#sebsatian sallow
theealbatross · 4 months
kiss me (s.s.)
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Plot | You fought, kissed, and made up. But it could never be that easy.
or, Sebastian took two steps forward and three steps back.
Tags | insecurities, social pressures, obsessive tendencies, slytherin!reader, dark!seb and reader if you squint, but not really, underage drinking (theyre all 16-18 in this), they're just crazy about each other and can't tell anyone, kissing (duh) nothing too PG, happy ending?, read 4k words and figure it out, if the end made you scream say 'aye'
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[ 6th Year ]
“Spin that fucking bottle!”
If you had known what absolute monstrosity you would create when you introduced muggle sleepover games to your housemates you would’ve gone to bed early.
But now, you were surrounded by drunk, nosy, Slytherins that were dead-set on exposing each other’s most embarrassing secrets. No one was safe.
“Imelda!” Everyone cheered, Grace quickly hooked her arms around the other girl’s neck when she tried to escape.
The party had long since been over, most of the students from other houses had already retired to their own rooms but those who had friends in Slytherin (like Poppy and Natty) or were too drunk to journey back to the spiraling staircases of their houses safely (like Everett and Samantha) decided to sober up for a while in the Quidditch Grand Champion’s common room.
“Are you actually as mean as you pretend to be or do you just not know how to make friends,” Natty slurred, pointing and wagging a finger at her.
If she was in a better constitution, she would’ve been able to brush off that accusation easily and with confidence but a dozen of improved (thanks Garreth) Firewhiskey shots later and the ever-guarded Imelda flushed in embarrassment to the surprise of everyone. The small circle burst out laughing, Imelda pushed Grace away in annoyance.
“It’s okay, ‘melda. We love you as you are!” Poppy was definitely still hammered.
“Next, next, next!”
The bottle spun and spun but your eyes were at the boy who had just returned from tucking Ominis in their shared dorm. You smiled up at him as he sat in the reserved space available just for him right beside you. “Omi?” you mouthed.
He squeezed your hands, silently letting you know your lightweight friend was now safely tucked in his own bed and ready to welcome the worst hangover he had ever known tomorrow.
“Well, well, well! Our brilliant, beloved, beater!”
It was when you turned your eyes back down on the ground that you saw that the mouth of the bottle was now undoubtedly pointed at Sebastian.
“Mate, I just got here!”
The crowd booed, Sebastian receiving light punches and playful jeers. “It’s the rules, Sallow!”
Everyone looked at you expectantly, the false inventor of such guidelines. You smirked, shrugging, “Rules are rules.”
Sebastian gaped at the betrayal. He gave you a look that lets you know he’ll get you back for this, even secretly poking your waist sharply. You didn’t like the way your housemate’s eyes glinted at the small interaction. Oh no.
“Alright, Alright,” Garreth shushed the crowd with two outstretched hands. “I have the million galleon question! I’m sure everyone will praise my genius for it!”
“Get on with it already!”
The Gryffindor threw a drunken glare at the voice from the back of the common room. “Now, I’m sure our dear Sebastian, despite receiving many letters of admiration and flutters of pretty lashes –”
“Gross,” Imelda grumbled.
“—has yet to officially court someone!” Garreth announced, arms stretched wide like he was a ringmaster about to start his greatest show. Everyone oo-ed and ahh-ed and cheered.
You didn’t like where this was going.
Sebastian, for all the eyes that were on him, managed to maintain the small smile on his cocky face.
It was true. You were not blind to the … physical developments he had undergone the last two years nor to the attention it had garnered him. The boy you had sneaked around Hogwarts with in your fifth year had disappeared and was replaced by a man. An unfairly tall, tanned, attractive man. You damn near walked past him again if he had not pulled you to his side on your first day during your 6th year.
You weren’t ignorant of it, nor were you dumb enough to deny your attraction to your friend.
But you are a lady. And his friend.
His most trusted, beloved friend (his words not yours).
You’d rather not risk your lifelong connection if he won’t. You know how to read between the lines as blurry as it had become. He’s lost too much and you refuse to become another scar in his soul. The both of you have had enough of that to last you till the next lifetime.
“So, my question is,” your eyes widened when you felt two hands on each of your shoulders, in your deep reverie you have failed to notice Garreth sneaking behind your back or that all conniving eyes and raised eyebrows were now on you.
Sebastian smiled.
“Kiss, Marry, Kill.”
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[ 7th Year ]
It was by incredible luck that your 7th year of Hogwarts called for the Triwizard tournaments to be held in Hogwarts.
You were prepared to enjoy the event in relative peace. Happy that for once you would be the spectator of all the action instead of being the one in the middle of it.
Life just can’t make it that easy for you.
You did not even realize that Sebastian of all people had thrown his name in as consideration until he had been called and your dreams of a quiet last year in Hogwarts were shot to the depths of hell. It was the first time in a while that you felt true fear, the type that froze all your blood solid.
The fight that followed in the Undercroft was explosive.
“How could you be so reckless, Sebastian?! People die in these games! Why would you do this?!”
Just the thought of it makes your stomach sink. Sebastian will be front and center of this bloody battle of pride that is broadcasted to the entire wizarding world. It was different when it was the two of you jumping through all types of danger – this time you won’t be able to help him. He will be alone.
Yet, when you had expected a valid explanation and a plan out of all this madness he instead looked at you with such anger and vitriol that you physically flinched.
“Because I am sick of being just your friend!” Even Ominis pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning on. Foreseeing a tragedy about to uncontrollably unroll. “I’m constantly surrounded by you two! Ominis Gaunt, the scion of the purest bloodline in the wizarding world, the Heir of Slytherin who could do no wrong! How brilliant!”
He cackled a laugh, he looked like a man at the brink of insanity. How long had he been holding on to these thoughts?
“And you!”
“Sebastian enough –” Ominis tried to cut through his mania but he wasn’t having any of it. Once the words were out, there was no taking them back in. He was cursed – he will have to see it through.
“Famed Hero of Hogwarts,” each word was dripped in poison, the insecurities bubbling inside him caused him to lash out at anyone and everyone who dared question his decision. How could they understand? How would they understand a nobody? “Do you know how tired I am of being in your shadow?”
He felt the sting before he heard it, the slap drowned the Undercroft in silence. Then, the weight of his grave words sunk in. The green haze in his head cleared just to see the boiling tears falling down your distraught face.
What has he –
“Then let me free you of such shadow, Sebastian,” your face crumpled, physically pained by such cruelty from your dearest companion. “You’re on your own this time.”
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That had been months ago, aside from the few classes you had together he had not even seen you anywhere else. Not even in the first game when he had sent you an owl begging you for a chance to apologize and dedicating his win to you. The victory over the other contestants tasted bitter when he couldn’t find your face in the celebrating crowd.
And the pit in his chest turned into a black hole when he caught Ominis at the edge of the celebration shaking his head. She didn’t come. He’s lost her.
Ominis refused to help him – not that he deserved any. In retrospect, it was ... silly – the insecurities he had been shamefully hiding. He knew his friends had never seen him short of an equal but it’s difficult to see the good when the entire world is looking down at you with cruel, disapproving eyes when your back is turned. Cruel whispers they made sure only he could hear.
“I thought he’d live somewhere more posh.” “Sallow? Dating her? That’s preposterous he’s an orphan with barely a galleon to his name.” “Why do you think they keep him around?”
It was stupid and irrational and he handled it in the worst possible way. Lashed out at the one person who least deserved it, who went through hell to drag him back out, then benevolently tended to all the wounds and scars in his humanity till he was himself again.
“Let me free you of such shadow, Sebastian.”
He slammed his head on the wall he was leaning on, the heartbreaking image of her distressed face was a nightmare that had chased him awake or asleep.  Sebastian may deserve this but you most definitely didn’t. He never deserved you.
Yet, here he was, sitting on the floor of the Ravenclaw Tower with a wilted bouquet of wildflowers he had picked before breakfast, hoping he could catch her somehow. He ignored the giggles, snickers, and confused questions thrown his way no matter how embarrassed he felt. He wasn’t moving from this spot until he can apologize – the silent treatment was torture worse than Crucio. And he had been hit with one.
At the first sound of the walls transforming, he was already up on his feet, his hands instinctively brushing his hair as if looking presentable would even out his chances of repairing his most treasured friendship.
The door opened and finally, your eyes met his. The tension was something that would choke even the greediest puffskein. Your eyes were wide, unblinking and your lips were pursed in a fine line that communicated how much you loathed being in his presence. He hopes you know that you could never hate him as much as he hated himself at this very moment.
“For you!” It was only when it was being offered to you did he realize how abysmal the dying bouquet he had been carrying in his hands since this morning looked. But it was too late now, she was already here, looking at the flower then back to him and all the lines he had practiced flew out of his head.
Instead, he just fell to his knees, prostrating, tears already threatening to fall down his face. He had never been an honorable man. “Sebastian! Get up!”
“I will do anything you ask me to,” The feel of her touch made his skin tingle. After months of not even catching your eyes or hearing your voice and it was more than worth it to suffer through all this humiliation just for this moment. Even if you may never forgive him at least he could apologize. He’ll have a better last moment with you than your fight. “I’ll win the games. I’ll quit. I’ll drop out of Hogwarts if that’s what you want just, please … forgive me.”
He felt your arms wrap around him but he was too distraught, barely comprehending that you had somehow pulled him back into the room until the two of you fell on the ground and the door of the room slammed shut. Still, he continued sobbing in your arms, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he drenched your neck with his anguished tears. “I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Sebastian wasn’t playing fair but your forgiveness was a prize he was willing to cheat to earn. There would be no point of honor if he lost you – anyone else but you.
“It wasn’t anything you did. It was me,” he sobbed. “I just – you and Ominis became such incredible people that I realized it was me who had not become anyone. I am a nobody!”
“Sebastian that is just not true –”
“It’s moronic I know! But I just thought … if I could win these games … if I could stop being just myself and be a champion then I can finally earn the spot beside you.”
It was embarrassing to admit all that, the deep insecurities that had festered inside of him the moment he was finally faced with the reality of the world. That he was surround by great people who has and will achieve great things and he was … him. A failure, a murderer, a burden.
“Don’t make me slap you again,” your cold voice woke him up from his self-lashings.
He sniffed, nodding, finally finding the strength and shame to sit up on his knees in front of you. “I … I really am so sorry.”
He pinched his eyes shut, preparing himself for the worst. His nails digging in his palm in an effort to stop it from shaking. However, it took one touch of your palms to break through all his pretenses. “I forgive you.”
He crumbled in relief, jumping into your open arms in a mess of tears, snot, and even more apologies.
“I know, I know,” you shushed him, hands tight even as he soaked your shirt through. “Ominis talked to me and … Sebastian you really are so silly. What do you mean you're a nobody? You're the top student in our year! So much so that all those Ravenclaws have declared you their enemy. You're the greatest beater in our generation that even I have been receiving owls begging me to somehow convince you to play for their team when you graduate! I can't even imagine how many times I would have gotten in trouble or straight-up died if it wasn't for you! I swear you're so fucking daft sometimes!”
He nodded eagerly, taking any jabs you may have if it meant you were talking to him. Even if it was still difficult for him to accept that any of those achievements you dictated could ever surmount to what you had achieved he knew it wasn't smart to try and correct it now when you had just forgiven his transgressions. “Stupid, stupid, boy.”
It was there in that room that your fractured friendship was mended with a bunch of dead flowers and Sebastian’s tears.
To celebrate, you had produced a couple of leftover Hogshead Brew for the two of you to enjoy till you were tipsy enough to forget the past horrible months without each other and were now giggling to each other’s face as if to make up for all the laughs you were owed in the months of silence.
“Lay back down, your eyes are going to be swollen shut.”
He’s been crying so hard for so long that he was too tired to do anything but follow your words, laying at the center of the bed you’ve conjured and sighing at the warm cloth you pressed on his eyes that miraculously stopped the world from spinning.
If he thinks too hard about the shameful faces he had shown you, he fears he’s going to combust, instead he focused on the rake of your nails on his hair, the familiar scent of your perfume he had given to you as a gift for your birthday last year, and the weight of your head as you laid on his stomach while the alcohol coursed through his body.
“You shouldn’t quit.”
He folded the cloth in one eye to take a peek at you. You giggled sweetly, clearly taking the drink harder than him, and gods above did he miss it. His happiness was cut short however when you crawled over the length of his body and instead plopped next to him, your head resting on his outstretched arm.
Physical affection wasn’t new to the two of you – after what you had been through hugs and holding hands were something the two of you found comfort in, a reminder that despite everything, the two of you made it out together – but after a few months without it he was faced with the realization of how unconventionally intimate your friendship truly was.
“Like I said, Ominis explained to me how you’ve been feeling – only another man would ever understand a bruised man’s ego. And if this is what’s going to make you feel better then I will support you till the end.” He turned his head so he can look at your eyes. When you cupped his face he felt his gut curl on itself from adoration. “But make no mistake Sebastian, the two of us have always been equals. We’re kindred spirits, remember?”
Kindred spirits, he thought. He remembers the first time he called the two of you that -- something a little cheeky for the first witch who didn't sneer in disgust at the prospects of his less than favorable past time. The curiosity in your eyes then was one he had seen in his own, even then he had this funny feeling that you were going to get along very well.
If he only knew how right he was, he would've thought he was a prodigy in divination.
A tear once again pebbled at the memory but just as he closed his eyes ready to wipe it away you were already sitting up, throwing the wet cloth and pressing a kiss on the edge of it. Sebastian sucked in a breath, blinking to see you hovering over him now. He’s never seen you this zealous. The passion in your eyes is almost mirroring his own.
It would seem whatever was in that brew had smashed through your inhibitions and his pride as he let you continue peppering kisses all over his face.
“You are very precious to me,” she whispered fondly, her gaze soft, drunk and adoring then it turned dark, an emotion crossed your face that he’d only seen when you had been fighting the meanest of foes. “I’d blow this entire school up before I let any of them think they could take your place in my life.”
Sebastian shuddered, his entire body burning under your gaze.
Leaning over again, you pressed another kiss on his other eyelid. “I won’t allow anyone to take you away from me.”
On his forehead. “And you are not allowed to leave me. I forbid it, Sebastian.”
As pathetic as it was, the words were everything he needed to hear. The possession healing over all his insecurities like a balm.
He has always been a selfish lad. His parents and everything he had ever known were ripped away from him at too early of an age that it made him realize that he needed to protect Anne because she was all he had but even that exploded spectacularly into a tragedy.
And then he met you and finally, finally, he met his person. Someone who was seemingly made just for him. Someone who understood him for all his secrets and flaws and still called him a friend.
However, it would seem that he was cursed of a cruel fate. Because the one person who was supposed to be just his turned out to be the most sought-after witch of their generation with the type of magic that had not been seen in centuries. At first, it didn’t matter, he was confident of his place in your life. But as the two of you grew up, the reality that your position in society were skies apart was when his insecurities began to painfully blossom.
But this … it was nice to be claimed like this. To be able to hear and see the crazed obsession he had only seen in his own reflection be mirrored by the one person he needed it from the most. The whole world can laugh behind his back, it didn’t matter anymore. The most brilliant witch in history is in this bed with him, kissing all his insecurities away and branding him as hers.
He chuckled but was cut short when you pressed a softer kiss just by the edge of his smile. His heart threatened to pound out of his chest, his ears failing to hear anything else but the next words out of your mouth. “Do you understand me, Sebastian?”
It has never been clearer: she is his.
“You are mine.”
With her final words, Sebastian’s brain seems to finally function again. A surge of alcohol and courage caused him to raise his limbs to cup your face, pulling you closer and closer so he could finally do what he had been dreaming about since your first duel.
A kiss. A promise. The final bind that would lock your souls together forevermore.
You gasped, smiling through the kiss before you plopped your entire body on top of his, your body finally getting overwhelmed by the alcohol and all that has happened in the past hours – knocking you straight into a dreamless sleep.
For the first time in a long, long while, he was at peace.
The two of you may never remember this moment but he’ll know it in his soul. In this dim room, surrounded by her scent, and her skin, and her kisses – he has finally found where he belongs and who belonged to him.
He pulled you into him – tighter, closer. It didn’t matter, you were his.
Only his.
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“Guess we made up?”
When you woke up Sebastian was already lounging in the ottoman by the end of the bed, casually reading a book while you were crawling towards him with your blanket over your head and suffering through a hangover.
If not for the redness in his eyes you would’ve thought you hallucinated his teary apologies.
He was quick to open up his form, grabbing a decorative pillow for you as you laid down on his lap dramatically. You don’t remember much but you knew enough that the big fight was forgotten and forgiven.
“Guess so, darling,” he chuckled nonchalantly, back to his cool, charming self as if he hadn’t been a crybaby in your arms just yesterday.
‘Darling’? That’s new.
You grinned, letting him pet you. You weren’t complaining, not being friends with Sebastian felt wrong and it was a miracle you stood your ground as hard as you did.
“Aren’t I so gracious, dear?” you teased, poking his stomach to make him flinch. The two of you laughed. “What happened after I popped out that blasted poison from Hogshead?”
When you try to comb through your memories your headache fights back with a vengeance so you had hoped he would supply the blank pages in your mind.
He stared at you for a beat before sighing, looking truly as miffed as you. “I wish I remembered, I’m in the dark as much as you.”
And as much as he knows it was wrong to not try to remember, he also knew he wouldn’t be able to live through the embarrassment of what he might’ve been telling you while he was drunk and emotional again. It was a mistake but he was more than happy to let those blank memories remain blank. What’s important is that you are friends again.
“Let’s focus on the future now, hm? No sense digging through what would definitely be an embarrassing moment for me,” he groaned, pinching your cheeks when you gave him a teasing smile.
You hesitated, biting your lip but then nodded. “If you say so.” It was in the past after all.
Sebastian was glad you let it go. (He will regret this in years to come.)
“Speaking of futures, I had wanted to ask you,” he played with the short strands of your hair, heart full of adoration as he looked down at your face. “Go to the Yule Ball with me? Gotta have a pretty date for this year.”
You dramatically gasped, “The Future Triwizard Champion asking little old me? Also, I was your date last year, scoundrel!”
He burst out laughing, you jumped into his arms, pressing a kiss on his cheeks.
His lips tingled, his head ached as it begged him to remember. But then you flashed him that bright smile and nothing else mattered.
“I would love to.”
The two of you were back to what you had once been. It would just be greedy to ask for more.
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anto-pops · 7 months
The Serpent's Paramour CH 5 - Sebastian Sallow x Female!Reader
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Summary: The morning after your magical 'outburst' is filled to the brim with questions, answers, and even more questions. When Sebastian reveals you'll be accompanying him to a place that's bound to be riddled with the worst sorts of people, you find yourself contemplating whether your decision to help him was the right one.
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: 18+, aged up characters, explicit language, shameless flirting
Chapter 5 is now up here on Ao3 !
Warm, comfortable silence greeted you when you awoke. 
Not just the kind of quiet that existed in an empty room early in the morning or late at night. It went far deeper than that. The insistent hum of magic that had existed in the back of your mind for the past five years was gone– or perhaps dormant was a better word to use. You knew the power was there, lurking beneath the surface like a shark biding its time, but for the moment it was sated. Spent. No longer threatening to boil over like a botched potion in a cauldron. 
You also felt remarkably good, all things considered. As your eyes cracked open and took in the sight of the familiar canopy overhead, you found your vision to be sharper, your head clearer, and the perpetual ache that had taken root in your bones was no longer present. Even when you had used your power in the past, you’d never felt so at ease afterwards. Letting the errant magic erupt evidently had its upsides, but despite the overall outcome of everything, you never wanted to experience something like that again. 
The pain had been… insurmountable. 
With a small shudder, you rolled your head to the side and were instantly surprised to find Sebastian seated in an armchair beside the bed. Those thick arms of his were crossed over one another, his head tucked into his chest and his long legs outstretched as he dozed. It looked far from comfortable, but even if it wasn’t, his discomfort wasn’t visible on his face. If anything, he appeared the most serene you’d ever seen him. 
Pushing yourself up to lean back against the mountain of pillows behind you, your eyes swept over the brunet, shamelessly studying him while the opportunity presented itself. He really had become quite handsome… not that you’d ever tell the conceited prick. Full, dark lashes fanned out delicately against his high cheekbones, and the constellation of freckles that adorned his entire face stood stark against his sun-kissed skin. You wondered then how long he had been out of Azkaban for him to look so… vibrant. 
That strange, abstract tattoo of his was more noticeable now than it had been before; the sleeves of the dark button-up shirt he wore were rolled up to his elbows, giving you a clear view of the intricate design, and you came to the conclusion that your original impression rang half-true. It did kind of look like lightning, but the lines were too thick in some places– too fluid. To make matters more interesting, the tattoo seemed to move.
It was hard to know for certain, but with Sebastian sitting wholly still, there was no mistaking the way the tattoo actively coiled around his skin, seemingly stuck in a permanent spiral as the design wrapped around his right arm and shifted in the areas along his neck. You had never seen anything like it before, and you silently wondered what kind of magic existed that could enchant artwork on living flesh.
“See something you like?” 
You jolted in place, your gaze flying from Sebastian’s arm to his now open eyes staring back at you, and there wasn’t a chance in hell you could have stopped the flush that spread from your ears all the way down to your chest. 
As Sebastian stretched his arms over his head, you found yourself tracking the movement in your peripheral vision, and in an attempt to chase away your newfound nervousness, you cleared your throat and asked him, “What does your tattoo mean?” 
He grunted as he settled back against his seat and balanced his elbow on the armrest, sticking his hand under his chin so he could support his head while he stared at you seriously. “I don’t really think you’re the one who gets to be asking questions here.” 
Touché. “It moved,” you pressed further. 
Sebastian sighed, blinking at you slowly as he seemed to debate indulging your curiosity. It took a herculean effort, but you kept your eyes on his when his tongue darted out to wet his lips before he said, “A question for a question. Ask me something, and I get to do the same. No lies, no secrets, just… the truth.”
It was a fair deal, you had to admit. Besides, you already knew what he wanted to ask you, and there would be no tiptoeing around that particular topic anytime soon. Chances are he already knew everything about what had transpired the night prior, and in an odd turn of events, you strangely felt like you owed him an explanation in regards to almost blowing up his house. With that in mind, you nodded. 
“Alright,” he murmured, sounding somewhat surprised. The hand under his chin dropped to grip the armrest, and he absently waved towards you with the other, “Fire away.” 
“The same question as before; what’s the deal with your tattoo? I’ve never seen anything like it.” 
In response, Sebastian held out his right arm to let your eyes rove over it up close. Sure enough, when he held the limb still, it was way easier to make out the blatant shifting of the design over his skin. “Think of it as less of a tattoo and more of a brand, courtesy of our illustrious Ministry.” 
The venom in his tone didn’t escape you, and the implication in his statement registered immediately. “You mean you got that before–” the words lodged in your throat, and you worked to swallow around the sudden dryness you found there. Sebastian knew what you refrained from saying, however, and the spark that flared in his eyes then made your heart race. 
“Before Azkaban? Yes. Given to me after my trial and preceding my imprisonment. It signifies my use of Unforgivables, but ordinarily it wouldn’t move. That special trait is reserved for escapees so we’re easier to track down.” 
Nervously, your eyes fell to your lap as you absentmindedly picked at your cuticles, the surge of compunction that overtook you leaving you more uncomfortable than you cared to admit. “Do you have any other ‘brands’ then?”
Sebastian was silent for a moment before he reluctantly murmured, “Not anymore.” When you glanced back at him, he had averted his gaze to the top of the bed canopy, and despite the fact that he was only a handful of feet away from you, the look in his eyes told you that he was somewhere far, far away. The pit of remorse you felt in your gut worsened in that instant. “That was two questions, by the way. Now it’s my turn,” he added after a moment, the side of his mouth quirking up into a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes. 
You said nothing as he sat forward to rest his elbows on his knees, the amusement vanishing from his face entirely as he stared you down. “What the fuck happened last night?” 
You knew it had been coming, but you still hesitated to answer right away. It scared you to acknowledge your secret– to put it out in the open after five long years of hiding it away. It terrified you almost as much as it had terrified you to lose control, to not be able to fight back the waves of pain that had crashed over you and left you a writhing, whimpering mess in the dirt. Naturally you were worried that confessing the truth would only result in Sebastian confining you under more wards and restrictions. But even still, there was no easy way to lie your way out of this one. So, you steeled your nerves and met the brunet’s dark, unwavering stare. 
“I don’t really know where to start,” you mumbled. 
To his credit, Sebastian didn’t scoff or roll his eyes. He simply said, “How about at the beginning?” 
The beginning. Five years ago was when it had all started, beneath the foundations of Hogwarts with Professor Fig at your side. It seemed like a lifetime ago, but you’d relived that day enough times to know precisely what had transpired in those fateful hours separated from your friends. 
So you told him. You reminded him of Isidora– of how she had used your shared ability to accumulate all the pain she had collected to store in the repository. How it sat dormant and quiet for centuries until Ranrok came barreling through, seeking to claim it for himself. You detailed how blinded by the idea of power you were, and how you had opted to absorb the magic for yourself and justified the decision with the excuse that it was no longer safe to leave it where it was. Professor Fig’s disappointment in you was harder to dredge up, so you dutifully kept his feelings on the matter vague before diving into how the power had a mind of its own– demanding to be let loose or sated with remnants of ancient magic you found lingering throughout the Highlands. The details of your escapades were summarized and kept brief, but in short, you recounted how you’d isolated yourself for the last two years to better see your journey through. 
A journey with no end in sight. 
Sebastian said nothing for the entirety of your story, simply watching you with a steadfast expression on his face and curiosity burning in his dark eyes. Only when your voice trailed off and a heavy silence settled over the room did he break eye contact to stare at your fidgeting hands, and he raked his fingers through his hair with a small sigh. “So this power, you can’t control it?” 
“Isn’t it my turn to ask a question?” 
“Humor me,” he instructed you with a smirk. “You can ask me two questions after this.”
Drawing in a deep breath, you tipped your head back against the headboard and made a sour face. “I can control it, but if I don’t use it enough it sort of… bursts out.” 
“Has it ever happened before last night?” 
You made a mental note that he now owed you three questions, then nodded. “Once, but it wasn’t as… severe. It’s how I figured all of this out. Trial and error.”
He dipped his chin slowly in understanding, settling back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest once again. Whatever he was thinking, you didn’t know, but all in all he seemed to be taking the news rather well. You could see the gears in his head spinning as he played over every lick of information you’d given him, and you took advantage of the lapse in conversation to collect the answers he owed you. 
“When did you escape from Azkaban?” 
Sebastian paused as he mulled over the question; not out of hesitation, but out of obvious reflection. Had it been that long? “About two years ago, give or take.” 
Two whole years? It baffled you to think that you’d been none the wiser to his prison break during that time, until you contemplated when you would have had the opportunity to hear about it. Over the course of the last two years, you had rarely found yourself in established towns or in public places long enough to hear much of anything, always moving quickly with your head down to avoid unwanted attention. Being oblivious to something like an inmate escaping Azkaban wasn’t the hardest thing to wrap your brain around when you thought long and hard about it. 
Sebastian tipped his head back over the backrest of his chair, staring up at the ceiling as if searching for something there. You watched him quietly for a moment before asking, “How did you escape?” 
There was no missing the far off look that filled his eyes at the question. He swallowed thickly, your own gaze following the pronounced bob of his adam’s apple as he drew in a slow, deep breath. “I’m not at liberty to say,” he said stiffly, furrowing his brow as he seemed to stare harder at the ceiling. 
You couldn’t help it– you scoffed, “That’s not fair, I thought you said no secrets.” 
“Well this secret isn’t just mine to keep.” Sebastian’s long fingers curled into fists atop his lap, and he fixed you with a stern look meant to quell any arguments on the spot. “I don’t have a choice.”
Your pulse kicked up as indignant anger took root, and the piercing glare you aimed at the man did little to lessen the stone cold resolve on his face. Suddenly you couldn’t help but feel incredibly foolish for having believed that this would be a seamless exchange. At the end of the day, the version of Sebastian you found yourself conversing with was still a stranger to you. “Everyone has a choice,” you retorted, crossing your arms over your chest and averting your gaze to one of the bed posts. “You’re choosing not to tell me.”
“I made an Unbreakable Vow,” he fired back instantly, and your wide eyes fell back on him at the revelation. “I can’t tell you. The circumstances surrounding my escape are… complicated.”
What in the nine hells could be important enough to warrant an Unbreakable Vow? Nora had already confessed that her motley group was responsible for Sebastian’s current status as an escapee, and she’d alluded to his freedom being given to him in exchange for something else. Maybe it had something to do with that?
There was no guarantee that he would even tell you, but you still found yourself asking him, “Does it have anything to do with the ‘deal’ Nora mentioned?” 
Sebastian said nothing, opting to silently work a muscle in his jaw as his eyes seemingly darkened. He might be different in other ways now compared to your fifth-year, but it didn’t take a mind reader to see that he was mad. You’d seen that look on his face enough times in the past to know that you’d inadvertently thrown Nora under the metaphorical carriage, but you couldn’t find it in your heart to care. When Sebastian sat back in his seat and looked to his clenched hands in his lap, he shook his head minutely, something strikingly similar to guilt washing over his features for a split second. 
“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll forget whatever Nora told you.”
“Whatever,” you groused, his threat falling on deaf ears, and you rolled your eyes before pivoting your knees to the other side of the bed and angling your torso away so you no longer faced him. The motion conveyed very clearly that you were fed up with the conversation, and you heard him swear softly under his breath. 
“Please, just–  fuck– ask me anything else. I want this to work, just… bear with me here, okay?” 
Your lips stayed stubbornly sealed for a few seconds while you stewed in your anger. Sebastian, ever the patient saint, waited with his big brown eyes pinned wholly on you, and even without looking at him you could tell he was doing his best impression of a kicked puppy. Eventually though, you sighed and directed your next question up at the bed canopy while you twisted the sheets around your fingers. “Can I have my wand back?” 
At first, you expected for him to outright refuse. It made perfect sense for him to want you to remain unarmed while you were under house arrest, especially because you had yet to willingly agree to help him find the relic. Nevermind the fact that you had such volatile magic at your disposal; Sebastian was well within his captor rights to keep your wand as far from you as humanly possible. 
To your surprise, however, he seemed to actually consider your request. 
He eyed you warily, “When your power explodes like that, what’s it like?” 
“Painful,” you summarized quickly. That was putting it mildly, to be completely honest. 
“And using the power really prevents that?” It sounded insane to hear someone say it out loud, but the truth was always more complicated than it had any right to be. You nodded. “Will you ever run out of repository magic? Since it was pain collected from a certain number of people, wouldn’t there just be nothing left after a while?” 
“I doubt it,” you said with a frown, wanting more than anything for his hypothesis to be true. “It’s still as active as ever after five years and I’ve used it consistently from the get go. I’ve never once felt my abilities wane.” 
Sebastian nodded once again, glancing down at his feet and pursing his lips as he chose his next words carefully. “If I give you your wand back to help you keep your magic in check, will you stay?”
To say you were stunned would be a monumental understatement. After days of feeling stuck with no means of escape or self-defense, the answer to all of your problems was actually being offered to you on a silver platter. You could apparate away and have the one thing at your disposal that you desperately needed to keep moving forward. None of the Ashwinders lurking in the shadows could stop you– Sebastian couldn’t stop you. Freedom was well within reach if you forced out one little lie that would seal the deal. 
More than anything, you wanted to resume your search for ancient magic sites to keep your power at bay. The deposits of foreign, unseen power were the only thing that sated the repository’s magic within you aside from using it, and in a strange, convoluted way, you missed your solitary lifestyle. You’d had enough human interaction to last a lifetime, and if you never saw Sebastian again, you liked to think that you would be grateful. 
But the eyes he stared at you with were full to the brim with blind hope. His expression looked tight, as though it physically pained him to essentially hold open the front doors for his one shot at getting the relic. Months of planning wasted in the event you decided to abscond– to not help him. He needed you to get inside the location unscathed, and though you refused to admit you needed him for anything, you had no clue where the site he wanted access to was. You both needed it– for different reasons, mind– but for the time being, your goals somewhat aligned. 
Maybe, just maybe, the two of you could potentially help one another. 
“I’ll stay,” you reluctantly agreed, and you watched as an invisible weight was seemingly lifted from Sebastian’s shoulders. He sat up straighter, his eyes shined brighter, and the palpable tension in the air dissipated into calm reassurance. “I have conditions, though.” 
“Name them,” he said surely, as though he would say yes to anything you asked so long as his plan could remain in motion. 
With the most confidence you could muster, you said, “I can’t stay in this house every day. I’m losing my fucking mind here counting spots in the ceiling, so take me with you when you leave. I don’t care where– just let me come with you.” 
Sebastian flashed you a smirk that would have left you flustered if you weren’t already fighting to control your emotions. “That just means spending more time together,” he nearly purred. “I agree. Anything else, princess?” 
You overlooked the blasted nickname and pressed on, “Nora needs to stay the hell away from me. If I have my wand back, my hand could slip and she might end up transfigured into a toad.” 
Sebastian laughed softly, pushing himself up from his seat to tower over the edge of your bed with a cunning glint in his dark eyes. “She really rubbed you the wrong way, huh? She’s definitely an acquired taste.” 
“She’s insufferable,” you mumbled, ignoring the burning feeling in your gut at his choice of words. An acquired taste? The urge to gag was real. All the nasty, goading comments she had made to you the night prior came back to you in that instant, making you scowl. “Who is she to you anyways? With how she was talking about you last night you’d think she was a jilted lover or something.” 
“Jealous, princess?” Sebastian teased, his obvious enjoyment doing little to quell the rampant discomfort you felt. “Nora is Devlin’s daughter. She’s a little more invested in our line of work than is probably healthy, but she’s otherwise harmless.”
Well… that explained the twin looks of contempt you’d seen both Ashwinders wearing throughout your time here. It did nothing to justify Nora’s territorial display, though. You figured Sebastian was intentionally leaving details out, but before you could get worked up or upset about it, you reminded yourself that you had no business getting offended by it. So what if some blonde goddess had imprinted on the man and claimed him for herself? It shouldn’t matter to you– didn’t matter to you– and you beat back the wave of disappointment that surged through you with a mental stick. 
Noting your newly subdued demeanor, Sebastian stared down at you curiously before raking his fingers through his hair and nodding towards the door. “Any more questions for me, or are you up for an impromptu trip?” 
Suspiciously, you narrowed your eyes at him, “Where?” 
“You’re the one who said she wanted to come with me when I leave the house,” he retorted pointedly. “I’m going to France. I have a contact there I need to meet with.” 
France? What on Godric’s green Earth could possibly be waiting for him all the way in France? Your mind raced with the possibilities, your curiosity getting the better of you and causing you to nod eagerly. 
“Good. Get changed and meet me downstairs in the dining room in half an hour. You should eat before we go.” What was with his obsession with feeding you? He was worse than a mother hen. 
As your hand flew to the top of the duvet to throw it off, you paused abruptly once it dawned on you that you were no longer wearing your pajama pants. Shifting testingly confirmed your fears, and you fixed Sebastian with a hard, sickened stare. “Where did my trousers go?” 
That damnable smirk of his reappeared, bringing with it a set of dimples that banished his older, mature facade and replaced it with something younger and more familiar. “I threw them out last night. You were covered in mud, in case you forgot.” 
Beyond remembering the scalding pain that had wracked your entire being, everything else was a blur to you– but that hardly mattered as your jaw dropped and an indignant squeak sounded from you. “You ass! Get out,” you pulled the duvet higher up your torso, as if that could somehow protect your already soiled modesty. 
“Aw, don’t start hiding now, princess. It’s nothing I haven’t already seen– mmph–” 
His joke was cut short by one of your pillows smacking him in the face, landing harmlessly on the floor as a string of curses unbecoming of a lady tore from your throat. Sebastian acquiesced to your demands for him to leave, his shoulders shaking with silent laughter on his way out the door while your cheeks burned with embarrassment. You didn’t move from beneath the covers until the sound of his footsteps disappeared entirely from the second floor, and then you were dashing into the bathroom to scrub yourself of any remaining dirt and the lingering feeling of Sebastian’s eyes on your half-naked body. 
You were already regretting your decision to stay. 
When you finally made it downstairs, your mood had improved dramatically– though it had more to do with the proper clothing you finally had on. Bitchy as she was, Nora’s taste in fashion was her one redeeming quality. There hadn’t been a single skirt to be found in the pile of attire she’d left for you, which you were immensely grateful for. You had opted for simple black trousers and a gray, washed out blouse that paired nicely with the thick, fur lined dress coat you had on over everything. The fluffy neckline did wonders to keep you warm, and while you felt like you were overheating presently, you were certain you’d be grateful for the feeling once outside. 
Sebastian was already seated at the table in the middle of the room with Devlin leaning over the chair beside him. The older Ashwinder seemed to be pointing out a few things on a piece of parchment while the brunet nodded in understanding, but their conversation died off rather quickly once both men took notice of you standing in the doorway. Sebastian smiled as he took in your appearance, “You clean up nicely, princess.” 
Saying nothing, you dipped your chin into the fur neckline of your coat in an attempt to hide the rosy flush you knew spread across your cheeks. The sound of your loaned heeled boots clicking across the floorboards filled the otherwise silent room as you made your way towards the table, and once you’d taken your usual seat, your gaze returned to the duo in time to see Devlin’s eyes narrowing at you. That stupid hat of his was back on his head again, and you scowled. 
“What?” you snapped, mirroring his expression with added disdain. 
Standing straighter, Devlin crossed his arms over his chest and took in the sight of the mane that enveloped your neck, pursing his lips as he debated on whether to voice his inner thoughts. Eventually he did, though you wished he hadn’t. “You look like a rabbit.” 
You rolled your eyes, only slightly bothered by the comment. At this point you sorely doubted there was anything he could say or do to genuinely offend you. “And you still look like a fool wearing that hat. Couldn’t even be bothered to properly clean the dirt off of it, hm?” 
There was no stopping the wave of giddiness that washed over you when he took the bait, snatching the hat from his head to inspect the front brim where the potted plant you’d thrown at him days earlier had struck. He swore softly under his breath, glaring your way as he tucked the headwear under his arm before glancing down at Sebastian, the man in question watching the exchange with mirth twinkling in his brown eyes. 
“Can we get on with this?” Devlin grumbled. “The sooner she’s as far from me as physically possible, the better.” 
You responded with a vulgar gesture before Sebastian interjected, “Well, tough. The two of you are going to have to learn to coexist with one another at record speeds, because you’re both coming with me to France.” 
“What?” you and Devlin both exclaimed at the same time, for presumably like minded reasons. Being in close quarters with Sebastian was one thing, but with Devlin? The man was the living embodiment of a headache– not to mention he was the father of the woman who had threatened you– and a quick glance his way told you he was thinking similarly about you. He seemed to be contemplating whether an early death was preferable to your company. 
Devlin tossed his hat down on the table, the frustration that radiated from him palpable and as thick as mud. “Why the hell is she coming? That definitely can’t be allowed– you’re playing with fire, Sebastian.” 
The use of the word ‘allowed’ stood out to you and immediately captured your attention. Who else would have the final say in the decisions made around here if not Sebastian? All of the Ashwinders you’d interacted with up until now had directly referred to the former Slytherin as their boss, going as far as to voice their disapproval if something was done that explicitly went against his orders. Even though he was younger than Devlin, there had never been any doubt in your mind that Sebastian was the one calling the shots around here. 
Now though, you weren’t so sure. 
A tense silence settled over the room, but you were too caught up pondering Devlin’s statement to take proper note of it. Only when Sebastian spoke did your attention return to the two men, his voice low, tight, and conveying obvious danger. “It’s allowed because I say so. Got a problem with that, Dev?” 
A bizarre mental exchange transpired then, both men glaring daringly at the other. A quiet fury unlike any other you’d seen before settled over Sebastian’s face, chilling your blood and causing Devlin to go rigid. He seemed to realize his mistake in speaking out of turn after a few seconds, his icy eyes averting to the table as he swallowed thickly without another word. Part of you had expected him to apologize or grovel for forgiveness, but evidently Sebastian took his silence as a decent enough admission of defeat, seeing as he dropped the murderous expression and turned back to you. 
“Now then,” he carried on, as though the flames of Hell hadn’t just been licking at his ankles. “When we get there, make sure you let me do the talking. I’m not saying that to be a prick either,” he added hastily, shooting you a knowing look. “Please just trust my judgment on this.” 
You had no problem with him taking the reins– especially when you considered how out of your element you were bound to be in a foreign country– but the blatant apprehension in Sebastian’s demeanor made you curious, if nothing else. “What exactly is in France?” 
To your surprise, both Sebastian and Devlin looked disgusted as they thought to the truth, and you observed as the graying Ashwinder shook his head disapprovingly while Sebastian frowned at the table. 
He addressed the empty plate in front of him as he answered, “A dragon fighting ring.” 
A hiss slipped through your teeth as your hands clenched in your lap. Unbelievable. Memories of your fifth-year came flooding back to you then as you recalled the abhorrent poacher camp you’d snuck into with Poppy. Dangerous as they were, dragons were highly intelligent creatures with a stubborn streak a mile wide, and to see them bound, injured, and forced to fight had sickened you to your core. The conditions within the enchanted tent back then had been abysmal– the purpose of the whole thing even more so– and you didn’t bother to hide the reproach on your face. The cruelty that some people were capable of baffled and infuriated you.  
“Why would you have anything to do with Poachers? That’s just vile, Sebastian.” 
“I’m no more pleased by it than you are, believe me.” he countered with a sigh, thankfully sounding genuine. “But they have something I need if I want to stand a chance at using that dark relic once we get our hands on it. They’re a necessary evil.” 
A laugh devoid of any humor burst from your lips, and your brows slammed down atop your eyes at the stupidity he was spouting. “A necessary evil is still evil. What the hell could a bunch of animal abusing criminals possibly have that you need?” 
The look he fixed you with then was as serious as they came, the severity of his pending answer registering straight away, and you couldn’t help but wonder exactly what it was you’d gotten yourself into by agreeing to his earlier terms. 
Devlin had to feel similarly, because he actually looked like he was going to be sick, much to your astonishment. Your stomach churned uncomfortably as you realized you shouldn’t have asked– that ignorance probably was bliss– because based on Sebastian’s expression alone, you already knew you weren’t going to like what he was about to say. 
“We need dragon heartstrings,” he said quietly. “A lot of them.” 
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Sebastian Sallow x f!reader
Summary - Request for “ahahaa the animagus thing has given me ideas for a good write up, Natsai shows Sebastian a certain type of polyjuice for making fun of her Animagus form and challenges him to be one for the day to see what he'd become, but he stuck like it until it wears off so with how you said he'd be Seb could just be making the most of it, but he messes with MC and eventually she finds out or something before or until he poofs back"
Word Count - 1,459
Warnings - none
A/N - I hope this is okay, it felt very hard to write about being an animal tbh
Unbeknownst to you, Sebastian was just barely holding his guts in after drinking a vile potion he and Natsai brewed up. He was a little bit scared about what would happen, but if anything went wrong she would at least be aware of the situation to help him.
He felt an intense pain go through him and he clutched at his head. He tried to focus on breathing, Natsai had said it would probably hurt, but he immensely regretted accepting her dare now. As he opened his eyes he definitely noticed his line of sight was no longer the windows in the room. He seemed to be eye level with the legs of the desk in the abdandoned classroom.
Merlin, he thought. He felt weird. He started to realize he was much smaller and on four legs. He attempted to get a look at himself and just some cream colored fur. When he tried to use his vocal cords he scared himself when a gentle bark came out.
He was completely unsure of what to do with himself now. Truthfully he hadn't talked through details with Natsai at all. He took the potion she created for him, assuming it wouldn't last longer than a day, but now he didn't know what to do with it.
He made his way out of the room, taking in the sensation of the paws he now had on the stone floor. She had waited for him outside the room to keep watch and make sure he didn't get trapped in there with no way out.
"Oh my god, you really drank it."
Sebastian looked at her helplessly, unable to convey any of the emotions he felt when she said that.
She crouched down and pet him on the head which he couldn't deny felt nice.
"Off you go little pup. I'll be seeing you later."
He barked at her when she walked away and she couldn't contain her laughter, but just kept walking, leaving him to his own devices. He really had no idea what to do now especially in this huge castle at a view he'd never seen it before.
He decided to walk around and explore, deciding that maybe there were some places he could get into that he hadn't previously.
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You were having a rather hectic day and were definitely ready to get back to the common room and relax. You weren't expecting to round the corner to somebody's dog eating a stolen treacle tart. Dogs just weren't a pet anyone had at school, they weren't self-sufficient enough and what you were witnessing was a prime example.
You approached the animal carefully just for it to grab it's treat and jump back in surprise, looking up at you. The dog was medium-sized, but quite fluffy. It looked so scared that you felt bad for it.
You put your hands under its belly and scooped it up. It was awkward to carry, but you didn't want to leave it there. You kept going on your way to the common room, not carefully avoiding other students and strategically placing your robes over the dog.
Once you made it in you sighed in relief as you put the dog on the floor.
"What in the world am I going to do with you?" You decided you would ask around about it, but for now it seemed content to finish scarfing down it's tart.
It took a seat on the floor, staring up at you and you reluctantly patted the sofa beside yourself. You really weren't a dog person and this wasn't exactly how you saw your day going. When the dog jumped up and nuzzled at your hand you couldn't resist pulling it against you to cuddle.
It wasn't as abhorrent as some other dogs you had been around. You adjusted yourself to press your face against the fluff and were really confused. It almost smelled like Sebastian. You didn't want to admit that you enjoyed being around him enough that you were used to his scent and actually felt comforted by it, but it was the truth.
You sighed and closed your eyes, doing your best to let go of the ink you spilled all over your homework or the cloak you ruined. You just sank into the animals fur and drifted into a peaceful nap in the common room.
Sebastian was on cloud nine. He didn't mind being a dog very much especially if he was going to be your dog. The sensations were nothing like if he were a human right now, but your hands, hair, and face on him were warm and perfect. It wasn't long before he relaxed with you and fell into a sleep himself. It seemed like a decent enough way to spend the time that he had no clue what to do with.
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Sebastian woke up completely disoriented upon remembering he was currently a dog. And now he was being carried in your arms, up the stairs of the common room. He had no idea how long you were both out on the couch, but he did begin to feel strange as you were clearly taking him to your room.
It seemed to be early enough in the day that nobody else was present. You gave him a scratch on the belly before placing him on the ground. You opened up your night stand to pull out some snack crackers you had to give to him while you tried to figure out what to do in the meantime.
He ate them greedily suddenly realizing how hungry he was. He must have been this way for hours now, was it really going to last 24 hours? What if you tried to feed him real dog food? He whined at the thought and it made you look down at him.
"I'm sorry buddy, that's what I have for now. I'll figure something else out and take you back to where you belong."
You yawned and stretched, hanging your cloak on one of your bed posts. As he finished his small meal he gazed up at you and all sorts of thoughts rushed through his head. You were in your thin camisole, somehow having shed the layers of your vest and blouse in record time.
He barked at you, not knowing what else to do to try and get your attention. He was torn between wanting you to stop, but also wanting to continue watching you. It wasn't like he could tell you what he wanted either way.
You picked him up once more, smiling at him and holding him in front of you. He felt as if he would fall and braced his paws on your chest, the squishy flesh of your chest just underneath of him now.
"Don't worry, if I can't figure out where you go I'll take you under my wing for a little bit and we can have some more naps."
You had no time to process what was going on as you blinked and suddenly were not holding a dog anymore. All of a sudden Sebastian was in front of you red faced and with his hands right on your chest. Your eyes went wide and you felt mortified.
"Sebastian?!" You shoved him back and covered your face in embarrassment. You tried to find words to say, but you had way too many questions and you were tempted to kick him right in the trousers.
"Uhm...er....I can explain?" His voice cracked at the end of his statement and you just took a seat at the edge of your bed.
"Yes, please. Why are you standing there in place of the dog I just had?"
He tried to focus, but his eyes wandered down to your chest and you groaned, crossing your arms harshly.
He cleared his throat, "Right. Natty and I got into it about being an Animagus. And she said I wouldn't last a whole day as one and I—"
You put your hand out and shook your head, "I've heard enough. What am I supposed to do with you in here? You are not supposed to even be up here."
He eyed you cautiously before wiggling his eyebrows towards you and lowering his voice, "Well I can think of a few —"
"Nope! No." You were already humiliated and you couldn't take anymore.
"Do you have your wand?"
He felt around in a sudden panic before pulling it from a pocket in his robe and held it up to you triumphantly.
You stood up and pushed on his shoulder.
"Then get out!"
"No, but wait, I—"
You continued to push him until he was out of the door and you slammed it in his face despite his protests.
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deadghosy · 3 months
Sebastian && Ominis with a siren/mermaid!reader hcs
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🐚 ྀ࿓immediately when it was spread around how the new fifth year was a half merfolk. Sebastian was amazed while ominis was a bit skeptical. He never really believed in those kinda tells. 
🐚 ྀ࿓even after getting to know you a lot. And how Sebastian described your tail when you went in water, Ominis still didn’t believe until he felt your energy shift. Felt your tail scales, heard you talk in your own language. But also when he heard first years say that an actual mermaid or siren perhaps was in the water.
🐚 ྀ࿓sallow most definitely watches you swim through the window to the ocean. He finds you magical. He may even playfully draw a heart against the window only to feel his heart swell at how you made a heart air bubble
🐚 ྀ࿓those two always wait by the window to see you. Well mostly seeing from Sebastian while Ominis is just there for your presence.
🐚 ྀ࿓Sebastian would put his feet in the water while you are full on mermaid mode whilst Ominis is just relaxing, bathing in the sun.
🐚 ྀ࿓your two slytherin boys heart melts when you give them sea treasures. Immediately they want to gift you some things as well.
🐚 ྀ࿓Sebastian who sometimes thinks if you get water poured onto your arms you would turn into a mermaid accidentally on land. He told this to Ominis who didn’t worry much as you told him yourself you have to be in ocean water fully.
🐚 ྀ࿓Ominis who just feels the ocean for you when you are in there. He likes how you hold his hand and not pull him in like a jerk.
🐚 ྀ࿓these two Slytherins are very protective. They don’t even let a single male student talk to you. In fear of them not being your favorite best friends. They personally say that they are your boys.
🐚 ྀ࿓ “can you speak fish?” Sebastian says as he plays with your hair in charms class. Ominis scrunched up his face hearing that question while you snickers. “Sebsatian. Please be quiet” Ominis says, which makes you laugh out a little bit.
🐚 ྀ࿓Sebastian who makes you try to talk to a fish only for you to slap the back of his head and tell him no yourself
🐚 ྀ࿓you three sometimes get into mischief if a person tries to sale you. Only to know you got two protective Slytherin boys by your back. Ready to harm anyways trying to harm you. Especially Sebastian.
🐚 ྀ࿓if you can sing just like how sirens and mermaid are told to sing. Except Ominis and Sebastian standing over you in your bed wanting you to sing them to sleep. It was Sebastian’s idea, dragging Ominis in this.
🐚 ྀ࿓Sebastian makes you a sea shell bracelet..it was garbage but hey, it’s the thought that counts.
🐚 ྀ࿓gaunt is an excellent boy who loves to just sleep by the window if you choose to sleep with the sea critters. He doesn’t care for odd looks. He likes your attention and presence most.
🐚 ྀ࿓Sebastian definitely has a field trip when you two prank Ominis. He can sense your energy, yes but he can’t sense it with you deep under water.
🐚 ྀ࿓it’s all love as Sebastian says sorry along with you just agreeing. Head out of the water as well. You three go back to the house and relax like the trio you are.
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
Hatred - Safety Ch 2
Ominis Gaunt x f!Ravenclaw!Reader (Reader is not MC)
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Dueling, very minor injury
Summary: Y/N L/N had always despised Ominis Gaunt. He was everything she hated about her life. As the only daughter to a wealthy pure-blood family, she knew it was inevitable that she would someday find herself in an arranged marriage.
But why did it have to be him?
Or, a classic arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, slow burn.
Chapter One
Also Available on AO3
Ominis had always prided himself in being able to read others’ emotions, despite his lack of sight. He could not see the expressions on people’s faces, but he could hear the subtle tones of their voices, the way their breathing changed when they tenses. He could feel the power and the passion coming off them like waves, and he had spent years tuning himself to understand it. 
That being said, it took almost no effort to know that Y/N’s feelings from that morning had not changed in the slightest. 
She was awfully short with her friend (Constance, was it?) whenever they spoke. Her breathing was deep in an effort to quell the anger flowing through her veins. He could feel her attention shifting to him, over and over again, as the class went on. 
He could feel himself getting more and more annoyed by it. 
There was nothing they could do at the moment—didn’t she see that? He wanted this over as soon as possible, but if he ditched classes and moped around, it would do nothing but put him in his parent’s bad graces. Being angry did nothing but raise your blood pressure and cause rash decisions to be made. Was it so impossible for her to put her emotions aside for a few hours?
He was being hypocritical—he recognized that. Every movement she made in her seat made his eye twitch. All he could think about her assumptions she had made of him, that he had wanted to rope her in some engagement. The thoughts floated around inside his head, making concentrating on anything but her a few seats away almost impossible. 
“You look like someone snapped your wand,” Sebastian said quietly as people broke into groups to practice spells. 
Ominis’s frown deepened, if it was even possible. “You’ll have to forgive me for being in a foul mood. I don’t think I’ll be shaking it any time soon.” 
Sebastian hummed. “She’s glaring at you. Again.” 
“You mean it hasn’t been one long, continuous glare?”
“No, she stopped for a moment to glare at something Constance said. But she got right back to it, don’t worry.” 
Ominis almost chuckled at that. “What is it that we’re even supposed to be doing? My mind was elsewhere.” 
“Changing the color of the cloth on our desk.” 
“Wonderful, I couldn’t imagine a more useful spell for the likes of me.” 
Sebastian laughed at that. The sound lessened Ominis’s dark mood a bit—it had been rarer to hear his dear friend’s laugh since Anne had fallen ill, and any chance there was so help him feel better was one worth taking. He was sorry that such misfortune had fallen to all the members of their trio this final school year. 
Anne’s absence was felt constantly. Over the years, Ominis had grown to think of her as his sister—she acted the role much better than his own older sister, Vidia, had ever done. Both she and Sebsatian had befriended him when he was afraid no one else would. He would forever be grateful for the Sallows who had so readily taken him in as one of their own. 
He sighed. He’d have to write to her. See what advice she could offer. Sebastian was always the most rash of their trio, acting on the first thought that came to his head. Ominis was often the opposite—reserved nearly to a fault. Anne was their middle ground, the level head who always considered all aspects. When he and Sebastian fought, she was able to calm them down enough to see sense and make up. Since she had gotten ill, Ominis and Sebastian had been doing their best to carry on. He knew that no matter what, they would remain like brothers, but it didn’t mean things weren’t difficult sometimes. 
He wondered if Anne would have been able to talk to Y/N. Sebastian had charm, yes, but Anne had the ability to wrap anyone she met around her finger—it was what had enabled her to get away with so much during her time in Hogwarts. If anyone had the capability to calm the beast that was Y/N Y/N, it would have been her. 
The rest of the class passed by without incident. Ominis practiced the charm very lazily, seeing as he would never have much use for it, and Sebastian neglected to practice at all, claiming he’d mastered it in his third year. It wasn’t long until the seventh year students were making their way over to Professor Hecate’s classroom for Defense Against the Dark Arts. 
Ominis sighed as they walked over, knowing he’d have to endure her glares in that class as well. He pulled out his wand to guide him, trying not to pay attention to her brooding a few steps ahead of him. Sebastian chattered on about some more advanced color-changing spells he’d studied a while back, and Ominis let his voice drown out the rest of the students around them. 
When they walked into class, Ominis realized immediately that this would be a practical lesson. The tables were all pushed aside, leaving a wide empty space to practice spells in the middle. Professor Hecate stood in front of them as they gathered around. 
“Welcome, students,” she began. “Today we’ll be learning a defensive spell. While some of you may think it less effective than other spells, I guarantee you in a duel, you’ll want every weapon in your arsenal. It has come in handy for me on more than one occasion.” 
She went on, explaining the Confundus Charm in detail—from her descriptions and the aid of his wand, Ominis was able to understand the motions, and listened carefully to her pronunciation. With his blindness, Ominis had come into the school with people expecting him to always be a few steps behind—he did all he could from his first day on to put that to rest. Say what they will about him or his family, but he wanted all to see he was a more than capable wizard. He had proven that throughout his years, catching on to spells quickly; often quicker than most in his year. 
Professor Hecate demonstrated the charm to them all (she did so by casting it on Duncan Hobhouse—this amused Ominis greatly) and then turned back to all of them. “I’ll now pair you off to practice the spell. Only Confundus, Protego, and Basic Cast, please.”
Ominis’s stomach dropped. His luck couldn’t be so horrible, could it? But as more and more names were called, names that were not his or hers, he felt the stress building within him. 
“Ominis Gaunt and Y/N L/N, if you would work together, please.” 
If there was such thing as a God, he must surely be laughing at his misery. He felt her angry presence approach him, and he stood straighter, trying to prepare himself for whatever might come. 
She didn’t say anything to him, just stood there as other students around them got to work, practicing the spell in makeshift duels. The silence annoyed him. 
“Let’s get this out of the way, then,” he said, spreading his feet a bit to give him the proper stance to duel. He heard her footsteps on the ground as she did the same. 
“Confundo,” she said lazily. The spell shot at him and he deflected easily, coming back with a basic cast. Once again, the spell bounced off the shield charm. Y/N made a low noise, almost like a growl. 
“What’s wrong with you?” she said, voice low but full of venom. “I thought you were upset. Why are you so calm?”
“Oh, I am upset,” Ominis replied. “I just don’t go about showing it off like a prefect’s badge. On the other hand, I’m surprised you’re not accusing me of telling Professor Hecate to set the two of us up.” 
He countered. He could practically hear her teeth grinding together, feeling the tension grow between them. That last spell had a bit more fire to it. She was starting to mean it. He was playing with fire, now—he should back down a bit. 
He cast Confundo back at her, and she whipped up her shield without a moment’s hesitation. She was a step closer now than she had been. “You’re a cold hearted prick,” she said, seething. 
His basic cast came at her a little more quickly than his last spells had. She just blocked it. “You know nothing about me,” he growled. 
“I know you’re a monster, set on causing pain for your pleasure, just like your family.” 
For the second time that day, Ominis found himself hearing nothing but his own blood pumping. She didn’t know what he’d been through. The regrets he had. He took out some of his hatred by throwing a spell to her—he wasn’t even sure what it was, but it didn’t matter. Her quick Protego kept it from reaching her. “Don’t speak of things you know nothing of,” he spat. “At least I’m not like you, so eager to please the rest of the world by making a sorry show of myself. You try so hard to run, but everyone still sees you as you are. Heir to a pureblood throne, just like me—” 
Most of the time, Ominis Gaunt was a man of restraint. He listened to that little voice in his head (the voice he was so keen on telling Sebastian he didn’t have) and stopped when it told him to. He knew where limits were, and how to stay away from them. He’d spent his life skirting around the edges. He knew he should stop now, before things got out of hand, before he did something he’d regret. But sometimes, sometimes, fury had a way of making that voice seem too quiet. 
Any anger he had felt from her before had been a mere sample. He felt the magic in the air as she drew her arm back, preparing to direct it to him. It was electric—power and rage turned into one, matching the growl of her voice as she yelled, “Confringo!” 
But he’d had time to prepare. The moment that word had left his mouth, there was the instinct telling him to ready himself. His shield parted the flames that flew at him, the heat felt through it still. It was a truly masterful cast of the spell, one that Sebastian had to be jealous of. Just after the fire’s heat vanished, Ominis let his own spell fly, a powerful Depulso that sent her flying back. 
His wand lowered as he heard her fall to the ground, the realization hitting him. How had he let his rage drive him so far? She could be hurt, badly, he hadn’t meant to—
Some of his anxiety was quelled as he heard her getting back up, brushing away the hands and concerned voices that surrounded her. “I’m fine,” she insisted. “I don’t need help, I’m not hurt, I—”
“What’s going on here?” Professor Hecate said, voice booming as she stood between the two of them. Y/N was back on her feet. “Did I not instruct you on not using other spells in your duels?” 
Neither of them spoke. Ominis was still too stunned from his own actions. She seemed to feel the same. There was no defense for either of them—they had put on quite the show. They had plenty of witnesses to describe what had happened. 
“Detention,” Professor Hecate said. “Tonight, for the both of you. You’re lucky no one was hurt.” 
Ominis could only stand there in silence, hearing the hushed whispers of the other students begin to swirl around him. He hardly heard Professor Hecate when she announced class was dismissed, the other seventh years leaving the classroom quickly. 
He should apologize. Make sure she was really alright. Let her know he hadn’t meant—he never intended to—
But she was already gone, having stormed out of the classroom the moment she’d been able to. 
Her side ached where she had hit the ground, but she didn’t care. Constance kept pestering her even as she repeated that.
“You should just let Nurse Blainey check it out,” her blonde friend insisted. “What if it’s worse than you think?”
“I know what a bruise feels like, Constance,” she replied shortly. Constance narrowed her eyes at her, frowning deeply. 
That was Constance. Quick to protect, but quick to get offended, too. Y/N knew how to stay on her good side after years of friendship, a skill most hadn’t been able to grasp. The two of them made quite the pair—Y/N was a bit of an outcast. Not accepted by the Slytherins or other pureblood families because of her outspokenness against that culture, and not fully embraced by the others in the school, still a bit wary of her origins. People were nice enough to her, never accusing her of following in her family’s footsteps or viewing her as a danger, but… they still kept her at an arm’s length. It was difficult to make true friends, not just ones who’d chat kindly in class then never speak to her again outside of it.  
But that’s where Constance came in. The girl was so loyal, Y/N often found herself wondering how she wasn’t a Hufflepuff. Constance had her own trouble keeping friends; she had a bit of a reputation for being short with people, feeling as if she knew best. Y/N didn’t mind. What mattered to her was that she was there when no one else was, and she knew she’d be there to the end. 
At present, Y/N sighed. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude to you. It’s just been… a long day.”
And it still wasn’t over. She wasn’t looking forward to her detention that night in the slightest—she’d already gotten the note from Professor Hecate, instructing both her and Gaunt to be in her classroom at eight o’clock sharp. She didn’t have much choice but to go, no matter how much she didn’t want to face the Slytherin again. 
“I know, it’s alright,” Constance replied, annoyance gone after her apology. “I still can’t believe he actually did that… if I’d had any say in all of this, I’d let you Depulso him right back.” Constance distinctly ignored the fact that Y/N had been the first to use an illegal spell in their duel, sticking firmly on her friend’s side. “He’s getting off of this much too easily. I bet he won’t even show up to detention—pull his little web of strings to get out of it.”
She sighed. “Honestly, I’d be just fine with that. Save me the trouble of seeing him again.” 
Constance grumbled a bit, something about unfair and stupid rich family. Y/N didn’t pay it much mind, simply grateful to have her by her side. 
The rest of the afternoon and evening passed in a blur. She was still angry, still frustrated about her situation, (and of course, with Ominis Gaunt) but the duel in Defense Against the Dark Arts reminded her she needed to keep a level head about all of it. What was it the infuriating boy had said? Showing it off like a prefect’s badge? She was determined to prove him wrong, and didn’t even look at him the remainder of the day. 
When eight o’clock finally rolled around, she trudged up to Professor Hecate’s classroom. She opened the door and frowned, seeing Gaunt stood just inside. Well, at least he was taking his punishment, and not backing out like a coward. She’d give him that much. 
Professor Hecate turned to both of them. “I’ll have you know that most professors would have given you detentions for at least a week—if you behave tonight, you’ll be left with just the one. Though you weren’t supposed to use those spells, I’ll grant that they were well cast. That deserves at least some merit.”
Y/N shifted on her feet, waiting for her instruction so they could get things over with. Professor Hecate led them over to her office, waving her wand to bring out high stacks of parchment. “Your task tonight is simple enough. I just need these alphabetized. It should be mundane enough to keep you out of trouble, I hope. I’ll leave you two to it and check back in an hour or so.”
After Professor Hecate left, Y/N plopped into a chair by the desk, starting immediately on the first stack. She told herself the hour would go quicker if she was absorbed in her task. Gaunt came to sit across from her, pulling out his wand to trace over the pages. She could help but glance up from time to time, wondering how exactly the magic worked. He’d first place his wand, and then his fingers would follow, brushing against the parchment. She’d seen him do it before in classes, of course, but it was a little different seeing him repeat the action again and again in front of her.
“I can feel you staring,” he said, shaking her out of her thoughts. She scowled, looking back down at the parchment she had in hand. 
Now that the silence had been broken once, it felt heavy as it laid over them. Still, she was determined that she had no need to end it. Gaunt seemed to feel differently. 
“I’m going to ask you something, and all I ask is you don’t try to set me on fire so we can avoid another detention.” No response. “Why do you despise me?”
She scoffed. “Really? You need to ask that? Was the letter I received this morning not reason enough?”
“It’s quite clear you hated me long before that letter. You just used to be more subtle about it.” 
She set down the page she was holding. “You, Ominis Gaunt, are everything I’ve ever tried to run from.” Her eyes shot up to look at him, seeing his frown deepen. “I suppose that’s one thing you got right about me. I’m no sorry coward like you, willing to give in and be driven by hate and prejudice. My parents admire your family—it’s disgusting to watch. My whole life, they’ve pushed me to be just like all of you.” Her face contorted to one of utter disgust. “I know all about you and your horrid family. Cursing Muggles and Muggleborns as if they’re not even human. Of all the pureblood lines, yours is the most rotten of all. If I could erase one blasted family from the face of the planet, it would be yours.” 
She wasn’t sure how she expected him to respond to that, but it wasn’t a quiet chuckle. Her face dropped her expression of disgust and turned to one of confusion, brows furrowed. “I see,” he said. “I figured as much. But I’d hoped after attending seven years of school together you’d have seen that the only person who hates my family more than you is myself.” 
Her jaw dropped. “You—what—”
“You’re right,” he said. “About all of it. The hate, the prejudice, the torture, even. What you’re wrong about is me agreeing with it. It disgusts me, just as it does you. Truly, the Gaunt family line is an abomination.”
“But… but you’re a Slytherin,” she said, head spinning at the revelation. 
“You really think I ever had a chance to be anything but, with his blood flowing in my veins?” He laughed bitterly. “And a Parslemouth, no less. I was doomed from the start.” 
She sat in silence, lost in thought. Was he telling the truth? Was he just trying to manipulate her, get into her good graces for… for whatever reason? She couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation. It was a several minutes later when he interrupted to quiet once again. 
“I am sorry, by the way,” he said softly. “I hope I didn’t cause you any pain or injury. I let my frustration get the best of me.” 
He… he was apologizing? In a single conversation, all of the assumptions and judgements she’d made about the boy in front of her were slowly crashing down. For so many years, she’d thought she’d had him pegged. He was the perfect heir, the Gaunt’s dear youngest son. She had never bothered to look further, to question it. It had always been her against him. 
But what if she’d gotten it wrong? What if they weren’t so different after all?
It was too big of a shift to take in all at once. Her head was spinning. What had he just been saying? Sorry—that was right. He was a Gaunt. He was supposed to be revealing in the pain he’d caused a blood-traitor. But he said sorry. 
“You…” She cleared her throat, willing her thoughts to come together to form a response. “It’s alright. I’m not hurt. I was the first one to cast Confringo at you, so…” 
Dear Merlin, was she apologizing back?
“I egged you on,” Gaunt said. “I usually know when to stop, but this whole engagement business has driven me out of my head. I shouldn’t have said the things I did.” 
She didn’t know what to say to that. They continued working, the only sound being the ruffle of pages, but most of the tension was gone. A while later, Professor Hecate came in to tell them they were free to go. They walked out of the classroom, toward the tower that held both of their common rooms in silence. He began to head down the stairs. Before she could stop herself, she called after him. 
He stopped, head tilting back a bit, an indication he was listening. 
“If you’re telling the truth about everything,” she started. “Which… which I hope you are, then I’m sorry, too.” 
A small smile crossed his lips. He didn’t say anything in response, just gave a bit of a nod and continued down the stairs.
Chapter 3
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Telling Sebastian he has your full consent to play out his wildest fantasies with you. So, before you know it he's got you by the throat, gasping for air with tears in your eyes and a wand moving down your front, slicing your clothes like a searing knife.
"I can see your thighs glistening, so why are you fighting?"
"I know you're enjoying this, you're just such a filthy slut."
"Look at you, all exposed just for me."
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HII could u possibly do Sebastian sallow x deaf reader, anything like a one shot or head canons could be fine 💕
Headcannons for Sebastian with a deaf reader
Sebsatian Sallow x reader
Warnings - none
most likely the first time he meets you he would make a fool of himself
probably walking up to you because he think your an attractive new student and then talking your ear off before he realizes you cant hear him
it would be the first of many times you saw his cheeks turn dark red
hard to say if he would be more embarrassed if you did or didn't know how to lip read his "suave" introduction
he would write back and forth with you in his chicken scratch hand writing while secretly spending his spare moments trying to pick up sign language to have a more fluid conversation with you
it would be slow and crude, but he would start out spelling every word out to you not yet knowing shortcuts around the language to indicate full words or phrases
in class he liked to help you by taking notes which just gave him an easy excuse to be rambling on to you in the free spaces of the notes themselves
he would probably poke fun at himself by saying the only people who wanted to be friends with him had to be deprived of at least one sense to be able to tolerate him
if you were someone who used your voice to speak he would think it was incredible that it was even possible
he secretly lives for glimpses of your voice whether it be words or just everyday sighs from stretching, your laughter
any little piece of him you're willing to let him be a part of he loves
he would learn as much as he could to make sure you didn't feel out of place
whether that meant your love language was touch or to be able to see the difference in effort of his appearance around you, he would make sure you got plenty of it
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Let Go
Sebastian Sallow x f!reader
Summary - Request from Anon for "Seb getting it on with reader in a chair being saddle 😏"
Word Count - 1,270
Warnings - 18+, characters aged up, Subastian"
Sebastian sat with his legs crossed, chewing on his fingernails while he waited for you to come down. You had been living together for a year since graduation and at the present he had just gotten home after working all night. He had good news to tell you, but felt anxious nonetheless.
He felt like you couldn't get ready for the day quickly enough. You padded down the stairs quietly enough that he hadn't noticed you at first which gave you time to drink him in. He wore a pair of boots that stopped just below his knee, fitted pin-stripe trousers tucked into the top. A pale green blouse with the sleeves pushed up fell just below the button of his pants. To top it off he had on a brown leather vest akin to the color of his boots.
Sebastian only put so much effort into his appearance for the sake of working, he had to in order to be considered respectable enough at the ministry. That meant you savored every second of when he came home looking so delectable.
"Sebsatian," his eyes fell on you as you greeted him, "you were working a lot longer than I thought, is everything okay?"
He opened his legs up for you as you took a seat on his thigh, wrapping your arm around him.
He gave you a light peck, arms curling around your sides as he spoke to you with a smile on his face, "Well, they're going to let me move out of administration. I was there doing a lot of last minute work, but it was all so I could move to the patrol squad. They trust me."
He flashed a mischievous smile which made you laugh. Truthfully you were thrilled for him, it was all he talked about for months how much desk work they were making him do to get to where he wanted to be.
You slid your hand under his jaw, running your thumb across his cheek and over his lips, "I'm so proud of you! That's fantastic."
He beamed at your praise. It was now that you noticed how dark the circles were beneath his eyes.
"I know you're exhausted, but maybe you can have a reward before you get some sleep?" You nudged his mouth with your thumb once, he lazily obliged as you popped it into his mouth.
His hold on you tightened and you could feel his sudden arousal beneath you from just a few words. You pulled your hand from his face, thumb popping from his mouth as he let it fall open. He couldn't look aware from you as you stood up and peeled off all of your clothes, taking your time.
You listened to him whimper and watched him shift around, tugging at the bulge in his pants desperately. His eyes were scanning your entire body from your neck down your collar bones, over your breasts, past the soft mound of hair which hid his favorite thing to taste in the world.
As you stood over him you placed a knee outside of his, bending down to unfasten his trousers and free his strained cock. He reached forward to place a hand on your hip before you lightly slapped him away.
"Sebastian," you spoke softly, looking into his eyes while you momentarily stopped what you had been doing, "you know better than to touch without asking first. You want me to take care of you, don't you?"
"Y-yes," he choked out, gripping the arms of his chair and nodding his head up and down just to make sure you knew he was listening. Your lips curled up into a smirk as you brought your focus back down to his zipper.
You encouraged him to lift his bottom up enough so you could shimmy his pants and undergarments both down past his knees. You smiled as your fingers ghosted over the beauty marks that were on his sensitive skin. He let out a moan he couldn't contain; after the crazy day he had this felt like heaven.
You make him close his legs slightly so you can fit yourself in the chair around him, straddling his lap. At the contact his own thighs make with his full balls he throws his head back. He's embarrassed at how sensitive he is and how much he needs you right now.
You lean in on him, letting him feel your heat as you cup his face, forcing him to look at you, "Tell me what you want, baby."
His cheeks are burning red and you see the trail of it going down his neck no doubt over his freckled chest too.
"Help me cum, please? I need it so bad. Can - can I touch to while you take care of me?"
You wiggle your hips against him before responding, watching his eyes roll back into his head.
"Since you were so good today and asked so nicely, you can put your hands wherever you want okay? Just let me take care of you."
He wasted no time grabbing at your plush skin like he was in heat. It didn't matter if it was hips, breasts, stomach, he needed all of it. You knew you were already a dripping mess over his cock so you carefully lifted yourself up, lining yourself up with him before sinking down slowly.
He grabbed the back of your head and kiss you hard and wet while his other hand massaged at your ass. He murmured how good you felt and how he needed more while you teased him, bouncing up and down at a devastatingly slow pace for him.
You chewed on his lip as you toyed with him, moving your kisses and bites down his jaw and to his neck, "If you want more I might need some encouragement, Sebby," you let of soft moans in between your assault on his skin as he reached his hand between the two of you, finding your clit effortlessly.
"Just like that, you're such a good boy for me," you buried your face in his neck as you started to ride him harder. You craved having him deep inside of you and the wet motions he used on your clit where all hitting you just right.
His grip on your backside was bruising as you continued to fuck him, feeling your orgasm building up.
"Y/N, I'm close! I - I want to cum - please," he begged you for permission, knowing that he had to hold himself back until you gave him the green light.
You wrapped your arms across his shoulders tightly as your orgasm came in waves, hitting the perfect spots inside and out.
"Please," he groaned, "I can't - I can't stop it," you knew your walls clenching around him would be too much for him to bear.
You were panting and sweating on top of him as you spoke, "Come on, baby, you can finish. This was all just for you."
As you gave him permission you shifted yourself off of him, quickly wrapping a hand around his cock to replace the feeling of your cunt. He came in hot spurts on your chest, moaning your name and bucking his hips against you. He didn't want it to end.
You slowed down and released him as he gasped for air beneath you. You leaned away from him to try and not make too much of a mess a you tenderly pet his hair and his neck.
"Did it feel good?" All he could do was nod at you, eyes closed, mind completely blank from the pleasure.
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anto-pops · 8 months
"crusty uncle" is the best and funniest take i've heard about soloman sallow in a LONG time
I was confused by this until I went back and read my tags from that post last night LMAO
But yeah, that about sums it up. The second he evaporated that Shrivelfig and had Sebsatian looking like a kicked puppy I imagined my MC was taking out her earrings and biting off her nails like—
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Fanfiction Writing Masterlist
PLEASE DON'T REPOST MY WORK, YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION. Reblogs and tagging my blog for credit are the only permissions for sharing my work.
Accepting requests for:
Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy
Ominis Gaunt
🕸 True Colors
🍧🍄 Nearly Headless
🍄Sign of The Times
🕸🍧Room of Requirements
🕸🍄Love and Marriage
🍧You Can Always Learn
🕸🍧Just the Two of Us
🕸 Friendly
🍧A Lifetime
🕸 Never Too Busy
🍧Seeing Stars
🕸 Let Me Show You
🍧🍄You and Me
Sebastian Sallow
🕸 Lust 🕸🍄Emotions (sequel to Lust)
🕸🍧 First For Everything
🍧🍄Moving On Together
🍧A Lifetime
🕸 Let Go
🍧It's Okay
🕸🍄I Needed This
🕸 Ominis and Sebastian touching themselves to you + reaction to you showing up
🕸Ominis and Sebsatian touching themselves to m!reader
🕸 Ominis and Sebastian NSFW speculation
🍧Ominis and a socially awkward reader
🍧Reader and Ominis' hands
🍧Sebastian and a deaf reader
🍧Ominis and Sebsatian with an reader who's experienced abuse
🍧Valentines Headcannons for Ominis, Sebastian, and Poppy
Animagus Headcannons for Ominis, Sebastian, and Poppy
Patronus Headcannons for Ominis and Sebastian
Bucky Barnes
🍄 Prompt: “She’s my best friend, that hasn’t changed.” “It’s clear your feelings for her have.
🕸 Don't Blow Our Cover pt.1 pt.2
🕸 A New Era
Loki Laufeyson
🍧 A Trip Out
🍧A Sick Day
Peter Parker
Dancing in the Dark
🍧🍄 Loving Peter Parker pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
Stephen Strange
🍄 Comfort
🍧 A Strange Christmas
Steve Rogers
🕸 Breaking the Tension
Vampire Academy
Adrian Ivashkov
Dimitri Belikov
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove
🍄 The Fight
The Vampire Diaries
Kai Parker
🕸 That's Enough pt.1 pt.2
🕸 Daddy Kai x Bonnie
Just Woke Up
Leonardo Dicaprio
🍧Cute Surprise
🕸 Fun with Food
🍧Kind Gesture
🕸 Dirty Date Night
Tom Hiddleston
🕸 Needy
🕸 Words Like Honey
Ray Manzarek
🕸 Relieving Tension
John Paul Jones
Fanfic ch.1 ch.2 ch.3 ch.4 ch.5 ch.6 ch.7 ch.8 ch.9 ch.10 ch.11 ch.12 ch.13 ch.14 ch.15 ch.16
John Entwistle
🕸 A Long Day
Keith Moon
🕸 Naughty Girl
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