#schuman resonance
stlhandyman · 2 years
I found some very interesting correlations to the earths energy and events. Mass World Wide Meditation events seem to have an effect on the Schumann Resonance.  Tragedies that affected people also had an effect.   This video highlights .....
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timeclonemike · 4 months
Schuman. Resonance. Cascade.
Can't blame a scientist for trying, right?
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mrsd79 · 1 year
Schuman Revealed
WHAT is Schumann Resonance, & WHO was Schumann?
We are Energy beings that are born & thrive in an Electro-Magnetic Energetic Environment
The Earth & its ionosphere is a giant resonator, the cavity of which is filled with an Electrically conductive medium that affects all Life.
"Our planet, had a pulse. A measurable Frequency embedded in ALL Life on Earth.
The pulse of the Earth, Schumann Resonance, wasn't just similar to the Alpha Waves of the human brain, it's identical.
The brain's Frequency which controls our creativity, our performance, stress, anxiety & IMMUNE SYSTEM, had somehow tuned into the Frequency of the planet.
The pulse of the Earth, became the pulse of all Life itself"
The Schumann resonance signals, the natural Electro-Magnetic patterns of the Earth, act like a tuning fork not just for the biological oscillators of the brain, but for absolutely ALL Life on Earth.
99.9% of $cience is brainwashed to believe our MAGnetIC Field comes from the Earth's core. It doesn't. It's Cosmic Magnetic Induction caused by the Sun, and every single cell in our body is wirelessly plugged into it.
And people wonder why sun worship is so prevalent amongst ancient & CURRENT civilizations...
Frequency : Universal "LAW ϕ ORDER"
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gravehop187 · 1 year
Random people on tik tok: "the Schuman resonance Is off the charts the world will end on June 23rd 2023
My reaction: "that's the best news I heard all week"
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photobookjunkies · 2 years
Signed copies of Aaron Schuman’s Sonata are now available! 📚👀
More info/purchase HERE
gned 1st edition published by MACK, 2022
Format: Hardback
Pages: 120
Condition: New & Sealed
SONATA is an extensive body of photographic work made by Aaron Schuman in Italy over the past four years. Rather than attempting to capture and convey an objective reality, these images are consciously filtered through the many ideas, fascinations, and fantasies associated with the country and what it has represented in the imaginations of those countless travellers who have visited it over the course of centuries. Drawing inspiration from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Italian Journey (1786–1788), Schuman pursues and studies what Goethe described as ‘sense-impressions’, reiterating many of the introspective questions that Goethe asked himself during his own travels through Italy: ‘In putting my powers of observation to the test, I have found a new interest in life…Can I learn to look at things with clear, fresh eyes? How much can I take in at a single glance? Can the grooves of old mental habits be effaced?’ The resulting images are curious, quizzical, and entrancingly atmospheric, conveying a foreigner’s sensitivity to details, quirks, and mysteries: cracks that spider across ancient statues and museum walls, paths that have been shaped and trodden over millennia, the piercing eyes and looming presence of saints and gods all around, accumulations of dust, bones, sunlight, and lucky pennies. Using the classical sonata form – three movements moving through exposition, development, and recapitulation — as a guide, Schuman invites us to explore an Italy as much of the mind as of the world: one soaked in the euphoria and terror, harmony and dissonance of its cultural and historical legacies, and yet constantly new, invigorating, and resonant in its sensorial and psychological suggestions.
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gonzodangerfeels · 3 months
The Kool Aid Pop experiments morphed into a confirmation bias of the Schuman resonance
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inthiseternalmoment · 8 months
The vibes are still off
The fucking vibes are off mate. When will the energy clear up and stop being so rickety splickety 😩
The energy of reality has been so ridiculously wacky and the ascension energy wave or whatever it is has been affecting us so much. We had enough within us to go out and eat but at home we’ve been feeling the off vibes.
Schuman resonance apparently spiked today too 😭
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heavyhauler · 10 months
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I'll keep posting this, when does it hit ?, solstice and equinox, it's the flu combined with Schuman Resonance.
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renovatio06 · 10 months
The False Reality of Loneliness | Big Think
Science confirms that mystical, spiritual experiences can be linked to human brainwaves synchronizing with Schuman resonances in the Earth's upper atmosphere.
The False Reality of Loneliness, Scientifically debunkedSource: The false reality of loneliness – Big Think Source: https://bigthink.com/the-well/spirituality-consciousness-alpha-brainwaves/ Clinical Psychologist, PhD, Ms. Lisa Miller details how human consciousness gives off brainwave patterns that then synchronize with Schumann resonances surrounding our globe and being a standing wave in the…
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How are you Connecting with the Earth?
The Earth is going through massive changes at this time and we have the power to assist her. She is part of us and we are part of her. The strain of 8 billion souls now on Earth has caused her to reach a tipping point.
The Schuman resonance has reached a new high as the core of the Earth has stopped spinning. She is in transition and we can help.
In this two-session event the group will explain what is happening with the Earth at this moment and what we can do to assist her.
Our connection to her is critical.
The group will talk to us about becoming Vortex masters and how we can strengthen our connection with the crystalline energy of the mother.
We will be working with crystals and invite you to bring your favorite crystals to this event with you. We will also have a special segment from our resident crystal channeler Cathy. She will offer ideas on things we can all do to make these connections stronger.
Sign up now and join us on
FRIDAY, AUG 18th & 25th @ 11A PT / 2P ET!! 
Making Contact is included in the LightMaster package.
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crystal-wind · 11 months
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badulescuradu14 · 11 months
James Gilliland (ECETI News): July 13, 2023
There are so many topics to cover it makes one’s head spin. Things are manifesting so fast it is hard to keep up. The Sun is rapid firing flares, the Schuman Resonance is spiking and the influx of consciousness and energy is bringing about Mega change.James Gilliland (ECETI News): July 13, 2023
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conscousism · 1 year
Understanding the Schuman Resonance and Solar Flare and Mental State of ...
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It isn't the Schuman resonator
It is a challenge for you.
She would come home if I wasn't there half the time and be like, no she couldn't make my clit cum but she tried hard.
Like, I expect better from you though. If you haven't learned her vibe from watching and listening all these years....
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THE EVENT 🌟 SOLAR FLASH Schuman Resonance The Rapture and Consciousness
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tumbimongo · 3 years
Watch "100% Pure Schumann Resonance for Grounding, Stability, & Well-Being" on YouTube
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