Scar (8)
Chapter 8: Director Fury
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"Excuse me?"
"a daughter, furious keep up you're supposed to be fast".
Tony finally told Fury about his daughter, Alice, and he doesn't look to be taking it well. Tony was surprised to find out Fury or SHIELD had no clue about her he figured with the big file they had on him, they might have known but never said anything about Alice, apparently, that wasn't the case.
Alice stood off in the corner of the room as Fury began to yell at her father apparently, her being was very important information. Not being able to handle the yelling and feeling they were done with her, she slipped out.
"She's my daughter. Yes, I'm sure. I've been 100& sure since the day she was conceived. If you don't believe me, we can do some DNA test" Tony looked and sounded very confident she was his daughter.
"where has she been the whole time these last 17 years, How'd you hide her for so long?"
"that's classified" he'd find out later
"who's her mother"
"none of your business" he already guessed
"you going public with her?"
"hell no" maybe in a few months 
"Why'd you hide her"
"that is none of your concern," he'd find out soon enough
"she was born before Iron Man, and you didn't have as many enemies back then, so you had to have a different reason to hide her"
"you don't need to know"
"it has nothing to do with Lilly she wasn't involved in anything... but you"
"GET OUT."Lilly was a sensitive topic and he knew it." I was nice the only reason I told you about her is because she's my main prior and will interfere with my work, that is all. Now you can get the hell out and stay away from my daughter."
Tony's outburst only made Fury more interested and think of on other possibilities and conclusions. Fury left without a word but Tony knew this was not the last of him "fuck". 
"Director Fury what can I do for you?" professor X said as he rolled into his office Fury standing by the window.
"Alice Stark, you know about her. so she's a mutant then"
"or just a very important piece to the future. Director Fury, some things are just meant to be left alone. The answers will come to you in time," Professor X said as he rolled up next to Fury. This wasn't the first time they met each other to discuss an important event or people, or exchange information, they did this often. Professor X had higher clearance than anyone else in SHIELD, and he wasn't even an agent. Fury actually made many decisions with Professor X.
"I don't have time we have enemies everywhere on earth and up there. I need to be ready for every and anything. I need to know everything"
"no, you don't. The more you know the more difficult things become." Professor X knew this he had a school full of hormonal teens and could read all of their minds. He, unfortunately, knew everything he didn't want to.
Fury sigh "Things are already difficult Xavier," and it is true things were difficult, and it was increasing. Aliens falling from the sky, Gods walking amongst humans, 90-year-olds looking 20, super assistants, a school for the strange- excuse me- gifted students, and powerful rocks. God, Fury missed the days when it was just terrorists and spies then again, Fury lost his hair to just that. "everything is already so difficult".
"I told Fury about Alice," Tony said as everyone, except Alice who stayed in her room, gathered around for movie night. "what did he say, how did it go?" Natasha asked
"Um... He was shocked and asked a lot of questions he got mad when I wouldn't answer"
"I bet he was furious" Clint laughed at his own joke.
"I'm surprised he didn't know the file we have on you is pretty big," Natasha said, nodding at Stark. What the hell did they have on him?
Alice upon her bed looking at the ceiling. She was doing the same thing feeling the same thing just in a new place. "Jarvis?"  
"yes, Ms. Stark"
"will I ever see outside" the blinds to the outside " I mean will I ever go outside, I want to feel like, smell like? ... Jarvis, can I go outside?"
Once again he hesitated, moments like this made her believe he had emotions "No ma' am.  You must stay inside ... for your safety."
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zaturk · 4 years
Video: ROBB FLYNN și JARED MACEACHERN interpretează 'Nothing Else Matters' de la Metallica
Video: ROBB FLYNN și JARED MACEACHERN interpretează ‘Nothing Else Matters’ de la Metallica
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