#scavenger chieftain
cllassickk · 6 months
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psiherer · 6 months
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This guy
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psystirene · 2 months
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15 more Rain World stamps..
1st batch (Ship stamps / etc with my art)
These one are using random screenshots in my files exclusively lol, I will make sleeping stamps for other slugs some other day
Again you can request stamps but depending on how difficult what you want is to acquire it may take some time
Completely Free to Use and, you don't have to credit me but it's appreciated
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lucettapanchetta · 30 days
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[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
[ I can't stop thinking about the eventual collapse of Five Pebbles. I wonder what will happen when it does occur. ]
[ The most likely scenario is that a great sum of ancient records will be destroyed, and Five Pebbles will inevitably cease to function. ]
[ In any case, whether he collapses front-facing or back-facing, the damage will still be catastrophic, and I fear Five Pebbles will not recover. ]
[ Have you consider creating a contingency plan? ]
[ Not particularly, but I suppose that could work if there is anything to salvage by the end. ]
[ But for now, I'll wait until something hopeful comes around. ]
[ Wouldn't waiting be bad if your close friend is on the brink of collapse? Seems a bit illogical if you ask me. ]
[ Well, some things can't be fixed in such a short span of time. ]
[ ... ]
[ Honestly, the only thing to fix is my ability to recover from this whole ordeal. You know I'm trying my very hardest to keep myself composed. ]
[ It's all I can do. ]
[ Me too. ]
( authors note: I went really ambitious on the comic panels this time; though I'm not very proud of them. )
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drawwithmis · 8 months
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voiarc-draws · 3 months
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What if it was easier? What if the world was kind? (Babe wake up, new rain world au just dropped!)
Characters, from left to right: The Chieftain / The Harmonic / The Quandary / The Messenger / The Artificer
under the cut is more info for the au!
Basically, Arti didn’t have pups for a while. She left her colony at a young age to adventure, and eventually joined the scavenger colony on top of 5p. There she met the Chieftain, and they fell in love. She ended up ruling beside him,
Their first kid was The Quandary. A scug-scav hybrid.
Then, they adopted two others - The Harmonic, a little scug who loved to sing and dance. They were a failed purposed organism; made with the idea of having wings, but the webbing never developed, leaving them with weird protrusions out of their paws. This leaves them with poor balance and mobility; and yet? They dance anyway. And The Messenger, an orphaned scav from far away. They’re inseparable with the Harmonic - the two have been wandering for a long time, keeping together. Strength in numbers, after all. They’ve been titled the messenger because they’ve traveled far, much like the messenger scugs before them - plus, maybe they just like telling people things.
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^plus some fun worldbuilding
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drawing-every-rw-ship · 2 months
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I’ve had this drawing in my head for a while but I could never get it to come out right. But finally! Here it is!
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sincerely-sofie · 6 days
@the-real-obby has inflicted Artificer brain worms upon me and provided a hilarious concept:
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hornyharpy · 9 months
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I just wanted to doodle a bit....
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bell-whisker · 2 months
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These are some desings i Made for a pmv im working on
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elsa-rain-world-stuff · 9 months
Do you hate artificer
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psystirene · 2 months
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MADE STAMPS OUT OF MY RAIN WORLD ART!!! Free to use, credit appreciated but not 100% necessary!
2nd Batch (Screenshots)
If you want you can request a stamp of any art I've made but I probably won't make art for the express purpose of turning it into stamps lol (though I may make more batches later)
OH YEAH ft. designs from @whippiekippy on some of the ship ones. I would turn the ship art I did for rw ship month into stamps but a lot use other ppls designs so idk lol
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lucettapanchetta · 5 months
"The Outlaw" (SPOILERS) A conceptual comic based on the Artificer Campaign + an interesting storyshift!
Originally, to determine whether or not I was able to make a comic based on specific criteria.
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I may not finish this. But I will post the rest if you guys are interested. <3
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notyourfunnyman · 11 months
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the polycule is in shambles
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rizzzcat · 11 months
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This is my proposal for artihunter and regicide fans to kiss, featuring non-existent hunter x chieftain fans!
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voiarc-draws · 2 months
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I wonder how Five Pebbles is doing…
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