tutoroot · 2 months
Why is Learning a Second Language Important? 
Learning a second language is crucial for several reasons, especially in the context of an increasingly globalized world. Firstly, it enhances cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that bilingual individuals have better memory, problem-solving skills, and creative thinking abilities compared to monolinguals. This cognitive flexibility can lead to better academic performance in other subjects as well.  
Secondly, learning a second language can significantly improve communication skills. In a multicultural and interconnected world, the ability to communicate in more than one language is an asset. It opens opportunities for travel, international work, and cultural exchange. Furthermore, understanding another language allows for a deeper appreciation of different cultures and perspectives, fostering empathy and global awareness.  
The importance of learning a second language is also evident in the professional realm. In many careers, being bilingual can provide a competitive edge. Employers often seek candidates who can communicate with a diverse client base or work in international markets. Proficiency in a second language can lead to better job prospects, higher salaries, and opportunities for career advancement.  
Moreover, learning a second language from an early age can enhance a child’s linguistic development. Young learners are more adept at acquiring new languages due to their brain plasticity. They can achieve near-native fluency and pronunciation, which becomes harder with age. Introducing a second language in school ensures that children can take full advantage of this critical period in their development.  
With online tuition and online tutors, the barriers to learning a second language have diminished significantly. Students can now access personalized language instruction from the comfort of their homes, making it easier to fit language learning into their busy schedules. This flexibility and convenience further underscore the importance and feasibility of learning a second language in today’s educational landscape.  
Benefits of Learning Second Language in School  
Learning a second language in school comes with numerous benefits that extend beyond the classroom. Here are some of the key advantages:  
Academic Enhancement: Students who are bilingual frequently achieve higher academic results compared to their peers who speak only one language.The cognitive skills developed through learning a second language, such as improved memory, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking, contribute to overall academic success. 
Cultural Understanding: Language and culture are closely connected.Learning a second language exposes students to different cultural practices, traditions, and worldviews. This cultural awareness fosters a more inclusive and empathetic outlook, which is crucial in our multicultural society.  
Better Career Prospects: Proficiency in a second language is highly valued in the job market. Bilingual individuals have a distinct advantage in careers that require communication with international clients, such as in diplomacy, international business, tourism, and translation services. Many employers prefer candidates who can navigate different linguistic and cultural contexts. 
Enhanced Social Skills: Learning a second language can improve social interactions. Students who learn another language often become more effective communicators and are better at reading social cues. This ability is valuable in both personal interactions and professional environments. 
Cognitive Benefits: The cognitive advantages of bilingualism extend into adulthood. Bilingual individuals are known to be better at multitasking, have a greater attention span, and may even experience a delay in the onset of age-related cognitive decline. 
Top 10 Reasons to Learn Second Language in School  
Cognitive Development: Enhances memory, problem-solving skills, and creative thinking.  
Academic Performance: Leads to better performance in other subjects.  
Cultural Insight: Offers a more profound comprehension of diverse cultures.  
Career Opportunities: Opens doors to global career prospects.  
Social Skills: Improves communication and social interaction abilities.  
Personal Growth: Boosts self-confidence and personal achievement.  
Travel Opportunities: Makes travel more enriching and accessible.  
Global Citizenship: Fosters a sense of global community and responsibility.  
Linguistic Benefits: Enhances understanding of one’s native language.  
Life Skills: Develops persistence, resilience, and adaptability.  
Best Tips for Overcoming Challenges in Second Language Learning  
Consistent Practice: Regular practice is crucial. Allocate a set period each day to focus on language learning.  
Engage with Native Speakers: Interacting with native speakers can enhance language skills and provide real-world practice.  
Use Technology: Utilize apps, online tuition, and online tutors to supplement learning. Platforms like Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and Babbel offer interactive learning experiences.  
Immerse Yourself: Engage with the language through various media, books, and conversations.  
Set Realistic Goals: Break down the learning process into manageable goals to stay motivated.  
Stay Positive: Language learning can be challenging, but maintaining a positive attitude and perseverance is key.  
Learning a second language in school is not just beneficial; it’s essential in today’s globalized world. The cognitive, academic, social, and professional benefits make it a valuable part of education. With the support of online tuition and online tutors, students can overcome challenges and achieve fluency in a second language, enriching their lives and opening up a world of opportunities.  
When it comes to finding quality online tuition for second languages, options can be limited compared to major subjects. Tutoroot stands out as a premier platform offering top-notch online tuition services with expert faculty. Try our free demo session and help your child excel academically while gaining valuable knowledge. 
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thesubtleartofenglish · 8 months
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As we all know communication is the key and being able to communicate effectively in English is becoming more and more significant for individuals as it is an international common tongue. English is used so widely in the social, academic, and professional field, it is especially important to Filipinos. Despite this, there are still common language mistakes and difficulties that interfere with effective communication using the English language and may have an adverse effect on one’s ability to advance personally and professionally, even in the Philippines where English is widely spoken. This discussion emphasizes the factors and problems that Filipinos have when using the English language, which has caused them to anxious from speaking the language completely as a conversational medium.
Many studies have come up that some students/learners have difficulties of using English language as their mode of communication.  One of the difficulties that students encounter is when they use English language that related to their knowledge about their English proficiency. Non-native speakers struggles with their vocabularies, grammar, pronouncation and comprehension that hinders their ability to use or to express themselves effectively while using the English language.
As our generation grows, especially here in the Philippines, we tend to think that our everyday needs are determined by a set of standards. One of the most important stages of self-awareness is realizing your own standards and how they affect your life. Furthermore, there is a standard in languages that this generation adheres to, believing that fluency in English is a requirement for intelligence. As is widely known, Filipinos are native speakers of their own language and also speak English as a second language. And a survey conducted in 2023 revealed that 55% of Filipinos spoke English, despite the fact that 93% of Filipinos can understand spoken Filipino. However, due to the standards in language that are dominant in our generation, Filipino learners still experience anxiety when speaking English. This is because, in accordance with Tupas's (2002) theory of the culture of inferiority, learners in the Philippines believe that their knowledge and skills fall short of that of native speakers, which causes them to feel insecure about their speaking abilities. The feeling of inferiority creates a stressful disposition that may leads to the anxiety of the learners.
Richardson, a Grade 11 student shared about his experience regarding of using the English language. He said, “Marunong naman akong gumawa ng grammar using English pero onti nga lamang at hindi ganon kagaling sobra at isa sa kinatatakutan ko ay ang magsalita sa harapan at mapuna ang mga mali ko.” ("I know how to use the English grammar but only a few and not that good. One of the things I fear is speaking in front of everyone and being criticized for my mistakes.").  He shares that if he fails, they will criticize his grammar usage that leads to anxiety and failing of communicating properly, especially when speaking publicly. Another respondent from University of the East, Patrick,  a 3rd year college student shared that he also struggles in using English language as his medium of communication. He said that “Nahihirapan akong gamitin ang english language in all aspects dahil nahihiya akong mapagtawanan ng ibang tao lalo na nung mga kaklase ko at majudge ako, at hindi rin ako fluent sa page-english, hindi straight magsalita at nauutal utal. Madalas ko rin napapansin na mali mali ang aking grammar at hindi ko alam gamitin yung ibang english words para gawing tama.” (I find it difficult to use the English language in all aspects because I am ashamed to be laughed by others, especially my classmates whose going to judge me. I am not that fluent in English, and I am also stuttering. I often noticed that I am grammatically incorrect and don’t know how other English words to correct it.”).   He also shares that he also loses his confidence in speaking with just imagining how it is like to talk in front of others and it’s related to the study of the Common Problems for English Learners in the Philippines", they fear of embarrassment or intimidation from the public. And the common excuse given by some Filipino language learners for their frequent avoidance of using the English language is that, when they mispronounce or construct a grammar, most educated Filipinos can readily identify the error and, rather than correcting the offending individual, they choose to judge the poor English speaker. Some of them even express a sarcastic and haughty refusal to accept correction.  In contrast, it is shown that the process of learning and using English as a mode of communication can evoke a range of psychological and emotional responses in students. Anxiety, self-doubt, and fear of making mistakes are common experiences, particularly in high-pressure communication settings such as presentations or group discussions. These negative emotions can hinder students' ability to communicate fluently and undermine their overall language learning progress.
In conclusion, English is viewed as a "special" language rather than a "second," and only people who are familiar with its grammatical and phonetic standards are considered deserving of using it.  English seems to be viewed as the language of the privileged few who were able to pick it up in school or by interacting with other English-speaking individuals.  This meaning made it difficult for everyone to embrace English as a language that affect the perception and expectation of the society of being good communicators contributes to the pressure they feel as an ESL learner. It results to why some of the country's people have no confidence in speaking English and have a problem learning English. Moreover, these challenges may be addressed by educational institutions and think about modifying language learning strategies  such as including policymakers, community organizations, and language support services. By investing in resources and initiatives that cater to the unique needs of ESL learners, that would lessen these difficulties and turn English into a common communication tool rather than a test of proficiency.
Mancilla, D., Hisona, J. (2019). Speak Up or Shut Up: Factors Why Majority of Filipino Students Opt Not to Use English Language as a Conversational Medium. Ascendens Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Abstracts, 3(2H) https://ojs.aaresearchindex.com/index.php/AAJMRA/article/view/10873
Armstrong, L., Nighthawk, K.T., Hart, B., (2024). 10+ Non -English-Speaking Countries Where Locals Speak English.
Madrunio, M.R., Martin, I.P., Plata, S.M., (2015). English Language Education in the Philippines: Policies, Problems, and Prospects. English Language Education Policy in Asia, 11, 245–264 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-22464-0_11
Pachina, E., (2020). Common Problems for English Learners in the Philippines. International TEFL and TESOL Training, https://www.teflcourse.net/blog/common-problems-for-english-learners-in-the-philippines-ittt-tefl-blog/?
Generales, L., Medina, R.J., Separa, L.A., (2020). Situational Speaking Difficulties of English as Second Language Learners in the Philippines. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 25(1) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342658320_Situational_Speaking_Difficultiesof_English_as_Second_Language_Learners_in_the_Philippines
Tupas, T. R. (2002). Second Language Teaching. Philippines: UP Open University.
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lingolabs · 8 months
Learning English or another language?
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reggioemilianidoverde · 10 months
The Benefits Of Learning A Second Language As A Child
In this video, we will Unlock the benefits Of Learning A Second Language. Language schools in Austin shape young minds for success. Learn how learning a language at an early age increases brain growth and improves memory. Call  us at +1-512-202-8295 for more details.
Visit www.nidoverdedireggioemilia.com to know more about Nido Verde Di Reggio Emilia.
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10bestforwomen · 2 years
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nescaffay · 1 year
how do people memorize kanji?? its really frustrating because i can perfectly read hiragana and katakana and most basic N5 kanji but still??
#japanese #learnjapanese #thirdlanguage #secondlanguage
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surveycircle · 1 year
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Second language learners' interest in learning Chinese culture" https://t.co/DesNplsUzX via @SurveyCircle #culture #CourseResearch #chinese #impression #ChineseCulture #SecondLanguage #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/7v3SAuJszh
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) May 14, 2023
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Master English as a Second Language: A Comprehensive Guide to ESL Success
Master English as a Second Language: A Comprehensive Guide to ESL Success  https://www.learnspecialenglish.com/2023/04/master-english-as-second-language.html#ESLsuccess #LearnEnglish #MasterEnglish #EnglishasSecondLanguage #ESLguide #ComprehensiveGuide #Englishlanguage #Englishlearning #Languagelearning #SecondLanguage #ESLstudents #ESLteachers #ESLresources
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alittlebitsocial · 2 years
Why Kids Should Learn a Second Language
Why Kids Should Learn a Second Language #guestpost #secondlanguage @RTBlogRoyalty #BloggerLoveShare #cosybloggersclub #BloggersHutRT #bloggerstribe #bloggersunitedx #blogdreamRT #teacupclub #worldbloggersrt @LovingBlog
There is a plethora of skills your children can benefit from by learning them at an early age. However, no other skill compares to learning a second language. This invaluable knowledge will come in handy throughout their life and can be a driving force for many of their accomplishments. Moreover, the long list of reasons why kids should learn a second language further grows if you add living…
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taletime · 3 years
My biggest flex is, when I have native englisch speakers as costumers and they genuinely can't tell where I'm from by my accent.
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carolinacarmen · 4 years
i have no idea what i mean, sometimes, when i speak. like that
vague outline of a memory from 2002: my dad and i holding hands as i pointed to the street sign to read oneh - wah - ee
                                   i learned english in the second grade,
worked diligently to erase my accent for fear it would hold me back the way it did my mother,
in airports, the concierge does not have patience for mispronunciations, some clerks behind glass are unappreciative of the  courage to speak a stranger’s language despite knowing how ridiculous you...
no one wants to hire a woman who speaks broken English, for God’s sake America,
i am outgrowing slang and it scares me!
some  think slang is unsophisticated- it becomes clear /to some/who live in cities/ how slang is a comfort in spaces where
                                      ((we) urban folk) like to carry culture.
to elect to be misunderstood is often more agreeable than trying to become apparent
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tutoroot · 2 months
Why is Learning a Second Language Important? 
When it comes to finding quality online tuition for second languages, options can be limited compared to major subjects. Tutoroot stands out as a premier platform offering top-notch online tuition services with expert faculty. Try our free demo session and help your child excel academically while gaining valuable knowledge. 
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Set up my #languagelearning goals for the rest of the year in the back of my #planner. I use @duolingo to refresh my high school and college French, and to learn Spanish for the first time. I set an experience points goal for the rest of the year, set up a check to make certain I study (hopefully) every day, health willing, and laid out the lessons that I will probably finish if I complete my experience points goals. Let’s do this, Duo! J’apprends le français 🇫🇷 et l’espanol 🇪🇸 avec Duo, la chouette 🦉. Cutie-pie stickers are designed by the super-talented @thecoffeemonsterzco. ☕️ Are you learning anything for fun? #Duo #duolingo #French #Spanish #learninglanguage #languagelearningisfun #bujo #pandaplanner #fieldnotes #organization #education #educationpositive #handwriting #cursiveismagic #language #secondlanguage #thirdlanguage https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FANYVAktI/?igshid=1f1u2nyb3u9l6
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jerseyv90 · 5 years
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Hey, @duolingo? Why is there no #elvish? #elf #lotr #fantasy #duolingo #highvalaryian #klingon #secondlanguage https://www.instagram.com/p/BwegN5sgrf2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=33u1kddfv1yq
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vipkidteacherv-blog · 6 years
My name is Teacher V, and I’m working for VIPKid as an online ESL teacher! I’ve been teaching on this platform for about a year. I have a degree in second language teaching, so I’d love to shoot out some of the knowledge I’ve been accumulating!  If you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in becoming a teacher, or you’re already a teacher and you’re looking for some more information, tips, etc.
This blog to underline the essentials of teaching from home, the company itself, and present ideas to make your job or application process a lot easier. There are so many resources for VIPKid, but people are often left with more and more questions. There are so many different types of teaching styles, so one of my main goals is to present different ways of teaching to suit the specific needs of the student.  I will be posting fairly frequently, so keep a heads up! Ask me questions, bother me as much as possible! Referal Code: VICTO0265
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accentbase · 6 years
Malta, Maltese English Accent (Female) AccentBase File #151
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