#scar blushing whenever grian so much as looks at him
rosaacicularis · 1 year
au where scar retired as hotguy because he wanted to settle down and make a quieter life for himself after an injury, but he gets called back into the field for one last hurrah…. he gets paired up with a new hero named cuteguy, who matches his aesthetic and fighting style and is probably the prettiest person scar has ever seen…..
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ween-kitchens · 2 months
this one actually makes sense as a standalone fic tbh but it's too short for me to be bothered with formatting
anyway mumscarian with touch averse scar finding other ways to show affection! more specifically, stiff's no touchy scar <3
scar smiles to himself as he watches mumbo and grian from across the room. it’s midwinter, and it’s been snowing so incessantly since last night that they haven’t been able to leave the house all day, so they’re all cozied up indoors. 
buried under a mountain of blankets, scar is half asleep on the sofa, occasionally commenting on mumbo’s prowess (or lack thereof) in the mariokart game he’s playing against grian. grian is on the floor next to the other sofa, and the two are swapping with increasingly creative insults whenever the other wins.
scar is deeply amused by the whole situation. both mumbo and grian are as bad as each other when it comes to mariokart, and scar enjoys the annoyed squawking that grian makes whenever he mentions jimmy being better. mumbo, it seems, shares that enjoyment—though he stops laughing when scar brings up how badly he lost against martyn last time they’d played.
“you absolute-!” grian shouts suddenly, startling scar for a moment. “this is why you had to program grumbot to like you!”
mumbo bursts out laughing.
“that’s your best one yet!” mumbo grins. “oh, i’m gonna have to write some of these down.”
“already on it!” scar tells him, waving his phone. “so far i’ve got ‘you’re like if jimmy didn’t have good looks’, ‘scar could play better than you and he doesn’t have a controller’ and ‘when beyoncé said ‘to the left to the left’ she did not mean right now’.”
grian cackles. “I think I got that one from scott, i’ve been talking to him more lately.”
“I am telling jimmy about the first one.” scar grins. 
“no- you can’t tell him that!” grian squawks. “i’ll never hear the end of it!”
“I know.” scar says mischievously.
“it’s okay g,” mumbo reaches down to pat him on the shoulder, mock-comforting. “joel will make more fun of you than we ever could.”
“oh no.” grian groans into his hands.
“I owe joel so much for making fun of you when I can’t.” scar says solemnly.
“and martyn.” mumbo nods. “if anyone knows how to commit to a bit, it’s them.”
“hear hear.” grian says miserably, but when he moves his hands, he’s smiling. “another round?”
“you’re on.” 
scar leans back on the sofa and begins to gaze at them again, a syrupy pleasure pooling in his stomach. his eyes trace their features with utter adoration; the mischievous light that dances in grian’s eyes as he teases mumbo, the soft smile as mumbo tries to pretend he’s offended, the comfortable warmth that fills the room.
he loves the way grian’s whole face lights up as he laughs, the way his eyes crinkle in the corners, the way his giggles ring through the room. he loves how mumbo can’t quite disguise how much he’s enjoying himself, how his grin is fond and warm, how he keeps laughing to himself like he can’t help it.
wow. he really loves them, huh?
mumbo glances over at scar and sees him looking. he goes a little pink, but smirks playfully. “see something you like?” he teases.
immediately, grian whoops, and the words ‘you win!’ flash on his side of the screen. scar bursts out laughing at mumbo’s outraged expression as he realises what just happened.
“what?!” he exclaims, voice pitching higher. “wh- no, that can’t be fair, scar distracted me!”
“hey, I was staring at you both equally.” scar teases, and something warm blooms in his chest as grian blushes. “you just happened to look at me.”
“scar, you’re just too pretty.” grian says solemnly. 
“oh.” scar pouts, mock-upset. “okay. i’ll just.. leave, I guess..”
he starts to stand up, and both mumbo and grian shout at once for him to stay.
“nuh uh, I didn’t mean that in a bad way.” grian says. “I will get one of those.. shepherd hook thingies and I will keep you in this room!” 
scar laughs, imagining it. “g, I love you, but do you really think you have the strength for that?”
grian squawks in protest and mumbo cackles. “it’s okay, i’ll help you.”
scar raises an eyebrow. “do you think you have the strength for that?”
“hey!” mumbo exclaims, and scar giggles at the twin outraged expressions on his partners’ faces. “neither do you!”
“I never said I did.” scar says cheerfully.
grian sticks his tongue out at scar, who copies him.
“one more game?” mumbo offers.
“whoever wins this one gets to eat the first cookie I decorate.” scar tells them. he has never seen two people look more determined in his life.
scar could never understand the people who would tell him that he ‘couldn’t really love someone’ because he refused to hug anyone, or that if he loved someone, he’d make an exception. even before he was old enough to know to what extent, he’d always known it was bullshit. 
but now..
gosh. scar doesn’t think it could be possible to be more in love than he is with mumbo and grian, and he still doesn’t hug them. in fact, he thinks he might have fallen deeper into love when he realised just how much they respect that about him—no strings attached.
as he watches mumbo whoop in sheer delight, getting to his feet and jumping on the spot to celebrate his victory, and grian struggling immensely to look truly upset as mumbo picks him up and spins him around, scar doesn’t think there could be any better partners in the world. 
so maybe they show love in different ways. if he had the chance, scar wouldn’t change a single thing.
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fagcamels · 7 months
You asked for hermitshipping headcanons, I come running!
SwedishBeans: Joel is the confident one. This is kind of funny, because Iskall is the better people reader. Iskall is fully aware its mutual, but is too nervous to make a move. Joel is just crazy enough to make a shot on the dark.
SmallEtho: whenever Joel says something stupid, Etho will look at him with the most "dead inside" expression ever. Meanwhile, internally, he's giggling like a 12 year old school girl with a crush. This still happens even when they've been dating for YEARS. Joel can tell tho, and thus continues
Mumscarian: Scar has the best puppy dog eyes known to man. Grian will groan, while Mumbo will try to ignore it, but at the end of the day, Scar will get his way.
Ethubs: despite not dating, they've been obviously pining for so long that it's become normal for other to refer to them as boyfriend's or husbands. They got so used to it that they stopped correcting people. Sometimes they refer to each other as boyfriend or husband just because they're so used to it
xBeans: Joel makes xB blush SO HARD, but xB would never ever ever admit it, and does his best to always cover it up. He regularly makes people laugh at him because of it.
ZITS: People around them genuinely do not know wether or not these four are dating. Sure, they flirt, they kiss each other on the cheek, they make dirty jokes. But at the same time, they call each other dude and bro exclusively, noones ever seen them so much as kiss or even hold hands. ZITS discovered this, and have started abusing this and just confusing the rest even more. Whenever someone asks them, they give confusing non-answers like "I don't know, are we?" Or "It sure looks like it, huh?" Or just say it with such a tone of voice that noone knows weather its sarcasm or not. The only person who knows is Gem, because she walked in on them on accident. She has decided to join in on the fun and will pretend she also doesn't know.
Mumskall: the last person to know they are dating was Mumbo.
YAY THANK YOU FOR YOUR HCS!!! i loved them so so much i love receiving asks :3
apologising for the late response bc i had too much notifs ;;
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bunzy · 3 months
Characters: Grian, Scar, mentioned Ren, mentioned Martyn, mentioned BigB
Fandoms: Third Life SMP, Double Life SMP
When a bird is threatened, they puff up their wing feathers to make themselves appear larger.
“Why do you always do that?” Scar asked.
“Do what?” Grian responded.
“Whenever Ren or Martyn, or any of Dogwarts or the Crastle are around, you always puff up your wings.”
“Oh.” Grian flushed slightly. “It’s a bird thing.”
“Tell me!!” Scar pestered.
“Well, whenever a bird is feeling threatened, it puffs up its wings to appear larger to predators. I didn’t even realize I was doing it, actually.”
“Awww,” Scar cooed. “Is the little birdie afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?”
“Shut up!” Grian shoved him, the wings on his head curling in front of his eyes in an attempt to hide his blushing face. “It’s just an instinctual thing!”
“Alright,” replied Scar, sounding conceited. “But…” He hesitated. “You never fluff them up around me…?”
Grian blushed harder, face turning red. “I… I guess my instincts don’t see you as a predator…” he replied, muffling his face in his sleeve.
“R-really?” Scar asked. “I mean, I’m red and all, and you aren’t allowed to attack me unless to defend your-“
Grian cut him off by taking his hand in his own. “Scar. Look at me.”
Scar obliged, lifting his head to stare at Grian, red eyes meeting green.
“I trust you Scar. More than anyone else. I know you would never hurt me or lie to me, and I would never do anything to you either. I trust you.”
Scar stuttered a meager protest but was cut off by Grian repeating himself once more.
“I trust you Scar. My instincts trust you. I will always love you, and I will always trust you because I know that I will not betray you, and you will not betray me.”
Scar smiled as he looked back up at Grian, their eyes meeting, red on green.
Yellow eyes met yellow as Scar looked up at Grian, smiling a false smile that Grian had only ever seen pointed at enemies.
“Wait how did you get these cookies?” Grian asked, glancing down at the treats in his hand. A few feathers pointed slightly out of place and wings raised so slightly that Scar almost couldn’t tell. Anyone else would not have noticed the small tells, but Scar and Grian knew everything about each other, from long nights of smiles and wing preening and sand and untold secrets that became told in each others’ embrace.
“I made 'em,” Scar replied. "They're for your secret soulmate."
Grian startled, a small blink that was almost imperceptible. His wings puffed up to much larger than their original size, his head wings curling slightly in front of his face as if to make it so Scar couldn’t see his eyes subtly glance towards the door.
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
I tried to make as many parallels between the two parts, and you should be able to see them all. I spent way too long on this, and also looked up the words they actually said during the secret soulmate scene. Anyways, I'm really proud of this!!
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 (he can't say it's excitement, because he isn't actually keen to die– but it's something. A bit like hope, a lot like loss, in the shape of grief and threaded, ultimately, with desperate relief)
this sentence means everything to me, it is so
im speechless, what can i say? it's written so. it's so descriptive. it's so simple for such a complex feeling. it hits me in my lungs in a way different but similar to whenever im re-reading the little prince and especially the part when the geograph describes the boy's rose ephemeral
shouting, what are you doing to me? /pos
[asks continued past readmore]
He appears at what this world's spawn must be. It's a lovely place– all lush trees and flowing water, meadowgrass filling the air with the heady scent of spring. After so long in darkness, it makes his eyes burn with the adjustment, his senses flooding him with a deluge of new information. Grian trembles, curling his hands into fists, and begins to walk, following the vague trail that this server's owner has left for him to follow.
the same little princes rose anon
your writing is so amazing actually, like ive already thought so from the moment i met you but now im stopping and thinking back and taking it in anew.
your writing i mean, the way you describe things is so unique and high level and your words bring some kind of satisfaction trailing behind them
it is a joy to read i love how you interlace inner emotions with world building together like braids
if your writing was a braid it would be full of sunshine and pretty flowers, while the hair remains lustrous and royal and golden :)
Somewhere in front of him, Mumbo actually swears. The rapid rustle of cloth is his only warning before hands are on either side of his face, lifting his head and grazing into his hairline. "Grian?" Mumbo's voice is sharp. "Hey now, you– come on, open your eyes, alright? Don't be a spoon about this, please. You're not– come on. Eyes open. Grian, listen to me."
you are so sick for this, nobody even died and yet im shedding tears. that is mumbo. that is mumbo and he's horrified for grian. i love you - 🥀
your writing is so amazing i wish there was a compliment boost section, where someone could chip in to let those 1000 people absolutely gut wrenched, staring into their ceiling processing, madly in love with your writing unleash their inner demons by reminding you that you're amazing and there is no one else like you on this earth, and you mean so much to random people <3
- 🥀
Another rustle to his right: "Grian," another voice pipes up, and Grian's heart does that funny, agonizing flip again, because Scar's voice is shaking in a way he hasn't heard before. He sounds scared. "Grian, hey– hey. Look at me?" Grian looks at him, struggling to focus, the fog clouding his mind in one thick blanket. He's unfairly lovely with this backdrop of stars, and his face is pale too. "Grian, what are these?"
scratch that you deserve the thousands of soldiers marching into your dm's as if loverboys just send out by their wifes into the heart of the battle, dutifully complimenting you complimenting you and complimenting you, you deserve to open your mail to so many letters they will explode and cover your entire lawn and it will so much worse than the chicken/dragon pranktastrophy grian himself will blush, and doc will perish.
(they'll bury him in a chicken onesie) - 🥀
your writing is so intricate actually, binge drinked the whole fic and I have to say I'm so impressed with your Pearl characterisation
good nutritions my lovely spinning yoyo girl, she's shaped like those vitamin gummies you want to stick a handful into your mouth as a kid
also there is something so? distinct about the way the work passes through chapters. it feels as if everytime im switching onto the next one the theatre room curtains close, just to reopen to a different scene.
it feels like it takes moments, and weeks at the same time- the passing between the scenes. like if Grian breathed one moment and he was here, and then he breathed next one and he was...
still here? how long has passed between those moments? time seems to not hold much meaning here, like it runs on it's own rules despite anything.
maybe it was as long as it takes for an update, that's how much time has passed since one meeting till next one, maybe it's been a milisecond. - 🥀
Oh my gods the Little Prince comparison is making me INSANE thats like one of the highest compliments i could possibly receive i think, i love that book it fully changed my brain chemistry as a kid. Ive written things before that have drawn on that as thematic source material but to receive it on something i wasnt even intentionally trying to emulate makes me feel like all my insides got turned into bubbles. Ohmygods!!!! Holy shit!!!!
Also all these things you have to say about my writing being unique and just ;;;;;; wtf /pos this is so sweet to say, holy shit what do i do with all these compliments?!? Thank you so much, this is the most lovely ask ive gotten in a while and thats saying something bc ive been getting a TON of really nice people in my inbox lately. Im just so touched by what youve said here and how free you are with your praise-- it means a lot to me truly. Also ngl slightly stunned (/pos) at your comment about meaning so much to random people-- i guess its easy to forget that people dont just pay attention to the story that i post, but also to the person sitting behind the screen actually writing it. Its hard to conceptualize making such a personal impact on strangers when im not directly talking to them, but man im gonna be sitting on that comment for a WHILE just turning it over in my brain.
I am INCREDIBLY glad you like the fic, and especially Pearl's characterization. Tbh i have my friend @/cosmic-nopedog to thank for that one-- he was a big reason why i chose to give her such a meaty role, and he helped me come up with some of the emotional plot for her to begin with. I honestly think Pearl's role here is one of my absolute favorites in the entire story, and i cant wait to write more of it out :DDD
As for the time aspect, i do admit some of that probably has to do with the fact that i generally only update once a month 😭😭😭😭 but also, i really like episodic chapters!!! I sorta view scenes as film reels in my head, so i often write them accordingly, and im a real big stickler for ending chapters in a way that rounds them off satisfyingly. I tried explaining this to my partner about a month ago, but yknow how songs typically end on that one closing note to mark that theyre over??? Thats the sort of beat i always try to emulate when im finishing a chapter off. I just really personally find it satisfying to tie each chapter up individually, only to introduce a new "episode" in the next one so each one feels fairly complete and like it could almost stand alone. This is just a personal preference, though, and is likely influenced by all the specific books i read growing up <- almost exclusively read 70s fantasy novels 😂😂😂 either way, im really glad you like it and think its unique!!! These messages were so sweet to receive, i am sending you Beams rose anon, i hope youre having an AMAZING DAY and thank you so so much for making mine❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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callmecyan · 3 years
First time doing something like this so here we go I guess?
Hermittober Day 1 - Wings
List by @/ink-ghoul
Since I don’t know how to draw I decided to write! I have some headcanons at the end so ye :D
 It was the start of a new season, season 7, saying he was excited wouldn't even be close to describe how he was feeling. Grian was so, so happy and excited, it's like the last season was all a dream he had, a good dream, he couldn't believe it was real. He was here, he's part of hermitcraft, he is a hermit. And it's awesome, just like when Mumbo told him that Xisuma wanted to talk to him, that he got invited there.
 He was so nervous the first season, even when he was at the war, even when he was the one who started it, he was so scared that he could be stepping over a line. But god it was so much fun, and everyone was so nice.
 He was living in the jungle now, with other hermits as his neighbors, Scar, Mumbo, Stress and Iskall. And it was amazing, as much as he had to get used to mining and grinding again, he loved it, he felt like as the season kept going everyone would focus more and more on their own individual big projects, that this beginning was nice, he would see the others quite a lot and they would chat and help each other and it was just amazing.
 Something he found out is that the meetings they would have, that he thought were monthly meetings just so X could see how everyone was doing, were way more frequent at the beginning of the seasons. So everyone could talk about their plans, if they needed help with anything, plan mining sessions together, or even to just chat about anything, and of course for X to check on them. At first he thought it would be a bit awkward since he really didn't really knew much about all the things they had on hermitcraft or even knew anyone besides Mumbo, but they proved him wrong once again, everyone was so nice to him and he even remember the hermits ‘fighting’ to see who would get introduced first, who would show him around etc.
 They decided to meet up where the shopping district would be, he directed himself to the center of the island where he could already hear some of the voices. As he got closer Mumbo and Scar were the first one to notice him and they started waving at him, he wasn't the last one to appear, some people were still missing from the messages he saw on the communicator.
 He placed himself between Mumbo and Scar as he greeted everyone. He could feel Scar looking at him, so he looked up with a questioning look
 ‘'What's up?’’ Scar seemed a bit embarrassed, and he could feel some of the hermits looking at him too.
 ‘‘Uh- just- uh your wings? They- it's not purple anymore?’’ and he finally realised ‘oh’.
 He could feel Mumbo holding a laugh at his side and he could feel himself blushing a bit out of embarrassment, he put a hand on his neck
 ‘‘Yeah, I- uh I kinda forgot to tell you guys this is actually my bad. But my wings change whenever I’m in a new smp, world or somewhere that I wasn't before. You can say they kinda ‘adapt’ themselves into what I’m doing and working on basically, its weird really, not even I understand much of it I just got used to it’’
 ‘‘So’’ - False started, and he could see how the others were curious but probably afraid to ask, maybe scared of offending him accidentally?- ‘‘Do you know why they were purple before? Or you like- you don't know the reasons?’’
 ‘‘Uh it depends really, like how I said most of it I can try and break it down to why they would look like that, but it's never something certain’’ - he was trying to figure out how to explain things in a way that, hopefully, would help the others understand- ‘‘I think they were that purple color so it could look like an Elytra, I mean it was basically the first time I found out and even had contact with one, and I don't know, maybe because i really didn't know any of you guys? So it was kinda the way my wings found to ‘fit in’ I guess? So they would be similar to everyone else?’’ - as he looked at the others he could see how they were thinking about it, probably processing everything he said or trying to understand his explanation.
 ‘‘Knew’’ He heard Xisuma saying, he looked over to the admin and he could tell he was smiling.
 Grian made a confused sound, he heard other hermits laughing a bit and he heard Mumbo saying under his breath ‘‘oh my god’’
 ‘‘You said you didn't know any of us, but you do now. You’re part of the hermits, you are part of the family now’’
 ‘‘Yeah’’ he felt Scar putting a arm over his shoulders and basically giving him a side hug ‘‘you dont troll someone with a zombie spawner on the first day of the season if you ‘dont know’ them’’
 He couldn't help but laugh ‘‘aw c'mon Scar it was funny, you can't hold that against me the entire season’’.
 He saw Scar putting his other hand under his chin as he pretended like he was considering this possibility ‘‘hmmmm nope! I think i can do that’’
 After that everyone started laughing and the meeting continued, with a lot of them asking about his wings, how they look in other places, and it was fun, it was home, and he's so happy to be part of this family.
Some of my headcanons around the wings
Grian - his wings, as said, change depending on where he is. For example if he goes on somewhere his wings already ‘adapted’ themselves then they change to that.
Season 6: light purple wings, similar to the elytra color.
Season 7: parrot wings, the red ones with the yellow and blue details.
Season 8: a very dark blue very similar to black.
Creative worlds: white fluffy wings.
Watchers: he had two pairs of wings, in a darker purple.
Stress - unlike Grian, she can't ‘carry’ the wings outside of Hermitcraft, its a specific thing from Hermitcraft. Like when players have specific skins to specific smps? If that makes sense?
Stress wings are bug themed unlike Grian who has bird ones.
Season 6: dragonfly wins, with very soft light blue and pink.
Season 7: blue morpho butterfly.
Season 8: cicada wings with green and the golden-ish color.
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yhs-silly · 5 years
Hang on there buddy #6
Trigger warnings: suicide mentions, self harm, ghost, character death, murder mention
Rowan had them sat in his office as he typed up a record, he spoke quieter then usual- but clearly more angry. "So let me get this straight: you try and hit Grian- who by the way has been struggling with mental illness for quite some time now- because he got angry at you for embarrassing him?" Lord Xelqua nodded, adjusting his icepack as Rowan scowled deeper. "And now you want to report Sam for losing it when jumping to defend his friend?" He raised an eyebrow and shifted in his seat.
Lord Xelqua nodded. "Yes, this heathen assaulted me withou-"
"I think the fuck not." Rowan glared and when Xelqua tried to speak he chuckled. "Oh you don't get to speak, you think you can come in here and mess with my most troubled students? You think you can simply try and hit one of my students? What the hell is wrong with you?" He continued to type. "I will make a report," He rolled his eyes at the Lord's smirk. "But it will be on you: parking your jet on private property, assault on a minor, aggravation of a mentally ill person, neglect and child abuse." He glanced at Sam and Grian with a smile. "You two will be fine, you did nothing wrong. Now get to class maggots!"
Sam grinned and grabbed Gran's hand, trying to drag him but when he realised that the blonde was frozen he simply picked Grian up and ran out. Lady Rustia stared in shock and disgust. "Don't call my son a maggot."
"It's fine, it inspires spite in them- spite is the best motivater." He smiles at her and continues to write up his report. "How are you anyway Mrs? That scream sounded rather panicked and you haven't said a thing yet, something on your mind?"
Prudence sighed. "Well I'm worried about Grian, I know I'm not the best parent, far from it...but I do care, and I know Grian thinks I don't but I just think he'd be happier on his own, you know?" Rowan nodded so Prudence continued. "I'm absolutely appalled that he tried to kill himself and I'm kind of let down that it took me talking down about his uncle for him to confess..."
Rowan raised an eyebrow, not being aware of who Grian was related to. "His uncle?"
"Yes, his uncle Gareth- I believe he used to work in this school?"
Rowan's eyes widened, the little blonde kid that was struggling with depression was the nephew of Gareth. Gareth was Rowan's best friend so the fact that not only had his best friend killed himself but his best friend's nephew had tried to follow hit hard, his breath hitched for a second but he remained professional. "Oh yeah, his grave's out back if you want to pay your respects." He saw Lady Rustia raise an eyebrow and he shrugged. "The kids seem to like it." He realised that this meant that Lady Rustia had been talking down about Gareth but he wasn't going to get angry about that, he was too angry anyway. He stood up as he finished and sent off his report and opened the door. "Now if you'd thank me, I've got work to get on with so if you'd mind..." He nodded to the doorway and the two nobles stood in turn, filing out of the office.
The class was gossiping again, about Grian's parents this time. They'd heard what happened with Sam and were giving Grian sympathetic looks and patting Sam on the back. J had stated how he was surprised that Grian was old money, he didn't act like it at all. Everyone had their own theories on how Grian could be so rich and yet so depressed at the same time.
Grian himself was highly uncomfortable, he didn't want his parents to be here. His father was harsh and judging and his mother could pick up micro emotions like it was obvious, they'd out him to all his friends and make him feel like shit while doing so- and his father would tell him they weren't worth his company anyway. They always disregarded his feelings, treated him like he was just some ornament they could string up whenever they needed someone to see what nice people they were. That was why he'd ran away all those years ago, it'd been to awful when his aunt brought him back to his mother, but of course Grian had forgiven her, she was the only person in this damn family who cared about him. Now there was no one...come to think of it, Gareth had been rather caring towards him, offering to hold his hand on the train because he knew Grian was scared of them, bringing him sweets whenever he visited, staying behind to babysit him when they all went for Grian's mothers birthday. Grian suddenly felt the guilt wash over him again, he wished he hadn't been such a bitter, selfish child- maybe that was why his parents hated him...
After a while, the bell rang for lunch and Grian stumbled downstairs with Taurtis making sure he was ok, Grian wasn't really sure, he'd avoided going to lunch with the rest and had always stayed behind slightly and today he knew why. The smell of all that food, some fresh, sent him reeling, he hadn't eaten proper food in ages, sure he'd had hospital food but he barely touched that- he only ate what he could manage without feeling sick. And now he was being attacked by the scent of fresh food, he couldn't help but feel faint. He was guided to a seat and had to watch as everyone opened their lunch boxes, his stomach growling as he gazed over at all the food.
He hadn't been able to buy anything as they hadn't stopped off at the shop, not that he was going to buy food anyway. He sat down next to Taurtis, pulling at lose threads in his uniform as he tried to ignore how hungry he was. Sam was having none of it, however. He frowned and broke his sandwich in half, putting one half on the table in front of Grian. "Eat, you've been through a lot recently, you need strength."
Grian stared down at the sandwich, guilt rising up in his chest again. "But it's your lunch..?" He didn't want to steal from Sam, the rabbit had been nothing but kind to him. Sam assured him it was fine, that he was giving it to him but one part really stood out to Grian.
"Your my friend and I love you dude, even if you weren't I'd want you to be healthy. Just sallow your pride and understand that we want to help, you're not stealing, you're accepting help."
Grian slowly nodded and bit into the sandwich, the first proper food he'd had in a while. The only hospital food they could get him to eat was mac 'n' cheese for every meal so this soft white bread with salted butter and crisp iceberg lettice made such a difference. Grian would've preferred meat but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, he happily devoured his half of the sandwich, thanking Sam quietly as he sipped on a cup of water from the fountain.
After lunch they went to the changing rooms to get ready for gym and Grian had to face his next big challenge. He was expected to get changed in front of everyone but he didn't want anyone to see his scars when he removed his shirt. He sat on a bench quietly, trying to will himself into getting changed. It was J who finally noticed and went over to him, putting a hand on the blonde's shoulder with a friendly smile. "You know no ones forcing you to take part, I'm sure if you asked Rowan he'd let you sit this one out. Don't worry too much, no one holds it against you."
Grian nodded and let J lead him to Rowan who surprusbgly agreed and let Grian sit this lesson out, handing him a fidget cube to toy with. He did make Grian promise to take part tomorrow, telling him he can change in the toilets. The cube was surprisingly relaxing for Grian, the switch was his favorite, he sat silently clicking it as he watched the rest of the class play volleyball.
Maybe it was sweat, maybe it was Grian's crush or maybe it was the fact they were in Japan but Sam and Taurtis both seemed to sparkle. It was obvious that their team would win, what with Sam inherent advantage when it came to jumping and Taurtis's muscles. Grian would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying the view, he felt something trickle onto his top lip, he wiped at it and came away with blood. He blushed bright red and felt the guilt wash over him once more, he shouldn't be this stupidly attracted to his friends. He forced himself to focus on his fidget cube, almost instantly calming down- utterly distracted.
But when he made eye contact with Taurtis as the taller went to change into regular clothes, the guilt returns and Grian groaned, buying his face in his hands. He looked up to see both Yuki and Chan looking at him, his anxiety rising in his chest. Chan aproached him quietly, muttering that Ellen had told her to tell Grian he was single now, Ellen was going back to pie. Grian nodded slowly, understanding. He did like Ellen but he knew the timing was off and it wasn't fair on them, Grian was surprisingly fine with this.
He sat there for a while, while the others all got dressed, just staring into space. Taurtis would have to dip out if the house viewing early as he had a date with Chan planned for tonight, so Grian wanted to see the most expensive houses first so his friend could see the best of what there was. They'd have to take picyuree to show him but Grian could manage that, he took mean photos. His attention turned back to his figet cube as he saw Okami and Rowan talking out of the corner of his eye. It took about five minutes before Rowan called over. "Hey maggot! You can keep that if you want!"
Grian thanked him as the class began to leave the changing rooms and head home, Sam can over and beamed at the smaller. "Hey G, how you feeling?"
"My parents want to take us on a house viewing." He answered as Taurtis bounced over, he stood up and started towards the exit. He could see his parents waiting just off grounds, his mother had changed into a pale salmon coloured dress and the pearls that adorned her neck were from harods, anyone would think she were going to a dinner party and not a house viewing in the suburbs.
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