symptomfinder · 1 year
Paroxysmal symptoms can be frightening and confusing for those who experience them. These sudden and intense episodes can range from seizures to migraines and can greatly impact one's quality of life. Understanding the causes and treatment options is crucial for managing these symptoms. There are a variety of conditions that can cause paroxysmal symptoms, including neurological disorders, cardiovascular issues, and hormonal imbalances. Identifying the underlying cause is key to effective treatment and management. A thorough medical evaluation is necessary to determine the best course of action. Treatment options for paroxysmal symptoms vary depending on the specific condition and severity of symptoms. Medications, lifestyle changes, and surgical interventions may all be recommended. It is important to work closely with a healthcare provider to develop a personalized treatment plan.1. Paroxysmal Symptoms: Definition and OverviewParoxysmal symptoms refer to sudden and intense episodes of symptoms that come and go. These symptoms can be caused by various medical conditions, such as epilepsy, migraines, and asthma. 😱 Paroxysmal symptoms can occur in different parts of the body, such as the head, chest, and limbs. These symptoms can include seizures, spasms, palpitations, and shortness of breath. 🤕 The duration and frequency of paroxysmal symptoms vary depending on the underlying condition. Some people may experience these symptoms once in a while, while others may have them multiple times a day. 🤔 Diagnosing the cause of paroxysmal symptoms can be challenging, as they can be a sign of different medical conditions. Doctors may use various tests, such as EEG, EKG, and imaging tests, to determine the underlying cause. 🧐 Treatment for paroxysmal symptoms depends on the underlying condition. In some cases, medication may be prescribed to manage the symptoms, while in other cases, surgery may be necessary. It is essential to seek medical attention if you experience paroxysmal symptoms. 🏥2. Common Causes of Paroxysmal Symptoms 🤒 Seizures: Sudden electrical activity in the brain can cause paroxysmal symptoms. 💔 Cardiac arrhythmias: Irregular heartbeat can lead to palpitations and shortness of breath. 👃 Allergic rhinitis: Inflammation of the nasal passages can cause sneezing and runny nose. 👀 Ocular migraines: Visual disturbances and headaches can occur without head pain. 🧠 Multiple sclerosis: Nerve damage can cause muscle spasms and tremors. 👂 Meniere's disease: Inner ear disorder can cause vertigo and ringing in the ears. 🦷 Trigeminal neuralgia: Nerve disorder can cause facial pain and spasms. 👩‍⚕️ Consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. 3. Diagnosis and Evaluation of Paroxysmal SymptomsDiagnosis of paroxysmal symptoms requires a thorough medical history and physical examination. Tests such as electroencephalogram (EEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and blood tests may also be necessary. EEG can detect abnormal brain activity during a seizure. MRI can identify structural abnormalities in the brain. Blood tests can rule out metabolic or genetic causes. Evaluation of paroxysmal symptoms involves determining the frequency, duration, and triggers of the episodes. Keeping a seizure diary can be helpful in tracking symptoms and identifying patterns. Triggers may include stress, lack of sleep, or certain foods. Diagnostic testing may also involve video monitoring to capture the symptoms. It is important to differentiate between epileptic and non-epileptic seizures. Epileptic seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain, while non-epileptic seizures are not related to brain activity and may be caused by psychological factors. Diagnostic testing can help distinguish between the two types of seizures. Treatment options vary depending on the underlying cause of the paroxysmal symptoms. 🧠💉📝4. Treatment Options for Paroxysmal Symptoms include: Medications such as anticonvulsants, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers. Implantable devices such as pacemakers or defibrillators. Electrical cardioversion or ablation procedures. Lifestyle changes such as reducing stress, avoiding triggers, and quitting smoking. Anticonvulsants can help control seizures and prevent paroxysmal symptoms. Beta blockers can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, while calcium channel blockers can relax blood vessels and reduce the frequency of symptoms. Pacemakers and defibrillators can help regulate heart rhythm and prevent sudden cardiac arrest. Electrical cardioversion uses a shock to reset the heart's rhythm, while ablation procedures use heat or cold to destroy abnormal heart tissue. Lifestyle changes can also be effective in managing paroxysmal symptoms. Reducing stress, avoiding triggers such as caffeine or alcohol, and quitting smoking can all help improve symptoms and prevent future episodes. It is important to work with a healthcare provider to determine the best treatment plan for individual needs. With proper treatment, paroxysmal symptoms can be effectively managed and quality of life can be improved. 💪5. Lifestyle Changes to Manage Paroxysmal SymptomsLiving with paroxysmal symptoms can be challenging, but making some lifestyle changes can help manage them. Here are some tips: Reduce stress: Stress can trigger symptoms, so try relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation. Exercise regularly: Exercise can improve overall health and reduce the frequency of symptoms. Avoid triggers: Identify triggers like caffeine or alcohol and avoid them. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can worsen symptoms, so aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Eat a healthy diet: A balanced diet can improve overall health and reduce symptoms. Remember to talk to your doctor about any lifestyle changes you plan to make and to continue taking any prescribed medications. 🧘‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🥗💤😌6. Coping Strategies for Paroxysmal SymptomsParoxysmal symptoms can be overwhelming, but there are ways to cope: Deep breathing exercises can help regulate breathing during episodes. Distraction techniques, such as listening to music or focusing on a calming image, can reduce anxiety. Seeking support from loved ones or a therapist can provide emotional support. Engaging in relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation, can reduce stress levels. Keeping a symptom diary can help identify triggers and patterns for better management. Medications prescribed by a doctor can help alleviate symptoms. It's important to find the coping strategies that work best for you and to practice them regularly. Remember to be patient with yourself and seek professional help if needed. 🧘🏽‍♀️🎶💊📝❤️7. When to Seek Medical Attention for Paroxysmal SymptomsParoxysmal symptoms are sudden and intense episodes that can be alarming. Here are some signs that indicate it's time to seek medical attention: Difficulty breathing Chest pain or tightness Severe headache or dizziness Loss of consciousness or fainting Other symptoms that require medical attention include: Seizures or convulsions Numbness or weakness in limbs Confusion or disorientation Uncontrollable shaking or tremors If you experience any of these symptoms, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately. Don't ignore them or wait to see if they go away. It's important to seek medical attention because these symptoms can be signs of a serious underlying condition, such as a heart attack, stroke, or seizure disorder. Early intervention can make a difference in the outcome of these conditions. Don't hesitate to seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms. 🚨 Remember, it's better to be safe than sorry! 🚨 In conclusion, paroxysmal symptoms can be scary and unpredictable. However, understanding their causes and seeking proper treatment can help manage and even prevent them. Don't hesitate to talk to your doctor if you experience any paroxysmal symptoms. Remember, early diagnosis and intervention can make a big difference in managing paroxysmal symptoms. With the right treatment plan, you can regain control and live a normal life. Stay informed, stay proactive, and don't let paroxysmal symptoms hold you back! 💪🏼💊🩺 https://symptomfinder.com/understanding-paroxysmal-symptoms-causes-and-treatment/?_unique_id=647cde177096a
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disabledprincesses · 1 year
I'm going to be staying in the hospital for 5 days for a long-term E.E.G. session. Any tips for hospital stays?
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kahmadaziz · 9 months
What is Epilepsy Surgery?
Epilepsy surgery is a medical procedure performed to treat epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. It is considered when medications fail to control seizures effectively. The main goal of epilepsy surgery is to locate and remove or disconnect the specific brain area responsible for triggering seizures, known as the "seizure focus" or "epileptogenic zone." This procedure can significantly reduce or eliminate seizures in some individuals, improving their quality of life. The specific type of surgery varies depending on the patient's condition and the location of the seizure focus, and it may involve techniques like resection (removal of brain tissue), disconnection (cutting neural pathways), or implantation of devices like vagus nerve stimulators. The suitability of surgery is determined through a comprehensive evaluation by a medical team, including neurologists and neurosurgeons.
For more information call or send queries on https://wa.me/9818323884
#epilepsy #epilapsysurgery #neurologicaldisorder #epilepsyawareness #seizureawareness #seizuredisorder
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sumeria · 1 year
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petnews2day · 3 months
Service Dogs Lead to Fewer Seizures in Resistant Epilepsy
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/j5cN2
Service Dogs Lead to Fewer Seizures in Resistant Epilepsy
Working with medically trained service dogs is associated with a 31% reduction in seizures compared with usual care in treatment-resistant epilepsya new study showed. Investigators speculate that the dogs may ease participants’ stress, leading to a decrease in seizure frequency, although they note this relationship warrants more study. “Despite the development of numerous antiseizure medications […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/j5cN2 #DogNews #AnxietyDisorder, #Electrophysiology, #Epilepsy, #HealthRelatedQualityOfLife, #Hrqol, #MedicalLife, #MedicalLifestyle, #MedicalStudentLifestyle, #NurseLifestyle, #PhysicianLifestyle, #QOL, #QualityOfLife, #ResidentLifestyle, #SeizureDisorder, #Seizure, #Stress, #WoundCare, #WoundManagement
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Standard post published to SeeBeyond™ Medicine - Scarsdale Integrative Medicine at May 17, 2023 16:58
🌿✨ Mistletoe Therapy: See Beyond Medicine! ✨🌿
Did you know mistletoe is more than just a holiday symbol? This unique therapy uses mistletoe extracts to treat diseases, especially cancer. 🎄🩺🌟
Benefits: Quality of life improvement, reduced fatigue, boosted immune system. It's also studied for hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, anxiety, insomnia, and autoimmune disorders. 🌈💤🧠
Mistletoe: A tree-dwelling semi-parasite with no roots. It thrives in winter and symbolizes cancer's nature. ❄️🌳🔬
Cancer's evolution: Warming to cooling, acute to chronic inflammation, anaphylaxis to sclerosis. 🔄❄️🔁
Embrace mistletoe therapy's potential for better health! Let's explore its remarkable properties together. 💫🌿 #SeeBeyondMedicine #MistletoeTherapy #AlternativeMedicine #ComplementaryTreatment #CancerResearch #QualityOfLife #Immunotherapy #ChronicHepatitisC #HIVAIDS #SeizureDisorder #AnxietyTreatment #InsomniaRelief #AutoimmuneDisorders #MedicalBreakthrough #HolisticHealth #NaturalMedicine #TreeParasite #WinterBerries #SummerGrowth #CancerAwareness #Inflammation #DiseaseProgression #HealthResearch #BetterHealth #DiscoverThePossibilities #StayCurious #ScienceOfMedicine #MindBodyHealing #WellnessJourney #HopeForTheFuture
Learn more
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disconurse · 2 years
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fairviewrehab · 5 years
Epilepsy and Seizure Disorder
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Read the full article
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beccab1009 · 4 years
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I’m really missing the ball on top of my head. Having hair the goes down to your butt, then to having no hair at all is a real change. It has been weird not having all that hair. But in the past few months it has grown so much. Next Monday though all of that growth will be shaved off. Some of you know that I will be having another surgery. I am very excited and a little terrified. Lol. But this surgery is what I’ve been waiting for the last two years. I will be getting the RNS System put in. Hopefully this will stop me from having seizures! https://www.instagram.com/p/CAnndOMhnaK/?igshid=isxhsj4logd2
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I'm going for my first infusion of three days tomorrow and I'm slightly panicking. I was put on new medication that my doctor said he wasn't expecting to do much, he told me there was only around a 10% chance of seeing even a slight difference in my seizures.
Surprisingly though, my three to six a day number of seizures has gone down to any where from two to none at all. That might not seen like a massive change as I am still having seizures but as there wasn't much hope in the medication even working it's pretty good. I have only been on it for a month though so I'm not being to hopeful yet, it's all about seeing how it works over time.
The infusion I am going for tomorrow is the big one though, this could be the thing that gets me seizure free completely. I am to get this infusion every three months, the doctors are hoping it will get me free of seizures for two out of the three months in between each infusion. It might not work at all though.
I am hoping that due to the new medication I have been on for the last month getting my seizures down even further then expected, that if it is able to carry on working, the infusions will be able to get rid of the last few seizures and keep them gone in between each infusion.
This is the first time any thing looked like it could possibly work. I just know I am going to have awful side effects from the infusion as it's steroids and then there is the the fact that when I was given a larger dose of steroids and then steroids in tablet form I had a break through seizure that unfortunately landed me in ICU so I am slightly panicking that it could happen again.
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kerbedotjpeg · 5 years
as someone who thought they were epileptic when they were younger i have done a lot of research and i’m here to tell u if these r safe or not and why uwu
water thing totally fine
“tie dye” filter not totally fine
glitch thing nope, random color flashes
fake 3D might be safe, ask someone who would know for your specific case
lego thing fine in theory- but VERY flashy if your hands shake like mine do
fuzzy kinda filter totally fine
color flash NOPE
mirror totally safe
other mirror totally safe
slow color fade depends on your case- ask someone who would know for u
grain totally fine
black and white totally fine
some low quality pictures of the icons
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2020 February 08
Hello. This is Joan (pronounced Joanne, yes I know. I am tired of explaining it but it is what my parents gave me). I have had a seizure disorder since my early teens but formally diagnosed in October of 2019. Now, I am very particular about my privacy which is the reason why I didn’t really want to make this blog. BUT. I needed a platform where I can vent my stress out and where I can write my thoughts and memories for the day or week. I have noticed that my short term memory has been affected lately. It’s like I have early onset dementia. Therefore, here I am. This is not meant to please or entertain anyone. This is merely a digital log for my own perusal. If you aren’t happy or if you disagree with anything I put on here, well, you know what to do.
A little background. I am turning 30 this year. I had my official diagnosis of seizure disorder last year. My most common ones are myoclonic seizures (occurring throughout the day but worse in the morning and evening). Sometimes, myoclonic clusters appears which results in a tonic clonic seizure. I had a normal EKG when I was 14/15 years old and my recent MRI was also normal. My neurologist prescribed Topamax, however, upon researching I opted not to take it due to its side effects. Surprisingly, I also found out that most, if not all, anti-seizure medications have negative long term effects on the brain such as decreased processing speeds, speech and language problems, and behavioral effects. As someone who works in the allied medical field (I know, I still opted out), it frustrated me. As for treatment, I am using natural products such as drinking Basil Tea every day and using cbd with 10% thc to calm my brain down (At this point, if you are already shaking your head, just close the window). Moving on, anxiety and depression are happening more often now that I am aware that it is that and not just something hormonal. I am having a hard time falling asleep due to the anxiety of having another seizure or experiencing Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). For that, I am taking a sleep aid in the form of thc infused gummy bears (1 gummy per night to be exact) and one capsule (I can’t recall its name).
I’ll leave it here for now. It took me a whole day to finally grab my laptop to start this. I am terrified. I am tense. I am stressed. I am alive.
Epic Epileptically Yours,
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Hey, all.  This is my brother.  He’s got a long road ahead of him, but he’s a fighter.  If you can take the time to read his story, and donate if you’re able, that would be wonderful.  Even if you can’t donate, we appreciate all shares, so share, share, share away!  
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captainmorgasms · 5 years
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Today is Purple Day - an international day to spread awareness about epilepsy 💕 living with a seizure disorder can be hella rough: from daily medications, memory slips and brain fog, unpredictable episodes, hospital trips, to fear of judgment and fear of the unknown. I'm fortunate to be alive and well enough to share my experiences and talk about life with epilepsy. I'm grateful for my neurologist and family physician, for the medication that keeps me relatively okay and functioning (most days), for my education and life experience, for my unrelenting sense of adventure and creativity, and most of all for my loved ones near and far. Thank you for taking care of me through the good and bad. Everyone - take a minute to read about epilepsy and what you can do to help someone with a seizure disorder 💜💜 #selfie #purpleday #epilepsy #seizuredisorder #epilepsyawareness (at Ajax, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvexP5ig_Nc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18wbd1vwvctq6
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ballisticslady · 5 years
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Thank You Suds & Such!
A week before Christmas @sudsandsuchva (a company that I’ve mentioned before) who sells goat’s milk products got in contact with me. Ironically, we ended up having a long conversation, & having a lot in common personally! Many of those things being close to the heart; none of which I’ll discuss.
That discussion led to them asking me if I was willing to try anymore of their products after I was unable to handle their Amazon Lilly fragrance lotion. Well... to be honest... I was super curious to try several of their products, but super afraid to. They kindly gifted me $50 in anything I was interested in their store to try out!
When when I got the package I thought about immediately posting about it, then wondered if I should wait until I had at least tried some of the amazing goodies they sent to me for awhile...
I decided I’ve come to a comprise between the two; show off my awesome gift, share about them, then when I’ve given them a good trying out post about each one!
The first set of products I’d like to talk about is the lotions & face cream:
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I received:
• Two full-size goat’s milk lotions:
• Dreamcicle: a moderate strength orange cream scent.
• Desert Ghost flower: also moderate strength in scent. It’s kind of floral kind of fruity in a weird way, but I like it.
-Soothing Serenity Face Cream:
A goat’s milk based light weight cream that has various anti-redness extracts to soothe skin. (I’m hoping this turns out to be liquid gold as I’ve not had a chance to try due to being sick over the holidays.
3 goat’s milk lotion samples:
• Peppermint: this one is actually very strongly scented (the company uses essential oils, so it’s understandable that the peppermint one is strong). I haven’t had a chance to use it yet, if I’m honest. But my but my mom did; turns out that the oils in this lotion are a GREAT ASSET for people with joint issues like carpal tunnel, etc. I ended up giving my sample to her because it’s so much more gentle than the blue gels bought in store, or the hot/cold creams.
• Coconut: another scent I haven’t had the opportunity to open yet but one that I’m really excited to try as, coconut is one of my favorite scents and flavors!
• Desert Ghost flower: I accidentally requested this one. I spent like 5 hours on the site trying to figure out what I wanted, accidentally doubled up on my lotion here. 🤦🏼‍♀️
The next item is a goats milk based sunscreen. Called “Nature’s Choice Sunscreen SPF 45+” That happened to come in full-size and is scentless. (Personally I wouldn’t be against coconut scent myself). It’s SPF 45+ and you apply it right out of the bottle!
It’s super easy to apply and isn’t yacht or anything which is something I love.
I get micro-blisters when I’m in direct sunlight or heat, as well as being in/or around something my body perceived as an irritant. Much like a very rare version of eczema that usually is only seen on people’s hand and forearms. Instead, I get them on my back, arms, and chest. My skin turns violently purple and I burn. I’ve not found a sunscreen that’s been able to protect me before, during & after. My hope is this does! Photo below! 👇🏻
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The soaps I received are in the photo below, all save one—Citrus Splash which I’m currently using and almost out of. To see all products I received, see my first photo!
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• Citrus Splash: This is the compliment to the dreamcicle lotion. It actually does smell very much like a dreamcicle. It’s vibrant, light & exhilarating! There are bits of oats, as well as orange zest in the soap which gives it a nice buffing feel when you use it on your skin. The soap itself is silky smooth, lathers super quick, so a little goes a VERY long way. I’m actually almost out of this bar sadly.
I can’t believe how quick it went; I started using it on 12/14/18, I’ve not used it every day, & it’s almost gone. I will admit that to keep it longer I kept it out of water contact, on a wire rack where air can circulate around it. That was a bit shocking, that I’ll be out so soon! 😒
• Spiced Pear: this is a soap I haven’t used yet, but the smell is warm and invited with all the smells of thanksgiving! If you’ve had cider, then you easily imagine exactly what this smells like!
• 2 Raspberry Vanilla soaps: I got two of these because I’m a big fan of raspberry! However, I was really surprised at how subtle the smell is of this particular soap. If you’re looking for something that isn’t very strong, then this is the soap for you!
• Lemongrass: usually when you hear lemongrass, you hear verbena right after it. This didn’t and I love the smell of lemongrass! This is another vibrant citrusy soap that I can’t wait to try!
Speaking of soaps if I had the money at the time, I probably would have added their Moroccan Vanilla soap to the set because the picture and description just looks absolutely luscious!
I KNOW for a FACT that when these soaps are gone I will WITHOUT A DOUBT be making a purchase from them!
I cannot explain just how RELIEVING it is to take a shower for several days in a row & NOT have a Myoclonic seizure because of something I used to wash with! Or that my skin didn’t start turning red & developing little micro water blisters because of some micro-irritant I came in contact with.
That I don’t have to slam the hot water off until there’s nothing but freezing to shock my system, then BOLT for Benedryl.
At one point I actually broke down and CRIED to my mother after the 1st 7 days, wondering if the other shoe will drop!
Thank you @sudsandsuchva for such a wonderful gift!
If you’d like to look at any of their wonderful products, including what’s not shown here please feel free to check out their website at: www.the-goats-field.com or click the link below.
For an extra 15% off your purchase type in “bdblady15” at checkout!
Hope you enjoyed my review!
Feel free to follow me on my Social Media:
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Genetic Epilepsy Bumper Sticker Idea
"Shake what yo mama gave ya!"
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