stupidscav · 9 months
ooh if ur asks for that bingo is still open,, nsh perhaps?
OK so I don't focus on nsh often so I don't really have much about them :') the "bastard" square there is mostly just a bias from an angry light red slugcat (wonder who that could be !)
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sorry my writing is shit so here's what I wrote from top to bottom:
"hunterkin moment"
"kinda" (again)
"i need to focus on iterators more"
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salt-clan · 10 months
Maybe someone can guide her back…
unfortunately i dont think thats possible in clangen:(
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gayass-ery · 9 months
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laplacesdevil · 2 years
he is defrosting
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plaindangan · 3 days
School asks: Hiyoko!
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
It's of no surprise that Hiyoko is one of the major bullies of Hope's Peak Academy. Especially after her growth spurt. To any nerd or weaklings that crosses her paths, she will try to single them out. Once alone, expect to be smothered with her sweaty bare ass until you cough up all of your change...and still sat upon a bit more. Because she needs to make sure you know who is in charge~
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deer-teeth-clangen · 3 months
Hello! My name is Anon (she/her pronouns) and welcome to my latest obsession: StagClan. This will be a comic/blog based on my clangen where we follow Cedarbright, the StagClan medicine cat, and his journey of discovering what is more powerful in this world: destiny, or taking matters into one’s own paws…
Asks will be tagged as #scasks
Moon updates are tagged as #scmoons
OOC will be tagged #anonspeaks
Lore and world building will be tagged #sclore
Start: HERE
There are other clans in this universe, but they will be expanded on later!
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farfarfromreality · 4 years
how are your students in magift?
Hmmmmm that's a good question. They do go to the tournament (Mitsuki is banned from it)
Pharaseum is decent at magift, Refa is especially dedicated and it tends to pay off.
Magistar is very good at magift. They're the Diasomnia of their school if you will. Failynn and Chad are powerhouses. Marquis sucks at it and will always get KOd. Velma will destroy you. And Lillith is deceptively good at it.
Crania is just there to have a good time. Athena is all about showing off. Minnie honestly just backs up Athena. Mika takes it seriously and tries too hard to steer Athena in a different direction.
Dragobog is... Intense. Vivica takes it w a y too seriously and will mow you down. The other dorm members aren't out but they're just as dedicated to the sport.
Penumbra was a magift sports star when she attended the academy and trains students who want to improve.
Mitsuki would be good at it if she was allowed to play.
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irish-luthor · 6 years
lena , l-corp 💕
Lena: What is the most crazy thing you’ve ever done for a crush?
ooohh geez. i could honest to god fill a book with my answers to this question but the first one that comes to mind is: one time in 11th grade we had a massive (by texas standards, anyway) snow/ice storm and my best friend (the one i was/am in love with although i DIDN’T KNOW IT AT THE TIME) wanted mac n cheese from corner bakery, but her parents wouldn’t let her drive to go get it bc the roads were dangerous – my parents wouldn’t let me drive either for the same reason so i walked to corner bakery and then to her house (like 9 miles total, in the snow) to surprise her with mac n cheese. i think i may have also gotten her starbucks if i’m not mistaken. and then later that day (or the next morning i think?) before i walked home i left this bullshit in her front yard 
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just in case u were wondering how much of a sappy smitten oblivious romantic i was. we spent the day making those brownie-in-a-mug things and watching movies it was truly straight out of a rom-com. we did some homework too i think. i real life couldn’t feel my feet or my nose for like a full day but the mac n cheese made her smile so i didn’t even notice. can u believe i thought that was platonic? anyways
L-Corp: Leather, flannel, or plaid?
answered this one here: [x] : )
supercorp asks
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sakuracentric · 2 years
1.Hi! Do you happen to have any ideas about Sakura's parents? I'm new to the fandom but wanted to write a Sakura-centred story, but I'm not sure how to handle them. Most stories I've read portray them as abusive/neglectful. I'm still reading manga (and watched anime; prefer manga) but as far as I know, they never appeared there. In anime and RTN they didn't make a good impression on me (borderlying emotional abuse, and her dad seems to be dismissive of her feelings and always makes stupid jokes)
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Hey, no worries, anon! Now, for your question, I understand perfectly where you’re coming from. 
I will confess that I’m not an anime watcher and don’t intend on being one, but I understand your frustrations. One consistent thing about SP we can ‘depend’ on is their rather annoying penchant for portraying her as horribly as possible and taking her flaws and dialing them up to unbearably high levels. If her portrayal was more congruent with how she is in the manga, I doubt the bandwagon of hatred for her would be as severe, but I digress. 
On to the topic at hand, but as a fellow fanfic writer who frankly loves Mebuki and Kizashi but hates how SP handled them (considering how Kishimoto-sensei designed them himself, it feels like more salt in the wound for us manga fans), I do have some workarounds on how to approach them, and how their inclusion can actually enhance Sakura’s potential with some Sakura-centric trope staples.
Now, with what we’re given, we do approach some problems with them:
Characterization: One of the biggest issues I’ve been able to discern is that both Mebuki and Kizashi seem to tag-team in being horrible to Sakura. Not only is Mebuki pigeonholed in the domineering, naggy, bossy personality trope that almost every Naruto woman has or eventually comes to exhibit by the time they become a housewife, but she also seems to be quite big on devaluing Sakura, too. We see her rag about how much of a slob Sakura is (let alone how she can’t cook; keep your headcanons, SP, I don’t want them) in front of others, but that doesn’t necessarily make Kizashi much better. Why? Well, he seems like he’s whipped in the bad sense of the word, often agreeing with Mebuki and not speaking out against what she says. His redeeming quality is that he seems more laid back and likes to crack puns/dad jokes (I like it, at least), but together? Well, it doesn’t add up to parents that seem to support their daughter. Hell, if canon is anything to go by, it might not be that ridiculous to assume Sakura might’ve cut ties, if it least is alienated and distant. Not what we want here!
Background: Or rather, the lack thereof. Now, while I see this as a huge positive, others don’t. Why? Well, there’s next to nothing on them while almost all of the Rookies have fleshed out backgrounds. Mebuki and Kizashi, meanwhile, are just run-of-the-mill civilians with no real past. Kizashi seems to be a genin while Mebuki is simply a housewife. Whether she was an active kunoichi at some time or not, I doubt we’ll ever know. 
So, how do we fix this train-wreck? These are just my solutions, at least, and how I’ve come to work around these glaring problems.
Kizashi and Mebuki’s dynamic: From what I’ve seen, I really feel that these two’s personalities could actually be really amusing if redirected, so that’s my first piece of advice: redirecting where their vitriol goes, or distributing it more evenly could really salvage their characters without making them OOC. Mebuki’s a nag? Well, I find softening her blows or inserting some humor can help diffuse any potential toxicity. For example, if Mebuki feels the need to carp at Sakura at how messy her room is, maybe Mebuki can toss in some humor and mention that her pile of dirty laundry is starting to become sentient and that she heard it growl at her while she was vacuuming the hall. With Kizashi, I like to have her actually take part in his jokes as the straight man (like manzai that exists as a form of Japanese humor). As for Kizashi, I think the simplest fix would just not o have him take part in any degrading. However, if you eliminate it entirely (which I do and recommend), he can become an active, jokey participant instead of a doormat (which I absolutely do, too), would help loads. 
Mebuki: Like I stated above, you can keep most of her personality while removing the sharp, jagged bits and not have her be unrecognizable. Instead of making her the one who devalues Sakura, make her the tough love, realistic/brutally honest advice parent. What this means is, for example, having Mebuki sit a pre-series, young Sakura down and tell her that being a kunoichi is really tough and that she won’t have an easy time in the Academy. For Interlude-era Sakura when she’s training under Tsunade, make Mebuki snatch away medical textbook Sakura was cramming at midnight and tell her she needs to sleep and has been looking like a zombie in the morning. After one of her deadly spars with Tsunade, have Mebuki blow up at Sakura out of worry, not because she doesn’t think Sakura can’t do it. Have them get into quarrels about how stressed Sakura is, that she should ask Tsunade to ease up a little. Stuff like this, where it’s still flawed but not toxic.
Kizashi: Like I said above, Kizashi is a little rough, but with a little polish, it doesn’t take much to make him shine. Personally, my favorite thing to do with him is make him the parent Sakura confides in and receives really tender advice and assurance from. I see him as the more affectionate of the two, for sure. The one who gave tiny Sakura bear hugs after really rough treatment by her bullies, who tells her they were probably jealous of her. That kind of dad, really. However, what I really love doing is playing with Kizashi’s background as a Genin and make him the one who actually helped train Sakura in the basics. We know Sakura was really adept with shurikenjutsu, trap setting, genjutsu identification and dissolvement, chakra control, and the like? Well, have Kizashi be the one who helped his kid out! Maybe he helped her memorize the Shinobi Rules, who coached her on her aim, who taught her how to expand her chakra control, stuff like that. 
Background: Now, I know this one is a big head-scratcher for many creators, but it’s what I find to actually be the biggest strength and source of inspiration for Sakura-centric AU’s. Why? Because fleshing out her background is oftentimes a massive component, if not plot point! I go into a lot more depth with it in this meta I wrote awhile back with one of the chapters that explores specific tropes, but some of the most fun you can have with Sakura’s lack of background is fleshing it out. And keep Kizashi and Mebuki as her parents because they, too, like Sakura don’t have explored backgrounds. This can entail everything from fleshing out a clan for her (Haruno clan, anyone?) to making Kizashi and Mebuki the descendants of another (Senju and Uzumaki are popular choices) or even inventing kekkei genkai or other cool jutsu unique to their family. The sky’s the limit, really, with where you can take this!
In conclusion, I hope this can be of help to you, anon! Mebuki and Kizashi are a tricky subject to handle, but with a little patience and polish, can be better reflections of themselves instead of the distorted mess that SP warped them into. 
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
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shinycaterpie · 5 years
congrats!! i just got shiny nickit after 2286 encounters, a lucky night!
Nice~ thank you and congrats yourself! 
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stupidscav · 9 months
hi!  I am desperately in need for help.
#Type1Diabetes , I'm a dead human 😭. I'm a disabled mom so can't work after I had an accident. I've a spinal cord problem ..my blood sugar is high and I'm last to my pen.
I urgently need $ 350 for insulin.
ANY donation would be hugely appreciated.
I'm sorry, we are not in a good financial situation and I don't have money myself, nor do I know how. I will try my best to spread this around though.
I'm not sure I can help, but I hope you are able to reach your goal.
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salt-clan · 10 months
Oh, look! Resources!
Here's where you can find SaltClan logs, relationship info, and compiled artwork: SaltClan Google Drive
Here are the current mods: @numbattery @im-smart-i-swear
Here's where you can find individual character info: Toyhouse (not updated)
Ask box status: Open!
Tag Info: #screfs -> SaltClan reference sheets #scasks -> SaltClan asks / ask box responses #scart -> Art by the moderators #scfanart -> Art by non-moderators #scideas -> Concepts that could turn into lore Any characters in the post will be tagged. If the events of a specific moon are mention, the moon will be tagged.
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heliosfinance · 7 years
.@PHLSSS asked the @SCPh_PIO to bar @NGCP_ALERT from taking over Pasay property | via @kristinepatag http://bit.ly/SCasked pic.twitter.com/tiI7cjgPCT
. @PHLSSS asked the @SCPh_PIO to bar @NGCP_ALERT from taking over Pasay property | via @kristinepatag http://bit.ly/SCasked  http://pic.twitter.com/tiI7cjgPCT
.@PHLSSS asked the @SCPh_PIO to bar @NGCP_ALERT from taking over Pasay property | via @kristinepatag http://bit.ly/SCasked pic.twitter.com/tiI7cjgPCT published first on http://ift.tt/2ljLF4B
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plaindangan · 5 hours
School asks: Sato
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
Because Sato isn't really a Hope's Peak Academy Main Course student, sometimes she has to get creative in how she sneaks in. Sometimes it's forging passes to get in, sometimes she hopes the fences...
And sometimes it's as simple as merely sucking off a lustful security guard whose hung as hell and whose goes down in thick loads down here throat~ Sometimes, her days just be like that, but at least she had a warm drink right before she met Mahiru~
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irish-luthor · 6 years
Lena’s jawline 👀
Lena’s Jawline: What turns you on?
lol [x]
supercorp asks
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sakuracentric · 2 years
you reblogged my music headcanons and i had no idea a sakura-centric acc existed! i really shouldnt have been surprised but i love sakura so its nice to see fellow sakulovers around here <3
And we're happy you found us! This account is definitely a labor of love, but when it comes to being a place where Saku fans and stans alike can gather, that's what we definitely strive to be!
And I definitely can't wait to see what other content you plan on putting out, too!
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