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The Extended Zodiac as Moodboards: Strong, sarcastic, blind Picen Mage girl ♦️ Laid-back Scorun Seer boy who wears sunglasses
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homestuck-hell · 2 years
Mitria Ginash, Bard of Breath, Derse
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They carry good luck charms on them at all times
Claim to hear voices in the wind
Has multiple fans in every room of their hive
Land of Charms and Fans
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hs-wigglersim-alumni · 3 months
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Uhnbot Avaadf
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ausgoth · 5 months
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ok i might do designs for this. if i can be bothered. anyway how perfect is scorun for mello. and YESSS i know they have canonical birthdays and i did not match them but i dont care. also capricen is the taskmaster. idk why i cropped it without it. you may ask "how did you classpect matt hes barely a character" but what you dont understand is that hes like a friend or lover to me and you dont know him like i do
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en8y · 6 months
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with six evenly-sized horizontal stripes each. the first flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: dark blue, medium navy blue, medium cool blue, bright blue, neon cool pink, and light cool pink. the second flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: dark blue, medium navy blue, medium red, bright red, neon cool pink, and light cool pink. the third flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: dark blue, medium navy blue, light green, light tan, light cool pink, and neon cool pink. END ID.]
scorunextendiac: a gender related to being a scorun from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a ceruleanblood, breathbound, and a derse dreamer.
scoriesextendiac: a gender related to being a scories from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a ceruleanblood, timebound, and a derse dreamer.
scorscesextendiac: a gender related to being a scorsces from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a ceruleanblood, lifebound, and a derse dreamer.
based on @neopronouns' classpect + hemospectrum flags!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine
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trollstrology · 10 months
Advice for a canpio dealing with a pesterful scorun?
Breath is a tricky aspect to deal with, since they're usually considered one of the ♍ore unpredictable or distracted aspects, and the Derse sway doesn't help either. As a Lightbound, y
what do you mean lime
As a Lightbound, you are naturally drawn to attention and infor♍ation, so I suppose try striking up a conversation with the♍? Learn about what interests the♍ and it'll slowly see♍ less and less like pestering and ♍ore and ♍ore like genuine conversation!
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eviedrawssumstuff · 2 years
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This is a reference sheet for my mini-series I'm making called Stick Fighters, where all the fighters, or "bearers", as they're called, are branded with sigils on their bodies that give them special powers to fight against monsters and corrupt bearers. this reference sheet is of one of the two types of sigils found in this world, Elemental sigils. in this world, a person needs to have both types of sigils to become a bearer, one by nature and one by nurture.
there are many elemental sigils found throughout the lands in Stick Fighters, despite their rarity, as many as there are people, and these are the most documented of them all. each sigil represents a significant change and growth in a person's life. a pursuit, an oath, a bond, a path. whatever cause of this change is what sparks these sigils to life within it's bearer.
Natora (nay-toor-ah), the nature sigil: Natora represents more than plants, it represents a person's sworn protection to another weither it be a person, place, or thing. For Fletcher, it was his devotion to the forest, until the forest had shown that it was capable of defending itself, and allowed him to leave for a new persuit. these sigils also affect a bit of their personalities, depending on which one. For Natora, these bearers like to keep their friends and allies close, and will defend what they love and care for to their last stand, which could make for their own downfall if they aren't careful. these traits are not always the same, however, as with fletcher, he's more of a lone wolf, but still welcomes other friendly fighters and still protects the things he cares about over himself.
Natora bearers, as you can guess, harness and control plants. one thing about Natora bearers is that they can grow and command the plants that they recognize. some bearers like to use flowers for assistance, while others go for more dangerous types, like ivy, thistles, and thorny vines. Natora bearers can also grow and bolster plants beyond their natural state, even capable of giving short-term sentience.
another thing about sigils is that they are permanent. even if another life altering event happens, there is no change or loss to these sigils, and new ones cannot be made afterwards. Fletcher may no longer serve to protect the forest, but he still vows to protect those that can not protect themselves.
Scorun (score-roon), the fire sigil: Scorun represents an inner anger, a repressed rage that has been let out. those with these sigils are usually short tempered and easily aggressive. this sigil is only formed when someone has gone down a path of utter rage, an obsession to always hate another, even after their passing. a Scorun bearer's fire is dependent on their anger when their change happens. in one case, a man was so angered, so vindictive, the fires that engulfed him were a bright blue. Scorun bearers are able to project fire from their body and even surround themselves without damage. while they are immune to any damage from their own flames and naturally made fires, they are still capable of being hurt by the flames of other bearers, and like them, no two flames are the same. some bearers have even mastered how to propel themselves in the air with their own flames, allowing them to fly in the air, a few even reach intense speeds.
Aquin (ack-cuin), the water sigil: a special thing about Aquin bearers is that it is not just water they control, but ice and steam, as well. it is still water, just in another form. Aquin bearers can also change those forms by their will, but it is rather straineous to most users. Aquin is sparked when a person has found a sense of complete calm in their life, a kind of tranquility that stays with them through their worst of times. Aquin bearers are always seen as very relaxed and carefree, that flow through the motions. in some cases, some bearers have never even summoned their weapons, wishing to live a more peaceful life, while others use theirs as tools of serenity and play.
Terotero (tear-oh tear-oh), the earth sigil: Terotero bearers are almost always big, bulky and sometimes very stoic. these bearers spark their sigils by choosing a path of independence, being more accustomed to a life of relying on one's self rather than others. These bearers are considered the strongest of all the sigils. However, most are not as fast, intelligent or perceptive as others, and very few have even challenged that notion. with enough strength, Terotero are capable of lifting mountains without using their powers, and while it is an impressive feat, it does tend to pose a problem to them with more delicate situations. nobody's perfect, you know.
 if a Terotero bearer joins a party of others, they are more than capable of lifting their own weight, they just don't like when others try to for them. you would think more caring bearers like Sympany bearers would be the most polarizing to them. However, some Terotero bearers would grow fondly over these companions, as a part of Sympany bearers' nature is understanding and adjusting to their surroundings and companions.
OcsiBon (ock-si-bon), the air sigil: those of the Ocsibon sigil are considered very wise, and are sparked when a person chooses a path of nomadic peace. unlike the Aquin bearers, Ocsibon bearers are more calculated and think logically, but still carry a boundless freedom, like a breeze through a forest, they bend and wind their way through their problems and soar freely when they are in a clearing. Ocsibon bearers are light-footed, usually smaller than most bearers and have a clear and precise attitude to their attitudes. though, like a strong breeze turning to a bitter storm, they will be forced their hand when they are pushed to their limits. though, just as the storm comes, it leaves just as fast, as all Ocsibon bearers know how to calm their anger when it is not needed.
Ocsibon bearers mainly choose to keep long range melee weapons as their weapons, like bow staffs, javelins and occasionally whips. though, there are a few that take up firearms as their choice, being considered "modern day monks." their powers allow them to channel bursts of air and wind from small currents they create with their hands, weapons or even their own breath, form wide burst of air, to sharp, blade-like blasts, the air is as bountiful and necessary as it is devastating in their hands.
Metamak (met-ah-mack), the metal sigil: Metamak bearers are somewhat like like Terotero bearers, strong and tough. however, what is different is that Metamak bearers live on a path of Co-dependence, as they feel that their strength relies more on their bonds to each other than just themselves. Metamak bearers believe that they should defend their group, like a knight's shield protects it's owner, they are the bindings that hold together their team, and the iron sheets tat keep them safe. most sigil bearers have the ability to transform into the element they bear, and none use such abilities more than Metamak bearers, being the team's defense and offense. most Metamak bearers also take in an occupation of metalwork, and while most take up weapon smiting and upgrading, some have been known to to take up other forms, like jewelry making. from what I've heard, there's a couple, a Metamak and a chriztoc, that have made their own jewelry business, and you'd be stunned at how elegant they are. Metamak's are true artists in their own ways.
Neota (nee-oh-tah), the neon sigil: Neota is an interesting case. bearers of this sigil crave artistic passion, but prefer function over fashion. like a neon sign displaying displaying brightly over others, Neota bearers wish to find an individuality to their creativity, and are guided by a pursuit of untouched creative passion. Neota bearers try their best to shine brighter over others, however, there are times where two would butt heads over which is superior. and while they know that passion is a free flowing concept, one that no one person has control over, it doesn't stop them to get defensive when they sense others try to ride their tail-feathers, so to speak. they are also a bit more defensing towards critiques, and cannot help themselves when others step in, even with positive intentions.
though, you can't say they aren't passionate, and their own work can be truly radiant.
Neota prefer the use of ranged weaponry, and many are considered expert sharpshooters, thanks to their great vision for expertise. some Neota like to be precise, and nothing seems to have more precision than a neon blast to the head.
Psion (sy-on), the psychic sigil: this sigil is sparked when it's bearer finds a strong pursuit to knowledge. they wish to understand the untold questions in life, the drive to know the unknown. when with others, they wish to know more about everything of everyone, thought, due to their more logical and straight thinking personality, they can be rather blunt and too honest for their own good. while some do try to make an attempt, more Psion bearers have trouble with "out of the box" thinking, and more so question a creative outlook than try to understand it.
though, if you can go past it, their straightforward attitudes and blunt honesty can be rather refreshing, at times.
as you'd expect, Psions can use their powers to levitate objects and use them as weapons, some even capable of altering their shape to something new, though this is a bit more taxing on them than you'd think. some Psions are also capable or reading other's minds, which can be helpful on the battlefield, but not so much when you try to keep secrets from them.
Shacahn(shah-con), the shadow sigil: the Shacahn sigil is not exactly seen in a good light, no pun intended. this sigil is only formed when the bearer experiences something that turns them to a very dark place within. Shacahn bearers have bad history behind them. abuse, neglect, pain, suffering, things of such are what sparks this sigil to existence.
the reason this sigil is considered taboo is that most that bear this sigil believe that they should share this suffering to others, make them feel as they felt. the largest group that serves under this sigil is known as the Dead Void. they wish to bring anguish and pain to all they meet, and do not care for other. some do not even care for their own members.
however, not all bearers are like this, some wish to never let others experience what they have, and are considered "shadow angels", when a "shadow angel" joins a group, it does start off a bit awkward, but over time, they loosen up to their new allies and can show who they truly are to them. you'd be surprised what hides behind their dark veil.
Poilix (poee-licks), the poison sigil: these bearers are are just noxious, and can be irritating at that. these sigils are formed when a bearer takes a willing path of toxic ideology. they are aware that their habits and decisions are more harm to others, and some even revel in it. Poilix bearers are notorious for causing trouble and mischief wherever they go.
even in groups of others, they can't help themselves but cause trouble for others. but there are other sides to this coin. as much as there are that willingly do so, there are others that are unwillingly, as well. there's a story of a young girl that would steal from others in order to help pay off their family's debt to a dangerous man. one day, the girl had taken a rather large about from a group, a team rallying for donations to aid in getting an operation to help their sick comrade. she knew what the money was for, and still took it. it was because of this, the group did not get it and their friend later perished. hearing the news from eavesdropping her next target, it was then that it dawned on her why it happened, and the impact of her actions got to her, not just from that occasion, but all the times she had stolen from others. The knowledge and guilt of her past deeds surrounded her and formed her sigil and turned her to a Poilix rouge, forever branding her of her past. her family, even after paying their debt, was still cut down by the greedy man, all except for the girl, who used her newfound abilities to protect herself and killed all that caused her family's death. the greedy man was found in the morning, still in bed, his mouth frothing with green ooze and a large slit straight into his neck.
not all Poilix's are troublemakers, but all are equally dangerous.
Rubberrus (rubb-err-us), the rubber sigil: this sigil sparks when it's bearer experiences a true passion to concur an exceedingly challenging goal. Rubberrus bearers are always bounding with energy and hardly ever let things get to them. Rubberrus bearers always seem so upbeat and determined, and never let things get in their way. they see a goal and they see it to the end. these kind of bearers have a unique attribute to them, as most, if not all do not gain a weapon. as far as they are concerned, they are their weapon. Rubberrus bearers can form their bodies to any shape or form they wish, and are more than capable of taking some serious blows. some even know how to reflect a ranged user's projectiles. however, they are still susceptible to elemental damage, and they can be a bit cocky and careless, and sometimes underestimate the trouble their in.
Even then, Rubberrus don't know when to quit, and always bounce back when they go down.
Teknico (tech-nee-co), the tech sigil: this sigil is a bit newer than others, booming when the creation of electronics were mainstreamed. Teknico bearers usually like to stay to the sidelines and help from a distance. their technical prowess can help them get a read on their enemies and assist their allies whenever need be. In a sense, it is like they are capable of "hacking" into their allies and enemies, and can give supportive boosts to their allies and, in some cases, can even disable an enemies abilities for a period of time. however, they are rather weak in a fight on their own, and aren't too good at taking a hit, so they rely on their friends, helping from afar with whatever they can do.
most bearers are usually shy and reclusive, and only trusted companions could get past their firewalls. when they open up more to others, they show aside reserved only to those they deem worthy of seeing.
some bearers are a bit different, though. in one case, one Teknico bearer likes to live stream her team's fights, and has a more open personality than others, but only to her friends and live stream followers, she's still a bit shy and closed up when met in person.
Spectio (spek-tee-oh), the spirit sigil: Spectio bearers are a sad case, as they are people who have suffered a terrible loss that they cannot simply forget. most have suffered the loss of someone they had close, though, on rare occasions, there are some that suffer the loss of something else. one Spectio bearer, a middle aged male, suffered from the loss of his employment, his home and his family, all thanks to poor decisions he had made in his past. he can never live it down, and while he has found a new home with a welcoming guild, he still sends most of his payments to his family, hoping one day he might find forgiveness in himself.
Spectio bearers can summon spirits to aid in their fights, and their weapons usually carry the souls of those they truly loved. it is said that one Spectio bearer's love for their other was so powerful, they used their power to bring back their loved one from the realm of the afterlife, but at a terrible cost. though her body moved, her heart did not beat, her skin degraded and she became deformed. the bearer knew that she was suffering and so relinquished the spell on her, setting her soul free yet again.
Sympany (sim-pahn-ee), the supportive sigil: this sigil is a bit more broad than others, and some would even consider weither this should be called an Elemental sigil in the first place. nonetheless, this sigil forms when when a person chooses a path of supporting others over themselves. Sympany bearers are ever kind and caring, and as previously stated, can adapt themselves to their surroundings and their companions quite quickly. one can be as boundful as a Rubberrus one minute, then tranquil and serene as an Ocsibon. outside of guilds and groups, some Sympany bearers take up other supportive positions as well, like medical professions, while some younger bearers take up assistant jobs. but don't think they can be pushovers, to help others is to also help one's self.
while some are like Teknico bearers, preferring to stay on the sidelines, others have found different ways of assisting in a fight. one bearer crafted a rifle capable of healing their allies at a great distance, while also dealing damage to their enemies.
they can sense people's true intentions and can use that to their advantage. the can also sense problems with with their companions and try to help in ways that they are allowed by the other. Shacahn and Spectio bearers are a problem for them, as they know that it's part of their nature, but still can't help but try to help them, even to their strict request not to.
Chriztoc (kris-tok), the crystal sigil: Chriztoc is a sort of sibling to Terotero and Metamek, bearers are also tough in spirit, but have a more fragile mindset about themselves. bearers are rather smaller that their larger counterparts, but shine in their impressive agility and form. Chriztoc bearers take pride in their looks and love to stand out more in a crowd. they prefer to be the center of attention, and are like an opposite to Terotero, preferring to have others do the harder parts of a job than themselves. as annoying as that is, it's still interesting to be with Chriztoc bearers, as they carry a certain charm with them that some can't help but love. if you befriend one, it might be tricky to see if they are there for a friendship of just a simple goal, but if the former, then you might just find yourself doing things you never thought you'd ever do. while Chriztoc bearers are capable of making gemstones on their own, it has been proven that these stones are not like their true counterparts and have noticeable flaws that people can catch, making them monetarily worthless. however, some have made work out of these before, like the bearer couple that made a life making beautiful jewelry, as it's not the jewels themselves that people love, but the care and craftsmanship that they put into it.
Acrylina (ah-krill-ee-nah), the colorful sigil: this sigil sparks when it's bearer finds a true drive, an uncontrolled passion of creativity, where imagination roams free and inspiration is everywhere. unlike Neota bearers, these bearers do not see limits to their creativity and love to create whatever they please. they are not bound to one form or thought and love to try new forms of media they haven't before. Acrylina bearers see beauty in all and find their inspiration in everything. they love to try new things and are never afraid of the risks, though this can put them in a bit of trouble. these bearers use their creative minds to solve their problems, quite literally at times. many bearers are capable of bringing their creations to life to aid them in any situation. just try not to ask them for a sandwich, their things may become real, but they are still formed from the same material that created them. A friend found out the hard way with an sculptor bearer. still, Acrylina bearers are impressively adaptive, and are great "out of the box" thinkers.
however, they do have problems with Pcion bearers, as they are a bit too logical to understand an Acrylina bearer.
also unlike Neota bearers, Acrylina bearers do not care for critiques and what others say, they love to make for the fun of it and don't have reasons as to why. you can take a guess as to which one I am.
Neborac (neh-bore-ack), the celestial sigil: these bearers are an interesting sight to behold, their sigils are formed from a passion to seek the unknown. like the stars up high, they glimmer a radiant glow and are a mystery themselves. it's not that these bearers hide their real selves, but more that they themselves have not discovered their true selves yet. one of Neborac bearer's abilities is to mimic the abilities of those they meet, taking their personality as their own, though for a short period. Neborac bearers are very rare sights, and is even more rare to befriend one, as they often question who to truly trust. somewhat like Pcion bearers, Neborac bearers question lots of things, but not out of knowledge, but out of meaning. they often question the meanings behind everything, the motives of another and the reasons why things even exist. they are an interesting sort, but can make lovely companions, once you get past the constant philosophical talk.
Thumbom (thumb-boom), the electric sigil: this sigil is sparked by the thought of great inspiration, one that drives it's bearer to great lengths to accomplish it. bearers of this sigil are very agile and are always willing to try to take the next step in the progress of history. many great explorers, inventors and visionaries were Thumbom bearers. however, these bearers are also very humble and will always share their aspirations, progress and their victories with others. they know that most things are not accomplished on their own and like to stay in groups that aid them on their journey.
they are also good leaders and try their best to lead and inspire their teams. and one day, they may just find their moment to catch lightning in a bottle.
Tempoden (temp-oh-den), the temporal sigil: one of the rarest and most powerful sigils, very few are forged, and even fewer know as to how. it is said that one of the land's greatest hero's was a Tempoden bearer, and while it is unknown as to what he could do, many speculated on the true nature of this sigil. some believe that it is given to the pure hearted to act as a guardian of time, others say that it is the creator of the world itself, acting in disguise to walk among the land. while there are those that claim to have such a power, it is widely known to be false, as only one person was ever seen bearing that sigil, and he has yet to reveal himself to the world yet again.
that is all the elemental sigils that I may show you, thank you for your time and have a good day.
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blurrymango · 4 years
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jmarcenciell · 5 years
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I finally made them troll cards! Gosh I'm so bad at it
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mortifbloom · 5 years
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HEYHEYHEEEE #HOMESTUCKS! I want to present you my #BLOODSWAPCHALLENGE! Here’s how it works, you take your #trollsona and take the blood colors you want to use by the extended zodiac symbols! Here are mine!
My Trollsona:  Mortia Willow                     Jade Blood (Virun)                     Breath player                     Derse Dreamer                   Extended Zodiac 
Twitter | Instagram | Deviant Art
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The Extended Zodiac as Moodboards: Feminine Pipio ♣️ Androgynous Scorun ♣️ Androgynous Virus with feelings of betrayal on the part of the Virus
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homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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my friend @lalapalmer made me make today’s zodiac (scorun) lapis.
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Yyamut Rmitax
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barzum-and-baizli · 7 years
she/her scorun with long hair?
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Likes the sounds of screaming in the evening.
Electric personality.
Likes toying with the concept of creating life.
Please check my description before sending a request!
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lonk-water · 7 years
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hootpoop12 · 7 years
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Scorun solidarity! Reblog if you're one!
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