#seeker of the sun lore
starryscale-art · 6 months
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big brothers here now
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bi-disastersoup · 2 years
Hi. I want to talk for a minute about why I think G'raha subconsciously identified the WoL as a shard of Azem. It all hinges on a handful of lines in 5.3 that have haunted me ever since. It's all in the scene where he's following his hero up the Crystal Tower...
...and I wish I could remember all the lines exactly to be able to post them here, but in particular the one he ends on...
"I made my choice for reasons which seemed obvious to me, but may not to anyone else."
G'raha belongs to the clan of Miqo'te known as Seekers of the Sun. And for anyone who may not be up on their Sun Seeker lore, they are so named for their reverence and devotion to Azeyma, Eorzean goddess of the sun. They see her as the ultimate guiding force in all things.
Azeyma, whose name so closely resembles the title of the Fourteenth Seat. Azim from the Steppe, as well, shares this similarity, while also being associated with the sun by his followers. Curious.
Anyway, the Convocation stones all carry depictions of constellations. Except for Azem's, which instead bears the alchemical symbol for the sun. I think, on some subconscious level, G'raha recognized this similarity, after seeing what a beacon the WoL had become even posthumously. And he chose to latch on and seek that out, as felt only natural to him. Letting his own personal "sun" guide his every deed.
Someone on twt also mentioned:
"Yours is the star by which I shall chart my course"
And honestly this just sort of solidifies the theory for me. Imagine seeing the WoL as a small, budding guiding star. Then you wake up and that tiny pinprick of light has become absolutely blinding in its brilliance, and you realize... it was the sun all along...
Anyway I think about ShB too much.
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pangolinheart · 1 year
Looking at the Miqo'te sub-species blurbs it strikes me that Keepers of the Moon and Seekers of the Sun seem to be presented as inversions of one another's cultures (literally night and day) but...
They essentially have the same family structure, give or take a few members.
They both essentially have large groups of related females that live together long-term with adult males being mostly temporary members (though on a longer-term basis than Keeper males) and adolescent males leaving the group when they become adults.
The Sun Seeker lore says that Seeker groups are "centered around the Nunh" but... that's only kind of true? Or, at least, it has to be true if there are usually only 26 tribes that are each represented by one letter of the Eorzean alphabet. The naming convention implies that there's at least some stability in these groups' existences, and for that to be true there has to be a consistent through-line in the core membership, which by the nature of their rules can't be the Nunh (because Nunhs could be deposed at any time and will have to change at some point due to age.) Seeker lore makes mention of Tias leaving their homes to become part of other clans, but there's no mention of female miqo'te doing this.
So, presumably, when a new Nunh challenges an old Nunh, they "inherit" the old Nunh's harem (obligatory "gross"). Because if the females dispersed when their Nunh was defeated and the new Nunh had to build a new harem, why bother with challenging an old Nunh at all? I suppose it's possible but it doesn't make a lot of sense.
It makes more sense for the females of the groups to remain together with deposed Nunh's either leaving the group to go elsewhere or "retiring" and staying with the group as a non-reproducing member. Tias then either leave the group to challenge another group's Nunh or to seek their fortunes elsewhere, though if the right to have sex/reproduce just isn't that important to them they could theoretically stay with the group.
And if Tias wanted to reproduce they would have to leave the group because, and I cannot stress this enough, they are related to every woman there. (Even with multiple Nunhs you still get into first- and second- cousin territory.)
The primary difference seems to be who holds the positions of authority within a group. For the Keepers of the Moon it's the elder female members of the family and for the Seekers of the Sun it's whoever the current Nunh is. But they're family structure is both based primarily around mostly stable groups of female relatives with males coming and going to father children. So... pretty much exactly the same.
As for the Nunh being the head of the clan and "in charge" - this is a difference and it is true but... probably not as true as it first appears. My pet theory has always been that Seeker of the Sun family structure is based on (someone's very poor understanding of) lion tribes. Even if that's not true, there's still a parallel to be found in the comparison. Lion prides are "ruled" by one or a few breeding males. But they're really there on the good graces of the lionesses, and only get to play king as long as the lionesses decide to let them. It's not super common, but if a group of lionesses decides that a male lion's presence is no longer desirable (usually in nature because there's a stronger, more "attractive" male around, but presumably for Sun Seekers it could also be because they just don't like him) they often can and will expel him. The male lion, like the Nunh, gets to be "in charge," but even if they're bigger and scarier than the females there are more of them than there are of him. (And they're all sisters.)
It's never mentioned in any of the sparse Seeker lore addressed in game, but this is theoretically something that could happen within a Seeker group if all of the female members decide that they'd rather not keep a Nunh around, either for some pragmatic reason or because they just don't like him they could kick him out and find a different Nunh. I doubt this is something that will ever happen in-text but I think it's an interesting possibility.
So, while on the surface Sun Seeker families are centered around the Nunh and Moon Keeper families are centered around older females, they both live in matrilineal groups of related females, with men coming and leaving for reproduction purposes. Superficially the "head" of the Moon Keepers are the older females and the "head" of the Sun Seekers are the Nunhs. But the Nunh only gets to be "in charge" as long as the Seeker females decide to put up with him, so who's really calling the shots?
So, if you don't mind being reductionist for the sake of humor, the only difference between Keepers and Seekers is that Seeker women are more patient with men .
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wilanserulia · 1 year
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Beyond Baelsar's Wall
With Doma's and Gyr Abania's liberation the Empire received its first real setback ever since the disastrous invasion campaign of Eorzea that resulted in the Seventh Umbral Calamity. For the first time in decades, hope seemed more than a fool's consolation.
As if unable to really grasp the reality of the situation Delen, refugee from Werlyt, felt like she had to see the arid lands of Gyr Abania freed from the Empire's grasp with her own eyes. The front of the rebellion keeps pushing forward, toward Ghimlyt. With any luck, Werlyt would soon have freedom again.
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aceollo · 2 years
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Is that an oc? Yes. Yes, I am making an oc.
Is it hard to get the earthspark style? yes. Is it hard to draw mecha and transformers? Fully confident in yes. However, the way I'm learning is to break it down super super easily, then build the image.
Im not tagging this much- but just enough so people can see it and help me choose a name for them. It's a rough concept but it popped into my head, never to leave.
Those are not flowers either, they're supposed to be sun's but i rushed them since I almost forgot them :sob:
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faroresson · 2 months
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liightwarrior · 2 years
I’m gonna headcanon that all the miqo’te have fangs, because YES??
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transcredwaters · 2 years
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There's blood on my hands / caked under my nails / and I've begun to realize it cannot be washed before it seeps within
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phereinnike · 2 years
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Pardon if the wording isn't exact, as you can see by the screenshot I'm playing in spanish, but here are some dialogue lines Ominis speaks to Natty and you if you stay to listen after finishing the History of Magic class map quest:
"Next season the Chudley Cannons will be invincible, you'll see!
"My father was a great seeker and he always thought I'd be one too. Thank Merlin they cancelled quidditch."
"I miss attending the matches. Cheering everyone was very fun. And watching Isaac Cooper."
"My friends and I like to spend the evenings watching the sun set from the quidditch pitch. This year it isn't much good for anything else, unfortunately."
"I spent the entire summer practicing a full turn on a broom. What a waste!"
"This is the first year my sister is in Hogwarts. Whenever she pretends she doesn't see me in the corridors I make her trip with a jinx."
"This is the first year my siblings and I are together at Hogwarts. Our poor mother doesn't know what to do with so much time on her hands, so she knits. She sends us a new sweater each week."
"You try to work with a wand that has been through your three disastrous sisters."
"My father says he used to hide his homework under his bed."
"I used to write to my parents every week. Now I can't recall the last time I sent them an owl, do you think they know i'm still alive?"
"I hadn't met any of my cousins until i came to Hogwarts and saw that we were all in the same house."
"My brother has promised to give me his old broom when he saves up enough to buy himself a new one. I can't wait!"
"If I manage to stop dissappearing my class notes while practicing evanesco I might even pass the Transfigurations O.W.L. this year."
"Professor Weasley is a trully incredible teacher. She never makes us write scrolls longer than necessary."
"Professor Weasley is already preparing me for the Transfigurations N.E.W.T."
"The other day Professor Black looked at me in the Great Hall and I spat my breakfast. I don't know if he might've taken it the wrong way."
"What a relieve that Black's children are too young to attend Hogwarts. I'd hate having my father as headmaster."
"Obviously, Hogwarts is the best magic school in the world. Everyone knows that. Of course, we'll be the best at magic in the world."
"Professor Howin is going to ask us about aquatic animals next week. I can't wait to tell her I saw a kelpie in Ireland this summer."
"I took my copy of 1000 Herbs and Magical Fungy to Herbology and left it in the greenhouse next to the mandrake seedbeds. Sharp was horrified by the fact that i didn't have it in class. He said I needed to sort out my priorities."
"Everyone is afraid of Professor Sharp, but not me. He's a brilliant man. And he has only yelled at me twice this week for setting my cloak on fire."
"I wonder how Sharp injured his leg. Surely, it must've been during his time as an auror."
"You should hear Shah talk about Divination. It's a miracle Onai's ears aren't burning. I'd say stars are more knowledgeable than cards."
"I'm still having a hard time brewing antidotes. I'm surprised to many of them ask for mandrakes. I'll make sure I set my career goals far away from that."
"That reminds me, did miss Scribner say we could take the book out at night or that she'd punish us if we did?"
"I've notices that if I pretend to pay attention in Potions, Sharp lets me be. It works well enough, unless he asks me a question. Then it's not a good plan at all. Actually, I wouldn't recommend it."
"Sharp caught me making faces behind his back. It was horrible... not to speak of all the house points I lost."
"if someone needs help with their studies or homework, I don't mind lending them a hand. Yesterday I wrote half a scroll for Binns during lunch break."
"I have no problem saying I have trouble understanding that Black is married. What kind of witch would give her hand to a man like that? On the other hand, that means there's hope for everyone."
"I need dragon-skin gloves for Herbology. I refuse to touch chinese chomping cabbages with my naked hands."
"Why aren't we allowed to use gillyweed? What's the point of learning Herbology if we can't mess around with gillyweed? If by the end of the trimester I haven't personally met a mermaid I'll be mad."
[unlike others] "I do like Transfigurations. The complex and precisse nature of transfigurations is admirable."
"I met some of my best friends in Flying class. Nothing strenghtes a bond like thinking you're going to die."
"Professor Weasley must be exhausted doing all her work and then Black's. We're lucky to have her."
Slytherin house:
"Someone got home-made chocolate cauldrons and shared them in the common room. But I think they might've confused the sugar with salt. There were half-eaten chocolate cauldrons in the common room for days."
"I don't know why each common room has a secret entrance. Who would want to go to another common room? We got sorted to our houses for a reason."
"Our dorm is atrocious. I wish people cleaned up after themselves once in a while. Last night a bundimun ate my homework. The potions one, too."
"I like to have a wiggenweld potion under my bed. Not to name any names but someone spent a lot of money on Zonko's."
"My side of the dorm is always impeccable, but I can't say the same about my dorm-mates. If I didn't know them I'd say they were raised by trolls."
"Has there been any news about the Pitt-upon-Ford Dragon? It makes me want to move, to be honest."
"My great-aunt was a Hufflepuf. She says they have the best common room because it's the calmest. Well, compared to the others."
"I wish I had brought a pet owl to school. I mean, I love my toad. More or less. You wouldn't be interested in getting a toad, would you?"
"Do all professors have their own owls? They must sent lots of letters. To the Ministry or something like that."
"So many letters arrive every day and none are for me."
"If i turn my toad into a cup again, I think it might insist I leave it like that."
"I'd like to retire in Hogsmead. Open a bar. Bore Hogwart's students with my childhood stories."
"I'd like to have a shop in Hogsmead one day. Gladrags Wizardwear could use some competition."
"I guess I'm curious about the beautification potion. What? It's not for me, idiot! It's for a friend. Don't say dumb things."
"Has there been any new about the Pitt-upon-Ford Dragon? It makes me want to move, to be honest."
"My great-aunt was a Hufflepuf. She says they have the best common room because it's the calmest. Well, compared to the others."
"Do all professors have their own owls? They must sent lots of letters. To the Ministry or something like that."
"So many letters arrive every day and none are for me."
"If i turn my toad into a cup again, I think it might insist I leave it like that."
"Have you been by the owlery lately? the house elves haven't been cleaning much this week."
"The other day Peeves distracted me and I bumped right into Adelaide Oakes. Both our books went up flying int he air. Peeves loved it."
"I don't like the size of my legs. Well, you were asking the other day, so I'm telling you."
"I had been collecting chizpurfle fangs all trimester when I thought, why not keep some chizpurfles."
"I really pity those who never get owl-post, poor guys. Have you seen their faces in the great hall?"
"I've heard girls talk about african snake skin near the bathroom. Do you think they're brewing pollyjuice? Oh, what if they've already brewed it and Sharp is actually that hufflepuff girl with the long arms?"
"Today I'm going to the green-houses to sow some knotgrass. Did you know it's used for pollyjuice potion? I think it's what creates the connection to the other person."
"There's an ex-auror living near Hogsmead. She wants to live a quiet life after fighting dark wizards."
"Do you know where I can get leaping toadstoll caps?"
"I just don't get it. Opalum. Who would think to put that in a potion?"
"The other day I got stuck in the Great Staircase for an hour waiting for it to change. Sharp wouldn't believe me when I told him that's why I was late."
"Parry Pippin sure did save me with his wiggenweld potion. In my opinion, his shop's better than any of the ones in London."
"Did you buy your bitterroot from Pippin or did you pick it up yourself? I need some desperately."
That's all I got after staying to listen for about an hour <3
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cometchasinglove · 3 months
Ask and ye shall receive!
Polaris is Starscream's sparkling in my TF: Aftermath Lost Light campaign.
He's basically an excuse to show what how I believe sparklings grow and develop, as well as introducing Seeker culture to my players (cause I love all my little headcanons for that)
The way I imagine seeker sparklings develop is similar to birds, where they go through a "fledgling" phase before they develop all their colors and armor.
They start off small, like, fit in the palm of Starscream's hand small. Hold them gently like a burger. They gradually grow, being born with 9-ish? main armor plates that grow soon after birth. These plates develop into intricate armor and even their wings as they grow.
In my campaign, it takes 1000 years for a cybertronian to mature, Polaris is 100, so he's only about a 1 year old.
And Starscream would *kill* for his baby.
He's the most protective parent. He had to pop the poor thing out alone, by himself, stranded on Earth with no clue where the Sire or his friends where (they thought he was dead due to past campaign stuff) and learned to grow some self-confidence to care for his bitlet.
His parenting style is protective but also kind of "fuck around and find out"
he let's his baby explore, and get hurt at their own curiosity, but not too much. But if there's somebody who he knows might hurt his sparkling? He'll death-glare you till the sun explodes and if you come close and try to do anything with his baby he'd rip you limb from limb without a second thought.
He's very protective over who he lets hold his baby. At the start when my group finds him, he'll only trust my NPC Atlas (an OC who's known Starscream for a while) and the sire, Megatron.
Megs in this universe is not abusive to Starscream, but was in the past (cause of his Unicron Lean addiction) and Starscream is healing from that trauma, so their relationship is strained but he's healing not just for himself but his sparkling now too.
It's a very self-indulgent side-plot for my players. But I'm a self-indulgent fuck and Starscream literally is just me soooo
Yeah that's Polaris!
Once Starscream trusts the Lost Light with his bitlet, almost everyone will be taking turns babysitting, playing and coddling the little thing. Polaris will have no shortage of love, protection, affection and care with the crew and his momma who loves him more than life itself <3
Aw, Polaris is the perfect candidate if you wanna show off your seeker sparkling HCs! How cute!
"Hold them gently like a burger." I'm plagued with the thought of Starscream holding his little bab so gently! HELP!
Atlas sounds like a pretty cool OC, too! I'm not a fan of MegaStar, but your take sounds interesting!
Aw, and little Polaris aboard the Lost Light is just what the crew needs, a bouncing bitlet of joy!
Thank you for sharing your lore with me! It's so awesome! What you have going on is very intriguing, and I would always love to hear more from you about it! So, don't be shy to reach out!
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starryscale-art · 5 months
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As he listened, Hades kept his gaze fixed on the creature, which flew about in a frenzy. No sooner would it dash itself against the wall in an explosion of broken feathers than it would heal itself and repeat the grisly feat. This self-destructive dance unfolded again and again, with the creature occasionally giving vent to its overflowing magical reserves─or fury, as it seemed to him─as fiery breath.
alt title: jai relates uncomfortably well to a giant pissed off raid boss
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bi-disastersoup · 2 years
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March of the Tropes: Day 20 - Arranged Marriage
Seekers of the Sun have very particular traditions around mating and bonding, and the Raptor tribe is more strict about them than most. R'alma's parents were discussing arrangements to bond her with one of the younger Nunh's of the tribe when she decided she'd had enough, and left home to make her way as an adventurer instead.
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pangolinheart · 2 years
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I was lucky enough to get a few slots of @needapotion’s last batch of commissions, and one of the pieces I commissioned was this lovely Dragon Age Tarot-style commission of Rhiki, set post-Heavensward. I’m in love with the result, so I wanted to share it here!  Every part of it is stunning; the colors, her expression, the many many details, and the symbolism woven throughout. I’m endlessly impressed and delighted by it! More details I wanted to gush about under the cut.
Z’rhiki was very close to Haurchefant, and his death hit her hard, so much so that once the immediate aftermath had been handled she genuinely considered leaving the Scions. It was a pivotal experience for her as a character and I have a of feelings about it. Its’s represented really beautifully in this piece. One of the foremost feelings Rhiki associates with Haurchefant is the warm air from the fire hitting her cold face whenever she opened the door to the main hall of Camp Dragonhead, thus the fire in the foreground of the piece, with the sensation it evokes in the background. Set against a snowy Coerthan night, the light reflecting off the illusory cloak creates a dusk- or dawn-like colorscape; endings and new beginnings. When I was making Rhiki from scratch in the character-creator, knowing nothing about the game, I wasn’t really drawn to either the Keeper of the Moon or Seeker of the Sun lore, so I decided to try to make a character that looked like the spaces in between day and night, light and dark, so the color scheme of this piece is not only representative of this period of her life, but also the broad strokes of her character (which have turned out to be very fitting later in the game...) //
Anyway this is a lot of words to say aaaaAAAAAAHFJAAF
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wildstar25 · 10 months
Many thoughts specifically about miqo'te having their own unique wintertime celebration akin to a festival of lights and/or warmth that would date back to the fifth umbral era (age of endless frost). It could be something that recounts their peoples' great crossing over the ice bridge during a time where days were short and nights were frigid.
The two tribes could celebrate it slightly differently, I think:
Seekers would focus on bringing light into their lives by gathering as a tribe around a big bonfire as the sun goes down. The eldest of the tribe recounts the blessing of fire granted to them by their goddess Azeyma. They mention the torches their ancestors carried along their journey never went out, no matter how strong or cold the winds became over the frozen ocean straight. The light of the flames kept their tribe together in the dark; it let them see the path ahead when the sun went down and was strong enough to be seen by even the slowest trailing members of the migrating tribes. Food is cooked by the flames as children run and play. Of Age Tias endlessly sing over each other, all trying to demonstrate how well they know their clan's traditional songs. The Nuhn keeps the fire going through the night, making sure it doesn't burn out until the light of tomorrow's dawn arrives.
Keepers would focus how the warmth of their family clans kept them alive where most other life perished in the cold. They would hold a large feast on the night of a full moon; stewed game, seasoned preserves, fresh loafs of sesame flour bread, roasted mushrooms and root vegetables would fill their bellies as the night festivities went on. Tokens of love and appreciation would be shared among clan members. As a rare occurrence in keeper life, wandering males would be invited in to partake in the revelry. Prayers would be sung in honour of Menphina, giving thanks bringing love to their lives and for guiding their ancestors together across the horizon. Arms would link together to create circles of dancing miqo'te. Hyms and cheers would carry through the forest for as long as the moon remained high in the sky. Love struck pairings might slink off to deepen their new connections while the remaining family members sleep in groups, sharing each others warmth for the night like those who crossed over into Eorzea so long ago.
Something like that!! Idk this is just off of the top of my head thoughts. Mostly just think that it would make more sense that the Miqo'te tribes and clans have their own cultural practises as they were/are a nomadic people that (in lore) are small in number and tend to keep to themselves. Stories of their people would need to be passed down in one way or another, why not make it a holiday??
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berryblooo · 1 year
Mona, Albedo, and Wanderer: Truth-Seekers & Defiers of Fate
Cross-posting from HoYoLAB.
What do an alchemist, an astrologist, and a wanderer have in common?
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A lot, as it turns out, in terms of design, literary themes, and lore implications.
Allow me to connect seemingly unrelated dots between these three characters. Perhaps by the end of this you too will be eagerly anticipating an event or quest that features all three some day.
Albedo is a genius alchemist, working for the Knights of Favonius as Mondstadt's Chief Alchemist. His knowledge in alchemy goes beyond what even the Sumeru Akademiya possesses, the Art of Khemia from Khaenri'ah.
Mona is a genius astrologist and one of the few practitioners of Hydromancy. Her reputation as an astrologer led to her being asked to take on the All Things Astrological column in Fontaine's newsletter, The Steambird. Her work is revered in the Rtawahist Darshan at the Sumeru Akademiya.
Wanderer, known as ‘Hat Guy’ among the students of the Vahumana Darshan, has become an ad-hoc student of theirs after his papers refuting the popular academic theories surrounding the Tartarsuna incident became popular. He later wrote pieces about Inazuman politics that garnered acclaim. Apparently having a knack for academia, he’s been invited to Vahumana lectures and was able to serve as its representative in the Akademiya Showdown.
Appreciators of the Arts
Albedo is an artist, who has illustrated A Legend of Sword books under the pseudonym Calx and was invited to Inazuma during the Irodori Festival held after the nation opened its borders to illustrate the Five Kasen paintings.
Mona enjoys singing and does so while stargazing. During the 2.8 Summertime Odyssey event, she accepts Xinyan's offer to give her voice lessons.
During his time as Kabukimono living at the Mikage Furnace, he learned how to sword dance and would perform alongside the other blacksmiths. His talents and their excerpts, constellation, and namecard reference theater and poetry, which may indicate his interest in those arts.
The Sun, Moon, and Stars
The Geo construct Albedo creates is called the Solar Isotoma, and his 3rd Constellation is titled "Grace of Helios".
Albedo's namecard is titled "Sun Blossom".
Albedo's splash art and Solar Isotoma design features flower and sun-like imagery.
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The name, Mona, means "Moon" in Old English.
Her redesigned outfit is titled "Pact of Stars and Moon" and features crescent moon pendants on her hat and leg.
The eight-pointed star on the pendants has likely influence from the Star of Ishtar, the inspiration for Teyvat's Istaroth, who may have some connection to the three moon sisters.
Her 2nd constellation is titled "Lunar Chain".
Mona's namecard is titled "Starry Sky".
Naturally, as an astrologist, she also has countless star-related symbolism which are fairly obvious.
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Two of Wanderer's constellations have moon-related names. His 2nd constellation is "Niban: Moonlit Isle Amidst White Waves" and his 3rd constellation is "Sanban: Moonflower Kusemai".
Interestingly, Wanderer's splash art is different from most other Anemo characters in that the elements surrounding him are more black and navy than turquoise, and features a galaxy and star design.
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What defines a human?
Albedo and Scaramouche are both artificial beings, homunculus and puppet respectively.
Albedo was created by his mother, Rhinedottir, using an ancient technique from Khaenri'ah called Khemia. He was part of her Primordial Human project and was the last of her (known) creations, considered her magnum opus. The only evidence of his being a creation is the pontil mark she left on the front of his throat, his one "imperfection" that makes him human. Rhinedottir considers him her son and only child left.
Wanderer was created by his mother, Ei, using an ancient technique now lost. It's implied Irminsul was used in his creation. He was the prototype puppet made for the purpose of storing the Electro Gnosis, but was deemed too weak when he cried while storing it and was thus left to sleep in Shakkei Pavilion with only a plume to signify his connection to the Shogun. He bears the Electro symbol on the back of his neck, the complement to Ei's.
It's unknown whether Albedo is immortal or ages differently than humans, while Wanderer has lived for nearly 500 years, created just after Makoto's death during the Cataclysm. He has always appeared as a beautiful young man, never aging.
In Mona's voicelines about other characters, she almost always references their constellations and interprets parts of their fate from them. The only exception is her voiceline about Albedo. It's speculated that the reason Mona doesn't comment on it is that she's aware of him being a homunculus and purposefully does not reveal his secret.
In the same vein, when Mona first meets Scaramouche during Unreconciled Stars, she is immediately able to see through his facade and tell that he is both a Fatui Harbinger and that he had killing intent towards the Traveler. After Mona teleports the group away, Scaramouche himself wonders if she was able to figure out his true identity—which, during 1.1, players take to mean him being a Harbinger. Looking back, it's likely he meant him being a puppet with powers close to Archon level.
Albedo and Wanderer both represent questions about what makes one human, on both a physical and spiritual level.
"The difference between synthetic and natural life lies in the directional flow of the life force. The energy of a natural life form flows out from within. That's why flower buds bloom and curled leaves unfold. It is the very reason we watch in wonder at blossoming flowers. Creating life artificially, on the other hand, involves — to a certain extent — the introduction of an external source of energy into the embryonic life form. When the hole where the life force was infused is sealed at the end, it leaves a mark not dissimilar to the pontil mark in blown glass wares. The alchemical substance drips and spreads out in all directions, resulting in this rather ingenious diamond shape. This mark is a sign of my artificial origins, and proof of my imperfection as a human."
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act II: The Shadow Deepens
"But Subject Two wanted to become a perfected human. So, he erased the mark on both his and Subject Three's necks, for these marks were a symbol of imperfection... He so desperately craved to become a perfect human being that he forgot something: Human beings are defined by their flaws."
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act III: A Secret Born From Ashes
"As beings who set foot in this world, how arrogant are we in desiring to control our destiny, and in desiring to create?"
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act III: A Secret Born From Ashes
Wanderer: In your eyes, are there any differences between humans and puppets? Nahida: Do you think there are any differences between your present self and your previous and future incarnations? If not, then what are the differences between humans and puppets? Whoever has tasted the joys and sorrows of life in the human realm is human. Whoever has loved and lost, cried with grief, howled with rage at the tragedy of death that eclipses the miracle of life... they are human, too. Wanderer: I've always believed that human lives follow a set of rules, with each person being a collection of past experiences. As a puppet living in the human world, my life is subject to the same rules. I've lived with a void in my chest my whole life. My creator didn't need me, and ever since I awoke, I've just drifted from one place to the next. But then I met you, and I finally realized that reclaiming my missing sins might be my one opportunity to become my true self. I've always felt I have an innate tendency to yearn for something more, in a way that goes deeper than for most people... But for all my soul-searching as a shugenja, I've never fully understood it. Looking at it now, it seems that I brought this curse upon myself. So I beg you... grant me this opportunity to gain a purpose. To change my destiny and end my wandering.
Wanderer and Nahida, Interlude Chapter: Act III: Inversion of Genesis - The Kabukimono's Finale
Nahida: To be human is to live with imperfections. You can choose whether or not you want to be human. Wanderer: ...But humans can't live without a heart, can they? Anyway, I gave up trying to become a human a long time ago. Nahida: You understand what pain is perfectly well, even without a heart. You're just burying your feelings. The past is set in stone, but you can keep moving on. And the longer your future lasts, the shorter your past will become, until one day it is but a tiny fraction of your life.
Wanderer and Nahida, Interlude Chapter: Act III: Inversion of Genesis - As Though Morning Dew
We can see the similar themes of questioning what it means to be human, of recognizing and accepting imperfections as a part of their humanity for Albedo and Scaramouche.
How does Mona tie into all this? She isn't an artificial being. (As far as we know.)
Mona's Character Story 5 talks about similar themes, namely human hearts and the laws that (supposedly) govern them.
During her apprenticeship, Mona found that the subtle abstractions of her master's teachings could explain the laws that governed the existence of all things. Human hearts were guided by these laws, and if one had great enough powers of calculation, all the mysteries of the world could be understood. Mona once believed this to be true. But when she had to strike out on her own and live day-to-day, she found herself doubting. Not everyone lived wealthy and comfortable lives. Some neither had food nor warm clothes, living no differently from beggars. And it was just such an adventurer who, when meeting Mona while she was out looking for fruits and vegetables to fill her stomach, shared half their food with her. "Out here, we've gotta have each other's backs." This was not something inscribed on these so-called principles of the world. And many other such things she encountered on her journey — the honesty of a thief, a robber's change of heart, a coward's courage, the good deeds of a wicked person... Mona began to have some doubts, but she also felt like she finally had her feet on solid ground. When she was again alone with her thoughts under the stars, she marveled that her research had been so full of holes. Perhaps she would have to continue researching the world's principles for the rest of her life.
We see these same questions brought up by Wanderer at the start of his journey of repentance.
This story of the adventurer she meets is the same one that Mona references during her mirage in the Summer Odyssey event. She divined that if he continued adventuring, he would meet his death within two years. Despite this, the adventurer continued on. Mona believes him to be dead now, since fate is immutable and that encounter was over three years ago.
It's speculated that this adventurer is none other than Joserf, who gets lost on Dragonspine and does indeed meet his death. Except that during the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms events, Albedo uses a whopperflower to bring new life to "Joserf" and reunite "him" with his son, Joel.
In doing so, is Albedo rewriting fate?
Irminsul, Fate, and the Truth of the World
We know that Irminsul is tied to the fate and truth of Teyvat, and all three characters have ties to these themes.
Mona and Albedo are both apprentices/inheritors of knowledge of Hexenzirkel members: Barbeloth and Rhinedottir. The Hexenzirkel is known to embark on Irminsul explorations (which Albedo accompanied Gold on) and at least two members, Alice and Nicole, are implied to be immune or able to know when Irminsul tampering occurs.
Mona and Albedo share a common goal: to uncover the truth of this world. Albedo was tasked with this by Rhinedottir before her abrupt disappearance after discovering the Heart of Naberius, while it's currently unknown if Mona inherited this goal from Barbeloth or if it's her own.
Both are foreshadowed to incur a dark fate in their pursuit of the truth. In Mona's Collected Miscellany, Dainsleif says, "But beware, O young seeker. You must sacrifice your all to unravel the world's secrets," while Albedo is foreshadowed to lose control of his power or be susceptible to corruption and endanger Mondstadt.
As a student of the Vahumana Darshan, Wanderer studies the truth of history.
During his time as a Fatui Harbinger, Scaramouche was sent on missions to the Abyss by the Fatui, implied to be because of his ability to withstand and recovering from damage/attacks. We know that truly ancient Irminsul is located in the Abyss.
He is implied to be created from Irminsul and can navigate the memories stored within, as seen in Inversion of Genesis.
He tried to rewrite the past/fate by erasing himself from Irminsul but learns that fate cannot be changed. This is a line we hear often in game from none other that Astrologist Mona Megistus.
In the confrontation between Dottore and Nahida in the Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises, we learn that Irminsul hides the secret "truth" that "the sky and stars of Teyvat are fake".
This corroborates what Scaramouche said in Unreconciled Stars: that the stars, the sky are all a gigantic hoax. A lie.
Mona also corroborates what Scaramouche revealed: she said she was taught to talk about the false sky in her readings.
This means both the Fatui and the Hexenzirkel are aware of the false sky.
In Conclusion
Coincidentally (or perhaps not) all three were sent to Mondstadt.
Albedo was instructed by Rhinedottir to seek out Alice in Mondstadt and take up residence there.
Mona ends up in Mondstadt after being sent to retrieve something of Barbeloth's from Alice's successor (Klee) and when she accidentally reads her 50 year old diary, she feels forced to hide in the city lest she incur her master's wrath.
Scaramouche was chosen by Pierro to investigate the meteorites in Unreconciled Stars, and he speculates that the Jester not only knew what he would discover about the false sky, but that he wanted to frighten him with this information.
I believe all of this is building up the three of them meeting, whether as allies or rivals, in connection with the false sky/truth of the world plot. I feel there are too many connections between them for it not to be intentional.
Or it's all copium!
Additional tidbits that didn't fit in with the rest.
According to Mona and Klee's voicelines, Albedo and Mona are friends/colleagues and meet regularly for meals and to play with Klee.
In the Irodori Festival, Albedo paints Kuronushi of the Five Kasen based on Scaramouche's likeness, which was only revealed when Hydro was applied to the canvas. Similar to the concept of Hydromany, which divines truth in the reflection of water.
The forging technique passed down from the Raiden Shogun to the Raiden Gokaden incorporates astrology into its process.
Barbeloth, Mona's master, likes hats and helps pick them out for people. (Like Klee, and maybe Mona as well.) She would probably appreciate Wanderer's taste in hats.
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pensola · 8 months
Xaela Lore Through the Fishing Log
One of the reasons Xaela is my favourite clan in XIV and Azim Steppe is my favourite zone forevermore is due to the lore presentend and how they are consistently shown and used. Not like how Seekers are given lore that is then contradicted in-game, or any other races/clans that are given lore but then it is all ignored because XIV prefers geographical culture and lore nowadays (which is fine, I just wish they would USE the lore they give rather than give arbitrary racial/clan lore that then never come up). Xaela's tribe facts are actually a thing that is used and referenced in the zone in many ways, MSQ, side-quests, FATEs and more. There are so many ways to learn more about the tribes and the zone's history, and it feels relevant. Azim Steppe was the first zone I ever completed all side-quests on, and I actually stopped the main-story-questing in order to do it because I was so curious about their place and culture.
One thing I love is how even the fish you can catch present humorous lore about the zone, and that the Azim Steppe fish lore stays consistent. Sure, it is never referenced anywhere else, but it is a charm to it. I just wanted to add in the ones I have found so far that I found related to lore and were not the general "the fish is named/looks like this because reasons" descriptions down below. A quick summary of Xaelan fish lore:
-The Xaela like fish. A lot. - Fishes are personifications and gifts from the gods, sometimes a representation of their love for the people they created. - Being reincarnated as a fish is seen as a high honour, only thing better would godhood. At least if you are a beloved animal.
Cavalry Catfish: The “cavalry” of its name arrives from the popular rumor that an esurient school of the catfish split a river-fording horse in two, devouring it from the stomach out. Horse-lovers and the weak of stomach might steer clear of this “meal that eats you back.” - Noted since there is a tribe that do love their horses, so I liked that addition.
Dotharli Gudgeon: This freshwater fish commonly found in the upper One River is also known as the Mol gudgeon, the Kahkoli gudgeon, the Dataqi gudgeon, the Horo gudgeon, and after whichever other Xaela tribe that insists their ancestors first caught the species. - Always love when the specific tribes are mentioned, if only because it is funny.
Dawn Herald: Denizen of the middle and lower rivers of Othard who loyally serves as the eyes of the Dawn Father, to hear the Xaela tell it. Dusk Herald: Looming larger than her dawn relative, the dusk herald benights the waters with silver-blue scales of twilight in devout service to Nhaama. - Just funny how the fish lore keeps reminding us how the Xaela view fishes as sacred and important to their gods.
Flamefish: The act of swallowing the sun burned a permanent orange hue in to the scales of this hungry fire-eater and brought about the first eclipse, in case there was any question concerning how that astronomical phenomenon occurred. - Again, fish are so important to the xaela. "Oh, the first eclipse in the world? No, no, that's not a bad omen, a fish did it."
Fickle Krait: Feared and reviled by the public for the role its deadly venom played in the infamous assassination of a feudal lord, the snake itself is blameless, exhibiting a passive temperament and not ordinarily given to biting. - I added this more because it is interesting that it mensions "feudal lord", something more suiting Yanxia than the steppes, yet the fish is only found in Azim Steppe's waters. Can help describe how some commoners in lower Othard would assosiate with the steppes.
Glaring Perch: Fiercely territorial from birth, the younglings seek to intimidate any and all who enter their perceived sphere of dominion, kin included; a posture that sits perfectly well with the Oronir. - Either the Oronir find the Glaring Perch's protectiveness well-working, or they identify with the fish' territorial attitude, and either way it is hillarious to think about.
Eternal Eye: Unblinking sentinel left in the wake of the Dawn Father and Dusk Mother's departure to watch over the Xaela in their absence. - Again, fish are mentioned to be the Xaelan creation gods' important servants.
Soul of the Stallion: "A rare white freshwater fish believed to harbor the soul of a once-proud steppe stallion" and "According to the existential hierarchy of Xaela reincarnation, fishliness is next to godliness. Horses who serve their masters well in life ascend to the waters afterward, with the most noble of destriers reborn in pristine scales of white." - This, I find, is the most important one. We know at least Dotharl and one other tribe believe in reincarnation fiercely, it would not be farfetched to assume it is what many or most Xaelan tribes believe. We do not know if this is a hierarchy for animals specifically, since they only mention horses, but still, it is written in canon that Xaela believe the only lifeform greater than fish is deity, and that is amazing.
Nhaama's Boon: A fish held in the highest esteem by desert denizens, who deem it a gift from the Dusk Mother herself. It's edible, but far from transcendent. Nhaama's Treasure: "A queen among Nhaama's boons, and lady of the waters of Dotharl Khaa." and "Believed by many of the Azim Steppe's Xaela tribes to be a gift from the Dusk Mother herself, this large wavekin is oft presented as a reward in contests of mettle held during sacred festivals." - If I ever make that fanfic where there is a big festival after the nadaam, I will absolutely include tribes gifting the Mol and my Warrior of Light this fish. My WoL is Miqo'te so she might wonder if it is an insult until it is clarified for her.
The Unconditional: "Not so much a lord as a god of Dotharl Khaa, this particular specimen is thought to be a blessing sent by the Dusk Mother and Dawn Father themselves. As such, this catch might be best left unboasted of." and "Possessed of both a dorsal fin not unlike a crescent moon, and a tail fin not unlike the rising sun, this distinctive wavekin is believed by nomads of the Azim Steppe to be the corporeal manifestation of the Dusk Mother and Dawn Father's love for their children on Hydaelyn." - I just. I just love how the fish are represented so often to be gifts from the gods to the xaela, and that they are considered reincarnations to strive for right next to godhood, and here it is explicitly said that it is quite rude, even insulting, to catch certain fish, this in particular.
Zagas Khaal: "A freshwater fish extremely common to many of the One River's northern tributaries. Its name literally translates to "river fish."" and "Ask a nomad of the Azim Steppe to blurt out the first fish that comes to mind, and without fail you will hear the name of this pervasive species, followed by an awkward silence." - I guess the joke is that they ask someone from a place with basically only a few rivers what the fish they think of is, and they just say "fish from the river".
Steppe Skipper: This fish's aerodynamic green fins allow it to jump to conclusions rather than go through the motions. The Auri Xaela, who know a thing or two about shortcuts, regard the steppe skipper as a portent of good things to come. Dry Steppe Skipper: Unlike its purportedly “lucky” brethren, encountering this withering-grass-colored variety of steppe skipper is regarded as an omen of ill fortune among nomads. Dry humor is often lost on the superstitious. Blade Skipper: Several of the Azim Steppe's nomadic tribes believe this blood skipper, native to the One River, leapt from the depths of its Yanxian home and rode the thick blades of lush Steppe grass all the way north and east to the Upper Yat Khaal where it now dwells. Garden Skipper: Some of the Othard's nomadic tribes view this large green skipper as an ill omen that their journey is about to end, and have been known to go as far as abandoning their fishing rods to the river rather than risk reeling one in. - Can we take a moment to appreciate how most of the skippers are used to determine someone's luck and fortune?
Dawn Crayfish: Devoted disciple of the Dawn Father who battles his sworn enemy for control of the Azim Steppe, and rises as his rival sets. Dusk Crayfish: Devoted disciple of the Dusk Mother who battles her sworn enemy for control of the Azim Steppe, and waxes as her nemesis wanes. - Who else are loving the amount of duelling sealife in Azim Steppe? I certainly am!
Bowfish: Xaela archers often present offerings of this high-strung arciform fish to their gods before venturing forth on the hunt.
Tao Bitterling: Though the breed is generally deemed unfit for consumption, the Mol nevertheless persist in fishing for them per the bidding of their holy men; a case of faith operating contrary to nature's plan. The Word of God: "A king among Tao bitterlings, and lord of the waters of Tao Khaal." and "The Mol believe they are made to endure divine trials that they must overcome to prove their worth. Catching a blessed Tao bitterling was one of these trials. Seeing as they did not catch it, their god will now punish them." - I always like whenever lorebits remind us that the Mol are considered weirdos by the other tribes for how much to the letter they follow their holy men and old gods.
Sun Bass: Azim in the sky is said to partake of this fish fit for a god, though you'll want to think twice before partaking yourself, as the parasites that riddle its body have proven potentially fatal to less-than-divine diners.
Sweatfish: The arduous sister of the Seraphim shines the glorious sunlit streaks of her Dawn Father against the ominous night sky of her Dusk Mother, and is said to be birthed from the very beads off their battle-wet brows.
Duskfish: "A khan among hardscales, and lord of the waters of Azim Khaat." and "Xaela legend has that this massive wavekin was born from a scale shed by the Dawn Father. Scholars insist it has simply had the good fortune not to be eaten."
Nhaama's Claw: A bivalve mollusk thought to resemble a claw of the Mother of the Dusk.
River Clam: One man's dross is another man's dinner with these clams, and while the Xaela may turn their nose up in the steppes, the Yanxians are more than happy to chow down by the river. - They are not fish, so I guess the Xaela simply don't care about clams that much, haha.
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