zurich-snows · 11 months
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Eric Manigaud - Ollier, scoliose, 1884
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beingsanket · 1 year
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Patiente algérienne Hamia Touati, l'incroyable voyage de guérison l'a conduite en Inde pour une opération de la scoliose, réalisée de manière experte par les meilleurs chirurgiens de la scoliose. Grâce au consultant Dheeraj Bojwani, l’abordabilité rencontre des soins de premier ordre.
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pathsofoak · 1 year
Toch maar 's een spaarpotje aangemaakt voor het eigen risico want daar gaan we nog wel doorheen dit jaar
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myrarar · 21 days
My narinder has some sort of very bad near scoliose\is back postrue btw
Let that cat slouch
Its fun to draw in my mind
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e642 · 10 months
Je suis assise dans le froid à 200km de Nice, j'ai perdu mon briquet et je surveille la sœur (+ sa copine) de mon mec pendant que lui joue au basket. Cette description serait parfaite si je voulais réellement gâcher mes dimanches de cette sorte. Je me sens soudainement abattue et insatisfaite. J'essaie de faire le chemin en sens inverse dans ma tête pour réussir à cibler quand et où ça a dérapé, comment j'en suis arrivée là. J'ai une pulsion de suicide à la seconde. Sans rire. Je me sens présentement pas du tout à ma place et effrayée de le rester encore des années. Tellement de gens regrettent leur vie à 50 piges et je commence à bien comprendre. C'est via tous ces petits choix de merde qu'on continue à s'enliser dans tout ce qu'on déteste. Je vois tous ces gosses de 10 ans pas plus dans ce parc et ça me déprime. Tous en train de se faire des scolioses à force de baisser la tête pour regarder leur merde de téléphone. Avec du recul, j'aurais donné cher pour me préserver de ça encore quelques années. C'est en train de nous bouffer et fatalement de les bouffer. C'est au travers de réflexions comme ça, de prises de conscience que je réalise qu'il n'y a rien à envier au futur. Je sais pas pourquoi je pense à tout ça soudainement mais c'est récurrent. Je déborde de dégoût, toujours plus apte à détester et mépriser ce qui m'entoure. Je suis comme tous les gens qui me débectent pourtant. Je ne suis pas différente. J'alimente ce monde de ma chaire putride. Je n'ai pas hâte d'être ce soir, confinée dans son 15m carré le voyant incapable de ne regarder aucun écran et incapable de me regarder surtout. Je suis lasse des scénarios sans cesse se répétant. Je mettrai également 5h à m'endormir avec 2 Xanax. Puis je me lèverai tôt. Je stresserai -par politesse- de rater mon train. Puis 2h plus tard avec +/- 15 min de retard j'arriverai en gare de Nice. Le tram sera bondé, les insultes et les invitations déguisées de viol pleuvront. Je me rendrai en cours pour entraver que dalle, échanger des banalités avec 3 personnes alors qu'on en a tous respectivement rien à foutre de la vie des autres. Puis je rentrerai, je m'en voudrais d'avoir laissé des produits se perdre dans mon frigo, je ferai une crise de boulimie, je me gratterai au sang, puis j'irai me coucher vide. Sans oublier l'appel à mes parents passé juste pour leur délivrer leur dose quotidienne de mensonges.
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jogallice · 3 months
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Aujourd’hui, mercredi 26/06/24, Journée internationale contre l'abus et le trafic illicite de drogues 👊 Journée internationale des Nations Unies pour le soutien aux victimes de la torture 🫶 et Journée internationale du dépistage de la scoliose 🙏⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Les soldes d'été débutent, dans la majorité des départements métropolitains, ce mercredi 26 juin 2024, à 8 heures du matin, a annoncé le ministère de l'Économie, le 19 juin dernier. Ils dureront au total quatre semaines. Et se termineront donc le mardi 23 juillet 2024 inclus 🛒
Qualité de l’air à Annecy (indice ATMO) : les conditions météorologiques devraient rester estivales et favorables à la formation d'ozone dont les concentrations seront en hausse par rapport à la veille 🌡 La qualité de l'air devrait être dégradée sur la quasi-totalité de la région 💨
L’indice de risque pollinique dans la cité lacustre reste élevé, au niveau 3 en ce qui concerne les graminées (indice communal valable du 15 juin au vendredi 28/06/2024 inclus) 🤧 Personnes allergiques : évitez les activités physiques intenses à l’extérieur (parcs, jardins, etc.) 😷
Trois dictons du jour pour le prix de deux : « À la saint Anthelme, fanent les hélianthèmes. » 🥀 « À la saint Anthelme, sème les derniers chrysanthèmes. » 🌱 « À la saint Anthelme trop de pluie, et le jardinier s'ennuie. » 👨‍🌾
Et deux autres dictons du jour pour la route : « Sème tes myosotis à la saint Anthelme, ils fleuriront pour la saint Anselme (le 21 avril). » 💐 « Saint Anthelme, tu le caresses, s'il se laisse faire, tu peux lui dire, je t'aime, mais attention s'il sème sa petite graine. » 🥰
Bonne fête aux Anthelme et demain aux Fernand·e 😘 
Bon troisième jour de la semaine à tous et à toutes 🌲
📷 JamesO PhotO à Annecy le lundi 24/06/24 📸
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mara-brekker · 1 year
Hi!! Saw you asking for requests... could you please write an angst for Evan Peters' character in AHS Asylum Kit Walker x female reader w them in Briarcliff? If you don't do his characters, it can be an angst with Evan himself pls! thank u!!
Ur wish is my demand
A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved
Pairing: Kit Walker x fem!reader
Words: 1526
Warnings: angst, cigarettes (don’t smoke guys!), Dr Arthur is a warning himself, fake facts (more in an), mention of suicide
An: Suicide and scolioses are not contagious diseases! If u have suicidal thoughts please talk with someone about it <3 Crazy that they though scolioses is contagious!
I was once again in the process of asking everyone possible for cigarettes. The guards already knew my behavior and only replied: "Get off, I have nothing for you!" They became really cheeky towards us. Suddenly the record player stopped playing the horrible song. It was a salvation for some, but quite the opposite for others. Like Pepper she was starting to lose her mind and I ran over to her. "Hey everything will be fine." I said calmly to her and she slowly came down again. Sister Mary, also known as Sister Devil by me, took care of the record player and quickly that annoying song had returned. Pepper hugged me gratefully and as she went back to what she had been doing before I looked around. Only a few other patients were a little upset. And as I looked around the crowd I noticed two beautiful brown eyes looking at me as well. He had to be the rebellious newbie as I've never seen him here before and I've been here for a number of years. So I went up to him to introduce myself. But while I was doing this, I noticed the fearful looks of my fellow patients. What did you have? When I stood in front of him and wanted to say something, he already interrupted me: "Finally someone who talks to me! What is this place and why is this nun looking at me like the devil himself?” he pointed to Sister Mary. I giggled to myself. "If you give me one of your cigarettes I'll answer your questions." He nodded hastily and handed me one."Ok listen.." I gave him a questionable look since I didn't know his name yet.
"Kit," he answered hastily.
"Listen, Kit, this nun," I smiled, "is Sister Mary, or how I call her Sister Devil. I think she was thinking of a satanic institution by the name of Briarcliff.” He looked at me sideways, but I just kept talking. “Briarcliff is a mental institution, as they would say among the genteel. People of all kinds are dropped off here. For example Pepper” I pointed to her “she is originally from a freak show and was then given to her sister after Peppers boyfriend died. She claimed that Pepper killed her child. However, I think it was her or her husband because Pepper loves babies.” Now I pointed to Lana, “This is Lana, she's a lesbian and that's Why she’s here.” I looked at him to see his reaction. Everyone I told that was mostly disgusted, how could such a thing even exist, they just said. But Kit remained silent and after half a minute he said: "It's not legal. It's not legal to have her locked up for something so natural.” I smiled sadly. "If I tell you why I'm here, will you also tell me why you're here?" He smiled but then said, "I'd love to make the deal, but I have no idea why I'm here."
"That's ok, I'm sure you'll remember it soon. Sister Jude puts you on a higher dose of drugs for the first few weeks than after, that can affect your memories.” Now that I took a closer look at him, I realized just how beautiful he actually was. Did he have a girlfriend out there or even a family.
"Have you been here long?" he asked me.
"Too long. You will probably think that you have been here too long than you should. But you won't know it's too long until you don't leave here. Because you know every patient, everyone is your family and this horrible place here is your home, Kit.” I didn't dare to look at him. My vision was now becoming glassy and I was about to cry terribly.
"Miss Y/N your kitchen duty is now ready to begin." Nurse Jude smiled at me.
“You Walker can follow her. Behave.”
"He won't slit my throat, Judy." I laughed at her, but she just looked back dejectedly.
On the way to the kitchen I said to Kit: "That was Sisters Jude, don't call her Judy." I laughed. "Why?" he asked. “Judy is a sadist. There will be whiplashes on your back or on your pretty butt if you do anything like that.”
"Where did I end up here?" he asked.
"In hell, Kit."
In the kitchen I showed him our tasks and of course he asked more questions.
But when we were done with that, we left the kitchen and were greeted by a happy Dr. Arthur.
"Miss Y/N please follow me."
I looked at Kit and nodded towards the sitting room.
When I got to his operating room, I sat down on the couch.
“I gathered from a conversation between Sister Jude and Mary that you wanted to kill yourself before your Briarcliff time. I would like you to avoid direct contact with our patients, because I don't want any more deaths."
How many times have I heard in this life that this was contagious.
”may I go now?" I said, rolling my eyes.
In the morning I stood next to Kit outside of our cells.
"What did Dr. arthur wanted?”
"Talking about an infectious disease I'm supposed to have."
"Which?" he said as he looked down at me. And I hesitated.
We all walked to breakfast.
"I was admitted back then because I wanted to kill myself, Kit." I whispered to him. I didn't dare look at him anymore.
"Are you still having those thoughts?" he asked.
"Not as often as I used to." I noticed his eyes on me. I thought he was about to step away from me, but he took my hand in his.
"A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved," he whispered.
"I don't think it works that way." I laughed back.
As is so often the case, our first meal of the day was interrupted by Dr. Arthur.
"Come with me Miss Y/N!" he almost yelled.
I quickly followed him and when he got to his operating room he said he wanted to examine me.
When he touched my back with his cold hands, he flinched and put on a mask.
"You have scoliosis, a highly contagious disease!" he finally shouted.
"I have to operate on her." He continued to speak more calmly. "I've only done this surgery once, but I'll be fine." He smiled creepily at me.
"What happened to that one person?"
"She is no longer alive. I have to be very precise and there are many things that can go wrong. In the worst case, you would die.”
All I could do was look at him in shock.
"Can I at least say goodbye to someone before they disassemble my back?"
"No way! But you can continue to eat your breakfast in the cell as long as I prepare the operation.”
As I walked out of the room, I purposely took the long way to our 'rooms' so I could get past the lounge. And then when I saw Kit seeing me looking for him, I nodded him to follow me. I slowly walked towards my cell as Kit caught up with me.
"What-" he asked but I cut him off.
"I have scoliosis Kit. Dr Arthur wants to operate me, he says the disease is highly contagious and that there is a slim chance I will survive.” We had now arrived at my cell.
"I don't know if I'll survive." I put my hands on his chest and looked up at him.
"It would be a shame if I died and didn't tell you I really like you Kit"
We've known each other for three weeks and I already said something like that?! But somehow it felt right.
"Kit say something he'll probably be right over to pick me up for the surgery. Please say something-"
But Kit said nothing and kissed me. As we broke apart, he began to speak.
"You will survive and I will wait for you. We're going to get out of here.” He said while his fingers made little circles on my hip.
"By the way, now I know why I was brought here Y/N" he started again.
"Y/N!" it yelled from the hallway. The doctor was done.
"Tell me if when I’m back." I whispered.
He nodded and kissed me again.
"I'm coming Doctor" I called as we broke away from each other.
And so I walked down the long corridor with the doctor who was about to perform a life-threatening operation on me.
And behind us a woman dressed in black was following us me.
Thanks for reading <3
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My scoliosis is really scoliosing today
I tried to go for a “walk” (aka awkward cripple shuffle) but my back wouldn’t let me get too far
And my bad ankle is swollen again for some reason
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barbiemonamie · 1 year
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Barbie a commencé à faire du ballet à ses 14 ans (je sais, c'est un peu tard) elle a toujours aimé la danse depuis toute petite. Mais vu qu'on lui a détecté une scoliose à cet âge-là, c'était conseillé par le médecin de famille. Une vraie chance pour Barbie ! Non ! Vu qu'elle adorait ça ! 
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justanormalemon · 2 years
The strongh woman in pokemon Scarlet/violet all have scolioses
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Scoliosis (pl.: scolioses) is a condition in which a person's spine has an irregular curve[2] in the coronal plane. The curve is usually S- or C-shaped over three dimensions.[2][7] In some, the degree of curve is stable, while in others, it increases over time.[3] Mild scoliosis does not typically cause problems, but more severe cases can affect breathing and movement.[3][8] Pain is usually present in adults, and can worsen with age.[9] As the condition progresses, it may alter a person's life, and hence can also be considered a disability.[10] It can be compared to kyphosis and lordosis, other abnormal curvatures of the spine which are in the sagittal plane (front-back) rather than the coronal (left-right).
... I would not be surprised if this were the case.
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En Inde, la chirurgie de la scoliose propose un traitement avancé, associant des chirurgiens qualifiés et des installations de pointe, offrant une correction efficace et une meilleure qualité de vie aux patients présentant une courbure vertébrale.
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bgugliel · 3 months
eSanté - Vêtement connecté
Mon Carnet, le podcast · {ENTREVUE} – Vêtement connecté eSanté Dans ce segment, Jean-François Poulin discute avec Aruny Pathammavong, une ingénieure en devenir passionnée par les vêtements connectés dédiés à la santé. Aruny développe un projet innovant : un corset connecté destiné à aider les jeunes souffrant de scoliose. Grâce à ce vêtement, il serait possible de mesurer en temps réel…
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asmohlab · 3 months
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Aujourd'hui, c'est la Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à la scoliose ! Sensibilisons et soutenons les personnes touchées par la scoliose. Chaque voix et chaque histoire comptent. Ensemble nous pouvons faire la différence!
#Journéedesensibilisationàlascoliose #SoutienEtForce #ScolioseGuerrier #Plusfortsensemble #Asmoh
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L'ensemble du séjour dans cet hôpital chirurgical VBT en Inde, de l'admission à la sortie, est méticuleusement coordonné, avec un concierge dédié planifiant tous les rendez-vous et toutes les interventions chirurgicales pour garantir une expérience sans tracas aux patients. Il n'y a pas de liste d'attente et les chambres sont pré-réservées pour les patients internationaux en fonction de leurs projets d'arrivée pour une intervention chirurgicale en Inde.
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