#scarvio dlc theories
Here’s some of my theories for the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC or at least hopes for the DLC.
So we know from the games that there’s actually three schools mentioned not just the two we’re familiar with. During the League interview, Manzana Academy is also mentioned. It’s possible that it’s a joke, but what if it isn’t? What if there’s possibly another academy that’s rival to the one the MC attends, and we might see that in the DLC?
It’s perfectly reasonable that we wouldn’t get to see it in the main game since from how the DLC space on the map looks, it could be Kalos, and there’d plenty of speculation that the two regions are connected. It could be that Manzana Academy is open grounds to Kalos but the founder was from Paldea hence the name.
And so for the DLC, my theory for it is that the MC alongside others from the academy the MC attends will be chosen to attend a tournament hosted at Manzana Academy, meaning we’d get to meet new characters and learn more about the DLC area since in the expansion pass the Isle of Armor, the dojo allowed for exploration of the area in completing tasks. It might be a similar concept then, but incorporating more school things.
Another thing is, we might possibly see Arven’s other parent! It’s shown in the game that if you’re playing Scarlet, Turo left just after Arven was born, and in Violet, Sada. We have closure on the parent that stayed behind with Arven, what happened with them, but not Arven’s other parent. There’s a likely chance we’ll see them in the DLC if they work as the professor for the rival academy!
Depending on which game you play, the book has an imagined Pokémon that’s secreted with censored letters. It’s theorized there’ll be two expansions like with what Sword and Shield did, one focusing on an extension of the paradox forms and the other focusing on this new Pokémon, which means we might be getting more lore regarding how time works in Area Zero, because in the case of Pokémon Violet where it’s Pokémon from the future, the leading thought is temporal anomalies that allow Pokémon from the future to cross over into present day, whereas in Scarlet, the properties of Area Zero allowed the prehistoric Pokémon to survive to present day.
Anyways, that’s just my thoughts on the DLC!
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milliemuus · 8 months
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Y'all if this is real I am gobsmacked. I've been too busy to continje writing Project Venus but I feel like at this point GF has been pulling the ideas out of my head telepathically LMAO
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
thinking about kieran again... particularly about how i feel like he struggles with a weak sense of self and how him identifying so heavily with ogrepon, (or at least the version of ogrepon he originally knew,) probably helped him stabilize how he saw himself, only to have something he considered so core to his identity essentially ripped away from him. not only that, it was by someone he seemingly wanted to trust and open up to, (which i doubt he does very often.)
i definitely think that the way he's handling things is far from healthy, but i can get why he'd have such an intense reaction to losing something that was so important to him and basically being betrayed by someone he wanted to consider a friend.
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sketchshitposts · 2 years
In b4 scarlet violet dlc. I know people think it could be Kalos, but i haven't seen too many examples besides the maps discussion.
But i wanted to contribute the fact that this Kalos man
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Was a king THOUSANDS of years ago and experienced a horrible war
And in the Paldea history class, we learned that 2,000 years ago the Paldean empire was really starting to rule. How SICK would it be if Az had SOMETHING to do with that?
I don't think he was the traveler inviting ruin to the emperor per say, and maybe it's just copium, but i can hope
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cyberdragoninfinity · 9 months
I would love to hear your thoughts about the fucked-up turtle (Terapagos)
"Now let's talk about the turtle. Can we talk about the turtle please, Mac? I've been dying to talk about the turtle with you all day."
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Ok so. Short Answer Re: Thoughts About Terapagos:
Long Answer Re: Thoughts About Terapagos [SPOILERS FOR THE SCARVIO DLC naturally. i havent seen Horizons so i dont rly know whats goin on with this little guy in the anime, just what we've got in the games]:
When the last little batch of new Pokemon in Indigo Disk leaked, about 12 hours or so-ish before the DLC dropped, I was at dinner with my bestie and we were looking at our phones like we were reading breaking world news. And I was looking at this tiny ass png of Terapagos's full Tera (Stellar) form.
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And I immediately blurted out "holy SHIT it's turtles all the way down."
If you're not familiar with the phrase, check out its wikipedia page; here it's most relevant as a saying thrown around with regards to the philosophical concept of infinite regress, i.e. a series of elements (or questions begging an explanation) that that goes on infinitely with each member producing the next. So let's say the world rests on the back of a giant turtle--well, then, what does that turtle stand on to keep it from falling into the void? Why, another, bigger turtle, of course! But what about that turtle? Well, you're not gonna believe this, but it's turtles all the way down.
And here's the other thing about infinite regress: it's a logical fallacy, it's circular reasoning--honestly it's a little bit of a cousin to the "which came first?" chicken and egg argument. The question in these cases never truly gets answered, it just goes on and on forever. Bigger turtles on top of even bigger turtles.
It's a paradox. :)
So Stellar Terapagos, just look at that thing. Even its dex entries talk about how it looks like a planet, how it resembles "the world as the ancients saw it"--it's very much not only trying to evoke the World Turtle concept, but the symbolism of a classic paradoxical saying. So we've already got that going on with it, that already makes me bonkers. AND THAT'S JUST THE SURFACE LEVEL.
Cuz when we look at how Terapagos behaves, things start to go from "well isnt this guy a little weird" to "oh. oh this thing is kind of fucked up and terrifying, hello, what the hell is wrong with it" REAL FAST. Its two most stressed features we see in Indigo Disk are A.) its crystalline nature and how its the progenitor of Terastalization, but also B.) it is ferociously powerful and borderline uncontrollable. It's violent. It bursts out of a Master Ball and almost kills Kieran for daring to try and control it. Heath's illustration of its Stellar form in the Scarlet/Violet Book looks so otherworldly and almost cosmically horrifying. It has Weird Fucking Powers the game does NOT elaborate on (but I will; see more below.)
And also, hey, yeah, its Stellar Form looks like a stack of world turtles, but why the FUCK does its Terastal form also look like a goddamn dream catcher.
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Personally I've been a big fan of the 'imagination theory' re: the Professors and the Paradox Pokemon and Area Zero, and folks have been arguing that Indigo Disk debunks that, but honestly I feel like we're loitering around some untold explanation that's even more bizarre. Terapagos is at least on some level tied to dreams and existentialism, and I really feel like there's more to Tera Crystals and Terapagos's relationship with them than what we've been told. Hell, its cry is even the noise we hear all game when we Terastalize our Pokemon, which produces its own myriad of questions (Are the Crystals some degree of alive? The Tera Crowns all do have Terapago's little turtle head at their base, too--does Terapagos physically or spiritually connect with a Terastalizing Pokemon? And what about that weird crystalizing the AI Professor does during its big boss fight? MUCH TO THINK ABOUT.)
Oh, speaking of Crystals--yeah. I can't NOT talk about the Indigo Disk Crystal Pool Postgame Secret when talking about Terapagos. ONE MORE SPOILER WARNING FOR THAT--SERIOUSLY GO TO THE CRYSTAL POOL AFTER GETTING THE DLC CREDITS. IT WILL BLAST YOU TO BITS. anyway.
Yeah so that's what I mean with Why Did It [Terapagos] Do That. The fact that you dont even need to have it in your party for the postgame Crystal Pool cutscene to trigger and for Terapagos to just pop out of the PC boxes on its own accord and warp space and time (and maybe even reality itself) to irreversible consequence, implying once again some great and uncontrollable power within this beast. Crazy Ass Moments in Pokemon History for CERTAIN.
And the thing that makes me most insane, thinking about Terapagos twisting time to allow you to meet the Professor, the Real Live Professor, to swap notes with them so to speak, the way it facilitates all of that, is the position it now puts the player and Scarvio itself in. If the Professor's research rests on the back of a white book given to them by a child, then what does the research of that white book rest upon? Ah, well, the expedition of Area Zero spurred forth by the fallout of the Professor's research. And what did THAT research rest upon, again...?
Turtles. The whole way down. Chickens and eggs and a paradox you're now responsible for. At the hands of a Normal Type Pokemon that tried to kill a 14 year old.
Terapagos scares the shit out of me. I love it so much. Why Did They Make It Like That <3
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geodraws04 · 5 months
PKMN ScarVio DLC AU ~ Possessed!Kieran
Just finished the page for my contribution to the good ol’ Toxic Chain theory :OOO
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I recently finished the Teal Mask and finishing up the Indigo Disk DLC and while i really did like the fact that Kieran’s actions were all his own and makes him a much more realistic/relatable character, I am feeling a little robbed we didn't get a possessed!kieran + i really did not like the direction they took w/ Mochi Mayhem. I felt like it was WAAAY too silly/comedic for my tastes (if you liked it more power to you tho!), and wish we had more lore/backstory and involvement of Pecharunt and the Loyal 3 respectivally.
so i wanted to try killing two birds with one stone and try to mash ID and MM together somewhat! So heres some sketches and concept stuff ft. My PKMN!Violet sona. And also make this AU ANGSTY AS FUCK-
im not a comedy/crack/silly person when it comes to stories involving manipulation/mind control type of stuff because i just get second hand embarressment for those under doing wierd stuff while not aware so if your looking for a “silly haha!” AU with this type of concept ive got bad news for ya… this AU aint gonna be for you-
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Starting off… my design for when Kieran is fully possessed by Pecharunt!
I still really liked the fact that Kieran was like. FULLY aware and in his own mind/body during ID; so i want to keep that in this AU too - for the most part.
id like to think that once making a deal with Pecharunt and offering himself to it in order to become stronger, the little peach would slowly feed him mochi that would “numb the pain and guilt if he ever feels doubtful.” At the time of Pecharunt’s debut to the start of ID, pecharunt is extremely weak and thus, its influence isnt as effective or strong. However, when we meet Kieran again, he’s definately beginning to change. throughout the story, we see Kieran’s spiraling descent into madness as he becomes more intimidating and cynical.
i dont have a specific spot where hed have this outfit change, but ill figure it out lol.
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However, i def think it would be a bit after his panic attack/mental break down when we defeat him. Since at this point he couldnt uphold his end of the deal with Pecharunt, it has no choice: he offered his body and mind to it to get stronger, but he couldnt keep it up. So now, he has to pay the price.
(This would be right after the Ex-Champ bit - fuck you Draydon)
however, instead of telling himself to get stronger like in canon… he mumbles something indescernable and unintelligable… and then he starts… laughing?
“Uh… yo, earth to ex-champion… you doin’ alright-?”
Suddenly… he glares at us… no. He glares at you, tears streaming down his face but an animalistic and crazily wide smile is plastered on his face as he stumbles back up, hugging himself while letting out what one would think is the most maniacal, despairing, crazy cackling laughter one could hear.
That's when you see it - his eyes, formally a light yellow, now a bright yet darkly sinister shade of violet-magenta. The scrunchie he was wearing began growing two strings of toxic chains that waved around like tentacles, and lifted him up in the air like stilts, purple smoke filling the area.
what was happening… whats happened to Kieran.
no, whatever that was…
Thats not Kieran.
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The bottom sketch is a small scenario i had in mind!
i want pecharunt to have a larger role so here they are! After returning the teal mask to me and carmine and running off, he stumbles upon an injured and weak Pecharunt, and secretly nurses it back to health. Behind everyone’s backs the two spark a friendship/partnership!
i like to think pecharunt has good intentions and did genuinely want to help kieran get stronger, but i like to think that the toxins it gave to Kieran not only began to mess with Kieran’s mind, but with Pecharunt’s too.
how exactly? No idea just yet lol- ill figure that out later on down the line lol. Along with the loyal 3’s roles in the story as well.
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Heres a few for fun and more funny sketches i made to fill up the empty space lol-
also feat. Moi, yuma and shinigami jykghhfjhfdjhygjuy-
QUICK DISCLAIMER! IM NOT SHIPPING MYSELF W/ KIERAN SINCE HES IMPLIED TO BE A TEEN AND IM A LEGAL ADULT!! the DLC came out when i was 17; almost 18 (released a few days before my bday actually!)
i like to think that when this story and AU respectively take place, Kieran is 14 while im 16 turning 17 that fall in Teal Mask (Carmine being 18 or 19?), then in Indigo Disc Kieran is 16, im 18, and Carmine is 19/20. So me and kieran are 2 years apart, while me and Carmine are 1-2 years apart.
Its mostly because id like to think me and kieran’s dynamic is similar to a close friend i have irl and wanted to write it as such while retaining the canon story too. If that makes sense lol.
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And one more sady drawing when kieran is freed from Pecharunt’s control!
i think i speak for everyone that we needed a scene where we hugged kieran after all the shit he’s been through-
justice for my baby boy kieran. :,,,))
what do yall think :000
any suggestions/ideas, critiques, whatever is on your mind about this AU is appreciated!! Im gonna get back to my remnant designs lol-
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Zinnia, Wally, Red Spider Lilys and Paldea. A ScarVio DLC theory:
Finally putting down my thoughts I've had since ScarVio came out and I finished the game! Anyways.
Soooo. Upon getting to the fight against the A.I. Professors at the end of the game, their final pokemon are Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant, right? These two pokemon are also separated from the other paradox pokemon in the pokedex as well, signifying their difference. They're the only ones based off Mega's as well, confirming ScarVio takes place within the Mega Timeline in Roaring Moon's pokedex entry in Violet.
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And that these two pokemon are based off Mega Salamence and Mega Gallade & Gardevoir respectively?
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Well.... There are two characters that this fits as their aces perfectly! For one; Zinnia, when fought at Sky Pillar, will use mega salamence as her ace
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And Wally? Wally is unique compared to all other Rivals in remakes. Wally's ace, in fact, Changes between RSE and ORAS . Gardevoir in RSE, and Gallade in ORAS.
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Wally and Zinnia, as we are all probably aware, also fairly represent the themes of Past and Future. Tradition in Zinnia's case. Progress in Wally's case. Zinnia, is introduced within ORAS. And Wally is given more character development within ORAS compared to his RSE self. Zinnia's connection to her people and her culture. Wally's growth towards the future and his change as a person.
It seems that the DLC as well go off the themes of Past and Future, with Kitakami in DLC part 1 and Blueberry Academy in DLC part 2.
But there's one other thing that is very important to note.
Their connection to the red spider lily.
Now, normally, pokemon characters having connections to flowers doesn't mean much else then the colour of said flower. Like. I highly doubt there was any deep meaning behind Anabel being named after Lilacs else then hehe purble for example.
But red spider lilys have a very specific meaning in JPN media. Death and rebirth. Zinnia, well, is named after them in the JPN version of pokemon ORAS.
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And Wally? In ORAS when you face him before you reach the pokemon league, he's fought on a field of nothing but red spider lilys.
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So. TLDR; Wally and Zinnia are opposites within ORAS hoenn, and out of all possible pokemon to be the significant paradox pokemon, gamefreak chose to use their aces. And I think they might have a connection to the dlcs.
(meme by @rudeboimonster )
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dgiacomo · 9 months
Hey mun I have a question about Giacomo’s age
Why do you depict him when he’s like 20 during ScarVio’s events? Since I see people normally depict him in his late teens :O
[I've met with an awful lot of resistance about his age, honestly, though mostly from people off of this website (thankfully!)... but there's absolutely a reason. Multiple, really!
Before I start, let me just state that what I'm about to say is my opinion/analysis of this media and mine alone... the fact I interpreted it in this way doesn't stop anybody else's interpretation from existing or change the base material. These are purely my thoughts behind why I did what I did a whole year ago now (wow).
Ok, so first of all! Yes, it's very easy to sit and go "this is a school so everybody in it is going to be between the age of 11 and 18 THAT IS A FACT" and usually, that's the thought lines I'd go to as well... but the game explicitly and often reminds that the faculty is an academy.. and that people of ALL AGES can be in it... there's even a guy who... says he's been flunking for 60 years or something and he needs to get credits?! Come on, dude. XD
But yes, the fact is that they have explicitly stated that attending and grades do not equal age... in the DLC even there's somebody who says you can't determine somebody's year group by their age/vice versa because of this fact (so Blueberry also runs on the same rules). Students can also fail and fail and fail and take the year over and over basically indefinitely and not be kicked out as long as they attend in some way.
So. Somebody studying at the academy isn't a child is the fact you can gather from that. That's what they're trying to say, I'd guess.
So that's the base work for the theory. Another aspect was that back when the game had JUST released... I actually saw a lot of people complaining that Giacomo, in particular, "looked like an old man being all 'hello fellow kids'"... back then that was a popular take, people interpreted him as older and it was weird to them that he was supposed to be a student when he looked OLD to them.
That was another step in the theory.
Next comes the actual game content. When I started this blog/comic, I had a handful of story segments I wanted to tell and explore, I basically planned all of it before I started (and we've seen a lot of them at this point, but not all). I needed to determine all the information I knew before I started. That was;
Team Star are a bunch of students who were bullied in the past.
At least 1.5 years before the game starts, these students carried out their plan to beat the bullies
In these 1.5 year prior flashbacks, they are all the same heights and build as in the "current day"
Giacomo was student council president at least a while before the 1.5 year prior flashbacks
They have advanced skills in things like auto mechanics and seamstry
What that tells me is that these characters had reached their mature heights at least 1.5 years before the game began... for girls that's around 14/15, but for men that's 16-18. For Giacomo in particular, he has a very broad set of shoulders and a sturdy build (in the base game, a year ago)... so he has reached his full shoulder/chest broadness which men only achieve when they are 20 or older.
That told me that Giacomo AT LEAST was over 20 years old in the flashbacks 1.5 years prior to the game. He's at least 21/22.
Then I looked at his past. He was student council president at least some time before the 1.5 year prior flashbacks. We've seen his student council hair, it's short. Hair takes time to grow. From my notes here I worked out that he must have been president at least 3 years before the game to allow his hair to grow out that much before the flashbacks.
I'm pretty certain people only really get the chance to be student council president in their final study year (in real life, I'm not sure it's ever mentioned in game), it tends to be a privilege that final year students get... so he was in his final year when he was in that position... and his shoulders were the same, so he was at least 20 at that point as well.
That would make him at least 23 in the base game at this point!
Also, he's balding and has been since he was student council president XD And it's quite strong, he has a big old forehead. Looking that up, the first signs of balding can start (thinning etc) at 17 if you're particularly unlucky with genetics. I had to account for his balding to have progressed as far as it had by the time he was president, 3 years before the start of the game!
What made me decide for 25 for his age is just the thinking that for him, he probably went to the academy as a university age student. He had to have been bullied for quite a few years prior to be in his final year and that bitter.
That aside, I find it hard to believe a bunch of kids would be master hackers, master engineers, master seamstresses etc. over 1.5 years prior to how we're seeing them now XD I'm somewhat stuck on Ortega's age because he is SO SHORT but he always has been SO SHORT... but he's also a master auto mechanic. I find it very hard to suspend my disbelief that a 12 year old could build those Starmobiles on their own... considering they have all been in limbo basically for at least 2 years, I think they are all older than you'd think
(A side thought is that I doubt children could get away with playing truant for 1.5+ years without being expelled or given detention or something... It's only adults you can't force to attend an education and can only threaten with dropping their enrolment if they won't attend.)
Anyway, that's a simplified thoughts version of the gruelling process I went through to pick an age for him that made sense for me for this comic. I probably missed bits out that also went towards me deciding this age, if I remember them, I'll add them!
Thanks for reading if you got this far. =B]
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tealmaskmybeloved · 6 months
Okay, I know you said scarvio/DLC related ones, but I can’t pass up the opportunity to put this here.
also- uh, not sure if you’ve played PLA or not so if you haven’t and want to don’t… read this idk.
The immortal Volo idea. Basically after the events of PLA Volo is made immortal as punishment for trying to destroy the world, and he’s just been going on as an immortal being. Probably cooking up another plan.
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I've played Legends Arceus, but I don't think it's likely.
It's a good theory, but I don't think it's possible
(Feel free for yall to send more, I like doing these)
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nell0-0 · 1 year
I sincerely hope that if Adaman has a great grand daughter then Irida has a great grand son. I don't care if they are rivals friends or even lovers, I just want this family line to coexist in the same time period forever.
If you keep in mind the theory of Barry being Irida's descendant, it's funny. I'm not sure it's gonna be that simple and we may get an Irida descendant at some point, either in one of the DLCs for scarvio or for another game. Either way, looking forward to it!
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wardenswateringhole · 2 years
Thought on Scarvio plot
Spoiler under the cut
I've been seeing the thoughts of people who have just recently picked up Scarvio and them discovering the professor's time machine.
Someone already suggested this. But I seriously do not think it's a time machine.
Either it was a lore oversight from Gamefreak or more will be explained in the DLC, but the story does not line up.
The violet/scarlet book was written LONG before the professor made their way into the crater and built that machine. Yet the creatures that the machine was supposedly responsible for bringing into the current era was described in the book, suggesting the creatures were already there before the time machine was made.
The machine didn't pull Pokémon from another era but created them. I saw this theory before, the "imagination machine" theory. The professor was so set on bringing these creatures to their reality that the machine basically fed on what the Professor expected to find, not what was actually there.
Another note: the android professor said the machine would not work without their existence and they could not leave the crater because they would cease to function. They said this to the MC alone so the others wouldn't know this.
So when they let themselves be pulled into the machine, they didn't go anywhere. They were destroyed. They just said that so Arven wouldn't have to watch his Parent die again.
Enjoy these little tasty bits.
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hey would anyone want me to make a post on my Wally and Zinnia are going to be connected to the scarvio dlc theory
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