thatshappinessforme · 16 days
my screen time is atrocious actually so bad and half the time i’m just writing down bits and pieces of the scenarios in my head and being like “oh fanfic idea!” girl touch grass.
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cspanlover111 · 5 months
i constantly wish i was funny and careless enough to have an egregious digital footprint
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ashwit2muchkash · 6 months
screen time down 44% rejoice!!!
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findingmy-serenity · 2 years
I just can't quit cold turkey
When mapping out this journey I had to identify my biggest distractions, routines, or mental roadblocks that were getting in the way of my ~perfect life~. One of my first thoughts: social media. It was and still is, what I see as the biggest time waster and empty renter in my mind.
About to put my phone away for the night? Let me watch a few tik toks. Waiting at a stoplight? let me see what my sister sent me on Snapchat real quick. Just got out of class? I wonder who posted on Instagram while I was off my phone.
While I'm not a COMPLETE screenager, I've just been spending way more time scrolling on my phone than I'd like. So, this project came at the perfect time to rid my phone and my schedule of the socials I have become far too comfortable with.
I deleted all of them on a Sunday night. Monday was great. I had my morning routine, I went to class, I pulled out a lovely book when I had a spare minute, and obviously, I felt superior to all those around me consumed in their phones. Tuesday was fine, I kept busy, had work, and hung out with a friend. But then Wednesday came about and I was itching to scroll on Tik Tok. So I redownloaded it. What's the harm if I kept it ONLY to the one app? I'll tell you what the harm was. The relief and excitement from having it again were very real. After that, they all came back within a few days and I was back to the same routine. This whole process repeated the following week as well.
Honestly, typing this all out is ridiculous, and I am actually laughing at myself. They are all stupid apps!! Why do they bring so much temporary joy??
While I wish I could provide a perfect recipe for disposing of these platforms I haven't quite found it yet. But, here was my genuine and embarrassing attempt at it. However, I did come to the conclusion that I should be able to have the apps on my phone and not feel any sort of desire to be on them excessively.
I will continue the endeavor to rid my life of everyday distractions and find my peace. I'll update as it happens. In the meantime, best of luck, and as always, advice is much appreciated!
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elviscostellobrazil · 2 years
euphoria is the newest trans-coded muse song
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more of this
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starscelly · 5 months
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dal@buf 02.06.24
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just-muser-thoughts · 6 months
Certified Micro Cuts lover.
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redtailfins · 9 months
johnny cage is literally everything you could want in a pathetic guy character. he’s an a-list celebrity on his way to becoming washed up. in the old timeline he’s ambiguously divorced from an unknown ex wife and married(?) to a bad bitch named sonya BLADE. if my girl’s last name was blade i would change my last name so fast. in the new timeline he is loudly onscreen divorced in like the fourth cutscene and then starts a homoerotic relationship with a guy who broke into his house to reclaim an ancestral sword johnny bought for 3 million dollars. god takes him to train with monks and he doesn’t even make the tournament. when said guy gets blinded saving johnny’s life he uses a piece of his armour as a makeshift blindfold, leads him around like a guide dog, and gives back his ancestral sword while the yaoi leitmotif plays. he starts making psyop movies to get people used to the idea that other dimensions exist and credits god in all of them. all his fight intros involve him flipping the bird. one of his intro lines to kenshi is a silence of the lambs reference. he has an ass the size of two planets. his real name is john carlton
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isthataraccoon · 10 days
old people always judge me so hard in public when I’m on my phone because they think I’m a screenager but in reality I’m just reading on my phone 😭😭😭
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pekodayz · 9 months
im gonna be late to Aggie bc I’ve been laying on the bed about to take a shower
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lucyvsky · 4 months
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wow . society.
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theinconveniencing · 6 months
was so intensely going through my photos and creating my playlist that I have not set my phone down for like five straight hours😋
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haterlain · 10 months
bladee obedient as a lukas song. you hear what im saying?
Fuckkkkk I kept forgetting to reply to this LMFAOO imma be fr I know like 2 bladee songs. I mostly made the observation bc he’s white and annoying so it all checks out. Listened to the song tho and Yeah
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obitv · 11 months
anyway put together a playlist for my sick and twisted au (NOT báns one. gojo is not in this one) and despite not explaining it on tumblr im sharing it. just understand Thanks :3
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theoldtaylors · 1 year
(we’re all on our phones and mine dies) wow what a bunch of screenagers
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