#sect leader wen
mxtxfanatic · 11 days
Friendly reminder: The cultivation world didn’t start calling Wei Wuxian’s ghost path a “crooked path” because they thought it was “evil.” They started calling it that because they were jealous that it made him, a “servant’s son,” more powerful than them, the “true” gentry. The chronologically earliest we see the phrasing used in the story for his cultivation path is by Jin Zixun when he accuses Wei Wuxian of “cheating” by hunting a third of the prey at the Phoenix Mountain hunt—the same hunt where 1) Nie Mingjue also caught another 1/3 of the prey with nary a complaint and 2) the Jin were capable of releasing more prey so that the loser cultivators could pretend like they could theoretically successfully hunt. In fact, Jin Zixun is so out of line in his speech that Madam Jin tunes into the conversation to berate him, yet somehow the words that originated from an envious flat-character antagonist are now taken as unmitigated truth in the fandom.
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fandom-aleatoire · 28 days
Worst Sect Leader?
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b0dwr1ter · 9 months
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lgbtlunaverse · 7 months
A slightly unhinged case for jin guangyao knowing about the core transfer while WWX was still alive
Ok. SO. In chapter 101, during guangyin temple, Jin Guangyao clearly knows about the golden core transfer. He uses it to bring Jiang Cheng off-kilter and stab him and simultaneously reveals to wwx that jc himself now knows about the golden core transfer.
I've always wondered exactly when he figured it out. The most obvious explanation is that he pieced it together after hearing about Jiang Cheng asking everyone to unsheathe suibian (also? jgy? how the fuck do you know that? You were already going to/at Guanyin temple at this point! Did you just have people listen in on rumours from Yunmeng and report back to you for that?? Did you tell your spy network where you were going? My whole kingdom for a retelling of this arc from the pov of these random jin disciples seeing their sect leader start spiralling. He's diggin up random tombs? Fleeing the country? And threatening the heir's life?? What was random Jin cultivator #6 thinking of this before Nie Mingjue turned him into minced meat?)
The first time I read that line I was like "oh so he's known for a WHILE." I mean, the line "I've always found it peculiar [that wwx never took his sword anywhere]" does indicate he's been thinking about this for a while, but it doesn't have to mean he knew back then. So I absolutely can't say with certainty that my instinct was right. But I DO have some decent canon backing for how he might have potentially figured things out as early as before Wei Wuxian's death. Specifically, after the discussion scene that takens place when wei wuxian does his thing with the wens and dissapears.
Cause, see, Wen Chao would definitely have bragged about Wen Zhuliu crushing Jiang Cheng's core to his father. He killed the current sect leader, and then permanently disabled the only heir. He did it! the Jiang are gone! I bet he was very loud about it until, a few weeks later, Jiang Cheng suddenly strolls up to the battlefield, with Zidian on his finger, cultivation very much intact, looking for Wei Wuxian.
That must've been fucking baffling if you were Wen Chao and/or Wen Zhuliu and/or any other cultivator who was there and definitely saw Jiang Cheng's core get crushed. They must have assumed something went wrong, or he faked having his core destroyed, but we've never heard of something like that happening before, and they tortured him for hours! It wasn't a quick batle where Wen Zhuliu must have missed in haste, he would've noticed!
Now, by the time Meng yao arrives, wen zhuliu and wen chao are both long dead, but that kind of thing would at least still be a source of gossip among the other Wen. The only time the core melting hand ever failed!
It might be something that, say... a very careful spy with a perfect memory looking for information... might pick up on in his stay with the Wen, no?
So, Meng Yao has heard the rumour that sect leader Jiang got his core crushed but somehow managed to... still have a core.
Independantly of his, Wei Wuxian is being really weird and refusing to carry his sword. His primary concern there is wwx stirring shit up, he has no reason to believe these things are connected yet.
But then Wei Wuxian runs off with a bunch of Wen, and before he is cut off, Jiang Cheng tells everyone that after the siege on lotus pier, he and wei wuxian were helped by Wen Qing and Wen Ning! Jiang Cheng doesn't get to say how, which is good for jgy in this moment because he's trying to steer the conversation as such that no one gets mad at the Jin sect for all the war crimes, but even if his goal is for everyone else to forget Jiang Cheng said that, he'd remember it.
So... after the moment where jiang cheng, according to rumours that were contained to the wen, lost his core, he was helped by wen ning and wen qing, who is a really good doctor. And, in canon, had written theoretical proposals on core transfers before, just never experimented on them. Were these available for others among the Wen to read? Did jgy read them? We have no way of knowing. But if he did, he remembers them. Either way, he knows her reputation.
And Wei Wuxian disappeared right round that same moment, only to resurface with his demonic cultivation, at which point he never touched his sword again. Not even in the middle of a dangerous war. Not even when he was public enemy number one and it would do wonders for his reputation if he was seen cultivating the traditional path. When doing so would have made not just him but the 50 people he was shielding safer! if Jin guangyao was somehow in his position, he'd immediately do everything he could to counteract the narrative of beign a dangerous madman who'd left the straight path. Wei Wuxian has been in absolutely desperate situations and still refuses to pick up his sword...
The saying doesn't exist yet, but i'm sure someone like jgy, more competent than everyone around him, is intimately familair with at least the sentiment of "never ascribe to malice what is adequately explained by incompetence" He is helping spread the narrative of Wei Wuxian as a violent madman, sure, but does he believe it? If it makes no sense for wei wuxian, no longer a privileged young master but an outcast, to not pick up his sword again out of arrogancy, the most reliable explanation is that he... can't.
So Jiang Cheng, who got his core melted, got help from Wen Qing, an incredible doctor, after which he coud cultivate just fine but Wei Wuxian, no matter how desperate, never used traditional cultivation ever again...
Hm. interesting!
It's likely no one else in the jianghu outside of the wen even knew Jiang Cheng lost his core to begin with. And Jin Guangyao was never given wwx's excuse of Baoshan Sanren owing him a favor like Jiang Cheng was. He has all the puzzle pieces in front of him and... if anyone as gonna put them together, it'd be him.
And that's my unhinged case for why I believe Jin Guangyao knew Wei Wuxian didn't have a golden core anymore years before anyone else did. He just never told anyone, because why would he?
I think this adds a whole other level to his speech to Jiang Cheng about how everything could've worked out if he'd just trusted Wei Wuxian more and stood by his side. He saw it all play out in real time knowing there was more going on beneath the surface!
Now the really interesting question becomes: When did he figure out Jiang Cheng himself wasn't in on it? Did he piece it together immediately from remembering seeing jiang cheng berate wwx for not carrying a sword, a thing he should've known he couldn't do? Or was it not until later, maybe the fake yunmeng bros fallout, or the REAL fallout when Jiang Yanli died? Or was it still the news of Jiang Cheng going around and asking everyone to unsheathe subian that made him realize that oh my god this stupid bitch had no idea the whole time.
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lazycranberrydoodles · 7 months
wei wuxian really put his whole pussy into the donghua yiling patriarch reveal huh
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add1ctedt0you · 5 months
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What a plot twist you were. [x]
#Like. The narrator introduces jc to us as the antagonist#Then we got to know him. Not who people think he's. But who he really is#And we saw jc giving wwx a piggyback. Giving him soup. Rescuing him. Putting himself between wwx and any danger (madam yu/wen soldiers)#And even the staged fight. It's yk. Staged#jc wanted to protect wwx at any cost. But wwx wasn't willing to compromise. But jc did#The fight was wwx's idea. Because jc is an enabler (just like jfm and jyl)#jc is ready to bend for his loved ones sake#The point is. Every action jc takes. Is in the name of his loves ones' safety. And surprise. wwx is one of the people jc really cares about#Even after wwx' return. Aside a broken cup. jc isn't doing much to stop wwx or anything. We know that jl was able to free wwx from Zidian#only because jc - Zidian's primary master- wanted it!#And jc fling himself into danger countless times to save wwx even though wwx can't sit still with him for a hot minute#What I wanted to say it's that the jc is presented to us - the mean ungrateful man- is very different from the real jc -#the indulgent uncle who rolls his eyes at his nephew antics. the brother who buries the hatchet for his sister's happiness.#the uncle who kinda wants to help wn to get up from the floor because he was an ass to jc but he helped jl and that's what matters to jc#the sect leader who let two women speak freely their mind in a patriarchy society#People better than me have already said this. shit I can't remember my point lmao#Like. jc is presented as an antagonist but what this man wanted was an apology and an explanation#This post is a mix of a rant I wrote last year (ha) after seeing a bad take. About what I don't remember lmaoo. And me wanting#to make gifs of wzc in this scene. Why does he look so good. It should be illegal. Seriously#jiang cheng#*mgifs
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
The Laoshi and The Yiling Laozu by chiyukimei
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The Laoshi and The Yiling Laozu
by chiyukimei (@chiyukimei)
M, 7k, Wangxian
Summary: Burial Mounds era Lan Qiren and Wei Wuxian had time travelled. - Lan Qiren narrowed his eyes. “You’ve heard of the Patriarch of Yiling before, boy?” Wei Wuxian watched his former teacher with suspicion, “Laoshi, you’ve been there when the sun was shot?” Lan Qiren nodded. Kay's comments: It's rare to find a Lan Qiren time-travels story that still feels close to his character like here. Though he's still a much nicer uncle than he is in canon, he actually needs some time warming up to Wei Wuxian after accidently time-travelling together with him. It's also extremely cute to see how much Wei Wuxian enjoys running around younger Lan Wangji and playing with him. Excerpt: A few days later, Lan Qiren caught sight of Wei Wuxian running alongside Lan Wangji, trying to make him smile and shouting non-stop: Lan Zhan this, Lan Zhan that. He tried hard to not roll his eyes at that childish behavior. God forbid, this man was twenty years old, and still, had no trouble blending in with the fifteen-year-olds. After Wangji left, he stopped Wei Wuxian. “What are you doing?” Wei Wuxian asked with a surprised face, “What am I doing?” Lan Qiren, “Why are you pestering Wangji?” Wei Wuxian bit his lower lip, “I’m not pestering him. I just want to be friends with him.” Lan Qiren, “Why?” Wei Wuxian happily exclaimed, “Isn’t it obvious? He is an upstanding, righteous, and beautiful person. Who wouldn’t want to make friends with him? If he smiled a bit all the sisters would be running after him.” “…Hmm, maybe that’s a good thing he doesn’t smile. You don’t have to deal with all those ladies Laoshi!” Lan Qiren grumbled, “Shameless!” Wei Wuxian, “Hah! That’s what Lan Zhan says, all the time! I really forgot how strict he was even when he was a teenager.”
pov lan qiren, canon divergence, humor, crack treated seriously, time travel, time travel fix-it, burial mounds settlement days, burial mounds ensemble as family, cloud recesses study arc, wei wuxian is so whipped, sect leader wen qing, developing relationship
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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starrywangxian · 5 months
how the mdzs characters would sign off emails
inspired by this post and this post
Wei Wuxian: Thanks - I'll see myself out, Wei Wuxian
Lan Wangji: Sincelery, Lan Wangji, Hanguang-Jun, Cloud Recesses, Gusu Lan Sect... (he would include full titles and addresses etc.)
Lan Xichen: Many thanks! Lan Xichen, Zewu-Jun. (it's passive aggressive to other sect leaders but to lwj he adds emojis - yes he emails his brother shh)
Lan Sizhui: Have a nice day, Lan Sizhui! :)
Lan Jingyi: Never stop the grind, Lan Jingyi - P.S. Plz don't fail me Hanguang-jun :(
Lan Qiren: Regrettably, Lan Qiren.
Qingheng-jun: That's all, Qingheng-jun.
Madam Lan: Talk soon! (i recognise this is ironic... but i feel like she'd write something really casual and nice :))
Lan Yi: Okay then. (i feel like she'd be very straight to the point lmao)
Ouyang Zizhen: Fare thee well, Ouyang Zizhen! :)
Jiang Cheng: Please stop reading the email.
Jiang Fengmian: Stay tuned, Jiang Fengmian.
Yu Ziyuan: May the lord forgive your sins, Yu Ziyuan.
Jiang Yanli: Thanks again, Jiang Yanli! :) ...Don't cross me.
Wei Changze: Sent via smoke signals. Best, Wei Changze. (i feel like he'd also write a joke but treat it like a fact lmao)
Cangse Sanren: Sent from the future ;) Cangse Sanren! (i feel like she'd write a jokey and fun sign off <3)
Jin Guangyao: You're the best boss ever (lol jk), Lianfang-zun.
Jin Ling: don't care + didn't ask + L + ratio. jin ling.
Jin Zixuan: Lukewarm regards, Jin Zixuan.
Jin Guangshan: Ciao! Jin Guangshan. (he tries to be friendly and cool because he thinks everyone likes him but he's just annoying and everyone hates him)
Madam Jin: Thank you. (P.S. Please send any important sect-related emails to me, my husband is useless and doesn't do anything).
Jin Zixun: The best, Jin Zixun.
Qin Su: See you in hell, Qin Su.
Mo Xuanyu: So long and thanks for all the fish! Mo Xuanyu.
Nie Huaisang: Stay hydrated, queens! Nie Huaisang <3
Nie Mingjue: Over and Out, Chifeng-zun.
Wen Ruohan: May the Night bless you, signed Overlord Wen Ruohan.
Wen Ning: Apologies for existing :') Wen Qionglin
Wen Qing: Please don't contact me for 3-5 business days - kindest regards, Wen Qing, Head Physician.
Wen Chao: Mic drop, Wen Chao.
Wen Xu: Thanks, enjoy the hours you have left. Wen Xu.
Wen Zhuliu: Regards, Wen Zhuliu.
Wang Lingjiao: Live, laugh, love! Wang Lingjiao xoxox
Luo Qingyang: At a loss for words, Mianmian.
Xiao Xingchen: Live long and prosper, Xiao Xingchen!
Song Lan: May God be with you in these trying times, Song Zichen.
A-Qing: God's favourite child, A-Qing.
Xue Yang: YOur FrIendly NEIghBOur... XuE ChEngmEI.
Su She: Remember the name: Su Minshan.
Baoshan Sanren: That's it. Baoshan Sanren. (i feel like she'd be straight to the point too)
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I messed up my prompt, I left some out so I’m going to awkwardly regroup it.
Au where Wen Zhuiliu is Meng yao’s dad instead of JG. Meng Yao is raised in the wen sect, as his son also the idea of the golden-core-snatcher thing being hereditary or not would be fun to explore. It’s be the ultimate dagger-up-the-sleeve move. Meng Yao joins Wen Qing and Ning to study at the Lans sect.
"Question," Lao Nie said, and Wen Ruohan tried not to groan - the other man had a tone that suggested trouble. "Do you remember that time in Yunping when that Jin bastard was so drunk that he couldn't find the brothel stairs?"
"Why do you care?" Wen Ruohan grumbled. He just wanted to sleep - Lao Nie was one of those irritating people that got more energy after sex rather than falling asleep like any normal man. Freak. A freak who wouldn’t stop poking him, and not with anything fun, either. "Fine, fine, yes, I remember. What about it?"
"Didn't you order that new retainer of yours to go upstairs and fuck that prostitute for him? Saying something like 'it's a waste not to get the value even if he can't'?" 
That sounded suspiciously like the sort of spiteful mean-hearted joke Wen Ruohan might make while drunk, yes. 
"What about it?" he asked.
"She got pregnant."
Wen Ruohan blinked.
"Now, she's saying it's Guangshan's, of course,” Lao Nie said. “They all do when they don’t realize how much of a miser he really is under all that gold. But if there's a chance...it was that Zhao Zhuliu fellow, wasn't it? The one with the core-melting hand?"
"Wen Zhuliu," Wen Ruohan corrected. "And yes. I think he was too new to realize I wasn’t actually serious...hm. You think the child may have inherited his talent?"
"Why not? Especially if you start teaching him early..."
What an interesting proposition.
"So…” Lao Nie scooted closer. Somehow. There was not enough room on this bed. “Can I have this one?"
"What? Absolutely not."
"But you already have the father!"
"And that means the son is mine as well. Get lost!"
"But -"
"Keep your grubby hands to yourself,” Wen Ruohan scowled. “All good things belong to me, least of all talents that I've put in time and effort to raise."
"Spoilsport,” Lao Nie said, though he didn’t look especially put out by the refusal. “Anyway, what if I were to put my 'grubby hands' here..."
“Get lost!”
"Sect Leader."
"Get lost," Wen Ruohan growled, not even bothering to turn to look at whoever it was that had entered. When he didn't hear the pitter-patter of fleeing feet, he added: "Or else I'm going to kill you."
It wasn’t a threat. It was a statement of fact, and a sincerely meant warning.
Wen Ruohan might have a temper and be inclined towards sadism, but he valued talent. Anyone with access to his study was a talent he had cultivated with great effort, and it would be such a pain to undo all of that by murdering them himself. 
Which was not to say he wouldn't, if his mood were bad enough, just that he'd make the effort to warn them away first. If they still didn't listen, that was their problem, and presumably a sign that they didn't really have as much talent or brains as he'd initially thought.
"Sect Leader, I have some news for you."
Wen Ruohan restrained the urge to throw something - did he seem like he was in the mood to receive news, either positive or negative? - but only because the longer speech had revealed the identity of the servant that had intruded: it was little A-Yao, Wen Zhuliu's boy.
He was being uncharacteristically stupid in stubbornly insisting on approaching Wen Ruohan now, which was most unlike his usually gentle and cautious character, but he was also ten years old - some stupidity was to be expected. Didn't adolescence start around then or something....? Or whatever it was that rotted teenage boys’ brains the way it obviously had his sons’? 
Wen Ruohan pinched his brow and exhaled hard, struggling to manage his temper. He had not yet descended to the level of squabbling with children.
"What," he forced out through gritted teeth, "is it?"
"Nie-gongzi wrote that he'd like to come visit," Wen Yao said, which was both exactly the type of "news" a child might be expected to think was earth-shatteringly important and which made Wen Ruohan nearly see red at how stupidly inane it was - and all the more because it included that accursed surname Nie. "He says his father is being intolerable."
Well, Wen Ruohan could scarcely argue with that.
After all, wasn't that why he himself was so angry at this precise moment? Lao Nie's cavalier behavior, his indifference, his disdain...
Wen Ruohan frowned, suddenly distracted from his anger. 
"Did you say Nie Mingjue was complaining?" he asked. "Nie-gongzi, not Nie-er-gongzi? Not Nie Huaisang, the littler one?"
Nie Huaisang complained about everything, being six, but loud with it. But Nie Mingjue?
Nie Mingjue was fourteen and fundamentally a good boy, with none of the typical self-absorption and moodiness of adolescence. For him to complain about another person, least of all his father, and to someone in another sect, no less, even if that someone was just a friend he'd made during his father's visits to the Nightless City or Wen Ruohan’s own to the Unclean Realm...that was out of character.
That was practically a cry for help, really. It suggested something might be genuinely wrong.
Something wrong with the Nie sect leader –
Wen Ruohan’s anger, entirely caused by the particularly aggravating behavior of Lao Nie, abruptly cooled so fast that it felt as though his entire body had fallen into an icy river.
After all, who didn't know about the Nie sect's famous inclination towards qi deviations...?
"Yes, sect leader," Wen Yao said, blinking up at him. "The older Nie-gongzi. He seemed very distressed. Should I write him back and ask about particulars?"
"No need," Wen Ruohan said, making a snap decision. "I'm going to go pay a personal visit to the Unclean Realm right now. I'll settle the details myself when I get there."
He swept out the door, tossing a "Get someone to clean this mess up, will you?" over his shoulder as he did.
It turned out the letter from Nie Mingjue was a fabrication, but after patching things up with Lao Nie, Wen Ruohan was in a good enough mood to forgive Wen Yao for his little schemes.
"How attached are you to Wen Yao?"
Wen Ruohan blinked, then stared incredulously at Lan Qiren, who was probably the last person he'd expect to try to poach talent away from him. It was Lan Qiren, after all, boring old-before-his-time teacher that he was.
Lan Qiren grimaced at him, which was an unusual posture with which to start such negotiations. Normally someone trying to steal someone away, much less someone actually surnamed Wen, servant or not, would put on a flattering expression and try to butter him up first. Lan Qiren’s disgruntled expression was completely out of place. After all, people didn't try to steal other people's servants involuntarily...
"Wait, you're saying Mingjue's little scheme worked?" he blurted out, and Lan Qiren’s scowl worsened. "It did? Absurd. I don't believe it."
Nie Mingjue had only been talking for the last two or three years about how he had to introduce his two good friends, Wen Yao and Lan Xichen, and how well he was sure they would get along. Up until now, Wen Yao had been politely putting him off, mostly because of some ridiculous self-image issues - so what if he was a servant's son or born of a prostitute, he had the Wen surname, and that alone made him nobler by far than any of the smaller sect's true-born children, perfectly capable of speaking on equal terms with the heir of a different Great Sect, and really, Wen Ruohan needed to encourage the boy to pick up more of the arrogance that was now his right - but with Wen Ruohan sending him, Wen Chao and Wen Ning to the Cloud Recesses for lessons with Lan Qiren as a favor to Lao Nie, he presumably wouldn't have been able to avoid meeting Lan Xichen any longer.
Apparently, it had gone even better than Nie Mingjue had predicted, if Lan Qiren was already here to feel Wen Ruohan out about a potential marriage agreement.
Unless that had been what Nie Mingjue meant all along - Wen Ruohan wouldn't put it past Lao Nie's son.
He wouldn’t put anything past that family of rascals.
"Believe it or not, as you wish, but that doesn't change the reality of it," Lan Qiren said, sounding grumpy, and for the first time Wen Ruohan realized that the other man - who he normally avoided out of residual dislike of teachers, and perhaps some jealousy of Lao Nie having friends other than him - was completely unafraid of him. How interesting. "I assume you'll want to extract everything you can over this and naturally you have me over a barrel, so I thought it better to finish it quickly so that you wouldn't have time to think of any more outrageous demands."
How delightfully blunt. Had Wen Ruohan missed something here, seeing Lan Qiren only in his role as acting sect leader? He'd assumed that the overly-cautious pedant was all there was to the man, Lao Nie's unfathomable appreciation for him aside, but perhaps Lan Qiren was one of those rare people who was genuinely different in a different milieu. 
Perhaps Lao Nie might even be right about him, which, knowing that man's proclivities, would mean that this seemingly innocuous man was actually dangerous in some fashion. 
Interesting indeed.
"What's the rush?" Wen Ruohan asked, and suppressed a grin at Lan Qiren’s audible huff of exasperation. "This is their life we're talking about, after all. We should treat it seriously."
It was said that Lan loved only once in a lifetime, and irrevocably - if that were true, Wen Ruohan really did Lan Qiren over a barrel, as the other man had so forthrightly admitted. Given Lan Qiren’s obvious adoration of his nephews and Lan Xichen's role as sect heir, even sect leader presumptive given his father's seclusion, Wen Ruohan was in a position to make considerable demands.
Studying the man in front of him with curiosity, he wondered idly if he could even go so far as to obtain a person of the previous generation. A teacher renowned throughout the cultivation world had to have considerable talent, and, well, Wen Ruohan had always appreciated talent...
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twistedappletree · 9 months
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bimyself06 · 1 month
You know it'd be pretty funny? To read a fic where Wei Changze is When Rouhan's son and WCZ look's eerily similar to WRH. The kicker here is for A-Yuan to either be Wen Xu or Wen Chao's kid perhaps even WRH I don't care so long as he to resembles WRH, and since Wei Wuxian looks like his dad(at least from I remember in the flashback from the donghua, I haven't seen a description for WWX parents yet in the books) this causes people to often think they are father and son. When Lan Wangji returns to the Cloud Recesses with A-Yuan and claims him as his, many had to wonder when LWJ and WWX slept together and how WWX got pregnant.
Lan Sizhui grows up being told he looks like his other parent and that side of the family while the Lan clan keeps on trying to find features he shares with LWJ, there are quite a surprising few(wink wink, genetics work mysteriously esp when mdm lan 's fam is so unknown, wink wink) without also adding most of LWJ mannerism with WWX friendliness.
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lovewanxian · 1 year
Sect leader Granny
Upon her death, Granny Wen ends up time traveling 15 or so years back in time, to before the Dancing statue goddess could attack. With knowledge of everything that will happen unless she does something to change the future, Granny Wen decides to take up her birthright: to be the sect leader of the Wen. Her younger brother was Wen Rouhan’s father and he stole the throne from her when they were younger. She didn’t fight back because she wanted to be a doctor, not deal with politics, but now she regrets it. 
Wen Rouhan falls sick in a “mysterious illness” (after all, as a healer she knows All about poisons) and when he dies she is there to take the throne. His sons are too young to rule and there are no other close relatives except her own children. She becomes sect leader Wen and brings her family of healers to the capital to start rehabilitating the snake pit that is the Qishan Wen by having them learn from the Dafan Wen. 
Remembering Wei Wuxian’s tales of his times as an orphaned street kid in Yiling, she also goes there and brings him home. She has her children adopt him as their son Wen Wuxian and he grows up with Wen Ning and Wen Qing as his siblings. Granny Wen encourages his genius and he becomes fantastic with talismans and cultivation and also learns some medicine. He and Wen Qing are invention buddies and he and Wen Ning train archery together - and with Wen Ning never hurt by the dancing statue he can cultivate with Wen Wuxian. Wen Xu and Wen Chao gets forcefully taught kindness and humility and become decent people. 
Granny Wen encourages the creation of connections between the Wens and other clans (and very closely monitors the Jins, prepared with some “medicine” for Jin Guangshan if it turns out to be necessary). So she sends her grandchildren to the Cloud Recesses where they meet the Lans and the Jiang. Wei Wuxia and Lan Wangji fall in love, as is destined, and Granny soon has a betrothal drawn up for them. They nighthunt and help the common people and live with no regrets. They never adopt A-Yuan, for Granny Wen’s younger child, his parent, never dies, but he is Wen Wuxian's baby cousin and they gladly babysit him instead. And they adopt a dozen other children as their own.
There is no war, there is no genocide. Granny Wen dies peacefully of old age, satisfied with her accomplishments. Wen Qing becomes an amazing doctor and she will be an amazing Sect leader in the future, with two little brothers to help her lead the Wens to an ever brighter future. All is well. 
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fandom-aleatoire · 15 days
What does worst mean?
When I did my original poll for best sect leader, I made comments about how it was supposed to be the best leader, not who was the best person. I didn't do that with my second poll about the worst. See results below.
Personally, I think WRH is the worst as a sect leader. I think JGS and QHJ are gross people and I am NOT fond of JFM, but only one sect was demolished because of the shitty choices their leader made. So, I'm going to make a new poll!
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b0dwr1ter · 8 months
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sherylhooper · 4 months
There's a reason that even tho my country and my people push very hard to have us included in Europe, and discard everything that make us similar to Asia, I don't count myself as just European but more Asian, because our country is moatly located in Asia and also because the Silk Road and other Asian coutries' culture is very similar to us. That's the conversation for another time tho but when someone reads this, I want them to know that foreigners may call us white because of our skin color (even tho my ethnicity is very diverse 😒) but they still always count us as Asians because we aren't white and European enough for them.
What I want to say with that is that as much as I like that damnei, and especially MXTX books became popular, western people with their idiotic ideas make my skin crawl.
Unpopular opinion here but Wen remnants weren't innocent just because they haven't done what Wen Ruohan did. If someone doesn't something horrible, doesn't make them innocent and good. This is why I can't stand western people. Someone made a tiktok about how horrible Jiang Cheng was for leading the siege against Wei Wuxian and how horrible he was and how heroic WWX is and I wanted to make something very very clear.
MXTX herself very clearly wrote during Sunshot campaign that "no Wen took Sunshot Campaign seriously". Here it doesn't say that every Wen, besides Wen Qing and Wen Ning and Wen Qing's branch, took Sunshot Campaign seriously. No, she very clearly wrote what she wrote. People assume way too much that Wen Qing couldn't leave Wen Ruohan's side. I'm sorry but yes, yes, she could, She could've taken Wen Ning with her, gone to Lan Xichen or Nie Mingjiu and given up as a prisoner, but she didn't.
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The fact very much remains: neither she, nor Wen Ning or others gave up on Wen Rouhan. They clearly expected him to win (and he was very much winning before WWX turned up with undead army and turned the tides.).
Now I want to address another thing and it's called POW, i.e. what Wen Remnants were.
The phrase, Prisoner of War for the first time, has been used in 1610 but the idea of losing side of war being "either slaughtered of enslaved" has been there since ancient times: Romans, Greeks, Turk Sejuks, Turk Ottomans, Persians, Arabs, Mongols, Chinese, Japanese, etc. They all have taken people from losing side of war as prisoners.
Now I want to adress what these POW were used as - "Typically, victors made little distinction between enemy combatants and enemy civilians, although they were more likely to spare women and children. Sometimes the purpose of a battle, if not a war, was to capture women, a practixe known as raptio."
My people were part of raptio many times, as our enemies captured women from my country because they were beautiful and they wanted to "verbessern" (improve) their blood and bred them for that purpose as disgusting as it sounds, this is a very reason why many foreign leaders in history, especially in Asia, had my people as grandmas or mothers, most of the time unwillingly and my people also took their own life before that kind of fate would befall on them too.
That was what happened to women prisoners after war most of the time, as for men, they were used to work manually almost every time for their captors.
Now, as much as Jin Guangshan and Jin Zixun make me very very angry, (not because how they acted against Wens but because they were simply disgusting people) they weren't wrong to take Wen Remnants in and make them work manually till they died (what could be argued that Jin Zixun was wrong in following that bat and capturing and impriaoning WN and his group during nighthunt). If everything WWX acting the way he acted was abnormal. He literally stole and freed them and went to the enemy's side.
Here is where I want people reading this to forget their western opinions and Geneva Convention (which was created in 1949 AFTER two world wars.). I know that most of them and their countries have never been to war in near history (USA involvement in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in iran, in many other countries doesn't count and neither does WW1 and WW2), have never had their people expeciance genoc!de so I want them to shut their mouth and listen to us, who have had wars at the hands oppressors and colonizators for more than 2000 years, yes two thousand years, who have experienced genoc!de multiple times. Even nowdays 20% of my country is occupied by our oppressors and we had 2 wars in last 32 years also at the hands of them. In 1992-1993 and in 1998 my people experienced ethnic cleansing alongside with our allies at the hands of Russians. And last war we had was in 2008, which I remember very well and it was hardly a war and more likely bombing the civilians!
Keep that in mind that I actually was in Jiang Cheng's shoes and understand that I also have a sibling. If, God above forbid, my sibling after what happened to us, got up, defected and went to Russians side, I'd kill that traitor with my own two fucking hands!!
Does people even understand what kind of bullshit they are speaking when they say that WWX was actually not wrong to take "innocent" Wens' side? There was no such thing as innocent people there!! They were elders, sure, but you can't make me believe that if they were younger they wouldn't fight in that war or that WRH wouldn't force them to fight. Did anyone from Wen Remnants say "oh, Wen Ruohan was such a bad person, we weren't actually on his side even tho we never defected during the war but just because we have done nothing against others, we are innocent". That doesn't work like that. They couldn't have been innocent when they stayed by WRH's side in the war!! At best, they simply were indifferent in it! They alao profited from war. Funding, medicine, etc have to come from somewhere, right?
Now I want to adress Wen Ning and Wen Qing and why I don't particulary care about them. Wen Qing was a healer, we have to understand that today's medical ethics that was created by Thomas Percival, is different from what physicians thought was correct in antient times, especially in ancient China.
"The traditional Chinese medical ethics emphasized heavily on physician's morality and set high standarts for medical practice. To summarie the ideas in these historical works, the phyaicians nuat rescue every like without any preconditions."
At that time there was no such thing as patient's automony. For that reason we can't fault WQ when she performed the golden core transplatation. She just did what WWX asked her.
There'a one thing that I'm gonna argue tho. When WQ and WN saved Jiang Cheng from other Wens, WQ told WWX that their debt from now on was null and void.
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So when people say that Jiang Cheng should've always be in debt with her, is actually not correct. I also want to argue that she trully only cared for her brother. When she fell on her knees in front of WWX, she only wanted him to save Wen Ning. Nowhere did she say "oh, Jin clan is treating my branch so horrible, we all want to save ourselves. Help me save them."
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Now about Wen Ning. He is a guy who has no other personality than just being m nice. He helped JC and WWX after Jiang Sect annihilation and that was also because he was nice. He is just a nice guy, nothing more, nothing less. He just exists to be "just nice guy".
I can't seem to force myself to care about him.
Someone on above mentioned tiktok commented and I quote:
"there is nothing jc went through that was significantly worse than what others went through yet people baby him so much 🙄 sry i don’t like mr genocide everyone"
The tiktok author replied:
"NO FR like “he lost his family” hate to break it to u bud but so did like. Everyone else … it was kind of a war,,,"
Did I read it correctly or did they simply compared Jiang Sect Genocide to people losing one or two relatives in the war??
The author in their bio had "free Palestine". Unfortunatelly that comment here clearly speaks that they don't actually care about anyone's genocide and they probably only do it for the trend.
Apparently these people also think that Jiang Cheng hunted down that tortured "pure innocent Demonic Cultivators for fun".
Are they dumb or do they trully think that these Demonic Cultivators all were like WWX and not blood-hungry like Xue Yang?? The only remotelly normal Demonic Cultivator was WWX!! Nowhere did MXTX say, even in interviews that JC hunted Demonic Cultivators for fun! Some people have never read a book in their life and it shows!
Especially when they act as if WWX was second coming of Jesus and has never done anything wrong.
First of all, WWX did, in fact, have an army in Burial Mounds, the army of undead, fierce corpses and ghosts. That army may not have Wen Remnants, but it was still an army! Also wasn't WWX the one who wrote death threats with his own blood and sent them different sects? He, obviously, wasn't in right mind at that time but he really was the threat to the Jianghu. He was arrogant and, what we know is that Jiang Cheng led the siege (please, remember that we also hear that from other people - who love rumors and speculation and etc. We don't know for sure if JC led the siege or not.).
WWX did betray him. He left him alone when he took Wen Remnants. They were brothers!! What kind of older brother abandons their little sibling? Wei Ying also indirectly caused Jiang YanLi's death. Mind you, Wei Ying didn't die on the same day as JYL, but three months later.
That alone left Jiang Cheng trully alone with a newborn nephew!!
It's a wonder he didn't go out of his mind.
Just because WWX suffered doesn't mean other people, especially Jiang Cheng didn't lose everything in the world. He had to revive a dead sect with his two very hands in his early twenties.
Some people also don't understand what kind of power vacuum Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan's deaths created! Take cultivation out of the novel and you are left with 5 big sect with Sect Leaders who are like the kings in their own land! People pay taxes here canonically. Do some people trully believe that Yumeng Jiang would remain untouched when there was no Jiang Sect left to rule it? Jin Guangshan and other sects, big or small, would start fighting over the land. Jiang Cheng had more problems at his hands than caring about leftover Wens and the problems that Wei Wuxian created because at that time, when he stole Wens from Jin Sect, he was still a part of AND the Head Disciple of Jiang Sect 🤌🏻
Wen Ruohan wiped out one of the 5 big sects and he may have done the same if Wei Wuxian didn't insult Wen Chao, but he indirectly gave Wen Chao the reason to hate Jiang Sect even more than his father's brainwashing and people think it's not that important.
People also genuinely hate Lan Xichen because he never cared about Wen Remnants enough to take them in or save them 🤦‍♀️
Wei Wuxian should also have cared enough for his sect to at least help JC revive it or something as his Head Disciple. Him giving JC his golden core meant nothing at that time, I said what I said! Especially because he didn't know! 🤷‍♀️ I blame Jiang Fengmian for raising him all highty and mighty and lone wolf or smt, but that's the discussion of another time.
I trully believe that some people read the novel with their eyes closed! This here is exactly why I hate westerns so much when they seriously think that JC is the worst character and hate him more than Wen Ruohan, Jin Guangyao/Meng Yao and Jin Guangshan 🤌🏻
MDZS fandom is clearly very toxic and I'm very glad I'm not a part of it. I'll stay in my SVSSS bubble for eternity.
P.S. just so I can make something very clear. The Siege didn't happen because of Wen Remnants as Jin Zixun allowed WWX to take them away, but because WWX killed Jin Zixuan, who was a sect heir and also husband of his Shijie. Wen Ning killed him indirectly, WWX had no control over his abilities, he was powerfull but with no control and his mind was deteriorating at that time. He was a danger to the cultivation world. Siege happened because of him, against him, and Wen Remnants died as a colletal demage. Morally right or wrong, what he created was a political disaster and it ended with every Wen, excluding WN and Wen Yuan, and with himself dead!
UPDATE. someone from China reblogged this post and called me quite horrible things, but that's okay. They also questioned if my people have even gove thro genocide at all. Okay, denial of my people's genocide is not new either. What they said next was that Siege of Burrial Mounds was a genocide of Wen Remnants. No, actually it wasn't. They died as an collateral demage because Wei Wuxian was there, that's the tragedy. I'm gonna repeat once again, Siege happened because of WWX, not because of Wens.
Another thing what they said is that people have empathy that I lack and I'm a horrible person for that, and I should be ashamed for even thinking that or that I'm Chinese literature to spread my hate, etc, etc.
My empathy died when things such these happened to my people.
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Mind you, this is only one, one single city and it's not even the whole list of crimes they have done. I'm gonna find and update this post once again, cuz it's clear that I need to spread awereness, I won't let their names be forgotten...
Today the remains of 12 people, who were considered as "lost during war", were found and transferred to my country for burial and it was very emotional as many remains still haven't been found after 30+ years yet and people still hope that there could be even a single bone found and returned so they can bury it.
So, yeah, I bury whatever empathy I have left with the remains of people everytime something like this happens. Every time people deny the genocide of my people, every time these people call US colonizers and many degrading things, saying that we oppressed them when in reality it was other way around, when we couldn't speak our language, when they called it the "dog's language" and and laughed at it, couldn't get any service if we spoke it and they mockingly told us to speak "human language", which to them was Russian, WE were oppressed in our own country and land and they took everything from us and made the world believe that we were oppressors and colonizers, they even stole the name of our region for themselves....
And no one in the world did anything about this because they didn't care. So no, everytime I'll always imagine myself in JC's shoes that I'm asked to care about ethnic Russians and Apsuas, I simply can't care, don't care and won't even care unless justice is served, unless all the land they have stolen is returned, unless they all apologize for what they have done and stop spreading lies about us....
So, good for you, if you have empathy and are a better person, unfortunately, I am not...
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winepresswrath · 5 months
Your Schrodinger's brother tags re: wwx and jc. One of my favourite AUs to have fun with in my brain is WHAT IF Jiang Cheng is the bastard. As in his bio father is Wen Zhuliu. And he somehow realizes this bc mumblemumblen golden core. Very fun position to put JC in emotionally!!! (If he doesn't figure it out nothing changes from his pov so I need him to find out for him to have emotional turmoil).
This is obviously not canon but I find it fun to think about.
tragically i cannot see yzy ever cheating on jfm but this would break everything inside of jc's brain. possibly at the right time it would actually be freeing in a twisted way! there's a cosmic reason he's bad at jianging and his dad doesn't seem to like him. he can just put it all down and stop trying. of course then he had no identity and no place in the world but you know. trade offs.
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