#see? i even forgot to tag my favourite ship
tardisesandtitans · 4 months
I want to relocate to Tumblr forever, the Sylki's on twitter are giving L0kius stans attention and talking yet again about what horrors they did towards the cast and crew. It's irritating and depressing at the same time, like yes we know that subfandom did all that shit
Plus I made the mistake of clicking on the trending L0kius tag and saw their posts. I'm steaming mad. Apart from the ones who did nothing wrong, I hate L0kiuses. I have never seen a Sylki who wants Mobius dead (and I better never, I am a Mobius stan) yet it's all I see from L0kiuses.
Just wish Sylkis on twitter would talk more about Sylki, not focus on the other ship and laughing at the other shippers. Doesn't it ever get tiring?
I even feel bad if I were to tag the ship I hate, because I'm aware it's not everyone in the fandom otherwise that would make me look very stupid, so I won't tag them. Don't want this clogging up their feed. Meanwhile, I sometimes see anti Sylk1 posts on here in the Sylki tag 👀 when I don't think that's fair, says a lot about those people
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taylormarieee · 8 months
Gamer Carl ~Gamer AU~
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A/N: This is my new series that I wanna do! I forgot who I got this idea from but once I find you I will tag you for credit!
Summary: Carl finds out about you for the first time and you guys agree to play a game together!
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing: Gamer!Carl x Fem!Gamer!Reader
Warnings: None, Flirting, Sexual innuendos, everyone is 18+, carl’s fans hyping him up, reader getting shy!
A/N: Reader typing will be in bold and Carl will be slanted.
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Carl loves gaming! He sits at his house playing gameplays all day. He loves his fans and his fans loved him!
They always shipped him with certain gamer girls he’s played with but Carl always rejects it He’s been looking for gamer girlfriends in his area to play with and maybe even fall in love with.
But, there’s never one that catches his eye until his fans tried one last time and he met you.
"Alright chat, some more fall guys. I'm not happy about this but you guys wanted it." He says smiling.
User283- Do you know (Your username insert)? bandychat123- yea she's super hot bro! ilovecarl69- Look her up dude! Maybe then you guys can play together!
Carl takes a second to read the comments in his livestream and then finally agrees to look you up.
"Alright alright guys, I'll do it. I think I know who she is but i'm not sure." he says going to Instagram on his phone.
He sees your face and instantly, his jaw drops. He shows his phone to the chat and everyone goes ballistic.
"THAT'S HER!?" He yells completely flabbergasted. His whole chat is replying yes and going crazy. Little did Carl know you were watching the livestream the whole time, chuckling at his reaction.
Carl had been one of your favourite twitch streamers to watch. You would always be in you room watching and rooting for him to win in fall guys constantly.
You would be up all night giggling at his GTA mods and what his chat always said. He was super hot in your opinion and completely adorable.
So the fact that he is now noticing you is cute and made you feel warm and happy inside.
You decide since he's already in Instagram, why not surprise him and see his reaction.
"Stalking me stranger?" You type. His face goes red and he is completely silent. You just texted him. He is so nervous.
As he is contemplating what to write he sees the bubble pop up on his phone and he instantly fixes his posture, excited to see what you say.
"I know you're wondering, How does she know? Well, I'm watching your twitch right now! It's nice to meet you. My name Is Y/N."
"Hahaha! That obvious huh? Nice to meet you, and you already know my name."
"Yep! Haha! Hi, Carl! I wanted to ask you something, if that's ok?"
"Yea, of course! What is it?"
"Would you maybe wanna play sometime? I don't know if sometime today would work or maybe tomorrow?"
"Uh, yea! I would love to maybe later today!?"
"Alright cool! See you then Carl Grimes ;)"
"Ha! See you then y/n!"
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You smile to yourself as you read his message over and over again. You look back at the livestream to see him blushing and smiling too!
You were so excited for later today. Tonight will be a nice night to play. But wait, you thought about what would happen if this continues.
Will you guys eventually meet up? Continue talking and become friends? Maybe more than friends? Start going to his house? Oh! You would love to go to his house.
Maybe even help him learn how to cook! Ha! He's getting there.
“Alright chat! Let’s get to it!” He says smiling. You look at the chat and put your phone down. You smile at everybody’s assumptions.
lov3rgirlforCarl!- what happened! Was that y/n?!
BananaJoe55- You guys are adorable! I just need a collab!!!
If only they knew…
1 hour later
You just ate and you’re getting your stuff ready for your stream. You texted Carl earlier and he responded saying he was ready.
“Hey guys! I know this is unexpected but I have a special guest coming on tonight to play with me!" He says excitedly opening Fall Guys.
"The one and Only Y/N!" He says and your voice immediately sound through the speakers.
"Hiii guys!" You says, "Hi Carl!" You say in a singsongy voice.
"Hey y/n." He says blushing again. You smile and click on fall guys on your screen as well.
"I already did my intro so... we can get started Carl!" You says designing your fall guy or fall gal as you like to call it.
"You wanna add me or should I add you ma'am?" He says chuckling.
"Ma'am is a new one haha! I like it! Well you can add me!" You say. You text him your username and he sends a friend request.
You guys add each other and get started.
"Noooooo!" You hear Carl yell. You burst out laughing.
"Aww did Carl not make it!?" You tease.
"I hate you! God, Fuck!" He yells out. His outburst makes you laugh.
"Is Carl Grimes gonna cry?" You ask teasing him for loosing.
"I'll make you cry if I have to." He says. You pause, taking in what he said and now your wondering what he meant by that.
You clear your throat and heat rushes towards your face and your ears get all hot.
"I-I, Uhm, d-do you want me to uhm r-restart?" You stutter. Everyone in the chat on your livestream and Carls live stream are going crazy.
"Y-yea ket's start over." Carl says awkwardly. You both start over and continue to play.
You both get extremely comfortable with each other and continue to make flirtatious jokes.
"Carl! Stop screaming your hurting my ears!"
"I'll make you scream if you want. I'm sure you love screaming." He relies.
You giggle at his sudden boldness and flirtatious spirit.
"God fuck you y/n!" Carl yells.
"Dang, what happened to taking me out Carl? That wasn't very gentlemen like of you!" You reply giggling.
He rolls his eyes and snickers. You also snicker before you both burst out laughing.
Lov3rforCarl699- God you guys are so cute! Thisisbananas123- God this is a collab I never knew I needed! Whatismynamebro!- Bhahahaha! This is hilarious! I COULD WATCH IT FOREVER!
You guys eventually finish up and cut off the cameras. You guys are still talking through the discord server mod.
"Hey.. uhm that was a lot of fun, no?" You ask with a smile on your face.
"Yea, no it was! Best fun i've ever had!" He says chuckling. You both stay silent and shy for a few seconds.
"So... Did you wanna like play-" He starts. "Do you wanna come over?!" You ramble out asking him in a rush, scared of rejection.
His eyes widen. You take his silence as a wrong thing and immediately backtrack.
"Carl, uhm I mean like... We should game over here or I go to your house! I j-just really like playing with you and you in general and I really wanna be friends!" You continue to ramble out.
Your face is saddened as you don't get a response from him and you just whisper out a small 'never mind'.
"No that's... That would be great! I would actually love that and how's my place tomorrow at idk 5:30? You an be here for as long as you want! I need help cooking anyway!" He replies with a smile on his face and a slight blush.
You smile and as your about to reply you notice your camera is still on ad your chat feed is still going and they are spamming the chat.
"OHH MY GODD!" You yell falling out of the chair in embarrassment.
"What what is it!? Are you ok?!" He asks worried.
"No i'm not. My camera feed is still on so all my fans and maybe your's just heard everything we were just talking about." You say with your face in your hands.
Carls face goes pale and then red as a tomato.
"Well this is me taking you out on a date! To my house, right?" He asks still happy and confident.
"Y-Yea! Totally Carl! See you tomorrow!" You say while turning off your camera for good and squeal jumping up and down before flopping on your bed to call your best friend Enid.
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Taglist: @carlgrimesenthusiast @catt-leya @carlsdarling @loveforcarl @sinsandsweetness @sickyrat @eternalrose81 @iamacowboi
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empressofmankind · 7 months
On My Silent Days
I Miss You A Little Louder
[Crocodile x female!OC]
Explicit with a capital E
Word count: 7k / 15 pages
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A/N: Writing this has been my whole life the past 5 days, as anyone who has frequented my Dash recently can attest. I am obsessed with their chemistry.
Technically, this is part of 'The Show Must Go On'. You don't have to read it, but I recommend it. You'll get to know Shivs and her helter-skelter relationship with Buggy which sits as the background to this whole ordeal.
You see, this is like, Arabaste arch at the earliest - Cross Guild era more likely. By then, Shivs and Bugs have rollercoastered through so much bullshit and they've come out rock solid on the other side somehow. Clown keeps failing up, even with this relationship. Sir Crocodile finds the whole thing insulting, to say the least. And seems to think it is one well-placed remark away from utterly crumbling. Jealous ex, whomst? My dude, you fucked that up yourself. Repeatedly. You had more chances than you have fingers. Chemistry aside, this is absolutely a desert of his own making.
What else do you need to know? Shivs is only 2 or 3 years younger than Buggy (i.e. my age, come sue me), but Crocodile is 5 years older than the clown. So, she's in her mid 30s, he's in his mid 40s. She originally met him when he was maybe 28? Do the math. Oh yes, and for those less familiar with the Cross Guild era: our favourite clown has managed to accidentally become the lauded public face of what is actually Mihawk and Crocodile's venture. Understandably, the ex-warlords are a little miffed by this and spend decent amounts of time physically abusing poor Buggy.
Shivs' absolutely flawless plan is basically swapping sexual favours with her ex for get-out-of-jail-free cards for the clown.
My girl literally barging in here telling Croc: "I'll take ur cock if u leave my clown alone."
Yes. That's it. That's the plot.
She almost had him, too. Arguably, she had him the entire time. And then he gdamn snapped her from the pond edge like an unwitting gazelle in the last minute. Cuz we all - her included - forgot who we're dealing with for 14.5 pages straight. APPARENTLY.
screams into a pillow
Tag(s): Oh? Ok. Sexual favours! Is she fucking her boss? No, but he always makes it feel that way. Is she fucking her ex? Yes. Are they technically still married? Maybe. Blow jobs? Deep throat. Size kink? 100%. Filthy language. Graphic sex. Soft dom? Power bottom? I am on the fence. Little girl vibes on the margins, like, he tries. She too sassy and sooner a brat. Oh, orgasm denial! Big time. Humiliation? A little bit. Stretching? Yes. Moar size kink. Choking? Big yes. Spoiling? Also yes. She deserves nice things. Power imbalance? Yes. In whose direction? It kind of flip-flops. Did I need to spend so many words on their smoking and his cigars? Probably not, but it scratched an itch. With them, it counts as foreplay; I am sure. You know you're doing well when he takes the damn thing outta his mouth. World class banter, too. If I may say so myself. But really, the bottom line is that it's just oral and PIV dressed up real fancy.
The double doors were as tall and foreboding as Shivs remembered. All bevelled hardwood and delicate gilding. She stood before them, gazing up. In the dead centre sat a brass knocker shaped like a bananawani's head, polished to a sheen. 
Knocking was for people with appointments, and waiting wasn't something she planned on doing here ever again. She put her palms against the cold, expensive wood and pushed the massive doors open as if breaking a siege. They swung on smooth hinges despite their weight and struck the marbled walls with resounding booms.
The opulent office beyond was exactly as she remembered. Marquina walls, fishbone parquet floors, blackwood furniture. The taxidermied juvenile bananawani set in the wall vitrine behind his desk was new. What had been there before? A map? A ship? No, a stone. An artefact of some kind riddled in curious glyphs.
Crocodile glanced up from his papers and the irritation flitting across his scarred face in the split second before he realised who'd dared barge in, set the hairs on the back of her neck on end. How often had she seen someone shrivel into a desiccated husk straight after that look?
Shivs held his pale gaze, set her jaw and strode into his office as if down the plank. 
The creak of leather as he leaned back in his seat. “You know I've killed people for less.”
She paused in front of his outrageous statement piece of a desk. She put her hands in the pockets of her baggy pants and forced her shoulders to unclench, her stance to relax. If Buggy’s dumb luck had managed to rub off on her in these past months, then now would be the time for it to start working for her.
“Lucky I am not ‘people’,” she said as she crossed her fingers in her pocket. 
Amusement squinted his eyes as the corner of his mouth twitched up behind his cigar. “No, you're not,” he said as he rose.
Shivs was not short. Not by any regular definition of the word. Buggy was only a head taller than her. She hadn't forgotten how tall Crocodile was, not really. And yet, as he came around his desk and towards her, there appeared to be no end to him as he approached. If she reached up, stretched her arm, she could nick his cigar. But only just.
"Do you still smoke?" he said as he stopped well within her personal space, forcing her to crane her neck to meet his gaze. He took a flat, brass case from the inside pocket of his coat and held it out to her. She remembered it. Remembered the exquisite taste of the narrow cigarillos in it.
"Liar." His gaze flicked down along his cigar at her. "You smell of cigarettes, doll."
"I have changed my ways."
Humour flitted under his gravelly voice. "For the worse." 
Shivs pursed her lips. "It's an expensive lifestyle when they don't come free with a goodnight kiss."
The bark of laughter actually reached his eyes, crinkling their crow's feet for a moment. He held out the case to her again. "You poor thing. I do support charities, you know."
She took it this time and flipped it open. The rich waft of tobacco and sweet Goji berries greeted her as if no time had passed at all. Might as well enjoy her sojourn back to hell while she could.
She put one of the thin cigarillos between her lips and let him light it. Watched the firelight catch and reflect in his rings. Took a moment to savour the blend, rich and sweet as polished Beli.
They were very good.
Always had been.
Shivs took the cigarillo from between her lips and blew the smoke up in rings through a slow smile. They almost reached him.
Crocodile leaned down through the cloudy hoops to pluck the shoulder of her red-and-white striped sweater between thumb and index finger, a judgemental 'hmph' escaping around his cigar.
She enjoyed the expensive smoke and his fascination while it lasted. Maybe, just maybe, this would be enough? Letting him treat her like a doll badly in need of a better dress up? He liked to spoil, always had. Now, more than ever, he had the means to take it to completely nonsensical levels. Her ego could take it, if that was the price of leaving Bugs alone.
Shivs indicated his everything with an up and down wave of her free hand. "No way to afford the good stuff on a waiter's salary."
He let go of the fabric to brush his thumb across the smear of grease paint near the collar, staining his skin and the gold of his ring red.
"Or a dud's haul." 
He hooked the silk kerchief from his vest's breast pocket and wiped his hand. She followed the length of his arm up to his face.
"The entertainment isn't half bad."
“Yes.” He chewed the butt of his cigar, derision twitching his thin lips as he tucked the kerchief into an inside pocket of his coat. “His pathetic antics can be mildly amusing.”
Shivs’ grip on the cigarillo tightened, but she smiled pleasantly. “I like it when a man can make me laugh,” she said, pointing at him with the thin smoke between her fingers. “Even if at his own expense.”
She frowned at his broad back when he turned away from her without a witty reply, retreating to the button tufted camelback near them.
“You're not here for a social call,” Crocodile stated as he sat down, putting his arms along the sofa's curved back. Something flitted past his pale eyes, but it was gone so fast Shivs couldn't nail it. “What do you want, doll?” 
Shivs rolled back and forth on the balls of her feet, pursing her lips as if preparing to drive a hard bargain. She intended to seem casual, unconcerned. But her palms were slick with sweat and her heartbeat drummed in her ears. She filled her mouth with smoke, tasting the rich flavours. Savouring them before blowing it out in small puffs through her pursed lips.
"I want you to leave him be," she said, extinguishing the cigarillo in his ashtray.
Crocodile shifted and put his shin across his knee. Her gaze flicked down and she saw him take note. 
"And if I do?"
She held his gaze. One breath, two breaths, moved her jaw but didn't form the words. She wanted him to leave Buggy alone. Even if that meant taking his… beating, instead.
He blew out smoke through his nose, waiting patiently for her answer. The hint of a smile lingered as his pale eyes held hers from above the waterline of his scar. And in that moment, he reminded her so strongly of a lurking crocodile. Watching. Waiting. Biding its time to strike. It sent a shiver down her spine, and not entirely out of fear.
Shivs pursed her lips, steeled her emotions, checked her resolve. I'll do it for you, Bugs. It's a deal I know he won't refuse.
She met his intense gaze head on, then dropped hers slowly to his crotch once more. Allowed it to linger there, before looking back up.
He chewed the butt of his cigar and beckoned her. "You never could fit all of me down that skilled throat of yours." 
Shivs watched him uncross his legs as she approached. She trailed her fingertips along his clothed thighs before leaning on them. It brought her face level with his and she deliberately took a moment to breathe in his secondhand smoke. 
“Want to judge if that hasn't changed for the worse?” she whispered against his lips as she savoured the distinct flavours that made up his private blend. 
Strong muscles flexed and relaxed under her palms, and she presumed that to mean ‘yes’. 
She ran her hands down his muscular thighs, taking in their shape until her palms rested on his knees. His breathing changed, she could tell from the way he exhaled smoke. Denser palls, deeper breaths. No resistance as she pushed his knees apart far enough to kneel between them.
Brushing her fingertips across his overstated belt buckle, she smiled to herself. Some things never changed. She slipped the tooled tip through the frame, her movements slow and deliberate as she listened for the subtle shifts in his breathing. She loosened the prong with a sharp tug on the strap, using more force than was strictly necessary. An undercurrent of need laced the grunt that escaped him in response. 
Shivs reached into his pants with both hands, catching his gaze as she drew his penis out, feeling it swell against her palms. She made a noise of appreciation as she let her hands slide down his shaft. His pale eyes hunting after hers when she broke their gaze to look at her fingers fitting around the base. She had not forgotten how tall this part of him was.
Leaning forward, she trailed teasing kisses from halfway down his shaft towards the tip. I’ve swallowed swords longer than this, and dicks aren’t even sharp, she thought as she flicked her tongue past the rim, playful-like. Length was only half the problem though, she knew that perfectly well.
She put a hand on his thigh and leaned on it as she ran the flat of her tongue across the head and took him into her mouth, suckling the tip. Inched his cock further with deliberately slow, short bobs, tilting her head to ensure he’d catch every movement of her lips as they worked around him. Need strained his stoic expression when she stole a glance up. A twitch of his eyebrows when the tip bumped against the back of her mouth. She sucked down and drew his cock back out, watched it twitch and his grip tighten on the backrest as she felt his thigh flex under her palm.
She took him into her mouth again and ran the tip of her tongue along the underside of his cock. Relaxed her neck and let it slip further than before, teasing at the entrance to her throat. Nudging it, stretching it just a bit before sucking down and drawing him back out, tasting precum for her efforts.
The frustrated groan that rumbled up from somewhere deep within his broad chest sent sparks flying down her spine. This is gonna work, she thought as he reached for her head, petted her hair while she teased the precum from him with fleet, wet kisses.
“Stop messing around and swallow my cock, sweetheart,” Crocodile grunted, pale eyes alight with hunger. The petting stopped, fingers tangling into the hair at the back of her neck instead. It was like the twitch on the line that told a fisherman to react.
Shivs glanced up along his hard shaft, and reeled him in: 
“Yes, Sir.”
The horny groan that drew from him, before she’d even begun to take him again, settled comfortably in her bones. Gotcha, she thought.
Shivs breathed slow, deep, steady breaths as she slid his cock along her tongue, lining him up. The head pushed past the entrance of her throat and she switched to shallow breaths through her nose. The grunts and huffs that escaped him every time she swallowed were inhuman and she needed more of it.
She slid his cock further down, felt his thighs tremble as she did. The closer she got, the more his musk pervaded every stifled breath she managed around his thick cock. It was a heavy, heady scent and she shifted her position to press her thighs together. He didn’t notice.
She stroked his legs, ran her hands up to his hips as she leaned closer, and took him deeper still. His fingers were fisted painfully tight into her hair, but his large hand followed her without force or resistance, resting heavily against the back of her neck.
Almost there.
And then the tip of her nose bumped against his flat stomach. She could hardly smirk with his dick this far down her throat but counted on the crinkle of her eyes to work for her as she caught his gaze and slowly raised her hands, palms up. She didn’t care that they trembled. 
Look. No hands, motherfucker.
Crocodile grinned down at her through a huff of smoke, cigar dangling between his teeth. She thought it looked a little worse for wear.
“The pathetic clown doesn’t know what a dirty little slut you are, does he?” Crocodile said, his gravelly voice thick with lust as he petted the back of her neck. “Giving such sweet head to save his sorry hide.” He ran his fingers along her throat as if trying to feel how far down his cock had gone. “I always knew you could do it, sweetheart.”
“Now,” he added as he huffed out a pall of smoke and she felt cool metal sliding around the back of her neck, barring a retreat. “I need my cock-hungry doll to make me feel good.”
Shivs dropped her hands to his hips, gripping the folds of hard muscle there for support. She slid her tongue between her bottom lip and the underside of his cock, making sloppy little noises with the slightest bob of her head. Even those small movements pressed the round curve of his hook into the back of her neck, sending a shiver down her spine that made her squeeze her thighs together. She didn’t bother to try and hide it.
His large hand joined his hook, strong fingers digging into the back of her head, twisting into the hair there and holding her put as his thick cock twitched so far down her throat she didn’t even know anymore where precisely she felt it. She worked her throat around him, drawing rumbling moans from him that pitched.
“Ah -nngh- you feel so good, doll. So. Damn perfect.” His thighs tensed under her arms, flexing his hips with short jerks. She closed her eyes as she swallowed around him, frowning with effort. His breathy grunts as he lightly fucked her throat made her pussy throb.
Suddenly, his grip tightened like a vice and he shoved her nose-first against his hard, trembling stomach muscles, stealing her breath. Her eyes flew open as her throat strained and cramped, swallowing around him in reflex.
 “Fuck, honey. Ah---! Yes, yes.” The satisfied, drawn-out moan as Crocodile spilled his hot cum down her throat reverberated through the quiet office. 
Her fingers dug around his hips, tears jumping into her eyes as she gagged, feeling cum come up around his cock as stars danced into her vision. His grip weakened as he rode out his orgasm and she pulled back before he was quite done pumping cum. Shivs swallowed it mindlessly while coming up for air. His dick slid wetly out of her throat and mouth, streaks of cum connecting them before they broke.
She glanced up from his softening cock, glistening with her saliva all the way to the hilt. He’d tilted his head back, held his cigar nowhere near his mouth as he came down from his orgasm with deep, steadying breaths that expanded his wide chest and flared his nostrils.
He straightened with a lazy groan and a roll of his broad shoulders. 
Shivs met his gaze, panting.
“You’re still my pretty little thing, aren’t you?” Crocodile said, his gravelly voice breathy as he reached for her, stroking her cheek with his thumb. The gold of his ring was smooth where his fingertip felt rough, the warm touch grounding her fried senses. It lingered at her eyepatch, lightly brushing the faded leather. “The things we let people do to our faces…”
He hooked the kerchief from his pocket and dabbed her mouth. She reached for his hand with both of hers, touching the back of it, taking the cloth. She watched him watch her as she cleaned her face.
“Don’t you have a new pretty thing? Miss Face-of-the-Casino in her cute kimono?” Shivs forced her tone to be casual, edged with light mockery, maybe. It was stupid that it’d stung when she’d seen the younger woman. An irrational, petty feeling. An old pain. And, none of her business, at any rate.
The dismissive look that flitted past his pale eyes was rather unexpected. “An investment, nothing more.”
“She’s pretty,” Shivs said. Perhaps, part of the sting had been the fact that Miss Pretty had not responded to her the way women did when they were into other women.
Crocodile looked at his cigar before putting it back in his mouth. “That she is.”
Their gazes crossed and she pursed her lips. He reached for her jaw, fingertips grazing its curve. Then leaned down and pressed a peck against her frown. She sat up and chased after him as he took another draw from his cigar, stole the aromatic smoke from him as she teased her tongue into his mouth. He blew it out through his nose, taking the cigar from his mouth as he caught the back of her neck with his hook and took control of the kiss.
“You can have one if you like, sweetheart,” he said when they broke apart, indicating his cigar. 
And lord, if she wasn't tempted.
“You share ‘em these days?”
His derisive ‘hmph’ made her smirk as she rose to her feet. 
“What about Miss Pretty? She enjoy your… cigars?” Shivs said, and noticed she’d gotten his cum all over Buggy’s sweater. Shit.
Crocodile glanced at her, pale eyes searching. “I prefer making deals with those who have something of value to offer, doll.”
Shivs put her hands in her pockets and rocked up on the balls of her feet with a mildly overacted grin. “Oh, it’s a deal then? You’ll play nice?”
“My compliance doesn’t come that cheap,” he said through a huff of smoke.
She crooked an eyebrow, risking a hint of ridicule in her tone. “Cheap? And here I was, thinking I have a unique skill up for offer.”
He actually cracked a smile as he flicked the butt of his cigar into the general direction of his desk and ashtray. Then beckoned her with hook and hand. 
“Come here, doll.”
It would have been too easy.
She sauntered back to him and linked her fingers with his, curling the others around his hook, letting him draw her into his lap, straddling his thighs. He shifted so his cock was between them, pressing against her clothed cunt.
“What else will it cost me?” she said as she rested her hands on his shoulders, lightly riding against him. Every rub along his dick pulsed pleasure up her spine, and she hadn’t failed to notice it was already stiffening again.
He stoked the tip of his hook along her cheek as his large hand took in the shape of her firm butt, guiding her movement. “I want to know if your tight pussy can take all of me now, too.”
“Here, on a couch?” she said as she slipped her fingertips under his coat and pushed it off his shoulders. She trailed her hands down the revers of his vest, grabbed hold of them as she dry humped against him. “I thought you said you weren’t cheap?”
The bark of laughter that drew from him shouldn’t make her smile the way it did.
He pressed a kiss against it. 
“I wouldn’t dare, honey,” Crocodile said as he gathered her up in his arms and rose smoothly from the couch, leaving his coat behind. He strode across his study and through the adjacent library to the expansive bedroom beyond. She remembered the sweeping view from its curving window wall and the sea of nightlights twinkling far below.
Instead of depositing her on his spacious bed, he set her down on the plush rug beside it. And motioned up and down her clothes with a dismissive gesture. “Take those rags off.”
Not my rags, Shivs thought as she kicked her boots aside, removed her baggy pants and grabbed the edge of the sweater. She didn’t wear a bra. She didn’t like them, and she hadn’t bothered wearing one this evening either.
Fingertips traced the lacy sides of her underwear while she had the sweater pulled over her head.
“You still have those.”
He sounded…not surprised. Curious, maybe?
“No reason to get rid of perfectly fine underwear,” she said as she freed herself from the sweater, finding he’d already undressed.
“They can stay on,” he said as she folded the sweater, her hand lingering on it before she turned to him.
“For now?”
A smile twitched the corner of his lips. 
“Here, doll.” He held something out to her, cream-coloured and neatly folded. It seemed small and delicate in his large hand.
When she took it, the fabric cascaded into a surprisingly classy, mid-thigh negligee of shimmering silk. The top was constructed from intricately detailed lace with tiny bananawani worked into the pattern.
“Pretty,” she said as she brushed a finger across the delicate lace. She put it on and it fit her so neatly it felt like a second skin. An outrageously luxurious second skin for the silk felt soft as sin and the lace light as air. She turned a full circle on her tiptoe, overacting it just a little. She knew he liked that.
“Looks good on you.” He reached for her head, combing his fingers through her tangled red hair, tucking stray bangs behind the strip of her eyepatch. “I’d never let you get so grimy.”
“Can’t be a dirty little slut if you wash me.”
“Hah.” Crocodile leaned down and scooped her up into his arms, just like that. “Come here before I shove my cock down your throat again to shut you up.”
“Don’t tempt me- ah!”
Her reply cut off when he suddenly let go, dropping her into his bed. And that was quite the distance, even if the landing was soft. He immediately climbed on top of her, caging her with his much larger body. She spread her legs, accommodating his wider hips as he reached for her breast. His thumb traced circles around her nipple through the fine lace, stiffening at his touch.
“Like what you see?”
“Always have, doll,” he rumbled against her collarbone. Though no longer smoking, she could still smell it on him. Would be able to pick it out of a crowd. Subtle tones that reminded her of burnt coffee, dry glass and cinnamon, mingling with the faint wax smell of his hair gel and heavier citric notes of his cologne.
A small gasp escaped her when he brushed the lace down and kissed her hard nipple, taking it into his mouth and licking the sensitive tip. She felt the curve of his hook press against her hip, hitching up the silk as his hand slipped between her thighs. Strong, confident fingers pressed against the fabric of her panties and outer labia underneath. It ignited old desires, flickering life into fires she’d thought snuffed out.
His rough fingers traced the delicate lace, undulating with its curling, stylised waves. Her breath caught when they found the edge along the crease of her thigh. A mewl on her lips as he dipped them under the smooth fabric, fingertips grazing the warm, sensitive skin of her outer labia and sending sparkles of anticipation up her spine. The delicate fabric stretched with an alarming whimper from the seams as strong digits brushed between her folds, not quite able to reach. He grunted against her breast at the soaked pussy he found there.
She felt him slip the hook under the edge, warm from resting against her hip. The thought of him pulling her panties down with it lit up every nerve in the vague vicinity of her hips. Her eyes snapped open at the sharp jerk, the sudden cry of fabric tearing at the seam between silk and lace. 
Shivs made a noise, nose wrinkling. Those were the nicest-.
“I’ll get you new ones,” Crocodile promised against the curve of her breast, his gaze down as he hooked the fabric from her hips. The hunger in his pale eyes as he looked at her pussy made her spread her legs further. He leaned down to caress her labia and press a light kiss against them that made her throb, thinking about his tongue.
A breathy huff escaped Shivs when he slid his middle finger between her folds instead, running slow circles around her inner labia. Gathering the moisture there before teasing them apart and brushing across her clenching entrance. Pleasure sizzled up her spine when he pressed it inside, mapping her inner walls and finding all the right places far too easily. If he kept this up, she was going to come very soon.
He switched to her other breast, teasing the sensitive skin as he inserted a second finger. “I seem to remember you liked getting your little hole stretched,” he rumbled against her nipple, and spread his large fingers apart. She moaned at the strength in them, the ease with which they pried her open. It sent twinges of sweet, sweet pressure blazing through the haze of need fogging her thoughts.
She reached down to his hand, stroke the back of it. Found his thumb and guided it against her clit with a needy moan. Her thighs trembled as he massaged it firmly, pushed his fingers all the way in, then spread them as he pulled out. She felt his knuckles and the hard edges of his rings press into her labia when he pushed them back in but she didn’t mind, kind of liked it. She reached a hand for his shoulder, neck, grabbing hold of the tout muscle there as she arched her back towards him. His pace was torturously slow and she was loving it.
Shivs let out a drawn out whine when he stopped, pulled at his neck, wrist, knowing perfectly well neither will give an inch but trying, anyway. She tried to clench her thighs, rub them together, nurse the need smouldering in her veins, but his knees were between hers and she writhed in vain.
Crocodile shifted unto his elbow, bunching the silk further up her hips while taking his hard dick in hand. A hoarse whisper close to her ear as he guided the head against her slick pussy: “Won’t you beg for my cock, sweetheart?”
“I need to feel your cock in me,” Shivs said as she caught his hungry gaze. “Feel it fill me, stretch me.”
He grunted with barely contained need, she could see it in the straining of his back as she reached for his thick neck, folding her hands behind it. Felt it in the way his hips twitched as he pressed his shaft through her wet folds, coating it with her juices.
“Am I not a good girl, sir?”
“Yes, you are.”
Shivs moaned loudly when he entered her. Whined at the delicious pressure as he pushed deeper into her soaking wet pussy, stretching her around him. She clung to his neck, mewling with incoherent need. Her hand went to his hair, messing it up but not caring. Neither did he.
“Ah -ngh- fuck,” Crocodile grunted, his breath hot against her neck.
Shivs held onto him for dear life as she arched against his hard body, savoured the sharp pleasure of him stretching her cramping, soaking cunt wide enough to plough through. He’d not bottomed out yet. If she could take him, she’d have him wrapped around her finger.
“You’re. Fuck. As tight. As I remember. Sweetheart,” Crocodile groaned into her neck, his gravelly voice strained to the point of being near unintelligible. It was getting tougher and tougher to push further through her tight, contracting walls.
“Almost there,” Shivs whispered as she brushed a stray bang of dark hair from his eyes.
The noise he made in response was inhuman and she drank it in as she closed her eyes, spread her legs further to accommodate his hips and relaxed every muscle she could still feel. A whimper bubbled from her lips when he pushed up against something deep within her that twitched a pleasure so sharp up her spine it sat right next to pain. 
“Fuck, yes,” he ground out as his hips pressed flush against hers, his breath hot, heavy pants buffeting against the crook of her neck. “Feels. So good.”
He managed to push himself up onto his elbow, satisfaction animating his whole face as he looked at their joined hips, her soft labia squashed against his pubes. Shivs whimpered, his movement nudging tight bursts of pleasure deep within her. 
“I knew you could do it, doll.” His tone was thick with lust, laboured from his heavy breathing. He gently brushed a strand of sweat-slick red hair from her forehead with his hook, looking so proud. “You like getting your little cunt stuffed, don’t you?"
Shivs gave a sharp nod, struggling to form words.
“I know you do, honey,” he whispered as he rolled his hips against hers, not truly thrusting. She reached for his face with trembling hands, stroking his hard jaw. He grunted under his breath with each push and she pressed pecks against the puffs of hot breath until he responded. Until he chased her tongue back into her own mouth and pressed her head back into the pillow with the desperate force of his kiss, demanding entrance with his tongue that she was more than willing to give. 
“That's all you g-got?” she whispered through a moan and a bated breath when they broke their kiss for want of air. “I b-barely feel it.”
“Ah? You want more, doll?” Crocodile pulled out with a grunt, just a fraction, before shoving himself back inside her to the hilt, making her mewl with pleasure through clenched teeth as his cock bottomed out and up against her cervix. “Shall I take you back to my study? Pound you bend over my desk, like I used to?”
Shivs whined into his mouth as she latched onto him again, arms tightening around his thick neck as her cunt squeezed around his cock from the pleasure coiling around her spine. If he took her from behind, he could probably push deeper still. Oh, she’d be in trouble.
“Who’s cheap now, hrm?” A breathy hum into her ear as the obscene slap of his hips against hers filled his bedroom. She whined in need, the heady mix of mind numbing pleasure laced with an edge of pain making her tremble against him. “Do you want to be my little whore again? My pretty fuck slut to sit on my cock whenever and wherever I want?”
All she could do was whine and roll her hips to meet his steady thrusts. Fingers digging into the taut muscles across his shoulders, keeping him close as he fucked her deeper than she’d ever felt a man, even him. She whimpered, the heady mix of mind numbing pleasure laced with an edge of pain all but overwhelming her. Especially when he thrust just right, shoving his cock against a sensitive spot so deep inside her she didn’t even know she had it.
“I missed my. Pretty cocksleeve,” Crocodile grunted into her ear. “The. Only. Little slut that can take me -hng- properly.”
“Fuck me harder,” Shivs whispered, hands massaging his broad shoulders. He groaned with effort, she could feel the bridled strength in the muscles working under her palms. His pace picked up, and so did the strain in his body. Every thrust stretched her so deliciously, stimulating every needy nerve inside of her. 
“Do it,” she moaned wantonly as his thrusts started to push her up on the bed, her weight no match against his strength. “I c-can take it.”
“Ah - hng- you’re. Going to. Make me cum, doll,” he growled through clenched teeth. He grabbed her shoulder, holding her in place as he jerked his thrusts up against her. Her mind was unravelling. The only thing she could think about was his cock filling her, burning up every single nerve she had as needy pleasure coiled in her belly. She wanted him to cum. She really did.
When he paused, she struggled to comprehend why. Her gaze found his. Sweat beaded on his forehead, his mouth slack to accommodate the deep breaths heaving his chest. He was barely holding still, strain thrumming through every inch of his large frame above her.
“Does. My pretty little thing want. Cum as deep in her tight pussy. As her pretty throat?”
She whined, pulled at his neck with both hands. “Y-yes.”
“Beg. For it.”
“P-please,” she whimpered as she tried to make him move, weakly rolled her hips towards him. 
“Please what?”
“Please, s-sir.”
The noise he uttered in response to that settled somewhere at the primal base of her brain. She wanted, no, needed, to hear it again.
“Please, sir. Pound my needy hole like I deserve,” she mewled into his ear, savouring the way his breath hitched, that noise came again. 
“Damnit, doll,” Crocodile grunted through clenched teeth as he picked up a pace that became quickly rougher, slightly erratic. He locked his hold on her shoulder, broad fingers digging around her thin muscles and narrow bones, keeping her put as he pounded into her soaking, cramping cunt. “Gonna fuck you so full, you'll be leaking my cum well into tomorrow.”
“Please, please, pleaaasse,” she whined and clenched around him as he fucked her into the sinfully soft matrass with long, deep strokes that shoved his cock shamelessly up against her cervix to fit it all in. She wanted, needed, to cum around it, desperate for release. “Fuck me full of cum, sir. Stuff my tight cunny like you did my slutty mouth.”
“I -ngh- will, honey. I am,” he ground out, barely intelligible as his pace lost all semblance of rhythm and he bucked against her in the grip of his orgasm’s first throes.
“Oh! Yes, yes,” she moaned as he shoved his throbbing cock as far as she could take it, cumming against the deepest corner of her cunt as she shuddered around his cock with unfulfilled need. He stayed buried inside her as he came down, breath erratic before steadying, slowing. She whimpered in need, clenching around his softening cock. She hadn’t been able to cum around it like she wanted. It was too thick to cramp enough for a proper orgasm. She knew that, but had thought maybe this time…
He knew it, too. Remembered it.
“You’re still my pretty little thing, aren’t you?” he said as he caressed her cheek, ran his thumb across her parted lips. “Unable to cum around a cock like a big girl.”
She made a small noise that he swallowed in a kiss.
They stayed that way until her breathing steadied as well. Then he sat up and gathered her into his lap. She held onto him, her cheek against his collarbone. Not quite ready yet to let go.
“You look parched, doll,” Crocodile said as he brushed a bang from her eyes.
Shivs peered up at him. “I would not say ‘no’ to a sweet white.”
A noise escaped him that could have been a fond one as he lifted her off his lap and rose. The sound of his retreating footsteps filled the quiet. He’d gone to his study, judging by the distance. Shivs got up as well and shimmied the negligee down. Despite everything, she did not feel like taking it off. It felt nice against her flushed skin.
She sauntered to the curved window wall and found the view precisely as she remembered it. A sea of nightlights twinkled across the city below, mirroring the deep blue, star-speckled sky above. The moon hung low, waning from view. It wasn’t long before he returned. She heard him uncork a bottle behind her and fill two glasses. The snap and swoosh of his lighter. The familiar scent of his cigar preceding him as he came to stand beside her, still naked.
He held a glass out to her, a cigarillo clamped against its curve. The wine was a deep bronze instead of the pale yellow usual to white wines. She accepted the glass and smoke, gaze lingering on the narrow slot through its delicate stem. It allowed him to hold them with his hook without slipping. She glanced sideways and up at him. A fond smile twitched her lips when she noticed his hair was neater than before. He’d evidently taken a comb to it for a hot second.
Shivs put the cigarillo in her mouth and turned to find his lighter lying on the nightstand beside the wine bottle, and a corkscrew with its split cork still attached. She glanced at the label as she lit the cigarillo. It read ‘1811’ in large, proud capitals, and a name in a curving script she couldn’t be bothered to try and decipher. She would not be able to afford it, anyway.
Taking a sip, she returned to his side. The wine was sweet, indeed. With hints of lime, honey, saffron. She made herself comfortable against him, her bum resting on his thigh. “It’s a nice view,” she said as she blew out a thin pall of smoke.
He glanced down at her and their gazes crossed as he idly stroked her hip. “It is.”
Shivs leaned into his touch, sipping the wine. It really was, very good.
“Clever scheme you’ve gotten up to, in order to save the loser’s sorry hide,” Crocodile remarked as he blew a smoke ring against the narrow cloud she’d just produced. “But it has a flaw.”
Shivs let her weight shift from his thigh to his loin, only the soft silk between them. “You sure?”
A self-satisfied smile twitched behind his cigar as he gave her hip a squeeze. “None of this will work on Dracule.”
Only because I don’t have a penis, she thought, but no matter. They may have both grown older, but Croki was still fundamentally the same man she’d left years ago. And that would work for her, she was sure of it. Inevitably, Mihawk would pick on Bugs. She would take it upon herself to get irritatingly upset about it. Mihawk would no doubt insult her next, and Sir Self-Satisified here would take it personally by-proxy and shut him up. It’d be a win.
“I’ll think of something,” Shivs said as she blew a thin pall through his smoke ring, dispersing it.
He glanced at her, amused. “He’s partial to good wine, at least.”
“I’ll take it under advisement.”
She nipped her own wine, idly rubbing her thighs together. Pleasure skulked around the base of her spine, denied but not forgotten. She made a little noise against her glass when she felt his hand move up her thigh, his thumb brush under the edge of the negligee.
“Still needy?” he said as he bunched up the fine silk, rubbing his middle and ring finger against her clit in slow circles. It sent lazy sparks of pleasure straight to her brain. Drawing a shuddering whimper from her as he dipped his middle finger between her folds.
“Cum for me, honey,” Crocodile rumbled as he lightly ran the tip of his finger along the inner rim of her vagina, then teased the sensitive spot further down. Shivs gasped through her moan as the briefest shudder of an orgasm stole over her like a thief in the night. It was not enough, not nearly enough.
“N-need more,” she said as she put the glass down with a wobble. Reached for his large hand when he stopped, withdrew, tugging it back. Bunching two of his fingers together, of a mind to stick them into herself if he didn't.
“Come to our board meeting tomorrow. You’ll come sit with me and I’ll take good care of your needy little hole.” He shook her fussy touch and caught her pubes, massaging his palm firmly against her soft cunt, pressing her bum against his cock. “You can ride my palm like you used to, and I’ll make you cum on my fingers till your tight pussy is sore from cramping around them.”
Shivs wasn’t particularly keen on doing any of this semi-publically, least of all anywhere Bugs would be. Though she feared she wouldn’t be able to talk herself out of this, as easily as she’d talked herself into it.
“Don’t worry, doll. I’ll leave the pathetic clown alone,” Crocodile promised as he stroked her flat belly with the rounding of his hook. “Can’t beat the loser if my hand is occupied with something sweeter, hm?”
Shit. She had to tell Bugs. Forewarned, forearmed, and all that. She turned in his hold, his hand moving to her butt instead. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” she said, but he caught her wrist when she took a step back.
“Ah, ah,” he admonished as he stopped her, pulled her with him, back into bed. “You’re staying with me tonight.”
“I, what? Why?” 
Suddenly, she wanted to leave as he gathered her against him, nestling her into his lap and chest, spooning his large body around her like a cage. She wanted to leave, wanted to go to Buggy and cry when he guided his cock back inside her still moist pussy with an incriminating noise and a satisfied rumble. She’d meant to turn this trick and tell Buggy about it. Tell him her plan to manipulate the ex-warlord to leave him alone, to leave them alone. Tell him it had worked. 
Shivs pushed herself on her elbow but Crocodile pulled her back down to him.
“Stay,” he said as he hooked the fluffy underblanket and silk cover sheets about them, his arm around her waist, hand on her hip.
“Why.” She had to tell Buggy, but now she couldn’t. She’d left after they’d gone to bed. She hadn’t told him yet. He didn’t know. He’d wake up alone.
Crocodile stroked the midline of her belly with the tip of his hook, rippling the cream-coloured silk as it moved up her chest, counting to the fifth rib. The one behind which her heart sat.
“Wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.”
A quiet sob escaped her.
"Ssh, sleep, honey," Crocodile whispered into her hair, fingertips stroking her hip. “I’ll take good care of you tomorrow.”
Honourary mention tags: @smut-goblin , @ruledbyproblematique , @gingernut1314 , @swirlsofblackandwhite
(N/A): To anyone reading & making it to the end. Writing this has consumed me the past days. I want to know what you think! What did you like? What made you laugh? Was there something specific you noticed? Something you now wonder about? I am 100% open to lengthy comments and blow by blows, ngl. I am obsessed with this.
If you want for more, I jotted down some of my own thoughts regarding this debacle. I may also be plotting another stint. Because Impel Down, do you understand me??
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georgieluz · 7 months
Hey Jules! 2, 9, 14, 19, 24, and 28 for the HBO War positivity ask game please ☺️
hi lou!! ofc ofc!! :)
2 - who are some your fav creators/mutuals?
i love all of my mutuals and every creator in the fandom bc everyone is just amazing!! but to list just a few @footprintsinthesxnd, yourself!! (@luckynumber4), @ep6bastogne @lamialamia @thewayisset @lewis-winters @jenkil @mads-weasley @hellofanidea @liptonwashere @malarkgirlypop @panzershrike-pretz @sweetxvanixlla @whollyjoly @samwinchesterslostshoe @next-autopsy @iceman-kazansky @heystovepipeboys @theflyingfin @cody-helix02 and many many more!
special shout out to the cult!! zim zam, my friends, zim zam!!! also i'm so sorry if i forgot to tag anyone!!
9 - a ship that you can't get enough of?
bradnate, andyeddie, snurgie, ronnix, lipluz, webgott, and no matter how much winnix i consume it never gets old so them too!
14 - your fav underrated character?
ooh this is always hard bc everyone classifies underrated as a different thing.. are burgie and harry underrated? if so, them! chuck grant, tab (this man is so loved he's can't be underrated but i couldn't not mention mr lover lover himself), alton more??? one of the most interesting easy co men for sure!! wish we had more of him (lol)
19 - what's your fav universally-accepted/fanon headcanon about a character?
ooh either all the nix childhood fanon or the andyeddie ghosts/afterlife/grief fanon.. yeah.. that hits the spot
24 - what wip from another creator are you most excited about?
all of @ep6bastogne's wips (yes i read all your tags about them in utter anticipation), @luckynumber4's burgie wip! anything @footprintsinthesxnd writes! same with @lewis-winters ALL of your wips sound so so sooooo up my street/my thing!! there are so many more but despite my plans to spend the day at home i actually have to leave the comfort of my bed and brave the cold outside, and i'm late already so i'm gonna have to stop listing, but it's very likely that i'm excited for almost every single wip any of you guys have!
28 - what's something that lives in your brain rent free and you want everyone to know about the show/the fandom/your works?
outside of hbowar??? oooh i have LOADS of things!! the thick of it!! it has such clever funny writing, the best dialogue and political satire ever, because it's just so true to life and accurate for uk politics. peter capaldi is fucking amazing in it! and you'll see a lot of uk actors that are famous for other things here. but yeah, it's just hilarious and witty and clever. love it. go watch it. ummm other than that, the korean band onewe!! please go listen to them, they are ridiculously talented and have the kindest most lovely and accepting fandom in the world. in fact, the hbo war fandom and onewe fandom are the only two fandoms i've ever felt happy and comfortable in. onewe write beautiful songs with the most gorgeous lyrics (they have a space series which is one of my all-time favourites). ALSO pride (2014) as a movie recommendation! this film is my comfort film but it tears me apart as well. some people watch it for the queerness and come away learning about welsh history too.. for others, it's the opposite. but as a welsh gay man for me both those elements are so important to who i am and my own identity, that this film is just feels so incredibly special to me. especially the character gethin who i really feel i can relate to a lot due to our circumstances. tim roth is someone who i always wanna shout about and who lives rent free in my head too. love that man so much. also the band the libertines!! because them and the strokes were my entire teenage years and i pretty much grew up with their music as my 'soundtrack'. ok i think that's enough, even though i definitely have way more to shout about. sorry i rambled!
for this ask game!
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m-y--p-a-s-s-i-o-n-s · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @saybiwithme :)
How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What fandoms do you write for?
Teen Wolf
James Bond
Star Trek
Harry Potter
House MD
The Old Guard
Detroit Become Human
The Witcher
Good Omens
Our Flag Means Death
Ted Lasso
Carnival Row
Doctor Who
The Umbrella Academy
True Blood
So, just a few XD
3. Top five fics by kudos:
1- Meant To Be (Star Trek AOS)
2- Making Love (Venom)
3- 5 Times Jim Forgot About Vulcan Hand Sensitivity & 1 Time He Didn't (Star Trek AOS)
4- Lunch Break (House M.D.)
5- Truth Or Dare (Supernatural)
4. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, unless it's hate or I have not a single thing to say in response
5. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Off the top of my head, I think its gotta be:
Whatever This Is Between Us (Endverse SPN)
Pheromones (Good Omens)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Now this one is problematic, how am I supposed to chose just one??? I specialise in happy endings XD Ummm, lets see...possibly...
The Umbrella (Good Omens)
The One That Got Away (TOS Star Trek)
Good News (DBH)
7. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, but yes, I just delete the comment cause they're not worth my time.
8. Do you write smut?
Soooo much smut
9. Craziest crossover?
Hahahahahaha XD I love this question, not only is it my craziest crossover, its just my craziest fic in general XD
Just imagine some crazy person (this bitch) decided to write a fic for all of their ships (up to that date), they all meet up and work together, and there's a lot of smut, and hot damn, there's even a plot.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Two that I'm aware of :D
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Fragments (Star Trek AOS) with @lizzy0305
Double Date (Star Trek AOS)
13. All time favourite ship?
Spirk <3
14. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A Destiel AU with cook!Dean and office job!Cas
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue I think, and fluff. And I think I can usually get their voices pretty spot on fairly quickly usually.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Details, I have to really think about putting in details. And I write quite slow.
17. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Love it as long as a translation happens either within the fic, or in the author's notes so I know what it says. I use the Vulcan language a fair bit in my Trek fics.
18. First fandom you wrote in?
Technically it was Harry Potter before I knew what fanfiction even was. But it was Supernatural when I knew it was fanfiction I was writing, and it was the first fandom I posted fic for. My first fic: Acceptance (Supernatural)
19. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh boi this is a tough one...heres a couple of my favs...
An Artist and His Muse (Good Omens)
Something Special (Staged)
The One That Got Away (Star Trek TOS)
The Update (DBH)
Under the Shape of Dessert (BBC Sherlock)
What No Man Has Done Before (HP/ST AOS)
In Search of the Sun (Star Trek AOS)
20. What’s your total ao3 word count? (I missed this one at the top and just added it to the bottom XD)
698,179 words
TAGGING: @lizzy0305 @doonarose @ineffable-ezra and my other followers who write fics!
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pitconfirm · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you for tagging @mars-mystic!! mwah 😽
1. How many works do you have on ao3
eight, two of which are anon teehee (but i think one is very obviously mine 😅)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
60,694... soon to be over 70k 🙈
3. What fandoms do you write for?
im just here for lance nation..... writing about my pookie wookie
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
excluding my anon fics which are the actual #1 and #3...
1 - Gatito (the people yearn for kitty lance)
2 - Midas Touch
3 - Broken Glass (guys please someone else write more 141831 im begging....... i cannot be the only threesome in this tag)
4 - Venus Flytrap
5 - Kamikaze
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments.... i love every comment I respond to every comment unless it's just emojis or i have literally no idea how to respond 😭
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess Kamikaze is my only fic with a kind of angsty ending... but not really. i don't like angsty endings 😭 i need problems to be solved. if i know a fic has an angsty ending i generally will not even touch it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
im now realising that most of my fics on ao3 are just straight up porn..... i swear i am planning more substantial things in the future. but i guess my two tumblr drabbles have happy endings?? oh wait or Detonate.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
luckily i've never gotten any hate at all..... not even anon hate asks, i feel like im missing out. this is what I get for being kind and amazing 😔🫶
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
do i even need to answer this. every kind. almost.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not crossovers but there are like.... specific aus living in my mind that i want to write. hunger games au, dbh au.... beloveds.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i hope not 🤨
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no....... not yet 🤔
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
tbh I’ve read so many different fandoms and ships over the years but strollonso is the one I’ve been most feral about. or maybe arthur/eames from inception…..
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I literally have zero wips right now except venus flytrap. the ideas in my brain have dried up like the sahara desert to work on this thing. once I’m finished we’ll see
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I have good wit and flow. and maybe attention to detail… always thinking what more I can add to a scene to make it more palpable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think just…. really terrible self criticism. a lot of the time I’m writing and I’m like… what if this sucks what if everyone hates this what if blah blah blah….. WHO CARES!!!!!! I wish I could be less worried about that
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I will write a few words if I feel confident enough about them but not whole passages. I always have nando saying little bits in spanish
19. First fandom you wrote for?
TOOOO EMBARRASSING. I only ever wrote for one other fandom and I was 13 on wattpad and shudder every time I remember
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I guess it has to be venus flytrap for the pure amount of effort I’ve put in…. and because it’s definitely the most well written by farrrr. I cringe a little reading my other stuff now 😭 but I guess that’s just the nature of improving over time
NO idea who’s already done this so forgive me if I’m being a goof @lil-shiro @lou-who-writes @parallelplayers @boxboxbrioche @vicsy @userkritaaay and now my brain is firing blanks so sorry if I forgot any of my beautiful writer friends
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lovesickfolly · 10 months
tagged by @aleng-neng. What are my fave top 9 shows in no particular order. (All of these I have at 10/10.) I'll only pick recent shows, as they're the ones I have listed on MyDramaList and thus have a ranking for. XD This means it's mostly bls and cdramas. 1. Moonlight Chicken.
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One of my feelgood shows, even though it's still new. It feels comfortable and adult and grounded, with a bunch of amazing actors who are clearly comfortable with each other. As an 'older queer' it resonates with me a lot and I didn't dislike a single thing about it.
2. The Blood of Youth.
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A really fun show with gorgeous, engaging characters and the right mix of beautiful scenery, beautiful people, and creative storytelling that I like. Sprinkle in some excellent fight scenes and a bunch of my favourite actors and I'm sold!
3. Old Fashion Cupcake.
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I talked about mature stories earlier and this is another one of those. I could see myself in the main lead just a bit too much for me not to love this. Nozue recognizes that he's maybe stuck in a rut and complacent when he doesn't have to be. And, maybe, that handsome junior at the firm could help him get out of it (and make him recognize he's not straight).
4. KinnPorsche.
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Look, I know it has its issues. I know. And I know people have an issue with some of the fandom. I get it and for the most part I agree. However, this was the first BL in a long time that I had the urge to write fic for. I enjoyed the complexity of the universe and the characters that much. (Even if some of it didn't make sense. but that's half the fun!) And that's why I like it. It got my brain involved. (And I just adore Tankhun, okay.)
5. Word of Honor.
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Years ago I watched a few cdramas and then...somehow forgot about them? (I don't know how I did that.) However, back in 2019 I got back into them and eventually stumbled upon The Untamed. 'This is the pinnacle of cdrama for me and my tastes!' I thought. But then Word of Honor showed up. Look, everything about this show is stunning. The story, the characters, the setting, the clear and unadulterated love between the two main characters. Everything and everyone is beautiful and I've never gone through a cdrama as fast as I did this one. It's beautiful in ever sense of the word. And so, so queer. Don't believe me? Just search 'word of honor cdrama' in the gif section on tumblr and marvel at the art.
6. A Tale of Thousand Stars.
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This is not the first Thai BL I watched, but it almost feels like it? Because ATOTS is the first one I remember going crazy about (and it set me on the road to basically loving everything EarthMix are in together). I was super invested and wanted to draw art and everything. It's just such a nice, soft, romantic story and the characters are so fun. This is probably the one I've rewatched the most.
7. Semantic Error.
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As you can tell, I generally like stories that feel far away from home. I like magic and fantasy and settings that aren't typical. However, this is one of the few exceptions. I think it's the characters and their journey and the perfect execution of tropes that would have felt stale in any other show. It's a fun story with excellent characters and I get why it's so popular.
8. Mysterious Lotus Casebook.
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Technically, I can't say this show is 10/10 yet because it still has a bunch of episodes to go. However, I can tell it's going to get close at least. (And will probably get to 10.) I keep comparing it to a perfect blend of The Blood of Youth and A League of Nobleman, in that it's a fantasy world with a master swordsman who's dying (and begrudgingly adopts a cute puppy who loves him) and a bunch of cases that need solving (to unravel the overarching plot). It's so much fun and the settings + characters are so beautiful. (And I may or may not heavily ship the loyal, eager puppy with the stoic, lying dying man who tries to push him away (and literally abandon him) in an attempt to keep him safe (from harm and heartache).) The hurt/comfort and love against all odds is strong in this one! He gave up his lifelong dream to protect a man who's been lying to him ever since they met and whom is at that point a wanted fugitive!! Because he trusts and loves him so. Also, it has a bunch of very handsome and gorgeous actors/characters in it, whom I love (and who suffer beautifully).
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9. ??? I only have 8 shows that I've given 10/10 to (or a prospective 10/10, lol), so I'll just leave you with some other recommended shows that came close! Bad Buddy
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Between Us
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Choco Milk Shake
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Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms
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My Only 12%
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Ancient Love Poetry
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That's it! I invested way too much effort into this, but...it was fun? Sorry for clogging up your timelines with this, though!
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burntblueberrywaffles · 7 months
Fic tag game
got tagged by @fangeek-girl ❤️❤️
How many works do you have on Ao3?
I have 7 works but 3 of them are fanfic lol
2. What's your Ao3 word count?
1896 words total. Your girl is definitely one for brevity LOL
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Wednesday, that one drabble I made for The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, and I've been writing for Star Wars (though I haven't posted anything yet) and Mrs maisel (i wrote a whole short fic for that almost a year ago but I forgot about it completely until I found it in my notes apps, I should get around to posting it)  
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I don't have 5 fics total but here's my current count in order:
2-The world's a little blurry
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes always! the fact that people are READING my stuff and taking time to comment has me 🥺🥺🥺
My writing ao3 isnt linked to my main email adress though so sometimes it takes me a while to respond because I wont see it until I periodically check my fic stats
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
.....Probably The world's a little blurry let's be real (I'm going to fix it it in the next one in the series, I promise!!!)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
akdadhjgsjgd hard to say all my shit is angsty, I guess Pretend?? kind of, it's less of a downer than the other ones. The final part of Come a little closer will have a happy ending though I promise! (already finished writing the end, I just need to write the beginning lol)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No ❤️ I don't think any of my stuff has gotten enough attention for that lol
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
NO my ace ass has no experience with that so I wouldn't know how 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️(I might need to in some future project, fortunately a lot of my friends are perverts (affectionate) so I could probably ask for some guidance if it comes to that LOL)
10. Do you write cross-overs?
No, I'm not a big fans of crossovers in general so certainly have never felt compelled to write one.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
13. What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
So many ugh I cant even choose, it's more rare for me to actually finish something than the opposite, that's why I'll never post anything unless the whole thing is finished (only exception is my current series, but that's because I felt like each fic making up the series were self-contained enough that they didn't need to follow up immediatly to work? if that makes sense - plus the first one was a one shot and only thought of how to follow it up after posting it)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm really good at imagery and emotion (being a poetry writer goes brrrrr)
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
DESCRIPTIONS oh god I'm so bad at it. My fic are vibes only lmao, what are they wearing? where are they? what movements are they doing? NOT IMPORTANT how about I offer you 12 metaphors on how this character is feeling instead. (though I'm forcing myself to work on it haha)
I also struggle with any longer story arc... there's a reason all my stuff is so short lol
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If it's in french it would be pretty fun since it's my ✨first language✨ hehe. For other languages I'd see if one of my friends speak it but otherwise idk if I'd include it bc I don't want to butcher another language, I've seen too many english authors put french through the ringer it's painful 😭
18. First fandom you wrote for?
I guess Julie and the Phantoms? I never posted it but I had a pretty advanced fic for that. unless you count the 13 reasons why fic I posted on wattpas when i was early teen but we dont talk about that
19. Favourite fic you've ever written?
right now it has to be The world's a little blurry, I just love how it came out hehe
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
none right now.
Anyway tagging @nonamemanga @beri-allen @unlifeira @realmermaid333 @suchaladyy @witchysith @king-crimson-works @theycallme-thejackal and anyone else who might want to do it!
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mtreebeardiles · 8 months
Fandom Questions
Ah! Got tagged by @theoriginalladya - Many thanks! I think I read this at like...some obscene hour in the early morning, passed back out, and promptly forgot about it til just now hahaha
Tagging let's see uhhh... @urdnotflexthejedibard @aleiocus @solstheimtxt @clericofshadows and uhhh @illusivesoul -- only if ya'll want to, of course!
How many works do you have on AO3? 50!
What's your total AO3 words count? 643,168
What fandoms do you write for? That have actually been posted: Mass Effect, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Cyberpunk: 2077, Dragon Age, Fallout 4, The Outer Worlds
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Intangible Things (131) The Paths You Take (125) Biotic Theory (95) No Matter What (92) Stealing for Spite (92)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! Even just an expression of gratitude, though I'm not averse to rambling hahaha
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmm that's probably No Matter What, my in between fic for ME2 and ME3...
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Currently, gotta say Restoration (ME3/Post-ME3, mshepclone x Major Coats)
Do you get hate on fics? Hmm I don't think I'd qualify anything as "hate," but I have had readers express a dislike for a direction I seemed to be going in. Eh, what can ya do?
Do you write smut. If so what kind? I do! Generally not very explicit, and I'm a sucker for fluffy smut specifically. I love lovers being incredibly dorky together, and that includes in the bedroom.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Hahahah, yes. Stardew Effect is a crossover of Mass Effect and Stardew Valley that I'm surprised got a lot of positive reception haha
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated? No
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No. Original works, yes, but that was a while back, and never for fanfics.
What's your all-time favourite ship? I gotta pick ONE!? How about...one per my favorite fandoms...ME: mshenko, ME:A, mreyder, and Cyberpunk: m!V x Kerry
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? It's not a matter of doubt, it's a matter of getting my muses to be consistent. I'll get to all WIPs in due time, though some may be absorbed into other projects that better suit them
What are your writing strengths? I like to think I'm mechanically and stylistically pretty consistent?
What are your writing weaknesses? Plotting. Outlining. Like long-form, I just can't follow an outline to save my life
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I've had some interjections of other languages (mostly Spanish, since I have some very very basic understanding there), but otherwise I don't think I could get the words to flow right if it wasn't primarily in my native language.
First fandom you wrote for? TECHNICALLY? Tortall. But I was like, 11 and idr what it was even about. More recently, Mass Effect.
Favourite fic you've ever written? Ahh that's hard! Restoration will always have a special place in my heart, but Chasing Storms had some really fun moments too in terms of writing in and of itself
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humankk · 21 days
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
@floofanflurr tag me it is time, it is my duty (it's really not)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Let me count. ... ... 3
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
25,257... woah
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Bonk! (good name, I know, 57 kudos, I am so proud)
2. They're trying (They sure are! look at them)
3. Now I kind of want some ice cream (...yeah)
4. I only have three
5. help me
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yesssss..... well, most of the time, but I like answering comment...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I, don't know? I have like three and two are oneshot that's happy and another is unfinished but probably would also be happy
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the Bonk one? Like... kinda?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, people are polite these days... my dear commentors are a delight... for now(???Is this foreshadowing something?????)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
...Not, here.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not! But I wanted to, and is wanting to... there is one that's like Undertale and My hero crossover that I have been planning (read, throwing plot in a document that hasn't been opened for at least 3 months now) for since like... 2-3 years ago, I want to throw Eri in the hole (cmon, someone gotta do it, child with time power she fits the theme!)
Mx. Floof also talked about cross fic crossover... I kinda want to do that too, but like... maybe after I get the fic to a point where I established more lore first, and character, and. things.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! ...I don't think so! ... I would probably be a bit happy if my fic is good enough to be stole but also please don't do it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! Not yet... I could probably translate some to Thai but I, as a Thai person, honestly don't know how to pronouns... in Thai, for the NB characters that is... mostly, for the other characters too, I don't think I could replicate all caps Papyrus does because we just don't have capital letters so the closest thing I could do is add a lot of exclamention marks. Which... uhh... yeah.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really! Sounds fun though.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Hm, I haven't think about that, that or I forgot (<-aromantic) Alphyne is nice, canon one and stuffs, Soriel is nice too.... I honestly don't really have a lot of opinion on ships as long as it isn't like, the horrible ones(tm) just... if they're happy then that's cool, good for them (both the characters and the readers and authors)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The MHA crossover... okay not really like EVER but like, as you can see I haven't touched it for months, it'll probably be in... a while (I planned on it being like, long, and the story plan haven't even got past Snowdin like, linearly) I guess the other fics are like, oneshots I do in a meantime for fun (then They're Trying happened... as a oneshot, and I suddenly wanted to continue it so I guess they're getting to the surface now... like eventually) Oh OH! There's also the immortal Vampire child Chara thing... I want to do that, but a lot of thing isn't really planned enough to make yet probably... and I don't think if I do it it'll be a fic? Maybe I'll do a comic... or an askblog... that would be fun... but it sounds like a lot of work............
16. What are your writing strengths?
Not sure, maybe internal dialogue?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
P A C I N G and making it clear what's going on... probably (helps me with Pacing, the speed is all over the place sometimes I just speedrun sometimes I hyperfocus on a timeframe... or maybe that's okay, I don't know)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have thought of... writing a fic where it's just Undertale but Frisk talks in Thai and they just, know dogshit about English, that would be fun... though you probably won't know what's going on and I probably can't do the whole internal dialog thing with them and.... pronouns... and also the alphabeth looks like อย่างงี้ so you probably can't even READ it, I can't really decide if I should type it in english in what it SOUNDS like? but then you can't throw it in google translate to know what they're talking about? and I also don't want people to HAVE to throw it in google translate to know what's going on? ...maybe I should stole the intent reading thing from Floof, that would probably helps a bit... making it Chara's pov and they just have to read Frisk's intent and emotion to figure out what they're trying to say, maybe they can send some back to helps them communicate with the monsters... or something
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Undertale, if I has wrote any before it's not in English and I don't remember it
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
...I love all of them, Bonk is fun and is kinda like my start... They're Trying is like... the current one I am very attached to, since it's the only multichapter one
...well I don't know, just whoever see this, that writes that is, I am sure there aren't a lot, my usual mutual mostly... it's like 3am in US now I don't want to tag now okay? but yeah if you see this feel free to do it I want to read those I might like... study it under a microscope or something (...what?)
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thesparklingwriter · 1 year
@zhongrin | Zhongli + Itto = crystalise
“Gods, demons, vision bearers, the visionless… We’re all the same, really, aren’t we?”
tags: zhongli and itto are fighting for your affections, female reader, it's Lantern Rite but i forgot how it works in canon, reader lives in liyue, literally pure fluff, itto knows Zhongli is an archon
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If there’s anything your life doesn’t lack, it’s drama.
Travelling across Teyvat does nothing but provide you with new companions to meet, and oftentimes it also leads to violent clashings of character. You thought you’d seen the worst of it when you accidentally reunited the Ragvindr brothers, but the most dramatic encounter was yet to come. Right now, though, you're enjoying the brief period of peace, as you walk alone through the bustling Liyue streets.
“Hey Sunshine!” Itto creeps up beside you, the smile on his face reflecting the smile blossoming in his heart. Yes, it's taken him a good few days to get to Liyue, and yes, everyone on board the ship really, really really loved beans, but he didn’t really mind. He gets to see you, so the sickness is worth it.
You spin around to see your favourite oni, his long white hair combed and braided to perfection, and his fanged smile wider than you’ve ever seen before.
“Was that supposed to make me jump?” You chuckle as he falls into step beside you.
“What? No. It was supposed to make you smile.” he grins. “And that it did.”
How is anyone not supposed to smile around him? He exudes energy and an optimistic naivety that you’ve not seen in anyone for a long time. His cheerfulness is even more impressive when you knew the things he’d experienced. He’d seen hell in person, but he chose to live every day pretending it didn’t exist.
“How was the trip?" you ask. "I wasn’t expecting you to get here so soon.”
“You knew I was coming?"
“Mmm,” you reply, watching as stalls begin to pop up for the upcoming Lantern Rite—undoubtedly your favourite festival of the year. “You put a sign on the message board saying that Liyue better be ready for The One and Oni Arataki Itto to show them how a real festival is done. I couldn't have missed it.”
Itto laughs heartily. “That means my work was done perfectly, as always. I should thank Shinobu. If I remember.”
“I’ll send her something on your behalf, don’t worry. I’ll grab something from the Lantern Rite stalls.”
“You would? You’re amazing. Seriously.” Itto grins. “So when’s Lantern Rite? Can I come? Do I get to set up a stall or something?”
“You put that message up on the board without even planning anything in advance?” You ask. His response sends you into a fit of giggles—one that pricks the ears of the retired geo archon.
It’s not like he’s jealous. You’re not his property, and never will be. But he is intrigued by this…demon who makes you giggle like that. You’d never laughed so heartily whenever you spent time with him. Maybe he'd get a slight chuckle at him and his antics, but nothing more. Not that he cared.
You didn't even notice you’d walked past the funeral parlour in the midst of your laughter—and you always noticed.
He’s not upset. At all. That would be absurd of him. He’s simply curious. You associate with people from all over Teyvat, a quality of yours that he’s always loved, so he’s not surprised. Either way, he decides to find out who this man is for himself—by bumping into you guys by chance.
“So are you going to let me come or not?” Itto huffs. You’d been talking about the history of the Lantern Rite for so long that he’d nearly forgotten his original question.
“A friend of mine has agreed to take me around this year, so you should definitely come with. He’s great with the history, and he knows where all the good food spots are.” Itto’s steps slow down almost comically.
“I’m going to have to share you?”
“Can I at least meet the guy?” he pouts. He came all this way to see you, and he's going to have to share your attention with another guy? He’s not a fan. He’s also not a fan of the creepy old man watching him from across the street, with his fancy jacket and tailored trousers and lean frame. What is he doing, staring at you?
“Sunshine, some weird guy over there is staring at you.” he nudges your side slightly. “You need me to tell him off or something?”
You glance over at the guilty party, who its watching you with an almost forced placidity. “Oh, that’s just my friend. Come on, I’ll introduce you.”
Itto tilts his head to the side slightly. He knows that in order for someone to get along with him they’d have to be a certain kind of fearless and non-judgemental, but this is something new. Instead of being afraid of the weird dude making eyes at you, you call him your friend?
“Are you sure? I can deal with him if you like. You don’t need to be so chill.”
“Itto, it’s fine.” You grin, taking his hand and dragging him along with you. “Hi Zhongli!”
The man's blank expression breaks into a slight smile. “Hello, yn. It’s a pleasure to see you.”
“How many times have I told you to quit it with the formalities?” you giggle, squeezing his arm.
“Plenty of times.” Zhongli says. He glances at your hand—the one holding Itto’s—and his smile drops imperceptibly. “It’s impolite to not introduce your acquaintances, you know.”
“Hey, old man, don’t stick your big words on me. Me and yn are bona fide buddies. None of this acquaintance business. You make us sound like we work together.” He scowls. Admitting that he and you were friends was kind of…irritating. He liked being your friend, but he wanted more than that. He wanted you to light up his day with that smile of yours all the time. He wanted to you to be his. But he also wanted you to want that—and he doesn’t know where you stand on that front.
“Itto. Manners.” You poke his stomach lightly. “He’s my friend from when I went to visit Inazuma. He may not look it or sound it, but he’s a bit of a cynic.”
“Hmm.” Zhongli hums. “And a demon.”
Itto scowls. “An Oni. Look at the horns.”
“They’re almost shiner than mora. There’s no way I could miss them.” Zhongli retorts. Itto beams, not aware that Zhongli’s comment wasn’t exactly a compliment.
“Thanks, dude. Anyway, Sunshine here says that you’re taking her to the Latern Rite. I myself have an affinity for festivals and music and all that jazz, and she said I could tag along. That alright with you?”
Zhongli hums. “I suppose.” He doesn’t want Itto there. Inviting you to Lantern Rite was his attempt to get you on your own, to talk to you and see whether you share the same feelings, and now it’s been foiled. He can’t even be mad, because the the demon beside you makes you smile. He loves the sound of your laugh, and so, he has to appreciate anyone who makes you do that. “Do you know much about Lantern Rite?”
“Nope. But I am good with festivals. I held a drum-along in Inazuma. The drum was dirt cheap so we made a massive profit. So many people showed up, it was awesome.”
Zhongli raises an eyebrow. “The drum-along? I was told that was a menace to all involved.”
“Li,” You hiss. “Drop it. That’s a sensitive subject.”
“No, no, Sunshine. Let the man speak.” Itto smiles amicably. “I like to know what people are saying about me.”
Zhongli’s eyes flash amber for a second. “I heard nothing else. I do apologise for speaking out of turn, you’re more than welcome to join us tomorrow, Itto. And on that note, would you mind terribly if I stole yn from you?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Itto shrugs. Zhongli nods and turns to walk away.
“Hey Itto,” You grin, chucking your house keys at him. “You know where I live. Make yourself comfortable, I’ll take you out for dinner when I get back.” You wink at him before turning around to catch up with Zhongli. “My treat!”
Itto wants to complain, but you looked so happy at the thought of going out for dinner that he chokes down his disappointment at your being stolen and traipses to your house. How has an old man with creaky knees and a vocabulary straight out of the archon war period managed to fill up your time so thoroughly that you would pick him over Itto?
Zhongli is boring and quiet and judgemental. The sheer opposite of what he is. But at the same time, that makes him the opposite to you, and opposites attract, right? And then he decides to stop himself falling down the self hating wormhole he’s skirting, and makes himself at home in your living room.
“So, Sunshine,” Zhongli chuckles as you walk to the nearest tea shop.
You grin at him, chuckling lightly. “Why did you say it like that?”
“I’m just intrigued by the company you keep,” Zhongli hums. “I never would have expected you to get along so well with a demon.”
“Gods, demons, vision bearers, the visionless… We’re all the same, really, aren’t we?”
“I would argue that gods are a little higher on that pyramid.” He mutters as he pulls out a chair for you to sit on.
“You’re such a jealous little man,” You chuckle. “You can’t even bear to see me with my friend.”
“I am also your friend, and I admit that I often have ulterior motives for wanting to be around you. It’s perfectly natural for me to be suspicious.” he shrugs.
“I’m pretending I didn’t hear that.” You smile. “Anyway, what did you want to show me?”
Allowing Zhongli and itto to come with you to Lantern Rite was a mistake.
Itto wants to check out all the fun stalls, which you want to do. But Zhongli wants to tell you about the history of the festival, which you also want to do. Watching them try to subtly fight for dominance is too funny for you to keep a straight face throughout.
“Oh come on, old man, Why should I listen to you talk when we could be getting street food? Sunshine, what do you want?”
You cover your mouth to try and stop yourself from laughing at Zhongli’s expression. He looks hilarious. The archon is the picture of placidity, the only giveaway that he’s three seconds away from slicing Itto’s prized horns off being the slight clenching of his jaw.
“I’ll take a kebab, please.” You smile. Itto runs off to get you something to snack on and you turn back to Zhongli, whose eyes soften slightly. “You may continue.”
“I’m struggling to understand why you’ve invited both of us,” He hums. “You clearly know our personalities clash. Why subject yourself to this?”
You don’t answer him straight away. You’re not an idiot—you’re aware that both of them like you, and you might even admit to being guilty of egging them on slightly today. But all in all, you enjoy both of their company. Sure, you could separate them, but you're greedy.
“You’re both hilarious.” You reply finally, turning to look back at the sky.
“We both know you’re a lot smarter than you’d like most to believe.” Zhongli pushes. “You’re fully aware of what’s happening here. Why not put us all out of our collective misery?”
“You want to be put out of your misery?” You ask innocently, turning back to face him properly. He hums lightly. “Then fight for it.” Zhongli clenches his jaw slightly, lost for words. Never in his life has he been told what to do in a way that makes him want to obey, but he supposes there's a first time for everything.
Itto returns with the the kebabs and you take them excitedly, gushing over how fresh they were. “How did you get these so quickly?”
“Trick of the trade. I saw a firework stall thingy. Wanna try it out?”
“Sure!” You beam. You look behind you to check if Zhongli is coming along, but’s he’s disappeared, and you let him go. If that’s the kind of man he is, maybe you're better off not bothering. “Let’s go.”
You go around the stalls, dancing with the musicians and trying out all the delicacies on your way to make the fireworks. By the time you make it there, the sun is beginning to set, and Zhongli still isn’t back. You genuinely didn’t think he’d just give up.
“What colour should I pick?” you mutter to yourself. “Oh, I can’t decide. Where’s Ushi? He always has the answers.”
“I left him in Inazuma. He doesn’t like boats very much.”
“I still can’t believe you took a boat. There are teleport waypoints all across Teyvat.”
“Seeing you after such a long time isn’t the same without a gruelling journey to make me miss you more,” He jokes, patting your head lightly. “Anyway, knowing him, he’d probably suggest brown. You know how he is.”
“Then brown it is,” you smile, pouring the relevant chemicals into the tube. You have zero clue how this works, and neither does Itto. He asks the lady at the stall to explain it, but once she starts bringing up chemicals, his eyes glaze over, and you realise he’s just nodding every twenty five seconds. “Thank you!” he says, once she’s finished. “That was super interesting. I understood every word.”
You swipe away the tear that began to form as a result of how hard you were trying to not burst into laughter. He's trying his best, he really is.
“Come on, come on, I want to see how these look in the air.” He takes your hand. “There’s a spot up there.”
You cross your arms, looking up at the big cliff. “Uh uh. No way. I am not walking all the way up there.”
“What? Why? I’ll carry you. C’mon!”
You shake you head. “My feet hurt and I really cannot be asked. And I know you, you’ll fall asleep at some point and then I will have to drag you back down.”
Itto scratches his head, his face taken over by a thought ful expression. “Okay, new idea. I’ll go up there. Set them off, and then come back down.”
“Or you can just leave her with me, and we can partake in an activity that does not involve cliffs.” Zhongli huffs, holding a lantern in each of his hands. Itto looks at him with scathing disdain.
“Not you again! What is it with you and just swooping in to steal my friend?” Itto stomps his foot in frustration, and once again, you find yourself holding back a laugh. He can be so cute sometimes.
“I simply find activities that yn will enjoy. That is all.” Zhongli crosses his arms, the lanterns before him hovering in the air with a faint golden glow—a subtle reminder of the power he holds.
Itto almost pouts. “Yn, were you enjoying yourself with me?”
“I enjoyed myself plenty.” You quip. “But I really don’t want to go up the cliff. Sorry.”
“Hey, no sweat! Don’t apologise.” He roughs your hair up. “I get it.”
“Well, if you’re done being so gracious, yn and I will be on our way.”
“Now, when did she say you could take her?” Itto scowls, crossing his arms. “You do realise she’s like a whole human and everything. Being a demoted god or whatever doesn't give you the right to boss her around.”
“I didn’t expect you to stoop so low as to start throwing insults.” Zhongli sighs. “Be honest with yourself, demon. Did you really—”
“I’m plenty honest! More honest than you and your big fancy words that mean nothing.”
You retreat slightly, watching as the two men argue. Or rather, watching as Itto argues. Zhongli’s face is as passive as ever, retaliating with calmly spoken facts that only seem to infuriate him further.
“Are you going to tell him where to get off?” Itto says to you finally, and you snap out of your own, peaceful, thoughts.
“No.” You sigh. “And frankly, this has gone past the point of being funny. I really just wanted to enjoy my festival with both of you, becasue I enjoy your company. The bickering was kind of entertaining at first, but now it’s just boring. Go home or something. Both of you.”
And with that, you leave them in the dust, making your way back home. You’d been too greedy, you decide. They both deserve better than this weird limbo you’ve left them in. So on your way home, you try to make a decision between the two men. Either would have the decency to accept being your friend, so which would you rather be stuck with?
You can’t make up your mind.
When you get home, you flop onto your bed, leaving your decision to wait until the morning. And whilst your dreams are plagued with the dilemma you face in the real world, you wake up with a beautiful clarity that leaves you feeling bright and cheerful.
You get dressed, ready for another day of Lantern Rite festivities, but as you leave your house, you notice two bouquets of flowers at the front door. One is bright and colourful, full of Inazuman flowers and spilling out of its vase, whilst the other is a lot less vivid and put together with slightly more precision.
You chuckle lightly to yourself as you take one of the vases and display it in your front window. And although you feel bad about the arrangement that you leave seated on your porch, you know it’s a decision that you would have had to make eventually.
a/n i am actually proud of myself for getting this done in time, i actually checked this before(!!) i posted it so if there are any errors someone tell me before rin reblogs and then the incorrect version is left to be seen by the world
i tried to make the ending ambiguous but we all know i chose Zhongli right? cause i picked Zhongli. I don't know about you but Zhongli is my favourite. Literally i love h
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avalynlestrange · 10 months
Begin Again
Pansy Parkinson x Neville Longbottom (background Theodore Nott x Luna Lovegood)
Warnings: Nothing? Please let me know if there is. Not proof read 😊
Category: Fluff, One-Shot, Flashfic, Songfic
Summary: In which Pansy watches love begin again.
No sneak peaks 😋
Author’s Note: I first saw Panville in the tags when I was posting my Pansy mood board and found the ship really cute.
Word Count: 829
To The Library (my masterlist)
To The Kitchen (my WIPs)
To more Pansy Parkinson fics
To more Neville Longbottom fics
To Red TV Anthology
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Pansy takes a deep breath in the mirror. Indecisive about which shoes completes her outfit. ‘He didn't like it when I wore high heels. But I do.’ She slips into her go-to black stilettos gifted to her by Tracey. It’s been in her closet since he put them there.
She applies a layer of lipgloss and grabs her keys. This would be her first date after him. Pansy cannot believe she let Nott’s girlfriend talk her into a blind date. Her hand hovers over the front door’s handle. She walks back to the wall mirror and styles her fringe once more before leaving her apartment.
She turns the lock and puts her headphones on. ‘He always said he didn't get this song. But I do.’
She always loved it this time of year. The leaves crunching beneath her feet. Cold breeze making her regret not choosing a thicker cardigan. Lovegood informed Pansy that her blind date chose a cafe nearby. Convenient if it goes wrong and Pansy wants to go home quick.
She walks in expecting he’d be late but he’s here early and he stands and waves. Pansy stands shocked to see one Neville Longbottom.
She walks to him.
“Hi. This is for you.” Neville hands her a plant pot.
She takes the gift and thanks him.
“It’s a young ho-“
“Honeysuckle.” She smiles. “It’s my favourite.”
Her grandmother used to grow them in their family garden and the sweet aroma filled the backyard with a sweet scent every summer. She would spend her holidays there tending to the flora.
She puts the gift on the table to the side.
“I know. You mentioned it in Herbology a couple times.”
How sweet of Neville to have listened and remembered. She recalls dropping the hint many times to her ex so that he would stop gifting her pansies, which he assumed were her favourite. She used to loathe that she was named after the favourite flower of the mother that abandoned her family for a muggle but she’s long gotten past that fact and have accepted her name.
Neville pulls her chair out and helps her in. ‘He doesn’t know how nice that is. But I do.’
The date started with the niceties; the ‘What have you been up to’. They even forgot to order anything until Neville noticed Pansy eyeing the cake on the table next to them. He asks her what she would like and insists on being the one to order and pay.
She sits and stares after him. All these years Pansy has never thought she’d come across classmates that weren’t in her Slytherin circle, never mind Neville. It’s nice. It’s more than nice. She’ll have to thank Lovegood for setting it all up.
Neville returns with a tray and sets her drink in front of her along with a teaspoon and a fork on a napkin. He places a plate with 2 different pieces of cake down in the middle.
“Before you say anything, I know you didn’t ask for it but this place is famous for its desserts. It’s the reason I chose this place. That one has cream cheese frosting.” He says pointing at the slice of blueberry cake.
“I love a good frosting. Thank you.” And they both dig in.
‘He’s a sharer.’ She finds it a refreshing change to what she’s used to. They talk about everything and anything. Pansy is reserved until they speak about music.
“I have never met one witch who had as many Madame Bletchley records as me.” Neville chuckles as he takes a bite out of their shared dessert.
“But I do! I made everyone I knew enter that contest the Daily prophet ran in sixth year. I even sent an owl to my Grandma to enter as well.”
“Me too! I was so gutted when I didn’t win. My Nana sent me my records and the boys were sick of her by the end of the spring term.”
“Aww your Nana sounds lovely.” She brushes her hair away from her face and stirs her beverage.
“You seem a lot more shy than you were back in the day.”
Pansy takes a sip of her hot chocolate. He gestures at the foam at her upper lip and there’s a moment of silent before she replies.
“I’m sorry about what I said and did at school.” Before she could recollect her darker years Neville interrupts.
“Yeah you were pretty scary. But what’s past is past.”
His hand touches hers and it gives her some courage.
“I actually thought you were cute back then.” She confesses.
Neville’s eyebrows rises up and he gives her a toothy grin.
“And I thought you were pretty.”
Their eyes meet and linger there for more than a moment. Pansy was too busy spending the last eight months wallowing; thinking all love ever does is break and burn, and end.
But on a Wednesday in a cafe, she watches it begin again.
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agena87 · 5 months
I got tagged by the super duper awesome @igotsnothing . Thank you, dearie, MWAAAH! 💛
3 ships: So difficult to only choose 3, so I'll choose 3 from my fandoms (canon or not), 3 from simblr, and 3 of my own. OK? OK:
• destiel: even if I live to be 130 (as one of my primary school teachers said each "girl" in the class will be), I'll still be obsessed with them (I'm a Dean lover, I want him happy with his angel for eternity, OK?);
• the Doctor/Master;
• merthur
• mattodore by, well, @mattodore : I can't get enough of them (esp. Theo);
• arturion by @lost-souls-story (I'm also kinda obsessed with Elias/Alex and Felix/Tao, but arturion will always be my favs);
• Julian/Lawrence (but I'm also getting quickly involved with Gideon/Sasha) by the one and only @igotsnothing , seriously, HOW do you keep me interesting in vampires when I don't even like them in the first place? I'm a werewolf person, ffs! 😆
• any version of Wolfie/Mal, either as their OG selves, their genderswapped versions, or any mix of them;
• Max/Lucas;
• Maxwell/Casey from my Sacrélège universe (characters that I need to try and remake, after losing my CC)
Last song: Come Sail Away by Styx (my 3rd favourite song of all time, after Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd (absolute favourite) and Nothing Else Matters by Metallica)
Last film: Still Encanto, so have my last drama instead: Strong Girl Nam-soon (I have only watched the first 7 episodes yet). I don't know why I waited this long to start it, knowing how much I love Strong Girl Bong-soon (I watched that one many times), which it's a spin-off.
Currently reading: Still nothing...
Currently craving: broccoli *nom nom nom*
Fave color: still red (and yellow, and electric blue, oh! olive green too, I forgot that one the last time I was asked).
Relationship status: Rela-what? LOL, I'm a proud aro-ace person, I don't need one of those
Last Thing Googled: "fashion week ss24". I'm not into fashion AT ALL (I'm the least fashion-aware person you could imagine) for a little project I have (we'll see if it ever see the light of day, though).
Current obsession: WILLA (Landgraab-)MÜNCH!
Now to tagging... Um... 🤔Let's see:
@pralinesims @theosconfessions @void-imp @ezra-trait @mourirmoths @tricoufamily @saruin @mattodore @cassandragoth26 @unusualsims and whoever feels like it (as for the persons tagged, feel free to ignore, as always)
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
Jim! I forgot to say I ship you with Jim. He is your designated silly man ^^
JIM!! Thank you XD 💚💚💚
Oh, this made me realise I have been neglecting him a little while I've been hyperfocused on Callahan (I have already written 3 fics for him. It took me months to write the first for Jim 😅😅 Its just the teacher kink thing I swear, Jim will always be my favourite) and the Titanic!! So I had to write this XD I hope you like it too!
Jim Bickerman x Fem!Bartender!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You're just working your shift at the bar like usual, a regular Thursday night with Jim keeping you company on the other side of the bar, when someone you serve slips you something you didn't ask for back... Luckily Jim's got your back.
Warnings: Use of a date rape drug/roofie, talk of head achiness and a vomit mention. Also unedited.
Tagging: @masqueradeball
A glass slips from your fingers and smashes against the ground; cascading across the wood in every which direction. The heel of your hand moves heavily straight to knead your forehead and you groan,; closing your eyes. God, you suddenly have the worse headache... and you're so sleepy...
Did you really drink that much??... you think, trying to recall but struggling to even think through the fog in your brain. You usually drink a little bit with the customers, but not nearly enough to... ah... hurts...
"Fuck," You breath, breathing slowly. And you hear a familiar voice close by, but suddenly everything around you is starting to get blurry. The noises shift and slip away from you- moulding into one. A horrible throbbing inside your head.
Theirs a hand wrapping around your wrist, pulling you into the bar and another low voice speaking slowly to you. Something something... it's all going to be okay, something else... come on, I'll look after you. Vaguely you recognise it as a stranger, someone you don't know, suspicious- but you're not strong enough to pull your arm away from him. Somewhere in you theirs a voice screaming not but you give one slow nod anyway, giving the okay because you just want to get rid of this headache (A migraine??)- when another presence appears right by you on your side of the bar.
He's close enough that you recognise the rumbling voice of Jim and immediately relax a bit, leaning into his side to stay up on your feet- his voice is far too low for you to gather what he's saying, though. A moment after his voice disappears again- the strangers hand releases you.
His arm wraps around your waist to further hold you up, as your legs are starting to feel weaker and weaker (Or your body is getting heavier and heavier?? God you're so confused... ow... ) and when you turn to rest more securely against his chest he takes your jaw in his hand and guides your face upwards. "Open up your eyes there, sweetheart."
Now that, you heard. Forcing yourself, you manage to crack your eyelids open and see him frowning at you as he takes a glance at your pupils. His own jaw is set and looks really unhappy. "Jim I- I think ate somethin bad... " You mutter to him, confiding in him since he's here now- he'll look after you. You know it. You're safe now.
"Jim I- I think I ate somethin bad... " You mumble into his shoulder after he lets your face go and he shakes his head; feeling grim and pissed off as he watches darkly from under the brim of his hat as the weasel who had his hand on you slip right outta the bar- alive. (Of all the nights to not have a gun on me... )
"... Nup, that's not it, sugar." He tells you, glowering at the door now that the bastard is gone. Jim knows he isn't a gold class citizen himself - not by any means. He's done plenty he's not proud of and even more that he is proud of even though he shouldn't be, because he managed to see a pretty check from the deal, - but anyone who does somethin' like this actually deserves to be thrown to fucken crocs. "C'mon, lets getcha some water."
"Mmm, noo, I feel too sick... "
"Thats why you're gettin water, sweetheart. It tastes like junk, trust me I get it but I promise its good for ya."
Frowning like the cutest little drugged up girl, you crack your pretty eyes open again and look up to plead with him. Using up all your energy. "I'll throw up!"
He smirks, he cant help it- you're too sweet. "Little bit a' vomit ain't gonna scare me off. Lets findya a seat."
Taking a deep breath, you give a nod and then hide back in his shoulder- the lights in this bar are too bright and the world is spinning. And the music is too loud and everyone's voices are too loud and the other bartender still shaking up cocktails is too loud... ughhhh...
Jim guides you to a backroom in the bar, which is slightly quieter with the door closed, and sits you down in a ratty old couch before grabbing you a big glass of cold water for you to sip before stepping back- but you tug at his flannel when he tries to step away and he listens; sitting down beside you and letting you curl back into him. "Sweetheart I gotta call 911 now... "
"Do it here with me." Everything still hurts, everything still aches, and vaguely you're aware that this was done to you-- but Jim makes you feel safe, and his flannel is soft, and you need him. "Please."
Luckily he's more then happy to stick by you, nodding and sneaking your phone from your pocket (he doesn't have one) to use with his good hand; squeezing you comfortingly with his hook-arm. "Alright, ehem-- uh, what's the number again??... "
You don't need to look up to groan at him for that wrong-place-wrong-time joke, and his grin goes wider hearing it. (She's still in there, she's okay. She's fine.) "Jimmm... "
Quickly dialing (as fast as he can with one hand), he puts the phone to his ear and blows hair out his cheeks, nervously. Calling this number should be second nature at this point, but when its for you and not himself, the anxiety comes racin' back. (Goddamnit.) "I know sweetheart, I know. Hold on, it wont be long. We'll getcha help and you'll be jussst fine... "
('Miss Sheriff Reba' is gonna get a hell of a report in the morning, that's for fucken sure.)
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
Hi Ram! I hope youre having a good day <3
I'm here for some more fic recs! You have impeccable taste in fic, so what's your top tier recs for obikin and/or vaderwan? Any genre, any length, any rating; if you think it's worth reading it most certainly is something I'm interested in! (And anything with spoilers for Kenobi is cool too! Spoilers don't bother me at all, and I really am trying to finish watching it asap I swear)
All my love to you! I hope your day goes well! <333
(And take your time responding, obv, rec lists take ages to put together but no matter how long goes by before you answer this ask im still v interested! Okay that's it ily)
Tomas when do you want the wedding to be. I don't have a preference personally I'll let you pick the date, I kind of want to wear black though. We do have to come to an arrangement with Pigeon because we're already planning our marriage :'))
Jokes aside, here's my list of 'Obikin fics I really like and if you haven't read them but they sound interesting please go read them', in different categories but no particular order inside of those. This is just a list of fics I liked reading, if you see this and you think I have horrible taste or that those are already popular fics it's fine you're free to think whatever you want but don't tell me lol just ignore this
(I tagged the authors whose tumblrs I knew/could find because I'm a bit shy and tend not to leave comments but I wanted to show my appreciation! If you didn't want to be tagged I am so sorry, I can untag you if you want)
I also threw in other ships with these two I thought you might enjoy and some gen fics with good interactions, I figured you wouldn't mind, this is a rec list specifically for you after all. I know I forgot some good fics and good authors but this was getting really long even like that, so I guess this just means you can come back if you want and I'll have more next time haha
First of all, these are the authors I love so much I couldn’t pick just one fic from them, and even then I omitted some fics I like because the list has to end at some point. I’m not going to say it every time but you can absolutely take a look through all their work, I had to pick favourites here unfortunately
- Intermundia @intermundia
• My Anankē (7/? chapters, 29k)
Professor Obi-Wan Kenobi has a problem. A tall, messy-haired, frustratingly brilliant problem. It's hard to teach Ancient Greek when Anakin Skywalker is making bedroom eyes at you from the back of the room, but somehow he has to manage. Anakin is a student, off limits, and Obi-Wan would never cross that line. Luckily, being a student comes with a countdown to an inevitable graduation.
• Soulbound (12k)
The first place they met was on World of Warcraft, where Anakin is a tank who pulls recklessly and Obi-Wan is his long-suffering healer. The second place they met was at a random bar on a snowy Tuesday night in December.
• Apartment Story (10k)
It's late at night on Coruscant, midway through the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan is not at the Temple, not on his ship, and not answering his coms. Cody is at a loss, and so Anakin is dispatched to find him—despite his resentment at Obi-Wan's deception during the recent Hardeen mission. He finds Obi-Wan in a bar on the lower levels, and he's a little drunk, very depressed, and altogether confused by Anakin's presence. After all, Anakin had just moved out of their shared apartment. Why would he be seeking Obi-Wan out? Or, the boys finally communicate, and realize a few things about how their relationship has changed during the war.
→ Note, Lex Talionis isn’t there because I haven’t been in the right reading mindset to go for it, but I wish I was because it sounds like the coolest thing in the world. I’m also a fan of Temporary like Achilles, Snap, Crackle, Pop, Prompted | Obikin, and I think Symposium altered something in me forever. He also writes excellent metas on tumblr, the ones he wrote for the Kenobi show live rent free in my head!
- RexIsMyCopilot @rexismycopilot
• The Anakin/Obi-Wan series (70/? works, 350k)
Exploring Anakin and Obi-Wan's developing romantic relationship, one sometimes smutty/sometimes angsty/sometimes painful ficlet at a time.
• Fifty Shades of Love and Affection (29/? chapters, 170k)
Anakin interviews the handsome IT director of an insurance company for the news site where he works. He was not ready for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
→ Both are ongoing and absolute pearls, if you’re into domestic discipline (and Anakin getting spanked in general haha) Rex is the author you’re looking for. She also has lots of really interesting posts, mostly in answer to really good asks, up on her tumblr, and they greatly enhance the reading experience of both series in my humble opinion. They’re also just plain fun :’) (also Rex updated as I was polishing off the list like!! what a good timing!!)
- RagnarLothcat @ragnarlothcat
• à la carte (8 chapters, 55k)
Anakin Skywalker is a perfectly normal grad student. He spends his days at the robotics lab, his evenings working at an upscale restaurant and his weekends on inadvisable hookups. That is, until Obi-Wan Kenobi saunters into his workplace and sweeps him off his feet. Despite the misgivings of everyone around them.
• Out of the Bag (8k)
Obi-Wan has made his peace with his inappropriate feelings for his former Padawan. He knows there’s no room in their relationship for romance, and he’s used to denying himself for the greater good. He has everything under control: until Anakin comes back from a mission looking and acting a little different, and suddenly the relationship between Master and Padawan becomes a little fuzzy.
→ Also a big fan of as holy and enchanted, Aggressive Negotiations, Art Imitates Life and Learn Your Place, Young One! Nyanakin has my heart now and forever that's why Out of the Bag is one of the highlighted fics haha
- Tennessoui @tennessoui
• when all we have are shadows (8k)
Anakin’s gone when Obi-Wan wakes up. He’s left a note, a little cutesy message with a smiley face and awful handwriting. He has a class he can’t miss, it says. Obi-Wan’s gone and fucked a college kid. Alright, he knew that from the beginning as soon as he’d seen Anakin’s ID. But now he’s gone and fucked a college kid, and he wants to do it again. This feels like a new, wild level of unacceptable, but he can’t help but remember how Anakin leaned into his touch and his kisses and his words of praise. If anyone is going to coach Anakin through his sexual awakening, why shouldn’t it be Obi-Wan? (This is what Obi-Wan thinks this story is about.) (It's not.)
• like saints, like monsters (8/? chapters, 30k)
Seven years after Obi-Wan Kenobi disappears on a mission, Anakin finally finds him. Or, what's left of him. But before Anakin is a Jedi, an omega, a general, a Chosen One, he's something much more simple. He's a mechanic. He fixes things. And he's going to fix Obi-Wan, heal him, bring him back to himself, even if it takes him seven more years. Even if it takes him fourteen.
→ Also a big fan of you be the tightrope, baby i’ll be the safety net, what tomorrow may bring, what tomorrow may carry away, be careful not to choke on your admirations, lost to a sea of troubles, what’s mine is yours is ours, tongue-tie me so tightly i cannot tell you the truth, almost could have been strangers again, how to say someone’s name like it’s just a string of letters, the Obikin Fairytal Tropes series – okay that's just everything she's written and a long list of other fics without summary but I can't make the post longer and they are GOOD. If the pretty bird & mobi-wan series sounds like it would be your thing, I also heavily encourage you to check it out, it's not my thing but it seems incredible. Kit also has a ton of AUs on her tumblr, which are mostly text posts with a ficlet thrown in if she was inspired, and sometimes sprout their own fic on AO3, toss overboard what is too heavy to carry being the latest (and oh my god I’ve been in love with the couple councelling AU since the beginning I can’t describe how I felt when she uploaded that one to AO3!!)
- Ghost_Owl @twilightofthe
• Parrots, Parkour, Pirates, Punk, and Perfect Strangers (12k)
In which Anakin is having a rough day, Obi Wan just wanted to help out the cute stranger and also maybe impress him, someone films their encounter and it goes viral on Twitter. Now the entire internet wants these two to get married. Too bad neither got the other's name…
→ Also in love with The Snowball Effect!
- Shatou
• The Cygnets at Sundown (28 chapters, 125k)
When the only Jedi sect in all of Kalevala falls to a Sith attack, crèchemaster Obi-Wan Kenobi flees with the six younglings he has taken under his wing. He is prepared to do anything to protect them, even if it means begging for shelter at the doorstep of a Mandalorian clan or giving himself to a warrior in any way an Omega might. That being said, he didn’t expect for his hand to be ceremoniously asked in marriage. Least of all by Anakin Skywalker Kryze, youngest of the three Alphas in line for the throne. or: pre-republic era; omega jedi obi-wan and alpha mandalorian anakin get together after a marriage of convenience, in true idiots-to-lovers style, with a sweet little twist
• A Study in Tears (6 chapters, 52k)
Anakin is used to sinking into the comfort of Obi-Wan’s arms when he is in tears. Obi-Wan is used to offering it. Neither of them realizes the moment when habit tips into heat-haze, but their acceptance for each other is boundless all the same. (or: five times anakin gets aroused by accident when he’s crying and being comforted by obi-wan… and one time obi-wan does)
In collaboration with Duskscribe:
• Eggs and Milk (5 chapters, 19k)
Stewjoni biology is more complicated than Anakin would've guessed.
• to hold and to keep (8 chapters, 28k)
Anakin thinks Obi-Wan doesn’t love. Obi-Wan thinks he shouldn’t love. Somehow, all while believing their respective feelings are unrequited, they still manage to behave like the most married couple ever.
→ Obviously I love all of these, but I have to talk about The Cygnets at Sundown, because I think this fic changed something in me a little bit. Not only did Shatou expand on Mandalorian culture and draw absolutely wonderful illustrations to go fic his fic, but he wrote and composed three different songs for it. Let me repeat that, you can actually go listen to recordings of them singing the songs they composed and wrote the lyrics to that they put in their fics. Like it’s an excellent fic and it made me cry at the end but I cannot explain with words how I felt when I realised he’d put up links for people to go listen to the songs the characters sing. I think I’m a little in love with this fic and honestly who would blame me. (and in a completely direction, Eggs and Milk is one of the only fics I’ve found that has good lactation without mpreg, which is harder to find than you’d think but also hotter than you might imagine, and there’s oviposition on top! what a blessing)
- treescape @treescape
• game plan (6 chapters, 11k)
The measure of footsteps is familiar—and right on schedule. Obi-Wan has been waiting with more anticipation than is seemly, perhaps, but there’s a certain satisfaction that comes of these encounters. He finds himself avidly curious, in the days and weeks that stretch between, to discover what Vader will say or do next time. Or, Vader keeps capturing Obi-Wan during the Wars. Obi-Wan keeps escaping. It's kind of a thing.
• curtain call (1.1k)
Vader brushes cool, mechno fingers along the curve of one cheek, faintly red above his beard, and scowls. He feels eyes catching briefly on the upturn of Obi-Wan’s face before sidling away, feels the guarded interest of more than one slipping through the cloud of embarrassment and chagrin. He files the names of those last away in the darkness of his mind to deal with later. Or, Obi-Wan gives Vader a blowjob while they're at a public event.
• to touch the light, darkest (4/? works, 6k)
In the end, Obi-Wan thought as he watched Vader strain to obey, this was his. No matter who Vader served outside this bedroom, no matter who he called Master in Obi-Wan’s place, here, he needed something only Obi-Wan could give. Or, Obi-Wan fucks Vader back to the Light.
• Professor Kenobi (3/? works, 6k)
Collected one shots about Anakin and his husband, Professor Kenobi.
→ Also love hands on, reason by the pulse, at your leisure, down beside me, truth of you, no space between stars, okay I’ll stop here you get the gist. They also write QuiObi since I know you’re more into those two than me!
- glimmerglanger @glimmerglanger
• Various Applications of Salves and Oils (16k)
Obi-Wan’s shoulders were already red. The back of his neck looked almost the same shade as Dooku’s saber, and the color stretched down his arms and back. Anakin blurted, “You’re burning.” Obi-Wan twisted to look at him, raising an eyebrow. “I’d noticed,” he said, glancing down and shrugging. “Believe me. There’s nothing I can do about it.” OR, how to improve your relationship through the use of oils and salves.
• Nor the Suns Themselves Brighter (26k)
Everything interesting in the desert happened at night, at least in Anakin’s experience. The temperatures dropped with the setting of the suns and the darkness crept in, covering acts that would be revealed under Tatooine’s harsh daylight. Considering what people were willing to do in the light, the night hours were a dangerous time to be about. Anakin was one of the many factors that made them so. (AU where Qui-Gon never took Anakin off of Tatooine) OR, the one where Anakin gets a ready-made family dropped on him and handles the situation far better than anticipated.
→ as someone with skin problems seeing my favourite little guys taking care of each other’s skins was a specific kind of wonderful. I also liked Cascade Overload!
- y0u_idjits @rhymenoceros
• no need to say goodbye (3 chapters, 6k)
“Do you think you’ll take another padawan?” she asks him eventually, not sure why it makes her nervous. But he only grins at her, bumping his shoulder against hers. “Not for a long time, Snips - I’ll let Obi-Wan go next.” Obi-Wan, Anakin, and the legacy they create together.
• ‘SECRET JEDI LOVE AFFAIR’ (3 chapters, 7k)
They zoom in to where General Kenobi’s eyes are fixed on General Skywalker’s ass. Again. A caption pops up: ‘FURTHER PROOF OF THE SECRET JEDI LOVE AFFAIR.’ In an effort to garner support for the men fighting the Republic's war, the clones are given permission to document their lives as they protect the galaxy alongside their Jedi generals. It goes about as well as can be expected.
→ also a fan of yesterday’s jam and all the better to love you with. When I first read No need to say goodbye I cried so hard, let me tell you, sometimes I think about rereading it because it’s so damn good but I think no, I’m not in the mood to cry right now, I’ll leave it for a good session of cathartic crying later (this is a compliment!). All the better to love you with is also exactly the kind of omegaverse you love to see, because why introduce a new gender system if no one’s going to have fun with it anyway?
- Petra @petralemaitre
• Stone or Mahogany/Kinktober 2021, they’re the same fics but the first is chronological order and the second posting order (31 works, 37k words)
Being a Jedi does not preclude exploration of kinks -- and how.
• All his Schrödinger's cats survive (14k)
Obi-Wan has a secret nemesis: Qui-Gon’s padawan Skywalker gets on his last nerve. Padawan Skywalker has a secret ideal of what it is to be a Jedi: Knight Kenobi. When they actually get a chance to hang out, one of them will change his mind.
• Hold out your hand and have no fear (28 chapters, 53k)
Anakin's queenwolf knows who she wants to spend her first heat with. Obi-Wan doubts that she has the best idea for everyone concerned.
→ Also a little in love with The letter but not the spirit and Deepens like a coastal shelf. Note that all of those (except All his Schrödinger’s cats) survive might not be your taste, since they more or less straddle the line with underage (and in the case of Deepens like a coastal shelf just completely go over it), it depends on the fic and your own limits. They’re tagged appropriately, make your own choices and all. I personally cannot get enough of the way they write Obi-Wan and sex scenes, and I love how they pick their titles.
Now onto individual fics I really like, which doesn’t mean I don’t like the rest of the authors’ fics, just that in those cases I either didn’t read almost everything else they wrote or managed to pick a favourite.
• dreams of summer by elisianprince @elysian-prince (5 chapters, 34k)
“On the night of the lunar eclipse, if you place seven different flowers under your pillow, you’ll dream of the other half of your soul—the person you’re meant to spend your life with.” The thought of finding out his true soulmate through a Force vision of some sort sent a thrill through his heart. Anakin was enamored by the very concept of lovers as two halves of the same soul, fitting together perfectly in almost every way imaginable as if they were made for one another. And while Anakin wanted almost more than anything else to know who that person was, he couldn’t fathom it being anyone but Obi-Wan.
→ one of the first Obikin fics I remember reading, and what a good introduction to the ship that was
• A Just Punishment by Achrya/Daiako (2 chapters, 8k)
Omega Padawans are always teamed up with alpha masters, who are given free reign to handle their padawans as they choose. Obi-Wan has always taken a lighter hand than most with Anakin, even when others thought he was being too lenient. Anakin knows, not that anyone ever asks him, that Obi-Wan's approach works just fine...even if sometimes he wishes his Master would put a hand or two on him sometimes. At least that's what he thought he wanted, until an undercover mission finds him saying something he shouldn't to someone he shouldn't, and that someone demands Obi-Wan punish him or else see months of work ruined.
→ another problematic fave but what can I say, the smut is very cool. Do read the notes just to be sure!
• In Vino by Tenillypo (4 chapters, 22k)
Near the end of the Clone Wars, a drunken encounter prompts Anakin and Obi-Wan to confront some long buried truths as they fight for their lives—and for each other. (aka, the one where Obi-Wan's dick saves the galaxy)
→ apparently it got a sequel since the last time I read it?? absolutely jumping on it after I’m done with this list
• parks & recreation by luckee and septemberist @theseptemberist (3 chapters, 32k)
Obi-Wan left his apartment in the city with the hope that a walk in nature might help to cure his writer’s block. He didn’t expect to nearly fall off a cliff, and he certainly didn’t plan to be found by the world’s most beautiful—and infuriating—park ranger.
→ leela1414 wrote a follow-up, Reunion! I remember reading that one early on in my Obikin journey in my lunch period and I was absolutely fascinated, hunched over on my phone trying to absorb everything about it.
• Five Times Anakin Skywalker Played Horrible Party Games and One Time He Knew Better by AllennellA (12k)
Five times Anakin Skywalker played horrible party games and one time he knew better. Alternatively: Anakin Skywalker finds out that the Jedi Code should really be called the Jedi Guidelines, because no one really follows them. Aayla Secura lives the Wild Life™. Also Padme knows how to throw a really good party and Anakin is too much of a scrub to appreciate it.
→ I have vague memories of this fic but the concept is hilarious and I remember it had good vibes. Also Aayla is in there and we all love her
• On Whose Authority by Mithrigil (8 chapters, 33k)
After seven years training as Qui-Gon's Padawan, Anakin finally has questions that his Master can't answer. A specialist in force-user initiation and the erotic mysteries might be just what Anakin needs--but Kenobi is almost too good at his job.
→ When I realised I’d forgotten to write that one down on my first few passes to the list I was so offended at myself because that fic is just so !!!
• Gray Matter by unfortunate17 @unfortunate17 (2 chapters, 16k)
“Master? Is that you?” It’s too dark in the hole the blast has created for them to make out any details, but Obi-Wan can see a dark silhouette finally get to his feet a few feet away from him. The figure is too short, not quite lean enough, to be Anakin. Obi-Wan watches helplessly as Anakin – or should he say, himself – steps into the faint light emanating from the holocron. There’s a long moment of silence, broken only by Anakin saying, voice still hoarse but distinctively Obi-Wan-esque, “What in sithhells is going on?” – Or, in which Anakin touches a dangerous force object and now him and Obi-Wan are trapped in each other’s bodies until something, or someone, can find a solution to their predicament. But before they can, they're both going to make some eye-opening discoveries about the other.
→ In my head it’s The Body Swap fic, when I remembered it I knew I had to put it on here
• [IASIP Music] Anakin Gives Himself A Housework Kink by willowcrowned @willowcrowned (2k)
It began as most things with Anakin began—without Obi-Wan's knowledge, and against his will. Or it would have been, if Obi-Wan had ever thought to consider the possibility, which he hadn’t, because the possibility was patently insane. This, he had learned (over and over and over again, for as long as Anakin had been around), was little defense against whatever it was Anakin had done this time, as Anakin’s conception of what was sane and what wasn’t was rather far outside what was normal.
→ The one and only, the first Obikin fic I can remember reading (or at least the first one I downloaded to my phone) Beloved, very good memories, gave me a taste for Anakin with all sorts of fun kinks. Funfact, it took me a good year (that is to say I realised like, yesterday) what the [IASIP music] in the title meant :’) I thought it was the author’s way of sorting their fics or something
• starbird by imaginarykat @imaginaryanon (9k)
As far as Anakin’s concerned, Obi-Wan is the picture of a perfect Jedi. – or, – Anakin thinks he knows everything about Obi-Wan but doesn't. Anakin thinks a lot of things, actually, and he's wrong about most of them. Anakin's whole world view is turned upside down. Obi-Wan is having the time of his life.
→ okay confession time, when I tried reading it for the first time a while ago I remember stopping in the middle like – ! oh no Obi-Wan isn’t like that! Having seen the error of my ways (read the fic until the end to get the full picture) I now only have to say, past-me was wrong, go read it it’s good and then ending is something
• Talk to me by ToolMusicLover @obi-wkenobi (4k)
Recording an audiobook can be horribly dull, but Anakin finds that he doesn't mind when he gets to ogle Obi-Wan Kenobi.
→ I just think it’s neat! I also like the rest of the author’s fics, let me tell you I jumped soo fast on the new chapter of Hands that are earnest, brave and true when it updated
• if i only knew by wanderlove (16 chapters, 120k)
Newly knighted Obi-Wan Kenobi and his padawan, Anakin Skywalker, have been sent to Ryloth on a simple diplomatic envoy. While there, an unsettling incident causes Obi-Wan to look at Anakin in a new light and re-evaluate...everything. The Galaxy will never be the same. aka: "come for the obikin, stay for the tzai and deep emotional discussions that dismantle every single misunderstanding in the prequels."
→ No favouritism here, I love all the fics I named very much – but this is A Fic with capital letters. It’s so good. I cried so much at the end. I’m in love.
And here’s a bonus category, because listen, I love Obikin, and that's what I mostly read but it doesn’t have to be just them or romantic! So here’s the Obianidala, Quiobiani and gen fics with those two I like, colour-coded for convenience (the Quiobiani is for you Tomas this is a wedding proposal)
• Prompted | Obianidala by intermundia (2 chapters, 9k words)
A collection of short smutty oneshots written in response to prompts :) 1) During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Padmé have come to an arrangement to share Anakin, trading him back and forth. Anakin, the brat, adores the arrangement, and has a very good birthday. 2) Same AU, Padmé almost died on Naboo because of the Blue Shadow Virus, and takes Anakin to Varykino to recover. It takes Obi-Wan's help to calm him down from his stress about almost losing her.
→ no comment, I think I already gushed enough about Will haha
• Three’s Company by RexIsMyCopilot (2 chapters, 8k)
Obi-Wan allows his sub to be used as a learning experience.
→ this one is set in the 50 shades universe and makes more sense if you’ve already read that one first but it’s really fun! Rex also got a few very fun asks about these three on her blog
• Untitled Soulmate Game by Ghost_Owl (2 chapters, 27k)
In a galaxy where the Force has crafted soulmates for the people who live in it, there are also sacred guides that appear to guide two lost souls together to seal their soul bond with a fated kiss. Unfortunately, the guides are also loud, feathered, and will bite you. The guiding experience is not particularly pleasant. Anakin and Padmé's mornings both become much more exciting when they each wake up to pairs of horrible geese hell-bent on leading them to their soulmates. Obi Wan's already been kidnapped for a couple of days, so two geese manifesting in his cell isn't as big a deal.
→ I mean do I need to say anything else. Force geese that lead you to your soulmate. You agree. Read it.
• perfect decimals by shatou (2 chapters, 17k)
Anakin knows three things to be absolute truth: one, that he is the only Omega in his long lineage of Alphas; two, that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are in love; and three, that nobody has ever wanted and will ever want him. [unreliable narrator intensifies]
→ Love it when authors make Anakin feel a lot of emotions >:)
• shared by treescape (2 chapters, 579 words)
Their ruts have never actually coincided, but sometimes it's close. This time, Qui-Gon’s starts less than an hour after Anakin’s has ended.
→ I don’t know what to tell you it’s just really good
• Charting Constellations Unseen by glimmerglanger (18k)
So, perhaps Padmé really wanted to be crawling into Obi-Wan’s bunk in the midnight hours. Perhaps she wanted to run her hands up his body, over pale skin and freckles, the planes of muscle that might shift beneath her touch. Perhaps she really wanted to kiss his mouth, sink fingers into his hair, pant against his skin. Anakin wouldn’t have been able to blame her, really. He’d entertained so many of the same thoughts. OR, the one where Anakin and Padmé realize some things about one another and have to decide what to do about the realization.
→ It’s been such a while since I read it but I should go and check it out again because !!
• she loves me, she loves me not by y0u_idjits (1k precisely)
The Force hums, running breezy fingers through his hair. My little star, you’re going to be everything. Anakin Skywalker loves the Force, and she loves him.
→ exactly 1k words and it gets me emotional every time I’m never going to be over it
• Virtue Fluttering series by Petra (2/? works, 14k)
Obi-Wan asks Anakin to top him. Anakin obliges to the best of his ability, honed by months of marriage and spanking games with Padmé. // Anakin's second attempt to top Obi-Wan goes considerably better than his first thanks to getting a better caliber of instructions. Padmé has opinions about what they're up to.
→ I already talked about these authors earlier & I don’t think I need to repeat myself, if you liked the rest of Petra’s fics you’ll like these
• Plot Twist by ?, the fic is orphaned (10k)
The supposed love triangle between Mr. Skywalker, Ms. Amidala, and Mr. Kenobi is all their students (and even their fellow teachers) can talk about. The only thing is, no one at Coruscant High School can figure out exactly which of them are together.
→ Every time people call Obi-Wan some variation of DILF it adds to my lifespan
• Operatics by obikinn @obikinn (3k)
“Dear one, when was your last heat?” Obi-Wan asked, and Anakin groaned and wanted to hit himself for not realizing until then. Of course. If anything, he should have at least noticed the cool slick starting to trickle out of his ass and onto the couch. With all the insanity of the past few weeks, rescuing the Chancellor and capturing Dooku and crashing the Invisible Hand, the passing of time had completely slipped Anakin’s mind. Oh, Force, speaking of the Chancellor— Or, Anakin goes into heat instead of going to the opera during Revenge of the Sith, and the galaxy is saved.
→ Please fuck him away from the Dark Side 😌
• Mistakes For My Binary Heart by TheFlirtMeister
After Obi-Wan finds himself without accommodation, he is forced to move in with his friend Anakin, and girlfriend Padme. Anakin is a full time Youtuber who screams down the flat in the middle of the night, and Padme keeps using Obi-Wan as a model for her photography project. This combined with Anakin's finicky cats, Threepio and Artoo, means that Obi-Wan isn't going to survive for long.
→ It’s sweet and cute and Palpatine suffers, what else can you possibly want
• the more things change (the more they are the same) by Whitefox
Qui-Gon survives TPM, and lives to be Anakin’s Master. However, some things are meant to be, and the Force (and therefore Anakin) has other ideas.
→ Once again, leaving – well not best, but a fic that has a special place in my heart, for last, this one is just wonderful and I love it so much I wish I could eat it. Alas, I’ll have to make do with rereading it regularly
Okay I think that will be all, love you Tomas come yell into my inbox any time you are always welcome. I counted how many fics/series I put here and um I might have gone. A bit overboard. That's 82 recs just for you though, have fun reading <3
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sugarspikesart · 6 months
Not really an ask but I love your recent Becca and Billy artwork so much! I haven’t seen too much for them so even the one drawing of Billy was enough to make me smile! But you did more!! So thank you! Not to mention the Jake and Sherry art! Keep drawing what you love, and thank you for feeding me I’ve been starving for content of my two favourite RE ships ❤️
Thank you so much!! I really like their dynamics so much!!
I didn't know if people would like the older billy i drew but I'm glad to see you liked it! I really like the idea of them like re meeting and having to start from scratch because so much time passed. But they still have that chemistry and those memories of years ago! I like to think rebecca kept the name tag all these years and little by little they fell in love after seeing they never forgot about the other QwQ
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