatronics are redesigned sorta
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
No use of y/n, your name is Beanie now
Will probably be multiple relationships (I love Monty and Sun/Moon both way too much plz don't make me choose)
Monty saw her before she saw him.
She was a tiny thing. Maybe 5 ft tall with long green hair up in a ponytail that swayed every time she walked. She had tiny little dots on her face, like freckles, except they were multicolored.
All of her accessories seemed to mirror the themes of the Plex. Her earrings were different. Dangling from the left ear was what looked like a Sundrop candy wrapper, one of the Daycare candies, and the right ear was the same except with a Moondrop wrapper.
What stuck out to him the most was the red, star shaped glasses that you had perched atop your head. They weren’t purple, like his, but you knew it was a nod to him.
Monty stared down at you from the balcony in the atrium. He was definitely intrigued.
As he was staring down at you, Monty became lost in thought. Not noticing when you looked up and locked eyes with him.
Today was your first day.
Sort of.
Ever since the fire that happened two years ago, you’ve been onsite helping with rebuilding the Plex and the animatronics who got caught up in the evil plans of humans.
You still weren’t clear on everything that happened. You just got a call one day from a very kind but monotonous lady who told you that your uncle had passed and the Plex was now yours to go further with, if you so chose.
You hadn’t spoken to said uncle in almost a decade. He wasn’t very interested in the family, just his machines. You didn’t know much about him and when he made it big in Fazbear entertainment, he left the family to fend for themselves in a failing economy.
So finding out that everything was left to you was more than a shock. It took you over a week of weighing pros/cons and investigating to ensure it was something you could do. The one thing your uncle and yourself had in common: Robotics was your greatest passion.
You spoke to him about it only once before you went off to college for Mechatronics but the fever in your eyes must have been enough to convince him that you would continue what he started.
And you would. But you’d try to do so, so much better.
Fazbear Entertainment had a history of violence, cover ups, coercion, and a lot of corruption. That was something you aimed to change. It was something you didn’t really had to worry much about with rebuilding the Plex because that was simple but when it came to the animatronics…
The repairs, recoding, and reinstallation of new and old parts took you a whole year and a half. You worked from the time you woke up to whatever time you would end up passing out. The more you read the manuals, wrote your own manuals, and spent time with the unconscious animatronics, the more you could see how easy it was to get attached. Something you were so unsure of turned into the center of your whole world.
You had a little apartment built for yourself that was connected to your office so you didn’t have to worry about commutes anymore. The Plex was now your home too.
You had been gone for the past three months. You missed the animatronics waking up again because you had to be in meetings to discuss the politics of reopening the Mega Plex. That hit your heart. You spent so long getting things ready and you weren’t even the first to reintroduce them to the place that they had worked in for so long now.
You trusted the handful of mechanics that was over that, but it just wasn’t the same. And the grand reopening was in a week so today you were finally back to introduce yourself and have some time with the ones you had grown so attached to, unbeknownst to them.
As you approached the stage where your colleague was introducing you, you couldn't help but feel every eye on you as you approached the stage to make your welcome speech. You had received an ungodly amount of criticism since you took over the Plex in your location.
At 27, you were old enough for people to consider what you said but still young enough for everyone to think that they knew better. You were covered in tattoos and always kept your hair dyed an unnatural color. Multiple piercings in your face and you had to always have your favorite accessories flashing (it just so happened that most of those pieces were Fazbear specific). You were never seen without your rose colored, star shaped glasses. You weren't exactly the image of professionalism.
Stepping up and standing to wait for your colleague to stop talking, you happened to look around and take a quick peak at everyone around. There were about 30 or so human staff members. Janitors, other mechanics, stage hands, etc. And then you saw the animatronics. Your heart skipped a beat as you recalled all of the work you put in to each of them.
You tried to keep as much of their original personalities intact as you could when filling in the gaps that the virus left. You did change their casings. You wanted them to be even more realistic than they were. Freddy, Chica, and Roxy got hundreds of tiny little fibers that gave them that extra soft feeling that fur would. Monty was fun because he got hundreds of individual scales and the design made him virtually impenetrable with the tough, but smooth reptile skin. You didn’t alter much with Sun/Moon except for allowing their faceplates to move and change instead of the one specific smile that they were forced to keep. You figured you’d talk with them personally about more alterations since the daycare attendant was a little more sensitive than the others.
Freddy was sitting forward in his chair, trying to give the speaker his upmost attention. Chica was by the refreshment table, obviously sneaking snacks. Nothing new there. Roxy was sitting beside Freddy with her arms crossed, examining her fingernails, looking bored. You didn't see the daycare attendant and immediately a little of seed of worry started to sprout inside of your stomach. You'd have to go check out the daycare after this.
Monty was also missing. You searched around the atrium and didn't see his large, scaley figure. You happened to quickly glance up and your eyes locked onto a large, green figure leaning against the railing on the third floor of the atrium. Monty's expression was hazy as he stared at you, almost like he was waking up from a dream.
After a moment, it's like he finally realized you were also staring at him. He quickly looked away and scampered off until you could no longer see where he was. You made a mental note to check on him later as well.
“Welcome our new Director, Beanie!”
That was your cue. You stepped on up with a large smile and took the microphone. “It’s so nice to see you all, especially our animatronic friends! We’ve all worked so hard to be here right now. It’s been two long years and a lot of dedication.”
The rest of your speech was pretty generic but you still tried to be as inspiring as possible. You truly did have the biggest sense of pride looking around the Plex and it definitely reflected in your voice. So no matter what you said, the promise of the future reflected in your voice.
After everything was over and employees started to disperse, you couldn’t get the absent animatronics out of your mind. You excused yourself from the last bit of conversation and headed off towards the Daycare.
You were a little nervous since this was your first time meeting the Daycare Attendant but only because you definitely had a soft spot for the twins. Something about their presence was enough to hide the past trauma that always presented itself to the forefront of your brain at the worst times.
You worked so hard to make sure the daycare would be up to their standards when they returned to it. It was the area you spent the most time in. Fortunately enough, the fire didn’t touch their room. You decided to keep it exactly as they had it but you did add a furniture catalog so they could request anything extra that they needed. You knew your uncle never gave any of them that option.
You entered the daycare lobby and briefly marveled at the familiar bronze statue of Sun and Moon in the center. It was one of your favorite pieces that was a part of the daycare so of course you kept it.
You decided to use the normal entrance instead of the ultra fun slide that the kids would eventually use once the Plex reopened. You’d definitely tested it out more times than you could count when you were unaccompanied so you figured you could use the main entrance for now.
Approaching the large, wooden doors you stood for a moment and took a deep breath. Before you could even reach for the handle, the door in front of you flew open and in front of you stood a lanky, 7 ft tall, sun themed animatronic.
To be continued...
Author's Notes:
Hi guys!! So sorry this chapter is so incredibly long. I needed to set the foundation ;-; I'm SO excited to start this story. I haven't decided on what relationships will happen yet. My poly brain refuses to let me just focus on one lol. Definitely Monty/Sun&Moon oriented tho. Might sneak some Freddy love in there. Not sure yet. I hope you guys like the intro! I'm literally about to start the next chapter because I'm so excited. Stay tuned for that and another Bonnie chapter. I have most of it written but I'm having writer's block and can't decide on how I want to finish it. So sorry I keep making you guys wait for that. But here's this to fill the time until then! Much love and hope you guys enjoy what's to come <3
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thewerewolf31 · 1 year
I want to present to you one of my alternative universes, this AU is based on the ending where Gregory runs away from the Pizzaplex and Vanny finds him; she kills him and hides his body under the Pizzaplex. Mike rescues his soul and shares Glamrock Freddy's body with him.
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While Gregory and Mike come up with a plan to stop Vanny, The animatronics that Gregory destroyed were repaired as quickly as possible to get them back to work, so more kids are killed by them.
Let's meet them 👀
🐔 Cindy
The first is Cindy, a little girl who loves pizza and is a fan of Glamrock Chica, she was playinq at the Mazercise when she heard Chica calling her, she followed her voice until she arrived at a staff room where she was killed. Her parents reported her missing minutes after they went to look for her at the Mazercise.
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🐺 Rosie
Now meet Rosie, an extrovert, sporty and fearless girl; she is a fan of Roxanne Wolf. Rosie was with her parents at Rockstar Row but she was very bored so she separated from them to explore the rest of the Pizzaplex. She arrived at the entrance of the Roxy Raceway, there she found Roxanne who convinced her to enter for "a private driving practice". Rosie enthusiastically accepted and followed her to the go-kart garage, once alone and away from all the people, Rosie was killed.
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🐊 Max
He is a pampered and troubled kid who enjoys annoying others. Max was a fan of the show "Freadbear & Friends" because he always watched cassette recordings of the episodes, he was very excited to see the original band in their Glamrock version but when he saw that Foxy and Bonnie were replaced by a wolf and an alligator he was very disappointed and threw a tantrum. His parents took him to Monty's Gator Golf to calm him down, but Max walked away from them unseen and when he was about to kick a Roxy figure, Monty appeared to rebuke him, took him by the arm by force and yanked him to "report his attitude to an employee". Monty took him to an empty office and then Max was killed.
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☀️🌙 Milo & Sally
These are half siblings who met a few months before the Pizzaplex reopened, their father took them there to establish a friendship between them, Milo tried yo get along with Sally, but she acted distand. Their father had to leave for an emergency, so he left them at the Superstar Daycare, there were no other kids and they were bored until Sun showed up yo play with them and try yo cheer them up, hours later, the lights went out and Moon showed up yo take the kids and then, they were killed.
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They were all killed in one day, and at night the souls of the children haunted the rooms of the animatronics, confused and scared by what happened.
Mike and Gregory then left without being seen by Vanessa and gathered the children together, explained what was going on and gave them a second chance to stop their killer.
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Cindy and Rosie chose their favorite animatronics, but Max had to resign himself to choosing Monty because his favorite (Glamrock Freddy) was already taken. Meanwhile Milo and Sally to come to an agreement, Milo would take control of Sun and Sally would take control of Moon.
Together, the children learned to live with each other and with their animatronics, Mike took care of them and prepared them for the moment when they were to take action. Now that the main gang was possessed, Vanny couldn't kill any more children.
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One day they finally showed up in front of Vanessa, hunting her down during her night watch with the purpose of catching her and ending it all once and for all.
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And that's how it ends, a security guard running from possessed animatronics, a cycle that repeats itself over and over again.
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lec743 · 2 years
FNAF Fanfiction (Cherub AU)
I had a very specific song stuck in my head for this short story. When you see the linked “play” word, please play it for the background music. Hope you all and @starrspice enjoy the new story.  *******************************************************************************************
           Saying that Sun and Moon were happy that you were finally flying on your own would be an understatement. Even though you questioned Sun’s congratulations, you were still appreciative of their hustle in moving on to your other lessons. You easily breezed past through all the rest of them… despite how stupid some of the rules and protocols seemed. You’ll just hold your tongue for the meantime. You’re trying to speedrun helping your loved ones after all, you don’t have time to bicker with the sun themed cherub.
           By the end of the second week, you and your cherub tutors were given your first group assignment. You were to focus on working with Sun as Moon had his own assignment but was in the same area.
           The three of you stood on your apartment roof top as a scroll floated down from the heavens and into your cherub tutors’ hands. Sun held his scroll lower than Moon did, so you looked over his arm at what he was reading. Your eyes immediately rested on the profile picture of your best friend Hera Diaz. You haven’t seen her black ass in forever and your heart immediately ached with how much you missed having late night talks with her over the phone. Last you saw of her she had an afro that could rival treetops, and in this photo, she had a shaved head, but at least she still had that same crooked smile that warmed your heart.
           The assignment stated that she cared deeply for a man named Steve Lee Yang and that he cared for her too, but they had been dancing around each other for a year and a half now. They were dancing around each other because Hera was oblivious, and Steve apparently was too anxious to say anything out right.
           You rubbed at your eyes in slight irritation. You remember jokingly calling Hera a himbo once upon a time, making you both laugh with her agreeing, but you didn’t think it was true. You read over the many failed attempts of Steve trying to woo your friend. He wooed her with flowers, with gifts she liked, and they even went out on a “date”. However, the notes in the assignment said that Hera only took these romantic attempts as him being friendly, and Steve was too nervous to voice anything different. Who is this wet noodle of a man that’s thinks they can woo your best friend anyways? Especially since he doesn’t have the balls to actually articulate what she really means to him.
          You read his profile, then further down you saw his profile picture. He was an Asian gentleman with puffy cheeks and a bowl hair cut that reminded you of that one Naruto character named Rock-something. After a moment, a light went off in your head, and you realized you know this Steve-man as well. He was a senor in your high school while you and Hera were a junior. You don’t remember much about him. Just that he seemed like he was always alone while on school grounds, but Hera said he was fun to talk to. You haven’t seen him in years. When did they reconnect?
           “Ah, this is a classic problem,” Sun stated as he confidently rolled up the scroll, “Should be easy enough to fix.”
           He sounded cheery as usual, but you didn’t trust it. You got the distinct impression that he was already tired of this job and the two of you haven’t even started it yet.
           “How easy we talkin’ here,” you asked as you crossed your arms over your chest.
           Sun gave you a thinned easy smile, “Like breathing air.”
           You raised a disbelieving brow at him but said nothing more.
           Sun turned to his counterpart, “What did you get?”
           “A couple who hate each other but are pretending to be together.”
           “Wait, that actually happens?” you asked in disbelief.
           Moon nodded, “They’re both being stubborn.”
           “Welp, let’s get a move on then. I’ll go stake out Hera’s place. I’ll meet you two back at Maple Park at 1pm.”
           Before either of them could say anything else to you, you flew away at an exhilarating speed. You still can’t get over just how fun flying is. You do a few loopty-loops as you flew to Hera’s house in the suburbs, not needing to worry about being seen with the cloaking technique your tutors taught you.
           You found a small one story home with a front lawn covered in frog ceramics. Half of them she bought as they were, while the other half are frogs she painted herself at a pottery store. It was a weekend, so you knew that Hera would be at home doing house chores. You looked through the windows until you saw a large, muscly black woman laying on the couch. Her living room, much like her front yard, was decorated in frogs of all kinds; paintings and wallpaper on the walls, statues, rugs, pillows, and wood carvings covered every other surface in the room.
           Hera was surrounded by pillows, and she was watching her comfort movie Castle in the Sky. Her shoulders shook like she was crying. Your immediate reaction to seeing this was to whip out your phone and try to call her, but you hesitate as your thumb hovered over the speed dial. You floated there, outside her home, hesitating to reach out to her, for you don’t know for how long, until you heard her house phone ring.
           Hera was sniffling as she paused the movie and got off the couch. Once she picked up the phone, she put a smile on and said, “Hello?” There was a pause. “Oh, hey Mama…” Hera shifted on her feet as she wiped away her tears. “Oh. Yah. I’m fine.”
           Liar, you thought as you clutched your phone to your chest.
           “The family cookout? I don’t know… I’m kind of busy.”
           You felt your heart rate spike at those words. She’s never missed the monthly family cookout before. She loves going to them. She loves seeing her moms and her old neighbors that she grew up with and seeing new faces. Is this a recent thing? How long has she been shut away like this just crying?
           “No… I know I’ve missed the last couple of months. I just… I don’t know Mama…”
           You fumble your phone as you remembered the job you’re on. You rummage around your satchel until you pull out the pack of notepads that look like valentine day cards. What they actually are is Suggestion Pads. They give humans the openness to follow outside suggestions and influences; a gentle way of nudging people in the direction they need to go.
          Ripping a card out of the pack, you crumble it up and throw it at Hera. The crumbled-up paper flattens as it slips under the gap of the closed window. Then it folds itself into a paper heart and smacks her in the back of her shaved head. She doesn’t react as she nods along to what her mama is saying on the other line; the paper being invisible to any that aren’t cherubs.            You stood there outside her window as you silently pleaded with her to go to the cookout. She’s such a sensitive heart. She needs all the love and support from her family and friends. It kills you not being able to be there, but the least you could do was making sure others are there for her. You know that going to that cookout will help her.
          Finally, you saw the piece of paper start to glow and it disappeared from your sight as Hera said, “Yah. Okay. Okay Mama. I’ll go… I’ll see you later… I love you too. Bye.” You fly away after she hung up. It was almost 1pm and it was time to meet up with your teachers.
          You found Sun and Moon sitting on top of the biggest trees in Maple Park. It was a nice warm afternoon, so you didn’t mind it as you reported your findings and what you did. You had extra granola bars in your satchel and passed them out mindlessly as you spoke. Sun and Moon said quiet thank yous as you talked to them.
          Sun nodded thoughtfully as he finished his granola bar, “Mmm. Good. I heard about this monthly cookout thing through Steve, too. It seems he goes to them quite often.”
          You used to go to them often. You clear your throat to prevent yourself from frowning at the wrong subject and said, “And he’ll be to this one?”
          You see Moon looking at you a bit funny as Sun nodded, “It sounded important, so I got him to go, suggesting that he hasn’t seen his friends there in a while.”
          You take their trash and stuff it into your satchel, “Okay. So what’s next now that we have them both going to the same place?”
          Sun’s rays around his head wiggled with pride as Moon smiled fondly at him. “There’s a plethora of things we can do,” Sun stated as he got out a big binder from his own satchel that reminded you of those books that football coaches look through at big games.
           You internally bemoaned at the sight of the book. You and Sun don’t need a complicated plan to get your friend and her love interest together… right? Regardless, you resigned yourself to your fate as Sun opened the book and started talking about different strategies and plans the two of you can use to get Hera and Steve together. Moon seemed to be able to follow along with Sun’s plans better than you. You’ll ask him for some pointers in the future.
           It was the evening of the family cookout. You, Sun, and Moon were sitting on the rooftop of a three story house across the street from a one story house that had a front yard full of people. People were bundled up against the cold and gathered around the grill or outside heaters to keep themselves warm as they chatted and the kids’ played games. Fairy Lights lined the picket fence and there was music playing from an old boombox that was attached to an ipod nano. The song Funky Town was filling the rest of the noisy air with its upbeat tune. Some people were even dancing in the middle of the road to the song.
           The three of you watched the families and friends and neighbors go about their evening as you waited for your pieces to fall into place. Moon left the post first seeing his targets coming to the party looking like the happiest couple in the world. Steve came to the party before Hera arrived and it made you worried that she wouldn’t show up at all, but she walked up to the house thirty minutes after Steve integrated into the party spirit.
           “Aright,” Sun said with a cheery clap of his hands, “You remember the plan?”
           You roll your eyes and said, “How could I not.” It’s not like he hasn’t drilled the plan into your head for the past two days.
           “Good.” He said curtly. Then he flew off to follow around Steve. You got up to do the same with Hera.
           The plan is to do drunk confessions. Get Hera and Steve plastered enough that Steve is confident enough to finally spill his guts and Hera is accepting enough to not think he’s saying it in a friend type of way. You were getting Hera open for suggestions with your valentine-esk Suggestion Pads as you saw Steve and Sun coming over, with Steve holding two cups of alcohol. Steve had a nervous smile on his face as he called out to your friend. Hera turned to him and gave him half a smile. He was holding out one of the cups to her when he tripped over a garden hose that the kids were using as a plaything, and the alcohol splashed on to Hera’s sweater and jeans as Steve fell face first into the grass.
           You sucked air between your teeth as Sun grimaced with you at the sight of Steve apologizing profusely and Hera reassuring him that it was fine. She went into her mothers’ house to change out of the alcohol-stained clothes and Steve found a quiet dark corner to wallow in his remorse.
           You saw Sun rub his temple as he sighed, then he said, “Okay. Plan B.”
           Plan B didn’t work out either. Or C. Or D. You and Sun were getting more and more frustrated with each failure. It was getting close to the end of the party. You and Sun were ready to call it quits for the night too, but you thought about Hera sitting in her home looking miserable and that smile she gave Steve looked genuine despite it being tired and you wanted to help her so badly.
           “Sun. Please. Can I try something?”
           Sun sighed out of his nose. “Might as well. What do you have in mind?”
           “Just get Steve interested in dancing before he officially gives up for the night. Okay?”
           “…Okay…” Sun gave you a look like he was wondering what you were thinking but he followed your lead.
           You went over to the boombox and picked up the ipod nano. You knew, no matter how dower Hera is, she can’t help but dance to her favorite song. You found the song you wanted and pressed play and the song Overjoyed by Stevie Wonder played through the speakers. Across the thinned crowd you saw Hera perk at the music.
           As the song reached the lyrics, “Over dreams, I have picked out a perfect come true,” you saw Steve walk up to Hera and offered his hand to her. She took his hand with a soft smile and the two of them started dancing with each other.
           You flew over them with Sun and threw one last Suggestion Paper at Hera to confess her feelings, not trusting Steve to speak about his own feelings first. Steve was wide-eyed as Hera talked about how she felt about him and before she could quickly say that he doesn’t have to feel the same way about her, Steve was spilling his guts about how he felt and all the attempts he tried to romance her. They both ended up laughing and snorting at their own silliness with each other and you and Sun smiled as you two went back to the roof from across the street to watch them a bit more.
           You were so happy to see Hera smiling.
           “Hey. Good job, Rookie,” Sun said, and you believed him.
           Soon Moon joined the two of you and you saw the same “happy” couple stomp away in opposite directions as they left the party.
           “How did it go you two,” Moon asked.
           “It was rough, but we did it. Now they just need to kiss to seal the deal,” Sun stated.
           You did a double take between Sun and your best friend as she was dancing with her head resting on top of Steve’s head as they continued to lovingly slow dance together. Was he even seeing the same thing you were?
           “What’s a stupid kiss gonna do?”
           Sun got a sudden haughty attitude as he said, “A kiss is the ultimate display of love.”
           “Yeah, I call bullshit,” you deadpanned, unable to contain yourself anymore.
           Sun turned on you so fast you though you heard his neck pop, “Excuse me?!”
           “Kisses are just a form of physical touch. They don’t mean anything.”
           Out of the corner of your eye you could see Moon looking ready to get between the two of you.
           “Oh yeah?!” Sun fumed.
           “Yeah!” You said just as angry.
           “Prove it then!”
           “Fine I will!” You sneered as you moved without thinking about anything but proving Sun wrong. You grabbed the cherub by the sides of his face. His anger suddenly turned to panic as you pulled him in, and you gave him a kiss on the lips. It was fleeting and your noses bonked against each other from the force of you pulling him in but in the moment, you didn’t care as you let go of him. “See! I feel nothing for you, and you feel nothing for me! I win!”
           You pushed past Moon who was looking at you in shock as you flew off the roof top. You only spared one last glance at your dancing friend before heading back to your apartment feeling more than just exhaustion.
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I read some of your human au, and I was curious on how you picture human Freddy and his gang? I am genuinely interested.
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As much as I desperately wish I could whip out my own detailed designs, I'm gonna be totally honest: either the design I have in my head is based off fanart I saw at some point or I have no mental image of what someone looks like. But I will do my best for you, anons!
For example, the specific design I have in mind for DJMM was from a tiktok and he had dark skin, very long dreads (some of which were colored pink, blue, and green, I think), and was super buff and at least gave me the impression that he was very tall too. So that's what I've been imagining for him.
But on the other hand, for Freddy or Bonnie? Head empty. Freddy's probably got slightly curly brown hair and tan-brown skin. Bonnie has scars that were inspired by the ruined fnaf 2 design, so on his upper left arm and a bit on his face.
They're all at some level of muscle-y, since they're used to moving heavy things and being on the go all day, and half of them use exercise for anger management or stress relief reasons. Roxy's definitely got thick, long gray hair (dyed) and she wears sleeveless shirts a lot because she's got Arms, y'know? Chica's the shortest of the adults and is more lean than buff, but she's strong too. Naturally blonde, I think, but it's so light it's nearly white. I completely managed to forget about Foxy in the most recent chapter oh my gosh Foxy's a redhead and has a real scar over one eye, he's not so muscle-y because he's a performer. He gets tan during the summer because he's outside every day and then in winter, they move him inside and he gets all pale again, lol.
There are tiktoks that 100% inspired Gregory, Evan, and Michael, but I wouldn't even know where to start with looking for them. I thought I had some screenshots for refs, but I can't figure out where I left them, lol. Michael and Evan probably have a vaguely neglected look about them, maybe being a bit too thin and their clothes not fitting quite right. Gregory and Vanessa are pretty standard, just the latter obviously doesn't look like an adult yet.
The twins are beanpoles and of average height. I described them a tiny bit in chapter one, so Sun's blond and Moon's got black hair. Sun's got freckles and a healthy tan, Moon probably looks like he's never spent even a minute in the sun.
William Afton is very sharp-edged. Thin, tall, and boney, has an angular face, looks almost gaunt. There is madness in his eyes, but he's gotten very good at hiding it. His smile is genuinely unnerving, so he doesn't do it outside of when he's killing people.
M&M is a chihuahua.
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neoruby-loves-ut-aus · 7 months
Sun Frisk and Moon Frisk's first appearance was in this comic back in 2020
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They were not introduced as Frisks at first. Moon was evil in her first appearance and this is basically like the copy of Shattered Dream AU and the stereotypical gacha video Dreamtale brothers meet their parents. Sun Frisk was created in my mind out of anger when I saw how Dream's mother was emotionally torturing him and I felt like he needed a soulmate who needs to comfort him and fight back his 'mother'. So, after watching too much of 'The hated child', I made Anora evil and a bad mom who only loved Moon and since I was a Fnaf fan, I made Sun as a copy of Elizabeth Afton.
Then, I made cringy things like Dreamswap Sun as Clara Afton who possessed Ballora after being murdered by her father, Swapdream Sun as another random princess who was drowned by Dreamswap Sun's father and possessed another animatronic. All the Sun AUs had golden hair. Switched Destinies Dreamtale AU Sun was called Sunbelle as she died due to an accident and possessed a doll like Annabelle.
Later, I regretted making these comics and crossovers that made them into an accurate Undertale AU character and since they were so much related to other Frisks, I made them as Frisks as I became a Frans Shipper when I started watching Undertale. I made Anora a nice Queen as I know Sun needs a nice childhood too and every child deserves loving parents. Then I again made cringy stuff like making Sun's and Dream's full forms as giant demons like Lilith and Lucifer just because they looked cool. Then, I stopped making weird stuff and finally made them into half-canon characters with a little bit of my AU stuff which is right now.
People who also make Moon Frisk and Sun Frisk and needs to see this:
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girl-in-a-bubbl3 · 2 months
Glamrock Bonnie(FNAF) x Reader Part 9
Not enough sassy Bonnie fanfic so here we go...I'll try to upload at least once a week.
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AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Bonnie is terrible but he likes you
5 greenrooms on RSR (we include Monty)
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Moon has a lil touch of the virus
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
Also just using the gif
Bonnie was so much bigger and faster that by the time you crossed the doorframe, he was already yards ahead of you. There was no way you’d catch up to him in time, you knew that. So you ran to Freddy’s green room and started pounding on the door.
A concerned Freddy came quickly and saw your panicked expression and rapidly growing heart rate.
“Bonnie is going to hurt Moon!”
Freddy was understandably confused but he glanced down to see where your hand was resting on the bruising around your neck and he nodded and took off sprinting in the direction of the daycare.
You started running after them in that direction, hoping that when you got to the daycare, whatever you found wouldn't be that bad.
You had barely stepped foot into the daycare lobby before you heard shouting and yelling. Bonnie's voice boomed above Freddy's protests and Sun's high pitched arguing.
"Don't you ever let him lay hands on her again!"
"She wanted to meet him and I promised!"
"I don't give a fuck wha-"
Blowing through the doors you finally laid eyes on them all. Freddy was holding Bonnie back in a tight bear hug. When looking at him, you glanced at his shoulder and let out a sharp gasp making everyone turn towards you.
There was a deep, clawed gash going down Bonnie's shoulder blade all the way down to the top of his chest plate. When you turned to look at Sun a few feet away from them, one of his rays was broken and he was holding his right arm so you couldn't see whatever had happened.
Everyone was quiet and still as you all stared at each other before you broke the silence.
"What...what happened here?"
Bonnie let out a deep growl as Sun started to take a few steps towards you and he stopped before glaring over at him. "Bonnie came in and turned out the lights to start a fight with Moon!!"
"And I'll do it again you fu-"
"Bonnie!" It was your turn to yell at him. He looked over at you and glanced to your throat before turning to glare at Sun again.
"He hurt you."
"Bonnie it's fine. I can handle myself and Moon wasn't even that bad!"
"It's not fine!" He finally broke out of Freddy's grip and stomped up to you. "He left marks on you!"
You looked over as Sun's hand flew up to his mouth and you barely heard him whisper, "Moon, stop that!"
"What the fu-"
You grabbed Bonnie's arm as he went to turn and look towards Sun, obviously hearing what he said.
"Bonnie, stop. Let's go."
He was still half turned towards Sun, debating whether or not he wanted to finish what he started so you decided to speak again, more firm.
"Bonnie. Now."
He finally gave in to you and started to let you pull him out of the daycare, grumbling under his breath.
"Sun, I'll be back to look at you. You're going to need repairs," you shot Bonnie a look, "because someone loves making my job harder."
Bonnie looked away and just kept walking, letting you lead him, hand in hand. You didn't notice the look on Sun's face as he wished that your hand was in his instead.
As soon as Bonnie's greenroom door closed you went off.
"What the fuck was that?!"
Bonnie whipped around and squared himself to argue back.
"What is your problem? I was defending you, idiot!"
"You were causing more problems and how am I going to explain to management that I have to stay over now because you decided to start problems in the daycare?! The other mechanics have already been thinking about telling Frank you need another reset since you threw a bowling ball at someone yesterday!"
The mention of the reset made Bonnie give you an icy glare, he quickly started walking up to you, not stopping so you were having to back up before you eventually hit the wall of his greenroom.
"That would be completely up to you, mechanic. You're in charge of the resets. You gonna do it or what?"
He was so close to you that his body was almost touching yours. He stood at his full height, looking down his nose at you. His tone had gone cold and he was waiting on your answer, a ticking timebomb ready to explode.
Despite him trying to intimidate you, you just reached your hand out and set it on his chest plate, slighting touching the tiny blue hairs above the collar of his shirt.
"You know I wouldn't do that to you." You said it quietly and calmly, looking up to watch his expression go from angry to confused surprise, presumably more at the touch than what you said. You heard the familiar sound of the fans coming on and his eyes just fluttered as he thought of something to respond with.
You took your other hand and starting inspecting the gauges that you assume Moon made. It was deep. He got him pretty good and it hit you how powerful these animatronics really were. Thankfully most of his wires and exoskeleton were fine. He would need a whole plate change before the shows and parties tomorrow, though.
"We need to go to P&S so I can fix you up, though."
Bonnie snapped out of his daze and returned to his usual charm. With fans still spinning wildly, he raised his hand to cup the side of your face and make you look up at him. It was your turn to sputter. "I would rather stay here and tell you about throwing that bowling ball."
You felt the blush rise to your face and you were acutely aware of how soft Bonnie's hand was. You knew he was teasing you again but you liked it. You liked Bonnie.
You were tempted to do just that. Ignore the rest of your work and just let Bonnie do and say whatever he wanted until the end of your shift but you knew that would probably be a very bad idea. The thought of injured Sun also snapped back to your mind making you feel terrible.
You sighed and took his hand in yours, using your other one to gently push him back. "I have a job to do. And don't forget, you're not the only one I have to repair today."
Bonnie rolled his eyes and grumbled something about how Moon deserved it. "Alright, alright. I get it. I'm coming."
He followed you to the back of his room and through the door to Parts & Services. You were both quiet on the walk, but you occasionally felt Bonnie's hand bump against yours. Whether on accident or on purpose, you weren't sure, but it did happen quite frequently on your way.
Approaching the P&S doors you checked the time. 5:39 am. You decided just to be safe that you'd send Frank a message and let him know you might be a little late getting off because of two unexpected repairs. You didn't go into much detail and just left it at that.
You didn't think Bonnie's plate changes would take too long but you still didn't know what all was wrong with Sun. If they had to close the daycare today the company would not be happy...
Bonnie hesitated outside of the main repair cylinder. You knew he hated going in.
"It's going to be a simple swap, Bonnie. It won't take me very long and you can stay awake the whole time if you want."
You saw him nod before you turned around to go find the part that you needed. Nothing was really sorted well in the bins full of parts but at least they tried to keep each one specific to whoever they were for.
After digging for a minute you found everything you needed and headed back to the cylinder. Bonnie had already walked inside and was sitting on the long table.
You asked if he was ready and he gave you a quick thumbs up. "Let's get this over with, peeps."
You both were pretty silent during the repair but you started thinking about the bowling ball incident and you were curious what actually happened.
"Hey Bonnie? Why did you throw that ball at that guy?"
You heard Bonnie chuckle and saw the tip of his ear twitch. "He was harassing one of the girls that helps out at the ice cream counter. She kept telling him to leave her alone, always telling him no and to back off. So I decided to just help get her point across a little. No big deal. Although I think I also terrified her, too, which wasn't the intention but oh well."
You were surprised at that. Bonnie's outburst was because he was trying to help? You wondered how many times that had actually happened. You loved that he was actually trying, in his own way, but maybe you could have a talk with him about his methods later.
He really wasn't as bad as he was made out to be.
The swap went smoothly and in no time you had a new plate on with no evidence of the fight that happened previously.
You inspected your work as he walked out of the cylinder. "Alright Bonnie, I don't want to have to do this again anytime in the foreseeable future."
Bonnie grinned at you and shrugged. "No promises."
You giggled and tried to playfully push him. He didn't budge an inch to spite you but it only made you laugh and you heard him chuckle quietly as well.
You looked up into his glittering maroon irises and was temporarily captivated once again. Your hands itched to reach out and touch him. And you felt an ache in the pit of your stomach, wanting him to reach out and touch you, too. As if reading your mind, Bonnie reached out and took your hand, pulling you closer to him.
He leaned down, bringing his face closer to yours before whispering in your ear. "Thanks, dollface. For everything."
You felt the familiar butterflies rise back up in your stomach. Your face was burning with the blush that spread across your cheeks and you couldn't help but let out another giggle and mutter quietly. "No problem, Bonnie."
You looked up after a moment of silence and the expression on Bonnie's face made your knees weak. His eyes were half lidded, gaze traveling down your body and back up, with a lazy smile sitting on his face. You knew you had to stop things now or Bonnie was going to end up keeping you in his greenroom for the rest of the day.
So you took a deep breath, a step back, and you looked down at your Fazwatch.
"Alright, alright. Time for you to go back. I have to get Sun in here so I can check him out before the daycare opens today."
His expression turned sour at the mention of Sun. You did regret having to end whatever thoughts were going on inside of his head. "He can deal with it for today. Give him a little time to think about things."
"Bonnie, stop. Don't act like that."
He looked away and mumbled something under his breath. You swear you heard something along the lines of 'my girl' being a part of whatever he said.
"What was that?"
"Nothing. I'll head back. But if either of them lays a hand on you again..."
"They won't. Goodnight Bonnie. See you tomorrow."
He hesitated for a moment before he started back towards the door that led to his greenroom. "'Night, peeps."
To be continued...
Arthors Notes:
Things are heating upppp. Not sure what direction I'm going to go in the next chapter. I'm just going to start writing and it'll be a surprise to us all xD I want to incorporate some more time for other characters and also start driving into main character's backstory. But I also am dying to have a spicy moment so we'll just see where it goes lol. Much love guys! <3
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lec743 · 2 years
Bloody Flora AU (FNAF Fanfic)
(cackles) I think this is my cutes story based on this AU~ Hey! Hey, @oobbbear! I decided to give Moon your artistic love~~ Enjoy this fluff y’all!!!
           Moon wanted to do something special for you. Moon was under the impression that him and Sun were practically married to you at this point, and he wanted to show you all the love and care ten-fold onto you that you do for them. The problem was how to go about it. It’s not like he has money and Moon didn’t think it’d be very tasteful to go dumpster diving for loose items to make art from for you. He could ask Sun for advice, but that would ruin the surprise since Sun can’t keep a secret.
           Moon was out in the city in his tiny bat form. Clutched in his feet were advertisement posters for the Bloom and Gloom. Being so close to the inner city, with all its blaring lights, hurt his eyes, but Moon toughed it out. He wanted to make sure that the flower shop got enough eyes on its advertisements so that you’ll get more jobs. As he went from light pole to public corkboard, Moon ignored the distrustful side-eyes that were shot his way.
           As he was thinking about what he could do for you to celebrate your relationship with him and Sun, Moon heard a conversation that sound like a similar problem to his own.
          Moon flew into the night sky to get a better lock on the voices. Then he zeroed in on a woman and her little boy. He followed them as he listened in on their conversation as he was still in his tiny bat form.
          “But Mooooom! I wanna do something special for him!”
          It was a black woman and her son, a little Chinese kid. The woman was smiling down at her kid, placatingly, as he whined up at her. He looked like he was six, probably just starting school. It made Moon miss his parents.
          “You don’t need money to do something special for your crush, Baby.”
          “But the thing! That toy is perfect for him!”
          “I can’t afford to buy that for you.”
          “I’ll do extra chores around the house!”
          “No, Honey. What happened to that drawing you were working on for him?”
          The little boy crossed his arms in a pout. “It’s stupid.”
          The woman pulled her son closer to her so that she could pet his head as they walked. “I promise that it’s not. When you like someone, anything given to them can be precious, because you’re the one who gave it to them.”
          “My drawing is stupid though…”
          “Life is full of stupid things. It doesn’t make them any less loved.”
          The boy just pouted more, but Moon took this moment to butt in. He poofed into his normal stature and dropped down in front of them. “Hi. Sorry. But when you say “anything”, do you really mean that or—”
          Moon’s words were cut off by the woman’s screams as she picked up and clutched her kid. Then as she turned and ran, she screamed out, “Vampire!”
          Moon crouched in on himself as he clutched the advertisements to his chest. His ears pinned down to his head as he sadly watched the nice-looking lady and her cute kid run around the corner.
          “Hey!” Moon jumped at the gruff voice yelling at him and he felt his hackles raise on instinct. Moon turned to the voice and saw a large white man with a large beard covering half his face march towards him with a tire iron. “Get the hell out of our city!”
          Moon unfurled one of the advertisements and quickly said, “ComebuyflowersatourshopattheBloomandGloom;pricesare20%offwhenyoushowupwiththeseposters!” Moon then let it drop when the scary man hesitated in his confusion and Moon flew away, poof-ing down to his little bat size so he would be harder to see as he flies away.
          Having hung up the rest of his advertisements, Moon sighed as he rested on a random rooftop. That interaction didn’t go as well as he had hoped. He let what he heard of the conversation ruminate in his skull. His ears twitching with the amount of concentration he was putting into what he learned. The little boy was drawing something for his crush… Maybe it’s not so stupid to do that for you? His lover/spouse/human-thing? Moon wasn’t certain about it. He would have liked to have more solid answers but getting advice from people isn’t easy. He could go to the Internet, but he doesn’t like how impersonal it is.
          Out of the corner of his eye, Moon saw a cat walking nearby. Moon turned to the cat and said, “Hey Archie! Pretty kitty! Come here.” Then he made all kinds of cat sounds to tempt the cat over. The cat went up to him and started rubbing herself against his outstretched clawed hands. Fawning over the kitty. Moon told the cat of his troubles.
          “I just want them to have the best things.” Moon finished his heart-wrenching rant. “They’re so good. They even forgave us for attacking them even though they still have nightmares of us attacking them. I don’t know. A drawing just doesn’t seem good enough for them.” The kitty in his lap meowed up at him. “I’m thinking too hard about it?” The kitty purred louder in his lap. “Of course I think they love us. Moonflower feeds us and shelters us and has trained us in so many cool plant things. I now know the difference between a tulip and a rose.” The kitty meow at him. Moon rubbed the back of his neck. “Yah. I used to think all flowers were the same. I still get them confused sometimes, but I’m better than what I was.” The kitty gave him a long meow that ended in a yawn. Moon sighed. “Okay. Okay, I’ll do the drawing thing. It doesn’t feel good enough, but I’ll do it.”
          Three days later, Moon managed to finish his surprise drawing for you. It took three days because he had to find time to do it since he had to hide it from Sun and because it kept not turning out the way he wanted it to turn out. It was frustrating, but he finally decided to keep the latest finished drawing because he was worried, he was going to end up hating his finished work and start the whole process all over again.
          The drawing was a drawing of you in a flower field under a stary night sky. You were holding Sun’s hand as he stood with you in the flower field, and you were giving Moon’s little bat form a kiss on the head as he sat in your palm.
          Moon stared at it as he climbed up the stairs to the living room to join you and Sun for dinner. Before entering the softly lit kitchen, Moon took a deep breath and walked in. You and Sun were talking about the weather and how nice the nights were but how both of you were lamenting the daylight savings time thing.
          “Moonflower, I made something for you.”
          You smiled at him as Moon sits down on your other side at the table. “What did you make?” Wordlessly, Moon lays the drawing face down on the table and slides it across to you.
          “Awe, why didn’t you tell me you were making something. I could have helped,” Sun stated.
          “Then it wouldn’t have been a surprise,” Moon said flatly.
          Sun’s ears pinned back bashfully from being called out. “Ah.”
          You had picked up the drawing and you awed at the sight of it. “Moon,” you said as you put a hand over your mouth, “This is amazing.” You then clutched it to your chest and gave Moon your biggest and most beautiful smile. “I love it so much. Thank you.”
          A little part of Moon couldn’t help but doubt that, but instead he said, “I’m glad.”
          Moon and Sun watched you get up and walk to the fridge. Then they saw you pin it to the door of the fridge.
          “There!” You said with your smile still on your face. “Now I’ll be able to see it every day.”
          Moon didn’t say anything, but he still felt like it wasn’t good enough and that he should have done something else. He kept thinking about it all night as you slept, and he worked with Sun. When it was time to go to bed, Moon was up the stairs to get a glass a water, while also contemplating the idea of stealing the drawing to do something else when he saw you up.
          Moon quietly hid behind the kitchen door as he looked through the crack he made when he initially tried to walk in. You were disheveled in your pajamas with your hair standing up in two different directions. You had a cup of coffee in one hand, and you were sipping from it as you stood in front of the fridge. Moon could see the soft smile on your face as you looked at his drawing.
          Moon backed away and walked back downstairs as he felt a warmth spread through him at your smile. That pesky little voice in his head was thoroughly squashed, just from having the sight of your private smile looking at his work. It made Moon want to draw more things for you.
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lec743 · 2 years
(Pretty Petty Villains AU) FNAF Fanfic
I really like this idea. I didn’t ask, @gltterfangs if I could write about their idea, so if they ask me to, I will take down this story. Regardless, I had fun writing this short story and I hope to be able to write more. Here’s the link to the idea that inspired this story~
           You’re just a simple person. You work a fulfilling job as a fry cook at your local Fry and Die Eatery. You like to feed your backyard birds. You watch your CSI shows after work, and you volunteer at your local animal shelter to help socialize cats and dogs. Then one night, as you just got home from work, your home was invaded by two sinister, robotic jesters. One jester was themed to look like the sun and was named Sun, the other jester was themed to look like the moon and was named Moon. They busted into your home, told you that you were their new henchmen, and that your home was going to be the base of their evil lair. You were too scared to disagree or do anything about it, because they’re robots, they definitely already have your phones tapped to make sure you don’t snitch to anyone about any of this.
           You didn’t sleep well that first night with them in your home. Nor did you sleep well all that week. The stress of having those dangerous strangers in your home and doing, only god knows what while you’re gone, has you more stressed out than a customer demanded a refund on their not toasted enough bagel burger.
           “Hey, you don’t look so good,” Janet, your manager and owner of the Fry and Die, said, “You know if you’re sick, you could have called in. It’s not like you don’t get sick leave.”
          You give the native american woman a strained smile. “I don’t look that bad.”
          “You look pale and I haven’t heard you sing anything for a week. You haven’t even hummed. You should go home.”
          You smiled wider, hoping to reassure Janet. “I promise. I promise. I'm fine. I don’t need to go home."
          Your manager gave you a scrutinized look, but then she relaxed as she patted you on the back. “Okay. But don’t feel guilty that you have to call in, okay. I help pick up the slack, that’s my job as manager.”
You nod. Then a coworker poked their head into the kitchen and said, “We got an order for five burgers with the works!” You acknowledge them and work with a heated fury.
          Your shift of the day is long and it makes you extra tired, but you don’t want to go home. You walk to a park that’s full of kids playing in it as they release their after school energy. You take a seat in a swing and mind your own business as the noise and light slowly dimmed around you. One second you were appreciating the way the orange glow of the setting sun was coloring the blue plastic slide in front of you, then you were jolted awake by you catching yourself from falling out of the swing. The world was dark with only patches of light from the street lights being your guide. With a sigh you got up, wiped the half dried spit from your chin, and started walking home.
          You walked slowly as you passed through darkness and under flickering lamp lights. You wondered what you could swipe out of your fridge to avoid being around your robot invaders when you heard someone shout at you. Startled you turned to the voice and you saw a dark figure standing in the shadow. What was in the light was his hands and a large knife. You stood frozen at the sight of it.
          “Give me everything that’s in your pockets.” His voice sounded rough, like he smoked a lot.
          You nodded and started rummaging through your clothes. You pulled out your phone, your wallet, and your house keys.
          “Drop them and don’t move.”
          You half heartedly tossed your things at his feet. You heard the screen to your phone crack as it hit the pavement. The man still had the knife pointed to you as he looked through your things one handed. He immediately pocketed your phone and started flipping through your wallet and became frustrated with the lack of cash.
          “Are you fucking with me,” he croaked, “who doesn’t carry cash?” You flinched when his shadowed face snapped up at you. “All of them. Turn out all your pockets!”
          As you shakily turned out your pockets, showing that you had nothing else on you, you thought you heard the tell-tale sound of jingling bells. The mugger started to yell at you as he saw that you really had nothing else on you. He had everything you own, and you wish he’d just leave you alone. You started to back away when the mugger started to encroach on you, yelling out his frustrations at you. Your sight starts to blur as you flinch away from the mugger’s raised knife, when he was suddenly flattened to the ground. A bundle of blue-toned colorful clothes sat in front of you.
          You sniffled in confusion as you wiped away your tears. You jumped when you felt large hands settle on your shoulders and you looked down to see golden-yellow gloves. You went ridged.
          “Look, Sun. It seems someone doesn’t know they’re not supposed to mess with our people,” Moon’s synthetic voice chortled, then in a much more sinister voice he added, “What should we do with him?”
          Sun’s hands drummed rhythmically on your shoulders. “Hmmm… I don’t know Moon. How about we let our little henchmen decide.”
          Moon’s mis-matched red and star shaped eye looked up at you, his round face was heavily shadowed by his twin-tail jester hat. You swallowed dryly. “Can I have my phone back?”
          Moon looked back down at the mugger and riffled through his clothes until he pulled out your phone. The moon themed robot dropped it in your outstretched hand. You internally sighed at the large crack running zig-zag from top left to bottom right of the screen. You pocketed it. Moon looked up expectantly at you. “Will you take away his knife, then let him run away?”
          Moon looked disappointed and Sun bemoaned behind you then said, “Is that really all you want us to do?”
          “It's not like I can call the police…”
          Moon tsked, but said nothing else as he took the man’s knife and stuffed it into his hat. Then picking up the man by his hair, Moon said into his ear, in a gruff voice, “You better be thankful that our little henchmen is so kind, because we aren’t. If we ever see you with a knife again we will break you. One joint at a time… Okay?”
          The mugger gave a whimpered, “Uh-hu.” You found yourself whimpering with him at Moon's words.
          Moon got off the mugger’s back and he scrambled to his feet and ran into the dark. The gloved metal hands on your shoulders were gently petting you, and you could feel yourself shaking against Sun’s touch. You watched Moon pick up your wallet and keys and he palmed them into your limp grasp.
          “Let’s get you home,” you heard Sun say behind you. Then you felt him softly push you forward to prompt you to walk, and then you walked together to your house.
          Sun's light touch on your shoulders never left you the whole walk home and the only sound filling the night air was the bells on their costumes. You wish you could run away with the mugger.
          The lights in your house were still on when the three of you got home. The air in your house felt extra warm and you smelled spices in the air that made you hungry, but you tried to run to your room. Unfortunately, Sun’s unwavering touch turned much more solid when you attempted to walk away from them as they walked towards the kitchen with you in tow. Moon pulled back a chair and Sun lightly pushed you into it, then Moon pushed you into the kitchen table. It made for a snug, but not uncomfortable fit.
          You twiddled your thumbs as you looked at the table. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Sun sit down on your left. He looked brighter under the lights, with his gold, yellow, and red color scheme. Sun’s costume was very much a copy of Moon’s costume, with a twin-tail jester hat on his round head, ruffles on his collar and waist. Ribbons with bells on his wrists and up turned shoes with bells on them too. Unlike Moon though, Sun had rays around his head like his namesake, and instead of having one eye looking like a star like Moon, his other eye was a swirl of yellow and red.
          You flinched when you saw Moon coming towards you from your right, but you stilled when you saw that he was only setting a plate of pork chops, mashed potatoes, gravy, boiled carrots, and a glass of water in front of you. Then Moon sat down on your other side at the kitchen table. You stared at the plate for a bit. It must have been for a bit too long because Moon finally spoke up.
          “We noticed you haven’t been eating when you get back from work, so we thought we’d make something for you.”
          “Please,” Sun said pleasantly, “Dig in.”
          You hesitated for a second longer, but your stomach gurgled at you and finally you relented. You took a small bite out of the pork chop. Next think you knew; you had cleaned your plate. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Sun and Moon smiling down at you.
          “I guess that means we cooked it well, huh Moon.”
          The lunar robot nodded. “Got room for dessert?” He asked you. “I made Lemon Meringue Pie.”
          You chugged on your water for a few seconds. Then you tried your best to look both robots in the eye as you spoke. “I’m confused…”
          “About the pie,” Moon asked.
          “Yes… Kind of… I’m your henchmen… Right?”
          “Yes,” Sun agreed.
          “So… Why this? Why save me and feed me? I mean! It’s not like I’m complaining! Really! Just uh… It’s just, I don’t know, not what I think Villains do with their henchmen…”
          You looked down as you drummed your fingers on your glass and nervously waited out the silence.
          Sun hummed to himself, and you looked up at him as he said, “I guess we don’t see the point in not doing it? You’re our person. Why wouldn’t we care for you?”
          “To be used for expendable reasons?”
          Moon tsked. “You’re not going to be expendable to us. No matter the situation.”
          You hum at them with a nod. You’re not sure if their words make you more nervous, or if they comfort you. You don’t take the pie offer, wanting to head straight to bed. You still don’t sleep easy, but it’s easer than it had been during the beginning of the week when the two robots first crashed into your life.
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