#is it amoral and is it possible
scurged · 1 year
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HEADCANON. / no matter how much you try to convince scourge, because they have lasher’s well-being as their priority, killing and eating isn’t something they will stop doing if talked through enough. kabiguru’s tried, kabiguru’s fought— and scourge will not budge. if they believe someone’s evils outweighs their living self, it’s the only avenue for them.
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cringefailbooknerd · 1 year
I would really like to know who the mortal parents of all the other Sunbearer Trials competitors are JUST because Dezi gives off “raised by lesbians/sapphics” vibes and I believe this fully
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Amor Magnus Doctor Est
by @cha-melodius <3
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more below the cut! (it really is just the main events of Amor Magnus Doctor Est, but as memes). I would recommend reading the fic first, because these would definitely make more sense, but it'd probably be just as fun to read it after seeing these. They are definitely spoiler heavy tho LOLL so if you haven't read it and don't want the ending spoiled, I would 100% recommend reading the fic first!!
as always, all the love to Sara for writing this LITERALLY AMAZING FIC it still lives in my brain to this day <3
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killeray · 11 months
Kentin girlies, all things considered, him being an Alternate Life route was the best possible outcome for us in this whole mess of a game.
He didn't appear in Campus Life and in hindsight it's great because then he didn't suffer the same character slaughter and regression like the others did. He didn't have an OOC moment where he agreed to a threesome with his best friend despite showing jealousy during his entire route. He didn't neglect Candy for a "surprise" that took up his entire time from her and caused her to break up with him. He matured SO much and in a way that made most, if not all, of his flaws toned down and enhanced his qualities (honestly I don't even know if he showed any flaws at all). His grown up sprite is gorgeous. He stayed true to himself and leads a lifestyle that makes him happy rather than spiraling down a catastrophic path for the sake of drama (since AL is only 5 episodes). AND the best part is you don't even get the "opportunity" to cheat on him! So no way for players to pick him purposefully just to get with eric (like most did with Hyun).
Would I have loved to have as much illustrations and interactions and events with him as the CL crushes? Of course, but seeing the way CL and LL were handled and all the terrible scenarios that came with them, I'm thinking maybe Kentin not appearing in the main sequels was a blessing in disguise.
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blackwolfstabs · 10 months
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 27
Continuation of day 17: THE CATCH → for greysandmarvelfan & mlgx on AO3
WARNING!!! contains rape/non-consensual elements. (yes, i live for angst and venting what fucks with me through my writing, this isn't new, and we should shut up and move on ok? k great)
“Holy shit, it’s that psycho girl!”
“That’s her?”
Overlapping comments and laughter burned Sam’s ears as she led the way out of the frat party. Her heart still thumped like it never broke from its adrenaline-induced fit that had come with beating the ever-loving shit out of Frankie. She could feel the eyes of the partygoers studying her like she was a feral, stray dog being walked out of civilization by Animal Control. No matter how close the voices to her were or how deep each word was, Tara’s desperate voice overpowered them all. It was her voice blending in and out of another voice that was even more familiar… her own. 
And the thought of what could’ve been with one and what was with the other made her entire being run hot. Very hot, the touch on her back letting her know she was backed by the Meeks-Martin twins actually feeling cool.
She broke out of orange and purple lighting into the crisp outdoors. Moonlight was considered fraud amongst the lively streets of New York, but she didn’t need any source of it to find her way to her baby sister.
She should’ve known better. She should’ve known that Tara would go to the OKB party anyway. She was impulsive and sick of being chained to the apartment, outside of going to her college classes. Sam had begged her—begged her—not to go. 
And Sam never begged. Only for Tara, did she ever. 
This was why. She couldn’t trust anyone, especially after Richie’s betrayal and her secret about being Billy Loomis’ daughter getting out. Either she was the wolf in sheep’s clothing or someone else was. She thought Tara would feel the same, having her own best friend for years betraying her over the orchestration of a fucking requel. If that didn’t destroy Tara’s trust, what would?
But it didn’t matter. Tara was nearly raped at that party, and as much as it was her own fault for getting herself into that situation, Sam took just as much blame. Had she not been in therapy, Tara would’ve never had the chance to make it out the door of their apartment.
There wasn’t much of a breeze to tame the invisible fire burning beneath her skin as she followed Chad, who’d passed her and his sister up with his longer strides. It was then that she started running.
She couldn’t get Tara’s voice out of her head, and every time she replayed it, her vision turned everything in sight into a more distinct shade of red. Until it was blood red. Like the blood that painted Frankie’s face. Like the blood left on her hands. Like the blood still smeared on her lips. Like the blood lingering at the back of her throat. 
Like the blood that was once shed in a similar situation, at a similar time, but with an opposite outcome.
Having Tara scream her name, be trapped beneath a repulsive human being, and barely escaping what would’ve become another tragedy she’d have to recover from was only half of the battle that nearly had Samantha losing it all. 
She should’ve known better.
Because when she was 20, she had been exactly where Tara had been…
(flashback / Sam's past inspired by Tanto Amor: Chapter 62 (14:58 - 17:16))
She hadn’t wanted to get caught up in any of this. She’d been a rebel, on the run, and so good at getting herself in and out of suspicious situations, anyone could code her Houdini. But she did not favor Halloween in the slightest. She didn’t like the idea of people hiding themselves behind masks, costumes, and hours of make-up, so no one knew who they were. They all became characters rather than real-life identities, and with that advantage, came a thousand things they could get away with.
All it took were 2 girls who’d befriended her for a few days. They’d begged her to come to this stupid party. They told her she didn’t have to dress up, just come for a good time that would allow her to cut loose. She cut loose more than she let on but always did it on her own terms. No one was going to bark orders at her like her mother had done. No one was going to pin her down and handle her however they pleased.
Until someone did… 
And those 2 girls she thought would look out for her didn’t. They didn’t care. They just knew her standoffish personality and impressive beauty would model a perfect bone for a dog to go chase.
She wound up in the garage, encouraged to go fetch more drinks. And she did it for the sole reason that she could get away from the noise and crowd for a moment. What she didn’t know was that doing so would curse this night into becoming the 2nd worst night of her life, after the night her father walked out on everything their family once had all because of what she did.
She leaned against a long, wooden shelf that was bolted against the wall, holding her head with her fingertips on either side of her temples. Having a drink on a mostly-empty stomach was a stupid mistake, even if she had only taken a few sips. She applied pressure, trying to ease the throbbing pain if she could. 
She just wanted to go home, wherever the hell home was going to be for the night.
Behind her, the door opened, making her pick up her head to look over her shoulder. Her heart skipped a beat. She knew it was a man. He was in all black with the exception of a clown mask covering his entire face. It was white, a tri-brid of yellow, blue, and red paint distinguishing different designs as facial features. Complimenting that were three red horns coming out either side of his face and one at the top of his head. 
He stared at her the whole time, keeping her eyes that did the same. He shut the door and locked it, leaving her to drop her gaze to confirm before looking back up.
Sam instantly felt sick to her stomach, the worst feeling imaginable flooding through her just by laying eyes on him. And it wasn’t because he was in a haunting clown mask. It screamed at her to run, even though there was nowhere to run. As much as she wanted to look away in order to find some form of defense, she couldn’t. Her heart seemed to thump her chest hollow as he began to slowly walk towards her.
She bit back a whimper and replaced it with, “What are you doing?”
He didn’t say a word, just kept coming towards her. That was all she needed to know to figure if she was going to get out, she wasn’t giving him a second chance to speak. He looked hungry for lust. She was young, but she’d been around long enough to know that look anywhere.
She tried to move aside to walk around him, but he did the same and blocked her. She moved the other way, and so did he. So, she did what her instincts were telling her to do. She tried to run.
But he caught her, grabbing her arms and pulling her in, earning a yelp.
Sam felt one arm wrap around her waist, while the other lassoed her shoulder blades, making her grab onto him to get a grip on her stability. But that only lasted for a fleeting second, for he was trying to knock her off balance.
This was when full-blown panic set in, and her rationality was no longer her own. “No! Stop!” She retreated her arm that gripped his shoulder to push away from him. But it was to no avail. 
And still, he said nothing, just fought with her.
“Stop it!” She felt his hold grow stronger around her thrashing. “No-ho!”
Yet, no matter what she did, he handled it better, leaving her struggling whines and whimpers echoing off the walls of the garage.
“No, no!” She began to cry without even realizing it, gripping onto his clothes to avoid falling but still resisting him, nonetheless. 
He caught her around the waist, low enough to tilt her at an angle she had to submit to. The grip he held on her arm was promised to leave a bruise as he lowered her to the ground.
Carpenter tried to brace herself in protest, but she couldn’t, which left her spitting out the only words that she could even process. “Please! No, noooo!” her voice pitched into a squeal as he got her pinned on the floor. 
He straddled her churning legs in the process, leaving him battling for control of her arms.
The burning in her chest and inescapable hurricane running her auto-pilot a million miles per second kept her from putting up the fight she might’ve been able to with a leveled head. She tried to push against him, realizing he was trying to get her wrists above her head. Tears fell from her eyes as she begged him, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, please…” Her muscles burned out, leaving him to have his way, yet again. “Ple-hease! Don’t do this!”
But he couldn’t care less. He just wanted what he wanted, still refusing to say a word or spare any hint of vocalization. With her wrists secured in one hand, he began to feel down her flank, squeezing at the curve in her hips and filing his fingers to her beltline, where he found the button to her jeans.
“No, no— No-hoo! Nooo!” She tried to buck, to kick, to twist. Nothing worked. “Let me go-hoo!” There was only one other hope she had left. “Heeelp! Help me, pleee-hease!” She knew they were people by the garage door and outside too. Someone had to hear her…
The man had gotten her jeans undone and moved to clutch the collar of her shirt, trying to tug it down, but not missing the chance to rub his hand against her breast in the process.
This just made her panic even more. “Somebody, please!” she cried, “He-heelp!” She pulled her knee up to make another attempt at kneeing him off. “Get o-hoff of me— Nooo!” By now, she was beginning to sob, which made her words struggle to come out clearly. Her next attempt to shout was replaced by a desperate cry. Even with her arms pinned, she still tried to pull them down. 
But then he stopped feeling up and down her body and raised his fist.
She knew what that meant, and as much as she didn’t want to live what would happen next, she couldn’t let herself lose consciousness. “No, no, please! Please, don’t!”
It came down hard and fast.
Pain blasted through the side of her head, and then her whole world went black.
The next morning, she woke up and couldn’t remember a thing… She could smell blood dripping out of her nose. She sat up, confused on where she was or how she’d gotten there. But then she saw her pants down to her knees and her underwear in an awkward straddle around her thighs. Then, the pain hit her head and privates all at once.
And then she knew. She remembered it all… And she broke down into tears of disbelief, shock, and horror.
The worst thing about it was… they heard her. The people at the party the night before… they knew.
It was just that no one cared.
All of the rage and merciless sanctions that had fueled her for the last however-many minutes vanished the second she caught sight of her baby sister hugging her knees and crying on a bench. It was like they were back in the ages of 6 and 11, Sam about to be scolded by her mother for not watching Tara and keeping her out of danger, like she was supposed to.
It was her responsibility. 
She had a responsibility to Tara, to love her and protect her, the same as she’s always had. She didn’t ask to be an older sister, but she didn’t have to. It was built-in. It had been since the dawn of Tara’s time—to watch over her throughout her life, to bark when she was in danger or lunge when she couldn’t outrun that danger, to run and play with her when she was happy, to hold her close when she was lonely, to wipe her tears when she cried or make her laugh when she was about to cry. 
That’s why she was called a big sister. That’s why Tara had called her Sammy. That’s why she was still a Carpenter rather than a Loomis.
She knelt down next to Tara, wanting to place a comforting hand on her leg or touch her in some way, like she always used to do. But she knew she couldn’t… Not right now anyway. “Tara?”
Before Tara could respond, Anika interjected, “We got her asthma under control. She’s just still really shaken up.”
Both, Mindy and Chad, gave the sisters space as they moved over to where Anika was standing with Ethan, who had ditched the party when they were trying to get Tara out of the house.
Sam didn’t look away from her little sister. “Tara…” Her voice had lost all of its darkness and animalistic traces, leaving nothing but concern and softness.
She was shaking. Her baby girl was trembling uncontrollably, and it wasn’t because of the crying. She slowly lifted her face from being buried in her knees to reveal glossy eyes that held regret, hurt, and fear. There was no resentment, annoyance, or rebellion. Just a longing that pleaded for comfort. For rescue. “S-Sam…” Her voice was quiet and delicate, close to breaking with the quivering of her lips.
“I’m here,” she assured her, reaching her hand up to gently caress her shoulder. “I’m here, Tara.” She could feel her own emotions start to get the best of her, but until she certified her sister’s safety, she’d hold them all at bay.
“Sam,” Tara choked out, “You were right…” She had to take a moment to keep herself from drowning in more tears, her breath hitching as she sucked in some air. “I-I never should’ve g-gone…” Then her face creased, and she broke down. “I-hi’m so so-horry!”
But her big sister shook her head, “No, no, no, love, it’s not your fault.” She moved up onto the bench as Tara dropped her legs, showing that she wanted to be held. And Sam did, pulling her in against her chest and feeling her trembling arms wrap around her waist. She shushed her quietly as the younger began to whimper in between small sobs. “It’s not your fault. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry for not getting there sooner. I’m sorry for choosing therapy over making sure to keep you home tonight. Don’t you ever apologize for what someone else did to you. You did nothing wrong, Tara.” She promised her all of this through a blurry lens of her own tears. Her voice dropped to a whisper after placing a loving kiss on Tara's head, “Nothing wrong at all…”
Tara clung to Sam’s waist, holding her tight as if someone was going to try to take her away. Maybe in another world, she’d have been stopped by Mindy, Anika, or Chad from following Frankie up those stairs. Maybe in another world, Sam would’ve showed up, and she would’ve been completely embarrassed. Maybe in another world, instead of sitting on this bench, they’d be standing-off in the street, shouting about where they’ve been and where they planned to go—how one was able to move on and the other was still stuck.
Maybe in another world, she’d have told Sam that she had to let her go…
Not tonight, though. Tonight, she wanted Sam to hold onto her forever.
“Thank you for coming, Sammy,” she whispered, hugging her tighter. And she felt her head be kissed again, while a comforting hand rubbed her back, the bowing of her guardian angel’s head leaving her long, black hair to shield her face from the rest of the world. She was safe in Sammy’s embrace.
And Sammy replied. 
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i don't know whether to apologize for writing this THIS way or not, but i'm sorry??
special thx to @doctorwhoarchive for chatting with me about Tanto Amor (yes, u told me i had a while to go before reaching this part in the show, but there were 3 problems: 1) i'm too curious for my own good 2) i piss myself off for no fucking reason, and 3) i have access to YouTube so I WENT TO FUCKING FIND IT BC STUPID FUCKING ME and so here we are) i don't blame u tho, dw! much love 🩶
All my best ♡ - parker
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roboyomo · 4 months
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apollo. drops mic and walks off the stage
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firestorm09890 · 1 year
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Day 3 - favorite character
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11oh1 · 6 months
I get see Bad fuckin Bunny live tomorrowww!!! Que sentimiento mas hijoeputaaa coñooo 😩😈🖤
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Wolfson: *being sappy and cute*
Lemon: Why aren't you like that with my brother??
Ladybug: The last time I tried to do something sweet with your brother, he got so flustered that he ended up threatening to slice me open because he didn't know how to deal with the feelings.
Lemon: ...Yeah, that tracks.
-Kirk anon
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If Tangerine isn't straight up threatening Ladybug's life after he flirts with him he's just oblivious to it wasdfghgf
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itsmiyamore · 2 months
Started playing love and deepspace today here are my thoughts!
Xavier: didn't like him at first (I don't like people better than me) but now he might be the love of my life. Marry me please
Zayne: my bestie. My homeboy. I love him like I love i love my cat. Please do not flirt with me I will puke
Rafayel: AHH THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE. MI VIDA MI AMOR. I hate him he's a brat (I will gladly be your body guard I want to eat you)
Sylus: the most enemies to lovers to ever enemies to lovers. We might not even get to the lovers part he's on thin fucking ice. I got to the side story before I even got to chapter 3 of the main story so idk what's going on but that was a little too much you need to tone it down buddy. That being said he's a funny ass character (theater kid mafia Cinderella fr)
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an-eldritch-peredhel · 4 months
#dang it do i have a new oc now
Sounds like!! I'd love to hear more if you've got it!
(referring to my tags on this post)
You will meet a stranger, sometimes, if you make a habit to frequent taverns, inns, halls for game, or even the one tree where the young Bracegirdle cousins sneak off to play marbles. Well, you will like as not meet many strangers, except in the last case, but this one will be different. Or perhaps you get lucky, and don't frequent such places, but find yourself in one unexpectedly, and meet them regardless.
Everyone in Gondor knows someone who knows someone who met Lady Luck, no one has met her themself. If you do, starry-eyed romantics say, you'll be blessed with good fortune for all your days. The pragmatists tell you you'll be blessed with the good sense to discern a scam.
He may smirk at you after winning a bet, some dark-haired man, using his earnings to buy a round for the bar. It's always a different man, but it always goes to Alwed's tab. It keeps the crowd from getting too rowdy, even if the more superstitious get on edge.
No one remembers meeting them the first time, but dwarves with common sense avoid Audr's shell games and silver-toothed smile- you always win, but it's never worth it.
A woman with greying-gold hair and stiff fingers might call herself Eadrun, and challenge you to a game of dice. Few decline, and far fewer win.
For as few elves remain in Middle Earth, the one who calls himself Herendil and laughs as though his name is a joke should be recognizable. He seems young and lighthearted in a way most have lost, but he will play you cards, win just as much as he loses, and disappear, never recognized.
A hobbit-lass may giggle, red curls gleaming in the sun, and introduce herself as Peony Sandheaver, her family is visiting from Bree, and she wants to see how Shire-hobbits play Jacks.
Sometimes an orc prays over a set of knucklebones, knowing that at least one god will hear one prayer. Orcs have little luck in battle, but uncanny luck with dice.
There are countless stories, just as many true as not. Countless names, far more unnamed figures, always just out of place enough wherever they are to be interesting and promise new tales, never enough to provoke suspicion, not at first.
Even those in the Blessed Realm may find this dark-eyed stranger. Always dark-eyed, like bottles of dark glass. They stop by Aulë's workshop on occasion, to learn and suggest and play new games. They never win the first round, but most have the sense not to bet anything they aren't willing to lose on the second.
Oromë's people call them Umbarnica with a laugh and a toast in welcome. They thrive in the drunken revels after a successful hunt, sharp as ever as they dance from game to game, cackling at ill-advised propositions offered as collateral for or against a bet. Usually this means them winning to avoid it, a frequent enough occurrence as-is, but every now and then they'll decide to let someone get lucky. The bragging rights are the real reward.
And there are no guarantees with this stranger. No way to ensure their favor, though many ways to get their attention, few good. They like irony, take pleasure in hubris reaching its fall. They love superstition, even if they don't always honor it, and they love stories. There are gods that can be mistaken for kind, they are not one of them, created to serve the king the Dark Lord could have been. Their favorites are fickle, their grudges subtle but long-held. They love cheaters, unless they're at the end of the attempt. They will always catch you, and you will always regret it. They slink through candle-shadows and pipe-smoke, grinning, dance in town squares turned to faire grounds, curl up on comfy chairs indoors on rainy days.
But sometimes, in these days, you won't meet a stranger at all. Sometimes your storyteller will get a bright-dark glint in their eyes, and some dice will roll strangely high and some dice will roll strangely low and either way the story will be better for it. And if the next time the group meets you need to take a moment to remind the storyteller exactly what happened last session, well. That's why you take notes.
So pray to the dice-god, card-master, quick-sighted. It might do you no good, but they love superstition, and they love stories. And when you play a dark-eyed stranger, don't cheat at cards.
#ask#cuarthol#umbarnica#my writing#my ocs#they play favorites with the orcs because they feel like they have bad enough luck as is so they throw them some bones#and they like the Narrative of it all#i had fun writing this#they're very amoral not in the sense of being Evil and Bad they just. don't have morals.#they're kinda like a trickster god i think. and they like underdogs but not as much as people think#in my headcanon a lot of powerful maiar were intended to serve melkor before he went all evil but not all of them also went evil#and that leaves a very interesting crack for them to fall through because they just don't really. fit. anywhere#my arien is also a case of this (sibling of the balrogs)#and ultimately the deciding factor in turning evil is mostly if they are able to find support and a purpose with people who care about them#even if they still don't quite fit in#so umbarnica is also a case of this but instead of arien who found her niche by following the formula as closely as possible#(find a vala- take a role under her doing something directly related- oh whoops Fate called so i'm going to be a good maia and do my duty)#(if i don't do everything right i'm going to go insane and then go evil. please for the love of eru let me just do my valar-damned job)#umbarnica went 'yeah you can't tell me what to do. if you try to keep me stuck here in aman i will go insane and then go evil.'#'is that what you want? no? then let me cause nice low level chaos and fun wherever i want and i'll stay out of your hair'#i think they like dnd a lot for the sheer novelty of it#a lot of their domain is gambling or adjacent so to have a game of chance that seeks to tell stories and build community is intriguing#namo is probably the one who has official jurisdiction over them? but mostly in the sense that fate and luck are tied up#he does the bare minimum to make sure they don't get out of hand. neither *likes* this arrangement but they're content with it by now#but yes i'm gonna be calling them umbarnica#is that their name? sure as much as anything can be.#i just thought that 'little doom' would be a really funny euphamism tbh
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eraserheadadult · 10 months
i hope, beg, and pray, that i live my life in such a manner that no one with miilions of subscribers ever makes a 4 hour video essay that destroys my life and career
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hauntedjohnny · 1 year
based on what little we know about nancy; half of me thinks she would hate for johnny to have a child for selfish mother controlling issues, but, the other half of me thinks she wouldnt mind him carrying on the legacy she started if it was with the right person. she got pregnant six times and wanted a child but couldnt conceive causing her to take johnny. thats a lot of work for the legacy to end with him. theres going to be a point where johnnys looks stop baiting. id imagine she’d like to raise more killers if given the chance.
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dormarunt · 8 months
Here I was this morning, set to share how Berlin is still in the Netflix Top 10 in my country - because it was until yesterday, Feb 9th - but I guess I just witnessed the end of its run. Six weeks isn't bad I think?
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cataamorr · 10 months
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Kim Possible🫶🏻
- Cataamorr
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roboyomo · 4 months
APAWLOGIES IF U GET THIS TWICE but i gotta know so so bad i wanna hear abt ur little guys... enabling u enabling u iwanna see them spill th beans..!
Before that, I feel like I need to give Amor just a bit of quick explanation to give context on his early-story character:
Amor is in the OG timeline crew (or the company crew) and works at the company. Amor is not his real name as it is only a chosen one, for his real one is actually Bao. He is a well-respected, maybe even model employee alongside Apollo (I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU WHAT AMOR AND APOLLO HAVE. THEIR HISTORY TOGETHER. THEY ARE SO IMPORTANT TO ME CRIES CRIES CRIE—). The company had a laboratory under its name, founded exactly by Amor himself and lead by both him and Apollo as the two lead scientists. Despite that they were still classified as part of the warriors in the files of the management, so they still were assigned to go on missions that had anything to do with fighting. Some of these missions included exploration of the Outskirts that were considered highly dangerous now that the possibility of encountering a cursed relic has been increasing on a daily basis.
Amor has grown up more like a sheltered kid, having a wealthy family which meant that he had much more privileges than his best friend Apollo. He had been neglected by his parents, but he still believes to this day that they have never done anything wrong to him. he is. quite stubborn
But that ignorance only stayed. While working in the company, he has never batted an eye at what the management has been doing. He never saw anything wrong with their suspicious actions, how they all put the employees on a pedestal and showering them with constant praise. And this is when Kenix comes in.
The both of them assigned on an exploration mission together one day (What could go wrong?? Just two coworkers working on a task together, surely everything should be fin— NO. NO IT WAS NOT FINE IN FACT.) And as I have talked about this a long while ago, Kenix's curse lets him stay sane and therefore live longer if it gets to "feed" off the suffering of others. Which is exactly what happened here! Kenix just straight up made Amor encounter one of those cursed relics forcefully on the mission. and Amor pretty much. had no grasp on how AWFUL that would be
Now before that, I should mention that some of the company crew members have blessings with a certain element or specific type of power attached to them and Amor specifically had the powers of the Void attached to his which is. A Bit Unfortunate considering the background info of that specific one. You see, most of the powers here are typically caried by multiple other warriors, and I mean that as like. one person per power type and if they die then here comes the next person and so on. like a generation after generation. and Amor and Apollo were unfortunate enough to have power types that had well. Fucking Artificial Semi-deities as previous wielders. And they are not dead oh no they simply just. vanished. Not dead but they just. stopped appearing in the company. And they are not human they are fucking Beasts™ like actually and literally. destructive beings that were barely under control of the management a lot of the times.
Well, Amor and Apollo got fucked over really badly because. when they were first cursed (because of KENIX.), it wasn't really them who were in control of their own physical bodies but those said destructive barely even humanoid beings. Being forced to spectate the chaos caused by what others perceive as them with no control over what is happening.
Amor has poured his soul and his heart into creating what the lab was and all the projects they all have been working on alongside a group of other scientists who volunteered to work with them, to the point of having a close sibling-like bond with one of the younger ones - to the point that Kira, one of the youngest and loyal researchers almost started calling him brother. He was never able to get along with people growing up, but he wanted to bring a brighter future, he wanted to be of help to humanity if possible. Amor has tried so hard to build his reputation, hoping that he would finally be trusted by people more
But after the events of Inspiration's (Yes that is the name of his semi-deity creature. No i do not think that i will keep that as its name for long) PI chapter, it has left Amor scarred. immensely. Having to live in guilt because he felt like he was still in fault for so many deaths, even if it wasn't exactly him who caused this. Having no other option but to desperately cling onto the other dead scientists, including Kira themself. And what did the management do about this? Nothing. It turned a blind eye to Amor begging them for any sort of help regarding this situation
The thing is, it is in the company's interest to have their employees slowly be cursed one by one. Their management is not human, it is only full of humanoids and a few times, they do not even look remotely human. They approve of said curses, no matter how much the warriors and the employees are actively avoiding that; they think that these said curses will bring the employees to become one with the company. They see the damages that the curses cause to be "enlightening". Becoming physically inhuman from these curses, just like their superiors and their management. They only saw Amor's lab and everything he created as something that could bring profit to the company in one way or another. Once it has failed after the incident that is Inspiration's PI chapter, they just swept the entire situation under the rug and pretended like nothing had ever happened to one of their employees, to one of their recent branches focused on scientific research and to the population of Ortu Lunae. As if it has never been important to them in the first place.
The fall of Amor's only true passion in life, his respect for the company and his humanity. All of it becoming his tragedy that was just discarded by the higher-ups because it is not in their interest. The company dehumanizes their own employees through detached language in all of the information provided to the employees. Their warriors are their prophets, their saviours on a silver platter, that they are actively killing and destroying themselves. And they are aware of their own actions. They reduce the cast to nothing but a group of people that keep the population safe from threats, while not seeing hem as human beings. Yet they still shower their employees with praise. They are aware that even if the employees were to die, they could always find replacements for them in the end. They make their own heros and once they find them - they will hold them on a pedestal while draining all of their life out of them. The company has long embraced these curses rather than rejecting their existence. And Amor has fallen victim to their actions. His desperate attempts after the tragedy to make the company care, to show at least some empathy for his struggles, turning into a mental breakdown after to coming to the realization that he, no - All of them, are nothing but just a corporate asset. They and their lives were never that important. And the rumors about how he shouldn't be trusted only started to spread faster.
The guilt has never left him, wishing to go back in time to live in those simpler, happier times. Yet, he constantly just suppressed his feelings, not letting himself talk about his personal problems because it would seem weak. He cannot let that happen when he is trying to become someone that people could rely on once again. Keeping all of his problems inside and attempting to appear normal, he lashes out due to those bottled up emotions to the point that he even lashed out at the people he cares about a lot on accident (Prime example being Apollo,, or maybe Yaku). He would always start crying once he realizes what he just said and apologize frantically for his behaviour. which is just sad to see live to be honest
Amor has definitely looked different before and after the events, and that is because he has tried everything to change his identity. He now lives with a fear of his own self, that the fact that his body once belonged to a monster bearing the blood of his loved ones on his hands. that came with a whole lot of identity issues™. He stopped seeing himself as a human being, only just a being. Not human in any way. But he hated everything about himself and his looks to the point that he wanted to change entirely thanks to shapeshifting, but he simply could not make such big changes to him body. He despises everything that his reflection in the mirror reminds him of, yet he still wants to keep something from his past. The past that once brought him so much joy and happiness in his life, he is still clinging desperately to it and not letting go of those happy times. He still has delusions that Inspiration is somewhere inside his body. Somewhere beneath. To the point that he has tried to slit himself open and then attempted to kill himself multiple times because he genuinely believed it was somewhere beneath his skin. even though it was in a completely different place this entire time. He wanted it gone. Wiped from the face of this world.
And how was Kenix being to him this whole time? He did nothing but make a mockery of Amor's misery. Kenix has a completely different attitude with the company crew - Being incredibly condescending and awful to them all. Patronizing Amor for attempting to recover and become a better person. And this, along with most people rejecting him because of the rumors, has made Amor only come to the conclusion that maybe people were just never worth it anyway. Those wasted efforts to make a difference within society, to become a helpful and kinder person, only turning into bitterness and hatred. Hatred for people, hatred for what he has become. Hatred for the person that is the reason Amor is stuck in this miserable cycle of bottling up his emotions and lashing out on everyone and causing even more problems.
Amor saw Kenix as nothing less but an enemy. Maybe even more than just that as he could never call him "Uncle" of all things. He absolutely despised everything about Kenix. Kenix's condescending behaviour never really changed, as he mostly just wants to get a rise out of Amor, to make him go absolutely insane. And it worked. Sort of. It was mostly just fueled by Amor's hatred alone. He could never understand how someone could be like this. Kenix has shaped Amor into what he is - From an enthusiastic young scientist to nothing but a bitter and hateful person, mad at everyone who has wronged him and at himself. And yet Kenix never even showed any signs that he felt any remorse for his actions. Kenix made Amor's life a living hell by just existing, but it wasn't like Kenix didn't do shit at all. He very much did. He made this poor 21 yr old guy go through a lot. To the point that Amor is willing to start a fight on the level of a war with Kenix. Amor despises how Kenix never seemed to have felt sorry for his actions, he hates everything about that man. The man that has created him to become this terrific and bitter person. Having now only one reason to keep living, and that reason being Apollo staying by his side, ever since childhood.
Amor wants Kenix dead. He is willing to break the laws of their own nature that prevents them from being about to actually kill each other, overcome all obstacles in his path, take down any living being in his way and train for years on end - If only that means that he will be able to kill Kenix with his very own 2 hands. And Kenix only laughs at that with a feeling of superiority. Kenix is beyond Amor's strength, but with each fight he does notice how much more stronger Amor gets from pure training alone. Kenix would be lying if he said that there wasn't even a little bit of,, weird admiration for how determined Amor is as a person, though. The determination to keep getting stronger and destroy Kenix in a duel. Kenix's existence has practically made Amor become obsessed with the idea of killing him. Making someone who once just wished to be more open with his feelings and help others turn into a blood-thirsty aggressive fighter. Constantly trying to confront Kenix about the matter, becoming hysterical and blinded with anger, even attempting to strangle Kenix while yelling at him for what he did (to the point that the management has to break it up somehow before Amor actually severely hurts Kenix). Yet, Kenix only keeps showing up exactly where Amor is to taunt him. He wishes to see that blazing rage out of pure amusement. He knows he is much more beyond Amor's power levels, and he only uses to either fight him for hours on end or cause even more problems within the crew. Yes, he has never showed that he ever even felt sorry, but there was once a time where Kenix has experiences a true feeling for once and that was only just a bit of regret for what he did. He wasn't entirely regretting it, but that speck sure was enough to be added to the list of loud noises going on in his mind 24/7. He would have never admitted that outloud, but that weird fascination for Amor's determination and a speck of regret for what he did is what drives Kenix to still be. somewhat friendly at times. But it doesn't matter to Amor at all, because he still just wants him dead.
Amor after the events of the PI chapter has started to hate everything about the company, to the point of leaving behind the lab he has once founded, which left only Apollo be in control of it. He still stays there 99% of the times, but has refused to keep working as one of the lead scientists, only as one of the warriors. Amor despises about how the company treats their employees, where a lot of times the company is considering their employees to be easily replaceable so they can just keep letting the unimportant ones die in gruesome ways. He hates to see others getting the same type of treatment he has once gotten. He hates the management, the higher-ups, the CEO - Everyone except the company crew (excluding Kenix, of course). It is ironic that one of the company's most respected and strongest employees actively tries to sabotage and fuck over the company instead.
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