#scott demigod half sister
connecting-the-stars · 9 months
See You There, in the Storm Snippet:
It’s not that Liam thinks that he’s a better fighter.
No, not after the incident with Stiles and his Jeep, ending with Liam strung upside from a oak branch.
Being the freshman of the group, he’s only heard stories from the others; a camp filled with demigods. Training fields, armory’s, weapons , talking horses?
Kira tries to include him when they all fall back into the mythological topics, smiling sweetly as she explains the forgotten details, Stiles snapping his fingers at Malia when she denies that her team lost some game last year. She bares her teeth in a very displeased smile which is more a scowl, Scott rolls his eyes as he passes Liam his plate of remaining fries. Lydia seems to appear out of nowhere as she slaps his hands a few times until he’s moving his arms away from his papers.
“Move that x over to the 35, divide it from there. Don’t forget to square it.”
He flicks his eyes over the slanted rows of calculations, and of course he’s tripped over a step, grabs his pencil again after he stuffs a handful of cold fries in his mouth.
“Thanks, Lydia.”
He manages, as Scott’s elbow jabs into his side and they shift along the table’s bench, a space forming for the red head to drop into.
It’s not that he doesn’t appreciate this, them. The easy atmosphere, the helpful assistance for this damn math, but it’s definitely not what he’d expected.
They’re freaking demigods, right? What’s the point of doing algorithms, or going through the freaking long ass process of even getting into a college, when they have to worry about literal man eating monsters hunting them down.
Kira had dealt with a Nemean Lion just last week, had crashed through the campus’s parking lot with just a few vehicles getting caught as collateral damage. A blue Nissan having it’s windshield collapsed in, two pickups now having sister slashes trailing across their beds, a unsuspecting trash bin now a crumpled heap of metal.
She’d only walked away distraught that she missed half of literature 2.0, a bit disappointed that he’d chipped her favorite sword. One of the seven she keeps in her car, the satchel of tools crafted to perfectly reshape mystic metal.
Scott had offered his help instantly, irises of his eyes blinking a sunny yellow as Kira beamed at him. Both hunching over the steel pieces, his tanned hand hovering an inch over the now searing bright sword. Malia standing at the door of the bathroom with a blistering aura that had anyone keeping their heads down, an imposing figure if not for the lanky brunette pacing back and forth at her side, hands dancing to their own rhyme and reason. She nods, maybe grunts a few times as he lists the courses he’s gonna be fighting for a seat in next semester, voice raising in his hysterics. Their phones flickering to life when a spree of sharply worded texts land in their group chat, a red head deeply concerned about the blanket of trash that now litters over her gleaming scarlet convertible.
And Liam. Well, he kinda just flitted at the corners, weather it was scrambling out of the way of hell bent Malia or trying to ask Stiles how he can help, his responses are typically the same.
“Yeah, appreciate the offer, but fucking get down before your guts end up on the floor of the library.”
Harsh maybe, but that’s just Malia’s go to. Not that the same sentiment isn’t repeated by the others, years ahead in all their combat skills.
But, he’s apparently the son of the literal lighting bolt god. He should be doing more.
Liam just kinda thinks that a bit of training would be beneficial.
Subject to change, just testing out a voice for Liam. Listing out the gods for the pack.
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Caroline Pevensie and Prince Caspian. Caroline is the younger sister of the Pevensie siblings. She and her younger sister, Grace Pevensie, were left behind by their siblings. They, luckily, were blessed by Aslan and could age at the rate of their siblings as time went on. But Prince Caspian did not like Caroline as he saw her as a rival. She doesn't see him that way but despises him because of how mean he is to her. Eventually, they both fall for each other 
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Victoria Braveheart and Edmund Pevensie. Victoria is the best friend of Caroline so she hates what Edmund and their siblings did to Caroline and Grace. However, when Edmund and the rest of the Pevensie's come back, Edmund begins to fall for her. She ignores him the best that she can but she then starts to fall for him. 
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Kaylynn Hayes and Clifford Hayes. In Storybrooke, Kaylynn and Roger are childhood sweethearts. They have been best friends since they were six and they fell in love shortly after Kaylynn turned 18. Their fairytale story is that they met via their dogs. 
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Claire Gold and Everett Terry. In Storybrooke, they were friends that slowly fell in love when they weren't expecting it. Their fairytale story is that they met when he broke into her tower and he helped her figure out what the yearly lights on her birthday were. 
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Lucas Scott and Heather Sawyer. Heather has had a crush on Lucas ever since she was a little girl. They even dated in middle school. But then he broke up with her out of the blue, never citing a reason why. She became a shell of who she was, especially when she saw her sister and Lucas kissing. 
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Kate Scott and Peyton Sawyer. Kate and Peyton have been best friends since they were young. Kate realized her feelings for Peyton when she was seven but she knew that nothing would come of it. However, she didn't know that Peyton was hiding her feelings towards her best friend as well. 
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Tara Diaz and Cami Pendleton. Cami and Tara have been best friends since they were babies. When they began their relationship at 16, no one really noticed as they had thought that the two had been dating for a long time. 
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Grace Roberts and Seth Cohen. Grace has had a crush on Seth ever since she can remember but she hasn't done anything about it because she knows how much he loves Summer. Hell, he named his boat after her. So she decides to move on but because of this, she changes and he notices this. She eventually breaks up with her boyfriend to tell Seth about her feelings but then Summer comes to her and tells her about Seth and her, breaking her twin's heart. She finds herself shutting down and ignoring everyone around her. When Summer and Seth break up, Seth comes to her, asking why she has been distant. At first, she's pissed that it took him this long to realize that something was wrong but then she kissed him in the heat of the moment and that changed their relationship forever. 
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Paige Salazar and Atticus Williams. They didn't even know each other but when Atticus's girlfriend went off to find one Percy Jackson, he got upset and Paige was there. They hooked up and then they fell in love. 
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Lola Riera and Brooke Pepper. Brooke and Lola had grown up together. When they were eight, they both realized that they were demigods and ran away to Camp Half-blood. They were each other's constant support. 
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sassysweetstories · 5 years
the dead pool
Request: “TW and Percy Jackson imagine the reader is Scott demigod half sister and she comes home after awhile w/ the wars and stuff and the dead pool list is happening and the reader is on the list bcuz she is a demigod and stuff like that she new about their world but they never new about hers besides Deaton and their mom.” 
Ship: Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader under-tones 
Warnings: angst, yelling, fighting, blood, war, conflict, fluff, swearing, flirting, etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners. I didn’t get to this season so I apologize if any of this is incorrect 
Third P.O.V
(Y/n) stood above the carcas, reveling in the blood and fight that had finally been quenched inside her heart. Ever since the young girl could walk, there was a thirst unlike any other. No food or drink could quench her hunger. A supposed “gift” given to her by her father, Ares, god of war. Though few, children of Ares lusted over violence and physical untamed aspects of conflict thanks to dear ol’ dad. (Y/n), on the the contrary, was built more like a daughter of Athena, blessed with her mother’s brains however cursed for fight, so much so one salivated to the thought. 
Melissa met Alex, Ares name given at the time, outside a nightclub. Alex planned on creating complete havoc, pain and anguish that would make mortals perish. Melissa had first seen him pull up in a motorcycle, the deep color of a raven. And with a face that would steer most away. His rough exterior almost covered up his small gruff beard and warm chocolate brown eyes. Women asked themselves if he terrified them or excited them. But good girls like bad boys. And Melissa was no different from the majority. 
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And for the first time, Alex swayed from his mission and enjoyed the frisky college graduate. That night, he took her away and treated her just the way she’d hoped for. Rough, lustful embrace and only highs between the two. They spent the next few days together, throwing caution to the wind before Melissa would return home to continue her nursing career. He enjoyed the wild woman who was as rough with him as he was with her, couldn’t believe a human could tame him. They separated and soon, Melissa found out she was pregnant, changing her life forever. 
(Y/n) took her father’s built, tall and strong. But she wore her mothers gorgeous facial features, entrancing everyone with her gaze. The combination of both created the perfect soldier, the perfect demi-god warrior. Pleasing not only her mother but especially her father. Ares believed himself to be cruel, a heartless god without compassion or love. (Y/n) refused to believe that though, knowing well he’s been watching over her since birth. Sending her little signs of himself to her just the way he may for all his children, she wasn’t sure about that last one though. 
Cleaning off her blade to sheath, she made her way back to Beacon Hills. There would be no blood shed this night or the next. Her lust and thirst had been quenched and she longed for her little family. Tonight, she would not serve Camp-Half Blood, nor would she take orders from her superiors, not even the Gods. Tonight, she wanted to be a normal twenty-two year old college student. 
Scott’s eyes never left the list, heart beating quickly as he scanned the names. The pack stood around the kitchen, some trying to look strong while others wore their fear plainly. What haunted Scott more were the kids who were slashed out. Dead. Mercilessly murdered to rebuild something better. An idea created from the mind of a lunatic. Stiles looked over his shoulder, gawking outright as the young boy pointed to the screen. “Son of a bitch..” The tone that left his friends mouth drove fear down Scott’s spine. 
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“What?’ He asked, not actually wanting to know the answer to the question. 
“Is that...” Stiles pauses. “Your sister..?” Scott’s heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. Not wanting to believe his eyes. But there it was. (Y/n) McCall. The highest name on the list. Suddenly, he heard the front door creek open. Scott stands with blinding speed, almost throwing the chair to the side in the process. Though human, Stiles is the first to throw himself into the danger, bat in hand. His heart beating out of his chest for the first girl he ever had a crush on, worry washing over him as they make their way over to the living room. 
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Turning over the corner, they came to an abrupt stop. Melissa held her eldest child, clutching her close and pulling her down to her level. A few faint tears slipped from the mothers eyes, longing for her beautiful daughter. She looked tall and strong, built like a bolder with the face of a goddess. “Mom, get away from her..” Scott’s voice croaked, fear festering in his heart. Melissa pulled away perplexed before he answered. “She’s on the list..” The older woman sighed, stepping in between the two which made him more confused. (Y/n) put her hand on her mother’s shoulder, smiling softly. 
“It’s time, mama.. He’s old enough to know.. “ Small but distinct tears slipped down her mother’s cheeks when she nodded before clearing her throat. “You kids better sit down for this..” Scott sits amongst the pack, on the edge of his seat, begging to understand why his older sister was on the dead pool. (Y/n) leads Melissa over to sit before standing amongst her brother and his friends. She smiles faintly to Stiles, noticing how much he filled out into the man he is today. 
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“Before you were born-” She says to Scott, “Before I was even born, mom met a man at a nightclub. His name was Alex. Or that’s he told her. They fooled around and not long after mom returned home to continue her nursing career, she became pregnant with me. When she was with Alex, he told her something strange. Something she didn’t believe because it was far too insane to be real. That was until she gave birth to me and she believed..” 
Glancing over to her mother for confirmation to continue. And with a simple nod, she drove on. “Alex had told her his real name.. Ares.. God of war. During her pregnancy, women often go through unbelievable amounts of pain.. Mom didn’t. I took all of her pain. Ares loves violence, conflict, enticing pain, and practically feeds off it. And that’s exactly what I did. I took all her pain away, fed off of it almost.. That’s when she started questioning. When I cut my hand, reveling in the blood and pain, the gash quickly healed. But that’s when she knew for certain.” 
Melissa sighed, feeling quietly for keeping such information from her son as her daughter continued. “Scott, what I’m trying to tell you is.. I’m a demi-god. When my.. aggressive tendencies became too much for mom and Deaton to handle, she sent me to Camp-Half Blood. A school for demi-gods. It’s a place where we can not only get our human education but understand the gods and goddess, how to fight and survive and train. I’m one of the top ranking demi-gods. The past two years, I’ve been sent around the world on missions sent by the gods in order to keep tranquility. Funny to think they would send a demi-god who loves conflict to stop conflict.” 
Silence. He wasn’t sure what to say. But the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. (Y/n) was aggressive, never to Scott or Stiles, rather gentle with them actually. But when it came to people who picked on them, she could be vicious. She was far stronger than the whole lacrosse team combined. “Scott-” She mutters, drawing his attention. “I don’t want you to think of me as a monster.. I would never hurt you..” He knows that deep down. Maybe that’s why he’s quick to pull her into a much needed embrace. “I missed you.. so much.” He admits, openly. 
When she pulls away, she sniffs. “Also, why does it smell like dog in here?” This time Scott laughs outright, beckoning her over to a chair. “Now I think it’s time for you to sit. There’s a lot I have to catch you up on.” (Y/n) misses this, the connection she had with her family, though jagged and strange, she ached for it. And for at least tonight, things would be as normal as they could be. 
(I hope you guys liked it. Please comment below) 
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my-random-ocs · 2 years
Teen Wolf OC Masterlist
A-J | K-Z
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Name: Kaleb Reynolds Lupo
Story: A Million Choices
Faceclaim: Matthew Daddario
Species: Human
Love Interest: Lydia Martin
Summary: Being the only human in the Lupo werewolf pack of Beacon Hills was difficult for Kaleb, to say the least. His parents could never get over the fact that he was… ordinary. His siblings never minded, though, and always made sure Kaleb was included in their activities, whether it was playing basketball or doing homework. But none of that acceptance mattered when the house burned down, leaving Kaleb as the only survivor. As the one of the few people in the know in Beacon Hills, Grace Reynolds took him in, and he felt more at home with Josie and her aunt than he ever had with his parents. He lives a normal life with Josie and their foster sister Percy, going to school, making friends, being ordinary. And he could have gone the rest of his life being ordinary if, on January 9th, Josie had not heard the presence of her pack.
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Name: Katarzyna Kit Stilinski
Story: The Cunning of the Fox
Faceclaim: Bailee Madison
Species: Human, eventual chimera
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
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Name: Lita Castellan
Story: Dissonance
Faceclaim: Kristine Froseth
Species: Greek demigod
Love Interest: Ethan Nakamura, Scott McCall
*crossover with PJO
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Name: Luna Altman
Story: New Moon
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
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Name: Lux Matthews
Story: Supernova
Faceclaim: Nicole Maines
Species: Faerie
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Being the new girl is never easy. This is Lux’s fourth time starting over, and she needs Beacon Hills to work. What she doesn’t need is to be trapped in her new school with her brother and new friends while a strange guy tries to kill them. Beacon Hills is apparently a lot weirder than she thought it was, but Lux realizes that the small town, and her new friends, are more different than she realized – in more ways than one.
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Name: Lyla Martin
Story: Reasons
Faceclaim: Danielle Panabaker
Love Interest: Derek Hale
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Name: Maeve Stilinski Connelly
Story: Taking Over
Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer
Species: Banshee
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Marcelina Mars Stilinski
Story: Seven Years
Faceclaim: Eliza Taylor
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Melinoë ‘Mellie’ Guerrero
Story: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
Faceclaim: Ariela Barer
Species: Dreamwalker
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Name: Mikaela Jacobs
Story: Paper Shields
Faceclaim: Candice King
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Mina Carter
Story: Come Alive
Faceclaim: Shay Mitchell
Species: Greek demigoddess
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Name: Mirielle ‘Miri’ Bradbury | Kazimiera
Story: Walk Through the Fire
Faceclaim: Abigail Cowen
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Mirielle Bradbury always knew she was special. She had a heart defect in her mother’s womb that mysteriously disappeared almost as soon as she was born. She was her parents’ hope – their miracle. She knew this, but somehow she knew she was more. Miri knew she was different- wrong. The only people who never noticed were Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski, her best friends since they were five. They were pretty much all she had. Which is how Miri found herself venturing out to look for a dead body – sorry, half a dead body – against her intuition this was a bad idea. And, big surprise, she was right. But Miri is about to find out that acting like normal sixteen-year-olds can make someone realize just how not normal they really are.
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Name: Nantosuelta ‘Ella’ Nerezza
Story: Battle Scars
Faceclaim: Sarah Jeffery
Species: Druid
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Ella was happy with her life. She lived with her parents in Connecticut, she had friends, did well in school, and was starring in a play in her theater camp. Then it all fell apart when she was eight-years-old. After losing her parents, and gaining vivid scars, to what the local police ruled a ‘bear attack’, Ella is moving across the country to live with her uncle in California. But she adapted. She made friends with her neighbor Lydia Martin, became class president in middle school, and made head cheerleader in high school. But when her uncle’s assistant gets bitten by a werewolf – something he sucks at keeping a secret, BTW – Ella’s life is about to change again.
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Name: Nicolette ‘Nico’ Grosvenor
Story: Blood in the Water
Faceclaim: Madelaine Petsch
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
Summary: Her whole life, Nico wanted to know her father’s family. She heard stories about him growing up with his sister, Victoria. Nico longed for that kind of connection. She didn’t know if her father knew this, but sometimes she looked the Argents up on Facebook, just to see what they were up to. Her aunt and uncle didn’t have much on their pages, but her cousin posted events at each school she went to, how she decorated her bedroom at each new house. It wasn’t much, but it was all Nico had to go on. But when her father gives her a choice between staying in Maine or going to Beacon Hills to find her uncle and cousin, Nico chooses the latter. She thought that… well, not that it was going to be all rainbows and unicorns, but that it would be good. Her and Allison would finally get to know each other, her family would get over its weird feud, and Nico would graduate high school with actual friends. And then crows attack her first period English class, and those expectations wash slowly down the drain.
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Name: Marguerite Ninette ‘Nina’ Argent
Story: Hurricane Child
Faceclaim: Katherine McNamara
Species: Hunter-REDACTED hybrid
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
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Name: Penelope Eastman
Story: Full of Life
Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: When a group of hunters raided her house when she was twelve, killing most of her family, Penelope became the alpha and the last surviving member of the Eastman pack. She was taken in by her human aunt in Beacon Hills, and tried to live a normal life. Until her surrogate older brother breaks into her house and says he needs her help fighting the new alpha. She meets Scott, the new beta who really has no idea what he’s doing and Stiles, Scott’s human best friend who is trying his best to help, but most of his sources are from the Vampire Diaries websites. That’s when Penelope gives up on ever having a normal life.
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Name: Persephone ‘Percy’ Reynolds West
Story: A Million Choices
Faceclaim: Kiernan Shipka
Species: Human, eventual chimera
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: Percy wasn’t like her foster siblings, she had no relations to the supernatural. Her sister Josie was a werewolf, her brother Kaleb, though a human, was born into a family of werewolves. Percy, however, was not. And so she couldn’t understand why, when he died, her birth father sent her to live with Grace Reynolds, Josie’s human aunt. There was no reason to. Her father barely knew Grace. But when she starts high school, Percy starts to understand that reason.
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Name: Phoebe Finstock
Story: Red Riding Hood
Faceclaim: Kaylee Bryant
Species: Seer
Love Interest: Ben Greenberg
Summary: Being raised by Bobby Finstock was probably the best thing Phoebe could have asked for. Her mom had been best friends with Bobby growing up, and after Lisa lost custody when Phoebe was ten, there was no question about what would happen to her. Bobby had never really thought of himself as a father, but he loved that little girl like his own, and he was determined to do right by her. And he did. He made sure she did well in school, had friends, and yes, played lacrosse. Phoebe was happy in the quaint, almost boring, town of Beacon Hills. And so, of course she was surprised when a dead body showed up in the woods – way out of character for the monotonous town. But what Phoebe didn’t expect was for that body to lead to a million other things – werewolves, hunters, and whatever the hell Phoebe was.
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Name: Piper Marinos
Story: Wild, Water, Home
Faceclaim: Auli’i Cravalho
Species: Siren
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Name: Martyna Polly Stilinski
Story: To Be Human
Faceclaim: Lily James
Species: Human
Love Interest: Derek Hale
Summary: Stiles knew that he had the coolest big sister in the world. Polly was a talented singer/songwriter, a mythology nut, she never minded helping him and Scott train for lacrosse – even if they weren’t very good –, and she would do anything for her brothers. And Stiles knew that most siblings lose touch when the older one goes to college, but Polly made it a point to make it like she had never left Beacon Hills. So, when Scott gets bitten by a werewolf, Stiles knows just who to call.
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Name: Rosaline ‘Rose’ Argent-Gaumond
Story: Something New
Faceclaim: Sabrina Carpenter
Species: Hunter-protector hybrid
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: When Claire Argent married Nathaniel Gaumond, she was disowned by her family. The Gaumonds protected the supernatural, instead of hunted it, like the Argents. Despite the estrangement of her family, Claire lived happily with Nathaniel, and they had their own family. However, this is not Claire’s story.
Rose Gaumond always described her parents as Romeo and Juliet; a love story that no one planned. She thought that the happily ever after her parents got, however, would set them apart from the star crossed lovers. Then her dad dies, and she, her mom, and her sister moved across the country to live in Beacon Hills. Two years later, her sister’s friend gets bitten by a werewolf, and Ronnie would love to help out- if only her whole family would stop being so protective.
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Name: Sara McCall
Story: Sky Comes Falling Down
Faceclaim: Emeraude Toubia
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Sara and Scott McCall grew up as best friends. They loved each other more than anything in the world. They were survivors. They survived their father’s alcoholism. They survived their parents divorce. They survived being less than popular in high school. But now Scott is pulling away from Sara for the first time, keeping secrets. But they’ll survive that, too, Sara knows it. The McCall twins have been able to survive everything else in life so far, and even with werewolves, hunters, and family secrets thrown into the mix, Sara figures if the McCall twins can get through this, they can get through anything.
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Name: Serafina ‘Sera’ Stilinski Baro
Story: To Be Alive
Faceclaim: Sofia Carson
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: Sera didn’t remember much about the fire that burned down her family home. She only remembered the heat, and the smoke around her, and somehow finding her way outside, where she passed out and eventually awoke in the hospital. She remembered the doctors saying it was a miracle Sera didn’t suffer any burns, or even have smoke inhalation. She remembered learning her parents were dead, and moving in with her godmother, Claudia Stilinski. That was it. Or so everyone thought. There was one more thing Sera remembered: a woman, maybe in her twenties, standing in the shadows of the trees. No one else saw her, but Sera did. She never told the police about her, afraid she would come after Sera and finish the job. And she wasn’t totally sure there even was a woman there. After all, like was said, no one saw her in the woods behind Sera’s house. And she could have gone her whole life thinking that woman was a figment of her imagination if she didn’t see her standing in her new best friend’s house.
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Name: Sophie Morris Theron
Story: Legacy
Faceclaim: India Eisley
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
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Name: Stella Hall
Story: Constellations
Faceclaim: Virginia Gardner
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Stella loved her family, she really did, she just didn’t advertise her family tree to everyone. Instead, she pretended to be the perfect orphaned church girl her classmates thought she was, raised by her grandparents in small town Beacon Hills. Yes, maybe it was lonely not having many friends, not being able to actually talk about her feelings, but she kept up the image. And Stella could have kept the image up for longer if she hadn’t forgotten her history notes in her locker while a supposed serial killer had her and her classmates trapped in the school.
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Name: Taryn Arquette
Story: (Romeo and) Juliet
Faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Derek Hale
Summary: Being the daughter of hunters was not easy. Taryn hated every second of it, every training session, every time her parents had her kill an innocent supernatural being. But she soldiered on, faking contentment in her life. She had once considered moving out, but she never had the heart to leave Eliza. Until Taryn heard of a new alpha in town, and realized that her little sister was a lot more connected to it than she expected. And what was Derek Hale doing back in Beacon Hills?
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Name: Terra Blossom
Story: Thorns
Faceclaim: Kat Graham
Species: Dryad
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Theresa ‘Tess’ Lowell
Story: Anchors
Faceclaim: Kathryn Newton
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: Tess knew that werewolf packs adopting orphaned werewolf children wasn’t uncommon, she just never thought it would happen to her. But there she was, seven-years-old, hiding in the woods, and scared out of her mind. Peter Hale found her hiding in a cave, brought her home, and Tess was adopted by Talia Hale. She had a normal life, and it was almost happy, until a fire set by hunters killed most of her new family. She and one of her sisters ran, and landed in South America. Six years later, Tess and Cora hear about one of the great Hales, building a pack. They travel back to Beacon Hills, and end up getting kidnapped by a pack of alpha werewolves. This is bad enough. It was made even worse when Tess finds that one of the alphas was the wolf who killed her family.
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Name: Topanga Ocean Myers
Story: Terra Marique
Faceclaim: Lucy Hale
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Name: Vivian Byrne
Story: Blackbird Fly
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Species: Banshee
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Vivian Byrne didn’t have a lot in life. After the accident, her brother moved them both to Beacon Hills, to be closer to Griffin and Vivian’s godfather, Noah Stilinksi. Despite what had happened, Vivian is happy. She is reunited with her best friend Stiles, she is going to a school where no one knows her – or her family –, and she even discovers werewolves are real. Oh, yeah, Vivian’s eight-year-old self is definitely fangirling about that. But knowing the truth about the weirder side of the world isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. And now Vivian is experiencing things like werewolves, hunters, and almost dying every time she leaves the house. But hey, that’s just Beacon Hills.
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Name: William Grosvenor
Story: Blood in the Water
Faceclaim: Josh Dallas
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Melissa McCall
Summary: Victoria and William Grosvenor had grown up wonderful siblings. They were twins, and knew each other like the back of their hand. Until Victoria met Christopher Argent, and actually married him. To say their father was angry was an understatement, and he forced his daughter to choose: love or blood? When Victoria became an Argent, she gave up being a Grosvenor, which meant giving up her twin brother, and eventually, giving up her niece. But even after twenty years, William was still heartbroken when he received word his sister was dead, that she was bitten by a werewolf and killed herself. He decided enough was enough, and decided that he wanted to know what little family he had left. What he didn’t expect was a werewolf/druid war, or for an old friend’s son to be caught in the middle of it all.
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Name: Ximena Calavera
Story: Wolves and Fire
Faceclaim: Camila Mendes
Species: Hunter turned werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: When Ximena was a little girl, her favorite place to be was at her abuelita’s club. Not on the dance floor – Araya never would have allowed the elementary schooler to dance with the clubbers – but in her office, where the real fun took place. Ximena grew up hearing stories from Araya. Not fairytales; no, Ximena thought fairytales to be a silly thing compared to the stories of her family’s history. The young girl was in awe of her family, and vowed to one day follow their code and hunt werewolves just like them. Until one day she went out on a mission with her father and grandmother and was bitten by a werewolf. Thirteen, alone, and scared, Ximena refused to stay in the Calavera’s so-called ‘custody’. So she ran, all the way to Beacon Hills. Three years later, Derek Hale comes knocking on her door. There’s an alpha pack in town, and one of the members? The alpha who bit Ximena.
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voidstilesplease · 3 years
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Swords and Arrows
or That Summer When The Ares and Athena Cabins Finally Allied For Capture The Flag part 1 of 3
(A Steo Demigod AU) || For @anonymous's prompt: "Scott as a Roman demigod instead of Greek" || word count: 2,647 || The Entire Demigod Series -> [AO3][Tumblr] (it's finally a working link tfg)
Stiles pulls back, "I was going to ask if you missed me," he says, face flushed and beaming. "But it appears I don't need to."
"You never need to."
"Why the long face, little brother?" Tara asks cheerfully, wedging herself on the bench between Theo and one of their half-siblings, and placing down her tray brimming with colorful food as opposed to Theo's bleak and half-empty one. She grins at Theo, but he's not in the mood to return the goodwill.
Theo pokes half-heartedly at the contents of his tray: a lonely sealed bag with a couple squares of ambrosia inside - the food of the gods - some cheese and two slices of wheat bread. "Don't call me little brother," he mutters with little heat, leaning to the table to whisper a request to his goblet, which immediately fills up with sparkling water.
Tara looks over Theo's head at Fred, their Head Counselor, sitting on Theo's other side. "He's not back yet?"
Fred shakes his head, wiping the bbq sauce at the side of his mouth. "Nope," he replies, popping the 'p' and catching on to the question without much elaboration. By now, there's only one 'he' that reduces Theo to a brooding and sulky man-child. "He hasn't answered Theo's last IM, too."
"Try the last five Iris Messages," Theo grumbles in annoyance. He turns to Tara, face contorted in a sour expression. "I mean, how difficult is it to take my call? He always has drachmas in his pocket exactly for this reason."
"He's probably busy disintegrating monsters," Fred says reasonably. Which, of course, makes sense. Monsters make the most infuriating and persistent roadblock of all. They make any journey twice as long for demigods - if they don't manage to kill you, that is. "Or, you know," Fred adds, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "maybe he's being an accomodating companion to the Son of Jupiter."
Theo grinds his teeth hard and fixes his head counselor with a death glare. Fred only shrugs at Theo's reaction, obviously aiming for the exact response, and chuckling through a bite of ambrosia. Theo has half a mind to punch him in the jugular. He doesn't need a reminder of who Stiles is with, thanks. Spitefully, he harshly impales a piece of grape from Fred's tray with the tines of his fork and shoves it to his mouth in the most menacing manner he can project.
It only makes Fred guffaw, spraying bits of food onto the table. The campers across from him slide their trays away protectively, shrieking an indignant chorus of "Fred!" as they make sure no stray bits made it into their platters. Fred raps at his chest as he reaches for his goblet, still laughing his dumb ass off while trying to wave his hand in apology.
Their neighbors also share their opinion on the appalling table manners of the Ares brood - spitting out food may slightly be a common scene from their lot, unfortunately.
Brett from the Apollo cabin throws corn kernels at Fred, a strange display of solidarity if you can believe it, while Ara, the half-Korean junior counselor of Athena cabin, gives the Ares and Apollo tables a look of disapproval. She's a pretty terrifying 15 years old, which is why Stiles is extremely fond of her. With Stiles gone to New Rome the first week back to camp, Ara is doing a kickass job taking over the head counselor duty. (But, to Hades with it, Theo would much prefer Stiles to be scowling at their table.)
"Okay, first of all," Tara says over the little chaos. "Fred, you're disgusting. Second," she holds Theo's chin to compel him to look at her, then smirks, "Stealing a piece of fruit is not a cabin 5-worthy intimidation tactic."
Theo opens his mouth for his scathing retort, but at the same time, one of Stiles's younger siblings points in the direction of the cabins. "Hey, it's Stiles!"
Many heads look up, but Theo springs to his feet instantly, scanning the area for Stiles. He catches sight of him almost immediately, bounding to the Mess Hall in his orange shirt, face bright under the camp's enchanted borders, as radiant as the last time Theo saw him four long months ago. Without much thought, Theo finds himself carried by his feet towards Stiles.
Stiles sees him coming too, and his smile broaden. Theo sprints, forgetting himself and where they are. They meet halfway, by the entrance of the Mess Hall, with Theo knocking into Stiles's open arms strong enough that it's a surprise they're still upright on the ground.
Theo squeezes him to make sure his mind did not conjure a Spectre to appease his longing. Stiles feels solid under his hands, if a little sweaty, and he smells as if he was run over by monsters. But underneath the grime, he catches the scent of Stiles's favorite body wash. He feels himself sagging in satisfaction.
Stiles pulls back, "I was going to ask if you missed me," he says, face flushed and beaming. "But it appears I don't need to."
"You never need to."
Theo doesn't know how long they stood just smiling at each other, but they break apart at Chiron's pointed clearing of the throat. It's not even in Theo's head to be embarrassed by his actions despite the cackling and many leering faces of the other demigods. Mr. D merely raises an unimpressed eyebrow, though the twinkle in his eyes can only be from amusement.
Chiron is sitting on his wheelchair today, hiding his horse's ass behind the illusion of human legs - why he still does it is a wonder - and rolls forward to them.
"Stiles Stilinski," he greets merrily, the lines of his eyes crinkling when he smiles. "Welcome back." Chiron gazes a little behind them, then, nodding kindly towards another boy Theo only notices, is standing patiently at a distance.
The boy, Scott McCall, son of Jupiter and a praetor of the Roman demigods' army, the Twelfth Legion Fulminata, steps forward to bow his head in respect of the centaur. "Chiron," he also acknowledges Mr. D who didn't bother to get up from the head table. "Lord Bacchus."
"Hm," Mr. D hums without correcting the demigod, sipping on his diet coke dismissively.
Theo doesn't hate Scott, but he also doesn't like him - strongly, irrationally, dislikes him. Instinctively, he shuffles closer to Stiles as if his boyfriend is going to dissolve into the Mist if he isn't close enough to pull him back.
Theo's been agitated since Stiles told him, a week prior, that he was flying to New Rome in California where Camp Jupiter is, the Roman camp, for a 'friendly' visit. Everyone's allowed to cross borders, but no one has really done so just to tour around. After all, the camps are on opposing sides of the country and monsters don't pause to consider not killing vacationing demigods.
A couple of times before last week, when Theo visited Stiles in his Manhattan apartment, he'd, out of the blue, mentioned the varied courses and scholarships that New Rome University offered, as Theo laid his head on Stiles's lap while the latter read. Theo hadn't minded it at the time, as Stiles quickly dropped the subject. But another month passed and Stiles mentioned it again, randomly, during one of their IMs, adding that he might check into the enrollment requisites. Theo started to worry, then.
If Stiles goes to New Rome for college, Theo can't follow him. He never even got to finish eighth grade. And Scott, he's one of the Romans, their leader, and grudging as he is to admit, one of Stiles's friends now the more he visits Camp Half-Blood. He will eagerly encourage Stiles, telling him of the countless perks that Camp Jupiter has. He will be as big a hero there as he is in Camp Half-Blood, and he can rise to praetorship alongside Scott if the Legion so wishes it.
Scott is not a bad person per se, but he wears the color and insignia of the place Theo might lose Stiles to. And if Theo blinks the wrong way, he might not see quick enough that Stiles is being whisked away to the other side of the coast, leading a life without him.
After officially welcoming the son of Jupiter to the camp, feeding him, and getting him settled in Cabin One, the campers go about their daily routine of training.
The blade vibrates when it hits the shooting log, right on the marked spot. Then it disappears into thin air and reappears in Theo's hand only to be thrown back to the same spot. He does it repeatedly, unrelentingly, until Tara aims with his bow and hits his blade with an arrow to send both weapons clanging to the ground, a few meters away.
Theo heaves; he doesn't even know he's breathless just from throwing until then. Wiping beads of sweat from his forehead, he nods appreciatively at the bow in Tara's hands when his sister stands beside him with a smile. "If we aren't siblings, I'd mistake you for a daughter of Apollo."
"Please," she laughs, opening her palm, gesturing at the fallen weapons. Both her arrow and Theo's blade fly to her hands in a matter of seconds. "I don't want to light up like a glow stick while waxing poetry during a fight." Children of Apollo don't actually do those in the middle of a fight, but they do glow when they're healing, and they can make others speak in rhymes just for fun. Tara offers the knife back to his brother. "Also, we're children of Ares. By birthright alone, we should know to wield any weapon of war."
Theo takes the knife and snorts, "And yet, I suck at archery."
"I can't summon weapons out of thin air," She points out, grinning at him as she puts the arrow back to its sheaf. "I guess we just can't have it all or Zeus would be zapping us one by one."
Theo scoffs, leaning into position to begin throwing again.
"Speaking of Zeus," Tara says, a playful tone in her words. "Where's your favorite son of the Sky God?"
Theo spares her a glare before flinging his knife and burying it onto the battered practice log. He purses his lips before answering, "He's at the Big House with Chiron, Mr. D, Stiles, and the other head counselors." He clenches his fingers around the blade's hilt when it returns to his hands. "They're talking about a little orientation on New Rome University's scholarships and handing brochures and study guide for the DSTOMP." Theo doesn't bother hiding the acid in his voice from his sister. She'll recognize it anyway, even if he masks it with neutrality. He can't mask it with neutrality.
She quirks a brow, "You don't sound too eager," she notes. "Are you still jealous of Scott, little brother?"
"I'm not jealous of Scott," he says, gritting his teeth. "And don't call me little brother."
"Why are you so strung up, then, if you're not baselessly jealous?"
He finds his reply being interrupted for the second time that day, this time by a distant rumbling coming from the sky. All activities on the ground cease as everyone turns to the increasing volume of an invisible running engine. Theo scans the space above them, at first not grasping anything in motion, until a burst of light reveals a flying, glowing red bus coming down fast to the ground.
Someone goes to alert Chiron as the rest of them scamper to the landing site by the amphitheater. The bus landed surprisingly smooth, despite its breakneck descent.
"Is that a Ferrari bus?" One of the campers points out.
Sure enough, the logo at the front of the vehicle, a black prancing horse on a yellow background, is of the famous luxury sports brand. But why would there be a flying Ferrari bus at Camp Half-Blood?
"Oh gods," Lori gasps somewhere on Theo's left. "Is that dad's sun chariot?"
As if on cue, the bus door opens, and a teenager who looks about Theo's age exits, wearing what he can only describe as a hipster look. He flashes a blinding grin - and quite literally at that, since they have to shield their eyes momentarily from the glimmer of his teeth - clears his throat dramatically, and announces:
"Hello demigods
The sun landed on your grounds
I am so awesome."
There's silence at first, then a series of enthusiastic applause from Brett and the rest of cabin seven comes next. The teenager bows theatrically, although Theo finds nothing extraordinary about what he just said. But soon, the others join in with half-hearted claps, recognizing the powerful aura suddenly seeping into their skins that could only mean there's a god among them - well, another god, aside from Dionysus, their Camp Director. And with the terrible haiku, there will be no mistaking who graced their camp today. The last time Theo had seen him, during the almost war on his first year at camp, the god had worn the body of a muscular mid-20's blond man. Now, it seems he favors to look even younger despite his four thousand years.
"Lord Apollo," Chiron's voice drowns out the applaud as he trots forward, now in his form as a white stallion from the waist down. "It's a pleasant surprise. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."
Mr. D isn't as warm. He snorts, rolling his eyes. "Oh, bother, what brought you here now?"
Apollo's bright persona doesn't falter as he gestures at the bus - that is apparently his sun chariot. Theo remembers the time when he almost drove Apollo's chariot, if the Hermes cabin did not snitch it from under their noses, and thus putting three cabins grounded after a severe prank war. He had to take Liam's dish duties and pay him just so his present for Stiles could be delivered in time for Christmas.
"I'm here at the request of my little sister." The god says proudly, as the door opens again, this time with grumbling teenage and prepubescent girls coming out from the bus. All dressed in the same outfit: silver jackets, silver camo pants, and black combat boots, and they carry at their backs a quiver of sharp silver arrows. They glance at Apollo with apparent distrust, standing as far away from him as possible, as the god continues, "To deliver her hunters safely while she's away on a personal errand."
Several demigods groan in displeasure at the news, and even Chiron's lips form a thin line, though he tries to smile through the tension. Mr. D seems to be delighted now, though, happier to see the strange, vicious-looking ladies than his own brother. Personally, it feels like an omen of danger. Mr. D is never happy unless something perilous is about to descend upon his campers - even if his own daughter, Malia, is among them.
"Thank you, Lord Apollo." One of the hunters says albeit she looks physically pained by her words. She stands at the front of the group, a silver ring headwear around her head, with bouncing black curls, a pointed nose, and a strong chin. The other hunters also look at her when she speaks. It's easy to recognize her as the group's leader. "And thank you, Lord Dionysus, Chiron, for accomodating the hunters of Lady Artemis."
Chiron nods at the girl, eyes softening with kindness born out of familiarity, "You're always welcome, Allison."
Mr. D laughs boisterously, then. Like his punishment has just been lifted and he can go back to Olympus and away from the brats, celebrating by getting drunk on wine after years of prohibition. "Well, at least, Capture the Flag this Friday seems more enticing now, don't you think so, Chiron?" He gives a wicked grin at his campers, not waiting for a reply, his change in demeanor promising a torturous next few days for the demigods. "Ready to lose the Camp Half-Blood banner to these little girls for the 58th time in a row?"
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years
Because I took so long in actually doing these things, and because I’m kinda proud of them, I’ve decided to upload the descriptions for the characters in Young Avengers, a fanfic based on the animated series’ of Disney XD, ignoring SM 2017 and S5 of AA. 
So uh, a lot of writing under read more, here we go:
Civilian Name: Lola Holland-Lokidottir.  Hero/Villain Name: Aura.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Ruby Holland (mother, deceased), Loki Laufeyson (Father), Robert Holland (Older half-brother), Lupe Dalton (Younger half-brother), Thor Odinson (Adopted uncle), Odin (Adopted grandfather), Frigga (adopted grandmother) and Laufey (grandfather). Side: Good. Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers, Asgard.  Summary: Born to a mortal witch and a god, Lola had a normal childhood until the day a fire wrecked her home, killing her mother and supposedly her older brother, leaving Lola alone in foster care until the day the god of thunder and a boy find her, trying to protect her from the very man meant to protect her..... Voiceclaim: Meg Donnelly. 
Civilian Name: Lupe Dalton-Lokison.  Hero/Villain Name: Trickster.  Age: 11 Years Old.  Family: Silvia Dalton (Mother, deceased), Loki Laufeyson (Father), Lola Holland (Older half-sister), Thor Odinson (Adopted uncle), Odin (Adopted grandfather), Frigga (Adopted grandmother), Laufey (Grandfather) and Theo Bell (Ancestor).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers, Asgard.  Summary: With his family ancestor rumored to have had a run in with gods before, it doesn't come off as a surprise Lupe is the son of a god. With a happy childhood, everything went wrong when his mother was killed in a car crash, leaving Lupe alone in foster care until the day he's kidnapped by someone working for his father, only to be saved by a girl in green and her friends.... Voiceclaim: Jake Short. 
Civilian Name: Nicola Patterson.  Hero/Villain Name: Artemis.  Age: 12 Years Old.  Family: Michelle Patterson (Mother), Matthew Patterson (Father) and Lewis Patterson (Twin brother).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Born into a crime family, Nicola and her twin brother, Lewis, were trained to be criminals, with their specialty being archery and while they would be some of the best criminals, things would change when they would be caught by Hawkeye and while Lewis would get away, Nicola would end up taken in by Hawkeye when he made a different call.  Voiceclaim: Kimiko Glenn (Reference: Lena from Ducktales 2017). 
Civilian Name: Lewis Patterson.  Hero/Villain Name: Apollo.  Age: 12 Years Old.  Family: Michelle Patterson (Mother), Matthew Patterson (Father) and Nicola Patterson (Twin sister).  Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): Crime family, Himself.  Summary: Born into a crime family, Lewis and his twin sister, Nicola, were trained to be criminals, with their specialty being archery and while they would be some of the best criminals, they would be caught by Hawkeye and while Lewis would get away, his sister would join the heroes, leaving Lewis to be the sole archer criminal of his family. Voiceclaim: Jenson Ackles (Reference: Red Hood/Jason Todd). 
Civilian Name: Robert Holland.  Hero/Villain Name: Calamity.  Age: 16 Years Old.  Family: Ruby Holland (Mother, deceased), Unnamed late father, Lola Holland (Younger half-sister) and unnamed foster mother.  Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): Himself.  Summary: The eldest child of Ruby, Robert is a witch like his mother and grew up normally, only having one incident and that was when his sister, Lola, was born, but things only went wrong when a fire wrecked his home and killed his mother and while most assumed he died as well, another witch in reality found him and raised him in her own evil ways.... Voiceclaim: David Henrie. 
Civilian Name: Casimir.  Hero/Villain Name: Lazarus.  Age: 14 Years Old.  Family: Idun (mother) and Yngui (Father).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Young Avengers, Asgard.  Summary: An only child, Casimir found he had magic while younger and soon enough, met Loki who would proceed to teach him all that Loki knew, hoping to use Casimir as a pawn, but Casimir would ultimately go to Earth to warn Thor when Loki goes to collect his demigod children... Voiceclaim: Rick Gomez (Reference: Loki from Tales of Asgard).
Civilian Name: Peggy Rodgers.  Hero/Villain Name: Miss America.  Age: 12 Years Old (physically), Unknown (Biologically).  Family: Steve Rodgers ('Father'/DNA sample) and Doc Oc (creator). Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Red Skull (formerly), Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Created by Doctor Octopus for Red Skull, Peggy would spend time underground as a result, training to be evil until the day that the HYDRA base would be taken down by the Avengers, including the source of her DNA, Captain America... Voiceclaim: Anais Fairweather (Reference: Supergirl).
Civilian Name: Ben Banner.  Hero/Villain Name: Bane.  Age: 13 Years Old (Physically), Unknown (Biologically).  Family: Bruce Banner ('Father'/DNA sample) and Doc Oc (Creator).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): The Leader (formerly), Avengers, Young Avengers, Agents of SMASH.  Summary: Created by Doctor Octopus for the Leader, Ben would spend time underground, training to be evil until the day that the Agents of SMASH would assault the Leaders base, including the source of his DNA, the Hulk.... Voiceclaim: Jeremy Jordan (Reference: Varian from Tangled The Series). 
Civilian Name: Petal Parker.  Hero/Villain Name: Shadow Spider.  Age: 12 Years Old (physically), Unknown (biologically).  Family: Peter Parker ('Father'/DNA sample) and Doc Oc (creator).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Doctor Octopus (formerly), SHIELD, Young Avengers.  Summary: Created by Doctor Octopus, Petal would spend time underground, training to be evil until the day that the two spider heroes would come and save her, including the source of her DNA, Spiderman.... Voiceclaim: Sarah-Nicole Robles (Reference: Luz from Owl House). 
Civilian Name: Zoe Stark.  Hero/Villain Name: Iron Girl.  Age: 12 Years Old.  Family: Phoebe Davey (Mother, deceased), Anthony Stark (Father), Thomas Stark (Twin brother), Howard Stark (Grandfather, deceased) and Maria Stark (Grandmother, deceased).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Born from a one night stand, Zoe and her brother grew up with their mother happily until the day a enemy of their father's arrived and killed their mother, kidnapping them and despite being rescued, Zoe's heart was damaged badly... Voiceclaim: Christina Vee (Reference: Ladybug in Miraculous). 
Civilian Name: Thomas Stark.  Hero/Villain Name: None.  Age: 12 Years Old.  Family: Phoebe Davey (Mother, deceased), Anthony Stark (Father), Zoe Stark (Twin sister), Howard Stark (Grandfather, deceased) and Maria Stark (Grandmother, deceased).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Born from a one night stand, both he and his sister grew up with their mother happily, until the day a enemy of their father's arrived and killed their mother, kidnapping them and despite being rescued, Thomas' sister's heart was damaged badly.... Voiceclaim: Josh Keaton (Reference: Jack from Transformers Prime).
Civilian Name: Dorothy 'Dot' Wilson.  Hero/Villain Name: Red Falcon.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Coraline Wilson (Mother), Felix Wilson (Father), Jake Wilson (Twin brother), Darlene Wilson (Aunt) and Sam Wilson (Cousin).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Despite growing up normally, Dot and her brother looked up to their cousin greatly and worked to be like him, but were unaware of enemies being after heroes families to use them as weapons.... Voiceclaim: Sofia Wylie (Reference: Iron Heart). 
Civilian Name: Jake Wilson.  Hero/Villain Name: Red Wing.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Coraline Wilson (Mother), Felix Wilson (Father), Dorothy Wilson (Twin sister), Darlene Wilson (Aunt) and Sam Wilson (Cousin). Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Despite growing up normally, Jake and his sister looked up to their cousin greatly and wanted to be like him, but were unaware of enemies being after heroes families to use them as weapons..... Voiceclaim: Issac Ryan Brown (Reference: Gus from Owl House). 
Civilian Name: Lila Jones.  Hero/Villain Name: Slash.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Brandon Jones (Father), Jasmine Jones (Mother, deceased), Destiny Jones (Twin sister), Reene Jones (Younger sister), Unnamed Aunt and Rick Jones (Cousin).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers, Agents of SMASH.  Summary: Growing up in foster care due to a abusive father, Lila and her sisters were split up in it and had no clue who their cousin was until the day a villain kidnapped them.... Voiceclaim: None, is a mute. 
Civilian Name: Destiny Jones.  Hero/Villain Name: Sparks.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Brandon Jones (Father), Jasmine Jones (Mother, deceased), Lila Jones (Twin sister), Reene Jones (Younger sister), Unnamed Aunt and Rick Jones (Cousin).  Side: God.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers, Agents of SMASH.  Summary: Growing up in foster care due to a abusive father, Destiny and her sisters were split up in it and had no clue who their cousin was until the day a villain kidnapped them.... Voiceclaim: Zendaya. 
Civilian Name: Reene Jones.  Hero/Villain Name: Gamma Girl.  Age: 12 Years Old.  Family: Brandon Jones (Father), Jasmine Jones (Mother, deceased), Lila and Destiny Jones (Older sisters), Unnamed Aunt and Rick Jones (Cousin).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers, Agents of SMASH.  Summary: Growing up in foster care due to a abusive father, Reene and her sisters were split up in it and had no clue who their cousin was until the day a villain kidnapped them.... Voiceclaim: Izabella Alvarez (Reference: Ronnie Anne from Loud House). 
Civilian Name: Mark Roberts.  Hero/Villain Name: Agent Shadow.  Age: 11 Years Old.  Family: Scott Roberts (Father, deceased), Laura Roberts (Mother, deceased) and Julie Roberts (Older sister, unknown fate). Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Red Room (Formerly), Avengers, Young Avegers, SHIELD.  Summary: Having been taken by the red room when young, Mark grew up learning how to kill and to follow orders, until the day that Black Widow took down the room and took Mark in the aftermath.... Voiceclaim: Zeno Robinson (Reference: Golden Guard from Owl House).
Civilian Name: Leah Cortex.  Hero/Villain Name: Lone Wolf.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Maud Cortex (Mother, deceased) and Jacob Cortex (Father, deceased).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): X-Men, Young Avengers.  Summary: A mutant girl, Leah developed similar abilities to X-Men member, Wolverine, and as a result, became a target for the Weapon X Program.... Voiceclaim: Brenda Song (Reference: Anne from Amphibia). 
Civilian Name: April Parker.  Hero/Villain Name: Spider Girl.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Melissa Parker (Mother, deceased), Jordan Parker (Father, deceased), Mary Parker (Aunt, deceased), Richard Parker (Uncle, deceased), Peter Parker (Cousin), Ben Parker (Uncle, deceased) and May Parker (Aunt).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Red Room (Formerly), SHIELD, Young Avengers.  Summary: Having been taken from her parents by the red room while on a trip to Russia, April was raised for some years in the Red Room until she was saved by Black Widow, but when the red room resurfaces, April finds herself being saved by Spiderman.... Voiceclaim: Mae Whitman (Reference: April from TMNT 2012). 
Civilian Name: Pandora Storm.  Hero/Villain Name: Pyro.  Age: 11 Years Old.  Family: Helia Storm (Mother, deceased), Henry Storm (Father, deceased), Franklin Storm (Uncle, deceased), Mary Storm (Aunt, deceased), Sue Richards (Cousin), Johnny Storm (Cousin) and Reed Richards (Cousin-in-law).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Fantastic Four, Young Avengers.  Summary: Having been with her cousins ever since her parents deaths, Pandora did her best to avoid the spotlight, but then came the day of Doctor Doom kidnapping her due to her relations.... Voiceclaim: Haley Tju (Reference: Marcy from Amphibia). 
Civilian Name: Kasey Andrews.  Hero/Villain Name: Ant Girl.  Age: 11 Years Old.  Family: Josh Andrews (Father, deceased) and Katie Andrews (Mother, deceased).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Her father was an inventor who was close with Ant Man, but despite this, Kasey had a normal life until the day her father was killed for his work and seeking revenge, Kasey used his work to become Ant Girl.... Voiceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld (Reference: Gwen from Spiderman). 
Civilian Name: Victorie Lockson.  Hero/Villain Name: Star Girl.  Age: 14 Years Old.  Family: Molly Lockson (Mother, deceased) and James Lockson (Father, deceased).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Guardians of The Galaxy, Young Avengers.  Summary: Kidnapped by aliens in space trafficking, Victorie would find herself trying to survive until the day she meets the Guardians of The Galaxy.... Voiceclaim: Linda Cardellini (Reference: Wendy from Gravity Falls). 
Civilian Name: Dawn Page.  Hero/Villain Name: Miss Doom.  Age: 16 Years Old.  Family: Brian Page (Father) and Diane Page (Mother).  Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): Doctor Doom, Latveria.  Summary: A citizen of Latveria, Dawn would live a normal life until the day their ruler, Victor Von Doom, would seek an apprentice and seizing her chance, Dawn would become his apprentice known as Miss Doom.... Voiceclaim: Erica Lindbeck (Reference: Emira from Owl House). 
Civilian Name: Snow McLeon.  Hero/Villain Name: Cyber Girl.  Age: 16 Years Old.  Family: Not Known.  Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): Red Skull, HYDRA.  Summary: Not much is known about her outside of her being revealed as Red Skull's apprentice when Captain America's clone project failed.  Voiceclaim: Sofia Carson. 
Civilian Name: Mickey Glass.  Hero/Villain Name: Black Hood.  Age: 16 Years Old.  Family: Tommy Glass (Father) and Dana Glass (Mother).  Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): Himself.  Summary: Trained by his assassin family, Mickey would become as good as them and would soon start to have run in's with heroes... Voiceclaim: Ben Schwartz (Reference: Randy Cunningham). 
Civilian Name: Oliver Randy.  Hero/Villain Name: Gamma.  Age: 16 Years Old.  Family: Ryan Randy (Father, deceased) and Rhonda Randy (Mother, deceased). Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): The Leader.  Summary: A boy kidnapped and experimented on by sciencetists, Oliver would remain in captivity until the day his savior came in the form of The Leader.  Voiceclaim: Booboo Stewart. 
Powers/Abilities of them all:
*Aura/Lola Holland-Lokidottir= Possesses a bit of strength with some stamina and is a little bit immune to the cold and has magic that includes shapeshifting, some illusions, flight, energy blasts, astral projection, telepathy and teleporation and is a training warrior still with a sword.  *Trickster/Lupe Dalton-Lokison= Possesses a bit of strength with some stamina and is a little bit immune to the cold and has magic that includes shapeshifting, some illusions, energy blasts, astral projection, telepathy and teleportation with the ability of forming his own steps and boards and is a training warrior still with daggers.  *Artemis/Nicola Patterson= She is a trained archer and a trained marksman and is a trained runner with strong endurance and stamina and is a expert acrobat and martial artist while being good at weapons.  *Apollo/Lewis Patterson= He is a trained archer and a trained marksman and is a trained runner with strong endurance and stamina and is a expert acrobat and martial artist while being good at weapons.  *Calamity/Robert Holland= Is a trained witch in the dark forces and is good at various magic while being good at fighting in combat and is good at using daggers.  *Lazarus/Casimir= Possesses asgardian strength with asgardian durability and is a magic user who can shapeshift, cast illusions, energy blasts, astral project, telepathy and teleportation and is a training warrior with daggers.  *Miss America/Peggy Rodgers= Due to super soldier serum, she possesses superhuman strength, mobility, resistance and has an advanced healing factor that includes immunity to poisons and such and has advanced longevity and has enhanced mental capacity and she is still training in combat and such. *Bane/Ben Banner= Due to Hulk, Ben has unlimited strength, superhuman leaping, powerful air, durability, stamina, speed, a healing factor, longevity and is immune to alot and a adrenaline rush with adaption to things around him and is still training in combat.  *Shadow Spider/Petal Parker= Due to her cloning, Petal has superhuman strength, endurance, agility, reflexes, stamina, a healing factor, wall crawling, spider-sense and can balance on anything and is training in combat and such.  *Iron Girl/Zoe Stark= A kid genius who is good at engineering and is good at thinking off plans and with her suit, she has arc reactor power and with one on her heart, she has enhanced metabolism and is training in combat.  *Thomas Stark= Doesn't do super-heroing, but works behind the scenes and therefore, is good at computers and technology and knows some basic combat.  *Red Falcon/Dorothy 'Dot' Wilson= Is training in combat and is pretty smart while when it comes to her red wing armor, it can create falcon wings and talons and grant flight while granting sensory systems, enhanced strength and durability.  *Red Wing/Jake Wilson= Is training in combat and is pretty smart while when it comes to his red wing armor, it can create falcon wings and talons and grant flight while granting sensory systems, enhanced strength and durability.  *Gamma Girl/Reene Wilson= Is training in various forms of combat and is training in various weapons and uses her main weapon of gamma powered fist gloves, while training in strategies.  *Slash/Lila Jones= Is training in various forms of combat and is training in various weapons, with her main weapon being swords.  *Sparks/Destiny Jones= Is training in various forms of combat and is training in various weapons and uses a main powered gun as a result.  *Agent Shadow/Mark Roberts= Is trained in various forms of combat and gymnastics and is noted for his speed, agility, strength, stamina and is a good spy who thinks fast and is good at disguises while being good at weapons, mainly his batons.  *Lone Wolf/Leah Cortex= Due to her mutant powers, she has enhanced senses, mainly smell and has enhanced strength and speed while having sharp respectable claws and due to weapon x, has metal over them and her skeleton and has a strong healing ability, and is trained in combat and such.   *Spider Girl/April Parker= Due to the blood transfer, she has superhuman strength, endurance, agility, strength, reflexes, stamina, a healing factor, wall crawling, spider-sense and can balance on anything and is training in combat and such.  *Pyro/Pandora Storm= Due to blood transfer, she has control over fire and can even take on a plasma form that can fly and she can control heat in her surroundings while having durability and is immune to fire and heat and the cold and is still training in combat.  *Ant Girl/Kasey Andrews= Due to her fathers work, she has an ant helmet that allows her to communicate with and control ants and breath when she's small while also using a pym particle blaster and has her size alternation suit that allows her to change size and is noted to be pretty smart and is training in combat. *Star Girl/Victorie Lockson= Has normal amount of strength and is training in various forms of combat while being good with technology and with weapons, possessing elemental blasters as her main one.  *Miss Doom/Dawn Page= Is training in various forms of combat and is training in various skills like planning, strategies and leadership and uses weapons in her combat.  *Cyber Girl/Snow McLeon= Is training in various forms of combat and is training in various skills including planning, leadership and technology. *Black Hood/Mickey Glass= Is a trained assassin who is trained in various combat gymnastics and killing methods, being trained in various weapons as well.  *Gamma/Oliver Randy= Due to the experiments, Oliver has unlimited strength, superhuman leaping, powerful air, durability, stamina, speed, a healing factor, longevity and is immune to a lot and can get an adrenaline rush with adaption to things around him and is training in combat and science. 
*Thor= Aura/Lola Holland-Lokidottir and Trickster/Lupe Dalton-Lokison.  *Loki= Lazarus/Casimir.  *Iron Man= Iron Girl/Zoe Stark and Thomas Stark. *Hulk= Bane/Ben Banner. *She Hulk= Sparks/Destiny Jones. *Scaar= Slash/Lila Jones. *Red Hulk= Gamma Girl/Reene Jones. *Ant Man= Ant Girl/Kasey Andrews. *Captain America= Miss America/Peggy Rodgers. *Hawkeye= Artemis/Nicola Patterson. *Falcon= Red Falcon/Dorothy 'Dot' Wilson and Red Wing/Jake Wilson. *Black Widow= Agent Shadow/Mark Roberts. *Wolverine= Lone Wolf/Leah Cortex. *Spiderman= Spider Girl/April Parker and Shadow Spider/Petal Parker. *Guardians of The Galaxy= Star Girl/Victorie Lockson. *Fantastic Four= Pyro/Pandora Storm. *Doctor Doom= Miss Doom/Dawn Page. *Red Skull= Cyber Girl/Snow McLeon. *The Leader= Gamma/Oliver Randy.
*Aura X Red Falcon. *Artemis X Gamma Girl. *Trickster X Agent Shadow. *Lazarus X Star Girl. *Miss America X Thomas Stark. *Bane X Sparks. *Shadow Spider X Iron Girl. *Red Wing X Spider Girl. *Lone Wolf X Slash. *Ant Girl X Pyro. 
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{HANDE ERÇEL, FEMALE, SHE/HER )} have you seen AIDAN “AIDA” SCOTT around icaria? they are the 26 year old child of APHRODITE. they remind me of the faintest scent of luxury perfume, disheveled sheets and a wavering smile. They’ve been on the island for 5 years. 
Full Name: Aidan Scott
Nickname: Aida
Parents: Easton Scott & Aphrodite
D.O.B.: October 25th
Age: 26
Profession: Owner of Relaxing Tides
Hometown: Los Angeles
Sexuality: Pansexual
Spoken Languages: English, French, Greek, Turkish and some broken Spanish
Abilities: Emotion manipulation (the ability to control and manipulate emotions); fertility manipulation (along with the ability to bring small things to life for a limited time)
TW: Mental Illness, Alcoholism, Drugs, Violence
Aidan Scott spent her entire childhood having to live up to an idea. Her father, Easton Scott, would tell her stories about her stunning mother. The woman who could make jaws drop with a passing look. The most beautiful woman in the world who Aida apparently was a ‘spitting image of’.  Only the woman she believed was her mother, wasn’t, the free spirited woman who walked out on their family when Aida was only a child. But, Aphrodite- the goddess of love and beauty.
Easton and Hayley had been young and rushed too quickly into marriage. They barely knew each other and, after the first year into their marriage, Hayley couldn’t bring herself to stay. With his wife walking out on him, Easton quickly slipped back into a depression. He was half way through a bottle when he stumble upon a woman he couldn’t take his eyes off of. It was one night of passion and praise and, the next thing Easton knew, the goddess left a beautiful baby girl off on his doorstep and the child was constantly reminded of just how beautiful she was.
Aida loved her father and, for the most part, things were great. Better than great. When Easton was good, it was like her world was touched with light and fire. He’d tell the school she was sick so they could to the arcade or an amusement park. She’d wake up to pancakes and waffles and so much food it could feed a neighborhood; the most exorbitant and over the top breakfasts imaginable. They’d dance around in their living and laugh till the sun came up. But, it was get to be too much. He’d have so much energy that he’d keep her up for days. She’d could barely focus let alone stay awake at her desk. He’d start comparing her more and more to the woman she didn’t remember and could never live up to. He’d even have her pretend to be her mother on occasion, just before he crashed. During the lows, Easton would barely get out of bed. If she walked in five minutes late from school, he might even throw a glass at her head for worrying him too much. She loved her dad and she tried not to ever blame him for the mania or the depression. Instead, she handled what little money they had and did her best to take care of the both of them, often playing down how smart and responsible she truly was to help put her father’s mind at ease and act like any other kid without a trouble in the world.
That was until her abilities began to set in. Aida didn’t understand it, but in high school, the girl slowly started to see more and more people around her become overrun by their emotions. A cashier who she exchanged friendly words with for a few seconds, would start throwing things the next. At first she thought it was just her imagination and, yet, she couldn’t shake this feeling that she was the cause of it. She tried to bring it up with her father, but he’d just brush it off like it was nothing. When she discovered she had the ability to bring small things to life for a limited time- she hoped that was the proof she needed that something was going on with her. Maybe even was wrong with her? But, instead of having an answer, her dad signed her up for therapy. For years, she convinced herself it was all in her head. Maybe she was just crazy? Hiding her worry behind pretty smiles that didn’t quite reach the eye and a long train of partying and booze. But, finally the truth came out.
Demigods were going missing, so her dad reached out to the mother she never knew. She was beyond angry and hurt at her dad for hiding it. He had been trying to protect her, but in doing so, he made her feel lost and alone. Words were said. Bitter phrases the two would long regret. And the next thing Aida knew, she was packing up her bag, heading off to Icaria and not looking back.
Aida keeps up her carefree appearance, often losing herself to the bottle of a bottle or waking up in strangers beds. She’s a flirt decked out in designer clothes who uses her ability of emotion manipulation to be able to live the lavish lifestyle she had never been privy to growing up. She’s smart, but often chooses to feign innocent or tone down just how much so in public, pretending to be more like the mysterious goddess who is her mother than she truly thinks she is. Aida pushes down the guilt she has for how her and her dad, the closest man in her life, ended things and hides behind the pretty walls she’s built up for herself.
Wanted Connections:
Half-Siblings: Briar (super close); Max (Used to Party in Vegas before finding out they’re related) & Lyric
Brother in Law: Colton (Married to Briar)
Little Sister
Adopted Sibling
Make-Shift Siblings (taken each other under their wing or relied on each other as family)
Relative Once Removed
Coworkers at Relaxing Tides
Regular Customers at the Spa
People to test out different Spa Treatments on - Theo;
Best Male Friend
Best Female Friend
Mean Girls/Heathers Trio of Best Friends- Rue/Rye
Role Model (Someone she looks up to/strives to be like)
Dysfunctional Role Model (Someone who looks up to her/strives to be like her)
Someone who brings out the best in her
Someone who brings out the worst in her
Someone to teach her how to fight/protect herself
Workout Buddy/Sparring Partner
Partner in Crime
Friends from College - Dexter (helped him out secretly with school);
Friends from High School
Childhood Best Friend
Family Friends
Phone a Friend (the person she goes to/calls whenever she’s in trouble)
Old Roommate
Couch Surfer (Someone who used to crash on her couch from time to time)
Spider Killer (Calls them over at weird hours in the night to do odd tasks like kill a spider)
One Sided Friendship
Frenemies (Act super nice, but actually don’t get along/like each other)
Bickering Frenemies (Act like they hate each other, but really love the hell out of each other)
Frenemies who get high together- Gianna
Friends who had a falling out
Friends who grew apart
Someone who takes her under their wing
Someone who she takes under her wing
Mom Friend (Mothers the hell out of her)
Dad Friend (Fathers the hell out of her)
Someone who brings out the more serious side of her
Someone who discovers how smart she truly is
A friend who is lying to her
A friend who she is lying to
A friend who helped her out back when she was making ends meet
Toxic Friendship
Acquaintances (Have always been aware of the other person’s existence, but for some reason have never grown close)
Stumbled upon each other in either an awkward or personal moment and now have trouble looking each other in the eyes
Wingwoman (Someone she’s a wingwoman for)
Wingman/Wingwoman for Her
Fake friend
Fake Staker (someone who she teases about stalking her, but actually enjoys their company)
Thrift Shop Buddy- Mari
Enjoys their company, but acts embarrassed to actually admit they’re friends- Caelan
Breakfast Club (Someone she met once when traveling. They opened up to each other and had a breakfast club-esque relationship for a day/weekend before they parted ways, only to see each other again now) -HJ
Drug Dealer (Someone he goes to for drugs)
Good Influence (Someone who disapproves of Aida’s choices and tries to help her)
Bad Influence (Someone who encourages her questionable choices)
Someone who helps her gain more control of her abilities
Someone who she helps gain more control of their abilities
Someone who plays pranks on her/teases her, but she pretends not to get it/find it funny
Bond over their experiences with Metal Illness- Mara
Don’t Believe in Love- Mira (bonded over how they don’t do relationships);
Serendipity (Someone who she consistently runs into again and again over the years; could be friends or acquaintances, but neither can deny, it’s weird that they keep on meeting like this)
Exes who ended on good terms
Exes who ended on bad terms
Exes who still hook up on occasion- Deacon
First time
Old Flame
Past one night stand
FWB- Lisa; 
EX-FWB - Noah (Before he dated Briar- never talk about the fact they hooked up);
Ex Crush turned Friend
Ex Crush turned Foe
Exes who are now friends, but don’t ever talk about the fact that they dated
Unrequited love
First boyfriend
First girlfriend
Kindergarten couple
End-game- Zoey
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Are there any crossovers with percy jackson in the way that they are all demigods
I’m not sure about them *all* being demigods but here’s some Percy Jackson crossovers! - Anastasia
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It’s all about genetics by BellaP3891
(1/1 I 2,302 I Teen I No Pairing)
Bianca was the woman who raised him, the one he called “mom”, the one for whom he cried when she died. But she was not his biological mother. Because his biological mother was a goddess… Literally.
The Stiles Shifts by Maifire
(5/? I 6,791 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles is a demigod, child of Apollo. He has been keeping this a secret from the pack for years now, and doesn’t plan on telling them anytime soon. However, after an injury leaves the rest of the pack watching his every move, he fears he might have to.
Or, the one where Percy goes missing and Stiles leaves to help find him, only to be sucked into the Second Giant War. 
Those Who Deal in Fire and Blood by thestreetballet
(1/1 I 7,402 I Teen I Sterek)
Ares is not pleased when Kate Argent, daughter of Eris, messes with his children i.e. Laura and Derek Hale. Also, Stiles has two mommies and Nico di Angelo has a sister complex.
Half-blood by jamesm97
(6/6 I 7,571 I Teen I Sterek I MCD)
A new child of the oldest gods shall riseTo save camp half-blood will be his greatest prizeHis love and death will go hand in handThe loss and hurt he might not withstand
“Rachel? You okay?” Annabeth asks concerned for her friend.“Not really, I have a feeling this next prophecy is going to be a tough one” She replies back getting up off the ground where she collapsed.“As if we haven’t had enough of them to last us a life time” Percy huffs walking over to help her off the ground.
Stiles powers are awakening and he’s about to learn the monsters want to kill him for whatever twisted way.
Stiles Stilinski: son of Wisdom. by Kazlerox
(16/17 I 8,187 I Mature I Stiles/Jason I Rape)
Stiles is pushed out of the pack and is now pregnant with the packs pups. He leaves his home and goes to San Fransisco. Where he meets the son of Jupiter can he place the pregnant man back together while falling for him?
Trade Mistakes by dandelion_weed
(2/3 I 15,941 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles likes to think despite being a Spark, he’s a pretty ordinary person in a pack of werewolves. Then, a demigod comes to Beacon Hills. Things didn’t change much, but it sure is different. Luke is fun to have around, even though he’s a guy who comes back from the dead and pathetically pines for the son of Poseidon.
Stiles: The Son of War and Wisdom by Alazan
(5/? I 18,889 I Mature I Sterek)
“That…that’s a flying ship.” Peter pointed out, dumbfounded. Stiles would have been really smug any other time to have all the supernatural creatures shocked like that. But that would have to wait. Leo had parked the Argo II over Derek’s loft and Percy and Jason were descending.
He hasn’t seen his friends or his sister since they defeated Gaea and they all started high school. Stiles sees his friend’s eyes flash and the claws extend as Percy and Jason come closer. Stiles quickly steps forward and raises his hands toward the pack, “Whoa guys! I know them!”
“You KNOW them?” Liam asked skeptically.
“Yeah, it’s a long-”
Stiles doesn’t get to finish because Percy’s hugging the hell out of him.
“Let him breathe, Jackson, or this trip would have been for naught.” Jason said with a smile.
“Hey, you can’t blame me. I haven’t seen my best friend in years!” Percy exclaimed and Stiles totally heard Scott’s and Derek’s growls. Yup…he had some ‘splainin to do…
“Hey Stiles.”
But that would have to wait. Because that was Luke’s voice and he should be dead. Percy stands between them and glares at Luke and turns apologetically to Stiles. “Yeah…we have things to talk about.”
An Introduction to the Mess that is Stiles’ Family by mysteriouslife
(8/? I 22,246 I General I Sterek)
Stiles burst out laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“More than one sibling?” Stiles was obviously getting a kick out of whatever joke had been uttered by Boyd. “I have so many siblings I’ve lost track!”
Or a fic in which Tony Stark and Athena are Stiles’ biological parents – and they both have a lot of kids.
Toxic Secrets by amourstiles
(6/? I 23,274 I General I Scira)
Honestly, Stiles was naive to think he could hide such a big part of his life from the people he loves most in the world. He regrets his decision when the people in that part of his life are threatened.
Or, Stiles is a demigod and his pack finds out in a way he certainly didn’t imagine. His sister isn’t supposed to be the one who helps him out with things like that. Alas, the demigods are threatened and they may need more help than they originally signed up for.
BITE by bananannabeth
(12/? I 24,097 I Teen I Stydia)
What should have been a simple scouting quest leads to Frank and Hazel being kidnapped by an unknown enemy, and Percy and Annabeth head to Beacon Hills to rescue them. Things go a little awry when some locals take more of interest in them than they’d like, and it soon becomes apparent that Frank isn’t the only shapeshifter in town.
Demigod Days by FallenQueen2
(15/15 I 32,869 I General I Sterek)
Stiles is a demigod and part of the Hale Pack, he disappears every summer to camp. This year the Pack tried to convince him to stay and his secret of his blood is revealed. While a warning of a returning enemy puts the camp on edge, they still have time to meet the pack and the immortal parents. Relationships will be born and strengths will be tested during this summer.
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TW and Percy Jackson imagine being Scott younger half sister being a demigod
I'm sorry but I'm not that familiar with Percy Jackson so I wouldn't want to mess some things up, but thank you for the commission!
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sassysweetstories · 5 years
just for one night
Request: “TW and Percy Jack imagine being Scott demigod half sister and stuff and the pack doesnt know it and it's been a while since she came home bcuz of the wars and quests and stuff and she meets Liam her old friend and stuff like that.” 
Ship: (minor) Liam Dunbar
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to the owners. 
Tagged:  @bailey-hoover @kiralivelove @thalia-prior-of-ravenclaw@anamcg317bellasett @queentiffanyyy @archer-whovian-violinist@beingmadinwonderland@princessisabelle19 @violence-and-velvet@lachicadelamanzana
Warnings: fluff, mentions of fighting, blood, angst, fluff, etc. 
Third P.O.V 
The air smelled thickly of gun-powder, smoke and death. (Y/n) held her sword to the beasts throat, looking all the more warrior she was trained to be. Camp-half blood did her well, molding her into a fighter monsters feared would lurk in the dark of the night. The beast wined and whimpered under her merciless grip. (Y/n) didn't care for repercussions, knowing well that they would not come for her. 
With quick and skillful hands, she threw a cloak around the creature, sending them away to die peacefully. The information she needed came with a price; the lives of these Greek monsters. As well as holding the burden of their deaths on her very young shoulders. One life for the cause. One life to save the hundreds of innocents. It needed to be done. No matter the cost. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t try to help them. But some just wouldn’t give. 
A beautiful owl, body as white as snow with a twinkle of gold on it’s wings flew into the building, resting on the post as he awaited to send his message. “Orion.” She says softly, smiling as the owl purred under her gentle touch. She pulled the letter from his leg before pulling out some treats. (Y/n) let out an exhausted sigh. The cursive was not hard to read, but difficult to swallow. 
Beacon Hills.  Werewolf / Hybrid Killings.  Upon receiving, leave immediately.  Report to Orion when finished.  Camp-Half Blood Council. 
The drive was nothing short from brutal and she wanted nothing more than the comfort of a soft bed and warm food to fill her belly. Cheep food and decent company was all she could afford at the moment, knowing well that things may change upon arriving home. She hadn’t seen her family in over three years and was sure to be bombarded with questions upon her sudden arrival. Though she was more focused on the task at hand and not the childish reminiscing (Y/n) knew Scott and her mother would throw at her. She only wished for her father, Eros to be there, too. She had only heard tales of him, never meeting the man she was told about her whole life. 
Eros, Greek god of love. In some stories he first appears as a primordial god, born from Chaos and in others he is the son of Aphrodite. Eros was responsible for spurring procreation at the beginning of the cosmos. He embodied love, athleticism, sexual power and art. Eros was often regarded as the protector of homosexual love between men and known as cupid in other tales. According to her mother, she had met, Eros, named Aaron, at a dinner party. He was a charismatic man and swept her mom off her feet. That night, it was just the two of them. And one too many drinks later, they ended up at her place, limps tangled in a lustful embrace. 
They continued seeing each other, which was odd for a god and a human relationship. But soon, they began to drift, fight and eventually separate. When her mom missed her period, she knew. But Aaron had no contact to her, forcing Melissa to bare the child on her own before finding another man and having Scott. Soon, he left, too. Apart of (Y/n) wondered if she really wanted to meet the man that left her, left Melissa. But just as the thought came through her mind, it was just as quick to snuff out. 
She knocked on the door, unsure of how to approach such a delicate situation. That was until her mother answer, hugging her so tight the wind nearly knocked out of her. A group of young teens gathered around, perplexed, watching with curious eyes. Scott croaked, smiling as tears fell down his cheeks. “(Y/n)..? Is that you?” Their mother pulled back for a fleeting moment to hold both her children, smiling up at her two supernatural children. “How’s camp-half blood? Why have they taken you so long? Are you safe? God, you look so beautiful!” (Y/n) grinned down at her mother, laughing to ease the tension on her features. 
“It’s good, mom. I’m safe. They didn’t train me to fail. I’m one of the best demi’s there. I’m back because I missed you but I also have to complete a mission.” Scott’s friends looked on at her, analyzing the woman down to a T. She stared back at each of them, dominating the room. “Do they know?” She asked Scott, wondering if these people were the pack he so fondly wrote about. The young boy released a crooked smile, one that would make her great something grandmother, Aphrodite, proud. “Sort of.” Stiles walked forward, grinning. 
“Hey hun. Miss me?” He walked past her family, pulling him into a tight embrace. Stiles had been her closest companion. The George to her Fred. When together, they were a truly dangerous duo. Before she didn’t know a thing about her abilities but they sure made getting away with things easier. “Of course, Batman.” His laugh was so much lower thanks to puberty, body more defined, too. “And I missed you. You gotta catch me up on all the gory God details.” She laughed into his chest, feeling light for the first time in a long time. 
A voice from behind Stiles cleared his throat, catching her attention. “Hey (Y/n)..” Liam said, softly. He was much taller and stronger than he use to be. Pulling him into a warm embrace, (Y/n) held onto the love int the room like it would slip through her fingers. “Let’s get some food.” Melissa said, grinning. “Who wants pizza?” They cheer in unison, trickling into the other room while (Y/n)’s eyes lingered on Liam, happy to see him again. Melissa laced her arm around her daughter, glad to see her child once more after such a long time apart. There was much for the young girl to still do but just for tonight, she’d be a normal kid, once again. 
(I hope you guys like it! Please comment below) 
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my-random-ocs · 3 years
Hi! Okay, so I have no self control and made a Teen Wolf oc a crossover with Percy Jackson lmao, so meet...
Zia Banerjee
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Name: Ghaziyah ‘Zia’ Banerjee
Story: Rise Up
Faceclaim: Naomi Scott
Species: Greek demigod
Godly Parent: Aphrodite
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Zia grew up at Camp Half-Blood, ever since a monster killed her father, leaving her and her older sister orphaned. It was her home. She loved mythology lessons, monster fighting class, and Capture the Flag. She loved her siblings, and her best friend, Annabeth. Through camp, she even gained a baby niece. Everything was perfect. But when a war begins, suddenly everything Zia built starts to crumble.
Some Background
Grew up in Beacon Hills with her dad and older sister, Nisha, until she was ten and a monster killed her dad
*Spoiler alert*: Hedge found the girls hiding in *even more spoilers* the Nemeton, but they get separated when Lycaon’s pack attacks them
Zia and Nisha ended up at Camp Half-Blood on their own
Nisha started dating Luke soon after, and they had been in a relationship for about two years by the time the Lightning Thief rolls around
Both were claimed fairly quickly (Nisha actually became the head counselor of the cabin right before Silena took over)
Nisha actually has a child with Luke, a little girl named Amara
Nisha doesn’t know she’s pregnant until after Luke betrays the camp, and Luke doesn’t find out until sometime after Amara is born
*More spoilers* Nisha dies during the battle of Manhattan
After the Battle of Manhattan, Zia moves Amara to Beacon Hills in an attempt to find some normalcy (which doesn’t happen lmao)
Zia’s story will cover Battle of the Labyrinth, Last Olympian, and all Heroes of Olympus books (though maybe not Son of Neptune, since that’s mainly Percy’s story), and seasons 3-6 of Teen Wolf
I will definitely be posting her story on Quotev, and probably on Tumblr, on this blog, and both links will be on my masterlist
Anyway, that’s pretty much all I got so far, come talk about her with me please, I’m always up for talking about any of my ocs! :)
Thank you, love you my darlings!
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bananannabeth · 7 years
BITE: Chapter 10
percy jackson / teen wolf crossover sorry about the wait, i really appreciate how supportive you all are of this fic, i really appreciate all the likes and reblogs and asks and i hope you enjoy the update (✿◠‿◠)
10/? - Annabeth
The McCall's couch was comfortable. It was better than the motel bed that Annabeth and Percy had been staying in, anyway. It was soft and long enough for Annabeth to stretch her legs out, and she felt relatively safe there, but she couldn't sleep.
Percy was lying on a blowup mattress on the floor beside her; she could hear him breathing, a steady rhythm in the otherwise silent lounge. She wanted to check if he was awake, but didn't want to disturb him if he was asleep.
So Annabeth was stuck lying on her back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling of this strange house and running over everything that she'd learnt over the last day.
Werewolves could be friendly, for one.
She'd known something was weird about Scott McCall from the first moment she'd seen him in Biology - something about the way he held himself, with more awareness of his surroundings than the usual teenager - but she wouldn't have guessed that he was a werewolf until he'd shifted in their fight with the hellhound. He didn't seem like the type to enjoy violence or physical confrontations, nor did he seem to have any particular blood lust.
Annabeth had been wrong in her perceptions of supernatural people before, though. Look at Tyson.
So, for the most part, the McCall pack - made up of werewolves, humans and… something else, she suspected of Lydia - seemed friendly. They'd certainly been willing to go out of their way to help them save Hazel and Frank.
The two of them were asleep in the guest room, recovering from their traumatic kidnapping. The ambrosia had healed up the injuries on their wrists, and Frank's burns, but more time would be required for them to heal from the psychological scars.
After everyone else had left and Scott and Melissa had gone to bed, Hazel and Frank had sat up talking to Percy and Annabeth about what they'd been through.
They'd detailed how they'd been ambushed, how a highly organised and targeted group of werewolves, backed up by two hellhounds, had pounced on them. They'd had some sort of electrical device that had shocked Frank repeatedly and prevented him from shifting, and Hazel had been so terrified and overwhelmed by that that she hadn't been able to manipulate the mist fast enough. She'd been knocked unconscious in the fight, and when she'd woken up they'd been shackled in that underground lair.
It had been physical torture for Frank, who was shocked at regular intervals to prevent him from changing form, and it had been mental torture for Hazel, who could feel exactly which tunnels they could use to escape but had no way of getting to them.
Charlotte, the daughter of Apollo who'd originally been accompanying them, had made it back to Camp Jupiter safely purely because their enemy had wanted them to come looking for Frank and Hazel, Annabeth was sure of it. This entire thing was too well thought out and planned for her escape to have been a coincidence.
But what did Lycaon want? What made this pack of werewolves more desirable than others?
Something Stiles had said when they were in the reserve had been bugging her ever since. "We're near the Nemeton… a beacon for things that would like to hurt us."
She didn't recall anything about a Nemeton in ancient Greek or Roman lore, but, if the recent developments with her cousin Magnus were anything to go by, there was still plenty of mythological material out there to surprise her.
Lydia had felt strange being near the Nemeton, and Allison and Scott had looked outright terrified when Stiles had pointed out how close they were to it. Whatever magical properties that tree stump had, they weren't pleasant.
Agitated, Annabeth sighed and shifted on the couch, dropping her arm over the side and letting her hand graze the floor. Almost immediately, she felt Percy's fingers fill the spaces between her own.
"Are you awake?" she whispered, tilting her head to peer over the edge of the couch.
In the darkness she could just make out one of Percy's eyes, glinting in the tiny bit of moonlight filtering through a gap in the curtains. "Can't sleep," he murmured, squeezing her hand.
"Neither. I can't stop thinking about what Lycaon's plan is."
There was silence for a few moments, where Percy just ran the pad of his thumb in soft circles against the back of Annabeth's palm, and then he sighed.
She rolled onto her side so she could lean down closer to him. "What is it?"
"I don't like it here," Percy said. Annabeth resisted the urge to press him for more information, knowing the conversation would be more productive if she just let him take his time and speak when he was ready. Sure enough, after a brief pause, he continued on, voice low. "Something's messing with my powers."
Annabeth propped herself up on her elbow. "What do you mean?"
"Getting everyone out of that cave shouldn't have taken so much effort." There was the sound of rustling sheets as he rolled onto his side, and his hold on her hand loosened briefly before tightening again.
His sense of unease clawed its way from their linked hands up Annabeth's spine. She frowned. "There were a lot of people, and we were pretty deep underground -"
"I've done more than that before, you know I have." She could hear Percy's scowl in his voice.
"Yeah, but it was a stressful situation, you didn't have much time to prepare -"
He laughed so loud that she instinctively shushed him.
"When do I ever have time to prepare for shit like that?" he asked, in a slightly louder whisper than before. "It shouldn't have been enough to make me black out."
Annabeth didn't reply, because she knew he was right, and he knew it too.
She tugged on his arm until he got the hint and sat up so they were face to face. She pressed a soft kiss to his lips, finding them easily despite the dark, and when they parted she tugged him up onto the couch with her. He clambered up over the side and climbed on top of her, deliberately nuzzling his face into the side of her neck and tickling her ribs as he went.
"Percy!" She laughed and pushed at him, kicking gently at his legs. "Shh, Percy, stop, we have to -"
"I am being quiet," he whispered, filling in the end of her sentence. "I'm just trying to go to sleep and you're hogging the whole couch."
"If you'd get off me I could move over -"
"I'm not even on you, you're just… right in the way…" He huffed out a breath as she poked him in the ribs, tilting his head forward so that their foreheads were touching.
"I'll push you back onto the floor, don't think I won't." She squirmed into the back of the couch.
He breathed against her lips. "You wouldn't dare."
"Try me, Seaweed Brain." She hoped that he could feel her smirk.
She could certainly feel his. "Oh, I'd love to -"
"Oh my god!"
Annabeth pushed at Percy's shoulders, but he was already moving on his own, jumping back onto his feet. The blanket that had been between them caught on his ankle and pooled on the floor, but he didn't stumble, pulling Riptide from the pocket of his pants and uncapping it in one swift movement.
The light flickered on and Annabeth spun around to see a shirtless Scott backed up against the wall, one hand splayed on the lightswitch and the other covering his eyes. His gray sweats were slung low on his hips. "Sorry, I didn't - I just wanted some water, I forgot you guys were here -"
Annabeth closed her eyes and exhaled. "Scott."
"Are you - Can I -?"
"We weren't doing anything," Percy said, recapping Riptide. "You can open your eyes."
"Didn't sound like you weren't doing anything…" Scott mumbled, but he lowered his arms anyway. "Sorry for scaring you. I couldn't sleep."
"Neither could we," Annabeth said, sweeping her tangled hair over her shoulder.
Scott nodded and stumbled over to the sink. "Do you want some water?"
"That'd be great, thanks," Percy replied.
Annabeth shifted up so that he could sit beside her, and Scott took the armchair opposite her after handing them each a glass. The atmosphere was sufficiently awkward, with two shirtless boys and Annabeth sitting in tense silence.
"So how's it work?" Scott eventually asked, gesturing at his drink. "The whole 'power over water' thing… Is it, like, all water?"
Percy shrugged one shoulder and took a long gulp of his drink. Some of the shadow lifted from under his eyes as he did so. "Yeah. Seawater's best, and the more polluted the water the less it'll work for me, but yeah."
Scott's eyes were still slightly glassy from exhaustion, but he looked pretty riveted. "So, like, even rain water? This tap water?"
Percy lifted a finger and the water in Scott's glass floated into the air, forming a perfect sphere. He spun the sphere in the air in front of Scott's eyes before having it pour like a miniature waterfall back into his cup.
"Whoa!" Scott exclaimed. "That's amazing!"
"Show off," Annabeth teased, knocking her knees into Percy's. He smiled at her, a little bashful.
Scott went to take a sip of his drink and then seemed to think twice about it. He cradled the cup in his hands and asked, "So today, when you got us out of there, you summoned that water from underground? Can all children of Poseidon do that?"
"Uh, well, there aren't any other demigod children of Poseidon at the moment, so I don't know, actually," Percy explained.
Scott gaped. "You're the only child of Poseidon?"
"Only demigod child of Poseidon," Percy corrected. "I have a brother who's a cyclops -"
"A cyclops!"
"And some other half-siblings who I'd rather not think about… it gets sort of weird…"
Scott turned to Annabeth. "What about you, are you the only demigod child of Athena?"
Annabeth laughed. "No, definitely not. I have plenty of brothers and sisters."
"She's the best of the bunch, though," Percy said.
She ducked her head, hiding her smile. "You're biased."
When she looked back to Scott, he was watching them with a soft smile, almost like he was reminiscing.
She straightened her spine and cleared her throat. "So, Scott, you said you couldn't sleep - Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just… I can't help worrying about why Lycaon chose Beacon Hills." He sighed and ran a hand down his face.
"We'll make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else," Percy said immediately.
"I know we're going to try, but Derek seems pretty worried about it, and from what you guys have said it seems like we're in real trouble. I don't know if the pack's ready to fight another enemy like this…" Scott lowered his voice and dropped his gaze, hands curling tightly around his cup. "I don't know if I'm ready to lead them in a fight against an enemy like this."
Annabeth tilted her head to the side, intrigued. "You haven't been Alpha for very long?"
"Just a few weeks." Scott huffed out a humourless laugh. "I don't know the first thing about being an Alpha. Derek's here to help, of course, but ultimately I know it all comes down to me now. Everyone's going to follow my lead."
"Based on your actions today, it's a good lead to follow," Percy said sincerely.
"I didn't do anything today, that was all you guys -"
"We wouldn't have gotten Frank and Hazel back without your help," Percy insisted. "You did a lot for us today, and we really appreciate it."
Scott ducked his head and smiled shyly. "Thanks."
Annabeth tossed her empty cup back and forth between her hands. "Do you think the Nemeton has anything to do with why Lycaon's here?"
Scott's head whipped up, and his soft brown eyes were wide. "It could be - The Nemeton, it's… it's sort of just been woken up. We woke it up. There was this Druid, she had our parents, we had to do this ritual to figure out where they were -"
"Who's we?" Annabeth asked.
"Me, Allison, Stiles." Scott ran a hand through his hair. "Deaton said that there'd be side effects…"
Scott's shoulders slumped forward. He looked small and sad, head bowed and limbs curled in.
"Whatever's going on with Lycaon, it's not your fault," Percy said softly.
Scott looked up, locking gazes with him. Something unsaid passed between the two boys, and then Scott smiled a lopsided smile that was scarily familiar.
"What in God's name are you all doing awake?" Melissa appeared in the doorway, hands on hips. "I know that there's a new supernatural threat in town but that doesn't mean you don't have school in the morning, Scott."
"Aw, mom!" he whined, tossing his head back.
"We do, too," Percy said, stretching and cracking his back. "We should try to get some sleep."
Annabeth frowned. "What? Why do we have school?"
Percy looked at her like it was obvious. "Because Frank and Hazel need to rest, which means they can keep an eye on things here, and we need to stay close to Scott and the rest of the pack."
It was obvious.
Annabeth swore in Ancient Greek while Scott laughed.
Percy smirked. "I want you to remember this, Scott. That's Annabeth speak for 'You're right, Percy, wow you're so smart, why didn't I think of that first?'"
Annabeth scowled. "Shut up, Seaweed Brain."
He laughed and tugged the blanket out from under her hips.
Melissa smiled, a little exasperated and a lot fond. It was the sort of smile that Sally often wore. "Goodnight, you two. I'll wake you up at the same time as Scott."
"I can't believe you're making me go to school," Scott whined as he trailed after Melissa, dropping their cups in the sink on the way. "I have to protect the town."
"You can protect the town outside of school hours," Melissa said.
Percy chuckled as he switched the light off. "Am I back on the air mattress?"
"Get over here." Annabeth held her arms out to him, smiling as he settled onto the couch with her. "Just try not to drool in my hair."
"Oh, one time."
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logicalbibliophile · 4 years
Books I Own Part 2
The Ruby Key Lisle, Holly
The Call of the Wild and White Fang London, Jack
The Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson Lord, Bette Bao
Number the Stars Lowry, Lois
The Giver Lowry, Lois
The Young Elites Lu, Marie
Snow Lynn, Tracy
A Court of Thorns and Roses Maas, Sarah J.
The Diamond Princess Saves the Day 4 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
The Emerald Princess Finds a Fairy 7 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
The Sapphire Princess Meets a Monster 2 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
The Ruby Princess Runs Away 1 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
The Sapphire Princess Hunts for Treasure 6 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
The Jewel Princesses and the Missing Crown 🌟 Malcolm, Jahnna H.
Scorched Mancusi, Mari
A Corner of the Universe Martin, Ann M.
September Surprises 6 Martin, Ann M.
The Secret Book Club 5 Martin, Ann M.
Coming Apart 9 Martin, Ann M.
Special Delivery 8 Martin, Ann M.
A Game of Thrones Martin, George R.R.
A Clash of Kings Martin, George R.R.
If the Shoe Fits 1 Mason, Jane B.
Happy Cafe 1 Matsuzuki, Kou
Happy Cafe 2 Matsuzuki, Kou
Poseur 1 Maude, Rachel
Pretty in Pink 3 Maude, Rachel
The Good, the Fab and the Ugly 2 Maude, Rachel
Urchin of the Riding Stars McAllister, M.I.
Urchin of the Riding Stars McAllister, M.I.
Island of Fire 3 McMann, Lisa
The Unwanteds 1 McMann, Lisa
Wake McMann, Lisa
Soundless Mead, Richelle
Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchess Meyer, Carolyn
Cinder 1 Meyer, Marissa
Cress 3 Meyer, Marissa
Scarlet 2 Meyer, Marissa
Breaking Dawn 4 Meyer, Stephanie
Eclipse 3 Meyer, Stephanie
New Moon 2 Meyer, Stephanie
The Host Meyer, Stephanie
Twilight 1 Meyer, Stephanie
s*a 16 Minami, Maki
s*a 17 Minami, Maki
voice over 10 Minami, Maki
voice over 11 Minami, Maki
voice over 12 Minami, Maki
voice over 9 Minami, Maki
The Final Six Monir, Alexandra
Anne of Green Gables Montgomery, L.M.
Anne of Green Gables Montgomery, Lucy Maud
Utopia More, Thomas
Day 21 2 Morgan, Kass
Homecoming 3 Morgan, Kass
The 100 1 Morgan, Kass
Rebellion 4 Morgan, Kass
The Princess, the Crone and the Dung Cart Knight Morris, Gerald
Dragonwatch 1 Mull, Brandon
Fablehaven 1 Mull, Brandon
Fablehaven(fr) Mull, Brandon
Grip of the Shadow Plague 3 Mull, Brandon
Keys to the Demon Prison 5 Mull, Brandon
Rise of the Evening Star 2 Mull, Brandon
Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary 4 Mull, Brandon
Wild Born 1 Mull, Brandon
The Candy Shop War 1 Mull, Brandon
Wrath of the Dragon King 2 Mull, Brandon
Inherit Midnight Myers, Kate Kay
The Accidental Hero Myklusch, Matt
Love💫Com Nakahara, Aya
skip beat 31 Nakamura, Yoshiki
skip beat 34 Nakamura, Yoshiki
skip beat 35 Nakamura, Yoshiki
skip beat 5 Nakamura, Yoshiki
skip beat 8 Nakamura, Yoshiki
The Enchanted Castle Nesbit, E.
The Phoenix and the Carpet Nesbit, E.
The Enchanted Castle and Five Children and It Nesbit, Edith
The Scourge Nielsen, Jennifer A.
The False Prince Nielson, Jennifer A.
Frogkisser Nix, Garth
The Romantic Period Norton
The Twentieth Century and After Norton
The Victorian Age Norton
The Tea Dragon Society O'Neill, Katie
The Civil War Otfinoski, Steven
World War I Otfinoski, Steven
World War II Otfinoski, Steven
The Vietnam War Otfinoski, Steven
Rules for Thieves Ott, Alexandra
To Catch a Pirate Parker, Jade
The Originals Patrick, Cat
The Gift 2 Patterson, James
Witch and Wizard 1 Patterson, James
Dead is a State of Mind 2 Perez, Marlene
Dead is Just a Rumor 4 Perez, Marlene
Dead is Not an Option 5 Perez, Marlene
Dead is So Last Year 3 Perez, Marlene
Dead is the New Black 1 Perez, Marlene
Freak The Mighty Philbrick, Rodman
Dead City Ponti, James
Addy Saves the Day Porter, Connie
Stranded Forbidden Passage Probst, Jeff
Stranded Survivors Probst, Jeff
Stranded the Sabotage Probst, Jeff
Stranded Trial by Fire Probst, Jeff
The Ruby in the Smoke 1 Pullman, Philip
The Shadow in the North 2 Pullman, Philip
Northern Lights 1 Pullman, Philip
The Amber Spyglass 3 Pullman, Philip
The Subtle Knife 2 Pullman, Philip
Anthem Rand, Ayn
Fate of Flames Raughley, Sarah
Mortal Engines Reeve, Philip
Stranger and Stranger Reger, Rob
Fallen Kingdoms Rhodes, Morgan
Hollow City 2 Riggs, Ransom
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 1 Riggs, Ransom
Library of Souls 3 Riggs, Ransom
Half Upon a Time Riley, James
Once Upon the End Riley, James
Twice Upon a Time Riley, James
The Revenge of Magic Riley, James
The Battle of the Labyrinth 4 Riordan, Rick
The Blood of Olympus 5 Riordan, Rick
The House of Hades 4 Riordan, Rick
The Last Olympian 5 Riordan, Rick
The Lightning Thief 1 Riordan, Rick
The Mark of Athena 3 Riordan, Rick
The Red Pyramid 1 Riordan, Rick
The Sea of Monsters 2 Riordan, Rick
The Serpent's Shadow 3 Riordan, Rick
The Son of Neptune 2 Riordan, Rick
The Throne of Fire 2 Riordan, Rick
The Titans Curse 3 Riordan, Rick
The Sword of Summer 1 Riordan, Rick
Demigods & Magicians🌟 Riordan, Rick
The Lost Hero 1 Riordan, Rick
The Fog Diver Ross, Joel N.
The Chamber of Secrets 2 Rowling, J.K.
The Deathly Hallows 7 Rowling, J.K.
The Goblet of Fire 4 Rowling, J.K.
The Half-Blood Prince 6 Rowling, J.K.
The Order of the Phoenix 5 Rowling, J.K.
The Prisoner of Azkaban 3 Rowling, J.K.
The Sorcerer's Stone 1 Rowling, J.K.
Altered 1 Rush, Jennifer
Erased 2 Rush, Jennifer
Luka and the Fire of Life Rushdie, Salman
Zodiac Russell, Romina
The Secret of the Realms Rusu, Meredith
Holes Sachar, Louis
Flyte 2 Sage, Angie
Magyk 1 Sage, Angie
Magyk (fr) Sage, Angie
Physik 3 Sage, Angie
Queste 4 Sage, Angie
Song of the Sparrow Sandell, Lisa Ann
A Drowned Maidens Hair Schlitz, Laura Amy
Spelled Schow, Betsy
Girl Got Game 1 Seino, Shizuru
The Vampire Prince Shan, Darren
Meet Kaya Shaw, Janet
Kaya Shows the Way Shaw, Janet
Kaya's Escape Shaw, Janet
Kaya's Hero Shaw, Janet
Kaya and Lone Dog Shaw, Janet
Changes for Kaya Shaw, Janet
Bad Girls Throughout History Shen, Ann
25 Women Who Thought of it First Sherman, Jill
25 Women Who Fought Back Sherman, Jill
kimi no todoke 4 Shiina, Karuho
kimi no todoke 5 Shiina, Karuho
Intertwined Showalter, Gena
Firstlife Showalter, Gena
Royal Bastards Shvarts, Andrew
Timekeeper Sim, Tara
The Secret of the Attic Sinykin, Sheri Cooper
Don't Tell the Nazis Skrypuch, Marsha Forchuk
Alcatraz 6 Smith, Roland
Chupacabra 3 Smith, Roland
Cryptid Hunters 1 Smith, Roland
Independence Hall 1 Smith, Roland
Kitty Hawk 3 Smith, Roland
Mutation 4 Smith, Roland
Tentacles 2 Smith, Roland
The End 13 Snicket, Lemony
The Witch of Blackbird Pond Speare, Elizabeth George
Hunted Spooner, Meagan
25 Women Who Ruled Stanborough, Rebecca J.
Unicorns of Balinor 🌟 Stanton, Mary
The Mysterious Benedict Society Stewart, Trenton Lee
An Ember in the Ashes 1 Tahir, Sabaa
A Torch Against the Night 2 Tahir, Sabaa
Fruits Basket 15 Takaya, Natsuki
Fruits Basket 23 Takaya, Natsuki
They Called US Enemy Takei, George
Full Moon 7 Tanemura, Arina
Strange the Dreamer 1 Taylor, Laini
Muse of Nightmares 2 Taylor, Laini
All of a Kind Family Taylor, Sydney
Grimm's Fairy Tales The Brother's Grimm
Ruined Tintera, Amy
The Hobbit Tolkien, J.R.
The Unnaturalists Trent, Tiffany
Felicity Saves the Day Tripp, Valerie
Nellie's Promise Tripp, Valerie
A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo Twiss, Jill
Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry Tyson, Neil deGrasse
Big Hero 6 1 Ueno, Haruki
Save Me a Seat Varadarajan, Gita and Sarah Weeks
The Second Guard Vaughn, J.D.
Pyramid Hunters Vegas, Peter
Heir Apparent Velde, Vivian Vande
Jules Verne Verne, Jules
Elissa's Quest 1 Verrillo, Erica
The Boy in the Dress Walliams, David
The Boxcar Children 1 Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Surprise Island 2 Warner, Gertrude Chandler
The Yellow House Mystery 3 Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Alice 19th 7 Watake, Yuu
The Young World Weitz, Chris
Uglies 1 Westerfeld, Scott
The Sword in the Stone White, T.H.
Honeybees and Frenemies Wientge, Kristi
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Wiggen, Kate Douglas
Little House on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Dragon Keeper 1 Wilkinson, Carole
Dragon Moon 3 Wilkinson, Carole
Titanic Crossing Williams, Barbara
The Far West 3 Wrede, Patricia C.
The Thirteenth Child 1 Wrede, Patricia C.
Across the Great Barrior 2 Wrede, Patricia C.
Crow Wright, Barbara
The Swiss Family Robinson Wyss, Johann David
The Swiss Family Robinson Wyss, Johann David
The 5th Wave Yancey, Rick
ultra maniac 5 Yoshizumi, Wataru
Malala: My Story of Standing Up for Girls' Rights Yousafzai, Malala
Library Wars 3 Yumi, Kiiro
Library Wars 2 Yumi, Kiiro
Prophecy of the Sisters Zina, Michelle
The Childrens Classics
Roman Myths
Greek Myths
0 notes
Pomegranates Quotes
Official Website: Pomegranates Quotes
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• Adversity is like the period of the rain. . . cold, comfortless, unfriendly to people and to animals; yet from that season have their birth the flower, the fruit, the date, the rose and the pomegranate. – Walter Scott • And her sweet red lips on these lips of mine Burned like the ruby fire set In the swinging lamp of a crimson shrine, Or the bleeding wounds of the pomegranate, Or the heart of the lotus drenched and wet With the spilt-out blood of the rose-red wine. – Oscar Wilde
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  • But I have an African or Indian approach to what I find. I like to make use of everything. I can’t bear to throw things away – a nice wine bottle, a nice box. Sometimes I feel like a wizard in Toytown, transforming a bunch of carrots into pomegranates. – Eduardo Paolozzi • Close to the Gates a spacious Garden lies, From the Storms defended and inclement Skies; Four Acres was the allotted Space of Ground, Fenc’d with a green Enclosure all around. Tall thriving Trees confessed the fruitful Mold: The reddening Apple ripens here to Gold, Here the blue Fig with luscious Juice overflows, With deeper Red the full Pomegranate glows, The Branch here bends beneath the weighty Pear, And verdant Olives flourish round the Year. – Homer • Fun fact #1 about pomegranates: Pomegranates are awesome.Fun fact #2: Pomegranates are like little explosions of awesome in your mouth.Fun fact #3: A lot of people think you’re not supposed to eat the seeds of a pomegranate – but that’s not true, people who tell you that are liars, and they don’t know anything about life, and they should never be trusted. – Tahereh Mafi • Gospel ministers should not only be like dials on watches, or mile-stones upon the road, but like clocks and larums, to sound the alarm to sinners. Aaron wore bells as well as pomegranates, and the prophets were commanded to lift up their voice like a trumpet. A sleeping sentinel may be the loss of the city. – Joseph Hall • I am Persephone” she said, her voice thin and papery. “Welcome, demigods. Nico squashed a pomegranate under his boot. “Welcome? After last time, you’ve got the nerve to welcome me?” I shifted uneasily, because talking that way to a god can get you blasted into dust bunnies. “Um, Nico-” “It’s all right,” Persephone said coldly. “We had a little family spat.” “Family spat?” Nico cried. “You turned me into a dandelion! – Rick Riordan • I envied women with signature hair-dos, signature perfumes, signature sign-offs. Novelists who tell Vogue Magazine: “I can’t live without my Smythson notebook, Pomegranate Noir cologne by Jo Malone and Frette sheets”. In the grip of madness, materialism begins to look like an admirable belief system. – Emma Forrest • I felt like a seed in a pomegranate. Some say that the pomegranate was the real apple of Eve, fruit of the womb, I would eat my way into perdition to taste you. – Jeanette Winterson • I loved every second of Catholic church. I loved the sickly sweet rotting-pomegranate smells of the incense. I loved the overwrought altar, the birdbath of holy water, the votive candles; I loved that there was a poor box, the stations of the cross rendered in stained glass on the windows. – Anne Lamott • In 1879 the Bengali scholar S.M. Tagore compiled a more extensive list of ruby colors from the Purana sacred texts: ‘like the China rose, like blood, like the seeds of the pomegranate, like red lead, like the red lotus, like saffron, like the resin of certain trees, like the eyes of the Greek partridge or the Indian crane…and like the interior of the half-blown water lily.’ With so many gorgeous descriptive possibilities it is curious that in English the two ancient names for rubies have come to sound incredibly ugly. – Victoria Finlay • My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a water’d shoot; My heart is like an apple-tree Whose boughs are bent with thick-set fruit; My heart is like a rainbow shell That paddles in a halcyon sea; My heart is gladder than all these, Because my love is come to me. Raise me a daïs of silk and down; Hang it with vair and purple dyes; Carve it in doves and pomegranates, And peacocks with a hundred eyes; Work it in gold and silver grapes, In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys; Because the birthday of my life Is come, my love is come to me. – Christina Rossetti • Or from Browning some “Pomegranate,” which if cut deep down the middle Shows a heart within blood-tinctured, of a veined humanity. – Elizabeth Barrett Browning • Pomegranate juice has staying power. It’s not a fad. Once people have tasted POM Wonderful, they say they are addicted – and it’s a good addiction to have. – Lynda Resnick • Pomegranate Soup is glorious, daring and delightful. I adored the Iranian sisters, Marjan, Bahar and Layla, who are looking to build a life, start a business and find love in a place so far from home. Ireland has never been more beautiful – the perfect setting for this story filled with humor, hope and possibility. – Adriana Trigiani
• So hey, once Joshua heals your brother, you want to go do something, get some pomegranate juice, a falafel,or get married or something? – Christopher Moore • So where does the name Adam’s apple come from? Most people say that it is from the notion that this bump was caused by the forbidden fruit getting stuck in the throat of Adam in the Garden of Eden. There is a problem with this theory because some Hebrew scholars believe that the forbidden fruit was the pomegranate. The Koran claims that the forbidden fruit was a banana. So take your pick—Adam’s apple, Adam’s pomegranate, Adam’s banana. Eve clearly chewed before swallowing. – Mark Leyner • Surely Love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds, and dearer than fine opals. Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, nor is it set forth in the marketplace. It may not be purchased of the merchants, for can it be weighed out in the balance for gold. – Oscar Wilde • The decor bowled me over. Everywhere I looked, there was something more to see. Botanical prints, a cross section of pomegranates, a passionflower vine and its fruit. Stacks of thick books on art and design and a collection of glass paperweights filled the coffee table. It was enormously beautiful, a sensibility I’d never encountered anywhere, a relaxed luxury. I could feel my mother’s contemptuous gaze falling on the cluttered surfaces, but I was tired of three white flowers in a glass vase. There was more to life than that. – Janet Fitch • The fallen hazel-nuts, Stripped late of their green sheaths, The grapes, red-purple, Their berries Dripping with wine, Pomegranates already broken, And shrunken fig, And quinces untouched, I bring thee as offering. – Hilda Doolittle • While still sixteen I am put in charge of a class of forty children who are two, three or four years younger than I. I fall in love with them. They are my possession, my mob whose forty minds, under my flashy and domineering control, are to become one, a mind unsullied by errors, unmarked by blots, contaminated by misplaced originalities outside the curriculum, and as full of facts as a pomegranate seed. – Hal Porter
  jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'y', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_y').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_y img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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equitiesstocks · 4 years
Pomegranates Quotes
Official Website: Pomegranates Quotes
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• Adversity is like the period of the rain. . . cold, comfortless, unfriendly to people and to animals; yet from that season have their birth the flower, the fruit, the date, the rose and the pomegranate. – Walter Scott • And her sweet red lips on these lips of mine Burned like the ruby fire set In the swinging lamp of a crimson shrine, Or the bleeding wounds of the pomegranate, Or the heart of the lotus drenched and wet With the spilt-out blood of the rose-red wine. – Oscar Wilde
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Pomegranate', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_pomegranate').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_pomegranate img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
  • But I have an African or Indian approach to what I find. I like to make use of everything. I can’t bear to throw things away – a nice wine bottle, a nice box. Sometimes I feel like a wizard in Toytown, transforming a bunch of carrots into pomegranates. – Eduardo Paolozzi • Close to the Gates a spacious Garden lies, From the Storms defended and inclement Skies; Four Acres was the allotted Space of Ground, Fenc’d with a green Enclosure all around. Tall thriving Trees confessed the fruitful Mold: The reddening Apple ripens here to Gold, Here the blue Fig with luscious Juice overflows, With deeper Red the full Pomegranate glows, The Branch here bends beneath the weighty Pear, And verdant Olives flourish round the Year. – Homer • Fun fact #1 about pomegranates: Pomegranates are awesome.Fun fact #2: Pomegranates are like little explosions of awesome in your mouth.Fun fact #3: A lot of people think you’re not supposed to eat the seeds of a pomegranate – but that’s not true, people who tell you that are liars, and they don’t know anything about life, and they should never be trusted. – Tahereh Mafi • Gospel ministers should not only be like dials on watches, or mile-stones upon the road, but like clocks and larums, to sound the alarm to sinners. Aaron wore bells as well as pomegranates, and the prophets were commanded to lift up their voice like a trumpet. A sleeping sentinel may be the loss of the city. – Joseph Hall • I am Persephone” she said, her voice thin and papery. “Welcome, demigods. Nico squashed a pomegranate under his boot. “Welcome? After last time, you’ve got the nerve to welcome me?” I shifted uneasily, because talking that way to a god can get you blasted into dust bunnies. “Um, Nico-” “It’s all right,” Persephone said coldly. “We had a little family spat.” “Family spat?” Nico cried. “You turned me into a dandelion! – Rick Riordan • I envied women with signature hair-dos, signature perfumes, signature sign-offs. Novelists who tell Vogue Magazine: “I can’t live without my Smythson notebook, Pomegranate Noir cologne by Jo Malone and Frette sheets”. In the grip of madness, materialism begins to look like an admirable belief system. – Emma Forrest • I felt like a seed in a pomegranate. Some say that the pomegranate was the real apple of Eve, fruit of the womb, I would eat my way into perdition to taste you. – Jeanette Winterson • I loved every second of Catholic church. I loved the sickly sweet rotting-pomegranate smells of the incense. I loved the overwrought altar, the birdbath of holy water, the votive candles; I loved that there was a poor box, the stations of the cross rendered in stained glass on the windows. – Anne Lamott • In 1879 the Bengali scholar S.M. Tagore compiled a more extensive list of ruby colors from the Purana sacred texts: ‘like the China rose, like blood, like the seeds of the pomegranate, like red lead, like the red lotus, like saffron, like the resin of certain trees, like the eyes of the Greek partridge or the Indian crane…and like the interior of the half-blown water lily.’ With so many gorgeous descriptive possibilities it is curious that in English the two ancient names for rubies have come to sound incredibly ugly. – Victoria Finlay • My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a water’d shoot; My heart is like an apple-tree Whose boughs are bent with thick-set fruit; My heart is like a rainbow shell That paddles in a halcyon sea; My heart is gladder than all these, Because my love is come to me. Raise me a daïs of silk and down; Hang it with vair and purple dyes; Carve it in doves and pomegranates, And peacocks with a hundred eyes; Work it in gold and silver grapes, In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys; Because the birthday of my life Is come, my love is come to me. – Christina Rossetti • Or from Browning some “Pomegranate,” which if cut deep down the middle Shows a heart within blood-tinctured, of a veined humanity. – Elizabeth Barrett Browning • Pomegranate juice has staying power. It’s not a fad. Once people have tasted POM Wonderful, they say they are addicted – and it’s a good addiction to have. – Lynda Resnick • Pomegranate Soup is glorious, daring and delightful. I adored the Iranian sisters, Marjan, Bahar and Layla, who are looking to build a life, start a business and find love in a place so far from home. Ireland has never been more beautiful – the perfect setting for this story filled with humor, hope and possibility. – Adriana Trigiani
• So hey, once Joshua heals your brother, you want to go do something, get some pomegranate juice, a falafel,or get married or something? – Christopher Moore • So where does the name Adam’s apple come from? Most people say that it is from the notion that this bump was caused by the forbidden fruit getting stuck in the throat of Adam in the Garden of Eden. There is a problem with this theory because some Hebrew scholars believe that the forbidden fruit was the pomegranate. The Koran claims that the forbidden fruit was a banana. So take your pick—Adam’s apple, Adam’s pomegranate, Adam’s banana. Eve clearly chewed before swallowing. – Mark Leyner • Surely Love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds, and dearer than fine opals. Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, nor is it set forth in the marketplace. It may not be purchased of the merchants, for can it be weighed out in the balance for gold. – Oscar Wilde • The decor bowled me over. Everywhere I looked, there was something more to see. Botanical prints, a cross section of pomegranates, a passionflower vine and its fruit. Stacks of thick books on art and design and a collection of glass paperweights filled the coffee table. It was enormously beautiful, a sensibility I’d never encountered anywhere, a relaxed luxury. I could feel my mother’s contemptuous gaze falling on the cluttered surfaces, but I was tired of three white flowers in a glass vase. There was more to life than that. – Janet Fitch • The fallen hazel-nuts, Stripped late of their green sheaths, The grapes, red-purple, Their berries Dripping with wine, Pomegranates already broken, And shrunken fig, And quinces untouched, I bring thee as offering. – Hilda Doolittle • While still sixteen I am put in charge of a class of forty children who are two, three or four years younger than I. I fall in love with them. They are my possession, my mob whose forty minds, under my flashy and domineering control, are to become one, a mind unsullied by errors, unmarked by blots, contaminated by misplaced originalities outside the curriculum, and as full of facts as a pomegranate seed. – Hal Porter
  jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'e', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_e').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_e img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'y', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_y').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_y img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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