#seeing u on my dash makes me do the :) emoji
beebundt · 1 year
HEHEHEHE I DID IT AGAIN.... updated my bio and pinned to look like the fucking emoji keyboard was spilled on it. ALSO i changed my pfp to the fucked up version i made for discord bc its just so much more. LICHERALLY no one would know the difference except for me (bc i made it) but i made a whole ass cute pfp and then for funsies i fisheye lensed it and i like it better WAHHH 😭😭😭
anyways do you like my thousand yard long gay heart post borders
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girlfox · 30 days
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
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❛ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓 , : a series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s) .
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OOOOH BOY. okay, is this my chance to love on some of my favorite oomfies? because i am so going to send love their way. keep in mind that everyone i follow brings me a measure of joy; if they didn't, we wouldn't be mutuals! but i'll gush about a couple people i know ooc, as well. just because i wanna spread some love.
@nihilara ( & their other blogs ) brings me legitimately so much joy, i get so excited whenever i see them on my dash. their drawings and rambles and fun interactions with others . . they're amazing. i can't speak enough good things about rhys.
@otlaw is one of my closest friends on here, too, and they're such a pillar of love and support and fun and, i just get like a puppy dog with my tail wagging when they're being active or when they follow me on their 100th new blog HAHAHA. love u leif.
@krosakis YOU DUH? dan you've been one of my favorite oomfies for an ice age at this point. i don't even know what my dash looks like without you on it . . . and i don't wanna know. having you around just feels right, like my dash is complete.
@diveyne because sabrina has been a very long time friend at this point, and has always been supportive and hyped me up like the beautiful goth princess they are. MWWWAH. their writing is also captivating and i just love it whenever it pops up on my feed.
@youthblooms and ALL of their blogs. whenever they pop up, i'm like a goldfish doing a lil happy jump out of my fish bowl bc i just know i'm about to be FED. everything they write is amazing, and i also just love their characters and them as a person in general. nams is the BEST.
@furiaei is a recent friend, but we connected pretty deeply right away and honestly i just adore their enthusiasm and drive for their character. they're also an incredibly kind person, and i'm so glad i met them.
@dvouer because while we're still getting to know each other ooc, they've been relentlessly kind and warm to me, and before we ever even spoke out of character, i've love love loved their original character venus; both them and kiwi are just absolute dolls.
@oriphical is a long time friend at this point too, i just adore bun & its infinite patience with my slow ass replies to dms. pleading emoji @ it right now. but its xiv oc and honestly every other character it writes is always beautifully done, filled with passion, and just so interesting and complex and well thought out. it's also just a very very very kind and fun individual.
@sivrit niran is THE BOMBBBBB. i love every single character he churns out, whether it's the immense love put into the lore and development of their originals, or the total passion put into writing a canon character. he's also just so kind and warm and fun to talk to, and seeing him on my dash makes me so happy.
@eatdivines EDITING THIS BECAUSE HOW DID I NOT ADD IN VAL? my brain is scrambled eggs. but seriously. i love valentine so fucking much it's not even funny; they're adorable, they're kind, they're compassionate, they're sweet and thoughtful. they also have wait more of a back bone than i ever will, and they're someone who will always have your back no matter what. for these reasons alone i love seeing val on my dash. but also? i am enthralled with their writing on ahri and in the past, kagome. their takes are so unique and interesting and god i'm living for it.
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
every time i see my own emoji pop up on my dash from u answering my asks i get so excited. i hope u appreciate how much i always dig the heavy degradation aspects. i hope when u see that feather emoji u think hm what freaky shit are they excited about today. i look so forward to everything u write and im particularly interested in the haunted house au (whenever that may come) bc i know ur gonna make it just that lovely flavour of dark that rlly scratches my brain wrinkles. have a wonderful day
- 🪶
feather I DO think that. I love you, you allow me to write my filthiest most deranged shit. let that freak flag fly and whatnot
screenshots of the haunted house fic 4 u. will probably save this one until October for vibes so it might change like super drastically :) also these are barely edited lol
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they’re going to try and kill her
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whack-patty · 5 months
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more comic practice! Context/rambles below the cut but all u need to really know is This Is Fun
idk what im doing but i'd highly recommend throwing your ocs into another universe and practice writing comics n stuff with them bc it takes the edge of "oh no this has to be perfect/presentable/make sense" off bc it just gets to be absolute nonsense bc w h o gives a frick. nobody
((Plus this was genuinely good practice for how my own ocs would handle this situation/how I want to write them WITHOUT worrying about inventing the perfect side characters/scenarios. Just a "what would Simon/Ethan do in THIS situation?" and now I feel More Confident in writing them in my own stuff. 10/10 would recommend. This is your cringe pass, dear reader, join me))
for those of you who might give a frick/be curious:
one of the Detective's main antagonists is an arsonist who attacks big fancy buildings f u l l of people, which just hAPPEN to be like the ones Buster and his troupe perform / rehearse in a lot. Making them a very bright and bubbly and fun target.
I moooost likely won't be drawing the rest of this comic bc this one in particular would just get kinda dark ((ɥqʇ ʇᴉ opɹǝʌo ʇuplnoɥs ʎllɐǝɹ ᴉ os ɥƃnouǝ ʞɹɐp ʇǝƃ ɐuuoƃ sᴉ ǝuo dɹous dǝǝus ǝɥʇ puɐ)) but if it were to keep going, Simon and Ethan would split off in two teams:
Ethan would be in charge of getting everyone OUT safely, but she knows that at this point the mystery arsonist would already have blocked off all the main exits and fire escapes, so the challenge is finding a new, safer exit. The team probably would've ended up taking some weird hidden tunnels (bc hc that no matter HOW good things get, Buster always has a backup escape/hidey hole. Tis The Way of people who have come from bad places -- they're generally prepared) and having to do a mad scrambling dash out.
BEFORE the teams split, Simon would've pulled Clay and Johnny to the side to give them some unfortunate instructions --- ideally it won't come to this, but there's a good chance their group may be attacked by someone VERY dangerous before they get out. Clay and Johnny, as the largest/toughest/most experienced with danger, would be the best bet to protect the others should worse come to worse.
Simon would split off to both call the cops, find ANYBODY who may not have been with the main group (janitors etc), and if he can, stall the Arsonist themself. ((aaaaaaaaaaaand potentially some of the more ambitious/crazy troupe members sneak back to see what the frick is going on. Nooshy I'm looking at you)) (((actually that scene might be fun to draw. potentially)))
also. Simon can speak in emojis. That's how they communicate quickly without causing panic in the people around them/alerting antagonists of their plots right away. Why can he do this? that's a ramble for another day lol
if you read this far you get a royal kiss on the hand btw thanks for indulging my madness <333
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maiverie · 1 year
HI DO U HAVE ANY TIPS ON STARTING A TUMBLR BLOG? like how you format your links and everything i'm new and want to start a blog but don't know how 😭😭
hi anon!!! omg sure yes I dooo!!! when I started I didn't have anyone to help me so it was literally such a shitshow lmfao so I HOPE THIS HELPS!!
— (long post below)
disclaimer: this is all based on my experience and im sure there are other users with better tips than me so DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR GOSPEL BAHAHA
(also I'm going to assume you reached out to me because you want to start a kpop writing blog and not smth else, so all these tips are obv specific to writing blogs. I also don't know how experienced u are w Tumblr so I might say some obvious things,, sorry if you already know most of these things!!)
anyway tumblr is actually really intuitive and after about two days I honestly think you'll get it (probably even within a day tbh). here are some quick steps I feel like make sense in my mind:
find a url (if you're starting a kpop writing blog,, most people seem to include the name/a reference to their bias but in my case i kinda just went w my name and played around w it until I liked it 😭 you can also search for "url ideas" in tumblr if you're having trouble!!) keep in mind you can literally change it at any point in time so don't worry about choosing the -perfect- one
set up your blog! most of the time, people have a navigation post (the pinned post where everything is linked so readers can navigate ur blog easily), a masterlist (a post that shows everything you've ever written), a wip list (a post that lists all your works in progress, so fics you're currently writing and want to publish in the near future). additionally, people have a post about themselves (like an about me section with blog rules and stuff. this is my old old one). personally, i have a carrd right now (this is mine here) and you'll find other users have one or the other!
set up your navigation post: hyperlink honestly everyone's different (btw don't worry about taking these tips too seriously bc honestly u should do whatever you want on your blog — it's yours after all!!) but I think most people include their name, pronouns, age (sometimes), timezone (sometimes) and hyperlinks to their masterlist + wip list.
how to hyperlink im sure you've done it before for school, but it's really easy! here's a demonstration — this link will send you to my navi, and this link will send you to one of my fics! to do it, you just need to copy the link of whatever post you're trying to hyperlink (three dots in the top right of the post -> "copy link"), typesomething, double click onto the word you're trying to link it to, tap the 🔗 button, and copy the link into that! (in this example, it'd look like this: something.)
how to make ur navi neat/pretty personally, I used to just search for moodboards (on tumblr) and pick 3 photos that I really liked (obviously give credit to whoever made the moodboard!). what I have now is just something that I designed but you can have one or the other, it doesn't really matter! other tips I think I'd suggest is to keep it as simple as possible; you can embellish it later but make sure it's easy to read and people can see all the links! I really like searching for "symbols" on Tumblr, and then there are cute lil symbols u can add to your post :) or just use emojis! or dashes! this might be a little ahead, but I have a tutorial on gradient text if you really care, but maybe focus on the base first :D just as an example, my moot @.hazyyu has a really pretty navi!
apply the same principles to your masterlist + wip list + about me just search for symbols, add whatever images you think look pretty, search for "line breaks" on Tumblr and there are pictures of links you can use to divide stuff up! making a carrd is easy but time-consuming (just search on YouTube "carrd tutorial")
there are other caveats to a writing blog, but those were just the basics! here are some other things I thought I could mention:
a permanent taglist is a list of people you tag every single time you publish a story/update it (for the purpose of them being notified every time you post) — sometimes people will ask u to "add me to your permanent taglist!" which just means tag them every time you post a story. personally, I have a google form for anyone that wants to be on the permanent taglist, but I didn't do that initially — I used to just wait until people sent in an ask asking to be on it and then I'd have a separate post with everyone who did. for example, this was my old one! doesn't matter whichever approach you do ^^
people also organise their blog via the hashtags I do this too! it's so much easier that way :)) for example, every time I get an ask, I tag it with "#ask" (umm a lot of people are much more creative w their tags but personally icb lmaoo — here's an example of my friend who used a different tag and it's really pretty!). if you want help with organising your blog w tags, here's an explanation I wrote a while back!
if you want help promoting your work, you should consider joining a few networks! these are basically big big blogs that reblog all your work so more people can see ur stuff ^^ here are some of the ones I'm a part of: kflixnet, enhanet, k-labels!
you'll meet other users along the way and call them your moots; most of the time this just means you interact w them a lot via asks/dms. personally I'm not really active and I kinda find it hard to keep track of a lot of moots so I stick to myself and interact w anyone that comes my way!! but bae u can do whatever u want!! go find blogs of people that seem rlly cool and send an ask and just see where it goes; just don't badger people, be nice and I think you'll pick up on sm things naturally!!!
ur blog is gna look great!!! let me know when you finish setting it up!!! I hope this helps 😋💖
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hwaitham · 2 months
“waiting…? how long have you been waiting here?” he asks, eyebrows just slightly furrowed in a puzzled expression — no one else would even see the difference, but your glossy eyes catch this details right away.
a confirmation that he cares for you. so you pounce straight into his arms, leaving that sad spot under the locked doors of his house that you’ve been occupying for some time now, hoping, praying that he would get here soon. and here he is.
“i missed you… so—so much! *hic* you can’t even imagine, i’ve been so lonely…!” hiccup after hiccup, embarrassing confessions spill out of your lips as you pause in between each word to lay kisses all around his face.
with arms entangling around your shaky form, cradling you closer, letting you melt against his firm chest and warm biceps, he takes you home, with one hand keeping you steady and with the other fumbling with the keys to the entrance doors.
“you promised you will be good and patient. it was just a field trip to exchange scrolls with the aaru village.” though his tone bears no emotions, his actions say otherwise. kissing the top of your head and pressing his cheek to your hair, he doesn’t want to let go of you either.
whatever others may think, alhaitham missed you just as much, currently almost starving as the unfulfilled need sinks into his body with each passing moment with you in his embrace — only making him realise how empty his arms felt without you in his reach.
“i will take you with me next time. how does that sound?”
— 🧴 the lamest emoji, but looked cute on my phone!! and i already used it once, soo… lotion (xD) anon sending u lots of love and patience, because hoyo will make him appear for longer just at ur personal request coco <3
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lotion non - non ): though not entirely non - non since i know vrie well who u are . . . i can’t believe u . I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU ! ! ꒰ ˊ͈ ロ ˋ͈ ; ꒱ nearly a week has passed since u sent me this nearly a week n i have read this every day n teared up bcos i cannot ! believe you would do this ! ! 🥺 something this sweet n kind for someone like me ):
u have heard me say it to u before but i will say it again as many times as i need to — i am So thankful for u + ur friendship + seeing u on dash 🥺 truly u do not have to go out of ur way to do smth like this for mi . . bcos every day i get to spend with u is the most precious gift of all ! ♡ u are so wonderful n kind n thoughtful ): how lucky am i to be in ur presence . . thank u thank u a gajillion times thank u friend 🥺 ! !
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aggressiveanon · 3 months
I see u on my dash sometimes and y'all make me laugh, but there wasn't an emoji for that too so engh👍
💙 - I think you’re cool!
naaahhh youre good man, i sometimes come across your writing and when i do its super good sooooo uhhh
💙 <- for you
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watatsumiis · 1 year
OFBFKDODBSJK Hello General!! I often see u in my notifs but until now I never knew how to interact with u
But the ask game! I wanna know everything but I don't wanna spam u sooooo I have 4 emojis, for every f/o please 🥹❤️
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o
😘: What’s your f/o’s favorite thing about YOU?
💤: Do you sleep together? If so, describe your sleeping positions and patterns (E.g. who steals the blankets, are either of you insomniacs, etc.)
💋: Where are your favorite places to kiss your f/o/where are their favorite places to kiss you?
Do you have shipnames?
WAAAH HI THERE!!! i see you on my dash a lot and im always like. (looks shyly and waves at u from afar. but no closer bc im shy).
ramblies below the cut ehe <3
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o
Ayato - His smug vibes, his voice, HIS LITTLE BEAUTY MARK <3 though also the fact he has so much experience in being in charge and making decisions is also very <3 to me. i hate making decisions
Capitano - mm,,,,, big,,,,, strongk,,,, nice,,,, (most of the things i actually like about him are Not Canon so im not sure whether or not to count them but if we are its his face (mm prety), his big hands (for holding) and his protective instinct asjkdf)
Zhongli - Dragon guy ,,,, his wide array of knowledge about lots of things, his voice
Diavolo - dragon guy (to me),, his optimism, his himbo tendencies
Lucifer - same as ayato -- the fact he is good at making decisions and taking the lead, his wiiiiings <3, his grey streaks (sob)
😘: What’s your f/o’s favorite thing about YOU?
i felt so narcissistic typing all of this section out sjkdhfkjd
Ayato - my willingless to actually sit down and listen to him talk about things that may not be inherently relevant or useful !
Capitano - maybe that i try to see others for more than what they are on a surface level and give people the benefit of the doubt when trying to hear their side ?
Zhongli - possibly my curiosity ? i come up with a lot of random questions that others may find silly or not question in the first place (my google history is such a mess because of it) and i think hed have fun just going into random tangents and infodumps because of my questions, and id love to listen <3
Diavolo - my ability to help reel him in when he's being unrealistic/making questionable snap judgements or being Too Optimistic(tm)
Lucifer - probably similar to ayato in that ill always listen to him no matter what - and that i tend to behave myself (for the most part. maybe)
💤: Do you sleep together? If so, describe your sleeping positions and patterns (E.g. who steals the blankets, are either of you insomniacs, etc.)
Ayato - often up super late into the night doing paperwork, though id imagine he finds a way to do some of them in bed, so we'll often end up with him sitting up, leaning against the headboard while im falling asleep next to him on my side with my back pressed up against his leg. id definitely hog the blankets because hed have these fancy sheets that barely keep out the cold. he just sighs and lets it happen. we wear cute matching pyjamas though so its ok <3 though when we're both asleep i imagine we end up spooning (hes big spoon OBVI)
Capitano - he probably pulls a lot of late nights for fatui stuff or whatever but i always try to stay awake to wait for him to get home bc im worried but end up falling asleep on the couch. he just wordlessly carries me to bed. we sleep facing each other and he has one arm draped over me while i curl up real small <3 though also the mental image of me trying to be the big spoon/jetpack is very very funny and would totally happen. oh my god i bet he snores SO loud though. and is really easy to accidentally wake up. if you drop something he jumps out of bed in a fighting stance kjhsjdkf
Zhongli - sleeps like a rock (ha). he basically just plonks down in the middle of the bed on his back, hands resting on his stomach like a mf corpse and leaves me to work around him. like he barely stirs even if i climb all over him. hes just like another pillow on the bed. his bedding is fancy but in a different way to ayato because theyre actually really really nice quality and soo comfy cozy. id probably end up laying on top of him, face-down with my head on his chest more often than not. mattress 2.0
Diavolo - he starfishes out across the middle of the bed in his full demon form, hes a blanket hog, he snores and talks in his sleep. probably sleeps in only boxers. he lets me lay on his wings and curl up close to him. he gets really super clingy at night though so sometimes itd be very hard for me to sleep much. he'll wake up from like a dead sleep and whine if i tried to move away to get comfy. we also have our own separate sets of blankets otherwise he'll leave me shivering at 2am curled up on the edge of the bed as he smacks me with his tail (I KNOW HE DOESNT CANONLY HAVE ONE LET ME DREAM)
Lucifer - We probably both fall asleep separately (or just doing the bare minimum of touches, holding hands or legs entangled a little) but tend to gravitate towards one another during the night. im a bit of a blanket hog but hes fine with it. he doesnt often sleep in his demon form or else i end up all night playing with his wings. soft. hehe. he also stays up very late but if i come to his study with a pathetic enough set of puppy dog eyes he'll cave and come to bed. and carry me there if im being lazy. hehe.
💋: Where are your favorite places to kiss your f/o/where are their favorite places to kiss you?
Ayato - Along his jaw and on his beauty mark!! but also his hands and forearms. he also gets a lot of nibbles im like a little rat <3 He gives a lot of ear, jaw and neck kisses.
Capitano - His face, if he has it exposed, is the number one target here I think. I wanna give him so many lil kissies <3. I'd imagine he likes giving forehead and top of the head kisses.
Zhongli - Listen. let me have my headcanons of a slightly more monstrous zhongli with scales and stuff. i like to imagine he has little scale-like markings/patches in soft/exposed parts (tummy, top of hands, that kinda thing) and i would give those spots many kisses. but also the tip of his nose because hed always do a cutely shocked look when i do. his favourite spot to smooch ? hands and shoulders i think, but also id imagine he likes giving little jaw kisses and collarbone kisses if theyre available <3
Diavolo - Cheeks and face!! but also shoulders and wings. and horns. and tummy. ehe. i think hed get all smiley and blushy and adorable when he's receiving smooches.
his favourite spot TO smooch requires a little explanation. the main sona of mine that i ship with him is an angel from the celestial realm, who has these sort of 'halo markings' all across his body (wrists, ankles, thighs, upper arms, tips of ears) and a few little teardrop-shaped markings on his cheeks that dia really likes to give little kissies to, as well as on his back right between his wings!! :D
Lucifer - he gets forehead kisses. and kisses next to his eyes and on his temples. he also gets a lot of nibbles on the wrist, knuckles and neck. i have this very vivid mental image of swooping in while hes doing boring work and smooching him until he stops frowning so much. its very cute. I think he'd like kissing the top of my head and pressing his face into my hair, but i think his favourite would be any pulse points, especially wrist and neck <3
Ship names
My name doesn't really go well with most of my favs (sobbing emoji) the only ship name im really happy with is 'Rowavolo' (which is me x Diavolo). I guess i could add 'Ro' to the end of Ayato or Capitano but it doesn't sound Right to me. comes off the tongue weird. so alas no ship names :<
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willowser · 7 months
willow i am sending u infinite love n sunshine n good vibes 💗☀️✌🏼
i saw u mention smth abt how u’ve been feeling re: ur writing lately, and idk if this’ll mean much or do anyth but back when sel was lurking n not yet writing, she would have willowser dot tumblr dot com open on her lil safari tab n would go thru every possible bkg tag ever 🥲🥹 love island ! ex husb ? cowboy ? and more… and more… and her love for kiri now is all thanks to (1) tumblr user called willowser as well .
idk if i’ve ever told u this but u’re also one of the writers that inspired me to write and post my stuff on here !!!! i was always so intimated to do it, but you made the community look so warm and welcoming 🥺
anyway i rambled ! am just dropping by to wish you a great weekend, and to let u know that no matter what u write !! ur lil blurbs or full length fics or whatever it is !!! i will always enjoy reading what u hav to say !! bc ur willow mind is amazing !!! n seeing u on the dash always feels like ✨🥹💗🌱 <- literally i associate those emojis w u akkskdn ily willow !!!
sel 🥺 my love my dear my shining star 🥺 ofc it means so much, especially coming from you 🥺🩷
i am so happy to have you here in our lil community, as an always wonderful beam of light ✨️ you are such a talent and inspiration and an even better friend 🥺 and i cannot !! believe !! that i had anything at all to do with you sharing your writing with us that's so !!!! what a special thing to have and to hold 🥺 tysm for sharing that with me 🥺
i keep you carefully close to my chest, sel 🥺 ty for being so supportive of me always and for picking me up when i am down 🥺 you always make me feel like a million bucks !!!!! even though you are priceless ✨️🌱🩷
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doin the same thing as u and keeping the explanations in lolol
😊: You’re sweet. You’ve made me smile before. 💉: Talking to you or seeing you on my dash makes me feel better. 😐: I don’t understand half the things you reblog but I support you anyway. 🌃: I’d like to spend more time talking to you. 😇: Every single interaction we’ve had so far has been positive. 🌱: I’d love to get to know you better. 😃: I love seeing you in my notifications! 💻: Are you ever not online? (affectionate lol) 😆: You’ve made me laugh out loud before. 🌊: You have a lot of personality. 😀: I would consider us friends. 👟: I feel as though you’re out of my league. 🌈: Sometimes I see your selfies and think to myself: “I’m gay.” 🌹: I wouldn’t mind going on a date with you. 👍: I like you. Just, in general. I think you’re a genuinely good person.
emoji blast!!!!!
hehehhehheheheh do you know how hard it was to stop flapping my hands to reply???????? omg tank u so muchhhhhh ilyyyyyyy
also no im never not online, and i am absolutely not out of ur league <3<3
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zleepysnails · 1 year
not sure if anyone will even see this but
hi!!! my (online) name is zleepy but you can also call me by tailor, mars, dash or snail!!! or just call me whatever you want
i use she/her..uhhhh im a minor
i like:
• old cartoons hehe
• fnf
• gacha.........[emoji desintegrating]
• drawing
• drawing
• rubberhose artstyle (i love when people use the rubberhose artstyle)
• scrolling through people's accounts (who knows maybe im scrolling through your account)
• drawing
• AUs of things i like
i dont like:
• making people uncomfortable
• idk
games i like: (theres no yellow??? goddamnit)
• batim
• fnf
• fnaf
• ddlc
• baldis basics
• gacha.........[emoji desintegrating 2]
• roblox
• craftmine
other accounts:
• u/Avaliable-Tailor3184 (reddit)
• Capta1nDictat0r (roblox. no we will not talk about the username)
• DashTheWolf3 (also roblox)
things i can do:
• DRAW YOU???1!2?2! WOWZERS 😱😱😱
• make art for you for free
• become your friend
• idk
• be nice to you and respect you
yeeah uh thats it. oh yeah btw have some art
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nulltune · 2 years
🌼🌸 anon here to make your day a bit sweeter !! you're an amazing person and i hope you've had an amazing start of the week. now, onto some nosy questions: where do you get your inspiration for your character(s) from? are there specific types of medias that have influenced the way you write or maybe even specific writers (maybe even from the rpc)? anyways, i hope your week continues to be sweet and amazing because the best of the best is what you deserve, dear friend !!
🥺🥺 YOU HAVE INDEED MADE MY DAYS (cuz i sure took my sweet time answerin this 😳🤪) A LOT BETTER AND A LOT SWEETER ANONN <333 (flower nonnie?? 🌼🌸 nonnie??) aaa i hope u had a great day too!!!! here's to an amazing week for da both of us !! 🥳 I FRIKKIN LOVE QUESTIONS BTW THEY'RE NOT NOSY AT ALL!!!! talking abt hakuno is my hobby y'know 😌
for inspiration, ohhh boy there is a Lot. this moon lady just lives in my mind rent free always!!! ngl tho i feel like my biggest inspo would be .... the little details about her from canon that i just think could've been soooo interesting if they explored it more! don't get me wrong i love how she is in canon (i fell in love with her after all 🥺🥺) but post-extra content is just big ehh to me and i feel like could've done so much more with her but didn't ^_T so i wanna do hakuno moar justice!! 😤 but also the way i wanna write her <3 which is why i really cherrypick a lot of stuff from canon tho i do inspo from it ! hakuno inspo is around every corner but just to list a few- the little mermaid story in general, anything related to artificial intelligence learning emotions / how to love, the nightingale and the rose by oscar wilde, a Lot of mili songs (bathtub mermaid, string theocracy, a turtle's heart, world.execute(me);, nine point eight, etc.), some characters from other media too, iT'S A LONG LIST!!
ohh nonnie my writing style is a mess 😭 /lh i don't know if i can name anything but as i said, hakuno is in da mind 24/7 so if i read or watch something and it gives me some hakuno muse, i keep a lil note of it or just keep it somehow! for example, i read the travelling cat chronicles recently (SO GOOD BTW YOU SHOULD READ IT 😭😭👍❤️❤️) and i read it on my phone so i screencapped every hakunocore parts hehe. like this lil bit! (btw yes i think this stray cat has some very hakunocore qualities. What Of It!)
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if i like the way something was written, i simply go 😳📸. that's basically it tbh!! the rpc is a huge inspo to me too thoo!! hakuno's my fav character ever and rping is basically hakuno meeting all sorts of fun muses and characters. how could i not love that!!! i usually read asks that get posted on da dash cuz they're like a nice lil treat 💖 threads require more context and i am simply too slow and late for that </3 i always enjoy seeing my mutuals post tho!!! and i will expose myself here and say that i sometimes stalk dem blogs a little bc i want to read Moar ok........ *insert that one gif of the cursed emoji reaching out of the screen*
AND THANK YOU, DEAR NONNIE!!! i am very excited for da weekend my fav ever 🥳🥳 i hope u have a super great week too!! 💞💞 treat yourself to something nice why doncha! i slide a virtual dollar bill to u -winks-
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fairyblue-alchemist · 2 years
Sky, Teal, cerulean, and Turquoise (I knew this was made for u) ALSO I'd ask more (all of them) but small brain by the time I get to the ask box 💙
hehe that’s ok i enjoy getting any asks from you 💙💙💙
sky: how many pillows do you sleep with?
two! my bed is big enough to where i have more than that, but when i go to sleep at night (or not :P) i only use two of them
teal: what’s your most used emoji? and why?
it’s the pleading face, the funny 🥺🥺🥺 one. i use it so much because i’m so incredibly soft for my friends and every time i see them on my dash on tumblr or in discord i simply have to go 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i am so full of love for them and that will not change <3
cerulean: what’s something that would make your day better right now?
honestly a hug and some cuddles, i’m kinda tired today for some reason and i’d love to just chill somewhere comfortable and snuggle with someone i care about <3 i am so incredibly touch starved
turquoise: what are your favorite types of flowers and why?
i like really elegant looking ones, ones that either have a really interesting shape or are a particularly soothing color. though i’ll be honest i really love flowers of every type and i like to take pictures of any that catch my eye, i should show you some of the pictures i’ve taken because i’m really proud of them. they’re the best i be got with my kinda awful phone camera and sometimes i wonder if i should get a really nice phone just to take good photos of them. i kinda am so heheh more flower photos for me
send me some blue themed asks! (please)
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pixiecaps · 2 years
I remember like, the first time I saw you. I hadn’t recognized your pfp, and after seeing it a few times on my dash I decided to click. After scrolling a bit, I came to the realization I had followed you on accident (something that happens plenty to me). I usually would’ve unfollowed, but you seemed just interesting enough for me not too. A few months later, I’m surprised when you follow me back, especially since I don’t make original posts, and am not ranboo-centric.
Nowadays, you’ve managed to become one of my favorite mutuals. I always get giddy when I see you in my notifications, and 90% of the time I make note to see what post you liked and/or reblogged. It’s the “I’m getting a good grade in reblogging, something that is both possible to achieve and normal to want.”
We aren’t close mutuals, though I definitely wouldn’t mind it. I’d love to send more asks, however I’m horrific at carrying conversations and also have some social anxiety that makes me nervous. I also don’t want to intrude, as previously mentioned we aren’t close mutuals, and I don’t want to be pushy or annoying, haha. And I would start by responding to some of the posts you make that expect responses, but I don’t refresh my dashboard enough to see them in time. And I don’t know if it’d be appropriate to ask for a discord, which I’m better at checking, because I know it’s usually used for friends.
All in all though, you are funny and witty, and I often to stop and read your posts when otherwise I’d scroll. I like your opinions when you do decide to get serious, and despite some non-common interests, you present them in such a way I can easily engage in anyways. I wish you lots of love and luck, take care of yourself, and keep your chin up, king!
(P.S. sorry for the rlly long message whoops, I hope I’m not too late to send this.)
helllooo anon i think this was for the ask game:0 im sorry i didnt see this hours ago im pretty sure you sent this around the time i went to sleep but yes hii hello!!
“interesting enough” LETS FUCKING GOOO. okay! i usually follow back people i’ve seen around a lot on dash or urls i recognize in my notifs!! i must have recognized you:)
thats so sweet thank you i appreciate it😭 also wanna thank you for sticking around the idea that you’ve grown to rlly be fond of me after accidentally following me is heartwarming
ah dude don’t worry about. look i started this blog because i had horrific social anxiety and my irls were encouraging me to make new friends!! so even though i was shaking and wanted to throw up (that bad ik) i started posting and slowly but surely it wasn’t as scary anymore. it takes time so you can take your time dont feel pressured to interact if you dont want to. that being said i don’t mind if people who arent “close mutuals” send an ask or dms me. you become a close mutual by doing these things ya know😭 oh!!!! you can ask for discord too!! all mutuals are allowed to :) i however suck at holding conversations too so be aware of that lmao
AW TY!! ehehe you like my takes🤭 genuinely though i try to stay away from discourse or serious topics cus it may come off intimidating and thats the last thing i want to come off as but im glad whenever i do make a few posts like that you found it easy to engage:) i will! i am trying my best to take care of myself and for u i shall hmmm i was gonna say go outside but i already have plans to do that so it’d be disingenuous. i’ll just drink a lot of water today 👍 omg have u ever noticed theres no water bottle emoji on ios. i wait every update to see if they added one but nope. i would use that emoji so much…
anon congrats on getting the award of longest ask ever sent BAHSJD i woke up and saw this and my eyes popped in a good way
( also adding this after i posted this. i know anons dont usually like their own asks to stay hidden so i need you to know you seem lovely:D )
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squishious · 2 years
how are u doing squish 😌💖 (+ fun fact did u know i love seeing u on my dash so much quality content 10/10 chef kiss)
hi lane 💜 you know i had a really nice day actually so here's the highlight reel:
- ate raspberries and cherry tomatoes straight off the plant. cannot stress how good this is and how much i recommend it!! main character moment!! there's no raspberry emoji time to commit crimes
- sorted through a ton of vintage sewing patterns i have and organised them!
- finished emails i've been putting off for 2+ weeks (not that fun but yk. it's done now)
- went swimming with my friend and her friends who are visiting from the netherlands! it was a good time :)
- watched some of the new umbrella academy season!
- and now im making cupcakes for my brothers birthday tommorow
that being said i saw your ask right after a not so fun phone call and it was like a pure shot of serotonin so thank youuuuu <3 i aim to please and i'm glad someone other than me enjoys the content <3
anyways, how are you doing? also! your cat is adorable and i love them!!! kitty content has greatly improved my day and i love seeing you (and your cat) on the dash!
alright this is getting long oops! mwah have a lovely day/night 💜
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nflyins · 9 months
sarah (@vertiny) just popping in to say hiii and just sending love your way bc you deserve it !! 🤍🤍🤍 i also just wanted to say as well — was gonna say this much earlier but nerves are a strong fighter lol — that back during the crazy like that era (and now w/ my minchan set) i'd see you rb my stuff and i would see you tag them with a little "name tag" and idk even tho we haven't spoken or anything of the sort, it just really always made me smile and give me a little boost? if that makes any sensefjdjsj 🤕 but anyways enough if me taking up your time, just wanted to give you some love and hope that you've been well !!! mwah 🤍🫂
omg hiii sarah!!! ☺️💓💘💗💖 ahh tysm you're so sweet & i really hope ur having a great day and that you're doing okay!!! i honestly love your content so much and i love that you gif verivery a lot bc theyre my little faves and i dont see much content on the dash but it makes me so happy when i see you made gifs!!! and when you tag me omg im so honoured i wont lie LIKE im so happy that you use my tag pls never stop hfjsjdsk also im sorry we havent talked but you're always welcome in my dms or inbox if u wanna im SO shy but i will always be happy to talk to youuu ah anyway im glad that your little name tag and emoji makes you happy (i admit the tags forgot your emoji so i didnt use it on your latest post but i went back and changed it bc i rmrd you're 🍡 bc that's actually my fav emoji fjsjdjs) ANYWAY im glad it gives you a boost bc you deserve it!!! i used to make gifs a lot and i know hard work goes into it so you deserve to feel good about them!!! tysm for sending this msg im sorry it took so long to respond i literally spent this whole time like ☺️☺️���️ bc you sent it fjdndjd i will stop talking now but just know i love u okay MWAH MWAH!!!! 💘💖💓
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