#scattered pages of my diary
msanonymous · 1 year
“How do you become a poet?”
Always looking/ Hardly speaking/ Defending the moon/ Disappearing from the room/ As if you were never even there/ Drinking more caffeine than breathing air/ Instead of falling in love with smiles, looking at them & just wondering why they don't reach it to that person's eyes?/ Instead of getting lost in the eyes, reading the sadness in them & wondering why they cried themselves to sleep at nights?/ Unsaid words, lots of them, so many that your mind gets fully clogged up with them, & at nights they threaten to spill out from your eyes as teardrops/ Unsent letters, loads of them, too many hidden well in your secret drawers, because of the fear of one accidentally landing in someone's letter box/ “Where is your home?”/ I don't know/ Strangers to friends. Within years. Friends to strangers again. Within a heartbeat/ I think I've seen this film before & I didn't like the ending/ Too many films of memories, playing in your head all together at the same time/ Too many stories of your life, having the similar last page, with the same last line/ “You are not enough!”/ Am I really not made for love?/ Lying to the whole world. “I'm fine”/ Lying to your therapist. “I'm fine, other people have it so much worse than me”/ Lying to your parents. “I'm fine.” “Then why are you crying?” “I'm not, I'm fine”/ Lying to yourself. ‘I'm fine.’ ‘No, you're not. You know you're not.’ ‘I know! But does it matter? No. It doesn't. There are hearts more hurt than ours.’ ‘But then why are you crying?’/ Daydreams & what-ifs/ Always finding yourself at the edge of the cliffs/ Envying & smiling sadly at the people who are poetry/ “I read your poem. It's beautiful!” What about me?/ Not touching your diary for months/ Then writing 6 poems in a day, after receiving 6 brand new cuts/ When no matter what pen you choose to write with, fountain, ball point, glitter gel, the ink you'll see after completing the last line will all be blood/ & then there's suddenly blood everywhere. Blood, so much blood. You lift your shaky hands & find both of your palms covered in it. You cover your eyes with them & sob, drowning in your own flood/ & you just keep praying to God for it to be your own. That the cracks of heart from all this blood seeped through, please God, let it be mine. Let it be mine/ The world hurts you enough everyday. But the last thing you want to do is to hurt the world back in your lifetime/ Mastering the art of stitching the wounds. But never for yours/ Other people have it so much worse. You don't deserve any of the cures/ Letting the wounds you think you deserve bleed/ Continuously, trying to not pay the pain any heed/ But still failing/ & weeping & weeping/ Then picking up the quill & dipping it in the aorta of your heart/ & attempting to create art/ But I think I'm not the right person to answer this question/ Because I am too inexperienced & unfamiliar with that profession/ Because as for me, I'm just a girl looking out of her window, waiting for someone to come & look at her/ & just not look away after/ I'm not a poet, how can I never be?/ But I do think/ That poets are not something that people become/ It's a mask. That people buy one day, at the price of heartbreaks & shattered hopes, to put on & hide the ugly & weak personas of them/ It's something people have to do, you know?/ Because the world can barely tolerate the poets. How many more wounds do you think you can sustain? & how many rocks do you think the world will throw?/ When you'll step out of your room/ As you?
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gilasaurus · 11 months
woahhh can't believe that all happened. wish it hadn't.
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plusultraetc · 11 months
the strangest part of watching/reading mha at two different points in the timeline simultaneously is that, for the most part, future plot/character things Make Sense to me. but. there are a couple of character arcs and dynamics that I'm sure will be introduced/developed at some point that haven't been where I am caught up to in the series, and sometimes I'll be reminded of something that's going to happen and I'm like 'now how on earth are we going to get there. I believe you but genuinely what does that road from point a to point b look like'
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meiru-sama · 1 year
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♡Yandere bullied x bully reader♡
This story contains: masochistic tendencies, bullying, degradation, stalking, obsession, a jerk reader, slight nsfw.
You let out a loud laugh while you stared down at the boy who was on the floor, his face covered with bruises and blood while his things were scattered on the ground.
You leaned down closer on his face with a smug smile. "You idiot. I told you not to tell the teacher or anyone about this shit right?" You hissed while you pulled his brown locks making him groan in pain and pleasure.
"P-promise (Y/N), i promise--- it was not me! It was hannah, she found out about this and she quickly told the teacher about it but trust me-- i didnt want anyone to find out about this!" The male defended, you just smiled at him, tugging his hair harder.
"Oh well Hiro my love, i guess i have to leave you alone now." You shrugged while you let his brown locks free. You stood up from the ground, while you dusted your skirt.
"W--what? No-- please (Y/N) dont leave me alone!" The boy pleaded, while he looked at you with so much desperation.
You just smirked, knowing how you got him wrap around you fingers. You just pushed him with your heels making his back lay on the floor. You placed your heels on his chest while your eyes landed on a book, a yellow book that has writings on it saying. "For my eyes only!"
You chuckled while grabbing it. "Is this some kind of diary, you weak freak?" You were about to open the book but the male underneath you shouted at you to stop as his face started to turn red.
"Are you telling me to stop baby boy?" You rose a brow while the male just can feel himself getting harder when you called him by that pet name.
You opened the notebook and you started to read it out loud but lucky for him, both of you were on the rooftop and no one else was there expect just the two of you.
"Dear diary, it was just a usual routine wake up, get ready for school, study ,get hurt by (Y/N) and sleep. Loser!" You laughed before continuing. "She punched me to the face again but it was harder and fuck it was.... fantastic. I want her to do it again" your smile dropped while you decided to silently just read all of the pages and everything was about you, it even have some images of you! Sleeping, showering, gossiping with your friends or studying.
You threw the diary to the ground, while you stared down at the male, disgusted, who just stared at the diary you threw as tears started to form in his eyes but to be honest you were amused, ignoring the fact that he always stalked you and was jerking himself of every night while thinking about you.
"Well, i knew you were a creep baby boy." Hiro stared at you with wide eyes. Y- you werent mad?? Infact you are wearing a smirk right now! Means.. you like him too?!
The brown haired boy's eyes sparkled with joy and excitement. "Such a dirty boy huh? " you said before removing your heels on his chest making him breath more freely.
"Anyways make a copy of that image where i was sitting on a couch eating a popcorn and on the shower part. I look good on those." You said while giving him a wink before leaving him on the rooftop alone.
Hiro stared at the sky for a moment before letting out a laugh, his cheeks were still hot and red, his thing still hard.
It was unbelievable, he couldn't believe it!you were interested with him too? You were completely fucking unstable and a lunatic like him too?
(I think im gonna re-write this, im so fcking sleepy rn)
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Studious III (Aemond Targaryen x Reader) 18+
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In an attempt to help you understand his recent behavior, Prince Aemond you his diary to read. What will you find within?
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader (second person, no use of Y/N)
Warnings: non-graphic smut, perhaps Aegon's best commentary yet, more Aemond being an awkward idiot
Author's Note: The diary is being split into two part, which means this will turn into a six part series. Enjoy!
Read Part I Here - Read Part II Here
My Masterlist
Taglist will be done via reblogs (there are simply too many of you to fit here)
Studious III
Aemond’s diary was magnificently bound. The cover was made from supple, well-tanned black leather, which had likely cost a fortune by itself. The pages were so precisely cut that you had to run your finger across the edge several times for your nail to catch. And the paper itself was smooth and rich, far finer than any you had ever written on.
The benefits of being a Prince, you supposed.
You considered for quite some time whether to start reading Aemond’s diary – gods, he had given his diary, that gesture of trust would take more time to fully process – at the beginning or at the first ribbon. More than a dozen of them, each made of fine green velvet, were laid throughout the pages marking what he most wanted you to read.
Reasoning that the beginning was the most logical choice, you opened to the first page:
The 1st day in the first moon of the year.
It is after midnight that I am writing this, the very first moments of a new year. The Maesters believe it will be another year of summer, but time will tell.
The Small Council has begun making preparations for autumn, so the Crown will be ready the moment word arrives from the Citadel that winter is approaching. I have asked Grandsire to include me in these preparations so that I may learn how…
You looked away from the page, wiping the sleep from your eyes.
It wasn’t that it was boring, exactly. But it was pretty typical – nothing that revealed anything new about Aemond. Though you supposed the fact that he began a new diary on the first day of the year, rather than whenever you filled the journal you were using – as you did – said something about how regimented he was. Orderly.
Still, with each word, your gaze was drawn to the green ribbons. To the passages he most wanted you to read.
You suspected they were all passages relating to you.
So, with the promise that you would eventually return to find out what, exactly, he wanted to learn about the Crown’s preparations for winter, you grabbed the end of the first ribbon and let the pages fall…
The 16th day in the third moon of the year.
The betrothal has been settled. Finally.
I doubt I could have endured another miserable day of sitting in Grandsire’s study, listening to him read each of the letters sent by lords from throughout the realm, desperate to pawn their daughters off to a Prince of the Realm. Though I suppose I should be grateful he had already whittled the list down to only the two-score ladies he found the most politically advantageous.
Aegon told me that more than a hundred letters arrived. So, it could have been much worse.
Every letter was nearly the same, listing the family’s wealth and assets along with their daughters ‘accomplishments.’ In truth, calling them such seems far too generous. What does a scrap of embroidery or a reasonably well-played song truly accomplish, other than a few fleeting moments of mediocre beauty? It always fades.
Besides, every highborn lady is trained in the same skills, so they are hardly exceptional.
You frowned, looking up from the journal and at the dozens of examples of your own embroidery scattered throughout the room – including on the blanket you laid under. True, they were not always perfect, but you were proud of each and every one of them.
Then there was your little lyre, sitting by the sun. You hadn’t had the chance to play since coming to the capital, and you realised in that moment that you truly missed it. Once, it had been second nature to pick it up immediately upon waking and pluck nonsensically at the strings as your maids readied you for the day.
Those songs – if they could be called songs at all –were always your favourites. Wholly unique creations of your mind, never transposed, never to be played the same again. Briefly, you almost stood and retrieved the lyre, just to see what your hands would create in this moment.
But that would require setting down Aemond’s diary.
You looked back down at his words and frowned again. It took no small amount of time and effort to develop your skills. In fact, you were quite proud of what you had accomplished. No one was born knowing how to embroider or play music.
Neither was anyone born knowing how to wield a sword or ride a dragon.
Your frown faded at that thought, as you imagined how Aemond would look if you said that to him. The memory of him in the library when you snapped back at him, looking like a befuddled fish, returned to you. It was so enticing that you called for one of your maids to bring your diary, a pen, and ink.
Turning to the first blank page, you noted the date of Aemond’s offending entry and wrote out exactly how you would rebuff him if he had said such a thing to you.
Perhaps, when you were done reading, you would tell him.
The lady we chose – my betrothed now, I suppose – is the only one that could possibly be called ‘exceptional,’ even if only among her unimpressive peers.
I almost dismissed her, for the letter written by her father was almost entirely unremarkable.
She is accomplished, as all highborn ladies are. Her father wrote that she crafts beautiful embroidery, plays some instrument or another moderately well, and is an able conversationalist. I believe there was also something about flowers – she likes them, or grows them, or enjoys arranging them?
But none of this is truly remarkable. Indeed, as Grandsire read, I admit I was not giving him my full attention. Why would I? I had heard the same words at least a dozen times already.
And then – ‘much of her free time is spent in the library, and she can rarely be found without a book somewhere on her person, even if it is just a miniature concealed within her sleeve. She is quite brilliant, if it is not too presumptuous of me to say so.’
That I had not heard before.
You preened slightly as you read your father’s praise. While your mother admired your dedication to your studies, she also worried that your intellectual pursuits would frighten your suitors away. ‘No man wants a wife smarter than he is,’ she once said.
Your father, however, had encouraged it. Once, you went to his study to show him a new book you’d found, only to overhear his steward expressing his concerns about how much the new library acquisitions were too costly. Your father dismissed him and his ‘concerns.’
And it seemed the investment in your education paid off if it caught the attention of a Prince.
It piqued Grandsire’s interest as well. After he finished reading the letter of introduction, instead of moving on to the next girl, he turned to Mother and asked for her opinion – of both the lady and her family.
Mother did not have overwhelming praise, but neither did she have any complaints. They are not the most powerful ally, though they will strengthen our position adequately enough. The Lord and Lady are friendly, if a bit dull, so it would not be an annoyance if they were to visit King’s Landing after the wedding. And they are pious – her parents have made many journeys to Oldtown and the Starry Sept.
You picked up your pen to again write a rebuttal but stopped. It wasn’t a particularly kind assessment… but it wasn’t inaccurate. You loved your parents, but even you could admit they were ‘a bit dull.’
The miniature portrait that arrived along with the letter shows that her appearance is agreeable, is somewhat plain. Though I suspect that she will wish I could be called the same. Indeed, she will be lovely standing next to me. And Mother says she will look very fine in either green, black, or even red.
It is a good match – politically and strategically, of course.
And if she truly does enjoy reading so, if she is ‘brilliant’ as her father says…
Perhaps marriage will not be so bad.
I am under no illusions that this is, or ever will be, anything more than a political arrangement. An obligation on both our parts. I know that I am neither suited to nor deserving of love.
I have negotiated with Mother and Grandsire that her chambers will be far from mine. Within the Holdfast for her safety, but far enough away that she will not be forced to see me more than our duties require.
By both her father’s and my mother’s accounts, she is kind. I am not.
A political arrangement. That is all it will be – all it must be.
But I hope that in choosing her, I can find some companionship in the arrangement. At the very least, perhaps we can discuss our favourite books.
Any offence you took at being called ‘plain’ was overshadowed by the aching in your heart at seeing how little Aemond thought of himself.
Yes, he was scarred. But he was still achingly handsome.
As far as you knew, he had done nothing that would make him undeserving of love. Surely everyone was deserving of love. At least, that is what you were always taught by your Septa.
He had said some unkind things to you, but now… after reading his note, you knew they must not have been meant as such. He was trying to be kind. He just didn’t know quite how.
The urge to throw the diary aside and run to him immediately threatened to overwhelm you. But he asked that you read, so you could know and understand him. And you were not finished yet. So, after taking a moment to clear your head by writing out a list of your favourite books, you turned to the next marked page.
The 9th day in the fifth moon of the year.
The man who painted that portrait should be flogged. Publicly. Or hanged, perhaps. For he has done to my betrothed the gravest injustice.
She arrived today. And I have been forever changed.
There is no creature more beautiful in the world. Not even Sunfyre is as radiant as her. And that imbecile of an artist – if he can even be called such a thing – made her look plain.
I shall burn that portrait immediately, and locate a true artist. One who is capable of capturing her loveliness.
Though it may be that such a thing is impossible. For it is not just her appearance that is so enchanting, but indeed her every aspect.
Her voice is more beautiful than any other sound or music I have ever heard. And she speaks with such elegance and intelligence! The reports were true – she possesses a brilliant mind. There was so much I wanted to ask her, to discuss with her, but I found myself unable to say any of it.
The words were so clear in my mind, and yet my mouth would not move. I do not even know if I actually greeted her, or if I only thought to do so. I must have, or else Mother would have scolded me. I wonder what I said…
You laughed slightly. He had only said two things to you that first day. When you rose from your curtsy in the courtyard, the first time you had looked into his eye, all he had said was your name.
He had been entirely silent the rest of the day.
Then, as you exited the welcome feast later that night, he looked into your eyes again. Finally, after a moment of furious blinking, he had said your name again and then turned abruptly to leave.
The first of many times he had done so.
You had thought he simply hadn’t wanted to speak with you, but it seemed you were very, very wrong.
From that very first meeting… he liked you.
It was almost humorous how quickly he gave up on his declaration that your marriage would be nothing more than a ‘political arrangement.’
No, it was more than just humorous – it was hilarious. And more than a little flattering.
Stoic Prince Aemond, who since losing his eye had been as cold and unfeeling as stone, was practically smitten with you!
Suddenly, you realised that you were smiling so wide that your cheeks were beginning to burn, and in your delight, you had apparently kicked your legs about – your blanket now lay on the floor. But you didn’t care. You were blushing so much that you were perfectly warm, even in your flimsy nightgown.
And as you read further, your blushing did not stop.
The 10th day in the 5th month of the year
I spent nearly the entire day in her presence, and it has made me ever surer of my initial assessment – my feelings.
She is wonderful.
I was worried that, this morning, she would be different. That I would wake and find that my mind had played tricks on me yesterday, and she was not as beautiful, or sweet, or kind as I first thought. But, to my unending delight, she is all of it and more.
Mother and I met her and her own Lady Mother in the Royal Sept early this morning. When plans for the wedding were first being made, I did enquire about the ceremony being held not there, but in the Grand Sept. However, the request was firmly denied.
Grandsire gave me various explanations – that the expense was too great, that her family would be able to remain in King’s Landing for only a short time due to the coming winter, that the Grand Sept would be too busy preparing for the coming harvest celebration, and any number of other foolish things. I appreciate that he tried to shelter my pride, but it was unnecessary.
I know the real reason.
I am a Prince, but I am the third born. The second son. And my betrothed… she is the fifth born, if I remember correctly, although the eldest daughter.
I – we – are not worthy of the honour of being wed in the Grand Sept.
Perhaps if her family were more powerful, maybe one of the Great Houses…
Why do I even care? Being Wed in the Royal Sept is still an honour, and the gods will watch over us no matter where we say our vows. But still, I want it.
I want it for her.
I want to see her face alight as she enters the Sept and sees not only its magnificence but its each and every alcove filled with hundreds of people all there for her – for us.
We will both have to settle for the lesser beauty of the Royal Sept and a few dozen witnesses in place of the hundreds she deserves.
You would have loved to be wed in the Grand Sept – to have been given that great an honour.
But you had never considered it until reading Aemond’s words. And though you tried to make yourself share in his regret, you were unable to truly feel it. Nor could you feel any offence at his comments about your own importance and that of your house.
All you felt was a pang of sadness that Aemond considered himself so unworthy, as did his family, it seemed. After the sadness faded, there came a blossoming warmth in your chest, that he wanted it not for himself, but for you.
You picked up your pen to write something, but couldn’t think of what to say. That you wished he wasn’t a second son? That he was just as important as his elder brother, or his sister, the heir?
In the end, you simply wrote: ‘Thank you. Perhaps we can visit the Grand Sept soon. Together.’
At least there will be a suitably grand celebration after the ceremony.
Gods, am I actually looking forward to the feast? I hate feasts.
I hate the crowds, the overloud music that somehow does not drown out the din of the drunken guests gossiping like fools. I hate being forced to sit and watch while the people that claim to be noble and dignified gorge themselves like rats on obscenely rich food and repulsively strong wine. I hate all the cowering girls that approach me only because their fathers want to secure an advantageous marriage, who Mother always tries to make me dance with – oh, that’s it.
I will not have to listen to the music or the gossiping. I will not have to watch the crowd or dance with any girls who look at me as if I am some creature of the night.
It will just be me and her.
And the some three hundred guests mother has invited. But it will be bearable, so long as I can sit next to her, talk to her, dance with her.
Yet he never said a word to you at the feast, and danced with you but once.
‘I would have danced with you all night,’ you wrote. ‘If you’d only asked.’
Oh yes, I think I will like this feast very much.
She will as well, I am sure. With every detail Mother told her as we showed her the Great Hall for the first time, she looked so happy, so excited. She is not afraid of me – she is excited to marry me!
Though she did not speak to me beyond greeting me when I arrived… Perhaps it is a fault of mine, for I do not believe I spoke to her, either. I wanted to, but again, I could not find the words.
Of course, now that I am alone, I can think of a thousand things I want to say. A thousand things I want…
After dinner, I escorted her to her new chambers. We were chaperoned, of course, by our mothers. But even with their eyes upon us, when I brought her to that door… I wanted to follow her through it.
I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to touch her. I wanted… gods, I wanted all of it.
But it is not lust.
At least, not in its entirety. I would be a damnable liar if I did not say the very sight of her – of her sparkling eyes and the glimpse of her breasts the dress she wore today granted me – had me thinking sinful, unbecoming thoughts. I admit I am grateful my jacket disguised any evidence of where my mind was as I said goodnight.
I think I said goodnight – didn’t I?
You began to blush again, but it was of a different sort of bashfulness than before. For this wasn’t innocent compliments about your beauty or your wit. It was…
As much as Aemond tried to deny it, it was lust. He lusted for you.
It was a sin. You should have been disgusted. Offended.
Yet, you weren’t.
For you would also be a ‘damnable liar’ if you tried to say you hadn’t lusted for him either. Perhaps not before the wedding, but you had certainly desired him since.
But you certainly couldn’t write that down. So instead, you wrote that he had not said goodnight. He had looked like he might, but he only nodded slightly and left.
Is it truly a sin to list after the woman who is to be my wife? Or does it remain a sin until we are actually wed? I shall have to ask Eustace on the morrow.
Still, it is not only lust. For she is not only beautiful. She is kind, sweet, intelligent, and so, so good.
I fear I may love her.
Or, at the very least, it would be very easy to love her. And harder still to not.
I do not want to love her.
To love her would be to condemn myself to a life of perpetual misery, for I know she could never love me in return.
Nor would I want her to. No one should be forced to love someone like me – someone so broken and hateful.
Perhaps it would be kinder for both of us if I called off the betrothal. I am sure Grandsire could find a way to dissolve the arrangement without causing damage to her reputation. If my own must take the blame, I would gladly do it.
Something else was written at the end of that line, but it had been so thoroughly crossed out that you could not decipher it.
I cannot. I have known her little more than a day, but I know I must have her. Not just physically, but… I need her in my life.
She is the first light I have felt in many years, and perhaps it makes me the most selfish person alive, but I simply cannot go back into the dark.
So, the day after tomorrow, I will marry her.
Tonight, I will pray that tomorrow ends quickly. Perhaps I will attempt sleeping all the way through it, and hope I dream of her.
You felt a cracking in your chest. A hurt deeper than you had ever known. And it was not only for you, but for Aemond. For both of you.
‘I need her in my life.’ And yet almost as soon as you were wed, he left you.
In those first two weeks, you only ever saw Aemond in an official capacity. Was seeing you for only a few hours every day, wherein the both of you were almost entirely silent, really enough for him?
Of course, it wasn’t. He would not have come to your chamber again that night if it was. He would not have kissed you when you lay together or touched beyond what was required by duty. He would not have approached you again and again, even when he consistently angered you or made a fool of himself.
It took him longer than you wanted to that first time, and how he did so was almost always unexpected, but…
Aemond had made a habit of leaving you, but he always came back.
The weight of that realisation and the warmth and lightness it brought to your chest could not be lifted by even the largest of dragons. So, you did not ponder it any further, nor did you write anything down. There was, at once, too many things to say and yet not enough words to express them properly.
So instead, you turned the page so hard it nearly tore.
The 11th day in the 5th moon of the year.
Today did not pass quickly.
In fact, today may have actually lasted an entire year. Or at least it felt that way. I shall have to ask the Maesters to look into it.
Gods, if I make such a pathetic excuse for a joke in front of her, she will call off the wedding herself. Humour has never been my domain. But she does so like to laugh…
I will improve, as I hope my attempts to speak to her improve with time and practice. Or perhaps I can find a book on the theories and practices of comedy in the library. Unfortunately, I doubt such a book exists for talking to one’s wife.
With a small smile, you made another entry in your journal, noting each time he had made you laugh since the moment you met. True, he was not the funniest man you had ever met – not even close. But he had made you laugh more than a handful of times.
You thought he’d like to know it.
While I cannot say that today was the worst of my life – I do not imagine any day could be so terrible to usurp that title – I struggle to identify anything good I can report.
I did not sleep at all during the night. My mind was too occupied by thoughts of my betrothed. By the things I should have said to her these past two days and how she looks when she smiles. Gods, I do not think there is much in the world I want so much as to make her smile.
Did she think of me at the same time? Did thoughts of me keep her from sleep?
You had, in fact, had trouble sleeping. Though you could not say that it was because you were thinking of Aemond. Instead, it was mostly your worries that kept you awake, wondering whether the King and Queen liked you, if your dress would fit, and dreading the possibility of your misspeaking during the wedding ceremony.
Your thoughts of Aemond were few, and they, too, were mostly worries. But, then, he had said fewer words to you than you could count on your hands, so you were all but convinced he had not liked you. The fear that he would call off the wedding had loomed over your like a stormcloud.
And it was not an unfounded fear, apparently. Although his reasons for considering doing so were far different than you would have thought.
It was not only my mind that kept me awake but… other parts of me as well. When the hour grew very late, my thoughts drifted not to the wedding itself or the feast that will follow, but to the bedding.
Mother has insisted on a private bedding and no drunken escorts, after seeing how miserable Helaena’s ceremony made her. My poor sister didn’t emerge from her chamber for days afterwards, and Aegon was no help. He was drunk for an entire week after the wedding – or at least he was when he was at the Keep, which was rarely.
At least I have that. Finally, I will be alone with her.
I must stop considering it, or my body will again react to these sinful thoughts. For they are sinful – I asked Septon Eustace, and he confirmed that such thoughts remain sinful until we are wed. So, I will try and avoid them until that time.
There was a blotch of ink next to that last paragraph, which bled into the following pages through the small hole that had been pierced through the paper. As though…
The image of Aemond stabbing his pen into his journal in frustration came to you, making you smile. You picked up your own and wrote, ‘Some craftsman worked very hard to make you such a fine journal. It is quite rude of you to treat it with such brutality.’
I did not get to see her for more than a few moments today. She was late to dinner, as were both our mothers. They had been all but consumed by the preparations for tomorrow. They mentioned flowers and streamers, music and foods, and many comments about hair, jewels, and dresses that I simply did not understand.
And her damn father seemed more than happy to indulge them, asking so many questions about each detail that I was never once able to speak with her. Why he is so interested in ladies’ things, I do not know.
Everything else that happened today is hardly worth writing about. I rose early, trained until midday, briefly met with the tailor that made my wedding clothes and sat in on court.
Now, I take comfort that this damnable day is nearly ended, and I must wait only a few hours longer until we are wed. With luck, the sleep which eluded me last night will find me tonight, and I can pass the hours remaining in sweet dreams.
You remembered how you felt at dinner the day before – when Aemond was not there. The way you had felt his absence as though it were a missing limb. He had felt that way about you after less than two full days of knowing you.
If only you had as well. It would have saved much awkwardness and pain on both sides.
There was going back now. So, you read on.
The 12th day in the 5th moon of the year.
I am wed. We are wed. I am married – to her. To my wife.
She is my wife. She will be with me now, always. But… she is not here now.
Oh gods, why did I leave her room? I should have stayed there with her, or taken her back here. Fuck!
Several sharp, scrambling lines covered the rest of the page. Not even an attempt at language – just an expression of anger.
It was almost funny to think of. While you were lying in your bed with your skirt still hiked up around your waist, wondering if that would be the rest of your life, Aemond had been at his desk striking through the journal with his pen like it was a sword.
At least he knew he had been in the wrong?
I will start at the beginning, for I will go mad if I think too long about what I have just done – and what I should have done.
Today did not go exactly as I had planned.
Sleep again did not find me this past night. I simply laid abed, my mind racing and my cock hard. I just thought of her and longed for her and prayed that the sun would finally fucking rise.
Eventually, it did.
And not a moment later, servants came to dress me. I fear I may have been quite rude to them, but I was tired, and the wedding clothes felt much tighter than they did yesterday. I was left alone then to eat my fill before the official breakfast celebration, where I would be too busy receiving the guests to actually eat. But I could not– my stomach was roiling with nerves. I barely drank any of my tea, either.
I wondered what she was doing at that moment. If she was feeling what I was.
You had vomited from your nerves. Twice.
Your mother said it was only by some miracle that your dress was spared.
But there was no chance you would tell Aemond that.
I am almost grateful that Mother insisted on following the traditions of the Reach. For if I had to wait for the ceremony at midday with no distractions… I do know if I could have endured it.
Though, I do not know how I endured the breakfast either.
Every single person in the realm with even a drop of Hightower blood was there, all of them using the wedding as an excuse to curry favour with either the King, Mother, or Lord Hobert. The same as the other guests from the Reach and the few that came from the other kingdoms.
And then there was her family. Or at least the men of her family. Her father is one thing, but she has seven brothers! Seven! Though they were all perfectly polite, I am certain that they would be happy to kill me if I ever hurt her.
If I ever did – which I swear by all the gods I would never do – I would gladly let them. I’d even ask them to take their time and make it hurt.
There was also a great number of her cousins – who would also kill me if I hurt her. I lost count of how many there were, exactly, but it is enough to make a small army. Each of them brought gifts that were clearly meant for her, even though they were presented to me.
Aegon says I should simply be happy I received so many fine gifts – including two dozen swords and even more daggers – but I cannot stand being used like that.
At least my wife – my wife, my wife, my wife – only had to endure the company of the women in her family and not so many people who are practically strangers. I hope she liked her gifts and that she enjoyed her morning. The breakfasts are not a tradition where she is from. I do hope they did not displace any of her family traditions.
You did enjoy your breakfast ceremony. It was unusual at first, and you had to rely on the Queen and distant cousin who had married into the Reach to inform you precisely what you were meant to do.
And now, you were insatiably curious about the gifts from your brothers and cousins. Aemond had not told you about them…
‘Where have you hidden my presents, you rogue?’ you wrote in your journal.
Then, at last, the ceremony.
I remember very little of it, to be completely honest. But I shall never forget how she looked, or how the midday sun lit her in gold as she finally walked through the doors of the Royal Sept.
Writing this may damn me, but I do not care. She was is more beautiful than the Maiden.
Even when she is nervous, which she undoubtedly was. She never smiled entirely, but I could see one playing at her lovely lips.
Oh, and her voice when she swore her vows! I wish I possessed some kind of magic to capture that sound in a bottle, that I may listen to it whenever I wished.
Then I kissed her.
There was another blot of ink, as though he had hovered his pen over the page so long the ink dripped.
I do not possess the words to describe what I felt then.
Rumour has claimed that my heart shrivelled and died after that night on Driftmark. If that is true, then her kiss was a miracle from the gods, for it brought that dead thing back to life – back to such life that I felt I could do anything if she only wished me to.
Even as tears of something like joy began to fall from your eyes, you laughed, remembering what your eldest brother had said about that kiss, ‘It was the most awkward thing I’ve ever seen –I had to watch all our brother’s bedding ceremonies.’
If I had my way, I would have done away with the rest of the ceremony and the feast then and there. I just wanted her, and I didn’t want to wait. But the moment I pulled away from her, Eustace started praying again, and I just had to stand there in front of dozens of people, looking at her and allow myself thoughts that, as of that moment, were no longer sinful.
Thankfully, my wedding clothes were not as tight as I thought. For if they had been, Aegon would have surely teased me for being so obviously eager for my wife – my wife, my wife, my wife.
I was so very eager – damn it all, I shouldn’t have done this either – that I only danced with her once at the feast. If I held her in my arms a moment longer, I would not have been able to resist kissing her again or dragging her away to my chambers long before it was proper.
You almost wished he had dragged you away. Although, considering how the bedding went, perhaps not.
So, I left her to the dancefloor and the many men – and Helaena – that also wanted a turn with her. I remained at the head table, not eating or talking to anyone. Not that there was anyone to talk to. Mother and Grandsire were making rounds, Aegon was chasing women, Helaena was dancing with my wife… the only one at the table with me was the King. I have nothing to say to him.
I do not know if I sat there for five minutes or five hours, but finally, Mother called for the bedding. I did not hesitate.
I actually meant to take her to my chambers, but we ended up in hers. I do not know why. Perhaps… I think I just wanted to see them. Two nights, I left her at that door, aching to go in with her.
Tonight, I did.
I don’t know what I was expecting. Something heavenly? But it was just a room, like any other. Though, I did spy two books on her table. One was a fine but worn copy of the Seven-Pointed Star. Perhaps I will commission a new one for her, bound in her favourite colour.
What is her favourite colour? She is my wife, but I do not know. I should know. I should ask.
But I don’t know if I can ever face her again.
I don’t know what I did wrong. It didn’t feel wrong. It – I’m getting ahead of myself.
When we entered her bedchamber, I froze. I was looking at her bed – where I would take her maidenhead. Where we would hopefully produce our heir. And I just froze. Froze and prayed.
I prayed for knowledge, for the Seven know I have no idea what to do with a woman. I can’t even talk to her. How am I supposed to –
A small spot of angry, squiggling lines.
When I was done praying, which I think took an embarrassingly long time, she was standing before me, her head bowed. She might have been praying, too.
I asked if she wanted my help to remove the various pins and pearls in her hair. Mother and Helaena have both complained that they become uncomfortable after a while. And I know that losing their maidenhead is already uncomfortable enough for women, so it seemed the right thing to do.
Besides, she has such pretty hair. I wanted to help her. To touch her and to run my hands through that hair.
But she said no. She did not want my help.
She was so nervous that I could see her trembling as she shook her head. I did not want to make any more so, so I did not insist further.
Nor did I want to move about her room without her express permission, for I know I would not wish a stranger to snoop around mine.
Can I be called a stranger if we are married?
I did feel the temptation to go to that table and look at the other book there. I suspect it is her diary, for there was no title on the spine, and I believe there was a thin strap holding it closed, as the pages have grown worn. It even looked as though other pages or notes had been tucked inside.
She keeps a diary, just as I do. Just as I am doing now.
Is she writing in hers as well? At the very moment?
If she is, I fear whatever she writes will not be very kind to me.
While she was removing her hairpins, she made a noise. She was trying to hide it, but it was so godsdamned quiet in that room that I could still hear her. It was soft, almost like a whimper.
That one little noise almost pushed me over the edge. Perhaps it wouldn’t have it if I hadn’t been hard for hours, but… I couldn’t wait any longer.
I had planned to remove her clothes myself. It was to be tender and romantic. But I heard that noise, and then she came back to stand beside me, and I saw her loose hair and the barest hint of her breasts, and all my plans vanished.
So, like an idiot, I told her to get on the bed. Fully clothed. And she obeyed! My sweet, innocent wife, who does not know any better, got on the bed with her fucking shoes still on!
I love her. I really do. So, so much.
That’s probably the most ridiculous thing to make me realise it, but that was it.
It wasn’t her fault anyway. I’m the one that told her to lie down. So if either of us is an idiot, it is me.
But I didn’t want her to think I was an idiot, so I didn’t undress either. Instead, I just unlaced my trousers enough to set my cock free. I stroked myself a few times to ensure I was ready – Orwyle said it would be easier if I was as hard as possible.
Then she lifted her skirts. She was undoubtedly a maiden, but her mother must have told her something, as I didn’t have to ask her to do everything. Though I did have to let her know that I needed her legs open – she had them shut tight.
When I got on the bed, I kissed her again. But it didn’t feel the same as it did in the Sept. Then, her lips were soft against mine. She pressed her lips back against mine, if only slightly.
This time, she was utterly still. Her lips were cold.
I don’t think – she didn’t want me to kiss her. Or she was afraid to, or…
Another drop of ink.
She was afraid of me.
I couldn’t look at her anymore. She isn’t supposed to fear me. She is my wife. I thought she wouldn’t look at me… like everyone else.
So I stopped trying to make it romantic. I just did my duty.
But the female anatomy is more complex than I had assumed. I looked at her – I do not know a polite word for it – and I admit I was unsure how to proceed. When I was with that wh other woman –
What fucking ‘other woman?’
You felt your face heating with rage as you read the beginning of that sentence over and over. The idea that Aemond – your husband – had been with another woman and was thinking about her after your wedding night was infuriating beyond belief.
Even after he insinuated you were unintelligent, or insulted your beloved robe, or walked away from you again and again, you had never been this angry.
You had more than half a mind to toss the godsdamned diary in the fire, storm into his rooms, yell at him a good deal, and demand answers from him directly. But when you stood and approached the hearth, you could not do it.
Aemond had trusted you with his diary, including this. He had marked this entry specifically as one he wanted you to read. Perhaps he simply hadn’t remembered what he wrote – no. He was too meticulous, this man who had started his diary precisely on the first day of the year.
He knew exactly what he wrote and wanted you to read it anyway.
So, after sitting back on the couch, you did.
When I was with that wh other woman, I did not look at her. Not there. I did not want to. But I regret that now.
I reached out to feel her, to try and find – I don’t know if it’s the whole thing, inside and out, that is the ‘cunt,’ or if it is just the hole – to try and find her entrance. That’s a better word.
She didn’t like it. She pulled away from me.
I thought it might be because my hands were cold, but I have never felt cold, so I warmed them before continuing. Which she did let me do! We actually apologised to each other at the same time. It was almost sweet. Or it would have been if I wasn’t such a fucking idiot.
I tried to go slow when entering her. I really thought I had gone slow. It certainly felt slow.
When I was all the way inside her, it felt like – she felt like…
Several drops of ink.
Warm. She was warm, like sitting only a few feet away from a fire.
And soft, softer than anything I’ve ever felt before.
I don’t know how to describe how – her tightness. Not so much that it was difficult to enter her. I didn’t have to force my way in. I never would. Yes, there was some resistance at first, but after a moment, it was just right. Perfect, even.
How could she be so different from the whore? When Aegon brought me the Street of Silk and presented me with a line of women he had selected himself, he said it didn’t matter which one I picked. ‘A cunt is a cunt,’ he said. ‘You must simply choose which drapes you prefer.’
They are not the same.
Is it just because I love her? Because I actually wanted her, as I didn’t want the whore?
You didn’t think any sentence containing the word ‘whore’ could you make you smile. This one did. According to Aemond, you were better than a whore – you were perfect.
And he loved you.
He hadn’t been cold and distant that night because he didn’t want to lie with you, but because he wanted to so badly that he forgot his senses.
As your smile grew, you buried your face in the diary, grounding yourself in the smell of parchment and dried ink.
A few moments ago, you were ready to storm into Aemond’s chamber and unleash your anger upon him. Now, he once again had you giggling like a silly little girl. What power did he hold over you that allowed merely his words to have such an effect on you?
One word floated through your mind like a leaf on a breeze. A dangerous word, one which frightened you far too much to give voice to. Even if only in your mind.
Instead, you swallowed it and laid the diary back on your lap.
I thought that feeling… that she might feel it too. The euphoria that came with release meant that – that it meant something. That maybe I was mistaken when I thought she was afraid of me.
But when I went to kiss her again, she did not look as happy as I felt. She still looked afraid. Afraid and confused, like she was expecting more. Like I was not enough.
I shouldn’t have done it, but I couldn’t face that look and what it meant. I can’t live in a world where she fears me. Where she does not want me as I want her.
I said that this marriage would only be a political arrangement, but I don’t want that anymore. I want more. I need more.
So, I left. I just… left.
If I were a man, I would go back there now. I would apologise and tell her that I loved her. That she is the most beautiful creature in the world and that I will do anything to make her happy.
But I am here, writing in this stupid fucking diary because I am too much a coward to face her.
I can’t just avoid her forever. She is my wife. I must see her again.
Thank the gods that we are not being sent on a royal progress. Not until we know for sure that the summer will last the year. But I will still see her. Tomorrow. She will be at court, at my side as my wife. And at dinner with the rest of the family.
Gods, what am I going to do?
Another stab in the page, this one not as fierce as the last.
I need help.
I’m sure Aegon is still at the feast if he hasn’t…
Not tonight. I am two days without rest, and I do not think I can restrain myself if Aegon makes untoward comments about her.
Tomorrow, I will ask for help. I have no other option.
I must see her smile again.
You ran your hand over the page, over the words that broke your heart again and again. As if in response, the pain in your stomach started once more. You reached for your teacup, only to find it empty.
Aemond’s diary fell from your lap as you sat up and leaned across the table to reach the teapot. It, too, was empty. “Damn,” you whispered.
Another pain came, accompanied by a sharp pang of hunger. Looking over to the window, you found the sun more than halfway across the sky. Had you really been reading for so long?
You wanted nothing more than to keep reading, but you knew hunger would only worsen the pain of your moon’s blood and possibly make you more likely to do something foolish, like go to Aemond before you had finished the diary.
So, you picked the journal up from the floor, marking your place with one of the green ribbons you had set aside, and stood.
Aemond’s words – his truths – would still be there after you ate and drank and perhaps called the Maester for something to ease your pain. For now, you would take some much-needed time to think through all you had read. All you had learned.
And you would write. While reading, you too often became caught in his words and neglected your own.
Aemond gave you his truth, so you would give him yours.
But after more raspberry tea. And a meat pie. And some tea cakes.
After all, he made you wait. Now it was his turn.
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cbrownjc · 5 months
My Long IWTV Season 2 Prediction Post:
So this is a long post containing all my (more or less) final predictions for Season 2 of IWTV. Mostly so I can keep track of everything I've been predicting since Season 1 ended.
I'm breaking this all up between General Predictions and some specific Episode Predictions. And I'll put it all under a spoiler cut due to the length and just in case any of this is correct, which would mean massive spoilers. Because yes, many of these predictions are based on things found in many of the books in the VC, not just IWTV; as well as recent trailers and other press material.
General Predictions:
Louis will attempt to end his life like he did in the book Merrick by the end of the season, likely in EP08: This is something that I've been predicting since EP05 of Season 1 first aired. I think it is pretty much my oldest prediction wrt the show, and one I've never wavered from. Now it's time to see if this prediction is right or not.
Lestat is asleep in a coma somewhere in the Al Shafar Tower, and is the source of The Groan: I first made this prediction back before EP07 of S01 aired. I wasn't too confident about it being proven during Season 1, but I think now is the time. Maybe Lestat's in the penthouse. Maybe he's in the basement. Maybe he is on some floor in between, I don't know. But something like The Groan wasn't spoken about as just some throw-away line. There is a reason it was pointed out. And I think that is because Lestat is the source for the sound and makes it sometimes while he is in his post-Memnoch coma state. And what is going to finally wake him up will be Louis doing what I predicted above in my first prediction.
Armand and Daniel's relationship (ie their past romantic relationship) will be revealed in EP08: I've been predicting this more times than I can count during the hiatus. Simply because, as far as general/causal audiences go, revealing it in the finale always just seemed like the most impactful place to reveal it.
The missing pages of Claudia's diaries will reveal the information about her that we learned in the book Merrick, particularly regarding her feelings toward Louis: Via the link above I made a long meta post about that. I'll say more about it below, but in general, why Louis is going to do what he does by the end of EP08 will be because of what he reads/learns from Claudia's missing diary pages, just like as what happened with book!Louis in Merrick.
Louis will begin to awaken his Fire Gift abilities during the season: There is a quick shot in one of the preview trailers of what looks to be Louis setting one of his photographs on fire, but not with a match or candle or anything, but just by staring at it. I think when Louis first discovers he has the ability to light things on fire like that, he'll not be overly excited about it or anything, and only reluctantly test it out sometimes . . . until he unleashes it in full in the season finale against the theater coven.
Episode Predictions (Spoilers):
Episode One (many people have already seen this episode at the premiere, but there is one thing I was already predicting about it before then that I want to say again):
-- Louis and Claudia will not arrive in Paris until either the end of the episode or the beginning of Episode Two.
-- This episode will be a set up to explain how revenants are created. That they are made if you try to turn a human but don't give them enough blood; OR if you don't scatter the ashes of a vampire that has been reduced to one. This will be done to set up both why Claudia's ashes had to be scattered AND the risks being made to bring Louis back either at the end of Season 2 or the beginning of Season 3.
Episode Two:
-- Not much to say really that most don't already know/suspect. Louis and Claudia arrive in Paris, and Armand and Louis first meet. Louis and Claudia meet the whole theater coven.
Episode Three:
-- Again, not much to say. Armand's full backstory will be told. This is also the main episode where we'll see Nicki and what his fate was. We will probably also get confirmation from Armand that the backstory that Lestat told Louis and Claudia about Magnus and how Lestat said he was turned was true.
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Episode Four:
-- Louis and Armand have sex for the first time (with Dreamstat in Louis' head giving commentary 🤪).
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-- The "banquet" scene, where Armand puts the coven members to sleep and Louis and Santiago have a confrontation (Louis looking like he's going to cut Santiago's tongue out.)
-- We will see the rift between Claudia and Louis continue to grow, as well as Claudia's distrust/dislike of Armand.
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Episode Five:
-- "Lestat, Lestat, Lestat, Lestat, Lestat, Lestat, Lestat, Lestat." 😂
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Yeah. We'll see this moment above in Episode 5. And Louis and Armand will basically deliver all their break-up dialogue from the end of the first book HERE, in Louis' shitty apartment in San Francisco; after Louis has attacked and almost killed Daniel.
This means that yes, Louis will confirm to Armand that he knows what Armand did to Claudia here. (With only heavy illusions made about what her ultimate fate has been.) And then Armand will give his "I thought you'd get over it" monologue.
And while Louis and Armand won't fully go their separate ways as they did in the book after all of this (because Armand will still feel he needs to look after Louis), we will very much understand that these two are not a happy couple at this point in time, and are full-on toxic in their own unique way.
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credit: gif by @loo-nuh-tik
-- Along with the FULL 1973 interview, The Chase between Armand and Daniel will be shown almost in full. We'll see a lot of things about The Chase, but we will probably not see fully when, or how, it ended.
Episode Six:
-- "I betrayed Louis once in my life and it wasn't in San Francisco." Armand says this to Daniel in Dubai in this episode.
-- Madeleine gets turned in this episode.
-- Louis says goodbye/breaks up with Armand.
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credit: gif by @hermit-frog
-- "The Last Supper."
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-- The episode will end with Louis, Claudia, and Madeleine all being taken by the Theater coven to be put on trial. Armand gives Louis a "Judas kiss" and leaves the three alone at the dinner table right before they are taken.
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credit: gif by @ofinkandust
Episode Seven:
-- Okay so, back when the Jones Cut trailer first aired, I said that this moment was Rockstar Lestat:
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credit: gif by @virginiaisforvampires
Well, I was wrong about that. Why? Well take a look at this:
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credit: gif by @sheisraging
Do you see it? Behind Santiago, in the upper left. That is the same key prop on the railing as in the shot with Lestat on the right on the railing. If you squint, you can also kind of make out the musical notes on the railing to the left of the Lestat image on the railing on the right in the Santiago one.
The shot of Lestat isn't Rockstar Lestat, as I first thought it was. It is the real Lestat's first entrance into Season 2. And it's going to be at the trial, in Episode Seven.
-- And because Lestat is making his first entrance in the way I talked about above? This is 100% from Armand's POV with some of Louis' misremembered POV with it. Because Lestat was not in any condition to make THIS kind of entrance on his own.
-- The revisit of Mardi Gras Murder Night from EP07 of Season 1 will happen here, during the trial. And it will be revealed that Claudia alone slit Lestat's throat while Louis stood by passively, while Lestat begged Louis to put him in his coffin. (Matching up to what Claudia wrote, in Lestat's blood, what his last words were.) Giving the full context to this moment we only saw in a flash in EP07 of Season 1:
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Which will then lead into . . .
-- The revisit of the Louis-Lestat fight from EP05 of Season 1 will be shown in this episode as well. (And will give viewers, particularly non-book readers, their first hints of Amel.) And because of what happened in that fight, specifically why that fight started in the first place, will tie into . . .
-- Claudia's diaries, which will be read at the trial. Out loud. By Santiago. And more specifically the missing pages, which we see Louis and Armand talk about in this preview, will contain some damning evidence that will all lead to . . .
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-- Claudia will reveal right there, on stage, to Louis himself, how much she hates him and blames him more for her situation than she does Lestat. Because "It's never been about me." Lestat made her for Louis. If Louis hadn't wanted her, she would never have been turned.
-- This episode will end with Claudia's death. Louis will be rescued from his coffin prison by Armand, and the episode will end with Louis breaking down over her loss -- both in the past and in the present in Dubai now that he remembers everything about Claudia's true feelings towards him right before she died.
Episode Eight:
-- Louis goes all Carrie/Firestarter on the Theater coven (after warning Armand to stay away first), unleashing his full Fire Gift powers on them all.
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-- Louis grieving in the park -- the same park where he first met Armand -- in the rain after destroying the theater coven, comforted by Dreamstat. And then Armand arrives . . . because Armand is whom Louis was actually waiting for. Why? Because, as Louis said about it in the book --
Where to go then, if not to die? It was strange how the answer came to me.
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credit: gif by @hermit-frog
-- Louis and Armand (and Dreamstat) go to the "Louver" for that moment from the book; which in the show has been replaced with someplace else since, post WWII, the Louver was apparently still closed at that time. It will be revealed that Louis knows of Armand's hand in Claudia's fate, shown via Dreamstat's reaction to everything Armand says about what happened.
-- And this will all now tie everything together into what will be alluded to about Claudia -- and Louis knowing Armand had a hand in it whatever it was -- in Episode 5 . . . and this now reveals why Louis and Armand's relationship has not been a happy one at all over the years, as we will see in Episode 5. And this will all be summed up by Louis probably saying this from the book directly to Armand:
"Yes, that is the crowning evil, that we can even go so far as to love each other, you and I. And who else would show us a particle of love, a particle of compassion or mercy? Who else, knowing us as we know each other, could do anything but destroy us? Yet we can love each other."
-- And the "Louver" scene will be the last scene we see Dreamstat in, as it will be here that Armand will tell Louis that Lestat died in the destruction of the theater. And Louis will believe him.
-- Armand, in the present in Dubai, will reveal the head thing he did to Claudia before she died.
-- Armand will reveal how he threw Lestat off Magnus' tower, even after Lestat was badly burned by Louis setting fire to the theater (but survived).
-- we will find out WHY Louis stopped feeding on humans in the year 2000. And it's probably not something anyone expects.
-- At some point in here it will be revealed that Lestat and Louis do reunite after Paris -- for real -- for a time, in the recent past. As seen by this hug:
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credit: gif by @nalyra-dreaming
However, something happened that made Lestat unavailable/incapacitated again (some Memnoch-type event is my guess.) So Lestat is now in a coma and Louis, rather than be alone, chooses to stay with Armand for the same reason he did after losing Claudia in Paris.
-- In Dubai, Louis will try to end his life via sunlight exposure, as he did in the book Merrick (as I noted above). Because, along with finally remembering the truth about how Claudia really felt about him, Louis will also be under the impression that Lestat will never wake from his coma again.
-- The bookcase collapsing around Daniel is a consequence of Lestat waking up from his coma after he stops hearing Louis' heart beating. (I.E. a visual representation of Lestat "shattering the realm" as it is apparently explained in the book Prince Lestat about this moment when he woke up in Merrick.)
-- Armand saves Daniel from getting crushed by the bookcase, which will also come tumbling down after the books and glass do.
-- Somewhere in all of that, Daniel will have a flashback that reveals he and Armand were actually lovers in the past. Daniel will be stunned by the memory. Armand will just be surprised that Daniel finally remembered it.
-- Armand and Daniel won't have time to talk about it though because Armand fears/will realize that Louis has done something that caused the commotion to happen (and likely because he also notices The Groan has stopped).
-- Armand and Daniel find Louis' body, burnt to coal ash. Lestat is either already there with Louis' body or arrives very soon after they do.
-- Whether we see Lestat revive Louis (as he was revived in Merrick) at the end of the episode (with Armand's help) or if we are left on a cliffhanger about it? IDK.
The predictions above are all the ones I feel most confident about right now. There are some others I have, but I'm not very confident about them, so I'm not listing them. I might mention them in individual posts after certain episodes air or not.
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glassrowboat · 26 days
Kiss Me (Kill Me). Dottore.
Summary: And then his breath halted. Nails slotting into the same marks she had left in the leather as he gripped it tightly. One sentence was enough to have his synthetic heart beating wildly, pounding as he took in the most simple phrase possible. After all, how can one mistake the words sitting neatly right before him?
Series warnings: suicidal ideation, gore, Dottore, the author trying their best to write a psychologist without any formal studying themselves, suicide, self harm, drug abuse, unhealthy relationships, depressed reader, reader is her own character, eventual smut, religious symbolism
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Chapter one:
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Matthew 11:28-30
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Pages were pinched between deft hands, crinkling them with ease as if the words printed out on them in a rushed, messy scrawl meant no more than a spider being crushed to death under a white tissue. All without so much as a hint of protest, for what could paper do against merciless hands?
It was merely a dead tree at the end of it all. Torn from its root, broken off and left to dry in the heat of a warm day, sapping it of all the life it had only to be dunked back into water. Boiled; down to its most basic properties and pulped. All to be formed into something new: the base that starts a creation. From books, art, or scrawled secrets in a diary.
But the dead do not praise the almighty that snuffed it out, nor do any who go down into silence. So the plant it had once been withers away.
A page was torn, a sound that grated on his ears. Dottore almost recoiled on instinct, having gotten so used to the distinct rip of paper that was torn asunder after hours of work had been documented only to turn out fruitless. A waste of his time and effort as a trash bin would slowly fill and tip over.
A scowl grew on his lips.
Now just what was she doing?
In the matter of a few long strides, Dottore had moved from his spot, leaning against the doorframe to her, grabbing her wrist with ease. Capturing her attention. The woman he dared to whisper the pet name habibi to in the dark of the night between rumpled sheets and had long since dubbed Beauty jolted back, looking up at him in a manner he was well used to by now.
Her gaze was as analytical as always; from the very moment they first met to now in their silent reverie. Observing him in the very same way Dottore looked down at a subject below his eager fingers or a piece of Khaenri’ah's legacy left behind in fragments scattered across Teyvat; breaking them down and building them back up so he may understand every last piece. How it works, how it moves, how it falls, and watch it all come together again with a newfound piece of knowledge to utilize.
But contrary to those moments hidden away in his laboratory, there were no gloves separating Beauty from him like there always was with those who lay strapped down on a stainless steel vivisection table. Nay, there was only the warmth of skin against skin he had so greedily chosen to relish in for he was a man who has never tasted sweetness being drawn in by the red sheen of an apple, pointed teeth biting into it for the first time as its juices befouled his maw. Not even the snap of blue rubber against his wrists could save him from the heat of her touch.
That was something Dottore had learned long ago.
“This is the first time I've seen you out of bed in days, and it's to tear apart your work?” Dottore questioned.
At least, that's what he assumed it was. She hadn't even given him the proper chance to peek at the pages he was expecting to see littered with bullet points and breakdowns of this subject or that one all in glittery ink before her free hand was brushing it all away. Nearly knocking it off the desk as she formed a measly excuse of a stack. Ruffling could be heard, but that paled to how her fingers were splayed wide to block his prying eyes.
Only a few messy words had caught his attention, drawing him in before she ripped everything right out from under him. Sheets of paper a rug his feet weren't even planted on suddenly throwing him off balance.
Tilting his head back to thunk against something all with the gentle scoff, she huffed, not even looking up at him as “peeking now” was asked in an accusatory tone.
“Could you blame a scholar for being curious?”
“Yes, I can.”
He felt her swatting at his chest, touch as light as the gentle caress of a falling feather, as she tried to get Dottore to give her some space; if not an ample amount. It's just like she's been insisting on for days now. Endlessly. Assurances of how she's fine, that they're fine, and everything is simply peachy besides the fact she's simply been feeling a little under the weather as of late have been stuffed into his ears again and again like cotton swabs. Soon, no doubt, they would pierce the tympanic membrane and leave only blood in their wake. For today, it had reached the two week mark, and Beauty was still insisting she was “fine.”
It took no effort on Dottore's part to capture the offending limb.
His thumb ran over her wrist, over her racing pulse, until he was tracing the lines on her palm. Mapping out how they curved around them and shifted with each flex of her hand. “Someone's nervous.”
“You..” Beauty's voice trailed off, fading down to a whisper only from uttering one word. But still, he stared down at her, waiting for a proper answer on what this entire debacle had been about. “And you know I don't like you going over my work when it's incomplete.”
Dottore's fingers twitched, threatening to tighten his hold on her before he let her go.
“Then I suppose I should have come home at my usual hour then. That way, you would have had the time to hide this”- he gestured to the mess on the vanity- “away.”
Of course, she jumped, nearly throwing herself off a cliff in the process, at the chance to change the subject. “Actually, I was wondering why you're back early. You're usually so wrapped up in work.”
Which would usually end with Dottore trudging through their bedroom door after a long day, only to slip his coat off as silently as possible to drape it over a lone chair off to the side. A dull blue light would always fill the corner as he came back, flickering over his face and hers as Beauty laid in bed, illuminating the way her eyelids twitched in irritation at the sudden glow; still, she always pretended to be asleep anyway.
Never stirring from the covers.
Not even as he pressed a kiss to her forehead and slipped into the bathroom to get ready for the quiet night that awaited him; one of Dottore staring up at the ceiling while she slowly fell into the depths of the dream world he had once been ecstatic at having access to when he first ripped the Akasha from his ear and called it what it truly was: a limitation. An inhibitor. A chain wrapped around the necks of human beings like they were dogs to be shackled by Celestia's will.
The very same irking feeling at the thought greeted Dottore tonight like an old friend, beckoning him as he made his way downstairs, pulling her along with him and away from her supposed work and the wooden vanity so they could have dinner together.
Though she had first insisted on cleaning up, on getting rid of the “trash” she had “dared to pen down in the first place.” Her purple bound leather notebook with loose, torn pages sticking out of the sides was suddenly shoved into a nearby waste bin and quickly taken out to be dumped by one of the maids as they worked. All before he could even make out the design stamped into the front.
It was so unlike her, but she always did have a way of confounding him.
A reticent meal had taken up his evening; one Dottore never would have imagined bothering with five years ago, not when he could have been down in the lab with the sounds of metal clanging or the gentle hum of a machine running as he tinkered with a ruin guard. Rust would be filling his nose rather than the scent of roasted duck as he was left with something that would at least make eye contact (or the closest a ruin guard can get to such) without Dottore having to draw its chin up to look at him.
Her eyes boring into his before she pushed Dottore's hand away and told him to eat lest he let another meal go cold before he finished it. Again.
So he laid in their shared bed, the taste of mint still on Dottore's tongue from brushing his teeth after dinner, and once again started counting each dot in the ceiling above as he stared up at the all too familiar sight.
When he was younger, before he knew the truth about the false sky and the lies it whispered to him, a little boy with wide eyes and his mother’s favorite blanket wrapped around his shoulders to keep off the starving cold had done the same with the stars. No matter how itchy it had been, he would have tugged it closer, welcomed its warm embrace, as he wordlessly mouthed the words:
One thousand forty-three.
One thousand forty-four.
One thousand forty-five.
Until he was dragged inside by a hand that grabbed him a little too tightly to do the very thing Beauty had now: to fall asleep.
Her breathing steady, as unshakable as those devout to prayers and a lifetime in pews as Beauty laid curled up against one of the many pillows littering the bed, taking more comfort in the foam stuffed inside it rather than Dottore and his awaiting arms. Comfortably, her nose sat buried away in the shirt she had stolen from him, again, and her legs coiled themselves up in the sheets. She always did have a way of taking them from him in the midst of slumber.
It would be so easy to pull that damnable pillow from her clutches, to throw it off to the side and hold her close until the morning came, and he'll have to leave when the sun rises. Casting its glow across her form lying alone. Only an imprint of his body in the mattress for company, but the few words he has been able to catch scratched out from the mess of papers have been worming at his brain the entire time he had laid there counting away.
Maggots to a corpse.
Feasting on curiosity he had in spades.
One thousand fifty-two, Dottore counted.
His name had been painted across the pages. Dottore, Zandik, and the nickname she called him. Matching the one he had for her. Back then, she had a smile on her face that had halted his breath, just the way it did as he stared at handwriting he could recall all the way down to every flick of an E.
Observations, no doubt, for human behavior was her bread and butter; the very air she breathed; and the ink spilling from her pen as she wrote down every sin he dared to confess.
He had received hundreds of reports from her by now, far too many to count but stored away nonetheless, about the latest test subjects detailing every last thing she could think of. To the point that he already had a vague idea of what she would have written about him, but it was more than that. It had to be. For she wouldn't have tossed that damn journal out otherwise.
Cast it aside like dross.
With one last lingering glance her way as Beauty snored against the sheets, Dottore got out of bed.
The floorboards didn't even so much as creek below him as he walked to the door and shut it with a silent click.
A book of all things was haunting him. Causing Dottore to leave his chambers in the middle of the night to make his way down chilled halls. The presence of the cryo Archon herself decorating each corridor, each twist and turn, with the cold he had worked so hard to combat a few centuries ago with heaters so hot to the touch you couldn't even graze past one without it leaving a burn on any trace of exposed flesh. (As learned from personal experience).
Zapolyarny Palace's rubbish room should be…
The flutter of his white jacket followed Dottore as he pulled it on, having only just plucked it from where it hung before the door had smacked him in the face he made his way down a flight of steps.
Briefly, Dottore could hear his segments over their shared network prying into what he was doing. Or arguing with themselves, really; that seemed to be their favorite hobby. They always had something to say. To jabber about to the point that tamping each voice down had become second nature.
Shutting them out was easy, something he had done millions of times by now. And that was just this past six months.
The last thing he heard, flickering out as the connection was temporarily cut to dull the ache in his head was Epsilon. Petulant, as between the radio static Dottore caught something about “and you say I'm the one who should mind their own business.”
Then, all Dottore was left with was the loud groan of the trash compactor. A sound that had welcomed him time and time again after all the times he had been down here. His shoes had always hit the floor louder than necessary as he had to deal with tossing supplies that unfortunately hadn't lasted through his experiments.
It creaks a nostalgic hum.
But that wasn't why he was here.
Flexing his hands, the leather of his gloves moving with them, Dottore set to digging through the plastic bags in front of him. Tossing anything that wasn't his goal out of the way, cluttering the floor with paper cups, shredded files, and whatever else had been used and forgotten. A lesser man might have been disgusted, but this was just another Tuesday.
And then his fingers met the stained purple leather.
Kalpalata lotus print embedded on the front.
A white figure huddled over trash stood in the middle of the room, a reverent touch grazing over the cover of the journal covered in scratches and fingernails prints worn into the leather just like the flower marking the front from having gripped it too tightly.
Surely, if someone came in now, they'd look at him as if he was crazed. Maybe even shout about ghosts suddenly intruding on the palace; to which he'd only laughed.
Taking the treasure in his grasp, Dottore turned it over methodically, studying just how well worn it was. Threadbare, down to the bone as the binding threatens to fall out on him, the first page already hanging out of the book as he opens it to read his habibi’s name claiming this as hers all with one simple signature staining the surface; in a way that he couldn't find himself to mind even with the occasional drops of ink.
It was enough to have Dottore pulling his gloves off, throwing them to the floor to collect later so he could trace over each word. Even with the splatters, it was still so much neater than his own notes written down in a crazed frenzy.
And then his breath halted.
Nails slotting into the same marks she had left in the leather as he gripped it tightly.
One sentence was enough to have his synthetic heart beating wildly, pounding as he took in the most simple phrase possible.
After all, how can one mistake the words:
Wouldn't it all be easier if I was dead?
In pure black ink. No colored pens, no glitter, not even doodles in the margins or a little heart just for him, a sight Dottore had grown well used to seeing in her reports to him.
The sight made him want to hurl the book into the shadows of the room around him. Let it be forgotten between heaps of trash and plastic bags. They could hide the pages, cover them in scraps of food, and soak in the drops of half finished drink until each letter was blurred beyond recognition.
She did, after all, decide it was trash.
So wouldn't it make sense he let it be treated like it was? As long as it meant never seeing those words again.
His arm was already extended, waiting to toss it into the foul abyss and say good riddance, but what would that do, really?
In the end, he still knew.
Dottore could sit here, close his eyes, and picture that damned sentence again all because he knew.
That simple fact was enough to have Dottore grimacing in annoyance. Mind telling him the obvious, just as always, even in this moment where his emotions were stirring into a storm. Clouds in his veins and behind the eyes, raining down as he flipped to the next page.
Thursday, May 13, 1675.
Graduation was today.
I sat with a few other people in my Darshan in the cheap chairs they set up (one I swear gave me a splinter) and watched as people took their scrolls with smiles on their faces. Years of work finally came to fruition.
Good for them, really. Good for me. Or, at least, that's what I tried to remind myself as I climbed up on stage and faked a smile as I was congratulated for making it this far. But even then, I was glad to cast that hat aside, the yellow Vahumana badge staring back at me as I put it away for the last time.
Another page.
Wednesday, May 19, 1675.
I have everything packed up and ready to go for my trip back home. My clothes were cleaned and folded, books were stored in cardboard boxes (I never noticed how many I've bought or been gifted over these past few years until I saw three boxes stuffed full), knick knacks wrapped in paper for safe travel, and the key to my room set out to be returned to the dorm mother tomorrow morning.
Everything is ready for me to leave and forget these hallowed halls.
Just like my roommate already has.
She didn't even say anything to me other than a passing goodbye as she left. It's not like I was surprised. Still, you think someone you have lived with for so long would be missed despite the harsh tension between us, but maybe that's just my own feelings.
Regardless, I'll be heading back to my family home soon, at least. So that is some comfort for whatever it's worth. Even if that does mean I'll have to prepare answers for the questions they will undoubtedly ask.
And another.
Saturday, May 22, 1675.
I have just arrived back home and already I want to leave.
My family was all smiles as they welcomed me in, told me to unpack what I could before dinner, and then barged into my room to talk.
What were your classes like? What did you do while you were gone? Did you make any friends? ….And I couldn't bring myself to tell them that no, I don't think I did. Not unless you count the someone I kept bothering for the sake of helping me translate texts full of the old Sumerian dialect for my papers.
Sunday, May 23, 1675.
Sunday dinners are the same as ever, I see. The last time I had to deal with this was when I was a freshman and visited for the first official break between semesters. From there, I decided I would prefer to stay in the dorms even when it's the holidays.
But tonight, I sat before a plate full of sabz meat stew and rice and watched everyone bow their heads as my family prayed in thanks.
The entire time I refused to even blink.
Friday, May 28, 1675.
I need to find a job. At least, that's what I've been telling myself for the past five days.
The very idea of getting up and searching is draining, but so is putting a smile on as someone pops their head into my room (without knocking, mind you) and asking how I'm doing. To which I always respond with I'm fine.
I’m fine.
I have to be.
Monday, May 31, 1675.
No more heads have been poking into my room, not since I told them I was going to join the Fatui despite all the other places I applied and got accepted into. The looks I got when I told everyone over dinner, right after they all prayed, had been priceless. Completely, utterly, stupefied, and I had to keep myself from laughing.
At the very least, this new job will keep my mind distracted. I won't be able to sit at home staring at family photos from when I was younger and- all that matters is I can keep my mind distracted.
A busy mind is a good thing, keep it from wandering, so I intend to let it stay that way.
And lastly:
Friday, June 13, 1675.
Dottore traced his fingers over the date, one he knew well. Not that he'd willingly admit that. If anyone did dare to ask, they would be simply dismissed, waved away as Dottore tells them something along the lines of “I have no need to pay attention to anniversaries.”
The thirteenth of July. It was the first day she started working for him.
Dottore found himself walking back inside, journal tucked into his jacket to make sure Beauty wouldn't see it in case she was awake and sleepily tripping over her own two feet in an attempt to find him to drag him back to bed. The door to his steady swung open without so much as a creak and closed just as silently. Lock turning in place before Dottore sat down in the couch chair he so rarely used these days; not when she was always there nagging him about how it would give Dottore crooks in his neck if he fell asleep there one more time.
Her hands lingering on his shoulders and lips pressed to his mask…
Dottore pushed the wry grin that threatened to grow on his face down, opting to lean back into that same chair that threatened to swallow him into the cushions the same way the open book did its pages.
Devouring his attention.
Settling in had been…far from fun, but I unpacked what I needed for the night and left it at that; the rest can be dealt with later. Besides, compared to the day I had a few cardboard boxes barely mattered. After all, what could compare to meeting the elusive Lord Harbinger Il Dottore himself?
The endless white halls had already started to blur together, forming a maze in your head as you tried to map out each and every turn of a corner as you followed behind the man in front of you. The stray posters tacked up on the wall about lab safety barely differentiated one place from another, not even with their cheesy lines and reminders to use basic common sense. All you could rely on at the moment was the one dutifully leading you along, giving you a tour inside the depths of Zapolyarny Palace like it was nothing.
For him it surely must be.
But you were stuck watching the swing of his badge as every step you both took it moved back and forth, taunting you. It was in Snezhnayan, not common, meaning you were left glaring at symbols you couldn't understand all because you hadn't heard the man's name properly when he introduced himself after giving you a pair of safety glasses.
Lab mandated, apparently.
They would take time to get used to and you can already see yourself forgetting to take them off at the end of the day, but for now you were focusing on the tour you were being given as you chewed over the idea of just simply asking for his name again.
But by now, it felt a little too late to ask again. Even if it just was for clarifications sake.
The tapping of shoes came to a halt as you both stopped before a pair of open doors leading to a giant room. It was mostly bare, but it had three practice dummies close to the wall currently falling from the pikes they had been strung up. Keeling over onto the black stained floor beneath them covered in ash.
A lone boot print stood in the inky black, leaving a patch of white into the inky abyss.
And more boot prints trailed a path along the floor until they fully disappeared.
“And here is where we run physical trials for test subjects.” He shot you a look as he said: “but I don't think you'll be here much.”
You only nodded in response.
Another room came after another hall to add to your mental map you had long since lost track of as everything seemed to wander off into dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. All as the sound of rustling clothes filled your ears and mindless chatter about how working down here had been for him. Even in a place known as Heresy’s he managed to seem carefree as a door was pushed open to an archive.
Hand above your head to give you the chance to peek in to see stacks of books right from the moment the door swung open with a loud groan.
You could already see yourself spending far too much time in here as your eyes scanned over the seemingly endless rows, but you weren't given much of a chance to take it all in before you were on to the next stop.
You both passed by a few labs. Some seemed calmer than others, some had posters about safety lining the walls, but all of them had you pulling your head away only seconds after sticking it in the doorway to scrunch up your nose as the smell of disinfectant and other chemicals you couldn't place assaulted you.
For a moment, you heard your tour guide mutter a “bless you” as you sneezed (again) before walking on ahead to another sector of Heresy's.
One full of hustle and bustle as people in lab coats moved around the room with an ease that only came from knowing a space inside and out. Shuffling around giant crates, pieces of machinery you couldn't name but certainly recognized from a few constructions in Sumeru you had been told not to stray near, and steel tables all currently occupied with Fatui.
Faces hidden away by metal masks.
Just like the ones who openly walked around under the Tsarita's employ back home, never sparing you a glance.
The masks were only lifted away long enough for a light to be shined in their eyes, ones you always questioned as you passed them by on the streets or in Lambad's tavern, and then their faces were hidden away again. Blocked from sight so the individual fell away, and they once again belonged to the mass. To the service. To the worship of their beloved cryo Archon.
Would there be mercy in the eyes of the neighboring nations' people as they fulfill Her orders? Dutifully listening to whatever they're told simply because someone divine uttered a word or two.
The only thing that halted your train of thought with a resounding screech, breaks pulled back and forced to kick up sparks along well worn rails that lit your mind afire was the same man's voice who had been showing you around calling your name. All so your gaze could follow his pointed finger towards one figure in the room.
Pointing, pointing, and pointing towards a head of blue hair and a black mask.
Funny, you could have sworn you saw that same distinct shade in a few of the other sectors before you had been encouraged to keep up with the wave of a hand.
But the man at the other end of a finger and its broken nail was standing tall as everyone moved around him. A lone figure unbothered by the crowd that already had your shoulders tensing as someone passed behind you with a quick call of an “excuse me.”
“It's rude to point you know.” You said, trying to make a joke as you took everything in at once.
Between bustling figures was an earring like beryl only for it to glow the same way the flicker of a flaming torch lighting up the darkest of nights would, clothes ironed but clearly rumbled from today's work, and a mask with the gleam of burnished aluminum as this man stood before an occupied steel table. (You had later been told the correct term is vivisection table). A hand over a random Fatuus arm, checking for something or another with rippling skin as the limb was turned this way or that; discolored, but against the pale skin the bruises looked like the ice cold ocean you had sailed upon as a boat took you further and further away from your home.
You didn't even register your tour guide, saying that being rude was the least of your worries as that mask turned towards you. The end of its beak, birdlike as it was, stabbing at the air between you and who you could only guess was-
“Lord Harbinger Dottore.”
An arm was dropped, forgotten about with ease as Dottore himself moved to stand before you.
The man beside you bowed his head in respect, and you followed his example.
Head lowered, safety glasses sliding off your face and only stopping thanks to your ears as the sound of a multitude filled the air. All from a sentence so short it barely came across as a sign of acknowledgment.
“You must be the new hire.”
“I am.”
“I hope you prove your worth then. I would hate to have wasted my time bringing you here only to have a lack of results from bringing in a psychologist for my test subjects.” A pause. “But I am sure you understand. After all, you are only here temporarily. A trial run if you will.”
And as you looked up, meeting Dottore face to mask, all you could see was your own reflection staring back at you. Dark circles under your eyes from the lack of sleep you were able to get last night having tossed and turned in an unfamiliar bed before you slowly succumbed to the constant pull at your mind to let it all go.
To simply rest.
For humanity, after all the time you have sat back with a colored pen and a notebook in hand, it has spilled its secrets to you. That it is afflicted in every way; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.
And you could only say you long since stopped hoping for destruction to turn a blind eye to you.
“Well, I am honored to be here as a trail run, Lord Harbinger.”
You didn't miss the way his lips curled up, twisting to reveal pointed teeth as Dottore drawled out. “Good. Then we're on the same page."
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bluebudgie · 22 days
Alright peeps. Obligatory first impression post. Not spoiler free this time.
Tl;dr having a really really good time.
Oof I'll try to keep this as short as possible (not short). And I'll try not to make it too much of a SotO comparison fest.
Let's start with the obvious one. And probably the longest one. The two new maps. I love both of them. Absolutely beautifully refreshing maps.
Lowland Shore is so rich both in layout and activities. It feels so full of life (dare I say one of the first maps in a while that feels genuinely alive), it's gorgeous to look at and really fun to explore. I got some Grothmar Valley vibes from this one in terms of how busy the map feels. Fun events and mini games at every corner, all packaged in a beautiful landscape. Also my jaw literally dropped when I dove into the bee cave lol.
Janthir Syntri (sick name, idk if syntri means anything but I love how it's written) feels a little less unique in terms of layout but it nails the atmosphere. The coast looks amazing and I adore the snippets of lore scattered all around the map. I've been absorbing those journal pages. This map feels kinda like Lake Doric if it were cool.
I cannot overstate how happy I am that these maps are largely walkable by foot, some vistas and mastery insights aside that require the warclaw. SotO's maps were by far the biggest expansion killer to me (a formal shoutout to Amnytas at this point which has officially dethroned Lake Doric as The Worst Map. That's two Lake Doric mentions in one post.)... and I'm just so happy we got really nice ones this time around. No Tangled Depths or Draconis Mons, but... really nice nonetheless.
Similarly the new music is very pretty and atmospheric, but what else is new in this game. Haven't had a proper listen to the OST outside the game yet, but I do fondly remember one ambient song in particular which I'm curious to check out. I believe it plays in Janthir Syntri exclusively. Also the battle themes slap.
The masteries
Said this an earlier post already, but I like the mastery progression. It's been kind of hit or miss depending on the expansion, but this time around the unlocked masteries feel like meaningful upgrades to look forward to.
Hell yea having a blast with this one. Love the Tyrian Alliance. Those meetings are absolutely hilarious. All these different people clashing and trying to stay diplomatic while wanting to tear each other apart. I like that a lot of older "loose" plot points were brought up for that occasion too.
The newly introduced characters are all really likeable and I feel like I already know more about them and their motivations now than we ever (unfortunately!) got to know about half of the SotO cast. Admittedly, we've got far fewer new characters this time, and that's probably a good thing.
I'm VERY intrigued by the whole golden city saul d'alessio white mantle direction we're moving in. As mentioned earlier, the lore journals and diaries have been CONSUMED.
Also, Rata Primus mentioned.
There's probably more to say and I'm probably forgetting half of the things I meant to say here. But this is once again getting way longer than it needs to be lol. Anyway [youtuber voice] let me know what you think in the comment section and see you next time
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orphiceonian · 4 months
silly lil hc for my V is that she keeps a journal after Konpeki. She uses it as a way to keep track of her thoughts, gigs and most importantly, memories. with Johnny overriding her mind, she's scared of forgetting things and so if she remembers and old memory, she'll write it down. sometimes the memories are hers, sometimes Johnny's. As her condition progresses, the writing becomes less and less readable, memories more scattered and pages less and less filled. V knew when she started it what kind of diary it would be. the diary of a dead person. a memorial of who she was, a reminder that she was there and that she mattered.
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hp-abandonshipfest · 3 months
Abandon Ship Fest Masterlist
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Ahoy there! Our voyage is now at an end, and we, the mods, are delighted to announce that we have 23 spectacular gen works for your perusal! Thank you to everyone who engaged, commented, reblogged, and followed along. Your support means so much and we are so grateful! Without further ado, here are our entries ⚓
Fine Print by nocturn Marietta's maxims for a life well-learned and well-lived.
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Where the Heart is by silver_fish - a Podfic by @cailynwrites After the events at the Department of Mysteries in June—and all that came after—Harry finds himself once again stranded at Number Four Privet Drive. With only his own thoughts to keep him company, he takes to writing letters to the only person he thinks can help, if only he were still alive to do so.
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Collected Correspondence by Artemisaki, jtimu Correspondence between Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy regarding publication of novel findings in magizoology and wizarding space. 
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Maybe this is enough by Patriceavril Scattered moments throughout a doomed friendship.
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All The Whys To Map The Stars by @nogenrealldrama  Sometimes Astronomy feels like the least magical subject at Hogwarts. But while the influence of the planets can seem subtle, it’s also ever-present. This fic is a short narrative exploration of how Astronomy might affect magic in the Wizarding world.
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Eat Your Death, Draco by @sillywives Draco's first dinner with the Death Eaters isn't what he expected.
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The Ostentation by @lumosatnight, @nanneramma Lucius Malfoy: the boy, the man, the bird.
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[ART] Never Been in Love by @okeydokeylackey Little piece of art/gif of Voldemort with an aro/ace flag 🧡💛🤍💙🖤
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The Winds Forbid by @dodgerkedavra The third letter Petunia receives from Albus Dumbledore simply can’t be right.
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The Sacred Blood We Spilled by @bunnieblair Her sisters were her ever-present companions in life. Their presence at her side firm and unyielding. Years of treasured girlhood, of never being alone. A lifetime spent fighting, learning and growing together.
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Between Truth & Repose by @caitriona-3 Lily figures the assignment is as good a chance as any to ask her question - why are the three curses unforgivable?
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Aniseed by @poljupci The Art of Identifying the Things which No Longer Serve You
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These Dreams That Deepen Our Desires by Clueless Anxious Ghost of Hayhay (ShadowfoxFreyja) Narcissa finds herself in Azkaban, unwillingly dwelling on her past experiences.
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The Diary of T.M. Riddle by @midnightstargazer On a visit to the Malfoys, fourteen-year-old Sirius insists on sneaking off to explore. What happens when he and Regulus find a blank diary hidden deep within the Malfoys’ library?
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Ollivanders and Potter: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. by That_Dark_Forest_Witch The wand may be the one to do all the choosing, but wandmakers are needed to help the pairs find each other. The getting-ready-for-school rush in Diagon Ally is one of Harry's favourites now that the shop is his.
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A Good Place (Believe Me) by SquibNation10 Five-year-old Harry's idyllic summer in Godric's Hollow takes a dramatic turn when he meets Tom, a troubled boy. Tragedy strikes: Harry's sister, Luna, is missing. Can Tom and Harry solve the mystery together?
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The boy and the dogfather by HadrianPeverellBlack Trouble is very protective of the young boy.
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The Secrets We Keep by sky_watcher_rose Minerva knows who the black cat with the brown eyes is, but she never says anything. After all, as she keeps telling herself, she has no proof.
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Learning to Unlearn by @offthemap A Pansy Parkinson character study. Over the course of a year and a half, Pansy starts to become more open-minded about the world she lives in... though at first not on purpose. A series of vignettes.
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My brothers, my boys, my twins by @lucigoo Percy was unintentionally parentified at a young age. Now, on his first birthday without Fred, he finds himself with George and Harry. Reminiscing about the boys he all but helped raised.
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Missing Pages by @nightfalltwen Something isn't right with Monica Wilkins' life. It's like reading a book with the pages torn out and she doesn't know.
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Unbreakable bonds by x_manga_Bleach_x Bill was Ginny's favourite brother. She'd never tell Ron though. He'd pout and sulk for days.
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our house in the middle of our street by daniko A neglected orphan, a former and future spy, and a convicted felon take up residence in a grim old place.
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msanonymous · 2 years
A friend of mine recently told me that her special person wrote a poem for her. “It feels so magical, you know?” She said, “I don't know.” I replied. “I wouldn't ever know.” was left unsaid. “Oh, I forgot you are a writer, why would someone write about you.” she said. “Yeah... But I'm happy for you!” I replied, and I really was. But those words pierced my heart in a way that I can't quite describe in words.
Why do people forget? That artists themselves are a work of art too. That the same person who appreciates everything and everyone around them with just using mere words, or a couple of colours, or the way they hold their camera: a little different from others deserves to be appreciated once too.
How many times a poet wished to be the words of someone's poetry? How many times a painter wanted someone to capture him in a canvas? The same way they have been doing; with the same paroxysm of passion and love?
Sometimes I can't help but wish that I could visit the places of all the artists that were never appreciated just for themselves, not for the things they created. I wish I could go and knock upon their doors and ask “I'm working on something, would you like to be my muse?” I wish I could go in and talk to them about their art and see their eyes light up when they talk about the things they create. I wish I could capture them in art. But I can't, so I'm writing this instead.
It sounds beautiful, no? To be someone's muse. To be addressed with your name and all those other affectionate words too. In someone's poem.(Darling. Schatz. Mi Corazón. Nhà tôi. Amoureux. رشک قمر. حبيبة قلبى)
But I guess all the artists have accepted the fact that their name will never be a part of that, but something that is written or signed where the art ends. Maybe the people in this world forced them to do so. Only the credit, never the subject.
All the time I wonder if artists were the people who once waited and waited to be the part of someone's art, but gave up and chose to be the one creating art instead.
It is true I guess because yesterday, when my friend asked me to write the reply to that poem, which I did while sitting alone in a room, I realized something: I can work without a muse, so I guess I can work through my life without ever being one too.
I think maybe at some point in their lives all the artists realized that too. But they didn't let it faze them, and still chose to create things that brought joy to their hearts. I guess I'll do that too. The way artists in the past did. The way all the artists who exist in my time are continuing to do so.
~ms.anonymous (via Instagram)
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axailslink · 2 years
The heart of a man
Rosalie Otterbourne x poc FEM reader
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Part 1, Part 2
Summary: You have a diary in which you express how you want to be with a woman it finds its way into Rosalie's hand and she finds herself fascinated because she relates to too many of your words.
Snippet from the fic: “ You turn on your heel to approach the door but Rosalie grabs your arm firmly "with your permission I'd like to read the rest." ”
Everyone in the church scatters like roaches as church service finds itself coming to an end. Rosalie is of course one of the last as she speaks with the preacher asking about his family and well-being. When she turns to dismiss herself from the conversation she bumps into you and you're smitten. You know of Rosalie because everyone knows of Rosalie.
Rosalie is the embodiment of the word "independent" she was well raised by her aunt Salome Otterbourne and is also a bit like her in many ways but they differ when it comes to beauty. Rosalie's beauty is unlike any other her sharp facial features draw you in first then her alluring eyes will hold you in a demanding stare and soon your eyes will find their way to her lightly glossed and very kissable lips. You're brought back to reality when Rosalie speaks in that very distinct voice of hers "my apologies Y/n I hadn't noticed your presence" you shake your head "no you're perfectly fine Rosalie I was just leaving." The pastor sighs "you were trying to leave without my knowledge so I couldn't ask you to sing for the choir next Sunday? I've heard that voice you've got on you girl. Why don't you use it? Come sing for us." You place your leather journal down as you engage in conversation with the very persistent pastor.
After convincing your pastor you'd make the church burn in flames if you sang, you leave in a hurry to get away before the first lady could try to convince you otherwise.
Rosalie finds herself staying behind to help clean. When she's finally finished your little journal peeking beneath a couple sheets of music papers catches her interest. She knows you wouldn't have left it purposefully so she grabs it before leaving she of course had thoughts on returning said journal but the urge to reveal its contents definitely overpowers the urge to return it.
Rosalie spends many nights reading the pages of your journal finding out who you really are and what you actually want from a relationship. She hadn't expected for these pages to be so intimate. None of these words had she ever expected to come from you.
Shy reserved Y/n you're truly the romantic type.
Rosalie feels like she truly knows you the more she reads she even has favorite quotes from your seemingly continuous daily entries but today she finds one specific entry very interesting it has no title which is odd because all the others do. Unlike the others this seems to be ramblings of your own thoughts and Rosalie's invested. So much that she's cuddled into her couch with a box of cracker jacks with her radio turned off so she can lose herself in your writing.
I truly believe I have no heart because when he smiles at me I feel nothing but HER presence makes me feel everything my heart speeds up and I get nervous. I want her in a way that I can't have her. I want Rosalie Otterbourne. I want to kiss her. I want to touch her. I want to love her the way this man thinks he loves me.
Rosalie shoots up from her spot so fast with no emotion but shock filling her mind. This is the first time a name has been mentioned throughout this leather book and it's her name.
In the earlier pages Rosalie's fingers ran over many words no one should say in the innocence of daylight for example what you'd want to do to a woman how you'd like to please a woman. It's all shocking to her that she's the woman you had in mind as you wrote such sinful things. You Y/n L/n want to please a woman and not just any woman but Miss Rosalie Otterbourne.
Rosalie is left speechless but her moment of shock is cut short when a loud and hard knock on her door breaks the silence of the room. Not used to visitors Rosalie tramples over the many books decorating her floor so well you wouldn't know there was carpet underneath. She makes her way to the closest gown which she pulls over her previously nude body before quickly approaching the door.
Rosalie was so enamored in your journal she hadn't noticed it was pouring down rain so when she opens the door she immediately welcomes you into her home. "Y/n why the visit?" Rosalie centers herself in front of you to avoid your sight of the journal which she isn't aware you had already caught sight of when you first entered. Your eyes take in the beautiful sight in front of you as you rid yourself of your coat "I was informed that you may have something that belongs to me Miss Otterbourne."
Rosalie ponders if she should lie but she chooses not to. Well…not fully anyways. Is making something up on the spot a lie? "Ah you mean the leather book, yes? I meant to return it I've just been occupied…" you don't believe her for a second it may not have taken her long to make herself presentable but the open state of your journal and her nervous expression makes it all clear.
She's read it. She's read every filthy thought that you've had about her. She's read how you want to put your tongue in places it shouldn't be and how you wish you could please her the way no man ever could.
"Was it a good read?" Rosalie's attention turns to the journal just for a moment before it lands back on you "oh yes it was a lovely read I'm deeply sorry that I didn't ask first…I found myself captiv-"
"Lovely you say and what about it was lovely Miss Otterbourne? My diction? Maybe my tone or perhaps it was the mention of your name?" You pick the journal up and look over the page smiling at your cursive and how beautiful her name looks written in black ink.
"I won't tell anyone I never meant to see it. I was curious is all your writing is amazing I couldn't put it down once I had read the first page. I find myself needing to read more" you nod "if you promise that you won't speak a word of this I'll be taking my leave." You turn on your heel to approach the door but Rosalie grabs your arm firmly. She doesn't feel it but your heart quickens from her warm touch "with your permission I'd like to read the rest."
A/n: Part 2 is already in the works and will be a bit longer this is a filler chapter. Also before anyone can say it yes I've not made a fic in a while I know it's just that school is bussing my ass but thankfully my wifi went out so I had some time today.
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kyabeifongx · 9 days
Hi! It's been a long time. I've been revisiting my old modern AU sketches and notes lately. I'm going to start cleaning them up and posting them here. It was originally framed around su and her relationship with Baatar. There will also be pieces with Kya and Lin though, of course.
Fair warning: It does deal with heavy topics including suicide, substance abuse/alcoholism, death & grieving, and probably others that I’m not remembering right now. I will tag them accordingly as “cw: warning” and going forward I will tag pieces of the series as Keeping Up AU in case you wanna filter it out. I would say that this is set in the same modern universe as the COVID Diaries, which can be found scattered across my page.
Anyway, this has just been an excuse to be drawing again, so I figured I would post them here, too.
Also, Discord invites are closed right now until I get the server cleaned up and find new mods.
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2manyfandoms2count · 7 months
Message in a Bottle
Happy Valentine's Day! I'm a little late to the @theerasfestlovesquareversion party, but here's my submission ❤ Special thanks to @miabrown007 for beta-ing!
Happy reading!
Read on AO3
Marinette sat at her desk, one foot tucked under her, thoughtfully clicking her pen as she tried to organise a message. 
Her thoughts, which went a thousand miles an hour on a slow day, had come to a freeze about twenty four hours prior, when she’d seen – and heard – Adrien’s lips pronounce three little words she’d only ever dreamed of hearing from him. It was just her luck that they were tuned out by warning beep s, and followed by the Startrain doors clicking shut, as in slow motion, without her being able to do anything to stop them.
A part of her had screamed, urging her to chase after the moving vehicle, but her body had remained standing still on the platform, completely and utterly stunned. 
She still wasn’t entirely sure how she’d gotten back to her parents’ bakery. How she’d gotten to bed, fallen asleep.
All she knew, as she’d awoken in the morning, was that she knew something she didn’t before, and felt a sense of clarity regarding what she needed to do – but that was when her mind had woken up, too. 
And thus the calm before the storm had ended, her mind suddenly swept by a force faster than the wind, dispersing any coherence in her head, scattering words like autumn leaves, before they even got a chance to associate with each other. 
She slammed her head on the table, hoping it would help reset her brain; unfortunately it only brought on a throbbing pain. She winced as she rubbed the budding bump on her forehead.
“Screw it,” she mumbled, finally putting her pen to paper. 
Dear Adrien, 
My feelings since you’ve left have been all over the place, but it’s kind of frightening how happy the three little words you said as the doors of the Startrain closed, made me. They’ve been all I’ve been able to think about (which you know better than anyone might not be the best thing right now – but in a good way! I wouldn’t want you to take them back for the world. Unless you want to. Which would definitely not be a problem, of course. Although maybe just a little. But I’d get over it, I promise).  
Marinette’s hand hovered over the page. She was rambling – which could be fine when she talked, but felt pretty stupid to her in written form. This wasn’t her diary. She couldn’t afford to have a stream of consciousness run on her page; maybe Adrien would read it, and think she was crazy, rip up the letter, throw it in the fire, and she’d never, ever, hear from him again. And then what?
If anything, the reason he’d gone to London in the first place, to get away from the press following Hawkmoth’s (his father’s!) defeat, so he could focus on the latter’s upcoming trial, was enough to justify a clear and concise message. She didn’t want to burden him with her feelings when he surely had infinitely more serious things to think about. 
“Marinette, it can be just a first draft, you know.” Tikki’s soothing words snapped her out of her spiral. 
She looked up at the small divinity, who smiled encouragingly. She nodded, then turned her attention back to her words, biting the end of her pen as she reread them.
Little did she know that Adrien, a small body of water away, was doing exactly the same thing…
Dear Marinette,
I’m so sorry I panicked. I didn’t mean to say I like you . Partly, because it’s a little embarrassing that I blurted it out like that – but mostly, because I like you doesn’t even begin to cover how I feel about you. I just saw you, your freckles (the ones I thought I knew like the back of my hand – but that couldn’t be true now, could it? Else I would’ve realised who you were sooner), your smile, and the way you looked at me, and suddenly I got cold feet, and that was the extent of what my tangled brain could produce. 
Adrien spun in Félix’s desk chair, assessing what he’d written thus far. It was a good start, he supposed. His life had been turned upside down by the cataclysmic revelation that Hawkmoth was, in fact, his father, and arguably even more so by the fact that Ladybug was Marinette – he was allowed a certain amount of disorganisation. 
Although he’d obviously been surprised by the former fact, he had to admit that, retrospectively, it did make sense. He even felt stupid for not figuring it out sooner – or, rather, for figuring it out back when Hawkmoth’s powers were still fairly limited, and the damage done (both physical and psychological) was only a fraction of what would happen next, but being too much in denial of the kind of person his father was, and therefore falling for his tricks. 
But his father had grown cockier with his powers, sloppier. His desperation sent him in a slow, downward spiral, hijacking his every thought, eating away at him until one day, he’d stumbled out of what Adrien would later discover was his lair, straight into his atelier, holding his head in his hands – still clad in the purple suit that made most of Paris tremble.
Adrien had stood frozen in the doorway, at first not comprehending what he was seeing. Then, as his father – Paris’ most wanted villain – finally noticed him, the cogs in his brain had whirred again, and he’d made a dash for his room, knowing fully well what he needed to do.
Plagg had to go. Whatever happened next, he couldn’t end up in his father’s hands. 
He’d sent his best friend and his ring away just before the iron curtains had come down on his room’s windows. Just before the tears came streaming down his cheeks, as he cowered in a wardrobe, completely and utterly alone.
Until Marinette’s rescue mission, that is. 
Her being Ladybug, had come as both a complete surprise and an obvious conclusion to a mystery he’d done his best not to uncover since the day he’d first met his Lady. Adrien had obviously dreamed of figuring out who hid under his partner’s spotted mask, daring to ask every so often on the off chance that maybe she’d reconsidered her stance on the matter. But never, in his wildest dreams, had he ever made the conscious link between the two girls who brightened up his life. 
(Not that he remembered, anyway.)
Her plan had been so ingenious that he hadn’t clocked what was going on at first. He’d heard his father go on a rampage around the mansion in his search for him, half begging Adrien to listen to his explanations, half threatening him; and then there was silence as the doorbell cut through his words, and echoed through the house, once. Twice, insistent.
The silence was loud for a second, followed by footsteps running down the hallway. Gabriel opening the door. Voices, cordial at first, although Adrien couldn’t quite make the words out. He wasn’t entirely sure how it had happened, what Marinette had said, but somehow, she’d been invited in.
“Adrien?” His father’s tone was completely normal as he’d knocked on his door. “Adrien, your friend Marinette is here to see you. She saw the security system go off and came to check if everything was alright.” 
“I know how you feel about closed spaces,” Marinette had chimed in. Adrien had slowly crawled out of his hiding spot and made his way towards his room’s door, frowning, trying to remember when he’d told her about his fear. “It’s almost as bad as one of our friend’s fear of running out of cheese,” she’d added as he’d opened the door, turned towards Gabriel.
Adrien had stared at her blankly.
“Another one of our friends is worse about sweets, though,” Marinette had continued seemingly breezily, but Adrien had noticed the insistant glance she’d thrown him. “You should see her in January, she can’t get enough galette.”
Gabriel had chuckled politely, his shoulders tenser than usual, tearing Adrien’s focus off of Marinette’s words. “Well, as you can see, Adrien is very well, no need to worry. Now, if you don’t mind, I have an important matter to discuss with my son.”
Adrien had felt his blood run cold as his father’s fingers dug into his shoulder, which, from Marinette’s perspective, he assumed probably looked like a recreation of the painting looming over the grand staircase.
“Oh, of course, I’ll probably leave you to it, then,” Marinette had looked down, and fidgeted with her ring. 
Adrien had been torn between screaming out for her to make a run for it, to get as far as she could from the mansion and his father, somewhere safe, and begging her to take him with her. But something about her gesture had caught his attention.
Marinette didn’t wear a ring. And this wasn’t an Alliance ring, which he’d seen spread among his peers like wildfire. They didn’t have a common friend who loved galette. Or camembert.
The only person he knew who loved camembert was… 
He’d caught Marinette’s eyes, hoping she could read the question in his eyes. The way she’d nodded back, very slowly, led him to think she had. 
Swiftly, he’d turned around before his father could move, and grabbed the brooch he’d suspected lay beneath his scarf, tossing it to Marinette (Ladybug!), who’d caught it just as she called for her transformation. She’d grabbed his hand before jumping over the balustrade, almost dislocating his shoulder in the process (a small price to pay to get away, really). 
Adrien had heard his father swear after them, his footsteps rushing down, but he didn’t get very far. Ladybug opened the mansion’s door, and what seemed to be the entire Parisian police force rushed in, tackling him to the ground.
Just thinking about it again gave Adrien palpitations. He took a deep breath and got out of the chair, deciding to take a small break from writing. He owed Marinette so much.
Anyway, I know it’s only been a couple of days, but I haven’t had any news from you, and I feel like I’m going crazy. Realistically, I know that I like you, combined with our double… friendship, I guess?, must mean that I’m not just any friend to you, but I can’t help but wonder why you’re so silent. I guess I haven’t really been in touch either, even before your departure, but there’s just been so much going on with the trial… I don’t want to bother you, but you should know I’m here if you ever need to talk. Kwami, I wish we could talk right now. Even if I like the idea of sending you a letter, since there’s less chance of things getting lost in nerves.
Because I love you, Adrien. I’ve been trying to tell you for so long, but it never felt like it was the right time nor place to say it. I think I know why, now.
Marinette put her pen down and rubbed her face with her hands. The more she thought about it, the more everything made sense. All this time, she’d felt as if she’d been missing a piece of a puzzle, which threw all her confessions slightly off kilter – as it turned out, her feeling had been justified. 
What a shame the moment everything fell down like pieces into place had to be when Adrien had to leave. 
She shook her head. It was only temporary. She sat back in her chair with a sigh, looking out of her window. It was getting late; Notre Dame’s façade was illuminated, casting a comforting glow in the night. She wondered if Adrien’s view was as pretty as hers, and what he was up to. She didn’t dare bet he was thinking about her, but she hoped he did.
Do what you will with this information, she scribbled under her confession, sighing. I’m here if you need to talk, about anything you want. The weather, the upcoming trial, how you’re doing in London, how annoying I can imagine Félix being, what everyone in the class is up to, physics… You name it! I just really want to hear your voice again, especially your laugh.
You deserve to laugh, Adrien. So, so much. And I hope this letter brings at least a smile to your lips.
“Kid, you should be careful where you put your letters, I almost used it as a napkin for my extra mature pont l’évêque ,” Plagg yawned. 
“It wouldn’t matter much if you did,” Adrien sighed.
“Yes, I read it, you’re not sure you’ll send it, blablabla,” Plagg mimicked, holding up the piece of paper. 
“Hey! That was supposed to be private!” Adrien snatched it from his flippers with a huff. 
“It would be a shame, you know. It’s just the kind of thing Pigtails would love to receive.” Plagg shrugged. 
“You think?” Adrien asked, his voice suddenly hopeful.
“Trust me, Adrien, I know. ” 
Adrien couldn’t help the wide smile that spread on his lips at the thought. He went through his latest addition to the letter. 
You know, I feel like my neurons are a little less scrambled now, but Aunt Amélie is keeping me busy on this side of the Channel (I’m really discovering London, though, which is nice – I’d never been to Brixton, Camden or Hampstead Heath, but they’re great places to explore! I’d like to take you there someday, if you’ll allow me), and on the rare occasions I can sit down, which is generally late at night, I have to try and focus to go through the mess we’re going to be faced with. To tell you the truth, I much prefer sitting here writing to you, even though I don’t even know if I’ll ever even send you this letter. 
I keep thinking about the next time I’ll see you. I really want to run back to Paris, to you; I almost did, back on the train. I’m sure there would’ve been a way to stop it in its tracks, but in a way, I’m glad I didn’t. Even if there’s nothing I would’ve liked more than staying with you, putting a little distance between me and my father was quite welcome. If only there’d been a way for you to be with me… 
Sometimes, I think about calling you, but I’m always afraid that it’ll be a bad time, what with the UK being an hour behind you and all.  
He picked up his pen and added:
I hope you’re okay and that you know that I miss you and our hangouts, both in school and on the rooftops. I can’t wait to see you again, my Lady, whatever the circumstances. A small part of me hopes that it’ll be before the trial, or that we’ll get to be alone together for a bit afterwards. You and me against the world, and everything. 
(And maybe some of your dad’s chouquettes.) 
Lots of love, and hope to hear from you soon, 
Your Adrien
“There,” Adrien announced to no one in particular as he sealed his envelope. “I really hope you’re right, Plagg.” 
Anyway. I won’t hold you up any longer, but I just thought you should know how I feel. I’ll see you at the trial, at the latest – please don’t love London so much that you won’t come back… 
Forever yours, 
Marinette dotted the i in her signature with a heart, and decided against re-reading the whole letter. Instead, she took out an envelope, neatly folded the page in three, and slid it inside. She wrote out Adrien’s name on the front of it, along with the Fathoms’ address, stuck a stamp at the top, and indicated her return address at the back. 
Then, she picked up her bag, and prepared to go to Alya’s. She’d post the letter on her way there; it would distract her from the wait that inevitably came with snail mail. 
She hoped her letter wouldn’t get drowned in the mass of mail Adrien surely received. 
Now, all she had to do was wait.
A week later, coming back from school, Marinette found a letter on her desk, and recognised the address’ calligraphy instantly. She all but tore the envelope open, her heart rate accelerating and a smile spreading wider and wider on her lips as her eyes progressed through the message. 
The date at the top told her that Adrien had written to her before reading her letter, but one thing was for sure: they were on the same page.
She placed the sheet back on her desk when she was done, feeling giddier than ever, and reached for her phone – it started ringing in her hands, Adrien’s face lighting up the screen. She almost dropped it in surprise.
“Hi,” Adrien’s voice breathed on the other end of the line.
“Hi,” she repeated, feeling herself blush. “How are–”
“I got your letter,” he blurted quickly, cutting her off. 
“I got yours, too.” She gently ran her fingers down the paper on her desk.
“Good, good.” He chuckled awkwardly. “Hey, I know this is a strange request, but would you mind going up to your balcony for a second?” he blurted quickly, cutting her off.
“Um, okay.” Marinette frowned a little, but still made her way up. Maybe it was a question of connection.
She swiftly pulled herself out of her skylight, and froze. 
Her balcony was covered in red roses: they were entangled in the wrought-iron, stood in vases on the floor, in a petal path leading straight to… Astrochat, sheepishly holding a single red rose. He hung up the phone.
“I love you too, Marinette,” he said. 
Tears welled up in Marinette’s eyes as she threw herself into his arms, hugging him as tightly as she could. 
“Don’t worry about me not coming back, I’ll always stay,” he whispered in her hair. 
Marinette looked up at him, feeling like her heart might burst out of her chest. 
“Glad to hear that, silly cat,” she said with a smile, standing on her tiptoes to brush her lips against his.
One of his arms wrapped around her waist while his other hand softly cupped her face as he deepened the kiss. Fireworks erupted in Marinette’s stomach. She wished time would stand still to let her savour this moment forever. 
Although her wish wasn’t granted, knowing that Adrien returned her feelings and would come back to her did make their parting a little easier. 
“You know, I don’t know what the future holds for us, my Lady,” Astrochat said as he was about to leave, gently taking her hands in his, “but one thing I do know is, if you’ll allow it, I’m never letting go of you, of us. Not if I can help it.” He brought her hands to his lips, his eyes boring into hers.
“I’ll hold you to that.” Marinette answered, pink dusting her cheeks. 
“I bet you will.” He winked. “See you soon, my love.” 
He kissed her again, gently, longingly, and then slid his visor shut and took off. 
Marinette wistfully watched him fly away, her chin propped up on her arms, leaning on her bannister. 
She truly was the lucky one.
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Hey look at this little bastard man. Here’s my Shadow Joker for my palace au. There’s more information on my verse page but I’m gonna put even more info under the cut.
Ultimately, Shadow Joker is only one part of Ren’s shadow, but it’s the only part that actively seeks out and interacts with any invaders in his palace. He likes to follow the thieves around while they’re exploring, taunting and teasing them. He’s very dramatic and more than a little sadistic, but he never attacks unless attacked first. In fact, nothing in Ren’s palace will attack first. He doesn’t want to hurt his friends, after all.
His treasure manifests as a complete deck of tarot cards, including both major and minor arcana. The minor arcana are scattered around the whole palace, mostly being kept by Ren’s lesser shadows. The major arcana form the halo around Joker’s head. In the real world, the treasure is his diary (aka the game saves lol), because the ultimate source of his desire for a world without control are his experiences in Tokyo and the bonds he formed there.
Over time, his palace starts to sort of leak into reality. The laws of physics start breaking and things start “glitching”. If not stopped, his palace eventually consumes the real world.
His keywords are “Tokyo” and “Show” and his “sin” is “Heresy” (Haeresis).
Some detail close ups
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I tried to mix in some elements from Arsene (like the cravat) and a few from Satanael (though those kinda got lost in the design process ha). His outfit is white as representation of the idea of an “inverted” tarot card. He’s constantly bleeding from under his mask mostly because I thought it looked cool.
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Dear Diary - Marco
Working on a silly mini series of reader finding OP chars diaries.
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Marco x GN Reader SFW WC: 555
It was strange being in Marco’s office without him around, you’d wanted to surprise him with a coffee and a slice of cake as a treat for the hardworking commander but he wasn’t here. Not even Ace who was skipping out on late afternoon duties was lingering in the office. 
You sighed, you’d hoped you could have spent some time with him, getting to see his smile, how his lazy expression would perk up at the offer of coffee and company, Marco loved to have a gossip and a catch up between toiling over mountains of paperwork and checking out things that his crew mates needed his attention with.
Setting down the plate and the cup of coffee you glanced over the papers scattered across his desk haphazardly. Something caught your eye, a book that stood out from the ones stacked to the side. You reached over and traced the cover, the words that so clearly said diary.
He didn’t seem like the sort of person to keep a diary, not because there was anything wrong with keeping one, he just seemed a little too scatterbrained to write down his thoughts that didn’t include his work or navigation.
You knew it was wrong but something inside of you made you open the book, following the blue ribbon that marked the page and you found yourself sitting on his chair, having the audacity to get comfortable as you shifted through Marco’s thoughts.
Guilt ebbed through you, at least until you saw your name…
I’m in my forties, and having a crush is ridiculous I thought I left that era of my life. Still, the heart wants what the heart wants right? And besides, I don’t think it’s just a crush. Every time I see them I feel my heart race, I’ve experienced my fair share of flings and one-night stands and even fleeting romances here and there but there’s something different this time, something that I just can’t place.
Sometimes I catch their gaze lingering on me and our eyes meet, how they look away and laugh awkwardly I think, maybe, they share the same feelings. But I don’t want to make a fool of myself or even push for something they don’t want.
A commander going after someone in their division might come across a certain way and I would never want to put them in a position they feel they have to. But as I sit here in my office, hearing their voice outside, hearing them laugh and joke with Ace I can’t help but grip my pen harder and picture their face. How they make me feel consumes my thoughts.
I’m both an idiot for not making a move and for trying to deny how deep these feelings go. I thought I’d have learned in my time but apparently, even I’m not as mature as I thought.
At least I haven’t danced for them in phoenix form, that would be embarrassing…
“Oh…” You said to the empty room as your eyes widened and you stared at the written confession of feelings. Feeling a fluttering in your tummy and your pulse race at the discovery your affections were returned. 
You didn’t look up when the door opened, not until you heard a familiar chuckle “Ah, looks like I have some explaining to do yoi…”
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