#manifesting dating101 lawofattraction
adviceformefromme · 1 year
You have to become your number one cheerleader in order to win in this life, there can’t be any room for that toxic voice in your mind. You might not even realise that you’re your very own number one hater. Think of all those times you try to step it up, wake up early, start a new business, take on a new exercise? And guess who’s whispering loudly in your ear holding you back? Persuading you that waking up early is BS, that going to the gym and doing exercise is stupid and you’ll do it another day, that why even start a new business? It’s going to fail anyway? That voice there in your mind is keeping you stuck and the only way to overcome your inner sabotage is to firstly start noticing this voice. Notice is as often as possible. As you’re in the shower and it’s creating an argument with that person, as you’re looking in the mirror and it’s pointing out how bad your skin is. Once you have this awareness and you can start to see how toxic your inner voice has become, you can now decide… do I listen to this self-hate that puts me down day in day out? Or do I replace that voice with something that empowers me? Because you truly have that power. Slowly but surely you’ll start overcoming all that negativity in your mind and watch how quickly this changes your life.
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
Commitment. That thing you’re longing for. That thing you’re craving, desiring, almost desperate for. That thing you don’t fucking realise starts from within. Commitment isn’t something you stretch out and reach towards. It starts with you and how you show up for your life every single day. It shows up in your relationship with yourself first and foremost. That right there is the root of commitment. How often you water the seeds of your dreams. How often you prune your garden. How often you say no to distractions and put you and your dreams and goals first. How much you invest in the life you say you want live. How often you take actual fucking action instead of talking about what you are ‘committed’ to. Commitment is all yours for the taking once you take the leap and finally commit to you. Like attracts like energy. The universe will have no choice but to align you with people and situations that also mirror your deep level of commitment once you finally start choosing you first. It sounds simple because it really is. Commitment begins and ends with you.
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
The 2023 Winning Recipe in 7 Steps....
1 . Set your new year priorities correctly, meaning are the foundations correct? Are you manifesting a new wardrobe but you’re struggling to sleep at night so you don’t wake up early enough to get to work and get paid? Are you manifesting love but you didn’t clear those limiting beliefs that keep sabotaging you. This year the foundations need to be strong in order to win, there’s no more half manifesting, this year is about thriving winning and seeing results. Where are the foundations rocky? This could look like, fixing your sleep pattern, your diet, your energy levels, your home... the foundations. Identify and do the work. 
2. Go on a MIND diet. This means limiting / detoxing social media, the news, everything that is distracting you from connecting with yourself and moving you further from your goals. A complete detox even for a few days will allow you to see clearly where your blocks are and what’s preventing you from winning. Slowly you’ll start to see that the hour wasted on IG when you wake up is not worth it when you could be planning your business, that the guys your messaging are actually stealing your energy and offering bare minimum in return. In order to see your downfalls you need mental space that’s why a January MIND diet is essential. 
3. Connect with your new story, the story is slightly different from the identity, the story is more fun, you can journal to subliminals on YouTube, you can go on a rampage and write words that put you in a feeling of excitement and love of what you’re calling in. You can write scenarios, use a vision board. But most importantly, connect with your new story often. Your future is made up of what you pour into today, so keep filling your today with positive energy / affirmations and new identity and this is what will eventually be seen in the 3D. 
4. Create a new identity. This is a declaration of the 2.0 version of yourself, the winning version of you. Use the power of ‘I AM’ to affirm your new identity. ‘I am an organised woman, I am a woman who is loved, and chosen, I am abundant and receive £10k in my bank each month..after tax’. This declaration needs to be repeated and remembered as you shift your current reality to your new ID.
5. Meet the needs of your own heart, this means you’re not searching for fulfilment outside of yourself. You focus on filling your own cup with love. Think today, how can you meet the needs of your own heart? Stop projecting the idea that you need to be loved and start loving yourself, this starts with getting clear with a pen and paper of what self love looks like for you and actually - pouring into yourself. 
6. Take radical action. Take actions that means no going back, taking that leap of faith. Push yourself into the future you want with aligned actions. Stop playing it safe, this is your fucking life, book the flights to Rome, buy the Jimmy Choos, quit the job, launch the business., secure the new apartment, DESPITE the fear you feel. Push forward.  The more you throw yourself into the future you desire, the more you will experience the life you've been dreaming of. Yes there will be fears, yes you might be scared but PURSURE anyway. Your dream life is gonna cost you your old life so take the actions and keep it moving.
7. Live in the end. Yes, you heard this a million times, but the more you rehearse the future you want, the more your brain hardwires this vision into your reality. Example. You wake up, check phone, laze around....Your dream is to be a CEO baddie of her lingerie business. Do you think Ms CEO is in bed all fucking morning? No she's grinding she's excited to live and start the day, she has shit to do, no time to be stressed about what man did or didn’t text her back, no time for a whole hour of dead scrolling. So this is what you have to continually remind yourself of. Show up as HER. Bit by bit, in the back of your mind should be the vision of your new identity, 2.0 you, your dreams, your visions. Once this is so clear, it will be easy to remind yourself of how to live in the end.
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
Ghosting - Part 2 [For the woman left on read]
Yes it hurts. Yes, you feel rejected. All your abandonment wounds are bubbling at the surface, but see this as a sign of how deeply disconnected you are from yourself. Pouring your precious energy to HIM, to what you will say if and when he responds, to the constant checking. Your energy is worth so much more than this sweetie. Your energy is for your dreams, for making the very best of today. To giving that little girl inside you the best possible life, because granted all the pain and abuse she went through meant it was not possible for her back then, when she was helpless. Don’t re-create emotionally traumatic situations for yourself when you finally have control over your life, you get to decide what you think and feel. And even though sometimes it feels out of your hands, like you are chained to these repetitive thoughts that kill your batteries - you're not. You have the strength and power to break free from this feeling of victimisation. Reclaim your power. Reclaim your ability to make today special. To pour into you. To feed yourself love. To care for you. To give you the attention you are so desperately craving from the outside world.
So this is your fresh fucking start. It’s a new month. Its a new opportunity. All that pain in your chest, all that hurting that’s been building up from the years of abuse, from all the shit you go through with men, use this as your fuel. You show up not better. you show up as your fucking best self. You have a fire inside you that has just been reignited. This is your world. You forgot who you were, playing supporting role in someone elses movie, but those days are over. This is the rising. This is where you become unstoppable. This is where you give thanks for all the shit you’ve been through because its turned you into a warrior. You’re walking out the fire, and you are fearless. You are ready to grab today by the balls and this chapter is called ‘get the fuck out of my way I’ve got shit to do’ 
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
Ghosting Part 3 [Reclaiming your power]
Today is about stepping back into your fucking power. For reminding yourself who you are. For forgiveness. For release. For regaining back your stolen energy. Today is for you. For abused you reliving old wounds. For you that was helpless, that was shamed, that was beat down, that was so powerless. Even though you are hurt today, and these men try to drag you down, even unknowingly. Forgive them, forgive him. And regain your power. Shower yourself in endless amounts of love, dance around, cry, release, create. Use your pain for fuel. To create a better life. She deserves it, injured you deserves it. She deserves to be spoilt and loved and cherished. She deserves all the love you’ve been seeking. And she needs it from you. Not anyone else. All the love and care, and support, and respect and tenderness. It comes from you, and that’s where you’ve been tripping up. You want everything from these men, and all they do is lead you back to this place. Back to the floor, back to the tears, back to picking yourself up. Alone, wishing and hoping someone would just pick you up, off the floor. For someone to just hold you. To save you. Not realising you are that person. You have always been that person. Every time you get excited when you meet a guy, and put you second, you are allowing yourself to thrown back on the floor as a reminder of not to do that. That’s not how you win. You must come first at all times.
So what do you do now? You pick yourself up. You fix your crown. You go create the life of fucking your dreams. You use this as fuel and determination. As a lesson. YOU come first. ~ You are your priority from now on. Now wipe those tears, go fucking live your best life and make a promise to yourself that you are your fucking number one priority. Your self love above these men, your self love and care above everyone and everything. Lets go!
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adviceformefromme · 16 days
Stop obsessing over him…
While it might seem fun to fantasise about a man, to think about him non-stop, to imagine your life together what you’re actually doing is sending a very strong signal to the universe that energetically ‘I come second’. While this might sound extreme, hear me out... Your thoughts are no longer your own because you are thinking about him. You can’t focus on you because you are thinking about him. All of a sudden everything is about him. You wake up, you take a shower. Lost in the fantasy...He might be a man you’re talking to, dating, fucking, whatever the case my be. Obsessing over a man in thought is never something you should get comfortable with, giving your precious energy away to moments that will ….most likely never happen. And what for? What about thinking about you. Your dreams, passions? The vision for your day? You only have so much mental capacity each day. And getting lost in the fantasy is not the answer.
Create no fantasy of him. This is your lesson. Press pause. Literally press fucking pause. Eject the tape. Throw it out the window. This is YOUR movie. You get to take centre stage. You no longer have to play second to mentally overthinking men. 
Start choosing you. But you have to choose you in thought first and foremost. You can’t come second in thought. Your thinking has to be on you, about you. You can’t come second mentally because a man who is not your man is taking centre stage in your mind. Your thinking space is prime real estate. It needs YOU. YOU need to own that domain. Not think it’s cute to imagine the future, get all giddy and love sick. No. No no no. Bring it back to you. Your job now is to remain focused on you. That is it. Remain focused of you. Let go. Just let go. 
Is this message clear enough for you. Do you understand now how harmful it is to make a man first priority in your mind? 
Give yourself some grace. Clean your room and get back to you. Focusing on you. Energising you. It’s a process, but the shift can be instant..all of a sudden one day you just say no. No to allowing a man to take up the domain of your mind. And just like that you can switch off that light in your mind that gets excited to overthink a man. Say no. Pray. Ask for a miracle. Call on angels. This is truly serious because focusing on you, and remaining in your centre is how you win in this life. 
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
Ladies, I want you to get crystal fucking clear on your goals, what you’re manifesting, what you want to attract into your life, the emotions you want to feel, and how you want to look. If I asked you right this second where do you see yourself in six months, this time next year, in five years could you tell me? Stop wasting your precious thought energy on these men who couldn’t care less about you. Stop waking up to check your phone. Stop living like a lost puppy with no focus or clear vision of your desires. I want you to claim your dreams, no matter how wild and far fetched CLAIM THEM. You want to live next to the ocean in a mansion and be a stay at home wife, CLAIM it. You want to be CEO of your own 7 figure business, claim the fuck out of your dreams. They are all yours for the taking. But you have to get clear, crystal fucking clear and start plotting. Make sure you have a journal to write down your dreams, write down your dreams and goals everyday and I promise you the universe will start plotting to make this all possible for you. ✨
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adviceformefromme · 3 years
Tips on how to remain magnetic and polarised in a relationship: NEVER prize a man. This energy is repelling. Masculine men like the excitiement of the chase. See him as a dog who gets all his toys at once. He doesn’t want them. He wants the toy that he is teased with. This isn’t about games, its about knowing your worth. The moment you start to prize a man and put him on a pedastal is the moment you energetically become unattractive. The polaraity is gone. Focusing on yourself, not thinking, speaking about him 247 is how you can let go of prizing him , doing cute things for yourself, focusing on your passions. Energetically moving yourself from obsessing over him is how you stay in your power.
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
How to bag HIM this year.
You’ve wrote the lists, you’ve done the meditations, you’ve created the wedding board on Pinterest and you’ve literally prayed to GOD for this man but where the hell is he? Of course there have been others, the ones that didn’t quite tick all the boxes. So you might have taken a little break here and there from dating (plus covid) but now all your friends are happily settled down (even the un-datables) and it feels like everyone else can be in a fucking relationship with the love of their life EXCEPT you..When you allow yourself to uncover your true emotions about this. There's pain, the anxiety, the desperation. You’re left feeling like there is something wrong with you, like you’re the issue. You feel out of control unable to grasp this thing that everyone in the world dreams of, enjoys, and lives. A loving fucking relationship.
Instead of wallowing in your desperation or digging these emotions deep down pretending like you don’t need or want a man…No, its time to pull your shit together and bag HIM. Not anyone. Not the guy who is annoying you and makes you cringe as he begs you to join him in Dubai. Not the guy with the girlfriend who wants to take you out in Mayfair for a fancy dinner in the dress he buys you. And certainly not the cheap guy who is figuring out his career. No sweetie, it’s time to bag HIM. HIM who is established in his career, so he’s not pre-occupied with trying to figure out his life. HIM who is emotionally stable AND available so you’re not dealing with some confused immature fuckboy who is wasting your time. HIM who is reliable and trustworthy, so you feel safe and reassured around him. HIM who is sexy as fuck, and knows how to fuck (more importantly). HIM who has time and energy to invest into a relationship because he is ready to settle down. This HIM is who you’re gona bag this year sis, and this is how….
Instead of writing another list of qualities you want HIM to have, instead of doing another fucking soul-mate mediation (kill me now)…You EMBODY the HER to him…This means you go get that fucking wax, you buy that lingerie. You use that fucking vibrator to the Tory Lanez Chixtape album and you imagine you are fucking HIM. You keep your home clean, as if HIM is living with you. You pour your heart and soul into your cooking as if you are preparing food for the love of your life. You listen to love songs, thinking about HIM. You research restaurants you want go with HIM. You actually go to those restaurants, and I don’t care if you have to order a coffee if that’s all you can afford there. You PRETEND you are with HIM already. You start actually doing the things you would do with HIM. You go where HIM would go. You want all that romantic shit, you book the iceskating, even if you go alone. Put your AirPods in with the most loved-up playlist you can find and skate on that damn ice as if HIM was with you. You get where we’re going with this? WAKE up feeling as if you are with HIM. How does it feel to wake up next to the love of your life? This is how you collapse fucking timelines, you create from the inside out. This is how you radically take action and activate your INNER HER. Yes this is going to require, time, energy, dedication…But at this stage what have you got to loose? Do you want to be in the Maldives with 3 carats on your finger swimming in a thong bikini with HIM this time next year? Or do you want to be another year down, unsuccessfully dating, slouched over on your phone reading this in your washed out pyjamas that you look like you’ve been wearing your entire life? Choice is yours sweetie…
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
Ladies, if you have a crush, are obsessing over a guy or fantasising about a man that is inaccessible for whatever reason this message is for you. This a wake-up call. A slap-in-the-fucking-face moment to tell you to GET this person out your head so you can start living and enjoying life WITH an actual person you desire instead living in this made-up fantasy world with a man that’s out of reach. 
Firstly, why the hell are you letting any man live rent free in your mind? A man you’re not even with, a man that's not even paying your bills? Sweetie, get-it-together. Do you know what mentally happens when you overthink about a man? You put him on a pedestal. You create separation. You focus in and you repel, because you are now in masculine energy. A man in his masculine hunts, and focuses in on his target. How can there be healthy polarity between you both if you are also in the masculine role? Do you see how damaging this is? Instead of living in separation from your desires, start telling yourself, it’s normal to be in a relationship with a man you desire, it’s normal for men to be attracted to me. If you’re in the habit of having crushes, but not actually having relationships, work on using the statements above every single day for re-programming. 
Finally. Everything you want is accessible to you, don’t ever fucking believe you can’t have a healthy relationship, that you’re not worthy of an actual relationship with a man you desire. You can and will have it all sweetie, maybe not this guy, maybe not even the next. But the right man will be accessible to you. You won’t need to be dreaming about being close to him, to having him touch you, kiss you, fuck you. This will be your reality. Don’t even think about wasting a moment longer on a crush, a man who friend-zoned you, the man who wants you but doesn’t want you. Let them go, you deserve available men. Over and out. 
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
Isn’t it tiring constantly being teased by the universe of a life you desire, that just feels so out of reach? It could be the dream CEO guy you met randomly on the street who doesn’t call you back. Or the Pronovias dress you fell in love with but couldn’t quite afford, or the dream job you applied for but didn’t quite get…What’s happening here is the universe is giving you a little taster of what’s accessible to you, but first you need to step into the upgraded version of yourself. Breaking down what this means.. Firstly are you really a perfect match for the CEO guy you fell for? Does his ambitious drive match your inconsistent personality and lack of motivation? Do you really feel worthy of the dress that was out of your budget? Are you really confident enough for the dream job you didn’t get? This is where you need to become an energetic match for your desires. Your desires need to be seduced by you. Your desires need to see you, and want you so bad. This is where you become irresistible to your dream life. Your dream life is craving you, it wants YOU. Now is the time to step into the most elevated version of yourself. With 2022 around the corner, there's work to do sweetie. Now is when you pull it together and snap out of this cycle of being complacent, scrolling on your phone, doing / being nothing. This is where you align your thoughts and actions with your dreams and hopes. No, you don’t need to have all the money for the dress (your thinking needs to be of that though). You need to arrive mentally at your best version, before experiencing it in the the 3D. This is why your thinking is so crucial. The voice in your head is so crucial. So go try on the dress of your dreams, the winter coat a few hundred out for your budget. Try it on and whisper to yourself, 'I am so worthy of this coat, this dress, this life’. You don’t have to financially be there, but once your thinking aligns with the desire, it’s only a matter of time before your reality will line up.
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
There's something to be said about the universe blessing your ass with something / someone who doesn’t visually fit the dream you had in mind HOWEVER fulfils the emotions and purpose of the manifestation in hand. This a reminder NOT to block your blessings. Take a closer look at what the universe is offering you, and see if you’re being presented with a stepping stone towards your dreams. Think about the purpose of what you are manifesting, what emotions are they wanting to fulfil? The basic blue Ford estate car you can afford right now might not be the sexy red Tesla you’ve been dreaming of, but it sure as hell is going to do the job of getting you from A to B while you work your way towards the Tesla....Do you see the lesson here? The universe is ALWAYS working in your favour and you are always being blessed. Look out for the signs and take inventory about what is being presented to you, on your journey of level up.
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adviceformefromme · 3 years
If you find yourself being inauthentic when dating, I want you to know you’re blocking your blessings. You’ll only be able to reach a shallow depth with a man, because you haven't reached a deeper depth with yourself because you’re not being you. Men can only meet you as deeply as you have met yourself. Shallow relationships are a mirror. Look and see if you are being shallow with yourself? Hiding yourself behind a mask, not doing the inner work because you don’t fully love and accept yourself for who you are. When you let people see you for who you truly are, you uncover deeper levels to yourself, and you can also meet others at this depth. Until then your relationships will mirror back what is going on inside for you.
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adviceformefromme · 3 years
You might look and feel like you’ve got your shit together, but the moment you start to really like a guy is the moment you feel out of control. It’s the moment you feel vulnerable, the moment you start to feel that pang of anxiety in the pit of your stomach, you start over analysing his moves, how often he texts, the way he acts with you. Your wounded feminine energy has become awakened. The fun, sexy, free spirited woman you’ve been showing up as has now transformed. You don’t feel safe, safe to be your authentic self. Your fear that crops up, turns into a lack of trust. You don’t trust him with your heart, you don’t trust yourself. And the worst part of it all, is this feeling is so familiar, you literally replay it like a broken record every time you get close to a guy. To cope and protect yourself, you start building walls, you step into your masculine energy for safety. This looks like texting first (so you feel safe and in control), becoming defensive, getting tunnel vision on this guy, forgetting about everyone else. Abandoning yourself.
How you rise, break free and throw the damn broken record out the window is by acknowledging the fear thats rising within you. Recognising that voice in your head that might sound like a judgmental little bitch at times (but is desperately trying to keep you safe). Acknowledging that these intense emotions serve a purpose. They’re not here to remind you that this guy is a jerk because he took 4 hours to reply. No this is completely about you. Make this about you, about your healing. Make this about your connection with your emotions. Make this about learning how to face what’s coming up instead of pushing it down with distractions, make this about deepening your relationship and connection with yourself. This is how you embody the empowered feminine. Don’t for a moment think you don’t hold this power. You truly do. You’ve been wearing the lens of the wounded feminine but it’s really time to see clearly. To see situations for what they are. To not get lost in stories of what he/she did. Everyone is a mirror. What you need to heal is being reflected back to you. Never forget that.
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adviceformefromme · 4 years
You have to realise that people want what they can get from you to fulfil their needs, their happiness. Don’t get comfortable playing a supporting role in someone else’s movie. You need to be the star in your own life. That means making situations benefit you, your job revolves around you, men revolve around you, phone calls revolve around you. Stop being so available. Respect your own time and energy. 
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