#saw nope for steven yeun
euphorial-docx · 2 years
“people only got into regulus because of timothee chalamet”
yes and?
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angryasiandyk3 · 1 month
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lovevalley45 · 8 months
sometimes i have a question to ask a fandom but i’m not in it so i kinda have to stand in the corner n wonder to myself
anyways how do y’all think the former vld fans in the ‘our flag means death’ fandom not think of coran anytime they hear stede bc i would simply not
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hannahhasafact · 1 year
Do you ever think about the fact that Steven Yeun never fucking misses? It’s important to think about
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virginiaisforhaters · 2 years
controversial opinion but maybe if you didnt feed poor horses to a space alien you wouldnt have gotten your ass hoovered by said alien 
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deepseatime · 2 years
i keep going to watch shows and movies without knowing steven yeun is in them til he shows up, and it's always exciting. like oh shit! one of the only actors i can recognize is here! now i know i'm in for a good time
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catchpoof · 2 years
i've been seeing quite a few reviews saying that there were scenes in nope that didn't add anything to the plot. i disagree and here's why!!
isn't steven yeuns character, jupe, supposed to represent hollywood's incompetency and lack of understanding of animals being animals and not just props for entertainment?
though the chimpanzee flashbacks seem out of place and like they have a glancing connection to the plot as a whole, it all connects quite well with his downfall.
jupe went through severe trauma as a kid, witnessing his cast members get brutally beat by a chimpanzee who snapped one day on set. there's a long history of Hollywood trying to humanize and tame chimpanzees without actually considering that they are WILD animals. they obviously overlooked safety precautions and were not careful, allowing a very glaring trigger of a balloon popping to happen and cause mayhem.
we see in current day oj wrangling a horse for a commercial. no one from the cast or crew listened to the safety precautions laid out and repeated to them. this led to a member of the crew getting kicked by standing behind the horse after another crew member flashed a mirror right into the horse's eye. everyone was warned by oj multiple times but they saw the horse as a prop rather than an animal and were careless.
flashing forward to jupe's new family routine, it's just another case of "safety precautions" not being followed. all animals have rules, things they like, and things they don't.
jupe approached the alien like he could tame it as opposed to it being an unpredictable, predatorial animal. he, like "hollywood", underestimated and angered the animal causing fatal consequences.
oj just after little experience quickly learned that the alien was a predator and thought it had a claim on the land and the animals on it, it was just feeding. with emerald and ojs understanding of base animal instincts, they were able to save themselves in a few days. ricky managed to get him and roughly 40 other people killed after observing it for 6 MONTHS!
jordan peele is a genius. i really appreciate what he chooses to add, even if they seem out of place because in the end, it all fits together like a puzzle.
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fairycosmos · 1 year
☕️ any films you’ve seen recently!
the last movie i saw was nope and it was pretty incredible! left a lasting impact on me for sure. i think jordan peele is one of the only mainstream directors making horror interesting and creepy and original again. i think aliens would be suffocating to humans too. plus the acting was great. i love steven yeun ughhh call me sir i am free tonight + keke palmer ughhh call me ma'am
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thestingerblog · 1 year
The Oscars v. Horror Films
by Aero S.
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It’s an open secret at this point that The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences – the organization that hosts the Oscars – isn’t very fond of horror movies. Granted, horror films have always been a hit or miss. Out of the hundreds that come out each year, only a few dozen manage to do the genre justice, but these few dozen deserve the praise and recognition that they have been deprived of, almost inherently because of the reputation their genre has. In its 95-year run, only six horror/thriller films have won its most prestigious award, Best Picture, with the last one being Jordan Peele’s 2017 hit Get Out. 2022 was an anomalous year in that so many fantastic horror films came out and were generally well-received by audiences. The year saw Mia Goth masterfully play a woman named Pearl not once, but twice in X and the aptly titled Pearl, and the Academy gave both performances the cold shoulder. In response to her films being snubbed this year, Goth recently stated, while promoting her new horror film Infinity Pool at Sundance, that, “I think that [The Oscars are] very political… a shift should take place if they want to engage with the wider public.” And she may be right. The nominations for the 95th Academy Awards came out a few days ago at the time of writing, and I couldn’t help but notice that the Academy has continued the pattern of discrediting and ignoring the incredible horror films that 2022 had to offer.
Aside from Pearl and X, Jordan Peele’s third directing project, Nope, was a critical darling and gave Peele a hat trick of having his films cross the $100 million threshold at the box office. The cast, consisting of Keke Palmer, Brandon Perea, Steven Yeun and Get Out alum Daniel Kaluuya, all gave stellar performances and had an on-screen chemistry that audiences found endearing, even in the circumstances the characters had to endure. Beyond the incredible acting and onscreen chemistry, this film stood out among the crowd for its sound design. The sound in this film is, for a lack of a better term, haunting. It almost becomes its own character as the film progresses, and as a viewer, it is not just a warning that something scary is about to occur, but also a complement to the disturbing imagery and effects. Many films can be watched on mute and have their quality remain somewhat the same, but Nope is not one of those films. This may sound like a critique, but it’s actually praise for how well-rounded and thought-out everything is. Music and sound can sometimes be thrown in as an afterthought, but with Nope, you can really tell that Peele wanted the music to serve the way that it did. The result is a harrowing, atmospheric, yet at times claustrophobic feeling that envelopes the entire film. Most of all, Nope and the Pearl franchise have something to say. Nope is a commentary on the sensationalism and commercialization of shock and controversy that seems to plague the entertainment industry (though some people didn’t understand this), while Pearl comments on the ‘American Dream,’ and how it’s set up to have its most vulnerable citizens fail or succumb to exploitation.
Obviously, having a profound message or a poignant commentary in a film isn’t a prerequisite to bagging an Oscar nomination – Top Gun: Maverick’s six Oscar nominations are proof of that – but it means that important films aren’t being regarded in the way that they should. The themes present in horror films like Nope could be present in a drama and that film probably would have garnered more attention and Oscar buzz. Even films with less strong messaging like Smile, Barbarian, Bones and All, and many more that have garnered positive reviews both from audiences and critics aren’t getting the attention they deserve. The issue isn’t that these films are too political, not political enough, badly acted, or even badly produced, it’s simply that horror films are still not being taken seriously enough. At least Nope did get a few wins in other, if smaller, award shows, such as Keke Palmer’s Best Supporting Actress win from the New York Film Critics Circle Awards, but it’s disheartening to see that the award show that supposedly matters most won’t even provide them a chance to get their dues.
Evidently, I feel very strongly about horror films and firmly believe that they should be appreciated in the way that they deserve. However, I am also aware that ultimately, these awards are, as Mia Goth says, very political. Because of this, many award shows aren’t just about celebrating and giving the best films in the market their flowers, but also about honoring and following through with the handshake deals that are made behind the stage and curtains we see onscreen. These awards may be important to the futures of those involved in making the films being nominated, but don’t let them determine the worth or quality of the films that haven't been nominated; after all, many films are snubbed every year, and those are the ones we remember more in the long run.
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albertserra · 2 years
I saw Nope and out of the 8 hundred thoughts I had about how incredible that was and how brilliant all of the performances were I can't stop thinking about how electric steven yeun is on screen like no matter how big his part is hes always unforgettable and hes still kinda underappreciated tbh
LITERALLYYYYYYYYYY he is just so so so so so so so so so good he makes such an impression even with his relatively short runtime compared to the main cast he feels no less important or impactful. though keke palmer ofc steals the show and daniel kaluuya is brilliant as always
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sweetwateriver · 2 years
Saw nope and it was so good 💙💙💙 keke was sooooooooo cute and Steven yeun was really sexy!!
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evco-productions · 2 years
“Nope” (2022) Is So Bad I’m Bothering to Make an Entry About It
I remember the first time I saw the teaser trailer for Nope. I was in the theater seeing something else, and the title came on: NOPE, in big bold letters, and I turned to my friend and said, “I can’t tell if the title is discouraging me from seeing the movie or not.” That was meant to be a joke…but here we are, and this is one of the biggest disappointments of the summer for me. I would honestly feel less cheated if I had just gambled my ticket money and lost it that way.
Jordan Peele is one of those contemporary directors who just deserves to be celebrated based on what he’s managed to do from both a creative and a career standpoint. He got famous doing sketch comedy, then one day decided to become an independent horror filmmaker, and he was good at both. That’s impressive.
Now, I like both Get Out and Us. I don’t think they’re amazing, but they’re good, they’re well-constructed, and the barely-hidden social commentary in both is now basically Peele’s trademark as a writer/director. Horror has always been a great genre for social commentary. Peele understands this and he understands that audiences recognize and enjoy this, so he put it all over his first two movies. Nope is no different, so if nothing else, it delivers on that front. There’s some great meta-commentary here on movies and how we make them and how we watch them. People will be talking about the different potential meanings and interpretations of this movie for a long time.
Unfortunately, that is about the only thing Nope does right. I wish I could say this was another solid outing from Peele, but I cannot praise a movie solely based on its good intentions. Nope is not scary, it’s not thrilling, it’s rarely funny, and it’s just not interesting. The characters aren’t very well-drawn, I didn’t feel invested in their journeys or relationships, I didn’t care when they were in danger and the few times somebody died, I felt nothing.
Most of the cast was wasted. Daniel Kaluuya was very boring, and looked very bored, but I don’t think it’s his fault. I think Peele just wrote a weak character that doesn’t give its actor a chance to do anything on the level of what he did in Get Out. Steven Yeun and Keith David are totally wasted—I feel like both of them are here just because they wanted to say they’ve worked with Peele. As a result, Keke Palmer is the standout, but despite its small cast, this is an ensemble movie and she can’t be expected to carry it by herself.
The buzz around this movie suggested we were in for what would more or less be a Jordan Peele version of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, only probably a little creepier because Peele has established himself as a horror director.
Well, that is not what we get. One of the few effective scenes in this movie in which it appears there are aliens on the ranch is a fake-out. It turns out the UFO they are seeing is not a ship but some kind of sentient predator—which, I’m sorry, looks like a giant floating butthole. We were all thinking it, I’m just saying it.
This giant creature does nothing interesting. It’s like watching a Godzilla movie in which Godzilla just stands there for two hours—two hours! This movie is too long! Each new Peele movie has dared to grow a little longer than the last, as if he’s growing too confident in himself and thinks people will just watch anything he dishes out. He’s hardly the first director to fall into that trap, but that’s this whole movie in a nutshell. There’s no amazing climax, but it’s worse than that: there’s not really any building tension either. It’s hard to criticize a weak ending when there’s not even a strong beginning or middle.
I gotta be honest, I really did not expect to write this entry. Normally, I would consider a Jordan Peele movie to be too big of a movie for Just Admit It to cover, because the whole goal here is to talk about underappreciated movies. But Nope seems to be getting mostly good reviews, and that is so baffling to me, and this was such a disappointment that I had to add my opinion to the mix. I’m very sorry to say that this is Jordan Peele’s first bad movie and I hope he will do a lot better next time.
Are you a Jordan Peele fanboy or fangirl? Did you love Nope and hate this review? Feel free to turn my comments section into a profanity-laden, insult-driven shitshow, and I will see you next time.
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possession1981 · 8 months
🔪 favourite horror movie scene
oh thank you! this is such a super expected answer from me i feel like but possession tunnel scene forever 🫶🏼 isabelle adjani performance of a lifetime. also i really truly love the flashback in nope of steven yeun's character's traumatic encounter with the chimpanzee, that's one i saw relatively recently and was just very struck by.
horror movie asks 💀
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jakeberabbit · 2 years
3 Movies: Nope / 3000 Years of Longing / Bullet Train
I saw three movies. In a theatre! Here is what I thought of "Nope", "3000 Years of Longing", and "Bullet Train".
Nope (2022) Written and directed by Jordan Peele Starring Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer, Steven Yeun Rated R. 130 minutes. The cool thing about a Jordan Peele movie is the conversation it inspires is just as fun as the movie itself. What do you think that meant? Why was this plot device included? What’s the connection with this unrelated but equally weird thing? Peele’s stories are fertile…
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fairy-made · 6 years
tagged by @unded :3c
rules: tag ten people you want to get to know better!
tagging: @lyriumrain @miscellaneon @mistressamell @allyzodia @rosietherivethead @vietsthetic @kurisutofuuh
(I mean I know some of this basic stuff about yall already but if I didnt know like 1 thing I thought of you lol.)
star sign:
aries, and I think my rising sign and my moon are in cancer?? I dont really know how that stuff works.
put your itunes/spotify on shuffle. what are the first 4 songs that popped up?:
follow you, follow me - genesis
cant believe it - tpain ft lil wayne
bound - ponderosa twins plus one
love hangover - diana ross
grab the book nearest you & turn to page 23. what’s line 17?:
“inter-vertebral discs are thick cushions of fibro-cartilage...” (atlas of human anatomy for the artist)
ever had a poem or song written about you?:
yeah! by a dude that chose to pursue someone else right after he went on a date with me lmao
when was the last time you played air guitar?:
a month or 2 ago, it was for my cat mango.
who is your celebrity crush?:
got 3. steven yeun, a young wesley snipes (because hes too old for me now), and amber rose 
what’s a sound you hate + a sound you love?:
I hate hearing people chew....the spit moving around......it sickens me
I love the sound of cats purring. if they let me, I will put my head on them to receive the good energy lol. 
do you believe in ghosts?:
I dont want to but I do.
how about aliens?:
also too scary but yes.
do you drive?:
yes, but not to popeyes as often as I should........I keep thinking about this but what if I go on a day they dont make it fresh???
if so, have you ever crashed?:
what was the last book you read?:
that anatomy book lol, I still keep reading it
do you like the smell of gasoline?:
as a kid I did, but now it scares me because Im afraid of my car and the gas station exploding.....I really think it has a lot to do with ramming my car into gas stations in saints row. It feels like its so easy to blow the place up unintentionally.... but its like you cant ever test that???? so how would you know if its easy to blow up a gas station or not???
what was the last movie you saw?:
ghosts of girlfriends past on tv with my mom about an hour ago
What was the worst injury you’ve ever had?:
cutting my finger open when I popped and broke a glass while shoving my hand into it to wash it. and it doesnt count as a injury necessarily but when my ear lifted off the side of my head swollen bc of a badly infected cartilage piercing, the doctor cut into my ear to dig the puss out assuming the numbing meds were enough. they were not, I felt everything for like 30 secs before I said something and almost passed out lmao 
do you have any obsessions right now?:
playing the urbz, sims in the city for GBA, resident evil outbreak, the sims 1 for pc, and super mario sunshine (all stuff I played or watched ppl play as a kid)
do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?:
yep, but really only if I felt there was NO justifiable reason for a person to do what they did to me. like, I understand WHY my ex in high school did what he did, but did he HAVE to? no. a part of me wishes he would suffer for the rest of his life. we were young and stupid but.... I still wish him the worst?? like, die, scoob. but in a passive way. sort of.
in a relationship?
yes (I talked to him about that thing and Ive felt much better & a lot more confident about things since.)
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poppymadness · 6 years
asks bby 😚 i love u
@alwaysdrowninginfeels said:100 questions is fun
hopefully 100 questions is fun to read, love u guuyysss
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? soundcloud or spotify if i actually used any of these
is your room messy or clean? meesssyy
what color are your eyes? brown
do you like your name? why? uuh sure, i like that there’s a stone called amber idk it’s Nice 
what is your relationship status? 0 + 0 = 0
describe your personality in 3 words or less dumb, silly, somethin
what color hair do you have? brooownnn
what kind of car do you drive? color? don’t drive
where do you shop? i don’t consistently shop anywhere ??
how would you describe your style? i don’t have a consistent style i like multiple things fdhja, i rlly dig bomber jackets n ripped jeans tho bitch idk
favorite social media account idk if this is asking an account i love or what social medIA i prefer n just. the latter is twitter idk what to put here 
what size bed do you have? queen..? i think… idk bed sizes well..
any siblings? nope
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? mm don’t know
favorite snapchat filter? that fall one!! givin me the damn glasses and freckles n leaves falling idk why i like it so much dfjgad
favorite makeup brand(s) can’t answer….
how many times a week do you shower? …depression is a bitch averagely once or twice
favorite tv show? the walking dead, i guess
shoe size? 10 ½ i believe but that’s bc my feet are wide soo
how tall are you? 5′2″ a fuckin short ass
sandals or sneakers? sneakers
do you go to the gym? lol no
describe your dream date ok we can’t lie we know visiting a wolf sanctuary would be The One my dudes
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? i have no wallet and no money
what color socks are you wearing? i.. am not wearing socks ok
how many pillows do you sleep with? one or two usually
do you have a job? what do you do? nope
how many friends do you have? ultimately one hi ashley dhja love u cj i’m just goin with irl 
whats the worst thing you have ever done? iiidk i block out bad things i do and i also can’t remember anything before this morning lOL that bad
whats your favorite candle scent? ooh shoot idk, i’ve never had candles often anyways
3 favorite boy names ASHER, …brandon, uuumm idk david is nice
3 favorite girl names i don’t care as much.. djha imma skip it oops
favorite actor? bob morley is the go to my dudes
favorite actress? honestly?? danai gurira is precious 
who is your celebrity crush? dkja steven yeun fuck ya’ll he’s cute as shit
favorite movie? i guess i should still say manchester by the sea, i looove it
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? does the dream thieves count… can i say the dream thieves, second book to the raven cycle series. is that vALID
money or brains? brains but this is dumb
do you have a nickname? what is it? not rlly 
how many times have you been to the hospital? it’s been so long since the last time, i don’t think i’ve gone for anything major rlly ever
top 10 favorite songs imma just put the ones that are my recent obsessions instead and maybe u listen to em cuz they’re Good mm
letdown by nothing, nowhere
all the kids are depressed by jeremy zucker
lovely by billie eilish w/ khalid
dream by bishop briggs
dark side by bishop briggs
warrior by aurora
all i have by nf
10 feet down by nf ft. ruelle
mansion by nf ft. fleurie i think
outcast by nf
do you take any medications daily? no
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) uh dry
what is your biggest fear? i’m honestly like tired n a bit numb i can not comprehend fears
how many kids do you want? this is a future question for a future me if i think i want kids Later
whats your go to hair style? i’m more often in a ponytail than anything else ever
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) small thin-walled apartment pls help
who is your role model? i honestly don’t think i’ve ever had one 
what was the last compliment you received? um probably ashley calling me cute at some point in time Recently
what was the last text you sent? kjdfa rp. for rp
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? fuck if i know probably around 10 or smth.. i could be way off
what is your dream car? if i drive a fuckin jeep wrangler bitch
opinion on smoking? mmm gross and just.. don’t smoke round me and we cool
do you go to college? gonna be lol fuck
what is your dream job? forensic dna analyst.. i guess
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? no
do you have freckles? yeeaaaah
do you smile for pictures? occasionally Now
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 273
have you ever peed in the woods? ….no….
do you still watch cartoons? no
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? mcdonALDS holy shit i haven’t had wendys in years
Favorite dipping sauce? sweet n sour
what do you wear to bed? usually whatever shirt i wore for the Day n pajama pants 
have you ever won a spelling bee? fuck no
what are your hobbies? …video games?
can you draw? ……..questionable……..
do you play an instrument? oh hell no
what was the last concert you saw? crown the empire/warped tour july 2016.. sigh
tea or coffee? coffee !
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? i’ve literally never had anything from starbucks
do you want to get married? um, debatable? depends on the person??
what is your crush’s first and last initial? i don’t have a crush rn
are you going to change your last name when you get married? if i do yh probably will
what color looks best on you? red doesn’t look bad? blue??? i don’t fucking know
do you miss anyone right now? ashleeey
do you sleep with your door open or closed? cloSED
do you believe in ghosts? not reeeaaalllyyyy but it’s.. a Concept dkjfa
what is your biggest pet peeve? i get really bothered by the sounds of someone eating dkjfa idk
last person you called? my mom, for 20 seconds, apparently
favorite ice cream flavor? i guess vanilla with chocolate chips iddkk
regular oreos or golden oreos? i. what the fuck are golden oreos?????
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainboooow
what shirt are you wearing? a crown the empire shirt…
what is your phone background? my lock screen is adam and my home… is zen…….
are you outgoing or shy? lmao shy
do you like it when people play with your hair? not like it happens often but it’s kinda uncomfortable bc most ppl try to run their hands through it like it’s straight haiR?? like that hurts pls dkjfad
do you like your neighbors? i don’t fucking know my neighbors
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? ,,,
have you ever been high? nope
have you ever been drunk? not like piss drunk naw
last thing you ate? STEAK
favorite lyrics right now i think i actually have one but i can’t remember what song it’s from dkjfa
summer or winter? winter
day or night? NIGHT
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk but i like dark too…
favorite month? i don’t have one? march? june? november? dhfa choose from those
what is your zodiac sign pisces bitch
who was the last person you cried in front of? iiiii have no idea prob my mom from like Years ago, two or three years ago maybe 
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