#Alice Stark
Scar Series
 It wasn't like he didn't want her, he never wanted to leave her side. But he couldn't have her. It wasn't like he wasn't proud of her, praised her for almost everything she did. But she did some bad things. He wasn't ashamed of her, hell there were moments where he wanted to take her to those big galas just to show her off to everyone. But he couldn't because no could know about her. No one was supposed to know about her. Now everyone knows about her. He knows about her. How in the hell did this happen?
Tony Stark karma finally caught up with the super playboy. Actually, it caught up about 17 years ago with Alice Blut Stark his daughter.For the past 10 to 11 years Tony has kept her well hidden away from everything away from the world.Only three other people knew about Alice, Pepper, Happy, and Rhody, and only one of them have actually met her, Rhody. Alice was left clueless to most things in the world homeschooled by an AI and Tony Stark himself. Alice was left clueless about many things she probably should have known thanks to her dad but Alice was coming out of hiding getting everyone's attention and I mean everyone's attention from the News to social media from S.H.I.E.L.D to Hydra.
Alice Blut Stark is Tony Stark's daughter and everyone wants her.
Pairing Loki X Oc! Alice Stark
Chapter 1 - Daughter
Chapter 2 - Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 3 - Good Father
Chapter 4 - Here
Chapter 5 - I got a Question
Chapter 6 - Show me, please
Chapter 7 - Rule one
Chapter 8 - Director Fury
Chapter 9 - He's Back
Chapter 10 - Loki
Chapter 11 - Micheif & Devious
Chapter 12 - I've got the Magic
Chapter 13 - Tonight
Chapter 14 - Bruce
Chapter 15 - Somewhere else
Chapter 16 - Balcony
Chapter 17 - Lilly
Chapter 18 -Cuts
Chapter 19- I kissed a God
Chapter 20 - And I liked it
Chapter 21 - Taste Of Fruit
Chapter 22 - His room
Chapter 23 - Uninvited
Chapter 24- Hello again
Chapter 25- Strike Two
Chapter 26- Going Back
Chapter 27- Alone
Chapter 28- Fears
Chapter 29- Children
Chapter 30 -
On going
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@acupofhotlatte @actors-hot @drakesfiance @sambucky8
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elainiisms · 10 months
female protagonists will literally go through 30 life altering traumas at the age of 16 and you ppl still have the audacity to call them annoying bc they cry about it and act like teenage girls
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hacked-wtsdz · 8 months
You can’t win as a woman in fiction. Be too positive, you become a Mary Sue, have flaws and those flaws are why almost nobody likes you. Be moderate, you have wet-cabbage personality, be exuberant, you are an unrealistic example. Have strong morals, and you’re badly developed, be morally corrupt and you’re hated with such vigour fans will send hate mail to the actress who plays the character. Be kind and soft and in love, you’re a representation of sexism, be cruel, harsh and cold and you’re just a bitch. Be a complex, realistic, ambiguous character, and either your flaws or your positive traits will be ignored or blown out of proportion and into oblivion. There is no winning for female characters.
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karlachs-soldier · 2 months
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alicentgwayne · 6 months
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Game of Thrones (2011 - 2019) // The Fallen Angel, Alexandre Cabanel // House of the Dragon (2022 - ) (x)
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dragondreamers · 25 days
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ALICENT HIGHTOWER & SANSA STARK PARALLELS 4.02 "The Lion and the Rose" | 1.05 "We Light The Way"
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elena-gilbert · 4 months
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#this is my aesthetic
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princessofmarvel · 6 months
Petition for all team Black and team Green fans to not be at each other's throats this upcoming season, and instead, we all just root for our favorite war criminals in peace? And normalize liking characters from each team and just have a preference on teams? Because that sounds like a fun time to me, thank you 🫶
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sunfyredefender77 · 2 months
“sadness is condition of motherhood”
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wyvernest · 2 months
tf you mean "cregan was supposed to appear in the season finale and his scene was cut" give me my husband now
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queen-paladin · 1 year
I love you "boring" female characters. I love you ingenues. I love you female characters who aren't "modern" enough. I love you female characters who aren't "badass" enough. iI love you female characters who aren't "empowering" enough. I love you quiet female characters. I love you unappreciated female characters. I love you polite female characters. I love you female characters who "can't appeal to modern audiences." I love you frightened female characters. I love you female characters labeled as not complex just for being nice. I love you female characters who get criticism just for not being their tomboy or femme fatale counterpart. I love you silk hiding steel trope.
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Scars (26)
Chapter 26 - Going Back
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warning: swearing, angst,
The Avengers were down in the conference room with stacks and stacks of boxes and files. Dr. Cho and Rhodey had left, Cho to her lab and Rhodey to warn the government about the situation and new threat. After her shower, Alice came down to help everyone who already started.
"Wait, I know that guy" she heard her father say she walked over and looked over his shoulder "Back in the day he worked off the African coast black market" The man in the picture looked very much like the poster child for smuggling and trafficking.
"There were conventions I never sold anything" Tony rushed to defined himself once he says the judgmental stares. " last I saw him he was talking about a game changer"
"What's this" Thor pointed to the man in the photo
"Tattoo though-"
"No," Alice says looking stepping inbetween her father and Thor to get a better look at the photo. She didn't even notice how close she was " A tatto wouldn't rise like that. It's a branding. It means thieve in Wakandian. it's an af...african... country"" Alice saw everyones eyes on her and began to back away slightly trying to get out from everyones eyes.
"The guy got some goods out of there."
"I don't understand I though your father got all of it" Steve turned to Tony
"wait what comes out of Wakanda" Bruce asked. Steve and Tony dramatically turn to his shield
"The Strongest metal on earth"
"it's not just metal" Alice whispered under her breath no one was listening to her though. She knew they won't, her father never did.
"I think I might know what he's doing or where he is" Loki suddenly appeared behind Alice. She squealed and jumped back " Sorry Darling" he apologized. She blushed at being called darling and waved him off moving to the furthest corner of the room.
"What is it, brother?"
"It's a bit complicated he seems to be everywhere. African, South Korea, and mostly in Slovakia. I'm not entirely sure what he's doing. I have some theories. But I do know that he's no longer in the hung of metal he flew out in. He built himself a body and he could be building another one or more. I'm betting on The flesh body seeing as what he said before he was shut up. It's possible he could be building an army."
Everyone just looked at him with expressionless faces for a moment.
"He might be right," Steve said "about the army thing. The base he crashed was a manufacturing and engineering base. If he fly's back he could use it to build an army"
"Or body" Alice whispered from her corner only Loki heard her.
"Right now he's heading to African," Loki said.
It was decided the team would go to Africa.
"Alice go pack," Tony said as the others were getting ready
Alice looked at the clearly confused she knew her father was most definelty not taking her with them but ... why else would she be packing.
"Pack so you can go back"
"Back?" she asked again confused. Where would she go back to? Did she had somewhere to go back to?
"You know where. Now go pack we don't have all day" It dawned on her where he wanted to send her. Where she was packing to go.
"Why" Tony stopped tinkering with his mask.
"Because I said so. Now GO"
"I don't... I don't want to... no"
It was as if he got smacked in he face suddenly he looked surprised before his face furrowed up into a look of 'what the fuck'.
Not really understand the severity of the situation was Clint and Natasha were silently laughing at Tony's parenting skills. Steve was minding his own business it was a family matter, but also keeping an eye on the situation in case. Bruce was keeping an ear out just in case but also keeping his distance Thor was watching confused and Loki the only one who sensed the tension between the two and actually knew how serious this situation was sat behind Alice pretending to read. He would step in if the situation called for it.
"No?" Tony questioned looked around as if it were directed at someone else then pointed to himself "no?" . In two long steps, he was in front of her. He took her chin in hand and spoke low but everyone heard. " No is not apart of your god damn vocabulary. You better erase that shit real quick. Go to your room and pack your shit."
It was like she was already back there under the watchful eye of her father restrained by his steel thumb. Her Anxiety rose and the walls closed in and his grip got tighter. Everyone was watching.
Go to your room, please. I'll be there in a moment A voice echoed in her head she recognized it to be Loki and she listened. As soon as Tony let go of her chin she quickly went to the elevator not looking back or saying anything. Everyone watched as she made her dispatcher. Before turning to Tony.
"What," He said
"Maybe you shouldn't yell and manhandle your daughter she's fragile Tony" Bruce said
"You need apologize" Loki said
"On Asgard, that kind of behavior would immediately get you 10 lashes or imprisonment," Thor said looking very clearly disappointed.
"Well, this isn't Asgard this is earth-"
"And your past alone would have Cps riding your ass and -"
"It was uncalled for Tony. And Loki's right you need to apologize" Steve interrupted Clint taking Loki's side shocking Loki and just about everything else.
"...Just suit up"
Alice sat in her tub with Loki's blanket wrapped around her frame tightly, sobbing quietly. She didn't want to go back she feared what would happen if she went back. Would it be temporary, or would it be forever? Would her father come back for her, or would she be left alone? Would they forget her? And Jarvis, Jarvis was gone, which meant she'd be left in silence by herself. Sure, she didn't always like him, but he was a voice that never left her she had known him all her life.
She couldn't do that she couldn't go back to that life. She had experienced so much and so little she wouldn't experience anymore if she went back. She'd been isolated and alone again, and she didn't want any of that.
Alice sobbed as she felt arms wrap around her " I-I don't want to go, please. I d-don't want to be alone, please, please."
He pulled her closer, letting her cry into his shoulder" I'm sorry, Alice, but you do need to go," she began to wail as she tried to pull away from him " Listen to me, please listen to me. We are going to fight we are leaving the tower, and no one else is going to be here. You'll be alone with nobody to protect you. And this Ultron has shown how easily he can take control of things here. This is not a safe place.
Go to the compound, stay there, and be safe until this is all over. I promise you this is not forever, just until all is safe. " Taking a hold of her face, he looked her in the eyes "I'll come find you when this is all over if I have to. I'll bring you back myself if I have to. Darling, everything is going to be okay"
Alice stopped sobbing and was quietly sniffling. She held his arms around her as she leaned into his chest. She knew he was right, she was not safe here no one was. The compound would be the safest place for her.
Instead of saying anything, she stood up in the tub and got out, going to her room to begin packing, Loki helped. Alice did not pack much hoping that having so little would deter her father from leaving her there for too long or permanently.
Loki pulled her into his arms she wrapped her arms around his neck. Their lips touched in a gentle kiss while their sadness didn't disappear it was soothed. She pulled him forward more, making them both fall on the bed and knocking her suitcase off. Loki pulled back as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
"What are you up to?" he teased as he kissed her jawline and down her neck.
"Keeping you from leaving me." Her mind was in a much more innocent place than his. He chuckled
"I will most definitely come back because you've got this" he pointed to her chest " and I need this"
"My breast?" she sits up confused on her elbows " they're not good for anything. They're small and don't even produce milk and-
"You're heart. I'm talking about you're heart, Love."
"Oh," she says, running her fingers through his hair " Then it's yours"
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fearthhereaper · 2 months
A new addition to the Bastardphobic Club, JACAERYS VELARYON, WELCOME
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goldensunflowe-r · 1 month
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winnysplayground · 2 months
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elainiisms · 11 months
she may not be a lesbian in canon, but she is a lesbian in my heart
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