#scp 4205
urayuli · 2 months
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in the eyes of the beholder
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Hello! This is a bit unusual, but as I am also going through pain (I am going to fight whoever came up with evolution), I decided to work on my own idea for a character! (don't worry, I haven't forgotten those in the inbox!)
SCP-055 and SCP-4205, the Self-Keeping Secret and "In the Eyes of the Beholder".
I know that many of you may not know what SCP-4205 is, and I encourage you to read the article!
"SCP-4205" by Woedenaz, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4205. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
I looked through a list of potential suffixes for SCP-055, (I already found the prefix Fog sufficient, he puts a fog over the mind and a fog over the eyes), and I was able to find one that I think fits well!
Fogsnare! "Snare" commonly has one definition, but there's another one that I think fits well with them being one of the Broken Stars! "
"a length of wire, gut, or hide stretched across a drumhead to produce a rattling sound"
Sufficiently gory, right? And for 4205, we have Shadowglow! "Shadow" in reference to the recorded footage in his article, and "glow" in reference to his eyes!
For the story, I think Fogkit and Shadowkit were born in IceClan! Fogsnare's mother kept the father a secret, and was allowed to, but passed away during the birth. Shadowkit was born to a medicine cat and a warrior. The medicine cat refused to be near him, claiming that Shadowkit was "a kit born of the darkest hell", while the warrior cared somewhat, but wasn't really around. This caused some major issues, that by the time they were rectified by the deputy literally stepping in to act as a parent, gave Shadowkit some problems in life, and what we would call RAD (reactive attachment disorder).
I would like to take this time to say that even without his RAD, Shadowglow would've ended up the way he did. His best friend and crush's dad is the WC Scarlet King, and he has killing people powers. This disorder is not related to the murders, it manifests in other ways.
It was when the pair was apprentice aged that their powers struck. It was Fogpaw first, running into the snow after being terrified by how nobody seemed to remember them, and then it was Shadowpaw's turn!
6 dead and then he went missing. Fogpaw stumbled into Shadowpaw, who was confused about why looking in his eyes didn't kill this new cat that he had never seen before.
To answer his question and probably yours as well, Fogpaw was forgotten by Whisperpaw's powers too.
Meanwhile Fogpaw: ":'("
So, after a long conversation, they found shelter in a small crevice and slept there that night.
Fogpaw dreamt themself into the Dark Forest, meeting his father for the first time, and their siblings! His dear old dad (derogatory) offered them a deal, since Fogpaw didn't really want to cause the destruction of the clans.
If Fogpaw sided with him, he would assist Fogpaw in unlocking his full potential AND give Shadowpaw the same ability all cats of his blood have. Immunities to each others powers. (For example, if Wrathscale accidentally goes to a certain someone's section of the Dark Forest, his skin won't melt off and all he'll do is complain.)
Fogpaw took the deal, and their dad gathered their 5 siblings in the Dark Forest and gave him a name. Fogsnare.
While Shadowpaw woke up and went "my great great great uncle (Twistedmask is making himself the god of evil gay relationships istg) visited my dreams! he's really funny! hey, i remember you now!" And Fogsnare went "my dad is evil and i have a new name and im gonna have to destroy the world"
And then Shadowpaw went "new name? awesome! can i have a new name?"
And that's how Fogsnare and Shadowglow became a murder duo! Fogsnare's dad pops into their dreams from time to time, going "hey can you do this for me. not asking."
They live in the more treacherous and obscure parts of IceClan territory, staying away from any contact with the clans other than when they get voluntold to do something. Shadowglow goes along because Fogsnare is his closest and only friend and crush, and he doesn't exactly mind the death, due to MANY, many things, including Twistedmask.
To wrap it up, here are the designs!
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And Shadowglow! The patterning and scars are almost all from the Rooted Clans greatest dad......
That's all-....
What was I talking about again?
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dog-nature-fandoms · 2 years
Please watch "Redacted Supercut | Season 1 | SCP-1471 SCP-079 SCP-1879 SCP-1173 SCP-4205 | All Five Episodes" on YouTube. please support this project, so there can be a season 2 😄
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TMA Entities, but it’s SCPs
The Beholding: SCP-4205 - In The Eyes of the Beholder 🖳
The Buried: SCP-1689 - Bag of Holding Potatoes
The Corruption: SCP-4749 - Demoniacal Paper Towel Dispenser
The Dark: SCP-1983 - Doorway to Nowhere
The Desolation: CODE NAME: S. D. Locke - When Day Breaks
The End: SCP-2935 - O, Death
The Flesh: SCP-3288 - The Aristocrats
The Hunt: SCP-1282 - Reverse Were-Rabbits
The Lonely: SCP-2701 - True Solitary
The Slaughter: SCP-2419 - The Laughing Men
The Spiral: SCP-5688 - The Hand
The Stranger: Taboo - Taboo
The Vast: SCP-4877 - Good Airwaves
The Web: SCP-6937 - The Terminal Loom
The Extinction: SCP-3856 - Researcher Lloyd, Destroyer of Worlds
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rottingraisins · 1 year
what’s your favourite scp article?? or a few, if you have such
HELLO PUT TOGETHER A FUCKING. NO PARTICULAR ORDER TOP 15 sorry theres just so many of them.
SCP-3515 “Unearth”
Did you also have that one really specific childhood fear of falling asleep and waking up buried alive?? Yeah??? Then this one is so fucking scary! Its usually the one I recommend to people just looking for a good standalone horror story. Also love the odd sort of sense of nostalgia permeating the piece.
SCP-1958 “Starmobile”
This one really gets to me and i dont know why, sometimes I’ll just sit on the train to uni and think about it. The stars are so fucking beautiful out here man…
SCP-2006 “Too Spooky”
Hehehe I love the ones where the actual gimmicks in the containment procedures and this ones my fav one 4ever its so silly
SCP-5733 “Return of the Suburb Slasher”
This one is kind of hammy and melodramatic down to the twist ending that doesnt make any sense but its supposed to be a hommage to like 80s popcorn slasher flicks and it fits that sort of tone wonderfully, not every scp needs to take itself seriously I think. Also love how crazy the experiment logs get they straight up just teach her magic
SCP-3999 “I Am At The Center Of Everything That Happens To Me”
TALLORAN my friend Talloran… This one hits a lot harder if you’ve read a few other SCPs and especially if youve gotten somewhat entrenched in the community so if you read this one fairly early on and didn’t feel like you really got it I implore you to give it a reread. Normie pick but probably my favorite piece among all these if I had to pick just one it is that good
SCP-4205 “In The Eyes Of The Beholder”
To be fair its been a while since I read this one but I remember it making me really emotional the first time around, scps that are about like tragic little stories happening to people exposed to them are always gonna hit me harder than the most clever out there of concepts tbh
SCP-5320 “The People's Church Of The Fish That Just Goes On Forever “
THIS ONES LIKE THAT A BIT ALSO though its not tragic and more silly but so profoundly human. raddagher in general is rlly good at like. Immersing you in the workplace culture of a setting as inherently bizarre as the foundation and im such a sucker for it
SCP-166 “Just a Teenage Gaea”
LISTEN. LISTEN I wasn’t gonna put any scps on here just bc I like the characters attached to it but meri BARELY appears in anything else than her file tbh and also its a good fucking rewrite I absolutely love all the implied lore about the goc and procedure clockwork blackchild havilah and how they leaned more into the estranged familial relationship between her and clef which was always the emotional core of the piece to me
SCP-0166 “I Was A Teenage Succubus”
The other really good 166 rewrite. Manages to very thoroughly deconstruct the original piece and everything that was wrong with it without being weird abt it and even gets a little meta! I love one (1) tuberculosisgirl yes you should GET to feel righteous anger at how the narrative has treated you!!
SCP-2721 ”Eli and Lyris”
...I used to have really bad internalized cringe @ myself and my dumb fandom shit when I was younger so theres something very very sweet to me about homestuckposting saving the world. Also love the implicit character development in Eli going on to become bones gaw. Whenever its in anything I’m like. Points at it
SCP-2508 “The Long Wait”
Listen I don’t know what’s really going on in this one either but the tone and concept of it never quite let me go
SCP-3001 “Red Reality”
Robert :(
SCP-2000 “Deus Ex Machina”
WHO KNEW A FUCKING THAUMIEL COULD HIDE ONE OF THE WIKIS MOST DEVASTATING COSMIC HORROR CONCEPTS HUH. In a lot of ways feels like a thematic predecessor to yesterday and resurrection as a whole which. I dont know if youve noticed but im not normal about that canon whatsoever. Also shoutout to clef for making a cameo as a decomposing mummy you go girl!!!
SCP-3309 “Where We Go When We Fade, Fade Away “
Leans really heavily on its meta twist but its really a very clever idea to be fair and the emotional writing hits just hard enough to make this another one i like. Sit and think about sometimes
SCP-3002 “Attempt To Assasinate Thought”
Kind of long and all over the place but it somewhat needs to be to keep you from figuring out whats really going on until the end. YES OK this gets bonus points for the author having revealed on reddit that this is an au version of iris/scp-105 on her posthumous final revenge campaign against the foundation which adds another layer of emotional depth to it that it probably wouldnt have made it on here without but its my list. I can do what I want
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brrroker · 2 years
Tumblr User Arrrchive’s Official SCP Recommendation Masterpost
Classic Creepypastas: 
SCP 173: The Sculpture
SCP 027: The Foot Of The Bed
SCP 231: The Seven Brides (tw: sexual assault, child abuse)
SCP 439: Bone Hive
SCP 682: Hard to Destroy Reptile
SCP 1981: Ronald Reagan Cut Up While Talking
SCP 2852: Cousin Johnny
Short Stories and Format Skews: 
SCP 001: Lily’s Proposal (The World’s Gone Beautiful)
SCP 001: Locke’s Proposal (Daybreak)
SCP 1171: Humans Go Home
SCP 1715: Online Friend
SCP 2000: Deus Ex Machina
SCP 2072: Prime Ministerial Pet Cemetery
SCP-2272: Ellis Canastota, P, Pensacola Blue Wahoos
SCP 2432: Room Service
SCP 2508: The Long Wait
SCP 2556: Indefinitely Suspended Stratojet
SCP 3515: Unearth
SCP 3799: A Short History of Snowfall 
SCP 3972:  “Ken Burns Presents: SCP-3972”
SCP 4205: In The Eyes of The Beholder
SCP 4699: and only the doorway remains.
SCP 5002: A Death In Containment (tw: mention of sexual assault)
SCP 5031: Not Another Murder Monster
SCP 5320: The People’s Church Of The Fish That Just Goes On Forever
SCP 6005: Cascadia 
SCP 6278: HARBINGER II: Welcome to Marvin's!
Non-Standalone SCPs:
SCP 2317: A Door To Another World
SCP 4156: Last Bastion
SCP 4646: Sing Me A Song For The End Of The World
SCP 4833: The Syncope Symphony
Longer Narratives:
SCP 3001: Red Reality
SCP 3999: I Am At The Center Of Everything That Happens To Me
SCP 4231: The Montauk House (tw: abuse, sexual assault)
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ourlifestooshort · 2 months
Female | Questionably AroAce
Current Interests:
Welcome Home
The Amazing Digital Circus
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
My Friendly Neighborhood
Smile For Me
A Short Hike
Ena/Dream BBQ
Scp Foundation
Carmen Sandiego (Both Shows)
Dungeon Meshi/Delicious In Dungeon
Fallout: New Vegas
Muppets/Sesame Street/Fraggle Rock
Frog And Toad Are Friends
Laika The Space Dog
Scps I’m obsessed with (They Are Canon To ME):
Scp 312 - Atmospheric Jellyfish
Scp 804 - World Without Man
Scp 1762 - Here Be Dragons
Scp 2264 - In the Court of Alagadda
Scp 3043 - Murphy Law in… Type 3043 — FOR MURDER!
Scp 3090 - Ms. Mad About Video Games
Scp 3092 - Gorilla Warfare
Scp 3143 - Murphy Law in… The Foundation Always Rings Twice!
Scp 3999 - I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me (Researcher Talloran)
Scp 4205 - In The Eyes of the Beholder 🖳
Scp 5005 - Lamplight
Scp 5031 - Yet Another Murder Monster
Scp 5056 - The Constant Companions
Scp 5094 - Miss J's Whiz Kidz Schoolhouse
Scp 5243 - The Breach that Keeps On Breaching
Scp 5320 - The People's Church Of The Fish That Just Goes On Forever
Scp 5382 - The Cure, and What Ails You
Scp 5866 - The Tiamat Namesnake
Scp 6080 - Cartoon Network
Scp 6125 - The Hytoth Theorem
Scp 6600 - Spidercon
Scp 6900-D - The House of Stars
Scp 7043 - Murphy Law in… Skip 7043 - THE MONTAUK FALCON!
Scp 7676 - The Grand Symphony of 1976
Scp 7702 - Dragon's Dream
Scp 8060 - ToonTown
A Video Oddity
AIAD Homescreen (and Mnemosyne.AIC)
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cyber-phobia · 2 years
Hey what is that scp thing on your description
It's my favorite SCP! I didn't know what to put as the new blog title, so here we are.
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awkward-clone · 2 years
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head got nothin but a tumble weed so take this shitpost scp-4205 emoji
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famicom · 4 years
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4205 - in the eyes of the beholder
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via-the-ghoul · 3 years
You think you can make a comic with the scps you drawed so far? Like 4205, 000, 3999, etc
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POV: you asked Dr. Gerald about how he can be so chill even with his horrible luck.
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titoist · 5 years
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at the park, the one with my name you always tell me it is named after me and we watch the birds in the sky. like liquid in the blue. so many spots of black why did they move like that? it looks like that, outside of the glass like so many many hundred of birds like black liquid in the blue chaos but control what kind of bird was that, dad?
can it have eyes?
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Lore Explanation: The Seven Broken Stars
Hello! This will be more elaboration on the lore of something I mentioned in my summary of Wrathscale!
The Seven Broken Stars is my answer to the seven children of the Scarlet King.
IceClan received a prophecy from StarClan. "Seven stars shall walk fourth, born of blood and a darkness long past. Innocence masks the smiling shape of dominion. Longing walks alongside darkness. Screams fill the air as desolation arrives. The crunch of bone, a creature's roar, wrath sinks it's claws into an ashen skull. Lack cries for help, but it shall never arrive. Stalking through the fog, hidden watches and waits. And as hope arrives, the stars shine bright."
This has been kept a secret among the leaders of the clans for a long time. For a while, Twistedmask was thought to be dominion, but it was disproven after his death. None of them know what hidden could be, and they have a pretty good idea of what lack and desolation represents. It isn't hard for someone to realize who wrath is, and longing is a mystery to everyone.
Here's a list of the seven broken stars so far!
Dominion: SCP-239 (not requested as of yet)
Longing: SCP-029 (not requested as of yet)
Desolation: SCP-106 (not requested as of yet)
Wrath: Wrathscale
Lack: SCP-096 (not requested as of yet)
Hidden: SCP-055 (I will make this one at some point, but a request will move it up on my priorities! Same with 4205)
Hope: SCP-999 (not requested as of yet)
In omens, they are commonly represented with these symbols.
The number 7, bloodied bones, the sun turning red, screaming, fog, crying, guttural and evil laughter, strange symbolism, conflicting feelings, and mysterious death.
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0xeyedaisy · 3 years
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marsti · 3 years
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SCP-4205: In The Eyes of The Beholder
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scene118 · 3 years
i miss my old scp themes they were so so cool nobody even knows
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