#saying that knowing there are like two charecters I can think of off the top of my head with that design
applesaucesomething · 9 months
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I wanted to draw sif close to the canon sprite before I do some more stylised drawings of him
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ghoulphile · 5 months
Alright, help me please. How does one write stuttering in a fic? Like I'm trying to write some stuff for a fic, and I want a charecter to stutter. Due to becoming flustered. So if you're willing, could you give me some advice on how to do so?
Hey there ✨
So when it comes to writing dialogue and you're trying to give your character verbal tics/tells, it's really easy to overdue it so you need to find a nice balance to get your point across without going overboard.
An example would be.... something like this:
"Mm, ya smell gud 'nuff ta eat" vs "Mm, you smell good enough ta eat" or even "Mm, you smell good 'nuff ta eat."
The accent is there without detracting from what's being said in the latter two examples. If all your dialogue is written like the first, it could be very jarring and grab attention where you don't want it to.
If you don't want to write out accented words phonetically (or in this case: stuttering), you can always use dialogue tags instead aka, "Stop it," she stuttered.
Or: "I said s-stop it!" vs "I s-said stop it!" vs "I-I s-said st-top it!"
They all add pauses and emphasis to different parts of what's being said. You can also use a combination of the two if them being flustered is what you want to focus on: "I said st-stop it!" she stuttered. As well as adding those stutters at the beginning, middle, or end of a word.
While I do think some of it is down to personal preference, my best advice would be to think about a time when you've/someone you know has stuttered before, and try to replicate that in your dialogue.
Some stutters are a lot worse than others but I personally choose a word or two that fits/that I'm trying to emphasize and use that.
I also say the sentence out loud to see if it sounds right - our ears naturally pick up on things that are off!
I hope this helped ❤️
edit: fantastic add-on by @di3-sexual!
not exactly a stutter but adding repeat phrases/pauses/side tracks also help ex: "I said- ah, fuck- I said please." "Please, please.... Please do xyz" Trail offs and pauses I feel like help a lot because there's implied space for panting/whimpering/whatever noises you might be making without you having to make it so explicit and redundant sounding. Hope this helps <3
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algumaideia · 1 year
Here’s a quick little story cause I’m thinking about my OCs
(Quick Charecter intro Harely, short non-binary 15, Jasper tall Gender fluid he/him for this 17, Mika missing her right arm partially she/her 16) will be telling from Mika’s perspective
The old record players crackles as the jazz music starts to leak out. I grab my bottle of water and open the front door quietly. Jasper looks up and gives me a smile. Harley is already knee deep in the creek. Water drips down their arms as brown sludge drips from their hands. Before any words can slip out of my mouth Jasper is coated in mud.
He turns towards them, before Harley can say anything Jasper leaps across the creek and tackles them into the water. I laugh as Harley tries to escape the water wrestling but Jasper pulls them under again.
The two wrestle back and forth for a while and finally Harley pulls themselves up onto the bank.
“That’s what you get little punk” Jasper jokes. They both wipe at there face and set at the edge of the creek. “If you turn it up Mika we won’t splash you!” Jasper calls. I roll my eyes.
I make my way down the bank, the music now flows all the way down here.
“Why do you like this so much,” I ask picking a spot to the right of Harley. Jasper and them think about the question.
“1920’s jazz is amazing,” Harely huffs out. They flop over onto there back, hands across their chest. They look over at my, their hair is plaster all across their face, a dopey grin too.
“Fine,” I say. “Are we just not worried about being to loud today or something?” I ask in a quiet voice. Jasper wipes more water off his face before answering.
“Have we ever had an issue. Out of the what, two years now we’ve been here, we’ve never seen anyone within ten miles.” He shrugs. “Sometimes you just gotta let go.” I raise my eyebrows at him. “Don’t give time that look, I know I’m a hard ass but come on.” He nudges me and stats to stand. “I’m gonna see what I can make for supper, Harley you better get yourself cleaned up.” Jasper dashes off before they can protest.
Harley slips back into the creek. I start to go but they call out.
“Mika,” a slight whine in their voice.
“Whaaaaat.” Their messy brown hair sits on top of the shallow water.
“Can you bring me a towel and a change of clothes? I didn’t plan on getting dirty.” I shake my head and turn around.
“Of course Harley,” that kid just never seems to grow up.
(It’s not great but I wrote this really quickly so please enjoy and I hope your day gets better)
Nice story!!!!
I imagine you wrote it in a couple of minutes and it is very good for that.
Thanks for sending me this, it did make me feel better!
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omegaversebutbetter · 3 years
Okay lets try this again
Genji: Alpha, one of the motivating forces for Hanzo to duel him and as a result from the "accident" His Ability to smell and produce sents is kinda damaged. He acted very alphaish while part of blackwatch to try and make up for it but nowardays some people dont even realise he is one since hes so chill and dosent act that way anymore.
Hanzo: Omega, got a blocker soon after presenting by order of his father and kept it even after leaving for the convinience of not having heats and because his time in the yakuza basically made him belive omegas are meek and weak and people only looked at them as objects. This causes drama later on. Hanzo is basically feral when joining the team, he holds himself confidently and as if he has poise most of the time but when people try to touch him or somethibg suppr9ses him he is very jumpy and has almost attacked multiple people as a result. This agitation and aggression is partiality made worse by the implant and wouldn't get much better until its out.
Angela: Beta. Ik people normally think she'd be Omega but fr that woman is pure balence. She does get mistaken for an omega allot tho. Her possition as a Beta really helps her tending to all patients so she has no complaints.
76: Omega, had a impact for the super soldier program but once the crisis was over he had it taken out, both to be a good role model for other omegas but also because he just wanted to for him mainly but also for his bf at the time (despite the fact that his eyes still often drifted to a certain other squad leader). Nowerdays he still dosent have one but age makes his heats less frequent and his senses and scent a little dulled.
Ana: Alpha. She is extremely chill for an Alpha but chill in the "I am confident I have complete control of this situation" kind of way, usually because she does. She is known for being calm in arguments with other alphas and often winning those arguments as a result, almost none has seen her in an alpha rage but the rumours are that someone has once and they said it was the most terrifying thing they'd ever seen. Ana has been mistaken for the leader of her packs in the past and despite the fact that she basically is co-leader of evey pack she's in she always makes sure that she's not overshadowing the leader especially when they're not Alpha.
Reinheart: I kiiiinda wanna make him an omega who has litterally no idea what OBA expectations are. He's just the jollyest, largest omega you will ever meet. He does not give a shit what people think of him to the point where he won't defend himself unless someone questions his honour. This leads to people like Ana and Morrison in the past hovering around him and fighting anyone who tried harassing him.
McCree: Alpha. Used to be a brash, cocky, and kinda mean alpha before Blackwatch got a hold of him and mellowed him out through giving him a stable pack with a leader (as opposed to deadlock where basically eveyone fought over being leader). He is the most unmistakably alpha person you will ever meet however he is also one of the softest, kindest and possibly the most adorable alphas you will ever know if you get close to him. He's embaressed every time he growls by accident nowerdays.
Lucio: honestly I can't see lucio as anything other than Beta or Omega so I think probably Beta? But I think none else knows either and if anyone asks he says he'd rather people not know because he'd prefer to be judged my charecter instead of his second sex.
Hana: hasn't presented yet, had an implant bc of the mecha program she was in and hasn't had it out. She dosent really care regardless.
Mei: omega, I dont have much else to add to this, she's small and soft and probably the most typical omega of the bunch.
Zarya: Alpha, much like but in contrast to Mei she is the most typical alpha of the bunch. She has kinda old fashioned views about Alphas and Omegas but after getting her ass handed to her by Reinheart while sparring, finding out he was omega and accidentally being rude to him as a result the others realised she had such veiws and Morrison, Ana, McCree and Mei had a little sit down talk with her. She quickly learnt and when Satya joined later and was rude to an omega member of the pack she was the first to jump up and defend them
Satya: unknown, she has an inplant that has prevented her from presenting since she was a child and still has it. She carries herself like an alpha and looks down on Omegas however she looks down on eveyone so her veiw is often overlooked.
Reyes: Alpha. Pack leader, protective and angy. Nuff said.
Sombra: Beta with blockers that stop her from producing any scent for stealth. She has been a solo act for most her life and Talon with Reyes is her first ever pack so she takes time to adapt but once she does it suits her surprisingly well.
Widow: Amile was Omega. Widowmaker has no heats or scent.
Baptitse: deadass I'm not sure. Could litterally be any. Big soft alpha? Big kind omega? Lovely helpful Beta? I really don't know. I feel like I can't make all medical staff Betas tho...so...omega. He had a blocker put in when he joined Talon and those lot assumed he was Beta or Alpha since he never knew. But once he leaves and gets freedom of a sort he chooses to have it removed. He suffers a little for it but he's generally positive and not insecure about it. He dosent like to share heats with anyone tho, it's the one time he shuts himself off from everyone.
Moira: Alpha. Toxic.
Brigette: Alpha, presented a few years ago. She's like a golden retriever but smarter, if you're her friend she will do anything you ask, gets you random gifts and upgrades, carries anything for her friends no matter how heavy, but if you try to abuse her kindness you'll find she sint stupid and it takes one glare for someone to know you don't fuck with this Alpha. She may be a healer but she could absolutely destroy you if you try to fuck her or her friends over.
Torb: Alpha. Can go into a pure rage in a moment but will never use an alpha voice. He's just a cranky old man who seems to have practically forgotten he's an alpha. Was very proud of Brigette's presenting but gave her a few lectures and lessons to make sure it never went to her head.
Sigma: I barely know this cherecter, can no say
Doomfist: Alpha. Asshole. Talons top dogs and heavy hitters are mostly alphas. It's like...toxic alphaism at its finest. Doom is smart and cunning and wants to complete dominate situations he's in. He's an alpha.
Tracer: can't belive I forgot tracer until now, Omega. She was often underestimated for being a little omega in the past but this spitfire powered through everything in life with positivity and self love and she embraces evey part of herself. She sometimes flies home for heats when they're not too busy and are well staffed so she can spend time with her girlfriend.
Roadhog and Junkrat: Alpha and Omega. They're a couple. No I will not take criticism. These two are mates and do litterally whatever they want as long as they're together. In the wasteland there are no gender expectations, only explosives, violence and love.
Ashe: don't know much about her either but I wanna say omega with major alpha vibes. She is the embodiment of the phrase "power bottom" in every sence
Pharah: mmmmm Alpha. She's stubborn and strong, a real soldier, but if you compliment her muscles or challenger her she will show off.
And I think that's it! Any other ideas? Leave them in the comments!
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the-dead-skwad · 5 years
Every Mom Ever X Damien Haas X Reader
Damien fluff 🥰 Had such an issue with my laptop getting this up but I hope you guys like it ❤
You looked down at the script laughing to yourself. At the top of the page it said in bold letters EVERY MOMS EVER. You only had a small part because obviously all the fans love to see the usual guys and normally you were on smosh games. Honestly it was the strangest/ best job you had ever had, getting paid to play games and be silly.
Scrolling down the script you noticed you were along side Damien which was perfect. You had been the closest friends for years now so it should be pretty easy. As you looked closer your heart started to pound harder and harder. "Oh jesus!" You said way louder than normal.
"Hey!" Shayne's head peeked round the door. "Whats up?"
Your eyes darted to him "Ermmmm.... have you seen Courtney?"
"Yeah she was just making a coffee" He pointed down the office.
You leapt out of your seat "Great!" you ran past him "Thanks!" shouting back to him just leaving him the most confused he's ever been.
Bursting through the canteen door Courtney nearly threw her coffee across the room. "Hey mannnnn.. Whats going on?"
"So..." you could litterally hear the panick in your voice "I'm in the next every blank ever right?"
"And we all ricieved the script today right?"
You took a huge sip off her coffee, like that was going to help you "Have you read it yet?"
You sighed passing over your phone to her. Watching her face go through a journey of expressions would have been so funny if you weren't freaking out so hard. She placed your phone down gently on the table and turned to look at you "So, this maybe be the GREATEST DAY EVER!"
"No! Courtney this is the worst day ever!" You started to pace up and down the kitchen "I can feel my heart in my throat, my hands are sweating, I'm shaking."
She stood up and took both your hands in hers "Listen Y/N, your my best friend right?"
"And you trust me right?"
"Ermm yeah"
"And I've never steered you wrong?"
"Well there was that time you said we were getting pizza and instead sent me to a haunted house with Damien and Shayne."
She shook her head "That doesn't matter right now.. What I'm trying to say is, it's all going to be fine and you litterally have absolutely nothing to worry about, and besides I'll be there."
"Are you sure?" You squeezed her hands.
"Yes I'm sure."
A loud scream came from the office making you both jump. "Oh my god.... Shayne's read it."
It was the day of the shoot and you were super nervous. You hadn't let on how you were feeling to everyone except Courtney. She picked you up from your house, you sat in the car rambling on about something you and Damien had waatched the previous night.
"Soooooo...." she looked over at you smiling "Did anything happen?"
"No, I mean it was samazing as usual. We watched TV, ate shit, laughed and joked all night, but again nothing happened. I just don't think its going to happen mannn. If he liked me it would have by now."
"Maybe he just feels the exact same as you. Maybe he's too nervous to do anything."
"Yeah I don't think so... I'm just going to have to get used to the fact that we are just friends and even if my heart aches when I see him I'm just going to get over it."
Courtney squeaked a little "Dudeee! Your heart aches? Thats the cutest thing I've ever heard!" She beeped her horn as Shayne's car swerved infont of her "I promise you now I'm going to do all I can to help you."
"Thanks mann, I just need to get through this shoot first then we'll set a plan in action."
You pulled into the work parking lot an got out. Shayne parked up next to you amd got out with a huge smile on his face "Good morning! I'm so ready for today."
"Hey Shayne." You smiled at him. Damien got out his passenger side and your heart nearly exploded "Morning Damien!"
"Hey you." He walked up to you and gave you a hug "It's been ages since I've seen you."
You looked down at your watch "Yeah! A whole 11 hours! How ever did you cope without me."
"Honestly if it wasn't for Shayne I probably wouldn't have."
"Yeah alright.. Lets get this shoot over and done with and then I need...."
Damien cut you off when he pulled a caramel iced latte from behind his back "This?"
"How in the fuck?"
Shayne's face popped up between the two of you "He literally made me stop to get that." You heard Courtneys happy squeak from behind you.
"Awhh thank you." You gave him a hug and turned to Courtney. Your eyes were nearly popping out your head.
You sat on a not so comfy bed on the set. The cheap black 'emo' wig stratched the top of your head, you rubbed your hands up and down your legs.
"Hey, you ok man?" Damien nudged you, he knew you far too well and clearly noticed you were nervous. "It'll be fine, we've been best buds for years."
"Yeah" you half smiled. The words 'best buds' was like a punch to the gut. You took a deep breath in through your nose and went to 'happy place' which ironically was sat at home with the smosh crew watch and eating shit.
"ACTION!" Gareth's voice made you jump.
"So.. this is your room?" Damiens teenage voice he put on would have made you laugh if you weren't in charecter.
"Yeahhh...." You both awkardly glanced at eachother "Sorry I can't close my door.. You know moms."
"DID YOU CALL SWEETIE!" Courtney burst through the door with her mom voice on.
"Ughhhh," You were trying your best teenage impression "God mommm! Leave us aloneeee!"
"Sure sweetie!" She slowly backed out the room "If you need anything I'll be out here."
You turned to look at him, your faces slowly got closer and closer. Your lips were literally inches away from eachother. Courtney reappeared "You sure you don't want a snack hunny?"
"Mooommmmmm!" You screamed at her.
Your whole brain was fuzzy from almost kissing him. You knew you weren't going to as it wasn't scripted but thats the closest you have ever gotten to him even if you did spend nearly every waking minute together. Both of your eyes locked for a minute. You swear you saw something new in his eyes but you really didn't know what. "Ermm, I'm just going to talk to Court for a sec." You leapt out the bed.
She was getting changed out of the ridiculous Mom costume "See it wasn't that bad."
"NOT THAT BAD!" Breathing you calmed yourself down "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout but my entire insides are screaming. I don't know how much longer I can hold in these god damn feelings, its been years since I've felt like this, I know youv'e heard all this from me before but honestly I feel like I'm going to burst. How in the hell do you even tell one of your closest friends that you're head over heel inlove with them without destroying everything you have now. I mean if something was going to happen it would have by now. Jesus christ I feel like my heart is going to explode one day soon...." Your rant trailed off as you noticed courtneys face. Her eyebrows were raised so high they had nearly migrated off her forehead and her mouth was dropped wide open. "What?"
Someone behind you tapped you on the shoulder. Who ever it was has just heard everything you had said. You spun around to explain your self when you were met with those beautiful warm brown eyes. "Shit...." You breathed out "I..." Before you could even begin to apologise he placed his hands either side of you face and pressed his lips against yours. You kissed back instantly. It felt like your bodies just melted into one, like it was always supposed to be like this. You moved back and looked into his eyes and you saw it. Pure love.
He brushed his thumb against your cheek, both of you were smiling from ear to ear "Wonna grab some lunch?"
"That would be nice." You leaned in again for another kiss.
A very loud scream from the doorway broke you two apart. Shayne stood there with a bigger smile than the both of you put together. "Ian!" He screamed down towards the set "You owe me 20 dollars!"
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Understanding BvS’s Lex Luthor: CSA and Repressed Homosexuality
(Re-posted with minor revisions after I moved accounts and accidentally deleted this post)
Lex’s motivations are quite explicit in BvS, he has a whole speech explaining why he is doing what he’s doing and what he says is consistently shown throughout his screentime. But I think there is a lot unspoken beneath the surface that most people wouldn’t think of, based on my observations I think that BvS’s Lex was molested by his father and that he’s sexually attracted to Clark, and that his issues with Superman partially stem from the duality of desiring Clark and being afraid of him. That may sound strange, especially the csa bit, but hear me out because there is quite a bit of evidence and it may give you a clearer perspective on the character.
NOTE: I just want to clarify that it is not at all my intention to equate homosexuality with CSA nor demonize CSA survivors, I’m simply observing this particular character who happens to be a villain. Lex being attracted to Clark doesn’t make him villainous, the way he deals with it because of trauma and internalized homophobia is the problem.
1.) Daddy’s Abominations?
“No man in the sky intervened when I was a boy to save me from daddy’s fists and abominations!”
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This is quite self-explanatory, Lex just said that his father sexually abused him. The only other possible interpretation I could think of is a more general ‘my dad made me evil because he was evil’ but that’s a really weak explanation especially since the line is equated with the trauma of being beaten by his dad and the way he is very visibly triggered saying that line. When he finishes “abominations” he immediately flinches away from Superman and shakes his hand in front of his face as if desperately trying to erase what he just confessed.
2.) Lolita + Alice in Wonderland
“Plain Lo in the morning, Lola is slacks -“
“Late, late says the white rabbit”
Lolita and Alice in Wonderland...those are interesting choices of literature for a supervillain to quote. You’d think something more threatening and/or pretentious would be an obvious choice for a traditional mastermind-type supervillain rather than two obscure (not very masculine) classics that only have one thing in common: themes of sexual obsession and pedophilia.
Lolita is the story of a pedophile who uses his power as a step-father to groom and sexually abuse a child. Alice in Wonderland, while not having explicit pedophilic content, was written by a suspected pedophile and is obsessively focused on a child that there are photographs of the author kissing on the mouth. These are the two novels Lex relates to enough to quote them casually off the top of his head.
3.) The “it’s cherry” scene
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So this is obviously a sexual innuendo but the question is, why this guy? This character is utterly unimportant on his own and this doesn’t affect anything plot-wise which means this action is entirely about characterizing Lex. What are they trying to communicate here? This guy represents a figure similar to Lex’s father, an older businessman who behaved as if he had authority over Lex, and Lex’s instinct to that is to assert dominance in a sexually suggestive manner. This establishes Lex as a character who uses sexuality to dominate and make others uncomfortable, and relates it to a man who who represents his father.
4.) Two Versions Of The Same Scene
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Lex caressing Zod’s face directly parallels him caressing around Clark’s face, even the framing is identical. I think these are two versions of Lex confronting Superman, one with the actual Superman where he has to keep his distance and put on a callous front, and the other with a Kryptonian corpse he can project Superman onto. The scene with Zod I think shows how Lex truly feels about Clark. “You flew too close to the sun” he’s saying this and crying as he’s creating a monster to kill Clark which makes me think those words were not for Zod but the god he feels he has to kill. There’s no reason for Lex to cry for Zod, Lex has no relationship with him, it’s much more coherent that this scene is using Zod’s body as a substitute for what Lex can’t express to the real Superman.
EDIT: Upon rewatch I noticed a small moment where the Jolly Rancher Dude (I don’t think he has a name lol?) says with a smile “You want Zod’s body?” and Lex goes “Okay”, it’s a very playful interaction and it I think strengthens the connection between Zod’s body being an implied sex symbol of Superman.
4.5.) The Sexual Tension In The Rooftop Scene
Every moment of the rooftop scene (and all of this film) is so multilayered and intense, I could talk about it for hours but I want to talk a little more about the moment in the above gif.
Seconds before this, Lex was wagging his fingers inches for Superman’s glowing laser eyes but now when he knows Clark isn’t going to attack him, he won’t touch him? Lex is less afraid of having his fingers burned off than he is to touch Clark’s head knowing that he won’t do anything. Because Lex would be happy if Superman burned him, that would prove him right and give him an easy category to put Clark in but letting himself touch Clark in an ‘affectionate’ manner is terrifying.
A straight male villain that just wanted to use physical contact to assert dominance over the hero would have touched Clark here (and also would have no reason to caress Zod’s dead body) but Lex can’t even though he’s literally trembling with desire to and we know for a fact he’s not afraid of invading Clark’s personal space in an even more physically dangerous moment.
5.) The Dual Realities Of An Abused Child
“If God is all good then he cannot be all powerful.”
Now, I’m not an expert in psychology but I will do my best to articulate this. When someone, especially a child, is abused by someone they love it creates an extreme paradox in their mind. They love this person and they have to trust them but they also have to fear them, their brains are forced to compartmentalize when this person is a threat vs when they are a protector. In some cases, like Lex’s, this can lead to someone entirely thinking in absolutes and dualities.
It’s a consistent theme in Lex’s dialogue that he thinks in absolutes. The cornerstone of his ideology is people have to be “all good” or “all powerful” when really no one is either, there arguably is no such thing as either.
It’s also a theme that he has dual views of people in his life, the most prominent being his father and Superman. In one scene he’s reminiscing about wishing his dad would come back, in another he’s emotionally describing the abuse he inflicted. And Lex does the same with Clark as explained in point 4.
Lex even seems to have a dual view of himself. In the rooftop scene he points to himself as “the evil in the world” but his speech about Prometheus at the party is clearly meant to illustrate that he sees himself as a misunderstood savior of humanity (this is even confirmed in the bonus material).
6.) Internalized Homophobia
“I don’t hate the sinner, I hate the sin.”
Two things are important to me with this line. First is that it reinforces point 5 but also this is a very, very common phrase in homophobic rhetoric so for him to say this and gesture to Clark’s body as the “sin” has implications. And yes, yes, I know he meant that Clark’s powers are a sin but things can have double meanings and I sincerely doubt that anyone making a movie in the western world’s current political climate wouldn’t realize that phrase is strongly linked to homophobia.
To elaborate on how it reinforces 5: Lex is openly saying that he doesn’t hate Clark, he just hates his power, which brings us back to the idea of an abuse victim’s dual reality. It’s Clark’s power that is the threat to him but he can still love Clark, same way his father’s abuse was a threat but he can still love his father. Note: Lex calls Clark “my friend” and “Clark Joe” and similar affectionate names throughout their interactions which I think suggests that Lex sees Clark as partially a person.
7.) Conclusion
DCEU’s Lex Luthor was a fresh, contemporary take on the character so it was a jarring difference from the Lex we’ve seen in other recent mainstream media. I also think it was upsetting partially because it took away Lex as a male power fantasy; a buff, suave billionaire who’s hyper masculine and doesn’t let anything get to him including his canonical abuse. Now we’ve got this definitely charming and silver-tongued but effeminate and deeply traumatized Lex that I think is much, much more dynamic and compelling (and definitely fits this universe) but was uncomfortable for people that were attached to the charecter as a male power fantasy.
Nevertheless we need more villains like this. That can be both intimidating and vulnerable, that are human and offer a real ideological opposition to the hero. BvS could not have been the story it is without this Lex. BvS is a brilliant and nuanced film about how fear and trauma affects people’s worldviews, which is an important thing to explore when you have a Superhero that is the embodiment of hope. It’s important to show that not everyone can have hope so easily and to humanize those people.
Anyways this post is really long and I could literally talk for days about DCEU and this film especially so thanks for reading, please be respectful in the notes.
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reisabrisingr · 6 years
My thoughts on the Dean Ambrose situation.
I may be wrong, but this just doesn’t make sense to me. I’ve been a wrestling fan too long to believe that WWE would announce that Deans contract isn’t getting renewed.
WWE has never done this in recent years, even going back to last year when Neville walked out and left his contract to expire, we all knew yet WWE never announced it until it did.
Just last night on Raw it looked like we were going to potentially see a storyline building between Hunter and Dean. Dean has given so much to this company, up until last year Dean was the one on the main roster who had competed in the most matches.(house shows,TV and PPV’s)
Dean has done almost everything there is in WWE, except win a rumble and headline Wrestlemania. He was the first member of the shield to become a grand slam champion and the longest reigning US champion.
WWE has been booked around Ambrose,Reigns and Rollins. It’s obvious that those three guys are who the McMahon’s can call upon and are always on TV. They’ve always been sure to call on those guys and make sure that they aren’t forgotten.
There’s always been so much hype between the three shield guys. Dean is a multiple IC champion and multiple tag champ. He’s held the US title, money in the bank contract and WWE championship.
He’s a part of the most popular stable of this century, if not the entirety of the WWE.
He’s gained two lifelong friends,his brothers and his wife from this company, and when the shield was coming up they had control in what the shield was gonna do.
I just don’t see how in 7 years, Dean doesn’t have more control now than then.
We all know Dean is so intelligent when it comes to his charector.
Yeah, this recent run from October has been shitty. But how in three months could he just decide to leave? Why not just sit down and talk to Vince and explain how he’s feeling? If it was a simple character change or more character control he was wanting, do you not think Vince would do that to keep one of his top guys? Of course he would. Someone like Zack Ryder or Curt Hawkins(ily boys) I don’t think he would. But fucking Dean Ambrose? Of course he would. The guy is a top draw and part of The Shield.
Deans spoken before about how he’s glad he got out of the Indy’s because of what his Moxley charector had to go through just to be Mox and how he couldn’t do that now.
I think this is a work, especially because of what happened on Raw last night, with him getting in Hunters face and just being ruthless and not caring. Then the potential pipe bomb that was cut off by Nia Jax.
If Dean was going to throw a pipe bomb and stayed in the ring longer than he was meant to, they would’ve sent Nia out during commercial or he would’ve cut one during commercial.
WWE wouldn’t have announced him leaving so soon, espically with Wrestlemania coming up where they need their top guys to build storylines around and sell tickets. Out of WWE’s main roster, their top draws are Becky, Daniel, AJ and Charlotte. On Raw it’s Seth,Dean, Roman, Finn, Ronda and Brock.
Ronda and Brock are draws for the casual fans. The ones who just tune in because they know who they are.
There’s Roman, who unfortunately can’t be a mania this year and potentially next. He was the face of the company and will be again. I want my big dog back more than ever.
There’s Daniel who everyone loves, because how can you hate the guy? He was everyones number one for so long. Hell, the evil vegan is even starting to get over.
There’s Charlotte,Finn and AJ who people love just for their pure wrestling ability and how well they work in the ring.
There’s Becky and Seth, who rn is everyone’s favourite, they’re at the top of their games and are getting that treatment or else fans would riot.
Then there’s Dean, the guy who has fought and fought and fought for his entire life, to get to where he is. Who was hooked on drugs and lost his first chance at the WWE because of it, then he changed up his act. He shouldn’t have made it, but he did. The WWE gave him that chance and he proved everyone wrong. The fans love him.
WWE would be silly to loose him and to announce it on social media where everyone knows, espically with All Elite Wrestling just being announced. It’d be like Vince just being like,”there’s one of my top guys, go take him.” He isn’t that stupid.
I think it’s a work, I think it’s leading up to Dean bringing out more mox, where he doesn’t care who he hurts, who he insults, he’s telling the truth and he’s gonna fight for what he wants.
Like him saying to HHH,”you didn’t believe in him back in Florida when we were riding in a $500 car. You just thought he was some hot shot, but I believed in him!” Hello, why would this new Dean charector admit to believing in Seth when he’s meant to hate his guts? When he demanded a match from Hunter and when he seen hunter walking away, just to follow him threw the ropes and be like,”Do you need to ask for permission from your father in law?” Dude, that’s totally just to get a reaction from Hunter and to wind Hunter up. It’s a typical feud starter what they did.
I think this is leading up to something at Mania, I think it’s to somehow bring out more of the Dean we know Jon can create and portray. Why would he give up 8 years with a company over 3 months of a character he doesn’t like? It doesn’t make sense.
I think their plan is to get rid of this Dean that’s a germaphobe by introducing more pipe bombs, more attitude towards athourity figures and just beating the shit out of people. Cause what are they gonna do? Suspend him? Fire him? Dude will be “leaving” before mania so what’s the point?
I think they’re going with the storyline of Dean Ambrose being pissed he doesn’t get what he deserves, he’s been treated like dirt and always been a third when it comes to Seth and Roman. Vince has always believed in Roman, HHH’s first NXT baby is Seth and Hunter will always have Seth’s back. Hunter was the reason Dean lost the shield the first time around. And he never got the pay back for that. Seth and Roman have both versed HHH at Mania, why not have Dean do it as well.
They said they were bringing in a new era into WWE, what better way to do it then have it feel more real by having Dean Ambrose of all people cutting loose and being Mox? To have a hardcore match at Mania against the creator of the attitude era and the guy who we all wish could’ve been a part of it.
What if it’s just a way for WWE to slowly say goodbye to the PG era by having Hunter and a more ruthless Ambrose going one on one at Mania?
I just, i don’t think WWE would announce it so soon. Especially with a star like dean.
I could be in denial, but I won’t believe this until I see it with my own two eyes.
I don’t think Dean would show up in another wrestling company either, he’s far too loyal for that shit.
Also, adding this in because idgaf and my shield heart called for it. Do you really think he’d give up his wrestling soulmate and best friend, his brothers? They’ve got an unbreakable bond. They’ve all said when they retire from wrestling they wanna do it together in a last shield triple threat. That’s how much they care about each other, they joined the main roster together and want to leave it together.
They’re the boys who all held the wwe title on the same night,I just don’t see this bond being broken because of something as little as a charecters development.
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seaboundbysunrise · 7 years
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Firstly, let me apologise for not updating this sooner - motivation for pretty much anything during shore leave was minimal. 
Anyway, before we get into the nitty gritty of ship life, let’s take a look at what draws most of us to this career in the first place - the shore leave!
One thing you learn pretty quickly once you start sailing is that the days of a week in port are far behind us. Depending on the cargo and the company you might be in and out in a day - that’s especially common with European runs. Secondly, it’s a lot harder to get shore leave as an officer than it is as a cadet, so take the opportunity to enjoy it whilst you can! I’ll go into detail on what is expected of cadets and officers in another post. 
So, where did we go? Well, we started off with a couple of USA runs before heading down to the Falklands. After that we done a few short European runs, none of which gave any shore leave aside from Norway. And that, right there, is four and a half months of your life.
Wilmington: Now Wilmington is a fun city! Don’t expect to see it from the ship though, you’re looking at a good hour in the cab before getting down town. The first time we visited we went straight to Walmart for supplies and Hooters for... well, I'm sure you know what Hooters is like. We eventually hooked up with around 15 of our shipmates before heading downtown. I'll be honest, the main drag has no charecter. It's just chain stores, which have their uses, but aren't the most exciting places. Downtown though, downtown has character. We finished our night in an irish bar after I got talking to Jerry, this grizzled old guy who was clearly a bit of a local celebrity.
The second time we visited we went straight downtown to make the most of the single evening we were in. Whilst getting some food by the river we saw a familiar face walking by... it was Jerry again. It was quite amusing to call out and be recognised as 'Ahhh, the English!' - we promised to meet up with him and some of the locals at the end of the night, but we had a little exploring to do. It's a lovely city - it's been the filming location for more movies and tv shows than you'd expect and the bars really reflect that. I was a big fan of the one with all the Super Mario props especially! We almost got thrown out of a small music bar as they only admitted signed-up members, but luckily this gent at the bar vouched for us on his ticket. The others took up a booth but I stuck to the bar and chatted with him, which was definitely right the choice as I think he provided floors and worked the doors for most of the touring punk bands of the 80's. It always good to be thousands of miles from home and find that 'the scene' can bring people together.
Ascension: On the way down to the Falklands we stopped off at a small Island 1500 miles off the coast of Africa called Ascension. It's a volcanic Island with some incredible sealife and a population of just over 200, all military and their families. Hardly anyone is allowed to visit so we were incredibly lucky to be sailing with a company who had permission - we spent the first afternoon driving around in a couple of hire cars and climbing Green Mountain, and the second was spent solo climbing some of the drier, more volcanic slopes to explore the World War Two outpost. It was surreal to walk into their single supermarket and see Sainsburys Basics on the shelves, but it made sense - we were delivering their stock after all.
Barbados: Barbados was one of those lucky strikes - it wasn't in the original plan but we no one complained when it got added! We actually had a couple of free days there - the first was spent at The Boat Yard, a pleasant but rather touristy bar on the beach complete with volleyball net and floating rafts complete with diving boards and slides. It was a super relaxed afternoon - swimming, eating, and enjoying everything everything the cruise companies sell Barbados on.
I spent the morning of the second day picking up supplies with Rich, the steward, and just exploring the town. The afternoon was spent relaxing by one of the pleasure boat harbours, sampling the local seafood and just taking it easy. After six to seven weeks with very little contact with everyone outside of the crew, solo downtime is a luxery that shouldn't be passed up.
It's hard not to feel awkward in Barbados though. Yes, it might be a luxery holiday destination for cruise ships but it doesn't take much to see the poverty behind it all. You can't take a step without being offered a cab, and you don't need to go looking for drugs or prostitutes - someoneone will make the offer eventually. I'm not saying that it felt dangerous - it didn't - but you do have to stay on your toes. Being a white man in Barbados means that you probably have money, and those who don't have it, want it.
Norway: Norway was a bit of a disappointment if I'm honest. We had a long pilotage through the fjords but we both arrived and left in darkness. We managed to discharge our cargo within a couple of hours but had to stick around to take on feul. Mark, the third mate, had mentioned that he had been before but never got to explore - well, I'm cheeky, so I decided to ask the chief mate if we could head off for an hour or so, seeing as the cargo was done. Well, if you don't ask you don't get, and we got our hour.
There wasn't much to be seen really - the port was very much in the middle of nightmare, but it was still a joy to walk along the roads, take in the enviroment and enjoy the snow. Norway very quickly rose to the top of my 'places to visit' list.
There were other ports, ofcourse, but like I mentioned earlier, not every stop means shore time. There are plenty of other stories I could tell but they're not all suitable for the blog - buy me a drink and who knows, maybe I'll spill a couple. Until next time, stay lucky.
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imeanitrytowrite · 5 years
Deadpool Makes X-Men Gayer
Authors note: deadpool is one of my favorite charecters. It was 3 in the morning and I was like, deadpool would so do this. Enjoy?
"I'm bored!"wade cried out as he sighed appearing on top of the x-men's table. "what the-" Logan stuttered looking up as the mutant children ran away screaming. "wolvy! Tell me what to do today" dead pool whined out laying his head off the table. "well you could get out of the x-men mansion before you disrupt Charles and therefore set off magneto, again." wolverine grumbled into his cereal. "man it would be so better if the marvel universe was just sexuality open." dead pool mused and sighed again dramatic like. "your probably right, maybe if Charles took some metal dick up the ass the whole world would be better." Logan chuckled amused. "AND, IF CAP TOOK SOME TOO! LOGAN YOUR A GENUIS!" wade screached to the heavans. "wait what?" Logan grumbled confused. "I know you fangirls are super excited for this so let's get to it!" dead pool whispers into the camera. "who are you even-"Logan growled as he looked around. " but this is just a preview of what's to come! Welcome!" dead pool cried out as he raised his arms out wide, like he was expecting a hug from the hulk. Logan looked around wearily as dead pool kept speaking. " WELCOME TO MARVEL UNIVERSE 69066!THE UNIVERSE WHERE EVERYTHING WILL BE SOMEWHAT PEACEFUL AND SEXUALITY'S WILL BE RECOGNIZED."dead pool screeched loudly. "SERIOUSLY BUB WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?!?" Logan practically gruffly whimpered like a large scared dog. "you will see" wade said quietly and evily.
" First things first wolvy!! We need a time machine-" wade turns to look at Logan still smiling evily. " Oh No!! ABSOLUTELY not! There is no we! There is only you!" Logan hisses out into dead pools heart broken face. "b-but wolvy!" the crazy Canadian pouts at the buff canadian. " us Canadians gotta stick together eh?" the merc with a mouth asks as he wiggles his eyebrows under the mask. "the answer is NO bub!" wolverine growls out in his gravely low voice. " come on! I would take spidey but that's pedophilia in this universe!" dead pool whimpers out like a wounded dog. "what? Wait never mind I DON'T want to know."the clawed mutant grumbles out.
" I am not going!" wolverine growls as he stomps his foot down. Dead pool sighs and walks out of the Xavier mansion. He walks up the long winding road to the edge of the wenchester road. ( or whatever)he hears pounding and angry foot steps. 'it must be' dead pool thinks to himself as he smiles. "WOLVY!" He cries throwing his arms up smiling widely. " Chuck is forcing me to go" wolverine whimpers out like kicked dog. "cause he wants some metal dick?" wade opens his mouth to show his teeth still smiling. "yup, the real reason was cause your untrustable." wolvy smirks out walking past deadpool. The crazy Canadian stands there for a minute thinking. " well you guys sure do know how to make a guy feel welcome!" wade says as he catches up to wolverine. "yeah yeah let's get to the Baxter building like you wanted" the buff Canadian grumbles out again. "YAY!". Dead pool screeches and jumps up like a school girl.
"so you let me see if I got this right?" reed Richards asked as he walked around the room. His upper body expanding as he spoke. "you want to go back in time to the day loki tried to take over the earth?AND. Before Charles met Erik AND you want me to do it because you think Steve and Charles need some " metal dick"?"the older man asked as he quickly snapped back into shape. "sometimes being Mister fantastic is cool, other times its natsy." dead pool spoke up looking a little green. Richards looked the two mutants offended as wolverine nodded sharply. "so you wanna go back in time? Maybe I can finally get Peter to love me" Johnny began as he walked out of the shadows. Steam was rolling off him at the thought. "oh HELL NO! BACK YOUR SKINNY CHRIS EVANS LOOKIN ASS BACK INTO YOUR LANE!" the crazy Canadian screeched out as the buff Canadian held him in place. " I'll do it! I've waited years for tony to get his head out of his ass." Richards finally said with a smirk. "I'll take that Chris Evans comment as a compliment" Johnny storm said crossing his arms over his chest and smirking. "you shouldnt!" dead pool grumbled as wolverine patted his chest. "easy bub" wolverine said to the angry canadian.
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