#saying aizawa should’ve died is insane
seraphdreams · 1 year
Oh okay great! Why did my dumbass sister say that during the fight with shigaraki after his dusty ass got those upgrades that eraserhead should’ve died 😒😒 I wanna come off anon so bad to use this gif but imma pass. But like why would she say some stupid shit like that? Talking bout ‘somebody important should’ve died, midnight wasn’t important enough’ then she had the audacity to say Gran Torino should’ve died because it wouldve gave deku the push he needed. uhh first of all hop off my girl like that cause I cried when she died, second of all leave my grandpa out of this, Gran Torino definitely should not have fucking died cause I love him and All Might would’ve been fucking CRUSHED, and I couldn’t handle that, third of all fuck you. She always talking bout somebody should’ve died cause it would’ve made the show more interesting, I can’t stand her
i miss midnight saur much! she was so sexy n cute, i feel like mha does their female pro heroes so dirty :(
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taeswurld · 4 years
Ace VII [8 fucking 30]
pairing: bakugo x fem!reader
genre: humor, romance
TW: violence, cursing, angst, fluff
Shifting into My Hero was a total mistake, all those tiktoks you watched on a daily about shifting somehow convinced your brain to take part. Now the question is how to wake up, and most importantly, DON’T GET ATTACHED TO STUPID DRAWINGS!
Yuhhhhh i made a new chapter. Reblog and like for clear skin hotties! 
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Once you finished resting up, and once everyone cleaned up their appearance, you all decided to pay a visit to a certain superhero to see if they could help you figure out your little problem.
Well, not little problem. Big problem. Very big problem. 
“Hey Y/N,” Midoriya began as he walked besides you and Hiro. “Do you by any chance remember All Might? Or Mr. Aizawa?” 
You shook your head and looked down. “Sorry Midoriya, I don't really remember anything. I mean, the names sound familiar, but I can't exactly put faces to them. All my memories are blobby.” 
“What the fuck does blobby mean?” Bakugou asked as he stomped behind you. 
“You don’t know what blobby means, Bakugou?” You asked as a smirk covered your face. “Come on dude, catch up with the lingo.” 
“Shut up! No one know what you and your stupid vocabulary means half the time anyways. You always sprouting some stupid shit.” He scowled. 
“Yeah Bakugou,” Todoroki grinned. “Catch up with the lingo.” 
“Shut the fuck up, Teapot.” He growled. 
“Hey! Before you two get into another fight,” Midoriya intervened. “I suggest we get this problem fixed first.” He gave them a hard glare. 
“Whatever. The only reason why I’m here is because I don’t need Y/N’s dumbass making us look weak.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” You said rolling your eyes. 
Dear God, this guy was infuriating. 
“We get it dude. I’m weak and stupid and you’re the greatest Hero ever. Woopie.” You said pouring as much sarcasm as you could into your voice. 
“Hey, cut it out, you two.” Midoriya said. “We’re here. I overheard they were going to have a teacher meeting, so let’s just wait outside until they're done.” 
You turned away from Bakugou and turned to look at a huge door. You could hear slight muffles, but nothing too clear. As much as you wanted to eavesdrop, you couldn’t bring yourself to disrespect the people who are probably going to determine your future. 
The four of you decided to sit against the wall, with Midoriya to your right and Todoroki to your left. Hiro was being stiffly pet by Todoroki, while Bakugou sat in front of you. 
“So what was your life before you were morphed here?” Todoroki asked. 
“Nothing special,” you shrugged. “In my dimension, or whatever, there was this huge pandemic that pretty much took over the world. It's like, highly contagious, so we can't leave our house. I did school online and pretty much have stayed home. You can’t exactly come into contact with too many people.” 
“Sheesh, a pandemic?” Midoriya asked. 
“Yeah, it was pretty bad, a lot of people died. And it sucks. But I’ve stayed home a lot. Other than that nothing interesting’s been going on in my life. Literally go on tik tok everyday for like 3 hours everyday though.” You said with a small smile. 
“Tik what?” Bakugou asked with a furrow in his brows. 
“Nothing. Just a stupid app. But what happened here? Like I wanna get an idea of what part of the timeline I’m in.” You asked, looking around. 
“Villains attacked us at U.A.” 
“We fought villains at the train camp where Bakugou and you were targets.” 
“I beat Deku’s ass.” 
“Okay! Okay! Maybe I should’ve been more clear.” You said putting your hands up to get them to pause on the talking. 
“Wait, Midoriya, he beat your ass?” You said giving him a disappointing look. 
“Hey! I didn’t actually expect an actual fight! And just for your information, I for sure won that fight” He said giving Bakugou a slight glare, but still grinning from ear to ear. 
“Oh yeah? You wanna go again shitty nerd?” Bakugou smirked. 
“I’ll be sure to record when Midoriya beats your ass into the ground.” Todoroki chimed in.
“Shut up, Half-and-Half. I’ll beat your ass too.” Bakugou turned to look at him. 
“As much as I would love to see that, I don't need you idiots destroying anymore school property.” 
The four of you looked up to see a pale man with long hair. He had eyebags that could go on for miles. And he had a white scarf around his neck. Honestly, the man looked like he hasn’t showered or slept properly in years. 
“Mr. Aizawa!” The boys exclaimed. The three of them quickly stood up to give him a bow. 
“Hey.” You waved, clearly not getting the hint to stand up. Hiro, however, gave the man a friendly bark and also stood up. 
“I see you still have your rude American customs Y/N. How many times I gotta tell you to bow to your sensei.” He said giving you a playful glare. 
“You can take the girl out of America but can’t take the American out of the girl.” you said, giving him a smirk. 
He sighed, looking used to your snarky comments. “Well, get on with it. Why are you all here?” He asked looking towards Midoriya. 
“Well, we have a slight problem. You know how she had that accident last night?” Midoriya began. 
“She stupidly lost all her skill and any memories of how to work that idiot quirk of hers.” Bakugou chimed in. 
“What? Y/N, explain.” Aizawa said sternly. 
“Okay, well, I’m not actually from this dimension.” you stood up looking at the man nervously, hoping he doesn't kick you out for what you’re about to say. 
“I was transported here last night. Or was it this morning? Well anyways, I’m not actually from here and in my dimension we don’t have powers, or quirks, or whatever, and I don't even know what I’m doing here because I’m totally supposed to be in first period right now, or is it third? I don't know but I don’t know if this is a dream, because to be quite honest, I’m like totally freaking the shit out, and I have this super duper power, and I don't know how to control it, and my dog apparently has powers too but I don’t know what it is cause we haven’t had the chance to test it out, but I make people’s ears bleed, and-” 
“Alright, enough!” His eyes glared a bright read and his hair stood up. 
Immediately, you shut your mouth, hoping not to get him mad. 
“So you don’t remember how to control your quirk?” You shook your head no. 
He sighed looking much more stressed than when he first saw you. “Okay here’s what we’re going to do.” He began. 
“Everyday, for the next 2 months, you will be training with these three troublemakers in hope of getting your control back. I’ll talk to principal Nezu about this and see if there's a reason why another version you ended up here in this dimension. I will also be asking All Might to supervise you four just in case anything happens. We’ll monitor your progress weekly.
“I’m not sure if your memory affects your knowledge on what we’ve been learning so far, like Math. I’ll be sure to ask your teachers to test you on what you’ve been learning.” He concluded. 
“Oh come on! Tests? That blows.” You complained. 
“As for your dog,” He said giving you a glare to shut you up again, “We can go ahead and use Midoriya’s notebooks and the file we have to check him out. As far as I can remember, you two are a team, he helps you gain control, and at the same time provides backup.” 
“We can take a look at my notes later, okay?” Midoriya turns to give you a reassuring smile. 
“Okay, well for now, I suggest the three of you go back to the dorms, take a shower, and wait for the rest of your classmates to get back. I’m not sure if this is a one-day thing, but I want you to get to bed early, got it Y/N? And I’m talking Bakugou-bedtime early, got it?” He said. 
“Yeah, don't worry. What time do you sleep, blondie? 10? 10:30?” You turn to ask. 
“Try 8:30.” Todoroki said, rolling his eyes. 
“8 fucking 30 dude? Are you insane?” You yelled, widening your eyes at the new information. 
“If you don't like it princess, it’s not my problem. Teacher’s orders.” He said smirking. 
“Am I understood Y/N? Also no more use of your quirk until there’s a certified adult around.” He said. 
“Yeah, yeah. I got it.” you said dejected at the fact that you would be sleeping at the time you ate dinner. 
You turned to glare at Bakugou, silently promising to yourself that if you ever managed to get your control back, you were going to participate in that fight the boys were talking about earlier to beat the shit out of Bakugou’s ass. 
taglsit: lanaxians-2 soft-levi-girl-blog
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thosestarsthatshine · 5 years
Loved and Lost
Ch. 2: The Press Conference
Hitoshi was in awe of just how crazy the press conference was turning out to be, and it hadn’t even official started yet. In the very front of the room stood a podium, behind it a white background with the logo of the agency patterned across. Placed in front of the podium, stood rows and rows of chairs filled with both heroes and press alike. A cacophony of voices filled the air all in anticipation for what was about to occur.
The agency had been keeping a tight lip about what exactly was going to happen during the press conference, keeping everyone pretty much in the dark. As Hitoshi pressed forward through the crowd, he scanned the room, looking for anyone that might be a familiar face. From the sea of faces he saw almost everyone from the old class 1-A, except for Mineta of course. Hitoshi tried to find Midoriya amongst them but to no avail, he assumed that he was going to be part of the press conference in some way and would try to catch up with him later.
He was planning on joining his friends in the front when a familiar explosive ash blonde stole the open seat next to Kirishima. His angry scowl still permanently plastered on his face, just like in high school. It had been a while since Hitoshi had seen Bakugou, he was constantly moving between America and Japan to help assist with some important case. He was surprised to see him here, Hitoshi had heard rumors that he was permanently back in town but didn’t really care too much about it. They were never really the best of friends anyway, if anything he was more of an annoying acquaintance. Hitoshi had always thought Bakugou was too egotistical and loud, but hated to admit that despite his flaws, he was always determined to be the best and was a pretty damn good hero.
Turning his attention away from the hotheaded hero, he searched the room to find any available seat. From the corner of his eye, Hitoshi caught what seemed to be a hand trying to catch his attention at the very far reaches of the room. Heading towards its direction, he soon spotted Mari. Her shoulder length golden hair in soft curls and her brown eyes beaming up at him. He smirked at the sight of her familiar face. Mari waved him over to the open seat next to her.
Bashfully she spoke, “I saved it for you. I-I wasn’t quite sure if you were gonna even show up, but I thought just in case.”
“Wasn’t it mandatory for us to be here?”, Hitoshi playfully answered. He noticed that she was beginning to get flustered.
“Y-yeah, but I figured since the two of you have some history together that you might not show up. Thought it might make you uncomfortable to hear about her.” she sheepishly responded.
Mari knew about the history between the two former friends. Hitoshi had drunkenly shared with the girl one night, after a particularly long day at work. The very same night he had heard about the cartel bust overseas. He nervously rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
“Yeah well, I’m gonna have to get used to it eventually. Anyways, it’s not like she’s gonna be here today, there just going to announce that she’s joining the agency.” Hitoshi had hoped that there was a possibility that she might make an appearance, but he had heard no information that would conclude otherwise. As far as he knew, she was still stateside and would be coming back in a few weeks, after the announcement was made.
Mari was about to respond when the president of the agency made his way to the podium, trying desperately to get the attention of the crowd. He was a somewhat thin man with a large handlebar mustache and a mop of curly brown hair on his head that appeared to have light grey streaks. Framing his face, were small circular glasses which he wore at the very end of his nose. He had to have been in his late fifties. With his attempts failing, a loudly tap of the microphone on the podium seemed to do the trick. The room suddenly filled with a suspenseful silence.
“For some weeks there have been rumors that Might Heroes will have a new face to add to it’s roster.” He paused adding a touch of suspense to his words.
“After much negotiation, I can now report that those rumors are true. I am pleased to announce that we will have not only one new face join our roster but two.” The president beamed with pride as the hoards of press hounded him about who exactly the new faces might be.
“Now, I know you are all in suspense over who they might be but, I would like to pass things on to the number three hero so that he can help make the announcement himself.” With that Midoriya appeared in the room, a megawatt smile plastered on his face. It only made sense that the president would want Deku - the number three hero and face of the agency, to make the announcement as it gave the agency a chance to flaunt their powerhouses to the press.
Midoriya took over the podium as the president stood behind him, smiles never wavering from their faces. “Thank you sir. It is now my pleasure to introduce the two new faces of Might Heroes. I would like to announce the first new face that Might Heroes has joining us today, the explosive hero - Ground Zero!”
At this cue, Bakugou took to the stage to stand next to Midoriya, his scowl turned up into a somewhat sinister smile. Hitoshi could only imagine how uncomfortable it had to have been for them, standing so close to each other. They had patched things since their U.A. days but it still didn’t mean that Bakugou was always super friendly towards Midoriya.
The press was in a frenzy, the flash of lights from cameras going off in a flurry to try to capture the two heroes next to each other. The expression on Bakugou’s face soon began to grow more annoyed as the press took notice and the flashes died down. Hitoshi couldn’t help by let out a small chuckle at the sight. Midoriya just kept smiling as he began to speak again, with Bakugou stepping backwards to join the president.
“Now, for the moment that you have all been waiting for.” A palpable silence fell across the room as everyone sat on the edge of their seats in anticipation for what about to be announced. Even Hitoshi found himself sitting at the edge of his own seat to hear the news.
“It is my pleasure to announce the second face joining our team, the telekinetic hero - Kinesia!” Deku gestured to the side of the stage and it was in that moment when Hitoshi spotted her. It felt like time had stopped and he was trying hard to remember how to breath again.
Looking just as beautiful as he had remembered, possibly even more so then he could imagine. She carried herself in an elegant manner, as if she was walking on clouds, more mature in her movements. She went to take her place next to Deku at the podium. Hitoshi was unable to pry his eyes away from her direction, as her name quietly spilt from his lips, “Y/N”. It had been the first time that he had said her name out loud in a very long while.
The press went insane, everyone trying to grab the hero’s attention as they snapped pictures and asked questions. Bakugou stepped forward so that the press could grab pictures of the new faces of Might Heroes. During the commotion, the president of the agency once again stepped in front of the podium, desperately trying to calm the crowd down.
“Yes, yes, we are very pleased to announce that both Ground Zero and Kinesia will be joining Deku as the new faces of Might Heroes. It will be exciting to have the two here now, especially since they just recently got engaged.” The last of the president’s words quickly grabbing the attention of the press, with many reporters questioning the president. Hitoshi felt his own ears prick up at the last statement. Engaged. Y/N was engaged. To BAKUGOU.
He felt an uneasiness in his heart, as if it was breaking into a million pieces. He just couldn’t believe the news, when had they even gotten together. Maybe that’s why Aizawa was always so secretive about the information he’d give him, he didn’t want to add to the heart break the poor boy was already feeling. Hitoshi came to grips with the fact that this was the reality that he had chose. He was the one that chose this, yet he couldn’t stop the feeling that his world was crashing around him.
That should have been him.
Hitoshi was unable to control his breathing, finding it coming sporadically. Millions of thoughts and questions flooded his mind as he tried to take back control and calm down. He was speechless.
How could he not expect her to move on with her own life?
He should’ve done the same, but he never could find the courage to do so. Maybe, this was the thing he needed to hear. He felt a pair of eyes staring at him and he glanced over at Mari. Quietly, she asked him if he was okay, to which he just shrugged. That’s all his body would allow him to do as it was still trying to process the information.
Bakugou took over the podium, causing Hitoshi to stir from his own thoughts. “Well, we weren’t planning on fucking announcing it anytime soon,” he said gruffly turning his attention from the president back to the press. “However, since it’s now already been announced, I can confirm that Kinesia and I are indeed engaged. That’s all we’ll say on the matter for now.”
With that, the three heroes left the stage in a hurry to avoid anymore prodding from the press - leaving the president to deal with the matter on his own. “Yes, well, it seems that’s all the news we have for you today. We are so thankful that you could all be here today!” Flustered the president began to follow the path of the heroes, in an attempt to evade anymore questions
The press were beyond elated at the news they had received during the press conference - not only were Ground Zero and Kinesia joining the Might Heroes roster, but they were also engaged. Hitoshi could only imagine the headlines that would come out tomorrow as the press left to share the story.
Hitoshi himself was still reeling from the news. He just couldn’t believe it. He refused to believe it. He was trying to still comprehend what had just happened when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Mari.
“How are you holding up?”, concern in her voice as she glanced upon the now shattered state Hitoshi was in. She could tell that the news had broken him. Hitoshi gave her no response.
Desperate to cheer him up, to get him out of this mess, she asked, “Why don’t we go get a drink? You look like you need one.”
Feeling like alcohol was the only cure for what was going on in his head, he took her up on the offer. Wanting to get rid of all the information that was now taking up every thought and space in his head.
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