#school for global inclusion and social development
sgisdinclusion · 7 months
International Women’s Day is March 8
March 8 is International Women’s Day. On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women globally. International Women’s Day reminds us to address gender inequalities and advocate for women’s rights.
This year, we highlight the important work of three students from the UMass Boston School for Global Inclusion and Social Development who are working to promote a more inclusive and equitable world for women and people of all genders around the world.
The following blog posts were written by Shymaa Bedaiwy Allam, Odgerel Dashzeveg, Shahrzad Sajadi, and Joy Chrysyl L. Solon.
“A Women, Helping Women Help Women”: Women’s Financial Inclusion in Egypt
By: Shymaa Bedaiwy Allam
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Shymaa speaking at a financial empowerment for women and youth session at the Arab Savings and Financial Literacy Conference in Cairo, October 2023.
I focus my research on the impact of financial inclusion and microfinance on women’s empowerment. Microfinance came into the spotlight worldwide as one of the most debated development tools right after Muhammed Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Most of the debate around microfinance focuses on the impact of extending these financial services to people who experience poverty and whether microfinance services have helped people out of poverty.
My research highlights the uniqueness of microfinance staffing and the critical role microfinance staff play in extending microfinance services to those who experience poverty. I seek to answer questions like, what is the impact of loan officers on microfinance's mission? With microfinance being first introduced to women, it is meaningful to focus on the role of women loan officers on helping their women clients. Women loan officers also must navigate the assumption that women are better lenders than men. I also address the impact of microfinance regulations on empowering women in Egypt. I aim to map the challenges and opportunities for women within the microfinance market to prevent over-indebtedness and other potential harm to women entrepreneurs.
I was the first woman microfinance regulator in Egypt. I have previously worked as the financial inclusion programme manager with UN Women, and as a policy development specialist at a US Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded activity on Micro-Enterprise Finance (EMF). I have also coordinated many of Sanabel’s regional projects (the Microfinance Network for Arab countries). I am now pursuing Doctorate studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston in the field of Global Inclusion and Social Development.
I hope to continue working as an expert in poverty alleviation issues for women. I want to continue analyzing the impact of economic policies on the welfare of women. I wish to do this as a university staff member, so that I also have the opportunity to teach the next generation. In my words, I am “a woman, helping women help women.”
Contact Shymaa by email for more information about her work: [email protected]
Celebration of International Women’s Day in Mongolia
By: Oge Dashzeveg
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Traditional Naadam festival celebrated July 11–13, 2022 in Mongolia, Photo Credit: Odgerel Dashzeveg
Mongolia is one of the many countries that celebrate International Women's Day on March 8 as an official public holiday. This tradition dates back to the socialist era when women's suffrage as working mothers was celebrated and rewarded. Socialism promoted working mothers through education, work, and care. In return, women were committed to contributing to the communist production of the economy equally to men and the reproduction of the workforce within their full ability as mothers. This holiday is celebrated as Mother's Day in both public and private spheres.
In post-socialist Mongolia, this public holiday still holds the legacy of Mother's Day but is celebrated more as a Women's Day. Since transitioning from a planned economy communist system to a democratized market capitalism, the contact between the state and women has changed. The state still provides limited care for women, but education and work shifted to the invisible hands of market regulation. The state continues to celebrate women's motherhood by holding mass public events and awarding women who have given birth to four or more children.
On the flip side, women are fighting for their de-facto rights, urging the state to understand the reality women have been dealing with since the transition. The unintended consequences of failing economies have trapped many women in extended unemployment, underemployment, and poverty. This exacerbates their socioeconomic vulnerability, making them more susceptible to social and domestic abuse and discrimination.
Today, the younger generation of women is becoming the voice for all, advocating for generational gender equality in politics, inclusive access to economic opportunities, reducing the motherhood penalty, and promoting welfare mothers' transition to decent and flexible work.
Contact Oge by email for more information about her work: [email protected]
Memoir Writing Workshops with Syrian Refugee Women and Girls
By: Shahrzad Sajadi
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Laundry on lines outside the informal settlement camps in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, Photo credit: Naoki Tokyo.
After conducting a series of workshops with Syrian refugee youth and needs assessment studies with other experts in the field around the rise in the rates of child marriages in the region, my colleague Dr. Valerie Karr and I ran a series of empathy-focused memoir writing workshops with seven Syrian refugee women and girls in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon. The stories that emerged from these workshops tell the tale of loss and pain as well as empowerment and tremendous strength. These workshops were facilitated by our local partner, Nahida Nusair who met with the women on a weekly basis and kept in contact with them even after the workshops were over.
Here is an excerpt from one of the stories of the young women:
I am one of the women who decided their fate with their own hands. I decided to be one of the married young girls. I thought marriage was a white dress, pretty jewelry, a big party, dancing, and singing. And I thought that every day would be better than the one before. And I used to think that my husband would love me so much and would take care of me and give me everything I asked for, whatever I wanted would be ready in front of me and that he would take me every day to a place, and we would be very happy. Do you think this is what marriage is? I did."
Contact Shahrzad by email for more information about her work:
The Impact of Typhoon Yolanda and Climate Change on Women in Philippines
By: Joy Chrysyl Llido Solon
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Joy Solon with a view of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in the background.
The changing climate has caused an increase in extreme natural disasters. Typhoon Yolanda, one of the most destructive typhoons ever, made landfall through central and southern Philippines on November 8, 2013. Over 150,000 families were evacuated, and 6,300 lives were lost[1]. As a PhD student in the School of Global Inclusion and Social Development, my primary research project centers on the climate justice movement for the loss of life and damages caused by Typhoon Yolanda.
Climate change has a disproportionate impact on vulnerable communities of the global majority. In the aftermath of natural disasters, women and young girls living in poverty become vulnerable and are placed in harmful situations, including early marriage, human trafficking, and sexual exploitation[2]. Women are harshly affected by climate change and natural disasters because of the inequities brought forth by gendered social roles, cultural norms, social marginalization, discrimination, and poverty[3],[4]. Additionally, the masculinity of climate change discourse results in masculinist ideologies, policies, and solutions. This leaves the vulnerabilities of women behind and out of the decision-making process3,[5]. Therefore, the climate justice social movement must establish a women’s rights framework and include a focus on gender inequalities.
I hope to include women-led grassroots networks, climate justice activists, and members and leaders of the community affected by the typhoon as participants in my research. I intend to offer a feminist critique of climate justice that will promote authentic advocacy of women and girls.
Contact Joy by email for more information about her work: [email protected]
Joy Solon’s Citations:
[1] Del Rosario, E. D. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council. (2015). Final Report: Effects of Typhoon “Yolanda” (Haiyan).
[2] Elago, S. (2021, March 17). Let’s talk about the state of Filipino women amid a climate emergency. ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights. https://aseanmp.org/2021/03/17/lets-talk-about-the-state-of-filipino-women-amid-a-climate-emergency/
[3] Gaard, G. (2015). Ecofeminism and climate change. Women’s Studies International Forum, 49, 20-33. DOI: 10.1016/j.wsif.2015.02.004
[4] Seck, S. L. (2017). Revisiting transnational corporations and extractive industries: climate justice, feminism, and state sovereignty. Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, 26(2), 383-414.
[5] Feng, J. L. (2022). Toward queer climate justice (Publication No. 29254739) [Doctoral dissertation, University of California Santa Barbara]. ProQuest Dissertation or Thesis.
Additional Resources to Explore:
Publications by Shymaa Bedaiwy Allam
"An evaluation of Egyptian Microfinance Laws and Regulations preventing client overindebtedness of women”, The Journal of International Development.
“Regulating Microfinance for Socioeconomic Security”, Book Chapter: Regulating Human Rights, Social Security, and Socio-Economic Structures in a Global Perspective. IGI Global
“Proceed with caution — Protecting the economic well-being of women using Microfinance”, Book Chapter: “Transforming Economies Through Microfinance in Developing Nations”. IGI Global
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communityinclusion · 1 year
UMass Boston Hosts the 2023 Tribal and Indigenous Health Summit
Tribal and Indigenous Leaders, Health Advocates, and Regional, State, and Local Representatives from across New England Gathered for the Inaugural Summit
On September 28, 2023, theInstitute for Community Inclusion (ICI) joined the Tribal and Indigenous Health Summit, led by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Elizabeth Solomon, Elder of Massachusett Tribe at Ponkapoag, opened the Summit with a Tribal land acknowledgement, and welcomed attendees to her territory. Tribal Chair Brian Weeden of the Mashpee Wampanaog Tribe led the group in prayer. UMass Boston is on the traditional land of Massachusett people.
Throughout the day, Tribal and Indigenous leaders and others talked about mental health, the COVID-19 response, public health data, and substance abuse prevention, treatment, recovery, and harm reduction in Tribal and Indigenous communities.
Chairwoman Cheryl Andrew-Maltais of the Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head addressed the audience in her Keynote speech:
“Miraculously, through our strength, courage, and resiliency, we’re here today to make positive changes in our Tribal communities’ health…By working together, we can build a better healthcare system for our people. By listening to us and our traditional cultural knowledge and incorporating our traditional medicinal practices, we can develop effective means to have better healthcare outcomes for our peoples.”
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Cheryl Andrew-Maltais of the Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head speaks at a podium with a banner that says, “Welcome. Massachusetts Tribal and Indigenous Health Summit 2023 Department of Public Health”
Several staff and faculty from ICI and the School for Global Inclusion and Social Development (SGISD) attended the Summit to learn about the rich history and strengths, challenges, and health threats facing Tribal and Indigenous communities across the nation. SGISD’s new Director Dr. Tiffany Donaldson expressed gratitude for sharing this space of learning with Tribal leaders:
“I learned so much through our work with Tribal leaders about cultural history and commitment to raising awareness about Native Health inequities and barriers to access. We will continue to partner with Tribal leaders and Indigenous communities to learn about what worked in the COVID pandemic and to promote health and wellness in areas of interest to Native people.”
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Dr. Tiffany Donaldson looking to her side and smiling while talking to another attendee.
ICI and SGISD staff also learned about colonialism’s devastating impact on Native health. ICI Senior Research Fellow Dr. Susan Foley was honored to hear from tribal leaders, elders, Native doctoral students, Native researchers, Native mental health providers, Indian Urban Health, Indian Health Services, and Tribal and Indigenous People Serving Organizations. She shared about her learnings and ongoing commitment to advocacy:
“We heard calls for action unequivocally pointing to existing threats to tribal community well-being. As researchers in disability services, we will strongly advocate for more Native disability research capacity and support for Native researchers. We will continue to partner with Dr. Cedric Woods at the Institute for New England Native American Studies on the Native Equity in Employment and Recovery Project, with deep respect and friendship.”
Dr. Cedric Woods is the Director of UMass Boston’s Institute for New England Native American Studies (INENAS) and served on the planning committee for the Summit.
ICI Senior Research Associate Dr. Allison Taylor echoed these sentiments:
“It was a gift to experience the Campus Center Ballroom as a Native space and to be invited as a guest into that space, as we looked out on the land and waters of the Massachusett people. I was struck by the many examples of Native ingenuity, perseverance, and resilience to foster community health and well-being, within a context of ongoing erasure, inequity, and injustice.”
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Allison Taylor, on left wearing a black mask, black dress, and colorful scarf, talks with Ella Blackowl, also from SGISD.
Two UMass Medical School PhD students who are Mashpee Wampanoag tribal members wrapped up the Summit with a brief tribal history and discussion of the impact of historical trauma. They also talked about how and why they decided to pursue Tribal health professions and what that will mean to the Tribal and Indigenous communities they represent.
Quinn Barbour, ICI’s Senior Marketing and Communications Manager, took photographs to commemorate this inaugural event.
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James Beard Award-winning Chef Sherry Pocknett catered the event with Indigenous cuisine from her Wampanoag culture. Pocknett’s restaurant the Sly Fox Den Too is in Charlestown, Rhode Island.
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On right, SGISD and INENAS’ Cedric Woods shakes hands with Dr. Robert Goldstein, Commissioner of the MA Department of Public Health.
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Four Indigenous drummers, one holding a toddler, drum and sing as traditional dancers performed.
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Indigenous dancers performed at the beginning of the event.
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Staffers responsible for the event posed together for a group photo.
Information from this article was also obtained from Crystal Valencia's piece, "Chancellor, State Health Officials, Tribal Leaders Gather for Tribal and Indigenous Health Summit."
Indigenous Peoples' Day
This year, we observe Indigenous Peoples' Day on Monday, October 9. Observing Indigenous Peoples' Day is an act of solidarity with Native Peoples. Indigenous Peoples' Day has replaced Columbus Day in many locales. Christopher Columbus exploited and enslaved Taíno Peoples and appropriated their homelands. Observing Columbus Day celebrates colonialism and memorializes the demographic collapse, enslavement, and attempted erasure of Native Peoples in the Americas. 
This October, take some time to learn more about indigenous people and cultures. Here are some additional resources to explore:
Native Reads: Books from Indigenous Communities
Living Nations, Living Worlds: A Map of First Peoples Poetry
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
Indigenous People’s Day: Red Lake Nation News
Praying Towns in Massachusetts: History
Association on American Indian Affairs
National Geographic: Native American imagery is all around us, while the people are often forgotten
New York Times: Lost Lives, Lost Culture: The Forgotten History of Indigenous Boarding Schools
Indian Law Resource Center: Ending Violence against Native Women
Walking in Two Worlds: Supporting the Two Spirit and Native LGBTQ Community
Workforce GPS: Native American Disability Resource Hub
Videos produced by the Native American Disability Law Center
Are you interested in learning more about UMass Boston’s Institute for New England Native American Studies? Contact Director Cedric Woods at [email protected].
Are you interested in learning more about UMass Boston’s Native American and Indigenous Studies Minor? Contact Director Maria John at [email protected] with questions about this academic program.
This blog includes excerpts from the 2021 SGISD blog, New UMass Mural Welcomes Native Students to UMass Boston Campus.
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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G.2 Why do individualist anarchists reject social anarchism?
As noted in the last section, the individualist anarchists considered themselves as anti-capitalists and many called themselves mutualists and socialists. It may be objected that they opposed the more obviously socialist types of anarchism like communist-anarchism and, as a consequence, should be considered as supporters of capitalism. This is not the case as can be seen from why they rejected communist-anarchism. The key thing to remember is that capitalism does not equal the market. So while the individualist anarchists advocated a market economy, it “is evident from their writings that they rejected both capitalism and communism — as did Proudhon.” [Brian Morris, “Global Anti-Capitalism”, pp. 170–6, Anarchist Studies, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 175]
It should noted that while Tucker came to excommunicate non-individualist forms of anarchism from the movement, his initial comments on the likes of Bakunin and Kropotkin were very favourable. He reprinted articles by Kropotkin from his paper La Revolte, for example, and discussed “the Anarchistic philosophy, as developed by the great Proudhon and actively propagated by the heroic Bakunin and his successors on both sides of the Atlantic.” [Liberty, no. 26, p. 3] After the rise of the IWPA in the early 1880s and the Haymarket police riot of 1886, Tucker changed his position. Now it was a case that the “Anarchistic social ideal” was “utterly inconsistent with that of those Communists who falsely call themselves Anarchists while at the same time advocating a regime of Archism fully as despotic as that of the State Socialists themselves.” For Tucker, real anarchists did not advocate, like communist anarchists, “forcible expropriation” nor “force as a revolutionary agent and authority as a safeguard of the new social order.” [The Individualist Anarchists, pp. 88–9] As will become clear, Tucker’s summation of communist-anarchism leaves a lot to be desired. However, even after the break between individualist and communist anarchism in America, Tucker saw that both had things in common as both were socialists:
“To be sure, there is a certain and very sincere comradeship that must exist between all honest antagonists of the exploitation of labour, but the word comrade cannot gloss over the vital difference between so-called Communist-Anarchism and Anarchism proper.” [Liberty, no. 172, p. 1]
Social anarchists would agree with Tucker in part, namely the need not to gloss over vital differences between anarchist schools but most reject Tucker’s attempts to exclude other tendencies from “Anarchism proper.” Instead, they would agree with Kropotkin and, while disagreeing with certain aspects of the theory, refuse to excommunicate him from the anarchist movement. As we discuss in section G.2.5, few anarchists agreed with Tucker’s sectarianism at the time and communist-anarchism was, and remains, the dominant tendency within anarchism.
It is these disagreements to which we now turn. It should be stressed, though, that the individualist anarchists, while tending to excommunicate social anarchism, also had many inclusive moments and so it makes these objections often seem petty and silly. Yes, there was certainly pettiness involved and it worked both ways and there was a certain amount of tit-for-tat, just as there is now (although to a much lesser degree these days). Anarchist-communist opposition to what some of them sadly called “bourgeois anarchism” was a fact, as was individualist anarchist opposition to communist-anarchism. Yet this should not blind us to what both schools had in common. However, if it were not for some opponents of anarchism (particularly those seeking to confuse libertarian ideas with propertarian ones) dragging these (mostly resolved) disagreements back into the light of day this section would be a lot shorter. As it is, covering these disagreements and showing how they could be resolved is a useful task — if only to show how individualist and communist anarchism are not as alien as some make out.
There were four main objections made to communist-anarchism by the individualists. Firstly, that communist-anarchism was compulsory and any compulsory system could not be anarchist. Secondly, that a revolution would be imposing anarchism and so contradicted its principles. Thirdly, that distribution by need was based on altruism and, consequently, unlikely to succeed. Fourthly, that the communist-anarchists are determining how a free society would be organised which is authoritarian. Needless to say, communist-anarchists rejected these claims as being false and while we have already sketched these arguments, objections and replies in section A.3.1 it is worthwhile to repeat (and expand on) them here as these disagreements are sometimes highlighted by those who fail to stress what both schools have in common and, consequently, distort the debates and issues involved.
We will discuss these objections in the following sections.
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school56df · 9 days
18 Things to know about International Curriculum School
 An international curriculum school is an educational framework designed to offer standardized mastering stories throughout nations and cultures. It frequently emphasizes international views, move-cultural knowledge, and prepares students to satisfy the demanding situations of a swiftly globalizing global. International curricula are regularly used by global colleges or faculties that intention to provide students with a global schooling. In this newsletter, we are able to discover the important thing features, kinds, advantages, and challenges of an global curriculum.
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What is an International Curriculum?
An worldwide curriculum is a versatile framework designed to meet the desires of students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Unlike countrywide curriculums, which can be frequently designed to fulfill the instructional standards of a particular us of a, an international curriculum is dependent to transcend countrywide boundaries, supplying students with an education this is globally applicable and competitive.
International curricula often recognition on key capabilities and abilities like crucial wondering, creativity, verbal exchange, and collaboration. They emphasize inquiry-primarily based gaining knowledge of, in which college students are recommended to ask questions, explore ideas, and apply their expertise to actual-global problems. Additionally, they prioritize international views, encouraging college students to understand and respect numerous cultures, histories, and viewpoints.
There are several across the world diagnosed curricula which can be implemented in faculties worldwide. Some of the most famous include:
International Baccalaureate (IB)
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is one of the maximum extensively recognized worldwide curricula. It is a rigorous, academically challenging program that specializes in growing college students who are inquiring, informed, and worrying. The IB offers programs for college students aged 3 to 19, inclusive of:
Primary Years Programme (PYP) for college kids aged 3 to twelve
Middle Years Programme (MYP) for students elderly eleven to 16
Diploma Programme (DP) for college students elderly sixteen to 19
The IB is thought for its holistic technique, where college students no longer best cognizance on educational success however additionally on non-public improvement, social duty, and global-mindedness.
 Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)
The Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) curriculum is every other highly respected worldwide curriculum, used in over one hundred sixty international locations. The CIE curriculum gives a extensive range of topics and specializes in growing critical questioning, hassle-fixing, and studies talents. Students following this curriculum can take a seat for across the world recognized tests including the Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and A-Level qualifications, which can be widely customary through universities around the arena.
 Ed excel
Ed excel is a UK-primarily based curriculum that gives each primary and secondary training with a focal point on growing realistic talents and academic know-how. The Ed excel curriculum is used globally and gives a huge range of qualifications, inclusive of IGCSEs and A-Levels. Ed excel is specially acknowledged for its vocational training and education packages, which help college students develop enterprise-unique capabilities that can put together them for the workforce.
American Curriculum
The American curriculum is widely adopted by using international faculties, particularly in nations in which there's a huge expatriate population. The American curriculum usually follows a standards-based approach, with a focus on growing literacy, numeracy, and vital wondering abilities. Students following this curriculum typically take Advanced Placement (AP) assessments, which can be diagnosed by using universities global for college credit and placement.
International Primary Curriculum (IPC)
The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) is a thematic, creative curriculum for number one-elderly college students. It specializes in the improvement of talents, understanding, and knowledge in subjects which includes technological know-how, records, geography, and the arts. The IPC is designed to be bendy and adaptable, permitting schools to integrate their national standards at the same time as offering students with a worldwide attitude.
Key Features
While each international curriculum has its unique method, there are numerous common capabilities that define global education:
 Global Perspective
One of the primary desires of an worldwide curriculum is to offer college students with a global outlook. This approach assisting college students recognize special cultures, traditions, and viewpoints even as developing empathy and admire for variety. Students are encouraged to suppose past their immediately environment and don't forget issues and demanding situations that affect the world as an entire.
 Inquiry-Based Learning
International curricula regularly emphasize inquiry-primarily based mastering, wherein students take an lively role in their schooling by means of asking questions, conducting research, and exploring topics in depth. This technique fosters crucial wondering, hassle-solving, and impartial getting to know, preparing college students to come to be lifelong learners.
Emphasis on Skills and Competencies
In addition to educational information, global curricula location a sturdy emphasis on growing 21st-century talents which includes creativity, collaboration, verbal exchange, and virtual literacy. These skills are critical for success within the current global, where speedy technological improvements and globalization are converting the nature of work and society.
Many worldwide curricula promote multilingualism, encouraging college students to become gifted in a couple of language. This no longer most effective enhances cognitive improvement but additionally allows students talk and collaborate with people from special linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
 Holistic Development
An international curriculum often takes a holistic method to training, focusing on the general development of the pupil. In addition to instructional achievement, students are encouraged to develop their emotional intelligence, social competencies, and experience of duty toward their network and the environment.
 Prepares Students for a Globalized World
An worldwide curriculum prepares college students to thrive in a globalized world through developing their knowledge of various cultures and views. This helps students turn out to be more open-minded, adaptable, and able to operating in various environments.
Widely Recognized Qualifications
Students who follow an worldwide curriculum and take standardized checks like the IB Diploma, Cambridge IGCSE, or Edexcel A-Levels have qualifications which might be diagnosed and respected with the aid of universities and employers worldwide. This opens up a extensive range of opportunities for higher education and profession development.
Focus on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
International curricula emphasize the improvement of vital thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, which might be critical for success in both instructional and professional settings. These abilities help students emerge as impartial thinkers and revolutionary problem solvers.
Cultural Awareness and Empathy
By gaining knowledge of about distinctive cultures, histories, and international challenges, students develop cultural recognition and empathy. This allows them build meaningful relationships with people from various backgrounds and come to be responsible global residents.
Challenges of an International Curriculum
Cost of International Education
One of the number one demanding situations of an international curriculum is the price. International colleges that provide these curricula often fee excessive training fees, making them inaccessible to many students.
Adapting to Different Learning Environments
Students who circulate regularly because of their dad and mom' jobs or different reasons may additionally face demanding situations in adapting to exceptional worldwide curricula in diverse schools. While global curricula goal to offer consistency, there can be differences in teaching patterns, resources, and school environments.
 Balancing Local and Global Perspectives
While international curriculum portal  emphasize international views, they will no longer usually offer enough awareness on local records, subculture, and issues. Schools want to find a stability between imparting a international schooling and preserving a connection to the students' home nations and cultures.
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amberlihc · 19 days
Hello everyone, this is Hanchi Li and you can go by Amber. I’m now a master student at the Newhouse School, taking the MMI 634 course by professor Sean Branagan. As an interdisciplinary student, I hope to be exposed to more forward-looking and socially reflective discussions in this class, as well as master the ability to predict the social changes in the industry and globalization.
Having a pair of open-minded parents who resisted traditional exam-oriented education for their daughter, I have experienced a very different route. In addition to the scenic spots in my homeland, China, they also took me on trips to different countries, including the United States, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, and so on. My rich travel memories since childhood have made me refuse to establish an unshakable development path for life too early. I am very interested in traditional culture, but I also aspire to a future world influenced by technology.
Since 2020, I have witnessed how social change can be adjusted efficiently through cross-communication both offline and online under the impact of the pandemic. As a student from a developing country studying in a developed country, the impact of culture collisions and the rise and fall of domestic brands made me aware of how communal needs, economic crises, and human emotions have come together to shape a diverse digital social landscape. I was lucky enough to encounter a commercial film from China UnionPay on Bilibili, which combined China’s ancient culture and current social challenges, attracting and inspiring me to create more similar meaningful stories. Therefore, I’ve independently made a digital map about the residential stratification in the United States and an e-Zine about the development of musical forms from southern countries, and I hoped to promote different cultures to all those who may come into contact with my work while completing academic research. Such special media forms made me realize that creative ideas could be conveyed to non-professional audiences through visualized and vivid data, which undoubtedly opened a brand-new world for me. 
These skills also gave me a solid foundation for my internship at BlueFocus and made me stand out in the brand campaign related to consumer insights and other practices of communication works. As I constantly attempt to use my knowledge from undergraduate studies to solve workplace difficulties, I am even more eager to enhance my abilities through more systematic and diverse communication studies. In addition, through other projects I realized that communication study is able to affect people from different social aspects. It can not only spread information widely and quickly, allowing specific enthusiasts to find and expand their social scope, but also allowing me to personally interact with many talented people in different fields, thereby improving my aesthetics, cultivating a logical and forward-looking awareness, and practicing all third-party tools for team work, continuously accumulating and exercising my creativity. For example, I have understood what the metaverse is through online interactive mini program and got to know Chinese young designers like LOXEL who created many valuable Non-Fungible Tokens; By participating in the Lay’s brand PR activities, I have the opportunity to indirectly collaborate with the famous photographer Xiao Quan whom I admired; Through “Pepsi Sugar-Free National Tour EPR Communication” project, I have written press releases and flash event scripts for my favorite celebrities in the entertainment industry.
Compared with others, my unique sense of identity and inclusive interdisciplinary research make me more inclined to respect and appreciate differences, while using an open mind to accept and understand different voices to explore the communication fields that combine innovation and pragmatism, such as cultural and NGO communications. This ability is also valued by an inclusive advertising industry that embraces diversity and open-minds. Therefore, I take this path as my ideal career choice.
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rheeyunie · 10 months
Why We Choosed Academic Track HUMSS Strand in SHS?
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The Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand is a fascinating and rewarding choice for high school students. While it may not be as commonly chosen as other strands like STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), HUMSS offers a unique set of advantages that can greatly benefit students in our academic and personal development.
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One of the reason why we choose HUMSS strand because its focus on critical thinking and analytical skills. Students in HUMSS engage in rigorous coursework that challenge us to analyze complex issues, assess different perspectives, and form evidence-based arguments. This emphasis on critical thinking not only sharpens our intellectual abilities but also equips us with skills that are highly valued in various professions. Whether pursuing a career in law, journalism,teacher,police, social sciences, or humanities, HUMSS graduates are well-prepared to think critically and make informed decisions.
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Furthermore, the HUMSS strand offers a diverse range of subjects that broaden students' horizons and encourage cultural understanding. Courses like History, Sociology, and Philosophy delve into the complexities of the human experience across different time periods and societies. This exposure to different cultures, beliefs, and historical events cultivates empathy, open-mindedness, and a more nuanced perspective of the world. In an increasingly globalized society, these qualities are crucial for fostering a sense of social responsibility, promoting inclusion, and working collaboratively in diverse environments.
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Another reason why we prefer the HUMSS strand is the opportunity for creativity and self-expression. Subjects like Literature, Arts, and Music provide a platform for us to explore our artistic talents, express their emotions, and enhance our communication skills. Through writing, performing, or visual arts, we are able to develop our own unique voice, fostering creativity, imagination, and the ability to effectively convey ideas. These skills are not only valuable in artistic pursuits but also in fields such as marketing, advertising, and communication where the ability to engage and connect with audiences is essential.
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Moreover, we decidedto choose HUMSS strand because it offers a strong foundation for further academic pursuits and specialization. The comprehensive curriculum provides students with a wide range of subjects that can serve as a solid base for various university courses. Whether students choose to pursue a degree in psychology, literature, political science, or anthropology, the interdisciplinary nature of the HUMSS strand equips them with a well-rounded understanding of different fields and a strong analytical skill set.
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In conclusion, choosing the HUMSS strand offer us numerous advantages to high school students. From cultivating critical thinking and broadening cultural understanding to fostering creativity and providing a strong academic foundation, the HUMSS strand equips students with valuable skills and knowledge that can be applied in various careers and fields of study. HUMSS strand is a bridge to our successful career that we dream of. While it may not be the most traditional or popular choice, those who opt for the HUMSS strand embark on a journey of intellectual growth, self-expression, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.
Rhea Mae Falsario, Giorgina Sarandona, Arriane Shane Lara, Vince Willance Inocencio and Erron Francisco
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mindfulmusinghub · 4 months
Maximizing corporate social responsibility impact : partnering with Marpu Foundation for sustainable development goals:
Marpu Foundation an NGO, dedicated to harness individual potential for positive change through innovative, empathy-led projects promoting sustainability and social empowerment. Believing in the power of collective efforts and partnerships to be a beacon of transformation, to craft a future that's equitable, compassionate, and sustainable.
One of India’s youth activist, environmentalist and  leading social entrepreneur, Kadiri Raghu Vamshi – The Environment Man, known for his relentless quest of innovative solutions to social challenges. As the founder of Marpu Foundation, His enterprising leadership in environmental protection, sustainable development, and social advocacy is directed towards empowering citizens to embrace social responsibility. He was awarded India’s prestigious Chakra award in 2019 for his vision in empowering citizens to be socially responsible.
This blog delves into the symbiotic relationship integrating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to devise innovative solutions for critical societal challenges, Along with spotlighting the distictive approach of Marpu Foundation and its remarkable success stories.
In the realm of sustainable development, the synergy between CSR and SDGs emerges as a potent catalyst for positive transformation. Marpu Foundation spearheads initiatives in volunteering, sustainable development, and environmental conservation. Their unwavering support for women and advocacy for crucial causes amplify their impact nationwide. They works closely with many partners and reaches out widely to create big changes in communities all over India. This combination allows for a more coordinated and impactful approach to addressing social challenges at both local and global levels.
Through its unique approach and steadfast dedication, the Marpu Foundation exemplifies how businesses can magnify their social responsibility impact while advancing the global agenda for sustainable development. The NGO is truly making a significant impact in both Chennai and Pune, as well as in Jaipur and Surat through its multifaceted initiatives aimed at addressing various social and environmental challenges. As we forge ahead, let us draw inspiration from the triumphs of the Marpu Foundation :
The attempts of Marpu Foundation in Chennai have brought a significant change in addressing water quality, safety, and connectivity issues together with equipping more than 20 with solar power panels.
CSR projects in Chennai and Pune, showcases a commendable commitment to the society,   
Digital Literacy Program: by providing computer and internet training to 10,000 underprivileged children and youth, the foundation has not only equipped them with essential digital skills but also opened doors to online education and job opportunities.       
 Solar Power for Schools: Installing solar power panels in government schools didn’t just reduce electricity costs but also promotes environmental sustainability by decreasing carbon emissions and ensuring reliable electricity access.
Rainwater Harvesting Systems: Implemented rainwater harvesting systems in schools and community centres to combat water scarcity. This initiative not only ensures access to water for various purposes but also promotes water conservation which is crucial for sustainable development in cities like Chennai and Pune.
 Sustainable Livelihoods Program: Offered training and support for women and youth in entrepreneurship skills, helping them kickstart their own small businesses. This not only creates jobs but also boosts economic independence. By specifically targeting marginalized communities, the foundation is championing inclusive economic growth and uplifting livelihoods.
The Waste Management Initiatives: By annually diverting more than 500 tons of waste from landfills. Their emphasis on composting, recycling, and upcycling, to actively foster an economy and promote sustainable waste management practices. These efforts not merely lessen environmental harm but also stimulate innovation and resource efficiency, opening new lanes for progress.
In Jaipur, the focus is on improving educational opportunities for underprivileged communities. They introduce creative educational initiatives designed to meet various needs. They build partnerships with organizations and institutions to maximize their influence.
Businesses in Surat could consider engaging with Marpu Foundation for their CSR activities for several reasons like local impact and expertise experience in executing successful CSR initiatives offering businesses the opportunity to partner with an organization experienced in driving impactful projects. 
Overall, Marpu Foundation's holistic approach to social and environmental issues underscores their dedication to creating a better future for generations to come. Through their collaborative efforts and innovative solutions, they are leaving a lasting impact on communities across the nation inspiring others to take responsibility for the well-being of society and the environment.
By: Hiba Siyad
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vasundhara1 · 5 months
Education: The Pathway to Enlightenment
Introduction to Education
Education stands as the cornerstone of societal progress, shaping minds, molding characters, and fostering innovation. Its significance transcends time and boundaries, evolving alongside humanity's journey towards enlightenment. From ancient civilizations to modern societies, education has remained a beacon of hope, guiding individuals towards a brighter future.
Types of Education
Formal Education
Formal education encompasses structured learning within institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities. It follows a predefined curriculum and leads to recognized qualifications, laying the foundation for academic and professional pursuits.
Informal Education
Contrary to formal education, informal education occurs outside traditional settings. It encompasses experiential learning through daily experiences, interactions with peers, and self-directed exploration. Informal education nurtures practical skills, critical thinking, and social awareness.
Vocational Education
Vocational education focuses on equipping individuals with specific skills and competencies necessary for employment in various industries. It emphasizes hands-on training, apprenticeships, and technical education, preparing individuals for the demands of the workforce.
Online Education
The advent of technology has revolutionized the educational landscape, giving rise to online education platforms. Online learning offers flexibility, accessibility, and diverse course offerings, enabling learners to pursue education remotely, breaking down geographical barriers and accommodating diverse learning styles.
The Role of Education in Society
Education serves as a catalyst for societal advancement, fostering economic prosperity, social cohesion, and cultural preservation. Its impact extends beyond the individual, shaping communities and driving progress on a global scale.
Economic Impact
Education is a powerful driver of economic growth, empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to the workforce. A well-educated population fuels innovation, enhances productivity, and attracts investments, laying the groundwork for sustainable development.
Social Development
Beyond economic prosperity, education plays a pivotal role in promoting social equity and inclusivity. It empowers marginalized communities, bridges societal divides, and fosters empathy and understanding among diverse populations. Education is not merely about acquiring knowledge but also about instilling values of compassion, tolerance, and respect for human dignity.
Cultural Preservation
Education serves as a custodian of cultural heritage, transmitting traditions, languages, and customs from one generation to the next. It fosters appreciation for cultural diversity, preserving the rich tapestry of human civilization and fostering intercultural dialogue and cooperation.
Challenges in Education
Despite its transformative potential, education faces numerous challenges that hinder its effectiveness and accessibility. Addressing these challenges is crucial to ensuring equitable opportunities for all individuals to pursue learning and personal growth.
Access to quality education remains unevenly distributed, particularly in marginalized communities and developing regions. Barriers such as poverty, geographical remoteness, and inadequate infrastructure impede access to educational resources, perpetuating cycles of inequality and exclusion.
Quality of Education
Ensuring the quality of education is paramount to its efficacy in preparing individuals for success in a rapidly evolving world. However, disparities in teaching standards, curriculum relevance, and learning outcomes persist, compromising the educational experience and limiting opportunities for personal and professional advancement.
Education Inequality
Education inequality exacerbates social disparities, perpetuating cycles of poverty and marginalization. Factors such as gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and disability often determine access to educational opportunities, widening the gap between the privileged and the marginalized.
Innovations in Education
In response to these challenges, educators and policymakers are embracing innovative approaches to transform the educational landscape and enhance learning outcomes for all individuals.
Technology in Education
The integration of technology in education has revolutionized teaching and learning methodologies, offering interactive tools, multimedia resources, and personalized learning experiences. Digital platforms facilitate access to educational content, promote collaboration, and adapt to diverse learning needs, enriching the educational experience for learners worldwide.
Personalized Learning
Personalized learning tailors educational experiences to individual learners' needs, preferences, and learning styles. It emphasizes student autonomy, self-directed inquiry, and competency-based progression, empowering learners to explore their interests, pursue their passions, and maximize their potential.
Alternative Education Models
Alternative education models challenge traditional paradigms of teaching and learning, offering innovative approaches to address the diverse needs and aspirations of learners. From Montessori and Waldorf education to project-based learning and homeschooling, these models prioritize creativity, critical thinking, and holistic development, fostering a lifelong love for learning.
Future of Education
As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, the future of education holds both promise and uncertainty. Emerging trends and global challenges are reshaping the educational landscape, demanding adaptability, innovation, and collaboration to prepare future generations for success in an ever-changing world.
Trends in Education
Technological advancements, demographic shifts, and evolving labor market demands are driving transformative changes in education. Blended learning models, competency-based assessments, and interdisciplinary approaches are gaining prominence, reshaping traditional educational practices and fostering a culture of lifelong learning.
Impact of Globalization
Globalization has facilitated the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and cultures on a global scale, transforming education into a borderless enterprise. Cross-cultural collaboration, international mobility, and digital connectivity are expanding learning opportunities and fostering a global perspective among learners, preparing them to thrive in a multicultural and interconnected world.
Lifelong Learning
In an era of rapid change and uncertainty, lifelong learning has emerged as a necessity rather than a luxury. Continuous upskilling, reskilling, and adaptability are essential for individuals to remain competitive and resilient in the face of technological disruptions and economic transformations. Lifelong learning empowers individuals to embrace change, pursue new opportunities, and navigate career transitions with confidence and agility.
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rishikul-123 · 6 months
Elevate Your Child's Education: Rishikul Vidyapeeth's International Board Schools in Delhi NCR
In the bustling educational landscape of Delhi NCR, parents are constantly seeking the best opportunities to provide their children with a well-rounded and globally competitive education. Rishikul Vidyapeeth emerges as a beacon of excellence, offering international board schools that combine academic rigor, cultural enrichment, and holistic development to prepare students for success in the 21st century. Here's why Rishikul Vidyapeeth's international board schools stand out as the premier choice for parents seeking quality education in Delhi NCR:
Global Curriculum: Rishikul Vidyapeeth's international board schools follow a globally recognized curriculum that is designed to foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Our curriculum is aligned with international standards and benchmarks, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in an increasingly interconnected world.
Multicultural Environment: At Rishikul Vidyapeeth, we celebrate diversity and embrace multiculturalism. Our international board schools provide students with opportunities to interact with peers from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and nationalities, fostering tolerance, empathy, and global citizenship. Through cultural exchanges, international collaborations, and experiential learning opportunities, students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them.
Experienced Faculty: Our international board schools are staffed with experienced and highly qualified faculty members who are committed to academic excellence and student success. Our teachers are passionate about their subjects and dedicated to nurturing the intellectual curiosity and talents of every student. With small class sizes and personalized attention, students receive the support and guidance they need to thrive academically.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Rishikul Vidyapeeth's international board schools are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and resources to support student learning and development. From well-equipped classrooms and laboratories to libraries, sports facilities, and technology infrastructure, we provide students with a conducive learning environment that stimulates curiosity, creativity, and innovation.
Holistic Development: At Rishikul Vidyapeeth, we believe in educating the whole child – mind, body, and spirit. In addition to academic excellence, our international board schools focus on holistic development, encompassing physical fitness, social-emotional learning, character development, and life skills education. Through a balanced and integrated approach to education, students develop into well-rounded individuals who are prepared to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and resilience.
Parental Involvement: We recognize the importance of parental involvement in a child's education, and we actively encourage parents to be partners in their child's learning journey. Our international board schools foster open communication and collaboration between parents, teachers, and students, creating a supportive and inclusive school community where everyone has a voice and a stake in student success.
Proven Track Record: With a legacy of academic excellence and a proven track record of success, Rishikul Vidyapeeth's international board schools have earned a reputation for delivering outstanding educational outcomes. Our alumni have gone on to excel in diverse fields and make significant contributions to society, both nationally and internationally. In conclusion, Rishikul Vidyapeeth's international board schools in Delhi NCR offer a unique blend of academic excellence, cultural enrichment, and holistic development that prepares students to thrive in a rapidly changing world. With a commitment to nurturing global citizens and future leaders, we invite parents to join us in providing their children with the education of a lifetime.
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hardynwa · 11 months
Okereke elected fellow of World Academy of Sciences
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Prof. Chukwumerije Okereke has been elected Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries in recognition of his contribution to science and its promotion in the developing world. According to a statement, Okereke is a professor in Global Governance and Public Policy at the School for Policy Studies, Bristol University, UK, and Director of the Center for Climate Change and Development, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State. It stated that Okereke was a globally recognised leading scholar on global climate governance and international development, specialising in the justice dimensions of the international climate regime and just societal transitions to the green economy. According to the statement, he had a track record of high-impact research focused on understanding and addressing systemic barriers to economic and social inclusion in the context of climate policy and green economy transitions, “He drafted a climate change law in Nigeria, modelling Nigeria’s long-term low-carbon development strategy, designing African Unions’ Adaptation Initiative, and drafting the first-ever national green growth plan in Africa, for the Government of Rwanda,” it said. Okereke said, “I am delighted to have been elected Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries. It means a lot to me because I have always been driven by a desire to highlight the challenges faced by developing countries in addressing climate change while also pursuing economic growth as well as the opportunities to leverage climate action to build resilience and achieve economic growth. “Developing countries face multiple challenges related to colonial legacy and unjust international economic order which work to the advantage of advanced countries.” According to him, approaching climate governance from the framework of justice enables us to tackle, not just the issue of climate pollution, but also the more fundamental question of global equity and fairness needed to ensure that everyone can lead a decent life regardless of where they are born. “This recognition encourages me to continue to work as there is still quite a long way to go to achieve climate justice for the vulnerable countries of the world,” Okereke added. Read the full article
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sanjeevmansotra · 1 year
Advancing Women in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities - Sanjeev Mansotra
The problem of gender equality and women's empowerment has received a lot of attention recently on a global scale. While there has been improvement in some areas, there are still significant obstacles for women in Africa to overcome to advance in a variety of societal domains. Despite these difficulties, Africa still has a chance to use its women's potential to promote sustainable development. According to Sanjeev Mansotra's perspective, a woman's ability to advance is most hampered by her lack of access to education. To remove this barrier and to advance women's education, the government and international NGOs must actively participate and make sizable investments in education with a focus on African women.    
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More than 47 million girls (about twice the population of New York) in sub-Saharan Africa lack access to a basic education, according to the latest statistics. This not only hinders their potential and personal growth but also feeds the cycle of inequality and poverty. African governments and international organizations need to make investments in girls' education a priority, guaranteeing their access to quality education and eradicating obstacles such as early marriage and cultural biases.  
Regarding the advancement of women in Africa, think that there should be a complete halt to the stereotypical mentality of society toward women, especially in rural areas that causes girls to stop attending school from an early age. Cultural barriers must not obstruct a girl child's educational journey, and society must create a positive mentality towards educating a girl child. The government must educate all segments of society, with a concentration on rural areas, and undertake awareness campaigns centered on "Educating a Girl Child," he continues, to reach this milestone.  
Limited economic opportunities for women in Africa, primarily working low-paying jobs with limited benefits, hinder their independence and family contributions. Governments and private sectors should focus on inclusive policies, entrepreneurship training, and increased finance access.  
In Africa, gender-based violence and discrimination are rampant because of cultural and social norms that are built on patriarchal institutions. To achieve gender equality, governments, civil society, and local leaders must oppose these conventions. Opportunities for increasing women's rights and empowerment are presented by Africa's young population. Women can be empowered by making investments in their health, education, and professional growth. For sustainable development, international organizations like the African Union and the United Nations place a high priority on gender equality.  
According to Sanjeev Mansotra, advancing women in Africa necessitates tackling current issues including restricted access to education, limited economic possibilities, and discriminatory practices.   
By concentrating on these issues, Africa can realize its full potential and enable women to contribute to the social, economic, and political advancement of the continent. Africa can pave the road towards being more inclusive and affluent with the help of coordinated initiatives from governments, civil society, and the international community. 
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sgisdinclusion · 10 months
SGISD’s Racheal (Rae) Inegbedion Launches new Documentary Short Focused on Disability Employment in Nigeria and Malawi
Congratulations to School for Global Inclusion and Social Development (SGISD) PhD candidate Racheal Inegbedion! Racheal recently launched her second short documentary film titled Breaking Boundaries: Empowering Abilities into the Nigeria & Malawi Workforce with support from the US Department of State.
The goal of her film is to “shatter the boundaries hindering job opportunities for youth with disabilities” in two regions: Lagos State, Nigeria, and Dzaleka Refugee Camp, Malawi. In this short documentary, 10 people with disabilities narrate their diverse experiences breaking down barriers to employment.
The film premiered at the American Corners in Nigeria and Malawi during a virtual workshop for hiring managers to deepen their understanding of inclusive employment and equitability.
Racheal is the founding Executive Director of the Special Needs Initiative For Growth. She co-produced this film with Toussaint Farini, founder of Salama Africa. Both Racheal and Toussaint recently received the 2023 Leveraging Innovations in New Communities (LINC) Award of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, a US Department of State Program for Young African Leaders.
Watch 10 disabled advocates tell their stories of breaking down barriers to employment in this 15-minute documentary short film.
Read the newspaper report from the Guardian on the documentary’s launch.
Watch the commemoration by the US Mission in Nigeria.
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communityinclusion · 1 year
Four New Positions Open at SGISD and ICI
We are hiring! Join a great workplace that supports and advances UMass Boston's values of diversity and equity. The School for Global Inclusion and Social Development (SGISD) at the UMass Boston College of Education and Human Development is hiring a full-time Assistant Professor and full-time Lecturer. The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) is hiring an Instructional Media Specialist and a Research Data Coordinator.
We’ve included the job descriptions in this message with links to the applications and more information. Please share these positions widely with your networks.
Assistant Professor
SGISD is hiring a tenure-track Assistant Professor with expertise in critical race and ethnic studies/decolonial studies. A successful candidate has research and practice experience applying a global and intersectional lens to their work focused on race, ethnic, or decolonial studies and social and economic development for marginalized groups. The Assistant Professor will teach courses in the Global Inclusion curriculum and supervise master's capstone and PhD dissertation projects.
This position is based in Boston, MA and begins September 1, 2024.
We will review applications beginning on October 15, 2023. Learn more and apply!
Lecturer (Rehabilitation/School Counseling)
SGISD is hiring a full-time Lecturer of Rehabilitation/School Counseling in the Department of Counseling and School Psychology. This position requires a doctoral degree from a CACREP-accredited program as well as graduate-level clinical and teaching experience in counselor education. A successful candidate will:
teach courses in the Rehabilitation and School Counseling masters’ programs
teach 4 graduate courses in the Fall and Spring semesters (8 courses per year)
advise graduate students within the Rehabilitation Counseling and School Counseling programs
provide service to the Rehabilitation Counseling and School Counseling programs
This position can be remote, but SGISD will give preference to persons who are willing to teach and engage in service activities in person. We will review applications beginning on October 15, 2023. Learn more and apply!
Instructional Media Specialist
ICI is hiring a full-time instructional media specialist. In this position, you will work with subject matter experts to develop, design, and edit inclusive online lessons and activities. A successful candidate will have creative media design skills and experience producing accessible media content.
This position is based in Boston, MA.
Learn more and apply by October 20!
Research Data Coordinator
ICI is hiring a full-time research data coordinator. In this position, you will coordinate research and evaluation projects that support employment, community life engagement, and inclusive postsecondary education outcomes for people with disabilities. A successful candidate will have working knowledge of statistics, data management, and data analysis.
This position is based in Boston, MA.
Learn more & apply by October 27!
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“Street Dance Unleashed: The Artistry, Innovation, and Cultural Impact”
Street dance, a captivating and expressive art form, has evolved into a highly respected and influential genre that continues to push boundaries and captivate audiences worldwide. With its roots in urban communities and diverse cultural influences, street dance has transformed into a dynamic fusion of movement, music, and storytelling. In this article, we explore the artistry and innovation behind street dance, shedding light on its creative process, cultural significance, and enduring impact on the world of dance.
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The Creative Process: At the heart of street dance lies a rich tapestry of creativity and self-expression. Dancers draw inspiration from their personal experiences, emotions, and the environment around them. Choreography often emerges through improvisation, allowing performers to showcase their unique styles and interpretations. The creative process of street dance is fueled by innovation, as dancers continuously experiment with new moves, techniques, and music genres to push the boundaries of what is possible.
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Styles and Techniques: Street dance encompasses a wide array of styles, each with its own distinct characteristics and influences. From the fluid movements of hip-hop to the acrobatics of breakdancing, the precision of popping and locking, and the intricate footwork of house dance, each style brings a unique flavor to the art form. Dancers develop their skills through rigorous training, honing their technique, musicality, and physicality to deliver powerful performances that engage both the mind and the body.
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Cultural Significance: Beyond its artistic merit, street dance holds significant cultural importance. Originating in marginalized communities, it has served as a means of empowerment, self-identity, and social commentary. The street dance embraces diversity and encourages inclusivity, providing a platform for individuals from all backgrounds to come together, celebrate their heritage, and break down barriers. Through its fusion of different cultural elements, street dance has become a powerful tool for cultural exchange and understanding.
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Impact and Evolution: Street dance has transcended its humble origins, making its mark on mainstream culture and influencing other dance genres. It has become a staple in music videos, live performances, and even competitive events, such as dance battles and showcases. Street dance has also found a prominent place in contemporary dance education, with dedicated schools and workshops offering training in various styles. Its evolution continues to be shaped by technological advancements, enabling dancers to share their artistry and connect with global audiences through social media and online platforms.
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To conclude, Street dance, with its artistry, innovation, and cultural significance, has emerged as a vibrant and influential dance form that captivates and inspires. Rooted in urban communities, it continues to evolve, pushing boundaries and breaking stereotypes. Through its powerful storytelling, dynamic movements, and diverse influences, street dance brings people together, fosters creativity, and celebrates the beauty of individual expression. As it continues to evolve, the art of street dance promises to leave an indelible mark on the world of dance for years to come.
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jameaalkauthar · 4 hours
What Are the Benefits of Islamic Boarding Schools?
Islamic boarding schools provide a distinctive combination of academic rigor and spiritual growth, equipping students to face both educational and life challenges. These institutions create a supportive atmosphere where students excel both intellectually and ethically. Emphasizing character development, cultural enrichment, and community involvement, Islamic boarding schools prepare students with the essential skills to thrive in contemporary society. This holistic approach guarantees that graduates emerge as well-rounded individuals, ready to make positive contributions to their communities while upholding their values.
Strong Academic Foundation
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Islamic boarding schools place a high priority on establishing a solid academic foundation, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive education. By implementing a demanding curriculum that merges Islamic studies with traditional subjects, these schools promote critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. With committed educators and smaller class sizes, students benefit from individualized attention that enhances their educational experience. This academic intensity not only prepares them for higher education but also opens doors to future career prospects, making Islamic boarding schools an excellent choice for parents seeking high-quality education for their children.
Holistic Character Development
The holistic development of character is fundamental to Islamic boarding schools. These institutions focus on instilling moral values, ethics, and a sense of social responsibility, shaping students into well-rounded individuals. Through a variety of programs, students participate in community service, leadership development, and character-building activities that foster confidence and empathy. This emphasis on personal growth ensures that students not only achieve academic success but also cultivate the qualities essential for becoming responsible and compassionate members of society.
Culturally Enriching Environment
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Muslim school foster a culturally enriching atmosphere that celebrates diversity. Students from a variety of backgrounds come together, promoting mutual understanding and respect among their peers. This multicultural environment encourages collaboration and expands perspectives, equipping students to succeed in a globalized world. Furthermore, the combination of Islamic teachings with cultural education enables students to cultivate a robust sense of identity while valuing the richness of various cultures, thereby promoting harmony and inclusivity.
Focus on Spiritual Growth
In Islamic boarding schools, the emphasis on spiritual development is of utmost importance. Students participate in daily prayers, Quranic studies, and moral education, which aids in establishing a solid spiritual foundation. This focus on spirituality not only nurtures their faith but also provides them with a sense of purpose and direction in life. By incorporating spiritual practices into their daily activities, students learn to harmonize their academic duties with their spiritual commitments, fostering a lifelong dedication to their beliefs.
Supportive Community Atmosphere
A nurturing community atmosphere is a hallmark of Islamic boarding schools. These institutions cultivate a familial environment where students feel appreciated and connected. Teachers, staff, and peers work collaboratively to ensure the well-being and success of each student. This sense of belonging promotes open communication and trust, allowing students to seek guidance and support when necessary. Consequently, students forge strong relationships and a network that endures beyond their school years, contributing to their personal and professional development.
In summary, Islamic boarding schools provide a multitude of advantages, including a solid academic foundation, comprehensive character development, and a culturally enriching environment. The emphasis on spiritual growth and a supportive community creates a setting where students can excel both academically and personally. By selecting an Islamic boarding school, students are afforded the opportunity to thrive in all aspects of their lives.
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Key Features of CBSE Schools Every Parent Should Know
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When choosing the best educational institution for their children, parents often look for a system that offers holistic development, academic excellence, and future-ready skills. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is one of India's most popular and trusted education boards, renowned for its well-rounded curriculum and student-friendly approach. Here are the top key features of CBSE schools that every parent should know.
CBSE Schools in Coimbatore
1. Nationally Recognized Curriculum
CBSE schools follow a standardized curriculum recognized by the Government of India. This ensures consistency across the country, making it easier for students to transfer between schools without academic disruption. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of modern education, blending theoretical knowledge with practical applications.
2. Focus on Holistic Development
CBSE schools emphasize all-around development, encouraging students to excel not only in academics but also in extracurricular activities like sports, arts, and social initiatives. This balanced approach fosters creativity, critical thinking, and leadership skills, preparing students for the challenges of the real world.
3. Student-Centric Teaching Methods
The CBSE curriculum promotes active learning through interactive teaching methods. Instead of rote learning, the board encourages students to grasp core concepts, think critically, and apply knowledge in practical scenarios. This student-centered approach helps develop analytical skills and a deeper understanding of subjects.
Best CBSE Schools in Coimbatore
4. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
CBSE schools implement the CCE system to assess students' progress regularly. Rather than relying solely on final exams, CCE focuses on periodic assessments that cover academic performance, life skills, and co-curricular activities. This method reduces stress and allows students to improve consistently throughout the year.
5. International Recognition and Global Opportunities
CBSE holds international recognition, creating opportunities for students who wish to pursue higher education overseas. The board’s emphasis on English as the medium of instruction and its rigorous academic standards ensure that students are well-prepared to compete in global educational institutions.
6. Strong Foundation in Science and Mathematics
CBSE schools are known for their strong focus on Science and Mathematics. The curriculum is structured to build a solid foundation in these subjects, making CBSE students highly competitive in national entrance exams like JEE and NEET, which are critical for engineering and medical careers.
7. Emphasis on Values and Life Skills
Apart from academic excellence, CBSE schools prioritize the teaching of values and life skills. Students are encouraged to develop a sense of responsibility, empathy, teamwork, and ethical behavior—qualities essential for personal and professional success.
CBSE Schools in Coimbatore
8. Technology-Driven Learning
CBSE schools integrate technology into the learning process, helping students stay updated with the latest advancements. With smart classrooms, online resources, and digital learning platforms, students gain exposure to modern educational tools that enhance their learning experience.
9. Preparation for Competitive Exams
CBSE's curriculum is aligned with many national-level competitive exams, including JEE, NEET, and various civil service examinations. Students in CBSE schools are given the foundational knowledge and skills required to excel in these exams, making them well-prepared for their academic and professional futures.
10. Inclusive Education Environment
CBSE promotes inclusivity, ensuring that students from diverse backgrounds can thrive in its educational system. The board implements policies and accommodations for students with special needs, ensuring that every child has equal access to quality education.
Best CBSE Schools in Coimbatore
Choosing the right school for your child is a significant decision, and CBSE schools provide an education system that emphasizes academic excellence, holistic development, and real-world skills. With a globally recognized curriculum, student-centric methods, and a focus on both academics and life skills, CBSE schools offer a well-rounded education that prepares students for future success.
By understanding these key features, parents can make informed decisions and choose the best possible learning environment for their children.
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