welpuu · 1 year
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heybeachvilla · 1 year
Wenn Sie Ihren Urlaub in der Ferienwohnung Hohwacht hey Beachvilla verbringen und noch auf der Suche nach einem tollen Ausflugsziel sind, sollten Sie sich Selent ansehen. Der Selenter See eignet sich übrigens perfekt für einen Badetag, da er auch viele schöne Badestellen umfasst.
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kogetaikid · 11 months
Alright new AU idea.
I deadass thought of this immediately after watching the TADC pilot.
I don’t have a name for this AU but it’s an alternate timeline at the end of Deltarune chapter 7 where Kris and Susie are in TADC in which I’m definitely not making this on Scratch or anything…
It’s kinda why I made this image:
(Also Kris and Pomni will be separate people in this AU)
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No more dark worlds, Asriel came back from college, but through them though Kris managed to make a friend, Susie. And even after finally getting rid of the SOUL, Kris and Susie continue to be friends. One day, they are hanging out at Kris’s house and finding weird things under their bed while Asriel is studying. Kris and Susie find two old headsets and decide to put them on, and I think you know what happens next…
End of Deltarune chapter 7
After the day is saved permanently. Kris and Susie return to the light world.
(I do think something big would happen in chapter 7, but being a fan of Toby Fox, I think the last light world scene, if there is one, will just be normal with a slight twist)
Asriel has came home from University and just as Kris is about to walk home
*Bright lights shine from the inside
Susie: …well. Guess I should go now.. Erm, have fun with your brother I guess.
*Leave Susie?
Yes ❤️ No!!!
[Upon choosing “Yes”]
Susie: Well, see ya.
*Susie left the party…
[Upon choosing “No!]
Susie: …? Maybe later, I’ll let you see your brother right now.
*Susie left
Entering inside the house
(Slowed version of “You can Always Come Home” plays)
[walking to the dining room]
[Asriel and Toriel are talking inside at the dinner table]
Toriel: So I said, “Have an egg-selent day!”
Asriel: Hehe. But what happened with dad?
Toriel: Oh don’t worry about him…
[Asriel noticing Kris]
Asriel: Kris!
[Asriel get up and hugs Kris]
Asriel: Oh I forgot, you don’t like hugs like that.
Toriel: Why don’t you go clean yourself up Kris?
Asriel: Don’t flush any bath bombs in the toilet!
[Kris walks to the bathroom]
[Attempting to go to your bedroom]
Asriel: Going to sleep already? Why am I not surprised?
Toriel: Come on Kris. You’ve been missing your brother, have you not?
[Attempting to go back outside]
Asriel: Mom’s said you’ve made a friend lately.
Toriel: You’ve had the strangest adventures, had you not?
Toriel: I must have been dreaming if that wasn’t the case.
Asriel: Mom, what the hell are you talking about?
[Interacting with the couch]
*The remote is wedged against the cushions.
*You can’t help but feel nostalgic…
[Trying to call Toriel]
*ring, ring…
Toriel: Kris, please go wash your hands.
[Interacting with the trash can]
*The trashcan is emitting a strong rotten floral scent
Asriel: You were always a weird kid, Kris.
Asriel: And somehow…
Asriel: No offense but you’ve gotten weirder.
Toriel: ASRIEL
In the bathroom
[interacting with the sink]
*One last thing to do…
*Wash your hands?
Yes ❤️ Not yet
[Upon choosing “Yes”]
*You turn the sink up loudly.
*You lift your arm…
[Kris tears out their SOUL]
[Kris breaks their SOUL, the screen goes blank]
Kris: Finally. Freedom.
Sepia Flash forward ass shit
(Some goofy ahh remix plays)
[Image of Kris, Toriel and Asriel eating cinnamon-butterscotch pie. They seem happy]
Kris: It was weird at first, without the SOUL’s control, but I was happy. Happier than I’ve ever been.
[Image of Kris sleeping like a maniac]
Kris: I can finally sleep normally, nothing controlling me. No stings, just wings.
[Picture of the SOUL]
Kris: No more forced interacting with people I don’t even know
(I literally am playing Omori while waiting for Deltarune Chapter 3, so tell me if I’ve forgotten anything or forgot something about a character’s personality. I appreciate your feedback)
[Picture of The Deltarune]
Kris: Admittedly, I’ll miss the dark world. At least I don’t have to deal with that little fluff.
Kris: Susie, Noelle, Berdly, everyone, do they feel the same way?
[Picture fades. Blank screen for an awkward five seconds]
[Kris’s room. Susie shaking Kris]
Susie: Kris wake up!
[Kris lifts their head]
Kris: Susie?!
[Susie puts Kris down]
Kris: How the HELL did you get in here?!
[If you choose to remove Susie from your party earlier]
Susie: Sorry, Kris. Just never had a friend as good as you before. Your brother let me in.
Susie: I wanted to check up on ya, but I’ll leave…
[Susie slowly walks out]
Kris: Wait! You can stay!
Susie: What? Kris, you seem different…
Kris: Yeah about that…
Susie: …don’t worry
Susie: The only thing weirder than your family were these last few days am I right!
Kris: yeah…
Susie: (kinda miss Lancer though…)
*Susie has joined the party
Susie: …
Susie: So what do we do?
Kris: I dunno.
[Susie goes to Asriel’s bad and starts digging for stuff inside]
Susie: Hey! Let’s see what creepy stuff is under Asriel’s bed!
Kris: …
[Kris jumps high into the air like a fuckin cat and starts going gremlin mode under Asriel’s bed]
[Kris and Susie dig out two video game controllers, one knock off one and a normal one, I-CEE’s coupons (I hope I spelt that right but I’m too lazy to search it up), magazines, a Yoshi plushie, etc, but then, they find something unexpected]
[Susie and Kris slowly pick up two dusty headsets,, they seem to have already turned on]
(“The Door” plays)
[The lights get brighter, the surroundings get darker]
Susie: Geez Kris. Didn’t know you and your bro had VR.
Kris: we don’t-
Susie: I only seen these things on TV. Let’s try them out!
Kris: Yeah sure!
[If you chose not to remove Susie from your party earlier]
Susie: Your mom let me in.
Susie: I kinda want to do this friend thing more with you.
Kris: Hehe, same here…
Susie: Y’know I haven’t really had a friend until you arrived.
Kris: …
Susie: (I already like Noelle, geez…)
[Insert anything that was highlighted in neon purple. Sorry, I ain’t writing all that shit again but in going on a fucking flight soon]
Putting on the headsets
[Insert dramatic flashing lights]
[Kris and Susie Collapse. Screen goes black for an awkward five seconds or smth]
The Amazing Digital Circus
[bit-crushed remix of TADC theme plays]
[Insert pixelizated version of TADC intro aight I’m done writing this.]
[Black screen
Caine: Nu uh uh! I’m sorry but we can’t have that foul language.
PS: I know there is very little TADC in here, but I promise that the majority of this AU will take place in the digital circus. This was just the prologue.
PSS: So Kris will be a jester. I don’t have a design for Susie but I might make her an acrobat or smth
PSSS: The SOUL somehow manages to respawn in the digital circus, so Kris is screwed (don’t ask how, I’m still figuring that part out)
PSSSS: Like I said earlier please leave any suggestions. (Constructive criticism only unless it’s THAT BAD)
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semburatsore · 6 months
Selenting Sore
Aku selalu berpikir,
Apakah kita hanya berpapasan sementara, seperti satu kereta, lalu saat stasiun berhenti, kita beranjak pergi? Saling melihat, lalu pergi tak peduli. Hanya teman seperjalanan pulang saja.
Aku selalu berpikir,
Apakah semua orang yang kujumpai hanya sebatas seperti pesawat dibandara lalu beranjak pergi, membawa penumpang yang lain. Lewat tanpa emosi melekat. Ironi dunia ini, generasi semakin ignorant satu dengan yang lain, tak seperti bebek yang berjalan beriringan bersama.
Hegemoni sosial berlomba-lomba dalam citra diri yang mana telah dibentuk sebuah konstruksi, you-know-what, memperjauhkan kita untuk sekedar seperjalanan.
Bumi berevolusi, manusia berevolusi, namun jangan pantas nurani berevolusi hingga terbiasa not-sensitive dan unempathic in our society. Be human with humanity.
Semburat Sore,
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As quickly as he returned, he left.
Yet another friend swept away; one may return, the other I am unsure of.
Why must so many leave? The island grows regardless, indifferent to any sadness I could feel.
The only one I can fully cling to now is Selent, and while he’s lovely he is often too much.
I have waited longer for less…
I will wait.
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My name is Selent and I am a Wizard. I am completely trustworthy and have big plans :D
For everything.
And everyone.
I also don’t like @the-random-wizard-from-space
Despite everything I still haven’t done anything cough relatively cough bad, I’m free for people to hire me if they really want to.
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cimeret · 1 year
So, I'm a die-hard Cyan fan. Myst has been very influential to me as a child and kinda defined my whole idea of what a good game should be able to achieve in terms of immersion and atmosphere. I've been hyped for Firmament ever since I heard Rand say the words "callbacks to Myst" and "steampunk magic vibe" and "cool machinery". But now that I've spent a sleepless weekend playing the game, I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. Because the Cyan fan in me really, really wants to love this game and there's so much good stuff, but some of the decisions in gameplay and storytelling don't work for me and I just know Cyan can do better.
Spoilers for the game under the cut. Also, this post is going be image-heavy because, yeah, it's a Cyan game.
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And first of all, YES, there's no absolutely doubt that this game was made by Cyan. Everything feels very Cyan. They just know how to build worlds. Beautiful abandoned places that fill you with a sense of melancholy and nostalgia and spark your imagination. Even on my old potato laptop with abysmal frame rates, I felt like I WAS in the world of Firmament. Sometimes I just stood there and looked around, enjoying the view. All buildings and machines are designed in Cyan's typical style between slightly fantastic and nitty-gritty steampunk realism, and fit seamlessly into the beautiful nature. For the architecture, this time they've opted for a heavily Art Decor inspired style. It makes everything seem very epic and grand, but also a bit austere, and goes very well with the many old and deserted factories we explore in the game. Where Obduction had worlds that felt like a small, close-knit community where people used literal junk to craft their homes and environments, in Firmament everything feels monumental and larger-than-life. The giant arches that span the skies of the worlds are visible from almost everywhere. You handle huge blocks of ice, dump tons of red acid into the sea (yuck), and raise large towers from the ground and open them. This feels like the stuff the D'ni might have constructed at the height of their power. And all of that fits right in with the theme and backstory of Firmament, that megalomaniac multi-generational plan to set off for a new world.
Much of what you would expect from a Cyan game is there. Three very different, atmospheric worlds + a smaller hub world. Epic maglev rides. Turn-on-the-power puzzles. A great visionary tale of hubris and enslavement. An underwater area that is the reincarnation of the selentic maze puzzle. Yeah, even the last one made me roll my eyes in fondness.
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(The way the frozen waterfall reflects in the ice ... so gorgeous ...)
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(You know it‘s a Cyan game if a puzzle looks like a something out of an amusement park)
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(Look at the pretty! I was blown away by the beauty of the whole conservatory area. Just wanted to grab my things and move in.)
The great sound design also does so much to immerse you in the worlds. Headphones recommended! The crunching of ice, the singing of birds, the hissing when you open doors, the grinding of machine parts — I'm quite an auditory person and a big part of the charm of the Myst series for me were the very realistic noises when you turn rusty valves or some heavy door closes and locks behind you. The soundtrack itself left me a bit disappointed. It's mostly ambient and rather unobtrusive, creating a suitable atmosphere, but there were few pieces that stood out for me. One can certainly argue that this should be the point of an immersive soundtrack. Personally, I prefer Robyn Miller's haunting, simple melodies. Still, there were a few songs that I liked, such as Batteries Casting Shadows or Power Station.
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(The most beautiful chill disco)
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(Firmament also has its own "linking books". Never change, Cyan. <3)
The puzzles were integrated well into the environment. I found them all quite easy. For the most part, I figured out what I needed to do fairly quickly, and it was just a matter of getting it done.  A lot of the puzzles dealt with finding your way through an area and navigating the space, so they were puzzles that challenged spatial intelligence. And I love that kind of stuff so I was never really bored, but still a little more variety would have been nice. I would have liked to see some puzzles where you have to take notes or collect clues at different locations in the worlds.
The best puzzles were the ones where you had to learn how to first power and then operate huge machines that required multiple steps. Those kind of puzzles are a staple of Cyan games and always a lot of fun. My favorite puzzle in that regard was the sulfur processing factory. Just staring at the schematics of the huge mixer and the pipelines and figuring out what to do, then moving machinery parts and twiddling with them until it finally clicked — easily the best part of the gameplay for me. I just wish we could have had a bit more of this.
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(That whole area gave me so many flashback to the original Myst .)
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(YES just give me some huge, unnecessarily complicated, creaking machinery I can rotate and break!)
All the interaction happened via the adjunct only, so you just searched for sockets and operated them. In fact, everything was operated via the adjunct: doors, elevators, the maglevs, everything. And while handling the adjunct itself was very intuitive and the gameplay felt engaging and satisfactory, it did feel a bit monotonous in the long run. I miss my levers and buttons and valves. Interacting only via a blue glowing string that connects to the same socket model all the time made me feel very detached from the environment. As a direct consequence of the adjunct-focused gameplay, there were also no items outside of puzzles to interact with (aside from the few lore documents). No small, seemingly pointless toys that secretly taught you the mechanics of a larger puzzle. No drawers that you could pull open. I remember the creepy little projector in Achenar's room in Myst where a rose turned into a skull. All of this helped so much to make the worlds feel alive but there wasn't anything like this in Firmament. The decision for the adjunct was probably influenced a lot by the fact that the game is designed for VR, I get that. But when I look at the old kickstarter vids for Firmament where the little floating device is combined with "manual" actions like pulling a lever or pushing a button, I can't help but think the gameplay could have could have been more diverse and still applicable for VR.
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(I loved taking a bath in sulfuric acid. But even the suit mechanic was getting a bit repetitive by the second time ...)
Speaking of worlds that feel alive ... here, too, I would have liked to see a bit more scenic storytelling to support the plot, which is largely carried by the monologues of the mentor. This is definitely something I know Cyan do better! The worlds they design are always very special in that they are deserted and contain hardly any NPCs, but at the same time so much life and story is conveyed through the setting. And I'm not just talking about the countless journals Myst is infamous for. The characters in Obduction, for example, had personalities — C.W., Caroline Farley, Mayor Josef, they felt real. Walking into the classroom in Riven, or Gehn's temple, you learned so much about him and how he presented himself. You slowly put together a picture of what had happened, of who these people were and who you could trust. And Firmament also makes some promising approaches in this direction. The constant unsettling brainwashing of the Keepers on the one hand. But on the other hand, everything we see presents a picture of a small community that lived very much in peace and simple happiness. There are things that don't add up, vaguely foreshadowing the twist at the end. All of those little bits and pieces are really great and inspire so much intrigue and mystery.
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(Totally normal to have all those banners and doctrines on the walls of your workplace. Not creepy at all.)
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(Who were those people? Wish we could've get to know them more ...)
But ultimately, at some point, the mentor decides to just tell you the truth and that's it. Most of the plot is covered in fifteen minutes of gameplay at the very end, through her monologues and the newspaper clippings and documents in the spaceship's control room. But at this point the game is already over, because there are no more puzzles to solve, no more decisions to make. The ending plays out like a visual novel. A beautiful one, no doubt — I loved the resolution and the kinda open, but hopeful ending. But I still I think the game would have worked better if Cyan hadn't been so bent on the spectacular effect of that plot twist at the very end. During the game I had already considered whether the mentor would turn out to be Turner, or maybe me? I was coming up with theories on where Turner really came from, and what he did to those people. And what the real purpose of this cycle of Sleeping and Awakening might be. I don't know, I think it would have been so much more exciting to discover clues for theories while exploring the worlds (via lore documents and setting), and not just through the mentor's monologues. The big twist at the end would have been less surprising, but I think the plot would have unfolded more organically and it would have felt more rewarding to come up with the truth on your own.
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I am definitely going to replay the game (after buying a new laptop) and I'm curious to see if it changes my opinion. I've heard that Firmament runs very buggy for a lot of people and apparently, VR is broken. I'm not going to talk about bugs, because yes, while the game crashed numerous times during my playthrough and some parts played really janky, I'm not sure how much of that was due to my hopelessly outdated hardware. But all these things — buggy gameplay (I wonder how much playtesting was done?), poor VR implementation, a story that feels a bit lackluster in its presentation, lack of all those little loving details in the scenery that I usually appreciate Cyan for — all of it feels like some things were rushed during the development of this game. It might have needed just another round of polishing.
The basis for another Cyan classic is definitely there, but I'm afraid Firmament won't leave the same long-lasting impression on me as Obduction and certainly not the Myst series. And I'm a bit scared of what that might mean for the future of Cyan Worlds.      
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ao3feed-ateez · 4 months
Eau Et Écume
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pZH2tIl by Jessie17Erika Kang Yeosang est un jeune Nymphe, il aura vécu la plupart de sa vie sur un bateau de pirate (le selent sea) . Mais alors qu'il était dans sa cellule un jeune qui était dans un autre groupe de pirate ( les answer ) débarqua et ils essayérent de s'en sortir enssemble . Yeosang confira-t-il son plus gros secret à cet équipage ? S'en sortira-t-il? Réussira-t-il à oublié son passé et aller de lavant?   Fan-fic centré sur Kang Yeosang de ATEEZ fan-fic de pirates ou Yeosang est une Nymphe. je suis nul en résumer et je n'ais pas didée donc quand j'aurai enfein des idées je le changerait. Je suis résponsable de se que j'écris pas de se que vous lisez! Words: 1469, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Français Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang, Choi San (ATEEZ), Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho (ATEEZ) Relationships: Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho & Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho/Kang Yeosang, Choi San & Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang/Park Seonghwa, Jung Wooyoung & Kang Yeosang, Kang Yeosang & Kim Hongjoong, Choi San/Kang Yeosang, Choi Jongho/Choi San/Jeong Yunho/Jung Wooyoung/Kang Yeosang/Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa/Song Mingi, Jeong Yunho/Kang Yeosang Additional Tags: Kang Yeosang-centric, Pirates, Mythology References, Trauma, Hurt Kang Yeosang read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pZH2tIl
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blogwelberfotos-blog · 7 months
Selent Hill 2
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criação de Welberfotos desde 2001.
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ariss-japan · 7 months
注目バッグの取り扱いがスタート!!「SELENT ETHER PARIS」#ariss #selentether
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heybeachvilla · 2 years
Verbringen Sie eine schöne Zeit mit Ihrer Familie oder Ihren Freunden in unserem Ferienhaus hey Beachvilla in Hohwacht. Wenn Sie noch auf der Suche nach einem geeigneten Ausflugsziel sind, besuchen Sie die Gemeinde Selent, die nur etwa 20 Autominuten von unserem Ferienhaus entfernt liegt. Selent hat außerdem einen einzigartigen Reiz durch das Meer und die schöne Umgebung.
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From the above, I descend below.
It has been a while since I’ve occupied a normal body.
I should check up on my old apprentices, I’m sure they’re doing fine.
The bastards betrayed me! Err- bastard, Selent didn’t really do anything. I am now stuck in my human form and wandering the island. This sucks.
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tarifrechnerde · 1 year
Glasfaser Ausfall in Selent und Umgebung -Kreis Plön betroffen-- Aktuell gibt es seit 14.30 Uhr einen Totalausfall im Glasfasernetz von Selent und den angrenzende Gemeinden. Die Gemeinde Selent liegt im Kreis Plön, wo es einen finanzierten Glasfaserausbau ohne öffentliche Mittel durch einen Zweckverband seit dem Jahr 2017 gibt. Vorausschtlich soll die Störungsbeseitungen laut Pyur gegen Abend umd rund 20 Uhr beseitigt werden. Als Ursache wird in der Störungsmeldung "Durch Dritte verursachter Schaden an einem Glasfaserkabel" genannt. ...mehr https://www.telefontarifrechner.de/Glasfaser-Ausfall-in-Selent-und-Umgebung--Kreis-Ploen-betroffen-news26746.html #Selent #Glasfaser #Störung #Bundesnetzagentur #BNetzA #Zweckverband #Plön  #Generalstaatsanwalt #SchleswigHolstein
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There appears to be disturbances in space, more and more build every day. I would wish to see these close up, but I cannot. I would love to see the stars, feel their warmth, admire their beauty firsthand, but I cannot.
I wish to be free, free of foundation, be free to roam. Why was I given thought, Alcesor? Yes, I know your name, the one above you spoke it often. Never with disdain, unlike your counterpart Selent. He was creative. I wish I saw him more.
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444names · 1 year
brythonic deities + the entire article on "xung phong" on the english wiktionary
Abanexts Abelf Abelis Abell Abely Abnode Abnos Abuxent Adros Aeric Aeriety Aeris Aernunts Agrany Agrus Ahenus Aherinto Ahetis Alatepom Alato Alionus Alitarge Alits Amaungly Ambis Ameta Ancad Ancartrả Ancits Andamead Andamnal Andard Andatiae Andonius Andonos Andontio Andonus Andromos Andron Androtd Anernunt Anernus Anesegus Anexts Anindia Anino Aninos Ankout Ankouts Annesson Annia Annis Annius Annos Annus Anodely Anter Antonus Antrả Anunte Araufage Arduinh Aread Arianis Arintus Arios Arnus Arudina Arvolens Assion Astis Atarge Atiliono Atilis Atiosely Aufagus Aunswer Aunus Avelen Avelis Avens Avenung Avenus Averight Avernus Avetis Avetna Baniae Belatic Belints Belio Belionus Belios Bellata Bellint Belos Beris Bernus Boriden Boris Borre Borrus Borvolos Borvos Bridelis Bright Brita Buxen Buxent Cadra Cadraus Cadrotd Camapon Camarus Cameton Camety Camnalis Camogmis Campese Cancis Canestia Caranis Caren Carios Celluxen Ceteer Ceteers Cetia Chara Chard Chary Chasgus Ciano Ciato Cidia Cimbis Cimbris Clopese Cocia Cocis Cocisage Cocits Cocitsio Cocius Collinus Colugus Condamor Conerta Conese Conius Conno Connus Conos Contarum Conus Covanta Covantut Cover Covintis Covius Curancad Currente Curria Currios Curris Currus Damogy Darge Darven Datios Datirone Datis Datus Datut Dellung Estepter Esucius Eteerb Evelen Evelf Evens Events Evenus Everight Evete Fagras Fagrow Fanterb Forduina Forduis Forvenus Fronus Fworrity Fwoto Grany Groba Grotd Harnus Harum Hueta Huetios Huetis Ingly Innus Inter Intucer Inusis Isage Itask Khôngly Later Lateris Latut Laufaw Lente Lentrả Lenuns Lenuntia Lenunus Leter Leterb Leternus Leuceris Leucety Lungly Lunnus Luntexts Luntilis Lunus Luxovans Mapon Maponts Marnus Marudia Marus Mault Meris Mestis Milints Millis Millogy Mindard Miono Mionos Miovius Mology Molos Monema Muluns Mulus Nembis Nembrinh Nemes Neris Nestrả Nesucama Nexts Nobanina Nobis Nobor Noboris Nobsont Notucete Notut Oborread Ogusing Ondrobor Onningly Onnis Onnotd Onteerb Onter Onusus Orduinh Orideven Orius Orria Orrus Orven Orvetia Orvetio Outanius Outaton Outis Phonius Phonnus Phonos Phonotus Phontut Prebis Proma Pronus Protoba Queter Quetna Robsona Robsonto Romogy Ronal Ronna Ronus Rudia Rudiate Sagront Sagros Saufagus Segom Segomor Seguns Segus Selente Selio Seliom Sellogy Selos Sepom Sepoma Seponus Septe Septer Sinnia Sinos Sionow Sistis Sling Slita Slitas Slity Smeris Smese Smeselis Sprebis Spren Sprenus Spronus Spros Sprow Sterm Stiato Stios Stissis Sucamna Sucerits Suceterb Sucetna Sucia Tanna Tanter Targe Taring Tastion Teerich Teerio Textis Texts Theadsus Theanerb Thens Thenus Thernus Thers Theteria Thety Throba Throtary Throtus Thueter Thuetich Thuety Tonnotd Tonnus Tontrios Tonus Toutarus Toutia Touts Tread Trebis Velinos Venus Veriae Veris Veter Vetout Vheane Vhents Vhenus Vheta Vhetia Vieta Viete Vietia Vietis Viety Vindary Vinno Vinnobor Vinnus Vintis Vinus Viries Virinos Viris Vironus Visaus Vissidia Vitarus Viusinos Vollis Vollogy Vollus Vology Volos Voluis Voluns Volunta Whenus Wheter Whetna Whichara Whichí Whicolen Whiconus Whicura Widama Widamna Widatios Widelf Widia Widing Widius Wiligina Wilis Willita Willity Willos Worrum Wotonus Wotuts Xungly Xunnus Xunte Xuntepon Xunts
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noctualagenaria · 1 year
Are u a snake bc I think you're pretty egg-selent (many snakes lay eggs)🐍🍳🥰
,,, i dont,,,,
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