guitarguitarworld · 1 year
Minor topic-improvising on modes mad easier for guitar
CLICK SUBSCRIBE! minor topic-an easier way to improvise with modes of music IMPORTANT: Please watch video above for detailed info: Hi Guys, Today, a quick look at another way of exploiting modes/improvisation on the guitar fingerboard. We will be creating music via concepts/musical tools based on this minor shape. Why do this? Because with this 5 fret shape arpeggio we can easily…
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crowleycorvid · 4 months
I'm thinking about 11 minute era wu and getting real sad
They made him so sopping wet and while I'm not saying it's bad, I like them giving him a more depth and him grappling with his own insecurities and guilt, I am saying he makes me SAD!! My wife should never have to suffer fuck the world
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myteaplace · 1 year
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Secrets on the shore, 1892, Jacques Joseph Léopold Loustau (1815-1894)
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libraryfag · 9 months
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Bill Young (assistant stage manager) on the recording of Follies In Concert (1985) from Stephen Sondheim: A life by Meryle Secrest
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funstealer · 9 months
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“They who fester” 2020 Copper, Brass, Broken Ornaments, Microscope Slides by Elijah Ulysses Secrest
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zillyeh · 10 months
CW: violence, mentions of self harm, very brief bit of gore
“Can you just go over it one more time? Like I’m stupid?”
“I don’t know Zee, there’s only so much stupider I can go before I start making animal noises.”
The smaller troll threw a handful of water from the swamp shoreline at her purpleblooded friend. The taller of the two giggled, splashing her back. She pulled her twin braids over her shoulder, picking up a stick from the ground. As she spoke, she drew in the mushy mud between them.
“Okay, so. It’s basically astral projection-”
“Stupider than that, En.”
Endara let out a huff, drawing two circles with lines coming out of the top on top of two triangles.
“The stuff that keeps you awake,” she said slowly. “It’s like if that got up and left… it’s the same thing as when I teleport, except it’s not as hard. Y’know, cause my body doesn’t need to come with me.”
“So it doesn’t make you cough up blood?”
“Anyway,” Endara insisted, “Other people can do it too. Subconsciously. Not on purpose. People with powers because of the brain stuff.”
You miss her. You don't know if it can fully register to you how much you miss her. Your mind is used and broken, and hardly your own anymore. It's these lucid hours in the daylight when all you do is miss her and hurt yourself and everything around you. The walls. The floor. Everything. You don't know who she is- you hardly know who you are- but you know you need her.
“Brain stuff,” the anon repeated with a scoff. It was a rare moment where her friend could see her face fully, uncovered by its wraps. It was hot in the swamps that night, both from sulfuric vents below and the season beating down on them from above. Her teardrop pupils were barely visible in her eyes, too dark for her age. It was a game to find where the line of her pupils started and the dark gray ended. She also eyed the hardness of her jaw, too skinny to hold too much of the roundness that was quickly leaving Endara’s face. Then the rest… She couldn’t keep her eyes there for too long, or she’d cover her mouth with her hands.
There was something tugging at Endara’s heart as she scratched more lines into the ground.
“Yes, brain stuff. I haven’t met her yet, but my ancestor up in the mountains uses her powers to get the big dragons used to her.”
The long horned anon bit her tongue to the disparaging remark she always made when En talked about her ancestor. She was too invested in her lesson.
"Is it hard to get into people's heads?" the anon asked earnestly. "Do they have to let you?"
"Sopor leaves people more unguarded than you'd think," she said with a sage nod. "Animals are harder, people who just like, deal with the nightmares are just as hard."
"Fucked up," the anon said, furrowing her brow. "You're the only one who can do that though?"
"Nah, plenty of people can mess with dreams if they try to. There's only one way to tell if someone's actually in there or not." Endara made a crude drawing of her friend's face, including the wraps she usually wore. "Most people's brains can't fully reconstruct a face no matter how much they look at it. There's always something off.”
“I dunno, En,” the anon said with a tch, “That thing in the dirt is shitty looking enough to match the real thing…”
Endara threw mud at her. She wondered if she could tell. Those occasional fleeting touches that gave her access to Endara’s nerves firing off. Nevermind her pulse. She wondered if she thought about her half as much. 
“Shut up, Zee,” Endara scoffed. “You’re so annoying. Basically if you're awake enough, you can tell when someone's in your dreams if you see them. Their face is too real.”
“If I show up in someone's dreams do you think I'd have my mask on? Or if someone came in mine?” It sounded like a genuine question. Genuine worry. Endara bit her lip.
“Hard to say. You wear that nasty thing enough that it's basically part of your face now…” 
A mass of ugly gray wraps, eyes that look so tired for her age. The scarring she’d given herself after you two did something, you two did something terrible. You did so many terrible things. The worst thing you did was convince her to die. The worst thing she did was want you to live. How long ago? The sun streaming through the cave mouth wants you to remember. The comforting darkness wants you to forget. You know you should, you know you want to, but something coherent rings through your head like the clear gonging of a bell.
If you survived, what if she had?
“Have you ever been in my dreams before?” she asks, her dark eyes searching her’s for something. A purple flush warms the other troll’s cheeks. She would notice her if she did again, wouldn’t she? Now that she knows?
“A couple times. Just to see.” 
I could probably do it half dead.
It’s daytime. If she’s alive then she should be asleep. Trolls sleep during the day. Your memories return enough in the daytime for you to know that. Your memories return enough to know that if she’s alive, you’re this thing for nothing. The part of your soul that is still a troll makes you sit. Makes you close your eyes. You can still see the sun through your eyelids, but it doesn’t hurt. Or maybe it does. You can’t remember if you feel pain or not.
A look like Endara hadn’t seen from her flashed across her friend’s face. The color she so desperately tried to hide dusted her own cheeks before she looked back down into the dirt.
“I always wondered why you looked like that in my dreams,” she grumbled, “Nobody else ever looked like that.”
Zippie’s insomnia always gave way to the worst nightmares she could possibly have. One of these nights she was worried she’d hurt Bess in her sleep, even despite the precautions she’d taken in her bedroom. Bed was more comfortable than cupe by a long shot. It was a rare night where she practically couldn’t keep her eyes open.
Were you that strong? That you could find her? Force her to sleep from this far away?
Of course you could. You have part of her. Stability that It thought you needed but she didn’t. Why would she? Treating her like a person and not a battery would have been more energy than either of those two monsters would expend to her.
A the crack of a branch sounds off like a gunshot not too far from the pair at the edge of the swamp. There wasn’t supposed to be anyone out there. Not at the edge of Zee’s property. She can’t help it. She looks up. Hoodless. Maskless. Her face on full display for the adult violet that had wandered too close. Her slow eyes kept her safe, but her lower face?
There was a reason she never took the wraps off.
Endara had always wondered what would happen when she got found out. How much of her fear was justified. How badly an adult troll would hurt what they understood to be a child at first glance.
The answer was very, very badly. 
She didn’t even hesitate before barrelling towards the two. Like a predator that knew this was it’s only chance to strike. Before Endara could move, she’d been shoved roughly aside and Zvejia hauled off the ground by the shoulders. She’d guarded her throat, but the adult was struggling for it. Zvejia bit anywhere she could find purchase, down her arms and on her face. The violet winced and swore whenever her bare skin made contact with her hands. Zee must have been using her powers on top of tearing as much skin as she could.
As much as this troll’s face was burned into Zippie’s memory, she’d never see it properly in her dreams again.
Endara coughed up blood even before she’d teleported behind the troll mere feet away. She hadn’t perfected the art of rematerializing while partially in an object, but this would do.
She wasn’t strong. She was weak. Sickly. Worsening by the day. But she didn’t need strength to do what she’d intended to do if this night ever came. The reason she’d stolen so many of Zvejia’s medical books. The reason she’d practiced to the point of bleeding eyes at all was for this.
The muscle and tissue being displaced made a more horrific noise than either of them had ever heard. It took the violet seconds too long to realize where the lanky purple’s hand was, too long for her to try to formulate a shriek, long enough for her heart to crush all too easily in the hand that had been delivered through her back. 
“Endara!” the anon cried as the violet released her, not dead but certainly not alive for long. When the soon to be body tumbled to the ground, she slid right off of Endara’s arm. Like a glove. Leaving her the gory prize she’d won, and a purple haze around her vision. 
“Why is it always this?” rasped a voice where Zvejia would have fallen under the violet. Where she did fall under the violet, when the two of you actually lived through this. The part of you that is the troll holding that adult’s heart understands immediately. She’s on her feet already. Hornless. Maskless. Lacking the black that once hid her from danger, and the fins she’d nearly killed herself cutting out of her face. The scars were just as ugly, covered in the other ones she’d given herself as well that handn’t healed. Her wounds never healed right. You two always thought it was part of the mutation. 
The rivets in her wrists match your own. Tattoos cover every inch of skin you could see exposed. On her upper arm you see a band of purple that makes you choke out a sob.
She glances towards you. Then she double takes. You can sense her fear here, standing on either side of the first body you two ever made.
Her breathing is shallow. All she says is:
“Zvejia…” Your voice is not the voice of the young woman that just killed for the only friend she ever had, but of a monster. Guttural and too big to ever have come out of that girl before she was made into what you are now.
Her next “no” comes as a plead as she drops to her knees. She’s so much bigger and so much smaller than you remember her being. You approach and she stumbles back. That hurts the part of you that forgets what you look like now. The black claws of your toes dig into the soft swamp dirt to keep you from doing it again.
“You can’t,” she said, her razor soft voice begging as if this were a nightmare she could beg her way out of. “You c-c- that’s not- I’m so sorry, En. This has to not be real, this has to not be real.”
You tilt your head like the animal you are. She grips her head. She refuses to look at you. Not like you look at her.
“The… sun… is… going… down…” you murmur, the part of you connected to your body still feeling the cold of the night start to settle in. A shiver runs through the incorporeal dream, making it feel cold within. She looks at you again. She grew up so handsome. So tired. She got to live. It’s what you wanted.
It’s what the part of you that lives in the daylight wanted.
The part of you that lives in the darkness hunches you back over onto all fours, chitinous claws digging into the hardening dirt underneath you.
“What did he do to you…” is the last thing the troll in you hears. Whatever thing you’ve invaded the dreams of this time you are going to tear to shreds like all the rest of those who dare trespass your territory. Except this time something is different. 
This thing smells like you. 
Enough to stop you long enough for it to rip itself awake, leaving you too unstable to stay dreamwalking like this.
You wake with a wet face, howling in what could have been pain or could have been agony, if you were the sort of thing that could understand emotions that weren’t territorial or hungry. The new black of the sky outside helps you reorient yourself. 
With any luck, you won’t remember what you’ve seen come sunrise.
Neither of you will.
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dontsweatthefresh · 27 days
The Provider - Juicy J / Album - Ravenite Social Club
Juicy J feat Robert Glasper & Emi Secrest - To You - (Official Video)
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gabinete63 · 3 months
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cinastre · 1 year
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psd lyric from Blinding by F+TM
LETS GOOO NEW CAMPAIGN OC!!!!! its kyth!! my greco roman paladin gal!!! shes so damp its really fun, im super excited to have a long campaign and new oc to play with
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0carkki0 · 11 months
*sigh* I really dislike Points of Interests being tied to events. I have only one Point of Interest left and it's tied to that Lyhr's event. It needs 5 people to complete it, but there just aren't that many players around.
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caracello · 1 year
i'm like. considering a secret f/o and i don't even know why because 1. i have never successfully had a secret f/o because i love talking, 2. it is one of the least surprising characters ever, considering my type, and 3. it's not a sharing issue.
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brine-in-my-eyes · 11 months
im cheating for philosophy idc anymore im gonna cross reference with my prev answers and just brute force my way through eveyr single possible answer on each attempt till it works
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therezhikitt · 1 year
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23 chapters, completed work.
What readers are saying:
"Love the prophecy and the background story of Din’s early life. I wish this had been in the series."
"Your characters are so believable and their conversations so interesting."
"...this is different than any of the others I've read, in a good way. "
"...as much as I liked the romancy parts (so hot!) I might even like the thriller-ish turn it's taking more."
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libraryfag · 8 months
hi basil i’m so curious as to what you thought of passion bc i was SO ready to like it based off of what i heard and then i came away basically only liking the music and thinking the concept was poorly executed which was so tragic….. but bc it is such a strange show i am always so curious about people’s reactions/interpretations
hi theo! i also was very interested in the concept, as as gothic horror girlie but was a bit let down by the execution. i think the main problem is i'm not a huge fan of shows that just focus on a relationship without much ensemble and takes itself very seriously, like Miss Saigon and Phantom, because to be honest, they just kinda bore me?? and at least the two examples i gave have a few upbeat and comedic ensemble numbers to change up the mood, and while there were a few opportunities for those in Passion, ie. from the other military leaders they never really went the full way. However, maybe just because of my love of sondheim i think i liked it more than the other two, but it might be my least favourite of his shows so far.
In a more positive light, Passion is so intriguing conceptually. I really liked how it explores the 19th century idea that women can only be loved for their beauty, but also it was interesting how Fosca, and Clara to an extent, have so little power in their lives which might be why they can only exert it to their feeling towards Giorgio. Also very fascinated by its exploration of disability and illness. Something that i only just considered while listening to tick tick boom in the shower before, is that i think the decision to adapt the film/book during that time could be a reaction to the AIDS epidemic, especially considering James Lapine also wrote falsettos. In the biography, Meryle Secrest has a very strong argument that Passion is somewhat connected to Sondheim's relationship with Peter Jones and him learning to 'not be ashamed..of the way [he] felt', which i agree with. Secrest also connects Fosca's belief that 'Love...is not possible without suffering, sacrifice, and being abused' to Being Alive "Someone to hold you too close/Someone to hurt you too deep", which is.. insane. Something i also learnt from rereading the Passion chapter, is that the unnamed illness Fosca had is epilepsy which hit close to me because i knew someone who was lost to it way too early, and i don't think many people talk about how fatal it is.
I don't know where to put this but i also really liked the acting, Donna Murphy is an icon and thats about all i have to say.
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funstealer · 9 months
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“They who sing” 2020, copper and brass wire, tin, powdercoat, plastic sheet by Elijah Ulysses Secrest
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rheyek · 2 years
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The Secrets of Nolar begin to unravel tomorrow...
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