#sehun selfie
exoselcas · 2 years
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04h15 · 2 years
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like or reblog if you save.
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ohsenhun · 2 years
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Mirror selfies is His thing
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iwantubaek · 1 year
the way I can just be chillin and then I remember the archive of embarrassing memes and edits I have from the early exo/ exo-l ( or exotic as it was back then) days … it still haunts me lmao
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imaginidol · 11 months
Sehun: Sundays and Lemonades
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Lazy Sundays were the best Sundays.
You walked into your room with a tall mason jar of cherry lemonade, a refreshing drink to set the tone of the incoming afternoon. You place the mug on your nightstand and reach to unplug your phone, plunging yourself into your bed with great ease.
But you didn’t even enjoy a full ten minutes of mindlessly scrolling through Instagram when you notice a new DM request pop up in your notification bar.
“Who’s this?” you mutter, opening the message.
Your heart freezes.
It is a DM from a celebrity, a very well known celebrity at that fact, who had responded to a story of a breakfast plate photo you’d shared earlier that morning.
You try talking yourself into waking up from a cruel dream, but after many arm pinches and several attempts at washing your face with cold water in the sink, you realized that the interaction was very much real.
You creep back to your bed and open the DM, reading over his message again.
[New DM: yummy! 😋]
It wasn’t much, but it was still very much an interaction.
You look back to your stories to see if anything else was new, and you almost fling your phone across the room when you realize the boy had actually left a like on a story selfie that came just before your breakfast post.
“Is this real? Is this boy… real? This has to be a scam. What the—”
You realize you have three options.
Never respond. Ever.
Actually, maybe even delete it.
…respond. Why not?
A fourth option was to post about it, but you realized that wouldn’t do him any good. It would probably cause a heap of unwanted attention and scandals in your own life and probably even his, and you honestly weren’t up for any external interruptions into your otherwise peaceful life. You didn’t even follow him, and he most definitely did not follow you. Also, what if his intention was to… genuinely reach out and be friendly?
I think I’m gonna respond. What could happen?
You decide to keep it short and sweet, just as he did.
[Me: it was so good!! u should try! 😆]
You waited for a few minutes for a reply, but eventually none came.
It’s a scam. A very well thought-out scam. I’m being scammed, I just know it, you thought, reaching over to drink some of your lemonade.
You decide to turn your attention to your television, curiously deciding to watch EXO videos on YouTube to get a jist of what he was like.
Ten minutes into the video, you hear your phone ping again, and you immediately scramble to it without hesitation. And sure enough, the mysterious boy had answered.
[New DM: ☺️ let’s go?]
The DM’s were short and to the point. You were still a bit skeptical as you watched the boy dancing on your television, turning back to your phone and contemplating whether it really was the same boy who was messaging you at this particular moment.
[Me: u want to?? 😄😊]
[New DM: 🤔]
[New DM: 🤫🫣]
You giggle, realizing he was saying many things with such little emojis.
[Me: wanna be friends? 🤫]
[New DM: that’s not risky? 🥴]
[Me: i can keep a secret ☺️]
[New DM: :) tomorrow?]
You giggle at the secret life that would soon ensue.
It could be fun, it was very risky, and you’d make sure to keep your distance until… until you felt safe.
Suddenly, a dawning thought occurred to you.
What if… he’s just a normal person, just like me.
You look back from your phone to the television where the videos had auto-played to a reality show starring the boy and his group.
He definitely was an average person, just like you.
And you were an ordinary person, just like him.
Your pictures ended up on his explore page, just as anyone else’s could.
He thought you were cute and looked through your page, just as anyone crushing on a person might do.
He’d swiped up quietly, not knowing where it would lead, just like anyone intrigued would.
And you followed suit, contemplating whether giving this new potential friendship a shot could be just as any ordinarily sane human interaction would play out.
Regardless of the millions of cameras that surrounded him his whole life, he was still just another person,
just like you.
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kjmcotton · 7 months
Never trust strangers-Sehun
From the Halloween advent calendar🎃
Oh Sehun x general!reader
Warnings:creepy content
If sensitive,please,don’t read
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Your phone buzzed:
Unknown: What runs, but never walks. Murmurs, but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. And has a mouth, but never eats?
Y/n:I’m sorry,you’re texting the wrong number
Unknown:I’m not
Unknown:Do you know the answer?
Y/n:Who am I talking to?
Unknown:If you answer correctly, I’ll tell you
Seen at 10pm
Two days later:
Unknown: What runs, but never walks. Murmurs, but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. And has a mouth, but never eats?
Seen at 10:30pm
One week later:
Unknown: What runs, but never walks. Murmurs, but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. And has a mouth, but never eats?
Seeen at 9:00pm
Unknown:Don’t you wanna know who I am?
Delivered at 9:03pm
Unknown:Don’t lie. You would’ve already blocked me if you didn’t care
Seen at 9:25pm
Unknown: What runs, but never walks. Murmurs, but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. And has a mouth, but never eats?
Delivered at 9:26pm
Y/n:A river
Unknown:Good job
Unknown:I’m Sehun
Y/n:I’m Y/n
Sehun:I know
Y/n:How do you know?
Sehun:It’s a secret
Y/n:Tell me
Seen at 9:29pm
Two weeks later:
Y/n:Who gave you my number?
Sehun:I was so lucky to find it
Y/n:That’s not true
Y/n:Tell me who you are
Sehun:I’m Sehun,I told you
Y/n:That’s not enough
Y/n:How old are you?
Y/n:Where are you from?
Seen at 10:45pm
One month later:
Sehun:You haven’t texted me in a while
Y/n:I’ve got nothing to say
Sehun:Then let’s know each other a little better
Sehun:Ask me more questions
Y/n:What’s your favourite color?
Y/n:I don’t like black
Y/n:Favourite animal?
Y/n:I hate snakes
Sehun:And I hate koalas
Y/n:They’re cute
Y/n:They’re my favourite animal
Seen at 11:15
Two months later:
Sehun:Y/n,are you there?
Y/n:What do you want now?
Sehun:Do you like roses?
Y/n:They’re my favourite flowers
Sehun:Look outside the window
Y/n:A bouquet of roses?!
Y/n:Sehun have you put them there?!
Seen at 10:00pm
Three months later:
Y/n:There’s a koala plushie in front of my door
Y/n:Have you put it there?
Sehun:I did
Y/n:How do you know my address?
Sehun:Jongin told me
Y/n:Do you know Jongin?
Seen 10:35pm
Four months later:
Sehun:What’s the thing you desire the most?
Y/n:See your face
Sehun:It’s too early for that
Sehun:Aren’t you having fun?
Y/n:I’m not
Sehun:Admit that you like it
Seen 00:56pm
Six months later:
Y/n:Are you already broke?
Y/n:It’s been a while since you gave me a gift
Sehun:Before leaving university check your favourite study room
Sehun:There’s a surprise for you
Y/n:You bought a necklace for me?! Are you crazy?
Sehun:Don’t worry about it
Y/n:Thank you💘
One year later:
Y/n:Sehun? Are you there?
Sehun:I’m always here for you
Sehun:What’s up?
Y/n:I can’t sleep
Y/n:I feel lonely
Sehun:I can’t
Sehun:I’m coming
Y/n:You must be crazy
Y/n:I don’t even know your face
A new notification appeared on the screen of your phone Sehun sent a picture,it said.
Without thinking about it twice you clicked on the little banner:seeing what you had never expected to witness. Sehun had finally sent you a selfie,but it wasn’t a normal one. His skin was pale,his lips purplish and,most of all,you couldn’t avoid noticing his red irids nor the odd scar he had on his eye.
Y/n:Would you mind sending me a picture you didn’t take on Halloween night?
Sehun:Oh darling
Sehun:I took it right now
Sehun is typing…
Sehun:Come out from the wardrobe
Sehun:Put the knife down
Sehun:Demons are immortal
Delivered at 3:33pm
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weatheredcoffeecup · 2 months
Hello again !! tysm for the selfie ship, would i be able to get a personality/written ship for skz, wayv, nct 127 monsta x and exo? <3
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In Stray Kids I ship you with... Jisung!
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Jisung is WHIPPED. He is so in love with you being you. He loves your confidence, especially when you make a new outfit. Everyone feels your energy and it's so radiant and brilliant. You two are definitely head turners. Anytime someone asks him about you, he has a folder on his phone full of his favorite photos of you. When out in public he's always holding your hand, gently rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand. It's grounding for him, knowing you're there, but he knows how much you love it also.
In WayV I ship you with... Ten!
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Ten is constantly sending you outfit inspo pics. Not only for you, but him as well. He loves your style and loves experimenting with his own woredrobe. Ten loves learning cooking tips from you also. On nights you suprise him with a home cooked dinner, he ropes you in the biggest hug possible. Your cooking makes him so happy. While eating he's asking how you did it and is constantly hyping up the meal. He loves nights like that, him coming home late after work and being greated with the different scents of spices and aromas from your cooking. After dinner he pulls up a new movie he heard about to watch with you.
In Monsta X I ship you with... Jooheon!
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Jooheon is the Playlist maker. He knows you have a ride range of music taste so anytime he hears a song that makes him think of you, he adds it to a list. He has Playlists based on different vibes. His favorite is "days as beautiful as you." Cheesy as if may be, whenever he listens to it he feels lighted because every song is about you. When he takes you on a ride around town, or walking listening to music together, he gets all giddy when you say you like the Playlist. He usually pushes down the little kid excitements, and instead tries to cooly put his arm around you. Definitely a "She even asked me for the time" moment
In NCT127 I ship you with... Taeyong!
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Taeyong always makes sure to bring you flowers every Friday. On his walk home from work he passes a small flower shop so its quite perfect. The owners have gotten to know him pretty well over time from him coming in. They make sure to always give the freshest and fullest bouquets on hand for him to give you. When the flowers begin to die, you guys spend the evening pressing a few petals to preserve. He came up with the idea of saving them and hanging them up in picture frames and creating a scrap book of them. He always includes a photo he took of you two and the fun things that happened that week. He gets excited when he thinks about looking back on it in the future.
In Ateez I ship you with... Mingi!
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Mingi is almost always glued to your hip. Not in an annoying over bearing boyfriend way, but a "this reminded me of you." Or "I missed you today, let's play games tonight." Way. He loves loves loves your fashion. During date outings he tries to match his outfit to yours. One day, he sees a beautiful set of earrings. You notice them too and even compliment them. They're a cool silver with chains and small crystal Bats hanging on the ends. He takes a mental note so he can buy them for you tomorrow.
In Exo I ship you with... Sehun!
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Sehun is the guy to do everything for you. Opening doors, doing dishes after you cook dinner, making sure you're staying hydrated by bringing your water bottle, giving you a message after a long day, etc. He loves helping you in any way he can and also loves buying you new dresses and accessories. When you give Sehun a little fashion show and spin to show the dresses flow, his heart skips a beat every time. He smiles like a big cheesy goober but he will never admit that. He'll take your hand and spin you around just to keep seeing you giggle. It's his absolute favorite thing.
Thank you so much for your patience ♡ I hope it was worth it
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fy-sehunoh · 1 year
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230508 | A selfie update of Sehun at ‘All That We Loved’ wrap-up party last year 📸✌🏻✨
cr: to the owner
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exoluxionlove · 1 year
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230420 OP ran into Sehun and took selfies
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2014 : EXO at Award Shows
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140105 - Superstar Red and White Arts Awards - EXO
Game Segment
EXO - Wolf + Ment + Miracles In December
EXO - 3.6.5 [1]
News Report [1]
140116 - Golden Disk Awards 2014 - EXO
Red Carpet [1]
EXO - Mirotic (TVXQ Cover) + Sorry Sorry (Super Junior Cover) + Bonsang Award + Growl + EXO as Presenter + Daesang (XOXO) + Encore [1]
Backstage Interview
140123 - Seoul Music Awards - EXO
Red Carpet [1]
Opening + Audience Cut
EXO - Let Out The Beast + Wolf + Growl [1]
EXO - Bonsang + Digital Award + Daesang [1]
Encore (Growl)
140123 - iF Design Awards - EXO
EXO - Best Packaging Design (XOXO) + Brand Identity Design
140208 - Korean Entertainment Arts Awards - EXO
EXO -  Male Group Award
EXO - Growl
140212 - Gaon Chart Awards - EXO
Red Carpet [1] / [1]
EXO - Wolf + Growl + Ending [1] /[1]
Audience Cut
EXO - Fan Mobile Vote + 3rd Quarter + 4th Quarter Award
Backstage Interview
140219 - Soompi Awards - EXO
EXO - Top Male Group + Song Of The Year
140228 - Korean Pop Music Awards - EXO
EXO - Best Dance & Electronic Song Award &  Netizen Award [1]
News Report [1]
MARCH 2014
Myx Music Awards - EXO
Favorite K-Pop Video - Wolf
APRIL 2014
140415 - Yinyuetai 2nd V Chart Annual Awards - EXO
EXO - Best Korean Album of the Year - XOXO
140423 - Chinese Music Awards - EXO-M
Red Carpet
Press Conference - EXO M Cut
EXO M - Most Influential Group Award
EXO M - Growl
EXO M - Overdose
Backstage Interview
MAY 2014
140501 - Korean PD Awards - EXO
EXO - Performer Award
140527 - Baek Sang Arts Awards - EXO-K
EXO K - Overdose
JUNE 2014
140601 - Hito Music Awards - EXO
Best J-pop & K-pop Song (Growl)
140617 - The Show Awards - EXO
EXO - Best Of Artist
140817 - Red Dot Design Award - EXO
Communication Design Award - Packaging (MAMA)
141028 - 2014 Style Icon Award - D.O.
Top 50 Teaser - EXO
141113 - Melon Music Awards - EXO
EXO - Top 10 Award
141115 - Daejeon Drama Festival APAN Star Awards - CHEN, D.O.
Red Carpet [1] / [1]
D.O. - Male Newcomer Award - It's Okay, That's Love
Chen - Best Luck [1] [fancam]
Kyungsoo Audience Cut [1] [2]
Y-Star News Report
141117 - Korean Pop Culture & Arts Awards - EXO-K
Red Carpet
EXO K - Sorry Sorry + Best Group Award + Overdose
Star News Report [1]
SSTV Report [1]
Monthly Cultural Day Video Message [1]
141203 - Mnet Asian Music Awards - EXO
EXO, Welcome to Hong Kong
Hidden Story - EXO Cut [1] [2]
Artist Welcome Meeting
Red Carpet + Best Asian Style Award
EXO Cut - Best Male Group + Green Light Cover (Chen) + Artist of the Year + Black Pearl + Tell Me What Is Love? + Deep Breath (Kai Solo) + Overdose + Album of the Year (Overdose) [1]
EXO - Backstage Interview
Self Camera Mission [1]
Xiumin - Backstage
Face Magazine Report [1] [2]
141213 - Migu Wireless Awards - EXO
EXO Cut - Red Carpet +  Best Stage Performance + Asia’s Most Popular Group + Growl + Ment + Overdose [1]
141221 - SBS Gayo Daejun - EXO
EXO - Overdose [1]
Best Selfie Award [1]
Best Male Group Award [1]
Album of the Year Award [1]
Top 10 Award [1]
141226 - KBS Gayo Daechukjae - EXO
Teaser [1]
Red Carpet [1] / [1]
Full [1] [2]
Full EXO Cut - Opening (D.O.) + Must Have Love (All Artists) + VCR + Breath (Chen & Taeyeon) + Shin Haechul Tribute Stage (Lay, Baekhyun, Chanyeol & D.O. + Infinite, B2ST & N.EX.T) + Dance Battle (Sehun & Tao vs Infinite) + Deep Breath (Kai) + Overdose + Ending [1]
VCR [1]
141227 - KBS Entertainment Awards - Xiumin, Suho, Sehun
Xiumin, Suho & Sehun as Presenters [1]
141229 - MBC Entertainment Awards - EXO
EXO - Popularity Award
141231 - SBS MTV Best of Best - EXO
EXO - Best Male Group
141231 - MBC Gayo Daejun - EXO
EXO - Thunder + Overdose [1]
Baekhyun, Chanyeol & Infinite's L -  Jewelry Box in My Heart + Wedding Cake [1]
Taemin ft. Kai - Pretty Boy [1]
Philippine K-pop Awards - EXO
Best Male Group
World Music Awards - EXO
World's Best Selling Korean Artist
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dailyexo · 1 year
[TRANSLATION] Kai, Sehun - 230101 Official EXO-L Japan website update: “カイとセフンから新年のご挨拶が届きました!” (”New Year's greetings and selfies from Kai and Sehun!”)
カイとセフンからみなさんへ、新年のご挨拶が届きました♪ 2023年もEXOへの応援よろしくお願いいたします!"
Translation: "Hey EXO-L-JAPAN, Happy New Year!
Kai and Sehun have sent EXO-L-JAPAN a selfie and a greeting for the new year! ♪ We hope you all continue to give EXO lots of love and support in this coming year!"
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Translation: "EXO-L-JAPAN, HAPPY NEW YEAR! This year I will be having my solo concert, it's coming up soon~! I am preparing a lot so plese look forward to it!! I am also just as excited for what is to come so please wait a little longer! ♡ - Kai"
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Translation: "Hello EXO-L-JAPAN! 2023 has just begun! I wish that everyone will have a wonderful year ahead! I also wish that we can make many more memories with fans. Let's have a good 2023! - Sehun"
Photo links: 1, 2
Credit: translation, dailyexo.tumblr.com, Source: Official EXO-L Japan.
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maiverie · 11 months
Is this how you see me be honest…😕😕🙁🙁☹️☹️😣
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ALSO heeseung graduating school of oh sehun selfies… like which one is heeseung?🤔 that’s his uncle I expect nothing less
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actually yes u r a clown but youre MY CLOWN and YOURE THE CUTEST ONE out there I PROMISE ☹️💖
NO STOP THESE TWO PHOTOS SIDE BY SIDE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 our cuties 🙁💖 uncle and son URE SO RIGHT
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cherrysarchives · 1 year
Dick Pick (M)
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➻ Pairings: Chanyeol x Baekhyun
➻ Genre: smut, pwp, humor
➻ Additional: 
➻ Word Count: 1.9K
➻ Warnings: 
➻ Author’s notes: This story was written anywhere from 4 - 10 years ago. I’m highly aware that much of the content in this story is unrealistic and may be triggering to some. Please mind all tags! If you’re unsure, please just skip this story. This story is fiction and does not reflect real-life idols' behaviors, personalities, or beliefs. This story is cross posted on multiple sites under the same username!
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The dorm was relatively quiet that evening. A few of the members had their own schedule to go to. Like Sehun with his movie, Suho with his premier. He was pretty sure Kyungsoo was shooting for another drama. Baekhyun, himself, had just finished shooting his own movie for the evening and he was more than happy to spend the rest of the evening doing nothing. With Lay still in China, Kai out with his girlfriend, Chen and Xiumin doing god only knows what, and Chanyeol probably composing, Baekhyun was left to do whatever he wanted. What he wanted to do, he wasn’t entirely sure. 
He had taken a few selfies after his shower, but didn’t have the energy to post them on instagram. The thought of watching a movie or something crossed his mind, but that required getting up to get his laptop, which is something he honestly didn’t want to do at the moment. He was very comfy, sprawled out on the bed in nothing but his boxers, hair still slightly damp from his shower, towel draped over his shoulders. 
So he stuck with his phone. He was going back and forth between instagram, thumbing through pictures and YouTube, watching different random videos. It was one of his favorite ways to unwind after a busy day. He had just clicked on a Girl’s Day video to watch one of the previous performances when the notification dropped down from the top of his phone. A quick scan showed that it was from Chanyeol and it was a photo attachment.
Pausing the video, he exited out of the app and scrolled over to his messages and opened them. Clicking on Chanyeol’s name, he watched as the message popped up and he stared at the photo in front of him.
It was, what he assumed was Chanyeol laying in bed with the blankets wrapped around his legs and his hand pressed down, fingers curled slightly around his very hard and erect cock that was still in his shorts. He had to cock his head, eyes glued to the image for a moment before he shook his head. It was a daring image and he wasn’t sure why Chanyeol took it, but he just shrugged it away. He didn’t bother to send a reply back, figuring either it was some weird prank or had misclicked who he wanted to send it too. 
Exiting out of his messages, he opened back up the YouTube app and continued to watch his video. He was bobbing his head along, singing to the song happily. His eyes moved around on the screen, watching each woman as she danced. He had to admit, he did like watching the girls dance in the outfits the stylists had picked out for them. Tummy flashes and long legs. Oh the long legs. He loved a girl with long legs. 
He couldn’t help but laugh loudly when one of the girls fell. He covered his mouth and giggled and watched till the end before looking for another video. Mess ups were always funny to watch, as long as he wasn’t the one who made the mess up. He decided to go with a boy group this time and up10tion was getting a lot of attention, so he decided to watch these rookies. The video had just started when another picture came in from Chanyeol. Baekhyun could only shake his head and guess what Chanyeol could want to show him this time. Hopefully not another dick covered pic. 
Baekhyun could hope all he wanted, but the moment he pulled up Chanyeol’s message, his hopes were dashed as his eyes widened to an impossibly large size. Right before him was a picture he never thought he would get from Chanyeol. The other had his pants down around his thighs...those milky white thighs. His hand was wrapped around his erect cock and lord was it big. It was certainly bigger than Baekhyun had thought it would be. Bigger than he thought it should be. It was…..huge.
Baekhyun couldn’t help but lick his lips, and with slender fingers, he enlarged the picture and looked at it closer. He was uncircumcised and Baekhyun was surprisingly okay this. Baekhyun was surprisingly okay with all of this. From seeing his friend’s penis to actually liking the look and shape of it. And wanting to...taste it.
Reaching up, Baekhyun slapped himself a few times on the cheek. “Snap out of it Byun.” he muttered. He couldn’t like this. He couldn’t like seeing his friends dick. He couldn’t like seeing a dick period. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t natural. But yet something inside him was telling him that this...this dick was the one he had always wanted. Not that he knew he wanted a dick. But this dick was the one. 
“Oh my god I’m going crazy.” he muttered. He closed the picture out, fingers pressing the chat box as he sent a quick reply back to the younger male 
‘Yah! Why are you sending me pictures of your dick?!’
Closing out the application once more, he pulled YouTube back up and started the video again, trying to keep his mind off of the pictures he received while he waited for a reply back. He was barely another 30 seconds into the video when the message came through and Baekhyun quickly opened it.
‘Sorry man, must have clicked your name by mistake. ‘
Baekhyun couldn’t believe what he was reading. Chanyeol had actually meant to send these pictures to someone else? Who could he be sending such naughty pictures to? And why? That was the most important question. Actually the most important question was how come Baekhyun didn’t know Chanyeol had someone he wanted to send nude pictures too? He was in shock and not really sure how to reply to this. It took him a good five minutes before he could finally formulate a reply that didn’t either sound dumb, sounded mean, or sounded like he wanted to see more.
‘You could get in trouble if these pictures go to the wrong person. 
Why are you taking them anyway?’
That seemed like a good enough response. It wasn’t too harsh, and he didn’t sound too curious like he might want more. He sounded just right. Instead of going back to his video, this time he just kept his messages opened and waited. And waited. And waited some more. It honestly felt like forever before he got the message back, but in reality it had barely been a minute.
‘Your right. Good thing it was you. I just wanted to
see what it would look like if I took a picture of my cock.
Do you like it? Big right? I think I’m the biggest in the
group now.’
Baekhyun smacked his head. Leave it to Chanyeol to want to try something that was so dangerous and scandalous like that. The other was just crazy, that’s all there was to it. But did he like it? If he was being honest with himself, yes he did like it. He liked it a lot. 
‘Why would you ask me if I liked it? Chanyeol
you're crazy. Stop taking pictures of your dick.’
Baekhyun honestly wasn't sure what else to say this other than that. He wasn't going to tell his best friend he liked the picture of his dick. And he wasn't going to admit to himself that he liked the picture of his best friend’s dick. Even if he already knew he did. He'd rather lie to himself than to admit it.
‘Aw you’re no fun Baek. Come over here and
help me take more pictures.’
Baekhyun groaned and sighed and rubbed his forehead. This man. He couldn’t believe it. He wanted him to help take dick pictures? How could he even help? Other than hold the camera? He certainly wasn’t going to be holding Chanyeol’s dick. At all.
‘There is no way I’m helping you. Forget it’
Baekhyun expected a reply from Chanyeol, complaining that Baekhyun wasn’t being fair, but when nothing came, Baekhyun almost felt a little disappointed. Not that he couldn’t just text Chanyeol again. Or even get up and walk down the hall and go see the other in his room.  He could do any of those. And yet he sat there and pouted. He pouted like a upset teenage girl who didn’t get her way. And for no real good reason.
After about holding his phone for ten minutes, he threw it down on his bed. He wasn’t in the mood anymore to watch videos or anything. Laying down on his bed, he stared up at the ceiling, thinking about what he should or shouldn’t do. After a while though, his mind went to other things, like all the little popcorn like things that lined his ceiling. What was it? Why was it there? Had it always been there?
They were deep thought provoking questions that had him so wrapped up that when his phone went off, he jumped on his bed slightly and panted. Reaching over, he grabbed and stared at the notification that Chanyeol had sent him another message. Raising a brow, he unlocked his phone and pulled up his messages and stared at the little clip link of a video. He wasn’t liking what he saw, but he hit play anyway.
“Baekhyun-ah~” Chanyeol’s breathy moan came through the phone. Baekhyun’s eyes widened as he watched as the camera was tilted down, revealing Chanyeol’s hand wrapped around his hard cock, stroking it. Baekhyun watched the way the skin moved over the head, covering it on every upstroke before being removed on the down stroke. Thead was so smooth and pink in color. It looks so delicious. He gave the head a squeeze, his thumb swiping over it and he moaned out louder.
“Fuck, Baekhyun.”
Baekhyun groaned and licked his lips. The way his name left Chanyeol’s lips sent a shiver up his spine and made his cock.twitch. “Fuck.”  He watched as Chanyeol got a closeup of his cock, watching the way the other stroked himself. Chanyeol moved his fingers and used his thumb to press down on his cock, pushing it downwards before letting it go. Baekhyun let out a groan as the cock bobbed back and forth a few times before stopping.
He would be lying if he said he wasn’t eager to see more. He was falling deeper and deeper into a state of lust that he didn’t want to admit he could be in, but it was happening.
The camera moved and turned, showing Chanyeol’s face and the smile that graced his face, cheeks slightly flushed. “You could be in here helping me Baekhyun. But instead you want to keep denying your attraction for me.”  he spoke deeply and chuckled. “That’s okay. Enjoy this video and know one day, you’ll get the real thing. Until then...baby.” He turned the camera again and pointed it at his cock. His other hand wrapped around the hard flesh and stroked himself quickly. Deep grunts left him, hips slightly moving before they stilled.
“Baekhyun!” Baekhyun gasped as he watched the milky fluid shoot from Chanyeol’s cock, landing on his hand and abdomen as he stroked himself through his orgams. The video ended and Baekhyun was left there to stare in shock and awe. It wasn’t until his cock gave a painful twitch, did he realize he was hard, horny and desperate for Chanyeol’s cock. 
He fell back on the bed and panted softly as he reached down and gripped himself through his pants, giving his cock a squeeze. “God I fucking hate you, Park Chanyeol.” he grumbled to himself. Lifting his phone, he pressed play once more and watched the video while stroking his cock. 
It was going to be a long night.
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digitalgirls · 1 year
sehun's commitment to never taking a decent selfie is astonishing
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z-exo-l · 11 months
Liveblogging the live highlight medley.
Track 2. Oooh Regret it is sooo 2000’s. OMG I’m gonna like it! Fascinating discussion guys.
Track 3. Hear Me Ouuut ❤️ So much rapper focus so far. Poor babies with the pollen. I’m delighted that they shared so many sentiments as the fans. And that Ksoo apparently really likes this one.
Track 4. Private Party ohhh OOH!!! So dancey. BODY??? Omg…Aww, poor pcy. I wish you could’ve written it. :-(
Track 5. Cinderella. Oh look at minseok vibing! (Lowkey feeling nostalgic about Peter Pan too guys) YES! HIS PRONUNCIATION! CINDERELLA PRONUNCIATION 2023!!! Gee I wonder why Johnny pronounces it well, you dorks. 😆
Track 6. No makeup. Ohhh chill. Makeup off? Hmmm. Feelings. The talk about sexiness in your thirties is making me feel attacked. Are we actually having a sleepwear discussion rn?
Track 7. Love Fool. No lie this album is FULL 2000s r&b. Oop-a lil flat baby but that’s okay.
Track 8. Another Day. There’s definitely a theme here, lol. I’m more partial to the experimental, variety albums; just because I think exo really shines there. Aww, ksoo and pcy being so supportive all around.
Track 9. Let Me In. 👍🏻
Cream Soda….OH MY GOD!!! Uh oh…OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! …I’m gonna like it! 🤩
Ohhh no dance spoiler. !!! I’m upset. You’re a good sport Sehun, thank you. And staff member Suho. 🙏🏻 PCY’s Card snuck in ksoo? 😆
Now is as good a time as any, I miss Jongin. 😢
Aww, did Jongdae get Xiumin’s photocard? Or Suho’s?
I got my album through a service that sends you one random of three, so idk which one I’m getting. 😬
Ahh yes. Sehun still having selfie issues. …pcy what are you doing babe?
Aww he’s doodling! Awwww chansoo in their own little world just like a concert. 🥺
Awwww don’t make fun of Sehun that was cute!!!
We missed you too Baek. ❤️
Minseokiiiee I love you!
🥺🥺 I love you kyungsoo you thoughtful weirdo!!!
Awww Chanyeol that’s so sweet!!! I miss you.
Leader! Awww, thank you for bringing Kai up!
I love them. 😩
Pfft! Silly awkward boys. Awww!! (One last chansoo thank you.)
Ohh man…now I gotta hear the song??? I’M NOT READY!
0 notes
baekhvuns · 1 year
Maybe smaller fields were the reason because??? Or maybe they didn't know how to defend back then (some defenders still aren't sure what their role is 👿) it's so funny with Borussia sjsvahahsjshsjsjs
Weirder shit happened so Ancelotti couching Brazil wouldn't surprise me. If Zidane wanted to stay in France then I'd have to respect it, you're right him leading PSG would be hilarious, but I want him back </3
It was serious for Ronaldo lmao, they should've just fought outside the stadium tbh
Arsenal vs Man Utd was jshsushsjwjsusjs Arsenal shooting 25 times and MU only 6?! Winning 3:2, only losing one game so far and only 2 draws? I'm really living in a different reality rn. Heeeeey why do you want me to suffer? Maybe I'll see Arsenal achieve something in CL too 😭😭😭 Chelsea and Liverpool stand up wtf, it's a bit funny ngl
Yeah the vibes definitely off... good riddance then, this is so fucked. Busquets go away challenge
Also William and Harry are very different so that's important to consider, maybe Charles and Harry just aren't compatible as people, both Charles and Will are more robotic to me skshsjhsjshsavavsnja
NCT's concerts are big strip clubs tbh 😭😅 A BIT overpriced if you ask me... SM needs to stop being a monster of capitalism for one second. Literally what I thought about when the Lisa contract thing came out, they're going the football route.
Right what were they thinking making GOT perform their song weeks before the release??? Most people watch that performance since the MV is just boring. Maybe Girls on Top need more appearances, have variety shows like SuperM, idk DO SOMETHING or end this shitshow
Welcome to the Go Eunhyuk simp nation! 🤌🏻❤
Idc about HP anymore, but yeah the first two movies were magical to me! Lmao that's the Wimpy kid? I haven't seen the movies I only read a few books. Right miss Blake is busy making kids 😭 btw I recently re-watched some of Gossip Girl, godddd what a mess, but I lived for the drama. I totally forgot Sebastian Stan was in it
I still have snakes wrapped around my leg permanently, Slytherin through and through lol
I can believe the Pique thing is true, because these people aren't even slick and when you go places you see and hear a lot of shit. I saw so many questionable things in London, lots of open secrets as well 🔫
Ailee changed her photo caption and CB got mad, but yeah girl.... should've just deleted the photo
At least Birmingham has Peaky Blinders, but what does Brampton have?
Baek.... I'll look away from that aunt comment. Hwa's niece biasing the demon line omg. The "Sehun" webtoon is still on-going and I'm reading it, but at what cost 😭
Seonghwa hasn't posted a selfie in ages, word on the street is blonde Hwa is gone I'M COMMITTING IF TRUE 🤧🤧🤧🤧 Mingi's hair is dark too... But as long as no scissors were involved... unless he cut his hair then I'm killing everyone eh, anyways like I said if I can't see blonde Hwa live then no euro Atinys can. Though there are so many ot8 black hair enthusiasts (couldn't be me)
But god, look at this hair here!!!
Kpop stans actually fighting irl is even more hilarious and pathetic 😭
HIM and yeah we can SEE your love for tank tops💀 - DV 💖
Maybe smaller fields were the reason because??? Or maybe they didn't know how to defend back then (some defenders still aren't sure what their role is 👿) it's so funny with Borussia sjsvahahsjshsjsjs
no bc how small be these fields actually 😭😭 having that win in today’s football is near impossible, the max ppl can get is, sure, a 8-9 and even a 10 if they have some super team 🤚🏻 NO BC DO U DEE THOSE COMPILATIONS OF OLDER DEFENDERS DOING NOTHING and then see a maradona beating the shit out of them <3 borussia so funny and why’s bayern on top again 😭😭😭 fraud
Weirder shit happened so Ancelotti couching Brazil wouldn't surprise me. If Zidane wanted to stay in France then I'd have to respect it, you're right him leading PSG would be hilarious, but I want him back </3 //// It was serious for Ronaldo lmao, they should've just fought outside the stadium tbh
yeah he’s in the race but im desperately wanting the special one for brazil 😭😭 but i think luis enrique might actually make it fbfb RIGHT FBDB HE HAS EXPERIENCE LEADING RM’S EGO’S PSG’S WOULD BE NOTHING IN FRONT OF HIM, that mashup would be crazy seeing the players too PHEWWW,,, it really was 😭😭😭 i don’t doubt he jumped ramos after bc of his tackle fhekfhkdjcc
Arsenal vs Man Utd was jshsushsjwjsusjs Arsenal shooting 25 times and MU only 6?! Winning 3:2, only losing one game so far and only 2 draws? I'm really living in a different reality rn. Heeeeey why do you want me to suffer? Maybe I'll see Arsenal achieve something in CL too 😭😭😭 Chelsea and Liverpool stand up wtf, it's a bit funny ngl
arsenal was OUT FOR MAN UNITED, the reality going to turn insane when man city v arsenal happens,,, it’s so funny to watch their matches w everyone esp bc anthony 😭😭 i just know the defence and the strikers are going to go a lil crazy 😭😭 anon u can only hope atp the cl standings are a bit crazy right now,,, man city is right behind arsenal one mistake and arsenal’s ticked off 😭😭 aND NEWCASTLE?? they on a roll 😯😳 silva’s longevity @ chelsea is so insane, best player this season there tbh,,, chelsea has beasts BUT WHAT IS GOING ON
their transfers have been REALLY good maybe it’s the playing style 😭 but why are all these transfer market rumours so wild, theres a messi barca return rumour, him going man city 😭😭😭 neymar following him AND THEY BETTER MOVE BC PSG IS SO FUCKED ronaldo almost going to bayern ???? 😭😭😭 modric w alnassr rejection,, kane and tottenham, love the drama <3
Yeah the vibes definitely off... good riddance then, this is so fucked. Busquets go away challenge
YEAHH,,, esp bc he did on the nye?? + his wife had just lost her mother and they were mourning and this fucker went out and did this ???? hell,, absolute helll,,, prison fc hope they make it to copa del prison <3 18 years prison lessgaurr and this?? 😳😳
Also William and Harry are very different so that's important to consider, maybe Charles and Harry just aren't compatible as people, both Charles and Will are more robotic to me skshsjhsjshsavavsnja
YEAAHHH def not compatible i think, personally i feel more for william not only bc he’s a community favourite (he and kate i find quite lowkey bc they keep quiet and get their work done and go home <3) also bc he had to live his life a certain way bc he’s the heir,,, tbh if i was his sibling id be ecstatic “i get to be rich, live in castles, have fame and not have the responsibilities of an actual heir??? IM IN??” harry missed out bro <3 pls behave urself a little 😭😭 BUT SOPHIE AND EDWARD?? 🤚🏻 actually the best ones out there 🤚🏻
NCT's concerts are big strip clubs tbh 😭😅 A BIT overpriced if you ask me... SM needs to stop being a monster of capitalism for one second. Literally what I thought about when the Lisa contract thing came out, they're going the football route.
LMFAOOOO YOURE RIGHT AN EXPENSIVE STRIP CLUB 😭😭😭 sm need to stop with the amount of versions they do for groups,, just stuck to 2 and do a repackage of 2 😭😭 DO NOT DO THE RVERY MEMBER GETS ON ITS SO HARD TO COLLECT !!!! and if yg wants to keep bp they have to give them 16mill each??? this is some way to keep them from transferring gbfbf oh to be lisa rn 😭😭
Right what were they thinking making GOT perform their song weeks before the release??? Most people watch that performance since the MV is just boring. Maybe Girls on Top need more appearances, have variety shows like SuperM, idk DO SOMETHING or end this shitshow /// Welcome to the Go Eunhyuk simp nation! 🤌🏻❤
like it’s just makes us be like oh i already heard it, don’t wanna hear it again 😭😭 what a stupid way to promo it,,, YEAH give them a variety show like superm! similar concept like retreat show,, since sm’s now getting a new ceo IT BETTER LIKE EXO, AND GIVE EVERYONE PROMOS AND CONCERTS BC CHRIS LEE CAN GO TO HELL EUNHYUK IM A BIG SIMP FOR YOU SO BAD 😭😭
Idc about HP anymore, but yeah the first two movies were magical to me! Lmao that's the Wimpy kid? I haven't seen the movies I only read a few books. Right miss Blake is busy making kids 😭 btw I recently re-watched some of Gossip Girl, godddd what a mess, but I lived for the drama. I totally forgot Sebastian Stan was in it
first two are top tier! last two are elite with storyline !!! YEAH HIM 😭😭 the cast is insanely talented cannot wait for this blockbuster <3 NO SRS PLS BRING BLAKE BACK RYAN HANDLE THE KIDS 😭😭😭 NEED BLAKE IN A ROM COM !!! stop i watched an edit for gossip girl and it revealed who it actually was and as much as the way it’s written, the drama is ELITE nothing can top it actually maybe PLL but 🤚🏻
I still have snakes wrapped around my leg permanently, Slytherin through and through lol //// I can believe the Pique thing is true, because these people aren't even slick and when you go places you see and hear a lot of shit. I saw so many questionable things in London, lots of open secrets as well 🔫
do you speak parseltongue then 👁👁 im gonna need u to tell me them, im actually bri’ish and it would be criminal for u to not say them 🔫 be vague about it 🔫 MY EARS ARE OPEN
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Ailee changed her photo caption and CB got mad, but yeah girl.... should've just deleted the photo // At least Birmingham has Peaky Blinders, but what does Brampton have?
YEAAH the explanation was shitty too like srs bro we know 😭😭 FBNWBDEKH HEY THATS NOT EVEN A VALID COMPARISON 😭😭 see brampton might have the actual hells angels groups
Baek.... I'll look away from that aunt comment. Hwa's niece biasing the demon line omg. The "Sehun" webtoon is still on-going and I'm reading it, but at what cost 😭
NO NO ☺️☺️ DO NOT LOOK AWAY ☺️☺️ U SAW IT ☺️☺️ his niece has taste,,, convinced the entire family has atp,, STILL??? AT WHAT COST MY QUESTION EXACTLY 😭😭 but bestie a new webtoon “only hope” and the art is wowzie and it’s spicey <3
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dojin <3
Seonghwa hasn't posted a selfie in ages, word on the street is blonde Hwa is gone I'M COMMITTING IF TRUE 🤧🤧🤧🤧 Mingi's hair is dark too... But as long as no scissors were involved... unless he cut his hair then I'm killing everyone eh, anyways like I said if I can't see blonde Hwa live then no euro Atinys can. Though there are so many ot8 black hair enthusiasts (couldn't be me) /// But god, look at this hair here!!!
GET THE FUCK OUT IS HE BLOND????? if it’s not this i don’t want it see if it’s this anon we are done, euro tinys cannot experience this
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Kpop stans actually fighting irl is even more hilarious and pathetic 😭 /// HIM and yeah we can SEE your love for tank tops💀 - DV 💖
IT REALLY IS FJDJCKC like come on be a class act,, this is why ppl don’t like kpop fans 😭😭 WE CAN SEE THE LOVE FROM MILES AWAY GOD SOMEONE LOCK HIM UP 😭😭
iconic actually
also, nascar or f1?
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