#second citadel spoilers
its-your-mind · 3 months
Queen Mera: it is a pleasure to meet you Lord Arum
Lord Arum, He Who Rules the Swamp of Titans’ Blooms: (Well I can’t just lie to her and tell her it’s a pleasure to meet her as well because it’s Not. if we had met an hour ago she would have ordered my death.)
Lord Arum, He Who Views Ceding Conversational Ground as a Blow to His Pride: (but more importantly she is the one who exiled my Amaryllis and taught my beautiful, gentle, sweet Honeysuckle to hate and kill)
Lord Arum, He Who Loves His Partners More Than Anything and Will Hold Grudges on Their Behalf: (I may be willing to call you ally, but I cannot and will not forget that I met this man, one of the two loves of my life, as we tried to kill each other because of a war that you and your predecessors have waged on my kind.)
Lord Arum, He Who Has, At This Point, Lost His Train of Thought Entirely: (though I must admit that our first meeting was… electrifying. Seeing my Honeysuckle in combat, moving like poetry through the fabrics as he attempted to catch me before I could abscond with the Queen’s handkerchief)
Lord Arum, He Who Has Just Remembered He is in the Middle of the Most Important Introduction in the Universe Right Now and thus Does Not Have Time to Daydream About Damian’s Lithe Form Moving Through Soft Fabrics: Yes, thank you, Queen Mera. You have good handkerchiefs.
Lord Arum: (nailed it)
Caroline: *facepalming in the background*
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pyske · 2 months
Welcome to the Universe little Hyacinth,
may you be blessed with your mom's brilliant mind, your dad's eloquence and your father's social awkwardness.
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rita-redacted · 2 months
if I had a nickel for every time a podcast ended with the protagonists (consisting of a gay couple and an extremely powerful person whose already dead by this point) getting buried under a building leaving their friends outside the rubble questioning where their bodies are, I’d have two nickels WHICH ISNT A LOT
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tanoraqui · 2 months
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leonardburton · 7 months
tpp second citadel gets so little attention compared to juno steel and yet where else would we hear lesbian lovers fight to the death in between flashbacks of their first fight/flirting session
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crazydreamer6 · 1 year
Alright @rillaofexile here comes a fucking rant
HEY! Hey TPP, guess what?
You're bad fucking writers and you're dumb.
And you wanna know why??
Cuz you wrote this in the newest episode, right?
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Arum has been closed off in anti-magic prison before. Didn't kill him. Not even close. You expect me to just accept that anti-magic airplane is going to kill him when stone of the same property didn't. He didn't even flicker once. Which is dumb to begin with because Arum... Is a living being? He is not a ghost? He is a physical living being, his life force may be tied to the Keep yes, but the idea that he'll disappear off the face of the earth is a dumb idea.
But you don't care. You're doing this for drama. You're doing this because you're out of ideas and you don't actually give a shit about being consistent with your own writing. You're making things up as you go. Which is why your magic system is idiotic, you don't know how it works and you're making shit up. I have a more consistent magic system in my fanfic that I BASED OFF OF YOUR OWN PODCAST BECAUSE IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT A CONSISTENT MAGIC SYSTEM. If you paid the fuck attention to your own writing you wouldn't look fucking dumb.
But I digress. I'm tired. I'm still going to continue listening to this BS because they've got me and I've invested too much time into these characters to not see how it ends. But it's not going to be good. It's not going to be enjoyable. It's going to be disappointing and flat and rushed and sad because you don't give a shit.
So I'll sit over here and wait for it to come crashing down. See ya then
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brisingr-sword · 1 year
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bleepbloo · 1 year
So I'm no longer into the Second Citadel, but I want to Rant
Basically what the title says. This point will be divided into two parts: What made me ultimately give up listening to the show, and the spoilers I was made aware of due to the latest episode dropping.
Td;lr: I wouldn't recommend listening to the Second Citadel; you're only going to be disappointed.
So, let's start with the season 3. I'll be blunt and admit that I never listened to it, but I did read the transcripts and know the ending to the season.
Namely, Caroline leaves her position as Captain of SC, taking Olala, Quanyii, A'le, and Angelo with her.
Now, I did like Olala, as a character and as a concept, because she was cute, and brought something new to the world, but I wasn't the biggest fan of this move on Caroline's part; especially since the previous season she had just stated that "She had found peace there", but I was ultimately accepting of it, mostly because I knew Kevin was struggling.
Look, if you listen to the commentary tracks and listen to the storylines, you can TELL Kevin has a hard time writing multiple characters at once and keeping track of the plotlines. Which, fair, that's not a easy skill to master, especially with what is regarded as a ensemble cast.
But, at the time, I had had faith towards Kevin as a creator; I had thought that he would have been able to handle it well. Send Caroline away with the new cast, let them have adventures we can catch up on; we can then refocus on the other members of the cast!
Like Marc, who had finally become a knight, but was still struggling in his role, what did he face in his day to day? Was it actually what he wanted, or just the best way to gain respect and be treated as a 'normal man'?
Or Tal, who still needed to talk to Marc about what he wanted, or more importantly, what he didn't want in life, which was being a knight? How was he going to bring up the conversation? What would end up being the breaking point for him?
Or the Bonquet, still trying to work things out together? Or the Queen, trying to rule in a time of famine? Or Absolum? And finally figuring out what was up with Dampierre?
That didn't happen.
Instead, I found out that there was a timeskip of multiple years, and we were still focused on Caroline and her merry band.
I don't mind Caroline as a character, but why were we still focused on her? She - in an ensemble cast - had gotten PLENTY of her own episodes last season, alongside Angelo and Quanyi. Also, there was no mention or show of the characters we had previously known in the first part of the series. What happened to them? Did they all get killed by the Citadel?? Also, having briefly read the wiki to part 1 of the Perils, why was Angelo saying he had only learned to enjoy reading with Olala, when in S2, he openly read stories to Damien? Did he not actually like reading to Damien?
Hey, Kevin? Why did Angelo tell Olala that he had had sex with A'le? Why is an adult man talking about his sex life to a teenager? Why is that a thing the wiki fucking says for Perils part 1? How is that even remotely ok?
The thing that really upset me, and made me drop in it's entirety was the fact that in portion of the transcript I read - Angelo never mentioned talking to Damien within the opening paragraphs.
His best friend? His favorite rival that he pulled out a tree for? That they read stories to each other? Hugged? Angelo being terrified when Damien handed him the letter to give to Rilla if he had died?? Those two guys??
And not once, in the many years, did either of them try to find each other, send each other letters, or even WONDER about each other?
I don't know if any one has a best friend before, but like, you tend to worry about them if you haven't heard from them in a while. It would probably be worse if there wasn't a way to instantly get in contact with them; they don't have phones in the Second Citadel.
And Damien IS an anxious worry-wart; he worried about his friendship with Angelo when he had given him a tree that was ONLY two feet tall? (Or was it too men tall? Can't remember, point still stands.)
Like. If you have listened to the second season of SC, with Damien's mind constantly going and assuming the worst, having to see certain things with his own eyes whether or not Angelo was ok -
You are very good at LYING to yourself.
Also, that's a hell of a long time for the things to be left behind, especially with the various event flags set up the previous season; such as, the war the monsters were attempting to kickstart, the huge bug that had just been hatching out (that could possibly have had functioning wings!!!), Dampierre, the lack of resources regarding wood and the famine previously mention, how Marc and Rilla's relationship was doing after she lost Olala (whether Olala had left willingly or not, Rilla still lost something Marc had entrusted her with, which is bad), Dampierre, what it meant to be a god in this world, the Kite and him being a former knight, the other missing Golden Age Knights, Dampierre, the previous characters mentioned in the previous season, the Saints and their whole deal, and did I mention Dampierre?
There's more, but, I think you get the idea.
That was not a problem with the characters or the world itself; that's an issue with the writer, and I was (fortunate to have) recognized that.
If the writer couldn't care enough about the characters to keep their characterization straight, why would - or, more importantly, should - I care?
That was the point I dropped SC, and the penumbra podcast as a whole.
Like, I had liked Juno Steel when I had listened to it, but SC had scratched an itch I didn't even know I had.
And now it had given me a rash.
For a time, that was it, that was all it was. I hadn't kept up with SC at all, and unfollowed a lot of the SC blogs I used to follow.
Then I happened to hear about the latest episode
And boy, a lot of the feelings I had regarding it came rushing back
And all the questions I had had nearly two years ago were still present!
Not once was it ever addressed Marc's ascension to knighthood and how he was dealing with that!
Not once was Tal able to talk to Marc1
Not once did Rilla kiss her Lizard!!!
So much is still left unanswered!
And it's still left unanswered!
We don't know who Marc and Tal's mom is, if their dad is even still alive, if Rilla's Parents are still alive, why Absolum has such a hate boner for Marc, whether Mira is actually a Lesbian or just trying to be a Good Ally (TM), how Caroline and Quanyii even met, whether or not Rilla and Damien will even be married TO EACH OTHER, much less Arum, how did Arum know so much about humans to begin with, what Angelo is - something like Olala or a monster wearing a human skin - and how come he's so strong,
or even at the bare FUCKING MINIMUM, how magic even works in this world!
And it's been three years since the show started! I shouldn't have to wonder about how magic works!! or have to wonder about monster society!! Like was Arum special because he had the Keep, or was he just given the title recently - in the story - for his work against the humans??? What separates Arum as a Lord versus the other monsters? Is it his intelligence? The Keep? The fact that he can talk? I don't know! I shouldn't still have this question, BUT HERE WE FUCKING ARE, I GUESS.
Honestly, I would have preferred an entirely new cast of characters working with Olala, because at least then, we could have gotten more world lore!
I am just now reminded of it, but we never got an explanation for why there was a monster sneaking into the Citadel, just to try and kill Damien. There were a lot of theories and talks about it, to which I contributed to in the discord, but we never actually got an explanation for why that happened. Did the monster consul send out a hit-job for Damien? Is Damien regarded as something like a demon to the monsters? What about Rilla? Are monsters scared of her for her closeness to Damien? Is Arum dating the SC equivalent of John Wick (Damien) and Hannibal (Rilla) to his people? I don't know!
The show never gave us the answers to begin with.
And it never fucking will, because all the answers and any legitimate care for the show, has been shot out in an airplane, into the night sky, like a shooting star.
And it is burning itself to the ground.
This is no long a Second Citadel blog anymore.
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 year
also once again angelo deserves better than ale
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fear-no-mort · 10 months
favourite thing: his new habit of saying uhuh/mhm and also this
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#the first time he did it in unmortricken i was like Fuck Yes and little did i know he would just keep doing it the whole time#DESPERATELY hoping they keep both of these things. i Love when characters have tiny little habits sprinkled in their actions#to me these things kinda sorta symbolise him no longer being afraid to really be himself#like he no longer has to hide certain things about himself that inside of the cfc wouldve made him appear ‘suspicious’#since he IS like so much different than any other morty ever#also barely related but like. em is fundamentally such a good character bc everytime we see him he’s feeling something different#in his first appearance he was cold and distant because at the time he was new to being free and was strictly focused on his goal and wasn’#even sure if it would work#in his second appearance he seemed hopeful and honest both of these things just being a trap to get the people of the citadel to trust him#and his old colder self unfurling near the end after he successfully becomes president#in his third appearance he seems giddy almost. he’s constantly giggling before and after sentences and he’s super eager to just Get The Hel#Out. and also to reveal the truth to morty prime. make it so that he doesn’t have to be the one to shoulder everything anymore.#and this fourth appearance. apart from a few little details he really just seems happy and comfortable. the entire episode he was just doin#whatever he wanted and nobody got in his way at all. and i could not be happier#normal about this character!#rick and morty#evil morty#rick and morty spoilers#odiespeak
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dontbelasagne · 1 month
the last TPP episode description: "We hope you've enjoyed your stay"
me: *violently combusts*
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pyske · 1 year
this second citadel season is all about sacrificing oneself to save the ones you love thaT I'M FREAKING SCAR3D FOR CAROLINE DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY STABHAPPY MOMMY
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pidgefudge · 2 months
something about how hyacinth is a combination of her parents (part human part monster) and she was made with the magic that olala gave back to the universe
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murderandcoffee · 5 months
who would win:
sir galahad the great, undefeated knight of the second citadel
a gun
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laughable-umbrella · 6 months
Damien: I cannot find the truth, no matter how I look. at every angle is a gap in what I know for certain, and the bedrock is cracking, Saint Damien, the very foundation of all I know crumbles beneath me. That my love can ally herself with a beast when I when I feel such emotion. For whom I should I should fear to look up-
SAINT Damien: b e g a y w i t h t h e l i z a r d , d r a m a q u e e n
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