bird-in-thesky · 1 year
What are everyone’s opinions on the tickets?
If you could put specific first impressions in replies/tags, that would be great. I think I’ll rb with a full opinion, so check that if you want, but please respond, and please rb :)
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just-a-mod · 1 year
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luntica · 1 year
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lonely-paracosmos · 2 years
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Repost bc apparently tumblr deleted the post??
Anyways scol redisignnn!!
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curiosityforstars · 2 years
God the jester spirit from last season <3
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scolcoin · 1 year
Como Crear Colección de NFT ERC-721 en menos 1 Minuto - thirdweb y la Re...
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ente-lab · 9 months
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anawkwardlady · 2 years
Anyway rip Sebastian you would have loved Alien Superstar and the entire Renaissance album
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
Ecco adesso mi ha messo in testa quella canzone @ colino pagami la terapia
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facts4u2know · 22 days
Miscellaneous Posts
For the second year in a row, medical school graduates were less likely to apply for residencies in states with abortion bans or other restrictions, and this applies across medical specialties not related to pregnancies.  Obviously, given a choice, women of childbearing age might also be reluctant to live in these states.  As a result, residents in Red States are likely to receive less and poorer health care.  Of course, they could remedy this by voting out the politicians who enacted the anti-abortion laws. If they don’t, it serves them right.
Little wonder that the 5.59 inches of rain that fell on the United Arab Emirates in one day in April caused such severe flooding.  Since the UAE averages only 3.73 inches of rain yearly, that one day of rainfall was equivalent to 1.5 years of average rainfall.
About 4000 camels have been distributed across Kenya to help transition the region from cows to camels, because years of drought have decimated pastoralists’ livestock.
From 1990 to 2016, although immigrants made up only 10% of the US population, they comprised 16% of the inventors, 23% of the patents, 24% of the most cited patents, and 25% of the total market value of US patents.
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bahrtofane · 2 months
soapy oh soapy
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jude looses his lucky charm and looses his mind in the process
word count - 1.5K+
watch it - HAPPY ARPIL FOOLS. the most unserious fic to date ( jk theres one more coming )
p.s. -big shout out to my friends @aloejuicebr for fueling this madness u guys are real ones and even bigger shout to plooki @yayam26 for making soapy missing poster
You end up forcing jude to do skin care with you after begging him for weeks because you just know you can work your magic and make him feel the best he’s ever felt. All you need is a night in. And time. Lots of time 
After some persuasion and begging, pouty lips and puppy eyes, he gives in. 
“Fine.” is all he says while you’re in his living room, legs over his watching a movie that you've long ignored in favor of bothering him. 
But you’re already giggling. Picking out a headband you want him to wear in your head. Pink care bear one it is. The night comes on a rainy day, he has a rare day off the next morning, so you want him to start it on a good note. 
You’re getting ready for bed, in your pjs, jumping about while you get your little baggie full of goodies out. 
“Here,” you hand him the headband,” put this on” pink care bear one just like you envisioned. 
He takes it, feeling the soft material while he hums, “what’s this for?”
“Keeps things out of your hair.” you smile, dragging him to his bathroom. You take about a hundred pictures, and he poses for you for each one. Giggling while you coach him into poses. You think you'll send a few to Jobe for good measure. 
You face the sink and think of a game plan. Eyeing the counter  
It’s here you first lay eyes on soapy. 
“Jude what the hell is that? "You grimace, looking at what looks like a dry stump of white something, sitting on its own little ceramic dish. 
Jude looks away, scratching the back of his neck, mumbling something under his breath. 
You swing your little kit on the sink counter, setting a hand on your hip,”what was that?” 
He sighs dramatically, putting his face in his hands,”it’s my good luck charm. soapy,” he wails. 
You snort, patting his back, “I'm sure he’s very uh lucky,” you give it a small pat. 
“No he is,” Jude brings his head up to face you, “ I know it. I've had him since before dortmund. “ he nods proudly. 
You grimace,”you’ve had a piece of soap for years?”
He only nods harder. 
“Okay jude. Whatever you say. “ 
“I am not getting rid of him,” he points a finger in your face. One that you gently move, pulling his hand into your own. 
“I didn't say get rid of him. Let’s get your skincare started, yeah?”
He nods, following you through the steps like a lost puppy. leaning down while you help him apply the creams and foams just right 
When it’s all set and done, he wiggles into bed happy as can be. Sighing deeply, “that was actually really nice. Thank you. “ 
peck! right on your nose. 
you laugh, “told you it would be nice. “ 
your next plan is to find a way to deal with soapy…
Jude loses soapy. It becomes a whole fiasco. He can’t find him in the usual small little pocket in his duffel bag in the usual ziplock baggie. 
He’s frantic at his hotel, tearing his things apart, looking and relooking at the bottom of his suitcase. His jacket pockets, his pants pockets. 
He tries to think. Did he leave him in his bathroom? No. Can't be it. He remembers putting him inside the familiar zip lock baggie while getting the rest of his things ready. Where in the world did he go. 
His soapy. His poor soapy! How is he supposed to live in these conditions. He’s never. ever missed a single game without soapy. What is he supposed to do now? Loose?? There goes his good luck down the drain. Years of good performance is about to take a nosedive. 
When he’s set to do his routine face time with you pre game, you pick up on his sour mood. But he only brushes it off, blaming it on pre game nerves 
You don’t believe him, but don’t want to press
Jude pends 20 minutes locked inside the bathroom, head in his hands while he scolds himself. It’s a bar of soap he wants to scream, pull yourself together. But he can’t. Soapy has become more than just a silly little joke. He’s become attached to soapy, a part of his routine. He’d rather die than admit it out loud to anyone 
For now he sighs, smoothing his jersey down and getting ready to get on the pitch. 
The only thing that’s been in his mind is getting back home and getting to the bottom of the mystery. Unfortunately for him, soapy is nowhere to be found in the bathroom. Not in the living room. The kitchen. The hallway. He thinks of hiring a cleaning team, but what is he supposed to say ? 
Oh hey guys clean my house and also be on the lookout for a dried out stick of white that looks like a finger haha. 
No. Absolutely not. 
He takes to his own devices and begins to tear apart his house in a desperate search for his beloved soapy. He spends the whole day on his hands and knees looking under places he didn’t even know his house had to begin with, squeezing under and into spaces he’s sure gonna regret tomorrow. 
It’s already dark out when he calls it quits. Nothing but a few bruises to show for it. 
He’s really lost him huh. 
His behavior is soon picked up by teammates, coaches and staff. The usual cheery youthful Jude is replaced by a damp sluggish cranky one.
He’s silent at training, chewing the inside of his cheek while going through the familiar motions of each drill. 
Eduardo comes to him after they hit the showers, squeaky clean and ready to go home. 
“You good?”
Jude gives him a bashful nod, “yeah man. just a little worn out, don't worry.”
He gets a clap on the shoulder in response, and gives a tight lipped smile back. He’s gotta figure this out or it will start to affect more than just his mood. How stupid of him to let an old slice of a soap bar affect him so much. 
A little piece of him can guess why. Soapy is one of the very few stable things in his life. And perhaps the only stable physical thing. something to count on. Something to be able to rely on. Unchanging. 
But now that he’s gone and lost it ? jeez. 
You show up to his house on a cloudy day, his favorite snacks under your arm. He greets you with a kiss, but you see the way his eyes droop and sag. What's wrong with your golden boy? 
He leads you to the living room where you make yourself at home. Plopping down on the couch and handing him his things. 
He takes them gingerly, setting them on the kitchen counter while he takes a seat across from you 
you frown, “Jude. What's wrong? “
He looks away, playing with his hands, knee bouncing. Okay what is going on that’s gotten him so worked up
“Baby…” you try, scooting closer to him. 
He screws his eyes shut, bawling his hands into fists, “I lost soapy,” 
Your gaze softens, “You lost him? When?”
He sighs, cracking an eye open, when he sees you aren’t making fun of him he opens both, relaxing. 
“I don't know. when we played villareal away I couldn’t find him. Then i got back and tore this place up and still no luck.” arms falling into his lap. 
You place a hand on his knee. Gentle. Soft. 
“He couldn't have gotten far. I'm sure he’s somewhere obvious. “ 
“I guess,” he mumbles, leaning into your touch. 
You smile, letting him lean against you. He's so cute when he pouts. You like babying him anyway. The rest of the day is spent with his head in your lap while you press occasional kisses to his face, letting keeping up with the kardashians play in the background. 
When it’s time for you to leave, Jude whines, pouting and asking you to stay just a little more.
“It's already late jude, I would if I could you know that. “
He huffs, “I guess. “ 
You forgot about your bags laying on the kitchen counter, might as well put them away before you go. 
Jude gets up to help, sliding against the hardwood and meeting you in the kitchen
He grabs a chair from the island in the middle, bringing it to him and a little baggie falls from it. Is that what he thinks it is ? He picks it up faster than you can turn around and almost screams. He could cry tears of joy 
It’s soapy. 
You were right. It was right in front of him all along 
He holds up the bar for you to see and you smile, “see. told you. “
He nods, “yes you did,” kissing your lips as a thank you 
You hum, patting his head when you pull apart, “glad you found soapy.” 
Maybe soapy isn’t so bad after all. 
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just-a-mod · 2 years
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side note, i finally did something Neos and ih ad talked about for a while
this was a picture tehy had taken from their game in Sky, and for the longest time we spoke about how much it looked like a paiting
so i finally threw it on paint.net and edited it a bit to make it look actually oil painted
im sure it can be done better, but this is just me fooling around 
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luntica · 1 year
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4pm my time.
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Hope to see friends there!!
-💙🦊 soma
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lonely-paracosmos · 2 years
New animation dropped!!
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dreamofjoys · 2 years
Malleus taking his beloved to a beautiful forest and fucking near the flowers 🌸
scenario: s/o taking a walk in the forest with malleus at a friday night. midway through the walk, malleus starts fucking his s/o
characters involved: malleus draconia x fem s/o
tw: public sex , unprotected sex, cum, cum tasting
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“s/o, you are as tight as ever.” malleus groans into your ear, pulling your hips closer to his pelvic bone as he slam his dick into you. you cried out, clawing onto his biceps, gripping onto him tightly so that you won’t fall apart.
malleus appears to be in a good mood today. you suppose is because he was finally invited to the dorm leader meeting, and even got the chance to attend the mini banquet held by kalim. after that, you and malleus would meet at 10pm and proceed to your usual night walk.
it was suppose to be just a normal night walk, with you holding his hand, exploring any ancient grounds that he would teleport the both of you to, you sharing your day with him while he does the same. today was no exception. he had brought you to the forest behind ramshackle dorm, admiring the field of roses that you and him had planted in the middle of it.
perhaps malleus’s mood appear to be too good that day. the tension got a little sexual when malleus eagerly push you down on the floor, hovering on top of you as he takes a strand of your hair, twirling it around his finger.
“can i fuck you here? beside this roses that we had planted. i just thought you would look absolutely beautiful, being sprawled naked under me while i fuck you beside the flowers that we had both worked hard to nurture it.”
that question has led you back to your current predicament, with malleus harshly thrusting into your pussy, earning a wanton of moans from you. your clothes were long gone, being scattered a metre away from you. malleus was still wearing his dorm uniform, only unzipping his pants to free his throbbing cock and inserting it into you. with his large figure and long cape, it was enough to completely envelope you, preventing anyone from seeing you; other than malleus who was directly staring down at your exposed self.
“w-what if some-someone comes?”
“they wouldn’t dare.” malleus increases his pace as he feel your gummy walls convulsing around him rapidly, a sign that you are coming.
“they know better than to look at what’s mine.” malleus rolls his hips, pressing his dick onto your cervix as the both of you came together, painting each other white. your eyes were rolled back, muttering a small fuck at how good the release is. your body was slightly shaking from the release, and also being naked in the cold night air.
malleus noticed the little goosebumps forming on your skin, finally realising that you were cold with no clothes on;while he was still fully clothed, only his zipper was unzipped.
he pulls out of you, leaving you whine at the sudden loss of him. you look so vulnerable right now, being stripped naked with your legs opening wide. his dick mere inches away from your cunt as he watch the sticky substance drooling out of your hole. your breast bounces slightly as you pant, trying to catch your breath. malleus raised his right hand and plucked one of the roses from the bush. he cut off the thorns with magic and placed the rose on the left side of your ear. your face was flushed red and your rosy lips is just screaming at him to kiss you right now.
“absolutely gorgeous.” malleus breathes out, feeling proud that the masterpiece that was displayed in front of him is all his.
“mal mal, im cold…” you shivered, trying to cover your body with your hands as malleus muttered a small apology.
he helps you to dress up while sitting you down on his lap. before that, his finger went down to scoop up a little bit cum that leaked out of you, placing it in his mouth as he savour the taste of the both of you. “tasty. you and i, we are definitely matchmake in heaven.” he commented while you pout. your small fist hitting onto his shoulder, scolding him for being so flirty; cause it drives your heart a little crazier for him.
malleus only laughs as he scoop you up into his arms, carrying you bridal style while walking back to ramshackle. at times like this, he prefers to enjoy the silent night with you rather then teleporting back.
you loop your arms around malleus’s neck, placing your forehead on his right temple. “are you staying over tonight?” you asked malleus as he turns his head to kiss you on the lips. “of course. ill wash you up first and prepare some snacks for you. then, we can cuddle on the bed and do whatever you want.”
“hehe, what if i want to go for a second round?”
malleus’s eyes darken a little.
“that can be arranged.”
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shybasementkid · 5 months
scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scollace scol
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