creature-wizard · 1 year
If I may say something — I was one of the people who were abused by scarletarosa and melias-cimitiere; I had an account both here and on Discord in which I tried to talk to my experiences, but I was so afraid of the two of them I deleted everything. I am not comfortable sharing any form of identity, but since their stuff is being called out again, I wish to say some things. He IS a pedophile. I will NEVER forget the guilt-tripping he did to me when I said I didn't feel comfortable pursuing a relationship with him, the kind of things he insinuated, too.
I do believe that scarletarosa was also a victim in some regards, because he manipulated her into believing the very same thing she does to others now: that they are family, no-one else will understand, and that they must beware of everyone except for him. She does have an intense history with religious trauma, and at first, when I met her, she wasn’t at ALL like she is nowadays. When they started to talk more, everything she said was first confirmed by him, and then passed on to others (including myself). It does NOT excuse any of the horrible things she's done to me and others, but I do believe that the more hidden one, Melias, should also have a GREAT warning about him. She is the one who spreads, but it is he who makes the beliefs.
They are both people who are capable of saying the most awful, disgusting things I ever saw in my life. They tried to make me cut bonds with all of my family and friends. They tried to make me MOVE AWAY from my COUNTRY so I would live fully under their grasp. I couldn't practice any form of witchcraft or spirituality for two years, nor be in contact with Tumblr, nor do anything remotely associated with them because I was triggered. I couldn’t even have my own personality, because it wasn’t the one they wanted me to have. Even a silly thing such as a favourite colour was a reason for backlash (I do love red, sorry, Lilian, to your “energy”, “spirit” or whatever).
Away from them, I was able to find myself, healing and happiness. So if anyone else has been through something like this, be with them or someone else: it was never your fault, and you can recover from it. I hope that sharing my story will help, as hearing others has also helped me. Stay safe, everyone, and be well ❤️
Thanks for sharing your story, anon.
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I am not sure if this is helpful or needed but as I used to be associated with scarlet and melias, I know a couple of blogs that subscribe to their beliefs.
@/ sugaglos (makes art inspired by scarlet's posts, also posts abt lilith) @/ thalis-karatzas (is someone who works with them and provides spiritual services alongside them) @/ warriorangel36 (literally their pinned is a masterpost of scarlets posts. that being said, after double-checking, it seems they have hidden themselves from search results) @/ yharnam-moon @/ belial-always-wins @/ adrianna-gemini (dormant since may 2022)
Really thank you for your message, it can help spread awareness. It is helpful and needed. Since I don't know who are you and I had that option, I checked myself, and you are right. To my followers and others (if you don't know what's the matter, scarletarosa and melias are basically running a cult):
- I recognize sugaglos, they are indeed clearly associated with scarletarosa and melias.
- thalis-karatzas - all the most recent posts are reblogs from melias, scarletarosa, and sugaglos
- warriorangel36 - I cannot find them too, either removed from search or blocked me. So I cannot say anything.
- yharnam-moon - initially one may not see it among the social and political posts but there are several reblogs from scarletarosa.
- belial-always-wins - pinned post is the Serpents of Antiquity promo, all the most recent posts are reblog from scarletarosa and melias
- adrianna-gemini - either hidden from search or blocked me.
(checked 13.04.2013)
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taking-thyme · 11 months
🌅 Lucifer Deity Guide 🌅
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Note: This is inspired by both my own experiences with Lucifer and the information I read on @scarletarosa's blog and her devotional guide to him. Please go read that one too!!
The divine rebel, Lucifer is the light of truth and divine wisdom; an ancient light which shines through the darkness, representing illumination. He is the driving force of innovation, liberation and transformation. According to Scarletarosa, who actively works with Lucifer and was told this by him, he was the first-born god of the Universe created by the supreme deity, the Source. He is so incredibly ancient and beautiful. Lilith was created to be his counterpart, the Queen of Heaven. However, Jehovah took the throne of heaven from Lucifer and cast him and his followers into hell. Most of them lost their connection to heaven and their energy became dark and intense. Jehovah claimed the throne of heaven and set himself up as the one true god, manipulating humans into betraying their original deities. Thus, Lucifer became the King of Hell and has been scorned by Christians for millenia. 
God of: Illumination, Light, Darkness, Change, Rebirth, Challenges, Innovation, Logic, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, Strategy, Persuasion, Revolution, Luxury, Pleasure, Freedom, The Arts and The Morning Star (“Morning Star” is another name for the planet Venus)
Symbols: Sigil of Lucifer, The Morning Star, Violins and Fiddles (instruments traditionally associated with him)
Plants and Trees: Rose, Belladonna, Mulberry, Patchouli, Myrrh, Min, Tobacco, Marigold, Lilies, Hyacinth, Sage
Crystals: Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Onyx, Garnet, Selenite, Rose Quartz
Animals: Black Animals in general, Dragons, Snakes, Owls, Eagles, Ravens, Crows, Rams, Foxes, Pigs,  Bats, Rats, Moths, Swans
Incense: Rose, Frankincense, Patchouli, Myrrh
Colors: Black, Red, Silver, Emerald Green, Gold
Tarot: The Devil
Planets: The Morning Star, Venus
Day: Monday and Friday
Consort: Lilith
Children: Naema, Aetherea and many others
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How was he traditionally worshipped?
There is not much to say about how Lucifer was historically worshiped seeing as he wasn’t worshiped at all for a large chunk of human history. He seems to have been worked with in some capacity according to the Gesta Treverorum, written in 1231, which is where we first see the term Luciferian being used to refer to his worship. This was by a woman named Lucardis for a religious circle, who was said to lament to Lucifer in private and prayed to him. However, the term Luciferians was later applied to basically any groups Christians didn’t like and wanted to fight, as one might expect. However, the modern Luciferian movement also sheds light on how Lucifer is worshiped. For Luciferians, enlightenment is the ultimate goal. Their basic principles highlight truth, freedom of will and fulfilling one’s ultimate potential, and encourage the same in all of us. Traditional dogma is shunned because Luciferians believe that humans do not need deities or the threat of eternal punishment to know what is good and the right thing to do. All ideas are to be tested before being accepted, and even then one should remain critical because knowledge is fluid and ever-changing. Regardless of whether Luciferians view Lucifer as a deity or an archetype, he is a representation of ultimate illumination and exploration in the name of personal growth. 
The Morning Star
The First-born
Prince of Darkness
Son of Morning
The Glory of Morning
Lord of the Lunar Sphere
The First Light
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Red Wine, Whiskey (especially Jack Daniels), Champagne, Pomegranate Juice, Black Tea (especially earl grey), Chocolate (especially dark chocolate), Cooked Goat Meat, Venison, Apples, Pomegranates, Honey, Good Quality Cigars, Tobacco, Daggers and Swords, Silver Rings, Emeralds and Emerald Jewelry, Goat Horns, Black Feathers, Seductive Colognes, Red Roses, Dead Roses, Crow Skulls, Bone Dice, Devotional Poetry and Artwork, Classical Music (especially violin)
Devotional Acts
Acts of self-improvement, spiritual awakening and evolution, knowledge-seeking and dedication to spirituality ; Shadow Work ; Working to overcome your ego to become wiser ; Defending those in need ; Working to better yourself without being too self critical ; Fighting against tyranny and bigotry whenever you encounter it
Altar Decorations
Black or Red Candles, Snake and Dragon Figurines, His sigil, Roses, Fancy Chess Boards and Playing Cards, Silver Jewlery and ornaments, Black feathers, Goat horns
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For me Lucifer usually appears as a tall light-skinned man with long fiery red hair (so red it looks like it’s been dyed), a sophisticated face with a killer jawline, passionate eyes and dressed in a fancy black suit. From all my experiences with him and what I’ve heard from other followers, it seems Lucifer and most demons dress in full suits and tuxedos. 
Lucifer is nothing if not charming. He’s a protector first and foremost - one that always works to help you better yourself, but a protector nonetheless. He feels like a protective older brother taking care of you while your parents are away. He is a very complex entity, deeply wise and eloquent. He is more serious than one might expect for a demon given their popular depictions in our culture as chaotic forces of evil, but Lucifer is full of courage and love. I often feel him with me even when I’m not doing things related to him. He is proud of his follower’s accomplishments and congratulates them on a job well done, though he also reminds them that the job is never truly over. Growth is constant. Lucifer is the epitome of growth, blunt and gentle at the same time, telling you what you need to do and giving you space to figure out how to do it. 
Lucifer values resilience, the pursuit of self-betterment, intellectualism, courage, open-mindedness and responsibility in individuals and wants to see his followers develop these qualities. He is constantly rooting for you to reach your full potential. He won’t hold your hand the entire way, but he will help you take steps in the right direction. Lucifer, like all deities, is different for everyone and will adjust his approach depending on your needs.
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^ The Sigil of Lucifer
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Hello!! I am extremely new to demonolatry as I have very recently discovered it and I would like to know if you have any resources for beginners to read/watch that are helpful. Don’t worry about it if you don’t or if you simply don’t feel like it, I don’t mind!! Ty and have a nice day!!!!
Hey there! Terribly sorry for answering this so late. Xx So I've only been into Daemonolatry for about a year now, though I have learnt a lot thus far and I'd be more than happy to share some really important pointers to aid you in walking this path. ^.^
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So first and foremost before I get into the main blogpost, I really cannot stress this enough...
Please educate yourself on closed practices and steer clear of cultural appropriation in your personal practises. There are a group of people in the Daemonolatry community who appropriate the heck out of Jewish daemons, especially Lilith. Judaism is a closed practise and therefore it's only respectful to not incorporate Judaism into your personal practises. Appropriating Judaism is actually a form of anti-Semitism, so please be mindful and respectful of these things! 🖤
I'm ashamed to admit this but I actually used to think it was completely fine to appropriate Jewish daemons last year, thanks to subreddits like r/DemonlatryPractices who would constantly try to push propaganda about Lilith being a "Mesopotamian Pagan Goddess" and other excuses for appropriating her. That same subreddit decided to attack me when I merely mentioned (on a completely different subreddit, mind you) that I disagreed with them appropriating Lilith, and in turn I got witch-hunted so that's great lmao. 🤡
Please avoid that subreddit at all costs, it's an absolute cesspit of cultural appropriation and passive anti-Semitism, and honestly they exhibit cult-like behaviour if you do so much as simply disagree with the appropriation of Jewish daemons. It's pretty disturbing... But yeah anyways sorry for rambling lol.
I'd also recommend avoiding people and organisations such as S. Connolly, V.K. Jehannum, Satan & Suns/Sons, BlackWitchCoven, The BecomeALivingGod Forum, The Satanic Temple, Joy Of Satan Ministries, The Order Of Nine Angles, scarletarosa (a user that literally exists here on Tumblr... yikes), etc. They engage in Jewish appropriation, and some of them even have ties to Nazism, racism, and other forms of bigotry too.
Some other Jewish daemons/spirits that you should avoid appropriating alongside Lilith are; Naamah, Agrat Bat Mahalath, Eisheth Zenunim, Samael, Abyzou, and the Grigori / Watcher Angels.
There are many other closed practices too, but if you'd like to do further research I can leave that up to you. ^.^
Okay sorry about that huge ramble lmao, just thought I would get that out of the way before getting into the main post because I think it's an important point to make and I don't want you to fall down a cultural appropriation apologist pipeline like I did at the beginning of my practise lol. Xx
Anyways, let's talk about The Infernal Divine!
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+: GIF Credit :+
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So we'll start with some really basic stuff. What exactly are daemons?
It's not commonly known outside of Daemonolatry that daemons themselves actually predate Christianity. The term 'demon' (alternatively spelled 'daemon') comes from the word 'daimon' which originates way back in Greek mythology. Daimons were a type of tutelary deity as well as guiding spirit whose divine nature was that of both mortals and deities. They were also sometimes regarded as bringers of knowledge, wisdom, and destiny. In this sense, they could be considered deities in their own right.
Contrary to popular belief, daemons are not evil and never were to begin with. It was only until the coming of Christianity that daemons as well as other gods were vilified and ostracised due to the cultish, radical, monotheistic mindset a lot of Christian extremists held back in the day. Lucifer himself was a "demonized" Roman god also known as Phosphorus, associated with light and the planet Venus. From that description alone, I don't really get evil vibes lol.
In my opinion, our world cannot simply be split up into just black or white, and daemons are no exception. Daemons aren't evil, but they aren't completely love and light either; They're neutral. Much like humans as well as the universe itself, the Infernal Divine are various shades of grey, and all daemons are unique and differ in personality.
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So with all this in mind, what are some good resources that don't endorse and/or engage in appropriation of closed practices?
The YouTube channels ESOTERICA and ReligionForBreakfast have great information on the history of various religions and practises!
~ Book Recommendations ~
Livre des Esperitz
Dictionnaire Infernal
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
Pandemonium: A Discordant Concordance Of Diverse Spirit Catalogues
I personally am working towards being a daemonolatry resource myself, but I haven't been able to post much lately due to my mental health issues. I also took an active break last year, as it was pointed out by a friend of mine that my belief of thinking it was fine to appropriate closed practises was obviously problematic, and so I took time off from posting in order to educate myself and delete any problematic blog posts I had made endorsing that in the past.
But nonetheless, I hope that what I was able to provide in this post was helpful! I wish you well on your spiritual path. 🖤
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❀ ~ Many Blessings ~ ❀
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melias-cimitiere · 2 years
Hello again, Melias! I hope you've been well since the last time I've messaged you! I was wondering if you've had any personal experience with Raum? I've read scarletarosa's article on him multiple times and he's become one of my favorites despite not seriously reaching out to him yet. Thanks for your time!
Hello :) Raum is excellent as a demon and very reliable as a mentor and I even say, friend. He is one of the best to work with, and I have had the pleasure of discoursing with him a few times through the years. Very positive experiences, I don't have anything negative to mention.
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maceofpentacles · 2 years
Hey so Scarletarosa used a Nazi dogwhistle on her lilith devotional post saying lilith also goes btly "The Black Sun".
what do you want me to do with this information?
i have her blocked and don’t plan on unblocking her anytime soon since she clearly doesn’t care enough about jewish people ((or at all in this case)) to change her ways.
block her, report her, do what you have to do to avoid seeing her and her content.
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sugaglos · 8 months
Sorry I know we don't know eachother- but how do you know scarletarosa and melias-cimitere saying the truth? They seem to be a cult, and aside from that I catched scarletarosa lying a bunch of times, she even called herself lilith in the past and a succubi under lucifer and lilith, plus melias was reported preying on underage people, I could add more but I can't remember at the moment, sorry.
Besides it sketchy how they tyring to isolate you from your friends/family etc. so you will rely on them and their belief alone..
Idk if anything I'm gonna say will be taken out of context or not since that's what the lynchmob likes to do.
"They seem to be a cult"
"Seem" is not a valid enough proof to say sth like that about someone else. Never have I been asked for money (like cults do), never have I been told to preach and then go 100% silent as if I'd be wipped off the face of the earth, they have not pampered me and then threatened me with any kind of violence, never have they sent evil spirits my way and so on. Whoever says they're a cult don't know how real cults work. They have helped people get away from real cults and have a normal life.
"I catched scarletarosa lying a bunch of times, she even called herself lilith in the past and a succubi under lucifer and lilith"
Sincerely, never have I seen sth like this so no comment.
"Plus melias was reported preying on underage people"
Again, in my most sincere experience, never have I encountered anything of the sort. I have minors in my family and nothing has ever been asked about them or said, and no attempts have ever been made.
"Besides it sketchy how they tyring to isolate you from your friends/family etc. so you will rely on them and their belief alone.."
Idk anything about this and am not speaking on their behalf, but, say, if you'd be living in an extremely toxic enviornment/family, wouldn't an advice to move out be a good thing? It might be hard, but it would be worth it. Everyone doesn't deserve forgiveness too, even if they are family members. If you have "friends" who lead you down a the path of drugs and overall self destruction then cutting ties with such people will only benifit you, no? I live on my own and have toxic family members that should be avoided(and Melias knows this) and he hasn't told me to cut ties completely bc it's my choice to do so or not, and I have to think with my own head what to do with my life. I've been told many times to not rely on them, but to find out truths/stuff myself bc they don't want to be "right all the time", MEANING you have to find out things, see things for yourself, talk to the deities yourself(and not search shit up on wikipedia and take it as the ultimate truth), to make an opinion of your own on how the physical and astral world works. They can show you the door to better yourself, know things, but that's all, what you do is up to you and they fully support this. If someone is a fucking snowflake when someone is a bit stern towards them sometimes(bc people tend to do stupid shit and sometime a stern voice is necessary to knock some common snese in the head, not lovey-dovey flower-suggarcoating things) then maybe the lhp aint for them, js. The lhp is not a "uwu" path ffs.
I'm in no way deffending anyone, I'm just using my fucking brain. Every response, every comment I've seen basically states either "someone said" or "my friend said that someone else-" which are invalid statements. Also, have you seen any real evidence like exchanged text messages(screenshots) and such for these accusations to be verified as true? I haven't and the hate mob who have made disgusting posts hasn't provided any real evidence and neither have these "I heard someone say-" people. If you accuse someone of sth so serious this type of evidence is extremely necessary, especially in interrigations. A dumbass mobster( not gonna call out people just yet) once said they believe the anon messages just bc "assault" is mentioned completely ignoring the absence of evidence. Make it make sense.
So my point is, basically, if there's no evidence then all this is nothing more than a rumor which too many people who cannot think for themselves fall for and spread misinformation and serious false accusations which is an extremly disgusting behaviour. It's been more than a half a year(?) and nothing has been provided.
I have never gone through anything like this and Melias has never used anything against me. And I do not believe I'm more special or less special to be used or preyed upon or whatever the fuck. Both have helped me in the past with things so I can live normally now.
Let me just say one thing - if you're friends with sick fucks who'd go and accuse someone of vile things with 0 evidence, death curse them and do worse just bc their opinions differ from one another..you need better friends, bc the moment you'll start thinking for yourself, they'll do the same thing to you too. These horrid people(the accusers) aint your friends, but wolves in sheep clothing. They'll get what's in store for them, eventually and I noticed some one of them faced a little bit of consequences for these actions, but they're retarded enough to not notice lol Their moms sure would be "proud" of their kids knowing they're being close to being murderers.
Edit: Let me just add that the people you're being fed this hate from are extreme racists and people who practice/worship what they don't really believe actually exists irl. Let that sink in a bit. I've cought them lackin' many times, but their culty people don't seem to have neither eyes or a non-smoothbrain to see it.
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wishful-seeker · 1 year
She's not really spreading any fear, she only answered a question based on her experience. Have you asked the gods, specifically demons, themselves what they think about these games/movies? || How is she a cult leader? You have a personal experience with this? Care to explain and be honest. Criticism is okay, but what I've noticed going on here is a hate group forming, which looks like a hate cult. And you know what's worse - these hateful people, I'm guessing your friends, are throwing others under the bus too even though they've never even talked to them, which is childlish. But, criticism is one thing, but serious accusations without solid proof is sick and very narcissistic behaviour(those people give me major Amber Heard vibes). And "this person said this/that" or "I heard it from this person who heard it from this ither person" is not proof, that's parroting and not thinking with one's own head. (Also I'm debating, so I'd aplreciate no aggressions)
If she wasn't spreading fear why do so many people say she's hurt them? I'm done with this conversation. You can personally believe whatever you like to about gods and I can do the same, there is no proof either of us are right. But there is substantial evidence this person is harmful and benefits from spreading fear.
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andriana-gemini · 3 years
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Just got my Serpents of Antiquity membership card! I’m so happy!!
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ghostofpolaris · 4 years
Paid Deity Reading Review from @ad-astrum
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This is a review I am doing out of my own will for a paid reading that was done by @ad-astrum ! I highly recommend you check Adelaide’s account out! She just is amazing. <3 Tis long so I am adding a cut-off to help. Please note that I am not being paid to say any of this and I want to be as honest as possible with this review! 
TW for: Long post, Personal Topics
To start, I (for a very long time) have been in a place where I was lost. I have had a lot of trials and tribulations in my life and where I know I have made some contact with the deities I (had) followed and worked with, I know I have not always been able to fully comprehend what is needing to be said. 
At least with these last six years, I have had so many ups and downs and quite a few times, I genuinely wondered what the point was in continuing onward with life. I had spent quite a lot of time even contemplating whether I was truly a “spiritual” person and worthy of being a witch. I hadn’t been able to keep up with my gifts I had been providing and I haven’t really done any spells. Maybe a few sigils were made here and there, but the unworthy feelings I harbored along with depression spiraling in from working 40 hours a week, being in school full time, and my mental and physical health continuing to drag me down. 
So, I got desperate as one does when left to their own devices after being paid a nice juicy paycheck and seeking answers and solidarity from others online. Though this was not the main reason I had sought for answers, it was a good portion of why. Primarily, I had noticed signs that were familiar to me, but also not. I had begun noticing crows coming in twos and occasionally threes, I noticed almost everything I turned to, would have some kind of Norse imagery or content involved, and quite a lot of it involved our beloved AllFather Odin. 
Now mind you, I NEVER saw myself as a Norse Pagan. I thought Loki and Thor were cool in the Marvel movies and myths, but I never exactly saw myself being a Norse Pagan. I also was never one for Greek Mythology and Hellenic Paganism either but here we are after receiving aid from Ares and Aphrodite a couple of times in my life. Truth be told, I was the kid that was (and still is) obsessed with the King Arthur myths and Celtic Paganism. I also was obsessed with Egyptian mythology (yes, I was the kid who had the Egyptology book growing up even though I wanted the Dragonology one but that’s okay!).
For me, I tend to be quite dense. I tend to be someone who is unable to really see signs unless they are hitting me right in the face (spiritually I have felt blocked for quite a while and if anyone has any tips for that I am down to listen not gonna lie). With all of the signs I did keep seeing though involving Odin, I knew I needed to start doing my research and find someone who could help shine a light within the darkness that was my uncertainty. Was this truly Odin I was being called to? Why? What did I need to hear?
I stumbled around and I did scroll through various sources until I crossed Adelaide’s tumblr page. I understood her focus was on Hellenism, but after speaking with her in the DM’s about doing a reading, I felt safe and comforted by the fact she was so kind, patient, and informative on what I needed. Absolutely one of the sweetest people I had met on here and I absolutely will keep following her because she is so kind and helpful. 
Like anyone who was hoping for answers, I happily paid the amount we agreed to for the details I was hopeful for. Though apologies now, but I genuinely underestimated Adelaide and her capabilities. I mean, I severely underestimated what this reading was going to be like. If you need detail, and are happy to pay her what she deserves, Adelaide will provide and she sure did.
I opened the pastebin link I had gotten and I didn’t even make it through the first paragraph without breaking down into literal tears. I wasn’t sad at all and it usually takes a lot for me to cry. I had been alone at work so far that night and it wasn’t entirely a bad day, but not exactly a good one either. It was going to be just another night where I went home and unwinded until I felt tired. 
Though this, this really just knocked me off my feet in a way I wasn’t expecting. I always was hesitant with deity readings, I have had someone scam me out of my money and just never provide what I requested and so I was almost worried it was going to happen again. I am so thankful I was wrong. 
To give a small bit of background about me, I originally had worked with Danu and Brigid. They were my first goddesses I had actually met and they both had welcomed me with open arms (though I never really understood why). That seemed to set a foundation of how my other encounters would be as I simply seemed to stumble into the contact of the deities I met and I would find every way to give them the respect they deserved. In turn, they nudged me further down the path that I now am on. 
Back to Brigid and Danu though, they were with me for at least a couple of years and both of them to me are basically like my mothers. I still hold so much love, respect and adoration for the both of them and I felt awful for even thinking, “Should I give my statue of Mother Brigid away to someone who may have more use for it than I?” I am glad I didn’t. 
Just reading that first paragraph was what did me in though and I don’t typically cry as I mentioned before. 
“ I do not believe any of these deities have truly left you “
Reading this made me realize I was silly to think that I was alone. I had spent so much time wondering why I was alone and left to try and fight by myself. I know I was doing better in life, but I knew I was starting to feel consumed by my fears of being alone. I continued onward after settling down again emotionally, but boy did the water works come back when I read,
“ For parting words, she simply said that she was pleased to have been with you and will always be around. “ 
This helped me realize that I needed to buckle up and get ready for a ride emotionally. There was a lot that would need unpacking, and I still have much to unpack from it all. 
After that paragraph, we moved onto Danu who had a similar response as Brigid. Aphrodite herself was as graceful and kind as she always has been, and I still feel I owe a lot of my progress to her as well. Without her, I would have never let go of the toxic and abusive relationships I had been in. I know personally, I should make a better attempt to reach out to her more and thank her over and over again. Ares though, I felt slightly intimidated by him, but at the same time I wasn’t entirely afraid. He just is a much quieter individual than I had expected and that is okay. From what I recall (and this reading proves it to me), he speaks when he feels it is necessary. 
Father Lucifer came next and I definitely cried again at the end of his paragraph. “ Lucifer simply said that he sees the light in you. “ That made me cry like a small child all over again and truthfully I was surprised that I had not known him since I was younger. My timing was off, but I am glad it was actually him as I felt I was not actually speaking to him at some points. 
I have much to thank him for, and I hope me even writing this will show others my love, adoration and respect I have for my deities. My deities, I cannot believe I get to say this and say it with such joy. 
Though with those fears, I just assumed I was just making my interactions up and I feel my self-doubt and mistrust of my own feelings has hindered me (even to this day) communications wise. I once again am glad to know I was so horribly wrong. 
The very last, was the most unexpected, and Papa Odin himself had just known that this reading was coming along, and he had been around the longest. Thinking about it now makes me want to cry all over again, but to me I feel this really reassured me because I know I had moments in life where I would see things involving Odin and feeling comfort in them. Internally, I would ask myself on occasion, “I wonder what it is like to just sit with him and talk. What is it like to work with him and learn from him?” 
Sure enough, here I am now laughing and almost crying at the fact that he was with me all along. I just needed to focus a bit more. I genuinely didn’t believe that I had mistaken him for The Morrigan (so sorry Papa Odin!) and yet he still took everything with good strides. I still am having trouble putting it in words how comforted and rejuvenated I feel to have this kindness, love, and support. 
For Odin himself, I cannot thank him enough for what he has done in my life so far. It makes me want to reevaluate my life and see just how many times I could have mistakenly missed him and signs he has given me. For someone who has been around for so long and has had a formative role in my life, I owe so much to him and am grateful to be blessed with his guidance and wisdom. I remembered for ages I wished I had a dad that would love and care for me and here I had Odin all along. Physically I may not be able to see him or hug him, but he was here all long and that is what matters so much to me.
At this point, Adelaide, thank you for all of this. Your words have brought me such joy, comfort, and inspiration and I had trouble thinking of how to even respond to all of this for a good bit of time. I even wondered what I needed to do at this point and I feel I have a solid idea of what I need to do now, but I just am still scrambling around to figure it all out. 
Little by little, I will walk towards my deities and I will do my very best to honor them. Thank all of you for the strength you have given me to stand back up, dust myself off, and continue on. This was what I needed to keep going and keep trying. I had made my username “mirroredpaladin” because I wanted to fight not only for the good of others, but for myself as well. It is about time I start actually doing that. 
From here on, I do want to find a way to properly and more consistently reach out to Odin, Lucifer and Ares. I want to find a way to properly thank them along with Brigid, Danu, and Aphrodite and it is about time I start looking where I can to do so. I know I need guidance, I never was properly educated on what to do with deity work, but I have to try for their sake and mine.
Thank you all for reading this. To also give some more love, I also want to thank @scarletarosa @thepastelpriestess and @its--in--the--weave​ and @blood-and-bunnies​ (I thought they had another username of @/rosegoldtunic before but I don’t remember) because these people have actually helped me get to where I am now along with Adelaide. <3
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creature-wizard · 1 year
I was part of ( and abused by ) Scarletarosa's mini cult.
Important note! If you've ever been told by her you were sharing a family bond or any close important relationship in a past life, that's her tactic trough which she gets close to you! She has done this to 3 people as far as I remember
My aim here is not to attack anyone, but to spread my story, as others can learn from my mistakes and keep themselves safe. I considered this person a close friend and truly cared about her when she shared some of her own struggles , yet for her I was nothing but a dumb person to trick , use and fool.
I started to become closer to this person after I went trough the pagan / witchy tumblr tags. We first just exchanged some asks and messages, nothing much.
After she did a free reading for me ,she offered herself to be my mentor and use her "wide experience " to help me find out more about witchcraft, meditation, deity worship and all of this.
At first this seemed nothing too strange or much different from what other people who post their upg were saying. We were mostly having light discussions. I truly considered her to be friend and cared about her. Nothing serious happened until she introduced me to her partner ( after she probably thought she has gained my trust). After that she started to become more and more strict and serious about shaping my beliefs and inner self, to evolve and other bull crap like that.
They ghosted me for a few months and never replied back and I started to find this weird, because she was usually responding right back and was most of the times online. At this point I started to get suspicious because I also started to do some research into new age beliefs and all the weird conspiracy- culty stuff, and I found similarities between scarletarosa's ideologies and those believed by new agers, hers were only adjusted a bit to fit her Luciferian perspective.
I have no idea if they do this because they want to get people to give them money for whatever shit they sell, or they genuinely like to hurt people. Back to the story, out of a sudden, after that huge amount of time we haven't spoken,  they were eager to help me more and give me " past life readings " , which I found to be odd.
As doubts were piling up, I decided to test  them. I started by telling them I did past life regression meditation and saw parts of that life which they " confirmed " to be true, or that I did tarot readings about it.
The stories they were telling me started to sound wilder and wilder .
A lot of red flags were appearing on the horizon, one of them being told that they actually didn't tell me the whole " truth" about my higher self, and that the meditation I was told to do daily has to be done everyday, 1 day skipped and you go back to the beginning of the process because the connection with your higher self is lost. This meditation, well is crap as well. Scarletarosa said it's purpose is to connect you with your higher self who is located in between the chest and abdomen. This is a concept you will never encounter in any spiritual book or material. No one , as far as I researched, talks about this. I obviously didn't do the meditation daily because I only meditate when I feel like I need to, and after so many months of talking to each other she tells me i " failed " awakening because I wasn't consistent. At this point I started my own meditation practice without any higher core self bullshit. I started to play along and test them with more scenarios related to the connection I supposedly have with my higher self and they believed me.
I caught her in another lie when I left her an ambiguous message to which she said that I actually did the meditation correctly. Right after I revealed I actually skipped my meditation on purpose, and she got mad.
Another red flag was the fact that a person who was with me in the group chat, suddenly left and I couldn't reach her anywhere. I wasn't sure for how long I should play along and shortly after that I left them too, the last straw for me being how scarletarosa was set I making me to hate and despite trans people, and people who use different pronouns.
I left in a peaceful way , by telling them this version of me I can see I'm becoming is not the real me. I'm not hateful, I don't hate people, I don't want to fill my mind and heart with disgust and vengeance towards people. In the end I will say that both scarletarosa and her partner are skilled in the art of manipulation , emotional manipulation to be more exact. They will use everything you give them ,against you; your fears , doubts, dreams, what you hate, what you love, your traumas EVERYTHING! Then if you want to leave they pull the " after everything we've done for you " uno card.
They will try to make you transform into the worst of yourself and be ... like them.
They are extremely skilled at what they do and this behaviour is encompassed in the sphere of abuse and tactics abusers use:
- they will tell you a story about how great you used to be as a spirit in the metaphysical realm and make you chase a spiritual awakening so you can regain that "greater form " back and free yourself from your meat suit once an for all. BUT you will only reach that " high level " if you do what they say.
- they make you feel special ( example: telling you your higher self is a great demon, a deity or a wise dragon) - they will tell you what to do but not entirely. They'll withhold information and say that " you weren't ready to find out " yet, or that you failed to check all the boxes when doing the meditation or whatever they suggested, and oppsie you should  have known,  we didn't tell you but it was OBVIOUS. This for sure would make you feel bad and work even harder to achieve that thing, while this buys them more time to make up a new lie  because whatever they tell you to do is total crap and you won't achieve anything.
- they tell people to not talk about what they teach you to others because this information is not for everyone - they didn't let me talk with the other person in the chat about what they " teach us" because they want to be the ones to tell us " the news" first. Obviously they would be caught lying if I was to talk with the other person.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I hope no one else has to fall into this kind of situation in the future.
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hi! so i'm not sure if you were personally involved with scarletarosa but i wanted to ask: i started working with certain gods and goddesses because of her, as she's told me they were my patrons, but with everything that's come up i feel really weird about it, i don't even know if she said the truth, if i should continue talking to these deities or not, and overall don't know what to do with my spiritual practice
I was not personally involved with her, but I noticed, and knew from some conversations, how cultish all of it was long before. Now that the whole thing blew up, I am both relieved the consciousness grows and terrified of the scale it turned out to have.
As for your deities (unless they're closed entities like Lilith), I would not worry. You certainly will have some scarletarosa's teachings to deconstruct, but:
Whether she was speaking the truth or not, your relationship with your deities now is yours, not hers.
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anightlikethis1985 · 4 years
21, 28, 30
21. obsession from childhood?
omg i had so many… geology, greek mythology, fairies, origami, harry potter, nancy drew, marie antoinette… i could go on
28. five songs to describe you?
girl anachronism by dresden dolls, shrike by hozier, hunger by florence and the machine, coffee’s for closers by fall out boy, brand new city by mitski
30. places that you find sacred?
cemeteries, ancient ruins, untouched wilderness
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duriasis · 5 years
Nordic God of Trickery, Cunning, Mischief, Magic, Fire and Change
Loki was a mischief-maker, trickster and shape-changer, and grew progressively more evil until eventually the gods bound him in a cave until the coming of Ragnarok, the end of the world. Boredom was a problem for Loki, who "was tired of the string of days that unwound without a knot or a twist in them".
The fact that his parents were giants may help to explain his tendency towards evil deeds. He simply could not help playing tricks and exposing the gods to danger, although it was often his quick-wittedness that afterwards saved them. Loki, for instance brought about the loss and return of Idun and her apples of youth. Without these magic fruit, the gods were subject to the ravages of time like everyone else. On occasion Loki was prepared to risk serious harm to his companion Thor, the thunder god. When Loki led thor unarmed to the hall of the frost giant Geirrod, Only the loan of weapons from the kindly frost giantess Grid saved the thunder god. Loki tricked his friend beacuse the price of his own release by Geirrod had been delivery of the thunder god into his power.
Yet it was Loki who devised the novel scheme to get back Thor's magic hammer after it was stolen by dwarfs and passed into the hands of the frost giant Thrym. The price for the hammer's return, Loki discovered, was the hand of Freyja, the fertility goddess. He therefore persuaded Thor to go to Thrym dressed in Freyja's clothes. When Thrym took out the magic hammer, Thor seized it and laid low all the frost giants present.
Loki was married twice, first to the giant Angrboda and than to Sigyn, with whom he had two sons, Vali and Narvi. His monstrous children by Angrboda were Fenrir, Jormungander and Hel, ruler of the underworld: all fearsome representatives of the evil side of his Nature. Even after he brought about the death of Odin's son Balder, the gods continued to tolerate his presence in Asgard. But when he arrived at Aegir's feast and began to torment everybody present with insults and sneers, their patience came to an end.
To escape their wrath Loki changed himself into a salmon. From his high seat in asgard, however, Odin located the fish and mounted an expedition to catch it. Loki was then placed in a dark cave. His son Vali was changed into a wolf, who immediately attacked his brother Narvi and Killed him. Narvi's intestines were then used to bind Loki beneath the dripping mouth of a venomous snake. In this dreadful prison, the god awaited Ragnarok. Then he was to emerge to lead the army of evil in their final battle with the gods, when Loki would meet his own ends at the hands of Heimdall.
Loki is particularly happy when you do work with children, especially those who have been through a disaster, are disfigured, or orphaned. He is also pleased when His devotees speak up and tell the truth when everyone else in the situation is avoiding it for whatever reason. He smiles upon work with the mentally ill, especially those who suffer because of trauma (PTSD, for example). Donating to causes that look after those society tries to hide or forget, like the homeless, addicts, veterans, the elderly – He is happy when someone remembers their suffering and does something to ease it, even if it's only giving a dollar to that beggar on the subway or spending one afternoon a year performing at the local retirement home. Loki especially appreciates those who emotionally support those who are reviled or outcast because they live in truth, whether it be about their religion, their sexual orientation/gender identity, their choice of career, or whatever else that sings in their heart.
| Symbolism of Loki |
| Offerings |
wine, ale, champagne, mead, rum, beer, whiskey, grape juice, candy (atomic fireballs, pez, pixie sticks), cookies/pastries, caramel apples, red velvet anything, cheap plastic toys, knives, daggers, green or red crystals ,anything that reminds you of him, incense/candles, cinnamon, mulled wine, dragons blood, cotton candy, whiskey. Tea, snap dragons, mistletoe, wolfsbane, fox and wolf pelts, poetry, artwork, black tea, snakeskin, red/orange/green colours, and imagery of his sacred animals.
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melias-cimitiere · 2 years
If we die what is gonna happen to our ka?
After death it goes through a process in the underworld where it is judged for its actions. Depending on the outcome, it can go 3 or 4 ways. If the KA is not illuminated (no core awakening), then it is typically "archived" when the BA comes to collect it eventually (this can take up to a year usually). This is like permanent sleep for that KA - doesn't do much after that. For the special cases where there's the "end of the road", the KA may go to Elysium or to Hell (talking about human KAs mostly, which is the majority). Some types of KAs merge with their BAs eventually. Most are archived. If the KA has achieved illumination, then it may choose to exist independently (typically a left-hand path choice), or merge with the Source (typically a right-hand path choice). You can read more on articles from me or scarletarosa here on tumblr.
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So it doesn't get lost entirely, but @scarletarosa is a parasite herself and heavily anti semetic. Be careful everyone.
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