#secret mutant exchange 2017
xprojectrpg · 8 months
This Day in X-Project - January 28
2015: Cammie texts Kurt to tell him to get Jubilee to leave her alone. Wade texts Marie-Ange saying he’ll take the job and that the agreement’s on her desk. Warren texts Jean asking if they’re on for their date but this time SHE postpones. The Professor posts with information about his recovery and offering to talk to people about their feelings. Adrienne meets Rogue in Rogue’s suite and offers her a job as her personal assistant- Rogue accepts. Sue meets Warren and they have lunch so she can thank him for saving her life at the conference and they discuss the treatment of mutants in this environment. Rogue posts about having a job and defying her parents’ low expectations for her.
2016: Alison posts in her journal about Alanis Morrisette not knowing about the meaning of irony, and a possible Wham! resurgence.
2018: Bobby is unimpressed by the Hockey All-Star jerseys, but holds out hope for his beloved Islanders.
2019: Warren posts an apology for the things he said and did while under the influence of the demon.
2021: Matt enjoys the continued fall out of the stock market turn of events. Doug may have a coffee shop convinced he's the modern reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes.
2022: Let It Snow: Kyle brings attention to the continuing to fall snow and requests shoveling help. Kevin updates to mansion that Snow Valley's employees are stuck in the city. In the office, X-Force quickly divides and conquers plans for sleeping and food. Jubilee and Marie-Ange return bearing food and talk about changes in Jubilee's daily jobs. Amanda give Artie his Secret Santa card and he gives her a small chiding for keeping the team in the dark. Emma is led to the office wine by Jubilee and they talk corsets. Jubilee finds Artie and questions his knowledge of the sleeping arrangements. Doug gives Jubilee accent coaching for an upcoming operation. Artie and Darcy talk about a common ground they share with emotional manipulators. After she drops off files, Kevin instructs Jubilee to dial back some of her theft. Jubilee pops in on Topaz and decides to help her with some of her labeling. Darcy finds Jubilee on top of the fridge. Darcy finds a sleeping Felicia and they have a pleasant chat. Jubilee runs into Amanda on the roof and takes the opportunity to ask after Garrison. Felicia and Jubilee enjoy snacks, a talk, and finally some sleep. Jean lets the mansion know that there is hot chocolate for the taking. Doug finds his nanites are more active with Darcy around. A nightmare leads Darcy to wandering, where she finds Kevin still awake. Jubilee emails Garrison to ask if he's ready for visitors. Topaz runs into Felicia, who took her disappearance hard. Sooraya and Garrison talk about the Mutant Underground, his time with the Brotherhood and some consequences. Marie-Ange checks on Doug, and trades him getting to chatter about one of his interests in exchange for seeing how he's handling the changes in his life and physiology.
2023: Terry invites Kyle to join her on a delivery for the Mutant Underground and dinner afterwards.
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thacmis · 7 years
Secret Mutant (Cherik) Gifts
Come Hell or High Water by Nalou (8k)
Charles and Erik have been together for a long time now. But when a greater danger comes, they don't quite have the same way of protecting each other. Disaster ensues...
Protective Erik, Protective Charles, angst galore but with a happy ending!!! 
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Love Like You by Daslebensmittel (4k)
Things become complicated when Erik becomes a dog: the students hound him and Hank becomes a mortal enemy. Then it gets easier. Then extremely frustrating when he finds out about Charles's feelings.
Fluff, Pining Charles, mutual oblivious pining, fluffy Erik!!!
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Too Stubborn for Your Own Good by 1848pianist (1k)
Erik overworks himself but he's stubborn and insists he's fine and keeps working, right up until the moment he collapses. Charles proceeds to over-worry and fuss over him, and then Erik's the one who has to console him and tell him he's fine.
Sick fic with Concerned Charles, adorable, overworking Erik!!!
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The Pretender by Clocks (3k)
Charles is sick of having his best friend Erik drop to one knee and fake-propose to him in restaurants, just to score a free dessert. He doesn’t know which is worse: the complete embarrassment, or the likelihood that Erik doesn’t mean a word of it.
PINING CHARLES!!! Mischievous, pining Erik!!! 
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THANK YOU ALL SOOO MUCH FOR THESE LOVELY, LOVELY FLUFFY FICS!!! MADE MY DAY, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!! Ahhhh honestly drowning in pining Charles and cool sweet Erik I LOVE them darling bois so so much. THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Also please check out all the other works in the two secret mutant events, there are some incredible works in there (our fandom is so blessed)
And thank you so much to @fullmetalcarer and @jackyjango for organizing these events for the fandom, I’ve enjoyed them so much!
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lamialee · 7 years
Erik's been robbed of his sight and is learning to see the world again, with the help of a certain voice. for Dweller
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jackyjango · 7 years
Much procrastinated Secret Mutant gushing
I was extremely lucky to receive 4 fantastic gifts from 3 fantastic writers and artists!
As part of the Exchange, I received a lovely fic from @rozf (afrocurl)
damn your love, damn your lies- where Charles and Erik are best friends and Erik is set to marry Magda. Some good angst with happy ending!
As a part of the madness, I received these fabulous fics and art:
Would you like to stay forever?-by @daslebensmittel A Dadneto fic where Charles meets Erik’s kids for the first time. Fluff and fun follow.
but we know it’s just a lie-by @rozf (afrocurl)- An A/O/B fic where Erik ends up as Charles’ Alpha after Sebastion’s death. Mighty angst ensues!
A Big Happy Family- by @thacmis- A Dadneto fic where Erik’s kids are notorious and Charles joins their club to gang up on Erik + Magnficient ART!!!
Thank you for these lovely gifts!
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bocje-ce-ustu · 7 years
Dear Secret Mutant,
thank you for signing up! Here’s some info on my likes and dislikes to help you navigate my prompts (I’m sorry if they’re mostly fic-centered: if you’re an artist feel free to take them as general hints and let your inspiration run wild – I’ll love you all the same, if not more <3):
I love AUs, like, any kind of AU. I’m the utterly insufferable person who will, without fail, see/watch/read/listen to something new and try and cherik it. This goes on the sorry not sorry list. Powered AUs are also much appreciated, if that works with what you have in mind.
While I’m mainly Cherik trash (and mostly I headcanon Charles and Erik as bi), any ship (whose characters involved have some sort of canon interaction) is good, be it hetero/homo/threesome/poly etc. Also any genderswap combination is ok.
Any rating is ok, feel free to be as explicit (or not) as you’re comfortable! You’re more than allowed to thrill me, scare me, shock me, disgust me with gore (though I’d prefer it to be relevant to the plot), torture me with angst and make me cry all of my tears – or crack me up with comedy and cocoon me in fluff, your choice. (Of course, it can also be a bit of this and that.)
Hell yeah with any kind of parenting/mentoring, domesticity, ups and downs of established relationships. You’ll have me melt in a puddle with pining, UST, fake relationships, secret relationships, porn with plot, sex to love, arranged marriage, exes still in love, hurt/comfort, cuddling, actual loving relationships based on mutual respect and, last but not least, chess scenes.
underage, incest, dub/non-con, scat/watersports, D/s ‘verse, significant age difference + unbalanced power relationships where one party is (or has been, at a certain point) a parental/mentoring figure to the other party (so I guess that actually rules out Charles/Jean), damsel-in-distress!Charles, rough!Erik and ginormous!Erik, bestiality, cute animal hybridizations (e.g. dog/cat ears and tails - while I’m down with any AU where everyone is a snail, a kitchen appliance or a tree), and tentacle erotica are a no-no.
For any further clarifications, feel free to drop an anon ask or have the mods contact me on your behalf!
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agentargus · 5 years
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More ghost-mutant NPCs because I cannot stop.
Name: Erik Winchester Gibson
Nicknames: Slendy, Techie Scum, Lurch
Designation: Cyber Operations Agent, Archivist Apprentice—Roanoke Society
Mentor: Agent Archivist, Former Agent Alvinne
Security clearance: Case-by-case basis.
Education: MA/MS in computer science from Seattle University, BS in Information Systems from Cogswell Polytechnical College
Height:~6ft 9in
Weight:~200 lbs
Age: ~42, appears and behaves slightly younger due to healing factor.
Video games
Crunchy snacks
Classical music
Cheesy paperbacks
Loud noises
Not being able to fit through doorways (tall people problems. Mun can’t relate.)
I was going to do this in a more creative way but I realized it would require a lot of alternating perspectives to get the whole story written and that’s a lot of work for NPCs who still have a lot of developing to do so I decided to write up something relatively brief. (The irony is that it still ended up being long as f haha. It would have been even longer if I had made it more creative though.)
In addition to going back to some classic creepypastas for inspiration, I finally got into looking into some more locally-minded paranormal legends and it’s quite a wealth of source material so you may see more characters of a similar nature in the future.
Extra special thanks to @theagentofarchives and @roanoke-etc / @spookylilmoonpie for letting me include their characters in the story the way I did. Very long lore under the cut.
Born with standard-fare psychic ability and desperate to grow his power and influence, Andrew Lawrence Rees ran the gamut of involvement with secret societies and cults. After failing the Roanoke agent tests as a young trainee, he attempted to start his own paranormal organization. When that failed, he spent the next few years in and out of various occult and spiritual organizations (including the Church of Scientology) leaving each upon deciding they were scams.
In the late 1950s, Rees took up residence in Italy to research Thelema and study alchemy. While performing a particularly provocative Thelemic ritual taken from the work of Aleister Crowley himself, Rees was apprehended by the
Carabinieri, deemed mentally unstable, and was committed to Poveglia before being deported to the United States. During his brief stint at the asylum, Rees came under the tutelage of Il Dottore. After the asylum closed, he would make more trips back to the island to keep up communication.
In 1960, Rees was declared mentally competent, took up residence in San Jose, California, and began his first experiments. He did not use human hosts at first, preferring less distinctively scientific and more alchemical methods. Passing himself off as an exorcist, he gained the trust of Sarah Winchester’s ghost and began trapping spirits from the Winchester Mystery House. Under the pretext of setting spirits free, he instead contained them and transported them from the house to his lab on Hicks Road using transmutation. The spirits were often damaged by the process and most of the early experiments did not survive into adulthood.
While working with what would become the Berkeley Psychic Institute by day, by night he continued to perform his own rituals. In order to preserve the spirits, he instead began using an interdimensional teleportation unit to transport the spirits.
What Rees didn’t realize was that when each spirit was filtered through the interdimensional rift, they returned with vestiges of what existed between dimensions, things that weren’t meant to be summoned. The experiments created with these spirits had unusual physical features—taller than average, greyish skin and dark scleras without irises or pupils. Little by little, as the survival rate of the experiments increased, they became a family of their own and the lab became a compound of sorts. Soon, the experiments expressed a desire to bring forth other interdimensional energies, if not shatter the boundaries between dimensions entirely.
Around 1976, a young experiment fled the compound. A young drifter named Taylor Gibson found her hitchhiking on Hicks Road and they became traveling companions, marrying at a roadside church. She attributed her strange appearance to a genetic abnormality—technically true—and Taylor didn’t question it. The night their child was born, Taylor fell asleep with the baby in his arms. He awoke to find his wife missing, a strange ink-like substance coating their bed and trailing across the floor. He attempted to file a missing person’s report, but there was no evidence that she’d ever existed. He later moved to Portland, Oregon, where he remarried and had a second child.
Rees communicated to Il Dottore that one of his experiments had returned to the compound, showing signs of having given birth, making Il Dottore realize that his own experiments were capable of bearing children. Rees was finally stopped by Parker Jensen and Dante Argenti during a mission in 2017.
If you were to ask him, Erik Gibson would tell you that he was a completely ordinary, if quiet child. He spent hours at the arcade, the library, or building and racing remote-controlled model cars with his stepbrother, Frank. What unusual situations Erik might have experienced, he always managed to rationalize with a logical explanation. It helped that he only manifested strange physical features late at night, while he and the rest of the household slept.
Nevertheless, others soon began to take notice: One night as a teenager, Erik had left the library later than he’d intended, asking a nearby resident if he could use their phone. Even after being expelled from the house by the fearful owner, it never occurred to him that it the motivating factor might have been fear. (To this day, he is unaware that he was the subject of several of the Portland accounts of Black-Eyed children. He’d only wanted to use the phone.) As he grew older and began staying out later, reports of strange sightings followed in his wake. Any picture of him taken after sundown would blur his facial features completely. Somehow, Erik always managed to rationalize these eccentricities to himself, nearly to the point of delusion.
Though Erik spent most of his life as a skeptic, Frank became more and more convinced of the existence of the paranormal. While Erik studied computer science at Seattle University, Frank became a paranormal investigator. When the first tech bubble burst, Erik lost his job in Seattle and moved to Silicon Valley, one of the few places where tech jobs were still relatively easy to come by. He went back to school, getting a second degree, and by the beginning of the second tech bubble, he was back on his feet. Shortly thereafter, Frank began working at the Winchester Mystery House and moved in with him. That was when things started getting strange.
There was the time the library near Erik’s hotel caught fire, while he attended a conference in the Sterling City area around 2009, then came the letters with no return address that contained indecipherable glyphs. Erik paid these things little attention until around 2017, when Frank did not come home from work one night. The next morning, Erik went to the Winchester House to look for his brother. Instead, he found Parker, Dante, and Hampton apprehending Rees.
Luck was on their side, for Rees revealed that Frank had been taken by the colony while investigating it (partially to prove to his stepbrother that not only was supernatural phenomena real, but an important part of their family.) After Hampton teleported Rees into A Roanoke holding cell, the three went to the colony to rescue Frank.
The three found the colony empty, though Parker and Dante could both sense the presence of something paranormal in nature. They were able to find the underground dwellings of the experiments through trapdoors in the abandoned buildings. Upon finding out that Rees had been arrested, the experiments explained that they had intended to summon interdimensional forces to rescue them from Rees’s abusive testing, but required life energy that could be used as a gateway between dimensions. Erik’s mother claimed to have been visited in a Dream by an entity claiming that having a child with a human would generate the proper energies. Nevertheless after the child was born, she couldn’t bear the thought of sacrificing it. When Rees discovered their plan and that the child had returned to San Jose, he attempted to cast a myriad of spells on Erik, all of which had backfired. Neither Rees nor the experiments gave straight answers when asked what would have happened to Frank if they had gotten their hands on Erik before Roanoke intervened, but it likely wouldn’t have been pretty. After all, supernatural energy manifestation is often the result of trauma. With Rees gone, the experiments were free to do as they wished, but most decided to remain with their family at the compound. Today, the Hicks Road colony remains a popular local legend.
In Roanoke custody, Rees revealed more details about Il Dottore’s experiments in exchange for a lighter sentence. He explained about the Alvinnes: an order of French alchemist witches who were able to keep their life energies in suspended animation after death or to induce reincarnation with their memories intact. Il Dottore had originally intended to recreate their work with modern science, but decided instead to use the technology to develop super-soldiers reincarnated from multiple souls bound together.
Unable to live in denial anymore, Erik began working in Roanoke’s IT department. Agent Archivist took a special liking to him, theorizing that the residual interdimensional energy attached to Rees’s experiments was that of Byagoona, the Great Old One associated with death and reanimation. Deciding that he was probably family, Marie gave him a special job transcribing the archives into digital files, all the while educating him on the history and power of the Great Old Ones.
It was Marie’s training and Erik’s belief in his own abilities that allowed them to grow, his original denial a protective impulse more than anything else. Though his transformations remained mostly cosmetic in nature, they had their uses. He passed the interrogation test by gripping the edge of the building with tendrils as he fell (already avoiding speech in favor of typed dialogue, keeping his mouth shut was probably the easiest part.) Nevertheless, he kept his focus centered on computers, specializing in cyber paranormal activity.
It was all but love at first sight when Erik and Ginny were introduced. Though he worried about the difference in their ages, her pursuit of him continued. (After all, given how ancient some of the society’s members were, a fifteen-year difference simply wasn’t all that much.) After months of unresolved tension, Ginny finally took initiative and asked Erik to buy her a drink, despite the fact that she was allergic to alcohol. As she threw up in the toilet, he wrapped his arms around her, absentmindedly pushing her hair from her face with an inky ectoplasmic tendril. Embarrassed, he nearly bolted from her apartment, but she convinced him to stay. They’ve been together ever since.
There’s a lot more, but this is already much longer than I’d intended so if I explain more, it’ll be in another post.
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xmenfcfanfic · 7 years
A little bit late *cough* but here are our personal faves from the 2017 Secret Mutant Exchange and Secret Mutant Madness! Fics from both collections are thrown together and in no particular order. Since these are all written works, please make sure to check out some of the fabulous art that was posted too! 
The Stryker Institute by TurtleTotem [Cherik, PG13]
Erik is a juvenile delinquent determined to cause as much trouble for his baseline oppressors as possible. Charles is the king of the school, leading the students and charming the teachers, trying to keep the peace. They hate each other immediately. Or... something like that.
Mod note: Great dynamics with an uncommon but still spot-on characterisation of Charles. It’s very well-written and bleaker than most highschool AUs, therefore I’d absolutely recommend it to people who usually avoid this trope as well. 
The Moment of Waking by still_lycoris [En Sabah Nur/Charles Xavier, PG-13]
En Sabah Nur is woken from his long sleep. He does not wake alone.
Mod note: Oh delicious Apocalypse mindfuckery! I can never get enough of it. 
three’s a crowd by annejumps [Azazel/Charles/Erik, mild dub-con, NC-17]
Charles catches a glimpse of what his oh-so-casual fuckbuddy and argument partner Erik really wants in bed.
Mod note: Oooof, the very very hot Cherzazel (?) threesome you never knew you needed! 
Fast West by fullmetalcarer [Cherigan, PG13]
Logan leant on the bar waiting for Lehnsherr. It wasn't like him to be late. Maybe he was having trouble finding someone to look after Nina. He was fussy about who he'd leave her with. Logan didn't blame him. Nina was the most precious thing in the world as far as Lehnsherr was concerned and damned if Logan didn't agree with him.
Mod note: Super cute polyamorous child-rearing in the Wild West is all I’m saying.
and yet must be by dedkake [Cherik, PG13]
Erik brings Charles to a safe house after an attack on the mansion.
Mod note: How can something be tender and chilling at the same time? Find out here! 
Teacher’s Note by Gerec [Xavierine, PG]
Logan has been getting weekly updates in note form from Laura’s teacher for most of the school year. When they finally meet, he finds the image in his head of Professor Xavier to be nothing like what he expected.
Mod note: Laura as a cheeky (and very wolverine-y) match-maker is the cutest thing ever. 
breaking the ice by annejumps [Cherik, NC-17]
It's Erik's first winter in Westchester Castle, and he's not sure his new husband even wants him around.
Mod note: The age-old question of what happens when feelings arise in an arranged marriage and one’s beautiful husband only seems to have eyes for other people? 
‘Tis the Season by ikeracity [Cherik, M]
Ten years ago, Charles and Erik were bitter enemies in college. Now Erik runs a mutant community center, and Charles is a successful physician. When the community center launches a volunteer-run free clinic focused on mutant health, their paths cross once again. Old wounds are reopened, and old grudges spring back to life. But will old feelings reignite as well?
Mod note: 30k of intelligent, slow-burn, feel-good fluff that lets its characters work for their happy end and makes the ride more than worthwhile. In other words: fanfic dreams come true. 
A Gentleman in Distress by bocje_ce_ustu [Cherik, NC-17]
Canon-divergence during First Class. They're both closeted to the other, but as fate would have it, decide to 'unwind' on the same night at the same underground gay bar.
Mod note: Hot porn that includes great introspection into Erik’s insecurities and some amazing period slang/code. I loved every paragraph of it. 
and to all a goodnight by afrocurl [Cherik, PG]
Charles has no choice but to talk to his grumpy neighbor when he's locked out of his apartment.The solution is not what Charles expects.
Mod note: Fluffy Christmas match-making attempts from Lorna! 
Walking in a Winter Wonderland by TurtleTotem [Cherik, PG-13]
Charles hasn't seen Erik since their devastating breakup ten years ago. He's certainly the last person he expects to run into at a Christmas lights display.
Mod note: Dumb boys finding each other again and Kurt being the cutest little angel. 
Principles of Sharing by citrinesunset [Charles/Hank/Moira, M]
Charles is thrilled to reconnect with Moira, and Hank likes seeing him happy. But when the three of them go on vacation together, it isn't clear where things are heading.
Mod note: The pairing is unusual but it’s explored so well here and Hank’s feelings are so intriguing that I really wanted to see more of this constellation and how it might work out in the future. Also there’s a an entertaining amount of smitten and cheesily flirty Charles. 
Dream Sharing by Unforgotten [Charles/Jean, age difference, NC-17]
Jean doesn't have feelings for the Professor. He doesn't have feelings for her, either. So why do they keep having sexy dreams together?
Mod note: Sexy dreams indeed, oh boy. Sizzling hot telepath porn. 
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fullmetalcarer · 7 years
Secret Mutant Exchange 2017 Yes! Finally!! It's Here!!!
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Many of you, like me, may have thought this day would never come. BUT IT HAS! The X-Men Alternate Timeline Movies Secret Mutant Exchange 2017 (that's a mouthful, as Charles said to Erik) anon works are revealed:
Secret Mutant Exchange 2017 Anon Works
There are: short works, long works, word works, picture works, works by the great and the good of the fandom, works by newbies, filthy works, funny works, sad works, happy works, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . .
Go look at it. Yes, now. What do you mean it's four o’clock in the morning and you've got to get up in two hours? It's your fandom duty!
Tip for writers and artists: your work will show up on AO3 dated when you posted it to the exchange. You can edit it to change the publication date to the 16th of December 2017. That way it will appear at the top of the list of works. That made sense in my head . . . .
Coming soon: author reveals on the 20th of December.
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bocje-ce-ustu · 7 years
Secret Mutant Reveals!
This year I managed to get three gifts in! Yay!
In the Secret Mutant Exchange collection:
Good Things Come in Threes for sebastian2017 | T | 4k | magda/erik/charles | threesome a.k.a. the one where threesomes are the standard and Magda and Erik are a happy couple... until she meets Charles
Burnout for citrinesunset | M | ~7k | cherik, charles/hank, erik/charles/hank | threesome, infidelity a.k.a. the one where Erik’s powers go berserk as soon as he is freed from the Pentagon
In the Secret Mutant Madness collection:
A Gentleman in Distress for sebastian2017 | E | ~3k | cherik | dubcon, angst a.k.a. the one where Charles and Erik are closeted to each other and one night unwind at the same gay bar
Thanks to everyone who’s already read, left kudos and commented!!! I love you all and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can 💖💖💖
And I received THREE WONDERFUL GIFTS!!! Go give these amazing creators all your love!!!!!
Take Me With You by Unforgotten: the soulmate and everyone-lives XMA AU we all deserve, with BAMF!Magda saving the day and her family
The First Snowfall by newbie: the sweetest soulmate AU that brings Charles and Erik together during the first snowfall of the season
Fast West by Fullmetalcarer: a western/steampunk backdrop for the cutest family of outlaws ever, coming together to take Shaw down
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ao3-spideypool · 7 years
Origins: Silk and Wool
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2srzB29
by Bloody_Princess, Rosetta_Vernon (Bloody_Princess)
Peter Parker's life has been turned upside down in a matter of months. Now he's one of the sole protectors of New York while big shots like the Avengers are busy and the Defenders are trying to find one another along. Things don't seem like they can get any worse until a exchange students at his school seems to know about his secret identity and stalks him, a insane mercenary won't stop groping him and a red eyed woman keeps reading his mind. Did he say his life was a mess?
Words: 1169, Chapters: 1/18, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Multiverse of Darkness
Fandoms: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Cindy Moon, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Wanda Maximoff, Wade Wilson, Ned Leeds, Harry Osborn, Flash Thompson, The Boxes
Relationships: Peter Parker & Mary Jane Watson, Wanda Maximoff & Peter Parker, Cindy Moon & Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker & Wade Wilson, pre Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Harry Osborn & Peter Parker, Wade Wilson & The Boxes
Additional Tags: Origin Story, Past Relationship(s), Protective Peter Parker, Precious Peter Parker, Original Universe, Pre-Wounds, Isolation, Male-Female Friendship, Friendship/Love, Major Original Character(s), Female Friendship, Mutant Hate, Vengeful Cindy, High School, Alternate Universe - Dark, Prequel, Fluff and Angst, Telepathic Wanda Maximoff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2srzB29
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Hi! A loooong time ago you very kindly offered to be a pinch hitter for Secret Mutant Exchange 2017. I've had a default on an assignment to write Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr or Charles/Erik/Jean Grey or Charles & Erik as friends. The requester isn't fussy, they've asked for an AU for any of the above relationships and have broad tastes. If you think you can come up with a min of 1000 words by 7 Dec 17, that would be great. Please let me know if you can do it ASAP. If you can't, no probs :)
Hey, yes I remember ;)
I’m a little stressed right now, but if you have nobody else, I can squeeze 1k out somehow :D
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aion-rsa · 8 years
Hopeless & Henrichon Take Over Doctor Strange From Aaron & Bachalo
This May, writer Jason Aaron and artist Chris Bachalo will leave “Doctor Strange” following issue #20. Writer Dennis Hopeless and artist Niko Henrichon will take over the title just in time for Marvel’s upcoming “Secret Empire” event, which will see nearly every major superhero team in the Marvel roster going up against Steve Roger’s Hydra in a battle for the future of America.
RELATED: Marvel Debuts First Look at Secret Empire, Defenders, Spectacular & More
The swap is just one in a big series of changes sweeping the Marvel Universe. Regardless, both Aaron and Hopeless made the changing of the guard an amicable one over a Twitter exchange, where the two praised one another for their writing prowess and teased big things to come.
Fortunately Jason is also one of my best friends. He’s my sounding board & we discuss everything. AND Niko is amazing. This is gonna SHRED.
— Dennis Hopeless (@HopelessDent) February 21, 2017
Aaron was quick to respond:
.@HopelessDent is one of my best friends and favorite writers. I’m thrilled that he’s taking over DR. STRANGE.
— Jason Aaron (@jasonaaron) February 21, 2017
Know that I will miss writing Doc Weirdo. But I am insanely excited about everything that lies ahead for me at Marvel.
— Jason Aaron (@jasonaaron) February 21, 2017
Aaron and Bachalo have worked together on “Doctor Strange” since October 2015. Aaron will continue his work on “Star Wars” and “The Mighty Thor.” “Doctor Strange” #20 looks to combine some of the Sorcerer Supreme’s most beloved allies with his hated enemies, including Dormammu, Mordo, Mr. Misery, the Empirikul and Wong. Hopeless is known for his work on “All-New X-Men,” “Spider-Woman” and “Jean Gray,” while Henrichon was the artist behind “Pride of Baghdad” and “New Mutants.”
RELATED: Thompson Talks Betrayal and Doom in Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme
Hopeless and Henrichon’s “Doctor Strange” debut will tie into the upcoming “Secret Empire” arc and will see Doctor Strange defending New York City against dark forces, with only the slimmest chance of success. “Doctor Strange” #21 arrives in May.
The post Hopeless & Henrichon Take Over Doctor Strange From Aaron & Bachalo appeared first on CBR.com.
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fullmetalcarer · 7 years
Secret Mutant Exchange 2017 - three prompts going begging
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Raven: Hey Peter, you know the secret mutant exchange 2017?
Peter: I sure do Raven. That's where x-men alternate timeline movie fans swap seasonal gifts.
Raven: That’s right Peter. Apparently if you can bang out 1000 words or make some art by midnight GMT on the 15th of December there are still 3 free, yes, FREE prompts! You might even have until the morning of the 16th of December at this rate (flip international time zones, flip ‘em hard).
Peter: That sounds groovy Raven. What do I do if I want to fill one of those prompts?
Raven: Just email Fullmetalcarer at gmail dot com or drop an ask in her tumblr box and she’ll give you all the details.
Peter: I'm going to use my super speed to do just that. Wouldn't want to miss out. Groovy!
Raven: Groovy!
Peter: Whoa, why the fuck did we just have that weird conversation?
Raven: Charles, so help me . . .
Charles: It wasn't me, it was some other telepath. Jean! It was Jean!
Jean: Was not!
Charles: Was too!
Erik: I was going to stay but I can't stand this.
Jean: Please reblog to stop fullmetalcarer posting any more of this rubbish.
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jackyjango · 7 years
I want to apologise because I had to drop two claims of the madness round myself. I’ve been vey ill for the past 2-3 weeks. Abiding by the holiday season, apparently even my blood corpuscles have decided to abandon me for a vacation of their own. I kept hoping that I’ll get better soon and that I’ll have time to work on the prompts. But alas, I don’t think my health is getting any better; Or at least it won’t get better by the next week.
I wanted to fill those prompts and a few more I had my eyes on, I dropped those claims with a very heavy heart (I had even started on 1 of them). I can’t apologise enough. I’ll see what I can do about them outside of the collection sometime in the future.
I will continue to mod the madness round, though (It’s not that taxing from this point). Also the schedule still remains the same. If there is a change due to inconvenience, I will let you know.
Please bear with me…
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fullmetalcarer · 7 years
Secret Mutant Exchange 2017
I'm going to have a go at running Secret Mutant Exchange 2017. Days Of Frequently-asked-questions Past:
1. Spiffing! Where can I sign up, old chap?  The AO3 stuff should go live in the next couple of days. There will be a tumblr blog too.
2. Will it be as absolutely top hole as in previous years, when pocky_slash ran it?  No, it's my first go, so I'm bound to cock up at some point.
3. I say old chum, will you be running Secret Mutant Madness too?  No. Me + multi-tasking = disaster. If any one fancies doing it, we could dovetail our dates and that would be delightful.
4. What about your personal blog and AO3 updates, old gel?  They will probably grind to a halt. See above comment regarding multi-tasking.
5. Anything I can do to help out, old fruit? Yes. Please reblog this and future posts to signal boost. If you've got a DW or LJ presence, I'd be v grateful if you could publicise this there.
Thank you :)
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