pale-moonyart · 2 years
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Thank You For Liking And Following _______________________________ #art #artist #artwork #autisticartist #irishartist #draw #drawing #sketchbook #sketchbookdrawing #sketchbookart #sketchbookpage #scoliosis #scoliosisawareness #spine #spineart #ribcage #ribcagedrawing #pelvisdrawing #skeletonart #scoliosisart #chronicpainwarrior #chronicpainawareness #charcoaldrawing #charcoalart #charcoalpencil #charcoalartist #pastelart #pastelpencils #pasteldrawing #derwentpencils https://www.instagram.com/p/CoTTSATI0DM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orthotv · 8 months
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📚Topic : Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Management Principles
🗓️Date & Time : 8th February 2024, Thursday 9:00-10:00 pm IST
💻Click here to watch: http://tinyurl.com/OrthoTV-POALS-39
👨‍⚕️ Speaker : Dr Jennifer Bauer - Seattle, USA
🤝 OrthoTV Team: Dr Ashok Shyam, Dr Neeraj Bijlani
📺 Streaming Live on OrthoTV www.orthotvonline.com
👨‍💻 Join OrthoTV - https://linktr.ee/OrthoTV
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curemykneecmk · 1 year
Orthopedic Surgeon In Delhi
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स्कोलियोसिस (Scoliosis) होने का सही कारण और इलाज़ जानना मुश्किल है इस वजह से स्कोलियोसिस के बारे में कई गलत धारणाएं (मिथ) हैं। ऐसा माना जाता है की स्कोलियोसिस सिर्फ सर्जरी से ही ठीक किया जा सकता है। यह बिलकुल गलत मानता है क्योंकि स्कोलियोसिस पहले कुछ चरण में ब्रेसेस और दवाओं से ठीक किया जाता है। जब यह इलाज़ काम नहीं करते है तब ही आपका डॉक्टर आपको सर्जरी की सलाह देते है। स्कोलियोसिस के कारण और इलाज जानने के लिए, हमें फॉलो करें। 📞Talk to an expert: 8800200400 .
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theladywiththecurve · 2 years
Happy World Spine Day! ⛓️🔩🤍
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sushrutbrainandspine · 3 months
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Which spinal condition is characterized by an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine? It's scoliosis. This condition causes the spine to curve sideways in an "S" or "C" shape, impacting posture and sometimes causing discomfort. Treatment options vary depending on severity, from bracing to surgical intervention.
#SpinalHealth #ScoliosisAwareness #PostureMatters #HealthKnowledge #StayInformed
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rsmedicalhacking · 2 years
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Kelainan pada tulang ini bisa dari lahir atau dari pola hidup kita yang kurang baik
Tulang jadi tidak lurus, mengancam fungsi organ kita..
Serem yaa..
Apa itu?
Yaa Skoliosis
Oke, mari kita cari tahu terlebih dahulu apa itu Skoliosis..
Skoliosis merupakan kondisi dengan tulang belakang yang melengkung, sehingga karena lengkungan tulang maka akan terjadi penyempitan ruang di paru-paru yang membuat penderitanya akan sulit bernafas dan juga bentuk tubuh yang tidak seimbang yang akan membuat penderita sulit untuk melakukan aktifitas. 
World Health Organization (WHO) mencatat setidaknya 3% warga di dunia rentan terkena penyakit skoliosis dan di Indonesia prevalensi skoliosis sekitar 3%-5%.
Sekarang yuk kita bahas kenapa skoliosis bisa terjadi..
Beberapa tanda–tanda kemungkinan seseorang menderita skoliosis antara lain bahu tidak sama tinggi, tonjolan punggung tidak sama tinggi, lipat pinggang tidak sama tinggi, panggul tidak sama tinggi, jarak siku ke tubuh tidak sama, dan tonjolan punggung atas atau bawah tidak sama tinggi saat membungkuk ke depan.
Skoliosis terjadi karena adanya kebiasaan aktifitas yang tanpa kita sadari membuat tulang merubah posisinya salah satu contohnya sudah pernah Medhi bahas di video sebelumnya ya..silahkan sobat Medhi cek di pojok kanan.
Bukan itu aja loh .. Buat temen temen yang suka membawa barang berat terutama bila berat bebannya ditumpu pada salah satu pundak, yuk lebih baik dihindari. Karena bisa membuat tulang punggung bergeser dari posisinya. Keadaan ini akan membuat tulang melengkung ke samping.
Nah buat Ayah Bunda niih yang anaknya suka menulis sambil tiduran di meja yang biasanya dilakukan kalau anak Ayah Bunda lelah atau mengantuk, dihindari ya bun. karena Posisi menulis sambil tiduran di meja dalam kurun waktu yang lama membuat tulang belakang tidak lurus dan berpotensi mengakibatkan skoliosis.
Banyak yang bilang skoliosis tidak bisa disembuhkan atau bisa sembuh dengan cara di operasi.. 
Ets tunggu dulu dan jangan khawatir! Kata siapa skoliosis tidak bisa sembuh?
Solusi  yang pertama…. pastinya kurangi membawa beban terlalu berat dan kurangi juga kegiatan yang dapat merubah posisi tulang. 
Nah yang paling penting adalah lakukan gerakan untuk mereposisi tulang yang disebut dengan Terapi Bio Mekanikal. 
Gerakan ini yang bisa membuat skoliosis sembuh tanpa operasi. Keren kan? Mau tau gerakannya seperti apa?
Yuk kunjungi langsung ke Rumah Terapi Medical Hacking terdekat untuk konsultasi dengan terapis ahli disana, karna sudah banyak testimoni pasien skoliosis yang bisa disembuhkan dengan terapi yang diberikan. 
Klik link di bawah sekarang dan daftarkan diri teman teman ya :
jika artikel ini bermanfaat untuk umat manusia silahkan share artikel ini kepada sanak family dan sahabat di group wa anda
Oh ya kita juga ada group konsultasi kesehatan secara gratis dengan para spesialis kami dengan klik link di bawah ini:
Karena sesuai moto kita, Sehat Anda bahagia Kami
With love, Medical Hacking 
#skoliosisdewasa #skoliosisfighter #skoliosisindonesia #skoliosisstory#scoliosis #scoliosissurgery #scoliosisawareness #scoliosisfighter #ScoliosisStrong #scoliosiswillnotstopme #scoliosisfighters #scoliosiswarrior #scoliosisyoga #scoliosissurvivor #scoliosisstory #scoliosisproud #scoliosisproblems #scoliosisyogi #scoliosisgirl #scoliosispain #ScoliosisAintGotNothingOnMe #scoliosisart #scoliosisbrace #scoliosisfamily #scoliosissupport #scoliosisrecovery #scoliosislife 
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honeyrigor · 3 years
Sudden changes in our lives arrived. I feel goosebumps how silently but powerful God works. The more reason to be thankful for what you have, the more reason to be kind to fellow human, and to focus on the good stuff. We sometimes underestimate how SHORT life is. Life is suffering, how can I make it less?
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Scoliosis occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty. Scoliosis treatment in Ayurveda: - Panchakarma helps in removal of the toxins and relaxes all the joints of the spine. - Abhyangam also known as the special herbal massage. This massage is also a preventive medicine. In short, it rejuvenates the body and maintains the physique. Requires a medical diagnosis Most cases are mild with few symptoms. Some children develop spine deformities that get more severe as they grow. Severe scoliosis can be painful and disabling.#wellnessthatworks For booking consultation contact us on 7506650605/ 04. #scoliosis #spine #scoliosisawareness #scoliosisstrong #backpain #lowbackpain #chiropractic #neckpain #chiropractor #doctorsofinstagram #healthylifestyle #chiropracticworks #mumbai #scoliosisawarenessmonth #spinalfusion #scoliosissupport #chronicpain #panchakarma #adjustment #bentnotbroken #physiotherapy #agniayurvedicvillage #agniwayoflife #photooftheday (at AGNI Ayurvedic Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQlAQRcJPFR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pale-moonyart · 2 years
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Another Redraw This Time For Scoliosis Awareness. _________________________________ Thank You For Liking And Following _________________________________ #art #artist #artwork #autisticartist #irishartist #draw #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketchbook #sketchbookdrawing #sketchbookart #sketchbookpage #pencilsketch #scoliosis #scoliosisawareness #spine #spineart #ribcage #ribcagedrawing #pelvisdrawing #skeletonart #scoliosisart #artoftheday #sketchoftheday #drawingoftheday #strathmorepaper #redraw #chronicpainwarrior #chronicpainawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CoQqDNSjrrl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orthotv · 1 year
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🔰VERTEBRAL VIEWS : The Spine Show Livestream
🔆 Topic: Art of Anterior Spine Scoliosis Correction Surgery and Vertebral Body Tethering
🗣️ Speaker 🔸Peter Newton, M.D The chief of the Division of Orthopedics & Scoliosis as well as surgeon-in-chief at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego and a clinical professor at UC San Diego School of Medicine
👨‍⚕️Host 🔷Raj Sakhrekar, MS Spine Fellow
🗓️ Saturday, 19th August 2023 - 4:30 am Indian Specific Time 🗓️ Friday, 18th August 2023 - 4.00 pm Pacific Standard Time
💻 Click here to watch: https://bit.ly/OrthoTV-vertebral-02
▶️OrthoTV Global LiveStream Series
📺 Join OrthoTV on Whatsapp - https://chat.whatsapp.com/Cl5gCjKJWYw0cHbjrF1D7F
🤝 OrthoTV Team: Dr Ashok Shyam, Dr Neeraj Bijlani
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curemykneecmk · 1 year
Scoliosis Symptoms | CureMyKnee
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ज्यादातर मामलों में स्कोलियोसिस (Scoliosis) का कारण अज्ञात रहता है, लेकिन फिर भी कुछ मामलों में इस बीमारी के विकास के कारण पता नहीं चल पता है।
Scoliosis के कुछ सामान्य कारण जीन म्यूटेशन (gene mutation), बर्थ डिफेक्ट (birth defect) या फ्रैक्चर (फ्रैक्चर) हो सकते है। कुछ लोगों को नसों या मांसपेशियों (neuromuscular) संबंधी रोग होते हैं या अन्य कोई समस्या होती है जो रीढ़ की हड्डी में टेढ़ापन का कारण बन सकती है, जैसे सेरेब्रल पाल्सी, स्पाइना बिफिडा या मस्कुलर डिस्ट्रोफी। स्कोलियोसिस के कारण और इलाज जानने के लिए, हमें फॉलो करें। 📞Talk to an expert: 8800200400
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scoliosisblogg · 5 years
Ayo, scoliosis check!!!
Hey guys! Just wanted to give y’all a little info about my struggles with scoliosis that I couldn’t fit in my bio heheheh :)
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First surgery:
I had my first surgery when I was 11! I got moved to the top of the waiting list due to the fast progression of my curve. I wore a back brace 22 hours a day but my spine still went from a 45 to a 90 within almost a year. By the time of my surgery I believe it was 92 degrees!!! My surgery took 10 hours and there were a few complications with blood loss so I ended up In the ICU for a day and then on the orthopaedic floor for another 7! I needed a blood transfusion and after that I felt so much better and was ready to go home! I was pretty much bed written for a month and was out of school for about 3!
Second surgery:
The second surgery was super duper unplanned. I was 16 and struggling with my shoulder blade sticking out. It was effecting my ability to sit properly and comfortably and it was crushing my lung. I went to a scoliosis pannel and my surgeon from my first surgery was actually there speaking about a kind of surgery to correct shoulder blades sticking out! So we spoke to him right after, gave my hospital a call and a few weeks later I had a surgery date! ( sometimes the Canadian health care system is magical ) this surgery was only 5 hours and I was in the hospital for 5 days. I remember this one a lot better as it was only 2 years ago. The pain was a lot more manageable but still pretty brutal. Looking back I’m so happy I had it as I feel so much better now !
Feel free to message me your stories, questions , comments or whatever! I would love to hear from other people :-)
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theladywiththecurve · 2 years
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Me thriving in America knowing LOVER IS OUT NEXT MONTH!!!!!!
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szenan · 5 years
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Amazing ! Jiyi acupuncture to treat lumbar disc herniation and Scoliosis with just one acupuncture treatment. We found JiYi Acupuncture is the best acupuncture technique we have ever seen that works the BEST for scoliosis so far. No manipulation needed. Pls note that this is a case study from a student after 3 days JIYI acu workshop in China. If you want to get information of JiYi acu, pls join Szenan Phua Facebook group and Youtube live channel. FB Group: http://bit.ly/2J9UlEe Youtube Live Channel: http://bit.ly/2ZCqnmt . #scoliosis #scoliosissurgery #scoliosisexercise #scoliosisawareness #scoliosisbrace #scoliosisawarenessmonth #scoliyogachallenge #scoliosi (at Centre of Balance Acupuncture Clinic in Hamilton & Cambridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BOKF1AbyF/?igshid=ekr1vli6lqh5
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binibiningrai-blog · 5 years
Scoliosis is a type of illness that you can't see unless it's severe. Many people are unaware of this kind of diagnosis and make fun of it.
As a scoliosis warrior myself, I am hurt. When I was diagnosed with scoliosis, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't accept it. Who wouldn't be anyways. You go to a doctor then they tell you your spine is curved. Who wouldn't be freaked out? From that day forward, I knew that my way of living would not be normal anymore. I was shocked, sad, and scared. It was very depressing.
I wake up everyday and I feel the uncomfortable feeling on my back and I can't do anything about it but to endure. I do specific exercises to control the curve and I have no right to complain even if it hurts so bad because complaining can't make me feel better. I encounter different sick people who tease me about my back. Imagine how much emotional, physical, and mental suffering we have everyday because of our illness. Insecurities and thoughts like "why can't I be like other people who have straight spines?". I can't even stand, sit, or do anything longer than usual because it hurts. I can't run too much because my stamina gets weak because my bones squeezes the shit out of my heart and lungs. It's difficult to breathe. And you'll just here people saying "straighten up your back" or "it's just a simple curvature of spine".
Never ever make fun of somebody's illness. It's more than enough knowing what we have in our back and joking about it? It will NEVER be funny and simple unless you feel what scoliosis warriors feel.
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