#security breach retold
vampvannie · 4 months
“ I T S M E “
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this kid is going to end up being manipulated we love him though
ANYWAY!!!! most likely my last doodle before the chapter comes out,,,,, expect it either today or tomorrow,,,,,,, mueeehehehehheheheheh
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In my head, Glamrock Freddy is a much bigger dummy than he really is.
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He is like a comic relief who believes he is a main character. Not literally, but similar concept.
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
Mr. Darby is in the picture. More like portrait. Due to an extreme containment breach, Dr. Darby is now an essential part of new security measures of Jasper Hospital and her sister-sites, especially with his work with memory. He often travels between portraits to keep in-touch with many others and Others, but mainly keeps to the Department of Mysteries since there lies his keystone.
No one knows how old is the Darbys are. When they together, they tend to slip into a language that has no other living practitioners. What it is; they don’t say, a little secret between them.
Dr. Darby is a wellsprings of many disciplines, especially archaic ones. There are rumors that he himself had either witnessed or participated in such rituals, especially when he speaks with incredible fondness of ancient sites like Atlantis.
Not even shocked by Jack’s and June’s transformation to Cybertronians, he thought they had turned into a form of advanced clockwork or the Hospital personnel had finally rediscovered the remains of their old friend’s spellcraft.
Quite helpful but very tongue-tied depending on the subject matter. He’s under contractual obligations Not to speak about it.
Their divorce is amiable and understandable. It’s far easier explanation rather than have people side-eye the missing Darby. June keeps the name since it’s far more of a hassle to redo all of the paperwork, especially since they have Things that go back for centuries and that’s not even touching the Things when the Darbys were really active.
The Esquivels are not fully human. Not in its modern definition. Raf’s family has a long history of Adventuring to Elsewhere. And it shows. Despite humanity losing its roots to the unrecorded past, there are still places on Earth that still remembers and whisper so longingly to be retold.
Others had called humans Mudmen for they’re of the base elements. Quick to rise and quick to fall, yet such tenacity to survive, to thrive against the odds. And from such a malleable base, many Things had been born.
Humans had held their own against Others and waged their own cycles of war and peace with them and each other. 
There are many mythos of animal brides and grooms taken to spouse. Just as there are many stories of humans being stolen away.
Out of all of them, Raf’s mother is the most human-blooded. His father, on the other hand, is most definitely not. 
Mr. Esquivel collects many forms of Knowledge, but his dearest treasure is his wife that he followed back to Earth.
Their temperamental children are the best and worst of their parents; they, too, heed the Call. Maria has a deep wanderlust and ventures into the desert with her older brothers. Diego desperately yearns to fly. Michael voraciously sinks his teeth into medicine. Pilar, however, went forth and returned and is very, very different. (-given herself to the pyre and been made hallow and hollow by the Sun-) 
Agent Fowler didn’t need to worry too much about Mr. and Mrs. Equviel interfering. Raf’s father had Seen and his parents decided on a watch from a distance approach. Pilar, however, doesn’t necessarily agrees with them.
Pilar knows what drove them all to walk their path, but there’s a difference between knowing the steps that took you there and forgetting what had happened. It's the difference between walking with your eyes wide open and being forcibly made ignorant of the inherent danger.
She’s currently a college student that has side-gigs with the Guilds and does have a few contacts in Jasper Hospital; Pilar feels a bit more whole and herself with those jobs as she needs to travel Elsewhere or other liminal spaces to complete them.
(On her own Adventure, she had made a Bargain with a Great One to return home, and Elsewhere is not her home.)
She has a serpent familiar that followed her home and uses a sidewinder overlay to hide. Since Pilar runs hot, it keeps under her clothes and slithers on her skin: the most venomous necklace on campus and at the Autobot base.
Now Miko’s father is unassuming fellow: dark-haired and dark-eyed, looks younger than his actual age, and he’s mainly a house-husband due to Reasons but does pick up a few jobs here and there.
Miko doesn’t shy away from violence. Bloodlust is intergral to many predators that lurk in the depths of the seas; even so down the lineage, it still sings in their blood. Her father, while not as active as before, keeps his skills sharp, just in case. 
When Miko disappeared overseas, he booked it to Jasper, Nevada to figure it out. He had his wife’s blessing and packed the necessities. Izumi wouldn’t do well in the desert landscape, nor do they have enough evidence to establish why Miko was taken or killed.
While many had forgotten about the reality of Others, a few hadn’t and will pay a king’s ransom for a multitude of reasons.
Should he come across MECH and their methods, Mr. Nakadai would put his old profession of being a mercenary/hitman to good work. 
While taken back by Miko’s transformation, he’s not surprised by her aggressive tendencies to bite and claw everything. She, much like his wife’s family, was like that as a toddler and will eventually grow out it. From what he understood, part of it is instinct-play and part of it is hierarchical challenge to her age mates.
Seablooded children don’t understand how rough they can be, so adults need to establish boundaries on what’s acceptable and not.
Also not surprised by the Base Cougar Incident, Miko really, really loves cats.
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I kinda wanna rewrite my own version of FNAF (especially SB, like a lot of other people are doing honestly.)
Like, I really love FNAF's "canon" lore, but I have my own interpretation of the story I'd love to write, and I'd love to fix the narrative aspect of things. (Considering that the narrative is very...all over the place, as MatPat proves LMHO-)
I'll probably end up calling it my FNAF Retold!AU
(I'd probably stick very close to canon until Security Breach (because I REALLY want to fix the narrative of SB. Like, it needs a LOT of adjustments), but it will be just a more cut and dry version of the story that actually has a cohesive and more straightforward narrative.)
I also kinda want to focus on Security Breach more than the other games, since I want to actually give it a sense of horror and mystery. I love SB because it has a lot of potential, it just wasn't used correctly. I'd love to make a better backstory for Moon, Bonnie, Foxy, and especially Vanny. (And I want to fix the whole "Afton mess up" that happened)
I'm also debating on wether or not to make this a "choose you own adventure" story with Y/N to make it more fan-interactive. I might, might not. Depends on how ambitious I wanna get.
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notsodailycake · 3 years
Welcome to the Gregaverse!
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The official Sign up paper! With all the rules, its not much so don't worry to much lol
You can do whatever
If u don't want ppl using your Gregory just tell me and i will remove u, but if you wanna be part of this, dm me and I'll add you! (I'll be tagging you with the name of your au so just tell me the name so i can add it)
This is all just silly fun, if u like one of the Gregorys mentioned you can write/draw whatever u want with them and your Gregory, as long as it doesn't go against the creators boundaries
And by the end of it, just tag under the Gregaverse and all that
This is basically just a crossover au but like, all at once XD
Current Members (42):
"Home is where Freddy is" by yours truly @/notsodailycake
"Right back at you" by @saltyandsassy31
"Megaplex Security Puppet" by @moonfang182-magic
"Fitz-Afton" by @birdie-ghost
"3 Gregorys" by @ghostthefox1997
"Citizen" by @circuscraz
"Security Breach: Aftermath" by @docleonidas
"Cursed Gregory" by @ezravon3
"Slumber Time" by @avianic
"You get what you get" by @furryb0nes
"Unexpected Friends" and "Troubled Souls" by @call-me-mark-for-now
"Property of Fazbear Entertainment" by @humangeode
"Glitched Guardian" by @glitched-guardian-au
"Afton Returns" by @carogdraws
"Blended with Love" by @mason-gaylord
"Ghost Greg" by @moth-berry
"Nightmare Gregory" by @dreadmothrosemary71
"Defective Code" and "Not so Purple Bunny" by @yayadrawsthingz
"And Reality, It Fails!" by @galevonhjonkbringerofgoose
"Double Trouble" by @abunchofraccooons
"Immortals" by @the-bi-anon
"Stay" by @jazzsaidhi
"Heartclick" by @t4r0t-c4rd
"Silver Springs" by @silverstarsdiner
"Faz-Fam" and "Reincarnated" by @the-bird-ghost-anon
"Forgotten Gift" by @wheredidmyheadgoing
"Little Fires Gregory" by @silent-historian
"Fluff au" by MasterMime
"Fnaf Security Virus" by @rinzay
"Collateral Damage" by @hexyz09
"Dark Rebirth" by @rosewilliamsimp
"House of Rabbits" by @kingwolfzerofollowersofglichtrap
"Renegade" by @paigelts05
"Studio Breach" by @soniccrazygal
"Underwho" by @euanpc
"Into the Ballpit" by @pixlokita
"Breached" by @nadiawitch
"Golden Bro au" by @honey-bunnysaurus
"Robot Fighters" by @halogenrobotics
"Aftermath" by @glitchpunkz
"Time Traveller" by @theunfortunatecatto
"Security Breach Retold" by @urlocaltransace
Please consider checking them out and showing sum support!
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shera-dnd · 5 years
The Hunter - Like Everyone Else
So yeah this one is a bit rushed, but it’s still good...I hope
Also I hold no shame over all the references I made in this
Lonnie had been surprisingly chatty the next morning. As they chased after their mark once more, she retold some stories of her time in the wastes and even some odd rumors she heard whispered about herself.
“You know how I only started doing this once the portal opened?” Lonnie asked, not really wanting or waiting for a confirmation “Because of that a lot of people think I’m some sort of alien bounty hunter who came to Etheria in search for more exotic and dangerous prey” She put on a gruffer voice as she spoke those last words, getting a loud laugh out of Catra. Lonnie couldn’t help but smile at that sound.
“How do people even come up with that shit?” Catra asked once she managed to contain her laughter.
“Right? And you haven’t even heard the worse ones” Lonnie answered, with that same bright smile from last night “Like there is one where I lost both my parents to bandits and then I spent my whole life training with assassins so I could someday take revenge on-”
Catra raised her hand and they both halted. She took her binoculars and looked towards the horizon. Among the mountains and canyons in the distance there was one pass that seemed to have crumbled onto itself, the same pass their target was currently riding towards.
“Looks like we found where that ship landed” Catra commented. She turned to see what Lonnie planned on doing now, but the woman was busy looking through the scope of her rifle.
“There seems to be a small settlement at the entrance of the pass” She informed Catra “Probably not their main camp. I suggest we go up and around and rappel onto the ship from above”
“How good is that scope?” Catra asked, dumbfounded by how far that thing could see.
Lonnie took a shot and their mark dropped unconscious onto the floor. “Good enough” She answered with a smug smile.
“Show off” Catra complained. This was a challenge and she would absolutely take her up on it.
The climb around the pass was surprisingly easy. Catra had always been the best at those climbing exercises back in the Fright Zone and Lonnie was perfectly equipped for this kind of terrain. Now from their vantage point they could see the clear trail of destruction the massive warship left as it crash landed.
Beneath them the pass seemed closed off by a terrible landslide, but knowing what to look for it was easy to find bits and pieces of the ship poking out from the rubble. Yet there were no signs of life down there.
“You think they’re hidden inside the ship?” Lonnie offered.
“It would be the most defensible position” Catra agreed “Good thing one of us knows their way through Prime warships” 
“And how did you get that information again? Right, you got captured” Lonnie taunted playfully. Catra played along, sticking her tongue out at Lonnie and getting a chuckle out of her “Okay, I’ll take us down and you guide us through the ship” She secured a grappling hook to a rock and extended one hand to Catra “Hold on”
Catra took her hand and was pulled close. Held safely against Lonnie’s chest as she began rappelling down the pass and towards the ship. Those stray thoughts about Lonnie’s defined muscles returned with full force. Catra refused to look up as to avoid seeing the undoubtedly smug and overconfident look on Lonnie’s face.
She wondered if Lonnie could do all this without the powered exoskeleton, probably not with the same ease, but she had seen what Lonnie could do last night and she wouldn’t be surprised if she could. The more she thought about it the more tempted she was to look up and see how Lonnie looked doing this.
Before she had the chance, her feet hit the ground and she pushed herself free of Lonnie’s embrace, trying to focus on more professional thoughts. When she turned around to look at her companion she looked almost hurt. It was the second time she looked at Catra like that in less than 24 hours. Catra mentally kicked herself for that.
Lonnie sighed and put her helmet back. She too had to be professional now and, liking it or not, the helmet was useful. It would just be a weird for Catra to get used to the helmet again after nearly a whole day of normal Lonnie.
“I’ll set up a breaching charge” Lonnie declared in her distorted voice “You lead the way once we’re there”
“Where the fuck did you get a breaching charge?” Catra asked. Lonnie gave her a look that, even with the helmet, Catra understood meant ‘don’t ask’ “Fine. Ready when you are” She sighed.
With military precision Lonnie placed and detonated the charge, leaving a whole with the perfect size for the both of them to enter. They jumped in to find an old, dusty, and poorly lit corridor. It looked exactly the same to either side of it, but Catra already had a good idea of where they were.
“This is the way” Catra declared and began marching down the corridor. Lonnie following behind.
“And what way is that exactly?” Lonnie asked.
“We gotta hit engineering first to see what parts of the ship are still standing so we can have a better idea of where to go” Catra explained, taking a turn as she spoke.
After a few more turns and a considerable amount of walking they found themselves in a large open room, covered wall to wall with complex machinery, several layers of scaffoldings traversed the room and at its centered sat a computer console. Catra completely ignored the proper path leading there and simply jumped through the machinery and climbed onto the platform with the computer, leaving Lonnie to take the long way around. 
“When did you learn how to operate alien computers?” Lonnie asked as she calmly walked down the path to meet her.
“I had to learn a few tricks before my daring escape” Catra answered, half jokingly. Lonnie shook her head and continued walking, but as she went further into the room she couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was someone else in there with them.
Quickly wiping around, Lonnie drew her rifle and aimed towards a figure in the shadows between the machines. The figure darted through the shadows and Lonnie followed in pursuit until it was cornered.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t trying to escape, I swear!” The shape pleaded as it threw itself on the ground before Lonnie, revealing itself to be a scraggly old man in torn clothes “I got lost is all. I’ll get back to my post immediately” the man scampered to his feet and began running for the exit
“Hey, wait!” Lonnie called, causing the man to halt in the spot “We’re not here to harm you” The man turned around with a confused look on his face, that was soon replaced by one of admiration.
“The Hunter” He whispered and Lonnie had to contain a sigh at the title “We are saved!”
“Saved from what?” Catra asked as she landed behind Lonnie “Who is the old guy?” The man took a trembling step back at the sight of Catra’s whip.
“She is a friend of mine” Lonnie explained, surprising both the man and Catra “We are here to deal with the gang”
“Then you’ll free us?” He asked. Catra shot him a confused look and he explained “They raided our village and when they found out we knew how to work this machinery they forced us to build weapons for them. Please, you must be here to save us”
“You built those weapons?” Catra asked “So you know how to break them?”
“Yes, of course” The man agreed “We can teach you how to destroy what we created”
Lonnie and Catra looked at each other. They had a new plan.
An entire village hidden inside the hangar bay of a massive spaceship. That was not something Catra ever expected to see, but here she was now, crawling through a vent and watching the poor villagers be dragged from place to place to work on the machinery of the ship. In the farthest corner a massive tent hid what Catra could only presume was the super weapon, but dealing with that was Lonnie’s job.
Catra dropped from the vent, silently landing behind one of the thugs roaming the village and swiftly taking them out. One down, several dozen more to go. Time to prove she was still the best at her job.
One by one the thugs dropped. Not all of them, for that would be a waste of her time, just enough for the captives to have an opening, but not enough for the other thugs to notice. Stealth came naturally to her, like martial arts came to Lonnie and Rogelio and like most things came to Adora.
“Take the back door” Catra whispered to a few villagers as she opened one of their tents “The way is safe, but keep quiet” They moved as fast as they could, whispering ‘thank you’s as they passed Catra. A wave of satisfaction washed over her. She never expected to enjoy helping people as much as she did.
Catra started making her way to the next tent when the ground shook beneath her. She looked towards the large distant tent just in time to see it being torn apart by a terrifying explosion and from the green flames walked a colossal spider bot. Dozens of weapons adorned its sides and on its back stood what Catra knew was the ship’s main cannon.
“Change of plans!” A way too familiar voice commands from the ship’s speakers “We march today and tomorrow the Fright Zone falls and I’ll have my revenge!”  
Several question flashed through Catra’s mind at that moment. How was Tung Lashor still alive? How did he manage to command this whole operation at all? But the most important of all those questions was, is Lonnie okay? Catra ignored the bandits as they ran to keep up with their leader’s war machine. She dashed for the wall of green flames, hoping that Lonnie was still alive somehow. 
She couldn’t lose Lonnie now, when she had just found her again. She lost her when she pushed her away, she lost her when she fled to the Wastes, she refused to lose her a third time. Even if she had to burn in her place, Catra would not let Lonnie die here.
A dark shape emerged from the flames. Her armor was charred, the outer plates melted, the visor cracked, her weapons were completely destroyed, but she was still alive and she wasn’t stopping. She limped past Catra and began following the escaping bandits.
“What are you doing?” Catra asked. She would have held Lonnie back, but the heat from her armor kept her away.
“Chasing them” Lonnie coughed out. Clearly struggling to breath.
“There is no way you can go after them like this” Catra said as she jumped in front of Lonnie.
“We can’t let them reach the Fright Zone” Lonnie declared, trying to make her way around Catra, but she wouldn’t let her.
“And we won’t, but if you don’t get help right now you will die” Catra pleaded.
“I’m fine!” She insisted “Now get out of my way”
“Lonnie, I’m not-”
“Get out!” She shouted.
For a moment their roles were swapped. A young Lonnie tried to comfort a very tired Catra. ‘Go! Leave like everyone else!’ Catra screamed and Lonnie scampered away. They froze in place as the memory hit them both. Lonnie stepped back, looking anywhere but at Catra.
“I-” Lonnie started, before collapsing on the floor.
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snows-labcoat · 5 years
Love Like You -Ch. 2
Summary: The moments Caitlin/Killer Frost reflected on in the original, more in depth. (spin-off of part 1) Cisco’s phone call, retold as you two lay together in bed.
Pairing: Caitlin Snow/KF x f!reader (platonic Cisco x reader, platonic killervibe)
Read: chapter one
My phone began to ring, about a month after I left. You know who it was? Yeah. It was Cisco. Do you... know what he called to tell me? When I heard that I was causing you that much pain, I almost immediately came back to Star Labs. No-- It wasn’t that I didn’t love you enough. Please, don’t think of it like that. I love you more than anything I ever have in my whole life. I just-- I’m not good at relationship stuff. Not since Ronnie, you know that. Please be patient with me.
“She’s crying.”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s crying, Cait. On the floor of the speed lab.”
“...I’m sorry--” 
“No, Caitlin. You shouldn’t be apologizing to me. Have you really not figured it out yet?”
I didn’t know how to respond. My heart physically ached at the idea that I hurt you. No no, you don’t have to apologize, I should’ve realized it sooner.
“I’m cryokinetic. Not a mind reader.”
“Caitlin-- she’s in love with you.”
When he told me that, there were so many things I wanted to say-- to do. Please believe me when I tell you that I wanted nothing more, than to hold you like you held me. I was terrified of hurting you. You have been my safe place ever since we met and I didn’t believe I could be the same. I had already hurt so many people, and the idea that I could hurt you— I was barely able to live with it.
...Knowing I did hurt you— I couldn’t live with it. Hey, please don’t cry. I’m okay now. Don’t blame yourself. The ordeal with Killer Frost brought me to a really dark place, and I pushed you away. I pushed the one person who accepted every aspect of me out of my life. That is my fault.
I never thought I’d end up with you by my side again. I was afraid that you’d hate me. ...I know, I know— dumb of me to think you could ever hate me, but I only had Cisco’s words to go by.
I guess you’re right. You showed me time and time again how altruistic and loving you are. Sometimes I get so focused on these little details that I forget to see what the big picture is and how they all fit together. Or if they even fit together at all.
“Wait— She...”
“Yes. She has been since the day she wound up in Star Labs. She believes in you so much. Have you ever noticed the way she talks to you? How she supports you? She loves you. We all believe you love her too— but are you gonna throw something good away?”
“Cisco— it’s not that easy. I need to put myself first sometimes.”
So yeah— I was a little upset at first. I knew it wasn’t you necessarily saying that I was being selfish. I know you understood that I needed this. You just— felt heartbroken. Our relationship was always more than just platonic. Even if we never acknowledged it back then. Cisco was just trying to be a good friend. I know he wanted me back too, and of course you were the way to bring me back. It just wasn’t time yet.
“This isn’t the first time, you know?” He spoke up after what felt like hours of silence.
“The first time...?”
“The first time she’s cried. She thinks we don’t hear her late at night. Since she’s had to stay in the lounge since she’s gotten here whenever she wasn’t sleeping at your place. I can access security feed from wherever.”
“So you spied on her?”
“No. I never actively chose to watch. But I got a security alert one night. She unlocked and went into your med lab. I was curious. But all she did was just cry. She cried and cried. I had to breach over there because her meta abilities were acting up. Her body was freezing. Then it was burning up. I lacked the abilities to control her thermal temperature. Barry had to come hold her while vibrating his body at the right speed to get her body back to normal.”
No, you were completely justified in your upset. It wasn’t just that I had taken a break from team flash. I shut you out. I had threatened your life, I know you say it wasn’t me. But it feels like nobody ever held me accountable. Even if I believed that, everyone forgot that Caitlin Snow could hurt people too.
I hurt you. And we have to acknowledge all of this if we ever hope to move forward. Because no matter how understanding and loving you are, whether or not you realize it— the emotional damage that I caused every time you confronted Killer Frost— that will always change our dynamic.
“She doesn’t want anybody else, Caitlin. After that night, I would check up on the monitors every once in a while. Most of the time, she was busy writing in a journal. After a particularly rough night for her, she called me. She begged me to vibe where you were but I couldn’t. The only thing I could do was listen to her”
“You know what she said to me while Killer Frost worked with Savitar, Cait?” He spoke after a lack of verbal response. All he heard was the intake of breath.
“Before you regained control, time and time again where some believed you were lost to us forever, she would fall to her knees and beg. She’d beg, Caitlin. I can’t remember a time when her eyes weren’t red and puffy from the countless times she spent crying over you, even before you went on this break.”
“What did she say?” Caitlin’s voice came out soft. It came out worried.
“She begged us to give you chance after chance. Because every time she confronted you, you let her go. Every time she spoke from her heart, she saw your eyes flash in and out. She was there to see that you were not lost to Killer Frost yet. She believes in you, Cait. Don’t lose the best person for you.”
Cisco continued to tell me about the things you’d do, he told me about the time you had such a bad episode of sleep paralysis that it gave you an anxiety attack. He told me how the only way to get you to calm down was trick you into thinking I was talking to you, because I was god knows where doing god knows what.
He told me how somebody asked you on a date, and you couldn’t bring yourself to go because she —and I quote “isn’t Caitlin.”
He said you shut the team out, that it all started when killer frost took over and started to work with Savitar. You stopped talking unless it was work related. You rarely smiled, even with Cisco trying to joke with you. You became me when Ronnie died.
I don’t want that for you. You deserve so much happiness. I find it hard to believe that I ever provided that much for you, but still. I never want to let you go, ever again. I know 6 months was a really long time, and I should’ve come back sooner. But I am back, a better person. In control. This chance to rediscover myself and figure things out is what I needed. I know you understand that. But I also know it’s not that easy to act like it didn’t still hurt. I don’t expect you to.
You know... I used to listen to your voice. Even when I left. Because you insisted on sending me voice messages instead of a normal text. I would lay in bed and I could hear you singing to me, with the song you played for me on piano for the very first time.
I think about the times you were my shoulder to cry on, how easy it was— how easy it still is; to be vulnerable with you. Nobody has ever made me feel more at home. You bring out the best in me,, and I don’t want you to ever feel like I’m taking advantage of your heart. I want to return just as much as you give, if you’ll let me.
Don’t be silly— I’m in love with you. Not just with what you do for me. Our lives right now— is like being in a constant hurricane in the middle of the ocean. Sometimes we get pushed under and are oblivious to what’s happening above. Everything feels peaceful. Eventually though, reality hits. We are not normal people, and I know that. But being with you— it’s fresh, undiluted, and pure. The kind of love where just brushing hands makes you blush. I’m not willing to lose that, and I can’t believe I almost did. You make me feel like we could just watch the waves, rather than be trapped in them. I know I’m not always good with words— but you are. I admire you for so much.
—I found myself dreaming of you. A lot.
Sometimes just a part of you. Your hands. How they’d play the piano for me, the way they’d play with my hair and rub my back while I cried. How they’d hold mine when I got too cold.
I missed that. I was always so concerned that if you got too close, I’d freeze you. You never seemed to care, though.
You seemed so content to freeze to death as long as I was next to you. Does that still ring true?
Of course it does— because you are extraordinary. You’ve always loved in such a way that’s ineffable. Insurmountable.
We just need a little patience. I’m sounding like I’m done growing, but that’s far from the truth. For now though, can we just hold each other like we used to? I would think about the nights you would sleep over. How you would sing me to sleep. The times you would help me organize and clean my lab. Love is a science. I should’ve realized that sooner. In science, we don’t keep secrets. I know you disagree with that statement but it’s the easiest way for me to understand feelings. I don’t want to treat us like a science fair project, that’s not what my goal is. I just— I can’t lose you again.
“Is she okay”
“How do you want me to answer that?”
“You’re calling again, the third time this week. None of the other two calls have been to just check up on how good ole’ Caitlin Snow is doing”
“The truth is, Caitlin— she’s hurting. She has been since Savitar. I don’t know how many times I can keep calling Barry to hold her so her thermal abilities don’t cause her to overheat or freeze herself.”
“Does she still have my sweater?”
“The star labs one? Yes. She never really wears it, you know?”
“She just holds it close. When she’s sleeping, or just sitting in the cortex with us, her arms are always cradling it close. She seems to just, lean into it.”
He sent me a video clip from the security feed of you crying. It was 3 am, and your face was buried in that sweater. He said you stopped playing Pokémon with him. You threw yourself into work, just like I did. I’m glad Cisco was there for you, though.
You always put on this facade, during the day. Cisco says everyone could see right through it. That didn’t bother you, though. You kept on working, only letting it out when you thought everyone had gone home for the night.
Please, understand that I never meant to put you through so much.
“I’m coming back, Cisco”
You brought me back. You keep me grounded.
I’ll try my best to take away the pain, please just kiss me like we’ve always wanted. Make me forget. Rational decisions and science out the window, I just want to feel your hands holding me again. I want to love like you.
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vampvannie · 4 months
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vampvannie · 2 months
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take my hand, take my life
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vampvannie · 4 months
“You can only reach heaven for so long.”
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sbrt chapter 7 hype chat let’s gooooo (it’s almost done and will arrive soon :3)
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vampvannie · 6 months
S A V E T H E M .
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WOOOOOO THIS ONE TOOK LIKE THE WHOLE DAY TO FINISH KMS!!!!!! I really really love how it turned out though ^_^
anyways that’s all I wanted to share today :3333 FIRST DRAWING OF BEING 15!!! YAY!!! if you guys have any theories about this or predictions OR EVEN JUST THE TRANSLATION OF THE MORSE CODE PLEASE DROP IT IN THE COMMENTS!!!! THANK UOU!!!! <3333
anyways that’s all bye bye love you :3/p
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vampvannie · 4 months
WE GOT CONFIRMED QUEER SHIT FOR SBRT!!!!!! sbrt greg is a trans (ftm) bisexual AND spring bonnie is a nonbinary aroace >:3 (thought that would be cool to note because uh yeah everyone in this au is queer)
that’s all you queers uhhh BE GAY DO CRIME!!!!!!!
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vampvannie · 6 months
ok new thing draw your ggy trio like this here’s mine
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it’s almost 5 am rn kill me
(original on the bottom)
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vampvannie · 3 months
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can you hear me?
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vampvannie · 2 months
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burn all that is tainted, then we can try again
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vampvannie · 7 months
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greg and spring bonnie doodle YAY!!!! (I finished this in the middle of the fucking night)
I will be getting a full vanny design to yall soon dw I just need yall to know I’m not dead
I changed my art style a bit and gregs hairstyle to look a LITTTLE more like the canon one but sit still adding my own little touch lolzies :3
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