#season 4 veronica mars
raisedbythetv89 · 1 year
I feel like Logan’s death really commandeers the conversation about how terrible season 4 of Veronica Mars is (understandably so it is horrific) but there’s literally SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT 😭
Veronica isn’t Veronica and Logan isn’t Logan (really NO ONE is truly in character anymore). Rob Thomas clearly has NO IDEA what healing actually looks like so Logan becomes this pop psychology stereotype with no depth or emotion and like Veronica literally says A POD PERSON. And he describes his therapy as controlling his anger so it doesn’t consume him. That might have been the move as a temporary band-aide immediately to stabilize his life after season 3 but what like 12 years later???? When season 4 starts? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Fire that therapist immediately 😭 He should be WELL into the source of his anger. Healing isn’t about control it’s about surrender and acceptance of your feelings and developing healthy coping strategies to process your newly uncovered feelings so you can live WITH them not in spite of them. There’s a reason so many “good guy” characters are so one dimensional and boring it’s because the male writers writing them literally have NO CLUE what a healthy well adjusted men act like 😭 - (Ted Lasso was so rare because we had good men writing good men)
And yes we know Logan punching people does it for Veronica but that’s because it is ALWAYS in defense of her but his safety and well being is always her number 1 priority (he pulls a gun to save her in the Fitzpatricks bar and she screams at him because she doesn’t want him to get hurt or killed in his attempt to defend her and she’s terrified). Him just punching a kitchen cabinet in rage and frustration is NOT the same thing at all and she would show concern in that situation not immediately instigate sex ROBERT.
The idea that Veronica did ZERO growing/healing/processing in those 12 years is so insulting and just not realistic - once she got space and distance she would have come out of fight or flight and been assaulted with all the repressed emotions from seasons 1-3 before law school yet somehow she’s WORSE than she was when she was younger with less stability and support and capacity to handle everything she was dealing with.
Especially after everything established in the movie!
“Are you gonna ask me if I did it?”
“I wouldn’t be here if I thought you did”
THE AMOUNT OF GROWTH THAT SHOWS IN VERONICA IS ACTUALLY INSANE. Miss never trusts anybody, suspect EVERYONE until your can verify the truth - believes Logan and Weevil AT THEIR WORD. Trusts THEIR CHANGE implicitly and picks helping Logan and Weevil BECAUSE SHE CARES not because it’s a fucking addiction as Rob tried to frame it in the movie 💀💀💀 Veronica always helped because she’s SOFT because she has a good heart and can’t help but help when she knows she can which is classic of parentified children - you believe everything is your responsibility to fix if it’s in your capability to fix. Does she get neurotic trying to solve cases? Absolutely! But that is trying to control and fix external problems as a distraction from her own. It was a coping mechanism and taking that coping mechanism away in the 9 years between season 3 and the movie would have caused serious problems for her that would have forced her to confront her issues.
Season 4 could have been Veronica having a complete break down from her always too full plate coming crumbling down trying to help and fix too much combined with logan being gone and always at risk when he is gone, Wallace bringing new life into an increasingly corrupt neptune she can’t seem to save, Mac working for Jake Kane?!!?! I would have loved If instead she was helping Mac deal with the swapped at birth thing they NEVER touched again. Combined with her dad’s health problems and Weevil falling back into his old habits. She is someone who feels responsible for everything and everyone around her because everyone blamed her for EVERYTHING when she was younger and eventually that catches up with you and THAT is what I wanted to see her strength crumble forcing her to be truly vulnerable and instead of asking for favors asking for HELP allowing her to stop acting like a woman written by a man and act like an actual adult woman BY women who actually understand that experience. Rob was SO out of his depth - his portrayal of Leanne in earlier seasons already proved that.
But that’s just one of literally 1 million possibilities that would have been better than the direction Rob chose. He managed to strip away everything we loved about ALL of his characters until they were ghosts of themselves and it makes me SO UPSET 😭 because he literally revived a show just to finish the destruction path he started in season 3, that had started to be corrected in the movie because it was so controlled by the fans.
Rob and Joss - two men who’s success was built upon a largely female audience and then their misogyny caused them to try and destroy everything their audiences loved 🙃🙃🙃🙃
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So we all agree that it’s totally fucked that it was decided that Veronica Mars wouldn’t be good if she was in a happy relationship?!
It wouldn’t make her too scared to be a badass, in fact I think it could help her be more brave because she knows someone is waiting for her at home and she has something to fight for.
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canarynoir · 27 days
If I had a nickel for every beloved show that destroyed its fandom by having an extremely bad delayed fourth season, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice. 
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renegadesstuff · 9 days
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VERONICA MARS (2004 - 2019)
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effulgent-girl · 1 year
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greenfiend · 2 years
Veronica Mars s1e15 and Stranger Things s2e09
Time After Time plays at a school dance while a main character pushes their love interest to dance with someone else.
Edit: Bonus points if the temporary love interest isn’t from the school.
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francesderwent · 3 months
@itspileofgoodthings tagged me to post gifs from 10 favorite tv shows! haven't done this in a while (2020, 2018) so I'm gonna try to make sure all the new beloveds get in here. they are in a particular order and the order is "gifs I thought looked nice next to each other"
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special mention to not a tv show but the miniseries of my heart:
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don’t remember who’s been tagged yet so I’m tagging @drharleyquinn-medicinewoman @mademoisellesarcasme @motleysaint @cakeyouareoh @thebirdandhersong @iamfitzwilliamdarcy @contagiousgrace have fun!
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einaudis · 1 year
I was today years old when I (ACCIDENTALLY) found out Rob Thomas actually killed Logan Echolls. And I don't know how to function now.
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thegreatmelodrama · 4 months
If I had a nickel for every time the CW cancelled an underrated but iconic show about a teenage/YA girl sleuth, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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raisedbythetv89 · 10 months
I still cannot believe Rob Thomas had the absolutely insanely rare anomaly which was two actors having the same level of heat, passion, and chemistry during their entire 15 year working relationship and he absolutely wasted it. A CRIME. He didn’t understand or appreciate what he had. I can think of COUNTLESS couples where by the time the writers actually got them together together there wasn’t that same level of sexual tension between them (Nick and Jess, Booth and Bones, Luke and Lorelai come to mind) and so it never had that same magic as the lead up which these two proved the relationship part can be JUST AS STEAMY as the build up.
I’m like 95% certain it’s because one or both of them have always been attracted to each other and Jason has literally been married the ENTIRE time he’s been on the show 😹 but regardless of the HOW their tension and chemistry will always make me absolutely insane it has me absolutely climbing the walls and gnawing through the furniture.
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rdng1230 · 9 months
The Asshole To Caring About People Ratio
Rewatching some shows and I think I’ve put my finger on something.
There is a really important ratio for me that exists between a character being an asshole and a character genuinely caring about other people. For me I can get behind a huge amount of assholery if the character goes out of their way to care about other people (and I get that that tolerance is different for everybody, and is highly situational depending on genre etc.). But when that ratio starts to get messed with without proper acknowledgement/narrative framing by the writers it reeeeaaaaaally bothers me.
If a character starts to not care about people but remains the same amount of asshole while the show carries on as if nothing has changed, I don’t think it’s very good writing. I love a good tragedy, I love a good negative character arc! I just hate when characters behave in a way that suggest a backwards slide or a journey into the dark without the narrative ever acknowledging it. I believe most people would agree that if a character stops caring about people altogether that’s usually a tragedy. So why are there so many shows where that happens and the show doesn’t even bother to acknowledge it? This is just a personal preference but if it’s the type of media with root-for-able characters, then writers can’t fuck around with this ratio without acknowledgement and a narrative framing shift.
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welcometololaland · 20 days
Did you watch the movie and the fourth season of Veronica Mars? If so what did you think of it?
yes!!! love love love the movie (maybe minus the arc they gave to weevil) purely for nostalgia reasons. so nostalgic I based a whole fic on it actually 💀
and...season 4 only exists insofar as it gives us more Logan and Veronica content but absolutely the end of season 4 never happened and we don't talk about it
🔪🔪🔪 coming for you rob thomas never forget
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laufire · 1 year
often part of my hate for a character is fueled by the reaction they awaken in the audience, and/or the perception that the writers REALLY want me to love them and think they're the best, most heroic guys ever.
other times the way a character is written is clearly meant to embody literally everything I hate, with purpose, and boy. I won't think about them while I'm not watching/reading the source material, or remember them when I make my "top most hated" lists... but once they enter my view again or get name-dropped, the homicidal rage is back on in full force!
this post has been brought to you by a conversation about veronica mars with a friend that reminded me of just how much I wanted sheriff (don) lamb to die (and he did! because sometimes, tv-land is generous like that). but I also appreciated that he was written specifically in this way, with no pulled punches. because if they'd softened him even a little? it wouldn't be the wonderfully cynic little show that it excels at being.
like, in particular, I'm remembering the moment weevil BEGGED him to let him walk up the stage at his graduation, so that his ailing grandmother could finally see him do it, before he arrested him. it would have taken less than half a minute. and lamb refused because he's a vindictive, callous little man. and because veronica mars is not about giving its audience warm fuzzy feelings by trying to convince us that people are good and understanding and really really caring, deep down! they're selfish and mean and petty; real goodness and kindness is rarer than gold and will take you (and veronica herself) aback every time you encounter it. but most of the time? it wants you to see just how shitty and unfair the world is and react to it, with nothing cushy to soften the fall. and it's a better story for it, imo.
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once-i-was-hopeful · 2 years
Ok, you know what, no more fighting for shows that got cancelled too soon. Because all they do is get renewed just to kill off the most beloved character.
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windowsandfeelings · 2 years
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What they did to the Neptune Grand elevator is, frankly, criminal.
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tokyoflashh · 11 months
thinking about veronica mars and it's such a shame this show was cancelled after 3 seasons when it could clearly have 5 seasons of 22 episodes each. THERE IS JUST SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!! I dont know why but I find this show so addictive and I don't really see any other shows with the same vibe ? I guess thats probably because Kristen Bell is killing it in this role and because I'm a huge fan of the veronica x logan couple (obviously).
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