scurged · 1 year
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HEADCANON. / no matter how much you try to convince scourge, because they have lasher’s well-being as their priority, killing and eating isn’t something they will stop doing if talked through enough. kabiguru’s tried, kabiguru’s fought— and scourge will not budge. if they believe someone’s evils outweighs their living self, it’s the only avenue for them.
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shanastoryteller · 3 months
this weekend I went to an erewhon for the first time so I could try the hailey bieber smoothie that's been all over my fyp (very good but not really worth $19) and.
the absolute stench of BO we were exposed to haunts me. we were there for 20 minutes and seven different people walked past me smelling so badly that I had to turn away
rich people pick up some deodorant and get in the shower challenge
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gubbles-owo · 1 month
recently i picked up that scurge hive clone project again after over a year of abandoning it in the hopes that maybe i can actually get more done with it this time and let me present you with my greatest creation ever:
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i love this stupid idiot. so goddamn muc h
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luci-muller · 9 months
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Mighty Turcks
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oheyfox · 11 months
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You already know Rudy but now meet his litter brother, Scurge
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high-on-e · 1 month
since i started my metroid journey with zero mission, i was on the lookout for other gba games i might like, ideally some hidden gems no one talks about. i found scurge: hive and it's like metroid and it also has a cool gal as a protagonist! ever since i found it i can't help but ship samus and jenosa a bit :3
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life-winners-liveblog · 10 months
Oh, well in that case Grian, good news! Pesky Bird and Regret always end tragically! Just because I said they find their way back to each other doesn't mean they get a happily ever after.
There, better or worse? :)
P.S. you can call me Crescent
- Crescent <3
Grian: So we were just doomed huh... It's conforting in a way to know that we couldn't have done anything different that we didn't fail because of our inability and yet It's also... depressing.
Uh I hate feelings.
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akajustmerry · 2 years
those tweets like, "yelena and bucky will be the mcu's new power couple" kms ❤️
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azurecanary · 1 year
Apparently nothing makes me more annoyed than listening to people talk about AI on the radio.
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sudexro · 10 months
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Acum 25 de ani {1998} ascultam (și încă mai ascult) #IL_Egal ► Timpul Se Scurge [De menționat faptul că #TimpulSeScurge rămâne până la această dată albumul vieții mele, cu toate că a trecut un sfert de secol] https://youtu.be/HIVQdj2HwA4?si=66SH1ovN6jBLgIVB
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petrenocka · 2 years
There is discourse about idw!Sonic online, and it often feels off to me, because I really like the character. But it always eventually boils down to "this is not my Sonic". Meaning that I can't participate in the discussion because IDW Sonic comic is the only Sonic media I actually consumed.
And then when it's not it's "character is never punished and never learns his lesson for disagreeing with me, meaning the story is bad" type deal.
Which is also weird because to me idw!Sonic is clearly a flawed character, in a way that makes sense internally and drives the plot forward, is somewhat unique and negates potential annoying factor by being funny. So what's the issue?
But the discourse gets even funnier! (Spoilers)
In issue 50, idw!Sonic spells out that he 1) loves adventures, 2) refuses to one-shot his enemies so he can have more adventures when they return, and 3) is confident in his ability to protect the innocents that get I'm the middle of his fun. 4) supports everyone, with no exceptions, having absolute freedom, even if it is to the detriment to themselves and those around them.
And then literally two issues later, Wisper, a character who is textually severely traumatized by Eggman, gets more traumatized, by Scurge, an enemy that Sonic recited the above monologe to.
Scurge. You know, a character made in a tube by a villain whose textual goal was to end Eggman's and Sonic's endless back an forth.
Do you really need "Sonic's ideals are flawed" spelled out to you in a speech bubble, and then the story to fatherly ruff your hair for how much of a good boy you are, by hitting Sonic over the head with said bubble?
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scurged · 1 year
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WEATHER AND CALAMITY. tempestuous and fearsome. your moods are hard to read and you strike on a whim. not a soul can avoid you as disasters strike across the land. you have your own standards for what makes sense and what you value and if anyone dares challenge you there will be nowhere for them to run.
tagged by: nicked this from @alchemaxed / tagging: blows a kiss 2 my five followers.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
Have you ever played Scurge: Hive?
The name rings a bell for sure but I don't think I ever touched it, no. Looking it up now, it looks like it was late enough in the GBA's life that it was cross-gen with the Nintendo DS, so by then I may have moved on from paying so close attention to GBA releases. (The same thing happened with that surprisingly decent Star Wars Episode 3 brawler; I ignored it on GBA)
Looks pretty neat, though, gotta say. A top-down Metroid back then would have seemed pretty cool.
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gubbles-owo · 1 month
oh christ almighty they're multiplying
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a bit of game dev rambling below the cut:
given that the only "games" i've ever released solo were a short kinetic novel and a barebones breakout clone, this is the first time i'm programming enemy behavior! so i have zero clue what i'm doing here! :D i've got to find some way to prevent them clumping up, as i'm not really looking to make a vampire survivors sort of thing. while scurge is helpful as a base, unfortunately i'm too dumb/lazy to be bothered learning ARM assembly to break down how they handle enemy behavior internally. i've got some vague ideas for implementation but i can't say i'm super confident about getting them working in a way that's fun... well here goes nothing i guess :P
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Necromancer about to invent their EoD elite spec: I caught a cold guys.
--rest of party takes a step back--
Warrior: If you so much as sneeze, I'm planting you face first in the ground like the idiot-tree you are.
Necromancer: No, I mean I caught it in a bottle.
Elementalist: What does it look like? Does it have scratchy little claws? They feel like they do.
Guardian: Are you going to be responsible about this threat you've sealed in that vessel?
Thief: You wanna play catch with it?
Necromancer: I was thinking of eating it actually.
Thief: I don't want to be outdone when it comes to bad ideas, but I yield the crown to you. *mimes removing a crown*
Necromancer: I was thinking it would work like the old saying: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger".
Mesmer: Hold on, I think he's on to something.
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oheyfox · 11 months
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2nd in the series to get bunny-boyifed-but-its-rlly-just-the-leotard
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