#secret keeprs
its-captain-sir · 4 months
Brains and Brawn
Had a discord server secret santa exchange, this was my gift for @star-keepr! I've never written the bayverse guys before so this was a really fun experience! :D
One time, when Raph was five, he and Donnie got it into their heads to build a skate ramp.
None of them actually skated at the time. Their one and only board had a box strapped to the top of it and was mainly used as a cart between the four of them. Two people fit inside and another could push them around, but Leo said he was too tired to push even though it was his turn, and Mikey didn't want to play unless it would be his turn on the inside, leaving Raph and Donnie stranded in the cart with nowhere to go.
Hence, the ramp.
Raph got the idea from an old magazine cover he saw with a skateboarding guy going down one and looking fast, and Donnie knew enough about something called "inclined planes" from one of his science books that he said it would work. They decided on one of the lesser used tunnels of their home to be the spot they built the ramp, mostly because all the stacks of old boxes and junk around there meant they didn't have to carry anything very far.
"It has to be big," Donnie said, dropping another box onto their pile. "To reach maximum vel- vel-o-ci-ty."
Raph didn't know a lot of the big words Donnie used all the time, but bigger sounded better, so he nodded and ran to get more things. They were running out of good boxes, so they'd have to start using some of the really old waterlogged books instead. He heaved the thickest looking ones into one big stack and lugged them all the way back to Donnie, dropping them at his feet. "We won't need to be pushed ever again!"
They both cheered as their pile grew higher and higher, until it was almost too hard to lift any more over their head. "That should be big enough," Donnie said, dusting grime off his hands. "I found a good piece of wood to use for the actual ramp, I'll go grab it."
"Where's it gonna go?" he asked as Donnie ran off, digging through the junk.
"At the top, try to find a good spot for it!"
He looked up at their pile. He couldn't actually see the top of it, not from the ground. Donnie might have been able to, if he was on his tippy toes, but Donnie's always been taller than him. He needed a better view.
Carefully, without knocking anything over in the rest of the pile, he started to climb up the side. It was harder than he thought to balance on everything, even though Dad had been giving them ninja training on just that. One box made him just tall enough to peak over the edge, so he stopped climbing there.
This ramp was high. Raph could see the perfect part where the flat piece should go. He bounced on his toes. If they put it in that direction, they could zoom down the tunnel forever–
"Raph, it's too heavy! I can't lift it!"
"I'm coming–!"
The box beneath him crumpled.
Next thing he knew he was on the ground, shell in the air, face on the concrete. He heard Donnie gasp first, and then he felt the sting. His knee burned, red hot.
When he flipped over, all he could see were huge red gashes across his skin, welling up with blood and dripping down his leg. And it hurt.
Raph couldn't help it. He started to cry.
"Raph!" Donnie rushed over to him. "Are you okay?"
He shook his head, pulling his knee up to his chest and holding it tightly. It hurt so bad and he was bleeding everywhere.
"Let me see it," Donnie said, trying to coax his hands away from covering the wound. Raph fought him for a moment, but his brother was insistent, tugging until it was fully exposed. Donnie pushed his glasses up on his face and leaned in close, examining it carefully.
Raph whined. There was a lot of blood.
"Am I gonna die?" he whimpered.
Donnie's head whipped up to face him, jaw dropped like he hadn't even considered the possibility. "You're not gonna die," he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "It's just an ab- abra- ab-ra-sion." He sounded out each part of the word distinctly and carefully, not that it helped Raph to understand at all.
Donnie poked the wound while he was distracted and Raph flinched, feeling the sting start up anew. He slapped Donnie's hand away and held his leg tighter again, feeling more tears well up in his eyes. "What's that?" he bit out. Sometimes he hated when Donnie used his big words. Why couldn't he just say things normally?
"It means scrape. You can't die from scrapes," Donnie said matter-of-factly, like he always got when he knew something the rest of his brothers didn't. "They don't bleed enough." Donnie leaned in close again and Raph got ready to swat away any prodding fingers, but his brother kept his hands to himself this time. "Sometimes you hafta worry about germs getting into open wounds. There's lots of those in the sewers, but since we never got sick before we probably have imu- imi- im-mu-ni-ty."
Raph still didn't understand what Donnie was talking about, but he seemed very certain about it. Like Raph was going to be fine. He sniffed, wiping away some of his tears. Maybe it wasn't so bad. Donnie thought he would be fine, and Donnie knew everything. And even if he didn't, Raph can be tough. He's always the toughest of his brothers, Leo even said so last week after he ran with Mikey on his shoulders all around the lair and didn't even flinch once at his kicking feet.
"It doesn't even hurt now," he said, sniffling again. He just wanted Donnie to see that he was tough, but now that he thought about it, it was true. The scrape really didn't hurt that much anymore.
"We just need a bandaid," Donnie said, clapping his fist into his palm like Leo did when he had a plan. "I know where they are, be right back!"
Donnie took off for the bathroom, leaving Raph to wait on the ground. Everything was going to be fine. Or at least it was, until their youngest brother walked in.
Mikey, like the snitch he is, took one look at the blood on Raph's leg and screamed. "DAAAAAD, RAPHIE'S BLEEDING."
Donnie and him got in trouble for building a ramp, obviously, after bandaids were placed (by Splinter) and scrapes were kissed better (by Mikey). The two days after that when Splinter made them stay in the main room where he could keep an eye on them were the worst he had ever experienced in his five years of life, but the memory of Donnie's care is something that's always stuck with him over the years. Enough so that whenever he's hurt, he finds himself drawn to his purple-loving brother. The aftermath of saving the city over ten years later is no exception.
All things considered, he fared pretty well, but all the cuts he sustained are starting to sting, and one spot on his shell aches something awful. He knocks on the wall by Donnie's space—big computer screens towering everywhere, though definitely not as many as he used to have before the lair got found—and watches as his brother looks up, double takes, then jumps at the sight of him.
Raph cringes. Tensions are still high between them, between all of them really. Raph is still upset over the retromutagen, even though he was the one to smash the vial. (He's trying really hard not to think of that as a mistake.) Still, when the anger subsides, he's left feeling weird about not being on the same team as all his brothers.
He coughs into his hand as Donnie stands there like a deer in headlights. "Hey, Don," he says, not quite meeting his brother's eyes. "Couldja patch me up?" He looks up just long enough to see Donnie slowly nod and move to grab one of the first aid kits. Raph takes that as his cue to take a seat on one of the workbenches, slowly beginning to settle into his skin again. It's familiar territory: Donnie wiping disinfectant on cuts and poking bruises, pulling out rolls of bandages for the big wounds and boxes of bandaids for the little ones, explaining to Raph all of what he's doing.
Their trust in each other has been shaken lately, but Raph will always trust his brother with this. When Donnie says "Lots of bangs and scrapes, but you're going to be fine," with a small smile as he pushes up his glasses, Raph fully believes him. He's the brains of this operation, after all.
And Raph, well, he already knew he was made of tougher stuff—not even the Shredder could keep him down— but it's nice to have the reassurance anyways. That's why they do this thing, just the two of them. He hooks an arm around Donnie and pulls him in close. "Thanks, bro," he says, feeling the last of the tension between them melt away. Then, while he has his brother close to a headlock: "If you ever tell Leo or Mikey about this, I'll end you."
Donnie snorts. "Duly noted, o' pinnacle of machismo."
Raph rolls his eyes and lets him go, grinning. Some things never change.
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aisy15-chan · 2 years
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I'm not sure if this is canon in this AU or not, so I thought and realized: "Is there any canon pokemon characters in this AU?" and i drew random… i drew Volo in Danny Phantom style… well this guy… oh yeah he's crazy: has a ghost dragon from another world- oh wait- that's a great idea-
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So what is Danny doing at this Husui time?:
Clockwork ask him to do a unknown mission to the past
To keep secret Danny used diguise name: "Danko"
he get his zoroark mask from ??? it become unovian zoroark mask in human form & husian zoroark in ghost form
also his scarf in ghost mode like husian zoroark hairs/fur...
there he is known as the "zorua and zoroark keeprs" becuse he has Zoroark + wild zoura & zoroark very tame & friendly on him
Husian zoroark and wild zorua are very tame around him because they basically know "he's a good person" & also he has one Zoroark with him-
Danny 'ghost sense' applies to ghosts as well as ghost-type pokemon
Volo has lot question for him about 'Ghost Zone'
so that new info for Poke AU, if you have more ask just asking- i wont bite unless you give me sus(sy baka) link video.
Also sorry if i typo;;
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rotgsecretsanta · 1 year
2022 Secret Santa Masterlist
Here are all of the works posted for RotG Secret Santa 2022!
Prompt 1: A day in the life of the Man in the Moon Fic by fanarchoslashivist
Prompt 4: Arrietty/The Borrowers AU where small fairy sized Jack is secretly living at the north pole; plays amongst all the model toys, enjoying snacks left out by Phil.  Art by Tenchikotheartist 
Prompt 5: Based on the prologue comic: What if North had made Pitch agree to become a Guardian? Era Of New Ideas by Sylphidine
Prompt 6: Bunny & Jack brotherly bonding Collector’s Edition by storminfrost
Prompt 9: Forgotten memories Pitch and anyone Echoes of The Past by frosted-night
Prompt 12: Jack, Bunny, and the Groundhog arguing over the weather Seasonal Dispute by Sarsfe
Prompt 13: Jack's Christmas gifts to Pitch Keepr of Fear: The King of Nightmares by jaimistoryteller
Prompt 14: Jack and Bunny investigating a crashed spaceship Art and Hollow Spaces fic by ave-aria
Prompt 15: Jack and Katherine in ugly matching sweaters. More chaotic the better Fic by fosermi
Prompt 17: Jack Frost and his army of penguins and polarbears Art by nimohtar
Prompt 18: Jack Frost meeting Jack Skellington Jack’s Halloween by jaimistoryteller
Prompt 21: Jack is like a stray cat who has multiple homes that are unaware of each other. Often found sleeping in a pile of nightmares, tooth fairies, easter eggs AND christmas elves because it's warmer and he can get free snacks. He is a repeat offender and isn't sorry, will pretend he hasn't been fed in forever to dupe people into doting on him. Only Sandy knows that Jack is playing them all. Is It A Con If It'd Been Freely Offered Anyway by LinesAndColors
Prompt 22: Jack or Pitch or both! Techwear aesthetic Art by mrsketchy Art by ksclaw
Prompt 23: Kozmotis teaching Emily Jane to sail A Wild Ride with Papa by Jamie_Aizen
Prompt 24: Man In The Moon and Jack Frost doing dumb sibling stuff Art by fanarchoslashivist
Prompt 26: Pitch, having turned from his evil path, reconciles with North about all he's done to the Guardians. I was wrong (and I’m so, so sorry) by storminfrost
Prompt 27: Pitch being a fashion icon (optional Sandy or Jack posing in the background like a model). Art by ave-aria Art by thyphrog
Prompt 28: Pitch Black as a nightmare centaur (bonus if he has way too many legs like Sleipnir) BONUS bonus if he is like a real horse that gets startled by dumb things (a plastic bag or sudden noise). BONUS BONUS bonus if Jack likes to sneak ribbons onto his tail despite getting kicked (pin the tail on the Pitch anyone?) Art by bunnimew
Prompt 29: Pitch playing the lyre with fireflies around him on a starry night. Art by mrsketchy
Prompt 33: Pitch with a fancy gothic outfit Art by aroace-ghostface
Prompt 38: Sandy's Christmas eve rounds Help Me To Dream by Sylphidine Dreams of Christmas Night by Sarsfe
Prompt 40: Sandy having a nightmare either being caused or being consoled by Pitch Bitter by LinesAndColors
Prompt 41: Sandy just chilling on a dreamsand cloud and looking up at the night sky Fic by fosermi
Prompt 44: Sophie and bunny arts and crafts fun Art by fanarchoslashivist
Prompt 45: The Guardians and/or Pitch have Wanted posters! Art by purblzart
Prompt 46: The Guardians reluctantly accepting Pitch as a part of their "family" after Jack convinces them to Game Night by Eastofthemoon
Prompt 49: [No Ship] Jack has gained the power to shape shift into winter animals. Chaos quickly follows much to Jack's amusement.  Sprinting through a Winter Wonderland by BirdBrainedInsomnia
Prompt 50: [No Ship] Jack with pink hair :D Easter Herald by jaimistoryteller Art by ave-aria
Prompt 53: [No Ship] Pitch tracks down one of his missing Nightmares in a barn with a mother cat and a newborn litter of kittens Art by ksclaw
Prompt 55: [No Ship] Sandy falling asleep at inopportune times. Plan Your Naps by bunnimew
Prompt 56: [No Ship] The Burgess kids make holiday presents for the elves and the Yetis, and leave them for Santa / North to pick up Operation Christmas Helpers by jaimistoryteller
Prompt 61: [Jack/Bunny] Soulmate AU Fic by fanarchoslashivist
Prompt 68: [Jack/Katherine or No Ship] A wholesome gathering of friends and family by the fireplace ☺️ (DEFINITELY platonic relationships prioritized, though Jack x Katherine can be added if the author/artist wants) Twelfth Night On Guardian Street by sylphidine
Prompt 71: [Jack/Pitch] Blackice, android!pitch and mechanic!jack au Soul Survivor by bunnimew
Prompt 75: [Jack/Pitch] Ice skating date! Canon or AU. A Date at Moonset by jaimistoryteller Tales of Burgess III: On Friends and First Dates by nimohtar
Prompt 80: [Jack/Pitch] One or both as royalty Neon Escape by bunnimew
Prompt 82: [Jack/Pitch] Request: fluff, Jack/Pitch, family. Nopes: dub/non con, hurt no comfort, MCD that sticks, Tooth/Jack unless part of polyam6.  Art by bunnimew
Prompt 85: [Jack/Pitch and No Jack/Jamie] Jack discovers one of Pitch's favourite places to be is an amusement park, and he wants to go with Jack (can be themed/halloween, up to you). All that FEAR. No genderswap. No mpreg. No MCD. Thrills, Chills, and Skills by bunnimew
Prompt 89: [Jack/Sandy] Sleeping together Art by ave-aria
Prompt 91: [North/Bunny] The Guardians are celebrating Christmas together. Ending of Christmas Eve's Rounds by Sarsfe
Prompt 94: [Pitch/North] Anything Pitch/North Art by ksclaw
Prompt 96: [Pitch/Pitchiner] [NDU] Memory Retrieval by sylphidine
Prompt 98: [Pitch/Sandy] Vampire!sandy and priest!pitch au. OTP Art by winterswrathe
Prompt 99: [Pitch/Tooth] Pitch and Tooth as a duo of glamorous jewel thieves. Art by fangirl530
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sitkowskiryan · 6 years
secret keepers. neuf.
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tyler with the rainbow flag is amazing <3
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Halloween was Tyler's favorite holiday for multiple reasons. Not only was it colder now for sweaters, but you could dress up spookily and not look weird. You could also watch horror movies and eat copious amount of candy until your stomach is about to pop!
Tyler also loves the holiday because his school does a little Halloween parade where the children can show off their costumes to the rest of the school. They always got so excited and it made his heart swell in fondness for them. He hoped that their joy for the holiday and life in general would remain for the entire lives.
"Ty look!" Olivia squealed as she bounced into the classroom, Hayley smirking at the teacher before waving as she left. Tyler hushed the little girl softly and grinned down at her. They had tried to explain to her that she couldn't call him Tyler at school, but she was still having trouble with remembering.
"Mr. Joseph, love," he reminded her quietly, bending down to help her take her backpack off and put it in her cubby.
"Look I'm Wenesday! On a Wenesday!" She giggled, bouncing after him happily. Tyler smiled at her, leading her back to the carpet so she could get ready for their morning routine.
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"I see, and is daddy Gomez?" He questioned, giggling when she nodded her head in confirmation. Josh had been very adamant that he was not going to be Kristoff and nor was he going to be any sidekick so Olivia had picked her third favorite costume with a pout that didn't last long. Josh had agreed to even dye his hair black so he could match the role better. Though Tyler had feeling that Hayley was going to be dying it again soon.
Tyler himself was wearing a simple skeleton hoodie with matching legging and black vans. He and Josh were going to match, but Olivia wanted to be Wednesday Addams and Josh couldn't say no and who was Tyler to stand in the way of the princess' wishes?
Helping her sit on the carpet, Tyler moved to the front of the class and waited for the bell to ring before he clapped his hands to get their attention.
"Good morning guys! Happy Halloween! You all look so great!"
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
"Daddy you shoulda seen it! Ty can zip his shirt up and be a real skelly!" Olivia raved, hanging from her father's neck as the elder tried to unlock the door, Tyler unhelpfully giggling to the side. Josh shot him a glare, but finally got the door open and waddled with his daughter hanging from him.
"I know flower, I have one remember?" Josh teased, attempting to place her down, but the girl refused giggling happily into his face. Tyler laughed along with her, reaching over to scoop her off the man before she broke Josh's neck. The elder was dressed in a very stylish pinstriped suit and had grown out his facial hair to match the character of Gomez.
Tyler briefly wondered what it would feel like to have facial hair like Josh's. He had only successfully grown stubble before, outside of other body hair of course, and Josh had a full beard and mustache. The teacher also wondered what it would feel like with Josh's face between his thighs. He shook his head to rid him of the thoughts and bounced the young girl on his hip, listening to her delighted shrieks. Had he not spent all day with five year olds and Olivia outside of school, he'd surely be deaf.
"Candy!" Olivia cheered, attempting to get out of Tyler's hold, but the brunet held her securely. Tyler tutted and moved towards the living room.
"You have to eat actual food first love, and then wait for it to get darker," he explained, not relenting when Olivia struggled in his arms or pouted at him. "What do you want daddy to make for dinner?" He asked after she gave up struggling, slumping in his arms. She mumbled something into his chest and he smiled softly. "What was that love?" He coaxed, rubbing her back gently.
"Nuggets and mac n' cheese," Tyler smiled, swaying his hips slightly to rock the cranky girl to sleep. She didn't sleep at nap time after all, wanting to cuddle with Tyler even though the man was firm that he couldn't hold her like that in front of the others. It would not be right or fair. Josh smiled at his two babies, going over to press a kiss to their heads before going to start on dinner.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
"Olivia! Stay with me!" Josh sighed exasperated as he chased after his daughter. It was finally time for trick or treating and Olivia was proving to be over-zealous in her route, leaving Josh's side frequently and having to have the older man chase her down. The teacher stood back with a small remembering how his younger brothers used to be with Halloween and how much his mother had pulled out with three boys running from her.
"Honey," Tyler whispered, "You are gonna tire yourself out. She is fine as long as she is in front of us in eye sight," he tried to reason. They had put reflective tape on her to be able to see her in the dark. Josh sighed softly, nodding in defeated as Olivia ran up to another house without them. Tyler wrapped his arm around the older man and rubbed his side. If the house ahead foretold anything, it would probably scare Olivia to their side soon.
"Just don't want her to not need her daddy too soon," Josh whispered back to Tyler, bending awkwardly to rest his head on Tyler's shoulder. The teacher was only a few inches shorter, but Josh loved it pointing out to him. Tyler ran his fingers through the freshly dyed hair, not at all surprised when they came away inky. He had only just dyed his hair a few days okay and the black seemed to bleed a lot.
"She'll always need daddy, how is she gonna make herself chicken nuggets?" Tyler teased, hugging Josh close to him as the older man snickered and rubbed his stubbly face against Tyler's own. It was a new feeling that Tyler had never felt, but welcomed whole-heartedly.
"Daddy!" Olivia's scream had both of them looking up to see in fact Tyler had been right about the house ahead having jump scares. She crashed into Tyler's side first, hiding her face into his stomach, her other hand clutching onto Josh's pants. The older man carefully picked up his daughter and rocked her gently. Tyler grabbed her bag of candy before anyone else could pick it up and smiled at the sheepish home owner.
"Here," he offered, holding out the basket of candy. He looked guilty, but Tyler assured him that it was all in the fun of the holiday and picked out a piece for Olivia seeing as the girl wasn't leaving Josh's neck anytime soon. Tyler made his way back to his boyfriend and raised an eyebrow in question at Josh.
"Wanna continue rose bud or go home?" Olivia shook her head, but they did not know for what option.
"Love, do you wanna keep going?" Tyler asked softly, his own hand joining Josh's to rub her back. She nodded slowly, sniffling loudly.
"Daddy come too?" She mumbled, looking up at Josh and he nodded his head instantly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Daddy will always protect you flower," Tyler smiled goofily at his boyfriend, handing him the bag so he could collect the candy for her. Josh carried her for awhile before Tyler got his turn to carry the still scared girl up to houses, many of the owners smiling in sympathy for the girl's fear.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
"My daughter is a sack of potatoes," Josh grunted, placing the sleeping Olivia down into bed. He already began moving around to get her changed for bed and Tyler couldn't help, but watch the tenderness that Josh expressed with his daughter. Sure he saw that tender side of Josh too, but it was nothing like how it was when just him and his daughter. "Goodnight sweet flower," Josh whispered, standing up from the bed and jumping when he saw Tyler standing there. He playfully glared and pushed him out of the room.
After quickly checking the candy and hiding it from the five year old ( whilst eating some of it themselves ), the couple retired to bed, Tyler spooned by Josh in the middle of the elder's bed. This had to be the best Halloween yet.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Word Count: 1,436
i'm really happy that this got to come out close to halloween because i really thought it was going to come out like in the middle of november! but i hope you guys like this and let me know because i love comments, even if it is little comments that are "AH JOSH CAN HAVE ME" or anything like that! it makes me smile!
It was amazing and I had so much fun!
that picture isn't mine by the way! i have the whole video of holding onto you because that is my favorite song and the beginning shows him grabbing the flag!
until next time,
stay alive sunshines <3
- courtney
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cedricthedork · 6 years
Does Sofia have too much on her plate and is she putting too much pressure on herself ?
I apologise in advice for this post being so long. I tried to make it as short as possible while still getting my points across but this was the best I could do. On with the post :)
I think a common complaint about the show is that Sofia has been given too much responsibility for someone of her age. If she was older I don’t think fans would complain so much but because she’s the age that she is , people consider this a little bit too much for a kid to handle all at once.
Between the ages of 8 to 11 , her three main occupations have been her being a Princess , a story keeper and a Protector. 
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Other occupations she has had are her being a buttercup scout , a member of a the Merry band of helping hands , a flying derby racer for Royal Prep , Cedric’s apprentice and a member of the princess adventure club. 
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All these occupations fit Sofia’s character quite well but because of her role as a princess, a story keeper and a protector, it’s surprising how Sofia is able to do all these things without feeling burned out or frustrated with all that she has to do. She has however put a lot of pressure on herself to be the best that she can be and has kept her role as a story keeper and a protector a secret. This is what I want to talk about :)
I believe the reason why Sofia has kept these two occupations a secret is because she has put too much pressure upon herself. But I also believe its because she’s being too protective.  
The secret of Avalor -When Sofia is sent to Avalor by the secret library to free Elena, Amber asks Sofia why she won’t tell them the reason they need to hide. Sofia however responds back by saying “Its for your own good, trust me”. Later though , Sofia’s family end up being captured and Sofia hopes there all okay in her absence. 
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Later , their all freed and Miranda tells Sofia that she should have told them what was going on. Sofia responds back with “I know, I just wanted to keep you all out of trouble”.  
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This shows that Sofia just wanted to keep her family safe and out of the situation as much as possible.
Even though Sofia has kept her family out of the storybook missions before this one, I believe the events that took place in Avalor made Sofia believe even more that she shouldn’t let her family get involved.
Tale of the Eternal torch - When Sofia finds out that James was in the trunk of her carriage to the Blazing Palisades without her knowing , she was not too happy by the fact that he tagged along.
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And when James says he will be a big help , Sofia doesn’t respond to this and just looks worried.
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A few moment later , James and Sofia spot the sea monsters and while James is enthused by this , Sofia is more focused on how dangerous this all might be.
James - “Dragons and sea monsters , oh this is getting better by the minute.”
Sofia - “And more dangerous. I have to warn the dragons about the sea monsters”
James again offers to help but Sofia sighs and reluctantly tells him – “I guess it’s too late to take you back now”. 
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The mystic isles – When Amber discovers the secret library , Sofia is pretty persistent on her going back but Amber puts her foot down and goes with Sofia to the library anyway. After the library tells them that Sofia needs to go to the Mystic isles , Amber wants to come along too but one of the reasons Sofia gives Amber not to go Is that it could be dangerous. 
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Sofia obviously doesn’t like getting her family involved in storybook missions due to how dangerous they may be but even as a protector , she chooses not to tell them about the wicked nine or how she is now the protector of the ever realm because she is still being protective. Again, Sofia doesn’t want the people she cares about to get involved.
In Cedric we trust – After they all encounter shots of lighting from Prisma and Cedric risks his own safety for Sofia , Cedric asks both Roland and Sofia who that woman was but instead of confessing all that she knows about Prisma , she keeps quiet and looks happy when Roland confesses he doesn’t know who she is and leaves it at that. She then later privately speaks to the protectors without them knowing. 
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Even though Sofia learned that its sometimes best to let the people you care about aware of what’s really going on so they don’t get into even more danger in the episode “The secret of Avalor”  , Sofia’s protectiveness over her family and friends is still keeping her from getting them involved in her missions.
Too much pressure upon herself
While I have no problem with any of the occupations that Sofia has had , it is a bit concerning that Sofia puts so much pressure upon herself and doesn’t let others know what she is going through. What makes things more difficult for Sofia is that her three main occupations of being a princess , a storykeeper and a Protector , have all been things that have been placed upon her.
She never wanted to be a princess but because of her sudden change of lifestyle she knew she had to try her best to adapt to this new lifestyle weather she liked it or not.
As story keeper , it was something Tilly asked her to be just like Orion asked Sofia to be a protector. That’s not to say that Sofia didn’t agree to be either of these things, but it wasn’t like they were future careers she had been longing to have. She accepted these occupations more so out of the goodness of her heart and because she wanted to help people.
But by her accepting all these reasonability’s in a short time frame, she’s only been putting more and more pressure upon herself.
When Miranda married King Roland , Sofia became a princess and there wasn’t anything she could really do about it. Once she got to the castle , Sofia didn’t feel ready to be a princess , she thought it was all too much and as time went on she felt like being a princess was really hard. The only thing Miranda could really do in the situation was advise her to just do her best and tell her that it’s not her problem if stuffy dukes and duchesses don’t think what she does is good enough. Miranda even tries to give Sofia something she’s familiar with by inviting Ruby and Jade over to cheer her up.
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And even though things worked out as well as they could for Sofia by the end of the movie , its shown in the episode “Moms the word” that she still misses her old life in the village where it was just her and her mum and that in the episode “The princess test”, Sofia still sometimes felt like she wasn’t a proper princess and that she had to keep on proving that she belonged because she wasn’t born into royalty.
Sofia : “A proper princess would have done the polite thing and let you go first”
Higgins : “Oh don’t be silly , you are a proper princess”
Sofia : “Not really. At least , I don’t always feel that way”
Higgins : “Why what do you mean ?”
Sofia : “I wasn’t born a princess. And sometimes I feel like I have to keep proving I belong”
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Even though season one primarily demonstrates Sofia’s need to fit in as a princess more than the other seasons, in season 3 she still states that she’s still getting used to being one , showing deep down she still needs adjusting. Which is fair enough as when Sofia first became a princess , she had a lot of changes she needed to adjust to such as moving house , becoming apart of a new family , going to a new school ,making new friends , living in a higher society and taken on the responsibilities of a princess.
But as far as I’m aware , I believe the reason Sofia felt like she didn’t belong with royalty was more so out of her own insecurities. Apart from Amber in the episode Once upon a princess where she didn’t want Sofia around for insecure reasons , no one has discriminated Sofia for being born in the village and not having royal blood.
Story keeper
When Tilly says it’s up to Sofia to save Mazzimo and help him get to Wildwing Valley , Sofia isn’t sure if she can do it. Tilly understands that being story keeper isn’t easy but tries to reassure Sofia that she can do it while stating its more about if she will do it than if she can do it.
Sofia : “I’m not sure I can do this”
Tilly :  “I know , being storybook keepr is not easy” But you can do it Sofia , or you wouldn’t be here. So the real question isn’t can you do it , its will you do it ?
Sofia thinks it over a little but ultimately decides that she will do it. Tilly however can still sense that Sofia isn’t confident in herself to do it all by herself so she decides to tag along this one time to help her get started. 
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During the mission , Mazzimo and Minimus get captured by Prince Roderick and they lose Tilly’s bag. Sofia tries to find it but soon tells her self that she’s no story book keeper, making it clear to the audience that she doesn’t think she’s good enough to be one.
Sofia : “ Oh I can’t do this, I cant do any of this. I’m no story keeper”
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Merida then gets summoned by the amulet to tell Sofia that she can save them herself but Sofia confesses that she’s still getting used to being a princess and that if she can’t even finish this story then there’s no chance she can finish the rest in the library.
Merida : “What you need can only be found with in you”
Sofia : “What’s that ? ”
Merida : “The belief that you can save them yourself”
Sofia : “That’s just it. I’m still getting used to being a princess, how am I supposed to finish all those stories in the library if I cant even finish this one”  
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At this point in the series Sofia doubts that she’s even good enough for the job and thinks she isn’t ready to take on the responsibility. Being asked to be the story keeper might have been a bit too much for Sofia to handle at this stage in her life. Which is pretty understandable considering her age and what pressure she has already put herself through as a princess.
When Tilly became Story keeper , she was older than sixteen whereas Sofia was given the job as a child. 
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It doesn’t really seem fair on Sofia that Tilly was much older than she was when starting out but at the end of the day Sofia chooses to carry on being the story keeper and decides to keep it a secret from her family.
So far Sofia has the responsibilities of being a princess and a story keeper but now that she has excepted the occupation of a protector, that’s even more responsibility that Sofia has to deal with. 
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The fact that the protectors ask a 11 year old to protect the entire Ever realm is quite absurd considering their all adults and they have a number of protectors protecting the Mystic isles but if Sofia is already putting pressure on herself to be a good princess and a good story keeper , deep down Sofia is probably putting pressure on herself to be a good protector too. Being a protector is something she takes very seriously and the fact that she’s the first non-magical creature to become a protector will only fuel Sofia’s self-pressure even more.  
But why is Sofia putting all this pressure upon herself ? Well , as a character Craig describes Sofia as a striver , someone who is worried about doing a great job and someone who wonders if their good enough. 
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But Sofia also tends to want to please others and to fit in. These reasons would certainly explain why she puts so much pressure on herself to be a good princess but what are the reasons behind her putting so much pressure on herself as a story keeper.
I think its because of the fact that Sofia has been led to believe that she is the only one who is capable of saving the day and that there is some unknown reason as to why the amulet has chosen her rather than anyone else.
Tilly makes out that being the story keeper is Sofia’s destiny and that because the amulet led Sofia to the library , that’s why she had been chosen.
And while Merida gave Sofia good advice , Sofia might have gotten the wrong end of the stick when Merida told her “The belief that you can save them yourself” as Sofia might have interpreted this as that she has to do it herself.  This in turn makes Sofia sing the words “I’m the one that has to save the day” after she had been motivated to carry on being the story keeper. 
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Sofia believing there is an unknown reason as to why the amulet chose her to have this role is later explored In the episode the Mystic isles where she is tells Amber that she isn’t sure why the amulet chose her.
Sofia – “Somehow my amulet decided that I was to become the story keeper, now it’s my job to make sure the stories in the secret library get a happy ending.”
Amber – “So your amulet glows and leads you here to this secret library which is filled with stories that you need to finish”
Sofia – “I don’t know why , it just happened”
She then later shoots down Amber’s request to go with her by saying she’s the story book keeper and not Amber.
Sofia - “Amber you cant go with me”
Amber – “Why not”
Sofia – “Because I’m the story keeper , not you” 
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This shows that Sofia has really accepted the idea that this is her destiny and that this role of hers is something that she should bear the responsibility with herself and not put on other’s.
So all in all , Sofia puts too much on her shoulders , puts too much pressure upon herself and needs to be less secretive.
I believe her role as story keeper and a protector will be relieved in the final “Forever Royal” but if there was one person that could show Sofia the error of her ways and can relate to Sofia’s ordeal the most , it would be Cedric. Hear me out :)
Before the incident Cedric felt pressure to be a great sorcerer like his father and after the incident , everyone put a lot of pressure on him to be something great. Like Sofia , Cedric has felt pressure to be the best at what he is meant to be from an early age and has put pressure on himself to prove people wrong. 
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Cedric is also a tad secretive like Sofia as he didn’t express enough what he was going through emotionally and kept his intention on taking over the kingdom a secret but once all was revealed , things have been getting better and better for him thanks to Sofia’s help.
Keeping this in mind Cedric could ultimately be the one to show Sofia that its not good to put so much pressure on yourself and that it will benefit her much more if she is more honest and less secretive about what she is up too :) 
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But those are just my thoughts. What do you guys think about how many roles Sofia has had or how much pressure she has been under :)
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madewithonerib · 3 years
RE: Psalm 121:4 | ⁴ Behold, the Protector of Israel will not slumber or sleep.
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[Psalm 121:3; 121:5; 127:1; 27:1; 32:7-8; 1 Kings 18:27; Ecclesiastes 8:16;]
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       ●  Psalm 121:3 | ³ HE will not allow your foot to             slip; your Protector will not slumber.
       ●  Psalm 121:5 | ⁵ The LORD is your keeper; the             LORD is the shade on your right hand.
       ●  Psalm 127:1 | ¹ A song of ascents. Of Solomon.             Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders             labor in vain; unless the LORD protects the             city, its watchmen stand guard in vain.
       ●  Psalm 27:1 | ¹ Of David. The LORD is my light &             my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is             the stronghold of my life—whom shall I dread?
       ●  Psalm 32:7-8 | ⁷ YOU are my hiding place.             YOU protect me from trouble; YOU surround             me with songs of deliverance. Selah
            ⁸ I will instruct you & teach you the way you             should go; I will give you counsel &             watch over you.
       ●  1 Kings 18:27 | ²⁷ At noon Elijah began to taunt             them, saying, “Shout louder, for he is a god!             Perhaps he is deep in thought, or occupied, or             on a journey. Perhaps he is sleeping & must be             awakened!”
       ●  Ecclesiastes 8:16 | ¹⁶ When I applied my mind to             know wisdom & to observe the task that one             performs on the earth—though his eyes do not             see sleep in the day or even in the night—
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Matthew Henry, Nonconformist [1662-1714] | Psalm 121:4
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      121:1-8 The safety of the godly—We must not rely upon       men & means, instruments & 2nd causes. Shall I depend       upon the strength of the hills? upon princes & great men?
      No; my confidence is in GOD only.
      Or, we must lift up our eyes above the hills; we must look       to GOD who makes all earthly things to us what they are.
      We must see all our help in GOD; from HIM we must expect       it, in HIS own way & time. This psalm teaches us to comfort       ourselves in the LORD, when difficulties & dangers are       greatest. It is almighty wisdom that contrives, & almighty       power that works the safety of those that put themselves       under GOD's protection.
      HE is a wakeful, watchful Keeper; HE is never weary; HE       not only does not sleep, but HE does not so much as slumber.
      Under this shade they may sit with delight & assurance.
            HE is always near HIS people for their             protection & refreshment.
      The right hand is the working hand; let them but turn to their       duty, & they shall find GOD ready to give them success.
      HE will take care that HIS people shall not fall.
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      Thou shalt not be hurt, neither by the open assaults, nor       by the secret attempts of your enemies.
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      The LORD shall prevent the evil you fear, & sanctify,       remove, or lighten the evil you feel.
      HE will preserve the soul, that it be not defiled by sin, &       disturbed by affliction; HE will preserve it from perishing       eternally.
      HE will keep thee in life & death; going out to your labour in       the morning of your days, & coming home to your rest when       the evening of old age calls thee in.
      It is a protection for life.
      The Spirit, who is their Preserver & Comforter, shall abide       with them for ever. Let us be found in our work, assured       that the blessings promised in this psalm are ours.
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Charles John Ellicott, Theologian [1749–1905] | Psalm 121:4
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      [4] Slumber nor sleep—This repetition, with the addition       of a synonym, offers a very good instance of the step-like       style supposed by many critics to give their name to these       psalms.
      But it must be carefully noticed that there is no climax in       the force of the 2 words, the 1st, if anything, being the       stronger. It is used of the sleep of death [Psalm 76:5].
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Albert Barnes, American Theologian [1798-1870] | Psalm 121:4
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      Behold, HE that keeps Israel—The Keeper—the Guardian       —of HIS people. The psalmist here passes from his own       particular case to a general truth—a truth to him full of       consolation.
      It is, that the people of GOD must always be safe; that their       great Guardian never slumbers; & that HE, as one of HIS       people, might, therefore, confidently look for HIS protecting       care.
      Shall neither slumber nor sleep—Never slumbers, never       ceases to be watchful.
      Man sleeps; a sentinel may slumber on his post, by       inattention, by long-continued wakefulness, or by weariness;
      a pilot may slumber at the helm; even a mother may fall       asleep by the side of the sick child;
      but GOD is never exhausted, is never weary, is never       inattentive. HE never closes HIS eyes on the condition of       HIS people, on the needs of the world.
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Joseph S. Exell & Henry Spence-Jones, Anglican [1897] | Psalm 121:4
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      v. 4.—Behold, HE that keeps Israel shall neither slumber       nor sleep. The assurance rises from the particular to the       general.
      It is not one Israelite alone over whom GOD will watch       unceasingly, but the whole people of Israel.
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Keil & Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the OT
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      Apollinaris renders as meaninglessly as possible:
      ὄμματα δενδροκόμων ὀρέων ὑπερεξετάνυσσα - with a       reproduction of the misapprehended ἦρα of the lxx.
      The expression in fact is אשּׂא, and not נשׂאתי.
      And the mountains towards which the psalmist raises       his eyes are not any mountains whatsoever.
      In Ezekiel the designation of his native land from the       standpoint of the Mesopotamian plain is       "the mountains of Israel."
      His longing gaze is directed towards the district of these       mountains, they are his ḳibla, i.e., the sight-point of his       prayer, as of Daniel's, Daniel 6:11.
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            Daniel 6:11 | ¹¹ Then these men went as a group &             found Daniel petitioning & imploring his GOD.
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      To render "from which my help cometh" (Luther) is       inadmissible. מאין is an interrogative even in       Joshua 2:4, where the question is an indirect one.
            Joshua 2:4 | ⁴ But the woman had taken the 2             men & hidden them. So she said, “Yes, the             men did come to me, but I did not know where             they had come from.
      The poet looks up to the mountains, the mountains       of his native land, the holy mountains       [Psalm 133:3; Psalm 137:1; Psalm 125:2],
       ●  Psalm 133:3 | ³ It is like the dew of Hermon             falling on the mountains of Zion. For there             the LORD has bestowed the blessing of life             forevermore.
       ●  Psalm 137:1 | ¹ By the rivers of Babylon we             sat & wept when we remembered Zion.
       ●  Psalm 125:2 | ² As the mountains surround             Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds HIS people,             both now & forevermore.
      when he longingly asks: whence will my help come?
      and to this question his longing desire itself returns the       answer, that his help comes from no other quarter than       from YHWH, the MAKER of heaven & earth, from HIS       who sits enthroned behind & upon these mountains,       whose helpful power reaches to the remotest ends &       corners of HIS creation, &
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      with (עם) whom is help, i.e., both the willingness and the       power to help, so that therefore help comes from nowhere       but from (מן) HIM alone.
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      In Psalm 121:1 the poet has propounded a question, and       in Psalm 121:2 replies to this question himself.
      In Psalm 121:3 & further the answering one goes on       speaking to the questioner.
      The poet is himself become objective, & his Ego, calm in       GOD, promises him comfort, by unfolding to him the       joyful prospects contained in that hope in YHWH.
      The subjective אל expresses a negative in both cases with       an emotional rejection of that which is absolutely impossible.
      The poet says to himself:
            HE will, indeed, surely not abandon thy foot to the             tottering [למּוט, as in Psalm 66:9, cf. Psalm 55:23],             thy KEEPER will surely not slumber; & then confirms             the assertion that this shall not come to pass by             heightening the expression in accordance with the             step-like character of the Psalm:
      Behold the Keeper of Israel slumbers not & sleeps not, i.e.,       HE does not fall into slumber from weariness, & HIS life is       not an alternate waking and sleeping.
      The eyes of HIS providence are ever open over Israel.
       ●  Psalm 121:1-3 | ¹ A song of ascents. I lift up my             eyes to the hills. From where does my help             come? ² MY help comes from the LORD, the             Maker of heaven & earth. ³ HE will not allow             your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber.
       ●  Psalm 66:9 | ⁹ HE preserves our lives & keeps             our feet from slipping.
       ●  Psalm 55:23 | ²³ But YOU, O GOD, will bring them             down to the Pit of destruction; men of bloodshed             & deceit will not live out half their days.             But I will trust in YOU.
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Andrew R. Fausset & David Brown, Church of Scotland [1871] | Psalm 121:4
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      HIS sleepless vigilance is added. to be moved—       [Compare Ps 38:16; 66:9].
       ●  Psalm 38:16 | ¹⁶ For I said, “Let them not gloat             over me—those who taunt me when my foot slips.”
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John Gills, English Baptist [1748] | Psalm 121:4
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      Behold, HE that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
      HE that kept Israel or Jacob, when asleep, & appeared to       him in a dream, & promised to keep him in all places, & did;
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      who found his posterity in the wilderness, & kept them as the       apple of HIS eye: HE keeps HIS Spiritual Israel, whom HE       has chosen, redeemed, & calls; & HE that is in general their       KEEPR, is the keeper of every particular believer, who may       promise themselves the utmost safety under HIS care;
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      since, though HE may sometimes seem to sleep, when HE       withdraws HIS gracious presence, defers help, & does not       arise so soon to the assistance of HIS people as they wish       for & expect;
      yet does not in reality sleep, nor is any ways negligent of       them; no, not so much as slumber, nor is in the least       indifferent about them, & careless of them;
      see Genesis 28:15.
      So Homer [k] represents Jupiter as not held by sleep, while       other gods & men slept all night; & hence Milton [l] has the       phrase of "the unsleeping eyes of GOD":
      but the Phrygians had a notion that their god slept in winter,       & was awake in summer [m].
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            Genesis 28:15 | ¹⁵ Look, I am with you, & I will watch             over you wherever you go, & I will bring you back to             this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what             I have promised you.”
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      Psalm 121:1-8 | GOD the Help of Those Who Seek HIM
      ¹ A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the hills.
      From where does my help come?
      ² MY help comes from the LORD, the Maker of Heaven       & Earth. ³ HE will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector       will not slumber.
      ⁴ Behold, the Protector of Israel will not slumber or sleep.
      ⁵ The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is the shade on       your right hand. ⁶ The sun will not strike you by day nor       the moon by night.
      ⁷ The LORD will guard you from all evil; HE will preserve       your soul. ⁸ The LORD will watch over your coming &       going, both now & forevermore.
0 notes
sitkowskiryan · 6 years
secret keepers. douze.
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repost because i apparently never gave you guys chapter 11!
Warnings: smut, disregard of pronouns, dysphoria mention, emotional abuse(?), and vulgar language. This stuff is all just mentioned as josh and tyler talk about it.
Disclaimer: I am a cisgender, bisexual female and so I have no idea what is like to be a trans, gay man so I am sorry if I offend anyone! I'm gonna say this here and I'll repeat it in other chapters where I feel like people can get mad at me for things. If I have gotten something completely wrong/offensive, please give me advice on how to make it better!
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Josh grunted as a weight settled on him, eyes slowly opening to see his boyfriend happily perched on his chest, wiggling his little hips.
"Ty what are you," Josh's question was cut off by a soft kiss to his lips, Tyler's hands trailing down his body and towards his boxers. Josh let out a soft moan, he always enjoyed being dominated by Tyler. It was nice to see the usually shy man take what he wanted. It was at this moment that Josh remembered what had happened last night. Talk about a cock block. Josh pulled back from the kiss, sitting up so he could see Tyler and so the younger man couldn't avoid his questions with kisses.
"Honey what about last night?" Josh got out breathily since Tyler had started to attack his neck half way through his question.
"Tyler," Josh attempted to be stern, but the teacher whined in annoyance.
"I don't wanna talk about it Josh," Tyler whispered, "I just wanna be close to my boyfriend, right now," Tyler purred, running his fingers through Josh's hair. The older man bit his lip, not sure what he wanted to do. He wanted to make sure his boyfriend was okay after last night, but also didn't want to see his confidence drain from him. Josh sat unsurely for a second before nodding his head slightly.
"You tell me when you need me to stop, the exact second Tyler," Josh said, tone firm as he gripped Tyler's hips tightly. Tyler nodded his head to show he understood before pulling Josh back into the kiss. Josh got lost in the kiss, holding his boyfriend with such care like he was scared Tired might break in half. It was the standard make out session that they were used to having. Until Tyler took one of Josh's hands and casually led it into his boxers. Josh's fingers trembled as they touched Tyler's coarse pubic hair, trimmed to by hygienic, but not like how the girls Josh has been with were like. Josh reminded himself that Tyler was no girl and he shouldn't be comparing him to past relationships.
"Be tender," Tyler instructed, letting go of Josh's hand and moving his own up to clench at Josh's bicep. Josh gulped audibly, not wanting to accidentally hurt Tyler or cause him discomfort. Josh thought back to his past with girls and by-passed Tyler's clit to rub his labia slowly. Tyler inhaled sharply, rocking into Josh's touch.
"Sensitive honey?" Josh whispered, Tyler nodding his head against Josh's shoulder. The older man slowly made his way up to Tyler's clit, letting his thumb circle the nub, gradually getting faster. Josh kissed at Tyler's neck during this process, listening to Tyler's keens and moans.
"Joshua, oh Joshua, JOSHUA!"
Josh shot awake to the harsh shaking, looking over at the flustered Tyler. The pink haired man glanced down at his crotch and Josh let out a loud groan, rubbing a hand over his face.
"I'm sorry baby boy," Josh said, his voice groggy. He made to get up, needing to calm down away from Tyler so he didn't pressure his boyfriend. The last thing he wanted was for Tyler to be uncomfortable. Soft hands on his chest stopped him, Tyler pulling Josh back onto the bed. Josh looked at him confusedly, but Tyler didn't meet his eyes, focusing on drawing shapes on Josh's chest.
"Honey?" Josh whispered, reaching up to cover Tyler's hand with his own, pausing his movements.
"Have to get used to it, don't I?" Tyler whispered, bringing Josh's knuckles to his lips before putting them back on his chest.
"Can't be with the man I love if I can't handle his wet dreams," Tyler joked solemnly, Josh smiling warily.
"Baby can we talk about last night?" Josh asked, eyes focused solely on Tyler to watch his reactions. Tyler paused for a second before nodding slowly.
"Take your time darling," Josh whispered, slowly sitting up in the bed and pulling Tyler to sit in his lap. The younger man curled up to his chest, fingers hooking in Josh's collarbone for a brief moment. Josh rubbed his back tenderly, waiting for Tyler to start.
"It wasn't a sudden thing... I think I always knew that I was different. Girls like dolls and dresses and I would scream and cry every Sunday when my mom attempt to put me in a dress. I liked to play basketball and get dirty, no matter how much my parents scolded me for getting 'your pretty skirt, Tyler!' dirty," Tyler started, brushing his fingers over Josh's peck. It wasn't in an intimate way, more of a subconscious action.
"When I turned fourteen I met this kid, Mikey, in high school. His sibling was transgender, only male to female. Went from Gerard to Gemma," the name tickled the back of Josh's mind, but he couldn't for the life of him remember why. Not that he cared about anything other than Tyler's word right now.
"I wanted to be Tyler Robert instead of Robin, my family believed it to be a phase, but it was who I was - am. I moved out at eighteen and rarely talked to my family unless I was forced too. Got top surgery at twenty-one, wearing binders hurt, though I sometimes wear them when I feel less... masculine I guess you could say," Tyler trailed off, letting his fingers play with Josh's happy trail, plucking a hair here and there. Josh's muscles contracted with each pluck, but he didn't stop Tyler.
"Do you feel less masculine often?" Josh asked, speaking for the first time in twenty minutes. Tyler had paused in his story, plucking at the hairs on Josh's chest and stomach absentmindedly.
"No, not really... Sometimes on my, um, period or if I think about the past. I'm pretty confident in my body, though having a vagina sometimes messes with my head..." Tyler admitted, humming softly when Josh's hand came up to rub his calf gently, blunt fingernails dragging through the body hair found there.
"And have you thought of bottom surgery?" Josh prodded nervously, not wanting to be insensitive. Tyler's lips quirked into a smile at the question, tilting his head up to finally look at Josh.
"Yeah, and I think I'll pass on that part. Besides vaginal sex feels better than anal," Tyler giggled softly, Josh pulling him closer. He loved seeing Tyler smile and giggle.
"I understand if you are not into it and want to like break up," Tyler whispered, his smile suddenly gone and the insecurity showing on his face once more. Josh shifted Tyler so he was straddling his lap and wrapped his arms around his waist.
"Honey, I wouldn't leave your side even if you were asexual. I'd love anything between your legs, even if it had something to do with tentacles." Tyler pushed him playfully at that, a small smile on his lips.
"And you wanna know something else?" Tyler nodded his head, biting his lip in a way that made Josh wanna flip them over and fuck him into the mattress.
"My dream was about playing with your clit and listening to your little noises that I am sure you make," Josh watched as Tyler's face turned red and didn't miss the subtle jerk his hips gave, seeking friction probably. Josh grinned at his boyfriend, patting his backside for a quick second and sitting back against the headboard.
"You dream about playing with my clit?" The word coming out of Tyler's mouth could have made Josh cum instantly if he was a teenager. Tyler did not like cursing, especially with Olivia in the house, so to hear such dirty words fall from his lips was hot.
Josh nodded his head, holding Tyler's hips tightly so he couldn't move them. Tyler huffed at him and they continued their conversation. Tyler's eyes widened when Josh revealed what he had told his family and burst into laughs that wracked his entire body. The both agreed never to call Tyler's bottom anatomy a cock ever again. Josh thumbed Tyler's hips, a lull in their conversation, one thought wracking his head over and over again.
"Hey Ty, how come you didn't want to tell me?" Josh finally asked, Tyler sighing, but he knew it was coming. He just didn't want to try an explain and hurt Josh's feelings.
"Protecting myself I guess? I didn't think you would come to mean so much to me or that I would ever meet you in person and here you are. I tried so many times to tell you that I was trans. How you didn't figure it out I will never know, missed health class baby?" Tyler teased, Josh knocking him off his lap. The teacher laughed and climbed back on top of his boyfriend.
"Plus I had bad relationships in the past where they find out I'm trans and say they are okay with it, but it was never long before they started to call me a sissy or a female or something like that. I didn't want you to be like that," Tyler whispered, wrapping his arms around Josh's neck. The older man rubbed his back and leaned up to press his lips to his briefly.
"I'd never hurt you or treat you different Ty. I actually dated a transgender woman in high school, couldn't figure it out then either," Tyler grinned at him, Josh rolling his eyes.
"But I had no problem with her, my problem was how people treated her when they found out. I wish with everything in me that I had been able to show her that I wasn't like the others. I'll spend my life showing you just how much you mean to me, how much you mean to my daughter Ty. I love you so much and that isn't going to change. Even if you turned out to be a killer."
Tyler's eyes were watering at Josh's admission, wrapping his arms around him tightly.
"I love you too sugar," Tyler whispered, pressing their lips together. Josh grinned into the kiss, flipping them so Tyler was on his back. The older man swallowed the younger's gasp, slipping his tongue into his mouth. Josh pulled back from the kiss, leaving Tyler breathless as he kissed down his jaw and towards his ear.
"Let me show you how much you mean to me, baby boy."
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Word Count: 1,733
i hope you guys enjoyed this! let me know your favorite part(s)! send me some cute ideas for fluffy chapters please!
until next time,
stay alive sunshines
- courtney xox
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sitkowskiryan · 6 years
secret keepers. vingt.
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Warnings: Smut, a bit of body uncomfortable-ness, and I will warn you that I am cisgender female and I have no idea if this is how it really is for a transgender male! please correct me if this is offensive!
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
"Ah fuck... Ty not there," Josh grunted, shifting his hips under his boyfriend in protest.
"Shush Joshua, let me work," Tyler scolded, his tongue poking out as he focused on his task.
"That's my neck Tyler!" Josh whined, feeling the latex gloves and cold goop against his neck. Tyler let out a little snicker, tightening his thighs around Josh's hips when the older man tried to get him to move from his lap.
"What are you two doing?" A voice made Tyler jump slightly, smearing his goop covered thumb across Josh's cheek. The older man groaned and pushed Tyler out of his lap to wash his face. Hopefully the dye wouldn't stain his face too quickly. But then again, it was bright, firetruck red so who was he kidding?
"Hey!" Tyler pouted, getting up off the ground and going back to his task. Josh flinched away from the touch before realizing it was Tyler and let out a soft sigh in exasperation.
"Hales, can you at least tell me if he got the back covered properly? He won't tell me," Josh complained, grinning when Tyler nipped his shoulder. Hayley shook her head at the two and moved around Josh to examine the back of his head. She guided Tyler's hands to spread more at the nape of Josh's neck and patted Tyler's shoulder.
"Ty's doing a good job, besides making you a literal red neck," Josh glared at his friend, leaning back into his boyfriend's touch. Tyler beamed happily, kissing the bite mark on Josh's shoulder and carefully removing his gloves.
"Okay big boy, twenty minutes and then into the shower," Tyler instructed, letting his fingers brush Josh's exposed back. Since Tyler had never dyed hair before Josh had figured it was best to not ruin one of his shirts.
"Oh whatever will I do with those twenty minutes?" Josh hummed, grabbing Tyler by his waist and lifting him up onto the counter. The older man situated himself between Tyler's legs and pressed a kiss to his lips.
"Ew, gross. I should've gone to nana's," Hayley groaned, already walking away from the bathroom. Josh grinned against Tyler's lips and let his hands move down to squeeze his hips. Tyler let out a small moan, hands trailing up to Josh's hair when the older man caught him.
"The dye honey, don't really want a red bathroom," Josh teased, wrapping Tyler's arms around his waist instead of his neck. He let out a laugh when Tyler's hands found his backside and attempted to pull him closer to him.
"Is that where you want me?" Josh whispered, ducking his head down to kiss Tyler's ear. The teacher let out a whimper and shook his head.
"No? Where do you want me than baby boy?" He asked, carefully kissing down his neck, wishing he had taken off his shirt too. Hayley had been in an out all day and Tyler was nervous for her to see. She was not exactly told yet, but Josh had a feeling she could tell.
"In me," Tyler whispered, not meeting Josh's eyes. The older man stiffened and stared down at his boyfriend in shock. Did Tyler just...?
"Do you mean that?" Josh whispered, all of his playfulness gone. He wanted Tyler to be sure of this, it was a big step. Tyler nodded his head, still not meeting Josh's eyes. He was focused on the little bit of hair that covered the space between Josh's belly button and sweats. Josh sighed, tipping Tyler's head up to look at him.
"Verbally Tyler," Josh said sternly, his other hand rubbing comforting circles on his back.
"Yes Joshua," his voice was small, but Josh heard him all the same. The, now red, headed man let out a small noise and knelt to bury his face in Tyler's stomach. The teacher yelped in surprise, clutching onto Josh's shoulders.
"What are you doing? What's wrong?" Tyler panicked, massaging Josh's shoulders in hopes of getting him to ease up. Josh just shook his head against Tyler's stomach, ruining Tyler's grey shirt with his dye. Tyler's eyes widened when he felt wetness seep through his shirt and bit his lip.
"I'm sorry if it is too much... I know I am not a real boy..." Josh's head snapped up and Tyler flinched back from the intensity in those hazel eyes.
"Do not ever say that again Tyler," Josh said dangerously, an edge to his voice that had Tyler trembling for a very different reason then fear. He never had Josh be stern with him before, and he kind of liked it.
"It's true though!" Tyler shot back, feeling 'bratty' and wanting to see what Josh would do. Josh's eyes darkened and he shifted closer to Tyler.
"I don't have a cock like you, I have a fucking pus," Tyler was cut off when Josh knocked the air from his lungs. Not from pressing his ribcage, but his crotch, pressing his clit through his leggings.
"Fuck," he whimpered, shifting up into Josh's touch.
"You mean this isn't a cock?" Josh's voice was deep, husky. His chapped lips were pressed against Tyler's ear, fingers pressing against Tyler's center. The teacher shook his head, biting his lip to stifle his noises.
"Hmm feels like one to me," Josh continued, moving his fingers against Tyler and listening to his boyfriend's breathy moans. Tyler had never liked calling his bottom half a cock, but hearing it fall from Josh's mouth had his stomach burning in a good way.
"You like when I stroke your cock baby boy?" Tyler nodded his head frantically, wrapping his legs around Josh's waist and pulling him closer. Josh made to slip his hand down Tyler's leggings only to be interrupted by a loud alarm, making both of them to jump. The red head giggled and made to pull away from his octopus of a boyfriend.
"No daddy," Tyler whined, holding onto Josh tighter making the red head laugh more.
"You can always shower with me darling," Josh whispered encouragingly, smiling when Tyler's face lit up and laughed as he was pushed away so Tyler could jump down and get his clothes off. Josh shook his head fondly and turned around to turn the shower on and pulled his sweats off, not an once of embarrassment when it was revealed that he wasn't wearing boxers underneath.
Josh turned to look at his boyfriend, smiling sadly when he saw Tyler nervously thumbing his boxers, shifting on his feet. Josh made his way over to Tyler, wrapping his arms loosely around his waist.
"You know baby boy, I can't be 'in you' if you have your boxers on," he whispered, getting playfully punched for using Tyler's words. Josh grinned, pressing a kiss to Tyler's messy hair.
"Easy for you to say big boy," Tyler huffed, poking Josh's cock. The older man chuckled and pressed more kisses to Tyler's face and shoulders.
"Tell you what handsome," he grinned privately to himself when he watched Tyler's chest puff up at the compliment, "I'll wash my dye out and tell you when I am done and you can decide if you wanna come in. Okay?" Tyler nodded his head, lip caught between his teeth again. Josh groaned at the look and couldn't stop himself from giving his cock a relieving stroke.
"Stop biting your lip or I'll come before you even get in," Josh smirked, giving Tyler's backside a playful smack when he stuck out his lip and bit it more. Josh climbed in the shower and went about taking care of his hair to ensure the dye would last long and be vibrant. It took Josh ten minutes to actually wash his hair out and get the water running off pinkish instead of bright red. Hopefully it comes out more red than pink.
"Baby boy?" Josh called out, jumping when Tyler practically shot in the shower and buried his face into Josh's chest. The older man held him tightly and ran his fingers through his damp curls.
"I'm proud of you baby boy," he praised, gently pulling him away from his chest. He kept his gaze on Tyler's face, despite the temptation.
"Can I see you?" He asked carefully, slowly backing up when Tyler nodded in approval. He took his boyfriend, all of his tan skin, his dark pubes, tangled yet looking trimmed at the same time. The same dark brown that sat upon his head. Josh could see a bit of pink hidden behind those curls and it made his knees weak.
"Christ, you are perfect," Josh breathed, already closing in on Tyler and pressing him against the wall. Tyler inhaled sharply and grasped onto Josh's curls, not caring about his dye.
"Can I try something?" Josh whispered, letting his thumbs stroke Tyler's hips.
"Be gentle please," Tyler whispered back, pressing his lips quickly to Josh's.
"Always baby boy," Josh promised, slipping to his knees in front of Tyler and lifted Tyler up so his thighs were around his shoulders.
"What are you doOOing," Tyler moaned, fingers clutching Josh's curls as the older man ate him out. True to his word, Josh was real gentle and paid attention to all of Tyler, not just his clit.
"Oh," Tyler panted, rocking into Josh's face as much as he could with his position against the wall.
"Joshie, I'm close please," Tyler whimpered, trying to move away from Josh's teasing tongue. The older man had other plans though, burying his face once more into Tyler's pelvis and latching onto his clit. Tyler had to cover his mouth to silence the scream about to erupt from his chest. He pushed Josh's face closer as he came, thighs trembling against Josh's cheeks.
"Off, off," Tyler pleaded, pushing Josh's face from his pussy. Josh stood up carefully, keeping Tyler off the ground and in his arms. He was sure Tyler would slip if he let him down now. Tyler let out a small cry when he felt Josh's cock teasingly rub his clit from how they were positioned.
"Still want me in you darling?" Josh's voice was rough, and Tyler should feel repulsed with those lips kissing along his neck, but he couldn't find it within himself to feel disgust, only arousal. Tyler nodded his head, biting his lip. Josh groaned at him and made to slip his fingers into Tyler to prepare him. He would never hurt his baby.
"DADDY! PAPA!" Josh tensed hearing his daughter's voice through the door, burying his face in Tyler's neck to muffle his groan. Always cockblocked.
"Yes baby?" Tyler called back, patting Josh's back sympathetically. He could feel Josh throbbing against him, but with Olivia home they wouldn't be able to do much about it until she went to bed.
"Nana wants to say hi before she leaves!" Olivia called back, Josh whining into Tyler's skin. Not only his daughter, but his mother too? Maybe there was a mariachi band waiting as well to celebrate Josh's blue balls.
"Okay princess, we'll be out in a minute!" Tyler called, already turning off the water so she could hear him better. Tyler slowly lowered himself onto his shaky legs and pressed a kiss to Josh's lips and pulling back with his face scrunched up.
"You taste like pussy," Tyler commented, Josh laughing at the absurdity of the comment. Tyler got out of the shower, yelping when Josh smacked his backside, hard.
"'Oh Joshie'" Josh mocked, grinning when Tyler smacked his arm. They quickly got dressed in their messy clothing from before, Josh spending a good five minutes trying to will his cock down. He, after all, was wearing only grey sweatpants. Once they were both ready, they exited the bathroom and headed downstairs.
"Daddy is red!" Olivia cheered, jumping up from the floor and racing towards Josh. The red haired man caught his daughter and held her up on his hips easily. Hayley and his mother were smirking at him and he just shrugged his shoulders. This was his house and what he did was his partner was his business.
"I would have come later, had I known you were preoccupied Joshua," his mother scolded playfully, moving into hug him. Tyler snickered at Josh and the older man shot him a dirty look. Making sure no one was looking at him, Josh made a 'V' with his fingers and stuck his tongue through it at Tyler, smirking when the brunet blushed a deep red.
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Yes, two could play at this game baby boy.
 ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
Word Count: 2,083
i wanna start by saying, i'm sorry for how upset i was last chapter! it is the week before finals for me and all of my classes had something due this week and i was stressed out and really frustrated, but wattpad wasn't letting me access any of my stories and all of the help pages were not helping so i got upset.
but i am fine now! i got all of my things, except for one paper, done and i'm ready for my winter break!
onto the chapter, i hope you guys like this! would you like to see more smut like this or more fluff? I want to write what you guys want to see! please give me feedback on what you like and what you don't!
until next time,
stay alive sunshines <3
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sitkowskiryan · 6 years
secret keepers. treize.
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Before either man could get down to anything, small feet raced down the hallway towards them. The older man huffed in annoyance, though he could never truly be upset with his daughter. He mouthed a countdown to Tyler before the door crashed open on one causing the teacher to giggle at Josh. It showed that this was a pattern and Tyler thought it was rather adorable.
"Ty!" Olivia called, pulling her small form up on the bed and practically knocking Josh out of the way to cuddle into Tyler's chest. Tyler laughed harder, holding her close to him and kissing her forehead.
"What am I chopped liver?" Josh huffed, settling himself next to Tyler, an arm slung across his waist delicately. Even though Josh was a tad annoyed, there is not anywhere else he would rather be than to see his daughter and boyfriend cuddled up together. Josh cuddled into Tyler's other side, slipping his other arm under Tyler's neck to play with Olivia's messy hair.
"Ty, feeling better?" Olivia asked softly, her head turning up to look at him. Some parents might be a bit put off by how quick their child got attached to their significant other, but Olivia spent all of her time with Tyler. Inside of school and out so Josh was not truly concerned. He did miss when he was Olivia's sole source for love and protection, but then again she wasn't just his anymore either. Tyler had become a big part of both of their lives.
"I am love, sorry if I scared you last night," Tyler whispered, rubbing her back gently. Tyler would never want to scare Olivia or confuse her in anyway.
"Why was your mommy a meanie?" Both men stiffened at the question, Josh's arm tightening around his boyfriend and pressing a kiss to his jaw to show his support.
"O, I don't think Tyler wants to talk about it anymore," Josh began, but Tyler waved his hand to dismiss it. It was best that Olivia knew now then find out later. Unless Josh did not want her to know... Tyler looked at Josh questioningly before he said anything to her. At the end of the day, Josh was her parent and if he didn't want her to know, she wouldn't know. Josh nodded for Tyler to continue, rubbing his stomach reassuringly.
"You see love, when I was born I was a girl like you," Olivia's face twisted in confusion, but Josh reminded her not to interrupt Tyler.
"But I later found out that I was a boy in a girl's body and no longer wanted to be a girl. My family doesn't really understand that and continue to call me a girl. They believe I'll be a girl again one day." Tyler explained as simply as he could, resisting the urge to frown.
"That is dumb, you're a boy," Olivia huffed, Josh fist bumping her for her support. Tyler smiled at them both, letting his free arm wrap around the back of Josh's neck. It was awkward, but Tyler was surrounded by his loved ones. His little family.
"She said you can't be a mommy..." Olivia continued on, biting her lip in a habit she had picked up from her father. Tyler smiled sadly, nodding his head in confirmation.
"I can't be a mommy sweetheart," Tyler left out that he could still bear children, but it would fuck with his head a bit too much for his comfort.
"Boys can't have babies like mommies," Tyler explained delicately, not really wanting to get into a birds and bees talk with a five year old.
"But daddy has me!" Olivia argued, sitting up slightly so she was kneeling at Tyler's side. "And I don't have a mommy," there was no sadness in her voice, but it still hurt Josh's heart to have the knowledge that she would grow up without a mom because Sarah was a bitch.
"You do have a mommy, out there somewhere, she just isn't here love," Tyler hadn't the slightest clue who or where Olivia's mom was, so he had to be careful with his words.
"Daddy takes care of you though. He couldn't have given birth to you," Though what an image that made in Tyler's head. Josh pinched his side slightly, seeing the smile on Tyler's lips and knowing exactly what he was thinking.
"So you can't be my mommy?" Olivia's lip quivered, her blue eyes filling with tears. Tyler sat up and pulled her into his lap, rocking her slowly. Josh sat up as well, wrapping himself around his boyfriend and daughter. It felt too much like last night for comfort.
"I can't be your mommy sweetheart but I can be anything else you want," Tyler whispered to her, reaching his free hand and rub Josh's back as well, knowing damn well that he was probably kicking himself right now as well.
"Can you be a daddy?" Olivia whispered back to him, Josh stiffening at Tyler's side, even with the gentle fingers working his muscles. Tyler shifted her in his lap and made her look up at him.
"You have a daddy love, how about I be papa? I'll be just like daddy, but I can't take his name from him, understand?" Tyler explained, Olivia nodding her head before burying her face in Tyler's shoulder. Josh's head ended up in his free shoulder, both of the Duns trembling with tears against Tyler. The teacher simply rubbed their backs, laying down so he could get comfortable.
Olivia ended up on his chest, buried still in his chest while Josh tucked his wet face into Tyler's side, legs tight around Tyler's and holding both Tyler and Olivia close. Others might feel suffocated or too warm, but Tyler felt loved. For the first time in his life since coming out, he felt surrounded by love.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Word Count: 977
hey guys! so i'm sorry this wasn't post until now! i had an important interview today! (not allowed to really tell you guys about it though) and it snowed like 4 inches of snow so it was stressful getting to and from and my friend missed her interview, but luckily she was able to get another time slot so that was good. i think i did really good and i hope that i get the internship because i'm real excited about it. if not, i'll just try again next year!
any who, how did you guys like this one? let me know please!
until next time,
stay alive sunshines <3
- courtney xoxo
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sitkowskiryan · 6 years
secret keepers. quinze.
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Waking up cold on your birthday was not a great start to the day. At least in Tyler's opinion. He could have sworn that he fell asleep with two bodies curled around him and now he was alone.
Blinking his eyes open in confusion, Tyler let out a soft whine when he was in fact alone in the bed and it seemed like for sometime he had been alone. The man slowly slipped out of bed, pulling Josh's hoodie on over his simple t-shirt and sweats before heading down the stairs. He could hear giggling and it made his heart warm thinking about Olivia. In such a short time she had come to mean so much to him and hearing her laugh could cheer him up even on the shittiest of days.
Tyler paused before he entered the kitchen, watching from the doorway the scene before him.
Josh was stood in only his pajama pants cooking bacon with Olivia messily mixing the pancakes at his side in her nightgown. They both had messy heads and giggling together. Tyler smiled at the two before heading into kitchen and sneakily slipping behind Josh and wrapping his arms around his waist, the older man jumping in surprise.
"Fu-," Josh glanced at his daughter momentarily, "Frick Tyler!"
Tyler laughed softly, kissing Josh's shoulder blade before moving down the side and kissing Olivia's temple. The younger girl was pouting at him, abandoning her mixing and holding her arms out to Tyler to be picked up. He knew it would spoil her, but he couldn't help himself to lift her into his arms.
"Why are you pouting love?" Tyler cooed, not able to keep his smile off his face. It was his birthday and he was getting to spend it with the closest thing to family he had.
"Was suppose'ta be a surprise," she grumbled, burying her face in Tyler's chest. The brunet glanced at Josh in question, but the older man just grinned at him.
"What was?" He questioned further, rubbing Olivia's back to try and console her. She seemed really upset by what ever he had 'ruined'.
"Birthday breakfast," she mumbled, though it sounded more like "birfday brefast," from her mumbling. Tyler smiled softly, eyes stinging slightly. She just wanted to surprise him for his birthday.
"Hayley always helps her make a birthday breakfast," Josh pronounced his words slowly to correct Olivia, the younger Dun mumbling the words against Tyler's neck, "for me every year and she wanted to make it for you," Josh explained, turning off the stove and wrapping his arms around Tyler's waist.
"Should have warned you so you could have played along like I do," Josh whispered in Tyler's ear making the younger giggle. Tyler bounced Olivia slightly and hummed to get her attention.
"Would you like me to go sit in the living room and you can finish making your surprise? I didn't see anything, I promise! I only saw what your daddy had," Tyler said, even pretending to glance over her head to see what she was doing when she quickly covered his eyes with her hands.
"No Papa!" Tyler smirked inwardly to himself. It had actually worked!
"I'm just gonna sit in the living room then!" He tried to hold back his laughter, setting her back down and quickly turning around so he didn't see what she was doing. Tyler smiled cheekily at the beaming Josh and leaned up to press their lips together.
Happy birthday honey," Josh whispered, caressing Tyler's lower back. The younger man hummed his thanks, kissing Josh's lips once more before leaving the kitchen so they could continue cooking.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
After breakfast, the small family decided to get dressed and actually do something for Tyler's birthday. Josh had no clue how it had ended with ice skating, but here he was, lacing his overly bundled daughter's skates as Tyler held her still so she wouldn't bounce away.
Neither of the Duns had been ice skating before, while Tyler had been many times as a child and so they were going to be taught by Tyler.
"Okay my loves, let's get on the ice!" Tyler cheered, opting to carry Olivia so she wouldn't have to do the awkward tottering that Josh was currently doing. The birthday boy smiled at his boyfriend and helped him on to the ice before settling Olivia down on the ice.
"Just hold on for now okay?" Tyler instructed, slowly moving his feet ( it had been awhile since he ice skated ) and pulling them along. It was a bit difficult to pull his weight and Josh's, but they were making it work.
Before long, Olivia had gotten confident enough to move her own feet and then release Tyler's hand to move ahead of them. Josh was still clingy firmly to his boyfriend, Tyler's shoulder surely bound to ache later, but it didn't matter right now.
"Look at you go!" Tyler encouraged as Olivia did a lap around them, zooming past.
"Slow down flower!" Josh called as she passed, Olivia slowly momentarily before speeding up again. She seemed to be getting along with the other kids on the ice and they were playing some game or another. Tyler smiled happily, rubbing Josh's back to calm him down.
"She'll be fine sugar," Tyler reminded him, speeding up slightly and pushing Josh ahead of him in a sling shot kind of move. The older man let out a short scream, parents looking over in concerned before smiling when they saw it was merely Josh. Tyler giggled, skating up to his side and holding him close when Josh latched onto his neck.
"Do that again and I'll kill you in the middle of the ice," Josh threatened, clinging to Tyler's side.
"Least I didn't knee you in the balls this time," Tyler joked, watching Josh glare at him. The younger didn't take it seriously, knowing that Josh was just playing around.
"Yeah, thanks for that by the way dude," Josh huffed, Tyler chuckling and kissing his cheek. A group of kids sped past them once more, Olivia amongst the group yelling a brief "hi daddies!" as she passed. Both waved at her before going back to their comfortable silence.
"Hey Ty," Tyler hummed to let him know he was listening to him.
"You know it is our anniversary too," Josh whispered, pulling them to a stop at the side of the rink so they were not in the way of others. Tyler nodded, it was their year anniversary and he was especially happy about that. He was glad that they were actually spending the anniversary together with no secrets.
"I was thinking maybe we could have some us time later? Like adult time," Josh trailed off, not wanting to say the actually say the thing because of children around and because he didn't want to pressure Tyler. The brunet man's eyes widened and he was about to answer when a sickening crack sounded through the quiet air, all the children's voice coming to halt.
People getting hurt was an experience at ice rinks since some people just wanted to show off and ended up getting hurt. Tyler had seen it often. Though nothing could have prepared him for the shrill scream that sounded, the noise echoing his head and would forever haunt his nightmares.
Both heads snapped to their left where they met a sight that had their blood cooling and hearts racing.
Olivia, red in the face from the cold or screaming who knew, laying on her side, clutching her leg across the rink from them.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Word Count: 1,264
so technically, this is part one of four chapters because i split a lot of it up into different chapters! but please survive the cliffhanger!
happy thanksgiving guys! i have to work tonight and tomorrow night so wish me luck
until next time,
stay alive sunshines <3
- courtney xoxo
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sitkowskiryan · 5 years
secret keepers. vingt-quatre.
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"I was leaving for the day," Tyler slowly stepping from behind Josh, silently thanking Hayley for taking his spot so Olivia was protected, "I always take Olivia with me since she is my student and my partner's daughter," Tyler explained, holding tightly to Josh's arm, a little finger slipping into his belt loop as well. He wanted to go home.
"We had walked out and Brendon, I didn't know his name until Josh said something so he is practically a stranger to me, stopped me. I thought he wanted to ask a school question, but he knew my name. Knew Olivia's and that I was Josh's partner," Tyler continued, Josh grabbing his trembling fingers and bringing them up to his lips to kiss reassuringly. Tyler noticed his bloody knuckles, but said nothing currently about them. He didn't want to scare Olivia anymore than she already was.
"And what is his relationship to you?" The officer prodded.
"None to Tyler," Josh decided to take the reigns for this question, "Brendon is married to my ex-girlfriend Sarah who is Olivia's mother. I hadn't spoken to him in years until Olivia fractured her ankle and I saw him at the hospital where he works. I mentioned having a partner and wanting him to stay away from my partner and daughter," Josh explained, the officer raising his eyebrows and opening his mouth to ask another question, but Josh quickly cut him off.
"Sarah and Brendon have no visitation rights to Olivia as her mother is a junkie and both were abusive towards my daughter," Josh clarified, sneering when Brendon struggled in the officer's grip at the insult thrown at Sarah. It was fine to attack his boyfriend, but heaven forbid someone say the truth about Sarah.
"Thank you for clarifying, now Tyler, what else occurred after he approached you?" The officer turned back to Tyler for answers, the brunet curled into his boyfriend's side.
"He asked me... who I thought I was trying to replace Olivia's mo-mother," Tyler stuttered out, Josh stiffening at Tyler's side.
"Hayley." Josh hissed at his best friend, the blonde understanding and lifting the toddler into her arms, the toddler having minimum complaints considering how tired she was. Hayley took Olivia to Josh's car, closing the door so she would not hear whatever was about to transpire. Once his daughter was out of ear shot, Josh made his way towards Brendon, practically spitting in anger.
"You son of a bitch," Josh growled, Tyler stepping in front of him, being the only thing stopping Josh from committing murder. Tyler backed Josh up a bit, standing in front of him. He tried to remain calm and brave, but nothing could mask the trembling of his hands or the stammering of his words. Josh wrapped his arms around his boyfriend tightly, ensuring that he knew he was not alone. Josh would always be at his side.
"Keep yourself under control son," the officer told Josh, who merely nodded and exhaled sharply through his nose, "now what was that about?" Tyler focused on Josh's hold on him before breathing out calmly.
"I am transgender, I was born a female, but I identify as a male," Tyler explained, relaxing into Josh's hold. The older man was stroking his lower belly and it felt amazing. The officer nodded in understanding, motioning for Tyler to continue.
"I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and made me drop Olivia. I picked her back up, but he would not let me go. He asked me if Josh knew I was really a female and said that Josh would be disappointed because I couldn't give penetrative sex to him," Tyler kept his teacher voice about him, trying to keep this as professional as possible. Besides, his kid was over Josh's car and he wanted to hold her close and forget this all happened.
"That's not true," Josh whispered so only Tyler could hear. The teacher turned his head to press his lips to Josh's jaw, noting that Josh was happy with his body just how he was.
"He then went on to say that Josh only wanted me because I had female anatomy and then he," Tyler's voice caught in his throat, remembering the haunting touch. It felt nothing like Josh's or any other of his partners. Even the more rough ones had not touch him like that. It made his skin crawl.
"He what son?" The officer pushed for the full story, his grip never lessen on Brendon.
"He tried to touch me through my pants, to let him 'have a taste' and said he would be better Josh," Tyler admitted, not looking up from his feet. Nothing could have held Josh back, the red-haired man storming from behind Tyler and tackling Brendon once more. His punching continued, face twisted in anger and Tyler couldn't bare to watch it. Tears dropped down his face as he stared down at his vans.
The cops, off the record, let Josh get his punches in, but once the red-haired man lifted Brendon by his shirt and slammed him into the ground, they pulled him off. One shoved him in the direction of Tyler, standing between Josh and Brendon and the other helped to scrape Brendon off the pavement. Josh growled in his throat at Brendon before turning his attention to his boyfriend.
"Why are you crying, sweet boy?" Josh whispered, tilting Tyler's head up towards him and pulling him close. It boiled his blood to think of Brendon touching Tyler. Tyler was his and didn't deserve to be brought into the shitty world that Josh had spent years attempting to get away from.
"You not gonna want me anymore," Tyler sobbed into his chest, his voice muffled by Josh's shirt and his sobs.
"That's not true at all, I still love you as much as I did this morning, maybe even more in this moment. You are so strong sweet boy, I love you with all my heart and I'm glad that you were not more severely hurt," Josh told him, brushing his curls from his eyes and pressing their lips together. Once Tyler had calmed down a bit more, he went back to finishing his story, this time Josh was the only thing holding him on his feet.
"Once he touched me, I kicked him in the balls," Josh beamed proudly at his boyfriend, pressing a kiss to his neck.
"Then I ran to my car as fast as I could and I called Josh because that's who I wanted at the time," Tyler blushed, hiding himself in Josh's chest once he did not have to talk anymore. One of the officers was already arresting Brendon for sexual assault and harassment. The other officer made his way to the couple, Josh whispering soft things into Tyler's floofy hair.
"Normal protocol would be to have you come to the station, but with it being the holidays, nothing is going to go through until Wednesday and I'd prefer for you," the officer was talking solely to Josh, who was listening attentively, "to get them both home and make them feel safe again." Josh nodded his head, rubbing Tyler's lower back carefully.
"Before you do that though, may we take pictures of your bruising so you have actual evidence?" Tyler nodded, reluctantly moving from Josh's body and letting the officer take pictures of his arms. Before long, they were done and Tyler curled back into Josh's arms. Josh thanked the officers and made no eye contact with Brendon as he walked back to his car.
He smiled gently seeing Olivia was passed out in the backseat cuddled with one of the stuffed animals she had left in there when they visited his parents. Hayley looked up from her phone and reached over to pull Tyler into a hug.
"Glad you are okay, teach." Tyler buried his face in her shoulder, nodding his head in agreement. They pulled away and Tyler curled back to Josh. He was probably not going to be releasing his boyfriend for awhile.
"We'll take Ty's car back and you take mine? O should stay asleep for the ride and we should be back by the time she wakes up," Josh decided, agreeing with Hayley that it was a bit more important for Josh to be at Tyler's side. He had a feeling that his daughter would be sleeping with them for the next couple nights at least.
The two pairs broke off, Josh getting in the driver's seat of Tyler's car and placing his hand on his thigh comfortably. The ride back to the house was a comfortable one, Tyler leaning on Josh's shoulder. They sat in silence, but it was not awkward. It was enjoyable. Josh knew that Tyler might withdrawal into himself for awhile and he was glad that was all that happened. If Tyler hadn't made it to his car, he does not want to know what would have happened to him.
Arriving in the driveway, Josh noticed that Hayley had beaten them here and was probably already inside. He hoped that she had told his mother for him already, but considering he hadn't gotten any phone calls or texts, he was assuming he did not get lucky enough. Josh moved to get out of the car, but Tyler held him in place with his hand on Tyler's thigh.
"What is it honey?" Tyler bit his lip nervously, guiding Josh's hand to the V of his hips, rolling those said hips into his touch. Josh watched with wide eyes, not sure that he should be doing this right now. His boyfriend had almost gotten raped today and here Josh was with his hand on his privates like it never happened.
"Baby boy," Josh whispered unsurely, attempting to pull his hand back, but Tyler held it tighter, both of them groaning when Josh's fingers pressed against Tyler's clit through his pants.
"I only wanna remember your touch," Tyler begged, his eyes watering slightly as he looked over at Josh. His eyes begged for Josh, in anyway Tyler could get him, and who was Josh to deny his sweet boy? He was only human after all.
 ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Word Count: 1,700
happy christmas guys! or holidays, whatever you celebrate! i hope you guys have had a wonderful week and all that jazz! i have been working every single day since wednesday 5+ hours so i'm exhausted! i'm also still sick and i'm so fucking tired of coughing and blowing my nose!
guys, i have been so lazy with this story! please give me chapter ideas to write so i can try and get inspired please!  also let me know what you guys like about this chapter!
until next time,
stay alive sunshines! <3
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sitkowskiryan · 6 years
secret keepers. cinq.
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i was proud of myself for how much i wrote today so i decided to post another chapter <3 let me know what you think!
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
"No daddy, that's my teacher! Mr. Josef!" Olivia broke through the tension, bouncing on Josh's hip. Tyler bit his lip, watching the cute interaction between his boyfriend and his daughter.
"Joseph," both of them corrected together, Tyler blushed when Josh grinned at him. The pink haired man slowly came closer and reached his free hand out to shake Tyler's.
"Josh Dun, Olivia's father," he said, smiling shyly at his boyfriend, feeling anxious in how his boyfriend will reply to him. He didn't want to lose his boyfriend over this.
"Tyler Joseph, Olivia's teacher," Tyler replied instantly, letting his thumb stroke Josh's reassuringly. Tyler did not particularly like that his boyfriend lied to him for almost year, but he could understand. Children got attached quickly to others after all.
"And I'm Olivia!" The little girl between them cheered, wrapping her arms around Josh's neck and smiling happily. Tyler grinned at the little girl, still not releasing Josh's hand, instead lacing them together.
"Yes, you are flower," Josh smiled, pressing his lips to her head and tightening his fingers in Tyler's hold. "O, Tyler is a good friend of Daddy's too," Josh explained lightly, not really wanting to explain the concept of boyfriends and relationships to his five year old daughter.
"Does that mean he can come get ice cream with us?" Olivia asked innocently, Josh staring at her in shock as how bold she was being. Tyler giggled at their interactions, wanting nothing more than to be nestled into Josh's free side. He had never really thought of a family of his own, having resigned himself to the fact that he wouldn't have his own children after going on T. Now, his heart ached to be apart of the little family in front of him.
"And who said we were getting ice cream, young lady?" Josh tried to be stern, wanting to show that he was a good father in front of Tyler. Usually he wouldn't think twice about ice cream, even letting her eat it for breakfast, but he couldn't let Tyler know that. Not his boyfriend who went to school to know about how to teach children and take care of their well being.
"I am!" Tyler piped up, both of the Duns looking at him. Josh in surprised and Olivia in happiness. "But we are getting some real food first," he stated firmly, watching Olivia pout and Josh grin. Tyler turned to grab his belonging, his fingers growing cold without holding Josh's. He quickly gathered his things, before trotting back to Josh and lacing their fingers together.
"Away we go," he giggled, tugging the older man out of the room, the other two matching his giggles.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
After they ate and had their ice cream, Josh decided to let Olivia run off her extra energy at a nearby park. At least that was excuse he made since he couldn't very well say he didn't want to leave his boyfriend just yet. Josh had grown more confident after their initial meeting, wrapping his arm around Tyler's waist as they sat together on a bench, Olivia running around on the playground.
"It feels really nice to have you in my arms," Josh broke their silence, rubbing his thumb against Tyler's hip bone. The younger man squirmed slightly at the touch, but made no move to push him away. He was rather content with his boyfriend.
"It's nice being in your arms," Tyler replied cheekily, moving closer to Josh and wrapping his arm around his neck to pull him closer. Josh's arm fell in the new position, gently cupping Tyler's thigh, keeping a moderate amount of space from Tyler's backside. He did not want to make his boyfriend uncomfortable, though they had done a lot more over skype.
"How come you never told me you worked at Meadows Ridge?" Josh asked, letting his lips form a pout that Tyler rolled his eyes fondly at.
"How come you never told me you had a daughter?" Tyler shot back, not at all trying to make him feel bad. He was simply curious. He hoped that Josh didn't think he couldn't be trusted with the knowledge.
"Her mother wasn't the nicest of sorts and I just wanted to make sure you were the one before you two met. Obviously that failed because you are her teacher, but I am hoping it works out because she is already in love with you," Josh answered honestly, rubbing his back when the brunet's face scrunched up slightly.
"What about you? Do you think I'm the one," Tyler asked softly, tilting his head forward to rest his forehead against Josh's. The pink hair man smiled happily, caressing Tyler's thighs and back.
"With all my heart," Josh grinned, leaning his head forward a tad and pressing his lips to Tyler's. It was their first kiss and Tyler couldn't have felt more alive. The brunet moved closer to Josh, just short of climbing in his lap and let his fingers tangle in the pink locks. Josh had spilled his secret, so maybe Tyler should spill his before Olivia and Josh get too attached. Tyler pulled back from the kiss, hands coming up to cup Josh's cheeks.
"Sugar, I got something to tell you. I'm," Tyler was cut off when a little ball of energy bounced into both of them, separating them instantly.
"Daddy, I'm tired," Olivia yawned, curling herself into Josh's chest and bunching his t-shirt into her hands. Tyler felt his heart swell at the moment and a selfish part of him, could not let his secret ruin it. He had already grown attached to this man and his daughter.
"We'll leave soon rosebud," Josh cooed, holding her closer to his chest. "What were you going to say, darling?" Josh asked curiously. It sounded really serious, whatever Tyler was going to say.
"I'm really happy," Tyler grinned, standing from the bench and helping his boyfriend up. The rest of their time together was spend in comfortable silence and secret kisses over Olivia's head. It was not until Tyler had gotten home that he realized he had fucked up, big time. Letting out a heart-wrenching sob, Tyler made his way to his bedroom to hide away from the world. He was such a coward.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Word Count: 1,043
yay two updates! i can't wait for you guys to see where this is going! let me know what you think please! i live for comments!
stay alive sunshines <3
- courtney
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sitkowskiryan · 6 years
secret keepers. quatre.
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Being woken up by knees crashing into his chest was not a pleasant way to wake up, but seeing as Josh got the wind knocked out of him five out of seven mornings a week, he was used to it.
"Daddy wake up! First day of school!" Olivia cheered, bouncing herself on his stomach, the man quickly grabbing her and lifting her off of him before she could do internal damage to his organs.
"No, no school for you! Wait another year before you leave me! You can go to school when you're thirty," he teased, watching her gasp and struggle in his arms, but he held her tightly.
"No daddy! Today is my first day! Come on!" She urged, trying to tug him by his bicep, but it wasn't exactly working when she was in his arms.
"Are you going to go in your jammies?" He asked, standing up with her in his arms. She instantly protested, rambling on about what she was going to wear excitedly.
"And flower leggings, and hair up," she finished, looking at him with such light in her eyes. Josh couldn't even remember a life without Olivia in it. Nor did he want to. He would be dead if Olivia hadn't come into his life. Josh helped her get dressed, tickling her at various points much to the five year old's annoyance. "Gonna be late!" She grumbled, pushing at his face when he messed up her socks. Josh continued to snicker at his daughter and pressed a kiss to her hair.
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"Where is my flower at?" A voice called through the house, Josh wincing when he heard his front door bang against the wall.
"Go ask aunt Hayley to do your hair okay, O?" Josh smiled, handing her a brush and her hair accessories before letting her run away. He smiled as he listened to his best friend and daughter interact downstairs, heading into his bedroom once more. He quickly got dressed, throwing on a hoodie and some sweats since Hayley was supposed to be dying his hair today and she usually did it messily, but at least it came out fully covered unlike how it did when Josh did his hair.
Once he was fully dressed, he texted with Tyler, his heart fluttering at the adorable man. Only Tyler could wear a floral cardigan thing-y and still look emo. He sent a few heart emojis when he said he would be driving before heading downstairs.
"What color should I dye your daddy's hair, flower?" Hayley had four boxes set out in front of the little girl and Josh let out a snort, pressed a kiss to Hayley's temple as he passed her. She had become his rock in the years of raising Olivia, almost like a mother figure. It still did not cover for the fact that Olivia would never know her mother or have another parental figure, but Josh was kind of hoping that Tyler could be that one day. He was already in love with children and hopefully he wouldn't be too mad at Josh for the secret.
"Pink!" Olivia squealed, bits of toast flying out of her mouth and all over the table. Hayley scrunched her nose up in disgust while Josh high-fived his daughter with a small "sick!" shared between them.
"You both are sick," Hayley shook her head before jumping when she saw the time. "Come on flower, you're going to be late for school! Remember Josh, two o'clock on the dot!" Hayley wagged her finger at him and he nodded before kissing his daughter goodbye and watching his best friend usher the excited girl out of the house. He sighed, grabbing his phone to start talking business. He hated being up early.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
"Come on Hayley!" Josh whined as the blonde woman got the pink goo on his sweatshirt. It was his favorite one too!
"Stop being such a baby and give me your phone," Hayley snatched the phone from Josh's hand before he could comprehend and turned his face to the side to snap a picture. "For Tyler," she explained, Josh grinning slightly nodding his thanks.
"When are you going to meet him Josh? Like face to face?" Josh tensed at the question, shifting away from her slightly. Why couldn't people just let him have this? He enjoyed their relationship how it was. Sure, he would love to hold his boyfriend whenever the man called him crying in pain, apparently he had some really bad stomach issues, or whenever he was having a bad day, but he wanted it to be the right time. Wanted Tyler to want it to.
"Just leave it Hales, we will when we decide," he ignored her huff in favor of texting Tyler. Apparently the man had his break already. Josh bit his lip when the younger called him daddy, willing himself to behave. Tyler was around for five year old kids for Pete's sake Josh!
Sugar: Don't even start baby boy or you'll be in for a punishment
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Josh had lost track of time when he was doing some paperwork and before he knew it, it was already 2:20. He was supposed to be at the school twenty minutes ago! Josh raced out of his house and into his car, thankfully not getting caught speeding with how fast he was going. He felt horrible, he knew Olivia had problems with abandonment because of Sarah, but he had been trying to get rid of them for her. This accident would reverse so much progress they had made.
The pink haired man hurried into the school, having to ask one of the teachers where to find Mr. Joseph's classroom. Once he was given directions, Josh speed walked to the class. Olivia's teacher must think he is the stupidest father ever. He pulled open the door, not meaning to yank it hard enough to slam, but he only managed a wince before his daughter was running at him.
"Petal!" Josh cheered, lifting her into the air and settling her on his hip. He turned to look at her teacher, at least he was guessing was her teacher, and froze at what he was met with. That floral thing-y with matching floral vans. Deep mocha eyes that usually shined with happiness, now over clouded with confusion. Those endearingly crooked teeth, clamped down onto a plump bottom lip.
"Josh?" His voice cracked slightly, making Josh feel ten times worse than before.
"Tyler?" Josh replied, clutching his daughter closer slightly. His secret was out.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Word Count: 1,088
And they meet! What do you think is gonna happen? Let me know below!
Also let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas you wanna see!
As always,
stay alive sunshines <3
- courtney
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sitkowskiryan · 6 years
secret keepers. quatorze.
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"What's this one?" Tyler looked up from his grading to look at the wrapped Olivia was holding up to him. Josh got called into work and Tyler offered to babysit for him. The teacher still had to grade work for his class and he was also teaching Olivia how to read through her leftover Halloween candy. Josh only allowed her four pieces a day so she still had some even though it was almost December.
"Spell it out flower," Tyler encouraged, putting his paper down to give her his attention. She was on her second piece of the day. Olivia nodded, bit her lip attempting to read the flavor of it.
"B-A-N-A-N-A," Oliva spelled out slowly, Tyler scrunching his nose as his mind put the letters together. Banana was a terrible fruit, even worse flavor.
"Now can you sound it out?" He continued, nodding his head encouragingly as she figured it out.
"Banana!" She cheered, holding the candy over to him to open. Tyler easily opened it for her and handed it back. He bit his lip, hoping that she didn't like it. So far she didn't like grape or green apple (from yesterday).
"This one's good, papa!" Tyler's stomach rolled at the knowledge, trying to keep the disgusted look off his face. Bananas were disgusting. He winced as she searched for another in her pile and held it for him to open.
"Are you sure you don't wanna try another one?" He asked, holding the candy between his fingers. Olivia nodded, holding her hands out for the candy. He sighed and opened it for her. She took a bite out of when it was handed back and looked at him.
"Do you want some papa?" Before Tyler could protest, the toddler was in his lap and pressing the candy to his lips.
"No thanks sweetie, you eat it," Tyler tried to reason with her, but she just pouted at him, pressing it closer to his lips. He tried another approach.
"I don't really like bananas," he told her and she gasped at him. She started to defend the candy, Tyler holding back his laughter. He also didn't mention that she had no clue what a banana was since Josh didn't have them in his house.
"Please papa! Wanna share," Olivia begged, her big green eyes making it harder to resist.
"I know you wanna share flower, but," Tyler was cut off when she shoved the candy into his mouth and clamped her hand over his mouth so he'd have to swallow. His eyes widened at her bravery and gave up on resisting her. He chewed the disgusting candy and scrunched up his face when he swallowed.
"You are getting broccoli tonight," he threatened, watching her face morph into fright, shaking her head at him.
"Oh yeah, daddy is only making vegetables tonight and you are gonna eat every single one of them, you monster," Tyler teased, tickling her relentlessly, grinning as she shrieked.
"No papa!" She giggled, her little face turning red and trying to hide from Tyler's tickling fingers. Tyler continued for another minute or so before hugging her to his chest and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Maybe not all vegetables," he reasoned with her, rubbing her back to help calm her down.
"But I get to pick the movie we watch," he kissed her temple as she nodded her consent. He got up, holding her on his hip as he put Princess and the Frog on. He plopped back down on the couch, cradling her against his chest. They share a kit-kat between them as they watched the movie. The two fell asleep before too long, curled around each other.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Josh hummed softly walking into his house. He didn't like being called into work, but they were working on a new line of hair dye for the new year. He was really excited about it and didn't mind having to come in and help Hayley.
"Baby?" Josh called throughout the house, confused when he wasn't tackled by Olivia like he normally was when he got home. He headed into the living room, taking note of the title screen of some Disney movie playing on the screen. He went to call out again when he found his babies.
Tyler was curled towards the back of the couch, Olivia tucked into his stomach and resting between his legs. Both of them had their arms around each other. Josh's heart clenched seeing how close the two had gotten and took a quick picture of them. The pink haired man knelt down on the floor, letting his fingers run through Tyler's hair. The teacher groaned quietly, turning his head towards Josh as his eyes fluttered opened.
"Hey gorgeous," Josh whispered, letting his thumb brush against Tyler's cheek gently. Tyler smiled at his boyfriend, turning his head back to press a kiss against Josh's palm.
"Did you guys have fun?" Josh asked, shifting so he was sitting on his backside than his knees. Tyler nodded, one of his hands coming up to wrap around Josh's wrist tenderly.
"Your kid forced me to eat a banana flavored candy," Tyler said, his voice rough from no use. Josh and Tyler both scrunch their noses up at the thought.
"Oh gross, why'd she do that?" Josh laced his fingers with Tyler's, bringing them to his lips to press a soft kiss. He adored soft moments like this with his boyfriend.
"Told her I didn't like bananas and she went on a rant before shoving it down my throat," Tyler explained, sticking his tongue out in disgust at the after taste of banana in his mouth.
"I didn't raise her well enough if she likes bananas," Josh concluded, Tyler nodding solemnly at the conclusion. Josh got up from the floor and slipped his shoes off. He moved Tyler up before settling on the couch behind him, carefully lifting Tyler and Olivia so Tyler's body was nestled between his own knees and Olivia was still curled into Tyler's stomach. Josh kept his knees bent, Tyler's backside resting on his thigh as he rested his head on Josh's shoulder.
"But I still love her," Josh admitted, letting one of his hands move to rub Tyler's stomach and the other caress Olivia's back. Tyler nodded again, leaning up to press their lips together. Josh pulled back instantly, sticking his tongue out at Tyler.
"You taste like banana," he pouted, both of them scrunching their faces at the other. Tyler pressed a kiss to Josh's cheek and settled back into his hold to go back to sleep. Josh pressed his own lips to Tyler's forehead and continued to rub his stomach. This was where Josh wanted to be forever. Snuggled under his adorable, sleepy boyfriend and his traitorous, banana loving daughter.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Word Count: 1,133
i hope you guys like this cute little chapter! i just thought of this and i needed more fluff in my life! please give me more fluffy ideas like this!
also let me know what you think of this chapter <3
until next time,
stay alive sunshines
- courtney xox
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sitkowskiryan · 6 years
secret keepers. un.
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Tyler had known from a young age that he was not normal. At least not how he was 'supposed' to be normal in his parent's eyes.
Born Tyler Robin Joseph, he was supposed to be the little girl that his parent's had dreamed of. Dressed in pink dresses and playing with dolls. The little girl that would morph into a beautiful housewife that would stay home and take care of the children and make dinner for her loving husband when he got home from work. Tyler did not want that however.
He knew from a young age that he was different than the other girls, he enjoyed his short hair and getting muddy with his younger brothers. He liked action movies and wanted to dress up as a power ranger on Halloween, despite his parents' protests and the nervous "what about a princess, honey?" Tyler didn't want to be a princess. He wanted to be the prince.
The brunet had always known this about himself, knew that he was different, but did not have a word for it until he was fourteen, just entering high school. Transgender. Tyler was - is - a transgender male. He forgot all about the feminine clothing his mother would buy him and ask for jeans and band shirts instead. Knee high boots changed into vans and braids traded in for a short pixie like cut. Lucky for him, his name was already a gender neutral name and he didn't have to go through the whole confusing name thing.
At the age of seventeen, he came out to his family. Attempting to explain as delicately as he could that he was a he and would like his middle name to be changed to Robert. His parents were not angry at him or supportive. It was as if Tyler had told a brick wall that he was a boy instead of his family.
They continue to this day to call him a girl, but Tyler lets it go due to the fact that it could have been a worse coming out. They could have outright disowned him, yet they didn't. They just choose not to acknowledge it and Tyler believed that was better than any of the negative stories he had heard about people coming out to their parents.
At the age of eighteen, Tyler went off to college, starting testosterone, and legally changed his name to Tyler Robert. Tyler Robin was dead. Tyler had killed her off and buried her. He went on with his life, studying early education, despite not liking the stereotype that a 'female' had to take care of children, Tyler longed to work with children. He enjoyed watching their faces light up when they did a math problem right or their parents liked the scribbles they painted for them. Tyler was always smiling when he was with his young students.
At twenty-one, Tyler was able to afford top surgery and jumped immediately at the opportunity. The hardest part of being a teacher had been wearing his binder and needing to chase after the children. Besides his breasts made him uncomfortable most of the time and he was not sad to see them go.
At twenty-two, Tyler graduated college and was almost immediately picked up by the school that he had assisted in: Meadows Ridge Elementary. He was brought on as a kindergarten teacher and was living his best life as he taught the children.
At the age of twenty-six, his best friend Mark thought that it would be funny to sign him up on a dating website. His reasoning was "You need a boyfriend Ty! Or even just someone to dick you down!" Which led to Tyler blushing in the corner as his friend typed away on his phone. Tyler had not been expecting anyone to really find him interesting on the site. He wasn't much really, just a simple teacher who was a bit too involved with his job.
Then Josh Dun came along. The man had basically fallen in love with Tyler had first sight and had to message him. Tyler does not even remember a day without Josh in his life. Once they had exchanged numbers, they texted each other nonstop, Tyler for the first time looking forward to when they forced the teachers to have breaks so he could check his messages and see what Josh had sent him when he was away.
When Tyler turned twenty-seven, Josh had asked him be his boyfriend and Tyler of course said yes. They had never met face to face before, but it was perfectly fine. They did not need physical touch to know that they loved each other completely.
Nine months later is when our story begins. In August, meaning back to school for Tyler and getting caught up in his job once more. Though no matter how caught up he got, he would always come home and spend time with Josh. Well, over skype at least. There is a reason for this... Tyler told Josh everything about him from childhood to his dreams, but he left something out.
Tyler has yet to tell Josh that he is transgender.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Word count: 860
I really hope you guys enjoy this! please let me know what you think and maybe even suggest some scenes you would like to see! josh's background up next!
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sitkowskiryan · 6 years
Secret Keepers!
So I have been writing all day long and I told Mia that when I get to a certain part, I’ll start posting the chapters and I’m about to write that part now so I’m giving you guys an update! There are currently ten chapters written and I don’t know how often I’ll post them ( maybe if i get some inspiring feedback *wink wink nudge nudge* ) but they’ll come out!
I also see how hard it is to find my stories since i don’t really have the tagged correctly on my blog and stuff so i thought I would tag all the people who liked the one post and the preview and tell you guys that you can track this story with #secret keepers
sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged guys, i just saw you like the post! 
@averageamericanfemale : @bonewrites  : @dominatelesbian666tm  : @doveolivacameron  : @dragonartist-68  : @emoshitstuffidontknowhowtoeven  : @emounicorn12  : @fanfictionrecommendations-com  : @fantimics  : @fluff-birb-loves-cats  : @honeyphantomhive   : @i-want-to-believe02  : @imissyourbones708  : @lemonjoy24  : @lerainbowpotato  : @molly-lolli  : @musiclover-world  : @p0lar0idcam  : @princesss-alternativ-e  : @riftoddesey  : @roses-at-dawn  : @sadsmolghostkid  : @sickofbeinghuman  : @smolspoppymizim  : @weirdtb  : @youreacherry-blossom
this is also post on AO3 and wattpad if it makes it easier for you guys! 
i really hope you guys enjoy this and please do tell me what you think and share with your friends! 
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