#scar removal nyc
topelectrolysisnyc · 7 months
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Microcurrent Facial NYC
The microcurrent facial has become a buzzword in the skincare realm of NYC, where innovation is key. This non-invasive and painless treatment utilizes low-level electrical currents to stimulate facial muscles, resulting in a natural lift and tone. Microcurrent facials in NYC cater to those seeking a rejuvenating and efficient solution in a city that values efficiency and staying ahead of the latest beauty trends. It's a transformative experience for those wanting to unveil a refreshed and radiant complexion amidst the dynamic lifestyle of New York City.
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blacknwhitemood · 6 months
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I've always been interested in the story of Dave's first tattoo, which is no longer visible. He got his first tattoo at the age of 14, done by some old sailor on his left forearm. In a 1985 interview he commented "It was about the parents' names and some flowers around". He got rid of it in 1982, but the tattoo removal did not go smoothly.
As Fletch recalled in a 2006 interview, that was the band's first gig with Alan at the Crocs club in England. Then they immediately flew to the US where they did their first ever show across the sea in NYC. Nothing worked for them, in top of that Dave decided to get his tattoo removed. Then he sang in a concert with bandage of his hand, which didn't look good. For a while, the scar earned him the nickname "Pizza Man".
In the early photos above, you can clearly see the pattern with two red hearts with an arrow, names and green leaves. The next photo shows the fresh scar and that he couldn't put on his left coat sleeves for a while. The next photo shows the healed pink scar in 1983 when they were in Berlin. A year later, in April, in Hamburg, he shows the scar directly, which is still clearly visible. It has never recovered perfectly as 2 more photos shows (1997, 2023).
Edit: +1 early photo fo the scar
(via depeche.cz)
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kayhi808 · 2 years
Kayhi808 Masterlist
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Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) Masterlist
Second Chances - Billy Russo (Completed)
Reader started off as casually dating Billy Russo, but things change once she decides she deserves more.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Second Chance Xmas, Christmas Bill
More Than Our Scars Master List- Billy Russo (Completed)
Billy Russo (Season 2) AU- Billy had a mission to take down Kingpin that went sideways & left him scarred & injured. One night he comes across Reader, who is also a victim of Wilson "Kingpin" Fisk. Together they'll topple New York's biggest crime lord.
Hurry Home - Billy Russo (Completed)
Billy leaves on a mission and returns to a destroyed life
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3
Return Home - Billy Russo
Billy and Reader meet up years later. Can they repair what was once destroyed?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Challenge Accepted - Billy Russo (Completed)
What started off as a long distance, friends with benefits relationship, changes once you move to NYC to advance your career.
Billy Mine Master List - Billy Russo (Completed)
Juliet's loved Billy since she was 3 years old. Life chose different paths for them, but fate brings them back together 20yrs later.
The Assassin- Billy Russo (Completed)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Perfect Match - Masterlist
You are kidnapped by Billy, one of the best assassins in the world because your father double crossed him on a deal. Your grandfather is head of the Luciano crime family & you are determined to supersede you father as the next head of the family, but you need a husband to rule by your side.
What Happens in Vegas...
...Stays in Vegas
Company Party
Part 1 , Part 2
Birthday Pickup - Billy Russo
Valentine's Day - Billy Russo
Gold Rush -Billy Russo
Farmers Market - Billy Russo
Betrayed - Billy Russo
Legends - Billy Russo
Only By 1000% & 1000% Better - Billy Russo
I'll Survive - Billy Russo
Poor Planning - Billy Russo
Pretty - Billy Russo, Pretty 2 , Pretty 3
Collision - Billy Russo
Betrayed 2
Mandy's Sweater Weather Challenge
Krewe of Boo - Bucky Barnes
You Were Never Mine - Billy Russo (Marines)
Rainy Days - Billy Russo
The Darkling's Pet - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
**All moodboard pics for my chapters are taken from Pinterest. Please let me know if I need to remove them**
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manchineel-bean · 7 months
NY hc’s? 👁️👁️
Birthday: Unknown date in 1624 (Uses July 26 as birthday). Formation of New Amsterdam. 400 years old (as of 2024).
Parent: The Dutch Colonial Empire
Human name: Killian Lieven
Human age: approx 28 yrs old
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Demi-boy (he/they)
Description: 5'1. Left eye is blue with gold flakes. Right eye is gold with blue flakes. Slightly curly long hair. Hair is dark reddish brown with hints of lighter brown. Has a few white streaks and white patches in hair caused by poliosis circumscripta. Medium brown (olive) skin patched with white caused by vitiligo. Freckles shaped like mini suns.
Languages: Collects them like pokemon (no official language or recognized language so speaks any spoken in state) Scars/deformities/disorders: Autism. Trouble breathing and shortness of breath. Large scars and burn marks on back caused by the burning of New York City during the American Revolution and wings being removed by the British Empire during British takeover and Martial Law placed on NYC. Amputated left leg caused by machine accident in gilded age. Fingers missing from right hand caused by The Great Blizzard of 1888. Scar on cheek and lip from prohibition/mafia era. Large scar going from top of eyebrow, down to under chin causing right eye to be blind from 9/11. Other minor scars from other incidents
Animal/Unusual attributes: Beaver and Bald eagle features. Beaver tail and webbed foot. Bald eagle feathers on cheek and tail feathers over beaver tail. Used to have bald eagle wings. Sun-like freckles that glow in a golden color due to the flag having a sun on it and the old New York flag being a yellowish color.
Silly facts: Loves to make clothing and just sewing in general (stuffed animals galore). Does graffiti art and sells work to buyers. Has 2 pigeons named Leven (Life in Dutch) and Ziel (Soul). Plays violin and viola. Fucking loves oysters (fun fact: Was called the Big Oyster before the Big Apple because there were huge oysters and oyster beds. People loved them so much oyster shells would pile up everywhere and would be used to make roads). Chef 100 and baker. (DID YOU KNOW THAT THE DUTCH WERE THE FIRST TO INTRODUCE COOKIES TO THE OTHER COLONIES??!?! THAT'S WHY THE DUTCH WORD FOR COOKIE IS ‘Koekje’. SO FUCK CALLING THEM BISCUITS.)
Home state :] I've checked out History of New York Year by Year too many times
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Brigid Kemmer Quote RP Meme
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NYC best selling author who is most famous for her fantasy series-inspired by @multistoty​ and @for-the-king-x​
“Not all scars can be seen, my lady.” 
“I will not take from those who have nothing.” 
“I can appreciate that he wants to do it himself, but I'm kind of done with prideful men” 
“Because despite all outward appearances, I’m not cruel. I don’t delight in pain. I don’t delight in any of this.” 
“When there are calls for revolution, we should be riding at the front, not hiding in the shadows.” 
“Scars mean you survived something terrible.” 
“Unfortunately, the desires of rulers are not always the desires of the people.” 
“She's not the type to swoon for pretty lies.” 
“Never offer blindly, my lady. Not for your family. Not even for yourself.” 
“Do not fault yourself for choices you believed were right in the moment. It is not princely.” 
“I often find comfort in the thought that fate has already drawn a path beyond what seems impossible.” 
“I’m not sure precisely what has changed between us, whether it’s trust or respect or simply the ability to see each other in a different light.” 
“One poor choice shouldn't undo a thousand good ones.” 
“You have an unusual definition of luck."
"Spoken like someone who lives in a castle with an endless supply of food and wine, but calls himself cursed.” 
“True strength is not determined by how brutal you can be,”
“True leadership is not determined by killing those who oppose you.” 
“I could have chosen no one better, my lady. Truly.” 
“He looks like revolution. He looks like compassion. Blue eyes and gentle hands and quick feet and a core of strength and steel.” 
“Fear makes people act in ways we'd never expect.” 
“I'll take anything over days of silence.” 
“Kindness leaves you vulnerable. I learned that lesson years ago.”
“I’m not a killer. I heal people; I don’t harm them.” 
“Our relationship seems to tick forward like the hands of a clock, always changing in relation to each other.” 
“I’ll never be free of this. Of who I am. This will be my life as King’s Justice: the most feared man in the kingdom, and somehow also the most alone.” 
“Have we spent so long seeing each others vulnerabilities that we forgot each others strenghts?” 
“Knowledge should not be greeted with scorn.” 
“There are too many layers here. I thought it was as simple as right or wrong . . . ​but it’s not.” 
“ It is meant as a mark of respect. When you travel with me people will assume you are a lady, a servant, or a whore. would you prefer one of the latter?”
“If I put a crystal goblet in this one's hand, she'd likely smash it and use the shards to cut me.” 
“Reading is not unproductive.” 
“I have heard every manner of scream without flinching. I have listened to promises and threats and curses and lies—and occasionally, the truth. I have never hesitated in doing what needs to be done.” 
“I´d like to kiss you,"
You are not a weapon,”
“She trusts me. I trust her. This feels more monumental than love. More precious. More earned. I keep my hands to myself.” 
And acting like a prince generally means acting like an arrogant know-it-all, so you shouldn’t have any trouble at all.”
“He has this uncanny ability to make his words a veiled threat and a whispered promise at the same time.” 
“Whoa. I have no idea what I expected him to do, but that's even better.”
"Choices are never easy. There are good and bad options, but the most dangerous is to not make any choice at all.”
“Today, guilt is a thorn I cannot remove.” 
“Right now, in this moment, I would grant her my kingdom if she asked.” 
“When I was young and I’d wake with nightmares, my mother always used to say, All you have to do is think of me, and I’ll appear in your dreams. I’ll help you chase the nightmares away.” 
“They're being such idiots. They should have just talked to each other.” 
“Have you not figured it out yet? The curse torments us all.” 
“A spark of rebellion is all it takes to defy the night.” 
"That monster killed them all.” 
“You are merciful and kind. But kindness and mercy always find their limit, beyond which they turn to weakness and fear.” 
“You said that not every problem can be solved by the end of a sword. I have carried those words with me for days... Since you made me realize that I am no longer a weapon to be wielded by another.” 
“I’m not going to fall in love with you,” 
“I know trust is not something you win once, but is instead something you must earn over and over again.” 
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” 
“I keep hoping for peace. I keep longing for empathy. I keep expecting people to act as I would.” 
"Have mercy, my lady. I know your soldiers are said to enjoy tearing men limb from limb, but----"
“There was something about knowing how long you have to suffer that was better than just waiting.” 
“I think that very few people truly deserve what they get.”
“I’m confident in my strengths, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about my weaknesses.” 
“I was born this way and I'm going to die this way, so teach me to work around it.” 
“While your weakness may be a disadvantage in some ways, it is an advantage in others. One I think you could use to your benefit.” 
“Mind your mettle”
“To whom it may concern: I’m not involved.”
“Ah yes, the most dangerous person at the party is always the girl sitting alone with a book.” 
“It is not weakness to wish for peace.” 
“When a man no longer deserves your loyalty, it is not a failing of yours” 
“It [is] possible to be strong and yielding at the same time.” 
“I haven't gotten in a fight yet this year!
It is not the moment of passing that is most important. It is all the moments that come before.” 
“Failure isn’t absolute.” 
“If you can't fix what went wrong, then fix what you can make right.” 
“One day isn't your whole life. A day is just a day.” 
“The choices we face may not be the choices we want, but they are choices nonetheless.” 
“You make your own path.”
"Yield to yourself. Yield to forgiveness. Yield to happiness. Yield to this moment. It's not hers. It's yours. It's mine. It's ours.” 
"Because that is all that exists at the end of this path. I am sure of it. This was never a curse to be broken. This is a death sentence. The true curse has been the thought that we might find escape.” 
“Fury and fascination wage war in my thoughts.” 
I want so desperately to turn it into more, to see where this blossoming attraction will lead.” 
“I didn’t realize it was possible to be strong and yielding at the same time.” 
“I hope she does come here. I hope she comes to this room. Because I don’t care what I have to do. I’m going to end her.” 
“I am crying because you are a prince,'and I..'I am not a princess.” 
“This early in the season, the other girls would sit by the hearth and gaze at me over crystal goblets, while I’d pour wine and tell stories with just enough devilishness to make them blush. If I put a crystal goblet in this one’s hand, she’d likely smash it and use the shards to cut me.” 
“Girls are more likely to stay if you don’t fight with them.” 
“Failure isn't absolute, just because you couldn't save everyone doesn't mean you didn't save anyone.”
“Words spoken in the dark in the middle of the night always feel so much heavier than they would at any other time.” 
“I think I’m going to need you to run that by me again.”
“I am always surprised to discover that when the world seems darkest, there exists the greatest opportunity for light.”
“Choices are never easy. There are good and bad options, but the most dangerous is to not make any choice at all.” 
“...while ruthlessness may have its place, I believe your brand of strength would garner greater loyalty. That is what makes you dangerous. Not because you would ride in with a blade and take control, but because you could quietly sit in this chair, in the dark, with your book...and you could determine the best way to achieve what needs to be done.” 
Do you want to hit me back? You can."
“He stalked across the room like he wanted to wage war, but he kisses me like I'm the most delicate thing in the castle.” 
“My left leg is clumsy and about to give way, but I mentally threaten to cut it off if it doesn't get me out of here. It listens.” 
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
so the turtle fam growing up in nyc has probably definitely never seen the stars right? right. while i was thinking about this little tidbit of information, obviously usagi showing leo the stars while in usagis world crossed my mind, but i had a different idea. what if the stars represent leo healing from the trauma of the kraang. hear me out, this is a long one.
so before the kraang, leo never saw the stars, because other than the shredder, there wasn’t really a huge traumatic event he had to heal from. after the kraang(im going off what happens in ur fic btw) he goes straight to usagis world, where he is bedridden. usagis world is nothing like nyc, and there’s no light pollution, so the stars would be very present. so for the first few months after the kraang, the stars where there, but leo couldn’t go out and see them. im thinking this represents that leo could heal from the trauma, or at least start healing, but he’s being held back. by what you ask? his brothers aren’t there.
once leo goes back home, he can’t see the stars, because nyc light pollution and all that jazz. so now he’s in a position where he can’t heal because once again he’s being held back. by what this time? usagi isn’t there. usagi was the one person by his side every single day since the invasion. he’s been nothing but supportive and loving, and now the one person who’s probably seen him cry more than his own family has, he’s been separated from. without both usagi and his family, leo can’t fully heal.
how does this end? idfk i’m just spitballing. let me know what you think lol
My friend. I love this
I always love symbolism and the fact that the stars themselves symbolize Leo’s journey is so good.
Your right he did so much healing at the Tenshu. Not just from the Krang but also just a lot of personal healing. Usagi has seen him cry more that anyone and is probably the person he is most vulnerable with. He had done so much growing and healing with Usagi by his side.
I tried really hard to make Usagi caring and understanding. He’s not perfect but he does love and respect Leo. He might not perfectly understand what he went through with the Krang but he is there for Leo.
Go back to New York with out his is Botha triumph and the biggest set back. Leo can heal with his family but he is also set back in his healing.
Where his family has had to face the city they saved and heal there. Leo has been healing while removed from both them and the city. Its why we are seeing way more flash backs in the new book. He is directly confronting his trauma. He is confronting his issues with Raph, the family, and the city itself. He is now surrounded by things that can trigger and flashback or panic attack.
At the Tenshu he could heal from the physical and mental scars as they came. Now though all that progress has been shoved back as he has to confront his trauma directly.
And he doesn’t have Usagi.
Usagi who was and is his rock. Who is always there to provide support or distraction. Who knows how to draw Leo out of his panic and sadness. Leo is navigating on his own. His family is trying to help. But they’ve been confronting everything head on from the beginning. They are mounted ahead of him in terms of facing each other.
Yet they are also so broken as they are now terrified of losing him again.
All their healing has been changed. Not a bad thing but challenges come with life, with healing and they are facing that.
Once Leo has both his family and Usagi it will be easier as he will have his full support network. It’s not going to be perfect but he’ll be able to start to see the stars as you say.
You hit the nail on the head in terms of Leo’s healing and you tied it up with a nice little symbolism as well. My hat is off to you.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A New York City college student was sentenced to one year behind bars by the United Arab Emirates for allegedly “assaulting and insulting” an airport security guard during a flight connection in Dubai over the summer, according to reports.
Elizabeth Polanco De Los Santos, 21, a student at Lehman College in the Bronx, was handed her sentence Monday after spending nearly three months effectively trapped in Dubai with a travel ban issued against her, according to the advocacy group Detained in Dubai.
“Elizabeth only intended to transit through Dubai for six hours but she’s been there for months on end and has lost $50,000 in expenses and lawyers costs,” said Detained in Dubai founder Radha Stirling.
“On top of being humiliated and traumatized by airport staff, Elizabeth has suffered months of being forced to stay in an expensive country, pay expensive lawyers and miss out on her university studies.”
Los Santos’ ordeal began on July 14, as she and a friend were heading home to New York from a vacation in Istanbul.
Their initial itinerary had them connecting home through Paris, but they changed the flight to transfer in Dubai so they could see the famous city during a 10-hour layover.
“We thought it would be a more modern and futuristic city but we were completely wrong,” Los Santos said, according to Detained in Dubai.
While passing through security, Dubai airport staff requested that Los Santos remove a waist compressor she was required to wear after a recent surgery.
Shown to a private booth, female staff members removed the compressor, but Los Santos’ mother told Detained in Dubai they were rough and hurt her daughter’s still-healing surgery scars.
They also laughed at her, and when she asked for help to put the complicated garment back on, they refused.
“I was feeling uncomfortable and afraid. I felt really violated,” Los Santos said.
The compressor had “many, many pins and you need to stretch the edges and clip small, skinny pins together close to the body,” she said, and as staff continued to ignore her pleas for help, Los Santos leaned past a security guard blocking her way and called out for her friend to come and help her.
“I gently touched her arm to guide her out of the way, then desperately started crying to my friend for help,” she told Detained in Dubai.
Los Santos was then detained in a room for hours as the security guard she touched filed a complaint against her, and wasn’t allowed to leave until she signed a form written in Arabic.
When she returned to the airport later to catch her flight to New York, she was informed of the travel ban filed against her and was forced to remain in the country until the charges against her were heard in court.
After she had to stay in hotels for weeks, a judge allowed her to pay 10,000 AED (about $2,700 US) and be on her way, but Dubai prosecutors appealed the ruling and she was finally sentenced to a year in prison Monday.
“She is under the most incredible stress which is impacting her physical and mental health, disrupting her entire life and scarring her long-term,” said Stirling. “This is simply no way to treat visitors. It’s outrageous.”
The US State Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment from The Post, but told Newsweek in a statement Sunday they are “aware of the detention of a U.S. citizen in Dubai.”
Lehman College did not respond to requests for comment on Los Santos’ status as a student.
Los Santos is not the only American to recently find themselves trapped in Dubai under outrageous circumstances.
Back in August, 29-year-old Tierra Young Allen returned to her home in Houston after spending months trapped in the country for yelling at a rental car clerk.
She was finally allowed to go home after forking over about $1,300 to lift a travel ban against her.
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strideofpride · 1 year
something i’ve been mulling over a bit lately - logistics of the show aside, how do you think gossip girl’s plot in season five might have diverged if serena’s move to LA over the summer had become a permanent thing? assuming she was able to keep her summer job/work on a different set in the same general role, how much do you think that might have changed the trajectory of her character and her relationships?
Okay, well first I'm gonna be gross and promote my own fic goodbye stranger cause that is pretty similar (except she leaves at the end of season 5 instead of the beginning)
But okay, yeah...I have gone on record many a time that I think permanently leaving NYC would have been really really great for Serena. I think getting away from the drama would have improved her life in pretty much every way, the only relationship I think would suffer in this specific case is Blair, because Serena leaving right as Blair is engaged and pregnant would be very, very rough for Blair and I think she def would be a little salty about it. Especially considering Blair is still scarred from when Serena left pre-series.
On the flip side, I think Serena being gone when Inside comes out would remove some of the sting a little bit and I don't think her and Dan's relationship would've soured in the same way. I also think her being settled in a new city would make her more sure of herself and she wouldn't take Dan's critique of her to heart in nearly the same way.
I also think Serena not being there and redeveloping feelings for Dan means Dair probably happens sooner, especially after the miscarriage and everything with Chuck & Louis completely collapsing.
Serena being gone means no time at the Spectator or Gossip!Serena, which means no evil!Serena arc which great! I do still like to think she finds writing some other way though.
So much of Serena's arc that season is in relation to Dan and Blair, the only other big change I think would happen is no Ivy cause Serena never brings her back from LA.
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barbwalters76rev · 2 years
TMNT AU Idea the Foot Clan
What if the turtle bois weren't raised by Splinter but rather raised by Shredder/Oruku Saki. I'm still thinking about how they got kidnapped and where it goes from there but to quickly say they are indoctrinated into believing the foot clan's ideals and beliefs to bring New York under their heel.
The Foot Turtles
Foot Leonardo: He's the faithful servant that doesn't know how to think for himself, like he believes fully that his master is everything there is and puts nothing else in his eyes, he is also rash even if skilled, he tries to act calm and collected but he has a really short fuse whenever someone or one of his brothers talks badly about Shredder or Karai he would have them put them in their place, he is a mix of both 03 and Rise, Leo is pretty ominous when fighting him he acts like a ghost as he turns invisible to make you question where the pitch or tone of his voice is coming from til he has you in his hands before you could beat him, Leo takes the role of an assassin religiously Leo kills his targets quick so they wouldn't suffer. he's in charge of his brothers despite being fully close to them he spends his time as a teacher in the foot ranks, he spend his time assuming the role of Shredders personal Ninja learning from both Kunoichi and Shinobi honing their skills and lessons ever since the older ones taught the blue turtle at a young age, the Blue Turtle believes he is helping the world saving the people from themselves. Leo is the Ghost of the urban jungle.
(Leo's appearence)
The eldest turtle is a red ear slider turtle adding more red patterns to connect from his face to his arms and legs almost like the phases of the moon,he has brown and green hazel eyes and his armor is a mix of both a Samurai and a Ninja, his bandana is a dark blue with ocean patterns behind it, scars are etched into his biceps and legs for the hard enduring training from the Kunoichi and Shinobi foot member's, he has a sash wrapped in his chest proudly wearing the foot colors and their symbol stamped on his armor pauldrons
Foot Raphael: He's the rash brat with a violent temper and aggressive attitude with how he was picked on or mocked at as a mutant turtle, he thinks he's the strongest one amongst the foot clan is, he is somewhat arrogant because of his harsh training with Oruku, Shredder has put the red banded turtle through hell and torture training Raph physically and mentally with a blend of manipulation. The big guy believes what Saki did to him is the right thing to him, Raph has a sense of superiority due to being chosen by Oruku with a baggage of the need of validation from his master to have the Mantle of his title was indeed an honor to Raphael, if something happens to Oruku than the red turtle would become the next Shredder, he would never let his brothers hear the end of it, if they got cocky about their abilities or how they think they'll beat him. Raph is a aggressive fighter that uses you're expectations of him and exploits that to his advantage to purposefully miss his attacks til you lose, the big red turtle is quick and finishes his target. Raph has the most compassion when giving his trust and believing that shredder is counting on him, his sense of validation is ever present to show he can be a better son and a hero of NYC he's a mix blend of 2k12 and Rise Raph
(Raphael's appearance)
Raphael is an alligator snapping turtle with ocean blue eyes, spikes on his shell, sharp nails and spikes on his skin, but most of it has to be filed down or completely removed, Raph has armor that is both armored and cloth covered giving that he is an apprentice of Oruku becoming the next Shredder, his red bandana covered half of his face while wearing a whole face mask leaving his eyes exposed that have black and red eyeshadow to blend with his mask which has kanji written behind, along with the foot clan symbol on top of his mask,
Foot Donatello: Donnie is a practical thinker, he believes fighting is useless and so he makes the best and most efficient choices to keep one from happening he's more focus on surveying his brothers and keeping them out of trouble trying not to care but still does. Donnie won't hesitate to prevent his brothers from fighting because of some occasions they would fight each other for Shredders attention, but the purple turtle at times has to commit acts of violence or assassination like his brothers when Shredder demands it and Donnie has to begrudgingly accept while being empathetic in taking out his target. Donnie has a moral compass that makes him question if what he and his brothers are doing the right thing and this dilemma is ever growing onto him, being Shredders covert spy says a lot about how the foot spies depend on Don to give and process crucial information to expose the foots enemies. He's a mix of Rise and IDW Donnie
(Donnatello's appearance)
Donnie is a spotted turtle painting his shell in purple dots shaping it into a purple dragon, his eye color is honey gold colored and he wears a long sleeve jacket with a bandana that covers his head with the dragon pattern from behind, fishnet top and leggings, both covered in leather and black wraps along with a strapped chest belt with the foot insignia. With a wrist com that acts as his mini computer and a wrist phone to call his brothers
Foot Michelangelo: out of all of the brothers Mikey is the most violent turtle trained to become Shredders personal weapon of war who is to believe he relishes in his passion for violence, he's the rebel out of the group and would sometimes talk back at Shredder or Karai, he would learn his lesson when he loses or is beaten down by Oruku, Mike has emotions but he simply cares about himself too much about himself and his own feelings than everyone else's. He knows he's good at his job and would gladly boast and revel in it, the orange turtle holds a lot of this pain and expresses it through fighting and taking out his target's and people would rather have anyone else to take them out than Mikey because he'll have you afraid before lights out he likes to him tunes and make them louder when he's getting closer, Mikey is very cynical and makes dark jokes to mask how much he despises how his life is and how he really hates yet loves the Shredder since he's the closest father figure the orange turtle ever knew. He's a hybrid of Rise, Last Ronin and 2k12 Mikey
(Michelangelo's appearance)
Mikey's a box turtle with golden dark yellow circles on his shell, he wears more punk styled clothes to feel like he's a punk, blue dark jeans with spike, a black hoodie with a leather harness with a black headband with flame edges at the back, underneath his black hoodie a black shirt with the foot ninja symbol, and a tongue piercing he won after defeating 80 clan members without letting them take off his bandana.
What do you think? Hope you like it guys and feel free to comment stay safe everyone!
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Have unsightly spider or varicose veins got you down? Don’t worry, you have options! But a common concern is: Do veins grow back after removal?
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diamondintherioux · 4 months
Future procedures:
Invisalign✅: got 6 weeks of trays May 7. I change them out every 10 days. I’m on week 2. It’s crazy how much my teeth have already changed. Plus the extra brushing has gotten my teeth intensely white.
Laser hair removal (legs, Brazilian, pits): still doing research on lasers but will probably make an appointment in June
Eyebrow transplant: found a place in nyc and Florida, will probably do this in the late fall early winter. I was gonna do Beverly Hills but idk if I really want to make another trip out there. LA is not my favorite place.
Bbl laser: winter but I want this done by either a dermatologist or at a plastic surgery office. No medspa
Lip injections: by a doctor probably in October
Thigh, knee, ankle lipo: I know it sounds like I’ve gotten addicted to plastic surgery but tbh my legs have always been a point of contention for me. Genetically I am predisposed to having heavy legs. My upper body is very waif like but my legs are just heavy, thick, and don’t match me anymore. It’s hard to find a specialist that does good legs. Where the scars are hidden. It’s very easy for legs to develop bumps and cellulite. I’m looking at lymphedema surgeons because they work on legs everyday. I found one in Florida but that’s a surgery I want to do in the dead of winter. I still have to make consultations before I make a real decision.
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topelectrolysisnyc · 4 months
Exploring Laser Scar Removal in NYC: What to Expect, and Where to Go
Are you considering laser scar removal in NYC to improve your skin's appearance, and boost your confidence? Join our discussion to learn everything you need to know about this popular cosmetic procedure. We'll cover the basics of how laser scar removal works, the types of scars it can treat, and what you can expect during, and after the procedure.
NYC is home to some of the best dermatologists, and cosmetic clinics in the world, offering advanced laser technologies for scar removal. Share your experiences, ask questions, and get recommendations for the top clinics, and practitioners in the city. Whether you have acne scars, surgical scars, or other types of skin imperfections, this is the perfect place to gather information, and support as you explore your treatment options.
Let's discuss the benefits, risks, and costs associated with laser scar removal in NYC, and help each other achieve smoother, clearer skin!
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leparlournyc · 9 months
Experience Radiant Beauty at Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa
In the bustling heart of New York City, amidst the glamour and style, lies a haven of beauty and rejuvenation – Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa. Nestled in the vibrant cityscape, this luxurious spa is a sanctuary for those seeking the latest advancements in skincare and wellness. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for enhancing natural beauty, Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa has become a go-to destination for individuals looking to indulge in top-tier laser treatments and spa services.
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At the forefront of their offerings is their state-of-the-art laser technology, designed to address a myriad of skincare concerns. Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing personalized treatments tailored to each client's unique needs. The spa's commitment to quality is evident in its investment in cutting-edge laser equipment that ensures optimal results with minimal discomfort.
One of the signature treatments at Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa is their laser hair removal service. Utilizing advanced laser systems, the spa offers a virtually painless and highly effective solution for achieving smooth, hair-free skin. Whether it's unwanted facial hair, underarm hair, or bothersome leg hair, their expert technicians can customize a treatment plan to suit any skin type and tone.
Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa goes beyond traditional laser hair removal with a comprehensive range of skincare services. Their laser skin rejuvenation treatments are designed to address common concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage. By stimulating collagen production and promoting cell turnover, these treatments leave the skin looking refreshed, youthful, and radiant.
For those battling persistent acne or acne scars, Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa offers targeted laser treatments to minimize blemishes and restore a clear complexion. The spa's commitment to staying at the forefront of skincare technology ensures that clients receive the most effective and advanced solutions available.
In addition to their laser services, Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa offers a diverse menu of traditional spa treatments. From relaxing facials to therapeutic massages, clients can indulge in a full spectrum of pampering experiences that cater to both the body and mind. The spa's serene ambiance and attentive staff create an atmosphere of tranquility, allowing clients to escape the demands of daily life and immerse themselves in a world of luxury and relaxation.
What sets Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa apart is not only its commitment to delivering exceptional results but also its emphasis on client education. The spa's knowledgeable staff takes the time to educate clients about the benefits and nuances of each treatment, empowering them to make informed decisions about their skincare journey.
Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa's dedication to excellence extends to its emphasis on safety and hygiene. The spa adheres to the highest industry standards, ensuring that all equipment is meticulously sanitized, and treatments are administered with precision and care.
In conclusion, Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa is a beacon of beauty and wellness in the heart of New York City. With its cutting-edge laser technology, personalized approach, and commitment to client satisfaction, the spa has become a destination of choice for those seeking transformative skincare experiences. Indulge in the epitome of luxury and rejuvenation at Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa, where beauty meets innovation for a truly radiant experience.
For more info:-
Le Parlour NYC Laser Spa
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drjenniferlevineus · 9 months
8 Ways the Emface Face Lift Differs from a Traditional Face Lift
In the ever-evolving world of aesthetic enhancements, patients are always looking for new and effective methods of facial rejuvenation. And with so many different options out there, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly which one is right for you. While a lot of traditional plastic surgeons will often recommend sticking to the basics and tried and true techniques like traditional face lifts, or other surgical procedures like buccal fat removal – the fact is that not everybody is ready for surgery and a good portion of men and women simply don’t need it. Considered by her patients to be NYC’s best facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jennifer Levine is a strong believer in the fact that often, less can really be more! While others might do their best to convince patients they should opt for more invasive techniques and surgery, and while some of them have their reasons and a lot of patients would truly benefit from a facelift or a neck lift – when done right, non-invasive techniques like the Emface Face Lift have truly taken the aesthetics world by storm. And thanks to Dr. Levine and her team, the Emface Face Lift, is being seen as an amazing facial rejuvenation method and a true form alternative to a surgical facelift. This innovative approach challenges the conventions of plastic surgery, promising solid results, without any downtime or complications. In this article, we will explore how the Emface Face Lift has become a true competitor for its surgical counterpart.
Non-Invasive Means No Downtime!
With the Emface Face Lift, the biggest hook for patients has got to be the fact that it’s non-invasive and you avoid unwanted downtime and a long recovery period. A traditional facelift is one of the most popular facial rejuvenation methods of all time, and for good reason – when you have someone like Dr. Levine at the helm, you’re going to love your results – there’s a reason she’s known as the best facial plastic surgeon NYC has to offer. But, there’s no way around the incisions, and the potential for scarring – it is surgery after all. No matter how well it's performed, complications are possible. With Emface, the patented HiFem Radiofrequency treatment waves tighten and lift the skin without the need for incisions. The fact is for patients who are fighting light or moderate signs of aging, the tradeoff for 0 downtime is hard to beat.
Anesthesia and Recovery Time
Traditional facelifts typically require general anesthesia, leading to extended recovery periods and potential postoperative issues. Whereas, the Emface Face Lift can be performed with local anesthesia or even without any anesthesia at all. A lot of patients are against anesthesia these days, and this is an effective method for them to avoid it if they can.
Precision and Customization
The Emface Face Lift distinguishes itself through its highly precise results and versatility. A surgical facelift uses the same method it has for years, and Dr. Levine certainly puts her own spin on things, it won’t offer the cutting-edge technology of Emface. No matter what, the tech allows Emface to be tailored to your every facial feature – this can offer more natural results in many cases.
Collagen Stimulation
One of the key benefits of the Emface Face Lift is that it stimulates collagen production. Collagen, a crucial protein for skin elasticity, degrades with age – causing sagging and wrinkles. Unlike traditional facelifts that reposition facial tissue, Emface encourages the production of collagen. Making for a short-term lift and long-term skin rejuvenation, meaning your results will get better after.
More Treatment Areas
While traditional face lifts focus on the lower face and neck, Emface can target the forehead, brows, cheeks, neck and more. Emface's technology allows you to treat other issues. This flexibility ensures that individuals can address their unique aging concerns without undergoing multiple procedures or sacrificing natural facial expressions.
Reduced Risk of Complications
Emface is non-invasive, therefore it has less complications than a surgical facial rejuvenation method. The chances of infection, scarring, and side effects are minimized. It's simple as having surgery is less safe than not.
Traditional face lifts can be financially burdensome, considering the costs associated with surgery, anesthesia, and postoperative care. Emface Face Lift, being a non-surgical procedure with minimal recovery requirements, tends to be more cost-effective. The reduced need for hospitalization, anesthesia, and extended downtime contributes to a more accessible option for individuals seeking facial rejuvenation without breaking the bank.
Longevity and Maintenance
While both traditional and Emface Face Lifts provide noticeable results, the longevity and maintenance requirements differ. Traditional facelifts may require touch-up surgeries over the years as aging continues to affect the face. In contrast, Emface's collagen-stimulating effects contribute to prolonged results, and maintenance sessions are generally less invasive and time-consuming. This makes Emface an attractive option for those looking for a long-term solution with fewer repeat procedures.
The Emface Face Lift has truly become a formidable alternative to the traditional facelift, and while both are effective and will continue to have their place in the world of aesthetic enhancement – for patients with less substantial signs of aging and superficial wrinkles, the Emface Face Lift is an amazing option and Dr. Levine is excited to help expand its reach across NYC and beyond.
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newcastleskinmedical · 11 months
Skin Medical Centre
Skin medical centre provides NHS treatment for patients with a variety of different skin conditions. Patients must be referred by their GP to access our services.
Before your appointment, keep a symptom diary and bring photos of any problems you wish to discuss with the dermatologist. It’s also a good idea to bring any medications or supplements you take, including over-the-counter products.
Acne Treatments
Acne is the most common skin medical centre condition affecting almost everyone at some point in their lives. It is characterized by pimples, lumps, cysts, blackheads and whiteheads that appear on the face, neck, shoulders, back or chest. It is usually caused by clogged pores that are blocked by dead skin cells, hair and oil.
Treatments include topical creams that are applied directly to the skin, such as retinoids that contain vitamin A and keep pores clear by decreasing oil buildup and antibiotic creams that reduce bacteria. Your dermatologist may also recommend a combination of these treatments to reduce breakouts and prevent future breakouts.
Other treatment modalities for acne scarring include chemical peels that improve dark spots and microneedling, laser resurfacing and radiofrequency treatments to soften acne scars. Noninvasive body contouring procedures may also be recommended to minimize dimpling, stretch marks, cellulite and excess body fat. Your dermatologist will assess your condition and determine the best treatment for you.
Skin Cancer Treatments
Skin cancer is a serious disease, but it’s one of the most treatable types. Early detection, when a suspicious mole or other skin change appears, is the best way to prevent it from spreading. Regular check-ups are also important.
When melanoma is caught in the very early stages, before it spreads, it’s almost always curable. This is true for nonmelanoma skin cancers (basal and squamous cell carcinomas) as well.
We offer a variety of treatments for both melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers, including surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy uses highpowered X-rays to kill cancer cells, and it can be used to treat areas of skin cancer that can’t be removed surgically. Chemotherapy involves drugs that kill cancer cells and prevent them from growing, and it can be used in combination with surgery or radiation. Other treatments include cryosurgery, in which your doctor freezes the growth with liquid nitrogen; photodynamic therapy, in which a solution is activated by blue-spectrum light to destroy cancer cells; and biological therapy, which uses your body’s own immune system to fight cancer cells.
Scar Treatments
Scars are your skin's way of repairing wounds, but they can be unsightly. They can also be painful or itchy. NYC dermatologists have many treatments for scars. These include steroid injections to soften the appearance of discolorations and surface irregularities, such as pitted scars and atrophic scarring (indented scars).
Your skin is your body's largest organ. It protects you from heat, cold and germs and is a good indicator of your overall health. It can also indicate internal problems like disease or organ failure.
Acne scars, scars from surgery, C-sections and other medical procedures, stretch marks and even birthmarks can be improved by laser treatments like dermabrasion and non-ablative lasers. Your scar's size, depth and type will determine how much of an improvement can be made in its appearance.
Body Contouring
Surgical body contouring procedures remove excess fat and tighten loose newcastle skin medical centre in the arms, abdomen, hips, and thighs. This is typically recommended following significant weight loss or after pregnancy and can help fine-tune the new shape of your body. The most common procedure is liposuction which involves removal of targeted pockets of fat from the body using anesthesia. Other surgical options include abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), brachioplasty (arm lift), and buttocks lift.
Noninvasive body contouring treatments like CoolSculpting, EMSCULPT, and Kybella are quickly becoming more popular as patients seek ways to improve their body shape without the risk or downtime of surgery. During your private consultation with Dr. Green at her luxurious Manhattan office, she can recommend the best cosmetic body sculpting treatment for your needs and explain the cost. Contact the practice today to book your appointment.
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Acne Scarring Treatment Dermatologist
Acne scarring treatment dermatologist is the only way to eliminate or substantially reduce indentations left behind by severe acne, especially when it occurs on the face. Acne scars can be embarrassing and psychologically distressing, but with modern cosmetic procedures such as laser therapy and dermal filler injections, they can be greatly reduced in just a few in-office treatments. Board-certified dermatologist Michele Green has been using the most advanced methods of cosmetic dermatology for more than two and a half decades to successfully flatten scars for her patients with all skin types and colors.
A dermatologist can provide a wide range of non-invasive cosmetic procedures to treat a variety of acne scars, including dermabrasion, chemical peels, and microneedling with PRP. The best results, however, are achieved through expertly-performed laser and dermal filler injections performed by a board-certified dermatologist. Aside from improving the appearance of the scars, these treatments can also promote skin healing and restore collagen levels for a more youthful look.
Depending on the severity of the scars, surgical treatments can also be used to make them less noticeable. For example, subcision is a minor surgery that lifts up the scar tissue to make it less obvious while punch excision can remove the entire scar and replace it with grafts of healthy skin.
In many cases, acne scars can be prevented with the proper skin care routine and regular use of a topical retinoid. Medications such as tretinoin (Retin-A) or adapalene (Differin) have been proven to prevent acne scarring and may even improve the appearance of existing scars. They are often prescribed by dermatologists as part of an acne treatment regimen for adolescents and those with mild to moderate acne, as they have been shown to significantly reduce breakouts and minimize blemishes in addition to smoothing the skin tone.
The type of acne scar you have determines the treatment that is best for you. Papules are pink to red bumps that are typically not painful, while pustules are painful and filled with pus. Nodules are larger and usually contain cysts which can be very difficult to heal. Acne scarring is most common on the cheeks, nose, and chin.
Acne Scarring Treatment Dermatologist
Although a few acne scars might fade over time, some will not, and they can cause serious emotional distress for patients. While over-the-counter medications and home remedies can sometimes help reduce the appearance of these scars, it is always recommended that you visit a board-certified dermatologist for these and other acne-related issues, as they are highly skilled in the latest treatments available to patients. Visiting an experienced dermatologist, like Michele Green in NYC, can ensure that you receive the best possible care for your acne and its scars so that you have smooth, clear, healthy skin that lasts. This is an investment in your overall health, so be sure to ask any questions and voice any concerns you may have. With the right treatment plan, you can achieve the smooth skin that you have always wanted.
Our Acne Doctor Australia doctors can prescribe medications your family doctor (GP) can’t prescribe. These special medications are the most effective in clearing stubborn acne. Talk to your GP first before making your appointment with us. Ask them for a referral to Acne Doctors at Teledermatologist.
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