#selfship affirmations
selfshipgushing · 2 days
Art of him on model? Kissing him in my brain
Art of him more stereotypically attractive? Kissing him in my brain
Art of him that's extremely stylized? Kissing him in my brain
Art of him from his speculated past? Kissing him in my brain
Art of him made to be as terrifying and unsettling as possible? KISSING HIM IN MY BRAIN EVEN MORE
smoochie smoochie husband
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moondane-lovers · 6 months
Selfshippers who suffer from fatigue and/or chronic weaknesses: Your F/O’s will always understand and support you as best they can.
Selfshippers who are struggling with bed rotting, motivation or even getting up at all: Your F/O’s are here to root for you and to motivate you, but also to sit with you on the really bad days
Selfshippers who are too exhausted or burnt out to post or create: Your F/O’s AND fellow community members understand. Every day is a battle sometimes, but that’s not something that makes you lesser or unworthy of anything.
Your F/O’s will always stick by you, be it a long haul of chronic illness for your entire life, or a short lived set of troubles.
You are valid, loved, appreciated within this beautiful space and should never feel bad for the speed at which you interact with the world around you. Ever.
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pink-petal-lover · 5 months
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You are your f/o's first pick, and their favorite person! They may or may not have other friends, but you will always be their priority. You are so important to them, their day isn't complete without you in it. They would never want you to feel like you're not important to them, and will reassure you how much you mean to them in a heart beat. They would never want you to feel like you don't matter, because you do. You matter, and they want you to know that more than anything.
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selfshipping-haven · 3 months
I'm not sure if I see many people saying this, but I feel it's important.
If any part of your f/o's media makes you upset for whatever reason, you don't have to engage in it. You can stay away from episodes, movies, game levels, issues, even entire shows, even a fandom. It doesn't make you a bad fan, or a bad partner to your f/o. It just makes you someone who likes engaging in things that make you happy. After all, I don't think your f/o would want to be miserable because you feel like you have to prove your love for them.
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thelovers-2001 · 4 months
Y'know what, I'm in a good mood today so I wanna say a few things!
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Shout out to selfshippers of unpopular and/or niche media. Medias that aren't mainstream or popular. Medias fairly known due to videos and fan works on it floating around the Internet. Medias that were once popular until the hype died out.
Shout out to selfshippers of media with very few to no fan base. With F/Os with little fan work (art, fan fiction, etc.)
To artist/writer selfshippers who's F/O has no fan work and make it themselves : I am so, so proud of you. You are seriously the bravest and strongest soldiers god has ever sent.
You might've search throught the Internet for fan art, only to find a small handful and thought to yourself "Do I have to make art of my F/O myself?" Fuck yeah man, I HIGHLY recommend you do! Because you're making the art that you love. And maybe... someone out there would like it too ^^
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Comshippers and proshippers DO NOT INTERACT
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crowsdove · 4 months
Your f/o would not be mean to you for using stim toys (or for stimming in general). They would not be embarrassed to be seen with you, they would not find you annoying, and they would only want you to stop/redirect if you were really hurting yourself.
Your f/o would not be mean to you for owning/collecting plushies or other "childish" things. In fact, they might even buy more of them for you if it's something you'd like to receive as a gift.
Your f/o would not be mean to you for talking to them about your special interests. They're always so happy to see you enjoying something you're passionate about. They'll ask you questions about it and maybe even try to get into it themself so you can share that together.
Your f/o would not be mean to you for avoiding certain foods/ingredients because of sensory issues. They'll always make sure you have foods that you enjoy with nothing that you don't like in it. They don't think you're just being picky and they wouldn't try to trick you to eat anything.
Your f/o would not be mean to you for being "too sensitive". Even if they don't understand exactly why you're feeling a certain way, they respect your feelings and will do anything they can to help you feel better again.
Your f/o would not be mean to you for messing up or making mistakes, or for needing instructions confirmed several times so you can avoid making a mistake. They don't think you're stupid. They'd never think that.
Your f/o would not be mean to you for having a meltdown. They know it's not your fault and they know you're aren't just throwing a tantrum on purpose. They will do anything to help you through it.
Your f/o would not be mean to you for not having the spoons to do something. They wouldn't accuse you of being lazy or selfish. If it was something that really needed to be done they would help you or they would do it for you.
Your f/o would never see you as a burden. They only ever see you as the person they love. 💕
> antis please dni <
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jesterloverbastard · 7 months
your f/os accept the fact that you have a personality disorder
your f/os are willing to give supply if you ever need it, even when you don't directly ask for it
your f/os are understanding and try to help u throught the recovery proccess
your f/os understand when u have a crash or breakdown, your f/os are willing to give u space, hear you or just whatever that makes ya feel the best
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here's some reminders to you, selfshippers!
your f/o(s) want you to stay hydrated!
your f/o(s) want you to be happy!
your f/o(s) appreciate your hard work and feel proud of you!
your f/o(s) don't care if people think you both are a "cringe" couple. Is you both cringe?! So be it, however cringe and free to love!
your f/o(s) don't want you for your looks, belongings or stuff like that. They want your heart. Your love. They love you for your personality, your feelings, the person you really are. PLEASE. DON'T. EVER. FORGET.
your f/o(s) want you to know they love you too, no matter what.
...got too silly in this one, sorry
- 🐰
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quillandink333 · 10 months
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stolen from an anti — proship please interact
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selfshipgushing · 16 days
f/o tummy... i need to kiss f/o tummy right now or ill dieee dont let me DIEEE
-📝 origami anon
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huntingmiracles · 1 year
If you selfship with a character that has a love interest:
No, you are not a “homewrecker.”
No, you are not “getting in the way of the relationship.”
No, your selfship isn’t worth less than the canon relationship.
No, your F/O doesn’t hate you.
No, your F/O would not choose their canon love interest over you. They’d choose you in a heartbeat.
View their love interest as a friend? They don’t hate you and they don’t love your F/O, they love and support your relationship. They would never take your F/O from you.
They get together in every universe due to destiny? There has to be one special universe where they don’t, which is yours.
All of their relationship scenes? They’re yours now.
You are not selfish or a burden of any kind.
Your F/O hates seeing you upset over a relationship in another timeline, a separate universe filled with decisions they would never make. Your F/O values you and loves you so, so much!!! They don’t think bad of you AT ALL. They will give you all the kisses and cuddles in the world! <333
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sootyships · 5 months
your f/o is like, deeply apathetic about the things you perceive as flaws about you. maybe you're self-conscious about some physical trait or a habit or whatever we people go around being self-conscious about, that shit doesn't even register in your f/o's mind as anything but a part of the package they adore.
ofc they'll support you to the best of their ability when it comes to your self-consciousness and things you struggle with, and they don't think you're lesser for your struggles.
oh, there are totally things about you that rub them the wrong way, but those are on the level of "you put the cereal in the bowl before the milk??"
on the other hand, when there are spots where your personalities and habits genuinely do clash, then you'll sit your asses down and brainstorm some solutions that you can both accept. anyway.
your f/o fucking loves you, they don't want you putting yourself down, and they for sure hope that you know that that little shithead voice telling you bad things about you and them is a liar whose words are not worth much at all.
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time-is-an-allusion · 2 years
your f/o sees each and every one of your accomplishments, even the smallest ones you barely see as accomplishments.
they know how much effort those things took for you to do, and they’re proud of you!
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bluenovembersky · 1 year
this is your reminder to post that selfship fanfic! you may think that others will shit on you for it or that no one will care, but put it out into the world! shout your love! i promise people will care, i love reading self ship fanfics. it makes me so happy to see people embracing their love and honestly it becomes my otp like immediately
share ur fanfics! 💖
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Another day to live, I guess.
I hope everyone's day is at least decent if not good. I hope your partner or f/o is close by and showering you with love and appreciation. Even if they aren't close.
I hope whatever issues you have will be resolved and your day will be a bit brighter.
If today isn't the best, tomorrow will be. Don't lose hope. Keep doing you. Love yourself and take care of yourself ❤️
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On my period... Need my f/os... F/os save me.....
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