indospinehospital · 9 months
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While your tiny one is busy carrying heavy bags, we are busy unloading the risk of scoliosis for their healthy spine. Visit us for scoliosis treatment in Ahmedabad.
Book your appointment at: Call: 9978944981
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orthotv · 9 months
🔰Annual Conference of Association of Spine Surgeons of India
🔆Venue : Westin, Powai Lake, Mumbai
🔆Date : 18th to 20th January 2024 🔆Post Conference Workshop: 21st January 2024
🔆Click here to Register - https://assicon2024.vama.events/Index/RegEmail
Step wise tips and tricks on masters technique ( 15 hours )
30 recorded live surgeries ( A2Z - basics and advanced ) ( Lumbar / cervical / CVJ/ MISS/ Scoli / Kyphosis/ Endoscopic)
30 mins each surgery with detailed voice over
step by step guide on tips and tricks of each surgery
questions and answers for discussions
choose and pick any from the platter !!
Dr. Vishal Kundnani Organising Secretary
For more details visit - www.assicon2024.com
📺Media Partner: OrthoTV Global
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beingsanket · 11 months
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curemykneecmk · 2 years
Orthopedic Surgeon In Delhi | Scoliosis
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Scoliosis refers to an abnormally curved spine that tends to arise in childhood or early adolescence. The curvature can be in any part of the spine, but the most commonly affected regions are the upper spine and lower back. The most common symptoms of Scoliosis are: - Unequal hip and shoulder levels - Imbalance in limb length - Limp while walking - Ribs on each side may be of different heights Keep following us to know more about other bone deformities in children! 📞Talk to an expert: 8800200400 🌍 Website: https://curemyknee.com/ . .
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rsmedicalhacking · 1 year
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Kelainan pada tulang ini bisa dari lahir atau dari pola hidup kita yang kurang baik
Tulang jadi tidak lurus, mengancam fungsi organ kita..
Serem yaa..
Apa itu?
Yaa Skoliosis
Oke, mari kita cari tahu terlebih dahulu apa itu Skoliosis..
Skoliosis merupakan kondisi dengan tulang belakang yang melengkung, sehingga karena lengkungan tulang maka akan terjadi penyempitan ruang di paru-paru yang membuat penderitanya akan sulit bernafas dan juga bentuk tubuh yang tidak seimbang yang akan membuat penderita sulit untuk melakukan aktifitas. 
World Health Organization (WHO) mencatat setidaknya 3% warga di dunia rentan terkena penyakit skoliosis dan di Indonesia prevalensi skoliosis sekitar 3%-5%.
Sekarang yuk kita bahas kenapa skoliosis bisa terjadi..
Beberapa tanda–tanda kemungkinan seseorang menderita skoliosis antara lain bahu tidak sama tinggi, tonjolan punggung tidak sama tinggi, lipat pinggang tidak sama tinggi, panggul tidak sama tinggi, jarak siku ke tubuh tidak sama, dan tonjolan punggung atas atau bawah tidak sama tinggi saat membungkuk ke depan.
Skoliosis terjadi karena adanya kebiasaan aktifitas yang tanpa kita sadari membuat tulang merubah posisinya salah satu contohnya sudah pernah Medhi bahas di video sebelumnya ya..silahkan sobat Medhi cek di pojok kanan.
Bukan itu aja loh .. Buat temen temen yang suka membawa barang berat terutama bila berat bebannya ditumpu pada salah satu pundak, yuk lebih baik dihindari. Karena bisa membuat tulang punggung bergeser dari posisinya. Keadaan ini akan membuat tulang melengkung ke samping.
Nah buat Ayah Bunda niih yang anaknya suka menulis sambil tiduran di meja yang biasanya dilakukan kalau anak Ayah Bunda lelah atau mengantuk, dihindari ya bun. karena Posisi menulis sambil tiduran di meja dalam kurun waktu yang lama membuat tulang belakang tidak lurus dan berpotensi mengakibatkan skoliosis.
Banyak yang bilang skoliosis tidak bisa disembuhkan atau bisa sembuh dengan cara di operasi.. 
Ets tunggu dulu dan jangan khawatir! Kata siapa skoliosis tidak bisa sembuh?
Solusi  yang pertama…. pastinya kurangi membawa beban terlalu berat dan kurangi juga kegiatan yang dapat merubah posisi tulang. 
Nah yang paling penting adalah lakukan gerakan untuk mereposisi tulang yang disebut dengan Terapi Bio Mekanikal. 
Gerakan ini yang bisa membuat skoliosis sembuh tanpa operasi. Keren kan? Mau tau gerakannya seperti apa?
Yuk kunjungi langsung ke Rumah Terapi Medical Hacking terdekat untuk konsultasi dengan terapis ahli disana, karna sudah banyak testimoni pasien skoliosis yang bisa disembuhkan dengan terapi yang diberikan. 
Klik link di bawah sekarang dan daftarkan diri teman teman ya :
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Oh ya kita juga ada group konsultasi kesehatan secara gratis dengan para spesialis kami dengan klik link di bawah ini:
Karena sesuai moto kita, Sehat Anda bahagia Kami
With love, Medical Hacking 
#skoliosisdewasa #skoliosisfighter #skoliosisindonesia #skoliosisstory#scoliosis #scoliosissurgery #scoliosisawareness #scoliosisfighter #ScoliosisStrong #scoliosiswillnotstopme #scoliosisfighters #scoliosiswarrior #scoliosisyoga #scoliosissurvivor #scoliosisstory #scoliosisproud #scoliosisproblems #scoliosisyogi #scoliosisgirl #scoliosispain #ScoliosisAintGotNothingOnMe #scoliosisart #scoliosisbrace #scoliosisfamily #scoliosissupport #scoliosisrecovery #scoliosislife 
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You don’t get to meet young champions everyday. Had a blast hanging out with @skyedaru last week. Super blessing‼️🌸💗 Check out her inspiring TEDxNYU talk about life before and after her surgery @tedxnyu @scoliosisph @skyedaru #scoliosiswarrior #scoliosissurgery #hope #planner #music #whileminamodels #youcandoanything #god #koreanbbq #jongro https://youtu.be/0TJ_F5RQNpQ (at Jongro BBQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9DlJWkhvnU/?igshid=x0iriz8ltqdk
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szenan · 5 years
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Amazing ! Jiyi acupuncture to treat lumbar disc herniation and Scoliosis with just one acupuncture treatment. We found JiYi Acupuncture is the best acupuncture technique we have ever seen that works the BEST for scoliosis so far. No manipulation needed. Pls note that this is a case study from a student after 3 days JIYI acu workshop in China. If you want to get information of JiYi acu, pls join Szenan Phua Facebook group and Youtube live channel. FB Group: http://bit.ly/2J9UlEe Youtube Live Channel: http://bit.ly/2ZCqnmt . #scoliosis #scoliosissurgery #scoliosisexercise #scoliosisawareness #scoliosisbrace #scoliosisawarenessmonth #scoliyogachallenge #scoliosi (at Centre of Balance Acupuncture Clinic in Hamilton & Cambridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BOKF1AbyF/?igshid=ekr1vli6lqh5
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sososteopata · 5 years
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Una ricerca sviluppata dall'Istituto scientifico italiano colonna vertebrale (Isico) afferma che "Il nuoto non cura la scoliosi, anzi in molti casi può rivelarsi negativo e rischia di indurre il mal di schiena". A dirlo è Fabio Zaina, fisiatra dell'Isico, tra gli autori della ricerca "Swimming is not a scoliosis treatment: a controlled cross-sectional survey". Lo studio ha confrontato un gruppo di 112 nuotatori a livello agonistico (nuoto praticato 4-5 volte a settimana) con una popolazione scolastica, maschile e femminile, di 217 studenti di pari età, che pratica sport in maniera amatoriale o non lo pratica affatto. In entrambi i casi sono stati misurati i gibbi, la cifosi e la lordosi ed è stato fornito ai ragazzi un questionario per rilevare la presenza di mal di schiena.  I risultati sono stati sorprendenti per gli agonisti, ma anche per gli amatori: i nuotatori, soprattutto le femmine, presentavano delle asimmetrie del tronco più accentuate ed erano ipercifotici, di conseguenza con una frequenza maggiore di dorsi curvi e mal di schiena. "Dal punto di vista posturale, il nuoto induce a un collasso della schiena - spiega Zaina - e allena soprattutto la muscolatura degli arti, essendo praticato in scarico, non la schiena. Per chi ha la scoliosi arriviamo a sconsigliare il nuoto, decisamente. Non c'è distinzione neanche tra i vari stili, ma praticarlo a livello amatoriale un paio di volte a settimana non crea problemi". Fonte @larepubblica Meme by @alexlatorre.osteo.pt www.sososteopata.it #sososteopata #osteomeme #nuoto #scoliosi #swimming #scoliosis #scoliosissurgery #scoliosissurgery #osteopatia #osteopataimola #osteopatiaimola #maldischiena #lombalgia #osteopatiaprofessionesanitaria #osteopath #osteopathy #osteopathyworks (presso Alessandro la Torre, Osteopata Posturologo Imola) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1rJjEsibTW/?igshid=19gcjv2yzavga
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indospinehospital · 1 year
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Stand tall and strong with Indospine. We provide effective scoliosis treatments for children to help improve their posture, relieve pain, and promote healthy spinal development.
Book your appointment at: Call: 99798 44981 | 99252 44981 Visit: https://indospine.in/treatment/spine-deformity-kyphosis-scoliosis/
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littlexxbull · 5 years
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Yesterday marked 5 years since my scoliosis surgery! I can't believe it's been so long! A couple more degrees of a curve and I would have been paralyzed my whole life, but I'm super happy I made the decision to have the surgery. It sure as hell beats that full-corseted I wore all throughout middle school. While my back's still not really straight, it hurts less and is more comfortable to sleep. I still have no feeling in most of the outside of my back, and no feeling in my back means an epic back piece later on. It still hurts, but yeah definitely worth all the pain. Here's to more years feeling invincible. #scoliosis #scoliosissurgery https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzqm3UFFoVC/?igshid=njmocxyj9fqw
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bmhealthblog · 2 years
Why do you get scoliosis? - 2022
Why do you get scoliosis? - 2022 #scoliosis #scoliosissurgery #scoliosistreatment #scoliosissurgerycost #scoliosissurgeryprice #health #news
What is scoliosis? Scoliosis is a disease that causes a lateral curvature of the spine. The normal spine has, seen from the side, the shape of an S. A scoliosis spine has, seen from behind, also curvatures, so it has the shape of an S or a C. Scoliosis…
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curemykneecmk · 2 years
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Scoliosis is a sideways curvature if the spine which usually occurs before puberty. Mostly scoliosis shows mild symptoms and doesn't trouble the patient but once severe, scoliosis can be very painful. Scoliosis is a progressive condition and tends to worsen with time if left untreated. If you feel any unusual curve in your spine then you must consult an orthopedic doctor. Initial symptoms could be easily treated with certain exercises and stretches. But, if the condition worsens, a brace or surgery would be required. 👉 𝗧𝗼 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘀, 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝘂𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘄! 📞 C𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭:- +91 8800200400 | 9310818133 🌍 Website: www.curemyknee.com
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💚Scoliosis Awareness Month 💚Day 14 💚I LOVE my Foam Roller! This is one of my favorite exercises! I suffered from severe neck, right shoulder and lower back pain. This exercise helps with all 3! I can just lay on it and breathe and that would be enough. That’s actually how I started! Then I added this routine in. Do you use a foam roller? _ _ #scoliosisawareness #scoliosisawarenessmonth #scoliosis #scoliyogi #scoliosisnj #scoliosisliving #schroth #pilates #foamroller #foamrolling #holistichealing #holistichealth #scoliwarriors #scoliosisstrong #scoliosisbrace #scoliosissurgery #scoliosisfighter #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitmom #nevergiveup
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catstenmeowtier · 4 years
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2 years since I went from question mark to the bionic woman🖤 #scoliosis #scoliosissurgery #scoliosiswarrior #bentbutnotbroken #scars https://www.instagram.com/p/CIJYqQ7HuQq0SpxFSJUm82Sb72vTYlZebpAkKM0/?igshid=annu1wt9d04r
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szenan · 5 years
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Scoliosis is a very difficult case to deal with, but JiYi Acupuncture is the best acupuncture technique we ever seen that work the best for scoliosis. #scoliosis #scoliosissurgery #scoliosisexercise #scoliosisawareness #scoliosisbrace #scoliosisawarenessmonth #scoliyogachallenge #scoliosi #acupunctureclinichamilton #acupuncturecliniccambridge #acupunctureclinicauckland (at Centre of Balance Acupuncture Clinic in Hamilton & Cambridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/B45vONNg7PM/?igshid=9xu957fl2fsy
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