#selfmastery advice levelup
adviceformefromme · 2 years
When you’re not living your souls purpose you’ll feel it in every inch of your body. In the pit of your stomach, in your clenching chest, you’ll feel something is very off, and you’ll start seeking happiness in places that are unhealthy, places outside of yourself. No one ever taught you that the golden ticket to your happiness was always within. Inside you. Blinded by the fact that awareness and silence, something so simple and basic was the key to guiding you back to yourself. Allowing you the space to hear your inner voice, to truly listen to you, your needs, where you’ve been neglecting yourself. You hold all the answers. Everything you could ever dream of starts with you. It starts from within. It starts with silence. It starts with listening to that inner voice that you've become separated from.
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thenickhawk · 4 years
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I was recently asked by a client, who took me up on my losing 50 lb challenge and succeeded, for motivation to lose another 50 pounds.
This really made me think and it confused me. I can understand how someone can lack guidance, allow the destructive world to posion them, get stuck in horrible habits and continue to make horrible decisions, but I can't understand how someone can be so oblivious to what happens to you after you lose 50 pounds. It's not paying attention AT ALL, it's not trying and it's giving up. The answer is to increase your awareness and pay more fu*king attention. How have you not learned or noticed all of the wonderful things that have happened since you lost this 50 pounds? The better question is, what is a good reason to keep the weight?! I can't think of one! Two bad ones are to feel full and put sugar in your mouth. Wake up. Grow up. Decide to have self-control. You are now more mobile, you are wreaking less havoc on your body, aka, you are destroying your body less, you are sleeping better, you are breathing better, your brain works better, you have less brain fog, you make better decisions, you are less depressed, you have more energy, you are more appealing, you have gained confidence and you will live a longer and happier life. How dare you attempt to pretend that you can't think of a reason to be motivated to lose more weight. What the fu*k is your reason to keep it? Stop making horrible excuses and getting lost in these pretend addictions, and decide to have self-control. Posting more on self-contorl/discipline soon. Wake the fu*k up; I still love you.
Photographer: @ivanavilaphotography
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
The 2023 Winning Recipe in 7 Steps....
1 . Set your new year priorities correctly, meaning are the foundations correct? Are you manifesting a new wardrobe but you’re struggling to sleep at night so you don’t wake up early enough to get to work and get paid? Are you manifesting love but you didn’t clear those limiting beliefs that keep sabotaging you. This year the foundations need to be strong in order to win, there’s no more half manifesting, this year is about thriving winning and seeing results. Where are the foundations rocky? This could look like, fixing your sleep pattern, your diet, your energy levels, your home... the foundations. Identify and do the work. 
2. Go on a MIND diet. This means limiting / detoxing social media, the news, everything that is distracting you from connecting with yourself and moving you further from your goals. A complete detox even for a few days will allow you to see clearly where your blocks are and what’s preventing you from winning. Slowly you’ll start to see that the hour wasted on IG when you wake up is not worth it when you could be planning your business, that the guys your messaging are actually stealing your energy and offering bare minimum in return. In order to see your downfalls you need mental space that’s why a January MIND diet is essential. 
3. Connect with your new story, the story is slightly different from the identity, the story is more fun, you can journal to subliminals on YouTube, you can go on a rampage and write words that put you in a feeling of excitement and love of what you’re calling in. You can write scenarios, use a vision board. But most importantly, connect with your new story often. Your future is made up of what you pour into today, so keep filling your today with positive energy / affirmations and new identity and this is what will eventually be seen in the 3D. 
4. Create a new identity. This is a declaration of the 2.0 version of yourself, the winning version of you. Use the power of ‘I AM’ to affirm your new identity. ‘I am an organised woman, I am a woman who is loved, and chosen, I am abundant and receive £10k in my bank each month..after tax’. This declaration needs to be repeated and remembered as you shift your current reality to your new ID.
5. Meet the needs of your own heart, this means you’re not searching for fulfilment outside of yourself. You focus on filling your own cup with love. Think today, how can you meet the needs of your own heart? Stop projecting the idea that you need to be loved and start loving yourself, this starts with getting clear with a pen and paper of what self love looks like for you and actually - pouring into yourself. 
6. Take radical action. Take actions that means no going back, taking that leap of faith. Push yourself into the future you want with aligned actions. Stop playing it safe, this is your fucking life, book the flights to Rome, buy the Jimmy Choos, quit the job, launch the business., secure the new apartment, DESPITE the fear you feel. Push forward.  The more you throw yourself into the future you desire, the more you will experience the life you've been dreaming of. Yes there will be fears, yes you might be scared but PURSURE anyway. Your dream life is gonna cost you your old life so take the actions and keep it moving.
7. Live in the end. Yes, you heard this a million times, but the more you rehearse the future you want, the more your brain hardwires this vision into your reality. Example. You wake up, check phone, laze around....Your dream is to be a CEO baddie of her lingerie business. Do you think Ms CEO is in bed all fucking morning? No she's grinding she's excited to live and start the day, she has shit to do, no time to be stressed about what man did or didn’t text her back, no time for a whole hour of dead scrolling. So this is what you have to continually remind yourself of. Show up as HER. Bit by bit, in the back of your mind should be the vision of your new identity, 2.0 you, your dreams, your visions. Once this is so clear, it will be easy to remind yourself of how to live in the end.
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
I stumbled around this page somehow. I don’t know you but you gave me an inspiration. I am overcoming a huge challenge. Finally starting to feel better and getting my motivation back. What do you do when the old thoughts start coming back? Also, is isolating completely a good thing? Thank you! You have a beautiful energy!
Thank you for your kind words! As for old thoughts, the fact you have awareness of them allows you the perspective to choose better, to see them for what they are, instead of being sucked into the story and energy of whats no longer serving you.
When I get stuck in old thoughts I do a few different things:
I don't react. I try my best not to react or project. Personally I find my friends opinions unhelpful as they usually come from a place of their own pain. I have one friend who's able to give me rational advice, but the less I share with people, personally the less energy I give my old story, which needs to be fed energy to be kept alive.
If its a really charged story, if I'm feeling triggered and know this is from my past I learnt a journalling exercise that changed my life. It's by a woman called Susan Anderson, and it allows you to journal with your inner child and uncover the root of your pain. This has worked like magic for me every time.
I affirm my new story, I use affirmations and repeat them and I override what's going on. I ignore the 3D and persist with my new story.
I pour into myself, I parent myself instead of sinking into the low energy of the old story. I show myself love, I take care of me this could look like moving my body, doing the thing I promised myself and been neglecting, I cook nice foods, take myself on a long walk. Read something.
As for isolation being a good thing? It depends. Isolation is great for reflection, if you're prone to projecting and need time to calm, to journal and release the thoughts. What's most important is you understand yourself, your stories, the roots of your pains so when they appear you can see them for what they are. Most times our pain wants to be seen, it wants to be felt, acknowledged, and most importantly released.
I hope this helps, DMs open if you need more support xoxo.
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
love your blog!
i recently started dating again but the men i attract are confused and don’t know what they want (not ‘ready’ for something serious). i know that life is a mirror and that i meet these men bc i doubt my that there is ‘the one’ out there for me and i don’t really know wether or i want a relationship or not at this point in my life.
how do i start believing that there is an abundance of love out there? i’m torn between wanting to find the one and thinking that we have multiple soulmates bc i shouldn’t be hung up on chasing the fantasy of the one.
If you're attracting confused men, you need to look at your own energy and get clear and aligned so you can start winning. Regardless of how many soulmates you believe in, if you want to start believing in the abundance of love, start spending time with couples in love, watch films about love, Bridgeton on Netflix, Love is Blind, there are so many shows about love. Music about love, get to the book store and read poetry about love. Listen to songs about love. Start creating an abundance of love in your own life. More on this here.
Love is an energy, it's everywhere you just have to choose to see it. The more you pour love into your own life, into your growth and expansion and stepping away from consuming thoughts about men the more you will attract better.
Inbox me if you need more support sweetie xoxox
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adviceformefromme · 3 years
Your inner masculine / feminine energy
Think of all those crazy, wild emotions you experience as a woman, the deep love, the intense rage, the heart-wrenching hurt, the exploding happiness etc. Your inner feminine energy is like the ocean. The role of your inner masculine is to be the supporting earth, holding the powerful ocean, cradling her, creating safety and trust for her to fully express and be held. A healthy balance between your inner masculine and feminine energy means you’re not out in these streets, acting unstable, projecting your emotions and feeling unsafe to be your authentic self. Healed masculine energy is your internal support system, it's that voice inside of you when you feel triggered and hurt that says, 'its okay, I see you, I hear you, tell me what you need.' It’s the rational voice in your head. It’s the inner confidence that allows you to feel safe to express yourself, to be vulnerable. Your masculine energy is your cheerleader, your ride or die. Your bread to your butter. Once you master the divine inner masculine, feminine energy from inside, you really start to experience a different level of men and relationships in your life. 
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adviceformefromme · 3 years
I’m currently on a weight loss transformation journey and I’m struggling with trying to not see myself as the ugly fat friend. For as long as I can remember I’ve felt invisible. Do you have any tips on how to stop neglecting myself🥺
Steps for weight loss / body confidence level up: 1. Be prepared to put in the work, you have to really commit to yourself, to growing you, to pushing yourself to do one thing to move you forward every single day. Once you get into momentum, you will be on a role. 2. Mirror work, start looking in the mirror and learning to accept and love what you see, going from ‘I'm worthless' to ‘I love me, I'm amazing' might be too much of a big jump so spending time when you get out the shower repeating ‘i am learning to love the body i am in’ chant this to yourself. 3. Instead of focusing on all the weight you want to loose, break it down. Can you loose x amount in one week? Can I not eat x food for one day/ one week? Focus on small achievable goals and over time you'll succeed. Progress is defined by what you do each day. When you do any exercise/ movements, start whispering to yourself words of motivation. As your body moves, and you repeat / chant words of empowerment, they infiltrate your energy and subconscious mind. Words such as ‘i am enough, i am worthy’, as simple as they are, they have the power to heal your life. if you stuck with these two words, and literally repeated them as you move your body for even 5 mins you would start to mentally feel different. 4. Prayer, this is a big one - whoever you believe in God / Universe / Allah, ask for help in shifting these beliefs, pray for release of this negativity. The answers, the help will come, and it will show up in different ways, it might be through a new friend that inspires you, or a book that appears when you go to the story, a film you watch that changes your perspective. more on that.. 5. I recommend watching 'I am pretty’ with Rebel Wilson, she mentally shifts out of thinking she is fat and ugly to thinking she is the hottest thing on earth, and see how the universe responds to her. It's not about how you look it's about how you feel. 6. Remove all toxic / low vibe energy from your life, this could look like friends you don’t feel confident around, family members, social media accounts, literally remove everything that's not empowering you. Create space, distance yourself. Your level up will require time and effort, do you really want to waste precious energy hanging out with women who don’t elevate you? This is also about self respect. Stepping into the empowered woman that you are. Respect your time, your energy. Let go of anything and anyone that doesn’t mirror the life you want to live. 7. Create a vision. Write down the emotions you want to feel as the new you, how do you feel when you look in the mirror? When you walk down the street? When you are with your man? When you are with your friends? Get crystal clear on this vision. Focus on feeling these emotions in the now. Youtube guided visualisation meditations, learn about scripting as a tool to manifest, writing out your dreams. 8. Create time each morning for your level up. This doesn't have to be a task, this should be something special for you. Where you light your favourite candle, pull out your journal, write words of love to yourself, write your dreams, focus on your future vision, do a little mediation, sip your favourite hot drink, slowly. If you can’t do this each morning, maybe try a Sunday, at least once a week. Read books on people who have paved the path for you, women who have overcome weight-loss, body image struggles. Learn from these people and use them to inspire you. 9. Start watching empowering videos on youtube, find a mentor, Someone in real life or on social (this can be someone who's teachings resonate with you and you learn from them). 10. Literally draw a cup, with pen and paper and write all the things that fill you with joy. Focus your energy on these things in the cup. Your cup of love is your guidance. it can be anything, long baths, swimming, watching films on x topic, whatever you love, write it in your cup and start pouring your energy into those things. 11. Get familiar with the broken record that's replaying the same sentences in your mind over and over again ‘i'm worthless, i'm stupid, i'm unwanted, i'm fat, etc etc’ this is just an untrained mind running wild. You need to take back control. You need to see these thoughts for what they are, just thoughts. They are not the truth. Once you’re aware of your stories, the broken record, you’ll know when it starts playing without falling into the trap of the stories. 12. Mediation. I can’t preach enough about how much this will change your life, even 5 mins per day using an app or guided or just in silence. Meditation stills your mind with practise. And with the stillness, space is created. With this space you can start to notice throughout the day when old stories come up, it gives you the choice to choose better thoughts because your mind is no longer on auto pilot. 13. Find healers, reiki healers, inner child healers, therapists, eft (emotional freedom tapping). Attend sound baths, go to meditation centres. Completely drown yourself in self growth and level up. 14. Spend time in nature. Get out of your phone. Nature is going to help you reconnect to your true essence, nature is wild, it’s beautiful, its delicate, rugged, powerful, gentle. Mother nature is our healer on earth. Spending time on long walks, hikes, at the beach, even in the park with the phone in the pocket just looking up at the sky.
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
fam. I need advice on how to detach from a crush. he probably doesn’t remember me from January, but I rmb every single time we’ve run into each other at work. I need to stop thinking of him so I can practice detachment but I don’t have a “push”. Also just general self-esteem things about my anxiety affecting my work. I’m usually the person who gives pep talks and hypes other people up but I always wish for someone to be that person for me. hope you’re staying safe and healthy x
I've drafted a post on crushes just for you. Will post shortly ♥️
But another note on the crush thing, it's so easy and sometimes fun to live in a fantasy world. But this really detracts you from having an actual relationship in real life. Imagine all the time and energy you put into thinking of this guy that could be spent on investing in you ? On levelling you up? On preparing yourself for a man that will actually show up for you and be with you in real life? Life is to be lived. In this present moment, for the future. Living in the past holds us back, especially when we cling on to old memories that are not helping us move forward. I recommend a letting go / cutting cords meditation, you can find them on youtube. They are great for clearing the old energy and breaking free. I also recommend burning sage or palo santo to clear your energy field and start a fresh. Turn over a new leaf. Write a list of all the things that bring you joy, that you love, that you want to experience. I wrote this many times but literally get a piece of paper and draw a cup, write everything inside that fills you up. Focus on these things. Life is so much more than some guy from January. Whatever he meant to you, take the lessons, write them down and move forward.
About the pep-talks, I feel you honey. I found writing notes to myself has been a game changer, a journal with all my notes to myself, becoming your own best friend, your own healer, your own guru is essential. Other people will always give advice based on their life experiences. You are the best person to lift you up. I always find journalling with my inner child always helps me uncover what I need to give myself when I am feeling really out of alignment. Ping me if you want more tips on how to do this.
I hope this helps. 💕
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
me and my boyfriend has been together for just over a year now and up until now things have been going fine apart from a few small arguments here and there. lately however (mainly for the past few weeks), we've been arguing a lot more and just are generally crabby with each other. there's no buildup of resentment or anything, we just seem to be running out of patience for each other. do you have advice on what to do about this?
Hey sweetie, relationships go through seasons so it's not everyday good times. I recommend reading 'Men are from Mars women are from Venus' if you haven't already. This is such an amazing book for understanding relationship dynamics between men and women.
I would also recommend tapping into your feminine energy. Focus on you, what makes you feel alive, sensual, in flow. When you are operating from your feminine your man will naturally be magnetised to you allowing all the petty issues to fall to the sidelines. Also, I would maybe research feminine / masculine polarity. The polarity is what keeps the relationship alive, if this has died down, maybe due to life stress, work, being in the house too much its important to get the energy re-balanced. I have just ordered this book which looks really interesting on learning more about this topic. 💕
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adviceformefromme · 3 years
Stop asking for advice from friends in the same boat as you. It’s like the blind is leading the blind. In fact stop asking for advice, period. Because trusting yourself is crucial for self growth. And when you trust yourself to make a decision, you’ll either win or you’ll learn, but either way the decisions you make on any situation will be from your own guidance, not anyone else’s. You may have to learn a few times, but sooner or later you’ll fine tune your intuition, which in turn leads to stronger self confidence/ mastery. 
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adviceformefromme · 3 years
When I like a guy (usually who is inconsistent) I go into panic mode, wondering the state of our relationship, why he hasn’t texted, when we will next see each other, if he will make it official, to the point that my body has physical reactions. I cry, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, my hair falls out. And it usually takes me 2-3 years to move on mentally. I always worry about the correct moves to make.
Hey sweetie, it sounds like your wounded feminine becomes activated in relationships and you're operating from a masculine/ tunnel vision/ controlling energy. When we are in our wounded feminine energy we repel masculine men (as masculine needs the feminine in order to dance in union). Firstly, you need to ask yourself why you are entertaining inconsistent men? The headache, the stress, the anxiety? Is it really worth it? Cutting ties with these type of relationships is rule numero uno. The next rule is having a life that's so juicy and full that you are overflowing with love and good energy. From this place we can attract better (key word attract*). In order to keep a high value man and have healthy relationships you have to do the inner work, you have to heal your wounds from the past, your inner child, reprogram the voice in your head, make peace with anyone that caused you pain in the past including yourself, do exercise, move your body, learn breathe work... jeez sounds like a a lot right). BUT the depths of inner work and healing you do will be the depths of healthy relationships you will have. When we're having shallow relationships with men, this is because they can only meet you to the depths you have met yourself. Once you do the healing work your relationships can be a lot deeper.
I hope these tips help, if you need more advice my DMs are always open xoxo
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thenickhawk · 4 years
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I've way over due on writing about why I got "SEEK" tattooed on my knuckles. When I thought of it, I knew it was the perfect four-letter-word. It is such a great word to describe me and my entire philosophy. Seek the healthiest version of yourself. Have you even met this person? Seek your full-potential self. Have you met this person?? Who knows? You might actually like this person and others might actually like you too. Seek guidance. Seek focus. Seek education. Seek clarity. Seek success. Seek money. Seek security. Seek to be valued. Seek adventure. Seek new places. Seek new insights. Seek new perspectives. Seek creativity. Seek art. Seek poetry. Seek awareness. Seek nature. Seek your higher-self. Seek inner peace. Seek places to be free, laugh and dance. Seek great company. Seek love. Seek perfection. Seek justice. Seek truth. The day you stop seeking is the day you die.
First shot of another epic as fu*k photoshoot. Thank you!! @ivanavilaphotography
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thenickhawk · 4 years
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"Do not forget any of yourself, in any moment, for any reason." - Nick Hawk
When I see something that doesn't sit right with me multiple times, in a close period of time, I have to address it. I see a continual trend of people saying something along the lines of "just be you," but they're not taking enough time to examine and think about what they're really saying. "You" is developed from all of your influences and experiences that are reflected upon to create "you." You can't forget "you," or parts of "you," to "just be you." They are lessons and knowledge. It's up there with not "judging," AKA, losing your judgement 🤨 What we should be saying is be the best version of "you." And the best version of you is continually evolving but using everything you are to do so, if done properly. And this takes a very high functioning brain developed from taking immaculate care of yourself. Keep creating a better version of "you" and don't forget any of "you" in the process. All of the pieces of "you" allow you to be a better one. And when you lose your pointless emotions or reprogram new thought patterns, you do not forget about them or why you don't use them or they will return. Wake the fu*k up. I still love "you."
This was shot a couple weeks ago in Punta Mita, Mexico
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thenickhawk · 4 years
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What is your favorite personal emoji stamp? You should know by now mine is ✌❤👊🙏🔮🍊🦶
Photographer: @ivanavilaphotography
Vest by: @idolwares
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thenickhawk · 4 years
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"Nobody does me better than me." - Nick Hawk
I've been saying this for a while now, mostly when I speak of acting or doing music, two crafts that I feel that I have hit an ultimate level at, but it applies to everything. There are always ways to improve whatever you're doing, but once you have "you" down, you're gold. Everything you say and touch will have great appeal. I went about three years in Hollywood without ever getting a callback to any good audition, and the last few months before I landed my TV show, I got a callback to EVERYTHING. And it was because I figured out who the hell I was and I was confident in my decision of who I was bringing. It took many acting classes, failed auditions, not to mention many failed social situations, and much reflecting. I created this creative version of myself which is the most "authentic" surrounding all of my beliefs and ideals and I didn't copy traditional nonsense or trends. This should be a high pritority for everyone. It takes much digging, work and time, but when you figure it out, life is so much better. There is no more confusion or pretending. This is being the best version of yourself. There is where there isnt any competition because it doesn't matter. This is a state where there isn't any influence. Everything you do is pure. You need to perfect you. This is some of the best advice you will ever recieve.
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Photographer: @ivanavilaphotography
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thenickhawk · 4 years
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"If you start noticing how many people once struggled as you do, and how so many people are broken and beat down by the same problems and excuses, making them so less powerful, you will no longer struggle." - Nick Hawk
Photographer: @kingpinsla
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